Human Resource Management

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Task Task One:

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Executive Summary.02 Task Two: Introduction ....02 Task three: A. Work Life Balance..........................................03-04 Task Three : B . Stress Management Policy : .....04-05 Task Four Summary.05 Task Five Recommendation...06 Referencing....07

Human Resource Management Executive Summary: In every company there are some special facilities usually provided for employees retention and enrichment. For the better interest of employees these facilities are usually provided. Some of them are beyond contract and some of them are on the book. The practice that inherited with the best interest of employees is known as best practice which is the base of work life balance. According to the functional perspective work life balance is compatible to the individual liberties because it does imply the right to decide over the uses of employees own time accordance to their own will. The policies are most likely to related with best practice is stress management policy which enhanced the help to the employees of an organization to reach out their circumstances. The purpose of report is to identify the company association to employment practice, which is beyond

contract. The report will circumambient all aspect of the employment practice for further enclosure of employees. Introduction: The ultimate goal of the report is to ensure that company will by accomplishing work life

encourage the best practice within the organization

balance which is the fundamental objective and have a certain policy for stress management. The objective has been illustrated here: 1. Demonstrate that organisation is comprehensively capable to implement policies that promote the work life balance which support the employees the right way of new and more proficient approach of using and managing their time in terms of best practice. 2. The aim of the employer is to serve employees in a unique way when attempt to deal with problems related work-life balance. 3. An integrated approach to promote work life balance, which has effects in different dimension, and balance uses of time through proper time management approach. 4. Raise awareness with regard to the obstacles which hinder work-life balance not only work time within the work place but also at the various level in employees life.

5. Maintain a healthy and safe work place for the employees and provide mental support as well as physical help to accomplice duty to let them through the stressful situation. 6. Identify the source of stress in the workplace and taking initiative where its reasonable and according to best practice to reduce work pressure. Moreover acknowledge excessive stress often arises outside of the work which has to remove through the work life balance. To developed a supportive organisational culture and empowering a management style, which reflect the culture. 7. Identify the cause of stress and provide service for staffs through Employees Assistance Programme and monitoring and reviewing policy for further development. Task three : A. Work Life Balance : Work life balance is a elaborative concept which refers that people having measure of control in the work place and as well as their daily life. A precise idea can be obtained from the following definition of work life balance : Work life balance ,in its broadest sense, is defined as a satisfactory level of involvement or fit between the multiple roles in a persons life (Hudson,2005) Public Service Commission. 2012. Meaning of work life balance and its application. [pdf]Available at : [Accessed on 15th December,2012] The policy of the company is distinctive and more comprehensive to retain its policy about the work life balance. The initiative about the work life balance has elaborately describe here into different phases:

Flexible Working : The company offer a verity of flexible working which possess the part-time working, casual working, temporary contract of employees etc. This work schedule offer an extensive lunch breaks to allow care elderly relatives and various hours enable staffs to pick-up their child from school which also reserve the right to return to full-time working in a flexible way.

Promotion and progression : To prevent any discriminatory barriers always review the promotion systems. For better progression and promotion allow staffs to any significant periods of time out which is relevant to their career such as study leave as a provisional basis up to sic month or for training purpose for up to three months. Raising awareness : Design a program of training for employees including the managers to concentrate on output of the company which also carry out a promotional campaign to motivate the employees to execute their best as well motivate them to build up a positive working environment. Assessment : Diagnosis the needs and resources and determined the suitable plan of action to ensure the better exposure of work life balance through monitoring and proper assessment. Collaborate with the different women service and social welfare to ensure the success of work life balance. Task Three : B . Stress Management Policy : Stress Management can be defined as the intervention in the workplace to reduce the influence of stressors. Here the words stressors refers that any stimulus which individual perceives as a threat which may be psychological or physical. Environmental pollutant, or pressure such as extreme change in temperature, prolonged work shift, injuries or other trauma to the body these are cause by physical stressors whether psychological threats are internal reactivity such as feeling, concern about perceive threat etc. The company has a elaborative policy for stress management in the work place. The stress management policy has been described here: Supporting and Mentoring: The process of the stress management start from the higher management level. First of all provide information to the manager and his subservient employees about work related stress. For the prevention of work related stress including the process for risk assessment providing a framework. This also support the employees to assessing the work relate stress and to improve working climate and culture. Through the campaigning to develop the better awareness of the health and mental stress. The plan of action for this is to identify the stress-related problem and the goal is to reduce overall risk in the workplace.

