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FFIS Table 1.

Major Discretionary and Mandatory

Program Funding
(dollars in millions)

President Omnibus Level ARRA FY 2009 vs. FY 2008

Major Discretionary FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2009 Funding Dollars Percent
Department of Agriculture $6,369 $6,251 $6,860 $500 $491 8%
Women, Infants & Children (WIC) 6,369 6,251 6,860 500 491 8%
Department of Commerce 243 100 240 150 -3 -1%
Economic Development Assistance 23/ 243 100 240 150 240 -1%
Department of Education 50,619 51,602 54,626 44,770 4,007 8%
Title I: Education for the Disadvantaged 4/ 13,899 14,305 14,492 13,000 593 4%
School Improvement Grants 23/ 491 491 545 2,980 54 11%
Reading First 21/ 393 1,000 0 0 -393 -100%
Even Start 66 0 66 0 0 0%
English Language Acquisition 700 730 730 0 30 4%
Improving Teacher Quality 4/ 2,935 2,835 2,947 0 12 0%
Educational Technology State Grants 267 0 270 650 3 1%
Impact Aid 1,241 1,241 1,265 100 24 2%
21st Century Community Learning Centers 1,081 800 1,131 200 50 5%
State Assessments 409 409 411 0 2 0%
Drug-Free Schools State Grants 295 100 295 0 0 0%
Special Education State Grants 4/ 18/ 10,948 11,285 11,505 12,200 557 5%
Vocational & Adult Education 4/ 25/ 1,942 575 1,944 0 2 0%
Pell Grants 20/ 14,215 16,851 17,288 15,640 3,073 22%
Federal Supplemental Ed. Opportunity Grants 757 0 757 0 0 0%
Work Study 980 980 980 0 0 0%
Health and Human Services 23,905 22,241 26,613 7,500 2,708 11%
Substance Abuse Block Grant 1,759 1,779 1,779 0 20 1%
Mental Health Block Grant 421 421 421 0 0 0%
Maternal & Child Health Block Grant 666 666 662 0 -4 -1%
Consolidated Health Centers 2,065 2,092 2,190 2,000 125 6%
Preventive Health Block Grant 97 0 102 0 5 5%
Family Planning 300 300 307 0 7 2%
Immunization Grants 466 465 496 300 30 6%
Ryan White AIDS Grants 2,167 2,168 2,138 0 -29 -1%
Hospital Preparedness Formula Grants 703 362 371 0 -332 -47%
CDC-State & Local Capacity (Bioterrorism) 746 609 700 0 -46 -6%
Head Start 4/ 6,878 7,027 7,113 2,100 235 3%
Child Welfare Services 282 282 282 0 0 0%
Community Services Block Grant 654 0 700 1,000 46 7%
Child Care & Development Block Grant 2,062 2,062 2,127 2,000 65 3%
Low Income Home Energy Assistance 8/ 2,570 2,000 5,100 0 2,530 98%
Refugee Assistance 656 628 633 0 -23 -4%
Administration On Aging 1,413 1,381 1,491 100 78 6%
HUD 37,267 36,587 38,981 10,750 1,714 5%
Community Development Block Grant - Entitlement 23/ 2,515 2,054 2,549 700 34 1%
Community Development Block Grant - Nonentitlement 23/ 1,078 880 1,093 300 15 1%
Homeless Assistance Grants 1,586 1,636 1,677 1,500 91 6%
HOME Program 1,704 1,967 1,825 2,250 121 7%
Public Housing Operating Fund 4,200 4,300 4,455 0 255 6%
Public Housing Capital Fund 23/ 2,439 2,024 2,450 4,000 11 0%
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (Section 8) 23/ 16,391 16,031 16,817 0 426 3%
Project-Based Rental Assistance (Section 8) 23/ 6,382 6,995 7,100 2,000 718 11%
Housing for the Elderly 735 540 765 0 30 4%
Housing for Persons with Disabilities 237 160 250 0 13 5%
Departments of Energy, Interior and EPA 1,745 1,397 1,718 11,000 -27 -2%
Weatherization Assistance Program 227 0 200 5,000 -27 -12%
EPA Clean Water State Revolving Fund 689 555 689 4,000 0 0%
EPA Drinking Water State Revolving Fund 829 842 829 2,000 0 0%
Department of Justice 1,619 280 1,967 3,450 348 21%
Violence Against Women 400 280 415 225 15 4%
COPS/21st Century Policing 587 0 551 1,000 -36 -6%
State Criminal Alien Assistance Program 410 0 400 0 -10 -2%
Byrne Justice Assistance Grants 170 0 546 2,225 376 221%
Juvenile Accountability Block Grant 52 0 55 0 3 6%
Department of Homeland Security 2,228 1,503 2,358 100 130 6%
REAL ID 15/ 50 0 100 0 50 100%
National Security and Terrorism Prevention 15/ NA 110 0 0 NA NA
State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) 890 200 890 0 0 0%
Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program 15/ 0 0 0 0 0 NA
Citizen Corps 15 15 15 0 0 0%
Urban Area Security Initiative 820 825 838 0 18 2%
Emergency Food and Shelter 153 153 200 100 47 31%
Emergency Management Performance Grants 300 200 315 0 15 5%

