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Chicago Tribune April 1, 2009

Add Spanish flair this Passover 54x140

Bill Daley

assover is a time when Jews around the world remember the Another reason to pour a Spanish kosher wine at Passover is its
deliverance of Israel from bondage in Egypt. A ritual dinner or symbolism. Passover represents freedom, redemption and survival.
85x60 The Jewish community in Spain vividly embodies
seder has for millennia been central to Pass-
over observances. Wine plays a major role in the all three of these elements. Jews were infamously
seder, with four cups of wine drunk at various points expelled from the kingdom in 1492. Scattered
in the meal. across the Mediterranean, Europe and northern
Consider pouring a kosher-for-Passover wine from Africa, these Spanish Jews and their descendants,
Spain at your seder. Kosher wine is a fledging but who became known as “Sephardim,” retained their
growing segment of the Spanish wine industry. Here identity and their traditions. Those who remained
in the United States, consumer interest in Spanish behind in Spain were forcibly converted or had to
wine remains red-hot, thanks to the pleasant fact that worship in

Spanish winemakers tend to produce great stuff and More than 500 years later, the tragic story remains
sell it at affordable prices. There’s no reason to switch fresh, as the Web site of Elvi Wines, a kosher wine
away from Spanish wines at Passover, especially if that company, makes clear. “We are very proud to be one of
means stepping back to the sweet Concord wines of old. the very few families that since 1492 has had the privi-
“With Spanish wines you can get something that's lege of dedicating ourselves exclusively to viticulture
interesting without paying $80 a bottle,” said Scott and the production of kosher wines,” the site reads.
Schumaker, wine manager of Hungarian Kosher Foods. “Our challenge has been and continues to be the mar-
The store, based in Skokie, Ill., has the nation's largest riage of quality with one of the most venerated tradi-
inventory of kosher wines, which also are sold online tions ever documented in the Mediterranean.”
at “Sometimes you have to pay a lot Consider also the story of Capcanes, described in
for something cool and off the beaten path,” he added. its winery literature as a “small Catholic village ...
“Spanish wines can give you something different but hidden high up in the mountains.” The town’s wine
reasonable.” cooperative, founded in 1933, “gets emancipated” in
The question may be in finding the wine. There the mid-1990s from being a boring bulk wine and
are only a handful of kosher wine producers in Spain grape producer by creating an excellent kosher wine
producing a couple of thousand cases each year, said Aron Ritter, at the request of the Jewish community in Barcelona.
president of the Kosher Wine Society in New York City. Yet, he said, Making a kosher wine meant changes: new machinery, a focus on
these wines are worth searching out because they deliver on qual- higher-grade fruit. The resulting wine, branded as Flor de Prima-
ity. “There are some phenomenal Spanish kosher wines out there,” vera, is considered among the finest in Spain. Kosher wine is only
Ritter said, noting the wines would work well with the foods tradi- 2.5 percent of Capcanes’ production but it jump-started the brand
tionally served at a Passover seder. toward better quality. “It's a beautiful story,” Ritter said.

The tasting
2004 Elvi Wines Ness - From the Ribera del Jucar region in north central Spain, this international-style red is a mix of 50% Tempranillo, 20% Bobal, 20%
Syrah and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon. The nose is subtle: salt, hay, smoke, dried strawberries. A pleasing minerality and a tannic pucker on the finish balance the
dark fruits and earthy spices. 3 corkscrews
2005 Ramon Cardova Rioja - This wine comes from Rioja, the famed wine region near the Ebro River in northern Spain. Made entirely from Tempranillo
grapes, the red has a delicate aroma of prunes. The flavor offers up red fruit, wood and black pepper, and there's a satisfying smack of acidity to the finish. 2
2006 capçanes Peraji Petita Montsant – Montsant is a wine region in northeastern Spain to the west of Barcelona. This wine is a blend of Garnacha (also
known as grenache), Samso (a.k.a. carignan) and Ull de Llebre (“eye of the rabbit,” the Catalan name for tempranillo) grapes. Expect cherry on the nose and
palate, with touches of spice and violets. 2 corkscrews Ratings: 4 corkscrews: Excellent, 3 corkscrews: Very good, 2 corkscrews: Good, 1 corkscrew: Fair

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