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The Passive

The passive is formed with the appropriate tense of the verb to be + past participle. Present Simple Past Simple Present Perfect Future Simple Be Going to Future delivered Past perfect He had delivered the letters The letters had been delivered Present Continuous He is delivering the letters The letters are being delivered Past Continuous He was delivering the letters The letters were being delivered Future Continuous He will be delivering the lett The letters will be being delivered Pres. Perf.Continuous He has been delivering the let The letters have been being delivered Infinitive He has to deliver the letters The letters have to be delivered Modals He may deliver the letters The letters may be delivered ( Modal+be+past.part.) He must deliver the letters The letters must be delivered The Passive is used: 1. when the agent ( = the person who does the action) is unknown, unimportant / obvious from the context. Jane was shot. ( We dont know who shot her. ) This church was built in 1815. ( unimportant agent ) He has been arrested. ( obviously by the police ) 2. to make more polite / formal statements. The car hasnt been cleaned. ( more polite ) You havent cleaned the car. _ (less polite) 3. when the action is more important than the agent, as in processes, instructions, events, reports, headlines, news items, and advertisement so make more polite / formal statements. 30 people were killed in the earthquake. 4. to put emphasis on the agent. The new library will be opened by the Queen. Verbs with two objects: Some verbs ( ask, bring, leave, lend, offer, order, give, pay, promise, refuse, send, show, teach, tell ) can have two objects. 1- They left the children a small fortune. Indirect Object Direct Object a) The children were left a small fortune. b) A small fortune was left ( to ) the children. 2- Her firm has offered Diana a job in Singapore. a) Diana has been offered a job in Singapore by her firm. Agent b) A job in Singapore has been offered ( to ) Diana by her firm. 3- They gave me two hours to make my decision. a) I was given 2 hrs to make my decision. b) 2 hrs were given me to make my decision. 4- Someone paid the men 980 YTL to do the job. a) The men were paid 980 YTL to do the job. B) 980 YTL was paid the men to do the job. Active Voice Passive Voice He delivers letters Letters are delivered He delivered the letters The letters were delivered He has delivered the letters The letters have been delivered He will deliver the letters The letters will be delivered He is going to deliver the lett The letters are going to be

5- Has anyone shown you the new machine? a) Have you been shown the new machine? B) Has the new machine been shown you? Put the Active sentences into Passive Voice 1- You mustnt hammer nails into the walls without permission. Nails mustnt be hammered into the walls without permission. 2- We use this room only on special occasions. This room is only used on special occasions. 3- The cop killed the bandit with a knife. The bandit was killed by the cop with a knife. 4- Snow covered the mountains. The mountains were covered with snow. 5- Gas had filled the room. The room had been filled with gas. 6- Oil is slowly covering the beach. The beach is slowly being covered with oil. 7- Water surrounds the castle. The castle is surrounded with water. 8- Why didnt they mend the roof before it collapsed? Why wasnt the roof mended before it collapsed? 9- Someone will serve refreshments. Refreshments will be served. 10- A thief stole my dog & brought him back only when I offered 20 $ reward for him. My dog was stolen & brought back only when 20 $ reward was offered. 11- They make these artificial flowers of silk. These artificial flowers are made of silk. 12- The closure of the workshops will make a lot of men redundant. A lot of men will be made redundant by the closure of the workshops. 13- Students might answer all the questions if they were more careful. All the questions might be answered if the students were more careful. 14- The judges have to explain the result right now. The result has to be explained by the judges right now. 15- You should open the wine about 3 hrs before you use it. The wine should be opened about 3 hrs before it is used. 16- Somebody has cleaned my shoes & brushed my suit. My shoes have been cleaned & my suit has been brushed. 17- In some districts farmers use pigs to find truffles. Pigs are used to find truffles by farmers in some districts. 18- Somebody has slashed the picture with a knife. The picture has been slashed with a knife. 19- They are pulling down the old funfair. The old funfair is being pulled down. 20- The mob broke all the shop windows in recent riots. All the shop windows were broken by the mob in recent riots. 21- The police asked each of us about his movements on the night of the crime. Each of us were asked about his movements on the night of the crime. 22- People mustnt leave cycles in the hall. Cycles mustnt be left in the hall. 23- Members may keep books for 3 weeks. After that they must return them. Books may be kept for 3 weeks by members. After that they must be returned. 24- The burglars had cut an enormous hole in the steel door. An enormous hole had been cut in the steel door by the burglars. 25- They rang the church bells as a flood warning.

