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Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

Annual Report 2002-3
Foreword 5

The National Picture 7

MAPPA Offenders 9

Chair’s Introduction 10

Area Summary 12

Developments 2002/3 15

Roles and Responsibilities 17

Outline of Arrangements Made 21

Strategic Management Arrangements 23

Disclosure 24

Victim Work 25

Procedures and Definitions 26

Statistical Information 28

Key Personnel 30

By Paul Goggins, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for
Community and Custodial provision in the Home

As the recently appointed Minister with responsibility

for the MAPPA, I am pleased to introduce this, the
second, annual MAPPA report. It is clear that in the
last year (2002/3) the multi-agency public protection
arrangements (the MAPPA) continued to play an
important role in what remains one of this
government's highest priorities - the protection of the
public from dangerous offenders.

As someone with many years experience of working

in the field of child protection, I am particularly
impressed by the important contribution the MAPPA
are making to strengthen collaboration between
agencies at a local level where the focus is on the
dangerous offender. These improvements must,
however, impact on the protection of children. As the
tragic death of Victoria Climbie showed, an effective
multi-agency partnership is crucial and the MAPPA
are an important element.

To ensure greater consistency in the MAPPA across

the 42 Areas of England and Wales, and to prepare
for the implementation of measures contained in the
Criminal Justice Bill, we published the MAPPA
Guidance in April. Building on good practice, that
Guidance clarified the structure of the operational
arrangements as well as the importance of formal
review and monitoring - of which this annual report
is a vital part. The Criminal Justice Bill will
strengthen the MAPPA in two ways. First, it will make
the involvement of other agencies part of the
statutory framework. Second, it will introduce the

involvement of lay people - those unconnected with
day-to-day operation of the MAPPA - in reviewing
and monitoring the MAPPA. Annual reports and this
new lay involvement show the Government's
commitment to explaining how the often sensitive
and complex work of public protection is undertaken.

The Government is also strengthening the protection

of the public with other measures in the Criminal
Justice Bill. They include new sentences for
dangerous offenders to prevent their release if they
continue to be dangerous. Additionally, the Sexual
Offences Bill will tighten up sex offender registration,
introduce a new offence of 'grooming', and enable
sex offender orders to be imposed on violent
offenders who pose a risk of causing serious sexual
harm - thereby extending sex offender registration to

I commend this report to you and congratulate all

the agencies and individuals who have contributed
to the achievement of the MAPPA locally in your
local Area.

Paul Goggins

The National Picture
This section of the report draws attention to wider
context of the operation and development of the
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (the

The most important work undertaken within the

MAPPA is done locally, led by the police and probation
- who act jointly as the 'Responsible Authority' in
your Area - and in each of the 42 Areas of England
and Wales. The experience and good practice upon
which this work is based began in the 1990s - most
significantly as a result of the closer working relationship
required by the Sex Offender Act (1997). The Criminal
Justice and Courts Services Act (2000) formalised
that relationship and built on the existing experience
by requiring the police and probation services to
establish arrangements (the MAPPA) for assessing
and managing the risks posed by sexual and violent
offenders. The Act also required the Responsible
Authority to publish an annual report on the operation
of those arrangements. This report, covering April
2002 to March 2003, is the second annual report.

The importance of partnership

Key to the development of the MAPPA in the past

year has been the closer involvement of other
agencies, such as housing, health and social services,
working alongside police and probation. The truly
multi-agency nature of the MAPPA and the
collaboration which underpins it is to be strengthened
further by the Criminal Justice Bill. The Bill will place
a 'duty to co-operate' on a wide range of organisations
including local health authorities and trusts; housing
authorities and registered social landlords; social
services departments; Jobcentres; Youth Offending
Teams; and local education authorities. In addition,
the Prison Service will join the police and probation
services and become part of the MAPPA
'Responsible Authority'.

Supporting and co-ordinating the development of the
MAPPA throughout the 42 Areas of England and
Wales, is the National Probation Directorate's Public
Protection Unit (PPU). This Unit acts as a central
point for advice and, increasingly, involvement in the
management of difficult cases. These include, for
example, UK citizens who have committed serious
offences abroad and return to this country without
anywhere to live. The Unit is also able to provide
financial support when the risk management plans
make exceptional demands upon local resources.

Involving the public

MAPPA developments in the next 18 months will also

include the appointment by the Home Secretary of
two 'lay advisers' to each Area. The eight Areas of
England and Wales which have been piloting these
arrangements since January (Cumbria, Greater
Manchester, Durham, South Wales, Dorset, Hampshire,
Surrey and West Midlands) report that they add real
value. Lay advisers will contribute to the review and
monitoring of the MAPPA which is undertaken by
each Area's Strategic Management Board - the work
of which you can read more in this report.

The purpose of appointing 'lay advisers' is to ensure

that communities understand more of what is done
to protect them and that those involved professionally
with the MAPPA are aware of the views of the
community. The lay advisers will not 'represent' the
community in the way, for example, that local
councillors do, nor will they be involved in operational
decision-making. And, given the sensitivity of much
of what the MAPPA does, especially with the few
offenders who pose a very high risk of serious harm
to the public, it is not practicable for the general
public to be involved. Lay advisers will, however,
ensure an appropriate and a practical level of
community involvement.

MAPPA Offenders

This year the annual report provides a more detailed

breakdown of the number of sexual and violent
offenders who are covered by the MAPPA in your
Area. As last year, the figures include the number of
registered sex offenders. Because sex offender
registration is for a minimum of 5 years (and
generally for much longer) the figures are
cumulative. This is why they have increased - by 16
per cent in England and Wales. Only a very small
proportion (about six per cent throughout England
and Wales) are considered to pose such a high risk
or management difficulty that they are referred to the
highest level of the MAPPA - the Multi-Agency Public
Protection Panels (the MAPPP).

