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This document describes the software requirements and coding for the Rajasthan Tourism Website. Rajasthan is a fascinating destination in India. A land of history and legend, where majestic forts tower over historic cities. A land where fabulous palaces symbolize the romance and beauty of fascinating Rajasthan. Travel to Rajasthan India and experience the royal lifestyle of the maharajas of Rajasthan. Stay at luxury resorts in Rajasthan, which were once regal palaces and feel transported back to a royal time on your tour to Rajasthan India. Fascinating Rajasthan awaits your visit to thisregal and fascinating state in India This may include many of rajasthan tourist places and user registeration,admin panal to manage the whole website

Technologies Used:Database Used:Designing Technologies:Tools Used:-



The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts with success. We would like to place on record my deep sense of gratitude to Road Ahead Technology (I) Pvt. Ltd and Mr. Abhishek Jain (MD)to Helping me in this project report .I am also heartily thankful to Mr. Athar Ahmed Sir (Trainer) for their guidance in the whole Project.I also thankful to my friends who encourage me to design such a project.

Company Profile
OVERVIEW:Road Ahead Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. incorporated in 2004 is an ISO 9001:2008 certified organization that operates through well-defined systems and procedures. We have been relentlessly endeavoring to provide end to end solutions to the Information Technology Industry with our expertise developed through the profound experience we continue contributing in training, consulting and Software Development Services, all over Rajasthan. It provides information and resources on IT education, training, development and services for everyone involved in the sector - from students to educators and employers to employees. RAT through its strategic alliances with global leaders like Oracle formulates the link between individuals and agencies with IT skills, opportunities and solutions. This helps the students keep up to date with the latest learning and professional accreditation in the industry. It has been our mission to provide timely programs that respond to the needs of the industry, RAT has been at the forefront and has pioneered various training programs. VISION:Road Ahead team firmly believes in having a vision and focus in applying the expertise and experience gathered in the past years. We believe that working to realize our vision will enable us to be different from other IT companies cluttering the business space, achieving job satisfaction and attracting the best talent to our organization. AWARDS:

Road Ahead Technologies is prometric centre for oracle as well as for all the certification courses. We had a tie-up with a UGC approved State University. We are providing an opportunity of doing Live projects in various renound companies of IT sector. In a very short span, we have trained more than 5000 IT professionals from almost every part of Rajasthan. More than 3000 trained professionals from Road Ahead Technologies, Jaipur are presently working at some of the very elite posts in the industry not only in India but in countries like United States, U.K., Australia, etc. also. It also holds the most unique and most easy way to learn Java and .net correspondence course packages based on technical psyche. We specialize in providing a unique summer training program for IT students across the country.

MANAGEMENT TEAM:Mr. Abhishek Jain, MD Mr. Abhishek Jain is managing director and founder of the RAT that encompasses two businesses Road Ahead Technologies (I) Pvt. Limited, the software and services arm and Road Ahead Technologies, the leading Global Talent Development Corporation. By pioneering RATs innovative model, he enabled the company to unleash a wave MD of entrepreneurship across the globe, providing young people with the opportunity to create viable businesses centred on IT learning. Mr. Jain led RATs foray into the software and services market, creating Road Ahead Technologies, a global IT Solutions organization. Mr. Jain is a young IT Engineer with over 8 years of experience in Computer Software & Training Industry. His inbuilt passion and desire to excel inspired him to be an entrepreneur at a very young age. He started his own business of Training & software development at the age of 20 and thereafter never looked back. . His vision & mission has always been inspiring and motivating all those who are associated with him to give their best. His positivity, leadership skills, marketing ability, hard work and dedication are a few qualities behind all his successful ventures. Having started with a single and small training unit, he has developed it into one of the best companies of Rajasthan providing IT solutions to young students in Rajasthan. His passion for teaching & programming made him start his career as a computer teaching faculty. He conducted various training programs and developed softwares for various companies. After gathering experience of years, he started his own Software & Training Company. His strong systems & technical base, hardworking attitude and his ability to work well with people at all levels have always been key factors for his success.

Sr. No.

Topic Name

1. Objective and Scope of the Project. 2. Modules & Functinallity . 3. Defination Of Problem. 4. System Analysis & User Requirements.. 5. System Planning... 6. Methodology Adopted And Details Of Hardware And Software 7. Detailed Life Cycle Of The Project..

8. ERD & DFD

9. Process Involved, Algorithms, Database Diagram,

Flow Chart.


Input And Output Screen Design.