The church bells were rung as a flood warning. 26- No one can do anything unless someone gives us more information. Nothing can be done unless were given more information/more information is given us. 27- People are spending far more money on food now than they spent 10 years ago. Far more money is being spent on food now than it was spent 10 years ago. 28- The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month. The paintings will be exhibited by the organizers till the end of the month. 29- They feed the seals at the zoo twice a day. The seals at the zoo are fed twice a day. 30- Who wrote it? Who was it written by? 31- They showed her the easiest way to do it. She was shown the easiest way to do it./ The easiest way to do it was shown her. 32- A bee stung him. He was stung by a bee. 33- Did the idea interest you? Were you interested by the idea? 34- The lawyer gave him the details of his uncles will. He was given the details of his uncles will by the lawyer./ The details of his uncles will was given by the lawyer. 35- Students are doing a lot of the project. A lot of project is being done by students. 36- Someone is following us. We are being followed. 37- The howling of wolves kept him awake all night long. He was kept awake by the howling of wolves all night long. 38- ( Everyone) knows this fact very well. This fact is known very well. 39- ( They ) opened the theatre only last month. The theatre was opened only last month. 40- ( People ) will soon forget it. It will soon be forgotten. 41- ( You ) must write the answers in ink. The answers must be written in ink. 42- ( Someone ) has taken two of my books. Two of my books have been taken. 43- What should ( one ) do in such cases? What should be done in such cases. 44- Did ( they ) say anything interesting? Was anything interesting said? 45- Did ( no one ) ever make it clear how ( one ) operated the machine? ( 2 ) Was it ever made clear how the machine was operated? 46- ( One ) should sow new lawns in September. New lawns should be sowed / sown in September. 47- I dont think ( anyone ) can do it. I dont think it can be done. 48- ( They ) are now manufacturing this type of transistor radio in Japan. This type of transistor radio is now being manufactured in Japan. 49- Has ( someone ) made all the necessary arrangements? Have all these necessary arrangements been made? 50- Fortunately, ( no one ) had said anything about it. Fortunately, nothing had been said about it. 51- ( The police ) kept the man in custody.

The man was kept in custody. 52- Does ( someone ) clean all the rooms regularly? Are all the rooms cleaned regularly ? B) Complete the sentences with a Passive construction, using the verbs given & in the form suggested. The term Infinitive includes the Infinitive without to . Much of London was destroyed ( destroy ) by fire in the 17th century. ( Past Simple ) The man who had been bitten ( bite ) by a snake was given a serum. ( Past Perfect ) A leader should be a man who can be respected ( respect ). ( Infinitive ) Many slums are being demolished ( demolish ) to make way for new buildings. ( Pr. Con.) 5- The police have been instructed ( instruct ) to take firm action against hooligans. ( Pr. Perf. ) 6- He was saved ( save ) bankruptcy by the kindness of a friend. ( Past Simple ) 7- A great deal of research has been done ( do ) into the possible causes of cancer. ( Pr. Per.) 8- The worker claimed that he was being victimized ( victimize ) by his employers. ( Past Cont. ) 9- The tenant was evicted ( evict ) for not paying his rent. ( Past Simple ) 10- Because of a strike, work on the building had to be discontinued ( discontinue ). ( Inf. ) 11- The witness strongly objected to being cross-examined ( cross-examine). ( Gerund ) 12- Im not accustomed to being treated ( treat ) in that way. ( Gerund ) 13- Customers are asked ( ask ) to ensure that they have been given ( give ) the correct change before leaving the shop, as mistakes cannot afterwards be rectified ( rectify ) . ( Present Simple, Present Perfect, Infinitive ) 14- Was he very upset at not being offered ( not, offer ) the job? ( Gerund ) 1234C) Put the Passive sentences into Active Voice 1- The runways are being lengthened at all the main airports. They are lengthening the runways at all the main airports. 2- The damaged ship was towed into harbour. They towed the damaged ship into harbour. 3- Evening dress will be worn to the reception. Everybody will wear evening dress to the reception. 4- This copy hasnt been read. The pages havent been cut. He hasnt read this copy. He hasnt cut the pages. 5- The referee was being escorted from the football field by a strong police guard. A strong police guard was escorting the referee from the football field. 6- The stones were thrown by the protesters. The protesters threw the stones. 7- The dishes are being washed by the old woman. The old woman is washing the dishes. 8- Was the new bus bought by the driver last week? Did the driver buy the new bus last week? 9- The naughty boy was punished by his father yesterday. His father punished the naughty boy yesterday. 10- The workers were promised an increase in their salaries. The boss promised the workers an increase in their salaries. 11- Has Sarah been sent to bed by the doctor? Has the doctor sent Sarah to bed? 12- A new factory is being built next to their house.

