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Swamp TALK

Okefenokee Toastmasters Club #8269, District 14 East, Area 11B

Volume 5 Issue 6

June 2013

Chartered in 1991

New Mission: We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth. New Lunch Hour Meetings: We meet at South Georgia State College, Waycross Campus on Wednesdays 12:00pm Membership: Open to anyone 18 years old and over. Tweets @Oketoast
@GPSforSoul "Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." @ArveeRobinson Speaking Tip: Write a purpose statement before you speak. Ask yourself: what am I giving my audience and what do I want them to do with it? @OzgurAyrilmaz Leaving our comfort zone is a price we must pay to grow and achieve our goals. @OkeToast Typical Toastmasters response to situations in life, "There's got to be a speech in there somewhere." #Topic selection.

Officers for Okefenokee Toastmasters 2012-2013 President: Kathy Odam VP Education: Bud Montero VP Membership: John Conger VP of Public Relations: Janice Williams Treasurer: Addie Crews Secretary: Sharon Vickers Sergeant of Arms: Larry Kearson

Upcoming Event
International Conference: August 21-24, 2013 Cincinnati, Ohio. Susan Cain, author of Quiet and advocate for introverts, will be the Golden Gavel recipient for 2013. Georgia Toastmasters District 14 Fall Conference: Nov 1-2, 2013 Macon, Georgia.

Quote of the Month Narratives are inherently more engrossing than basic facts. They have a beginning, middle, and end. If people get sucked in early, theyll stay for the conclusion. When you hear people tell a good story you hang on every word You started down a path and you want to know how it ends. Until it does, theyve captured your attention. p. 181 in Contagious: Why
Things Catch On by Jonah Berger

Grammarians Corner
One role of the Grammarian at a Toastmasters meeting is to listen for the use and misuse of words. Here are two commonly misused words elicit and illicit. Elicit is the process of evoking something. You want to elicit a response from consumers with a marketing campaign. Illicit means illegal. Your business wants to avoid illicitly acquiring products

Some phrases from the World Champion of Public Speaking Craig Valentine: Speak to one but look to all. When you lift yourself up you let your audience down. Dont add humor to a speech; uncover humor within it. When you squeeze your information in, you squeeze your audience out (this one is not mine. Its an old speaker proverb). Conflict is the hook and Dialogue is the heart. To be a great speaker you must be a great tease. Give the visual before the verbal. Give the look that goes with the line. Too many speakers try to get across too much information in too little time.

Bud Montero, VP of Education, congratulating new member Marlena Norman for being voted Best Table Topics Speaker after responding to Topic Master, David Dowlings question, Whats in your junk drawer?

Connect with Us

Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter: Check out our club website: http://okefenokee.toastmastersclu 1+1 Membership Building Campaign INVITE + ENCOURAGE = GROWTH

Bud Montero, congratulating new member Laura Burnette, co-owner of Southern Background Services in Hazlehurst, for being voted Best Speaker at the meeting. Laura spoke about a gift from her grandmother, a book of memorable anecdotes and family tradition.

CHARTER MEMBERS: John Penland (Sponsor), Andrew Slocum, Joe Gant, Harry D. Dixon, Jr., Carolyn Morton (Akins), Phil Wysong, C.J. Broome, Paul OCain, James C. Bunch, W.F. Stephens, Jeanette Stipe, Tom Strickland, Fred Barber, John Karew, Reuben Flanders, E. Nash Williams, Jerri Davis, Doris Germano, Andy Spivey, Audrey West, and Margaret Park. Compiled and edited by Janice Williams

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