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What’s in it for kids?

Advocacy opportunities remaining in the FY 2010

budget process & opportunities during implementation

Next steps in the budget process

Public hearing on budget support act:
 The Committee of the Whole’s hearing on the FY 2010 budget support act is being held on April 23
starting at 10:00 am. The hearing will be held in the Council Chamber (Room 500 ) of the JAWB.
Details from Aretha Latta,

 Committee of the Whole (mark-up is April 28, 9:00 am – 1:00
pm, JAWB, Council Chamber). Committee will mark up the
Budget Support Act and agencies including: April 16, 2009
 DC Public Schools (DCPS)
 Charter schools Proposed budget
 Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) Go to, then to
 Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME) Fiscal Year 2010. There you
 Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization will find the operating and
(OPEFM) capital budgets along with
the operating appendices.
 Committee on Health (mark-up is April 29, 10:00 am – Noon, You will also find the budget
JAWB, Council Chamber). Agencies of interest: support act (BSA).
 Department of Health (DOH)
 Department of Mental Health (DMH) The Budget Request Act is
 Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) on the Council’s site; it is Bill
 Committee on Human Services (mark-up is April 30, 10:00 am – Council budget hearings
Noon, JAWB, Council Chamber). Agencies of interest: Watch online by going to
 Child and Family Services (CFSA), selecting “On De-
 Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) mand Video” in Channel 13.
 Department of Human Services (DHS) Go to the appropriate week,
 Children and Youth Investment Fund (CYIF) day and CM.

 Committee on Libraries, Parks and Recreation (mark-up is April More information

30, 4:00—6:00 pm, JAWB, Council Chamber). Agencies of inter- available from
Abby Bonder, Policy Analyst
 DC Public Library (DCPL)
(202) 234-9404 x211
 Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)

Tyra Williams, Policy Counsel

First vote on FY 2010 budget:
(202) 234-9404 x217
 May 12

DC Action for Children

1616 P Street, NW * Suite 420 * Washington, DC 20036
(202) 234-9404 * (202) 234-9108 FAX *
What’s in it for kids? Advocacy opportunities remaining in the FY 2010 budget process

First vote on Budget Support Act:

 May 12

Sole vote on Budget Request Act:

 May 12

Second vote on FY 2010 budget:

 June 2 (at the regularly scheduled Council Legislative Meeting)

Second vote on Budget Support Act:

 June 2 (at the regularly scheduled Council Legislative Meeting)

Advocacy and other opportunities during implementation of

the FY 2010 budget
Formal and informal opportunities exist to advocate for policy, practice and budget changes in FY 2010.
Regular meetings and check-ins with Executive and Legislative branch staff are a good way to stay in the
loop and be part of solving problems and addressing challenges.

What we already know is this:

 At the April 3 Committee on Human Services budget hearing on CFSA, CM Wells stated that the com-
mittee will be holding a series of hearings in the fall on CFSA’s performance and on discreet issues
(such as intake).
This affords advocates an opportunity to help the committee suggest hearing subjects and
proactively engage with and establish/strengthen relationships.

 The Department of Mental Health has important memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with part-
ner agencies to provide mental health services for children and youth. Throughout the year, advo-
cates should monitor the provision of services and implementation of programs between the following
 MHA-Child and Youth Services and the Office of Victim Services for Trauma-focused
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy consultation
 MHA-Child and Youth Services and CFSA for the provision of mental health services
through the Choice Provider Network
 MHA-Child and Youth Services and CFSA to provide wraparound services to young people
 MHA-School Mental Health Program and OSSE to provide wraparound services for 100
students attending Full Service Schools
 MHA-School Mental Health Program and the Office of the Deputy Mayor of Education for
the Primary Project Program
 MHA-Child and Youth Services and DYRS to provide wraparound services

 The issue of school health bears close scrutiny. There may be opportunities to use and/or leverage
federal stimulus funds.
Advocates should stay in touch with the Department of Health and the Office of the City
Administrator and frequently check out the city’s ARRA site,

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