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Gityof PelicanBay TIIItr I'NilCAN BRIN}' Mayor uarlyn Hawkins

1 3O0 P elican circle ci ty secretary i l anc y N ol d

Pelican Bay, Tx 7 60 20- 4500 C ourt C l erk C J Y i l k ers on
^^c -
aa7-141-L231 Fax 8r7-4+t-7x{t - Tl a.t rater cl erk Di ane H es ter

* *************** * * * * V O l U me #5* * * lA NUA Ry r / F E B UA Ry f Q $ $ * * * * * * * * * * * *********

POL ICE NE W S O FFI CER already have. rhe implement the

The contract CHANCELLO R ha S DOre you pour out, so'l uti on.
with sansom Park leased his the nore life wiII
police went into privately owned r- be able to pour in Council
effect on fanuary 9 unit to the CITY NEWS di scussed
city. rhis vehicle ordi nance *L77 ,
13, 2005, rhe h€w has less niles E L E CT f O NS will concerning the
NON-EM ER G E N C Ythan our own units be held on Hay 7,
2005 at city xall movement of homes
give the
p olic e nu m b e r and will
city an extra for city council in the ray. seems
that some try to
i s 8L7 -626- patrol car. Places 3(Alton
slip in & out of
THERE has been oavis),4(Jimmy
L 922. For an increase in sparks) and 5(ooug the city without
payi ng the
e m ergenc y r s , youth crimes ilcEl yea) .
appropriate fees
d i al 911. r h e within the city. A eualified persons
may file as requi red and there
contract with reminder that the has been property
sansom park police curfew for minors candidates by
fi1in9 damage.
allows our Police requi res those rf you plan to
Department to use under age 17 to be applications in
the offi ce of the move your home,
thei r jai 1 home from please check with
facilities as welI 11:OOP.u. on city secretary on
neekdays from the city secretary
as di spatchi ng sunday through fi rst.
calls to our thursday unti I 9:00a.m.- 5:OOp.m. pai'lure to do so
offi ce rs . 6:0O A,H. the from February 5,
2OO5 through rarch can lead to a fine
on December following day. on not to exceed
2L,2OO4 the ps Friday & Saturday 7, 2005.
early voting S500.00 for fi rst
police received ni ghts ; L2:01 A. trt. offense.
information to the unti l 6: 00 A, r,r. shall commence on
whereabouts of the following day. lpril ZO, 2005 BRIAR FIR E
possible burglary a violation of through to May 3, De p ar tm e nt
suspects. After a this curfew can 2005. presented city
search of the result in a fine rf you are not counci I wi th a
residence & up to t500.00 for registered to proposal to use
surrounding areas, each offense. vote, applications their services for
3 male suspects nll minors are available at fi re & Eus
were apprehended. should be in their city HaIl. YouR emergenci es.
rt was also homes duri ng VoTE could make a rhis irould mean
discovered that these hours of difference. rt is the disbanding of
the suspects were cu rfew. YOUR R GHT & YOUR, our volunteer Fire
involved in a DUTY. r'i ghte rs , sel I i ng
Prayer has been
vehicle theft. SANTA' S resumed before
our equipment,
ay al'l resi dents along with our
working together -A N GELS counci 1 neeti ngs. fi re & brush
and watching out h,e want to thank rhey had been trucks; and move
for your neighbor, all the citizens stopped when the North Texas Ells
who donated cash, question of
we can help cut from our city.
down on crime in toys & food during separation of after nuch
the city; Report our christmas church & state was decision on the
c ri mi nal drive. h,e were brought up. matter from
activities to the able to help 16 A suggestion was residents, council
pol i ce. fanri I i es wi th al l made to use menbers & tro ex-
chi ef clark the donations. nondenominati onal mayors, the
purchased from the A BI G THANKS t o prayer. proposal was not
city the K-9 unit. al] those who accepted.
with donations shopped, wrapped Be "solution
from merchants and and delfvered in conscious" not
the snos. " p robl en VOLUNTEERS
businesses he
plans to convert THANKSEVERYONE! conscious". N E EDED
the vehicle to a nnybody can poi nt
Be generous. Be a out problens but rhe fi re
"DARE" program department has
giver not a taker- the valuable
unit. The "DARE' person is the one requested that th€
car will be used civing only makes
you bigger than who finds 2 t/Z mile limit
as an extra tool you are. only by for fi refighters
in helping our solutions and