11. CodeSheet..

12. Conclusion..

Chapter 1 Objective and Scope of the Project

1. Automation of the existing process: - The main objective of the project is to create a well managed website with all tourist places of rajasthan and to provide a platform to the users so that they can easily organized a tour according to their requirement. 2. Accuracy: - The level of accuracy in the proposed system will higher. All the operation would be done correctly and it ensures that whatever information is coming from the center is accurate 3. Reliability: - The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above stated reason. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now there would be proper storage of data. 4. No Redundancy: - In the proposed system utmost care would be that information is not repeated anywhere, in storage or otherwise. This would assure economic use of space and consistency in the data stored. 5. Immediate retrieval of Information: - The main objective of proposed system is to provide for a quick and efficient retrieval of information. Any type of information would be available whenever the user requires.

Chapter 2

A. Website Users. B. Website Administrator.

Secure Identification. Manage Users Admin Panal Dynamic Data Add a new Place Add and Manage users Modify Place information Create a tour Manage Profile Manage Passwords



From the analysis that has been made on the current systems, few problems were identified which are: i. Performances of the current systems are slow and not efficient two different systems to manage information of a school make the current systems' management becomes slower and not efficient. Some data were found to be redundant where user has to enter the same data in both systems. ii. Constraints in accessibility Users can access the system from certain places only and different workstation will have different databases and results. iii. Poor access control Non effective access control is provided on the current systems where anybody can access the system and do transactions. Furthermore, add, edit and view are done on the same form which may cause data being edited unintentionally while viewing. iv. Does not generate reports for student's achievements Since SMM does not records student's grades, it does not generate any student's achievements reports. v. Does not support decision making The current system (i.e SMM) is a simple system and does not support any decision making. vi. Fixed content



4.1 Software development life cycle:The System Development Life Cycle framework provides system designers and developers to follow a sequence of activities. It consists of a set of steps or phases in which each phase of the SDLC uses the results of the previous one. A Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) adheres to important phases that are essential for developers, such as planning, analysis, design, and implementation, and are explained in the section below. A number of system development life cycle (SDLC) models have been created: waterfall, fountain and spiral build and fix, rapid prototyping, incremental, and synchronize and stabilize. The oldest of these, and the best known, is the waterfall model: a sequence of stages in which the output of each stage becomes the input for the next. These stages can be characterized and divided up in different ways, including the following:

Project planning, feasibility study: Establishes a high-level view of the intended project and determines its goals.

Systems analysis, requirements definition: Refines project goals into defined functions and operation of the intended application. Analyzes end-user information needs.

Systems design: Describes desired features and operations in detail, including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudo code and other documentation.

Implementation: The real code is written here.

Integration and testing: Brings all the pieces together into a special testing environment, then checks for errors, bugs and interoperability.

Acceptance, installation, deployment: The final stage of initial development, where the software is put into production and runs actual business.

Maintenance: What happens during the rest of the software's life: changes, correction, additions and moves to a different computing platform and more. This, the least glamorous and perhaps most important step of all, goes on seemingly forever.

4.1.1 System engineering and modeling:In this process we have to identify the projects requirement and main features proposed in the application. Here the development team visits the customer and their system. They investigate the need for possible software automation in the given system. By the end of the investigation study. The team writes a document that holds the specifications for the

customer system.

4.1.2 Software require analysis:In this software requirements analysis, firstly analysis the requirement for the proposed system. To understand the nature of the program to built, the system engineer must understand the information domain for the software, as well as required functions, performance and the interfacing. From the available information the system engineer develops a list of the actors use cases and system level requirement for the project. With the help of key user the list of use case and requirement is reviewed.

4.1.3 Systems analysis and design:The design is the process of designing exactly how the specifications are to be implemented. It defines specifically how the software is to be written including an object model


with properties and method for each object, the client/server technology, the number of tiers needed for the package architecture and a detailed database design. Analysis and design are very important in the whole development cycle. Any glitch in the design could be very expensive to solve in the later stage of the software development.

4.1.4 Code generation:The design is the process of designing exactly how the specifications are to be implemented. It defines specifically how the software is to be written including an object model with properties and method for each object, the client/server technology, the number of tiers needed for the package architecture and a detailed database design. Analysis and design are very important in the whole development cycle. Any glitch in the design could be very expensive to solve in the later stage of the software development.

4.1.5 Testing:The design must be translated into a machine readable form. The code generation step performs this task. The development phase involves the actual coding of the entire application. If design is performed in a detailed manner. Code generation can be accomplished without much complicated. Programming tools like compilers, interpreters like c, c++, and java are used for coding .with respect to the type of application. The right programming language is chosen.