Figures alone do not, of course, tell the whole story.

The anonymised case studies illustrate the practical
work of the MAPPA, and demonstrate the preventive
action which can be taken. Prior to the MAPPA, action
of this kind was mainly taken by one agency alone,
with the effect that on occasion offenders' behaviour
which might have triggered preventative action went
unnoticed. The multi-agency approach of the MAPPA
helps ensure that if an offender does breach the
condition of the licence under which they were
released from prison or a court order prohibiting
certain activities, then action to enforce the condition
or order and protect the public can be taken more

If you are interested in reading the reports of other

Areas, they will be published on the National Probation
Service's website
(under the public protection section) with all of them
being available once the last Area has published its
annual report in September.

Chair's Introduction
I am pleased to invite you to read the Second
Annual Report about arrangements in Lincolnshire
to assess and manage the risk presented by certain
violent and sexual offenders.

This work is carried out by organisations (sometimes

called agencies) either acting alone in low to
medium risk cases or in partnership with higher risk
cases. Although this is only our Second Annual
Report in this form, this work has built on many
years of successful collaborative work.

The Partnership involved in this work includes

Police, Probation, Social Services, Health,
Education, Housing, the Youth Offending Team, and
the Prison Service. Staff from these organisations
are now working together more closely, more
frequently and at all levels.

We work together because research and experience

shows that this is the most effective way to assess,
manage and reduce the risk presented by a small
number of people. Fortunately Lincolnshire remains
a very safe place to live. Crime levels are low, and
all the organisations and their staff referred to in this
Report are proud of their contribution to public
protection in Lincolnshire.

The Report provides specific details on the structure

of Public Protection arrangements and information
about the numbers of cases. In addition, we are
providing for the first time descriptions of selected
cases because we believe this can be one of the
best ways of ensuring public confidence in this work.
Towards the end of the Report are flow charts which
explain diagrammatically how individual cases are

dealt with, and what happens if a member of staff
identifies an individual who poses a risk of serious

This Report includes contact details of senior staff

responsible for Public Protection arrangements in
Lincolnshire and although I hope this Report is self-
explanatory I know they would be happy to answer
any queries you may have.

Sally Lewis
Chair - Strategic Board

1. Area Summary
Official organisations, sometimes called statutory
Multi-Agency Work High Risk
agencies, have, within Lincolnshire, a strong
Mr A was coming to the end of
history of collaborative working arrangements a prison sentence for affray -
which have focussed upon the protection of the little was known about his
previous behaviour or the risks
public from potentially dangerous offenders. he might present. The
Probation Service investigated
In January 1997 formal arrangements were his background and found that
made operational between Lincolnshire Police he had assaulted many women
with whom he had lived. They
and the Probation Service in Lincolnshire to assessed that he was a high
risk to women and children.
hold structured meetings in relation to Working with Social Services
dangerous individuals. Both agencies work departments, Women’s Aid and
Lincolnshire’s Domestic
within three co-terminous operational divisions: Violence Manager, the
Probation Service ensured that
South, East and West. These meetings were he would be accommodated on
release where he could be
held divisionally and their purpose was defined monitored under a curfew and
in the following statement of intent: would undertake a programme
designed to tackle his offending.
This was the first time he had
ever dealt with the cause of his
"Lincolnshire Probation Service and Lincolnshire offending. Later his behaviour
Police will work together to establish local deteriorated but the Probation
Service used their powers and
panels with the aim of managing the risk he was recalled to prison
without anyone being harmed.
offenders pose of serious harm to the public.
They will seek to involve other agencies who
may have a contribution to make in reducing
the risk of further offences being committed."

Local meetings made a significant impact upon

the abilities of the Police and Probation Service
to assess individuals and manage risks posed
by them. The meetings were successful in
involving representation from other agencies
where this was appropriate. There was a
strong commitment from the Police and
Probation Service in Lincolnshire to build upon
the success achieved by the local panels.

In March 1999 the Lincolnshire Multi-Agency

Public Protection Panel (MAPPP) was
established. This project is a formal partnership
between the following agencies in Lincolnshire:

❏ Police
❏ Probation
❏ Health
❏ Social Services
❏ Education
❏ Housing Authorities or Providers

The establishment of the Multi-Agency Public

Protection Panel acknowledged that risk of
harm to the public is not restricted to offenders
who are subject to supervision by the Probation
Service or involvement of the Police. The
recognition and management of that risk is a
multi-agency responsibility. On that basis it
was decided that the agencies listed above
would work together to identify people, including
children and young people, who are considered
to be dangerous in accordance with criteria
which were defined. The establishment of a
Multi-Agency Public Protection Panel aimed to
manage the risk of serious harm those
individuals represented to the public in general
and to children and vulnerable adults in
particular. It was the stated intention of the
approach to concentrate on those individuals
who pose a major risk to public safety. Panel
Members are senior officers from the partner
organisations. They are members because of
their experience, expertise, and because their
seniority can ensure that required actions are
carried out and resources provided.

