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Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

Annual Report 2002-3

By Paul Goggins, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for

Community and Custodial provision in the Home Office

As the recently appointed Minister with responsibility for

the MAPPA, I am pleased to introduce this, the second,
annual MAPPA report. It is clear that in the last year
(2002/3) the multi-agency public protection
arrangements (the MAPPA) continued to play an
important role in what remains one of this government’s
highest priorities – the protection of the public from
dangerous offenders.

As someone with many years experience of working in

the field of child protection, I am particularly impressed
by the important contribution the MAPPA are making to
strengthen collaboration between agencies at a local
level where the focus is on the dangerous offender.
These improvements must, however, impact on the
protection of children. As the tragic death of Victoria
Climbie showed, an effective multi-agency partnership
is crucial and the MAPPA are an important element.

To ensure greater consistency in the MAPPA across

the 42 Areas of England and Wales, and to prepare for
the implementation of measures contained in the
Criminal Justice Bill, we published the MAPPA
Guidance in April. Building on good practice, that
Guidance clarified the structure of the operational
arrangements as well as the importance of formal
review and monitoring – of which this annual report is a
vital part. The Criminal Justice Bill will strengthen the
MAPPA in two ways. First, it will make the involvement
of other agencies part of the statutory framework.
Second, it will introduce the involvement of lay people –
those unconnected with day-to-day operation of the
MAPPA – in reviewing and monitoring the MAPPA.
Annual reports and this new lay involvement show the
Government’s commitment to explaining how the often
sensitive and complex work of public protection is

The Government is also strengthening the protection of

the public with other measures in the Criminal Justice
Bill. They include new sentences for dangerous
offenders to prevent their release if they continue to be
dangerous. Additionally, the Sexual Offences Bill will
tighten up sex offender registration, introduce a new
offence of ‘grooming’, and enable sex offender orders
to be imposed on violent offenders who pose a risk of
causing serious sexual harm – thereby extending sex
offender registration to them.

I commend this report to you and congratulate all the

agencies and individuals who have contributed to the
achievement of the MAPPA locally in your local Area.

Paul Goggins
The National Picture

This section of the report draws attention to the wider context of the operation and
development of the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (the MAPPA).

The most important work undertaken within the MAPPA is done locally, led by the
police and probation – who act jointly as the ‘Responsible Authority’ in your Area –
and in each of the 42 Areas of England and Wales. The experience and good
practice upon which this work is based began in the 1990s – most significantly as a
result of the closer working relationship required by the Sex Offender Act (1997).
The Criminal Justice and Courts Services Act (2000) formalised that relationship
and built on the existing experience by requiring the police and probation services
to establish arrangements (the MAPPA) for assessing and managing the risks
posed by sexual and violent offenders. The Act also required the Responsible
Authority to publish an annual report on the operation of those arrangements. This
report, covering April 2002 to March 2003, is the second annual report.

The importance of partnership

Key to the development of the MAPPA in the past year has been the closer
involvement of other agencies, such as housing, health and social services,
working alongside police and probation. The truly multi-agency nature of the
MAPPA and the collaboration which underpins it is to be strengthened further by
the Criminal Justice Bill. The Bill will place a ‘duty to co-operate’ on a wide range of
organisations including local health authorities and trusts; housing authorities and
registered social landlords; social services departments; Jobcentres; Youth
Offending Teams; and local education authorities. In addition, the Prison Service
will join the police and probation services and become part of the MAPPA
‘Responsible Authority’.

Supporting and co-ordinating the development of the MAPPA throughout the 42

Areas of England and Wales, is the National Probation Directorate’s Public
Protection Unit (PPU). This Unit acts as a central point for advice and, increasingly,
involvement in the management of difficult cases. These include, for example, UK
citizens who have committed serious offences abroad and return to this country
without anywhere to live. The Unit is also able to provide financial support when the
risk management plans make exceptional demands upon local resources.
Involving the public

MAPPA developments in the next 18 months will also include the appointment by
the Home Secretary of two ‘lay advisers’ to each Area. The eight Areas of England
and Wales which have been piloting these arrangements since January (Cumbria,
Greater Manchester, Durham, South Wales, Dorset, Hampshire, Surrey and West
Midlands) report that they add real value. Lay advisers will contribute to the review
and monitoring of the MAPPA which is undertaken by each Area’s Strategic
Management Board – the work of which you can read more in this report.