4.1.6 Development and Maintenance:Maintenance is the last step of SDLC. In this we take care of maintenance of released product. 4.2 System Analysis:4.2.1 DEFINITION


System Analysis is the detailed study of the various operations performed by the system and their relationships within and outside the system. Analysis is the process of breaking something into its parts so that the whole may be understood. System analysis is concerned with becoming aware of the problem, identifying the relevant and most decisional variables, analyzing and synthesizing the various factors and determining an optional or at least a satisfactory solution. During this a problem is identified, alternate system solutions are studied and recommendations are made about committing the resources used to the system. System Analysis can be done for the whole system we are using the agile methodology for this purpose in which analysis of complete planning is done after that the improvement is done according to the customer requirement. 4.2.2 FEASIBILITY STUDY:A feasibility analysis usually involves a thorough assessment of the operational (need), financial and technical aspects of a proposal. Feasibility study is the test of the system proposal made to identify whether the user needs may be satisfied using the current software and hardware technologies, whether the system will be cost effective from a business point of view and whether it can be developed with the given budgetary constraints. A feasibility study should be relatively cheap and done at the earliest possible time. Depending on the study, the decision is made whether to go ahead with a more detailed analysis. When a new project is proposed, it normally goes through feasibility assessment. Feasibility study is carried out to determine whether the proposed system is possible to develop with available resources and what should be the cost consideration. Facts considered in the feasibility analysis were . Technical Feasibility . Economic Feasibility . Behavioral Feasibility Technical Feasibility:-


Technical feasibility includes whether the technology is available in the market for development and its availability. The assessment of technical feasibility must be based on an outline design of system requirements in terms of input, output, files, programs and procedures. This can be qualified in terms of volumes of data, trends, frequency of updating, cycles of activity etc, in order to give an introduction of technical system. Considering our project it is technical feasible. Online Recruiting and Online Recruitment Systems, with its emphasis on a more strategic decision making process is fast gaining ground as a popular outsourced function. Economic Feasibility:This feasibility study present tangible and intangible benefits from the project by comparing the development and operational cost. The technique of cost benefit analysis is often used as a basis for assessing economic feasibility. This system needs some more initial investment than the existing system, but it can be justifiable that it will improve quality of service. Thus feasibility study should center along the following points: . Improvement resulting over the existing method in terms of accuracy, timeliness. . Cost comparison . Estimate on the life expectancy of the hardware. Behavioral / Operational Feasibility:This analysis involves how it will work when it is installed and the assessment of political and managerial environment in which it is implemented. People are inherently resistant to changeand computers have been known to facilitate change. The new proposed system is very much useful to the users and therefore it will accept broad audience from around the world.



4.3.1 DEFINITION The most creative and challenging face of the system development is System Design. It provides the understanding and procedural details necessary for the logical and physical stages of development. In designing a new system, the system analyst must have a clear understanding of the objectives, which the design is aiming to fulfill. The first step is to determine how the output is to be produced and in what format. Second, input data and master files have to be designed to meet the requirements of the proposed output. The operational phases are handled through program construction and testing.

Design of the system can be defined as a process of applying various techniques and principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process or a system in sufficient detail to permit its physical realization. Thus system design is a solution to how to approach to the creation of a new system. This important phase provides the understanding and the procedural details necessary for implementing the system recommended in the feasibility study. The design step provides a data design, architectural design, and a procedural design. 4.3.2 OUTPUT DESIGN:In the output design, the emphasis is on producing a hard copy of the information requested or displaying the output on the CRT screen in a predetermined format. Two of the most output media today are printers and the screen. Most users now access their reports from either a hard copy or screen display. Computers output is the most important and direct source of information to the user, efficient, logical, output design should improve the systems relations with the user and help in decision-making. As the outputs are the most important source of information to the user, better design should improve the systems relations and also should help in decision-making. The output devices capability, print quality, response time requirements etc should also be considered, form design elaborates the way the output is presented and layout available for capturing information. 4.3.3 INPUT DESIGN:-


In the input design, user-originated inputs are converted into a computer-based system format. It also includes determining the record media, method of input, speed of capture and entry on to the screen. Online data entry accepts commands and data through a keyboard. The major approach to input design is the menu and the prompt design. In each alternative, the users options are predefined. The data flow diagram indicates logical data flow, data stores, source and destination. Input data are collected and organized into a group of similar data once identified input media are selected for processing. 4.3.4 LOGICAL DESIGN:Logical data design is about the logically implied data. Each and every data in the form can be designed in such a manner to understand the meaning. Logical data designing should give a clear understanding & idea about the related data used to construct a form. 4.3.5 PHYSICAL DESIGN The process of developing the program software is referred to as physical design. We have to design the process by identifying reports and the other outputs the system will produce. Coding the program for each module with its logic is performed in this step. Proper software specification is also done in this step. 4.3.8 MODULAR DESIGN A software system is always divided into several sub systems that makes it easier for the development. A software system that is structured into several subsystems makes it easy for the development and testing. The different subsystems are known as the modules and the process of dividing an entire system into subsystems is known as modularization or decomposition. A system cannot be decomposed into several subsystems in any way. There must some logical barrier, which facilitates the separation of each module. The separation must be simple but yet must be effective so that the development is not affected. The system under consideration has been divided into several modules taking in consideration the above-mentioned criteria. The different modules are :-


