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In Illuminati: Race to the Top! Players take the roll of agents in various organizations, trying to beat each other to the top of the Illuminati pyramid. They each have their own tricks up their sleeve to make sure they keep the other potentials down. Materials: Character Sheets Pencils Pyramid Chart Tokens for Characters Standard Playing Cards (At least one deck for GM and one for players) Remove jokers and face cards from the GM deck. Preparation: Copy or make a pyramid chart for the game. If possible, make copies of the character creation tables for each player, it will speed up character creation. Character Creation: Character creation takes place in three phases: Origin, Affiliations, and Hobbies. Each player begins with a character sheet. For the Origin round, remove the face cards and numbers over 8 (Aces count as 1) from a deck and shuffle it. Each player is dealt three cards, keeping them hidden.

If the Joker is drawn, the player who drew it discards it and is dealt two more cards. Players compare their cards to the Origin Table and choose one origin from what they have drawn. They record the traits of that origin on their sheet. For the Affiliations round, shuffle only the face cards together. Each player is deal three cards and compares them to the Affiliations table. Again, if the joker is drawn, that player discards it and is dealt two additional cards. The players select an affiliation from among their cards, recording the traits to their sheet. For the Hobbies round, remove the face cards and shuffle the deck. Each player draws two cards, compares them to the Hobbies Table and records the traits to their sheet. If the Joker is drawn, that player discards it and is dealt an additional card. That player receives a Hobby trait for all three cards. After all the traits are recorded, players create a name and short back story to tell the other players about themselves. This does not have to be accurate in any way.

Game Play:

CHALLENGES When a player draws a challenge card, the GM The oldest player goes first. consults the Challenge Chart and describes Players begin as lowly agents in the bottom the challenge to them. Challenges can be one ranks of the Illuminati pyramid. They place of four varieties, depending on the cards their token on any space on the base. suit: Corporate (Diamonds), Media (Hearts), Violent (Clubs), or Political (Spades). On each players turn, they may choose to move any number of spaces horizontally, up The number of the card determines the diffito a maximum of their characters MOVE culty of the challenge. After the GM detrait, before attempting a CHALLENGE. Then scribes the circumstance of the challenge, they draw a card from the GMs deck for a the player describes how their character CHALLENGE (described below). handles the situation using the appropriate trait. Then, the player draws a card from If the challenge is passed, the player adds the players deck, adds their score in the one point to the trait they used to defeat trait to the drawn card, and compares the the challenge. They also may move their to- total to the challenge card. If the total is ken up on to the next level of the pyramid equal or greater, they succeed, if the total to a space that touches their current space is less, they fail. If the drawn cards suit if they wish. They may wish to remain on the matches the suit of the challenge, this is a current level for personal reasons. critical success. The player draws another card If they fail the challenge, they must drop down to the next level of the pyramid to a Example: On Otiss turn, he draws a chalspace below that touches the space their to- lenge card, the 7 of Clubs, a Violent chalken currently occupies, unless they are al- lenge. The GM says rivals send a motorcycle ready on the base of the pyramid, in which gang to cripple his character, Papa. Otis case they remain there. says Papa is going to load his shotgun and blast his way to safety. He draws a card Regardless if they pass or fail, the from the Players deck, 3 of Diamonds. Addplayers turn ends and it is the next ing that to his Violence trait of 3, he gets players turn. 6.

the challenge. This is at the GMs discreNot enough to beat the 7 on the challenge card, so he is beaten to a pulp and does not tion and they may disallow it if your tactic move from his lowly position on the base of is poor. This can be advantageous if your character excels in a particular area and the pyramid. may not be able to pass otherwise. Pyramid Level: Rising through the hierarchy of the Illuminati is no easy thing, getting increasingly more difficult as you progress. Thus, the pyramid level affects the challenge difficulty. All challenges at the second level of the pyramid are at +2 difficulty, the third level +3, the fourth level +4, and the 5th level +5! Example: Otiss character is on the second level of the pyramid. He draws a challenge card, the 4 of Hearts. The difficulty of this challenge is 6. SPACE COLOR: Each space on the Pyramid has a color that corresponds to a trait: Green (Corporate), Red (Violent), Blue (Political), Pink (Media) Example: Otis draws a challenge card, the 9 of Spades. The GM says a small, South American government is trying to defame his character. He is on the third level of the pyramid, making the difficulty 12. He looks at his Politics score of 2 and doesnt feel encouraged. He sees that he is on a red square, which means he can attempt this challenge with Violence if he can think of a way to do so. His violence score is now 7 and he feels e has a much better chance using that. He tells the GM that Papa is going the fly in with a fully armed assault copter and mow down all the important leaders. The GM says that is acceptable and Otis draws from the players deck, 6. Adding that to his 7, he gets 13, enough to pass.

