Nikesh Indus Final Syllabus

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INDUS UNIVERSITY Teaching and Examination Scheme B.

E- IV SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM-I Teaching Scheme Theory Pract. Tut. Hours Hours Hours 4 2 -Theory Exam Hours 3 Theory Marks 100 Examination Scheme Pract/Oral T.W. Sess. Marks Marks Marks 25 25 50 Total Marks 200

STEAM POWER STATION: Schematic arrangement, advantages and disadvantages, choice of site, efficiency of steam power station, Types of prime movers, characteristic, speed control & auxiliaries. HYDRO POWER STATION: Schematic arrangement, advantages and disadvantages, choice of site constituents of hydro power plant, Hydro turbine. DIESEL POWER STATION: Schematic arrangement, advantages and disadvantages, I.C. engines NUCLEAR POWER STATION: Schematic arrangement, advantages and disadvantages, selection of site, types of reactors, Hazards GAS TURBINE POWER PLANT: Schematic arrangement, advantages and disadvantages. COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT Comparison of various power plants. SOLAR ENERGY FUNDAMENTAL AND SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT: Solar energy routes and prospects, merits and limitations of solar energy conversion and utilization, Types of solar thermal collectors, comparison between conventional and solar thermal power plant, ratings of solar power plant heat transfer fluids, solar pond and binary cycle solar thermal power plant. WIND ENERGY FUNDAMENTALS WIND POWER PLANTS: Applications, Merits and demerits of wind energy, nature and origin of wind, variables in wind energy conversion system, wind velocities and height from ground and site selection, types of wind energy system, wind turbine generator unit with battery storage facilities, wind turbine generator unit with diesel generator, solar wind hybrid, wind farm sitting, wind map of India, wind electric station in India.

FUEL CELL AND FUEL CELL POWER PLANTS: Introduction, concept, types, Electrochemical Reactions, Hydrogen, Oxygen Fuel cells, Phosphoric Acid Fuel cells, Molten Carbonate Fuel cells, Methanol fuel cells, Medium temperature, fuel cell, configuration of power plant, Performance Characteristics, Fuels, Commercial plants in the world.

INDUS UNIVERSITY Teaching and Examination Scheme B.E- IV SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) NON CONVERSION & RENEWABLE SOURCES Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Theory Pract/Oral T.W. Sess. Hours Hours Hours Exam Marks Marks Marks Marks Hours 4 2 -3 100 25 25 50

Total Marks 200

Geothermal energy: Fundamentals Geothermal electric power plant Applications, utilization of geothermal energy, Geothermal energy resources, origin of geothermal resources, Classification and types of geothermal power plants, liquid dominated geothermal electric power plant, binary cycle liquid dominated geothermal power plant, geo thermal energy power plant, scope for geothermal energy in India. Magneto hydro Dynamic Power generation: Principles, MHD Systems, and Advantages of MHD Systems, Electrical conditions: Voltage and Power output of MHD generator. Bio mass energy resources: Bio mass energy resources, bio mass conversion process, raw bio mass materials for conversion to biogas, agriculture waste and agriculture energy crops and fruit farms. Ocean energy: Ocean energy resources, advantages and limitations of ocean energy conversion, technologies, ocean thermal energy conversion, principle of OTEC, open cycle OTEC, modified open cycle OTEC plant, closed cycle OTEC, OTEC conversion plants in India. Tidal energy conversion: High and low tides, tidal energy conversion, tidal power, details about plant and equipments, tidal power plants in the world, tidal energy resources in India. Distribution :Types & comparisons, overhead & under ground transmission, cables and their types & their construction. Conductors : Types of conductors, A.C.S.R. conductor, Bundle conductor Insulators : Types of insulators, string efficiency, capacitor grading

TEXT BOOKS: 1. A Course in Electrical Power by Soni & Bhattnagar, Dhanpat Rai & Co. Publication REFERENCES BOOKS: 1. Energy Technology by S. Rao & Dr. B.B.Parulekar, CBS Publication 2. Renewable Energy Sources and Conversion Technology by N.K. Bansal, Kataria Publication. 3. Electrical Power by Dr. S.L. Uppal, Khanna Publication

