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In the 19th century there was a dreadful disease called BERIBERI all higher citizens of Asian continent. It became a medical challenge to doctors they could not find a solution for this disease. This disease affect all the vital organs like heart ,brain, nerves ,muscles ,central nervous system, digestive system and sinal cord and at last gives heart attack . it is such a dangerous disease. The meaning for BERIBERI in singala language is I cant, I cant. This disease causes tiredness ,irritation, vomit, constipation, loss of memory, loss in weight, roblem in senses, senseless, weakness, no sense in fingers, irregular alitation and swelling in muscles. When this disease become serious that led into heart attack and death. At first doctors thought that its because of oisonous snakes and bacteria. Then last the truth came out. The truth was found out in the country Java. There chickens which ate white rice were affected by some weakness in their legs. They could not use their legs. But the chickens which ate red rice were in good health condition. These red rice contain vitamins and their inner skin were not removed. And also the doctors found out that the reason for BERIBERI is deficiency of Vitamin B1 (THYAMIN . But this thyamin is resent in the outer skin of the addy. But when the Asians ate rice they remove this outer skin and olish the rice which in turn makes the rice good for looking and bad for eating and health. So this white rice makes the eoles life ainful and also lead them to death. Not only the difference between the two rice are colour but also the layers that covered the rice. When we remove husk from the rice we get red rice. This red rice contains many nutrients. But when this red rice undergo many changes like boiling and removing the skin and the nucleus we get the weakest and health less rice. After this also the rice will be olished . In this stage the rice loses the important health layer called aleurone which contains all nutrients and fat. If air reaches this aleurone layer the air soils the rice and the rice started to give bad smell, so they are removing this layer to lengthen the shelf life of rice. After these rocesses the rice will contain only the starch nothing else of nutritious value. When we olish the red rice in the mills 67% vitamin B3, 8% Vitamin B1, 9% Vitamin B6, half of the manganese,hoshourus,Iron 6%,fibre and fatty acids were all destroyed. So when we eat the olished rice we suffer from loss of nutrients, increase in weight and sugar. The body aches for the well balanced diet. There is no use in using this olished white rice. Why cant you change to red rice instead of white rice. MARTYR Twenty year Jeero Nemo was the martyr of eleventh century. His body was moulded as brick along with bricks and he was killed. He was born at Algeeria a town in Africa in a Muslim family as a only son. When sanish came and risoned the eole in Algeeria eight year old Nimo also was there. He was taken to a lace called Oren. He was trained by Christians there and that brought a great change in the life of Nemo. When he learnt about the teachings of Jesus Christ he immediately took baptism. After some days he was released from the rison and started to live the old sinful life. Then he went to his own country and led an Islamic life. He lost his eace so again returned to the rison in Oran and started to live again as a believer and got back his eace. Then he realized there is a will of God in his life so he was waiting for the will of god.

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