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IILM Institute for Higher Education GURGAON


Acknowledgement is an art, one can write glib stanzas without meaning a word, and on the other hand one can make simple expression of gratitude. I take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all of them who in some way or the other helped me to accomplish this challenging project in HCL Infosystems. No amount of written expression is sufficient to show my deepest sense of gratitude to them. First of all, I express my sincere thanks to Ms. Rachna Madaan (faculty mentor) , IILM INSTITUTE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, GURGAON for providing me day to day assistance during my 6 weeks of training. I earnestly express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Mr. Mohammad (industry mentor) HCL Infosystems for his continuous support, cooperation, assistance, inspiration and confidence that he showed in me. Finally I would like to thank all my colleagues in HCL Infosystems and friends who extended their hearted support in the successful completion of the project.



Human resource management (HRM) is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the goals of each are met. It is that part of the management process which is concerned with the management of human resources in an organization. It tries to secure the best from people by winning their wholehearted cooperation. Thus it can be defined as the art of procuring, developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner. HUMAN RESORCE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONSThe various human resource functions are-: HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING- In this function the number and type of employees needed to accomplish organization goals are determined. Research is an important part of this function. JOB ANALYSIS- Another important area of HRM is job analysis. Job analysis gives a detailed explanation about each and every job in the company. Based on this job analysis the company prepares advertisements. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION- Based on information collected from job analysis the company prepares advertisements and publishes them in the news papers. This is recruitment. A number of applications are received after the advertisement is published, interviews are conducted and the right employee is selected thus recruitment and selection are yet another important area of HRM. ORIENTATION AND INDUCTION- Once the employees have been selected an induction or orientation program is conducted. The employees are informed about the background of the company, explain about the organizational culture and values and work ethics and introduce to the other employees. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT- This function gives employees the skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively. Training and development programmes provide useful means of assuring that employees are capable of performing their jobs at acceptable levels. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL- Once the employee has put in around 1 year of service, performance appraisal is conducted that is the HR department checks the performance of the employee. Based on these appraisal future promotions, incentives, increments in salary are decided. CAREER PLANNING- These activity involves assessing an individual employees potential for growth and advancement in the organization.

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS- Another important area of HRM is maintaining co-ordinal relations with the union members. This will help the organization to prevent strikes lockouts and ensure smooth working in the company. COMPENSATION- It is a major consideration in human resource planning since it is a major cost to many organizations. It provides an important incentive in motivating employees to higher levels of job performance.

SIGNIFICANCE OF HRMAs the central subsystem, HRM interacts with all other subsytems of an organization. Its importance can be discussed at 4 levels-corporate, professional, social, and national. Significance for an enterprise- HRM can help an enterprise in achieving its goals more efficiently and effectively by attracting and retaining required talent, developing necessary skills and by securing willing cooperation of the employees. Professional significance- It contributes to professional growth by providing maximum opportunities to employees for personal development and by allocating work properly. Social significance- It helps to enhance the dignity of labour by providing suitable employment that provides social and psychological satisfaction and by eliminating waste of human resources through conservation of physical and mental health. National significance- it plays a vital role in development of a nation. The level of development of a nation depends on the skills, attitudes and values of its human resources. It also thus speeds up the process of economic growth.

HCL INFOSYSTEMS- INTRODUCTIONVISIONA global corporation enriching lives and enabling business transformation for our customers, with leadership in chosen technologies and markets. Be the first choice for employees and partners, with commitment to sustainability MISSIONWe enable business transformation and enrichment of lives by delivering sustainable world class technology Products, Solutions & Services in our chosen markets thereby creating superior shareholder value

HCL Infosystems (HCL) is one of Indias leading global IT Services Company, providing software- led IT solutions, BPO and Remote Infrastructure Management services. Making a foray into the services domain in 1997-98, HCL Infosystems focuses on technology and R&D outsourcing, working with clients in areas at the core of their business. Partnerships and risksharing have been integral to companys growth. Relationships have been cemented with partners in diverse areas such as investment banking and telecom.

Keeping pace with the industry trend, HCL has applied itself to gaining momentum in emerging business segments such as Infrastructure Management Services & BPO, optimizing its business portfolio. About 25% of revenues now coming from these high growth segments of tomorrow. Product Engineering and Technology services along with Applications & Enterprise Consulting services contribute equally to the revenues.