INDUS UNIVERSITY Teaching and Examination Scheme B.E-V SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM-II Teaching Scheme Theory Pract. Tut. Hours Hours Hours 4 2 -Theory Exam Hours 3 Theory Marks 100 Examination Scheme Pract/Oral T.W. Sess. Marks Marks Marks 25 25 50 Total Marks 200

LINE CONSTANTS: Inductance of 1-phase, two-wire line and composite conductor lines, inductance of 3phase spacing, with and without transposition, double circuit line, bundled conductors. resistance and skin effect. Capacitance of 1-0 and 3-phase transmission line. Effect of earth, on transmission line capacitance. REPRESENTATION OF POWER SYSTEMS COMPONENTS:One line diagram and impedance /reactance diagram, per unit system representation. MECHANICAL DESIGN OF TRANSMISSION LINE: Sag calculation, supports at equal and unequal levels, stringing chart TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS: Inductance of 1-phase, two-wire line and composite conductor lines, inductance of 3-phase line with symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing with and without transposition, double circuit line, bundled conductors, resistance and skin effect, capacitance of 1-phase and 3-phase transmission line, effect of earth on transmission line capacitance. Performance calculation of short line, medium line by nominal T and method, evaluation of A, B, C, D constants, long transmission lines rigorous solution, Ferranti effect. PERFORMANCE OF TRANSMISSION LINES: Performance calculation of short line, medium line by nominal T and TT method. Evaluation of A,B,C, D constants long transmission lines - rigorous solution interpretation of the long line equation Ferranti effect equivalent circuit. POWER CIRCLE DIAGRAM: receiving end and sending end power circle diagram. Universal circle diagram. SYMMETRICAL FAULT ANALYSIS: Transients on a transmission line, short circuit of an unloaded and loaded synchronous Machine, reactances of a synchronous machine, Bus impedance matrix. Algorithm for

short circuit studies. SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS: Symmetrical component transformation phase shift ioin star-delta transformers, sequence Impedances of power system components/sequence networks of a power system UNSYMMETRICAL FAULT ANALYSIS: Symmetrical component analysis of unsymmetrical faults, like L-G, L-L, L-L-G faults. Bus Impedance matrix method. TEXT BOOKS: 1. A course in electrical power by Soni, Gupta and Bhagtnagar, Dhanpat Rai & Co. REFERENCES BOOKS: 1. Elements of power system analysis -by Stevenson 2. Modern power system analysis by Nagrath & Kothari, Tata McGraw Hill 3. Electrical power by Dr. S.L. Uppal, Khanna Publication

INDUS UNIVERSITY Teaching and Examination Scheme B.E-V SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION Teaching Scheme Theory Pract. Tut. Hours Hours Hours 4 2 -Theory Exam Hours 3 Theory Marks 100 Examination Scheme Pract/Oral T.W. Sess. Marks Marks Marks 25 25 50 Total Marks 200

MEASUREMENT ERRORS AND STANDARDS Definitions, Accuracy and precision, significant figures, Types of error, statistical analysis, probability of errors, limiting errors, Time and frequency standards, Electrical standards ELECTROMECHANICAL INDICATING INSTRUMENTS Suspension galvanometer, torque and deflection of the galvanometer, permanent magnet moving coil mechanism, DC ammeter, DC voltmeters, Voltmeter Sensitivity. Series type ohmmeter, shunt type ohmmeter, Multimeter or VOM, calibration of DC instruments, Alternating current indicating instruments, thermo instruments, electrodynamometers in power measurements, watt-hour meter, power factor meters, instrument transformers. BRIDGE MEASUREMENTS Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin bridge, AC bridge and their applications, Maxwell bridge, Hays bridge, unbalance conditions, wein bridge. Andersons bridge, De Sautys Bridge, Schering bridge, ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENT FOR MEASURING BASIC PARAMETERS True RMS responding voltmeter, digital frequency meter, circuit for measurement of frequency, simplified composed ckts of digital frequency meter, high frequency measurements, period measurement, ratio and multiple ratio measurements, time interval measurements,CT,BT. CATHODE RAY OSCILLOSCOPE Introduction, oscilloscope block diagram, Cathode Ray Tube, CRT ckts, Vertical deflection system, delay line, multiple trace, Horizontal deflection system, oscilloscope scope and transducers, oscilloscope techniques, special oscilloscope INSTRUMENT FOR GENERATION AND ANALYSIS OF WAVEFORMS Introduction, The sine wave generator, frequency synthesized signal generator, frequency divider generator, signal generator modulation, sweep frequency generator, pulse and square wave generator, function generator, wave analyzers, harmonic distortion analyzer, spectrum analyzer. DISPLAY DEVICES AND RECORDERS Digital display methods, digital display units, segmental displays, dot matrices, rear projection display, light emitting diode, liquid crystal diodes, segmental gas discharge displays, decade