"The establishment of the Multi-Agency Public

Protection Panel and the identification and
management of those individuals presenting
the highest risk to public safety has locally
produced some excellent results."
Louise Tomlinson
Forensic Services Manager

Lincolnshire has the benefit of a tiered approach to Mr B has a long history of
the assessment and management of dangerous driving offences.
offenders. Routine information is shared about Most Recent - Motoring
- Driving whilst disqualified
prisoners released from custody. Locally operated - No insurance
- No MOT
Divisional Risk meetings are held in respect of the Offending History:
majority of offenders assessed as posing a risk to 22 motoring offences in the last
17 years, including 2 Drink
the community. For the critical few cases that pose Driving.
the most serious risk of causing harm the Area Sentenced to a Community
Multi-Agency Public Protection Panel takes Rehabilitation Order (formerly
called a Probation Order).
responsibility for the assessment and management
Mr B was required to work
of risk. through a programme designed
to change his behaviour
managed by a Probation
All involved in Lincolnshire's Public Protection work Services Officer. He had done
this work including homework in
have received specialist advice in relation to the order to understand the risk he
is creating for the public and
Data Protection Acts and Human Rights Act. himself and to date has not re-
Issues of confidentiality are paramount and offended.

information is only shared and disclosed in order to Probation Services Officer

protect the public from disproportionate risk.

As you will read in the individual case reports our

public protection has two constant themes: -

a) The provision of assistance to help the offender

change their potentially dangerous behaviour
particularly by the use of accredited and
proven behavioural change programmes, and
b) External controls effectively monitored and
supervised normally by the Police and
Probation Services.

N.B. The Police and Probation Services have the

powers to take action with the support of the
Courts and the Home Office, including
imprisonment when an order's requirements
are not kept even though no further crime has
been committed.

Further developments in 2002/3

During this last year in addition to the work on many

individual cases, the second tier of risk assessment
and management, Divisional Risk Meetings, have
been fully established and are working well.

The Core Panel, which deals with the highest risk

cases has been strengthened with the addition of a
Prison Governor and, when relevant, senior staff
from the Youth Offending Service.

Of particular concern are offenders with mental

health needs and Lincolnshire's public protection
work has greatly benefited by the appointment of a
Forensic Services Manager, who also sits on the
Core Panel. However, it is important to note that
the majority of mentally disordered individuals do not
commit offences.

Protection of victims is a core feature of

Lincolnshire's Public Protection work. In all cases
specialist Victim Contact Officers employed by the
Probation Service attempt to contact victims and
assess their concerns and need for information.
These officers routinely attend Multi-Agency Public
Protection meetings or provide information to assist
in the short and longer term protection of victims.

Joint training for staff from partner organisations is

regularly provided. This not only ensures that staff's
knowledge is up to date but also that working
together between organisations is the norm.

Specialist staff from the Probation Service who

routinely work with offenders assessed as
presenting a likelihood of serious harm meet
regularly to ensure that they are up to date on all
developments related to their public protection role.

High Risk Offenders whose risk of re-offending is
made worse because of their addiction to drink and
drugs now have the benefit of a "fast tracking"
approach to specialist treatment services.

Regular meetings have begun between the Manager

of the Multi-Agency Public Protection Panel and
Lincolnshire's seven Crime and Disorder
partnerships. These meetings are designed to
ensure that there is a common understanding and a
seamless development of Public Protection
throughout the county.

2. Roles and Responsibilties
Lincolnshire Police mentally disordered, both in their Lincolnshire Health
homes and communities and by the
The protection of life and property is provision of day care and care away Lincolnshire Health Services are
a fundamental aim and purpose of from home. It is the range of committed to providing effective
the Police Service. Lincolnshire responsibilities for vulnerable people support and services within the
Police are committed to improving which is at the heart of the community where appropriate.
the quality of life in the county and Directorate's role in public protection. Assessment and risk management
making the community safer by procedures will continue to be
targeting and reducing crime, The staff of the Social Services developed in conjunction with other
disorder and anti-social behaviour in Directorate participate in relevant relevant agencies in order to provide
partnership with local authorities and a co-ordinated approach to this
Divisional Risk Meetings in relation
other agencies. This includes issue.
to dangerous offenders. Staff with
identifying dangerous and high risk
involvement with the most serious Health staff participate in relevant
offenders, sharing information with
dangerous offenders attend relevant Divisional Risk Meetings in relation
other agencies and taking joint
decisions as to any subsequent area Multi-Agency Public Protection to dangerous offenders. Staff with
actions. Panels. Tim Barker, Child involvement with the most serious
Protection Co-ordinator, acts as a dangerous offenders attend relevant
The Sex Offender Act 1997 places a core panel member at all meetings area Multi-Agency Public Protection
responsibility on the Police Service of the area Multi-Agency Public Panels. Louise Tomlinson, Forensic
to work with other agencies in Protection Panel as well as advisor Services Manager, acts as a core
carrying out risk assessments in to Lincolnshire Area Child Protection panel member at all meetings of the
relation to offenders required to Committee. area Multi-Agency Public Protection
comply with the Act and manage Panel.
that risk on a multi-agency basis. Lincolnshire Education and
Cultural Services Lincolnshire Housing Authorities
Police Officers participate in all or Providers
Divisional Risk Meetings in relation Education and Cultural Services
to dangerous offenders. Staff with The Housing Act 1996 changed the
form an integral part of the child
involvement with the most serious legal framework for the allocation of
protection network alongside other
dangerous offenders attend relevant social housing in England and
agencies which make up the Area
area Multi- Agency Public Protection Wales. Allocations from the waiting
Child Protection Committee. It
Panels. Detective Chief Inspector list or housing register are covered
plays a significant role through
Ginty acts as a core panel member in Part VI of the Act and the
schools, Youth Services and the
at all meetings of the area Multi- responsibilities of local authorities or
Education Welfare Service in not providers towards homeless people
Agency Public Protection Panel, and
only child protection but also crime are contained in Part VII.
has a deputy Core Panel member
prevention and education for Lincolnshire Housing Authorities or
Detective Inspector Martin Reeve,
head of Child Protection. citizenship and against substance Providers are committed to ensuring
misuse. offenders rehousing needs are
Lincolnshire Social Services assessed with other agencies
Staff who may have direct including the Police, Probation and
The Social Services Directorate has involvement with the most serious Social Services to identify the risk
a wide range of duties and dangerous offenders attend relevant particular groups of
responsibilities to provide services Multi-Agency Public Protection people pose to the community. This
for individuals and families. The Panels. Sheridan Dodsworth, Child can only be done in partnership with
services the Directorate provides Protection Officer, acts as a Core other agencies and includes the
encompass people of all ages, Panel member at all meetings of the sharing of information and making
abilities and social groupings. They area Multi-Agency Public Protection joint decisions on proposed action in
include services to some of the most Panel, and also represents relation to dangerous and high risk
vulnerable groups in society, Education on the Area Child offenders.
including children in need and their Protection Committee.
families, older people, disabled The staff of Housing Authorities or
people and their carers and the Providers participate in relevant

