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2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident

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A B-52H bomber departs Minot Air Force Base

Date Location


August 2930, 2007 Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota and Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana Six nuclear warheads mishandled and unaccounted for or improperly secured for approximately 36 hours

The 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident occurred at Minot Air Force Base and Barksdale Air Force Base on August 2930, 2007. Six AGM-129 ACM cruise missiles, each loaded with a W80-1 variable yield nuclear warhead, were mistakenly loaded on a United States Air Force (USAF) B-52H heavy bomber at Minot and transported to Barksdale. The nuclear warheads in the missiles were supposed to have been removed before taking the missiles from their storage bunker. The missiles with the nuclear warheads were not reported missing and remained mounted to the aircraft at both Minot and Barksdale for a period of 36 hours. During this period, the warheads were not protected by the various mandatory security precautions required for nuclear weapons.[1] The incident was reported to the top levels of the United States military and referred to by observers as a Bent Spear incident, which indicates a nuclear weapon incident that is of

significant concern but does not involve the immediate threat of nuclear war. The USAF has yet to officially classify the incident. In response to the incident, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and USAF conducted an investigation, the results of which were released on October 19, 2007. The investigation concluded that nuclear weapons handling standards and procedures had not been followed by numerous USAF personnel involved in the incident. As a result, four USAF commanders were relieved of their commands, numerous other USAF personnel were disciplined and/or decertified to perform certain types of sensitive duties, and further cruise missile transport missions from and nuclear weapons operations at Minot Air Force Base were suspended. In addition, the USAF issued new nuclear weapons handling instructions and procedures. Separate investigations by the United States Defense Science Board and a USAF "Blue Ribbon" panel reported that concerns existed on the procedures and processes for handling nuclear weapons within the Department of Defense but did not find any failures with the security of United States nuclear weapons. Based on this and other incidents, on June 5, 2008, Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne and Chief of Staff of the Air Force General T. Michael Moseley, were asked for their resignations, which were given. In October 2008, in response to recommendations by a review committee, the USAF announced the creation of Air Force Global Strike Command to control all USAF nuclear bombers, missiles, and personnel.


1 Background 2 Incident 3 Response by the U.S. government 4 Aftermath o 4.1 USAF actions o 4.2 Review reports o 4.3 Inspections, resignations, and further discipline o 4.4 New command 5 See also 6 Notes 7 References 8 Further reading

[edit] Background
In August 2007, Minot Air Force Base was the home of the 5th Bomb Wing and Barksdale Air Force Base the home of 2nd Bomb Wing, both of which fell under the 8th Air Force, also based at Barksdale. The 8th was part of Air Combat Command (ACC) in the USAF. At the time of the

incident, the 5th Bomb Wing was commanded by Colonel Bruce Emig, the 2nd Bomb Wing by Colonel Robert Wheeler, the 8th Air Force by Lieutenant General Robert Elder Jr., and ACC by General Ronald Keys.[2] The 5th Bomb Wing, according to the USAF's statement on the wing's mission, served with its B-52 bombers as part of the USAF's conventional and strategic combat force.[3] The "strategic" portion of the 5th's mission included the ability to deliver nuclear weapons against potential targets worldwide. Thus, Minot Air Force Base stored and maintained a ready arsenal of nuclear bombs, nuclear warheads, and associated delivery systems, including the AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile.[4]

An AGM-129 cruise missile in flight The AGM-129 was fielded in 1987 as a stealthy cruise missile platform to deliver the W80-1 variable yield nuclear warhead. Although originally designed to equip the B-1 bomber, it was later decided that the AGM-129 would only be carried by the B-52, mounted on external pylons on the wings or internally in the bomb bay.[5] In March 2007, the USAF decided to retire its AGM-129 complement in order to help comply with international arms-control treaties and to replace them with AGM-86 missiles.[6] In order to do so, the USAF began to transport its AGM129s stored at Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana by B-52s for ultimate disposal. According to the Washington Post, by August 29, 2007, more than 200 AGM-129s had been shipped from Minot to Barksdale in this manner.[7]

[edit] Incident
Between 0800 and 0900 (local time) on August 29, 2007, a group of USAF airmen, called the breakout crew, entered one of the weapons storage bunkers at Minot to prepare AGM-129 missiles for transport to Barksdale. That day's missile transport, the sixth of twelve planned ferry missions, was to have consisted of 12 AGM-129s, installed with training warheads, with six missiles per pylon and one pylon mounted under each wing of a Barksdale-assigned, 2nd Bomb Wing B-52 aircraft. When the airmen entered the bunker, six actual warheads were still installed on their missiles, as opposed to having been replaced with the dummy training warheads. A later investigation found that the reason for the error was that the electronic production system for tracking the missiles "had been subverted in favor of an informal process that did not identify the pylon as prepared for the flight."[8] The airmen assigned to handle the missiles used outdated materials that contained incorrect information on the status of the missiles. The missiles originally planned for movement had been replaced by missiles closer to expiration dates for

limited life components, which was standard procedure. The change in missiles had been reflected on the movement plan but not in the documents used for internal work coordination processes in the bunker.[9]

An AGM-129 pylon is loaded onto the wing of a B-52 at Minot Although the breakout crew in the weapons storage began to inspect the missiles, an earlyarriving transport crew hooked up the pylons and towed them away without inspecting or ensuring that the missiles had been inspected or cleared for removal. The munitions control center failed to verify that the pylon had received proper clearance and inspection and approved the pylon for loading on the B-52 at 0925. After taking eight hours to attach the pylons to the aircraft, the aircraft with the missiles loaded then remained parked overnight at Minot for 15 hours without special guard as required for nuclear weapons.[10] On the morning of August 30, one of the transport aircraft's flight officers, a Barksdale-assigned B-52 instructor radar navigator closely inspected the six missiles on the right wing only, which were all properly loaded with training warheads, before signing the manifest listing the cargo as a dozen unarmed AGM-129 missiles. The B-52 command pilot did not do a final verification check before preparing to depart Minot.[11] The B-52 departed Minot at 0840 and landed at Barksdale at 1123 (local times) on August 30. The aircraft remained parked and without special guard until 2030, when a munitions team arrived to remove the missiles. After a member of the munitions crew noticed something unusual about some of the missiles, at 2200 a "skeptical" supervisor determined that nuclear warheads were present and ordered them secured and the incident reported, 36 hours after the missiles were removed from the bunker at Minot.[12]

General T. Michael Moseley, USAF chief of staff at the time of the incident The incident was reported to the National Military Command Center as a Bent Spear incident, which indicates a nuclear weapon incident that is of significant concern but does not involve the immediate threat of nuclear war (Pinnacle - Nucflash), or the accidental detonation of or severe damage to a nuclear weapon (Pinnacle - Broken Arrow). General T. Michael Moseley, Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, quickly called United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, on August 31 to inform him about the incident. Gates requested daily updates regarding the investigation and informed President Bush about the incident. The USAF has yet to officially designate what type of incident actually occurred, Bent Spear or otherwise.[13] The incident was the first of its kind in 40 years in the United States and was later described by the media as "one of the worst breaches in U.S. nuclear weapons security in decades".[14]

[edit] Response by the U.S. government

The USAF and Department of Defense at first decided to conceal the incident, in part because of the USAF policy not to comment on the storage or movement of nuclear weapons and an apparent belief that the incident would not generate much public concern. In fact, the initial DoD incident report contained the statement, "No press interest anticipated." Details of the incident were then leaked by unknown DoD officials to the Military Times newspaper, which published a small article about the incident on September 5, 2007.[15] In response, a September 5 news briefing in The Pentagon by Press Secretary Geoff Morrell stated that at no time was the public in any danger and that military personnel had custody of the weapons at all times. The USAF announced that within days of the incident, the USAF relieved the Minot munitions squadron commander of duty and eventually disciplined 25 airmen. USAF Major General Doug Raaberg was assigned by General Keys to lead an investigation into the incident. The USAF inventory of nuclear warheads was checked to ensure that all warheads were accounted for. In addition, the DoD announced that a Pentagon-appointed scientific advisory panel, called the Defense Science Board, would study the mishap as part of a larger review of procedures for handling nuclear weapons. On September 28, the USAF announced that General Keys was retiring and would be replaced as ACC commander by General John Corley, effective October 2.[16]

USAF Secretary Michael Wynne and Major General Richard Newton brief the results of the USAF investigation into the incident at the Pentagon on October 19, 2007 On October 19, 2007, United States Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne and USAF Major General Richard Newton, deputy chief of staff for operations, plans, and requirements, announced the investigation report findings, stating that, "there has been an erosion of adherence to weapons-handling standards at Minot Air Force Base and at Barksdale Air Force Base" and that "a limited number of airmen at both locations failed to follow procedures."[17] Colonel Emig, the commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, Colonel Cynthia Lundell, the commander of the 5th Maintenance Group at Minot, and Colonel Todd Westhauser, the commander of Barksdale's 2nd Operations Group, and four senior non-commissioned officers from the 5th Munitions Squadron "received administrative action" and were relieved of their commands or positions and reassigned. All of the 5th Bomb Wing personnel were stripped of their certifications to handle nuclear and other sensitive weaponry and to conduct "specific missions". Sixty-five airmen of varying ranks lost their Personnel Reliability Program certifications.[18] Tactical ferry operations were suspended. The inspector general offices of all USAF major commands that handle nuclear weapons were directed to conduct immediate "Limited Nuclear Surety Inspections (LNSIs) at every nuclear-capable unit" with oversight provided by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.[19] The new ACC commander, General Corley, referred the matter to USAF Lieutenant General Norman Seip, commander of the 12th Air Force, as a court-martial convening authority to determine if additional charges or actions would be taken against any of the personnel involved in the incident. Seip later closed the investigation without recommending criminal charges against anyone involved.[20] Retired USAF Chief of Staff General Larry Welch was asked by Gates, who had reportedly raised concerns with USAF officials that the original investigation may have unfairly limited blame to midlevel officers, to lead the Defense Science Board advisory panel that would study the mishap as part of a larger review of procedures and policies for handling nuclear weapons. In addition, the USAF chartered a "Blue Ribbon Review" chaired by USAF Major General Polly Peyer and consisting of 30 additional personnel to "make recommendations as to how we can improve the Air Force's capability to safely and securely perform our nuclear weapons responsibility".[21] Furthermore, the United States Congress requested that the DoD and the United States Department of Energy conduct a bottom-up review of nuclear procedures.[22]

[edit] Aftermath
[edit] USAF actions

Colonel Joel Westa became the new commander of the 5th Bomb Wing in the wake of the incident On October 24, 2007, Secretary of the Air Force Wynne told the House Armed Services Committee that he believed that the 5th Bomb Wing could be recertified and could resume ferrying the AGM-129 cruise missiles to Barksdale for retirement. He did not provide a timeline for that recertification process. On November 1, 2007 Colonel Joel Westa took command of the 5th Bomb Wing.[23] That same day, General Keys retired from the Air Force.[24] Personnel from Barksdale's 2nd Bomb Wing temporarily took over maintenance duties of Minot's nuclear stockpile until the 5th Bomb Wing could be recertified. A nuclear surety inspection (NSI), required for recertification, originally scheduled for the 5th Bomb Wing for January 23, 2008 was postponed after the wing failed an initial NSI that took place on December 16, 2007.[25] Another initial NSI was completed on March 29 and Corley recertified the wing on March 31, 2008. A full NSI was scheduled for May 2008. The wing needed to regain its certification in order to hold the full NSI, said Major Elizabeth Ortiz, a Minot spokeswoman. Units handling nuclear weapons must pass NSIs every 18 months in order to retain their certifications.[26] The USAF issued a new policy directive regarding the handling of nuclear weapons and delivery systems, which prohibits the storing of nuclear armed and nonnuclear armed weapons in the same storage facility. The directive further instructs that all nonnuclear munitions and missiles must be labeled with placards clearly stating that they are not armed with nuclear warheads. Wing commanders are now charged with approving any movement of nuclear weapons from weapons storage areas and must appoint a single individual as a munitions accountability system officer and weapons custodian. All units that handle nuclear weapons must develop a coordinated visual inspection checklist. The policy further directs that airmen charged with handling or maintaining nuclear weapons cannot be on duty for longer than 12 hours, unless

during an emergency, when their duty period can be extended to a maximum of 16 hours.[27] The USAF has since instituted a program of surprise inspections at nuclear-armed bases.[28]

[edit] Review reports

Larry Welch (in 1984) Welch and Peyer briefed the results of their reviews before the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services on February 12, 2008. In addition to Welch and Peyer, Lieutenant General Daniel Darnell, USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Air, Space and Information Operations and Major General Raaberg testified and answered questions from the Senate committee's members. During the hearing, Welch stated that, "the military units responsible for handling the bombs are not properly inspected and, as a result, may not be ready to perform their missions." He added, "If you look at all the areas and all the ways that we have to store and handle these weapons in order to perform the mission, it just requires, we believe, more resources and more attention than they're getting."[29] Welch's report concluded that the combining of DoD nuclear forces with nonnuclear organizations has led to "markedly reduced levels of leadership whose daily focus is the nuclear enterprise and a general devaluation of the nuclear mission and those who perform the mission." Nevertheless, neither Welch's nor Peyer's reports found any failures with the security of United States nuclear weapons.[30] Responding to Welch's and Peyer's reports, USAF officials stated that they were already implementing many of the recommendations contained in the reports but added that existing regulations governing nuclear procedures were satisfactory. During his testimony before the senate committee, Darnell stated that "the Air Force portion of the nuclear deterrent is sound, and we will take every measure necessary to provide safe, secure, reliable nuclear surety to the American public."[31]

[edit] Inspections, resignations, and further discipline

Minot's full NSI took place beginning on May 17, 2008, and was conducted by inspectors from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the USAF's Air Combat Command (ACC). On May 25, the DTRA issued the 5th Bomb Wing an "unsatisfactory" rating, the lowest rating

possible, from the inspection. The 5th passed the inspection in nine of ten areas, but failed in the area of nuclear security. Following the inspection, Westa stated that, "overall, their assessment painted a picture of some things we need to work on in the areas of training and discipline".[32] The 5th Bomb Wing Security Forces Squadron Commander, Lieutenant Colonel John Worley, was replaced by Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Weaver on June 16, 2008.[33] In spite of failing the NSI, the wing kept its nuclear certification. Said Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists about the 5th's failure in the inspection, "It makes you wonder what's going on elsewhere, like the nuclear weapons stationed at bases overseas, and at Barksdale Air Force Base and Whiteman Air Force Base."[34] Minot passed the follow-up inspection on August 15, 2008.[33]

Robert Gates On June 5, 2008, Robert Gates announced the results of an investigation into the misshipment of four MK-12 forward-section reentry vehicle assemblies to Taiwan. The investigation, conducted by Admiral Kirkland H. Donald, director of US Naval Propulsion, found that the Taiwan missile incident was, in Gates' words, "a degradation of the authority, standards of excellence and technical competence within the nation's ICBM force. Similar to the bomber-specific August 2007 Minot-Barksdale nuclear weapons transfer incident, this incident took place within the larger environment of declining Air Force nuclear mission focus and performance" and that "the investigation identified commonalities between the August 2007 Minot incident and this [the Taiwan] event." In his investigation report, Donald stated that the issues identified by his investigation were, "indicative of an overall decline in Air Force nuclear weapons stewardship, a problem that has been identified but not effectively addressed for over a decade. Both the MinotBarksdale nuclear weapons transfer incident and the Taiwan misshipment, while different in specifics, have a common origin: the gradual erosion of nuclear standards and a lack of effective oversight by Air Force leadership"[35] As a result of the investigation, Gates announced that, "a substantial number of Air Force general officers and colonels have been identified as potentially subject to disciplinary measures, ranging from removal from command to letters of reprimand," and that he had accepted the resignations of Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne and USAF Chief of Staff T. Michael Moseley. Gates added that he had asked James R. Schlesinger to lead a senior-level task force to recommend improvements in the stewardship and operation of nuclear weapons, delivery

vehicles and sensitive components by the Department of Defense. Members of the task force came from the Defense Policy Board and the Defense Science Board.[36] On September 13, 2008, Gates announced Schlesinger's task force's recommendations by calling on the USAF to place all nuclear weapons under a single command. The task force suggested that the new command be called Air Force Strategic Command, which would replace the current Air Force Space Command, and make it accountable for the nuclear mission. It also called for all USAF bombers to be placed under a single command. In addition, the task force recommended that the USAF move an additional 1,500 to 2,000 airmen into nuclear-related jobs. Gates announced that acting Air Force Secretary Michael B. Donley and Chief of Staff General Norton A. Schwartz were "reviewing the recommendations" for disciplinary action against USAF officers previously involved in the nuclear mission.[37] The task force found an, "an unambiguous, dramatic and unacceptable decline in the Air Force's commitment to perform the nuclear mission and, until very recently, little has been done to reverse it."[38] On September 25, 2008, the United States Department of Defense announced that six Air Force generals, two Army generals, and nine colonels had received letters of reprimand, admonishment, or counseling. Two Air Force major generals were asked to stay in their current position and the others either retired, planned to retire, or were removed from their position. Air Force Chief of Staff Norton Schwartz met with each officer personally before issuing the letters. He noted they committed no offense under the UCMJ, but "did not do enough to carry out their leadership responsibilities for nuclear oversight and that "for that they must be held accountable." The Air Force stated that the discipline was in response to the mistaken shipment of nuclear fuzes to Taiwan, not for the Minot nuclear weapons incident.[39] One of those reprimanded was Lieutenant General Kevin Sullivan, Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Installations and Mission Support at the Pentagon. Sullivan was demoted and retired at the rank of Major General in November 2008. Lieutenant General Michael Hamel, commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center, received a letter of admonishment and also retired in November 2008. Major General Roger Burg, commander of the Twentieth Air Force, Major General Kathleen Close, commander of the Ogden Air Logistics Center, Brigadier General Francis Bruno, Director of Logistics, Air Force Material Command, and Brigadier General Arthur Cameron III, Air Force director of resource integration, also received letters of admonishment.[40] In November 2008, the 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom Air Force Base failed its nuclear surety inspection. The 90th Missile Wing at F. E. Warren Air Force Base, failed its nuclear surety inspection one month later.[41] In November 2009 at Kirtland Air Force Base the 377th Air Base Wing, commanded by Colonel Michael S. Duvall, and 498th Nuclear Systems Wing, commanded by Colonel Richard M. Stuckey, failed their nuclear surety inspections.[42] On October 30, 2009 Westa was relieved as commander of the 5th Bomb Wing by Major General Floyd L. Carpenter, commander of 8th Air Force. Carpenter stated that Westa was relived due to his "inability to foster a culture of excellence, a lack of focus on the strategic mission and substandard performance during several nuclear surety inspections, including the newly activated 69th Bomb Squadron."[43]

On January 8, 2009 Schlesinger's task force released its report regarding the overall DoD's management of the country's nuclear weapons mission. The report criticized the DoD for a lack of focus and oversight on its nuclear weapons programs and recommended that the DoD create a new assistant secretary position to oversee its nuclear management. The task force found that within the DoD only the United States Navy was effectively managing its nuclear arsenal.[44] The panel stated that it found, "a distressing degree of inattention to the role of nuclear weapons in deterrence among many senior DoD military and civilian leaders."[45]

[edit] New command

USAF Secretary Michael Donley discusses the creation of the Global Strike Command with media representatives at the Pentagon on October 24, 2008. On October 24, 2008 new USAF Secretary Michael Donley announced the creation of Air Force Global Strike Command. The new command became operational on August 7, 2009. The USAF's intercontinental nuclear missile force was moved from Air Force Space Command to the new command. Barksdale Air Force Base was selected as the location of the new command's headquarters.[46][47] The new major command is led by a three-star general and controls all USAF nuclear-capable bombers, missiles and personnel.[48]

[edit] See also

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[edit] Notes
Wikinews has related news: US B-52 bomber flies from North Dakota to Louisiana with armed nuclear missiles Wikimedia Commons has media related to: 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident
1. 2. 3. ^ US Air Force, "Unauthorized Transfer of Nuclear Warheads" ^ Ricks, "Tough Punishment Expected for Warhead Errors", Baker, "Air Force Relieves Commanders Involved in Nuclear Weapons Incident," Air Force Link, "General Ronald E. Keys". ^ USAF, Minot Air Force Base 5th Bomb Wing Mission

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19.


21. 22.

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

^ Warrick, Missteps in the Bunker. ^ Parsch, Andreas, AGM-129 ^ , Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands," USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton" ^ Parsch, Andreas, AGM-129, Warrick, Missteps in the Bunker. ^ USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Hoffman ^ Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", Defense Science Board, "Report on Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons". ^ Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Defense Science Board, "Report on Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons". ^ Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands". ^ Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake". ^ Gilmore, " Air Force Investigates Alleged Nuke Transfer, Pentagon Spokesman Says". ^ Ricks, "Tough Punishment Expected for Warhead Errors", Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker" ^ Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker" ^ Dorfner, "After four decades, General Keys calls it a career", Gilmore, "Air Force Investigates Alleged Nuke Transfer, Pentagon Spokesman Says," Randolph, "Air Force releases B-52 munitions transfer investigation results", Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", USAF, "General Corley takes command of ACC", Hoffman, "Generals grilled on Minot nuclear mishap". ^ USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton". ^ Holmes, "Minot bomb wing gets new commander Thursday", Hoffman, Michael, "Minot Nuke Handlers Still Not Ready For Inspection", Military Times, January 14, 2008. ^ Randolph, "Air Force releases B-52 munitions transfer investigation results", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", "Baker, "Air Force Relieves Commanders Involved in Nuclear Weapons Incident," USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", Randolph, "Air Force releases B-52 munitions transfer investigation results". ^ Starr, "Air Force officers relieved of duty over loose nukes", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton, Hoffman, Michael, "Minot Nuke Handlers Still Not Ready For Inspection", Military Times, January 14, 2008. ^ USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Hoffman, "237 nuke handling deficiencies cited since 2001". ^ Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Baker, "Air Force Relieves Commanders Involved in Nuclear Weapons Incident", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", Hoffman, "Generals grilled on Minot nuclear mishap", Spiegel, "U.S. Nuclear Focus Has Dimmed, Studies Find". ^ Holmes, "Minot bomb wing gets new commander Thursday" ^ Air Force Link, "General Ronald E. Keys". ^ Hoffman, Michael, "Minot Nuke Handlers Still Not Ready For Inspection", Military Times, January 14, 2008, MacPherson, "Minot chief sets bar high after nuke gaffe". ^ Hoffman, Michael, "Minot bomb wing recertified for nukes", Military Times, April 4, 2008; Los Angeles Times, "Bomb Wing Recertified", April 4, 2008. ^ Pincus, "Air Force Alters Rules for Handling of Nuclear Arms", Hoffman, "New nuke-handling procedures issued". ^ Barnes, Julian E., "Better Oversight Of Nuclear Arms Urged", Los Angeles Times, November 26, 2008, p. 8. ^ Spiegel, "U.S. Nuclear Focus Has Dimmed, Studies Find". ^ Spiegel, "U.S. Nuclear Focus Has Dimmed, Studies Find", Hoffman, "Generals grilled on Minot nuclear mishap", Defense Science Board, "Report on Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons". ^ Spiegel, "U.S. Nuclear Focus Has Dimmed, Studies Find", Defense Science Board, "Report on Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons". ^ Hoffman, "Minot's 5th Bomb Wing flunks nuclear inspection"

33. ^ a b Hoffman, "Minot nuke handlers pass re-inspection" 34. ^ Associated Press, "Air Force wing in nuclear goof has more trouble", Hoffman, "Minot's 5th Bomb Wing flunks nuclear inspection" 35. ^ US DoD, "DoD News Briefing with Secretary Gates from the Pentagon", Military Times, "Moseley and Wynne forced out", Shanker, "2 Leaders Ousted From Air Force in Atomic Errors". 36. ^ US DoD, "DoD News Briefing with Secretary Gates from the Pentagon", June 5, 2008, Military Times, "Moseley and Wynne forced out", Shanker, "2 Leaders Ousted From Air Force in Atomic Errors". 37. ^ "Unified Nuclear Command Urged". The Washington Post. September 13, 2008. Retrieved 22 September 2008. 38. ^ "Panel Urges Air Force to Unify Nuclear Command". The New York Times. September 13, 2008. Retrieved 22 September 2008. 39. ^ The Associated Press. "Military cites poor oversight in mistaken shipment of warheads to Taiwan". MSNBC, Thurs., Sept. 25, 2008,; accessed 2008-09-26. 40. ^ Rolfsen, Bruce, "Not Above Reproach", Air Force Times, 20 December 2010, p. 20. 41. ^ Shane, Leo III, "Report: Wyo. Unit Fails Nuke Security Inspection", Stars and Stripes, December 17, 2008; Gertz, Bill, "Air Force Fails New Nuclear Reviews", Washington Times, February 4, 2009. 42. ^ Hoffman, Michael, "Two wings get F on nuclear inspection", Air Force Times November 27, 2009. 43. ^ Rolfsen, Bruce, "5th Bomb Wing CO relieved of command", Military Times, November 1, 2009. 44. ^ Baldor, Lolita C., (Associated Press) "Report Slams Pentagon Nuke Oversight", Washington Post, January 7, 2009. 45. ^ AFP-JiJi, "Faith in U.S. nuclear deterrent shaken", Japan Times, January 10, 2009. 46. ^ Wall Street Journal, "US Air Force To Reorganize Nuclear Commands After Incidents", October 24, 2008. 47. ^ Garamone, Jim, "Global Strike Command Will Stress Nuclear Mission", DefenseLink, August 7, 2009. 48. ^ Associated Press, "New Unit To Manage AF Nuclear Arsenal", reported in Arizona Daily Star, October 25, 2008.

[edit] References

Baker, Fred W., III, (October 19, 2007). "Air Force Relieves Commanders Involved in Nuclear Weapons Incident". Archived from the original on 14 November 2007. Retrieved 2007-10-23. Defense Science Board (February 2008). "Report on the Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons" (PDF). Archived from the original on 9 May 2011. Retrieved 201105-15. Dorfner, Cindy (September 28, 2007). "After four decades, General Keys calls it a career". Retrieved 2007-11-20. Gilmore, Gerry J. (September 6, 2007). "Air Force Investigates Alleged Nuke Transfer, Pentagon Spokesman Says". Defenselink. Archived from the original on 13 October 2007. Retrieved 2007-10-23. Hoffman, Michael (October 21, 2007). "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake". Air Force Times. Retrieved 2007-10-23. Hoffman, Michael (January 26, 2008). "New nuke-handling procedures issued". Military Times. Retrieved 2008-01-27. Hoffman, Michael (February 12, 2008). "237 nuke handling deficiencies cited since 2001". Military Times. Retrieved 2008-02-13. Hoffman, Michael (February 13, 2008). "Generals grilled on Minot nuclear mishap". Military Times. Retrieved 2008-02-14. Hoffman, Michael (May 30, 2008). "Minot's 5th Bomb Wing flunks nuclear inspection". Military Times. Archived from the original on 3 June 2008. Retrieved 2008-06-01.

