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Lesson 3(3rd week)

Hope all of you are continuing with the previous lessons. If you have not started, start it now and follow the lessons week by week. Never try to do all the lessons without following the weekly schedule although it may be possible for you. Since our body is not trained earlier on yoga postures, it may show resistance in the form of pain or fatigue and one is likely to get disgusted and may leave the course midway. This course is designed in a very simple step by step method for one to easily graduate to much difficult postures which are to be done regularly in the future. So follow the lessons in the weekly sequence. We send the lessons week by week for the above reason.

3rd week
1)Deep-breathing as explained in lesson -1 50 times. 2)Ardha- Merudhandasana left leg 10 times + right leg 10 times 3)Ardha salabhasana left leg 10 times +right leg 10 times 4)Savasana 3 minutes 5)Bhujangasana (explained below ) 10 times 6)Vajrasana few minutes and practice the same several times a day as it may not come that easily. 7)Savasana 5 minutes

Bhujangasana(Cobra pose)
Lie on your stomach keeping the body relaxed. Chin should touch the floor. Both legs are kept close together straight knees tight and toes pointing. Keep both the palms just below the shoulder. Fingers straight and elbow pointing backward. Inhale, press the palm firmly on the floor and pull the trunk up .Take two breaths. Inhale, lift the body up from the trunk until the pubis is in contact with the floor and stay in this position with the weight on the legs and palms as In the picture. Maintain the posture for 4 seconds. Inhale , bend the elbows and rest the trunk on the floor. Repeat the pose 10 times. Take rest in savasana in between if one can not do 10 times at a stretch. In a week or two one should be able to do 10 times easily. Benefit The pose rejuvenates the spine and is specially recommended for people suffering from a stiff back. The movement is good for persons with lumbago. The pose strengthens spine and cure backaches. Due to chest expansion the lung gain elasticity. The blood circulates properly in the pelvic region and keeps it healthy. Women get relief from menstrual problems. Tones up kidney liver and other internal organs in the abdomen. Reduces the girth around stomach. Those with hernia, peptic ulcer or hyperthyroidism may refrain from doing this pose.

This is one of the basic postures to form part of the future postures .So start practicing the same from now. It may be difficult for many in the beginning. One may get pain in the knee joint .So do as much as you can do . Never over stretch. You will be able to do the pose in total in a couple of weeks. So do not get disgusted and leave the practice. Repeat he pose several times a day whenever you get time till such time you can do the pose without pain or difficulty. If you experience severe pain leave the practice for a couple of days .Try to do it again. It can be made easier by sitting on a bolster or pillow initially till such time the knee joint become more flexible. If you have any serious problem in the knee joint consult the doctor before doing the asana. Technique Sit on your buttocks with legs stretched forward. Holding the right foot by right hand fold the leg at the knee and keep the foot near the right buttock. Now bend the left leg by holding the left foot by

the left hand and keep it near the left buttock. In the final position the buttocks will touch the floor. It will be difficult for those who have stiff knee joint and fat limbs. After a few weeks trial one should be able to master the pose.

Benefits The pose cures rheumatic pain in the knees and gout and is also good for flat feet.

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