Divisional Risk Meetings in relation as well as the Crown Prosecution
In dealing with a high risk sex offender
to dangerous offenders. The I had close support, advice and Service, Courts, Local Authorities,
following managers act as core guidance on the most suitable Health, Education, Housing and a
panel members at meetings of the housing location relevant to the type wide range of independent and
area Multi-Agency Public Protection of risk he posed. The Multi-Agency
Public Protection Panel put in place a
voluntary sector partners.
Panel which relate to cases from
comprehensive risk management plan
their geographical area: which ensured that the individual The NPS Lincolnshire has statutory
would continue to be monitored and responsibilities towards the victims
John Cooch (Boston Borough thus allowed any potential problems to
of the most serious violent, crimes
Council) be identified and dealt with immediately.
David Cressey (East Lindsey David Ward including sexually violent crimes.
Lincoln City Housing Manager
District Council)
Neil Gray (ACIS Group, The staff of NPS Lincolnshire are
Gainsborough) National Probation Service responsible for convening and
David Ward (City of Lincoln Council) Lincolnshire participating in all Divisional Risk
Kim Warren (South Holland District Meetings in relation to dangerous
Council) Lincolnshire Probation Service offenders. Staff with responsibility
Stuart Sheardown (South Kesteven became a part of the newly formed for the supervision of the most
District Council) National Probation Service on 1 serious dangerous offenders attend
John Tudberry (North Kesteven April 2001. The National Probation relevant area Multi-Agency Public
District Council) Service (NPS) is a law enforcement Protection Panels. Sally Lewis,
agency delivering community Assistant Chief Probation Officer,
Each represents the area from punishments, supervising and
acts as a core panel member at all
which the case originates. working with offenders within the
meetings of the Area Multi-Agency
terms set out by the Court or Parole
Board in ways that help offenders to Public Protection Panel as well as
reduce their re-offending and better chairing the Strategic Management
protects the public. The National Group for Multi-Agency Public
Probation Service Lincolnshire Protection Arrangements, and
works in a highly collaborative way representing Probation on the Area
with Police and Prison colleagues, Child Protection Committee.

Public Protection Arrangements
Who are we dealing with?

1. Registered Sex Offenders

Any offender convicted or cautioned for a sex
offence since September 1997, or serving a
sentence of imprisonment at that time.
2. Violent and Other Sex Offenders
Normally sentenced to at least 12 months custody
or detained under relevant mental health
3. Other Offenders
who pose a risk of serious harm to the public.

N.B. Full information about relevant offenders is

available in Sections 67 and 68 of the Criminal
Justice and Court Services Act (2000)

Risk Assessment

A number of statistically reliable tools for the

assessment of risk of re-offending have been
developed in recent years including MATRIX 2000
(for sexual and violent offenders), ASSET for young
offenders and OASys for all adult offenders. All
these are used as required in Lincolnshire. As well
as using these well tested methods staff involved
are required to collect and evaluate thoroughly all
information, record and carry out decisions, follow
policies and procedures and to take all reasonable
steps in order to achieve high quality risk
assessment and management.

3. Outline of Arrangements Made
Certain routine information is shared Since 1997 sex offenders, or those jointly funded enterprise which has
in relation to those individuals who released from prison, including area responsibility for offenders
are likely to pose a risk to the those who offend against adults living throughout Lincolnshire. The
community. For example: - and within their own family, must Panel is governed by a written
register their address with the police protocol which includes a strict
➣ Channels of communication and are similarly assessed in code of confidentiality. The
exist in relation to all offenders relation to their likelihood of causing MAPPP meets at least monthly and
released from custody who are harm. Sex Offenders and comprises:-
categorised within Schedule Dangerous Offenders Liaison
One of the Children and Young Officers (specialist police officers) ➣ MAPPP Manager who is a
Persons Act 1933 as posing a are responsible for managing the seconded Senior Probation
potential risk to children and registration of sex offenders and Officer
young people. prioritise their interventions towards
those offenders assessed as higher ➣ MAPPP Administrator
➣ The National Probation Service risk; that is, presenting a real
Lincolnshire notifies Lincolnshire likelihood of causing serious harm. ➣ Senior Manager from
Police of all offenders released Lincolnshire Police
into Lincolnshire from prisons Officers within the Lincolnshire
or Young Offender Institutions Police Service and National ➣ Senior Manager from
subject to statutory supervision Probation Service Lincolnshire have Lincolnshire Social Services
on licence. received specialist training in the Directorate
assessment of risk and utilise
➣ The National Probation Service nationally accredited risk ➣ Senior Manager from the
Lincolnshire shares information assessment tools which provide an National Probation Service
about Higher Risk offenders important component of the risk Lincolnshire
with Local Housing Authorities assessment process. All Probation
where a tenancy or application staff have also been trained to use ➣ Senior Manager from the
for tenancy exists. the nationally accredited Offender Housing Authority or Provider
Assessment System (OASys) which
➣ Lincolnshire Police Divisional provides a comprehensive ➣ Senior Manager from
Intelligence Units and Probation assessment system which will be Lincolnshire Education and
case managers routinely used by all Probation services and Cultural Services
exchange information about risk. Prisons.
➣ Senior Manager from
Offenders assessed as high risk of The majority of offenders are safely Lincolnshire Health Services
causing harm who are managed by managed by one organisation and
the National Probation Service are only a small proportion, who present ➣ Senior Manager from HMP
assigned to Probation Officer Case a higher risk, require a multi-agency Lincoln
Managers resourced to provide a intervention. High risk offenders
higher level of intervention than with are subject to review at Divisional ➣ Senior Manager from
other offenders. The assessment Risk Meetings which occur every Lincolnshire Youth Offending
of risk establishes the level of harm month. These meetings involve Team (if a young person is
the offender is assessed as Police and Probation staff as well as being discussed)
capable of causing and the staff from other agencies who may
likelihood of that harm being have involvement with the offender.
perpetrated. A dangerous offender
is at real likelihood of causing A very small number of offenders
serious harm. All offenders are assessed as posing an
released from Prison into the exceptionally high risk of causing
supervision of the National the most serious harm. In these
Probation Service Lincolnshire must cases a referral is made to the
keep to strictly enforced conditions Multi-Agency Public Protection
designed to protect the public. panel (MAPPP). The Panel is a

