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Category Subject # | Description of MateriaT

Sorted by Column One

Accident Notice UAL 175 Folder 18 FAA Form 8020-9 - Aircraft Accident/Incident Preliminary Notice
NADIN Message
FAA Form 8020-3, Facility Accident Notification Record
Teletype Message - Request for Accident Data
Transmission Journal & Fax numbers
(2) FEDEX Receipts
Accident Package Folder 01 Original Accident Package
FAA Form 8020-6, Report of Aircraft Accident
FAA Form 8020-6-1, Report of Aircraft Accident (Continuation Sheet)
Certified Indexes and Normal Service Statements
FAA Form 7230-4, Daily Record of Facility Operation
Personnel Logs
Automated Sign-in/Sign-Out (SISO) Data
Facility Layout Chart
Flight Progress Strips
Transcriptions of Voice Recordings
FAA Form 8020-3, Facility Accident Notification Record
Personnel Statements
Weather Products
Stored Flight Plan
Accident Package UAL175 Folder 1A Formal Accident Package - Transcript Corrections and Restricted Distribution Memo
Accident Package Corrections w/handwritten corrections
3 emails Accident Package Correction 5/07, 5/08, 5/16 2002
AIDSCAN UAL175 Printout UAL175
AIDSCAN UAL93 Printout UAL93
Briefing Document Disk 01 Briefing Item - WTCB1.DOC World Trade Center to AAT20, ATX-1, AEA-500
Briefing Item AAL11 Folder 16 Briefing Item AAL 1 1 , UAL 175 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Briefing Item AAL11 Folder 16 Brief Synopsis of Events AAL11, UAL 175 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Briefing Item UAL175 Folder 16 Briefing Item AAL1 1, UAL175
Briefing Item UAL175 Folder 16 Brief Synopsis of Events AAL1 1, UAL 175
Chronology Disk 04 Chronology of Events
DART UAL 175 Disk 06 Electronic DART - UAL1751og (zipped)
DART UAL175 Disk 06 Electronic DART - UAL1 75trk
DART UAL93 Disk 06 Electronic DART - UAL93trk
DART AAL11 Disk 07 Electronic DART - AAL 1 1 alog
DART AAL11 Disk 07 Electronic DART - AAL1 latrk
DART AAL11 Disk 07 Electronic DART -AAL1 Hog
DART UAL93 Disk 07 Electronic DART - UAL931og
DART Printout Airports in the Northeast
DART Printout Field DART UAL93, AAL1 1, AAL1 1 A, & UAL175
DART AAL11 Printout DART of UAL93, AAL1 1, AAL1 1A, UAL175
DART UAL175 Printout DART of UAL93, AAL11, AAL11A, UAL175 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
DART UAL93 Printout DART Of UAL93, AALll, AAL11A, UAL175 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
ERIT Disk ERIT Data (Super Disk)
Flight Data Teletype ZIP ZIP Drive Disk of Sep 10 and Sep 1 1 Flight Data Archive (Teletype info)
Logs, Position Folder 13 SISOs Area A, Area B, Area C, Area D, Logs E, Logs F
Copy of Daily Record of Operation, OMIC Log
OMIC Mid-Shift Checklist
Logs, Staffing Folder 14 Duty Logs Areas A, C, D, E, F
Staffing Logs Day/Eve/Mids Shifts
Map Folder 10 Map used to get receiver airports in NY Metropolitan Area
Map AAL11 Folder 10 Locally produced Flight Paths
Map UAL175 Folder 10 Locally produced Flight Paths
Map UAL93 Folder 10 Locally produced Flight Paths
Normal Services UAL93 Folder 04 UAL93, Normal Service Statement, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
FAA Form 8020-6-1, Report of Aircraft Accident (Continuation Sheet)
Certified Index
Normal Services AAL11 Folder 05 AALll, Normal Service Statement, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148
FAA Form 8020-6-1, Report of Aircraft Accident (Continuation Sheet)
Certified Index
Notes Folder 19 Notes from KW on 9/1 1/01 during telcons
SATORI notes & Eastern Telcon
4:30 Notes on handling of traffic
202-267-8558 Notes on various traffic and reports
Mary Ellen - various airports around NY area
Muncton - Coast Notes on various operations
John Notes on various operations
Dan Diggins Notes four pages (5x7) on various activities
Security Precautions (teletype message)
ZNY Recorder List
NTAP AAL11 Disk 02 Electronic Copies of NTAPs AAL1 l/UAL175-17files on Disk - Both AAL1 1/UAL175
NTAP UAL175 Disk 02 Electronic Copies of NTAPs AAL1 l/UAL175-17files on Disk - Both AAL1 1/UAL175
ATC07 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC08 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC09 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC10 - NTAP - UAL175
ATC1 1 - NATP - UAL1 75
ATC13 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC1 5 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC 1 9 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC20 - NTAP - UAL1 75
NTAP UAL93 Disk 05 Electronic Copies of NTAPs UAL93 9 files on Disk - UAL93
ATO21 - NTAP - UAL93
ATO22 - NATP - UAL93
ATO23 - NTAP - UAL93
ATO27 - NTAP - UAL93
AT028 - NTAP - UAL93
ATO29 - NTAP - UAL93
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC020
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC019
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAPATC018
NTAP UAL 175 Printout NTAPATC017
NTAP UAL 175 Printout NTAP ATC016
NTAP UAL 175 Printout NTAPATC015
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC014
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC013
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAPATC011
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC01
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC04
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC05
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC06
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC08
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC07
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC09
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC10
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT024
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT023
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT021
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT025
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT026
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT027
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT028
NTAP UAL93 Printout (2) NTAPs WW2
SATORI R39 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY__01_UAL93a_r39 / Comm / Map
SATORI R42 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY 01 SI 1 1 r42/Map
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 2 r42
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 7 r42/Comm
SATORI ZNY_01_S1 1_8_r42 / Comm
SATORI R56 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 5 r56/Map
SATORI ZNY_01 Sll_6 r56
SATORI R73 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY 01 UAL93 r73/Comm
SATORI ZNY_01_UAL93b_r73 / Comm / Map
SATORI UAL93 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39 (NOTE: same as Sector SATORIs but listed
again for Subject sorting)
SATORI ZNY 01 UAL93 r73/Comm
SATORI ZNY 01 UAL93b r73 / Comm /Map
SATORI ZNY 01 UAL93a r39 / Comm / Map
SATORI Folder 17 Chain of Custody Form - S ATORIs
SATORI R42 SAR01 SAR Tape - SATORI 1215-1230Z Sector Radar 42 - SI 1SAT1 NY1484
SATORI R42 SAR02 SAR Tape - SATORI 1230-1245Z Sector Radar 42 - SI 1SAT2 NY1484-NY1485
SATORI R42 SAR03 SAR Tape - SATORI 1245-1300Z Sector Radar 42 - SI 1SAT3 NY1485
SATORI R42 SAR04 SAR Tape - SATORI 1237-1252Z Sector Radar 42 - SI 1SAT7 NY1485
SATORI R42 SAR05 SAR Tape - SATORI 1252-1307Z Sector Radar 42 - SI 1SAT8 NY1485-NY1486
SATORI R56 SAR06 SAR Tape- SATORI 1215-1230Z Sector Radar 56 - S11SAT4NY1484
SATORI R56 SAR07 SAR Tape - SATORI 1230-1245Z Sector Radar 56 - SI 1SAT5 NY1484-NY1485
SATORI R56 SAR08 SAR Tape - SATORI 1245-1300Z Sector Radar 56 - SI 1SAT6 NY1485
SISO Printout Area B Sign-in/Sign-out (SISWT1)
SISO Printout Area D Sign-in/Sign-out
SISO Printout Area C Sign-in/Sign-out
SISO Printout Area B Sign-in/Sign-out (SISO_B2)
SISO Printout Area B Sign-in/Sign-out (SISO B)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 OMIC - Charles Alfaro (AF)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 STMC - Martin Rosenberg (RM)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 STMC - Peter Mulligan (PE)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 OSIC - Paul Thumser (plain paper handwritten statement) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement AAL11 Folder 1 1 Evanna Dowis (plain paper handwritten statement)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 Mark Merced (plain paper handwritten statement)
