Alan Parsons - There Is No God

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Alan Parsons Open Secret There is no God! Refer to <


Say, You do not have to seek anything spiritually. The Good Shepherd will seek its lost sheep. This tells us that we have to come to a realisation rather than seek anything; that the true being of the sheep [the spirit son of God] in us is lost in the goat [the son of man, son of Adam] in us. Amazing Grace is about being lost and then found. I will explain later that your being as a goat and life as a goat will be made more futile if you try to seek a purpose to life as a goat [the son of man, son of Adam] in us; beyond understanding how to as the sheep [the spirit son of God] get off the mountain goat terrain of Jacobs Ladder. I despair that all my efforts to enlighten you on spiritual matters, explaining them in strict orthodox Jesuit Catholic theology, have never ever come to a point where you realise a sudden spiritual awakening that you are spiritually speaking a sheep lost in goats clothing. Recent attempts to introduce Zen as an alternative to injecting a sudden spiritual awakening has proved equally unproductive as your current reply demonstrates. Say, we are not getting any younger. Both you and I are not well, health-wise, as you know. You are my twin! If you do not listen to me, on spiritual matters, who are you going to listen to? I have no reason to lie to you. I just want to make sure you are on the other shore with me when our worldly existence ends. So, please make a genuine sincere effort to understand. What I know spiritually you cannot find even if you buy up the entire Barr Smith Library at the University of Adelaide or all the books at Dymocks. It is free! I do not own it! It came to me as a sudden awakening that I want to share with you because you are my twin. I have nothing to gain. I am very sad and surprised that you are so parochial and inhibited intellectually when you said that you stopped reading Alan Parson at the point that he said that there is no God. Where is your enquiring researching challenging open mind that you had at University; enquiring about the economics of Karl Marx, Schumacher, Keynes, Friedman and others? In the good old Socratic tradition that is how we stimulate and debate our differences; that is how new ideas and innovation come about; through cross-exchanges and cross-fertilisation and testing all hypotheses, in open transparent dynamic meaningful debate. Did you not challenge what you were told by your lecturers at University? Did we get University medals for being different and innovative and creative or for being dogmatic and narrow-minded and accepting wholesale what we have been spoon-fed? Why get upset? When Christians read the part of the Bible where Jesus told us not to worry as the birds in the sky and the grass and lilies in the fields do not worry, and that God would provide; and these people therefore do not value-add or think of making money or anything; is not that the beingness that Alan Parsons was preaching? Yet similarly you get upset with such Christians! You detest such people! You think that they are pathetic and should get off their lazy arse! Dont they

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believe in the same Christian God as you? So, how can Alan Parsons who do not believe in God end up in the same square as your fellow Christians. Are they both right or are they both wrong? Think? At the end of the day, so what if someone makes the proposition that there is no God? If we shit, we have to wipe our own bum. Why worry about Alan Parsons shit if you think it is shit? Why wipe his bum? If you need to satisfy your own ego or your own intellect or judgment, then, by all means explain the counter argument, i.e. why there is God! I would have thought that if Alan Parsons were to say that there is God, it would be equally in order for us to test our mettle and faith by trying to see whether we can prove that there is no God. Wouldnt it be safer to double-check? Isnt that how we vouchsafe or test the truth? It is a bit like testing the placebo effect in clinical trials. Tell me, how do you personally know that there is God? I will come to your declaration that he breathed life into you later; because that is just as preposterous as Alan Parsons saying that there is no God. Tell me, how many times have we felt that there is no God? Even Jesus was doubtful in his mind, whether the Father had forsaken him, when he was bleeding on the Cross! Even Mother Teresa in her memoirs admitted that there were many a time when she doubted whether God exist! In our trials and tribulations and despair dont we often wonder whether God exists? Every time our prayers are not answered dont we think that there is no God or God has forsaken us? Say, whether God exists or not is not a simple question. It is also not a question of simple human blind faith. If God stands for perfection, then only somebody or something perfect can answer this question. Humans as outcasts in the Garden of Eden and entangled in the web of deceit of Satan, and as goats can never conceive or grasp or comprehend what God is or are. It is also not a matter of seeking God. Goats may think they seek God but it would be futile; since God will separate the sheep from the goats. That essentially is what Gods judgement is about and definitely it has nothing to do with mortal worldly sins. Morality or immorality and worldly sins come under the immutable and totally unbiased and totally fair universal principle of 'you reap what you sow'. I think you already know and accept that God seeks the lost sheep in us rather than us as goats seeking God. That proposition comes about because we know that the Spirit Father is seeking his lost spirit son. But the spirit son of God who is lost and who is not aware that he is lost, cannot logically be said to be consciously seeking to return home to Heaven. So do not worry whether there is God or not. That is what Jesus meant when he said do not worry and just be like the birds in the sky and the grass and lilies in the field; for once you realise you [i.e. as sheep] are lost you will hear your Masters voice; and the Good Shepherd will be able seek his lost sheep. In any case God, as a human word of description called God, as an entity imagined by the human mind of a goat of the son of man, son of Adam does not exist. So if Alan Parson was speaking as a goat he is quite correct that God does not exist. If you were listening to Alan Parsons in your alter ego as a goat then you are also wrong if you say that God exists. What is the use of the goat recognising God when God does not recognise the goat? The goat represents the sin of the separation of the sheep [spirit son of God] from God the Spirit Father. Why should God recognise the son of Satan? Let me explain. In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was LOGOS. What is LOGOS? It simply has no answer and that is why it is just termed LOGOS! Why say there is God when we do not know what the principle behind LOGOS is? They say that man is made in Gods image. But when you do not have the principle right you end up with God being made in mans image. This is what we Page 2 of 4

