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Le Loupgarou It seems one night, these Christian witches said, Christian witches is an oxymoron and also a use of irony

y to emphasize their hypocritical behaviour A curious tale that threaded through the town He used both alliteration and personification to create a decent sound image. The repetition of the Ts accentuates the effect on how the tale was chattered through the town. Slowly shutting jalousies Alliteration and personification is again used to accentuate the sh sound which o ccurs when people stop talking about him as he approaches. Ol Higue Pure blood running in new veins, singing the sweet song of life Holding her final note for years, afraid of the dying hum And who to blame for the murder inside your head Orchids Like polished poems They were stubborn/ I starved them/they would not die.

Sonnet Composed Upon A Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802

This City now doth, like a garment, wear The beauty of the morning SIMILE The persona compares the manner in which the beauty of the morning settles over the city, to that of a garment on a body. This emphasizes the perfection of the beauty of the morning, just as a garment flows smoothly over a body.

The river glideth at his own sweet will The use of personification in this line makes the reader think that river has a mind of its own, but essentially, the river is gliding because of the time of day. This line especially, paints a picture of tranquility. the very houses seem asleep; When some-one is asleep, they are usually peaceful. Therefore, when the persona describes the houses as sleeping, he is emphasizing the peace that exists in the city in the morning. The inhabitants of the houses are asleep, therefore the houses are quiet and peaceful.

The woman who speaks to the man that has employed her son Simile In line 10, She carried him like the poor carry hope Metaphor In line 3, for little reasons and a metallic tide,

Biblical Allusion In lines 25-29, He says your like a father to him she is wondering what kind of father would give a son hot exploding death when he asks for bread these lines are alluding to Matthew 7:9 10 which basically says that if a son asks his father for food he would not give him something to harm him. This is effective as the this device contrasts what the boy says about the man who employed him and who the man really is in reality. Also, this device is effective as it helps to show the reader the disdain which the woman has for the man who has employed her son. In lines 41-44, She is throwing a partner with Judas Iscariots mother the thief on the left -hand side of the cross These lines are alluding to Luke 23 which tells the story of Jesuss crucifixion . This device is effective as it conveys to the reader the feeling of betrayal and hurt which the woman feels because she identifies herself with the mothers of criminals in the bible, whose sons ended up dead because of their bad deeds. In line 48, Absalom This refers to the son of David which betrayed his father and ultimately lost his life. This is effective as it illustrates that the persona not only identifies with mothers but also with fathers, as she was a single mother and played the role of both mother and father.

To an athlete dying young silence sounds 6. OXYMORON The contrast exists between silence being given a sound. This immediately draws the reader/ audience's attention, which, in turn, purposefully highlights the main theme of the poem; it is better to die before one witnesses their record cut. Silence is no worse than cheers when one can hear neither of them. EUPHEMISM

Stanza 2, line 8: The term 'stiller town' is used to replace the word cemetery. It is a term that softens the tone of the poem. Stanza 4, line: 13: The term 'shady night' is used to replace the harsher word 'death'. It too softens the tone of the poem.

West Indies, Usa Similie the island seems like dice tossed on a casino's baize Puerto Rico is compared to dice that is tossed on a casino's baize, it can either come up with winning numbers, or losing numbers. Puerto Rico comes up with winning numbers in the game of chance, as reflected in its wealthy exterior, which is supported by America. San Juan glitters like a maverick's gold ring. San Juan's glitter is compared to a maverick's gold ring. The word maverick implies nonconformist, an individualist. This implies that San Juan, Puerto Rico is in the Caribbean, but not a part of the Caribbean. It belongs to America. Metaphorhe Dallas of the West Indies also in the first stanza he refers to Puerto Rico as the DALLAS of the Caribbean. He is comparing the island to a very oil rich City in the U.S. and is implying that Puerto Rico must be very rich.

South Personification where the shadows oppress me stanza 2, lines 16-17: The shadows, in this context, represents his past life and experiences on the island. The memories of his island illicits feelings of sadness, even homesickness. These memories cast an oppressive shadow over his life in the north. Simile their flowing runs on like our longing, reproves us our lack of endeavour and purpose The their here refers to rivers. They remind the people of their constant desire to return to their island home. Secondly, when the people see the rivers constantly moving and functioning, they are reminded of how they are unable to operate because their spirit and life was being drained away Once upon a time I have learned to They used to I have learned to wear many faces like dresses similie how to laughlike a snakes bare fangs. Dulce Et Decorum Est Simile Bent double, like old beggars under sacks.. (line 1) This simile effectively conveys the weary state of the returning soldiers. floundring about like a man in fire or lime.. (line 12) This effectively describes the agonised state of the soldier who was affected by the gassing. Metaphor Drunk with fatigue (line 8)

This is an example of a vivid metaphor, which emphasised the extent of the weariness of the returning troop This is a Dark Time My Love Oxymoron An oxymoron is a contradictory phrase, implemented in this poem for the purpose of showing a sense of contrast, for example, festival of guns. This oxymoron is highly effe ctive as it utilizes the word, festival, as a form of commentary done on the chaotic nature and abundance of guns or simply weaponry, present in the country. This may also be done for the purpose of contrasting the festive nature of the People of Guyana with the danger and fear presented in the wake of guns. Another oxymoron evident in this poem is the carnival of misery. This phrase is one in which a carnival, a word which describes joy and merriment, is used to classify misery, sadness, grief. Personification is shown in this poem through the line, Red flowers bend their heads in awful sorrow as well as the shining sun is hidden in the sky. It is the Constant image of your face. When the persona says, for you, my dear, accomplice of my heart made, without words, such blackmail with your beauty, he is referring to his companion who he believes has unknowingly played a role in his treason to his country simply because of her beauty. The poet utilizes metaphor here to show that the persona basically believes that his companion has betrayed him with her beauty whether she knows this or not. The poet also utilizes personification in the last three lines of the poem when the persona says, and hope that she, my other, dearest love will pardon freely, not attaching blame being your mistress(or your match) in tenderness. The persona hopes that his country, his other dearest love, will forgive him for the treasonous act of loving another. This highlights the patriotism that defines the persona's relationship to his country. In the first two lines of the poem the persona speaks of the constant image of your *the womans+ face and describes his companions face as being framed in his hands. The figurative device utilized here is imagery. These two lines give a creates an image in the minds of the readers of this poem as they are allowed to see the situation being described in the poem through the eyes of the persona. These two lines, as well as the line which speaks of the grave attention of the personas companions eyes, could also be taken to mean that the persona is literally holding a framed picture of his companions face.

A Contemplation upon Flowers Irony

How often have I seen you at a bier, And there look fresh and spruce A bier is defined as a stand on which the coffin is placed. Therefore it is ironic that the flowers can look so beautiful & bright at a time of sorrow. Embroidered garments are worn on a human being. However, in order to portray their beauty it is used to describe the petals of a flower.

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