The MAPPP is based at Police Wherever possible and appropriate, and prevent offending by the
Headquarters but can meet at action will be taken to engage the individual in question.
venues throughout Lincolnshire. offender and / or the potential
Probation, Prison and Youth
Mr C was to be released from prison Offending Teams operate a number
In the event that an individual is at the end of his sentence. He has a
considered exceptionally high risk a of behavioural change programmes
long history of offending including
referral is made to any Senior drugs related and violent behaviour. which have a proven record of
Manager / Panel Member involved Risk has been assessed as very high success, these include the control
to the public, his partner and her of violence and sex offending as
in the MAPPP. If that Senior
children. He was required, as a well as dealing with shortcomings
Manager deems there is sufficient condition of his release, to live in in the offender's cognitive (thinking)
concern about the case then a accommodation outside of
abilities. Furthermore, in co-
meeting is convened by the MAPPP Lincolnshire and take part in a
programme of behavioural change,
operation with Health and Addiction
Manager and any staff from agencies Treatment Specialists, offenders
including violence prevention, and
with involvement in the case are carry out work with his partner on who abuse drink and drugs can be
invited to attend the meeting (in resolving the risk he presented. These offered treatment to beat their
addition to the Senior Manager / conditions were imposed as a result of addiction when its existence
Core Panel members). Information recommendations by the Probation increases the risk they present.
Service. The latter work was to be
about the individual is shared within done under close supervision.
When dealing with the risk
a strict code of confidentiality and a Additionally, a contingency plan was presented by higher risk offenders,
decision made by the Core Panel created to protect potential victims if it is rarely sufficient to rely on
Members as to whether the case Mr C failed to abide by the conditions. personal change and this must be
When he broke the conditions the backed up by credible external
should be registered for the contingncy plan was promptly followed controls. In Lincolnshire the
continued oversight of the MAPPP. by Lincolnshire Police and Probation
Probation Service in co-operation
Services and he was re-arrested
before anybody was harmed. This with the Prison Service placed
Where a decision is made for the
work involved Police, Probation, clear and enforceable controls on
MAPPP to maintain oversight of the relevant prisoners when they are
Education and Domestic Violence
case the subject of the meeting will specialists in Lincoln and the released: these can include living
normally receive a written notification neighbouring county in which he was only in appropriate premises, being
of this decision. In exceptional accommodated. subject to curfews, restrictions on
circumstances where such notification where they may work or who they
Multi-Agency Public Protection Panel
is judged likely to exacerbate the Manager may contact, or requirements to
risk of harm posed or interfere with participate in risk reduction
investigations, notification will not victim(s) in determining and programmes. These conditions are
occur. Thereafter the case will be participating in these plans and enforceable and are applied
reviewed on a regular basis, robustly including recall to prison.
normally at least three monthly. Work to monitor these conditions is
frequently carried out jointly
The MAPPP is rigorous in
A detailed written record is made of between specialist Police and
relinquishing oversight of a case
Probation Officers.
all meetings and distributed within where the likelihood of dangerous
the code of confidentiality by which behaviour is assessed as being The Police Service plays a major
the meetings are governed. reduced or adequately managed. part in the prevention of re-
MAPPP meetings will determine offending by persons assessed as
actions to be taken by agencies Actions taken to reduce the risks of high risk through these procedures.
working together to reduce and / or re-offending and harm to the public In recent years they have appointed
manage the risk(s) posed by the can be summarised as internal officers who deal, specifically with
subject of the meeting. All action and external to the offender. sex offenders and perpetrators of
points are monitored to ensure they Internal refers to methods used to domestic violence. These officers,
are carried out. In addition to teach the offender to change his / in particular, play a key role in
her behaviour, and external refers Divisional Risk Meetings and the
interventions focussing upon the
to the systems and sanctions used meetings (MAPPPs) which deal
subject of the meeting, attention is by organisations such as the Police
paid to the protections which can with the exceptionally high risk
and Probation Service to control offenders.
be afforded potential victims.