1.College and Department details 2. Login and subject 3. Student Details 4. Exam Details 4.3.9 DATABASE DESIGN The overall objective in the development of database technology has been to treat data as an organizational resource and as an integrated whole. DBMS allow data to be protected and organized separately from other resources. Database is an integrated collection of data. The most significant form of data as seen by the programmers is data as stored on the direct access storage devices. This is the difference between logical and physical data.

Database files are the key source of information into the system. It is the process of designing database files, which are the key source of information to the system. The files should be properly designed and planned for collection, accumulation, editing and retrieving the required information. The organization of data in database aims to achieve three major objectives: 1. Data integration. 2. Data integrity. 3. Data independence. The proposed system stores the information relevant for processing in the MS SQL SERVER database. This database contains tables, where each table corresponds to one particular type of information. Each piece of information in table is called a field or column. A table also contains records, which is a set of fields. All records in a table have the same set of fields with different information. There are primary key fields that uniquely identify a record in a table. There are also fields that contain primary key from another table called foreign keys.


USER REQUIREMENT What are the minimum and recommended system requirements for virtual classroom? Microsoft Windows Apple Macintosh

Operating System 2000 SP4, XP SP2, 2003 R2,Vista and OSX 10.3.9, 10.4 Seven Browser

Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher Firefox 1.5 or higher (Recommend ActiveX enabled)

Safari 2.0

Firefox 1.5 or higher (Recommend


Memory: 128 MB; recommend 256 Available Disk Space: 15 MB Processor Speed: 550 MHz (recommend 600); 1 GHz for sharing Native Data transport on HTTP/port 80 - firewall and proxy server friendly Bandwidth: 56 Kbps Display: 800 x 600 (recommend 1024 X 768), 16-bit color Adobe Acrobat Reader (required for some student materials) Full duplex sound card Headphones or speakers and microphone Video camera (optional) TCP/IP connection with at least 26 Kbps; for streaming video at least 48 Kbps


Voice and video on either UDP 11730 or HTTP 80






This chapter will discuss about literature review and project methodology that is related to the project. A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge on a particular topic. "According to Cooper (1988), a literature review uses as its database reports of primary or original scholarship, and does not report new primary scholarship itself. The primary reports used in the literature may be verbal, but in the vast majority of cases reports are written documents. The types of scholarship may be empirical, theoretical, critical analytic, or methodological in nature. Second a literature review seeks to describe, summarize, evaluate, clarify and for integrate the content of primary reports." "In software engineering and project management, a methodology is a codified set of practices (sometimes accompanied by training materials, formal educational programs, worksheets, and diagramming tools) that may be repeatedly carried out to produce software (Wikipedia)." Software engineering methodologies span many disciplines, including project management, analysis, specification, design, coding, testing, and quality assurance. All of the methodologies guiding this field are collations of all of these disciplines. 6.1 Facts and Findings This section will discuss about facts and findings that are related to the development of this project. It will explain mainly on the system's domain, existing systems and techniques that are applicable but not used for the development of SIMS. 6.2 Domain The domain of the project will be ICT in School Education and Management' as the system


itself is developed for Melaka Educational Department and it is targeted to be used by all primary schools in Melaka. Server-Side Scripting "Server-side scripting is a web server technology in which a user's request is fulfilled by running a script directly on the web server to generate dynamic HTML pages. It is usually used to provide interactive web sites that interface to databases or other data stores. The primary advantage to server-side scripting is the ability to highly customize the response based on the user's requirements, access rights, or queries into data stores. (Wikipedia)" Decision Support System Making decision often cause strains to decision makers especially when consisted of too much data. SIMS is a system that will help users by supporting the decision making process. "According to Bohanec, M. (2005), decision support system is identifying all the data required to make a decision, gathering it together and organized as meaningful information." DSS is a class of computer-based information systems including knowledge based systems that support decision making activities. The 'DSS' is a general term for any computer application that enhances a person or group's ability to make decisions. A properly designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from raw data, documents, personal knowledge, and for business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions. Client-Server System Client-server is computing architecture which separates a client from a server, and is almost always implemented over a computer network. Each client or server connected to a network can also be referred to as a node. The most basic type of client-server architecture employs only two types of nodes, which are clients and servers. Each instance of the client software can send data requests to a connected server. In turn, the server can accept these requests, process them, and return the requested information to the client. Although this concept can be applied