counting assemblys, display systems, decimal decoders BCD to 7-segment converter, BCD to dot matrix converter , Resolution in digital meters, sensitivity of digital meters, accuracy specification of digital multimeters. Recorders, recording requirements, analog recorders like graphic oscillgraphic , strip chart recorder , types of strip chart recorder, galvanometer type recorders , null type recorders, potentiometer recorders, single point recorders, multi point recorders, XY recorders ultra violets recorders DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS AND TRANSDUCERS: Electrical transducers, selecting transducer, resistive transducer, resistive position transducer, strain gauges, inductive transducer, and thermistor, differential output transducer, LVDT, pressure inductive transducer, capacitive transducer, load cell,piezo electrical transducer, photo electrical transducer, photo voltaic cell,semicontuctor photo diode ,the photo transistor ,temperature transducer, frequency generating transducer, reluctance pulse pick-ups, mechanical transducer, mechanical flow meter ,magnetic flow meters,measurments of thickness using beta gauge, objective of a DAS,signal conditioning of the inputs, signal channel data acquisition system, multi channel DAS, computer based DAS, data loggers, A/D converters, electromechanical A/D converters, digital transducer. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Modern electronics Instrumentation and measurement techniques by Albert D.Helfrick and William D. Cooper 2. Electronics measurement and instrumentation by H. S. Kalsi McGraw-Hill. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. A course in Electrical and electronics measurement and instrumentation by A. K. Sawhney Dhanpat Rai & Co.

INDUS UNIVERSITY Teaching and Examination Scheme B.E-V SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY Teaching Scheme Theory Pract. Tut. Hours Hours Hours 4 --Theory Exam Hours 3 Theory Marks 100 Examination Scheme Pract/Oral T.W. Sess. Marks Marks Marks --50 Total Marks 150

VECTOR ANALYSIS: Scalars & Vectors dot and cross products, co-ordinate systems and conversions. COULOMBS LAW AND ELECTRICAL FIELD INTENSITY: Coulombs law, field due to different charge distributions. ELECTRIC FLUX DENSITY, GAUSSS LAW AND DIVERGENCE: Concept of electric flux density, Gausss law and its applications, differential volume element, divergence, Maxwells first eqn. and divergence theorem. ENERGY AND POTENTIAL: Energy expanded in moving a point charge in electrical field, line integral, definition of potential difference and potential, potential field of a point charge and system of charges, potential gradient, dipole, energy density in electrostatic field. CONDUCTORS, DIELECTRICS AND CAPACITANCE: Definition of currents and current density, continuity eqn., metallic conductors and their properties, semiconductors, dielectric materials, characteristics, boundary conditions, capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor, coaxial cable and spherical capacitors. POISSONS AND LAPLACE EQN. : Poissons and Laplace eqns. uniqueness theorem, examples of solution of Laplace and Poissons eqns. STEADY MAGNETIC FIELD: Biot-Savarts law, Amperes circuital law, concept of flux density, scalar and vector magnetic potential. MAGNETIC FORCES, MATERIALS AND INDUCTANCE: Force on a moving charge, force on a differential current element, force and torque on a close circuit, magnetization and permeability, magnetic boundary conditions, magnetic circuit, self inductance and mutual inductance. TIME VARYING FIELD AND MAXWELLS EQNS. :