➣ A particularly valuable tool in used to target public protection.
Mr D was referred by the Probation This method of public protection
public protection is the Sex
service because of his record and
current concerns of harm to his ex- Offender Order which Police must be used cautiously so as
partner and to Social Services staff. can obtain through Magistrates not to drive offenders
Courts. These Orders which if underground or risk serious
Conditions were attached to his broken can result in public disorder. In Lincolnshire
release licence to prohibit contact with
imprisonment, place all requests for disclosure must
his ex-partner and child. They were
provided with rapid response alarms prohibitions on sex offenders be approved by an officer of
by the Police. and can include conditions not Chief Constable rank, and have
to enter parks, schools or the mandate of the Public
The multi-agency involvement also Protection panel. Examples of
swimming baths, or not to go to
enabled a staff protection plan to be
put into place thereby considerably other areas or take actions successful disclosure have
reducing the risk to Social Services which are considered likely to included disclosure to schools
staff and enabling them to work more lead to future offending. and workers in particular
effectively with the case. industries or situations.
To date there have been no incidents
➣ Disclosure of the risk presented
against Mr D’s partner, child or Social by a specific offender has been
Services staff.

Tim Barker
Child Protection Manager
Social Services Directorate

4. Strategic Management Arrangements

The operation of the Multi-Agency Partnership NHS Trust), and the Partnership to resource the Multi-
Public Protection Panel and the Director of Housing and Agency Public Protection Panel on a
development of provisions within the Environmental Health (City of permanent basis and the MAPPP
Criminal Justice and Court Services Lincoln Council). Steering Group was re-named the
Act Section 67 and Section 68 are MAPPP Strategic Management
managed by the MAPPP Strategic The MAPPP Steering Group was Group accordingly.
Management Group (formerly the established by Lincolnshire in
MAPPP Steering Group). The Partnership: a strategic forum for Members of the Strategic
Strategic Management Group has Chief Executives of statutory Management Group are:
met bi-annually since the inception agencies in Lincolnshire. The
of the area MAPPP and is chaired MAPPP commenced as a three year Sally Lewis, Assistant Chief Officer,
by the Assistant Chief Officer pilot in March 1999 and the MAPPP National Probation Services
(Probation). Other members of the Steering Group was established to Lincolnshire
Strategic Management Group are report to Lincolnshire in Partnership
the Assistant Chief Constable about the project. The MAPPP Peter Davies, Assistant Chief
(Police); Head of Strategic Steering Group has received six- Constable, Lincolnshire Police
Modernisation, Children and Family monthly written reports which
Services (Social Services), Director , include statistical information about Susan Twemlow, Head of Strategic
Pupil & Schools Services Group, the work of the project. Modernisation, Children and Family
Education and Cultural Services; Services, Social Services
Divisional Manager, Countywide In 2002 a decision was made by the Directorate
Adult Mental Health (Lincolnshire Chief Executives at Lincolnshire in

Dick Pike, Pupil & Schools Services Neil Greenfield, Divisional Manager, John Bibby, Director of Housing
Group, Education and Cultural Countywide Adult Mental Health, and Community Services (City of
Services Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Trust Lincoln Council).

5. Disclosure
In a small number of cases it is In exceptional circumstances a Chief Constable. Before making
important to inform members of recommendation can be made by any disclosure the police will
the public of information about the MAPPP to disclose information always be fully prepared to give
offenders. National and local about a dangerous individual to a advice and guidance on what
guidance has existed for a number third party. Such disclosure would
action is required to be taken by
of years about those who present only be considered as an element
a risk of sex offending or a risk to of an overall plan of risk the person(s) receiving the
children. management. The final decision information and a contact person
about such disclosure of will be identified to provide further
information rests with the Assistant guidance and advice as required.

Mr G has a history of indecent assaults in another part of the

Mr F has sexually abused children. His behaviour is regularly
UK. He now lives in Lincolnshire and through regular
monitored by the MAPPP Panel and a Police Specialist Officer
monitoring and assessment a specialist Police Officer became
who assesses and manages the risk presented by ex-
aware that he had joined a choir. The Officer was given
offenders to ensure maximum public protection. Staff who
permission to approach the Vicar and Choirmaster of the
work in and patrol places such as parks have been made
Church to ensure that they could protect any children in their
aware of his description and will inform police if they see any
choir and inform the Police if worrying behaviour began. this
inappropriate approaches to children.
will ensure action can be taken before a child is harmed.

6. Victim Work
Section 69 of the Criminal Justice of any continued risk to them on
and Court Services Act 2000 release of an offender. This Mr H has convictions of a violent and
places a statutory duty upon the information assists in ensuring sexual nature and made threats to his
National Probation Service, appropriate risk management to victim, after his trial. She is being
contacted by a Probation Service
Lincolnshire to contact victims and supervise offenders in the Victim Contact Officer. She will be
ask if they wish to be consulted community. offered alarms and other protections
about the release arrangements for and Mr H will have to obey release
licence conditions which help to
violent and sexual offenders Specialist staff (Victim Contact minimise the risk he presents. This
sentenced to twelve months Officers) are based in each of the work will require close cooperation
custody or more. three divisions dealing with the between Police and Probation
victims of crime for whom the
Victims views are sought in respect organisation has statutory

responsibility. Extensive efforts are general location, and details of any Victim Support provides the
made to locate victims and an licence conditions that restrict the Witness Service, based in every
approach is made in a manner which offender's movements in ways criminal court in England and
respects the wishes of the victim to which would impact on them. In Wales, to offer assistance before,
be involved in the conduct of the addition help is offered by Victim during and after a trial. Individuals
case. Where a victim chooses to Support. can also call the Victim Support line
be consulted about the case the - 0845 30 30 900 - for information
Victim Contact Officer will normally Victim Support is the national and support and details of local
meet with the victim(s) at a time charity for people affected by crime. services and other relevant
and place convenient to them. The It is an independent organisation, organisations.
majority of victims are visited within offering a free and confidential
their own home. service, whether or not a crime has
been reported. Trained staff and
Victims are entitled to be kept support to victims, witnesses their
informed of the offender's release families and friends.
arrangement, the month and

Mr J was sent to prison as a

result of substantial violence to his
partner over many years. She
believed he would attempt to
contact her on his release and
harm her and her two young
children. The Victim Contact
Offocer was able to provide
information about release dates
and set up a protection plan prior
to Mr J’s release. This plan
involved Probation, Police and
Victim Support. It provided police
contact alarms, and strict release
conditions. In addition, the Victim
Contact Officer has provided
advice which should assist the
victim in claiming criminal injury
compensation and receiving
professional counselling. Mr J has
been released and is required to
live at an address outside
Lincolnshire which has provided
massive relief for his victim and
her family.