giving are you accepts the be lifted so that
youth learn about more vofunteers
drug prevention able to receive responsibility to
more than you
and peer pressure.
can appIy. rhey nural Development There have been
want to develop an rhis grant ryould complaints that I NO MA]OR AUTO-
open door policy
when hi ri ng.
a'llow the city to
drill 2 more 65O'
personnel have had lneeernsene
Each volunteer is wel1s. trouble finding ALLOIIilED IN
requi red to attend these residences DRIVEWAYS,
trai ni ng sessi ons. D E V E L OP E RS because the homes GARAGES OR
There are only L4 have approached are not numbered. SHEDS BY ORDER
fi refi ghters for the city with BE AWAREthAt OF THE ZONTNG
the ci ty at thi s plans to build this is a
ti me. violation of ORDINANCE FOR
about 44 ner
Three new homes. ordinances *47 and SINGLE FAMILY
members joined the The Hayor was you could be RE S I DE NCE ,
Fi re Department. given approval to fi ned. FINES CAN BE UP
chris Freed, wayne PLEASEput your
Fox and Daushyne
enter into
house numbers r o $ 1 ,0 0 0 . 00
negotiations with P E R O F F E NS E .
nodgers. we thank RedPoint where they can be
these folks for oevelopment to seen from the
helping to protect aJlow annexation street as well as l t-t- vehi cl es m us
our city. attached to your have current
of the proposed registration with
property into the mai I boxes.
WATER TOWER i nspecti on
ci ty. stickers & be
ON LINE rhese new homes WITH THE START drivable. rf not,
our new tower is would increase the of warm weather they are to be
in full ci ty' s' tax more residents removed.
operations. rhe revenue. The extra move out doors. Be
135 foot tower can revenue would aware that permits
allow the city to are needed when CITY COUNCIL
produce an extra mcets the second
35,000 gallons of greatly improve installing
servi ces wi thi n buildings, pools, tuesday of each
water a week and month, starting at
i mprove u,ate r the say. and fences. For
rt is still in yard sa1es, a 7 : 00 P. l,l. ALL
p ressu re. residents are
The tower can the planning permit is $5.00
stages, but we and is good for 3 encouraged to
hold 150,000 attend.
gallons of water. look forward to days. epply for
seeing our city permits at city city business is
tf you have conducted uonday -
noti ced a change I rorv. Nall.
rriday, 9 i.m.- 6
in color in your Pools are
regui red to be i n P. ttt.(cl osed f or
water, these are A P U B L IC PARK lunch 1:00-2:OO).
"ai r bubbl es" i n has been the focus a fenced area with
the lines while for some time. a chi 1d-proof
lock. Please check IMPORTANT
the tower in being once agreements
filled. rhis is have been made with city nall for CONTACT NUMBERS
normal and the concerni ng further guide CITY HALL
water is still restrictions & lines instal'ling 8t7 -444-1234
safe to drink. details of the either a below or FAx 817-444-2527
As the water park, a TR.xrD above ground pool. EtTIERGENCY
departnent strives rep resentati ve For the safety of 911
to improve our will bring a aIl residents, N O N - E I 'E R G E N C Y
xrater pressures proposal before please follow S A N S O I , I P O LIC E
and systems, they that agency's these gui de 'l i nes . DEPARTiIENT
appreciate the board for BOAT RAIIP FEES 8L7-626-L922
understanding fronr approval. are $5.00 per day C O D E E N F O R CE]IIEN T
the residents as The city hopes to & S50.00 a year. A}III,IAL COI{TROL
problems are set up the park citizens of the 817-270-2010
sol ved. off of rrai I s End, Bay are requi red ANONYI,IOUS DRUG
The contract with with bathrooms & to obtain a Free TIP LINE
the builder for paved parking as yearly permit from 8L7 -444-8L25
the tower has been wel'l as a beach. city xall or you LOST/FOUND P E TS
paid in fu'l'1. rhe park woul d be will be charged should be reported
rhe fi rst of two free for our the $5.00 day fee. immediately by
new nells should residents with a Non- resi dents calling enimal
be up and runni ng small fee for can obtain permits Control.
wi thi n days. non res i dents . from city uall
council will during normal
apply for another working hours or
S250,000.00 grant
H OU S E N U MB E RS at the t-ucky t-ady
are still missing convenience store
from the office of from sone homes. on sandy Beach nd.

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