Statement R39 Folder 11 Radar Sector 39 - Curtis Applegate (AG) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement R55 Folder 11 Radar Sector 55 - Christopher Tucker (plain paper handwritten statement)
Statement R55 Folder 11 OSIC - Paul Thumser (plain paper handwritten statement)
Statement R56 Folder 11 Mark Merced (plain paper handwritten statement) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement R73 Folder 11 Radar Sector 73 - Stephen Martin (NM) (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Statement RA73 Folder 11 Radar Associate Sector 73 - Greg Lemieux (GZ) (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Statement STMC Folder 11 STMC - Martin Rosenberg (RM) (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Statement STMC Folder 11 STMC - Peter Mulligan (PE) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement UAL175 Folder 11 Evanna Dowis (plain paper handwritten statement) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement UAL93 Folder 11 Radar Associate Sector 73 - Greg Lemieux (GZ)
Statement UAL93 Folder 11 Radar Sector 73 - Stephen Martin (NM)
Statement UAL93 Folder 11 Radar Sector 39 - Curtis Applegate (AG)
Strips Folder 12 Strips AAL11,UAL93
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 01 1230-1250Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 01 1230-1250Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 02 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 02 1 230-1 250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 03 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 03 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 04 1233-1245Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49
Tape, Rerecording R49 Tape 04 1233-1245Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 05 1233-1245Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49
Tape, Rerecording R49 Tape 05 1 233-1 245Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49 (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 06 1240-1259Z Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87
Tape, Rerecording O87 Tape 06 1240-1259Z Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 07 1240-1259Z Copy of Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87
Tape, Rerecording O87 Tape 07 1240-1259Z Copy of Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 08 1244-1 25 8Z Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 08 1244-1 25 8Z Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 09 1244-1258Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 09 1244-1258Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 10 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 10 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 1 1 1245-1305Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 1 1 1245-1305Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 12 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 12 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 13 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 13 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 14 1 230- 1 300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 14 1230-1300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 14 1230-1300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE.- Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 15 1300-1331Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 15 1 330-1 33 1Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 15 1330-1331Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 16 1230-1330Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-STM Tape 16 1230-1330Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 16 1230-1330Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-STM Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 18 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD
Tape, Rerecording TMU-AD Tape 18 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 18 1224-1 25 7Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 19 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD
Tape, Rerecording TMU-AD Tape 19 1224-1 25 7Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 19 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU- Tape 20 1230-1331Z Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 20 1230-133 1Z Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084)
Tape, Rerecording TMU- Tape 21 1230-1331Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 21 1230-1331Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084)
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 22 1235-1254Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 22 1235-1254Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 23 1235-1254Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 23 1235-1254Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DC Tape 24 1235-13 16Z Original Rerecording TMU-DC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 24 1235-13 16Z Original Rerecording TMU-DC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DC Tape 25 1235-1316Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-DC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 25 1235-1316Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-DC position
Tape, Rerecording RA55 Tape 26 1248-1317Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 26 1248-1 3 17Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording RA55 Tape 27 1248-13 17Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 27 1248-1317Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording R55 Tape 28 1248-1318Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 28 1 248-13 18Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 29 1250-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 29 1250-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 30 1250-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 30 1250-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording RA42 Tape 31 1255-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 3 1 1255-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording RA42 Tape 32 1255-1 308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 42 position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 32 1255-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-SC Tape 33 1255-1315Z Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 33 1255-1315Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-SC Tape 34 1255-13 15Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 34 1255-1315Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DSP Tape 35 1 305-1 334Z Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 35 1305-1334Z Original Rerecording TMU-DSP position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DSP Tape 36 1 305-1 334Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 36 1305-1334Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 37 1331-1344Z Original Rerecording OMIC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 37 1331-1344Z Original Rerecording OMIC position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 38 1331-1344Z Copy of Original Rerecording OMIC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 38 1331-1344Z Copy of Original Rerecording OMIC position
Tape, Rerecording R39 Tape 39 1245-1258Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 39 1245-1258Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39
Tape, Rerecording R39 Tape 40 1245-1258Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 40 1245-1258Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39
Tape, Rerecording R73 Tape 41 1250-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 41 1250-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73
Tape, Rerecording R73 Tape 42 1250-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 42 1250-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73
Tape, Rerecording RA73 Tape 43 1308-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 43 1308-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73
Tape, Rerecording RA73 Tape 44 1308-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 44 1308-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Assistant Sector 73