President Omnibus Level ARRA FY 2009 vs. FY 2008
Major Discretionary (Cont'd.) FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2009 Funding Dollars Percent
Department of Labor $6,237 $5,079 $6,456 $3,850 $219 4%
Dislocated Worker Assistance 4/ 10/ 2/ 1,184 943 1,184 1,250 0 0%
Adult Training 4/ 10/ 2/ 862 712 862 500 0 0%
Youth Training 10/ 2/ 924 841 924 1,200 0 0%
Employment Service State Administration 10/ 703 0 704 400 1 0%
Unemployment Insurance State Administration 9/ 2,564 2,583 2,782 500 218 9%
Department of Transportation 55,377 53,532 55,733 47,250 356 1%
Airport Obligation Limitation 3,515 2,750 3,515 1,100 -1 0%
Highway Obligation Limitation 22/ 23/ 41,216 39,399 40,700 27,500 -516 -1%
Highway Exempt from Ceiling 23/ 739 799 739 0 0 0%
Highway Traffic Safety Grants 570 602 620 0 50 9%
Railroad Administration: Intercity Rail Grants 0 0 90 8,000 90 NA
Mass Transit Formula Grants Obligation Limitation 23/ 7,768 8,361 8,261 8,400 493 6%
Mass Transit Capital Investment Grants 1,569 1,621 1,809 750 240 15%
Surface Transportation Supplemental Grants 0 0 0 1,500 0 NA
Subtotal: Discretionary $185,609 $178,572 $195,551 $129,320 $9,942 5%

President Omnibus Level ARRA FY 2009 vs. FY 2008

Mandatory/Entitlement FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2009 Funding Dollars Percent
Abandoned Mine Rec. Fund 24/ 274 288 288 14 5%
Child Nutrition 13,902 14,456 14,951 100 1,049 8%
Commodity Assistance Program 17/ 210 70 231 150 21 10%
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance - State Administration 13/ 2,620 2,723 3,000 295 380 15%
Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) 14/ 23/ 1,700 1,200 1,700 0 0 0%
Child Care Entitlements to States 19/ 2,917 2,917 2,917 0 0 0%
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) 6/ 17,059 17,059 17,059 5,319 0 0%
Child Support Enforcement Benefit Payments 3/ 4/ 3,997 3,759 3,759 1,000 -238 -6%
Foster Care 26/ 4,581 4,449 4,482 414 -99 -2%
Adoption Assistance 26/ 2,156 2,283 2,191 430 35 2%
Independent Living 1/ 185 185 185 0 0 0%
Promoting Safe and Stable Families 16/ 454 428 408 0 -46 -10%
State Child Health Insurance (SCHIP) 11/ 6,915 6,815 10,562 0 3,647 53%
Medicaid Vendor Payments 5/ 26/ 194,729 195,619 207,095 80,077 12,366 6%
Medicaid Administration 5/ 10,185 9,685 10,642 0 457 4%
Vaccines for Children 12/ 2,702 2,766 2,766 0 64 2%
Payments from States for Medicare prescription drugs 7/ -6,911 -7,208 -7,208 0 -297 4%
Vocational Rehab. State Grants 2,874 2,874 2,974 680 100 3%
Subtotal: Mandatory/Entitlement $260,549 $260,368 $278,002 $88,465 $17,453 7%