HCL also has a rapidly diversifying geographic mix with Europe and Rest of the World yielding 25% and 15% revenue, respectively. North America revenues continue to dominate with a share of about 60%.

The company leverages an extensive offshore infrastructure and its global network in 15 countries to deliver solutions across select verticals including Banking, Insurance, Retail & Consumer, Aerospace, Automotive, Semiconductors, Telecom and Life Sciences. For the twelve month period ended 30th June 2005, HCL Infosystems along with its subsidiaries had revenues of $ 764 million and employed 24,000 professionals. HCL Infosystems Limited (HCLI) has now become Indias one of the big technology integration company. The overarching theme for the companys swift progression into the software and services arena, in India and globally, is evolving. Signifying a state of constant growth, the evolve theme is visible in the many ways that HCL Infosystems has undergone a metamorphosis into becoming a complete IT solutions company. HCL GROUP-HOW THE DREAM HAS EVOLVED1975 Shiv Nadar and five colleagues start Microcomp. 1976 HCL promoted with startup capital of Rs 1.83 lacs (US$ 3826.85) 1980 HCL's first transnational venture, Far east Computers, established in Singapore 1981 Set up NIIT, India's first private sector IT education institution. 1985 HCL America established with headquarters at Sunnyvale, California

1991 HCL and HP, USA agree to enter into a partnership to form HCL HP 1994 HCL Tech formed as separate software company 1996 Joint venture with James Martin & Co. and Perot Systems Corporation 1997 HCL Tech incorporated in UK, Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland 1998 Operations started in Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, and New Zealand 1999 Initial Public Offering made by HCL Tech Formation of Global Board of Directors and Advisory Board. Audit, Compensation and Related Party Transaction Committees set up Implementation of 'Global' Management Concept 2000 Large deals with Bankers Trust, KLA and GTech 2001 Acquisition of Deutsche Software Acquires Ireland-based BPO firm, Apollo Contact Centre HCL Enterprise Solutions formed as a joint venture with Computech Corporation, Inc, USA The Singapore experience taught the founders a lesson-designing and manufacturing products in India and selling them overseas was akin to walking a tough and profit-less path. "This was when we decided to walk the software integration road. We created the integration database, much before Intel... but we killed it! We were so nave, we killed a product line like that," says Chowdhry. In 1984, the new computer policy was coined and standards were put in place. This saw a major move by banks toward the Unix platform. "A few companies approached us and we decided to launch the personal computer in India. We had three weeks to do this. Our people flew all over the place, including Taiwan and Bangkok, and brought back PCs. We took them apart, studied them and got into manufacturing mode. We launched our PC in three weeks. And that, incidentally, how Busybee was born," says Chowdhry. A turning point came in 1989, just when the PC and software integration business was chugging along smoothly. McKenzie & Company approached HCL and offered to carry out a study for HCL, entitled HCL's Entry Into America. "We told them we were too small and couldn't afford them. They did a project for us anyway, and refused to charge us any money," says Chowdhry. When the findings of the study were presented to the top brass at HCL, the company moved into the US market-HCL America was born. "We marked the entry into the US market with hardware. We had no environmental clearances and fell back. We could not deliver as promised. Our entry strategy was right, but the product wasn't. We were in big trouble-our overheads were high, we had no revenues" UNIX to the rescueIt was the US reversal that made HCL look at newer avenues, and a path that would lead to more revenues. "That is how our software strategy was born, and we capitalized on our UNIX strengths. Around this time, we were in talks with Hewlett-Packard for a joint venture. We were also working on Apollo, and HP bought out the product. About the same time as out foray into