Transcript R42 Disk 03 Electronic Draft Transcript - Sector 42
Transcript R39 Disk 04 Electronic Draft Transcript - Sector 39
Transcript UAL93 Disk 04 Electronic Draft Transcript - UAL93
Transcript RA73 Disk 08 Electronic Draft Transcript Sector RA73 - 1308-1328Z
Transcript, Draft R42 Folder 09 UAL175 -R42 Draft Transcript 1250-1308Z
Transcript, Draft TMU-DSP Folder 09 TMU-DSP, Draft Transcript 1305-1334Z
Transcript, Draft TMU-STM Folder 09 TMU-STM, Draft Transcript 1230-1330Z
Transcript, Draft UAL 175 Folder 09 UAL175 - R42 Draft Transcript 1250-1 308Z
Transcript, Full R73 Folder 02 UAL93, Radar Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Full UAL93 Folder 02 UAL93, Radar Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
Transcript, Full RA73 Folder 03 UAL93, Radar Assistant Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Full UAL93 Folder 03 UAL93, Radar Assistant Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
Transcript, Full R39 Folder 06 UAL93, Radar Sector 39 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Full UAL93 Folder 06 UAL93, Radar Sector 39 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
Emails (general regarding accident files)
Transcript, Partial AAL11 Folder 07 AAL1 1, Radar Sector 56 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148
Transcript, Partial R56 Folder 07 AAL11, Radar Sector 56 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Partial AAL11 Folder 08 AAL11, ODAP Sector 87 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148
Transcript, Partial O87 Folder 08 AAL1 1, ODAP Sector 87 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Weather Folder 15 ZNY CWSU Briefing for Sep 10 1900 - Sep 1 1 1 100
Handwritten JFK Weather Data
Weather Printout Weather products
Category Subject # I Description o f Material

Sorted by Column Two

Accident Package Folder 01 Original Accident Package

FAA Form 8020-6, Report of Aircraft Accident
FAA Form 8020-6-1, Report of Aircraft Accident (Continuation Sheet)
Certified Indexes and Normal Service Statements
FAA Form 7230-4, Daily Record of Facility Operation
Personnel Logs
Automated Sign-in/Sign-Out (SISO) Data
Facility Layout Chart
Flight Progress Strips
Transcriptions of Voice Recordings
FAA Form 8020-3, Facility Accident Notification Record
Personnel Statements
Weather Products
Stored Flight Plan
Briefing Document Disk 01 Briefing Item - WTCB1.DOC World Trade Center to AAT20, ATX-1, AEA-500
Chronology Disk 04 Chronology of Events
DART Printout Airports in the Northeast
DART Printout Field DART UAL93, AAL1 1, AAL1 1 A, & UAL175
ERIT Disk ERIT Data (Super Disk)
Logs, Position Folder 13 SISOs Area A, Area B, Area C, Area D, Logs E, Logs F
Copy of Daily Record of Operation, OMIC Log
OMIC Mid-Shift Checklist
Logs, Staffing Folder 14 Duty Logs Areas A, C, D, E, F
Staffing Logs Day/Eve/Mids Shifts
Map Folder 10 Map used to get receiver airports in NY Metropolitan Area
Notes Folder 19 Notes from KW on 9/1 1/01 during telcons
SATORI notes & Eastern Telcon
4:30 Notes on handling of traffic
202-267-8558 Notes on various traffic and reports
Mary Ellen - various airports around NY area
Muncton - Coast Notes on various operations
John Notes on various operations
Dan Diggins Notes four pages (5x7) on various activities
Security Precautions (teletype message)
ZNY Recorder List
SATORI Folder 17 Chain of Custody Form - SATORIs
SISO Printout Area B Sign-in/Sign-out (SISWT1)
SISO Printout Area D Sign-in/Sign-out
SISO Printout Area C Sign-in/Sign-out
SISO Printout Area B Sign-in/Sign-out (SISO B2)
SISO Printout Area B Sign-in/Sign-out (SISO B)
Strips Folder 12 Strips AAL11.UAL93
Weather Folder 15 ZNY CWSU Briefing for Sep 10 1900 - Sep 1 1 1 100
Handwritten JFK Weather Data
Weather Printout Weather products
Briefing Item AAL11 Folder 16 Briefing Item AAL1 1, UAL175 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Briefing Item AAL11 Folder 16 Brief Synopsis of Events AAL1 1 , UAL1 75 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
DART AAL11 Disk 07 Electronic DART - AAL1 lalog
DART AAL11 Disk 07 Electronic DART - AAL1 latrk
DART AAL11 Disk 07 Electronic DART -AAL1 Hog
DART AAL11 Printout DART of UAL93, AAL1 1, AAL1 1A, UAL175
Map AAL11 Folder 10 Locally produced Flight Paths
Normal Services AAL11 Folder 05 AAL11, Normal Service Statement, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148
FAA Form 8020-6-1, Report of Aircraft Accident (Continuation Sheet)
Certified Index
NTAP AAL11 Disk 02 Electronic Copies of NTAPs AAL1 l/UAL175-17files on Disk - Both AAL1 1/UAL175
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 OMIC - Charles Alfaro (AF)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 STMC - Martin Rosenberg (RM)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 STMC - Peter Mulligan (PE)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 OSIC - Paul Thumser (plain paper handwritten statement) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 Evanna Dowis (plain paper handwritten statement)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 Mark Merced (plain paper handwritten statement)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 01 1230-1250Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 02 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 03 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 04 1233-1245Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 05 1233-1245Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 06 1240-1259Z Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 07 1240-1259Z Copy of Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 08 1244-1 25 8Z Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 09 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 10 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 1 1 1245-1305Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 12 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 13 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 14 1230-1300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 15 1300-1331Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 16 1230-1330Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 18 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 19 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD
Transcript, Partial AAL11 Folder 07 AAL1 1, Radar Sector 56 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148
Transcript, Partial AAL11 Folder 08 AAL1 1, ODAP Sector 87 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 08 1244-1258Z Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 09 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE. Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 10 1244-1258Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording O87 Tape 06 1240-1259Z Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording O87 Tape 07 1240-1259Z Copy of Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Partial 087 Folder 08 AAL11, ODAP Sector 87 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 14 1230-1300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 15 1330-1 33 1Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 37 1331-1344Z Original Rerecording OMIC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 38 133 1-1344Z Copy of Original Rerecording OMIC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
SATORI R39 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY_01 JJAL93a_r39 / Comm / Map
Statement R39 Folder 11 Radar Sector 39 - Curtis Applegate (AG) (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording R39 Tape 39 1245-1258Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R39 Tape 40 1245-1258Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39 (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Transcript R39 Disk 04 Electronic Draft Transcript - Sector 39
Transcript, Full R39 Folder 06 UAL93, Radar Sector 39 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
SATORI R42 SAR01 SAR Tape - SATORI 1215-1230Z Sector Radar 42 - SI 1SAT1 NY1484
SATORI R42 SAR02 S AR Tape - SATORI 1 230- 1245Z Sector Radar 42 - S11SAT2NY1484-NY1485