Hoffman, Michael (August 16, 2008). "Minot nuke handlers pass re-inspection". Military Times. Retrieved 2008-08-18. Holmes, Erik (October 30, 2007). "Minot bomb wing gets new commander Thursday". Air Force Times. Retrieved 2007-10-31. MacPherson, James (February 4, 2008). "Minot chief sets bar high after nuke gaffe". Associated Press. Retrieved 2008-02-05. Military Times (June 6, 2008). "Moseley and Wynne forced out". Military Times. Archived from the original on 15 June 2008. Retrieved 2008-06-06. Pincus, Walter (October 20, 2007). "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands". Washington Post. Retrieved 2007-10-21. Pincus, Walter (January 25, 2008). "Air Force Alters Rules for Handling of Nuclear Arms". Washington Post. Retrieved 2008-01-26. Randolph, Monique (October 19, 2007). "Air Force releases B-52 munitions transfer investigation results". Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs. Archived from the original on 22 October 2007. Retrieved 2007-10-20. Ricks, Thomas E.; Joby Warrick (October 18, 2007). "Tough Punishment Expected for Warhead Errors". Washington Post. Retrieved 2007-10-16. Shanker, Thom (June 6, 2008). "2 Leaders Ousted From Air Force in Atomic Errors". New York Times. Archived from the original on 9 June 2008. Retrieved 2008-06-06. Spiegel, Peter (October 20, 2007). "Chain of errors blamed for nuclear arms going undetected". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2007-10-20. Spiegel, Peter (February 13, 2008). "U.S. Nuclear Focus Has Dimmed, Studies Find". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 16 February 2008. Retrieved 2008-0214. Starr, Barbara (October 19, 2007). "Air Force officers relieved of duty over loose nukes". Cable News Network. Archived from the original on 21 October 2007. Retrieved 200710-20. United States Air Force (USAF) (October 3, 2007). "General Corley takes command of ACC". Air Force Link. Archived from the original on 15 November 2007. Retrieved 2007-11-20. United States Department of Defense (USDoD), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) (October 19, 2007). "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton from the Pentagon, Arlington, Va." (Transcript). DefenseLink. Archived from the original on 23 October 2007. Retrieved 2007-10-21. United States Department of Defense (USDoD), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) (June 5, 2008). "DoD News Briefing with Secretary Gates from the Pentagon" (Transcript). DefenseLink. Archived from the original on 6 June 2008. Retrieved 2008-06-06. Warrick, Joby; Walter Pincus (September 23, 2007). "Missteps in the Bunker". Washington Post. Retrieved 2007-09-24.

[edit] Further reading

Gibson, James N. (2000). Nuclear Weapons of the United States: An Illustrated History. Schiffer Publishing. ISBN 0-7643-0063-6.

Liolios, Theodore (January 2008). "Broken Arrows: (the Minot USAF base nuclear weapons incident)". Hellenic Arms Control Center. Retrieved 2008. Ryan, Bill, and Kerry Cassidy (October 29, 2007). "Project Camelot In tribute: 9 Minot and Barksdale AFB Airmen, 2007". Project Camelot. Archived from the original on 28 March 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-13.- Alternative theory on deaths supposedly related to the incident
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Retrieved from " cident&oldid=544791158"

Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities' By Lori Price, Updated: 16 Aug 2011
Minot Air Force Base airman killed in shooting 21 Dec 2010 Police said an airman from the Minot Air Force Base has been killed in an off-base shooting. Police Detective Matt McLeod told KCJB radio that Steven Crawford, 19, was shot with a handgun by a fellow airman at Crawford's apartment Monday night. Crawford was taken to a Minot hospital where he died. Police said the shooting appears to be accidental. 81st Civil Support Team Conducts Exercise at Minot Air Force Base 07 May 2010 North Dakota's 81st Civil Support Team dispatched personnel and equipment though blustery winds to Minot Air Force Base May 5, to practice air load operations onto a C-17 Globemaster sent from McChord Air Force Base, Wash. While the CST is configured to assist local incident commanders in events known or suspected to involve weapons of mass destruction, it also responds regionally to augment other states. CSTs are divided into six different sectors throughout the country in order to supplement partner states should a chemical, biological or radiological event [is made to] occur. - - [13/May/2010:10:30:35 -0400] "GET /minot_afb_nukes_oddities.html HTTP/1.1" 304 - - [13/May/2010:10:29:36 -0400] "GET /minot_afb_nukes_oddities.html HTTP/1.1" 200 21706 The following section was compiled by 'The Pundit.' Since the Minot story broke a week ago about the missing nukeclandestine operation from Minot, we have the following (for those who are paying attention): 1. All six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base 2. All were directly involved as loaders or as pilots 3. All are now dead 4. All within the last 7 days in 'accidents' [Not all of them --LRP] Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B-52, and they may have told their wives and friends. "The Pundit" ***** Police say shooting of Minot Air Force Base airman appears to be 'accidental' 16 Aug 2011 Minot police say the shooting of a Minot airman in an apartment appears to be accidental. Twenty-three-yearold Jonathan Threatt was taken to a local hospital with a head injury after the shooting about 1:40 a.m. Monday and then flown to a Minneapolis hospital. His condition was not released. Police Detective Matt McLeod told the Minot Daily News that Threatt and four other airmen from Minot Air Force Base live in the apartment. Minot AFB airman identified --The base Safety Office is 'investigating' the accident. 01 May 2010 Officials at Minot Air Force Base have identified the airman who died Thursday after being struck in the head by a training missile during routine training at the base. Senior Airman Richard Allan Gallelli Jr., 22, was a member of the 17th Munitions Squadron, said 2nd Lt. Kidron Farnell, deputy chief of Public Affairs at the Minot base. Gallelli had been in the Air Force for three years and three months. Minot Air Force Base Airman Killed --Internal investigation underway 29 Apr 2010 The Minot Air Force Base says one of their Airmen was killed in a training exercise around midnight. In a press release officials say a male Airman from the 17th Munitions Squadron was struck in the head while at work, and died of injuries soon after. They are not releasing the name of the Airman. A spokeswoman from the Minot Air Force Base says cases like this are extremely rare and it has been at least ten years [?!?] since something like this has taken place. [*Math check.* See: Minot base crew commander found dead --Cause of death unclear 03 Feb 2009.] Minot AFB prepares for biological and chemical attacks --Minot AFB completes 'Prairie Night 10-1' drill 12 Feb 2010 Minot Air Force Base has completed a 48-hour training exercise, dubbed Prairie Night 10-1, to ensure that members of its 5th Bomb Wing are prepared in the event of a biological or chemical attack if deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. The simulated attack began at 11:39 AM with the sound of mortars hitting. Airmen at the base climbed into their chemical gear as if the attack were real in an effort to build muscle memory for an attack in the field, making preparation for the attack second nature to them. Prairie Knight Exercise 10-1 at Minot Air Force Base --Warbirds to participate in training scenarios that include donning of chemical gear in aftermath of airfield attack 10 Feb 2010 The 5th Bomb Wing launches a 48-hour exercise today to test the wing's capabilities in preparation for an August conventional operational readiness inspection. The two-day event, Prairie Knight 10-1, measures the wing's ability to survive and operate in a contingency environment and will include a launch of 24 B-52 combat sorties practicing to place bombs on target, said Col. Julian Tolbert, vice-wing commander at Minot Air Force Base. Minot base crew commander found dead --Cause of death unclear 03 Feb 2009 (The Associated Press) The body of a missile combat crew commander from the Minot Air Force Base was found by police, and the cause of his death is under investigation, the Air Force says. A statement issued by the base Sunday said the body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless, 28, was found Friday night. Police did not give details but said it was in an area north of the city soccer complex, and they are awaiting autopsy results.

Minot Missile wing now in Global Strike Command 02 Dec 2009 The men and women of the 91st Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base became part of Air Force Global Strike Command Tuesday. Global Strike Command is the Air Force's newest major command and will oversee all of its nuclear forces. The nuclear-capable assets the intercontinental ballistic missiles of Air Force Space Command come under Global Strike Command as of Tuesday. New Minot AFB commanders vow perfection 29 Nov 2009 The sign over the main gate at Minot Air Force Base brags, ''Only the Best Come North.'' It's been a questionable claim over the past two years at the North Dakota base following a rash of nuclear-related mistakes that spurred no mushroom clouds but embarrassed the military and cost several officers their positions. The new base commander said the foul-ups - including a cross-country flight from Minot of a B-52 bomber mistakenly armed with nucleartipped cruise missiles - stemmed from lax attitudes in maintaining the arsenal there. ''We had a compliance problem,'' Col. Douglas Cox told The Associated Press in an interview last week at the base. [Yeah, like Cheney trying to strike Chicago with a 'missing' Minot nuke. ] Ousted Minot AFB commander Westa to retire 25 Nov 2009 Col. Joel Westa, the former 5th Bomb Wing commander fired Oct. 30, retired Monday rather than accept an assignment to Global Strike Command. Westa was chosen to turn around the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., after airmen from the wing mistakenly loaded six nuclear warheads aboard a B-52 two years ago. Maj. Gen. Floyd Carpenter, 8th Air Force commander, arrived unannounced to Minot and fired Westa after the wing failed its second nuclear inspection under Westas command. Minot missile, bomb wings to become part of Global Strike Command 15 Nov 2009 Members of the 91st Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base will make history Dec. 1 when they become part of a new command Air Force Global Strike Command. The new command will oversee all of the Air Force's nuclear forces intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers. The 5th Bomb Wing will become part of the new command on Feb. 1. Inspections are top priority at base 04 Nov 2009 The new commander of the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base said his first priority is to make sure the wing is ready for inspections. Col. Douglas Cox began Monday as the top officer of the bomb wing. Cox replaced Col. Joel Westa, who, along with the commander of the base's 5th Operations Support Squadron, were relieved of duty... "Building that credibility is one of the biggest challenges that we are working on." [Yes, it would be easier to clean the Augean stables in a single day.] "We actually are inspected all the time so every day we're either inspecting ourselves or we're expecting inspectors to come from outside of Minot Air Force Base," Cox said. New Wing Commander at Minot AFB 03 Nov 2009 There's a new wing commander at Minot Air Force base. [This happens about once a week.] Col. Douglas Cox is the new commander of the 5th bomb Wing. Col. Cox took over the wing after Col. Joel Westa was relieved of command on Friday. Westa was removed due to the Air Force losing confidence in his ability to command. Col. Cox says he is ready to lead the 5th bomb wing knowing that perfection is the standard. Minot Air Force Base resident suffered "self-inflicted" gunshot wound 26 Oct 2009 (ND) A 21-yearold man was injured after he shot himself in the chest Monday morning, according to the Jamestown Police Department. Police said the man, a resident of Minot Air Force Base, suffered a "self-inflicted" gun shot wound in the upper left chest in the room he rented on the second floor of the Comfort Inn in Jamestown. Police were dispatched at 3:22 a.m., said Police Chief Dave Donegan. Ousted Minot AFB commander won't retire 20 Oct 2009 Col. Christopher Ayres, the former 91st Missile Wing commander at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., who was fired on Oct. 14, will accept an assignment to Air Force Space Command headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base, Col., and not retire. The 24-year missile officer was fired after 20th Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Roger Burg "lost confidence in his ability to command." Burg also fired two maintenance commanders formerly under

Ayres command -- Col. Lyman Faith, 91st Maintenance Group commander, and Lt. Col. Andrew Healy, 91st Missile Maintenance Squadron commander. The firings followed the Oct. 9 release of an investigative report that blamed a "large insect" for an Aug. 31 crash involving a truck carrying rocket engine parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles. Missile commander ousted at Minot Air Force Base 14 Oct 2009 The missile wing commander at North Dakota's Minot Air Force Base was relieved of his command Wednesday after a series of missteps at the unit, including two crashes of vehicles carrying missile parts in just more than a year. Col. Christopher Ayres' was not ousted for any misconduct or wrongdoing, but the Air Force said it had lost confidence in his ability to command the base's 91st Missile Wing given recent incidents. 'The investigation doesn't list what kind of bug it was.' Military says 'large insect' distracted Minot AFB missile driver --Shipment also contained two 14-gallon tanks of liquid rocket fuel 09 Oct 2009 A truck driver who lost control of a semi-trailer carrying missile parts from North Dakota's Minot Air Force Base was distracted by a "large insect" that flew in a window and landed on the driver's back, the military said in a report released Friday. The Air Force said the truck from the base's 91st Missile Wing, which overturned Aug. 31 on a gravel road in northwest North Dakota, was carrying rocket engine parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles but no nuclear material. It was the second crash of a base vehicle in just more than a year. The Air Force spent about $5.6 million last year to recover an unarmed booster rocket for an intercontinental ballistic missile after the truck carrying it overturned in July 2008. Minot AFB Activates B52 Squadron 03 Sep 2009 This will make the most powerful base in the world, stronger. That's how the commander of a new squadron of B-52 bombers describes Minot Air Force Base. Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Notari made the comments today as he assumed command of the newly-reactivated 69th Bomb Squadron at Minot's base. The addition of the 69th gives Minot Air Force Base two active B-52 squadrons. The commander of the 8th Air Force says having four B-52 squadrons two in Minot and two at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana - gives him more flexibility in carrying out the bombers' mission. And it will keep the bomber active for decades. Semi-trailer carrying Minot AFB missile parts overturns in ND --The oveturned semi-trailer carried rocket engine parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles and two 14-gallon tanks of liquid rocket fuel. --It was the second crash of an Air Force vehicle from the Minot AFB in a year . 01 Sep 2009 Military officials said Tuesday a semi-trailer carrying intercontinental ballistic missile parts from the Minot Air Force Base overturned, and it could take a week to clear the site in north central North Dakota. Air Force spokeswoman Laurie A. Arellano said the semi-trailer overturned Monday afternoon on a gravel road. The cause of the crash is under investigation, she said. I feel so much safer already: 69th Bomb Squadron Soon Activated 29 Aug 2009 After months of anticipation and preparation, the Minot Air Force Base is ready to officially activate its newly formed 69th Bomb Squadron. The new unit will be the fourth operational B-52 squadron in the Air Force. The Minot base is home to the 23rd Bomb Squadron and Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana has two operational B-52 units. Malmstrom nuclear weapons squadron activated 05 Aug 2009 A new squadron designed to streamline and improve the handling of nuclear weapons systems was activated Tuesday at Malmstrom Air Force Base, bringing 62 new personnel with it, according to Air Force officials. The newly activated 16th Munitions Squadron will be responsible for weapons storage area logistics operations. The tenant unit at Malmstrom is part of the 798th Munitions Maintenance Group at Minot Air Force Base, N.D. Hold on to your hats! Report: Major growth ahead for Minot AFB 30 Jun 2009 Hundreds of new positions will be added at Minot Air Force Base in the next fiscal year, according to an Air Force report... The report calls for the addition of several dozen military and civilian personnel at the Minot base as a result of bolstering the Air Force's nuclear enterprise. As a result of strengthening the Air Force's nuclear

enterprise, the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot AFB gains 10 B-52H bombers as part of B-52 force structure, according to the report. [More to 'lose.'] Minot Base Commander Says Bomb Wing Back on Track 27 May 2009 The bomb wing commander at the Minot Air Force Base says the wing "performed magnificently" in a surprise Air Force inspection just completed. Col. Joel Westa was assigned the base after a mistaken cross-country flight of nuclear warheads to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana in 2007. One of his missions was to restore the reputation of the Minot base and its 5th Bomb Wing. Nuclear Surety Inspection begins at Minot AFB 14 May 2009 A Nuclear Surety Inspection was initiated Wednesday at Minot Air Force Base. The inspection team is led by a senior officer representative from the Air Combat Command Inspector General's office with oversight provided by representatives from the Air Force Inspection Agency and the office of the Secretary of the Air Force. This no-notice inspection is expected to conclude May 22. Minot Air Force Base Simulates Nuclear Missile Launch 05 May 2009 Minot Air Force Base came within seconds of launching an intercontinental ballistic missile this morning. But it wasn't an emergency it was a test of the 91st Missile Wing's ability to respond to an order from the President to launch a nuclear-tipped missile. A Minuteman Three missile from Minot's aresnal will be shipped to Vandenberg Air Force Base in California next month for an actual launch to test the equipment and people from the local base. Cause unclear in death of Minot crew commander 05 Feb 2009 Minot police say they have found no sign of a crime in the death of a Minot Air Force Base missile crew commander, but area waiting more test results. The body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless was found late Friday in a field north of Minot. Police Capt. Al Hanson said an autopsy was performed Monday in Bismarck. Minot base crew commander found dead --Cause of death unclear 02 Feb 2009 The body of a missile combat crew commander from the Minot Air Force Base was found by police, and the cause of his death is under investigation, the Air Force says. A statement issued by the base Sunday said the body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless, 28, was found Friday night. Police did not give details and they are awaiting autopsy results. Col. Christopher Ayres, the bases 91st Missile Wing commander, said Bayless was a training chief with the 91st Operations Support Squadron. Minot AFB finalist for Global Strike Command 22 Jan 2009 North Dakota's congressional delegation says Minot Air Force Base is one of six finalists to be the home of the Air Force's new Global Strike Command. The military created the command to better manage the nation's nuclear arsenal. It comes after a series of embarrassing missteps, including the flight of a B-52 bomber that was mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and flown from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana in August 2007. Team to visit Minot AFB to plan for new B-52 squadron 10 Jan 2009 With Minot Air Force Base as the preferred site for a second squadron of B-52 bombers, a team will visit the base early next month to help plan for the new unit. Early last year, officials announced that a second squadron of B-52s was planned for the Minot base. Minot launch component device 'remains missing' --Minot AFB officer to face court-martial 10 Dec 2008 A Minot Air Force Base officer accused of stealing a missile launch control device will face a courtmartial, the military said. Capt. Paul Borowiecki, who was a missile combat crew member assigned to the bases 91st Missile Wing, is accused of taking the launch control device in July 2005, rather than destroying it as required when it was no longer in use. The Air Force also said Borowiecki told officials that another officer had lied in saying he destroyed a launch component. That device remains missing. That other officer, whose name has not been released, has not been charged.

Military brass to visit Minot base 30 Nov 2008 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and General Norton Schwartz, the Air Force chief of staff, are scheduled to visit the Minot Air Force Base on Monday. Schwartz was appointed by President [sic] Bush this summer during leadership changes following the mishandling of nuclear weapons and equipment by the Air Force, including at Minot. Plans solidify for new B-52 squadron at Minot 21 Nov 2008 The Air Force confirmed it wants to locate its fifth B-52H Stratofortress squadron at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., Air Combat Command officials announced Friday. The target date for standing up the unit is late 2009 or early 2010. North Dakotas congressional delegation, briefed on the plan prior to Fridays announcement, said the squadron would have 10 planes, raising the number of combat-ready B-52Hs at Minot to 22. AF mum on result of no-notice nuke inspection 20 Nov 2008 The 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base, La., completed its first no-notice nuclear surety inspection Nov. 17, but Air Force officials would not say if the wing passed. It is the first no-notice inspection the wing has completed since Strategic Air Command was disbanded, according to Air Combat Command officials. In August 2007, Barksdale airmen discovered a B-52 on their runway that had flown from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., mistakenly [!] loaded with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles -- the first of two incidents that led to a period of heavily scrutiny of the Air Forces nuclear enterprise. Air Force: $5.6M to take rocket booster from ditch 03 Oct 2008 The Air Force says it spent about $5.6 million in its efforts to recover an unarmed booster rocket for an intercontinental ballistic missile from a North Dakota ditch. An Air Force truck carrying the booster for a Minuteman III overturned July 31 a few miles east of Parshall in northwest North Dakota. An Air Force statement blames "driver and safety observer error" for the accident. The truck was traveling from Minot Air Force Base to a launch facility when it crashed on the gravel road. Air Force says officer stole launch control device 29 Sep 2008 A Minot Air Force Base officer accused of stealing a classified missile launch control device faces a hearing to determine whether he will face a court martial. The Air Force said a hearing is scheduled Tuesday at the base to evaluate evidence against Capt. Paul Borowiecki, a missile combat crew member assigned to the 91st Missile Wing. Changes coming on nuclear training, inspection --Inspectors found several deficiencies in the nuclear security provided at the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., during a Nuclear Surety Inspection the base failed last year. 20 Sep 2008 Air Force leaders announced changes to the organization, training practices and inspection process of its nuclear ent erprise following the services Nuclear Summit held on Sept. 18 at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. Officials reviewed the recommendations made by the Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Management on Sept. 12 in a report that ripped the Air Forces current nuclear structure proposing the service realign all of its nuclear missions under Air Force Space Command and rename it Air Force Strategic Command. Advisers: Consolidate Air Force nuke command 12 Sep 2008 The Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Management recommended the Air Force put all its nuclear missions under Air Force Space Command and call the whole thing Air Force Strategic Command. Defense Secretary Robert Gates organized the task force -- which was headed by former Defense Secretary James Schlesinger -- after axing the Air Forces top two leaders last June due to its nuclear problems. The recommendations Schlesinger announced Friday at the Pentagon also would mean that Air Combat Command would lose its nuclear bomber mission. Air Force officers sanctioned after sleeping on nuke job 29 Aug 2008 Three ballistic missile crew members have been punished for sleeping during a sensitive task, the Air Force reported Thursday. Two first lieutenants and a captain fell asleep on July 12 while in control of a classified electronic part that contained old launch codes for intercontinental nuclear missiles. It happened during the changing out of electronic parts used to communicate with Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Two officers are under

investigation for lying about destroying classified missile components, and another for alleged sexual misconduct, the military reported. Air Force Searches For Lost Launch Devices --Three Crew Members Removed Over Allegations of Sex Abuse and Equipment Tampering 28 Aug 2008 The Air Force says at least three ballistic missile crew members at bases in North Dakota and Montana have been taken off the job while the military investigates allegations ranging from sexual abuse to missing classified components used in underground launch control centers. The Air Force announced Thursday that an officer who earlier worked at Minot Air Force Base's 91st Space Wing notified the military in May that he and another officer had lied about destroying classified launch components in July 2005. "They were supposed to destroy them and they signed documents saying they destroyed them," said Maj. Laurie A. Arellano, an Air Force spokeswoman. Instead, she said, "they took them home." In May, one of the officers notified the Air Force of the incident and "turned his launch components over to the government." Arellano said the devices are used on equipment inside the launch control center to detect equipment tampering. One of the devices remains missing. "We only know of the whereabouts of one for sure," Arellano said. Navy relieves commander of air recon squadron 13 Aug 2008 The commander of a Navy air reconnaissance squadron that provides the president and the defense secretary the airborne ability to command the nation's nuclear weapons has been relieved of duty, the Navy said Tuesday. Cmdr. Shawn Bentley was relieved of duty Monday by the Navy for loss of confidence in his ability to command, only three months after taking the job. Capt. Brian Costello, commander of the Navy's Strategic Communications Wing One, removed Bentley from command, said Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown, a spokesman for the Naval Air Forces. The primary duty of the squadron, nicknamed the "Ironman," is to provide communication with ballistic missile submarines, Brown said. It is also one of three squadrons that provides airborne communications for the president and defense secretary to command and control the nation's nuclear submarines, bombers and missile silos, according to the Wing's official Web site. U.S. fires captain of Japan-bound nuclear warship 31 Jul 2008 The U.S. Navy said it had replaced the captain of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier scheduled for a controversial berth in Japan after blaming him for a fire on board on the warship [?]. The United States has been trying to allay fears over the planned stationing of the George Washington in Japan, the only country to have suffered nuclear attacks. Doubts about the ship's safety were renewed when a fire broke out on board in May... U.S. Naval Air Forces said in a statement it had fired commanding officer David C. Dykhoff and another officer over the incident and installed Captain J.R. Haley as the ship's new commander. Air Force brigadier general dies of gunshot wound 28 Jul 2008 An Air Force brigadier general died of a gunshot wound that likely was self-inflicted, a spokesman said Monday. Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Tinsley, the commander at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, suffered a gunshot wound to his chest late Sunday night and was pronounced dead within a half hour, said Col. Richard Walberg, who assumed command at Elmendorf after Tinsley's death. "To the best information, it's possible it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound," Walberg said at a news conference. The weapon was likely a handgun. His previous 22-month assignment was executive officer to the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. T. Michael "Buzz" Mosely, who in June resigned under pressure in an agency shake-up. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates ousted both Mosely, the Air Force military chief, and Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne, the agency's civilian head, holding them accountable for failing to fully correct an erosion of nuclear-related performance standards. One concern was a cross-country flight in August 2007 of a B-52 carrying armed nuclear weapons. US missile alert crew falls asleep on the job 25 Jul 2008 It was 9.30 in the evening. The crew of three air force members decided to rest a little and within 15 minutes they were fast asleep. They awoke several hours later. The only problem was that the room in which they were snoozing was the missile alert facility at Minot air force base in North Dakota. Directly beneath them was the underground control centre containing the keys that can launch ballistic missiles, and in their care were metal boxes containing the secret codes that allow the nuclear button to be pressed. The incident is the latest in a series of foul-ups and poor ratings for the Minot air force base. Last summer a B-52 bomber was loaded with six air-

launched nuclear missiles and flown, unbeknownst to its pilots or crew, across America. [ All three men fell asleep--at 9:30 PM--and slept *for hours?*] Air Force says officers fell asleep with nuke code --July 12 incident was at Minot AFB, location of other incidents 24 Jul 2008 Three Air Force officers fell asleep [!] while in control of an electronic component that contained old launch codes for nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles, a violation of procedure, Air Force officials said Thursday. It is the fourth incident in the past year involving problems with secure handling of components of America's nuclear weapons . The incident occurred July 12, during the changing out of components used to facilitate secure communications between an underground missile-control facility and missile silos near Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, according to Col. Dewey Ford, a spokesman for the Air Force Space Command in Colorado. Air Force declares lost B-52 crew dead 24 Jul 2008 In a solemn statement early Wednesday, 2nd Bomb Wing Commander Col. Robert Wheeler bore bitter news of tragedy to Barksdale Air Force Base and the surrounding community. The Air Force and Coast Guard have given up hope any of the six crew members of a Barksdale B-52 that crashed Sunday north of Guam are alive. Five of the lost airmen were assigned to the 2nd Bomb Wing. The only other base in the world at which B-52s are permanently assigned is Minot Air Force Base, N.D. Its 5th Wing has been peppered for years with 2nd Bomb Wing personnel, and vice-versa, and it has not been unusual over the years for a commander or a vice commander to move from the 5th Wing to the 2nd Bomb Wing. Air Force Finds Lax Nuclear Security 02 Jul 2008 Most overseas storage sites for U.S. nuclear weapons, particularly in Europe, need substantial improvements in physical security measures and the personnel who guard the weapons, according to a newly available Air Force report. The Blue Ribbon review of nuclear security was conducted after it was discovered that a B-52 bomber had flown across the United States, from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, with neither the pilots nor ground crews aware that six cruise missiles under one wing held real nuclear warheads. Moseley: We Need a Failsafe to Human Error --A day after Defense Secretary Robert Gates asked for and received his resignation June 5, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley gave this exclusive interview to [Defense News] Vago Muradian. 09 Jun 2008 Q. And that was where the problems occurred? Following the Minot incident, I would say more than 95 percent of my focus has been about getting this right, and we had a commander-directed inquiry. I commissioned Maj. Gen. [Polly] Peyer to conduct a blue ribbon review, which gave us 120 or so specific things to address. My fundamental tasking to her was, "Is there something bigger here? Is this just an isolated case of a human frailty or are there systemic bigger issues that we have to find and fix?" Q. So this was right after the Minot incident? A. I started it right after. The secretary went out there and General Welch did an overall study. So those 120, I believe, is a start at getting at where general officers should be. What is the echelon of responsibility? Gates recommends Schwartz as next Air Force chief --Gates asks Bush to Allow Donley to Start as Air Force Secretary Without Senate Confirmation 09 Jun 2008 Defense Secretary Robert Gates recommended Monday that Gen. Norton Schwartz, a 35-year veteran with a background in Air Force special operations, be the next Air Force chief. In a sweeping shake up of the Air Force, Gates also formally sent former Air Force official Michael Donley's name to the White House to be the next secretary of the beleaguered service. Gates announced last Thursday that he was removing Air Force Gen. Michael Moseley from the chief's job and Michael Wynne as its top civilian. Gates asked Bush to designate Donley as the acting secretary effective June 21 -- a move that would allow him to begin work without waiting for Senate confirmation. Gates seeks Air Force leadership on handling of nuclear weapons 09 Jun 2008 In his search for new leadership atop the Air Force, Defense Secretary Robert Gates is looking for a "new perspective" that will fix long-standing problems in the handling of nuclear weapons... Gates said at the time that his decision was based mainly on the damning conclusions of an internal report on the mistaken shipment to Taiwan of four Air Force fusing devices for ballistic missile nuclear warheads. And he linked the underlying

causes of that slip-up to another startling incident: the North Dakota-to-Louisiana flight last August of a B52 bomber that was mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave 12 Sep 2007 The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died Monday while visiting with family members. The statement did not say how he died. The base said Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. [The primary mission of the 5th Security Forces Squadron is to 'provide 24-hour law enforcement and security services for the 5th Bomb Wing and all tenant units assigned to Minot AFB.' "Guardians of the Upper Realm" --The host wing on Minot Air Force Base, the 5th Bomb Wing operates the B-52H Stratofortress aircraft to provide global strike and combat-support capabilities to geographic commanders. B-52 Stratofortress - Mission --Air Combat Command's B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions... It can carry nuclear or precision guided conventional ordnance with worldwide precision navigation capability.] AF Secretary Visits MAFB 14 Sep 2007 The top civilian in the Air Force spent the afternoon at Minot Air Force Base today. Michael Wynne, the Secretary of the Air Force, arrived at the base about 1 PM to get a personal look at how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled. His visit comes two weeks after a B-52 bomber loaded with six nuclear warheads was flown from Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base. Staging Nukes for Iran? By Larry Johnson 05 Sep 2007 My buddy... reminded me that the only times you put weapons on a plane is when they are on alert or if you are tasked to move the weapons to a specific site... Barksdale Air Force Base is being used as a jumping off point for Middle East operations... Why would we want to preposition nuclear weapons at a base conducting Middle East operations? His final point was to observe that someone on the inside obviously leaked the info that the planes were carrying nukes. A B-52 landing at Barksdale is a non-event. A B-52 landing with nukes. That is something else. Now maybe there is an innocent explanation for this? I cant think of one. What is certain is that the pilots of this plane did not just make a last minute decision to strap on some nukes and take them for a joy ride... Did someone at Barksdale try to indirectly warn the American people that the Bush Administration is staging nukes for Iran? ***** 'Opposing' view: The following email was sent to CLG on 19 September, anonymously. Hello there, Im a Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force. I do network security, so, thats why Im emailing anonymously, even though I really dont feel its necessary. Im just paranoid like that, which is why Im pretty good at my job. ;) Also, parts of what Im putting in here are probably classified, which is the primary reason Im sending this anonymously. Anyway, I see a lot of people posting on Reddit about government conspiracies about nukes and things like this. Its frustrating for me because its really very silly. Please, let me explain some background, to help you all understand whats going on in the background for the Air Force: Minot AFB is a dead-end base. Its the abyss of the Air Force, the saying goes Why not Minot? They have major retainability problems there people volunteer to go to Iraq, Korea, anywhere just to get out of there. Beside its location (middle-of-nowhere North Dakota), the base has very little real mission and spins its wheels forever in drills that all result in the end of the world since its a nuke base designed to fight the Cold War. But, there is no Cold War for them to fight (at least not one that Minots golden piece of real estate would be useful in fighting), so its people probably feel pretty worthless and tired of fighting the now non-existent Soviet Union. The base has already been re-aligned (more on that in a moment) and its probably going to be BRACed into a regional airport in a few decades. Ellison AFB in South Dakota has already had its closure decided.

