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The purpose of this questionnaire is to analyze how the strategies are formulated, implemented and evaluated by various organizations for a project being framed for a Strategic Management course work at Karachi University Business School- KUBS . We appreciate your time and feedback. The information collected will be kept confidential.

1. Does your organization have a clear and well defined mission statement? Yes No 2. When did you update your current mission statement? Last year 2 years back 5 years Other, ___________

3. How often do you formulate/renew your organizations mission statement? 1 year 2-3 years 3-5 years 5-10 years 10-15 years More

4. Is your mission statement reviewed by the managers at all levels? Yes No If yes how many?

5. Is SWOT Analysis a part of your organizations function? Yes No If yes how frequently it takes place?

6. Does SWOT Analysis is performed formally as well as informally for strategy formulation by your organization? Yes No

7. Is your organization quick enough to respond to arousing situations by creating strategies for it? Yes No

8. Are strategies defined by only top management or middle and lower management has any role in it? Are they consulted? No role Involved Consulted

9. Does your organization have any back-up strategies, in case an implemented strategy fails?

Yes No


Do you run any competitive intelligence programs? Yes No

11. Do you prepare any External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix or Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)? Yes No If yes how?


Which approach does your organization follow? Resource Based View (RBV approach Internal factors) Industry Organization (I/O approach External factors)

13. What plays an important role in success/failure of your strategies to be implemented? Internal forces External forces

14. In order to get competitive advantage do you perform any value chain analysis? Yes, Please specify ___________________________________ No

15. What are the major strategy implementation activities common in your organization?

16. Is there any formal or professional association or regulations attached to your organization? Does your organization comply with its requirements?

17. Were there any conflicts in the strategic period? If yes, then in which areas? And how were they resolved? (Avoidance, diffusion, confrontation)

18. When the last restructuring was took place in your organization? What were the reasons for it? How was it communicated to the relevant employees? How did it take place?

19. What is the promotion policy of your company? Which tools are commonly used by your company for promotion purposes? Why are such tools used? Please show a graphical interpretation for the tools used (pie chart)

20. Does your organization make budgets? Which type of budgeting is used? Does the actual performance of the organization meet the budgeted? What is the percentage of variance between budgeted and actual performance? Reasons for such variation?

21. What is the basis of resource allocation of your organizer. What were the reasons for selecting such basis? Which resource is given the most priority in your organization? (Financial, Human, Technological)

22. Does the organization maintain a policy manual for standard operating procedures? Are the policies regularly updated? Are the policies consistently followed by the employees?

23. Rate your directors commitment and support to the implementation of strategic initiatives. (1=v good; 10=v bad)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0

24. Rate how appropriate past and current structure of your organization is to support the implementation of strategic initiatives. (1=v good; 10=v bad)
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 1 0 1 0 ----PAST C URRENT


25. Do you have your own Research and Development department? Is your organization the Innovators or the Followers? How do you allocate budget to R & D department?

26. Rate your organizations ongoing evaluation practices as it relates to strategic initiatives Perpetual evaluation Seldom periodic evaluation No evaluations conducted

27. Does your organization use strategic evaluation tools like Balance score card? Yes No

Other tools No tools If no tools, what is the method of evaluation?

28. Has your organization developed a set of KPIs (key performance indicators) or some other form of accountability to track the success of strategic initiative: KPIs defined No such indicator


If no, what is the accountability method?

Financial _________________ Non-Financial

30. Rate your organizations response time after the acknowledgement that a strategic initiative is failing. Immediate response Normal Delayed

31. Rate the level of participation in strategic evaluation by Members, Executives and Management Staff Very much involved Partially involved Somewhat involved Not involved


Which evaluation criteria comes first

Comparing the firms performance over different time periods Comparing the firms performance to competitor Comparing the firms performance to industry average

33. What corrective actions are most important to correct unfavorable variances Revise objectives Alter strategies Proper evaluation first

Your contribution is greatly appreciated and your Privacy is highly regarded. Thank you for your time.


The purpose of this questionnaire is to analyze how the strategies are formulated, implemented and evaluated by various organizations for a project being framed for a Strategic Management course work at Karachi University Business School- KUBS . We appreciate your time and feedback. The information collected will be kept confidential.

34. Are you satisfied with the procedure of SWOT Analysis adapted by your organization? Yes No

35. Your organization believes in? Please specify time period i.e. 1 year, 3 years, 5 years etc. Long-Term objectives ___________ Short-Term objectives ___________ Both

36. How important is strategy formulation to handle suddenly aroused problems and situations? (Assuming 10 is very important 1 is least important) ____________


Does your organization have well-defined strategies? Yes No

38. Is there any think tank in your organization which is only determined to define and create strategies?

Yes No 39. Does your organization have well-defined strategies? Yes No

40. Is there any think tank in your organization which is only determined to define and create strategies? Yes No 41. What is the benchmark to measure your organizations activities? Self-Evaluation Competitor Industry None


What sort of culture does your organization follow? Autocratic Bureaucratic Others, Please specify ____________


43. On what basis does your organization set its production level? Why? What is the maximum, optimum and normal level of production of your company?

___________________________________________________________ ___________________

44. According to you, which type of market segmentation, is more beneficial for your organization? Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioral Why?


Rate your organizations readiness for organizational change . (1=v

good; 10=v bad)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0

46. Rate the willingness of employees to accept and implement the change. (1=v good; 10=v bad) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0

47. At what extent your firm is financially strong as per your financial ratio analysis?


48. Rate your associations current practices as they relate to the ongoing assessment of strategic initiatives. Very relevant Partially relevant Somewhat relevant Irrelevant

49. Rate your associations performance in communicating assessment results to the: Members Excellent Good Average Poor Board of Directors Excellent Good Average Poor Auditors/Public/Others Excellent Good Average Poor

Identify where corrective actions are necessary

50. Rate your associations success at identifying corrective action when strategic initiatives are failing or could be improved. Highly successful Partial successful Somewhat successful Un successful

Assess Impact of Change/Participation

51. Rate your associations effectiveness at evaluating the impact of changes subsequent to initial strategy formulation Very effective Somewhat effective Ineffective


Rate the level of participation in strategy evaluation by the

Members Very much involved Partially involved Somewhat involved Not involved at all Executive Committee Very much involved Partially involved Somewhat involved

Not involved at all Executive Director Very much involved Partially involved Somewhat involved Not involved at all Management Staff Very much involved Partially involved Somewhat involved Not involved at all

Moving Beyond Evaluation

53. Rate the attention paid to abandoning, adjusting or developing new strategies subsequent to evaluation of the initial strategies by the: Members Highly attentive Somewhat attentive Negligent Executive Committee Highly attentive Somewhat attentive Negligent Executive Director Highly attentive Somewhat attentive Negligent Management Staff Highly attentive Somewhat attentive Negligent

54. Rate the relevance and suitability of the strategic management model to your association. Highly suitable and fitting Somewhat suitable Not suitable

55. Rate the commitment to Strategic Management as the model of choice for your association by the Members

Highly committed Somewhat committed Non serious attitude Executive Committee Highly committed Somewhat committed Non serious attitude Executive Director Highly committed Somewhat committed Non serious attitude Management Staff Highly committed Somewhat committed Non serious attitude
Your contribution is greatly appreciated and your Privacy is highly regarded. Thank you for your time.

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