for a variety of reasons to many different kinds of applications, the architecture remains fundamentally the same. These days, clients are most often web browsers, although that has not always been the case. Servers typically include web servers and database servers. ClienVserver was originally developed to allow more users to share access to database applications. Clientlserver offers improved scalability because connections can be made as needed rather than being hard-wired. In clienVserver model, all data are stored on the servers, which allow servers to better control access and resources, to guarantee that only those clients with the appropriate permissions may access and change data and since data storage is centralized, updates to those data are far easier to administer.


Internet Explorer 6 or above RAM - 512 MB or Higher Disk space - 1GB

SERVER SIDE Local host Database server - SQL server 2005 RAM - 1GB Disk space 2GB(Excluding Data Size)



SDLC stands for System Development Life Cycle or Software Development Life Cycle . It is used to describe functional systems development activity, to gain control of the complexities of systems development, and to ensure the needs of customers and users are the basis for technical activity. The SDLC has made a great impact on developing information systems as a general approach. Stages of the SDLC may vary from different references, for instance, conventional systems analysis, traditional systems analysis, classical life cycle model, linear sequential model and waterfall model. System life cycle is an organisational process of developing and maintaining systems. It helps in establishing a system project plan, because it gives overall list of processes and sub-processes required developing a system. System development life cycle means combination of various activities. In other words we can say that various activities put together are referred as system development life cycle. In the System Analysis and Design terminology, the system development life cycle means software development life cycle. Following are the different phases of software development cycle:

System study Feasibility study System analysis System design Coding Testing


Implementation Maintenance

The different phases of software development life cycle is shown in Fig. 5.1 PHASES OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE Here Are Some of The Phases of system development life cycle in detail : System Study In this software requirements analysis, firstly analysis the requirement for the proposed system. To understand the nature of the program to built, the system engineer must understand the information domain for the software, as well as required functions, performance and the interfacing.


From the available information the system engineer develops a list of the actors use cases and system level requirement for the project. With the help of key user the list of use case and requirement is reviewed. Refined and updated in an iterative fashion until the user is satisfied that it represents the essence of the proposed system. System study is the first stage of system development life cycle. This gives a clear picture of what actually the physical system is? In practice, the system study is done in two phases. 1. In the first phase, the preliminary survey of the system is done which helps in identifying the scope of the system. 2. 2.The second phase of the system study is more detailed and in-depth study in which the identification of users requirement and the limitations and problems of the present system are studied. After completing the system study, a system proposal is prepared by the System Analyst (who studies the system) and placed before the user. The proposed system contains the findings of the present system and recommendations to overcome the limitations and problems of the present system in the light of the users requirements.

Feasibility Study On the basis of result of the initial study, feasibility study takes place. The feasibility study is basically the test of the proposed system in the light of its workability, meeting users requirements, effective use of resources and .of course, the cost effectiveness. The main goal of feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to achieve the scope. In the process of feasibility study, the cost and benefits are estimated with greater accuracy.


System Analysis The goal of system analysis is to determine where the problem is in an attempt to fix the system. This step involves breaking down the system in different pieces to analyze the situation, analyzing project goals, breaking down what needs to be created and attempting to engage users so that definite requirements can be defined. Requirements analysis sometimes requires individuals/teams from client as well as service provider sides to get detailed and accurate requirements....often there has to be a lot of communication to and from to understand these requirements. Requirement gathering is the most crucial aspect as many times communication gaps arise in this phase and this leads to validation errors and bugs in the software program Assuming that a new system is to be developed, the next phase is system analysis. Analysis involved a detailed study of the current system, leading to specifications of a new system. Analysis is a detailed study of various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside the system. During analysis, data are collected on the available files, decision points and transactions handled by the present system. Interviews, on-site observation and questionnaire are the tools used for system analysis. Using the following steps it becomes easy to draw the exact boundary of the new system under consideration:

Keeping in view the problems and new requirements Workout the pros and cons including new areas of the system

The main points to be discussed in system analysis are:

Specification of what the new system is to accomplish based on the user requirements. Functional hierarchy showing the functions to be performed by the new system and their relationship with each other.

Function network which are similar to function hierarchy but they highlight the those functions which are common to more than one procedure.