The purpose of appointing ‘lay advisers’ is to ensure that communities understand

more of what is done to protect them and that those involved professionally with the
MAPPA are aware of the views of the community. The lay advisers will not
‘represent’ the community in the way, for example, that local councillors do, nor will
they be involved in operational decision-making. And, given the sensitivity of much
of what the MAPPA does, especially with the few offenders who pose a very high
risk of serious harm to the public, it is not practicable for the general public to be
involved. Lay advisers will, however, ensure an appropriate and a practical level of
community involvement.

MAPPA Offenders

This year the annual report provides a more detailed breakdown of the number of
sexual and violent offenders who are covered by the MAPPA in your Area. As last
year, the figures include the number of registered sex offenders. Because sex
offender registration is for a minimum of 5 years (and generally for much longer)
the figures are cumulative. This is why they have increased – by 16 per cent in
England and Wales. Only a very small proportion (about six per cent throughout
England and Wales) are considered to pose such a high risk or management
difficulty that they are referred to the highest level of the MAPPA – the Multi-
Agency Public Protection Panels (the MAPPP).

Figures alone do not, of course, tell the whole story. The anonymised case studies
illustrate the practical work of the MAPPA, and demonstrate the preventive action
which can be taken. Prior to the MAPPA, action of this kind was mainly taken by
one agency alone, with the effect that on occasion offenders’ behaviour which
might have triggered preventative action went unnoticed. The multi-agency
approach of the MAPPA helps ensure that if an offender does breach the condition
of the licence under which they were released from prison or a court order
prohibiting certain activities, then action to enforce the condition or order and
protect the public can be taken more swiftly.

If you are interested in reading the reports of other Areas, they will be published on
the National Probation Service’s website (under
the public protection section).
1. Area Summary

A working partnership between police and probation to focus on the management of

high risk offenders began in Hertfordshire in 1996. The introduction of the Sex
Offenders Act in 1997 increased the emphasis on close liaison between the two
services, and other agencies were also involved on a case by case basis.

The Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000 placed a statutory duty on the
police and probation services to implement a formal structure through the creation
of Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA). As a consequence, a
network of local Multi-Agency Public Protection Panels (MAPPPs) has been
established across the county, which includes representation from other agencies.
The work of these panels has been underpinned at local level by the establishment
of Area Review Panels, which represent the first stage in the inter-agency risk
management process. The review panels offer the opportunity for all agencies
involved locally to present cases that, in their judgement, may raise public
protection issues. A joint action plan is then developed for each case where a high
risk is identified. In the most serious cases a decision will be taken to refer the case
to the MAPP panel for ratification and inclusion on the Public Protection Register
which signifies that the case is in the highest risk category. In an emergency, a
meeting of either panel can be called at 24 hours notice.