the US, we tied up with HP. At that time, HP was smaller than the behemoth it is today, but it still boasted global expertise. And that was something we wanted," says Chowdhry. However, HP asked HCL to close down its RISC and Unix R&D setup. Unwilling to down shutters on a going and profitable effort, HCL created a new opportunity out of the situation-HCL Consulting was set up and the said works were moved in to this new company. "We had our people working at the HP research centers, taking in all of the technologies. This was a great learning period and had a mushroom effect subsequently, when HCL Consulting turned into HCL Technologies," says Chowdhry. And along the line, HCL Infosystems was also set up. Chowdhry remains upbeat on the company he runs on a day-to-day basis, HCL Infosystems-despite the predicted flat growth in the current year. HCL Infosystems focuses on the domestic products and software businesses and its main areas of operations are: -Products & System Integration: PCs, Phones, EPABXs, SI. LEADERSHIPShiv Nadar Founder HCL, Chairman and CEO - HCL Technologies. He is one of "the original entrepreneurs" who has helped shape the development of the IT Industry in India. He is widely acknowledged as a visionary by the industry, a man ahead of his times.He created a $ 3.30 billio n global enterprise, through a vision that was born out of a Delhi 'garage' 30 years ago. With a ri sk-taking ability that is by now almost legendary, he has made daring forays based on his conviction of the future. He foresaw huge potential in the area of IT education and learning (from which NIIT was born) during a period when the market was obsessed only with hardware; yet again when software development was still in the nascent stage, Shiv Nadar took the lead in this area and grew HCL into a serious force to reckon with, in the global markets. HCL is today a leader in the IT industry, employing 34,000 professionals, a global presence in 15 countries spanning locations in the US, Europe, Japan, ASEAN and the Pacific Rim. HCL's business today spans IT Hardware, Manufacturing & Distribution, System Integration, Technology & Software services, Business process outsourcing and infrastructure management.

Ajai Chowdhry Chairperson and founder- HCL Infosystems. An engineer by training, Ajai Chowdhry is one of the six founder members of HCL, India's premier IT conglomerate. HCL, a start-up in 1976, touched US$2 bn for the last 12 months. Ajai Chowdhry took over the reins of HCL Infosystems, the flagship company of the Enterprise, as President and CEO in 1 9 9 4 . He was appointed the

Chairman of HCL Infosystems in November 1999. Under his stewardship, the company's turnover has grown to Rs. 4413 crores in2003-04 from Rs. 400.6 crores in 1994, almost ten-fold growth. With employee strength of over 2500, it has emerged as country's informationenabling powerhouse.

HCLS OFFERINGS IN INFO-PROCESSING PRODUCTSFigure shows the various offerings HCL has in the market.

HCLs Offerings in Info-Processing Products

Entertainment PC
Channel Sales & Support

Small Business
Channel Sales & Support

Beanstalk Media Centre Beanstalk - Indias first Home PC EzeeBee Infiniti PCs- Indias Largest installed PC

Global Line - Intel Servers for Enterprise applications HCLs Low Price PC Networking Excel Line - AMD Servers Products Indic PC Infiniti Storage products Security products Thin Clients Sun Servers & Workstations Monitors
Direct Sales & Support

NetManager - Intel Servers BusyBee Indias First Desktop (86)

Toshiba Laptops Keyboards Cabinets & Racks Information Kiosks


HCL INFOSYSTEMS hardware System Integration Networking Solution


Managed ISP Services Homeland Security ICT Distribution

Global presence Delivery facilities

operation spanning 29 countries U.S.A, U.K, FINLAND, POLAND, BRAZIL, CHINA, SINGAPORE, INDIA

India presence Sales and distribution network

offices in 170 cities, 500 service centers 93000 outlets in over 11000 towns

HCLS strengths can be summarized as: - Ability to understand customer's business and offer right technology. - Long standing relationship with customers. - Pan India support & service infrastructure. - Best-value-for-money offerings. Using own R&D HCL has: - Created own UNIX & RDBMS capability (in 80s). - developed firewalls for enterprise & personal system security. - launched its own range of enterprise storage products. - launched its own range of networking products. HCL Infosystems has to its claim several technology pioneering initiativesSome of them are: - Country's first Desktop PC - Busybee in 1985

- Country's first branded home PC - Beanstalk in 1995 - Country's first Pentium 4 based PC at sub 40k price point - Country's first Media Center PC

HCL's computer hardware manufacturing plant is strategically located in the Union territory of Pondicherry. Situated 165 kms south of Chennai on the coast of the Bay of Bengal with proximity to Chennai Air/Sea port, special policies for Industries of local Govt. , Inland Container Depots, attractive power and labour rates - makes Pondicherry an ideal place for business. Started in 1996 - with only Unit 1 - it now has 3 Units (Unit 1,2,& 3) with a built up area of 3,23,000 sq. ft., PMO has a monthly capacity to make 50,000 desktops and 2000 servers. The infrastructure is state of the art, one of the best & largest in India.

