Charity, Level 2 - Spell Sheet

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Cleric SPELL
14 15
CASTER LVL 2 LEVEL 0 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH 9TH (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)
30 ft.


4 3 (100 ft. + 10 ft. / level)
120 ft.
SPELL SAVE +4 4 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 LONG RANGE
480 ft.
DC MOD Character: Charity (400 ft. + 40 ft. / level)

*Requires LG Spell Access

prep spell name school comp cast time range duration save SR description ref
—— 0-Level Spells (Orisons) ——
Amanuensis tra vs 1a Close 20 min Will neg(o) Yes(o) Copy nonmagical text. spc:9
Create Water con(creation)[water] vs 1a Close Inst None No Creates 4 gallons of pure water. ph:215
Cure Minor Wounds con(healing) vs 1a Touch Inst Will half(h)* Yes(h)* Cures 1 point of damage. ph:216
Detect Magic div vs 1a 60 ft. [c]->2 min(D) None No Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. ph:219
Detect Poison div vs 1a Close Inst None No Detects poison in one creature or object. ph:219
Guidance div vs 1a Touch 1 min(D) Will neg(h) Yes +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. ph:238
Inflict Minor Wounds nec vs 1a Touch Inst Will half Yes Touch attack, 1 point of damage. ph:244
Light evo[light] vm/df 1a Touch 20 min(D) None No Object shines like a torch. ph:248
Mending tra vs 1a 10 ft. Inst Will neg(h,o) Yes(h,o) Makes minor repairs on an object. ph:253
Purify Food and Drink tra vs 1a 10 ft. Inst Will neg(o) Yes(o) Purifies 2 cu. ft. of food or water. ph:267
Read Magic div vsf 1a Personal 20 min Read scrolls and spellbooks. ph:269
Resistance abj vsm/df 1a Touch 1 min Will neg(h) Yes(h) Subject gains +1 on saving throws. ph:272
Virtue tra vsdf 1a Touch 1 min Fort neg(h) Yes(h) Subject gains 1 temporary hp. ph:298
—— 1st-Level Spells ——
Axiomatic Water tra[lawful] vsm 1 min Touch inst Will neg(o) Yes(o) Makes lawful-aligned water. spc:22
Bane en(comp)[fear,mind] vsdf 1a 50 ft. 2 min Will neg Yes Enemies take -1 on attack rolls and saves against fear. ph:203
Bless en(comp)[mind] vsdf 1a 50 ft. 2 min None Yes(h) Allies gain +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and saves against fear. ph:205
Bless Water tra[good] vsm 1 min Touch Inst Will neg(o) Yes(o) Makes holy water. ph:205
Blessed Aim div vs 1a 50 ft. 2 min Will neg(h) No All allies' within a 50 ft r spread gain a +2 on ranged attacks. spc:31
Blood Wind evo vs 1swift Close 1 rd Will neg(h) Yes(h) Attack w/ natural/unarmed attacks as thrown weapons w/ 20 ft. range increment. spc:33
Cause Fear nec[fear,mind] vs 1a Close 1d4 rds/1 rd* Will prtl Yes One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds. ph:208
Cold Fire tra[cold] vsdf 1a Close 2 min(D)(fire sourceNo(fire); Fort half(c No(fire); YeTurn fires cold. Creatures with the fire subtype or cold vulnerability, take 2d6 damage. spc:50
Command en(comp)[lang,mind] v 1a Close 1 rd Will neg Yes One subject obeys selected command for 1 round. ph:211
Comprehend Languages div vsm/df 1a Personal 20 min You understand all spoken and written languages. ph:212
Conviction abj vsm 1a Touch 20 min Will neg(h) Yes(h) Subject gains +2 morale bonus on saving throws. spc:52
Cure Light Wounds con(healing) vs 1a Touch Inst Will half(h)* Yes(h)* Cures 1d8+2 damage. ph:215
Delay Disease con(healing) vsdf 1a Touch 24 hrs Will neg(h) Yes(h) The progress of any nonmagical disease is halted for the spell duration. spc:62
Detect Chaos div vsdf 1a 60 ft. [c]->20 min(D) None No Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment. ph:218
Detect Evil div vsdf 1a 60 ft. [c]->20 min(D) None No Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment. ph:218
Detect Good div vsdf 1a 60 ft. [c]->20 min(D) None No Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment. ph:219
Detect Law div vsdf 1a 60 ft. [c]->20 min(D) None No Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment. ph:219
Detect Undead div vsm/df 1a 60 ft. [c]->2 min(D) None No Reveals undead within 60 ft. ph:220
Dispel Ward abj vs 1a Med Inst None No Dispel Magic, targeted or area version only, affects only abjuration magic. spc:67
Divine Favor evo vsdf 1a Personal 1 min You gain +1 on attack and damage rolls. ph:224
Doom nec[fear,mind] vsdf 1a Med 2 min Will neg Yes One subject takes -2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks. ph:225
Ebon Eyes tra vsm 1a Touch 20 min(D) None Yes(h) See normally in natural and magical darkness. spc:77
Endure Elements abj vs 1a Touch 24 hrs Will neg(h) Yes(h) Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. ph:226
Entropic Shield abj vs 1a Personal 2 min(D) Ranged attacks against you have 20% miss chance. ph:227
Faith Healing con(healing) vs 1a Touch Inst Will half(h) Yes(h) Heal 10 points of damage to follower of same deity as you. spc:87
Foundation of Stone tra[earth] vsdf 1a Close 2 rd None No Unmoving subject receives a +2 to AC & +4 bonus to Str vs bull rush & trip. spc:99
Grave Strike div[good] vdf 1 swift Personal 1 rd Sneak attack undead. spc:107
Guiding Light evo[light] vs 1a Long 2 min(D) None Yes A bright light shines on targets. +2 on ranged attacks. spc:108
Healthful Rest con(healing) vs 10 mins Close 24 hrs Will neg(h) Yes(h) Heal at twice normal rate. spc:111