Figure 1.

Lincolnshire Multi-Agency Public Protection Procedures

Individual Organisations assess risk of harm

If low or medium risk -

manage within own

If high risk - manage

through Divisional Risk

If very high risk - refer to

Multi-Agency Public
Protection Panel via a
Core Panel Member

Risk assessment can change due to new information or improvements or decline in offender behaviour, and
procedures and practice are flexible to allow for changed risk assessment.

Risk Definitions
Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk Very High Risk
No significant There are There are There is imminent
current indicators of identifiable identifiable risk of serious harm.
risk indicators of risk of indicators of risk of The potential event
harm. The offender serious harm. The is more likely than
has the potential to potential event is not not to happen
cause harm, but is imminent but could imminently and the
unlikely to do so happen at any time impact could be
unless there is a and the impact serious.
change of could be serious.

Figure 2.

Lincolnshire Multi-Agency Public Protection Procedures

Review Meeting Process

Divisional Risk Meeting and Multi-Agency Public Protection Panel

Review meeting Process
(at least quarterly)

Review progress against risk management strategy and share any

current concerns. Re-assess Risk Level.

Possible Outcomes

Consider to be Considered High Considered to be

Medium/Low Risk Risk Very High Risk

● Remove from ● Continue ● Continue

register and registration as registration as
recommend single potentially dangerous offender.
agency action to dangerous offender.
manage risk ● Formulate updated
● Formulate updated protection plan.
protection plan.
● Refer to / continue
● Set review date. with Multi-Agency
Public Protection
Panel (MAPPP)

● Set review date.

7. Statistical Information No. of Offenders

i. The number of registered sex offenders on 31 March 2003 250

ii. The number of sex offenders having a registration requirement 9

who were either cautioned or convicted for breaches of the
requirement, between 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003

iii. The number of Sex Offenders Orders applied for and gained
between 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003

(a) The total number of Sex Offenders Orders applied for 4

(b) The total number granted 4

(c) The total number not granted 0

iv. The number of Restraining Orders issued by the courts between 1

1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003 for offenders currently managed
within MAPPA

v. The number of violent and other sexual offenders considered under 389
MAPPA during the year 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003
(as defined by section 68 [3], [4] and [5])

vi. The number of "other offenders" dealt with under MAPPA during 80
the year 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003 as being assessed by the
Responsible Authority as posing a risk of serious harm to the public
(but who did not fall within either of the other two categories, as
defined by s.67 [2b])

vii. For each of the three categories of offenders covered by the

MAPPA ("registered sex offenders", "violent and other sex
offenders" and "other offenders"), identify the number of offenders
that are or have been dealt with by:

a) MAPPP - registered sex offenders 12

b) MAPPP - violent and other sex offenders 3

c) MAPPP - other offenders 16

vii. Of the cases managed by the MAPPP during the reporting year
what was the number of offenders:

a) who were returned to custody for breach of licence 3

b) who were returned to custody for breach of a Restraining Order 1

or Sex Offender Order

c) charged with a serious sexual or violent offence 0

Multi-Agency Public Protection Panel Members
Chair Sally Lewis Det Chief
Tony Eyres Assistant Inspector
MAPPP Chief Officer John Ginty
Manager National Crime
Probation Support Unit
MAPPPs Service Lincolnshire
Manager since Lincolnshire Police
2001. After a
career in Qualified A Police
industry qualified as a Probation Probation Officer since 1983. Officer since 1975. Trained at
Officer in 1986. Qualifications Previous responsibilities include Toronto Police College before
include BA (Hons), CQSW and Dip. National Training Manager, Bail moving to England and has worked
Management Studies. A Senior Information Scheme, Groupwork in Surrey and Lincolnshire. Further
Probation Officer since 1991. Work Training and Approved Premises training has included Leadership
has included team management Manager. Current responsibilities Skills at Police National Training
and training in Risk Assessment include Public Protection and College, Bramshill. Wide
and Management Systems and chairing the Multi-Agency Public experience of Public Protection
Tools. Formerly Chair of the Protection Managment Group. Issues.
Professional Committee of the
National Association of Probation
Officers. A member of the User
Development Group for the National
Violent and Sexual Offender
Registration System (VISOR).