Attacking: When you land on a space occupied by another player. You may attack them in an attempt to When attempting a challenge, you may choose send them down lower on the pyramid. When to use the trait associated with the color you attack another character, you may only square your token is on, rather than the attack them using the trait that matches the trait indicated by the challenge. If you do, color of the space they are on. Each player you have to adequately describe how your draws a card and adds their score in the character uses the alternate trait to solve trait to the number and compare. Whoever

Has the highest number wins the challenge. Criticals are possible. The loser of the challenge is sent down a level. Example: Juliuss character, Virgil, is a little too successful in Otiss opinion. Papa decides to attack him. On his turn, he moves Papa onto Virgils space, which is blue. Virgils Politics is 5 and Papas is 2. Julius draws the 3 of Clubs. Papa draws the 2 of Diamonds, a critical! He draws another card, the 3 of Hearts. Adding his score, Julius gets 8. Adding his cards, Papa gets 7. Still not enough to beat Julius and his political power. Papa drops down one level on the pyramid, humbled by Julius. Winning: The first player to move their token onto the Eye space at the top of the pyramid and remain there until their next turn is the winner!

ORIGIN TABLE SPADES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Political Intern (Politics 1) Local Official (Politics 2) Extreme Radio Host (Politics 2, Media 1) Talk Show Pundit (Politics 2, Media 2) Representative (Politics 3, Business 1) Senator (Politics 3, Business 2) President (Politics 4, Business 2) Dictator (Politics 4, Violence 2)

HEARTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Porn Star (Media 1) Reality Star (Media 2) MMA Sensation (Media 2, Violence 1) B List Actor (Media 3) Metal Guitarist (Media 3, Violence 1) Entertainment CEO (Media 4, Business 3) Top Model (Media 4) International Icon (Media 5)

DIAMONDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bank Teller (Business 1) Local Business Owner (Business 2) Retail Chain Owner (Business 2, Media 1) Airline Exec (Business 2, Movement 1) Wall Street Tycoon (Business 3) Millionaire Heir (Business 3, Media 2) Corporate Fat Cat (Business 4) CEO (Business 5)

CLUBS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Street Gang Member (Violence 1) Mafioso (Violence 2) Biker (Violence 2, Movement 1) Soldier (Violence 3) Vampire (Violence 3, Movement 1) Cop (Violence 4) Mafia Boss (Violence 4, Business 2) Terrorist (Violence 4, Politics 2)

AFFILIATION TABLE SPADES TEN AppleSoft Technology megaconglomerate that might take over the world. (Business 1. Whenever you win an attack against an opponent, increase your Business by 1.)

JACK The Vatican Center of the Catholic Churchs power. (Politics 1. Players cannot attack you on Political [Blue] spaces.) QUEEN Psi-Police Telepathic elitists who seek to subjugate non-telepaths. (Violence 1. Whenever you attack a player and win with Violence, they lose their next turn.)

JACK The Triad A highly organized Asian KING Merovingian Kings Ancient immortals crime syndicate. (Business 1. When you win a said to be related to Jesus. (When a player Violence challenge, you may raise Business attacks you and you lose, you do not drop instead.) down a level on the pyramid) QUEEN Scientology The infamous Hollywood sci-fi supercult. (Media 1. Whenever a player attacks you, you may use your Media Trait to defend.) CLUBS

TEN Santa Muerte Cartels - Death Worshipping, Mexican drug cartels. (Violence 1. Whenever you win a Business challenge, you KING Energy Monopoly Oil, gas, wind, all may raise your Violence instead.) rolled into one. (Whenever you Critical on a Business challenge, raise your Business by JACK Knights Templar Clandestine order 1, whether you win the challenge or not [you of holy fighters. (Violence 1. Players with still get to raise it if you win the chalPolitics less than 3 cannot attack you.) lenge, as normal].) QUEEN Hagalaz Scary Nordic Pagan ExtremDIAMONDS ists. (Violence 1. Whenever you attack a player with violence and win, raise your TEN Bilderburg Group Secret group of Violence by 1) the worlds richest. (Business 1Whenever a player attacks you, you may use your BusiKING Assamites - Middle-Eastern assassin ness trait to defend.) vampires. (Violence 1. You may attack any player on a Red space.)

