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Quantitative Ability Syllabus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Number Systems LCM and HCF Percentages Profit, Loss and Discount Interest (Simple and Compound) Speed, Time and Distance Time and Work Averages Ratio and Proportion

10. Linear Equations 11. Quadratic Equations 12. Complex Numbers 13. Logarithm 14. Progressions (Sequences & Series) 15. Binomial Theorem 16. Surds and Indices 17. Inequalities 18. Permutation and Combination 19. Probability 20. Functions 21. Set Theory 22. Mixtures and Alligations 23. Geometry 24. Co-ordinate Geometry 25. Trigonometry 26. Mensuration

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tables Column Graphs Bar Graphs Line Charts Pie Chart


Data is given in form of tables, charts and graphs. In this section it is tested that how can you interpret the given data and answer the questions based on it.

6. 7.

Venn Diagrams Caselets

Combination of two or more types linked to each other.

Logical Reasoning
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Number and Letter Series Calendars Clocks Cubes Venn Diagrams Binary Logic Seating Arrangement Logical Sequence Logical Matching

10. Logical Connectives 11. Syllogism 12. Blood Relation

Verbal Ability
Types of Questions Vocabulary Based (Synonyms Antonyms) English Usage or Grammar Sentence Correction Fill in the blanks Cloze Passage Analogies or Reverse Analogies Jumbled Paragraph Meaning-Usage Match Summary Questions Verbal Reasoning Facts / Inferences / Judgements Reading Comprehension Vocabulary: Vocabulary questions test the candidates knowledge of the primary meanings of words, secondary shades of meaning, usage, idioms and phrases, antonyms, related words, etc.

Grammar: Grammar-based questions test the candidates ability to spot and correct grammatical errors. CAT generally tests knowledge of high school level grammar and includes areas like subject-verb agreement, use of modifiers, parellel construction, redundancy, phrasal verbs, use of articles, prepositions, etc. Verbal Reasoning: Verbal reasoning questions are designed to test the candidates ability to identify relationships or patterns within groups of words or sentences.

at this stage of the game

This expression refers to the current point reached in a process, activity or developing situation. At this stage of the game I think any further intervention would be unwise. Let's wait and see how things develop. Someone who has a lot at stake is in a risky situation, with a lot to be won or lost. He was nervous about signing the agreement because there was a lot at stake. If you are on automatic pilot, you do something without thinking about it or having to pay attention, because you do it regularly. Fred's on automatic pilot today - he didn't even hear my question! Something which is of no avail is not at all helpful or useful. The coffee machine wouldn't work, and the instruction leaflet was of no avail. When someone makes a public declaration of their objective or goal, this is their avowed intent. The avowed intent of the new government is to reduce unemployment. If you get a rude awakening, you are forced to accept the unpleasant truth or reality. She thought Charlie would want her back, but she got a rude awakening - he was already dating another girl. Someone who is away with the fairies is in such a dreamy state that they are not totally in touch with reality and give the impression of being slightly mad. It's no use trying to explain the problem to her - she's away with the fairies! If you have an axe to grind, you have personal reasons for becoming involved in something or adopting a particular attitude. It was decided that the best candidate would be selected by a recruitment agency who had no axe to

at stake

automatic pilot

or no avail

avowed intent

a rude awakening

away with the fairies

have an axe to grind

This expression refers to the current point reached in a process, activity or developing situation. At this stage of the game I think any further intervention would be unwise. Let's wait and see how things develop. at stake Someone who has a lot at stake is in a risky situation, with a lot to be won or lost. He was nervous about signing the agreement because there was a lot at stake. If you are on automatic pilot, you do something without thinking about it or having to pay attention, because you do it regularly. Fred's on automatic pilot today - he didn't even hear my question! Something which is of no avail is not at all helpful or useful. The coffee machine wouldn't work, and the instruction leaflet was of no avail. When someone makes a public declaration of their objective or goal, this is their avowed intent. The avowed intent of the new government is to reduce unemployment. If you get a rude awakening, you are forced to accept the unpleasant truth or reality. She thought Charlie would want her back, but she got a rude awakening - he was already dating another girl. Someone who is away with the fairies is in such a dreamy state that they are not totally in touch with reality and give the impression of being slightly mad. It's no use trying to explain the problem to her - she's away with the fairies! If you have an axe to grind, you have personal reasons for becoming involved in something or adopting a particular attitude. It was decided that the best candidate would be selected by a recruitment agency who had no axe to

at this game

at sta

automatic pilot


or no avail

or no

avowed intent


a rude awakening

a rude

away with the fairies


have an axe to grind


to the best of one's ability.

When can. I felt ne

(of) no fixed abode about turn/about face above and beyond the call of duty

A pers A 30-ye

This te The am

If a per degree The fire

above board more by accident than by design

If a situ There a

Somet intentio I becam refugee

accidentally on purpose

If you d purpos I accide

an accomplished fact (also 'fait accompli') of your own accord

Somet change

If you d influen The boy

no accounting for taste ace a test have an ace up your sleeve

This ex She fell

If you o Maria's

If you h an adv I'm wel

hold all the aces

A pers advant Given th

Achilles heel

This ex that co He's ex

acid test

To refe someth The tra

acquired taste act of God

Somet is an a Tony h

This te an eart The ins God.

get your act together

If you t more e You'd b

add fuel to the flames

If you a worse. He forg

much ado about nothing

When is not im There "Much

afraid of one's own shadow after the fact

A pers I've ne

If some especi He said

against one's better judgement

If you d your be Bob pe as she

against the clock ahead of the pack

If you d They a

If a per rivals. Our pro

set the alarm bells ringing / alarm bells start to ring

If some there m Alarm

answer all along

If some the beg I had b along.

all the better for (something) all brawn and no brain

If you a You'll b

Someo brain. He's an

all clear

If you a you ge Dad sa

all ears all hands on deck

To say Of cou

When lot of w As the

all in your head all hell broke loose

If some Don't b

If you s to som All hell

all that jazz of all people

This ex Let's g

To use else, is As an a When We've

all systems go all things to all people

If you a She's e be all t

all things being equal

This ex unchan

All (oth our pric all the rage all sizzle and no steak

When Twitter

Someo market steak. Becaus call the

all skin and bone all things to all people

If some After tr

If you a She's e be all t

all thumbs / all fingers and thumbs all told up/down your alley

If you a Would

All told The nu

If some tastes Alex lo


This te the win He ent

alter ego ambulance chaser

The ter who is

A lawy person Peters

answer for something answer the call of nature / nature's call ants in one's pants

If some He will

When I had to

People I wish h

anyone's call any port in a storm

This ex "Who d

When normal The ho all the

the apple of your eye

A pers affectio My gra

upset the applecart apple-pie order apron strings

If you u I hope

If some They m

If one p should All his

argue the toss arm of the law give your right arm

If you a The fin

This ex He fled

If you s anythin I'd give

cost an arm and a leg be up in arms keep someone at arm's length armchair critic armchair traveller

If some The ho

If you a The po

If you k It's not

An arm That gu

Someo but doe A surp

asking for trouble

Someo problem Driving

asleep at the wheel

If you s attentiv When asleep

at all costs

If you a the exp The jou

at this stage of the game

This ex situatio At this how th

at stake automatic pilot

Someo He was

If you a attentio Fred's

or no avail avowed intent

Somet The co

When intent. The av

a rude awakening

If you g She th dating

away with the fairies

Someo touch w It's no

have an axe to grind

If you h or adop It was d no axe

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