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Running head: Animation Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography of Animation Torin Stott Chapin High School

Running head: Animation Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography of Animation Animation can be separated into the groups, interactive being the type in which the viewer is actively participating in the program and linear media being the type that a viewer simply watches and listens to. In this annotated bibliography I will focus mainly on interactive animation and different methods that can be used to add realism toward this form of animation. I will also, be viewing in less detail linear media and its relation to animation.

Mller, M., Charypar, D., & Gross, M. (2003, July). Particle-based fluid simulation for interactive applications. In Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation (pp. 154-159). Eurographics Association. The main author of this article, Matthias Mller, is the chief executive of Porsche and coordinator of Audi assembly lines. He and his other authors made this article for people wanting to produce interactive fluid simulation. This can be related to the article Physically-based Sound Eects for Interactive Simulation and Animation because it is attempting to add a subtle form of realism into interactive programs. This article builds upon interactive animation by calculating objects that have no shape. This allows animators to be able to branch off into fields of liquids and gases. BROSNAN, A., HAMILL, J., DOBBYN, S., & O'SULLIVAN, C. A. (2005). Animating humans on handheld devices for interactive gaming. This article was jointly made by four authors all yielding from Trinity College. Trinity college is considered one of 15 exclusive little Ivies. The main purpose of this article is to inform specifically makers of interactive handheld games to the possibilities of less detailed symmetrical humans. This article does this in an attempt to show that on handheld devices since there is a smaller screen a smooth animation doesnt need very complex details. This article contrasts largely with the article Particle-based fluid simulation for interactive applications because it is trying to omit detail rather than add it. Van Den Doel, K., Kry, P. G., & Pai, D. K. (2001, August). FoleyAutomatic: physically-based sound effects for interactive simulation and animation. In Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques (pp. 537-544). ACM. The authors of this article all hail from the University of British Columbia. British Columbia is ranked 39th worldwide in colleges. This article is intended for all interactive gaming programmers as well as interactive animation. Specifically, this article gives different ways of producing sound to add to the simulations realism through mainly rolling and sliding sounds as well as interactive warnings. These sounds allows for interactive animation to convey information in the form of sound rather than relying on visual animation alone.

Running head: Animation Annotated Bibliography

Hinsinger, D., Neyret, F., & Cani, M. P. (2002, July). Interactive animation of ocean waves. In Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation (pp. 161-166). ACM. This articles authors come from a computer programming association. This article is made for the viewing of programmers. This work is done so that an ocean can be seen from all angles in a simulation. In comparison to my previous article about water particle simulation this program is attempting to provide a lower quality model, but a model with a broader scope of uses. This article focuses on more linear media than interactive because it is only interactive in that wave sizes, or eave lengths can be changed. Essa, I., Basu, S., Darrell, T., & Pentland, A. (1996, June). Modeling, tracking and interactive animation of faces and heads//using input from video. In Computer Animation'96. Proceedings (pp. 68-79). IEEE. In this article the authors come from MIT a private research university with an acceptance rate of only 8.9%. This work was made specifically for programmers wanting to make realistic human heads and facial features. The main point of this article is that making a program involving humans the addition of facial features can further the viewers understanding of the simulation. This article contrasts with the article Animating humans on handheld devices for interactive gaming because it is attempting to create a large amount of detail onto each human made rather than having a less detailed human that can be reused.

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