Karen Head Sheridan Tim Barker

Head of Dodsworth Child
Regimes Child Protection
HMP Lincoln Protection Manager
Officer Social
Joined HMP Education Services
Service in and Cultural Directorate
1988 and Services
seved in a Social Worker
number of establishments included Has worked for the Education & and Manager since 1976,
female and high security prisons. Cultural Services which is specialising in child care/child
Transferred to HMP Lincoln in responsible for support services to protection. Tim worked for 2 years
November 2002 as Head of schools and the Youth Service, for as chair of child protection
Regimes with responsibility for the the last 7 years and was appointed conferences, then worked for the
provision of constructive activities lead officer for child protection in NSPCC where he managed a
such as work, education and 2002. Holds a BSc in Psychology project specialising in assessments
training. Currently Head of and has worked in residential care of families in child protection, and
Regimes and Resettlement with the homes, as an Educational Welfare therapeutic work with abused
added responsibility for the Officer, and part of a Criminal children. Tim has been Child
provision of Induction and Pre- Defence Team. She represents the Protection Manager since 1996 and
Release courses and the delivery of Directorate on LACPC, Case advises the Area Child Protection
Offending Behaviour Programmes Monitoring Group and other forums. Committee.
which contribute to crime reduction, She coordinates training for and
public protection and which meet providing support to Directorate and
the needs of offenders, enabling school colleagues in all aspects of
them to successfully re-integrate child protection.
into the community.

David Kim Warren David Ward
Cressey Housing Tenancy
Housing Operational Enforcement
Manager Manager Manager
Enabling City of
Kim has LIncoln
David has worked in Council
been working Housing since
in the Housing 1993 as David has 14
field since 1994. In 1999 he moved Housing Officer, Senior Housing for years Housing Management
to East Lindsey District Council Rutland County Council and now as experience. Duties include Officer
where he now manages the Housing Operational Manager at responsibility for Anti-Social
housing transfer function and is South Holland District Council. Behaviours and Crime and Disorder
responsible for the Council’s Holds an Hons Degree in Housing Issues and High Risk cases housed
Housing Development Programme; Studies and is a member of the by Local Authorities. Represents
the Housing Strategy which was Chartered Institute of Housing. Lincoln City at Public Protection
rated equal top in the region for Also holds a diploma in policing meetings for High and Very High
2002/3, and the Housing Advice Domestic Violence. Is the Chair of Risk cases.
and Homelessness function which the Domestic Violence Forum for
were shortlisted for Beacon status SHC and a member of the Crime
this year. and Disorder Partnership.

Neil Gray Stuart Karen

ACIS Group, Sheardown Ashworth
Gainsborough South West Area
Kesteven DC Manager
Neil is Youth
currently Stuart is a Offending
Senior member of the Service
Housing Institute of
Officer (Needs) Housing and Karen is a qualified social worker with
and is responsible for a team of four holds an MSc Housing from a CQSW, and BA in Applied Social
officers who manage the Housing Leicester de Montfort University. Studies. In 1986 she worked for the
register, allocate accommodation He has been working in Housing for Nottingham Youth Justice Services,
and provide a homelessness 9 years and is currently Housing in the Bail Support and Court
service. He has been in post since Services Coordinator for South Teams. She taught DipSw at the
mid May 2003 and prior to this Kesteven District Council. His University of Nottingham, and
worked for Westminster City council responsibilities are allocations and socialcare studies to adult returning
where he managaed their homelessness and giving housing to education. She joined Social
Temporary Accommodation Team. advice on the prevention of Services as Manager of the Youth
He has worked in Housing for 13 homelessness. Stuart’s work Justice Team in 1996. In 2000 she
years. includes multi agency partnership became Youth Offending Team
work. Manager for the West Area where
her work includes implementation of
the West Lindsey Crime and
Disorder strategy and the wider
government agenda in preventing
offending. She has extensive
experience of dealing with young
people in trouble with the law at all
levels of the criminal justice system.

John Cooch Louise John Tudberry
Boston Tomlinson North
Borough Forensic Kesteven DC
Council Services
Has been Lincolnshire
employed by Partnership
Boston NHS Trust
Council in the Housing Department Qualified as a first level registered No information avaiable at time of
for 25 years, and is currently mental health nurse in 1989 and going to press.
Principal Support and Court worked in acute psychiatric in-
Housing Officer with direct patients units, including managment
responsibility for the Housing of a low secure intensive psychiatric
Register, Housing Aid & Advice, unit in Birmingham. In 1992 at
Homelessness, the Homelessness HMP Winson Green was one of the
Hostel, and management of the first nurses to directly provide
Housing Needs Team. He works mental health care to prisoners. In
closely with the Council’s 1995 moved into psychiatric nursing
Registered Social Landlord providing court diversion and
Partners in provision of housing, diversion at point of arrest services;
development of housing policies which led to joint initiatives to
and the rehousing of applicants. address needs of mentally
He is a member of the Chartered disordered offenders. Developed a
Institute of Housing, the Boston & mental health awareness training
East Lindsey Domestic Violence programme for police and set up
and County Domestic Violence joint protocols with Probation to
Committees, Boston Homelessness ensure information sharing to
Forum, SAYL, and NACRO Project reduce risk. Has managed a
Management Committee. He is Regional Forensic Secure Unit for
Chairman of Lincolnshire Housing Learning Disabilities specialising in
Aid & Advice Benchmarking Group treatment programmes for offenders
and Vice Chairman Lincolnshire and project managed the
Housing Training Group. implemention of the 2000 National
Service Framework for Mental
Health. Appointed Forensic Service
Manager in 2002 including
management of Francis Willis Unit
and inreach services at HMP
Lincoln. Has developmental lead
for community forensic services and
strategies to meet the needs of
people with personality disorder.

Responsible Authority Contacts
Lincolnshire Probation Area Address Phone

Sally Lewis National Probation Service 01522 520776

Assistant Chief Officer Lincolnshire 7 Lindum Terrace
Lincoln LN2 5RP

Tony Eyres P O Box 999 01522 558668

MAPPP Manager Nettleham Lincoln

Lincolnshire Police Address Phone

Assistant Chief Constable Peter Davies P O Box 999 01522 532222


Det Chief Insp. John Ginty P O Box 999 01522 532222


Det Chief Insp Dave Lynch P O Box 999 01522 532222



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