All 3 factories are ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certified. PMO was also Awarded MAIT Level 2 - by European Foundation for Quality Management in the year 2001. HCL was also awarded ELCINA's (Electronic Component Industries Association) Quality Award for the year 2002- 2003 PMO also has Product Engg. Group (PEG) and R&D teams constantly engaged in developing new products and solutions. Philosophy of Quality"We deliver defect-free products, services and solutions to meet the requirements of our external and internal customers, the first time, and every time."

To exist as a market leader in a globally competitive marketplace, organizations need to adopt and implement a continuous improvement-based quality policy.


One of the key elements to HCL's success is its never-ending pursuit of superior quality in all its endeavors. HCL INFOSYSTEMS believes in the Total Quality Management philosophy as a means for continuous improvement, total employee participation in quality improvement and customer satisfaction. Its concept of quality addresses people, processes and products. Over the last 20 years, HCL has adapted to newer and better Quality standards that helped us effectively tie Quality with Business Goals, leading to customer and employee satisfaction. CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONOne of the cornerstones of strategy has been a very strong customer focus. 27 years of experience in servicing a varied range of customer requirements has given domain knowledge of customer's business. As a result of this it is able to provide exact solution to customers' needs. During these years they have been able to cement their relationship with customers and gaining their trust and confidence as well. Today for desktop PC, they have more than 8 lakh units installed. HCL enjoy considerable market share in segments like Government, Banking & Finance and Education & research. SUPPORT SERVICESHCL Infosystems Service Support infrastructure is one of the widest in the country. No matter where you are, there's an HCL Service Centre nearby. Products are backed by an extensive direct support infrastructure spread across 170 locations nationwide which offer 24 x7 support offering for critical sites. Channel strength is a balanced mix of retail outlets, resellers & distributors. It was strong focus on distribution network that led HCL in devoting few brands exclusively for channel. They are Beanstalk, BusyBee, Netmanager (servers), and recently launched EzeeBee. Today distribution network helps it take a varied product range to customers in every nook & corner of the country .The product range includes Desktop PCs, Servers, Laptops & Pocket PCs.

COMPARISON OF HCL WITH OTHER IT PLAYERS IN DESKTOP MARKETIt can be seen that HCL is struggling badly in the desktop market in India. The competitors are doing much better and therefore HCL has only a market share of about 6%. Dell is doing the best job with the market share of 14%. The reason why HCL is lagging behind can be due to the preference of international brands over Indian brands by the Indian customers.



All workmen, All Assistants (Accounts, Stores, Field), clerk, Typist, StenoTypist, Stenographer, Computer Operator.


Accountant, Store keeper, Supervisor up to the level of Officers, Designer, Jr. Engineer, P.A, Sr. P.A, EDP Programmer up to officer, Admin./ personnel / HRD officer, Inspector.


Secretary, Executive Secretary, Management Trainee, Asst. Engineer, Engineer, Sr. Engineer, Sr. Programmer, Sr. Officer, Asst. Manager, Dy. Manager, Manager, Sr. Manager, Works Superintendent.





VP & above.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDYThe objective of the study is to analyze the actual recruitment process in HCL, and to evaluate how far this process confirms to the purposes underlying the operational aspects of the industry. How far the process is accepted by it? And what are the options of the family members of the organization? The study on recruitment highlights the need of recruitment in HCL Info systems Limited.

ATTRACTING THE TALENT: RECRUITMENTRecruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for their selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for the jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. A formal definition states, It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected. In this, the available vacancies are given wide publicity and suitable candidates are encouraged to submit applications so as to have a pool of eligible candidates for scientific selection. In recruitment, information is collected from interested candidates. For this different source such as newspaper advertisement, employment exchanges, internal promotion, etc. are used. In the recruitment, a pool of eligible and interested candidates is created for selection of most suitable candidates. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees. Nowdays recruitment 3.0 and 4.0 are becoming popular which make use of technology to a greater extent and the most common example is Linkedin. NEED OF RECRUITMENTThe need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons / situation:


-Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disability, death and labor turnover. -Creation of new vacancies due to the growth, expansion and diversification of business activities of an enterprise. In addition, new vacancies are possible due to job specification. Purpose and importance of Recruitment Determine the present and future requirements of the organization on conjunction with its personnel-planning and job analysis activities. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time. Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its work force. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.