One of the biggest problems with killing off Minot is its core mission all of the nukes it has. Its weapons capability is moving to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana as the AF further consolidates after the Cold War and infrastructure budget cuts because of Iraq et al. Moving weapons capability to Barksdale, in real world terms, means moving the actual missiles that would deliver the nuclear warhead to Barksdale. No big deal, conventional weapons move all the time. Nuclear warheads, however, when transported for these reasons, are moved by the Department of Energy a very time consuming, expensive, and burdensome process that someone else will have to figure out much later once they finally decide to close the base. So, the Air Forces solution is to move the missiles, and leave the warheads behind, to be dealt with one day when all of us are retired and don't have to worry about it. Thats what SHOULD have happened. So the mission itself was pretty normal otherwise. (It may actually be intentional to leave things this way, to prevent Congressional involvement, as whatever Senator is from ND is probably desperate to keep Minot around as long as possible; leaving the nukes, but operationally stripping the base serves both sides purposes). The mistake, and the reason everyone now knows about this, is that the warheads werent removed from the missiles being moved to Barksdale. I bet the guys on the ground in Barksdale were sure as shit surprised when they cracked the payload open and saw a warhead. ;) I know as much as I do because I work with a cross-trainee whose last base was Barksdale as a munitions specialist. He was involved in this process there; along with the various other missions Barksdale has (its a pretty critical base in the AF). Anyway, you would think there would be a pretty clear checklist for all of this, but apparently no one even bothered. Doing what they do day-to-day, is pretty standard operating procedure. People get lazy when they do the same thing day after day, and theres no less than a half dozen teams who would be transferring these weapons around from storage until theyre loaded. The idea of someone dropping the ball in the AF is not exactly unusual (quite common, actually, heh), especially when 4:30 rolls around and everyone wants to go home. If the next step is to hand it off to the guys who remove the warhead, and its 1630 on a Friday, hell, lets just leave it until Monday, since the mission doesnt fly until Tuesday anyway. Monday rolls around, someone else takes over, and doesnt know the job wasnt finished on Friday. There SHOULD be some paper trail for that kind of thing, but then, like I said, people are lazy. Oh, and Minot usually fails its nuclear operational readiness inspections. ;) Sorry to kill your confidence in the military. Ive seen too much crazy stuff to believe in some massive conspiracy, theres too many people involved. Youd have to kill like 50 people to cover up moving nukes to Barksdale. Plus, what would it achieve? Theres already more than enough nukes at Barksdale to blow the world up 3x over. Who needs 6 more? Seriously? Plus, more accidents occur with conventional than nukes, since nukes are computerized and designed to be super-duper safe. Conventional weapons are built by the lowest bidder. [Yikes!] Id be more worried about a fully-loaded F16 flying around NYC after 9/11 sucking up a bird than a B52 with nukes flying around without anyone knowing it was loaded with nukes. The pilots couldnt "secretly" be in on it and launch them, the interface wouldnt be installed, the COMSEC material wouldnt be available, etc. Youd have to kill half the base to hide the paper trail necessary to give the pilots the ability to launch. Several people dying from Minot is bad, of course, but then, crazy stuff happens. Motorcycle accidents, mind you, are the #1 non-war cause of dead in the Air Force. The Captain who died wasnt a pilot (he was Combat Weather, as evidenced by his pewter beret in the photo linked from your site). Captains are a dime a dozen, just like the Security Forces troop who died. Yes, a part of the Security Forces Squadron mission there would be do defend the nukes, but hes not at all involved in any of the process. He stands outside the door and checks IDs. Seriously, thats it. I have 5 cops (as they're generally called in the Air Force) I deal with every day where I work because I do computer stuff, and they have zero clue whats happening behind the door. They spend most of the day on the phone chit chatting with friends at other security posts about the latest dorm gossip about who slept with whom.

So, to conclude, just chill out a bit about the conspiracy, its kinda silly. Plus, again, what would be the point? Its not a big deal to authorize a nuke mission. After 9/11 the entire Bar ksdale arsenal was loaded and on the flightline ready to fly. I wouldnt sweat 6 who someone forgot to unload. Feel free to republish, maybe it'll educate a few people. V/r SSgt ***** Rebuttal to 'Opposing View' The following email was sent to CLG on 19 September. Subject: comments closed? Im NOT anonymous, and I take issue with the anonymous "ssgt" statements. Im a cold war vet from the US Navy, one who worked as part of an operation designed to exhaust and bankrupt the Soviet military, by constantly testing their limitations. This SSgt is a defacto shill for a propaganda machine. 1st. Bullsheep. Plain and simple. IF this "SSgt" was actually just debunking a load of Steaming Holstein, none of his command would have much issue with any of his statements, especially publicly available facts such as retention rates and base activities that are noted on,, wikipedia, and many other websites worldwide. There is no need to be anonymous when youre not releasing classified data, is there? Saying "there is not a plot" is not contrary to secure data, even if there is not a plot. 2nd 6 people dying within days of a world-record nuclear screw-up is decidedly newsworthy, and suspicious, in itself. The rate of fatalities in the military isnt that high even in war zones. 3rd The "Decider" has already stated that he believes the USA has the right to bomb Iran, and that he will not certify that hed refuse to use nukes. "No option is off the table" as he is fond of saying. I think thats pretty damn clear, being as it is coming from the Commander In Chief. 4th The military reporting of these incidents is itself contrary to military secrecy, reason, and law. I suspect an altogether different agenda. I believe that this high-level press coverage of a screw up, carrying nukes on B52s, is designed to use the US Media [gasp, theyve never done that before!] to pressure Iran to meet US demands. a. The US military would never release to the public any real classified data, especially including data about moved or missing nukes, without authority from the White House.

b. The US media is NOT entitled to print or distribute classified information, and is NEVER brought-in as it was in this case, so rapidly or on such an elemental and critical faux paus. c. The only logical excuse for the sudden and detail-filled news coverage of this event is that of an intentional release of data for political purposes. 5th Declaring that the US Military is lying in the media isnt illegal provided that one does not expose any actual events or secrets, or violate the UCMJ by disobeying a direct order. All soldiers still have their civil rights. These rights are merely waived as needed for valid military purposes, as it is the job of a soldier to take abnormal risks and bear state secrets. If it was really a secret, the anonymous sergeant would now be a traitor to the USA, just by talking about it. Thus, the implication that the letter is legit, is ALSO an implication that the letter is NOT legit. There is no need to be anonymous if its not a secret. QED. This is an example of a circular argument. Thus, "I" am not violating any UCMJ or Federal laws by stating tha t its bunk. You cant cite me for a double negative: Im stating that what doesnt exist, doesnt not exist. We call that the First Amendment, and whether Dumbya likes it or not, its still in force. Im saying that there is no pink elephant. The missiles were moved, without any doubts, intentionally; OR The missiles were never moved and the press coverage is based on propaganda to scare Iran; OR the missiles were moved and the press coverage is based on propaganda to scare Iran. You cant prove or disprove what the US military has done without EXTERNAL data. Theyll say whatever they want to suit themselves. Sincerely, Don Lee E3/EW US Navy vet ASWOC 574 Jacksonville FL Top Secret and other clearances [inactive]


The 9 Stolen Nukes

The 9 Stolen Nukes
Just because CNN and BBC refuse to report the theft of 9 nuclear warheads does not mean the stolen nukes are not in the hands of "terrorists" waiting to be used on Live TV. The following allegedly accidental nuclear terror incidents involving both the United States and the United Kingdom are entitled "Empty Quivers", meaning that they refer to the seizure, theft, or loss of a functioning nuclear weapon.

When each case is fully examined, there is no question that the U.S. and the U.K. are at least guilty of nuclear terrorism by purposely allowing the "theft" of nuclear weapons. If and when a Nuclear 9/11 occurs, there is no doubt that the isotopic signature, if properly tested, will come from a Western nation as depicted in Blackjack, the most famous nuclear pornography released to date. The following is an excerpt from David Chase Taylor's book entitled The Nuclear Bible. To download a free copy, click here. Nuclear Terrorism: 1. Steal, buy or otherwise acquire fissile material and fabricate a crude nuclear bomb 2. Steal, buy or otherwise acquire a ready-made nuclear weapon; or take over a nuclear-armed submarine, plane or base. 3. Attack a nuclear reactor or waste fuel cooling pond. 4. Disrupt critical inputs for the safe running of a nuclear reactor e.g. water supply for cooling, electrical power supply. 5. Attack or steal nuclear fuel or waste containers, most likely in transit. 6. Make and detonate a radiological weapon, or "dirty bomb", to spread radioactive material

The 6 Hijacked Nukes

The greatest fears of nuclear terrorism came true on August 29, 2007, and it occurred within the United States, not an Islamic country. The shocking story was shelved from the beginning and wasnt even reported until September 23, 2007. Under the careful watch of the Bush and Cheney administration, 6 thermo-nuclear 150 kilo-ton nuclear warheads went missing. What role these weapons in question would have played in the planned nuclear terror attack in Dallas, Texas, on February 6, 2011, is unknown, but Barksdale Air Force Base, where the nukes were last seen, is roughly 100 miles from Dallas, Texas. Although the Air Force has stated that the nuclear weapons were recovered, the deaths of at least (10) U.S. Air Force servicemen surrounding the incident makes it impossible to confirm that the Air Force's actually recovered the weapons. (read full story below)

3 British Nukes Stolen in Oman

In the late 1970's or early 1980's, current Prime Minister of England, David Cameron, allegedly traveled to South Africa along with a nuclear technician on behalf of the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and returned with a deal for 3 nuclear weapons. These nuclear weapons were then allegedly shipped to Oman whereby they were put in private sector storage. The weapons were eventually stolen by John Bredenkamp, an international arms dealer who allegedly sold them to Britain and then stole them back to sell on the Black market. Title: UK Extremely Worried About Stolen Nukes Date: November 25, 2011 Source: Press TV Abstract: Is the UK frantically trying to find out where they were sold on the Black Market?

We know something that you don't but can't talk about it Under the Nuclear Explosions Act othe rwise we will all end up in gaol for life. Chris McGreal of the Guardian newspaper published an article 24th of May 2010 revealing how Israel offered to sell nukes to South Africa during the apartheid era. What he failed to reveal was that Israel struck up a deal with South Africa to move its technicians down to the high-security weapons research and development facilities at Pelindaba. It was at this location that the Israeli technicians managed to covertly give themselves nuclear weapons but also under the table gave South Africa its own nuclear capability but guess what?.......the US and UK knew all about the programme but the UN did not!!!.......what was even more amazing was the fact that the UN sent a team to South Africa where they were convinced that South Africa had curtailed its nuclear weapons programme when in actual fact it had not!! It is fairly obvious why Israel is totally consumed in trying to find these stolen weapon and needless to say the US and British Governments are equally as concerned and yet are not in a position to admit to their loss as in doing so would incriminate past and current very senior politicians including our current Prime Minister David Cameron. It always appear to be the case that your past always comes back to haunt you. So let's just recall the history behind these weapons that were designed and commissioned all during the UN embargo years and who was allegedly involved. I must also make it quite clear that many of the world leaders and senior members of government have been involved in these under the table deals which has resulted in many of them accumulating much wealth either for the party election funds or for their own personal gain. When one further considers that these faceless individuals not only govern out country but are also directly responsible for the death of millions of people both military staff and civilians it is extremely hard to understand. How can any government have such a flawed intelligence network and allow such things to take place without some sort of audit to see what is going on behind the scenes. We have seen both the US, UK, EU and Israel transfer almost everything from chemical and biological weapons to nuclear part to countries which they have since called the Axis of Evil............that statement is not totally true because the "Axis of Evil" is right here in the heart of London!! It was in the late 1970 when the South African nuclear programme started to go into full swing with the compliments of the Israeli scientists resulting in the first test and only test firing of a nuclear weapon. The test took place on a moored vessel anchored off Prince Edward Island on the 22nd of September 1979 when a typical double flash was observed from a passing US satellite. One has to understand that this was all under the radar of the United Nations with the full knowledge of selected members of the US and British Governments. The US immediately went on the defensive by creating their False Flag report known as the Vela Incident in which they explained the following: The conclusions of the Presidential panel (the Ad Hoc Panel) were reassuring, as they suggested that the most likely explanation of the Vela detection was a meteoroid hitting the satellite - in part because of the discrepancy in bhangmeter readings Others who examined the data, including the Defense Intelligence

Agency (DIA), the national laboratories, and defense contractors reached a very different conclusion that the data supported the conclusion that on 22 September 1979, Vela 6911 had detected a nuclear detonation. What I find ironic here is the fact that several agencies confirmed it was a nuclear explosion but the US Government conveniently put it to bed. I can assure you that through my own scientific contacts in the US this did actually happen and an internal memo at the Los Alamos nuclear research facility confirmed that it had been a nuclear explosion. One has to understand the high stakes involved in such programmes, especially when vast sums of money are being banded around senior political figures. This is truly corruption at its best! The joint venture (Israel - South Africa) created 10 Battlefield Bombs and after the first test that left nine. The bombs were designed to be highly mobile and reasonably compact and could be carried by the British Canberra bomber or the Buccaneer. It became apparent in later years that the supremacy of white power in South Africa was about to finish and so they had to open up discussion with the Americans and British as they feared these weapons getting into the hands of the blacks. It was during this time that a decision was made to ship all nine bombs to Chicago for de commissioning. However, our dear Iron Lady Maggie Thatcher decided that it would be a good idea to maybe acquire a few of the weapons for possible use against Iraq in the event Saddam did not toe the line. Thatcher then ordered her Page Boy, David Cameron, to go down to South Africa along with what was believed to be the only technical man available (non other than the now( Sir) Kenneth Warren). Others also believed to be implicated was David Wilshire and many other senior members of government. In actual fact as we follow this charade up to the current time we could possible include other very senior person such as Lord McAlpine, Peter Lilley, Alan Clarke and Ken Clarke and others I have previously named in other articles. The late Dr. David Kelly was also involved. We have to remember that this was almost a private sector deal with many political figures implicated some of whom became share holders in the illegal nuke purchase. We are talking here about an extremely high risk deal, with little security for the weapons themselves as everything had to be done in a low key covert way. As we already know David Cameron was able to secure a deal for his lady mentor, Maggie Thatcher, and returned with a deal for three nuclear weapons. They were shipped to Oman whereby they were put in private sector storage and eventually stolen by John Bredenkamp, the arms dealer who sold them to Britain and then stole them back to sell on the Black market and the rest is now history. We have to understand that British Tax Payers money was then placed in the Conservative Party Electoral Fund (17.8m) which to this day has not been accounted for and other money was made available to Tony Blair (1m) compliments of Bernie Ecclesone. On top of this a slush fund was also developed to silence other third parties that knew of the deal and our dear Mr. Ken Clarke then implemented his gagging orders to those involved!! I guess you do not believe this story......why don't you check it out yourself it is written in Hansard 22nd June 1993, and starting at Col. 197 when Lord Doug Hoyle raised the issue in the House as follows:

Mr Hoyle: If the hon. Gentleman will allow me, I shall tell him what information is now given to us. We understand the expenditure and what Tory central office receives. In 1992, central office received 20.7 million. When we asked about that and about company donations, the Tory party told us to look at company accounts. I repeat: in 1992, the Tories received 20.7 million. When the records were checked by Companies house, only 2.9 198million was shown in company accounts. That means that there is a deficit of 17.8 million. We want to know where that 17.8 million came from. Mr Tim Smith: The hon. Gentleman has made the suggestion about the accounts of the Conservative party that was made by a member of the Select Committee last week: that no accounts had been published between 1979 and 1983. They were published, and I undertook to send copies to the Select Committee. Mr Hoyle: I gave way to the hon. Gentleman because I expected him to tell me where the difference of 17.8 million came from. I shall give way again to him. I am told that he is a treasurer of the Conservative party. I give way to him now so that he can stand up and tell us where the 17.8 million came from. Does the hon. Gentleman care to do that? I am waiting. I do not think that we shall get the information from the horse's mouth. We certainly did not get it from the Secretary of State. I could write article after article on the many levels of corruption that occurred in both the US and the UK (not forgetting Israel) and the terrible consequences of this greed resulting in the death of many of our own troops and innocent civilians.all for their own pocket. Solid evidence proves that over the period of 1982-90 Iraq was supplied by the US and UK with WMD, including biological cultures and chemical precursors of nerve gases etc (Press TV, 2011).

6 Thermo-Nuclear Warheads Stolen in 2007

The greatest fears of nuclear terrorism came true on August 29, 2007, and it occurred within the United States, not an Islamic country. The shocking story was shelved from the beginning and wasnt even reported until September 23, 2007. Under the careful watch of the Bush and Cheney administration, 6 thermo-nuclear 150 kilo-ton nuclear warheads went missing. What role these weapons in question would have played in the planned nuclear terror attack in Dallas, Texas, on February 6, 2011, is unknown, but Barksdale Air Force Base, where the nukes were last seen, is roughly 100 miles from Dallas, Texas. Although the Air Force has stated that the nuclear weapons were recovered, the deaths of at least (10) U.S. Air Force servicemen surrounding the incident makes it impossible to confirm the recovery of the weapons. Title: Missteps In The Bunker Date: September 23, 2007 Source: Washington Post Abstract: Just after 9 a.m. on Aug. 29, a group of U.S. airmen entered a sod-covered bunker on North Dakota's Minot Air Force Base with orders to collect a set of unarmed cruise missiles bound for a weapons graveyard. They quickly pulled out a dozen cylinders, all of which appeared identical from a cursory glance, and hauled them along Bomber Boulevard to a waiting B-52 bomber. The airmen attached the gray missiles to the plane's wings, six on each side. After eyeballing the missiles on the right side, a flight officer signed a manifest that listed a dozen unarmed AGM-129 missiles. The officer did not notice that the six on the left contained nuclear warheads, each with the destructive power

of up to 10 Hiroshima bombs. That detail would escape notice for an astounding 36 hours, during which the missiles were flown across the country to a Louisiana air base that had no idea nuclear warheads were coming. It was the first known flight by a nuclear-armed bomber over U.S. airspace, without special high-level authorization, in nearly 40 years. The episode, serious enough to trigger a rare "Bent Spear" nuclear incident report that raced through the chain of command to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and President Bush, provoked new questions inside and outside the Pentagon about the adequacy of U.S. nuclear weapons safeguards while the military's attention and resources are devoted to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Three weeks after word of the incident leaked to the public, new details obtained by The Washington Post point to security failures at multiple levels in North Dakota and Louisiana, according to interviews with current and former U.S. officials briefed on the initial results of an Air Force investigation of the incident. The warheads were attached to the plane in Minot without special guard for more than 15 hours, and they remained on the plane in Louisiana for nearly nine hours more before being discovered. In total, the warheads slipped from the Air Force's nuclear safety net for more than a day without anyone's knowledge. "I have been in the nuclear business since 1966 and am not aware of any incident more disturbing," retired Air Force Gen. Eugene Habiger, who served as U.S. Strategic Command chief from 1996 to 1998, said in an interview. A simple error in a missile storage room led to missteps at every turn, as ground crews failed to notice the warheads, and as security teams and flight crew members failed to provide adequate oversight and check the cargo thoroughly. An elaborate nuclear safeguard system, nurtured during the Cold War and infused with rigorous accounting and command procedures, was utterly debased, the investigation's early results show. The incident came on the heels of multiple warnings -- some of which went to the highest levels of the Bush administration, including the National Security Council -- of security problems at Air Force installations where nuclear weapons are kept. The risks are not that warheads might be accidentally detonated, but that sloppy procedures could leave room for theft or damage to a warhead, disseminating its toxic nuclear materials. A former National Security Council staff member with detailed knowledge described the event as something that people in the White House "have been assured never could happen." What occurred on Aug. 29-30, the former official said, was "a breakdown at a number of levels involving flight crew, munitions, storage and tracking procedures -- faults that never were to line up on a single day." Missteps in the Bunker The air base where the incident took place is one of the most remote and, for much of the year, coldest military posts in the continental United States. Veterans of Minot typically describe their assignments by counting the winters passed in the flat, treeless region where January temperatures sometimes reach 30 below zero. In airman-speak, a three-year assignment becomes "three winters" at Minot. The daily routine for many of Minot's crews is a cycle of scheduled maintenance for the base's 35 aging B-52H Stratofortress bombers -- mammoth, eight-engine workhorses, the newest of which left the assembly line more than 45 years ago. Workers also tend to 150 intercontinental ballistic missiles kept at the ready in silos scattered across neighboring cornfields, as well as hundreds of smaller nuclear bombs,

warheads and vehicles stored in sod-covered bunkers called igloos. "We had a continuous workload in maintaining" warheads, said Scott Vest, a former Air Force captain who spent time in Minot's bunkers in the 1990s. "We had a stockpile of more than 400 . . . and some of them were always coming due" for service. Among the many weapons and airframes, the AGM-129 cruise missile was well known at the base as a nuclear warhead delivery system carried by B-52s. With its unique shape and design, it is easily distinguished from the older AGM-86, which can be fitted with either a nuclear or a conventional warhead. Last fall, after 17 years in the U.S. arsenal, the Air Force's more than 400 AGM-129s were ordered into retirement by then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. Minot was told to begin shipping out the unarmed missiles in small groups to Barksdale Air Force Base near Shreveport, La., for storage. By Aug. 29, its crews had already sent more than 200 missiles to Barksdale and knew the drill by heart. The Air Force's account of what happened that day and the next was provided by multiple sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the government's investigation is continuing and classified. At 9:12 a.m. local time on Aug. 29, according to the account, ground crews in two trucks entered a gated compound at Minot known as the Weapons Storage Area and drove to an igloo where the cruise missiles were stored. The 21-foot missiles were already mounted on pylons, six apiece in clusters of three, for quick mounting to the wings of a B-52. The AGM-129 is designed to carry silver W-80-1 nuclear warheads, which have a variable yield of between 5 and 150 kilotons. (A kiloton is equal to the explosive force of 1,000 tons of TNT.) The warheads were meant to have been removed from the missiles before shipment. In their place, crews were supposed to insert metal dummies of the same size and weight, but a different color, so the missiles could still be properly attached under the bomber's wings. A munitions custodian officer is supposed to keep track of the nuclear warheads. In the case of cruise missiles, a stamp-size window on the missile's frame allows workers to peer inside to check whether the warheads within are silver. In many cases, a red ribbon or marker attached to the missile serves as an additional warning. Finally, before the missiles are moved, two-man teams are supposed to look at check sheets, bar codes and serial numbers denoting whether the missiles are armed. Why the warheads were not noticed in this case is not publicly known. But once the missiles were certified as unarmed, a requirement for unique security precautions when nuclear warheads are moved -such as the presence of specially armed security police, the approval of a senior base commander and a special tracking system -- evaporated. The trucks hauled the missile pylons from the bunker into the bustle of normal air base traffic, onto Bomber Boulevard and M Street, before turning onto a tarmac apron where the missiles were loaded onto the B-52. The loading took eight hours because of unusual trouble attaching the pylon on the right side of the plane -- the one with the dummy warheads. By 5:12 p.m., the B-52 was fully loaded. The plane then sat on the tarmac overnight without special guards, protected for 15 hours by only the base's exterior chain-link fence and roving security patrols. Air Force rules required members of the jet's flight crew to examine all of the missiles and warheads before the plane took off. But in this instance, just one person examined only the six unarmed missiles and inexplicably skipped the armed missiles on the left, according to officials familiar with the probe. "If they're not expecting a live warhead it may be a very casual thing -- there's no need to set up the

security system and play the whole nuclear game," said Vest, the former Minot airman. "As for the air crew, they're bus drivers at this point, as far as they know." The plane, which had flown to Minot for the mission and was not certified to carry nuclear weapons, departed the next morning for Louisiana. When the bomber landed at Barksdale at 11:23 a.m., the air crew signed out and left for lunch, according to the probe. It would be another nine hours -- until 8:30 p.m. -- before a Barksdale ground crew turned up at the parked aircraft to begin removing the missiles. At 8:45, 15 minutes into the task, a separate missile transport crew arrived in trucks. One of these airmen noticed something unusual about the missiles. Within an hour, a skeptical supervisor had examined them and ordered them secured. By then it was 10 p.m., more than 36 hours after the warheads left their secure bunker in Minot. Once the errant warheads were discovered, Air Force officers in Louisiana were alarmed enough to immediately notify the National Military Command Center, a highly secure area of the Pentagon that serves as the nerve center for U.S. nuclear war planning. Such "Bent Spear" events are ranked second in seriousness only to "Broken Arrow" incidents, which involve the loss, destruction or accidental detonation of a nuclear weapon. The Air Force decided at first to keep the mishap under wraps, in part because of policies that prohibit the confirmation of any details about the storage or movement of nuclear weapons. No public acknowledgment was made until service members leaked the story to the Military Times, which published a brief account Sept. 5. Officials familiar with the Bent Spear report say Air Force officials apparently did not anticipate that the episode would cause public concern. One passage in the report contains these four words: "No press interest anticipated." 'What the Hell Happened Here?' The news, when it did leak, provoked a reaction within the defense and national security communities that bordered on disbelief: How could so many safeguards, drilled into generations of nuclear weapons officers and crews, break down at once? Military officers, nuclear weapons analysts and lawmakers have expressed concern that it was not just a fluke, but a symptom of deeper problems in the handling of nuclear weapons now that Cold War anxieties have abated. "It is more significant than people first realized, and the more you look at it, the stranger it is," said Joseph Cirincione, director for nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress think tank and the author of a history of nuclear weapons. "These weapons -- the equivalent of 60 Hiroshimas -- were out of authorized command and control for more than a day." The Air Force has sought to offer assurances that its security system is working. Within days, the service relieved one Minot officer of his command and disciplined several airmen, while assigning a major general to head an investigation that has already been extended for extra weeks. At the same time, Defense Department officials have announced that a Pentagon-appointed scientific advisory board will study the mishap as part of a larger review of procedures for handling nuclear weapons. "Clearly this incident was unacceptable on many levels," said an Air Force spokesman, Lt. Col. Edward

