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Suggested Approach to Teaching the 4 Gospels

Study the book chart for each Gospel carefully Note p.26 Major Events in the Life of Christ in BTCP Manual #3 - NT Survey Review the Distinctive features of each Gospel Read each Gospel to discover its unique emphasis Decide which events, parables, passages, etc. to cover from which Gospel Consult Dr. J. Dwight Pentecosts A Harmony of the Words and Works of Jesus Christ MATTHEW 12 Genealogy and birth narrative 4:1825 calling of disciples and nature of ministry 57 sermon on mount (select portions) 8:1417 fulfillment of Is. 53 9:3538 workers are few 10 sending out of twelve 11:2527 come to Jesus for rest 13 select a few kingdom parables 16 Peters confession 18:1520 church discipline 19:112 divorce/remarriage 20 Workers in the vineyard 21 Palm Sunday and Temple cleansing 22 Greatest Commandment 23 select passages about hypocrisy 2425 highlights of Olivet Discourse (see BTCP Manual #5 BDS p.285) 27:126 Judas suicide / trial before Pilate 27:2728:20 death and resurrection and Great Com. MARK 1:18 John the Baptist 1:1419 First word of the Gospel 2: 112 healing of paralytic 2:233:6 Sabbath issues 3:2034 Jesus and Satan and real family 4:120 Parable of Sower and Soils 4:355:20 two boat scenes and demon possession 6:1429 Death of john the Baptist 7:123 mans traditions vs. Word of God 8: 3138 Jesus death predicted 9:113 Transfiguration 9:1437 Disciples failure and who is the greatest 10:112 is divorce lawful? 10:1731 rich young ruler 11:2733 authority of Jesus 12:1317 paying taxes 12:1827 marriage in the resurrection
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.


16:919 disputed ending LUKE 1-2 Intro and birth narratives 3 Johns ministry, Jesus baptism and genealogy 4: 136 temptation of Jesus and start of ministry in Nazareth 6:1216 the Twelve Apostles 7:117 Centurions faith and raising of widows son 7:3650 anointing of Jesus 8:4056 sick woman and a dead girl 9:5762 cost of following Jesus 10:2537 parable of Good Samaritan 10:3842 Martha and Mary 11:2932 Sign of Jonah 12:1321 Parable of rich fool 13:15 necessity of repentance 14:2535 cost of discipleship (if) 15 Parable of lost coin, sheep and son 16:1015; money and divorce vs.18 16:1931 rich man and Lazarus 18:1119 Ten lepers healed 19:19 Zacchaeus 22:762 The Last Supper and Jesus in the Garden, His arrest and Peters denial 24:1353 2 disciples on road to Emmaus and Jesus with disciples, Great Commission and Ascension. JOHN

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 22. 23.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

1:118 Prologue 1:2934 Johns declaration behold the Lamb of God 2:111 Cana wedding 3:121 Jesus and Nicodemus 4:142 Jesus and Samaritan Woman 5:115 healing at pool of Bethesda 5:1630 Jesus and the Father 6:170 5000 fed and Jesus the bread of life 7:2544 Who is Jesus ? 8:111 Jesus and Woman caught in adultery 8:1947 Jesus and the Jews as Abrahams children 9 Who sinned? Man born blind from birth 10 The Good Shepherd 11 Raising of Lazarus 144 and 4557 it is expedient that one man die 13-17 The Upper Room Discourse (select portions) 20 Jesus appearances to Mary Magdalene, the disciples and Thomas and purpose statement. 21 Jesus and Peters conversation after the Resurrection See p. 73 and 74 for the 7 Miracle Signs and the 7 I AM statements *Obviously you can delete some of these passages or select others to include*
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