RECRUITMENT PROCESSRecruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of qualified job applicants. The process comprises of various stages like-


1. Getting recruitment requestA recruitment request has the job specifications describing the job title, skills required, responsibilities, location, start date, and approximate end date of the assignment. 2. Recruitment planBased on recruitment requests, the human resource department makes recruitment plan and sends to the Director for approval. Recruitment plan includes the number of employees to be recruited, job description, recruitment sources, checklist for candidates and the budget of recruitment. This also includes preparing job descriptions and person specifications. 3. Advertising the vacancyAfter getting the approval for the recruitment plan, the human resource department should design the recruitment advertisement. After confirming the advertisement design with the human resource manager, the advertisement must be given to recruiting agents or posted on free recruitment channels. 4. Managing the responseAfter seeing the advertisement, candidates often call or email to inquire about information related to recruitment. The human resource department needs to build up information channels to answer the requirements of candidates.


5. Short listing the candidatesAfter receiving the CVs, human resource department performs the next step in the process of selecting the suitable candidates for the posted job. 6. Arranging and conducting interviews and decision makingAfter the CVs are shortlisted, the human resource managers conduct interviews to select the best suitable candidate for the job. The decision whether to recruit the candidate or not depends solely upon the total performance of the candidate in the interview.

SOURCES OF RECRUITMENTThere are 2 sources of recruitment namely-internal sources -external sources



TRANSFERS- The employees are transferred from one department to another based on their efficiency and experience. Transfer of employees from one place to another is made considering the work, worker and the requirement of the organization. RECRUITMENT OF RETIRED EMPLOYEES- Sometimes, retired managers may be recalled for a short period. This is done when the organization cannot find a suitable candidate. PROMOTIONS- Promotion means to give a higher position, status, salary and responsibility to the employee. So, the vacancy can be filled by promoting a suitable candidate from the same organization. EXTERNAL SOURCES ADVERTISEMENT- The organization advertises the vacancies in newspapers, employment news and magazines. The details of work and qualifications required are given in the advertisement. Advertisements are the most common method of external recruitment. They can be found in many places such as newspaper, job posting on job sites and advertisements on websites related to positions recruited. EMPLOYEE REFERAL- The existing employees of the organization refer their family members, friends, relatives and acquaintances and the organization recruits them. This source is advantageous to all three parties the organization, the referring employee as well as the referred employee. The organization recruits with minimal effort since the referring employee knows better than an outside source. The referring employee gets paid for their service and the referred employee joins an organization which is a known one. CAMPUS RECRUITMENT- The employers contact universities and technical institutes to meet their employee requirement. The heads of the institutions prepare a list of candidates fulfilling qualifications and send it to the employers. Eligible candidates are selected after the interview. RECRUITMENT THROUGH PLACEMENT AGENCIES- Indian or foreign organizations authorize certain institutions to recruit specific type of employees on their behalf. These institutions offer paid recruitment services and are common external source of recruitment. DATABASE SEARCH ON JOB SITES- Organizations can purchase data from job websites for a certain period of time and recruit suitable candidates from the database of the job sites.

SELECTIONSelection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. It is the process of picking individuals, out of the pool of job applicants, with requisite qualification and competence to fill job in the organization.

The selection process consists of a series of steps. The selection process varies from one organisation to another. The steps involved in selection process are as follows: 1. Application form 2. Preliminary interview 3. Pre-employment tests 4. Interview by department head 5. Medical or physical examination 6. Reference checks 7. Final approval 8. Issue of appointment letter 1. Application form The job application form is one of the most vital tools for selection. It is used to supply sufficient information about the candidates which helps to screen candidates for the vacant job position. It helps to determine which candidates should fill the application forms for the further process of selection. 2. Preliminary interview The human resource manager does the initial screening in order to eliminate the unqualified candidates. The responsibilities of human resource manager are as follows: -Screening the candidates based on the eligibility criteria given. -Informing the candidates about the job details such as nature and hours of work, pay scale and leave policies. -Giving a brief description about the background of the hospital. -Sorting out any differences between the expectations of both the hospital and the candidate. 3. Pre-employment tests