SATORI R42 SAR03 SAR Tape - SATORI 1245-1300Z Sector Radar 42 - SI 1SAT3 NY1485
SATORI R42 SAR04 SAR Tape - SATORI 1237-1252Z Sector Radar 42 - SI 1SAT7 NY1485
SATORI R42 SAR05 SAR Tape - SATORI 1252-1307Z Sector Radar 42 - SI 1SAT8 NY1485-NY1486
SATORI R42 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 1 r42/Map
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 2 r42
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 7 r42/Comm
SATORI ZNY_01_S1 1_8_r42 / Comm
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 22 1235-1254Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 23 1235-1254Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 29 1250-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 30 1250-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript R42 Disk 03 Electronic Draft Transcript - Sector 42
Transcript, Draft R42 Folder 09 UAL175 - R42 Draft Transcript 1250-1308Z
Tape, Rerecording R49 Tape 04 1233-1245Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R49 Tape 05 1233-1245Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement R55 Folder 11 Radar Sector 55 - Christopher Tucker (plain paper handwritten statement)
Statement R55 Folder 11 OSIC - Paul Thumser (plain paper handwritten statement)
Tape, Rerecording R55 Tape 28 1248-1318Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
SATORI R56 SAR06 SAR Tape - SATORI 1215-1230Z Sector Radar 56 - SI 1SAT4 NY1484
SATORI R56 SAR07 SAR Tape- SATORI 1230-1245Z Sector Radar 56 - S11SAT5 NY1484-NY1485
SATORI R56 SAR08 SAR Tape - SATORI 1245-1300Z Sector Radar 56 - SI 1SAT6 NY1485
SATORI R56 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 5 r56/Map
SATORI ZNY_01_S1 1_6_r56
Statement R56 Folder 11 Mark Merced (plain paper handwritten statement) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 01 1230-1250Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 02 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 03 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 1 1 1245-1305Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 12 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 13 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Partial R56 Folder 07 AAL11, Radar Sector 56 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
SATORI R73 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY 01 UAL93 r73 / Comm
SATORI ZNY 01 UAL93b r73 / Comm /Map
Statement R73 Folder 11 Radar Sector 73 - Stephen Martin (NM) (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording R73 Tape 41 1250-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R73 Tape 42 1250-1 328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Full R73 Folder 02 UAL93, Radar Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording RA42 Tape 31 1255-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording RA42 Tape 32 1255-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 42 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording RA55 Tape 26 1248-13 17Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording RA55 Tape 27 1248-13 17Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Statement RA73 Folder 11 Radar Associate Sector 73 - Greg Lemieux (GZ) (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording RA73 Tape 43 1308-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording RA73 Tape 44 1308-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript RA73 Disk 08 Electronic Draft Transcript Sector RA73 - 1308-1328Z
Transcript, Full RA73 Folder 03 UAL93, Radar Assistant Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287 (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Statement STMC Folder 11 STMC - Martin Rosenberg (RM) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement STMC Folder 11 STMC - Peter Mulligan (PE) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Flight Data Teletype ZIP ZIP Drive Disk of Sep 10 and Sep 1 1 Flight Data Archive (Teletype info)
Tape, Rerecording TMU-AD Tape 18 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU-AD Tape 19 1224-1 25 7Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DC Tape 24 1235-1 3 16Z Original Rerecording TMU-DC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DC Tape 25 1235-13 16Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-DC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DSP Tape 35 1 305- 1 334Z Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DSP Tape 36 1305-1334Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Draft TMU-DSP Folder 09 TMU-DSP, Draft Transcript 1305-1334Z
Tape, Rerecording TMU-SC Tape 33 1255-13 15Z Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU-SC Tape 34 1255-1315Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU-STM Tape 16 1 230- 1 330Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU-STM Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Transcript, Draft TMU-STM Folder 09 TMU-STM, Draft Transcript 1230-1330Z
Tape, Rerecording TMU- Tape 20 1230-133 1Z Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU- Tape 21 1230-1331Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Accident Notice UAL175 Folder 18 FAA Form 8020-9 - Aircraft Accident/Incident Preliminary Notice
NADIN Message
FAA Form 8020-3, Facility Accident Notification Record
Teletype Message - Request for Accident Data
Transmission Journal & Fax numbers
(2) FEDEX Receipts
Accident Package UAL 175 Folder 1A Formal Accident Package - Transcript Corrections and Restricted Distribution Memo
Accident Package Corrections w/handwritten corrections
3 emails Accident Package Correction 5/07, 5/08, 5/16 2002
AIDSCAN UAL 175 Printout UAL175
Briefing Item UAL175 Folder 16 Briefing Item AAL1 1, UAL175
Briefing Item UAL175 Folder 16 Brief Synopsis of Events AAL11, UAL175
DART UAL175 Printout DART of UAL93, AAL1 1, AAL1 1 A, UAL175 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
DART UAL175 Disk 06 Electronic DART - UAL 175 log (zipped)
DART UAL175 Disk 06 Electronic DART - UAL175trk
Map UAL175 Folder 10 Locally produced Flight Paths
NTAP UAL175 Disk 02 Electronic Copies of NTAPs AAL1 l/UAL175-17files on Disk - Both AAL1 1/UAL175
ATC07 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC08 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC09 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC 1 0 - NTAP - UAL 1 75
ATC1 1 - NATP - UAL175
ATC14 - NTAP - UAL175
ATC1 5 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC19 - NTAP - UAL175
ATC20 - NTAP - UAL1 75
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC020
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAPATC019
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAPATC018
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAPATC017
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC016
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAPATC015
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC014
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC013
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAPATC011
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC01
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC04
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC05
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC06
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC08
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC07
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC09
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC10
Statement UAL175 Folder 11 Evanna Dowis (plain paper handwritten statement) (NOTE: Listed again for sotting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 14 1230-1300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 15 1330-1331Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 16 1230-1 3 30Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 18 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 19 1 224- 1 25 7'Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 20 1230-1 33 1Z Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (XI 084)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 21 1230-1331Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 22 1235-1254Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 23 1235-1254Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 24 1235-1316Z Original Rerecording TMU-DC position