List of attributes of the entities - these are the data items which need to be held about each entity (record) System Design The design is the process of designing exactly how the specifications are to be implemented. It defines specifically how the software is to be written including an object model with properties and method for each object, the client/server technology, the number of tiers needed for the package architecture and a detailed database design. Analysis and design are very important in the whole development cycle. Any glitch in the design could be very expensive to solve in the later stage of the software development. The design stage takes as its initial input the requirements identified in the approved requirements document. For each requirement, a set of one or more design elements will be produced as a result of interviews, workshops, and/or prototype efforts.

Design elements describe the desired software features in detail, and generally include functional hierarchy diagrams, screen layout diagrams, tables of business rules, business process diagrams, pseudocode, and a complete entity-relationship diagram with a full data dictionary. These design elements are intended to describe the software in sufficient detail that skilled programmers may develop the software with minimal additional input.

Detailed design stagegives idea of computer oriented work begins in earnest. At this stage, the design of the system becomes more structured. Structure design is a blue print of a computer system solution to a given problem having the same components and inter-relationship among the same components as the original problem. Input, output and processing specifications are drawn up in detail. In the design stage, the programming language and the platform in which the new system will run are also decided.


Coding The design must be translated into a machine readable form. The code generation step performs this task. The development phase involves the actual coding of the entire application. If design is performed in a detailed manner. Code generation can be accomplished with out much complicated. Programming tools like compilers, interpreters like c, c++, and java are used for coding .with respect to the type of application. The right programming language is chosen. After designing the new system, the whole system is required to be converted into computer understanding language. Coding the new system into computer programming language does this. It is an important stage where the defined procedure are transformed into control specifications by the help of a computer language. This is also called the programming phase in which the programmer converts the program specifications into computer instructions, which we refer as programs. The programs coordinate the data movements and control the entire process in a system.

Testing Before actually implementing the new system into operations, a test run of the system is done removing all the bugs, if any. It is an important phase of a successful system. After codifying the whole programs of the system, a test plan should be developed and run on a given set of test data. The output of the test run should match the expected results. Unit test: When the programs have been coded and compiled and brought to working conditions, they must be individually tested with the prepared test data. Any undesirable happening must be noted and debugged (error corrections).


System Test: After carrying out the unit test for each of the programs of the system and when errors are removed, then system test is done. At this stage the test is done on actual data. The complete system is executed on the actual data. At each stage of the execution, the results or output of the system is analysed. During the result analysis, it may be found that the outputs are not matching the expected out of the system. In such case, the errors in the particular programs are identified and are fixed and further tested for the expected output. When it is ensured that the system is running error-free, the users are called with their own actual data so that the system could be shown running as per their requirements. Implementation After having the user acceptance of the new system developed, the implementation phase begins. Implementation is the stage of a project during which theory is turned into practice. During this phase, all the programs of the system are loaded onto the user's computer. After loading the system, training of the users starts. Main topics of such type of training are:

How to execute the package How to enter the data How to process the data (processing details) How to take out the reports After the users are trained about the computerised system, manual working has to shift from manual to computerised working. The following two strategies are followed for running the system: Maintenance The development and maintenance is a staged roll out of the new application, this involves installation and initial training and may involve hardware and network upgrades. Software will definitely undergo change once it is delivered to the customer. There are many reasons for the change. Change could be happen because of some unexpected input values into the system. In


addition, the changes in the system could be directly affecting the software operations. The software should be developed to accommodate changes that could happen during the post implementation period. Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors in the system during its working life and to tune the system to any variations in its working environment. It has been seen that there are always some errors found in the system that must be noted and corrected. It also means the review of the system from time to time. The review of the system is done for:

knowing the full capabilities of the system knowing the required changes or the additional requirements studying the performance If a major change to a system is needed, a new project may have to be set up to carry out the change. The new project will then proceed through all the above life cycle phases.

The strengths and weaknesses of the SDLC

SDLC has long been used as early as 1960s to methodologically solve problems on computer use and people management, in short, the information technology system. The survival of this method to these days proved it to have some strength. However, traditional SDLC has some weak points too.

The strengths of the SDLC

First of the positive points of traditional SDLC is that it has been well-tested and well-tried .


Besides, The use of documentation standards helps to ensure that the completed specifications are communicated to the systems development staff, the users in the department, and the computer operations staff. It also ensures that these people are trained to use the system. Moreover, the education of users on subjects such as the general use of computers helps to quell fears about the effects of computers. Afterward, the steps in the SDLC enhance management control, providing a framework for scheduling, budgeting, and project management . Therefore unexpected high costs as well as lower expected benefits are avoided and missed changeover dates (deadline dates for the systems to be operational) are prevented to some extent . Last but not least, the traditional SDLC also allows the progress to be reviewed by the technologists and the users at the conclusion of each stage so that significant errors are more likely to be detected in the early stage of the life cycle .