They are building a new factory next to their house. 13- These letters should be posted today. You should post these letters today. 14- Will the new hospital be completed before the end of the year? Will they complete the new hospital before the end of the year? 15- Can the car be cleaned before they travel? Can they clean the car before they travel? 16- The money had been stolen by the workers. The workers had stolen the money. 17- The first prize was won by Mrs. Goldstein. Mrs. Goldstein won the first prize. 18- Books shouldnt be thrown away after being read. Nobody should throw books away after they read. 19- Yesterday my pen was taken, I hope itll be returned soon. Yesterday she took my pen, I hope shell return it soon. 20- Which play is going to be performed by them next week? Which play are they going to perform next week? 21- A new library is going to be designed in San Francisco. He is going to design a new library in San Francisco. 22- Mary & Helen are being followed by a strange man. A strange man is following Mary & Helen. 23- Has the date of the examination been changed by the teacher? Has the teacher changed the date of the examination? 24- She has been accused of stealing the bracelet by her neighbour. Her neighbour has accused her of stealing the bracelet. 25- Some old carpets were being sold when we were there. They were selling some old carpets when we were there. 26- Where was your summer holiday spent? Where did you spend your summer holiday? 27- What will be eaten for lunch by you? What will you eat for lunch? D) Answer the following questions using the words in brackets in the Passive Voice 1- Which cup did they use? ( black ) Black cup was used . 2- What do you expect me to do? ( do your best ) You were expected to do your best. 3- Who will bring the cake? ( Ali ) The cake will be brought by Ali. 4- Have they used my fountain-pen? ( No, never ) No, your fountain-pen has never been used. 5- Who has broken the windows? ( children ) The windows have been broken by the children. 6- What did people see last night? ( the milky way ) The milky way was seen last night. 7- Why are they taking him to hospital? ( to have an x-ray taken ) He is being taken to hospital to have an x-ray taken. 8- Have they told her the result? ( already ) She has already been told the result. / The result has already been told her. 9- Is somebody going to teach the kids how to behave? ( Sure ) The kids are gonna be taught how to behave for sure. 10- When do they show you all the photographs? ( on Monday )