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 25 1235-1316Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-DC position
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 26 1248-13 17Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 27 1248-1 3 17Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 28 1248-1 3 18Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 29 1250-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 30 1250-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 31 1255-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 32 1255-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 33 1255-1315Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 34 1255-1 3 15Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 35 1305-1334Z Original Rerecording TMU-DSP position
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 36 1305-1334Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 37 1331-1344Z Original Rerecording OMIC position
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 38 1331-1344Z Copy of Original Rerecording OMIC position
Transcript, Draft UAL 175 Folder 09 UAL175 - R42 Draft Transcript 1250-1308Z
AIDSCAN UAL93 Printout UAL93
DART UAL93 Printout DART of UAL93, AAL1 1, AAL1 1 A, UAL 175 (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
DART UAL93 Disk 06 Electronic DART - UAL93trk
DART UAL93 Disk 07 Electronic DART - UAL931og
Map UAL93 Folder 10 Locally produced Flight Paths
Normal Services UAL93 Folder 04 UAL93, Normal Service Statement, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
FAA Form 8020-6-1, Report of Aircraft Accident (Continuation Sheet)
Certified Index
NTAP UAL93 Disk 05 Electronic Copies of NTAPs UAL93 9 files on Disk - UAL93
AT02 1 - NTAP - UAL93
AT022 - NATP - UAL93
ATO23 - NTAP - UAL93
AT025 - NTAP - UAL93
ATO26 - NTAP - UAL93
AT027 - NTAP - UAL93
AT028 - NTAP - UAL93
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT024
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT023
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAPAT021
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT025
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT026
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT027
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT028
NTAP UAL93 Printout (2) NTAPs WW2
SATORI UAL93 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39 (NOTE: same as Sector SATORIs but listed
again for Subject sorting)
SATORI ZNY 01 UAL93 r73/Comm
SATORI ZNY 01 UAL93b r73/Comm/Map
SATORI ZNY__01_UAL93a_r39 / Comm / Map
Statement UAL93 Folder 11 Radar Associate Sector 73 - Greg Lemieux (GZ)
Statement UAL93 Folder 11 Radar Sector 73 - Stephen Martin (NM)
Statement UAL93 Folder 11 Radar Sector 39 - Curtis Applegate (AG)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 39 1245-1258Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 40 1245-1258Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 41 1250-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 42 1250-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 43 1308-1 328Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 44 1308-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Assistant Sector 73
Transcript UAL93 Disk 04 Electronic Draft Transcript - UAL93
Transcript, Full UAL93 Folder 02 UAL93, Radar Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
Transcript, Full UAL93 Folder 03 UAL93, Radar Assistant Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
Transcript, Full UAL93 Folder 06 UAL93, Radar Sector 39 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
Emails (general regarding accident files)
Category Subject ~# I Description of Material

Sorted by Column Three

SATORI R39 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY_01_UAL93a_r39 / Comm / Map
SATORI R42 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 1 r42/Map
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 2 r42
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 7 r42/Comm
SATORI ZNY 01_S1 1_8_r42 / Comm
SATORI R56 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 5 r56/Map
SATORI ZNY 01 Sll 6 r56
SATORI R73 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39
SATORI ZNY 01 UAL93 r73 / Comm
SATORI ZNY_01_UAL93b_r73 / Comm / Map
SATORI UAL93 DAT DAT Backup of SATORIs Sectors 42/56/73/39 (NOTE: same as Sector SATORIs but listed
again for Subject sorting)
SATORI ZNY 01 UAL93 r73 / Comm
SATORI ZNY 01 UAL93b r73 / Comm / Map
SATORI ZNY_01_UAL93a_r39 / Comm / Map
ERIT Disk ERIT Data (Super Disk)
Briefing Document Disk 01 Briefing Item - WTCB1.DOC World Trade Center to AAT20, ATX-1, AEA-500
NTAP AAL11 Disk 02 Electronic Copies of NTAPs AALl l/UAL175-17files on Disk - Both AALl 1/UAL175
NTAP UAL175 Disk 02 Electronic Copies of NTAPs AALl l/UAL175-17files on Disk - Both AALl 1/UAL175
ATC07 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC08 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC09 - NTAP - UAL175
ATC10 - NTAP - UAL175
ATC 1 1 - NATP - UAL1 75
ATC13 - NTAP - UAL175
ATC14 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC 1 5 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC16 - NATP - UAL175
ATC 1 7 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC 1 8 - NTAP - UAL1 75
ATC20 - NTAP - UAL1 75
Transcript R42 Disk 03 Electronic Draft Transcript - Sector 42
Chronology Disk 04 Chronology of Events
Transcript R39 Disk 04 Electronic Draft Transcript - Sector 39
Transcript UAL93 Disk 04 Electronic Draft Transcript - UAL93
NTAP UAL93 Disk 05 Electronic Copies of NTAPs UAL93 9 files on Disk - UAL93
ATO22 - NATP - UAL93
AT023 - NTAP - UAL93
ATO24 - NTAP - UAL93
ATO25 - NTAP - UAL93
ATO26 - NTAP - UAL93
ATO27 - NTAP - UAL93
AT028 - NTAP - UAL93
ATO29 - NTAP - UAL93
DART UAL175 Disk 06 Electronic DART - UAL1 751og (zipped)
DART UAL175 Disk 06 Electronic DART - UAL1 75trk
DART UAL93 Disk 06 Electronic DART - UAL93trk
DART AAL11 Disk 07 Electronic DART - AAL1 lalog
DART AAL11 Disk 07 Electronic DART - AAL1 1 atrk
DART AAL11 Disk 07 Electronic DART -AAL1 Hog
DART UAL93 Disk 07 Electronic DART - UAL931og
Transcript RA73 Disk 08 Electronic Draft Transcript Sector RA73 - 1308-1328Z
Accident Package Folder 01 Original Accident Package
FAA Form 8020-6, Report of Aircraft Accident
FAA Form 8020-6-1, Report of Aircraft Accident (Continuation Sheet)
Certified Indexes and Normal Service Statements
FAA Form 7230-4, Daily Record of Facility Operation
Personnel Logs
Automated Sign-in/Sign-Out (SISO) Data
Facility Layout Chart
Flight Progress Strips
Transcriptions of Voice Recordings
FAA Form 8020-3, Facility Accident Notification Record
Personnel Statements
Weather Products
Stored Flight Plan
Transcript, Full R73 Folder 02 UAL93, Radar Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Full UAL93 Folder 02 UAL93, Radar Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
Transcript, Full RA73 Folder 03 UAL93, Radar Assistant Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Full UAL93 Folder 03 UAL93, Radar Assistant Sector 73 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
Normal Services UAL93 Folder 04 UAL93, Normal Service Statement, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
FAA Form 8020-6-1, Report of Aircraft Accident (Continuation Sheet)
Certified Index
Normal Services AAL11 Folder 05 AAL11, Normal Service Statement, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148
FAA Form 8020-6-1, Report of Aircraft Accident (Continuation Sheet)
Certified Index
Transcript, Full R39 Folder 06 UAL93, Radar Sector 39 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Full UAL93 Folder 06 UAL93, Radar Sector 39 Full Transcript, TO: ZOB-ARTCC-287
Emails (general regarding accident files)
Transcript, Partial AAL11 Folder 07 AAL1 1, Radar Sector 56 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148
Transcript, Partial R56 Folder 07 AAL1 1, Radar Sector 56 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Partial AAL11 Folder 08 AAL11, ODAP Sector 87 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148