The weaknesses of the SDLC

Though there are many strengths of the traditional SDLC, there are always criticisms such as that the system developed may not accurately reflect the current business environment. A research carried out by the Cutter Consortium found that traditional SDLC methodologies fall short in the new e-business environment. They are unable to keep up with fast-paced, ever-changing ebusiness projects. The elapsed time between the initial proposal and the completion can be quite lengthy (often one or more years). Especially it often requires specifications be frozen as work progresses from one step to the next although user requirements do change over time.

Meanwhile, the traditional SDLC fails to satisfy the needs of the management, the system design


of this method is also very plain and is often un-ambitious . Systems developed by the SDLC approach often succeed in the operational processing level, but always ignore the middle and top management level. What information the management levels need is related to making decisions such as where to locate a new factory, which products to stop selling, what sales or production targets to aim for and how sales can be increased. Despite some information providing summary or exception reports, the majority of the computer is used only for routines and repetitive task coninue pointing out that computers are being used to help solve low-level operational tasks rather than meeting corporate objectives, in that case, such systems are limited in their scope and unambitious.

Also, the SDLC is concerned as emphasising on hard thinking. Some people become so bogged down in the mechanics of following the steps and completing the exit criteria that they fail to solve the real problem There is a fine line between discipline and rigidity. The real situations encountered are often ambiguous, issue-laden, messy and problematical.

In addition, other weak points of the traditional SDLC are its being unstable, inflexible, dissatisfaction of users, documentation problems, need of control, application backlog, incomplete systems, problems




A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing (structured design). On a DFD, data items flow from an external data source or an internal data store to an internal data store or an external data sink, via an internal process. DFD for Administrator

Manage user

Create new user

Delete user

Manage Places Change password


Manage Website


DFD for User

Create account Surf The Website

Make A Trip Manage Profile



An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the interrelationships between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use symbols to represent three different types of information. Boxes: Boxes are commonly used to represent entities. Diamonds: Diamonds are normally used to represent relationships Ovals: Ovals are used to represent attributes. Multivalued Attributes are represented by double ovals. Users ER

Manage Profile

Create a Trip






Surf website



Admins ER Diagram

Manage Users

Create user account Video





Passwor d

Manag e Place Info. & Picture s

Delete user account video

User Type




Process involved Introduction to the Student Information System

Week 1

Module 1: Introduction to the Week 2 philosophy of total quality education

Explores the main objectives of education and offers ideas regarding the philosophy of quality as applied to education. It also provides an in-depth analysis of the concept of beneficiaries and educational services. Presents a simple methodology for

Module 2: Resolving recognizing and resolving problems. Week 3 problems in the educational systems Problems like handling of data in large institutes is a big problem, by managing a central database and online updation of data is done in an efficient way. Module 3: Quality in This module explains why the search for the school context quality should be made within specific contexts and based on the needs of each

Week 4


school establishment. Analyzes the concept of quality as a process Module 4: Quality as Week 5 a process rather than a product. In particular, it looks at the processes for planning, teaching, school-community relationships, teacherfamily relationships and professional development. Module 5: Quality depends on those Week 6 who participate in the process

Analyzes the benefits of team work, presents the concept of quality circles and offers examples of how these circles can help to resolve problems.

Module 6: Quality Week 7 requires leadership

Is directed to the school principal. It explains the functions that he/she should assume and the responsibilities that should be taken on by the school leader.

Module 7: Quality leads to the Week 8 continuous improvement of the people involved

Is intended for the people. It explains how the search for improving quality in educational services also implies a search for improving each and every one of the people involved in the schools activities.

Module 8: Planning Week 9 and evaluating for quality

Focuses on planning. It explains the characteristics of a plan, the components required of a plan, and the plan-do-review-


act cycle. Module 9: Quality Week 10 requires community participation Is for families and communities. It explains why closer relationships between school, family and community are needed and offers ideas on how and why to create them. Explains what is implied for the persons working to improve quality and why it is important to share both successes as well as the knowledge of how these successes were achieved. Week 12 Final project

Module 10: Some Week 11 implications about quality

DATABASE DIAGRAM: o newuser o bankdetail o login o password o user o transaction



(1.) Login

( 2.) Places

( 3.) Trip










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$s=mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($s); if($row) { if($row['type']=="admin") { $_SESSION['id'] = "1"; $_SESSION['name'] = $un; header('location:adminprofile.php'); } else { $_SESSION['id'] = "1"; $_SESSION['name'] = $un; header('location:userprofile.php'); } } else { setcookie("invalid","Invalid User",time()+1);


header('Location:adminprofile.php'); } } } ?> Adminprofile.php <?php include('adminheader.php');?> <!-- start nav-outer-repeat................................................... END -->

