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L. Magne, J. Tapia, E. Altamirano, C. Muoz, G. Titichoca, I. Yutronic CMDI de Collahuasi Lmagne Ingeniera

Compaa Minera Doa Ins de Collahuasi

Is located 4.400 meters above sea level in the Andean plateau of the Tarapac Region of the far north of Chile, to 245 km from Iquique.

Semiautogenous Grinding Circuit

Line #1
Fe - 003 Fe - 004 Fe - 005 CV - 05 PP- 03 PP- 04 CS - 001 CS - 002

BM 3

DI 01

Fe - 006 Fe - 007 Fe - 008

CV - 09 CV - 07

SU - 01 DI 02 CS - 003 CS - 004

Fe - 1031 Fe - 1032 Fe - 1033 Fe - 1037

Fe - 1034 Fe - 1035 Fe - 1036 Fe - 1038

Line #2
SAG 2 BM 4

CV - 06 PP- 05 PP- 06 SU - 02 CV - 10 CV - 08

CS - 1011 CS - 1012

DI 1051

Line #3
BM 1012

Line 1 2 1011

SAG D x L, foot 32 x 15 32 x 15 40 x 24

Power HP 11.000 11.000 28.000

Ball mill Mill ball number D x L, foot 1 22 x 36,5 1 22 x 36,5 2 26 x 38

Power HP 13.000 13.000 20.000

CV - 1035

CS -1013 CS - 1014

SAG 1011

BM 1013
PP- 1021 PP- 1023 SU - 1021 PP- 1022 PP- 1024

CV - 1037 CV - 1038

CV - 1036

Semiautogenous Mill Optimization

Trommel: classification efficiency laundry water

SAG 1011: Charge baffle in trunnion End discharge: Grates Pulp lifters Cone discharge

Liners design

SAG Mills Linings Design

d =d= media distance between lifters distancia media entre lifters Area between lifters

rea entre lifters

h = free lifters media high h: altura media de lifter libre

1.941 cm2

d/h = 2,56 (706/276) Vlif t/Vmol ~ (rea entre lifters x filas de lifters)/rea transversal del molino

d/h: it relates liners distance and media box high between lifters Vlift/Vmill: it relates volume between liners and mill volume Lifting angle: is the attack lifters angle (one o more) Using MillMED simulations is calculated the effect over:
Useful impacts (Ball-Ore, Ore-Ore, Ore-Liners) Useless impacts (Ball-Ball, Ball-Liners)

SAG Mills Linings Design: Relation Between SAG Diameter and Row Lifters Number
60 56 54 48

Cantidad Filas Lifters

42 36 32 30 27 24 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 30 30 30 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36


18 28 28 28 28 32 32 32 32 34 34 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
4,50 4,2 4,00 3,50 3,00 2,50 2,00 2,00 1,6 1,50 1,00 0,50 0,00 28 28 28 32 34 Dimetro Molino (pies)
Cant. Filas Lifters/Dim. Molino (pies) Distancia Entre Centro de Lifters (pies)




Dimetro Molino (pies)


3,3 2,9



3,3 3,1






1,00 0,79 0,75





SAG Mills Linings Design: SAG 1 - 2

d= distancia media entre lifters

d/h V between lifters h/mill diameter

Original design 2,44 6,9% 2,5%

Propoused design 2,19 8,3% 2,9%

Average industry 2,32 7,7% 2,8%

Differences: Smaller superior lifting angle (42 vs 52)

Fall of the load near to foot of load Better energy distribution and bigger load in flight Lifting capacity independent of the waste Bigger load volume in flight Bigger duration of the lining (15% with 150 mm of retirement thickness)

Bigger lifting angle in intermediate area (26)

Bigger lifters height: 43 mm

SAG Mills Linings Design: SAG 1011

d/h V between lifters h/mill diameter

Original design 4,37 5,1% 1,6%

Propoused design 3,19 6,9% 2,4%

Average industry 2,32 7,7% 2,8%

Differences: Variable angle since 35

Fall of the load near to foot of load Better energy distribution and bigger load in flight Lifting capacity independent of the waste Bigger load volume in flight Bigger duration of the lining (18% with 150 mm of retirement thickness)

Bigger lifters height: 71 mm

Trommels Classification Efficiency

Mill SAG Plant C.M.D.I. Collahuasi Minera Los Pelambres Minera Escondida Minera Antamina C.M.D.I. Collahuasi Minera Esperanza Trommel's Dimension Long, feet 13,6 16,4 11,2 16,4 16,9 15,4 Screen No No Si No No Si Capacity tph 1.320 2.912 5.170 5.472 4.480 5.160 Slot Size Wide, mm 15 17 25 15 25 13 Long, mm 30 38 60 38 50 39 Open Area, % 27,0 26,0 29,0 23,0 22,8 25,0 Diameter, feet Diameter, feet 32 14,4 36 15,9 38 20,3 38 15,9 40 16,5 40 15,4

