CMM Metrics

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Software Engineering Certification Center

Capability Maturity Model CMM Level 2 Workshop

Metrics For CMM Level 2
Madiha A. Hassan

Is your organization ready to start SPI program? Components of CMM . Maturity Questionnaire. Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire. References.

Is your organization ready to start SPI Program?

Do Managers understand the benefits of SPI, Do they have sufficient motivation to start the program? Do all levels of management will support the effort? Documentation can be one of the most time intensive tasks, Are you ready to start?Are you ready to follow the documentation?

Do you have resources? (SPEG, SQA, SCM,...) These resources should be consistently provided and adequate to perform the activities identified by the model.

Components of CMM
Maturity Levels Key Process Areas. Key Practices. Maturity Questionnaires.

Components of CMM
The first three components Maturity Levels,Key Process Areas & Key Practices were discussed in the previous sessions. In this session we are going to concentrate on Maturity Questionnaires. They are questions that sample the key practices in each key process area of the CMM .

Maturity Questionnaire/Example
At Maturity Level 2 Repeatable .
Key Process Area : Software Project Planning Key Practice : Estimate Project Size. A Maturity question is Do you use a documented procedure to estimate software size?

Maturity Questionnaire
The Maturity Questionnaire is a springboard for an assessment teams visit. Answers to questions identify software process strengths and weakness. Questions are designed to determine the presence or absence of the various key practices. These questionnaire is called an assessment instrument/ diagnostic tool which is used at initial steps.

Maturity Questionnaire
Questions are not open-ended but are intended to obtain a quantified results from the following answers (Yes - No - Dont Know - N/A). These questions are administrated by the Assessment Team Leader. It is the team leader responsibility to customize the Maturity questionnaire according to the assessment objectives and scope of defining findings A more detailed and open-ended questioning process begins after the responses to the maturity questionnaire have been analyzed.

Identify Assessment Scope

Develop Assessment Plan

Conduct Initial Document Review Examine Questionnaire Responses

Prepare & Train Team

Brief Assessment Participant

Administer Questionnaire

Pre-Onsite Activities

Administer Questionnaire
Information about the organizations software processes is collected from selected members using the SEI Maturity Questionnaire. This information is used to provide assessment team an overview of the organizations process capability. Comments on questions provide more value to the team than the Yes/No responses.

Examine Questionnaire Responses

The assessment team members examine the pattern and nature of responses on maturity questionnaire. Observations are not made based on questionnaire responses alone, rather the responses provide probing points for later activities such as interviews and document reviews. The responses assist the team in focusing their investigations.

Conduct Initial Document Review

An initial set of documents are reviewed to find additional areas for probing, to understand the life cycles in use by organization, and to map organization data to CMM

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire/RM (KPA)

1 2 Do you document your requirements? As requirements change ,Do you change affected documents and plans? Do you have both policies and procedures for managing requirements?

Do you measure requirements change and their effects?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire /RM (KPA)

5 6 7 Do you provide training in this area? Is this area subjected to SQA review? Are reviews held regularly with both the project manager and with senior management? on the project subject to SQA review?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire/SPP (KPA)

1 Are estimates (e.g. size,cost and schedule) documented in your project plan? 2 Does your plan list more than just tasks, e.g rationale and risks? 3 Do you have both policies and procedures for planning projects? 4 Do you provide training in this area ?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire/SPP (KPA)

5 Are adequate resources provided for planning the software project (e.g. funding and experienced individuals)? 6 Is this area subjected to SQA review? 7 Does the project manager review the activities for planning the software on both a periodic and eventdriven basis?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire/SPT&O (KPA)

1 Are the projects actual results (e.g. schedule, size and cost) compared with their original estimates in the software plans? 2 Is corrective action taken when results differ significantly from the projects software plans? 3 Is there someone assigned for tracking the work including effort, schedule and budget? 4 Do you have both policies and procedures for this area?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire/SPT&O (KPA)

5 Do you provide training in this area? 6 Are measurements used to determine the status of the activities for software tracking and oversight (e.g. total effort expended in performing tracking and oversight activities)? 7 Is this area subjected to SQA review? 8 Are the activities for software project tracking and oversight reviewed with senior management on periodic
basis (e.g. project performance, open issues, risks and action items)?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire /SSM (KPA)

1 Is a documented procedure used for selecting subcontractors? 2 Are changes to subcontracts made with the agreement of both the prime contractor and the subcontractor? 3 Are periodic technical interchanges held with subcontractors? 4 Are the results and performance of the software subcontractor tracked against their commitments?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire /SSM (KPA)

5 Do you have both policies and procedures for this area? 6 Do you provide training in this area? 7 Are measurements used to determine the status of the activities for managing software subcontracts (e.g. schedule status with respect to planned delivery dates and efforts expended for managing the subcontracts? 8 Is this area subjected to SQA review?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire /SSM (KPA)

9 Are the software subcontract activities reviewed with the project manager on both a periodic and eventdriven basis?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire /SQA (KPA)

1 Are Software (SQA) activities planned and documented in the project plan ? 2 Does (SQA) conduct reviews of products and processes independently and objectively? 3 Are the results of (SQA) reviews and audits provided to affected groups and individuals (e.g. those who performed the work and those who are responsible for the work)?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire /SQA (KPA)

4 Are issues of noncompliance that are not resolved within the software project addressed by senior management (e.g. deviations from applicable standards)? 5 Does the project follow a written organization policy for implementing (SQA) activities? 6 Are adequate resources provided for performing (SQA) activities (e.g. funding and a designated manager who will receive and act on software noncompliance items)?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire /SQA (KPA)

7 Are measurements used to determine the cost and schedule status of the activities performed for SQA (e.g. work completed, effort and funds expended compared to the plan)? 8 Are activities for SQA reviewed with senior management on a periodic basis? 9 Is this area subjected to independent expert review?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire /SCM (KPA)

1 Are software configuration management activities documented in the project plan? 2 Has the project identified, controlled and made available the software work products to be placed under configuration management? 3 Does the project follow a documented procedure to control changes to configuration items/units?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire /SCM (KPA)

4 Are standard reports on software baselines (e.g. software configuration control board minutes , change request summary and status reports) distributed to affected groups and individuals? 5 Does the project follow a written organizational policy for implementing software configuration management activities? 6 Are project personnel trained to perform the software configuration management activities for which they are responsible?

Level (2) Maturity Questionnaire /SCM (KPA)

7 Are measurements used to determine the status of activities for software configuration management (e.g. effort and funds expended for software configuration management activities)? 8 Are periodic audits performed to verify that software baselines conform to the documentation that defines them (e.g. by the SCM group)? 9 Is this area subjected to SQA review?

CMU/SEI-94-SR-007 (Maturity Questionnaire) David Zubrow, William Hays, Jane Siegel, Dennis Goldenson CMU/SEI-93-TR-024 (SW-CMM) Mark C. Paulk, Bill Curtis, Mary Beth Chrissis ,Charles V. Weber. CMU/SEI-93-TR-025 (Key Practices of CMM) Mark C. Paulk,Charles V. Weber, Suzanne M. Garcia,Mary Beth Chrissis, Marihn Bush. CMU/SEI-96-TR-007 (CBA-IPI)Method Description: Donna K. Dunaway, Steve Masters.

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