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"IRS-ISKRABS Executive Sumarry" What is Biocomtechnology and why is it likely to have such a dramatic impact?

Biocomtechnology is the application of DNA and Advance-Computing technology to the production of therapeutic and diagnostic products and processes [1]. Computer, Software and Pharmaceutical companies, foreseeing patent expirations, are establishing in- house biocomtechnology facilities and aquiring smaller biocomtech campanies in a quest for a new and innovative healthcare, advance computing devices and drugs.

With four hundred computers, software and drugs accounting for $96billion combined sales scheduled to lose patent protection, aquisition of innovative advances and new therapies for a wide range of illness is seen as critical to this industry. As the "Genome Project", an international effort to map all the human genes, nears completion, scientists will have detailed information about the 80,000 genes in our body. Unlocking the secrets of the genome is allowing genes to be tailored for specific tasks, such as making the proteins that serve as hormones and other signaling molecules in the body [2]. On the other hand 'Debian's Linux' or Debian is an all volunteer organization dedicated to developing free software and the ideals of the Free Software community. The Debian Project began in 1993, when Ian Murdock issued an open invitation to software developers to contribute to a complete and coherent software distibution based on the relatively new Linux kernel. That relatively small band of dedicated enthusiast originally funded by the Free Software Foundation (http:/ and influenced by the GNU ( philosophy, has grown over the years into an organizaton of around 886 Debian Developers. Involved in a variety of activities icluding Web ( and FTP ( site administration, graphic design,legal analysis of software licenses, writing documentation, and of course maintaining software packages. [3]

Computer, Software and Pharmaceutical companies are in a race to develop faster, extra high capacity, ultralight, ultrathin, supersmall, multi-tasking computing devices and drugs for calculating treatment of illnesses such as cancer, arthritis, heart and infectious diseases that exploit this emerging genetic information. Gene therapy and DNA vaccination are examples of treatments base upon our growing understanding of the genetic code [4]. We are on the threshold of a major shift, a combined effort of Computing and Medicine as one approach driven by our new understanding of advanced computing, genetics and biotecnology. A useful up-to-date US federal source of information about biocomtech is the National Biotechnology Information Facility, and the 'Debian'Project which can be accesed at and

It is in this market that IRS-ISKRABS will establish itself as a significant player.

ADDENDUM/PS: June2009-till-March2010, have been the Best time of my college life. PC-KILLING and death of PERSONAL-COMPUTERS that time was rampant. Around 2007-2008 approximately, was the beginning and birth of "SMARTPHONES", "IPHONES" and eventually, "IPADS", an event that striked me when I was in the last year of Nursing study. It was dawning on me that finishing a nursing carrer and work as nurse in the US was not for me. I was about to connect deeply with my spiritual-self. "Self-Analysis" in the course of Psychiatric Nursing helped a lot. Now, doing all the thinking and and actions alone is too much, I have to share this. Several years ago up to present , I've been studying numbers corporate events, companies, institutions, & significant business figures i.e.: Worl Bank Google Boeing EU(European Union) Dell Trump Towers (Donal Trump) Interpool IBM George Soros Bentley Lockheed Martin Larry Ellison Ford Yahoo Bill Gates Ferrari Youtube Warren Buffet Oracle Berkshire Hathaway Antonio Ignacio Java Wall Street Carlos Slim Helu

Android NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) Sergey Brin Facebook NASDAQ Larry Page Audi/Pagani Loui Vuitton Richard Branson BMW / Rolce Royce Apple-Microsoft Mike Dillard Coca-cola DOW Chemicals Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) Pepsico Virgin Forbes-Fortune-Enrepreneurs Mag Vacant Positions: 2 co-CEO: Chief Executives 2 co-CSA: Chief Software Architect 2 co-CRDMA: Chief Research and Data Mining Analyst 2 SVP-Marketing Affairs 2 SVP-Finance 239-Product Directors; Board of Trustees Employees Shareholders Stakeholders Goodluck ISKRABS! Truely Yours, ALTESING, MARIO JR. IRS-ISKRABS CBA, Executive-Chairman & COO

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