Area Review Area Review Area Review Area Review

Panel Panel Panel Panel

North Herts East Herts Mid Herts South & West


The formal MAPPA structure has now been in operation for a year in Hertfordshire,
and is kept under continuous review. Currently the procedures are being reviewed
in relation to new national guidance produced by the Home Office.
2. How the Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements Work
The Hertfordshire public protection Risk Assessment Processes immediately referred to the
arrangements divide the county into MAPP panel
three areas that correspond to police The MAPPA structure in
local areas: Eastern, Western and Hertfordshire involves screening • Cases designated as not posing
Central Hertfordshire. In each of arrangements to ensure all offenders a high risk will be managed by
these areas, a MAPP panel is are assessed to gauge the risk they the Area Review Panel, which
chaired by a Probation Director of pose, and to enable the panels to will develop an individual Action
Operations. focus on those critical few offenders Plan for each case Each case
who present a high risk. Screening will be monitored and kept under
Membership of each panel consists is based on an assessment using review
of representatives from: the probation and prison service
Offender Assessment System • The review panel may decide
♦ Hertfordshire Constabulary (OASys). Sex offenders are that a multi-agency approach is
♦ National Probation Service – assessed under the police Risk not required in current
Hertfordshire Matrix 2000 system. Other circumstances, and the case
♦ Adult Care Services (Herts agencies have different methods of referred back to the probation
County Council) risk assessment that are used to service or other agency for
♦ Children, Schools & Families categorise risk of harm, and may further action
(Herts County Council) alert the panel to a person posing a
♦ Community Mental Health Team high risk. In a few cases, the decision may be
♦ Local Authority Housing taken that there is very little risk
♦ Youth Offending Team The Work of the Area Review posed by an individual unless
Panel circumstances change significantly,
♦ Prison Service
♦ Victim Contact Unit (Probation eg. a trigger factor develops - such
Cases that may potentially be high as homelessness, unemployment or
risk are considered initially by a local a relationship failure that could
Area Review Panel, with a prompt an increase in risk levels.
In areas of the county where much
membership drawn from the same These cases are brought before the
of the housing stock is owned or
organisations as above. Area Review Panel in order to share
managed by a housing association,
they will also be represented. Any information and alert relevant staff to
There are three possible outcomes the possible need for the Review
other agency that has an interest in
at the Area Review Panel stage: Panel to revisit the case if changes
a specific case may also be invited
to attend. occur.
• Cases confirmed as posing a
high risk to the public are


3. What Do We Do?
The Multi Agency Public Protection may represent the final piece of the The plan produced for the individual
Panel meets bi-monthly in each jigsaw that then produces the offender will take account of the risks
area, while the Area Review Panels complete picture of the risks posed. posed to:
meet each month. (The Eastern It is essential, therefore, that all
Police Area is divided between two agencies contribute relevant • The public
Area Review Panels, as it covers two information, so that a comprehensive • Specific people/groups of people
separate probation areas – North risk management plan is formulated. • Staff supervising the offender
Herts and East Herts). • The individual involved - in terms
of self-harm
Multi-agency working is a crucial
component of these meetings.
Information from a particular agency
Extra resources may be allocated process. All agencies are aware that To facilitate these arrangements, a
where the need is identified, to assist levels of risk may change over time. Police/Probation Liaison Officer
in managing the risk, eg. funding for Staff from agencies involved in the (PPLO) has been appointed. The
treatment programmes, or management of a specific case will PPLO assists with information
accommodation in a probation keep in close contact between exchange between agencies,
hostel. meetings. This is to ensure provides a point of contact, and is
continual updating of information, so responsible for reporting to senior
Action plans are reviewed regularly that any changes can be addressed managers on best practice, training
to ensure that any new information is quickly. If necessary an emergency needs, and areas for improvement.
included in the decision making panel meeting will be called.


4. Disclosure
The need to disclose information is Information was received that a Both the police and the probation
carefully considered in each Registered Sex Offender who had a service recognise that the local
individual case by the MAPP panel. conviction for possessing indecent media may have a valuable role to
Notification may be necessary to images of children was living with a play in disclosure to the public in
individuals, groups, or particular woman who was a schoolteacher. It certain circumstances. A protocol
sections of the community. Each was suspected that he might be between the local media and
case will be decided on its merits, attending social events at the school Hertfordshire Constabulary has
taking into account the likelihood of with his partner. The MAPP panel ensured close co-operation on a
the harm that might result from non- agreed disclosure via police to the number of occasions. Responsibility
disclosure, and in accordance with school’s headteacher to ensure that the for disclosure or dissemination of
current legislation, eg. Data offender was not able to attend any information for background purposes
Protection Act, Human Rights Act. It school functions. rests with the police Corporate
is the responsibility of the panel to Communications Unit, working in
make a decision based on a rigorous conjunction with other agencies as
examination of all available appropriate.
information. In cases involving sex
offences, the ultimate decision on The local media also plays an
disclosure rests with the Chief effective part in highlighting local
Constable. crime prevention initiatives, eg.
improved street lighting, installation
To date disclosure has been made of CCTV, thus reducing further the
on a limited basis and information risk to the public.
conveyed to relevant agencies in
5. Victim Issues