Thomas. "Our response has been swift and focused -- and it has really just begun. We will spend many months at the air staff and at our commands and bases ensuring that the root causes are addressed." While Air Force officials see the Minot event as serious, they also note that it was harmless, since the six nuclear warheads never left the military's control. Even if the bomber had crashed, or if someone had stolen the warheads, fail-safe devices would have prevented a nuclear detonation. But independent experts warn that whenever nuclear weapons are not properly safeguarded, their fissile materials are at risk of theft and diversion. Moreover, if the plane had crashed and the warheads' casings cracked, these highly toxic materials could have been widely dispersed. "When what were multiple layers of tight nuclear weapon control internal procedures break down, some bad guy may eventually come along and take advantage of them," said a former senior administration official who had responsibility for nuclear security. Some Air Force veterans say the base's officers made an egregious mistake in allowing nuclear-warheadequipped missiles and unarmed missiles to be stored in the same bunker, a practice that a spokesman last week confirmed is routine. Charles Curtis, a former deputy energy secretary in the Clinton administration, said, "We always relied on segregation of nuclear weapons from conventional ones." Former nuclear weapons officials have noted that the weapons transfer at the heart of the incident coincides with deep cuts in deployed nuclear forces that will bring the total number of warheads to as few as 1,700 by the year 2012 -- a reduction of more than 50 percent from 2001 levels. But the downsizing has created new accounting and logistical challenges, since U.S. policy is to keep thousands more warheads in storage, some as a strategic reserve and others awaiting dismantling. A secret 1998 history of the Air Combat Command warned of "diminished attention for even 'the minimum standards' of nuclear weapons' maintenance, support and security" once such arms became less vital, according to a declassified copy obtained by Hans Kristensen, director of the Federation of American Scientists' nuclear information project. The Air Force's inspector general in 2003 found that half of the "nuclear surety" inspections conducted that year resulted in failing grades -- the worst performance since inspections of weapons-handling began. Minot's 5th Bomb Wing was among the units that failed, and the Louisiana-based 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale garnered an unsatisfactory rating in 2005. Both units passed subsequent nuclear inspections, and Minot was given high marks in a 2006 inspection. The 2003 report on the 5th Bomb Wing attributed its poor performance to the demands of supporting combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wartime stresses had "resulted in a lack of time to focus and practice nuclear operations," the report stated. Last year, the Air Force eliminated a separate nuclear-operations directorate known informally as the N Staff, which closely tracked the maintenance and security of nuclear weapons in the United States and other NATO countries. Currently, nuclear and space operations are combined in a single directorate. Air Force officials say the change was part of a service-wide reorganization and did not reflect diminished importance of nuclear operations. "Where nuclear weapons have receded into the background is at the senior policy level, where there are other things people have to worry about," said Linton F. Brooks, who resigned in January as director of the National Nuclear Security Administration. Brooks, who oversaw billions of dollars in U.S. spending to help Russia secure its nuclear stockpile, said the mishandling of U.S. warheads indicates that "something went seriously wrong."

A similar refrain has been voiced hundreds of times in blogs and chat rooms popular with former and current military members. On a Web site run by the Military Times, a former B-52 crew chief who did not give his name wrote: "What the hell happened here?" A former Air Force senior master sergeant wrote separately that "mistakes were made at the lowest level of supervision and this snowballed into the one of the biggest mistakes in USAF history. I am still scratching my head wondering how this could [have] happened" (Washington Post, 2007).

Title: Air Chiefs Face Court After Armed Nuclear Missiles Were Flown Across U.S. Date: October 19, 2007 Source: Daily Mail Abstract: At least five U.S. Air Force commanders are facing criminal charges for allowing armed nuclear cruise missiles to be flown across America. The officers, one a colonel, have been relieved of their command following an investigation into what has been described as the worst breach of weapons security for 40 years. The alert on August 29 involved a B-52 Stratofortress bomber being flown 1,500 miles from North Dakota to Louisiana with six armed nuclear warheads in launch position below its wings. Each one had ten times the destructive force of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The incident sparked a so-called "Bent Spear" nuclear alert, one step down in military terms from a "Broken Arrow". A "Broken Arrow" is triggered if a nuclear missile has been lost or detonated in a way that does not create the risk of nuclear war. Except in times of high-alert or war, bomber flights with live nuclear weapons over land were ended in the late 1960s after accidents in Spain in 1966 and in Greenland in 1968. They are now normally transferred unarmed in the hold of cargo planes. The B-52 flight sparked a dramatic security alert. White House and defence chiefs were horrified when the mistake was spotted after the plane landed at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. It sat overnight on the tarmac at Minot, North Dakota, without the special guards all nuclear weapons require, and only a chainlink fence and an occasional roving security patrol to protect it. One Security Council official said: "All the elaborate safeguards built in involving crew, munitions, storage and tracing procedures meant this could never happen. But it did." Russia is developing new types of nuclear weapons, President Putin revealed yesterday as he unveiled plans to boost the country's defences. The move triggered anxiety in the West of a return to the Cold War. "We will develop missile technology including completely new strategic (nuclear) complexes, completely new," Mr Putin told a televised question session with Russian citizens. "Work is continuing and continuing successfully" (Daily Mail, 2009).

Title: Missing Nukes: Treason Of The Highest Order

Date: October 29, 2007 Source: Global Research Abstract: According to a wide range of reports, several nuclear bombs were "lost" for 36 hours after taking off August 29/30, 2007 on a "cross-country journey" across the U.S., from U.S.A.F Base Minot in North Dakota to U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale in Louisiana. Reportedly, in total there were six W80-1 nuclear warheads armed on AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs) that were "lost." The story was first reported by the Military Times, after military servicemen leaked the story. It is also worth noting that on August 27, 2007, just days before the "lost" nukes incident, three B-52 Bombers were performing special missions under the direct authorization of General Moseley, the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force. The exercise was reported as being an aerial information and image gathering mission. The base at Minot is also home of the 91st Space Wings, a unit under the command of Air Force Space Command (AFSPC). According to official reports, the U.S. Air Force pilots did not know that they were carrying weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Once in Louisiana, they also left the nuclear weapons unsecured on the runway for several hours. U.S. Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans, and Requirements, Major-General Richard Y. Newton III commented on the incident, saying there was an "unprecedented" series of procedural errors, which revealed "an erosion of adherence to weaponshandling standards". These statements are misleading. The lax security was not the result of procedural negligence within the U.S. Air Force, but rather the consequence of a deliberate tampering of these procedures. If a soldier, marine, airman, or sailor were even to be issued a rifle and rifle magazine - weaponry of a far lesser significance, danger, and cost - there is a strict signing and accountability process that involves a chain of command and paperwork. This is part of the set of military checks and balances used by all the services within the U.S. Armed Forces. Military servicemen qualified to speak on the subject will confirm that there is a stringent nuclear weapons handling procedure. There is a rigorous, almost inflexible, chain of command in regards to the handling of nuclear weapons and not just any soldier, sailor, airman, or marine is allowed to handle nuclear weapons. Only servicemen specialized in specific handling and loading procedures, are perm certified to handle, access and load nuclear warheads. Every service personnel that moves or even touches these weapons must sign a tracking paper and has total accountability for their movement. There is good reason for the paperwork behind moving these weapons. The military officers that order the movement of nuclear weapons, including base commanders, must also fill out paper forms. In other words, unauthorized removal of nuclear weapons would be virtually impossible to accomplish unless the chain of command were bypassed, involving, in this case, the deliberate tampering of the paperwork and tracking procedures. The strategic bombers that carried the nuclear weapons also could not fly with their loaded nuclear weaponry without the authorization of senior military officials and the base commander. The go-ahead authorization of senior military officials must be transmitted to the servicemen that upload the nuclear weapons. Without this authorization no flights can take place. In the case of the missing nukes, orders were given and flight permission was granted. Once again, any competent and eligible U.S.

Air Force member can certify that this is the standard procedure. There are two important questions to be answered in relation to the "lost" nukes incident: 1. Who gave the order to arm the W80-1 thermonuclear warheads on the AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs)? 2. At what level in the military hierarchy did this order originate? How was the order transmitted down the command chain? 3. If this was not a procedural error, what was the underlying military-political objective sought by those who gave the orders? The Impossibility of "Losing" Nuclear Weapons As Robert Stormer, a former U.S. lieutenant-commander in the U.S. Navy, has commented: "Press reports initially cited the Air Force mistake of flying nuclear weapons over the United States in violation of Air Force standing orders and international treaties, while completely missing the more important major issues, such as how six nuclear cruise missiles got loose to begin with." Stormer also makes a key point, which is not exactly a secret: "There is a strict chain of custody for all such weapons. Nuclear weapons handling is spelled out in great detail in Air Force regulations, to the credit of that service. Every person who orders the movement of these weapons, handles them, breaks seals or moves any nuclear weapon must sign off for tracking purposes. Two armed munitions specialists are required to work as a team with all nuclear weapons. All individuals working with nuclear weapons must meet very strict security standards and be tested for loyalty - this is known as a [Nuclear Weapons] Personnel Reliability Program [DoDD 5210 42].' They work in restricted areas within eyeshot of one another and are reviewed constantly." Stormer unwraps the whole Pentagon cover-up by pointing out some logical facts and military procedures. First he reveals that: "All security forces assigned [to handle and protect nuclear weapons] are authorized to use deadly force to protect the weapons from any threat [including would-be thieves]." He then points out a physical reality that can not be shrugged aside: "Nor does anyone quickly move a 1ton cruise missile - or forget about six of them, as reported by some news outlets, especially cruise missiles loaded with high explosives." He further explains another physical and procedural reality about nuclear weapons assembly: "The United States also does not transport nuclear weapons meant for elimination attached to their launch vehicles under the wings of a combat aircraft. The procedure is to separate the warhead from the missile, encase the warhead and transport it by military cargo aircraft to a repository - not an operational bomber base that just happens to be the staging area for Middle Eastern operations." This last point raises the question of what were the nuclear weapons meant for? In this context, Stomrer puts forth the following list of important questions to which he demands an answer: 1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale? 2. How long was it before the error was discovered? 3. How many mistakes and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen?

4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked? 5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored? 6. How many other nuclear command and control non-observations of procedure have there been? 7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee U.S. nuclear command and control? 8. How does this incident relate to concern for reliability of control over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia, Pakistan and elsewhere? 9. Does the Bush administration, as some news reports suggest, have plans to attack Iran with nuclear weapons? It is a matter of perception, whether it is "clear" or "unclear", as to why the nuclear warheads had not been removed beforehand from the missiles. For those who have been observing these series of "unclear" events it is becoming "clear" that a criminal government is at the helm of the United States. There was no way that the six nuclear missiles could have been "mistakenly" loaded, especially when their separate warheads had to be affixed to the missiles by individuals specialized in such a momentous task. It is also being claimed that military teams in both U.S.A.F. Base Minot and U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale made major "procedural errors". What are the probabilities of this occurring simultaneously in two locations? It is also worth noting that original reports from military sources talked about only five of the six nuclear warheads from Minot being accounted for in Barksdale. Nuclear warheads are also kept in specialized storage areas or bunkers. Moreover, nuclear weapons are not being decommissioned at Barksdale. The Role of the Nuclear Weapons Surety Program: What happened to Electronic Monitoring? The Nuclear Weapons Surety Program is a joint program between the U.S. Department of Defence and the U.S. Department of Energy. The National Security Agency (NSA) is also involved as well as other U.S. federal government agencies. The Nuclear Weapons System Safety Program is part of this program, which involves a monitoring and safeguards regime for the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The Nuclear Weapons Security Standard falls under the Nuclear Weapons Surety Program and is in place to disallow any "unauthorized access to nuclear weapons; prevent damage or sabotage to nuclear weapons; prevent loss of custody; and prevent, to the maximum extent possible, radiological contamination caused by unauthorized acts." Under this or these safeguards system there also exists a rigorous control of use scheme, which is tied to the military chain of command and the White House. 'Command and Control' (C2) and 'Use Control' 'Use control' is a set of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized access to nuclear weapons. These measures involve weapons design features, operational procedures, security, and system safety rules. 'Command and Control' or 'C2' involves the Office of the President of the United States of America. C2 is an established line of command, which is tied to the White House. Without it, nuclear weapons cannot be deployed or armed as they were in U.S.A.F. Base Minot. It is these two control elements that establish the basis of authorization through which "absolute control of nuclear weapons" is maintained "at all times." In addition to the checks and balances in place in regards to handling nuclear weapons, the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and its partners manually and electronically inspect and monitor all U.S. nuclear weapons through the Nuclear Weapon Status Information Systems.

More Unanswered Questions: What Happened to the Computerized Tracking System? The Nuclear Management Information Systems "interface with each other and provide [the U.S. Department of Defence] with the ability to track the location of nuclear weapons and components from cradle-to-grave [meaning from when they are made to when they are decommissioned]." The Military Times also makes an omission that exposes the official narrative as false and indicates that the event was not just a mistake: "The Defense Department uses a computerized tracking program to keep tabs on each one of its nuclear warheads, said Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists. For the six warheads to make it onto the B-52, each one would have had to be signed out of its storage bunker and transported to the bomber." This is where the chain of command in regards to military officers falls into play. If any of the stocked inventories of nuclear weapons are moved to an authorized location they will be noticed and tracked by the DTRA and will require the relevant authorization. There is also a code system involved that is tied to the chain of command. The fact that the incident only apparently became known to the U.S. Air Force when military personnel reported it, suggests that either the nuclear weapons were ordered to be moved or that the electronic tracking devices had been removed or tampered with. This scenario would need the involvement of individuals with expertise in military electronics or for those responsible for the monitoring of nuclear weapons to look the other way or both. Mysterious Deaths in the United States Air Force: Whitewash and Cover-up Several military personnel died under mysterious circumstances shortly before and after the incident. There are now questions regarding the fate of these individuals in the U.S. Air Force who could have had relationships in one way or another to the incident or possibly have been directly involved. It is also necessary to state that there is no proof that these deaths are linked to the August flight from Minot to Barksdale in question. Citizens for Legitimate Government has pointed towards the involvement of the U.S. Air Force in a cover-up and has linked several deaths of U.S. servicemen to the incident. Lori Price has also stated for Citizens for a Legitimate Government that "you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke on a B-52." Based on several news sources, including the U.S. military, we provide below a detailed review of these mysterious and untimely deaths of U.S. servicemen. Airman 1st Class Todd Blue Airman 1st Class Todd Blue went on leave days after the nuclear weapons were "lost." Blue died under questionable timing while on leave, visiting his family in Wytheville, Virginia at the age of 20 on September 10, 2007. He was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. What does this mean? Airman Todd Blue occupied a key position in weapons systems security at Minot. At Minot U.S.A.F. Base the 5th Security Forces Squadron to which he belonged was responsible for base entry requirements and a particular section, the Weapons System Security section, was responsible for preventing the unauthorized removal of military property. The latter is responsible for security of all priority resources, meaning the security of nuclear weapons. In other words not only did the 5th Security Forces Squadron keep eyes on what entered and left Minot, but they kept an eye on and monitored the nuclear

weapons. U.S. Air Force Captain John Frueh U.S. Air Force Captain John Frueh is another serviceman who could have been indirectly connected to the "lost" nuclear weapons. He was reported as being last seen with a GPS device, camera, and camcorder being carried with him in a backpack. Local police in Oregon and the F.B.I. seemed to be looking for him for days. His family also felt that something bad had happened to him. On September 8, 2007 Captain Frueh was found dead in Washington State, near his abandoned rental car, after the Portland Police Department contacted the Skamania County Sheriff's Officer. The last time he spoke with his family was August 30, 2007. He had arrived from Florida to attend a wedding that he never showed up at. The Oregonian reported that "Authorities in Portland found no activity on his credit or bank cards since [Frueh] was last seen (...) [and that] the last call from his cell phone was made at 12:28 p.m. [August 30, 2007] from Mill Plain Boulevard and Interstate 205 in Vancouver [Washington State]." His background was in meteorology and the study of the atmosphere and weather. He was also reported to be a U.S. Air Force pararescue officer. He was also a major-select candidate, which means he was selected for a promotion as a U.S. Air Force major, but was not officially promoted. U.S.A.F. Special Operations Command has its headquarters in Hurlburt Field, Florida and is one of nine major Air Force commands. It is also the U.S. Air Force's component of U.S. Special Operations Command, a unified command located at MacDill Air Force Base, which is also in Florida. The force provides special operations forces for worldwide deployment and assignment to regional unified commands, such as CENTCOM. Its missions include conduct of global special operations. These operations - and this is where careful attention should be paid - range from "precision application of firepower, such as nuclear weapons," to infiltration, exfiltration (the removal of "devices," supplies, spies, special agents, or units from enemy territory), re-supply and refuelling of special operational elements. In Captain Frueh's case his death is questionable too. The U.S. Air Force would not let a missing persons' investigation go forward by the police without conducting its own investigation. Usually the different service branches of the U.S. military would investigate for missing servicemen, to see if these individuals are Absent Without Authorized Leave (AWAL) or have deserted, before an individual's case is handed over to the police. Senior Airman Clint Huff Another military weatherman, along with his wife, also died after August 30, 2007. Senior Airman Clint Huff, who belonged to the 26th Operational Weather Squadron, and his wife Linda Huff died in a motorcycle accident on September 15, 2007. The husband and wife fatality happened on ShreveportBlanchard Highway, near U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale, when according to the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Officer a Pontiac Aztec, a medium-sized SUV, initiated a left turn at the same time that the couple attempted to pass on a no passing zone and collided. First-Lieutenant Weston Kissel

Weston Kissel, a B-52H Stratofortress Bomber pilot, also died in a reported Tennessee motorcycle accident. This was while he was on leave in, less than two months from the nuclear B-52 flights, on July 17, 2007. His death came after another single-vehicle accident by another Minot serviceman, Senior Airman Adam Barrs. Senior Airman Barrs Senior Airman Barrs died as a passenger in a vehicle being driven by Airman 1st Class Stephen Garrett, also from Minot. Garrett, also belongs to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. The death of Barrs was reported as being part of a single-vehicle car accident. Associated Press reports state that "[Minot] Base officials say 20-year-old Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday [July 3, 2007] night." Barrs was pronounced dead on the scene of the accident, while Garrett was taken the hospital with no updates released by the U.S. Air Force. Adam Barrs also belonged to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, where he was responsible for the maintenance and securing of the electronic communicational and navigation mission systems aboard the B-52H Stratofortresses on base. The 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron is also one of the units that are responsible for loading and unloading weaponry onto the B-52H Stratofortresses. The deaths of Kissel and Barrs could be dismissed as irrelevant because they occurred prior to the incident. However, Barrs and Kissel could have been in one way or another connected to the advanced planning of the special operation, prior to the incident (special operations are not planned in a few days and may take months and even longer). There is, of course, no proof and only an independent investigation will be able to reveal whether these deaths are connected to the incident. If there was an internal and secretive operation bypassing most military personnel, a few men in key positions would have to have been involved over a period of time prior to the August 29/30, 2007 flight. Senior Airman Barrs, due to his expertise in communication and navigational systems, could potentially have been involved in the preparations that would have allowed the nuclear weapons to escape detection by military surveillance and be ready for takeoff. Reprimands, Replacements and Reassignments in the U.S.A.F. Chain of Command Senior officers, including three colonels and a lieutenant-colonel, are among seventy personnel that will reportedly be disciplined for negligence and for allowing a B-52H Stratofortress Bomber to fly across the U.S. carrying six nuclear-armed cruise missiles that should never have been loaded under its wings. According to the Military Times, George W. Bush Jr. had been swiftly informed. This is a lockstep procedure. This illustrates the importance tied to the authorization needed for handling nuclear weapons. This is part of a two-way process in regards to authorization from the White House. The commander of the 5th Munitions Squadron and the commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, Colonel Bruce Emig, have been replaced along with a series of other senior officers. This implies that the U.S. Air Force chain of command is directly involved in this event. None of these senior officers have been authorized to speak or make statements, according to U.S. military sources. Will any of these officers receive lucrative departure packages? Have they been reassigned? More generally, the nature of the reprimands directed against senior officers involved has not been fully disclosed.

The "memory" of the incident is being erased through a reorganization of the ranks and a purge at U.S.A.F. Base Minot. The streamlining of the chain of command as well as the mysterious deaths of personnel who could have been involved in the incident, raise a series of far-reaching questions. There are several important issues regarding the senior officers' chain of command at Minot, which will be addressed in this article. Once again, the most important questions in regards to the missing nukes are: Who gave the orders and authorization for the operation and what where the underlying objectives of loading armed nuclear missiles? Other Mysterious Deaths Was the Missing Nukes Incident connected to US War Plans directed against Iran? Charles D. Riechers A U.S. Air Force official, Charles D. Riechers, was found dead on October 14, 2007. Riechers was a retired Air Force officer and master navigator specializing in electronic warfare. He was a member of the Senior Executive Service of the U.S. Air Force, and was the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Management. A description of his duties includes "providing sound expert advice and guidance on acquisition and procurement policies, as well as formulating, reviewing and, as assigned, execution of plans, programs and policies relating to organization, function, operation and improvement of the Air Force's acquisition system." He apparently killed himself by running his car's engine inside his suburban garage in Virginia. The death of Charles D. Riechers has been casually linked by The Washington Post to his involvement in fraudulent activities and embezzlement. The Washington Post reported that the Air Force had asked defense contractor, Commonwealth Research Institute (C.R.I.), to give him a job with no known duties while he waited for official clearance for his promoted rank in the Pentagon. Riechers is quoted as saying: "I really didn't do anything for C.R.I.," and "I [still] got a paycheck from them." The question, of course, was whether the contractor might expect favours in return upon his assignment to the Pentagon last January. A mysterious suicide letter expressing shame was subsequently reported; the letter was reportedly from a man who had already admitted without shame that he was receiving money for doing nothing. This was known to the U.S. Senate, which had approved his promotion. In a report featured by Pravda, Russian Intelligence analysts have said that the reported suicide of Charles D. Riechers was a cover-up and that he was murdered because of his involvement in the controversial flight of nuclear weapons over the continental United States. Pravda reports that "Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that American War Leaders have suicided' [sic] one of their Top US Air Force Officials Charles D. Riechers as the rift growing between the U.S. War Leaders and their Top Military Officers over a nuclear attack on Iran appears to be nearing open warfare." According to the Pravda report, the incident was linked to an operation to smuggle nuclear weapons away from the U.S. military in connection to launching a war against Iran. The Commonwealth Research Institute (CRI), a registered non-profit organization is a subsidiary of Concurrent Technologies, which is registered with the IRS as a tax-exempt charity, which is run by Daniel Richard DeVos. Devos is also an associate of John P. Murtha, who was investigated by the F.B.I. for his Saudi links.