To ensure selection of the best suited candidates, pre-employment tests should be conducted efficiently. All or any of the following tests may be used as required: - Intelligence test Intelligence tests determine the general awareness of the candidates and give the IQ level of the candidates. The candidates having IQ within a specified range are selected for further selection processes. -Aptitude tests Aptitude tests are conducted to determine the learning ability of the candidates for the new job. -Trade tests Trade tests are taken to determine the proficiency levels of the candidates. -Personality tests Personality tests are used to judge the personality characteristics of the candidates. 4. Interview by department head After screening the candidates through pre-employment tests, the department head interviews them. The responsibilities of the department head are as follows: -To analyse the job application form. -To evaluate the applicants capability. - To give a detailed description of the job to the applicant. -To advise the human resource manager on the offer of salary, designation and location. 5. Medical examination Applicants shortlisted in the above process are then sent for medical test to a competent medical officer for a thorough knowledge of physical capabilities of the applicants. The medical test eliminates the candidates having health below standard level. The purposes of medical tests are as follows: -To confirm if the job will suit the candidate from medical point of view. -To protect the other employees of the organization in case the candidate suffers from an infectious disease.


-To avoid selecting a medically unfit candidate for the job. 6. Reference checks The applicant is asked to mention the names and addresses of two or more persons as references. References are generally of professional associations, though in some cases, it may even be personal associations. The human resource department cross checks these references to obtain information about the candidate from the past employer in order to ascertain employees professional competence. The reference letters should contain the following information from the past employer: -Date of joining and leaving the previous organization. -Job title and last drawn salary. -Upgrades or demotions. -Reason for leaving the previous organization. -Capability to cooperate with others at work. -Emotional stability and health conditions. -Dependability. -Other information related to the job and the candidate. 7. Final approval Different hospitals adopt different selection policies but the final approval of selecting or rejecting an applicant depends upon the head of the hospital. The head of the hospital is generally the Medical Superintendent or Administrator or Business Manager or Chief Executive who is legally termed as the Occupier. 8. Issue of appointment letter Finally, employment is offered to the candidate in the form of an appointment letter mentioning the post, the pay scale, the joining date and other terms and conditions of the organization.


RECRUITMENT AND SELECTON PROCESS AT HCL INFOSYSTEMS Sourcing resumes (Reference, direct contacts, job sites) Short listing the candidates (according to job description and requirement of departments) Call the candidates Group discussion Technical round of interview HR round of interview If satisfactory offer to be made (otherwise rejected) Joining kit Induction Issue of appointment letter

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDYThe study is carried on in a proper planned and systematic manner. This methodology includes (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Familiarization with the organization. Observation and collection of data. Analysis of data. Conclusion and suggestion based on analysis.

SAMPLINGThe study covers 20 employees and 20 executives from different departments/ sections of HCL as sample in order to elicit relevant facts. Since it is not possible to approach each and every manpower of the organization. SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTIONThe primary as well as the secondary sources was used for collection of data. In primary source of data collection the casual interview and questionnaire were used and in secondary source of data collection relevant records, books, and magazines were used.


QUESTIONAIRE USED FOR EXECUTIVESQuestionnaire circulated among 20 executives 1. Are you in support of recruitment policy? Yes 40% No 60% 50% No Response nil nil

2. Whether the existing recruitment policy is linked to 50% productivity? 3. Whether the existing recruitment policy is getting will supports for the top management? 4. What are the benefits you are deriving from the existing recruitment policy? a) Reduction on labor cost? b) Effective utilization of human resources? c) Maintaining timing in recruitment and staffing schedule? 5. Do you feel that job evaluation and job analysis helps 90% in manpower recruitment in your organization? 6. Do you think that the personal recruited from external 10% sources is more desirable than the internal sources? 7. Whether cost benefit analysis is done before recruitment? 8. Are you satisfied with the existing recruitment system of the organization? 35% 30% 60% 25% 60% 70%