There is a well established victim Unit representatives attend each A family bereavement then led to the
contact network in place in Area Review Panel, providing offender being permitted to return to the
Hertfordshire. The Chief Executive of information from victims and raising area to attend the funeral. The victim
Victim Support is a member of the victim concerns. Many victims have was informed of the arrangement and
Strategic Management Panel (see expressed gratitude to unit staff for left the area while the offender was in
below), and provides valuable the information given to them about the vicinity. Further action is now being
insights from the victim perspective. the criminal justice process. taken by agencies on the MAPP panel to
. provide a new home for the victim who
Under the Criminal Justice & Court wishes to move out of the area before the
Services Act 2000, a Victim Contact The victim was informed by the licence conditions expire and the
Unit has been established in probation Victim Liaison Unit when a offender returns to his family.
Hertfordshire by the National man sentenced to a prison term for a
Probation Service. The unit keeps serious physical and sexual assault was
victims of serious sexual and violent to be released on licence. As a result of
offences (involving prison sentences the victim’s discussions with the unit, the Other well-established systems of
of one year or more) informed of the MAPP panel ensured that strict support include the Woman’s Refuge
management of the case, and conditions were imposed as part of the Service, which helps women and
provides a point of contact to enable licence, to prevent the offender revisiting children who have been victims of
victims to access other services that the area. domestic violence.
can offer them help and support.


6. Overview and Strategic Management

Hertfordshire operates a Strategic The Strategic Management Panel Each year the Strategic
Management Panel which provides examines what is best practice, Management Panel produces an
an overview of the county-wide multi- address training needs, and ensure Action Plan for the forthcoming 12
agency public protection effective communication with staff in months.
arrangements. Senior managers every agency.
from each of the agencies attend the The police and probation service are
Strategic Management Panel, which The Police/Probation Liaison Officer responsible for ensuring appropriate
meets three times a year to review is responsible for providing a report training is made available, with each
progress and discuss future to the Strategic Management Panel agency then charged with making
developments. at each meeting on the work that has arrangements for this training to be
been undertaken by the local panels. delivered to relevant staff.
7. Statistical Information No. of Offenders

i. The number of registered sex offenders on 31 March 2003 225

ii. The number of sex offenders having a registration requirement who were either 10
cautioned or convicted for breaches of the requirement, between 1 April 2002
and 31 March 2003

iii. The number of Sex Offenders Orders applied for and gained between 1 April
2002 and 31 March 2003

(a) The total number of Sex Offenders Orders applied for 0

(b) The total number granted 0

(c) The total number not granted 0

iv. The number of Restraining Orders issued by the courts between 1 April 2002 0
and 31 March 2003 for offenders currently managed within MAPPA

v. The number of violent and other sexual offenders considered under MAPPA 130
during the year 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003 (as defined by section 68 [3],
[4] and [5])

vi. The number of "other offenders" dealt with under MAPPA during the year 1 178
April 2002 and 31 March 2003 as being assessed by the Responsible Authority
as posing a risk of serious harm to the public (but who did not fall within either
of the other two categories, as defined by s.67 [2b])

vii. For each of the three categories of offenders covered by the MAPPA
("registered sex offenders", "violent and other sex offenders" and "other
offenders"), identify the number of offenders that are or have been dealt with

a) MAPPP - registered sex offenders 15

b) MAPPP - violent and other sex offenders 18

c) MAPPP - other offenders 22

viii. Of the cases managed by the MAPPP during the reporting year what was the
number of offenders:

a) who were returned to custody for breach of licence 5

b) who were returned to custody for breach of a Restraining Order or Sex 0

Offender Order

c) charged with a serious sexual or violent offence 4


Hertfordshire Probation Area Address Phone

Carole McDougall Hertfordshire Probation Headquarters 01992 504444

Director of Operations (Public Protection) Graham House Yeomans Court
Ware Road
Hertford SG13 7HJ

Hertfordshire Constabulary Address Phone

DCS Jeremy Alford Hertfordshire Police Headquarters 01707 354000 Stanborough Road
Welwyn Garden City
Published by the National Probation Service -
Hertfordshire. September 2003.

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