Certainly the ties of the Commonwealth Research Institute (CRI), a non-profit organization working for the Pentagon, are questionable and the organization could be a front for internal operations that bypass most military personnel. The case appears to be part of an internal operation that was being kept a secret from most of the U.S. military, but what for? General Russell Elliot Dougherty More than a month before the death of Riechers, General Russell Elliot Dougherty a retired flag officer, was also reported to have died on September 7, 2007 at his home in Falcon Landing military retirement community in Potomac Falls located in Arlington, Virginia. He once was one of the most senior individuals responsible for the nuclear arsenal of the U.S. military and also the former commander of Strategic Air Command (SAC) and director of the Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff, which identified nuclear targets worldwide amongst its responsibilities. At Minot next to his obituary was a military information notice on suicide, telling servicepersons what the signs of suicide are. Russell Dougherty in the course of his military career in the U.S. Air Force had dealt with the issues pertaining to Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), full spectrum dominance, how to defeat the enemy and avoid a nuclear war, other uses for nuclear weaponry, Nuclear Primacy for the U.S., and tackling the effects of the wind and weather - due to their unpredictable natures - on the use of nuclear weapons. The fact that the nuclear warheads were attached to the nuclear cruise missiles could mean that someone wanted to take the weapons in one step or to use them right away. Timely Appointments at U.S.A.F. Base Minot Several of the commanding officers at Minot were freshly appointed in June, 2007. This may have been part of standard procedures, but the timing should not be ignored. 1. Colonel Robert D. Critchlow : Critchlow was transferred, just before the incident, from the Pentagon to Minot and appointed commanding officer for the 91st Operations Group, a missileer unit and the operational backbone of the 91st Space Wing. In Washington, D.C. he was involved in research for the Congressional Research Services and later posted into Air Force Nuclear Response and Homeland Defence. 2. Colonel Myron L. Freeman: Freeman was transferred from Japan to Minot in June, 2007. Colonel Freeman was appointed as the commander of the 91st Security Forces Group, which is responsible for securing Minots nuclear arsenal. 3. Colonel Gregory S. Tim: Tims was also appointed as deputy commander or vice-commander of the 91st Space Wing in June, 2007. However, Colonel Tims was transfered to Minot from California almost a year before. 4. Chief Master Sergeant Mark R. Clark: One of the most senior non-commissioned officers (NCOs) or non-commissioned members (NCMs), Chief Master Sergeant Mark R. Clark, was also transferred to U.S.A.F. Base Minot from Nebraska in July, 2007. 5. Colonel Roosevelt Allen: Allen was also transferred to Minot from Washington, D.C. to become

commander of the 5th Medical Group. 6. Colonel Bruce Emig: Emig , the now-former commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, was also transferred to Minot from U.S.A.F. Base Ellsworth in South Dakota in June, 2007. Colonel Emig was also the base commander of Minot. 7. Colonel Cynthia M. Lundell: Lundell, the now-former group commander for the 5th Maintenance Group, the unit responsible for loading and unloading weaponry onto the B-52H Stratofortresses was also freshly transferred from a NATO post in Western Europe in June, 2007. Were these appointments temporary? Were any of these appointments related to the six lost nuclear missiles? Prior to the Missing Nukes Incident, Minot Airmen Meet with Bush & U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff On June 15, 2007, George W. Bush Jr. met senior officers from U.S.A.F. Base Minot at U.S.A.F. Base McConnell in Wichita, Kansas during a visit to Boeings Integrated Defense Systems facility. Amongst them was Major Daniel Giacomazza of the 5th Operational Support Squadron. Senator Patrick Roberts of Kansas was also present. While he chaired the Senate Intelligence Committe from 2002 to 2007, [Senator] Roberts stonewalled attempts to investigate everything from the manipulation of intelligence in the rush to war in Iraq, President Bushs warrantless wiretaps, and even allegations of the use of torture by the CIA, according to Associated Press (AP) reports. [30] The same report also indicates that the U.S. President was in Wichita for a political fundraiser, and stopped at a new Boys and Girls Club of America to defray the costs of getting to Wichita via Air Force One for Senator Roberts campaign. Military sources have reported that a B-52H Stratofortress was flown to Wichita so that Boeings engineers could take a look in order to make adjustments to the war planes for a new military program. [31] Nothing has been reported about any private meetings between President Bush Jr. or any of his presidential staff and the personnel from Minot. However, reports have been made of meetings between military families and the U.S. President in his office on Air Force One. General Moseley, the Air Force Chief of Staff, had previously visited Minot on March 14-15, 2007, a month before Minot airmen went to Wichita. [32] If a secret mission was being prepared, these events could have played a role in the recruiting phases for an important internal special operation. Following their recruitment, Minot servicemen could have symbolically met General Moseley or White House officials to understand that the mission was being sanctioned by the highest ranks and offices in the United States. Orders had to Come from the Top: Treason of the Highest Order Orders had to come from higher up. The operation would not have been possible without the involvement of more than one individual in the highest ranks of the U.S. Air Force command structure and the Pentagon. The only way to bypass these separate chains of command is to be above them (from higher up), as well as to have the possibility of directly overseeing their implementation. These orders would then have been communicated to lower levels in the U.S. Air Force command chain in different locations, to allow for so-called oversight to proceed. The alternative to this is an alternative

chain of command, although this also needs someone in the highest ranks of office to organize and oversee. The post given to Riechers was politically motivated, given his track record in the U.S. Air Force. Riechers had been in a position of responsibility in the U.S. Air Force special operational support activities; something he had in common with Russell Dougherty, the former SAC commander. He would have been one of the best suited individuals for making arrangements in the case of an alternative command structure for a secretive nuclear operation. Moreover, he already had a record of corrupt behaviour through his involvement with the Commonwealth Research Institute. The possible involvement of U.S. Air Force weathermen and special operatives raises many questions as to what exactly was the objective of making the nuclear weapons disappear. The Investigation The U.S. Air Force has publicly stated that it has made a mistake, which is very unusual and almost unprecedented for a military organization that tries to continually assure the American public of their safety. The fact that seventy or more military personnel have been pu nished in the case of the lost nuclear weapons does not mean, however, that the senior commanding officers responsible for having carried out the special operation will be identified and punished. Quite the opposite. The investigation could indeed result in a camouflage of the chain of command, where lower-ranking military personnel are accused and court-martialed, with a view to ultimately protecting those in high office who have committed an act of treason. The series of deaths mentioned above, may have no ties whatsoever with the the August flight in question from Minot to Barksdale, but the issues of command, monitoring, and authorization cannot be overlooked or ignored. The American people have before them a case of treason that involves the highest offices of government and most probably the offices of the President and the Vice-President. Once again, the C2 process involves the Office of the President and Commander -in-Chief. It is an established line of command, without which nuclear weapons could not have been deployed or armed as they were in U.S.A.F. Base Minot. It is this command element that establishes the basis of authorization through which absolute control of nuclear weapons is maintained at all times. With time it is possible that military servicemen and servicewomen may come forward with more information. However, in the meantime, there has been a streamlining of military personnel at U.S.A.F. Base Minot. Base personnel have become dispersed and reassigned to other locations. If they on the grounds of loyalty to their country, the United States of America, come forward and reveal what has taken place, they are to be saluted with full honour by all ranks. As George Orwell said, In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, and indeed these are deceitful times. The fact that U.S. Air Force officers came forward and reported this incident is contrary to U.S. military procedures, regulations, and laws. The U.S. military will never release any information that will risk or damage its reputation. Any information in regards to nuclear weapons can not be released without prior consultations with and authorization by the White House. The nuclear weapons were armed and moved deliberately. Orders had to have come from the highest

echelons of the U.S. government. The question is what exactly were they meant for? Were they part of a war agenda or something else? Bush Threatens Iran with Nuclear Weapons What adds intrigue to an understanding of the missing nukes, are the international events and war games taking place just after the lost nuclear weapons incident, not to mention the Presidents ongoing threats to attack Iran with nuclear weapons and Vice President Cheney's repeated warnings that a second large scale terrorist attack on America is under preparation, with the support of Iran. In the U.S., under the Vigilant Shield 2008 war games (initiated in September, 2007) and the TOPOFF anti-terrorism exercises, some form of nuclear terrorist attack on American soil had been envisaged. The roles of Russia and China had also been contemplated. The latter would be a likely scenario had the U.S. attacked Iran and as a result Russia and China had decided to intervene. Under Vigilant Shield 2007, held in 2006, the possibility of a nuclear war with Irans allies, Russia and China, had been contemplated in the war games scenario. The Kremlin has responded by holding its own war games. An unveiled threat to trigger World War Three has been the response of George W. Bu sh Jr. to Russias statements warning that a U.S. sponsored war with Iran, could result in an escalating World War III scenario. The six nuclear warheads were not meant for use in theatre operations against Iran. This is obvious because if they were then they would have been deployed via the proper procedural routes without the need to hide anything. Besides, there are already theatre-level nuclear weapons ready and armed in Europe and the Middle East for any possible Middle Eastern mission. There was something more to the incident. It is also worth noting that the Israelis launched an attack on an alleged Syrian nuclear facility that both Tel Aviv and the White House claim was constructed with the assistance of North Korea. This event has been used, through official statements and media disinformation, to draw a Syria-Iran-North Korea nuclear proliferation axis. In regards to the case of the missing nuclear weapons, weathermen and military personnel with an expertise in space and missile components were involved. The incident took place during a time when the U.S. missile shield projects in Eastern Europe and Eastern Asia, directed against Russia and China, were raising international tensions and alarms. On October 23, 2007, President Bush Jr. stated: The ne ed for missile defence in Europe is real and I believe its urgent. Nuclear warfare, the militarization of space, and the missile shield are interrelated military processes. The overtones of Nuclear Primacy are hanging in the air. One of the goals of the U.S. military has been to effectively shield itself from a potential Russian or potential Russian and Chinese nuclear response to a nuclear First Strike from the U.S. military. The militarization of space is also deeply linked to this military project. Like their advanced knowledge about the U.S. missile shield project, Russian and Chinese officials have got wind of these ambitions and are fully aware of what the U.S. intends to do. Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is an independent writer based in Ottawa specializing in Middle Eastern affairs. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) (Global Research, 2007).

Title: The Mystery Of Minot: Loose Nukes And A Cluster Of Dead Airmen Raise Troubling Questions Date: November 21, 2007 Source: Global Research Abstract: The unauthorized Aug. 29, 2007 cross-country flight of a B-52H Stratofortress armed with six nuclear-tipped AGM-29 Advanced Cruise missiles, which saw these 150-kiloton warheads go missing for 36 hours. So far, the Pentagon, which has launched two separate investigations into the incident, seems to be assuming that it is dealing with the comedy version, saying that some incredible mistake led to nuclear weapons being taken inadvertently from a weapons-storage bunker, loaded into launch position on a bomber, and flown from North Dakota to Louisiana. Pentagon investigators have completely ignored a peculiar cluster of six deaths, during the weeks immediately preceding and following the flight, of personnel at the two Air Force bases involved in the incident and Air Force Commando Operations headquarters. The problem with this theory is that dummy warheads dont look the same as the real thing. The real warheads, called W80 -1s, are shiny silver, which is clearly visible through postage-stamp-sized windows on the nosecone covers that protect them on the missiles. In addition, the mounted warheads are encased in a red covering as a second precaution. Apparently the nukes (which can be set to explode at between 5 kilotons and 150 kilotons) were easily spotted by a Barksdale AFB ground crew when they went out to the plane on the tarmac hours after it landed. If the Barksdale ground crew, which had no reason to suspect it was looking at nuclear-tipped missiles, easily spotted the error, why did everyone at Minot miss it, as claimed? Clearly, who ever loaded the six nukes on one B-52 wing pod, and whoever mounted that pod on the wing, knew or should have known that they were dealing with nukesand absend an order from the highest authority in Washington, loading such nukes on a bomber was against all policy. The odds of randomly putting six nukes all on one pod, and six dummies on the other, are 1:924. And how curious that the pilot, who is supposed to check all 12 missiles before flying, checked only the pod containing the dummy warheads. Various experts familiar with nuclear-weapons-handling protocols express astonishment at what happened on Aug. 29 and 30. After all, over the course of more than six decades, the protocols for handling nuclear arms have called for at least two people at every step, with paper trails, bar codes, and real-time computer tracking of every warhead in the arsenal. Nothing like this has been known to have happened before. Air Force Gen. Eugene Habiger, who served as US Strategic Command chief from 1996 to 1998, told the Post, I have been in the nuclear business since 1966 and am not aware of any incident more disturbing. Philip Coyle, a senior advisor at the Center for Defense Information who served as assistant secretary of defense in the Clinton administration, calls the incident astonishing and unbelievable. He says, This wasnt just a mistake. Ive counted, and at least 20 things had to have gone wrong for this to have occurred. Meanwhile, there are those six deaths. On July 20, 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, a 28-year-old B-52 pilot from Minot, died in a motorcycle accident while on home leave in Tennessee. Another Minot B-52 pilot, 20year-old Adam Barrs, died on July 5 in Minot when a car he was riding in, driven by another Minot airman, Stephen Garrett, went off the road, hit a tree, and caught fire. Airman Garrett was brought to the hospital

in critical condition and has since been charged with negligent homicide. Two more Air Force personnel, Senior Airman Clint Huff, 29, of Barksdale AFB, and his wife Linda died on Sept. 15 in nearby Shreveport, Louisiana, when Huff reportedly attempted to pass a van in a nopassing zone on his motorcycle, and the van made a left-hand turn, striking them. Then there are two reported suicides, which both occurred within days of the flight. One involved Todd Blue, a 20-year-old airman who was in a unit that guarded weapons at Minot. He reportedly shot himself in the head on Sept. 11 while on a visit to his family in Wytheville, Virginia. Local police investigators termed his death a suicide. The second suicide, on Aug. 30, was John Frueh, a Special Forces weather commando at the Air Forces Special Operations command headquartered at Hurlburt AFB in Florida. Frueh, 33, a married father of two who had just received approval for promotion from captain to major, reportedly flew from Florida to Portland, Oregon, for a friends wedding. He never showed up. Instead, he called on Aug. 29, the day the missiles were loaded, from an interstate pull-off just outside Portland to say he was going for a hike in a park nearby. (It is not clear why he was at a highway rest stop as he had no car.) A day later, back in Portland, he rented a car at the airport, again calling his family. After he failed to appear at the wedding, his family filed a missing persons report with the Portland police. The Sheriffs Department in remote Skamania County, Washington, found Fruehs rental car ten days later on the side of a road nearly 120 miles from the airport in a remote area of Badger Peak. Search dogs found his body in the woods. His death was ruled a suicide, though neither the sheriffs investigator nor the medical examiner would give details. What makes this alleged suicide odd, however, is that the sheriff reports that Frueh had with him a knapsack containing a GPS locator and a videocam odd equipment for someone intent on ending his life. Of course, it could be that all six of these deaths are coincidences all just accidents and personal tragedies. But when they occur around the time six nuclear-tipped missiles go missing in a bizarre incident, the likes of which the Pentagon hasnt seen before, one would think investigators would be on those cases like vultures on carrion. In fact, police and medical examiners in the Frueh and Blue cases say no federal investigators, whether from DOD or FBI, have called them. Worse still, because the B-52 incident got so little media attentionno coverage in most local news none of those investigating the accidents and suicides even knew about it or about the oth er deaths. It would have been interesting to know all that when I was examining Mr. Blues body, says coroner Mike Stoker, but no one told me about any of it or asked me about him. If we had known that several people had died under questionable circum stances, it might have affected how wed look at a body, says Don Phillips, the sheriffs deputy who investigated the Frueh death. But nobody from the federal government has ever contacted us about this. Certainly, in a case like this, the suicides should be a red flag, says Hans Kristensen, a nuclear-affairs expert with the Federation of American Scientists. It's wild speculation to think that there might be some connection between the deaths and the incident, but it certainly should be investigated (Global Research, 2007).

Title: It Was The John P. Wheeler III Who Was Involved In The Barksdale-Minot Incident Who Was Found In A Landfill! Date: January 1, 2011

Source: FemaleFaust Abstract: So Wayne Madsen hips me to this tip on John Wheeler III, whose name I didn't recognize: John Wheeler III, special assistant to Air Force Secretary during the 2007 B-52 nuke incident at Minot, found dead in Delaware landfill. Homicide concluded. Last seen on Amtrak from DC on Dec. 28. Dealing with neocons can be hazardous to one's health. Not the first suspicious Air Force death as reported by WMR. A bit more digging, so you have somewhere to start, brings me to Sodahead's rather levelheaded opinion: What the "news" is not telling you is -Wheeler was the assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force in the George W. Bush Administration. It was the Secretary of the Air Force who discovered that Richard Cheney had set up an alternative chain of command to the nuclear weapons wing of the AF. In the process, six minutemen missiles [sic] armed with nuclear warheads were secretly transported from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB. The later is the chief staging base for the Middle East war. The alarm system for the weapons was deactivated for the transport, something that not even the base commander could authorize. The orders had to have come from above. Many point to Cheney. Before the warheads could be flown via B-52 to the Iraq/Iran theater, the Secretary of the Air Force ordered the stand-down of all B-52 flights. When he discovered the alternative chain of command to Cheney, he fired all military personnel who were involved. Cheney was said to have been livid. The Secretary ordered an investigation of what the AF press release called an oversight, and 70 enlisted men and 5 officers were removed from the Minot nuclear system. At the same time, people involved began to die mysteriously. Wheeler is only the latest casualty (FemaleFaust, 2011).

The Air Force Cover-Up Of The Minot-Barksdale Nuke Missile Flight

By Dave Lindorff 11-2-7

"It makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck." ---Pentagon official There is something deeply disturbing about the Air Force's official report on the Aug-29-30 "bent spear" incident that saw six nuclear warheads get mounted on six Advanced Cruise Missiles and improperly removed from a nuclear weapons storage bunker at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, then get improperly loaded on a B-52, and then get improperly flown to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana-a report that attributed the whole thing to a "mistake." According to the Air Force report, some Air Force personnel mounted the warheads on the missiles (which are obsolete and slated for destruction), and another ground crew, allegedly not aware that the missiles were armed with nukes, moved them out and mounted them on a launch pylon on the B-52's wing for a flight to Barksdale and eventual dismantling. Only on the ground at Barksdale did ground crew personnel spot the nukes according to the report. (Six other missiles with dummy warheads were mounted on a pylon on the other wing of the plane.) The problem with this explanation for the first reported case of nukes being removed from a weapons bunker without authorization in 50 years of nuclear weapons, is that those warheads, and all nuclear warheads in the US stockpile, are supposedly protected against unauthorized transport or removal from bunkers by electronic antitheft systems-automated alarms similar to those used by department stores to prevent theft, and even anti-motion sensors that go off if a weapon is touched or approached without authorization. While the Air Force report doesn't mention any of this, what it means is that if weapons in a storage bunker are protected against unauthorized removal, someoneand actually at least two people, since it's long been a basic part of nuclear security that every action involving a nuclear weapon has to be done by two people working in tandem-had to deliberately and consciously disable those alarms. Since the Air Force report does not explain how this hurdle to unauthorized removal of the six nukes could have been surmounted by "mistake," the report has to be considered a whitewash, at best, or a cover-up. That leaves us speculating about what actually happened, and about who might have authorized the removal of those nukes from storage, and why the Defense Department would be covering up the true story. We know that the loading of nuclear-armed missiles or bombs onto an American bomber has been barred since 1991, even for practice and training purposes. We know also that the carrying of nuclear weapons by bombers flying over US airspace has been banned for 40 years.

So if the evidence suggests strongly that the removal of the nukes from the bunker was done intentionally and with some kind of authorization from higher authorities, then the loading of nukes onto the plane, and the flight of those nukes to Barksdale have to also be assumed to have been authorized. This possibility has been dismissed out of hand by the Air Force and Defense Department. The very idea is, in fact, not even discussed in the Air force report released in mid-October. Yet we are left with the unresolved question of how the weapons could have been moved out of the bunker accidentally. The Air Force has not been forthcoming about the automated alarm protections on American nuclear weapons, refusing to confirm or deny that they even exist. But we can know that they are in place for several reasons. One is that since writing about this incident in the current edition of <>American Conservative Magazine ("The Mystery of Minot," Oct. 24, 2007 ed.) and in several online venues, I have been contacted by several active-duty and retired military people who have assured me that such electronic protections are in place. A second is that an article in the Oct. 31 issue of the <>New York Times, reporting on the early completion of a project by the National Nuclear Security Administration, to secure Russian nuclear weapons, said that the measures implemented at 25 classified sites on 12 Russian nuclear bases included "measures that have long been part of American efforts" to secure nuclear weapons, and that these included "alarm and motion detection systems," as well as "modern gates, guard houses and fighting positions, " and also "detectors for explosives, radiation and metal." Ask yourselves, would American nuclear weapons be equipped with lesser security systems than those that the NNSA is providing for Russian weapons? Of course not! And yet we're asked to believe that some low-ranking ground crew personnel at Minot AFB simply walked out of a nuclear weapons bunker with six nuclear armed Advanced Cruise Missiles, not knowing what they were carrying, and labored for eight hours to mount those missiles and their launch pylon on the wing of a B-52 strategic bomber without ever noticing that they were armed with nuclear weapons. We're asked to believe that none of those electronic alarms and motion sensors built into the system went off during that whole process.

When I mentioned the automated alarm and motion sensors to Lt. Col. Jennifer Cassidy, a public affairs person at the Department of the Air Force, and asked her how the movement of the six nukes could have occurred without those alarms being disabled, she said, "It's an intriguing question, and it makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck." As it should. So why isn't it making the hair stand up on the back of the necks of members of Congress? Incredibly, to date, there has been no demand for public hearings into this frightening incident. Congress appears ready and willing to accept the Air Force whitewash at face value: It was an accident. It won't happen again. That is not good enough! We need honest answers to some hard questions. Among them: * Who disabled the alarm systems on those weapons and on the bunker itself? * Who mounted six nuclear weapons on the noses of six cruise missiles and put those missiles onto a B-52 launch platform? * Who authorized them to perform this operation? * Who moved the armed weapons out of the Bunker at Minot AFB and mounted them on the wing of a B-52 bound for Barksdale AFB? (Barksdale, it should be noted, bills itself as the main staging base for B-52s being flown to the Middle East Theater.) * Were the six missiles flyable? Were they fueled up and ready to fire, or were they not fueled at the time of the Minot-Barksdale flight? * Was there targeting information in the missile's guidance computers and if so, what were those targets? * What happened to the three military whistleblowers who blew the whistle on this incident and reported it to a journalist at the newspaper Military Times?

* Why hasn't the Air Force or the FBI investigated the 6-8 untimely deaths including three alleged suicides, one of a Minot weapons guard, one of an assistant defense secretary, and one of a captain in the super-secret Air Force Special Commando Group, as well as alleged fatal vehicle "accidents" involving four ground crew and B-52 pilots and crewmembers at Minot and Barksdale? Could any of this strange cluster of deaths have been related to the incident? The Air Force "investigation" didn't even mention these incidents, and as I disclosed in my article, none of the police investigators or medical examiners in those incidents had even been contacted by Air Force or other federal investigators. The Secretary of Defense appears to have been upset about this incident. Secretary Robert Gates ordered an unprecedented stand-down of all air bases in midSeptember to check out and account for the entire nuclear inventory, and a general was dispatched immediately to Minot after the discovery of the wayward nukes on August 30 to investigate what had happened. Following a subsequent Air Force investigation, 70 people at Minot and Barksdale AFBs were removed from their posts and decertified from handling nuclear weapons, including five officers, one of them the Minot base commander. * But a base commander does not have the authority to order nuclear weapons to be loaded on a plane and flown. So who issued that order and why has no one at a senior level in Washington been sacked? There is speculation that the order may have come via an alternate chain of command. Vice President Dick Cheney is known to be pressing within the administration for a war with Iran, to be launched before the end President Bush's second term of office. According to some reports, Cheney has even, on his own authority (or lack thereof), urged Israel to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, in hopes that Iran might retaliate, thus drawing the US into a war. Could the nation's war-mongering VP have used his neo-con contacts in the Defense Department or some of the Armageddon-believers in the Air Force to bypass the official chain of command and spring those nukes from their bunker? Was there a plan to use one or more of those nukes-W80-1 warheads that can be calibrated to detonate with an explosive power ranging anywhere from 150 kilotons down to just 5 kilotons-against Iran? The Advanced Cruise Missile, a stealth weapon almost impossible to spot on radar, is designed to be launched from a remote location by a B-52, and then to fly close to the ground to its target, using terrain maps and GPS guidance. It is also designed to penetrate hardened sites, such

as Iran's nuclear processing and research facilities. Or was there a plan for a so-called "false-flag incident, "where a small nuke-made to resemble a primitive weapon of the type a fledgling nuclear power might construct-might be detonated at a US target abroad, or even within the US? These are terrible and terrifying questions to have to ask, but when you have six nuclear weapons go missing, when the military investigation into the incident is so clearly a whitewash or cover-up, and when you have a vice president who is openly pressing for an illegal war of aggression against a nation that poses no threat to the US, and who, in fact, appears to be conducting his own treacherous foreign policy behind the back of the president and the State Department, they are questions that must be asked, and that demand answers. In a couple of weeks, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, is planning on calling for a Privilege of the House vote in Congress on moving his Cheney impeachment bill (H Res. 333) to a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee, where it has been stalled by House Democratic leaders since being filed last April 24. Such a hearing should demand answers from the vice president and his staff about his treasonous efforts to push the country into yet another war in the Middle East. It should also grill Air Force personnel about the true nature of the Minot nuclear incident. Every member of the House of Representatives should have to take a stand on this issue. The Democratic House leadership, under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, can be expected to try to table Kucinich's privilege motion, which would prevent such a vote. Americans should demand that Pelosi and other Democratic leaders let Kucinich's privilege motion go forward, and should insist that every member of Congress put their position on the line. Every American should demand that their representative to Congress support the start of impeachment hearings on Vice President Cheney. We need to know if the Vice President's office was behind the flight of those six warheads. We need to know in what other treasonous, conspiratorial actions the Vice President has been engaged in his unremitting effort to expand the war from <>Iraq and Afghanistan into Iran.

Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order

By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya Global Research, October 29, 2007 29 October 2007 Region: USA Theme: US NATO War Agenda In-depth Report: Nuclear War

Missing Nukes on August 29-30, 2007 According to a wide range of reports, several nuclear bombs were lost for 36 hours after taking off August 29/30, 2007 on a cross-country journey across the U.S., from U.S.A.F Base Minot in North Dakota to U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale in Louisiana. [1] Reportedly, in total there were six W80-1 nuclear warheads armed on AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs) that were lost. [2] The story was first reported by the Military Times, after military servicemen leaked the story.

It is also worth noting that on August 27, 2007, just days before the lost nukes incident, three B-52 Bombers were performing special missions under the direct authorization of General Moseley, the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force. [3] The exercise was reported as being an aerial information and image gathering mission. The base at Minot is also home of the 91st Space Wings, a unit under the command of Air Force Space Command (AFSPC).

According to official reports, the U.S. Air Force pilots did not know that they were carrying weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Once in Louisiana, they also left the nuclear weapons unsecured on the runway for several hours. [4] U.S. Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans, and Requirements, MajorGeneral Richard Y. Newton III commented on the incident, saying there was an unprecedented series of procedural errors, which revealed an erosion of adherence to weapons-handling standards [5] These statements are misleading. The lax security was not the result of procedural negligence within the U.S. Air Force, but rather the consequence of a deliberate tampering of these procedures. If a soldier, marine, airman, or sailor were even to be issued a rifle and rifle magazine weaponry of a far lesser significance, danger, and cost there is a strict signing and accountability process that involves a chain of command and paperwork. This is part of the set of military checks and balances used by all the services within the U.S. Armed Forces. Military servicemen qualified to speak on the subject will confirm that there is a stringent nuclear weapons handling procedure. There is a rigorous, almost inflexible, chain of command in regards to the handling of nuclear weapons and not just any soldier, sailor, airman, or marine is allowed to handle nuclear weapons. Only servicemen specialized in specific handling and loading procedures, are perm certified to handle, access and load nuclear warheads. Every service personnel that moves or even touches these weapons must sign a tracking paper and has total accountability for their movement. There is good reason for the paperwork behind moving these weapons. The military officers that order the movement of nuclear weapons, including base commanders, must also fill out paper forms. In other words, unauthorized removal of nuclear weapons would be virtually impossible to accomplish unless the chain of command were bypassed, involving, in this case, the deliberate tampering of the paperwork and tracking procedures. The strategic bombers that carried the nuclear weapons also could not fly with their loaded nuclear weaponry without the authorization of senior military officials and the base commander. The go-ahead authorization of senior military officials must be transmitted to the servicemen that upload the nuclear weapons. Without this authorization no flights can take place. In the case of the missing nukes, orders were given and flight permission was granted. Once again, any competent and eligible U.S. Air Force member can certify that this is the standard procedure.

There are two important questions to be answered in relation to the lost nukes incident: 1. Who gave the order to arm the W80-1 thermonuclear warheads on the AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs)? At what level in the military hierarchy did this order originate? How was the order transmitted down the command chain? 2. If this was not a procedural error, what was the underlying military-political objective sought by those who gave the orders? The Impossibility of Losing Nuclear Weapons As Robert Stormer, a former U.S. lieutenant-commander in the U.S. Navy, has commented: Press reports initially cited the Air Force mistake of flying nuclear weapons over the United States in violation of Air Force standing orders and international treaties, while completely missing the more important major issues, such as how six nuclear cruise missiles got loose to begin with. [6] Stormer also makes a key point, which is not exactly a secret: There is a strict chain of custody for all such weapons. Nuclear weapons handling is spelled out in great detail in Air Force regulations, to the credit of that service. Every person who orders the movement of these weapons, handles them, breaks seals or moves any nuclear weapon must sign off for tracking purposes. [7] Stormer continues: Two armed munitions specialists are required to work as a team with all nuclear weapons. All individuals working with nuclear weapons must meet very strict security standards and be tested for loyalty this is known as a [Nuclear Weapons] Personnel Reliability Program [DoDD 5210 42]. They work in restricted areas within eyeshot of one another and are reviewed constantly.[8] Stormer unwraps the whole Pentagon cover-up by pointing out some logical facts and military procedures. First he reveals that: All security forces assigned [to handle and protect nuclear weapons] are authorized to use deadly force to protect the weapons from any threat [including would-be thieves]. [9] He then points out a physical reality that can not be shrugged aside: Nor does anyone quickly move a 1-ton cruise missile or forget about six of them, as reported by some news outlets, especially cruise missiles loaded with high explosives. He further explains another physical and procedural reality about nuclear weapons assembly:

The United States also does not transport nuclear weapons meant for elimination attached to their launch vehicles under the wings of a combat aircraft. The procedure is to separate the warhead from the missile, encase the warhead and transport it by military cargo aircraft to a repository not an operational bomber base that just happens to be the staging area for Middle Eastern operations. [10] This last point raises the question of what were the nuclear weapons meant for? In this context, Stomrer puts forth the following list of important questions to which he demands an answer: 1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale? 2. How long was it before the error was discovered? 3. How many mistakes and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen? 4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked? 5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored? 6. How many other nuclear command and control non-observations of procedure have there been? 7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee U.S. nuclear command and control? 8. How does this incident relate to concern for reliability of control over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia, Pakistan and elsewhere? 9. Does the Bush administration, as some news reports suggest, have plans to attack Iran with nuclear weapons? It is a matter of perception, whether it is clear or unclear, as to why the nuclear warheads had not been removed beforehand from the missiles. For those who have been observing these series of unclear events it is becoming clear that a criminal government is at the helm of the United States. There was no way that the six nuclear missiles could have been mistakenly loaded, especially when their separate warheads had to be affixed to the missiles by individuals specialized in such a momentous task. It is also being claimed that military teams in both U.S.A.F. Base Minot and U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale made major procedural errors. What are the probabilities of this occurring simultaneously in two locations? It is also worth noting that original reports from military sources talked about only five of the six nuclear warheads from Minot being accounted for in Barksdale.[11] Nuclear warheads are also kept in specialized storage areas or bunkers. Moreover, nuclear weapons are not being decommissioned at Barksdale.