30% 65% 30%

10% 10% 10%







55% 35%

10% nil

9. Do you feel that performance appraisal helps in 65% recruitment process? 10. Do you feel that training will effect to recruitment 65% process? 11. Do you think job rotation will affect the recruitment policy? 50%






12. How are you controlling the shortage and excess of manpower? a) b) c) By employing casual worker By employing extra hours By lay off / retrenchment 90% 90% Nil Nil Nil 90% 10% 10% 10%

From the response indicated above it appears that the prevailing recruitment policy has definite impact on the organization. Most of the executives showed positive response to different questionnaires. The excess or shortage is being adjusted and hence misutilization is mere chance. The executives did not respond to the lay off and retrenchment for reduction in available human resources. Form the questionnaires it appears that the managerial staff is only interested for filling the vacancies of higher post from the internal sources. This attitude will seize the professional approach of the organization and may not be able to induct fresh brain. From the answers of most of the managers it is observed that they want entry of new managers to be avoided and fresh recruitment shall be limited up to only staff cadre and not above that. From the answers of most of the executives it appears that cost benefit analysis is not properly followed by the organization and job rotation is also not followed properly in the organization.




20 EMPLOYEES: Yes No. No Response

1. Are you satisfied with the existing recruitment policy in 25% your organization? 2. Do you feel work load in your department? 20% 3. Do you feel of your optimum utilization? 25%



70% 65%

10% 10%

4. Are you satisfied with your job? 5. Do you feel that motivation is main factor for optimum utilization of existing manpower?

25% 75%

65% 15%

10% 10%

6. Do you feel that recruitment of lower level staff from 50% external source is desirable than internal source? 7. Do you feel that training imparted by your organization helps in improving your performance? 60%





From the response to the above questionnaires it is clearly indicated that most of the workmen are dissatisfied about the existing recruitment policy. They are not given chance for their development. The importance of training and development is getting neglected in the organization. Their skill efficiencies are not recognized by the company and they are not motivated enough to be efficient in their field of work.

LIMITATIONS: Every scientific study has certain limitations and the present study is no more exception. These are: Some executives at top positions who are making recruitment are busy. So it is not possible to contact all the executives.


Confidentiality of the management is the strongest hindrance to the collection of data and scientific analysis of the study. Secondary data required was not easily available. Respondents were found hesitant in revealing opinion about supervisors and management.

FINDINGS & SUGGESTIONSFINDINGS Proper induction is not given to all the employees. It reserves to only a few levels. Salary comparison is not justified. Old employees are demoralized by getting less salary than new employees. Importance of good communication skills is neglected. Recruitment procedure is not fully computerized. Manpower is mainly recruited from private placement consultancy, who are demanding high amount of fees. Before recruitment cost benefit analysis is not done properly. It causes manpower surplus which makes loss in the industry.

SUGGESTIONS Each level of employee should be formally inducted and introduced to the Departmental Head. If not all levels, at least Asst. Manager and above category of employees. Salary comparison should be seriously done to retain the old employees. There should be a telephonic interview before calling a applicant for the selection process to check if the applicant possesses the required level of communication skills or not. Cost benefit analysis should be alone before creating a position or recruitment of manpower. Recruitment process should be fully computerized. External source should be given equal importance with internal source. By which new brain will be inducted in the company with skill, talent, efficiency etc. Manpower planning should be followed before recruiting. Proper inquiry should be done regarding previous employment of a candidate before recruitment to avoid industrial disputes. CONCLUSIONStudying the recruitment procedures of HCL, analyzing the respondents answers and data analysis it can be concluded that HCL is a growing Company. It has a separate personnel

department which is entrusted with the task of carrying out the various policies, programmes like recruitment selection, training etc. effectively and efficiently. The business of HCL is carried on in a very scientific manner. Management understands the business game very well. At the time of difficulty it takes necessary action to solve the problem. The personnel department of HCL strongly believes in manpower position of the organization because it knows in the absence of M for man all Ms like money, material, machines, methods and motivation are failure. It always tries to develop the human resources. In the absence of right man, material, money, machines all things will not be properly utilized. So it always recruits manpower in a scientific manner. Although they should try and give equal importance to external source as compared to internal source so that fresh brains can be hired to make the organization more innovative and efficient and they should also lay importance on training & development and motivation of employees.




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