HOBBIES TABLE cont. DIAMONDS 1 Retirement Funds (Business 1) TEN Magic Kingdom Gigantic, money2 Home Shopping (Media 1) loving, family entertainment corp.. (Media 3 Petty Theft (Violence 1) 1. Players may not attack you on Violent 4 Veteran (Politics 1) [Red] spaces.) 5 Working Out (Movement 1) 6 Financial News (Business 1, Media 1) JACK UFOs Visitors from another planet. 7 Dealing Drugs (Business 1, Violence 1) (Media 1. If a player attacks you and you 8 Lobbying (Business 1, Politics 1) get a Critical, you take a turn immediately 9 Gun Shows (Business 1, Movement 1) after.) 10 Stocks and Bonds (Business 2) HEARTS QUEEN Eves Apple Feminist terrorist organization. (Politics 1. Whenever you win a Violent challenge, you may raise you Politics instead) KING Cybernetic Union Androids living among people.(Politics 1. When players attack you, they may not Critical.) CLUBS 1 Dog Fighting (Violence 1) SPADES 2 Horror Movies (Media 1) 1 News Magazines (Politics 1) 3 Gun Making (Business 1) 2 Political Groupie (Media 1) 4 Writing Manifestos (Politics 1) 3 Gay Bashing (Violence 1) 5 Cycling (Movement 1) 4 Presidential Fundraising (Business 1) 6 Snuff Films (Violence 1, Media 1) 5 Marathon Running (Movement 1) 7 Pimping (Violence 1, Business 1) 6 Network News (Politics 1, Media 1) 8 Local Terrorism (Violence 1, Politics 1) 7 Militia Groups (Politics 1, Violence 1) 9 Stalking (Violence 1, Movement 1) 8 Money Laundering (Politics 1, Business 1) 10 Bullying (Violence 2) 9 Campaign Manager (Politics 1, Movement 1) 10 Local Activism (Politics 2) HOBBIES TABLE


HOBBIES TABLE cont. HEARTS 1 Comics (Media 1) 2 Political Dinners (Politics 1) 3 Amateur Paparazzi (Violence 1) 4 Hip-Hop (Business 1) 5 Aerobics (Movement 1) 6 Public Radio (Media 1, Politics 1) 7 Black Metal (Media 1, Violence 1) 8 Broadway (Media 1, Business 1) 9 Deadhead (Media 1, Movement 1) 10 Anime (Media 2)

GM SECTION Running the game is quite easy. SO easy, you can even play yourself with little significant advantage. The main job of the GM is to narrate and referee challenges and attacks. Being that the game is simple, the GM should vividly describe challenges and attacks in great detail, encouraging players to add to the depth using details from the character sheets. CHALLENGES Running challenges is easy. When the player is ready, draw a card from the GM deck and reveal it. Then check the CHALLENGE TABLE to describe the challenge to the player and help them resolve the challenge. Remember, it will mostly be you reminding players about the details of the game, like Pyramid Level adding difficulty and watching for Criticals. When using the CHALLENGE TABLE, dont feel locked in to the scenario listed there. If you are inspired, create your own challenge that is appropriate to both the Challenge type and Difficulty.

CHALLENGE TABLE Example: For Juliuss challenge, the GM SPADES draws the Ace of Clubs. Consulting the table, it reads: A gang member assaults you in ACE Slanderous rumors in the papers. 2 Caught with immigrant sex workers. the street. The GM sees that Julius is in 3 Sued by city. the Cybernetic Union and decides that he is 4 Accused of tax fraud. attacked by an anti-robotics fanatic in5 Public rivalry with a local official. stead. 6 Caught taking a bribe. 7 Trendy protest group targeting you. 8 You receive a mail bomb. 9 Seen with an enemy of the State. 10 Blackmailed by the CIA

DIAMONDS ACE Bank account hacked. 2 Targeted wrongly by TSA workers. 3 Caught with high priced sex worker. 4 Lost your wallet with all IDs. 5 Severe gambling losses. 6 Lured into a Ponzi scheme. 7 Property devastated by severe weather. 8 Killed a family with your car. 9 Massive stock losses. 10 Someone close kidnapped for ransom.

CHALLENGE TABLE cont. CLUBS ACE Assaulted by a gang in the street. 2 Hunting accident. 3 Scorching case of Herpes. 4 Harassed by police. 5 Stalked by a psycho. 6 Mauled by a pit bull. 7 Ninjas leap out from the shadows! 8 Knife wielding maniac. 9 Heavily armed psycho mailman. 10 Cthluhu rises from the depths!


HEARTS ACE Broken heart. 2 Accused of sexual harassment. 3 Caught with underage star. 4 Charity challenges you to raise money. 5 Sex tape of you emerges. 6 Reviled on Fox News. 7 Caught Drunk in Public. 8 Pictures of you smoking crack printed. 9 Famous star crushing on you. 10 Everything you do is televised.



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