Comparison criteria: parameter:

m3 Volumetric slurry flow 3 m h 2 = Open area m 2 m h

[ ]

Trommels Classification Efficiency

Mill SAG Plant C.M.D.I. Collahuasi Minera Los Pelambres Minera Escondida Minera Antamina C.M.D.I. Collahuasi Minera Esperanza Trommel's Dimension Long, feet 13,6 16,4 11,2 16,4 16,9 15,4 Diameter, feet Diameter, feet 32 14,4 36 15,9 38 20,3 38 15,9 40 16,5 40 15,4 Pulp Flow, m3/h 935 2.063 3.570 3.877 3.174 3.656 Trommel Area, m2 57,0 75,9 66,2 76,0 81,2 69,4 Free Area, m2 15,4 19,7 19,2 17,5 18,5 17,3 Flow by Free Area, m3/m2/h 61 105 186 222 172 211

32 feet Collahuasi SAG mills, have the best condition of slurry evacuation in trommel: = 61 m3/h/m2 Antaminas SAG mill has the worst condition of slurry evacuation in trommel: = 222 m3/h/m2 Esperanza and Escondidas SAG mills have high values of , but they have a screen Trommel of 40 feet SAG mill of Collahuasi has an high value of = 172 m3/h/m2.
Open SAG 1011 Initial Condition Modification 1 Modification 2 Modification 3 Area, % 22,8 35,0 31,8 29,2 Pulp 3 Flow, m /h 3.174 3.174 3.174 3.174 Free 2 Area, m 18,5 28,4 25,8 23,7 Flow by Free 3 2 Area, m /m /h 172 112 123 134

28% more than the free area permit 22% more than flow discharge capacity

Trommels Classification Efficiency: Laundry Water

SAG 1 - 2

SAG 1011

Pulp Lifters and Cone Discharge of SAG Mills

6,8 (6)
Recirculacin producto del desgaste del pulp lifter largo en el extremo de salida de la carga

8 (7,25)
En blanco, medida el 16 de febrero de 2010 En amarillo, medida original

Zona cada de carga

Pulp Lifters and Cone Discharge of SAG Mills

Cone discharge design affect: Discharge flow capacity (then, mill capacity) Slurry trajectory Slurry return from the trunnion Use of the trommel area for clasiffication Excessive wear in preferential areas of the trommel
1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Pulp Lifters and Cone Discharge of SAG Mills

Size of SAG Grate: 64 mm

476 mm

583 mm

Strangulation of 182 mm
289 mm

Strangulation of 188 mm
182 mm

385 mm

Opposing directors
188 mm 328 mm

Material: Polyurethane

Material: Rubber with ceramics

Cone discharge of SAG 1 - 2

Pulp Lifters and Cone Discharge of SAG Mills

Size of SAG Grate: 64 mm The short directors is near to medium directors Strangulation of 95 mm
307 mm

697 mm

674 mm 350 mm

95 mm

503 mm
298 mm

Material: Polyurethane

Material: Rubber with ceramics

Cone discharge of SAG 1011

Charge Baffle in SAG 1011 Trunnion - Trommel

Charge Baffle in SAG 1011 Trunnion - Trommel

It is possible to eliminate one blind line

Trunnion liner with positive angle Grates in discharge zone, for maximum evacuation

Plant Results
SAG 1 - 2: The cilinder liners useful life increased in 15% (from 4,6 Mt to 6,3 Mt) Ball load level incresed since 12 to 16%, and until 18%, without risk of damage of linings Bigger operational speed from the begining of useful life of liners By pass of fines decrease (washed pebbles) Mill capacity increased up to 1.800 tph (from 1.400 tph, 28%) SAG 1011: The cilinder liners useful life increased in 34% (from 8,5 Mt to 11,4 Mt) Ball load level incresed since 14 to 16%, without risk of damage of linings Bigger operational speed from the begining of useful life of liners The trommels mesh useful life incresed from 45 to 75 days Strong decrease of by pass of fines (washed pebbles) Pebbles belt is not a restriction of the process and the accidental detentions (for masive discharge of load) were eliminated Mill capacity increased up to 5.500 tph (from 3.900 tph, 41%)

Plant Results
We want to thank to all the suppliers that have participated and contributed their experience and commitment in the carried out developments.

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