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<?php session_start(); $link=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); $con = mysql_select_db("Rajtour",$link); $u=$_SESSION['name']; $sql="select * from login where `user` like '%$u%'"; $s=mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($s)) { echo "<tr><td>First Name</td><td>";

echo $row['fname'];

echo"</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Last Name</td><td>"; echo $row['lname'];



echo "<tr><td>User Name</td><td>"; echo $row['user']; echo"</tr><br></td>"; echo "<tr><td>Password</td><td>"; echo $row['pass']; echo"</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Phone No</td><td>"; echo $row['contact']; echo"</tr></td>"; echo "<tr><td>Email</td><td>"; echo $row['email']; echo"</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>City</td><td>"; echo $row['city']; echo"</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>State</td><td>"; echo $row['state']; echo"</td></tr>";


echo "<tr><td>Security Question</td><td>"; echo $row['que']; echo"</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Answer</td><td>"; echo $row['ans']; echo"</td></tr>"; } ?> </table> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- end content-table-inner ............................................END --> <a href="adminprofileupdate.php" >Click To Edit Profile</a>

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if($_SESSION['id'] == "") { header('location:login.php');

} ?> Placeaction.php <?php $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("Rajtour",$con); $RPP=5; $pg=$_GET['pg']; //echo $pg; if(isset($pg)) { $start=$pg*$RPP; }else { $start=0; }


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src='.$row[images].' width = 100% height = 130px /></a>'; echo'</td>'; echo'</tr>'; } echo'</table>'; if($TOTAL_rcc > $RPP) { for($i=0;$i<$page;$i++) { echo '<a href="http://'; echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; //echo ''; echo '?pg='; echo $i; echo'">'; //echo"Page <strong>".$i+1; //echo "</strong>/"; //echo $TOTAL_rcc;


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<div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- start nav -->

</div> <div class="clear"></div> <!-- start nav-outer --> </div> <!-- start nav-outer-repeat................................................... END -->

<div class="clear"></div>

Useraction.php <?php


$con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("Rajtour",$con);

$RPP=5; $pg=$_GET['pg']; //echo $pg; if(isset($pg)) { $start=$pg*$RPP; }else { $start=0; }

//echo $RPP; $RS=mysql_query("select * from `login`"); //echo $RS; $TOTAL_rcc=mysql_num_rows($RS); //echo $TOTAL_rcc; $page=($TOTAL_rcc/$RPP);


//echo $page; $sql="select * from `login` where type = 'user' ORDER BY user LIMIT $start,$RPP "; $r=mysql_query($sql); //echo $r; ?>

<?php while($row=mysql_fetch_array($r)){

echo'<tr>'; echo'<td><input type="checkbox"/></td>'; echo'<td><a>'.$row[fname].'</a></td>'; echo'<td><a>'.$row[lname].'</a></td>'; echo'<td><a>'.$row[user].'</a></td>'; echo'<td><a>'.$row[pass].'</a></td>'; echo'<td><img src='.$row[image].' width = 100 height = 100 /></td>'; echo'<td>'.$row[contact].'</td>'; echo'<td><a href="">'.$row[email].'</a></td>'; echo'<td><a href="">'.$row[city].'</a></td>';


echo'<td><a href="">'.$row[state].'</a></td>'; echo'<td><a href="">'.$row[que].'</a></td>'; echo'<td><a href="">'.$row[ans].'</a></td>'; echo'<td class="options-width">'; echo'<a href="deleteuser.php" title="Delete" class="icon-2 info-tooltip"></a>'; echo'<a href="edituseradmin.php" title="Edit" class="icon4 info-tooltip"></a>'; echo"<a href='userregadmin.php' title='Add' class='icon-5 info-tooltip'></a>"; echo'</td>'; echo'</tr>';

} echo'</table>'; if($TOTAL_rcc > $RPP) { for($i=0;$i<$page;$i++) { echo '<a href="http://'; echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];


echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; //echo ''; echo '?pg='; echo $i; echo'">'; //echo"Page <strong>".$i+1; //echo "</strong>/"; //echo $TOTAL_rcc; echo '|'; echo $i+1; echo '</a>|'; } } ?>



The main objective of the project is to create a well managed website with all tourist places of rajasthan and to provide a platform to the users so that they can easily organized a tour according to their requirement. This website is very helpful to find new places of rajasthan and book new tour This website is very user friendly and very easy to use


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