Identify and eliminate stress: There are two types of symptoms of stress, which are physical and behavioral effects. Physical effects possess dizziness, blurred vision, increase sweating, faster breathing, headaches, and raised heart attack. The behavioral effects are poor work, depression, tendency of smoke more or drink alcohol, lacks of concentration, irritability, lacks of self esteems, changing sleep patterns etc. To eliminate the stress level the flexible working, clinical supervision, regular health check-up, special leave, Improving work performance and positive management of attendance are the prior initiative.

Risk Assessment: When employees indicate that they are unable to cope with the placed upon them at work than risk assessment undertaken. The casual work pattern is always undertaken by the management and relieves the employees for medical assistance. Risk assessment process also continuing for that staffs when they return at work after a period of absence. Monitoring the productivity and vitalize the employees and go through the ongoing diagnosis are some of the risk assessment activity.

Summary : The approach of the work life balance for the best practice and risk assessment is quite extensive. The flexibility of the work and give all staffs caring responsibilities and the opportunity of career break policy for job enrichment is supportive for the employees. Reviewing the promotion systems and work out barrier for staffs is significant for the staffs. Time management approach to ensure the best interest of the company and as well increase best practice according to its objective is comprehensive. This opportunity is more effective for the staffs and this also ensure the best interest of the company. Not only in work place but also counseling the staffs for the betterment in their personal life and integrate the personal life in the process is more effective. The stress management policy for the staffs is also creditable for the organization. The appropriate way of supporting staffs at the stressful time and help them to work that out ensure the companys interest about the staffs. The realistic and positive policy of identi fying the cause of stress can ensure the demand of the employees and ensure maximum cooperation to build up a better work environment. Increasing the productivity of the staffs through the risk assessment process and retain the valued staffs does reduce negative organizational stress. 5

Recommendation: The whole process is lucrative but in some respect very critical to established the policy. The integrated approach of the work life balance and stress management is complicated and failure to implement plan causes the collapse the operational strategy of the organization and make a mismanagement. The recruitment process did not aligned with the work life balance though it is one of the vital part of the work life balance. So to encompass the whole process and ensure the maximum success of the policy has to include the recruitment process. At the process of the stress management the organization has to ensure the compensation for the staffs. The whole policy is sound enough but it has to ensure that every staff will get a substantial financial support. This is important to integrate the work life balance to stress management for the best interest of the employees.

Reference : Public Service Commission. 2012. application. Pdf. [Available at:] Meaning of work life balance and its [Accessed on 15th December,2012] [Available at ]: [Accessed on 15th December,2012] [Available at ]: Cox.[Accessed on 15th December,2012] Clutterbuck,D.2003. Managing Work-life Balance: A Guide for HR in Achieving Organisational and individual change. Charted Institute of personal development. London. UK. Darren Lee-Ross, Josephine Pryce. Channel View Publication. 2010. Lee-Ross,D. Pryce,J. 2010. Human Resources and Tourism: Skills, Culture and Industry. Channel View Publication. UK.

[Available at ]: [Accessed on 15th December,2012] [Available at ]:


[Accessed on 16 December,2012] Cotton,H.G.D. 2003. Stress Management: An Integrated Approach .

Burnner/Mazel INC. New York. USA.

[Available at ]: [Available at ]: [Accessed on 16th December,2012]

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