I was shown all the photographs on Monday. / All the photographs were shown/showed me/us on Monday. 11- Who is watching the terrorists? ( police ) The terrorists are being watched by the police. 12- Has the police ever stopped you? ( Yes, several times ) Yes, I have been stopped by the police several times. 13- Why did you light a fire? ( to keep the guests warm ) The fire was lit to keep the guests warm. 14- What language do people speak in Egypt? ( Arabic ) Arabic is spoken in Egypt. 15- What was Mrs. Carter planting in her garden when you arrived? ( some vegetables ) Some vegetables were being planted in Mrs. Carters garden when I / we arrived. 16- Has a dog ever bitten you? ( No, never ) No, I have never been bitten by a dog. 17- How many books have you read as Turkish homework? ( five ) 5 books have been read as Turkish homework. E) Complete these sentences choosing the most suitable verb in the Passive Voice arrest ; wake ; knock ; check ; translate ; find ; drive ; make ; spend ; hear ; carry 1- The music at the party was very loud & (could be ) heard from far away. 2- A decision will not be made until the next meeting. 3- That building is dangerous. It must be knocked down before it falls down. 4- I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted to be woken / waked up at 6:30. 5- Her new book will probably be translated into a number of foreign languages. 6- When you go through the customs, your luggage can be checked by a customs officer. 7- Police are looking for the missing boy. He cant be found anywhere. 8- Do you think that less money must be spent on arms? 9- The injured man couldnt walk & had to be carried. 10- I dont mind driving but I prefer to be driven by other people. 11- Dont kick a policeman, youll be arrested . F) Complete the sentences with the verbs ( active/ passive ) in parentheses. Use any appropriate tense. 1- At the soccer game yesterday, the winning goal was kicked ( kick ) by Luigi. Over 100,000 people attended ( attend ) the soccer game. 2- The bombing of the embassy was reported ( report ) on TV last night. Fortunately, no one killed ( kill ) in the explosion, but several people were injured ( injure ). 3- Horses originated in North America. They were crossed ( cross ) a land bridge into Asia. That land bridge doesnt exist ( exist, not ) any more. Before the Indians arrived ( arrive ) in North America, horses became ( become ) extinct there, but they survived ( survive ) in Asia. The horses were wild. They were domesticated ( domesticate ) by central Asian nomads. At first, horses were used ( use ) in hunting & war. Oxen were used ( use ) for farming. Horses were reintroduced ( reintroduce ) into America by Europeans after the New World was discovered ( discover ) . G) Put the verbs in Passive in the correct tense Coca-Cola is / has been enjoyed ( enjoy ) all over the world. 1.6 billion gallons are sold ( sell ) every year, in over one hundred & 60 countries. The drink was invented ( invent ) by Dr. John Pemberton in Atlanta, on 8 May 1886, but it was given ( give ) the name

Coca-Cola by his partner, Frank Robinson. In the first year, only nine drinks a day were sold ( sell ). The business was bought ( buy ) by a man called Asa Candler in 1888, and the first factory was opened ( open ) in Dallas, Texas in 1895. Coca-Cola is still ( being ) made/ has still been made ( make ) there. Billions of bottles & cans have been produced ( produce ) since 1895. Diet Coke has been made ( make ) since 1982, & over the years many clever advertisements have been used to sell ( used to sell ) the product. It is certain that CocaCola will be drunk ( drink ) far into the 21st century. H) Rewrite the newspaper headlines as complete sentences Ex: Footballer offered million for transfer The footballer has been offered a million pounds for the transfer. 1- No children admitted into bars. Children arent admitted into bars. 2- Children being brainwashed by TV Children are being brainwashed by TV. 3- Planet being destroyed by pollution. Our planet is being destroyed by pollution. 4- Bomb discovered in old ladys garden A bomb has been discovered in old ladys garden. 5- No cameras allowed in museum No cameras are allowed in the museum. 6- Animals being used to test beauty products Animals are being / have been being used to test beauty products. 7- Picasso paintings exhibited national gallery next Monday Picasso paintings will be exhibited at the National Gallery next Monday. 8- Michael Jackson asked to sponsor charity event yesterday Michael Jackson was asked yesterday to sponsor a charity event. I) Using the Passive ,ask questions to which the bold type words are answers. 1- Columbus discovered America. Who was America discovered by ? 2- We keep money in a safe. Where is money kept ? 3- A bee stung him. What was he stung by ? 4- They speak Italian in Italy. What language is spoken in Italy ? 5- They have taken his aunt to hospital. Who has been taken to hospital ? 6- The boys damaged the telly. Who was the telly damaged by ? 7- Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. Who was the Mona Lisa painted by ? 8- He invited 30 people to his party. Who was / How many people were invited to his party 9- They grow bananas in Africa. Where are bananas grown ? J) A reporter is talking to Fay Fame. Complete the interview using Passive construction Rep: Its wonderful to interview such a famous person as you. Fay: Yes, youre very lucky. Rep: I know that you have been interviewed ( interview ) many times before. Fay: Yes, I have. Rep: Also, I know that 3 books have been written ( write ) about you. Fay: Yes, they have- and another one is being written ( write ) at the moment. Rep: A film was made ( make ) about your life 2 years ago, wasnt it? Fay: Yes. It was a brilliant film! The leading role was played ( play ) by a young beautiful actress.