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Cleric SPELL
14 15
CASTER LVL 2 LEVEL 0 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH 9TH (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)
30 ft.


4 3 (100 ft. + 10 ft. / level)
120 ft.
SPELL SAVE +4 4 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 LONG RANGE
480 ft.
DC MOD Character: Charity (400 ft. + 40 ft. / level)

*Requires LG Spell Access

prep spell name school comp cast time range duration save SR description ref
Hide from Undead abj vsdf 1a Touch 20 min(D) Will neg(h)* Yes Undead can't perceive 2 subject(s). ph:241
Ice Gauntlet evo[cold] vdf 1a Personal 2 min (D) Turns your fist into a +1 spiked gauntlet of ice doing normal damage + 1d4 points of cold damage. spc:119
Incite en(comp)[mind] vs 1a Close 2 min Will neg Yes Subject can't ready actions or delay. spc:121
Inflict Light Wounds nec vs 1a Touch Inst Will half Yes Touch attack, 1d8+2 damage. ph:244
Inhibit en(comp)[mind] vs 1a Med Inst Will neg Yes Subject delays until next round. spc:123
Ironguts abj vsm 1a Touch 20 min Will neg Yes Target gains +4 bonus to save against poison. spc:126
Light of Lunia evo[good,light] vs 1a Med 30 min (D)* None Yes* Radiate silvery light in a 30' radius, & expend as 2 bolts that deal 1d6 damage. spc:132
Magic Stone tra vsdf 1a Touch 30 min(D) Will neg(h,o) Yes(h,o) Three stones gain +1 on attack, deal 1d6 +1 damage. ph:251
Magic Weapon tra vsdf 1a Touch 2 min Will neg(h,o) Yes(h,o) Weapon gains +1 bonus. ph:251
Moon Lust ill(patt)[mind] vsf 1a Med 2 rd Will prtl Yes The target if fascinated with the moon. spc:143
Nightshield abj vs 1a Personal 2 mins(D) +1 saves & negates magic missile. spc:148
Nimbus of Light evo[light] vsdf 1a Personal 2 mins/di(D) Sunlight illuminates you until released as an attack for 1d8+ the number of rounds since you cast the spell up spc:148
Obscuring Mist con(creation) vs 1a 20 ft. 2 min None No Fog surrounds you. ph:258
Omen of Peril div vf 1r Personal Inst Vision hints at danger in immediate future. spc:149
Portal Beacon tra vs 1a Close 2 hrs None No Alter a gate or portal to send out a mental beacon to up to six creatures. spc:161
Protection from Chaos abj[lawful] vsm/df 1a Touch 2 min(D) Will neg(h) No* +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. ph:266
Protection from Evil abj[good] vsm/df 1a Touch 3 min(D) Will neg(h) No* +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. ph:266
Remove Fear abj vs 1a Close 10 mins* Will neg(h) Yes(h) Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against fear for 1 subjects. ph:271
Resist Planar Alignment abj vsdf 1a Touch 20 min Fort neg (h) Yes (h) Subject can resist penalties for having an opposed alignment on an aligned plane spc:174
Resurgence abj vsdf 1a Touch Inst Will neg(h) Yes(h) You grant a subject a second chance at a saving throw. spc:174
Sanctuary abj vsdf 1a Touch 2 rd Will neg No Opponents can't attack you, and you can't attack. ph:274
Shield of Faith abj vsm 1a Touch 2 min Will neg(h) Yes(h) Aura grants +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class. ph:278
Sign en(comp)[mind] vsm 1a Personal 20 min or until (D) Gain a +4 bonus to your next iniative check. spc:189
Snowshoes tra vs 1a Touch 2 hr(D) Will neg(h) Yes(h) Subject can walk on ice and snow at +10' speed w/o Balance or Reflex save. spc:194
Spell Flower tra vs 1a Personal 2 rd You can hold a touch spell per arm. spc:198
Summon Monster I con(summon)* vsf/df 1r Close 2 rd(D) None No Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. ph:285
Updraft con(creation)[air] vsm 1 swift Per Inst You gain 20 ft of altitude then gently float back down with optional 5 ft lateral move. spc:228
Vigor, Lesser con(healing) vs 1a Touch 12 rd Will neg(h) Yes(h) Creature heals 1 hp/round. spc:229
Vision of Glory div vsdf 1a Touch 1 min(D) None Yes Target gains morale bonus on next save equal to your charisma modifier. spc:231
Wings of the Sea tra sm 1a Touch 2 min Fort neg(h) Yes(h) Improves swim speed of creature by 30 ft. spc:240

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