The Role of the Nuclear Weapons Surety Program: What happened to Electronic Monitoring? The Nuclear Weapons Surety Program is a joint program between the U.S. Department of Defence and the U.S. Department of Energy. The National Security Agency (NSA) is also involved as well as other U.S. federal government agencies. The Nuclear Weapons System Safety Program is part of this program, which involves a monitoring and safeguards regime for the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The Nuclear Weapons Security Standard falls under the Nuclear Weapons Surety Program and is in place to disallow any unauthorized access to nuclear weapons; prevent damage or sabotage to nuclear weapons; prevent loss of custody; and prevent, to the maximum extent possible, radiological contamination caused by unauthorized acts. Under this or these safeguards system there also exists a rigorous control of use scheme, which is tied to the military chain of command and the White House. Command and Control (C2) and Use Control Use control is a set of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized access to nuclear weapons. These measures involve weapons design features, operational procedures, security, and system safety rules. Command and Control or C2 involves the Office of the President of the United States of America. C2 is an established line of command, which is tied to the White House. Without it, nuclear weapons cannot be deployed or armed as they were in U.S.A.F. Base Minot. It is these two control elements that establish the basis of authorization through whic h absolute control of nuclear weapons is maintained at all times. In addition to the checks and balances in place in regards to handling nuclear weapons, the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and its partners manually and electronically inspect and monitor all U.S. nuclear weapons through the Nuclear Weapon Status Information Systems. More Unanswered Questions: What Happened to the Computerized Tracking System? The Nuclear Management Information Systems interface with each other and provide [ the U.S. Department of Defence] with the ability to track the location of nuclear weapons and components from cradle-to-grave [meaning from when they are made to when they are decommissioned]. [12]

The Military Times also makes an omission that exposes the official narrative as false and indicates that the event was not just a mistake: The Defense Department uses a computerized tracking program to keep tabs on each one of its nuclear warheads, said Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists. For the six warheads to make it onto the B-52, each one would have had to be signed out of its storage bunker and transported to the bomber. [13] This is where the chain of command in regards to military officers falls into play. If any of the stocked inventories of nuclear weapons are moved to an authorized location they will be noticed and tracked by the DTRA and will require the relevant authorization. There is also a code system involved that is tied to the chain of command. The fact that the incident only apparently became known to the U.S. Air Force when military personnel reported it, suggests that either the nuclear weapons were ordered to be moved or that the electronic tracking devices had been removed or tampered with. This scenario would need the involvement of individuals with expertise in military electronics or for those responsible for the monitoring of nuclear weapons to look the other way or both. Mysterious Deaths in the United States Air Force: Whitewash and Cover-up Several military personnel died under mysterious circumstances shortly before and after the incident. There are now questions regarding the fate of these individuals in the U.S. Air Force who could have had relationships in one way or another to the incident or possibly have been directly involved. It is also necessary to state that there is no proof that these deaths are linked to the August flight from Minot to Barksdale in question. Citizens for Legitimate Government has pointed towards the involvement of the U.S. Air Force in a cover-up and has linked several deaths of U.S. servicemen to the incident. Lori Price has also stated for Citizens for a Legitimate Government that you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke on a B-52. Based on several news sources, including the U.S. military, we provide below a detailed review of these mysterious and untimely deaths of U.S. servicemen. Todd Blue

Airman 1st Class Todd Blue went on leave days after the nuclear weapons were lost. Blue died under questionable timing while on leave, visiting his family in Wytheville, Virginia at the age of 20 on September 10, 2007. He was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. What does this mean? Airman Todd Blue occupied a key position in weapons systems security at Minot . [14] At Minot U.S.A.F. Base the 5th Security Forces Squadron to which he belonged was responsible for base entry requirements and a particular section, the Weapons System Security section, was responsible for preventing the unauthorized removal of military property. The latter is responsible for security of all priority resources, meaning the security of nuclear weapons. In other words not only did the 5th Security Forces Squadron keep eyes on what entered and left Minot, but they kept an eye on and monitored the nuclear weapons. John Frueh

U.S. Air Force Captain John Frueh is another serviceman who could have been indirectly connected to the lost nuclear weapons. He was reported as being last seen with a GPS device, camera, and camcorder being carried with him in a backpack. Local police in Oregon and the F.B.I. seemed to be looking for him for days. His family also felt that something bad had happened to him. On September 8, 2007 Captain Frueh was found dead in Washington State, near his abandoned rental car, after the Portland Police Department contacted the Skamania County Sheriffs Officer. [15] The last time he spoke with his family was August 30, 2007. He had arrived from Florida to attend a wedding that he never showed up at. The Oregonian reported that Authorities in Portland found no activity on his credit or bank cards since [Frueh] was last seen () [and that] the last call from his cell phone was made at 12:28 p.m. [August 30, 2007] from Mill Plain Boulevard and Interstate 205 in Vancouver [Washington State]. [16] His background was in meteorology and the study of the atmosphere and weather. He was also reported to be a U.S. Air Force pararescue officer. [17] He was also a major-select candidate, which means he was selected for a promotion as a U.S. Air Force major, but was not officially promoted. Captain Frueh belonged to the U.S.A.F. Special Operations Command. U.S.A.F. Special Operations Command has its headquarters in Hurlburt Field, Florida and is one of nine major Air Force commands. It is also the U.S. Air Forces component of U.S. Special Operations Command, a unified command located at MacDill Air Force Base, which is also in Florida. The force provides special operations forces for worldwide deployment and assignment to regional unified commands, such as CENTCOM. Its missions include conduct of global special operations. These operations and this is where careful attention should be paid range from precision application of firepower, such as nuclear weapons, to infiltration, exfiltration (the removal of devices, supplies, spies, special agents, or units from enemy territory), re-supply and refuelling of special operational elements.

In Captain Fruehs case his death is questionable too. The U.S. Air Force would not let a missing persons investigation go forward by the police without conducting its own investigation. Usually the different service branches of the U.S. military would investigate for missing servicemen, to see if these individuals are Absent Without Authorized Leave (AWAL) or have deserted, before an individuals case is handed over to the police. Clint Huff, Linda Huff, and Weston Kissel Another military weatherman, along with his wife, also died after August 30, 2007. Senior Airman Clint Huff, belonging to the 26th Operational Weather Squadron and his wife Linda Huff died in a motorcycle accident on September 15, 2007. [18] The husband and wife fatality happened on Shreveport-Blanchard Highway, near U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale, when according to the Caddo Parish Sheriffs Officer a Pontiac Aztec, a medium -sized SUV, initiated a left turn at the same time that the couple attempted to pass on a no passing zone and collided. [19]

First-Lieutenant Weston Kissel, a B-52H Stratofortress Bomber pilot, also died in a reported Tennessee motorcycle accident. This was while he was on leave in, less than two months from the nuclear B-52 flights, on July 17, 2007. [20] His death came after another single-vehicle accident by another Minot serviceman, Senior Airman Adam Barrs. [21]






Senior Airman Barrs died as a passenger in a vehicle being driven by Airman 1st Class Stephen Garrett, also from Minot. Garrett, also belongs to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. The death of Barrs was reported as being part of a single-vehicle car accident. Associated Press reports state that [Minot] Base officials say 20-year-old Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday [July 3, 2007] night. [22] Barrs was pronounced dead on the scene of the accident, while Garrett was taken the hospital with no updates released by the U.S. Air Force. Adam Barrs also belonged to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, where he was responsible for the maintenance and securing of the electronic communicational and navigation mission systems aboard the B-52H Stratofortresses on base. The 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron is also one of the units that are responsible for loading and unloading weaponry onto the B-52H Stratofortresses. The deaths of Kissel and Barrs could be dismissed as irrelevant because they occurred prior to the incident. However, Barrs and Kissel could have been in one way or another connected to the advanced planning of the special operation, prior to the incident (special operations are not planned in a few days and may take months and even longer). There is, of course, no proof and only an independent investigation will be able to reveal whether these deaths are connected to the incident. If there was an internal and secretive operation bypassing most military personnel, a few men in key positions would have to have been involved over a period of time prior to the August 29/30, 2007 flight. Senior Airman Barrs, due to his expertise in communication and navigational systems, could potentially have been involved in the preparations that would

have allowed the nuclear weapons to escape detection by military surveillance and be ready for takeoff. Reprimands, Replacements and Reassignments in the U.S.A.F. Chain of Command Senior officers, including three colonels and a lieutenant-colonel, are among seventy personnel that will reportedly be disciplined for negligence and for allowing a B-52H Stratofortress Bomber to fly across the U.S. carrying six nuclear-armed cruise missiles that should never have been loaded under its wings. [23] According to the Military Times, George W. Bush Jr. had been swiftly informed. This is a lockstep procedure. This illustrates the importance tied to the authorization needed for handling nuclear weapons. This is part of a two-way process in regards to authorization from the White House. The commander of the 5th Munitions Squadron and the commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, Colonel Bruce Emig, have been replaced along with a series of other senior officers. This implies that the U.S. Air Force chain of command is directly involved in this event. None of these senior officers have been authorized to speak or make statements, according to U.S. military sources. Will any of these officers receive lucrative departure packages? Have they been reassigned? More generally, the nature of the reprimands directed against senior officers involved has not been fully disclosed. The memory of the incident is being erased through a reorganization of the ranks and a purge at U.S.A.F. Base Minot. The streamlining of the chain of command as well as the mysterious deaths of personnel who could have been involved in the incident, raise a series of far-reaching questions. There are several important issues regarding the senior officers chain of command at Minot, which will be addressed in this article. Once again, the most important questions in regards to the missing nukes are: Who gave the orders and authorization for the operation and what where the underlying objectives of loading armed nuclear missiles? Other Mysterious Deaths: Was the Missing Nukes Incident connected to US War Plans directed against Iran? Charles D. Riechers

A U.S. Air Force official, Charles D. Riechers, has been found dead on October 14, 2007. [24] Riechers was a retired Air Force officer and master navigator specializing in electronic warfare. He was a member of the Senior Executive Service of the U.S. Air Force, and was the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Management. A description of his duties includes providing sound expert advice and guidance on acquisition and procurement policies, as well as formulating, reviewing and, as assigned, execution of plans, programs and policies relating to organization, function, operation and improvement of the Air Forces acquisition system. He apparently killed himself by running his cars engine i nside his suburban garage in Virginia. The death of Charles D. Riechers has been casually linked by The Washington Post to his involvement in fraudulent activities and embezzlement. [25] The Washington Post reported that the Air Force had asked defense contractor, Commonwealth Research Institute (C.R.I.), to give him a job with no known duties while he waited for official clearance for his promoted rank in the Pentagon. Riechers is quoted as saying: I really didnt do anything for C.R.I., and I [still] got a paycheck from them. The question, of course, was whether the contractor might expect favours in return upon his assignment to the Pentagon last January. [26] A mysterious suicide letter expressing shame was subsequently reported; the letter was reportedly from a man who had already admitted without shame that he was receiving money for doing nothing. This was known to the U.S. Senate, which had approved his promotion. In a report featured by Pravda, Russian Intelligence analysts have said that the reported suicide of Charles D. Riechers was a cover-up and that he was murdered because of his

involvement in the controversial flight of nuclear weapons over the continental United States. Pravda reports that Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting toda y that American War Leaders have suicided [sic] one of their Top U.S. Air Force Officials Charles D. Riechers as the rift growing between the U.S. War Leaders and their Top Military Officers over a nuclear attack on Iran appears to be nearing open warfare. [27] According to the Pravda report, the incident was linked to an operation to smuggle nuclear weapons away from the U.S. military in connection to launching a war against Iran. The Commonwealth Research Institute (CRI), a registered non-profit organization is a subsidiary of Concurrent Technologies, which is registered with the IRS as a tax-exempt charity, which is run by Daniel Richard DeVos. Devos is also an associate of John P. Murtha, who was investigated by the F.B.I. for his Saudi links. Certainly the ties of the Commonwealth Research Institute (CRI), a non-profit organization working for the Pentagon, are questionable and the organization could be a front for internal operations that bypass most military personnel. The case appears to be part of an internal operation that was being kept a secret from most of the U.S. military, but what for? Russell E. Dougherty

More than a month before the death of Riechers, General Russell Elliot Dougherty, a retired flag officer, was also reported to have died on September 7, 2007 at his home in Falcon Landing military retirement community in Potomac Falls located in Arlington, Virginia. [28] He once was one of the most senior individuals responsible for the nuclear arsenal of the U.S. military and also the former commander of Strategic Air Command (SAC) and director of the Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff, which identified nuclear

targets worldwide amongst its responsibilities. At Minot next to his obituary was a military information notice on suicide, telling servicepersons what the signs of suicide are. [29] Russell Dougherty in the course of his military career in the U.S. Air Force had dealt with the issues pertaining to Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), full spectrum dominance, how to defeat the enemy and avoid a nuclear war, other uses for nuclear weaponry, Nuclear Primacy for the U.S., and tackling the effects of the wind and weather due to their unpredictable natures on the use of nuclear weapons. The fact that the nuclear warheads were attached to the nuclear cruise missiles could mean that someone wanted to take the weapons in one step or to use them right away. Timely Appointments at U.S.A.F. Base Minot

Several of the commanding officers at Minot were freshly appointed in June, 2007. This may have been part of standard procedures, but the timing should not be ignored. Colonel Robert D. Critchlow was transferred, just before the incident, from the Pentagon to Minot and appointed commanding officer for the 91st Operations Group, a missileer unit and the operational backbone of the 91st Space Wing. In Washington, D.C. he was involved in research for the Congressional Research Services and later posted into Air Force Nuclear Response and Homeland Defence. Colonel Myron L. Freeman was transferred from Japan to Minot in June, 2007. Colonel Freeman was appointed as the commander of the 91st Security Forces Group, which is responsible for securing Minots nuclear arsenal. Colonel Gregory S. Tims was also appointed as deputy commander or vice-commander of the 91st Space Wing in June, 2007. However, Colonel Tims was transfered to Minot from California almost a year before. One of the most senior non-commissioned officers (NCOs) or non-commissioned members (NCMs), Chief Master Sergeant Mark R. Clark, was also transferred to U.S.A.F. Base Minot from Nebraska in July, 2007. Colonel Roosevelt Allen was also transferred to Minot from Washington, D.C. to become commander of the 5th Medical Group. Colonel Bruce Emig, the now-former commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, was also transferred to Minot from U.S.A.F. Base Ellsworth in South Dakota in June, 2007. Colonel Emig was also the base commander of Minot.

Colonel Cynthia M. Lundell, the now-former group commander for the 5th Maintenance Group, the unit responsible for loading and unloading weaponry onto the B-52H Stratofortresses was also freshly transferred from a NATO post in Western Europe in June, 2007. Were these appointments temporary? Were any of these appointments related to the six lost nuclear missiles? Prior to the Missing Nukes Incident, Minot Airmen Meet with the President and the U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff On June 15, 2007, George W. Bush Jr. met senior officers from U.S.A.F. Base Minot at U.S.A.F. Base McConnell in Wichita, Kansas during a visit to Boeings Integrated Defense Systems facility. Amongst them was Major Daniel Giacomazza of the 5th Operational Support Squadron. Senator Patrick Roberts of Kansas was also present. While he chaired the Senate Intelligence Committe from 2002 to 2007, [Senator] Roberts stonewalled attempts to investigate everything from the manipulation of intelligence in the rush to war in Iraq, President Bushs warrantless wiretaps, and even allegations of the use of torture by the CIA, according to Associated Press (AP) reports. [30] The same report also indicates that the U.S. President was in Wichita for a political fundraiser, and stopped at a new Boys and Girls Club of America to defray the costs of getting to Wichita via Air Force One for Senator Roberts campaign. Military sources have reported that a B-52H Stratofortress was flown to Wichita so that Boeings engineers could take a look in order to make adjustments to the war planes for a new military program. [31] Nothing has been reported about any private meetings between President Bush Jr. or any of his presidential staff and the personnel from Minot. However, reports have been made of meetings between military families and the U.S. President in his office on Air Force One.

General Moseley, the Air Force Chief of Staff, had previously visited Minot on March 14-15, 2007, a month before Minot airmen went to Wichita. [32] If a secret mission was being prepared, these events could have played a role in the recruiting phases for an important internal special operation. Following their recruitment, Minot servicemen could have symbolically met General Moseley or White House officials to understand that the mission was being sanctioned by the highest ranks and offices in the United States. Orders had to Come from the Top: Treason of the Highest Order Orders had to come from higher up. The operation would not have been possible without the involvement of more than one individual in the highest ranks of the U.S. Air Force command structure and the Pentagon. The only way to bypass these separate chains of command is to be above them (from higher up), as well as to have the possibility of directly overseeing their implementation. These orders would then have been communicated to lower levels in the U.S. Air Force command chain in different locations, to allow for so-called oversight to proceed. The alternative to this is an alternative chain of command, although this also needs someone in the highest ranks of office to organize and oversee. The post given to Riechers was politically motivated, given his track record in the U.S. Air Force. Riechers had been in a position of responsibility in the U.S. Air Force special operational support activities; something he had in common with Russell Dougherty, the former SAC commander. He would have been one of the best suited individuals for making arrangements in the case of an alternative command structure for a secretive nuclear operation. Moreover, he already had a record of corrupt behaviour through his involvement

with the Commonwealth Research Institute. The possible involvement of U.S. Air Force weathermen and special operatives raises many questions as to what exactly was the objective of making the nuclear weapons disappear. [33] The Investigation The U.S. Air Force has publicly stated that it has made a mistake, which is very unusual and almost unprecedented for a military organization that tries to continually assure the American public of their safety. The fact that seventy or more military personnel have been punished in the case of the lost nuclear weapons does not mean, however, that the senior commanding officers responsible for having carried out the special operation will be identified and punished. Quite the opposite. The investigation could indeed result in a camouflage of the chain of command, where lower-ranking military personnel are accused and court-martialed, with a view to ultimately protecting those in high office who have committed an act of treason. The series of deaths mentioned above, may have no ties whatsoever with the the August flight in question from Minot to Barksdale, but the issues of command, monitoring, and authorization cannot be overlooked or ignored. The American people have before them a case of treason that involves the highest offices of government and most probably the offices of the President and the Vice-President. Once again, the C2 process involves the Office of the President and Commander -in-Chief. It is an established line of command, without which nuclear weapons could not have been deployed or armed as they were in U.S.A.F. Base Minot. It is this command element that establishes the basis of authorization through which absolute control of nuclear weapons is maintained at all times.

With time it is possible that military servicemen and servicewomen may come forward with more information. However, in the meantime, there has been a streamlining of military personnel at U.S.A.F. Base Minot. Base personnel have become dispersed and reassigned to other locations. If they on the grounds of loyalty to their country, the United States of America, come forward and reveal what has taken place, they are to be saluted with full honour by all ranks. As George Orwell said, In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, and indeed these are deceitful times. The fact that U.S. Air Force officers came forward and reported this incident is contrary to U.S. military procedures, regulations, and laws. The U.S. military will never release any information that will risk or damage its reputation. Any information in regards to nuclear weapons can not be released without prior consultations with and authorization by the White House. The nuclear weapons were armed and moved deliberately. Orders had to have come from the highest echelons of the U.S. government. The question is what exactly were they meant for? Were they part of a war agenda or something else? Bush Threatens Iran with Nuclear Weapons

What adds intrigue to an understanding of the missing nukes, are the international events and war games taking place just after the lost nuclear weapons incident, not to mention the Presidents ongoing threats to attack Iran with nuclear weapons and Vice President Cheneys repeated warnings that a second large scale terrorist attack on America is under preparation, with the support of Iran. In the U.S., under the Vigilant Shield 2008 war games (initiated in September, 2007) and the TOPOFF anti-terrorism exercises, some form of nuclear terrorist attack on American soil had been envisaged. The roles of Russia and China had also been contemplated. The latter would be a likely scenario had the U.S. attacked Iran and as a result Russia and China had decided to intervene. [34] Under Vigilant Shield 2007, held in 2006, the possibility of a nuclear war with Irans allies, Russia and China, had been contemplated in the war games scenario. The Kremlin has responded by holding its own war games.[35] An unveiled threat to trigger World War Three has been the response of George W. Bush Jr. to Russias statements warning that a U.S. sponsored war with Iran, could result in an escalating World War III scenario. The six nuclear warheads were not meant for use in theatre operations against Iran. This is obvious because if they were then they would have been deployed via the proper procedural routes without the need to hide anything. Besides, there are already theatrelevel nuclear weapons ready and armed in Europe and the Middle East for any possible Middle Eastern mission. There was something more to the incident. It is also worth noting that the Israelis launched an attack on an alleged Syrian nuclear facility that both Tel Aviv and the White House claim was constructed with the assistance of North Korea. This event has been used, through official statements and media disinformation, to draw a Syria-Iran-North Korea nuclear proliferation axis. [36] In regards to the case of the missing nuclear weapons, weathermen and military personnel with an expertise in space and missile components were involved. The incident took place during a time when the U.S. missile shield projects in Eastern Europe and Eastern Asia, directed against Russia and China, were raising international tensions and alarms. On October 23, 2007, President Bush Jr. stated: The need for missile defence in Europe is real and I believe its urgent. [37] Nuclear warfare, the militarization of space, and the missile shield are interrelated military processes. The overtones of Nuclear Primacy are hanging in the air. One of the goals of the U.S. military has been to effectively shield itself from a potential Russian or potential Russian and Chinese nuclear response to a nuclear First Strike from the U.S. military. [38] The militarization of space is also deeply linked to this military project. Like their

advanced knowledge about the U.S. missile shield project, Russian and Chinese officials have got wind of these ambitions and are fully aware of what the U.S. intends to do. Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is an independent writer based in Ottawa specializing in Middle Eastern affairs. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). NOTES [1] Sarah Baxter, US hits panic button as air force loses nuclear missiles, The Times (U.K.), October 21, 2007. [2] The Nuclear Reactions Data Centres also estimated that the W80-1 stockpile included a total of 1,400 warheads remain in stockpile associated with the 900 ALCMs that are in storage with their warheads removed. [3] Baxter, US hits panic button, Op. cit. [4] John Andrew Prime, Barksdale bombers expand B-52 capabilities, The Sheveport Times, August 27, 2007. [5] Baxter, US hits panic button, Op. cit.; Major-General Newton is also responsible for formulating policy supporting air, space, nuclear, counter-proliferation, homeland, weather, and cyber operations. Because of his role as one of the Air Forces key flag officers in regards to nuclear issues and counter-proliferation he has been involved in war planning in regards to Iran, Israeli preparations for attacks on Syria, and the 2006 Israeli war against Lebanon. [6] Robert Stormer, Nuke transportation story has explosive implications, Fort Worth StarTelegram, Octobers 8, 2007. [7] Ibid.; To help ensure adequate shipboard security, TLAM-N is protected by an intrusion detection alarm system that indicates an intrusion, both visually and audibly, at a continuously manned station capable of dispatching a security team. [8] Ibid. [9] Ibid. [10] Ibid. [11] Michael Hoffman, B-52 mistakenly flies with nukes aboard, Military Times, September 10, 2007; Associated Press sources also made the same report. Military Times simply changed their article and AP withdrew its report on the basis of a factual error.

[12] Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defence (DoD), Year 2000 Status of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Nuclear Weapon Information Tracking Systems, Report No. 99-235 (August 19, 1999). [13] Michael Hoffman, Commander disciplined for nuclear mistake, Militarty Times, September 7, 2007. [14] Minot Airman dies while on leave, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, September 12, 2007. [15] Body of missing Air Force captain found, Associated Press, September 10, 2007. [16] Kimberly Wilson, Portland police seek Air Force weatherman missing on trip, The Oregonian, September 5, 2007. [17] U.S. Air Force operatives that are tasked with recovery and medical treatment of personnel in war environments, as well as handling astronauts returning from space. They are the only members of the U.S. military that are specially trained and equipped to conduct personnel recovery operations in hostile or denied areas as a primary mission. [18] Victims in Saturday motorcycle accident identified, The Sheveport Times, September 16, 2007; Notice of Active Duty Death, The Bombardier, September 21, 2007, p.1. [19] John Andrew Prime, Caddo deputies work double fatality accident, The Sheveport Times, September 15, 2007. [20] Minot Airman dies in motorcycle accident, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, July 18, 2007. [21] Minot Airman identified, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, July 5, 2007. [22] Authorities identify Minot airman killed in crash, Associated Press, July 5, 2007. [23] Baxter, US hits panic button, Op. cit. [24] Air Force official found dead, The Tribune-Democrat, October 16, 2007; Ginger Thompson and Eric Schmitt, Top Air Force Official Dies in Apparent Suicide, The New York Times, October 16, 2007. [25] Robert OHarrow Jr., Air Force Arranged No-Work Contract: Experts Question Officials Deal With Nonprofit, The Washington Post, October 1, 2007, p.A01. [26] Ibid.

[27] Top US Air Force official suicided [sic] as Iran war nears, Pravda, October 16, 2007. [28] Yvonne Shinhoster Lamb, Obituaries: Russell E. Dougherty, The Washington Post, October 13, 2007, p.B06. [29] General Dougherty, former SAC commander, dies, The Bombardier, September 21, 2007, p.9. [30] Deb Reichmann, Bush Raises Money for Kansas Senator, Associated Press, June 15, 2007. [31] Warbirds meet commander and chief, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, June 22, 2007. [32] Staff Sergeant Trevor Tiernan, CSAF visits Minot, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, March 16, 2007. [33] Infra. n.38. [34] Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Vigilant Shield 2008: Terrorism, Air Defences, and the Domestic Deployment of the US Military, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), October 6, 2007; Michel Chossoduvsky, Dangerous Crossroads: US Sponsored War Games, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), October 6, 2007; The March to War: NATO Preparing for War with Serbia? Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), October 19, 2007. [35] Michel Chossudovsky, New Cold War: Simultaneously, Russia and America Conduct Major War Games, Centre for Research on Globalization, October 16, 2007. [36] Both the U.S. and Israeli governments cite the arrival of a North Korean ship with alleged nuclear-related cargo as proof, but one needs only point out one fact to dislodge this claim. The U.S. government has setup an internationally illegal program involved in policing the seas and maritime traffic, the International Proliferation Initiative (IPI). Under the IPI the U.S. has been illegally stopping North Korean vessels and inspecting them, especially when they have suspected suspicious materials. Hereto, North Korea has not been given any carte blanches from vessel inspections. The U.S. Navy and NATO vessels have a virtual cordon of the waterways around the Middle East from the Indian Ocean to the Read Sea and Mediterranean Sea. If the North Korean vessel had nuclear materials it would never have reached Syria. [37] Missile shield is urgent Bush, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), October 23, 2007.