Faradays law, displacement current, Maxwells eqns. in point and integral forms. THE UNIFORM PLANE WAVES: Wave motion in free space, perfect dielectric, dielectric, pointing vector, power consideration, propagation in good conductor, phenomena of skin effect, reflection of uniform plane waves. PLANE WAVES AT BOUNDARIES AND IN DEPRESSIVE MEDIA: Reflection of Uniform Plane Waves at Normal Incidence, Standing Wave Ratio, Wave Reflection from Multiple Interfaces, Plane Wave Propagation in General Directions, Plane Wave Reflection at Oblique Incidence Angles TEXT BOOKS: 1. Engineering Electromagnetic by Willian Hayt, McGraw Hill. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Electromagnetic by J.D.Kraus, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Electromagnetism by Theory and applications , A. Pramanik,PHI 3. Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications by Stanley Marshal, PHI

INDUS UNIVERSITY Teaching and Examination Scheme B.E-VIII SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) INTERCONNECTED POWER SYSTEM Teaching Scheme Theory Pract. Tut. Hours Hours Hours 4 2 -Theory Exam Hours 3 Theory Marks 100 Examination Scheme Pract/Oral T.W. Sess. Marks Marks Marks 25 25 50 Total Marks 200

GENERAL SYSTEM MODELING: Per unit system, Power transfer through transmission, Universal circle diagram, MVAR control, Voltage control methods. LOAD FLOW STUDY: Introduction - Network model formulation - formation of bus admittance matrix - load flow problem - approximate load flow solution - shipley inverson method - Gauss siedel method Newton Ruphson method - comparison. ECONOMIC OPERATION OF POWER SYSTEM: Economic operation of generators within the plant - transmission losses as function of plant generation. Economic distribution of load between plants co-ordinating transmission losses Kron's method of evaluating loss co-efficient - penalty factor - Algorithms of different schemes. - Automatic load dispatching. LOAD FREQUENCY CONTROL: Introduction - Single area control of frequency - modeling of turbine governor, turbine & generator - steady state analysis - principle of frequency control - flat frequency, selective, tie line control methods. POWER SYSTEM STABILITY: Stability problem, classification, power angle characteristic, steady state & transient state stability & their limits. Dynamics of synchronous machines & swing equation , synchronizing power co-efficient , equal area criterion of stability & its application , critical clearing time & angle , numerical solution TEXT BOOK: 1. Modern power system analysis by Nagarth & Kothari,Tata McGraw Hill REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Power System Analysis by Stevenson, Mcgraw Hill 2. Electrical Power System by C. L. Wadhva, Wiley Eastern

INDUS UNIVERSITY Teaching and Examination Scheme B.E-VIII SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING Teaching Scheme Theory Pract. Tut. Hours Hours Hours 4 2 -Theory Exam Hours 3 Theory Marks 100 Examination Scheme Pract/Oral T.W. Sess. Marks Marks Marks 25 25 50 Total Marks 200

Breakdown in Gases Mechanisms of breakdown in gases, various related ionization processes. Townsends and Streamer theories. Paschens law, Breakdown in Non-uniform fields. Effect of wave shape of impressed voltage on the breakdown strength. Breakdown of sphere gap and rod gap. Breakdown in Liquid and Solids Mechanisms of breakdown in liquids, suspended particle, suspended water, cavitations and bubble and electronic breakdown theories. Mechanisms of breakdown in solids; intrinsic electro- mechanical, erosion, surface, thermal and streamer, Relation between electric strength of solids and time, intrinsic breakdown strength. Impulse Generator Specifications of an impulse voltage Wave, standard impulse, reasons for adopting the particular shape, Analysis and control of simple circuit of impulse generator. Multistage impulse generator (Marks circuit) circuit-working, earthing and tripling. Techniques to observer wave front on C.R.O. Generation of High Voltage Methods of generation of power frequency high voltage cascade transformers and resonance methods, Generation of high voltage D.C., voltage stabilization. Tesla coil. Measurement of High Voltage Potential dividers-resistive, capacitive and mixed dividers for high voltage. Sphere gap; construction,mounting, effect of nearby earthed objects, humidity and atmospheric conditions, effect of irradiation and polarity, Electrostatic voltmeter; principle and classification, constructional details of an absolute electrostatic voltmeter. Oscilloscopes and their applications in high voltage measurement.

