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Jonathan Bishop Chartered IT Professional Fellow

8 Heol-y-Parc, Efail Isaf, Pontypridd, West Wales & The Valleys CF38 1AN, Wales, GB
23 May 2013

07092 107212 @jonathan_bishop

The Prime Minister 10 Downing Street City of Westminster London SW1A 2AA

Dear Prime Minister, Re: The effect of special relationship with the US Government on UK national security I know you share my disgust at the murder of a brave, honourable and dedicated British soldier in Woolwich. One might not expect a solider to have to pay the ultimate sacrifice on home soil, but unfortunately for us all it seems that is the consequence of the special relationship we have with the US Government. We are in my view in World War III. We dont want to admit it because it is us that are the bad guys. We are allies of the US Government, who is funding and arming the Zionist leadership occupying much of the Holy Land. Because of this our national security is at risk, and it is not going to improve by sticking our heads in the sand and claiming the Jihadist extremism in this country is caused by anyone other than our allies and us. We did something similar before World War II by not listening to Winston Churchill about the rise of fascism in Germany and then we needed him to clean up the mess we made and as a result it is the US Government leading many of the wars in the world and not the British Empire, fortunately I guess. It is no good politicians spieling out nonsense speeches about peace and justice they sound no different to the ones Hitler made to gull the German people into believing he was doing the right thing. The fact is it is our fault our country is at risk and if we do not change our foreign policy now the future is bleak. You have children. Thinking in terms of emotions; how would you feel if someone was abusing them, subjecting them to torture and even going as far as killing them in public? Youd feel like killing them wouldnt you? We all would if we are true to our paternal and maternal instincts, even if we wouldnt do it in reality. The 9/11, 7/7 and other attacks allegedly by Al-Qaeda in the UK and other countries allied with the US Government were in my view Jihads going postal on the West for its support of the Zionist suppression of the Arabs in the Holy Land. If youve ever been in a situation where you feel helpless and unable to control your destiny you will know how they feel. I and many other people with disabilities have felt this in recent years due to lack of fairly and equitably assessed support to enable us to be equal to others in work, study and other parts of life. The war in the Holy Land has been going on since the 10th century BCE. It started when the Israelites in the North did not want King Solomons son to be the king of the Holy Land, but the Southern Israelites did. Both the Jewish and Arabs in the Holy Land are Israelites in a Biblical way and Biblically they are all gods children and will all inherit the Holy Land when they put their guns down and unite behind what is Biblically described as their gods Son and Desire of Nations. The term Palestine is literally a Roman translation of Israel the Holy Land is Qualifications BSc(Hons), MSc, MScEcon, LLM, ACLIP, MIET, MIEEE, FRSA, FBCS, CITP

both Israel and Palestine in a historical sense and the difference between the two was forced on the area by us after World War II as a result of the Zionist Movement winning its campaign to gull the world into splitting the Holy Land to gain the upper hand in forcing their version of the truth about how the Holy Land should be composed that had been disputed by the various Israelites since around 900BCE after King Solomon died. Until the 10th century BCE the Semitic races (now Arabs and Jews) shared the same religion. But King Solomons son wanted to take that religion in a direction which only the Southern Tribes (wrongly called Palestinians today) wanted but which the Northern Tribes (wrongly called Israelis today) didnt want. There is the added problem that Christianity has led to the claim that Jesus Christ was the Messiah and Son and the Jewish Israelites do not believe he is. The Arab Israelites believe he is, and like Christians believe he is going to return Revelations is in both the Quran and the New Testament. On this basis I think we should be trying to work towards a peace treaty to end this three millennia long war, which would be between leaders of the three main Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and the nation states that recognise them. The common ground between the three Abrahamic religions is that they are all waiting for a Desire of Nations and Messiah and Son to appear. The Jewish people think this will be someone who hasnt appeared yet and the Christians and Muslims think it will be Jesus Christ returning (Christ is Isa to Muslims). This peace treaty would hopefully be seen by all sides as a stepping-stone as is the Good Friday Agreement to those in Eire. This peace treaty could be the first book of the Ultimate Testament the prelude to the book that documents the coming of their gods Desire of Nations. In this peace treaty (i.e. chapter 1) those from the Abrahamic Religions could agree a common truth. Issues that divide them could be resolved. This includes the use of the name Emmanuel (used to describe the prophesised Messiah and Son, or Desire of Nations), and a common truth on King Solomon (which the Tanakh describes differently to the Quran) for instance. A minor religious disagreement started this three millennia long war and the only way to end it is with a common religious agreement. If you, Prime Minister, were to stand up and say you will renegotiate the special relationship with the US Government, that will do more to end terrorism than calling people who empathise with their ethic compatriots being killed and tortured in the Holy Land terrorists. What do you think is more important? Renegotiating the most successful peace treaty in history the Treaty of Rome or negotiating a peace treaty to end a war that is not being helped by our support for the US Government who is causing death to its citizens and ours through its funding and arming of the Zionist infiltrators who are occupying the Holy Land and making Arabs feel the only way out is to become Jihadist in order to send very clear messages to the US Government and us through the kind of terrorism they are experiencing at the hands of us and our allies every day in Afghanistan and the Holy Land? There is a holocaust of Arabs and others in the areas of the Holy Land known to some as Palestine at the hands of the Zionists in the areas of the Holy Land known to them as Israel. Many of the people will have become emotional at the videos showing the person in Woolwich who murdered our solider having blood on his hands. But many of us who are not brainwashed know there is truth in the words he spoke about the terrorism towards Arabs in the Holy Land.

Qualifications BSc(Hons), MSc, MScEcon, LLM, ACLIP, MIET, MIEEE, FRSA, FBCS, CITP

If you do not do anything to stop our role in furthering the Zionist agenda of mass killing of innocent Arabs then you are the one with blood on your hands putting the security of your people at risk as these law abiding Arabs turn to Jihadism as the only way they can think of to stop the US-resourced holocaust of their friends and families. Yours Sincerely,

Jonathan Bishop

Qualifications BSc(Hons), MSc, MScEcon, LLM, ACLIP, MIET, MIEEE, FRSA, FBCS, CITP

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