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How to Navigate the Module Learning Materials

Figure 1.1 Accessing your modules When you first log ilearn, you can find your study modules in the top right of the screen (see Figure 1.1). All currently available modules will be listed beneath the heading My Modules. Choose the module you wish to study and you will be taken to the Module Resources page (as shown in Figure 1.2)

Figure 1.2 The Module Resources page

Module Resources Page Once you have selected the module you wish to study, you will be presented with a screen similar to the one shown below. My Resources Beneath the overview of your module, you will see a section labelled My Resources (see Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3 My Resources These resources will aid you in your study and offer supplementary material to further your knowledge. They will include: Discussion forums (see Guide to using the Discussion Forums) My Learning Space (see Guide to using the My Learning Space) Live Chat (see Guide to using the Chat function) Blog Access to online journals and Library resources

Launching your course materials

Figure 1.4 Launching your course materials To launch your online or printable course materials for the selected module, click on the either of the links listed beneath the Study Materials. The link to launch your materials should appear similar to that shown in Figure 1.4

Using and navigating your course materials

Figure 1.5 The Module overview page Upon launching your course materials, you will be presented with a layout similar to that in Figure 1.5. The left side of the screen will show a list of the units available to study. By moving your mouse over the unit title (labelled Topic area in Figure 1.5), a short overview of the unit will be displayed on the right (labelled Overview Area in Figure 1.5). Once you have decided upon the unit you would like to study, click the title to be taken to the Lesson menu (shown below in Figure 1.6). This works in the same way as the unit menu.

Figure 1.6 The lesson overview Once you have selected the lesson you would like to study you will be taken to the materials for that lesson. Figure 1.7 shows the different areas you should be aware of.

Figure 1.7 Areas of the study materials

The first thing you should do upon accessing your course materials for the first time is familiarise yourself with the navigation system. All of the functions described in this section are identical across all courses and modules. Breadcrumbs (Navigating between Units and Lessons) At the top left of each page (under the section Navigation Area in Figure 1.7) you will find links that take you back to either Unit or Module level navigation. If you decide you wish to study a different Unit, click the link labelled Module, or for a different lesson, click the link labelled Unit. This navigation system is similar to the one used within ilearn. Page Selection At the top right of each page (under the section labelled Page Selection Area in Figure 1.7) you can easily navigate between pages in the lesson. Using the Back and Next buttons you can skip one page in either direction. If you wish to jump to a specific page you can do this by using the drop-down menu and selecting the page required. There are also Back and Next buttons at the bottom of each page.

Description of learning features

As you work your way through the learning material you will find a number of key features, learning activities and interactive exercises (often called Knowledge Checks) that will form a key part of your learning experience and that will consolidate your learning and check that you have understood the key concepts presented in the learning material. A description of the most common features is provided below. Think About it An example or definition that stimulates the student to reflect on an idea or concept presented in the module learning material (see Figure1.8).

Figure 1.8 Think about it

Top Tips Provides summary of key points of a concept or theory (see Figure 1.9).

Figure 1.9 Top Tips

My Learning Space Activity (see Figure 1.10) These are reflective tasks present at key stages within the module learning material, that require you to carry out an independent activity (e.g. a further reading or reflective activity) and post you result or workings onto you personal Journal area on ilearn. Journals are designed as a personal area for you to safely store and keep a record of your activities and reflections. From time to time it may be appropriate for your tutor to monitor you journal activities and provide feedback. Your journal will not however be visible to other students.

Figure 1.10 My learning space activity

Research Activities Requires the student to research a topic or case study (details of which will be contained in the brief for each Research Activity) and complete a designated task. Students can upload their completed tasks to their personal Learning Space on ilearn, where tutors can monitor activity and provide formative feedback, where appropriate.

Figure 1.11 Research Activity

Group Learning Activities Take students to a Discussion Forum where students contribute to a discussion that will be moderated by the module tutor.

Figure 1.12 Group learning activity

Links to Resource Library Live links to on-line journal articles available through the resource library, or to additional reading lists.

Figure 1.13 The Resource Library

External links Live links to external sources of information.

Internal links Direct links to other sections of the module referenced in the text.

Knowledge Check Throughout your study materials, you will be presented with a selection of short activities to test your knowledge of the lesson so far. There are 10 different types of question described below. Each provides a set of simple onscreen instructions, but more information is provided here for your reference. True / False Questions The user is posed a question and given two possible options. Only one is correct. If you answer correctly you will be presented with a tick .

Figure 1.14 True / False Questions

Pick the correct answers The question posed will contain multiple answer options. The user must check all the correct options and leave the incorrect options unchecked. Once you are satisfied with your answers, click the Submit button to check your answer.

Figure 1.15 Pick the correct answers

Fill in the blanks A sentence or paragraph will be presented containing multiple missing words. The user will select missing words from the list. You can check your progress by looking at the number of correct answers you have selected at the bottom of the window.

Figure 1.16 Fill in the blanks

Match Items Two columns of options will be presented to the user. Options in the right column will be dragged by the user to match their counterparts in the left column. Upon selecting the correct items, a tick will appear

Figure 1.17 - Match Items

Multiple Choice Question A question is presented along with possible answers listed below. Only one answer is correct. Upon selecting the correct option you will be presented with a tick.

Figure 1.18 Multiple Choice Questions

Ordered List For this task, a list of options is displayed. The user must put these into the correct order as required by the question. (For example, Place these numbers in order, from highest to lowest) Simply drag one of the items in the left column to the place you think it fits on the right. Once all items are in place you will be given a tick.

Figure 1.19 Ordered List Questions

Diagram Labelling A diagram is presented to the user with the labelling missing. The user will drag the label from a list of options to the correct position on the diagram.

Figure 1.20 Diagram Labelling

Layered Content The user will be presented with a selection of headings (usually 2-3). Once the heading is selected, the corresponding content will be displayed below. By using layering, more content can be presented in a smaller space. Similar to a tabbed box.

Figure 1.21 Layered Content Tabbed Box A tabbed box will be displayed, containing a large area for descriptive text. Each tab will show further information relating to the title of the tab and hide the content relating to the other tabs.

Figure 1.21 Tabbed Box

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