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ARenewableEnergyStrategic PlanforWECC

StrategicInitiativesDepartment February2011 Draft DonWichert,NielsWolter

DescribeWECCsRenewableEnergyServices plan Getfeedbackontheplanfromstaff EducateWECCstafftogeneratefutureleads Continue C ti to t fine fi tune t plan l and dtactics t ti

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Target:Distributed RenewableMarkets
Biogas Biomasscombustion Solarelectric(PV) Solarthermal C t Customer owned dwind i d

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

WhataretheapproximateTotalResourceCosts (TRC) ( )Benefit/Cost / ratiosofthefiverenewable energydistributedresourcesbeingconsidered? Biogas Biomass PV SWH DistributedWind
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

RenewableTRCs TRC s
3.5 3 2.5 T R C B / C



0 Biomass Biogas PV SWH Wind

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Themes:trends, trends mission Services:smartproducts,sellsheets,examples Tactics:customers,targetareas,targettools SWOT:strengths, g weaknesses,opportunities, pp threats Marketing NextSteps
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Energysecurity Environment Economic E i impact i t

Regulation(PUCs,DNRs,EPA,Legal) Legislation(PBF,RPS,RECs) Leadershipinitiatives(Federal,state,local)

Privateinvestmentsincreasing g
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11


Strategically provideprofessional renewable energyservices,primarilyintheMidwest, andactasachangeagenttodeliverorderly andrealsolutionstofacilitateadoptionof renewabletechnologies

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

6080%:Renewableenergyprogram design,development,and i l implementation t ti 2040%:Marketintelligenceandanalysis tofillnicheareasofneededexpertise

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Concept Theorybased Tested KISS C t Categories i Programdesign&implementation Individualprogramoptions
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Programdesign& implementation p Renewableprogramdesign Biogasprogram Biomassprogram Solarelectricprogram Solarwaterheating program Distributedwindprogram Nonprofitprogram Individualprogramoptions
Buybackrates Communitysolarsystems Education&training Incenti esandfinancing Incentives Marketassessment Marketingandpublicrelations Projectduediligence Solarbuyinggroup Solarcoach Supplychaindevelopment Technicalassistance

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

RSPSellSheets R Repeatable t bl Models M d l

Titleandrelevanttechnologies Targetedcustomermarket Trends&Issues:Local,regional,global Benefits WECCservices i Customercostsandbenefits Budgetrangesandtimeline(ifpossible) Examples
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

WECCsRenewableEnergySmartProducts(RSPs): A. BasedontheTRCB/Coftechnologyoptions? B. Incorporate p allprogram p g andpolicy p yoptions? p C. Aredrivenbyprofits? D AredesignedtofullyexplainWECCs D. WECC sofferings? E. Isamnemonicbrandtechnique? Answer:A,E

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Utilities Government NGOs&Institutions Foundations C Companies i
WorkingoutsideFocusonEnergy International Otherconsultants
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

SixMidweststates:IN, IN MI MI,MN MN,IA IA,IL IL,OH Otherstates:NY,NJ International: i l Canada, C d Germany G ExistingClients AdHocopportunities

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Funding F di levels l l for f EE/RE PotentialforRFPs ExistingWECCclients Otherstrongcontacts Numberofsystems, y ,installers, ,incentives Otherdriversandbarriers


Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Funding for EE/RE 0.3 7 5 5 6 7 4 RFP Potential 0.1 6 4 5 5 6 6 Existing Clients 0.3 9 5 5 4 5 3 Other Contacts 0.1 4 4 6 5 7 3 Market Maturity 0.2 8 6 6 6 5 7 Total 1 74 7.4 5 5.3 52 5.2 5.9 4.4 Attribute Weights I di Indiana Illinois Iowa Michigan Minnesota Ohio

Funding The existence and/or likelihood of funding in the next 2 years RFP Potential The possibility of a service request by a potential customer WECC Clients Number and/or Current Contract $ Other Contacts Number and strength of relationship Infrastructure Maturity compared to WI (low score indicates higher maturity)
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Attributes Indiana Attribute Weights PV SHW Biogas Biomass Wind CostEffect Potential AdmEase Economic e e age Leverage Cost Energy Macro Finance Effectiveness Potential Adm.Ease Economics Leverage 0.2 5 4 7 6 5 0.2 9 5 7 5 5 0.2 5 3 6 5 4 0.2 3 4 6 7 3 0.2 6 5 7 5 5 Total 1 5.6 4.2 6.6 5.6 4.4

Customer/wallincentives:Paybackperiodyearscale Next10yearmarketgrowth:$peryearscale Staff+$+transactiondifficultyscale Jobs/market$scale Activity ct tyvalue/$ a ue/$invested ested

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

TheMADAis: A.MultiAttributeDecisionAnalysistool B Incorporatesallvariablesintoonesimple B. value C W C. Weighs i h all llattributes tt ib t based b donWECCs WECC values l D. Isatoolthatdecisionmakersmustfollowto insuresuccessoftheirdecision Answer:A
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Experiencemanagingsuccessfulprograms HighlevelofREmarketintelligence
Recognizedthoughtleaders leaders,esp esp.forPVandbio

Existingclientsandnetworks Strong St t technical h i land dadministrative d i i t ti support t


Nonprofit,impartial,reasonablerates Abletoleadorbeonateam
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Littleexperience p selling gservices Marketplayersdonotrecognizeexpertise outsideFocus Littleexperiencewithprogrammanagementout ofWI Littleexperiencepartneringwithprivate companiesforafeeandoutsidePBF Possibleconflictofinterestworking gwith companiesandrunningprogramsinthesame area
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

WECCs WECC sreputation&existingclients Goodrelationshipswithcompetitorsand partners REmarketsareexpectedtogrowovertime Flexibilitytopartnerinmanyareas&niches Nonp profitstatusallowsaccesstofoundations

Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Servicesmaynotbeneededorhaverelative lowvaluetocost Otherorganizationsmayhavestrongerand/or morecosteffective effecti eskillsinallorsomeareas anddonotwanttopartner Timing:politicalpressuretoreducesocial programcosts maydampendemand LowB/CforsomeREtechnologies May ytakesometimetobreakeven
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

PotentialPartners&Competitors p
GDS Franklin kli KEMA ECW ICF Navigant Nextant RWBeck(SAIC) Otherlocalindividuals&companies
Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

Brochure Website:renewableconsultingservices PowerPoint i overview i Pressrelease RSPSellsheets

Primary theproposal
Writtenand/orinpersonproposalsinresponsetoRFP (formalorinformal)requests

Secondary referrals
WECCstaff t ff Pastclients&contacts

Tertiary y newleads
Presentationsatworkshops&conferences Articles Mailings Conferencebooths Networkingfunctions

March1:1,000brochuresdeliveredto potentialclients June30:90%ofallexistingWECCcontacts notified ifi d Contractedserviceswillpayfororexceed marketingcosts

Prioritizetargetclients Complete C l t work kplan l w/ /deliverables, d li bl timeline ti li
Implementmarketingplan Arrangeformeetingswithpotentiallarge customersonprograms Follow F ll uponleads l d Continuetodiscusspartneringwithcompanies


Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11


Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Draft 2-11

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