Transcript, Partial O87 Folder 08 AAL1 1, ODAP Sector 87 Partial Transcript, TO: ZBW-ARTCC-148 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Transcript, Draft R42 Folder 09 UAL175 - R42 Draft Transcript 1250-1308Z
Transcript, Draft TMU-DSP Folder 09 TMU-DSP, Draft Transcript 1305-1334Z
Transcript, Draft TMU-STM Folder 09 TMU-STM, Draft Transcript 1230-1330Z
Transcript, Draft UAL 175 Folder 09 UAL175 - R42 Draft Transcript 1250-1308Z
Map Folder 10 Map used to get receiver airports in NY Metropolitan Area
Map AAL11 Folder 10 Locally produced Flight Paths
Map UAL175 Folder 10 Locally produced Flight Paths
Map UAL93 Folder 10 Locally produced Flight Paths
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 OMIC - Charles Alfaro (AF)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 STMC - Martin Rosenberg (RM)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 STMC - Peter Mulligan (PE)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 OSIC - Paul Thumser (plain paper handwritten statement) (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 Evanna Dowis (plain paper handwritten statement)
Statement AAL11 Folder 11 Mark Merced (plain paper handwritten statement)
Statement R39 Folder 11 Radar Sector 39 - Curtis Applegate (AG) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement R55 Folder 11 Radar Sector 55 - Christopher Tucker (plain paper handwritten statement)
Statement R55 Folder 11 OSIC - Paul Thumser (plain paper handwritten statement)
Statement R56 Folder 11 Mark Merced (plain paper handwritten statement) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement R73 Folder 11 Radar Sector 73 - Stephen Martin (NM) (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Statement RA73 Folder 11 Radar Associate Sector 73 — Greg Lemieux (GZ) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement STMC Folder 11 STMC - Martin Rosenberg (RM) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement STMC Folder 11 STMC - Peter Mulligan (PE) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement UAL175 Folder 11 Evanna Dowis (plain paper handwritten statement) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Statement UAL93 Folder 11 Radar Associate Sector 73 - Greg Lemieux (GZ)
Statement UAL93 Folder 11 Radar Sector 73 - Stephen Martin (NM)
Statement UAL93 Folder 11 Radar Sector 39 - Curtis Appiegate (AG)
Strips Folder 12 Strips AAL11,UAL93
Logs, Position Folder 13 SISOs Area A, Area B, Area C, Area D, Logs E, Logs F
Copy of Daily Record of Operation, OMIC Log
OMIC Mid-Shift Checklist
Logs, Staffing Folder 14 Duty Logs Areas A, C, D, E, F
Staffing Logs Day/Eve/Mids Shifts
Weather Folder 15 ZNY CWSU Briefing for Sep 10 1900 - Sep 1 1 1 100
Handwritten JFK Weather Data
Briefing Item AAL11 Folder 16 Briefing Item AAL1 1 , UAL 1 75 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Briefing Item AAL11 Folder 16 Brief Synopsis of Events AAL1 1, UAL175 (NOTE: Listedagain for sorting)
Briefing Item UAL175 Folder 16 Briefing Item AAL1 1, UAL175
Briefing Item UAL 175 Folder 16 Brief Synopsis of Events AAL1 1, UAL175
SATORI Folder 17 Chain of Custody Form - SATORIs
Accident Notice UAL175 Folder 18 FAA Form 8020-9 - Aircraft Accident/Incident Preliminary Notice
NADIN Message
FAA Form 8020-3, Facility Accident Notification Record
Teletype Message - Request for Accident Data
Transmission Journal & Fax numbers
(2) FEDEX Receipts
Notes Folder 19 Notes from KW on 9/1 1/01 during telcons
SATORI notes & Eastern Telcon
4:30 Notes on handling of traffic
202-267-8558 Notes on various traffic and reports
Mary Ellen - various airports around NY area
Muncton - Coast Notes on various operations
John Notes on various operations
Dan Diggins Notes four pages (5x7) on various activities
Security Precautions (teletype message)
ZNY Recorder List
Accident Package UALl 75 Folder 1A Formal Accident Package - Transcript Corrections and Restricted Distribution Memo
Accident Package Corrections w/handwritten corrections
3 emails Accident Package Correction 5/07, 5/08, 5/16 2002
NATP UALl 75 Prinout NTAPWW1
DART Printout Airports in the Northeast
DART Printout Field DART UAL93, AALl 1, AALl 1 A, & UAL175
SISO Printout Area B Sign-in/Sign-out (SISWT1)
SISO Printout Area D Sign-in/Sign-out
SISO Printout Area C Sign-in/Sign-out
SISO Printout Area B Sign-in/Sign-out (SISO_B2)
SISO Printout Area B Sign-in/Sign-out (SISO_B)
Weather Printout Weather products
DART AAL11 Printout DART of UAL93, AALl 1, AALl 1 A, UAL175
AIDSCAN UALl 75 Printout UALl 75
DART UAL 175 Printout DART Of UAL93, AAL11, AAL11A, UAL175 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAP ATC020
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAPATC019
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAPATC018
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAPATC017
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAPATC016
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAPATC015
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAP ATC014
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAPATC013
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAPATC011
NTAP UAL175 Printout NTAP ATC01
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAP ATC04
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAP ATC05
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAP ATC06
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAP ATC08
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAP ATC07
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAP ATC09
NTAP UALl 75 Printout NTAPATC10
AJDSCAN UAL93 Printout UAL93
DART UAL93 Printout DART of UAL93, AALl 1, AALl 1 A, UAL175 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT024
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT023
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT021
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT025
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT026
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT027
NTAP UAL93 Printout NTAP AT028
NTAP UAL93 Printout (2) NTAPs WW2
SATORI R42 SAR01 SAR Tape - SATORI 1215-1230Z Sector Radar 42 - SI 1SAT1 NY1484
SATORI R42 SAR02 SAR Tape- SATORI 1230-1245Z Sector Radar 42 - S11SAT2NY1484-NY1485
SATORI R42 SAR03 SAR Tape- SATORI 1245-1300Z Sector Radar 42 - S11SAT3NY1485
SATORI R42 SAR04 SAR Tape - SATORI 1237-1252Z Sector Radar 42 - SI 1SAT7 NY1485
SATORI R42 SAR05 SAR Tape -SATORI 1252-1 307Z Sector Radar 42 - S11SAT8NY1485-NY1486
SATORI R56 SAR06 SAR Tape- SATORI 1215-1230Z Sector Radar 56 - S11SAT4NY1484
SATORI R56 SAR07 SAR Tape - SATORI 1230-1245Z Sector Radar 56 - SI 1SAT5 NY1484-NY1485
SATORI R56 SAR08 SAR Tape- SATORI 1245-1300Z Sector Radar 56 - S11SAT6NY1485
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 01 1230-1250Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 01 1230-1250Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 02 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 02 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 03 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 03 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 04 1233-1245Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49
Tape, Rerecording R49 Tape 04 1233-1245Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 05 1233-1245Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49
Tape, Rerecording R49 Tape 05 1 233-1 245Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49 (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 06 1240-1259Z Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87
Tape, Rerecording O87 Tape 06 1240-1259Z Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 07 1240-1259Z Copy of Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87
