Ramayana and The Hero S Journey3

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Ramayana and The Heros Journey

Katie Donick 3-27-13 Ramayana and the Heros Journey

Using BOTH the class video clips and the text of the Ramayana, complete with T3 Mastery level. Call to Adventure: The call to adventure is the point in a person's life when they are first given notice that everything is going to change, whether they know it or not. Sometimes the hero will try to refuse the call, but the call is strong and must be answered. Why does Rama depart from Ayohdya? Rama departs from Ayohdya because his brothers mother requests that Rama is exiled for fourteen years.

Meeting Mentors and Helpers: Once the hero has committed to the quest, consciously or unconsciously, his or her guide becomes known. Sometimes, a hero has more than one magical helper. Usually, they find allies once the journey begins. Who is the most important mentor for Rama? Why? Lakshmana is the most important mentor for Rama because he tells him what he should do when Rama is worried or mad.

Crossing the Threshold: This is the point where the person actually crosses into the field of adventure, leaving the known limits of his or her world and venturing into a new realm where the rules and limits are unique. Sometimes they must wait in the belly of the beast while they are transitioning between their past self and new self. By entering this threshold, the person shows their willingness to answer the call and undergo a metamorphosis. Where does Rama wait in the belly of the beast? Why? Rama waits in the belly of the beast when he is waiting for the monkey to return from Sita. He is in the belly of the beast because he is worried that the monkey king might never return. The Road of Trials: The hero must face a series of tests, tasks, or ordeals that help to begin their transformation. Often the person fails one or more of these tests, which often occur in threes. These trials can take many forms: physical, emotional and mental. Usually the hero must use all three attributes to reach the final test. What are the 3 tests that Rama must face in the before he fights Ravana? And how do those tests shape the protagonists characterization? 1. First he has to kill he monkey friends brother so he could be king.

Katie Donick 3-27-13 Ramayana and the Heros Journey 2. Then, Rama must figure out how to cross the ocean. 3. Rama and Lakshmana were deeply injured.

Completing the Quest: All the previous steps prepared and purified the person for success and undoubtedly the hero accomplishes what they set out to do. In many myths the reward of the quest is something magnificent like the elixir of life or immortality. Consequently, not all heroes strive for selfish desires. There are times in which the hero must defeat and kill their enemy in order for others to gain immortality or freedom. Either way, the hero was willing to sacrifice their life for the quest. How does the Rama complete the quest (address the conflicts faced by the protagonist)? Rama completes his quest by killing all of Ravanas army and the giant.

Journey Home: Heroes often struggle and refuse the call to return home, but the call to return is also strong and must be answered. It can be just as adventurous returning from the journey as it was to go on it. Typically, the hero will need the help of their mentor to guide them home safely. Who helps Rama return home? How? Hanuman and the monkeys help Rama return home by using the golden chariot given to Rama by the gods.

The Return: The hero has returned transformed. They are now master of both material and spiritual worlds. They do not fear death, which makes them free to live as they choose. How has Rama transformed since the beginning of the story? Provide a detailed account of the changes in characterization throughout the text. In the beginning of the story Rama is known for being the kings son and the strongest, but by the end he is a hero that saved Sita and killed the evil king Ravana. In the beginning Rama doesnt really know what it is like to work for something because being the prince, he got everything he wanted. As the story went on Rama started needing things more, but had to battle or kill for them. I feel like this was the most important change in Ramas characterization.

Katie Donick 3-27-13 Ramayana and the Heros Journey

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