High Voltage Testing Measurement of insulation resistance of cables. Wet and dry flashover test of insulators. Testing of insulators in simulated polluted conditions. Testing off transformers and rotating machines. Measurement of break-down strength of oil. Basic techniques of non-destructive testing of insulators; measurement of loss angle, High Voltage Schering bridge, and partial discharge measurement techniques. Over Voltage and Insulation Coordination Lighting, Switching and temporary over voltages, BIL, SIL, methods of insulation coordination.

Text Books & References. nd Bewley, :.V., Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems, Wiley New York, 2 Edition,1963. Naidu, M.S. and Kamaraju, V., High Voltage Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 1982. Wadhwa, C.L., High Voltage Engineering, Wiley Eastern, 1994. Radzevig, D.K., High Voltage Engineering, Khanna Publisher (translated by M.Chaurasia), 1992. Westinghouse Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, IBH-Oxford, 1964.

INDUS UNIVERSITY Teaching and Examination Scheme B.E-VIII SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) COMMISSIONING OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS Teaching Scheme Theory Pract. Tut. Hours Hours Hours 4 Transformer: Testing procedure for HV transformer , , Measurement of impedance ,Testing of auxiliaries & safety device , Oil testing , Classification of testing methods , Determination of polarization index for transformer. Drying out procedure for transformer. Commissioning steps for transformer, Purification & Filtration Procedure for Transformer oil. Troubleshooting & Maintenance of transformer. Induction Motor: Testing (3-phase & 1-phase): Hammer test, Testing against variation of voltage/current/frequency, Load test, NL & BR test, DC & AC, Resistance measurement, Insulation measurement, Starting test, Temp. Rise test, Slip measurement, HV test, Testing on auxiliaries, Vibration Test, Noise level test. Drying out methods / Polarization Index / Hot Temperature measurement Degree of protection (IP Grade) Commissioning steps for Induction motor, Heat Run Test. Commissioning of Induction Generator. Troubleshooting & maintenance of induction motor. Circuit breaker: Testing of HV/LV circuit breaker: No load Mechanical Operation, Mechanical endurance test, Temp. Rise test, Impulse & surge testing, short time current test. Short circuit making & breaking test, Line Charging current making &breaking test, MCB / MCCB / ELCB etc. C.T. & P.T. Testing, Troubleshooting & maintenance of circuit breakers. DC Machine: Testing Load test, Open circuit & magnetizing test, Insulation resistance, Dielectric test. Swinburnes test, Hopkinsons test, Field test, Separation of losses in DC shunt machine. Temp. rise test & Heat run test Drying out process Commissioning steps for DC machines Troubleshooting & maintenance. Synchronous machine: Testing OC & SC test, Characteristics, Loss measurement, Temp. rise test , Over speed test , HV testing , Insulation resistance wave form interference , DC & AC Resistance of armature & field winding measurement , Dielectric testing on armature & fieldwinding , Mechanical balance , Magnetic balance , Current balance , Synchronizing circuit testing , Testing of voltage regulators , Excitation circuit testing ,Voltage recovery test , Retardation test on load / no load .Drying out procedure Commissioning steps for synchronous machines ,Troubleshooting & maintenance. Commissioning of transmission line & Cable: Derating of cable capacity, HV test,AC & DC Resistance check, Insulation resistance, Impedance 2 -Theory Exam Hours 3 Theory Marks 100 Examination Scheme Pract/Oral T.W. Sess. Marks Marks Marks 25 25 50 Total Marks 200

measurement, Location finding technique for fault in underground cables (Murray loop test & Warley loop test), Testing of open circuit faults in cables. Line charging, loading & Dropping. Text Books & References. 1. Testing, Commissioning & maintenance of electrical equipment By S. S. Rao, khanna publications 2. The commissioning of Electrical Plant by RCH Richardson (Chapman & Hall)

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