have done, and blasphemed in the process, Michelangelo drawing God as a white man, Zeus like character on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. So, in that sense, the God that is made in mans image does not exist. It only exists in the human mind, the mind of the goat! The Spirit Father and his spirit sons exist in this human world but not in a way that is apparent or perceivable to human sight or the human mind. If we are talking as humans and therefore as goats it is therefore more correct to say that there is no God. In that sense Alan Parsons was speaking the truth. And conversely you are living a lie. For as a human being, as a goat, we can never seek God. The Good Shepherd only seeks his lost sheep. A sheep is definitely not a goat! God does not recognise the son of Satan! In human or goat terms there is no God because God as God cannot just appear at the time of Abraham. That is trying to put Gods eternal time as comprised in human history. Where was God before Jesus, before Abraham? The Chinese civilisation is more than 5000 years old. Fair enough that the ancient Chinese cannot be Christians before the time of Christ; but were our Chinese ancestors Godless? Are our Chinese ancestors not children of God? If so how come we are suddenly, you and I, children of God; or maybe not? For since when did the Universal God become a Christian God for Christians only; and before that for Jews only? The Catholic [Universal] God loves all his children equally and unconditionally. God and his children, all being one and severally eternal, must have come into being at the beginning of time and will be till the end of eternal time; so how can the Universal God suddenly appear and then only to one son or some sons. How can humans die if we are perfect creations? Goats die but the eternal sheep in us will never die! So that is why Jesus said I repeat - do not worry be like the birds up in the sky and the grass and lilies in the fields. You declared that God breathed life into you. Which you? The sheep [spirit son of God] in you or the goat [son of man, son of Adam] in you? If you say the goat then why do you need oxygen to stay alive? Why do you have to die? Why do you fear death? This substantiates the fact that only a goat needs to fear death. A sheep being eternal by definition, being a son of God, has no worry about death. A sheep is already with God, so why is there a need to seek God, or ask whether there is a God or not? Would a son ask whether he has a father or not? No! Without a father there is no son. Similarly, unless you are lost would you ask - where is my house? And if you are a child lost outside its home; would you not want to go home, would you not want to see your father? But you cannot be lost if you want to stay as a goat in goatee land! Christianity has nothing to do with a God! It is all about filial piety and a Spirit Fathers unconditional love for and seeking his lost wayward vagrant son. Assuming the drugged or amnesic child outside his home is awakened to the fact that he is lost; would he not describe his father in godly terms and his home in heavenly terms? But this God is only a description by the lost child. In truth the qualities of ones Father and a Fathers love is beyond description. It is definitely beyond human description, beyond description by a goat! There is nothing permanent in this human world. Everything is transient and there is constant change and flux. You and I are different from the 'You and I' of yesterday. We will be different again tomorrow, physically etc. Therefore see all things whether tangible or intangible as provisional or expedient and not absolute. Alan Parsons saying that there is no God is also a provisional and expedient statement. It is subjective and relative to his human mental and emotional state. For there can be no God within worldly human expression or comprehension or experience. Yet, as explained, there is God when you stop worldly thinking and seeing and seeking. God as Sprit Father Page 3 of 4

can only be conceived grasped and experienced spiritually by a sheep. For if God is in everything and everything is in God, as we Jesuits put it, what human organ or apparatus, what goat, can perceive and see God for what God is? I mentioned earlier that morality comes under the immutable and totally unbiased and totally fair universal principle of you reap what you sow. I also said that God does not judge other than to separate the goats from the sheep. The judgement principle of you reap what you sow determines whether we stay as goats in Jacobs Ladder and continue to be bugged by the evil spirit and his seven deadly companions in the goat personam of the son of man, son of Adam. God the Heavenly Spirit father is saying I love you my son [lost sheep] unconditionally; I am seeking you and waiting for you to make the Journey Home of the Prodigal Son; but you yourself have to extricate yourself out of Satans jail first. You tasted Satans Tree of Knowledge. You have to detach yourself from that Tree of Knowledge. Alan Parsons is blinded to the fact that he is happy residing in the jail as a comatose goat and obliviously not realising that he is lost or that he has a father! You in contrast as a goat thinks it has a father [1st fault, as only a sheep will be sought by the father] but more importantly you are not focusing on getting out of the jail yourself; you are asking the father to get you out of jail, when even if you were a sheep the father cannot assist [2nd fault]. We have to get off Jacobs Ladder ourselves. We have to discard our goats clothing ourselves. To get off Jacobs Ladder, to get out of the web of deceit of Satan, we have to owe nothing to Satan; we have to reduce our karmic residue to NIL. I will briefly explain the cause and effect of reap what you sow. There are different gestation periods and the harvest varies depending on the karmic impact of the action. The reaction has to fit the action. Imagine an American gridiron football field with all the parallel lines drawn all the way up the field. The reaction of the kick action could land the ball at any line sector reflecting different time or dimensions and the intensity of the reaction. The kick could slice the ball to deviate sideways to the left or right indicating that the karmic impact could be oblique or indirect rather than direct. Say, you are still thinking with your worldly mind, when you have to open your spiritual mind, to understand that we are lost sheep. You are seeing with your worldly eyes when you should be seeing with your spiritual 3rd eye. Love as always. Chuan. 22/5/13

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