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Manifestos for SU Elections TT Wk 5 2013

Food, Amenities & Housing Officer: Jeremy Stothart I believe the new position of Food, Amenities and Housing Officer is a very important role to the SU, encompassing a lot of vital things that the SU does. I would like to take on the job for three main reasons: I'd like to be actively involved in the SU next year, it is a position which can have a great impact on the day-to-day life of the members of the college, and food, amenities and shelter are all things that I care deeply about. Specifically, I'd like to improve the bike sheds, make some additions to the JCR (extra quiz machines, ever-present table tennis balls, a blanket or two for anyone planning a post-Wahoo sleepover), and maintain the high standards of food in college whilst making adjustments as requested by SU members. I also think the Housing aspect of the role is extremely important - I'd run several sessions for freshers to keep them relaxed about the prospect of living out and encourage them to take time making their decisions. The prospect of the housing ballot also excites me. In conclusion, I would love to be involved in SU activities next year, and think I would do a good job in all three aspects of this very important role Sports Officer: Jack Firth As your Sports Officer my first priority is to increase participation in sport throughout college. We have 450 undergraduates and 150 postgraduates, yet we struggle to field full teams in sports such as rugby and cricket amongst others. I believe participation in college sport starts in Freshers Week and its important to get as many people interested and involved from day one. To do this I intend to organise a sports day in Freshers Week to get students involved in playing sport for college as well as find out where Merrifield is. I would also speak regularly with sports captains to compile and send out a weekly Sports Report to let everyone know of how our college teams have performed in the past week and also how to get involved in teams and upcoming events. Hopefully the gym is going to be completed by the end of term; I want to work with college to make this as accessible to as many people in college as possible. Finally, I want to work with the sports team captains to help them arrange stash for their teams and to plan tours allowing teams to travel to other universities or abroad to compete.

Ben Szreter As someone who plays University level sport and has played five different college sports in my first year, sports can be a really important, enriching and enjoyable part of ones University experience. I think the most important thing to do is to encourage Wadhamites to get involved in college and University sport through provision of information and working with college captains. Managing the C.B. Fry Fund and Amalgamated Clubs grant is an important part of this role and Id like to ensure that both Wadham clubs and high-level individual athletes get the money they need through these two funds. In addition to this Id like to work with college captains to provide a termly update of events and achievements within each college club which would hopefully encourages others to participate. Clearly the final work on the gym will also involve me and Im very passionate about getting this gym in place as I believe it will be hugely beneficial to all at Wadham. Id also like to work to try to create a Wadham online stash shop which would allow members of several different sports clubs to buy the personalised stash they want online without having to do mass orders Charities, Environment & Ethics Officer: Jahni Emmanuel During my involvement in the SU I have endeavoured to set up more Charities, Environment and Ethics related projects and would like to dedicate more time to these next year.

We dont currently have a big annual charities event, which is something we definitely have the time and money to do; Id therefore organise a concert or talent show, possibly Christmas-themed. I would invest the Charities budget in organising a worthwhile event for Wadham, as well as raising more money for good causes. Last term I organised a bone marrow donation clinic which was well subscribed so would like to organise a blood drive. Ive spoken to the incoming Football Captain and Vice-Captain about organising another fundraising initiative, similar to Wadham Walks to Wembley. I have been involved in the BHF collection and would continue working with college to expand and improve this scheme. I am currently organising a clothes swap and would work to make this an annual event. The college is reviewing its environmental policy and I am keen to work with them on recycling initiatives. This year we recycled almost all the waste from Wadstock, and I would like to make sure this continues for all future college events.

Kathryn Hayward I promise to be an approachable, dedicated and strong advocate for the charitable, environmental and ethical concerns of all Wadhamites. I have amassed practical experience in ethical work through my involvement in Oxford Migrant Solidarity supporting asylum seekers in detention, campaigning for justice, successfully proposing a motion at OUSU council and liaising with members of the local community. As your democratically elected SU officer I would ensure that students voices are heard through speaking at SU and OUSU meetings and communicating with College and University authorities. I would be easily accessible to all Wadhamites and would actively encourage everyone to bring their charitable, environmental and ethical interests to my attention so as to foster a collaborative and effective approach to the issues that matter to you. Here are some policies that, with your assent, I would pursue if elected: Charities -Organise more frequent fundraising events for Wadham charities (this means more parties!). -Publicise and encourage submissions from more Wadhamites for a share of the charities money. Environment -Ask College to install recycling and food waste bins in the kitchens. -Work with College to make Wadham more energy efficient. Ethics -Support the Living Wage Campaign. -Encourage College to use Fairtrade products.

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