Rep: Will any more films be made ( make ) in the future? Fay: Oh yes, of course! Rep: Where do you buy your clothes from, Fay? Fay: I dont buy them! They are designed ( design ) especially for me. Rep: And what about your beautiful house? Ray: That was built ( build ) 5 years ago by an Italian architect. Rep: You must make a lot of money. Fay: I make lots of money & everybody loves me. Flowers are sent ( send ) to my house every day. Rep: Not by me, thats certain K) Rewrite the following passages in the Passive . Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last night. They reported it to the police. The army sent a helicopter to look at it more closely. The UFO shot the helicopter down & killed both men in it. People have given photographs of the UFO to the police. Experts are looking at them now. A UFO was seen in the sky above London last night. It was reported to the police. A helicopter was sent by the army to look at it more closely. The helicopter was shot down by the UFO & both men in it were killed. The police have been given photos of the UFO/ Photos of the UFO have been given to the police. Theyre being looked at by experts now. Someone broke into a local jewellery shop yesterday. The owner had just locked up the shop when a robber with a gun threatened him. The robber told him to unlock the shop & give him all the diamonds in the safe. Then the robber tied him up. The police have organised a search for the robber. They hope they will find him in a few days. Doctors are treating the owner of the shop for shock. A local jewellery shop was broken into yesterday. The shop had just been locked up ( by the owner ) when the owner was threatened by a robber with a gun. He was told to unlock the shop & give all the diamonds in the safe to the robber. Then, he was tied up. A search for the robber has been organised by the police. It is hoped /They hope he will be found in a few days. The owner of the shop is being treated for shock. L) Write a news report in the Passive using the notes below. A small Japanese village- hit- earthquake- last night. It- think- there are few survivors. The time of the disaster- give- as 7:00 pm. The village- destroy- the force of the earthquake. Soldiers- send- to the village- the Government to help in the search for survivors. Effortsstill- make to clear the village. Further help- give- the Government soon. Since the survivors are homeless they- take- to the next village. Any further news- give- to you as it arrives. A small Japanese village was hit by an earthquake last night. It is thought there are few survivors. The time of the disaster was given as 7:00 pm. The village was destroyed by the force of the earthquake. Soldiers have been sent to the village by the Government to help in the search for survivors. Efforts are still being made to clear the village. Further help will be given by the Government soon. Since the survivors are homeless they are being taken to the next village. Any further news will be given to you as it arrives. M) Rewrite the following passages in the Active . A bus has been stolen from outside the school. The thief was seen by some children. The bus is being searched for now. The childrens descriptions will be used to catch the thief.

Somebody has stolen a bus from outside the school. Some children saw the thief. The police are searching for the bus now. They will use the childrens descriptions to catch the thief. This picture was painted by my uncle. He has been offered a lot of money for it. The painting will be delivered tomorrow. When he is given the money, they will be told the truth. It was painted one night while he was sleepwalking. My uncle painted this picture. Someone has offered him a lot of money for it. He will deliver the painting tomorrow. When they give him the money, he will tell them the truth. He painted it one night while he was sleepwalking. A contest is being organised by our school. The best project about the environment will be chosen by the teachers. Pictures & drawings must be included in the students projects. All the writing will also have to be done by the students themselves. The winner will be given a set of encyclopaedias by the school. Our school is organising a contest. The teachers will choose the best project about the environment. The students must include pictures & drawings in their projects. The students will also have to do all the writing themselves. The school will give the winner a set of encyclopaedias.

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