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Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances

Duty, Honor and Integrity

Interpolation Method (kaedah tentu dalaman)

if required data is in between 2 given data. Using linear function y=f(x) Properties 1 Example: x1

Properties 2

y1 yt

(yt y1) (xt x1) (y2 y1) = (x2 x1)

(xt x1) yt = (x2 x1) (y2 y1) + y1




Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

What is gas?

gas molecules move about random, continually colliding with each other and the walls of container they are in.

Vgas Vcontainer gas Tgas, P

Properties which can compressible. ie oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen Pgas lower pressure Tgas higher temp. ( 2 time critical point)

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

Differences between Fluids and gasses

A liquid will take the shape of its container but exhibits a free surface.

A gas will fill its container completely and does not exhibit a free surface.

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

Ideal Gas (gas unggul)

a properties that can easily compressed in the gas phase. Such as nitrogen, oxygen & hydrogen
Note: oxygen - 164.4K Hydrogen 33.3K Nitrogen 126 K

Di anggap gas unggul pada suhu dan tekanan atmosphere.

Wap air >748 C pada tekanan rendah boleh di anggap sebagai gas unggul

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

The ideal gas equation of state

a state that related with pressure, temp., and specific volume of a substance.




This implies: (1) very little molecular interaction (p <<0),and (2) molecules are point masses, i.e., zero volume.

v = V/m
where n no of molecular &

m = nM (kg)

M molecular weight

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

R - gas constant (pemalar gas tentu)

Universal gas constant

Molecular weight

Note: the ideal gas equation of state can be derived from basic principle if one assume i. ii. Intermolecular force are small Volume occupied by the particles is small

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity


Formula Kimia

Berat Molekul, M (kg/kmol)

Pemalar gas tentu R, (kJ/kgK)

Argon Helium Hidrogen Karbon dioksida Nitrogen Oksigen Udara Wap Air

A He H2 CO2 N2 O2 H2O

39.948 4.003 2.016 44.010 8.013 31.999 28.970 18.015

0.2081 2.0770 4.1242 0.1889 0.2968 0.2598 0.2870 0.4615

Jisim molekul dan pemalar gas tentu beberapa gas pada tekanan atmosfera dan suhu 23 C. Refer Table A-1 page 910.

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

Is water vapor an ideal gas?

Answer cannot say Yes or No

Under pressure below 10kPa water vapor called ideal gas. However, at high pressure gas assumption yields unacceptable error, particularly at critical point and at saturated vapor line (over 100%). Example: air conditioning water vapor is treated as ideal gas since water vapor is very low.

But steam power plant involved higher pressure ideal gas relation should not be used.

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

FIGURE 2-49 Percentage of error involved in assuming steam to be an ideal gas, and the region where steam can be treated as an ideal gas with less than 1 percent error. 2-12

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

Enthalpy of an ideal gas

pv u (T ) RT

h(T )

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

Compressibility Factor
(Faktor kebolehmampatan)

-Ideal gas equation use to analysis simple and easy gas state and suitable to be used if the gas are at low density or at low pressure at high temperature.

-We also known that gases deviate from ideal-gas and have the problem to derive the limit of low density states and to interfered how far behaviors of the gases can go.

-To avoid the uncertain situation and to get the accurate measurements, the compressibility factor is introduced.

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

Compressibility Factor
(Faktor kebolehmampatan) - Used to identify ideal gas behavior or a measure of deviation from gas behavior.

Z pv RT

Where if Z = 1 for ideal gas Z > 1 or Z < 1 for real gas

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

FIGURE 2-49 Percentage of error involved in assuming steam to be an ideal gas, and the region where steam can be treated as an ideal gas with less than 1 percent error. 2-12

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

To measure Z value, we need : 1. Generalized compressibility Factor Chart 2. Reduce pressure ratio Pr = P/Pcritical 3. Reduce temperature ratio Tr = T/Tcritical

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity


FIGURE 2-51 Comparison of Z factors for various gases. Page 141

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

Reduced pressure and temperature

Generalized Compressibility Chart

Tr1 Tr2 Pr = P/Pcritical Tr = T/Tcritical


Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

Real Gases
T1 T2 T3

pv RT

Ideal Gas

T1 < T2 < T3

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

From the generalized compressibility chart, we can observed that:

low pressure PR < 1 ideal gas regardless of the temperature. High temperature TR > 2 good ideal gas behavior regardless of pressure. The deviation of a gas from the ideal gas behavior is greater in the vicinity of the critical point.
Pseudo reduce specific volume

VR =

V actual RTcr / Pcr

Thermodynamics I (EMM2503) Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances (Ideal gas)

Duty, Honor and Integrity

Other equation of state

Van der waals equation of state Beattie-bridgeman equation of state Benedict-webb-rubin equation of state Virial equation of state.

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