Why Do I Want To Work in Education Sector?

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Why do I want to work in education sector?

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost India is a developing country with a huge population .Its huge population should be perceived as an asset instead of liability. By capitalizing the talents of young Indians, India can be directed on an ever ending growth trajectory. This will only be possible when we equip our young generation with quality knowledge otherwise instead of demographic dividends, it may turns to demographic disaster. In India education is a commodity. The haves manage to afford it while the haves not are left to the mercy of the Government runs school which are often under resourced. While my education and experience till date has equipped mw with fundamental knowledge & skills. As I grew up I saw society changing & growing but noticed from close quarters that fruits of this growth are not equally distributed. There is a large disparity mostly due to lack of awareness found lack & improper implementation of education the key reason of it. Government run schools often fails to motivate or impart necessary skills to the students. Blames it on ineffective education reforms or lack of political will the lackadaisical way of functioning of the Government run schools produces a generation of passed out who arent arise to climbs the rings of higher education and therefore lags behind in the race of life. Unsurprisingly, the half baked skills acquired by the helpless victims og government run schools land them in low paying jobs. The wheel of misfortune keeps spinning with the rich getting richer & vice-Verse. I am desperate to make a change in the lives of unprivileged children of the society by imparting them one of their basic needs-Education. To achieve this goal of mine, I have been teaching the kids of Someshwar puri slums in Jhalana area in Jaipur.I am also doing work on the policies of plan run by Government of India Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan to figure out the ways to bridge the gap. The young & bright children of Someshwar puri are very eager to learn they have lots of dreams in their tiny eyes but dont get right opportunities to realize them. Even their Parents not bother about it. Like this area there are so any children in India. By associating with Pratham I look forward to get an opportunity to make a difference to the lives of less fortunate and under privileged. I will get the opportunities to really understand what is hindering Indias growth at grass root level and more importantly what is taken to overcome these challenges.

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