The U.S. is well in the process of implementing the recommendations of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC); [The United States must] develop and deploy missile defences to defend the American homeland and American allies, and to provide a secure basis for U.S. power projection around the world, and Control the new international commons of space and cyberspace and pave the way for the creation of a new military service U.S. Space Forces with the mission of space control. Thomas Donnelly et al., Rebuilding Americas Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources For A New Century (The Project for the New American Century: September 2000), p.v. [38] It is here that two things should be noted in regards to physics and magnetospheric physics; Firstly, nuclear explosions from the air are different than ground-based nuclear explosions in many ways (including contamination levels), but the weather and wind direction are major unknowns or variables; Secondly, as a fundamental natural law energy never disappears, it only changes or is transferred. The energy from nuclear explosions can theoretically be transferred into the Earth magnetic radiation fields, called the Van Allen Belt or the Van Allen Belts, and used to energize and excite various particles, sub-atomic particles, and ions. Tentatively, if manipulated this can have harmful results on surface areas, including burning electronic and communication devices, and military applications such as disrupting satellites in space. If this were possible Russian, Chinese, Iranian, or Indian military defences, communications, and missile facilities could be effortlessly neutralized. These radiation belts also travel in loops and notionally an energized pulse set off from an area in the U.S. could circumnavigate into an area halfway around the globe.

In fact the U.S. military has been experimenting with manipulating the radiation belts since the end of the Second World War. The U.S. Navys Project Argus, taking place from August to September 1958, is an example. A total of five nuclear weapons were used; three atom bombs (weapons using nuclear fission) were detonated above the Atlantic Ocean and two thermonuclear or hydrogen bombs (weapons using nuclear fusion) in the Pacific Ocean in an effort to manipulate the Van Allen Belts. Homepage
=========================================== RELATED STORY HERE... Is USAF Stand Down To Find A Missing Nuke? Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the united states air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.

PREFACE: Nuclear weapon went missing, weapons were loaded on a B52 by " mistake" flown to Barksdale AFB in Louisianna , story burried by the midea as an accident. Now many of the people involved turned up dead. POLITICS INVOLVED: to make Iran think we are ready to use NUKES Also, missing NUKE may be used by "covert ops", other ?

Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities'

--By Lori Price,

The following section was compiled by 'The Pundit.' Since the Minot story broke a week ago about the missing nuke clandestine operation from Minot, we have the following (for those who are paying attention): 1. 2. 3. 4. All All All All six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base were directly involved as loaders or as pilots are now dead within the last 7 days in 'accidents' [Not all of them --LRP] 012 Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B-52, and they may have told their wives and friends. "The Pundit"

***** Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave 12 Sep 2007 The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died Monday while visiting with family members. The statement did not say how he died. The base said Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. [The primary mission of the 5th Security Forces Squadron is to 'provide 24-hour law enforcement and security services for the 5th Bomb Wing and all tenant units assigned to Minot AFB.' "Guardians of the Upper Realm" --The host wing on Minot Air Force Base, the 5th Bomb Wing operates the B-52H Stratofortress aircraft to provide global strike and combat-support capabilities to geographic commanders. B52 Stratofortress - Mission --Air Combat Command's B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions... It can carry nuclear or precision guided conventional ordnance with worldwide precision navigation capability.] AF Secretary Visits MAFB 14 Sep 2007 The top civilian in the Air Force spent the afternoon at Minot Air Force Base today. Michael Wynne, the Secretary of the Air Force, arrived at the base about 1 PM to get a personal look at how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled. His visit comes two weeks after a B-52 bomber loaded with six nuclear warheads was flown from Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base.


Five deaths detailed below. This appears to be very serious coverup--and Congress is VERY quiet about it too! Possibilities, since the "accident" makes no sense: a) some group began a rogue mission, even mutiny or rebellion; if so, what was their target? This is hard to fathom, for they would have been shot down instead, and too many failsafes. b) a mock drill that got out of hand; no way these guys took off with a nuke on wing without key officers knowing. c) a disavowed, covert operation by a secret military wing that was then "leaked" by some others that knew; and are now dead and cannot testify. (The coverts ops would treat any leak as "treason", to justify their deaths). What was the operation's mission if this was the case?

Some of these could conceivably explain why Congress is silent about investigating this, which is impossible to be a mere "accident", given all the fail-safe procedures outlined in previous articles (at CLG news feed). --------------------------------------Updated 15 September 2007 at 1933 HRS EDT

Hal Turner Show


I am working on confirming the details but at this time I can tell you I have information indicating these military members have been killed. Check back later. . . . more details to follow UPDATE 2028 HRS: Death of 1 Airman from Minot AFB CONFIRMED Here UPDATE 2034 HRS: Death of Husband & wife from Barksdale AFB in "accident" confirmed Here ====================================
If anyone finds the name of the commander that was fired over this please let me know. I looked for it, but since this whole thing is a "classified matter" i dont think its been published. Also i find it strange that theres no mention of it on any official AF website im guessing cause its classified Heres a bunch of stuff i found that may be worth glancing at. Brad ==================== #1 - Barrs died on July 5 (or 3rd?)

#2 - Kissel died on July 20 #3 - the nuke flight was on Aug 30 #4 - Frueh died around Sept 8 #5 - Blue died Sept 10 #6 - the couple that died on Sept 15 were from Barksdale AFB, not Minot Missing Airman declared dead MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. Andersen Air Force Base officials today (CST) announced that Airman 1st Class Michael McDonald, 5th Maintenance Squadron, has been declared dead after being reported missing in the waters off Tarague Beach, Guam, since Jan. 26 Airmen respond rapidly during exercise 7/2/2007 - MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- Twenty-five members from the 5th Bomb Wing and 91st Space Wing and 20th Air Force's top leader responded to a fictional scenario during a Response Task Force exercise here June 11. Minot Airman identified Adam Barr 7/5/2007 Senior Airman Adam Barrs, 20, a communications navigation mission systems journeyman, was assigned to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron where he was responsible for maintenance and troubleshooting communication and navigation mission systems on B-52H Stratofortresses. Two Airmen were in the car when the accident occurred. One Airman was killed and the other was injured. Adam Barr was dead already as of june 6 2007 it appears to me ? Minot Airman dies in motorcycle accident 7/18/2007 - MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- A first lieutenant from Minot Air Force Base died in a motorcycle accident while on leave in Tennessee July 17. First Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, was assigned to the 23rd Bomb Squadron as a B-52H Stratofortress pilot. 5th OG gets new commander 7/27/2007 Minot AFB conducts rapid launch exercise

8/9/2007 - A B-52H Stratofortress takes off from here during a eight-ship rapid-launch generation exercise on Aug. 9.

9/12/2007 - MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- An Airman from Minot Air Force Base died while on leave, visiting with family in Wytheville, Va., Sept. 10.

8/21/2007 - Airmen from the 5th Munitions Squadron inspect a joint air-to-surface standoff missile here Aug. 17. See related links to watch the video. 8/29/2007 - MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- A B-52H Stratofortress from here flew a sortie testing a new joint air-to-surface standoff missile Aug. 21 Missing Air Force captain found dead He's identified as Capt. John Frueh, assigned to Headquarters, Air Force Special Operations Command at Hurlburt Field, in the Florida Panhandle. Argument ends in death, murder charges PINELLAS COUNTY Joshua Goodin is dead, and his brother-in-law William Donahue is in the Pinellas County Jail charged with second degree murder. Dohahue, 21, of Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, was arrested by Clearwater Police and charged with attempted murder on Sept. 12 after allegedly throwing Goodin, 25, of Tampa, over the railing of a thirdfloor balcony at the Sea Stone Resort, 504 Gulfview Blvd., Clearwater Beach. =============== off topic, but related to remote control etc... 8/14/2007 - LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. (ACCNS) -- The redesignation of the 83rd Network Operations Squadron Aug. 3 completed its transformation into the Air Force's newest high-speed squadron dedicated to meeting the service's cyberspace mission. The responsibilities of the 83rd are important because adversaries " ... can not only use cyberspace in new asymmetrical ways, but can actually make it fit their needs," said Dr. Lani Kass, special assistant to the chief of staff of the Air Force and director of the Air Force Cyberspace Task Force. "Cyberspace's edge for an enemy is they can strike from a distance and at lightning speed - at the stroke of a

keyboard," she said. ===============

The guys name who killed Airman Adam Barrs, the guys name who was driving (that killed him) was Stephen Garrett. There happens to be a Stephen Garrett at Minot (maybe a coincidence ?) 5th Maintenance Squadron Airman 1st Class Stephen Garrett Dyess mourns loss of career aviator 8/8/2007 - DYESS AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (ACCNS) -- A 29-year-old Dyess C-130 Hercules flight engineer died of natural causes Aug. 5 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany. Sergeant Link entered the Air Force in 1996. He served as a B-52 flying crew chief, a B-1 crew chief in the 7th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at Dyess, and an Air Force recruiter before retraining as a flight engineer. He said the reaction of Sergeant Link's death from those in the 317th Airlift Group was disbelief. "Sergeant Link was physically fit," he said.

======== Cyber mission here, but picture still is out of focus Two-star general headed to Barksdale to take over organizational work September 16, 2007 Until Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne flat-out says where Cyber Command will be based, Barksdale Air Force Base is just one of several suitors seeking the hand of the service's next star. Gulick said a two-star general, not yet named, will come to Barksdale to take over the formative leadership role from Lt. Gen. Robert J. Elder Jr., who will go back to running 8th Air Force. And Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., once headquarters of Strategic Air Command, and a base whose surrounding communities long again for the days when it was a focus or world and national attention, also is a suitor. -----------

LIEUTENANT GENERAL ROBERT J. "BOB" ELDER JR. 19. April 2000 - September 2001, Deputy Director, NATO Reaction Force Air Staff, Allied Command Europe, Kalkar, Germany 20. October 2001 - June 2003, Vice Commander, 9th Air Force, and Deputy Commander, U.S. Central Command Air Forces, Shaw AFB, S.C. Lt. Gen. Robert J. Elder is Commander, 8th Air Force, Barksdale Air Force Base, La., and Joint Functional Component Commander for Global Strike and Integration, U.S. Strategic Command, Offutt AFB, Neb. He also commands the Air Force service component headquarters for cyberspace, global strike and network operations, and Strategic Command's bomber and reconnaissance Task Force 204. Task Force 204 is responsible for monitoring all nuclear bomber, reconnaissance and cruise missile generation operations. Thanks to USNORTHCOM's involvement in heavily publicized missions such as hurricane disaster relief efforts and wildland firefighting, Elder is familiar with the command's defense support to civil authorities. But this personal visit to the command gave him a better feel for USNORTHCOM's requirements for space and integrated missile defense, he said. USNORTHCOM, created in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, is charged with conducting operations to deter, prevent, and defeat threats and aggression aimed at the United States, its territories, and interests. The command also provides defense support of civil authorities, including consequence management operations, as directed by the President or Secretary of Defense.

6/5/2007 - MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- Command of the 5th Bomb Wing turned over to a new leader June 5 in a ceremony held at Dock seven here. Col. Bruce C. Emig assumed command of the wing from Col. Eldon A. Woodie, who retired the same day after 29 years of military service. Lt. Gen. Robert J. Elder Jr., 8th Air Force commander, officiated the ceremony and noted daily excellence is and will continue to be the standard at Minot Air Force Base under Colonel Emig. The general added Colonel Emig knows Minot. He was stationed here from 1999-2002. In February 2001, Colonel Emig assumed command of the 23rd Bomb Squadron. The ceremony also included a presentation of the colors by the base honor guard and an unveiling of the 5th BW commander's B-52H Stratofortress with Colonel Emig's name inscribed on the nose. COLONEL BRUCE C. EMIG

Colonel Bruce C. Emig is commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota. He is responsible for providing combat-ready B-52H aircraft, crews and associated combat support for deterrence, crisis response, global power projection, major theater war and maritime operations and Air and Space Expeditionary Force deployments. He also serves as the installation commander. EDUCATION: 1999 DoD Executive Leadership Development Program, Washington D.C. 2001 Air War College (correspondence), Maxwell AFB, Ala. ASSIGNMENTS: 8. February 2001 - July 2002, commander, 23d Bomb Squadron, Minot AFB

related Is USAF Stand Down To Find A Missing Nuke? Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the united states air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon. Homepage
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Is USAF Stand Down To Find A Missing Nuke?

Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.

By Chuck Simpson 9-12-7 Some History

Barksdale Missile Number Six deserves far more public attention than it's received to date. Missile Number Six is potentially the major story of at least this year.

Until 1968 under the Airborne Alert Program, informally called Operation Chrome Dome, the Air Force routinely kept about a dozen strategic bombers with nuclear weapons flying at all times.

One predictable result was crashes and incidents. In 1968 the Department of Defense published a list of 13 serious nuclear weapons accidents that occurred between 1950 and 1968. In 1980 the list was revised to include 32 incidents through that year.

Notably, the Pentagon has not acknowledged any accidents since 1980. This alone highlights the importance the Pentagon is placing on the recent transportation of nuclear weapons from North Dakota to Louisiana.

Through 1968, several reported incidents involved plane crashes or malfunctions, beginning with the crash of a B-29 near Fairfield, California in August 1950. The resulting blast was felt 30 miles away.

In July 1950 a B-50 crashed near Lebanon, Ohio. The high-explosive trigger for the nuclear weapon detonated on impact. The blast was felt over 25 miles away.

In May 1957 a nuclear weapon fell from the bomb bay of a B-36 near Albuquerque, New Mexico. Parachutes malfunctioned and the weapon was destroyed on impact.

In October 1957 near Homestead, Florida a B-47 crashed. The nuclear weapon was burned.

In March 1958 a B-47 accidentally dropped a nuclear weapon near Florence, South Carolina. The high-explosive trigger detonated on impact.

In November 1958 a B-47 crashed near Abilene, Texas. The trigger of the nuclear weapon exploded upon impact.

In July 1959 a C-124 crashed near Bossier City, Louisiana. Both plane and nuclear weapon were destroyed.

In October 1959 a B-52 with two nuclear weapons was involved in a mid-air collision near Hardinsburg, Kentucky. One weapon partially burned.

In January 1961 a B-52 broke apart in mid-air near Goldsboro, North Carolina. Two nuclear weapons were released. The parachute on one weapon malfunctioned, and contamination was spread over a wide area. The uranium core was never recovered. Daniel Ellsberg reported that detonation was a very real risk because five of six safety devices failed.

In that month near Monticello, Idaho a B-52 carrying nuclear weapons exploded in mid-air. No information was made available as to the weapons.

In March 1961 a B-52 with two nuclear weapons crashed near Yuba City, California.

In January 1964 a B-52 carrying two nuclear weapons crashed near Cumberland, Maryland.

In January 1966 a B-52 carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed after a mid-air collision near Palomares, Spain. Two weapons exploded on impact, with resulting plutonium contamination. A months-long program was undertaken to locate and extract the other two weapons from the ocean. Major policy changes were taken under consideration.

In January 1968 a B-52 carrying four hydrogen weapons crashed and burned near Thule AFB in Greenland. Explosives in one bomb detonated, spreading plutonium contamination. Apparently, the other three weapons have never been accounted for.

Following large public protests Denmark, which owns Greenland and prohibits nuclear weapons on or over its territory, filed a strong protest. A few days later the Secretary of Defense ordered the removal of nuclear weapons from planes. After that order was issued, all aircraft armed with nuclear weapons were grounded but kept in a constant state of alert.

In 1991 by Presidential order, nuclear weapons were removed from all aircraft. Bomber nuclear ground alerts, during which nuclear weapons are loaded onto bombers during test and training exercises, were halted. After that time, all nuclear weapons to be delivered by plane were permanently maintained in secure storage facilities.

August 30, 2007

All of which makes the transport of nuclear weapons in combat position on a combat plane so newsworthy.

On August 30, for the first time since 1968, nuclear warheads in combat position were carried by an American bomber. Numerous international treaty provisions were violated in the process.

That Thursday, a B-52H Stratofortress flew from Minot AFB in North Dakota to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana while carrying twelve cruise missiles. Either five or six of those missiles were armed with nuclear warheads.

Cruise Missiles

The missiles on the B-52 were AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile units, specifically designed to be launched from wing pods of B-52H planes.

A total of 460 units were manufactured by Raytheon. A total of 394 units are currently maintained by the Air Force. Apparently, 38 are to be modernized and upgraded in Fiscal Year 2008 and the other 356 are to be decommissioned pursuant to the 2002 Moscow treaty.

Raytheon has publicly announced the AGM-129 missiles are to be modified to accomplish a "classified cruise missile mission". This has widely been interpreted to mean conversion to bunker-busters, most likely for use in Iran. This widely accepted explanation is being used to explain why armed cruise missiles are being flown in American airspace.

Nuclear Warheads

The AGM-129 was specifically designed to deliver a W-80 nuclear warhead. The W-80 weapon has a variable yield capability, of 5 to 150 kilotons. For comparison purposes, the bomb used on Hiroshima was 13 to 15 kilotons, or equivalent to 13,000 to 15,000 tons of TNT explosive.

News Stories and Flawed Explanations

The story of the B-52 flight was first reported by Army Times, owned by Gannett, on Wednesday September 5. Gannett relied on information provided by "anonymous officers". The story was picked up by Yahoo Wednesday morning, published by USA Today and The Washington Pos, and then quickly spread.

In response, the Pentagon quickly spread an official explanation.

The Air Force admitted to an inadvertent error: The intent was to transport ACMs without weapons. According to military officers, the nuclear warheads should have been removed before the missiles were mounted on the pylons under the wings of the bomber.

In the words of the Pentagon:

"There was an error which occurred during a regularly scheduled transfer of weapons between two bases. The weapons were safe and remained in Air Force control and custody at all times."

For almost the first time in the history of the nation, the military has publicly and promptly admitted it "made a mistake". This in itself is truly astounding.

To reinforce the military's claim that a mistake was made, a system-wide stand-down was ordered for September 14.

That official explanation was quickly explained away. The mistake was made intentionally, so a "deliberate leak" of a secret operation could occur.

The CIA and the Office of Counter-Terrorism in the State Department explained that Barksdale AFB is a "jumping off point" for re-supply of the Middle East.

The "deliberate leak" was intended to serve as a veiled warning to Iran. This deliberately misleading explanation is evidently intended to lead the public or Iran or both to logically conclude the missiles are bound for Iran.

Bluntly, State and the CIA converted a whistleblower leak by true American patriots into a deliberate leak by official Washington, to scare Iran.

By this means Washington has led the public to forget or overlook the real issue.

To begin, the multiple official explanations reek to high heaven. They collectively read suspiciously like flimsy cover stories concocted in hasty desperation. And no amount of pretty lipstick will be able to make the official explanations pretty.

Transportation Violations

More conflicting explanations followed. These missiles are part of a group scheduled to be decommissioned. This would explain why they were shipped out of North Dakota.

But the missiles were not transported on their way to decommissioning. Missiles are normally decommissioned at Davis-Monthan AFB at Tucson. Nuclear weapons are decommissioned at the Department of Energy's Pantex facility near Amarillo, Texas, accessed through Kirkland AFB in New Mexico.

And military policy requires minimization of the number of flights made with nuclear weapons aboard. So the weapons should not have been mounted on the missiles, flown to Louisiana, un-mounted and flown to New Mexico.

The mode of transportation is also a major issue not defused by official explanations. Per standard operating procedures, or SOPs, both missiles and nuclear warheads are transported primarily by air, in specially modified C-130s or C-17s. Under no peacetime circumstances do military SOPs allow transport of nuclear weapons mounted in cruise missiles mounted in combat positions on combat planes.

Department of Defense Directive Number 4540.5, issued on February 4, 1998, regulates logistic transportation of nuclear weapons.

By delegation of Commanders of Combatant Commands, movement of nuclear weapons must be approved by commanders of major service commands.

Commanders of Combat Commands or service component commanders must evaluate, authorize and approve transport modes and movement routes for nuclear weapons in their custody.

The Air Force is required to maintain a Prime Nuclear Airlift Force capability to conduct the logistic transport of nuclear weapons.

Under SOPs, combat planes with combat-ready nuclear weapons can only be flown on the authority of the Commander in Chief, the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the National Military Command Authority.

All of these transportation regulations were flagrantly violated on August 30.

Handling Violations

Violations of regulations concerning handling of the nuclear weapons in North Dakota are worse.

A sophisticated computerized tracking system is used for nuclear weapons. Multiple sign-offs are required to remove the weapons from their storage bunkers.

The AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile was designed to carry nuclear weapons. No non-nuclear warhead is available for this missile. So the only possible error could have been loading nuclear warheads on the missiles instead of practice dummies.

The practice warheads have standard blue and yellow signs declaring "Inert, non-nuclear". The nuclear warheads have at least three distinctive red warning signs. This error is therefore highly improbable, absent tampering with signage.

Nuclear weapons are transported from the storage bunker to the aircraft in a caravan that routinely includes vehicles with machine guns front and rear and guards with M-16s. All steps in the process are done under the watchful eyes of armed military police.

Rules require that at least two people jointly control every step of the process. If one person loses sight of the other, both are forced to the ground face-down and temporarily "placed under arrest" by observant security forces. All progress stops until inspections are made to assure the weapons weren't tampered with.

All nuclear weapons are connected to sophisticated alarm systems to prevent removal or tampering. They could only be removed from the storage bunker by turning the alarm off. And the squad commander clearly would not have authority to turn off the alarm.

The Impossible Mistake

Bluntly, the mistake of loading nuclear weapons on a combat aircraft in combat-ready position is simply not possible to make. Safeguards are far too stringent and far too many people would be involved. Particularly given that the mounting was in violation of policy that's been in place without exception for almost 40 years.

No discipline is expected to be meted out. The New York Times tried to imply the commanding general had been fired. Actually, the squad commander in charge of munitions crews at Minot was "relieved of duty pending an

investigation". He has not been removed from his position or disciplined. The crews involved have been "temporarily decertified pending corrective actions or additional training" but have not been disciplined. No mention has been made of the wing commander.

Note carefully: These actions amount to nothing at all. The wing and squad commanders are still in place and the crews can easily be re-certified.

Successful Confusion

Washington's efforts to confuse the public have been successful. Attention has shifted from the crucial issue.

This news has already become non-news. The August 14 stand-down will momentarily become news, followed by announcements of more stringent restrictions, improved safeguards and additional training. The public always has been and always will be safe.

One of the major issues will be avoided:

Someone in an irregular chain of Air Force command authorized loading and transport of nuclear weapons.

And that would never have been done without a reason. Given the magnitude of regulatory violations involved, the reason must be extremely important.

The paramount issue will be avoided, if necessary with repetition of the reassurance that the Air Force was in control at all times. The weapons were only missing during the 3.5-hour flight.

At Barksdale, the missiles were considered to be unarmed items headed for modernization or the scrap heap, and of no particular importance. They were left unguarded for almost ten hours.

According to one report, almost ten hours were required for airmen at Minot AFB to convince superiors that the nuclear weapons had disappeared. According to information provided to Congress, this time lapsed before airmen at Barksdale "noticed" the weapons were present. News reports will continue to overlook this fact also.

Even here the focus is on time. The number of missiles and warheads issue was overlooked.

Early news reports spoke of five nuclear warheads loaded onto the bomber. Apparently, this information was provided from Barksdale.

That number was later updated to six weapons missing from Minot, apparently based on anonymous tips provided to Military Times by people at Minot. This information has also been forgotten.


Six nuclear weapons disappeared from Minot AFB in North Dakota.

Five nuclear weapons were discovered at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana.

Which leads to my chilling conclusion:

Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.

What next?

The answer has been provided several times, most recently by CIA Director and General Michael Hayden. On September 7, dressed in full military uniform, Hayden told assembled members of the Council of Foreign Relations:

"Our analysts assess with high confidence that al-Qaida's central leadership is planning high-impact plots against the U. S. homeland."

"We assess with high confidence that al-Qaida is focusing on targets that would produce mass casualties, dramatic destruction and significant aftershocks."

An eye for an eye. Use of nukes will justify use of nukes. A perfect excuse to wage nuclear war against Iran.

I suspect Hayden is absolutely correct, except for his mistaken identification of the "central leadership" that is planning detonation of a nuclear weapon on American soil.

Reports surfaced recently through CIA operatives posing as alternative media personalities that nukes were seen being moved at the Denver International Airport. Here is a response to that report, first reported by Hal Turner, by author of the book Vatican Assassins, Eric Phelps:

"Jesuit Coadjutor Hal Turner has been given some correct information. I saw the CNN news report of the B-52s moving the nuclear warheads in the Denver airport and knew this was possibly the beginning of placing nuclear devices in targeted cities here in the US. Following the detonations, Al Qaeda will be blamed, Mecca and Medina blown to bits by CIA/Al Qaeda with pre-placed special weapons, martial law declared, the roundup of all American Moslems (as portrayed the Order's Hollywood movie in which military officer Bruce Willis rounds up American Moslems) and the opening of the concentration camps.

"This movement of nukes is indeed a Criminal Conspiracy carried out by Bonesman George Bush under the leadership of his Knight of Malta father who is the mere vassal of Knight of Malta and Archbishop of New York City, Edward Cardinal Egan--directed by Jesuit Avery Cardinal Dulles at Fordham University whose SMOM uncle and ex-DCI Allen Dulles was a co-conspirator in the murder and cover-up of JFK.

"Hal Turner has put out some real truth here but for what reason? He is a White Roman Catholic, pro neo-Nazi, Jew hating, pro Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan, Jesuit shill. Hal Turner, by putting out this info, will be vindicated in his pro-fascist position and draw millions of White Roman Catholics, apostate Protestants and Baptists into his org---as intended by the Jesuits. The Order's "terrorism" is in fact a political ecumenical movement to culminate in a military dictatorship first attempted back in the 1930s via Knight of Malta John J. Raskob, a kingpin in the Democratic Party and controller of DuPont, one of the country's foremost munitions manufacturers. "With the iniquity of the Americans having come to the full, maybe this attempt by the Order will be successful."

Now - ALL 6 DEAD - Minot AFB Nuke Oddities (1/2) > >> longdraw: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 Now - ALL 6 DEAD - Minot AFB Nuke Oddities Sept 18, 2007 Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities' -By Lori Price The following section was compiled by 'The Pundit.'

Since the Minot story broke a week ago about the missing nukeclandestine operation from Minot, we have the following (for those who are paying attention):

1. All six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base 2. All were directly involved as loaders or as pilots 3. All are now dead 4. All within the last 7 days in 'accidents' [Not all of them --LRP] 15012

Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B-52, and they may have told their wives and friends.

"The Pundit" ***** Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave

12 Sep 2007 The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died Monday while visiting with family members.

The statement did not say how he died.

The base said Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. [The primary mission of the 5th Security Forces Squadron is to 'provide 24-hour law enforcement and security services for the 5th Bomb Wing and all tenant units assigned to Minot AFB.'

"Guardians of the Upper Realm" The host wing on Minot Air Force Base, the 5th Bomb Wing operates the B-52H Stratofortress aircraft to provide global strike and combat-support capabilities to geographic commanders.

B-52 Stratofortress - Mission Air Combat Command's B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions... It can carry nuclear or precision guided conventional ordnance with worldwide precision navigation capability.]

AF Secretary Visits MAFB 14 Sep 2007 The top civilian in the Air Force spent the afternoon at Minot Air Force Base today. Michael Wynne, the Secretary of the Air Force, arrived at the base about 1 PM to get a personal look at how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled. His visit comes two weeks after a B-52 bomber loaded with 6 Nuclear Warheads was flown from Minot ND. to Barksdale Air Force Base. LA. endevour: Are you f**king kidding me? NO way in hell is that a coincidence. f**k!! :o JConner: Let's put some perspective on these events: The first and third link in the opening post are reporting the same death, that of Todd Blue. The second one does not report any names, so there is no way to know who died, although it is stated a husband and wife from Barksdale were the ones who died. The last link is reporting the death of Captain John Frueh who's body was found in Washington state on September 10th (according to the byline information in the article). It does not state any connection to Minot airbase. Was he stationed there? Anyway, here is the timeline on deaths Todd Blue - Sept 10 Anonymous Barksdale man and his wife - Sept 15 Adam Barrs - July 3 Weston Kessel - July 17 John Frueh - somewhere around Sept 10, possibly a couple days before. So Adam Barrs is killed on July 3rd, then Weston Kessel is killed on July 17, then John Frueh is killed sometime before Sept 10, on which date Todd Blue is also killed, and finally two unknowns from Barksdale are killed on Sept 15. Now when did the nuke incident occur? Are all these people connected to THAT PARTICULAR FLIGHT?

