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WHO "Sample Size Determination in Health Studies" software ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First pre-release by Peter Chiam <peter-chiam@mailhost.

net> Win32 "Version 2" by Chuah Aaron <> Known Issues: ============ The math engine used in the estimate section uses numeric methods that do not gu arantee an answer for inverse calculations under extreme conditions. (Here, inverse calc ulations mean finding any parameter other than the sample size. The accuracy of sample si zes are guaranteed if the other parameters are mathematically valid.) All formulae are expressed in terms of sample size, n (eg. n=zP/d) and the remai ning terms are approximated to 1E-15 where possible, using linear interpolation. Interpolat ion is the general solution applied to all formulae because it was found that most of t he formulae end up being too complicated to be inversed algebraically. WHO version 2.021 (release 2) (00.07.11) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 2000. ======================================== *Fixed a bug that caused the program to hang when a solution couldn't be found w hile performing an estimate on Section 2.2b WHO version 2.020 (release candidate 1) (99.07.01) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 19 99. ================================================== *Corrected minor bug in Section 7.4b estimation routine *Corrected some screen updating issues in the examples dialog *Renamed all files from "WHO" to a more meaningful "SSize" WHO version 2.019 (beta 13) (98.06.04) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1998. ====================================== *Min sample size changed from 0 to 1 to avoid problems in calculations. *Correction to Table 6.2 data WHO version 2.018 (beta 12) (98.04.14) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1998. ====================================== *Added calculation routines for the population ratio parameter k in Section 6.3 *Minor corrections to table and example data *Recompiled the help file to reflect finalized changes WHO version 2.017 (beta 11) (98.02.15) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1998. ====================================== *Credits and examples fully updated & finalized WHO version 2.016 (beta 10) (98.01.23) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1998. ====================================== *Examples window revamped with new 'document' look

WHO version 2.015 (beta 9) (98.01.22) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1998. ===================================== *Examples for Chapter 8 implemented *Program features finalized WHO version 2.014 (beta 8) (98.01.20) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1998. ===================================== *Minor bug fixed - The Credits box is now read-only WHO version 2.013 (beta 7) (98.01.20) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1998. ===================================== *Lower limit on relative risk corrected (from 1 to 0) *Error dialogs to flag invalid entries implemented WHO version 2.012 (beta 6) (98.01.16) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1998. ===================================== *Corrected NT problem that disallows the creation of a temporary file (Problem circumvented by including treeview data in the source) Program works fine in WinNT now WHO version 2.011 (beta 5) (98.01.16) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1998. ===================================== *All 16-bit (Win3.x) components have been switched to 32-bit (Win95/NT) to allow the program to run in WinNT WHO version 2.010 (beta 5) (98.01.12) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1998. ===================================== *Scrolling bug in examples section fixed *Help file completed WHO version 2.009 (beta 4) (98.01.03) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1998. ===================================== *Hyperlinks completed *Product is feature complete, and will only undergo bug testing before release *Finishing up help file & example files WHO version 2.008 (beta 3) (97.12.11) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1997. ===================================== *Numeric solution to estimation formulae found but solutions don't always exist (convergence algorithm scrapped in favour of partitioning method) *Testing new look to examples window for static hyperlinks (lots of editing) WHO version 2.007 (beta 2) (97.10.18) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1997. ===================================== *Printing engine ported from old version. *Example buttons and main window in working order. WHO version 2.006 (beta 1) (97.10.18) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1997. =====================================

*All formulae and examples updated and tested thoroughly to be correct. (NB. Inverse can be optimised further, maybe in the next release) *Apart from a few new examples (in the book) all the elements are in place. *Hypertext glossary works (now what remains is to write it -- apologies, not eno ugh time to distill from the book, need more references for a proper he lp file) *No tables for chapters 7-8, awaiting further instructions. *Printing engine will be ported from (deleted) old version. Currently working on it. WHO version 2.005 (alpha 2) (97.09.06) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1997. ====================================== All Chapters are in place, but not all formulae are linked in at the moment. Major changes have been made to the underlying code to allow a cleaner interface and also to enable the addition of features such as hypertext help. Changes currently being worked on: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. discarding the radio button in favour of a list box to select the unknow n 2. images of math symbols have been created and will be displayed next to c ombos 3. images of the remaining formulae to replace dummy placeholders 4. updating and adding the examples 5. help file 6. completing the reverse calculation engine for all formulae WHO version 2.004 (alpha 1) (97.06.09) Copyright (c) Chuah Aaron, 1997. ====================================== Only Chapter 1 has been developed in this prototype. This preview release in only meant to draw feedback on whether development is proceeding in a favourable direction. All comments and suggestions will be reviewed carefully (and realized, if possible) to further enhance the final product. New Features: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. New statistical engine (accurate to 13+ significant digits) 2. Full freedom of computing sample sizes 3. Display of the formulae (with legend) used in estimation Under development: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Formulae for Chapters 2-6 2. Mathematical notation for the tables and glossary 3. 'Hyperlinked' glossary (currently researching best method) 4. Integration of the current ini-file system with the new engine (calculated tables instead of look-up tables) 5. Compilation of the equation .bmp files into a single resource 6. Updating the help file (need to find help file compiler)

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