Total: Selected Grants-In-Aid $446,158 $438,940 $473,553 $217,785 $27,395 6%

1/ Amount includes Independent Living training vouchers which are counted as discretionary spending.
2/ The FY 2008 appropriation bill included a rescission of $250 million in FY 2005 and FY 2006 Workforce Investment Act funds.
3/ Funding levels include administrative costs, hold-harmless payments, incentive payments, and access and visitation grants.
4/ Funding for these programs includes an advance appropriation.
5/ Data reflect obligations since Medicaid budget authority is now accrued. For FY 2009, the administration's proposed regulatory reductions are reflected in their estimates, including -$950 million for
adjusting administrative match rates and a net -$1,025 for other policy initiatives.
6/ FY 2008 and 2009 funding levels reflect State Family Assistance Grants, Supplemental Population Grants and Grants to Tribes. ARRA funding includes Emergency Contingency funding and
Supplemental Population Grants
7/ FYs 2008-2009 estimates reflect CY 2008 0.3% per capita decrease.
8/ Figures include contingency funds. The FY 2008 omnibus appropriation provided $590 million in contingency. The FY 2009 CR and the omnibus also have $590 million.
9/ FY 2008 appropriation includes $110 million added in emergency supplemental funds (P.L. 110-252).
10/ Data reflect program years rather than fiscal years.
11/ The FY 2008 omnibus appropriation provided $275 million retroactively for FY 2007 shortfalls, and increased the current-law levels for FY 2008 to $6.6 billion. The administration's reauthorization
proposal would have added $1.5 billion in FY 2009. The FY 2009 omnibus level reflects estimates of the Congressional Research Service.
12/ Reflects value of vaccines distributed.
13/ When the Food Stamp Program was reauthorized in 2008, it was renamed the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
14/ The FY 2009 budget repeated the unsuccessful FYs 2007-2009 proposals to reduce the program by $500 million. Expected allocations for FY 2009 reflect July 2007 population data released in December
15/ LETPP funding is now provided under SHSGP. FY 2009 funding includes $50 million for REAL ID and an additional $50 million for hub construction.
16/ This program consists of discretionary and mandatory funds.
17/ The president's FY 2009 budget proposed to eliminate funding ($155 million) for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), which is funded under the Commodity Assistance Program. Under
the FY 2009 omnibus, $160 million is provided for CSFP and $49.5 million for administrative funding for The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).
18/ Amount reflects the basic state grant (Part B-611).
19/ Includes both mandatory and matching funds.
20/ ARRA funding reflects an increase in the maximum Pell grant award from $4,850 to $5,350, available for disbursement for the next academic year beginning July 1.
21/ This program's funding level excludes Early Reading First grants.
22/ The FY 2008 level includes an additional $1 billion for bridge construction.
23/ These programs received additional funding in the FY 2009 disaster relief appropriation. These amounts are noted and described in Budget Brief 08-11, but are not reflected in this table.
24/ Payments to states from the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund are mandatory as of FY 2008.
25/ The president's FY 2009 budget eliminated funding for vocational education for FY 2010.
26/ ARRA amounts reflect FFIS estimates.

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