Tape, Rerecording O87 Tape 07 1240-1259Z Copy of Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 08 1244-1 25 8Z Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 08 1244-1 25 8Z Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 09 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 09 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 10 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 10 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 11 1245-1305Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 1 1 1245-1305Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 12 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 12 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 13 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 13 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 14 1230-1300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 14 1230-1300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 14 1230-1300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 15 1300-1331Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 15 1330-1331Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 15 1 330- 1 33 1 Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 16 1230-1330Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-STM Tape 16 1230-1330Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 16 1230-1 330Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-STM Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 18 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD
Tape, Rerecording TMU-AD Tape 18 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 18 1224-1 25 7Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 19 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD
Tape, Rerecording TMU-AD Tape 19 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 19 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU- Tape 20 1230-1331Z Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 20 1230-1331Z Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084)
Tape, Rerecording TMU- Tape 21 1230-1331Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 21 1230-1331Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084)
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 22 1235-1254Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 22 1235-1254Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 23 1235-1254Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 23 1235-1254Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DC Tape 24 1235-1 3 16Z Original Rerecording TMU-DC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 24 1235-13 16Z Original Rerecording TMU-DC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DC Tape 25 1235-1316Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-DC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 25 1235-1316Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-DC position
Tape, Rerecording RA55 Tape 26 1248-13 1 7Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 26 1248-1 3 17Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording RA55 Tape 27 1248-1 3 17Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 27 1248-13 17Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording R55 Tape 28 1248-1 3 18Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 28 1248-1318Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 29 1250-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 29 1250-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 30 1250-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 30 1250-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording RA42 Tape 31 1255-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 3 1 1255-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording RA42 Tape 32 1255-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 42 position (NOTE. Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 32 1255-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-SC Tape 33 1255-1315Z Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 33 1255-13 15Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-SC Tape 34 1255-13 1 5Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 34 1255-1 3 15Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DSP Tape 35 1305-1334Z Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 35 1 305-1 334Z Original Rerecording TMU-DSP position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DSP Tape 36 1305-1334Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE.- Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 36 1305-1334Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 37 133 1-1344Z Original Rerecording OMIC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL 175 Tape 37 1331-1344Z Original Rerecording OMIC position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 38 1331-1344Z Copy of Original Rerecording OMIC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 38 1331-1344Z Copy of Original Rerecording OMIC position
Tape, Rerecording R39 Tape 39 1245-1258Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 39 1245-1258Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 18 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 19 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD
Tape, Rerecording TMU-AD Tape 18 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording TMU-AD Tape 19 1224-1 25 7Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 18 1224-1257Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 19 1224-1 25 7Z Copy of Rerecording TMU-AD (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 02 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 03 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 02 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 03 1230-1250Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 01 1230-1250Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 01 1230-1250Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 14 1230-1300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 14 1230-1300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 14 1230-1300Z Original Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-STM Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 17 1230-1330Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 16 1230-1330Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-STM Tape 16 1230- 1 330Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 16 1230-1330Z Original Rerecording TMU-STM Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 21 1230-133 1Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084)
Tape, Rerecording TMU- Tape 21 1 23 0- 1 33 1 Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X 1 084) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 20 1230-1331Z Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (X1084)
Tape, Rerecording TMU- Tape 20 1230-1 33 1Z Original Rerecording TMU-STMC (XI 084) (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 05 1233-1245Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49
Tape, Rerecording R49 Tape 05 1233-1245Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 04 1233-1245Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49
Tape, Rerecording R49 Tape 04 1233-1245Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 49 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 23 1235-1254Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 23 1235-1254Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 22 1235-1254Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 22 1235-1254Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 25 1235-13 16Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-DC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DC Tape 25 1235-1316Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-DC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 24 1235-13 16Z Original Rerecording TMU-DC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DC Tape 24 1 235-13 16Z Original Rerecording TMU-DC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 07 1240-1259Z Copy of Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87
Tape, Rerecording O87 Tape 07 1240-1259Z Copy of Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 06 1240-1259Z Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87
Tape, Rerecording O87 Tape 06 1240-1259Z Original Rerecording ODAPS Sector 87 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 09 1244-1258Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 10 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 09 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 10 1244-1 25 8Z Copy of Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 08 1244-1258Z Original Rerecording MLS position
