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Astons Mass Spectrograph The apparatus used by Aston is shown in the figure The stream of positive ions from

a discharge tube after passing through two narrow slits S1 and S2 enters the electric field between metal plates P 1 and P2. Due to electric field E, all positive ions the same q m value are not only deviated by an angle but are dispersed by an angle d due to their different velocities. The beam is then allowed to pass through a magnetic field M acting at right angle to the electric field which deviates the particles by an angle and reconverges them by d . Direction and magnitude of the field so adjusted that it produces a deviation of the beam in opposite direction and brings all ions having same q m value (but different velocities) to a focus at one point F. ions having different photographic plate.
q m

values are brought to focus at different points on the

Condition of focussing: Consider a group of ions having the same

q m

value but moving with different velocities.

Let E be strength of electric field, l1 length of the electric field and let q, m and v be charge,

mass and velocity of the ion. Then, linear displacement of ion from its path due to electric field

d1 =

1 qE l12 2 m v2

Angular deviation of the beam

d1 1 qE l1 = l1 2 m v 2

And angular dispersion of the beam

d =

qEl1 dv m v3

d 2dv = v


Similarly, if B is strength of magnetic field and l2 is length of path in the magnetic field,

Then, linear displacement of ion from its path due to magnetic field

d2 =

2 1 Bqv l2 2 m v2

Deviation produced due to magnetic field And angular dispersion

d 2 1 Bq = l2 l2 2 mv

d =

1 Bql2 dv 2 m v2

d dv = v

From eqns. 1 and 2, we get

d 2d =

d = d 2

Bainbridges Mass Spectrograph:

The beam of positive ions from a discharge tube is collimated by two slits S 1 and S2 and enters a velocity selector as shown in figure.In velocity selevtor, magnetic field B is perpendicular to electric field E and the ion beam.If the two fields are so adjusted that their effects nullified each other, we can have

qE = Bqv




All the ions having this velocity do not suffer any deviation in the velocity selector and thus enter the analyzing chamber A through the slit S 3 where they are subjecte3d to a strong uniform magnetic field B` perpendicular to plane of the paper and outwards. Ions having same q m values traverse a semi-circular path of radius r given by r= mv Bq mv 2 Q = Bqv r

Since B and v are constants, for all ions of the same charge, we can write rm So, we get a linear mass scale on the photographic plate. Ions of different masses strike the photographic plate at different points, thus giving a typical mass spectrum.

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