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Bayqooneeyah's Poem for the science of Hadeeth

By Shaykh Umar ibn Muhammad Al-Bayqoonee (1080H)
Translated by Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Lamont Battle
Doha,Qatar 1433

I begin by praising Allah and offering Salutations on

Muhammad the best Prophet ever sent

There are numerous categories of Hadeeth

And every category of hadeeth has its meaning

The first category is Saheeh and its a hadeeth with a connected

Chain, free from being Shath or having Illa


A reliable precise person narrates it from a person like himself,

Who is reliable in his precision and in his narration.

Hasan is a hadeeth whose chains are known,

But the men in the chain arent as well known as Sahih.

Every hadith that falls short from the degree of Hasan

Is Ad- Da'eef, and its categories are many

A hadith attributed to the Prophet is Marf'u

And that which is attributed to the Tab'I is Maqtu'

Musnad is that which the isnad is connected from

Its narrator up to the chosen one and it isnt broken

And in every chain the narrator hears and connects

His chain up to the chosen one is M'utasil

Say the Musalsal is hadith narrated with a description

For example, Wallahi, the youngster informed me

Likewise, he narrated to me while standing

Or after he narrated to me he smiled

Azeez is a narration from two or three people

Mashoor is a narration with more than three people

Mu'an'an is like from Sa'eed from Karam

And Mubham is that which the narrator's name isnt mentioned

Every hadith with few men is 'Ala

And the opposite of 'Ala is Nazala

Whatever you attribute to the companions by way of,

Speech and actions, then its known as Mawquf

And Mursal is when the companion is omitted

And say Ghareeb is when there is only one narrator.

Every hadith that isnt connected in any structure

Of its chain is (Munqati') broken in connection

Al-Mu'dal is the omission of two people

And Mudallas comes in two types

The first is the removal of the Shaykh and to,

Narrate from someone beyond him saying," this and that "

The second kind, the narrator doesnt omit his shaykh but he describes
The shaykh by traits he isnt known by


The hadith which the narrator contradicts the group

Is Shath, and al- Maqlub are the following two types

Replacing a narrator with another is one kind

And adding a chain to a hadith text is another kind

Al-Fard is restricting a hadith to a trustworthy person

Or to region, or particular narrator

That which is obscure or has a hidden defect

Mu'allal, with the people it's known

Various contradictions in the chain or the text is,

Mudtarib , with the experts


Al-Mudrij in the hadith is which comes

From some wordings the narrator adds

That which a contemporary narrates from his brother

Is Muddabbaj, comprehend it well and be proud

Agreeing in pronunciation and spelling is Muttafiq

And the opposite of what we mentioned is Al-Muftariq

Mu'talif only agrees with the spelling

And its opposite is Mukhtalif, so be aware of the error

Al-Munkar is a narrator narrates alone

His praised status doesnt allow him to be alone in his narration


It's Matruk when the narrator is alone in the narration

And the scholars have agreed that he is weak, so it's like rejected

A fabricated lie invented

On the Prophet is Al-Mawdu'

It has arrived like a hidden Jewel

I have named it Al-Bayqoonee poem

More than thirty four lines

Divided up, sealed and complete with goodness


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