Tape, Rerecording MLS Tape 08 1244-1 25 8Z Original Rerecording MLS position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 40 1245-1258Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39
Tape, Rerecording R39 Tape 40 1245-1258Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 39 1245-1258Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39
Tape, Rerecording R39 Tape 39 1245-1258Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 12 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 13 1 245- 1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 12 1245-1305Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 13 1245-1 3 05Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 1 1 1245-1305Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56
Tape, Rerecording R56 Tape 1 1 1245-1305Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 56 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording RA55 Tape 27 1248-1 3 17Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 27 1248-1317Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 26 1248-1 3 1 7Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording RA55 Tape 26 1248-1 3 17Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 28 1248-1318Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording R55 Tape 28 1248-1318Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 30 1250-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 30 1250-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 29 1250-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 29 1250-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 42 1250-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73
Tape, Rerecording R73 Tape 42 1250-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 41 1250-1 328Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73
Tape, Rerecording R73 Tape 41 1250-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording RA42 Tape 32 1 255-1 308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 42 position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 32 1255-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 31 1255-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording RA42 Tape 31 1255-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 34 1255-1315Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-SC Tape 34 1255-1315Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 33 1255-1315Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-SC Tape 33 1255-1315Z Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording AAL11 Tape 15 1300-1331Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 36 1 305- 1 334Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DSP Tape 36 1305-1334Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 35 1305-1334Z Original Rerecording TMU-DSP position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DSP Tape 35 1305-1334Z Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 44 1308-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Assistant Sector 73
Tape, Rerecording RA73 Tape 44 1308-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 43 1308-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73
Tape, Rerecording RA73 Tape 43 1308-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 15 1330-133 1Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 15 1330-1331Z Copy of Rerecording OMIC Position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 38 1331-1344Z Copy of Original Rerecording OMIC position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 38 1331-1344Z Copy of Original Rerecording OMIC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 37 1331-1344Z Original Rerecording OMIC position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 37 1331-1344Z Original Rerecording OMIC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
i ape, i^erecoruing tttz i ape zz i z J3- 1 2. ^<*L. ungmai Kerecoramg Kaaar sector 4/ (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 22 1235-1254Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 23 1235-1 254Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42 (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 23 1235-1254Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 42
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DC Tape 24 1235-13 16Z Original Rerecording TMU-DC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 24 1235-13 16Z Original Rerecording TMU-DC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DC Tape 25 1235-1316Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-DC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 25 1235-1316Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-DC position
Tape, Rerecording RA55 Tape 26 1248-13 17Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 26 1248-1 3 17Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording RA55 Tape 27 1248-13 17Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 27 1248-13 17Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording R55 Tape 28 1248-1318Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 28 1 248-13 18Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 29 1250-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 29 1250-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording R42 Tape 30 1250-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55 (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 30 1250-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 55
Tape, Rerecording RA42 Tape 31 1255-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 3 1 1255-1308Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording RA42 Tape 32 1255-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 42 position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 32 1255-1308Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-SC Tape 33 1255-1315Z Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 33 1255-13 15Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 55 position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-SC Tape 34 1255-13 1 5Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 34 1255-13 15Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DSP Tape 35 1305-1334Z Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE-. Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 35 1305-1334Z Original Rerecording TMU-DSP position
Tape, Rerecording TMU-DSP Tape 36 1305-1334Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 36 1305-1334Z Copy of Original Rerecording TMU-SC position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 37 1331-1344Z Original Rerecording OMIC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 37 1331-1344Z Original Rerecording OMIC position
Tape, Rerecording OMIC Tape 38 1331-1 344Z Copy of Original Rerecording OMIC position (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL175 Tape 38 1331-1344Z Copy of Original Rerecording OMIC position
Tape, Rerecording R39 Tape 39 1245-1258Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 39 1245-1258Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39
i ape, Kerecoramg i<jy l ape 4U 1245-1258Z Copy ol Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39 (NOTE: Listed againforsorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 40 1245-1258Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 39
Tape, Rerecording R73 Tape 41 1250-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 41 1250-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73
Tape, Rerecording R73 Tape 42 1250-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 42 1250-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Sector 73
Tape, Rerecording RA73 Tape 43 1308-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 43 1308-1328Z Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73
Tape, Rerecording RA73 Tape 44 1308-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Radar Assistant 73 (NOTE: Listed again for sorting)
Tape, Rerecording UAL93 Tape 44 1308-1328Z Copy of Original Rerecording Assistant Sector 73
Flight Data Teletype ZIP ZIP Drive Disk of Sep 10 and Sep 1 1 Flight Data Archive (Teletype info)

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