These are things that need to be known. (We need a B52-Minot incident thread listing all relevant information in a timeline-type fashion...) longdraw: also one of the links is dated Jul 20, 2007 ??? rustygunn: Timeline for missing nukes.;wap2

***J. P. WHEELER III & Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB False Flag NUCLEAR BOMB Plot! (Read 46235 times) citizenx
Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #120 on: January 10, 2011, 01:06:11 AM

Yeah, don't go overboard. Don't go out of your way. No biggie. Just a man with the highest security clearances tortured and thrown out in the trash. Take it easy, though, smokies.


Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #121 on: January 10, 2011, 03:13:01 AM

Oh, It Was The John P. Wheeler III Who Was Involved In The Barksdale-Minot Incident Who Was Found In A Landfill! So Wayne Madsen hips me to this tip on John Wheeler III, whose name I didn't recognize: John Wheeler III, special assistant to Air Force Secretary during the 2007 B-52 nuke incident at Minot, found dead in Delaware landfill. Homicide concluded. Last seen on Amtrak from DC on Dec. 28. Dealing with neocons can be hazardous to one's health. Not the first suspicious Air Force death as reported by WMR. A bit more digging, so you have somewhere to start, brings me to Sodahead's rather levelheaded opinion : What the "news" is not telling you is Wheeler was the assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force in the George W. Bush Administration. It was the Secretary of the Air Force who discovered that Richard Cheney had set up an alternative chain of command to the nuclear weapons wing of the AF. In the process, six minutemen missiles armed with nuclear warheads were secretly transported from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB. The later is the chief staging base for the Middle East war. The alarm system for the weapons was deactivated for the transport, something that not even the base commander could authorize. The orders had to have come from above. Many point to Cheney. Before the warheads could be flown via B-52 to the Iraq/Iran theater, the Secretary of the Air Force ordered the stand-down of all B-52 flights. When he discovered the alternative chain of command to Cheney, he fired all military personnel who were involved. Cheney was said to have been livid. The Secretary ordered an investigation of what the AF press release called an oversight, and 70 enlisted men and 5 officers were removed from the Minot nuclear system.

At the same time, people involved began to die mysteriously. Wheeler is only the latest casualty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Six (Leave from Minot) Minus Five (Arrive at Barksdale) Equals: ONE MISSING NUCLEAR BOMB Updated (what follows, Gentle Reader, was written by one of my most trusted sources, the thorough, most excellent Mr. Chuck Simpson. Bravo: well done.) 2007 FLASHBACK: Six Nukes Leave Minot Minus Five Nukes Arrive At Barksdale Equals... Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, ...stole a nuclear weapon. Some History: Barksdale Missile Number Six deserves far more public attention than it's received to date. Missile Number Six is potentially the major story of at least this year. Until 1968 under the Airborne Alert Program, informally called Operation Chrome Dome, the Air Force routinely kept about a dozen strategic bombers with nuclear weapons flying at all times. One predictable result was crashes and incidents. In 1968 the Department of Defense published a list of 13 serious nuclear weapons accidents that occurred between 1950 and 1968. In 1980 the list was revised to include 32 incidents through that year. Notably, the Pentagon has not acknowledged any accidents since 1980. This alone highlights the importance the Pentagon is placing on the recent transportation of nuclear weapons from North Dakota to Louisiana. Through 1968, several reported incidents involved plane crashes or malfunctions, beginning with the crash of a B-29 near Fairfield, California in August 1950. The resulting blast was felt 30 miles away. In July 1950 a B-50 crashed near Lebanon, Ohio. The high-explosive trigger for the nuclear weapon detonated on impact. The blast was felt over 25 miles away. In May 1957 a nuclear weapon fell from the bomb bay of a B-

36 near Albuquerque, New Mexico. Parachutes malfunctioned and the weapon was destroyed on impact. In October 1957 near Homestead, Florida a B-47 crashed. The nuclear weapon was burned. In March 1958 a B-47 accidentally dropped a nuclear weapon near Florence, South Carolina. The high-explosive trigger detonated on impact. In November 1958 a B-47 crashed near Abilene, Texas. The trigger of the nuclear weapon exploded upon impact. In July 1959 a C-124 crashed near Bossier City, Louisiana. Both plane and nuclear weapon were destroyed. In October 1959 a B-52 with two nuclear weapons was involved in a mid-air collision near Hardinsburg, Kentucky. One weapon partially burned. In January 1961 a B-52 broke apart in mid-air near Goldsboro, North Carolina. Two nuclear weapons were released. The parachute on one weapon malfunctioned, and contamination was spread over a wide area. The uranium core was never recovered. Daniel Ellsberg reported that detonation was a very real risk because five of six safety devices failed. In that month near Monticello, Idaho a B-52 carrying nuclear weapons exploded in mid-air. No information was made available as to the weapons. In March 1961 a B-52 with two nuclear weapons crashed near Yuba City, California. In January 1964 a B-52 carrying two nuclear weapons crashed near Cumberland, Maryland. In January 1966 a B-52 carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed after a mid-air collision near Palomares, Spain. Two weapons exploded on impact, with resulting plutonium contamination. A months-long program was undertaken to locate and extract the other two weapons from the ocean. Major policy changes were taken under consideration. In January 1968 a B-52 carrying four hydrogen weapons crashed and burned near Thule AFB in Greenland. Explosives in one bomb detonated, spreading plutonium contamination. Apparently, the other three weapons have never been accounted for. Following large public protests Denmark, which owns Greenland and prohibits nuclear weapons on or over its territory, filed a strong protest. A few days later the Secretary of Defense ordered the removal of nuclear weapons from planes. After that order was issued, all aircraft armed with nuclear weapons were grounded but kept in a constant state of alert. In 1991 by Presidential order, nuclear weapons were removed from all aircraft. Bomber nuclear ground alerts, during which nuclear weapons are loaded onto bombers during test and training

exercises, were halted. After that time, all nuclear weapons to be delivered by plane were permanently maintained in secure storage facilities. August 30, 2007 All of which makes the transport of nuclear weapons in combat position on a combat plane so newsworthy. On August 30, for the first time since 1968, nuclear warheads in combat position were carried by an American bomber. Numerous international treaty provisions were violated in the process. That Thursday, a B-52H Stratofortress flew from Minot AFB in North Dakota to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana while carrying twelve cruise missiles. Either five or six of those missiles were armed with nuclear warheads. Cruise Missiles The missiles on the B-52 were AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile units, specifically designed to be launched from wing pods of B-52H planes. A total of 460 units were manufactured by Raytheon. A total of 394 units are currently maintained by the Air Force. Apparently, 38 are to be modernized and upgraded in Fiscal Year 2008 and the other 356 are to be decommissioned pursuant to the 2002 Moscow treaty. Raytheon has publicly announced the AGM-129 missiles are to be modified to accomplish a "classified cruise missile mission". This has widely been interpreted to mean conversion to bunkerbusters, most likely for use in Iran. This widely accepted explanation is being used to explain why armed cruise missiles are being flown in American airspace. Nuclear Warheads The AGM-129 was specifically designed to deliver a W-80 nuclear warhead. The W-80 weapon has a variable yield capability, of 5 to 150 kilotons. For comparison purposes, the bomb used on Hiroshima was 13 to 15 kilotons, or equivalent to 13,000 to 15,000 tons of TNT explosive. News Stories and Flawed Explanations

The story of the B-52 flight was first reported by Army Times, owned by Gannett, on Wednesday September 5. Gannett relied on information provided by "anonymous officers". The story was picked up by Yahoo Wednesday morning, published by USA Today and The Washington Pos, and then quickly spread. In response, the Pentagon quickly spread an official explanation. The Air Force admitted to an inadvertent error: The intent was to transport ACMs without weapons. According to military officers, the nuclear warheads should have been removed before the missiles were mounted on the pylons under the wings of the bomber. In the words of the Pentagon: "There was an error which occurred during a regularly scheduled transfer of weapons between two bases. The weapons were safe and remained in Air Force control and custody at all times." For almost the first time in the history of the nation, the military has publicly and promptly admitted it "made a mistake". This in itself is truly astounding. To reinforce the military's claim that a mistake was made, a system-wide stand-down was ordered for September 14. That official explanation was quickly explained away. The mistake was made intentionally, so a "deliberate leak" of a secret operation could occur. The CIA and the Office of Counter-Terrorism in the State Department explained that Barksdale AFB is a "jumping off point" for re-supply of the Middle East. The "deliberate leak" was intended to serve as a veiled warning to Iran. This deliberately misleading explanation is evidently intended to lead the public or Iran or both to logically conclude the missiles are bound for Iran. Bluntly, State and the CIA converted a whistleblower leak by true American patriots into a deliberate leak by official Washington, to scare Iran. By this means Washington has led the public to forget or overlook the real issue. To begin, the multiple official explanations reek to high heaven. They collectively read suspiciously like flimsy cover stories concocted in hasty desperation. And no amount of pretty lipstick will be able to make the official explanations pretty. Transportation Violations More conflicting explanations followed. These missiles are part of a group scheduled to be decommissioned. This would explain why

they were shipped out of North Dakota. But the missiles were not transported on their way to decommissioning. Missiles are normally decommissioned at Davis-Monthan AFB at Tucson. Nuclear weapons are decommissioned at the Department of Energy's Pantex facility near Amarillo, Texas, accessed through Kirkland AFB in New Mexico. And military policy requires minimization of the number of flights made with nuclear weapons aboard. So the weapons should not have been mounted on the missiles, flown to Louisiana, un-mounted and flown to New Mexico. The mode of transportation is also a major issue not defused by official explanations. Per standard operating procedures, or SOPs, both missiles and nuclear warheads are transported primarily by air, in specially modified C-130s or C17s. Under no peacetime circumstances do military SOPs allow transport of nuclear weapons mounted in cruise missiles mounted in combat positions on combat planes. Department of Defense Directive Number 4540.5, issued on February 4, 1998, regulates logistic transportation of nuclear weapons. By delegation of Commanders of Combatant Commands, movement of nuclear weapons must be approved by commanders of major service commands. Commanders of Combat Commands or service component commanders must evaluate, authorize and approve transport modes and movement routes for nuclear weapons in their custody. The Air Force is required to maintain a Prime Nuclear Airlift Force capability to conduct the logistic transport of nuclear weapons. Under SOPs, combat planes with combat-ready nuclear weapons can only be flown on the authority of the Commander in Chief, the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the National Military Command Authority. All of these transportation regulations were flagrantly violated on August 30. Handling Violations Violations of regulations concerning handling of the nuclear weapons in North Dakota are worse. A sophisticated computerized tracking system is used for nuclear weapons. Multiple sign-offs are required to remove the weapons from their storage bunkers. The AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile was designed to carry nuclear weapons. No non-nuclear warhead is available for this missile. So the only possible error could have been loading nuclear warheads on the missiles instead of practice dummies. The practice warheads have

standard blue and yellow signs declaring "Inert, non-nuclear". The nuclear warheads have at least three distinctive red warning signs. This error is therefore highly improbable, absent tampering with signage. Nuclear weapons are transported from the storage bunker to the aircraft in a caravan that routinely includes vehicles with machine guns front and rear and guards with M-16s. All steps in the process are done under the watchful eyes of armed military police. Rules require that at least two people jointly control every step of the process. If one person loses sight of the other, both are forced to the ground face-down and temporarily "placed under arrest" by observant security forces. All progress stops until inspections are made to assure the weapons weren't tampered with. All nuclear weapons are connected to sophisticated alarm systems to prevent removal or tampering. They could only be removed from the storage bunker by turning the alarm off. And the squad commander clearly would not have authority to turn off the alarm. The Impossible Mistake Bluntly, the mistake of loading nuclear weapons on a combat aircraft in combat-ready position is simply not possible to make. Safeguards are far too stringent and far too many people would be involved. Particularly given that the mounting was in violation of policy that's been in place without exception for almost 40 years. No discipline is expected to be meted out. The New York Times tried to imply the commanding general had been fired. Actually, the squad commander in charge of munitions crews at Minot was "relieved of duty pending an investigation". He has not been removed from his position or disciplined. The crews involved have been "temporarily decertified pending corrective actions or additional training" but have not been disciplined. No mention has been made of the wing commander. Note carefully: These actions amount to nothing at all. The wing and squad commanders are still in place and the crews can easily be re-certified. Successful Confusion Washington's efforts to confuse the public have been successful. Attention has shifted from the crucial issue. This news has already become non-news. The August 14 stand-down will momentarily

become news, followed by announcements of more stringent restrictions, improved safeguards and additional training. The public always has been and always will be safe. One of the major issues will be avoided: Someone in an irregular chain of Air Force command authorized loading and transport of nuclear weapons. And that would never have been done without a reason. Given the magnitude of regulatory violations involved, the reason must be extremely important. The paramount issue will be avoided, if necessary with repetition of the reassurance that the Air Force was in control at all times. The weapons were only missing during the 3.5-hour flight. At Barksdale, the missiles were considered to be unarmed items headed for modernization or the scrap heap, and of no particular importance. They were left unguarded for almost ten hours. According to one report, almost ten hours were required for airmen at Minot AFB to convince superiors that the nuclear weapons had disappeared. According to information provided to Congress, this time lapsed before airmen at Barksdale "noticed" the weapons were present. News reports will continue to overlook this fact also. Even here the focus is on time. The number of missiles and warheads issue was overlooked. Early news reports spoke of five nuclear warheads loaded onto the bomber. Apparently, this information was provided from Barksdale. That number was later updated to six weapons missing from Minot, apparently based on anonymous tips provided to Military Times by people at Minot. This information has also been forgotten. Conclusion Six nuclear weapons disappeared from Minot AFB in North Dakota. Five nuclear weapons were discovered at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. Which leads to my chilling conclusion: Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon. What next? The answer has been provided several times, most recently by CIA Director and General Michael Hayden. On September 7, dressed in full military uniform, Hayden told assembled members of the Council of Foreign Relations: "Our analysts assess with high confidence that al-Qaida's central leadership is planning high-impact plots against the U. S. homeland.

We assess with high confidence that al-Qaida is focusing on targets that would produce mass casualties, dramatic destruction and significant aftershocks." An eye for an eye. Use of nukes will justify use of nukes. A perfect excuse to wage nuclear war against Iran. I suspect Hayden is absolutely correct, except for his mistaken identification of the "central leadership" that is planning detonation of a nuclear weapon on American soil.



Eleutheroph iliac & Reply #122 on: January 10, 2011, 03:52:55 AM Drapetoman iac Global Moderator Member WOW!!! Great find. God help us if they killed him because they plan Offline Posts: 9,376

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!

to set off a broken arrow.


I am not a number, I am a free man! That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history. ~Aldous Huxley

Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #123 on: January 10, 2011, 03:54:26 AM

Inreality, this is an extremely urgent situation -- maybe the most urgent going on right now (and there IS a lot going on).



Eleutheroph iliac & Reply #124 on: January 10, 2011, 03:57:01 AM Drapetoman iac Global Moderator Quote from: citizenx on January 10, 2011, 03:54:26 AM Member Inreality, this is an extremely urgent situation -- maybe the most urgent Offline going on right now (and there IS a lot going on). Posts: 9,376

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!

We need to start compiling a list of all those involved in the Minot Nukes Incident. I know that several low level Airmen died around that time. "Suicides" and "accidents" and one murder.

Logged I am not a number, I am a free man!

That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.

~Aldous Huxley

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Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #125 on: January 10, 2011, 04:01:40 AM

Agreed, we either need to post that information here or at least links to the threads so people can cross-reference the information more easily IMO. I'm gonna start doing searches to find some of that, but if you find it before I do, post it please.



Eleutheroph iliac & Reply #126 on: January 10, 2011, 04:05:05 AM Drapetoman iac Global Moderator Here is a list of men that have died while serving at Minoc AFB. Member Offline Posts: 9,376

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!

Airman 1st Class Todd Blue, 20 5th Security Forces Squadron Sept. 10, 2007 No cause given (under investigation) First Lt. Weston Kissel, 28 23rd Bomb Squadron as a B-52H Stratofortress pilot July 17, 2007 motorcycle accident Senior Airman Adam Barrs, 20 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron where he was responsible for

I am not a number, I am a free man!

maintenance and troubleshooting communication and navigation mission systems on B-52H Stratofortresses. July 3 , 2007 single-vehicle accident Airman 1st Class Arthur Carroll, age 22 (and wife) 5th Communications Squadron March 25 , 2007 motor-vehicle accident Senior Airman Zachary Williams, 22 5th Civil Engineer Squadron March 2 , 2007 motor-vehicle accident Senior Airman Michael Duhamel 791st Missile Security Forces Squadron March 29, 2006 pulmonary embolism, which caused seizures. Lt. Col. Dave Patterson Dave was the 5th Maintenance Group deputy commander responsible for managing 1,200 Airmen maintaining 35 B-52H Stratofortress bombers and warheads for 150 Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles. Sept. 18, 2004 fell from an obstacle at the base's confidence course msg104773


That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history. ~Aldous Huxley

Eleutheroph iliac & Drapetoman iac Global Moderator Member Offline Posts: 9,376

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #127 on: January 10, 2011, 04:18:28 AM

The Mystery of Minot: Loose nukes and a cluster of dead airmen raise troubling questions
by Dave Lindorff This article appeared initially in the Oct. 22, 2007 issue of American Conservative magazine. The American Conservative has discovered that to date, more than a month after the incident, Pentagon investigators have completely ignored a peculiar cluster of six deaths during the weeks immediately preceding and following the B52 flight. Wed, 11/21/2007The unauthorized Aug. 29 cross-country flight of a B-52H Stratofortress armed with six nuclear-tipped AGM-29 Advanced Cruise missiles, which saw these 150-kiloton warheads go missing for 36 hours, has all the elements of two Hollywood movies. One would be a thriller about the theft from an armed weapons bunker of six nukes for some dark and murky purpose. The lead might be played by Matt Damon. The other movie would be a slapstick comedy about a bunch of bozos who couldnt tell the difference between a nuclear weapon and a pile of dummy warheads. The lead might be played by Adam Sandler, backed by the cast of Police Academy III. So far, the Pentagon, which has launched two separate investigations into the incident, seems to be assuming that it is dealing with the comedy version, saying that some incredible

I am not a number, I am a free man!

mistake led to nuclear weapons being taken inadvertently from a weapons-storage bunker, loaded into launch position on a bomber, and flown from North Dakota to Louisiana. The American Conservative has discovered that to date, more than a month after the incident, Pentagon investigators have completely ignored a peculiar cluster of six deaths, during the weeks immediately preceding and following the flight, of personnel at the two Air Force bases involved in the incident and Air Force Commando Operations headquarters... Read More:


That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history. ~Aldous Huxley

Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #128 on: January 10, 2011, 04:22:40 AM

Thx for those last two. I had to wash dishes tonight.

Quote from: simpletruths19 on October 14, 2010, 01:27:09 PM The Mystery of Minot It would seem that Americas nuclear weapons are kept very well

guarded under lock and key. There could never be an incident in which the United States military did not know where 6 of its nuclear warhead tipped missiles went. It would be inconceivable that these missiles would be lost in Americas skies for a number of hours. This certainty would not be the case if one remembers the Mystery of Minot. On August 30, 2007 a B-52 Stratofortress loaded with six nuclear cruise missiles left Minot Air Force Base, and headed out to its destination Barksdale Air Force Base. Under United States policy nuclear missiles are not supposed to be air born. Even though the nuclear missiles, W80-1s, have different markings that differentiate it from other missiles they were still loaded onto the B-52. If this was not bad enough there are the deaths of six airmen that were involved in loading the missiles onto the plane within 7 days of the incident. 1st Lt. Weston Kissel-Motorcycle Accident Senior Airman Clint Huff-Motorcycle Accident Linda Huff-Motorcycle Accident Adam Barrs-Car Accident Air Force Captain John Frueh-Suicide Airman First Class Todd Blue- Suicide The mysterious deaths of the airmen have been chocked up to just random car accidents. There have also been some arguments that some of the airmen where not directly responsible for loading the nuclear missiles. There have also been questions as to when the airmen died in relation to the incident, saying that some of them died in July and not August (not within 7 days of the incident). The last two deaths are of particular interest, in that they are both suicides. What is interesting about John Fruehs death is that he was found with a GPS and a video camera, according to the article, strange for someone who is about to commit suicide.

References Video Report about the Mystery of Minot Article about the Mystery of Minot Second article about the Mystery of Minot


Eleutheroph iliac & Drapetoman iac Global Moderator Member Offline Posts: 9,376

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #129 on: January 10, 2011, 04:27:28 AM

minot base crew commander found dead msg483860 Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities' By Lori Price

Logged I am not a number, I am a free man!

That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the

most important of all the lessons of history. ~Aldous Huxley

Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #130 on: January 10, 2011, 04:30:06 AM

Quote from: Free on September 15, 2007, 11:35:51 AM B52 Nuke: Minot Air Force Base Airman DEAD ... Minot Air Force Base Airman Died While on Leave. September 14th, 2007 Remember the one about the B-52 bomber that, according to legend, had six nuclear weapons loaded onto it by accident, which, of course, could not have happenedby accidentfor a dozen different reasons, or more. Airman 1st Class Todd Blue was assigned to the unit that provides security for that bomber wing at Minot Air Force base. He died while on leave in Virginia. No further details have been released. Was he on duty when those nuclear weapons were loaded onto the B-52, by accident? I expected to see many more deaths of Minot and Barksdale Air Force personnel in the wake of this incident.

Quote from: Dig on September 15, 2007, 02:55:27 PM

Minot Air Force Base Airman Dies on Leave Sep 12 2007 11:35PM KXMCTV Minot Authorities are investigating the death of a Minot Air Force Base airman who died while on leave in Virginia. Base officials say 20-year-old Airman 1st Class Todd Blue died Monday while visiting family members in Wytheville, Virginia. Blue enlisted in the Air Force in March of last year and joined the 5th Security Forces at Minot Air Force Base the following August. Information on how Blue died has not been released.


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Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #131 on: January 10, 2011, 04:31:48 AM

Quote from: ekimdrachir on April 30, 2010, 11:03:32 AM Minot Airman killed during FEMA's 'NLE 10' Vigilant Shield Nuclear Training Exercise CLOSE [X] A training accident killed an airman at Minot Air Force Base this morning. An Air Force spokesperson says the airman was with the 17th Munitions Squadron and was hit in the head by a training missile. The accident happened about midnight and the victim died a short time later at Trinity Hospital.

The missile involved was a training version of an air-launched Cruise Missile - the kind laun More..ched by B-52 bombers. An investigation is continuing. A training accident killed an airman at Minot Air Force Base this morning. An Air Force spokesperson says the airman was with the 17th Munitions Squadron and was hit in the head by a training missile. The accident happened about midnight and the victim died a short time later at Trinity Hospital. The missile involved was a training version of an air-launched Cruise Missile - the kind launched by B-52 bombers. An investigation is continuing. VIDEO -


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. Member Offline Posts: 63,103

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #132 on: January 10, 2011, 04:56:12 AM

Re The Biggest Political Scandal of the Past Decade: John Wheeler was Situated at the Heart of NukeGate Under Bush, More Lockheed Ties 4th January 2011 For the full story, including a series of suspicious deaths related to

NukeGate, see: The Biggest Political Scandal of the Past Decade: Lockheed/Sandia, Bushs State Dept., Pakistans Nuclear Smuggling & the Hidden Parapolitics of the Plame Scandal By Alex Constantine

UPDATE: John Wheelers death was the latest in a chain of suspicious deaths related to missing nukes (though his interment in a Delaware garbage dump was a novelty): SourceWatch: [John Wheeler III] left the Pentagon when Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates fired Wheelers boss, Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne, after the Air Force lost track of nuclear material. - John P. Wheeler III, early supporter of Vietnam Memorial found dead in Delaware landfill, Washington Post, January 4, 2011.

The gory details:

The Nation Air Forces top leaders are ousted The Defense secretary cites errors in caring for the nuclear arsenal. But experts see a more complicated dispute. Julian E. Barnes and Peter Spiegel | Times Staff Writers | June 06, 2008 WASHINGTON In an unprecedented action in a time of war, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates simultaneously fired the civilian and military leaders of the Air Force on Thursday, saying that oversight standards for the U.S. nuclear arsenal had deteriorated on their watch.

The immediate reason for the requested resignations of Gen. T. Michael Buzz Moseley, the Air Force chief of staff, and Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne was a report on the accidental shipment of nuclear triggers to Taiwan. However, the dismissals came amid a long-brewing dispute between Gates and the Air Force leadership.

LOCKHEED Sales of nuclear materials to Taiwan are consistent with the international black market described in my root post (the CIA even gave Iran blueprints for building nuclear bombs, according to James Risen of the New York Times). If Michael W. Wynn, Wheelers boss, oversaw security of nukes that went missing, a litmus test of involvement would be some solid connection to Lockheed everywhere Ive turned so far, there was Lockheed: Government-Industry Revolving Door

Before his appointment to the Pentagon, [fired AF Secretary Michael Wynn] was involved in venture capital, and worked for General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin. Unlike the most senior civilian appointees at the Department of Defense such as Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, Wynne served in uniform in the United States military

But Wynne wasnt the only Pentagon officer with a Lockheed connection Jack Wheeler had his own:

Wheeler had called for drastic reduction of funding to the

primary contractor Lockheed-Martin.


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately

All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. Member Offline Posts: 63,103

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #133 on: January 10, 2011, 05:02:14 AM

Quote from: Brocke on January 10, 2011, 12:44:29 AM

Wilmington City Councilman Kevin Kelley on Friday cautioned Wilmington police not to go overboard in investigating Wheeler's death. ngton-police-warned-not-to-go-overboard-on-John-Wheeler-investigation -and-locations-in-John-P.-Wheeler-III-case

Yeah, stop investigating already!!! You may find a Lockheed treasonous contract in his coat pocket!


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately

citizen x
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Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #134 on: January 10, 2011, 05:13:52 AM

Quote from: AmericasPatriot on September 14, 2007, 12:56:05 AM Car wreck, motorcycle wreck, mysterious death. after. nukes? deaths. Jul 5 2007 6:42AM Associated Press Minot, N.D. (AP) Authorities have identified a Minot Air Force Base man killed in a crash on the outskirts of Minot. Base officials say 20-year-old Adam Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday night. Barrs was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver is identified as 20-year-old Airman Stephen Garrett. He was taken to Minot's Trinity Hospital in critical condition. Two of the deaths occurred

nearly two months before the missing nuke incident and one about two weeks Did these Air Force personnel have any connections to the misplaced It's starting to have the same weird pattern as the microbiologist

-- 7/18/2007 - MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- A first lieutenant from Minot Air Force Base died in a motorcycle accident while on leave in Tennessee July 17. First Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, was assigned to the 23rd Bomb Squadron as a B52H Stratofortress pilot. "Lt. Kissel was an outstanding officer and a superb B-52 pilot," said Lt. Col. Gerald Hounchell, 23rd BS commander. "Everyday he arrived at work with a 'can-do' attitude and a smile on his face. His leadership and friendship will be greatly missed by the 23rd Bomb Squadron Bomber Barons." Lieutenant Kissel is a native of Tennessee. He graduated from the Air Force Academy in 2004 and arrived to Minot Air Force Base in July 2006. The accident is under investigation. -- Minot airman dies while on leave The Associated Press Posted : Thursday Sep 13, 2007 6:25:09 EDT MINOT, N.D. Minot Air Force Base officials say an airman from the base has died while on leave in Virginia. A statement from the base says Airman 1st Class Todd Blue, 20, died Monday while visiting with family members in Wytheville, Va. The statement did not say how he died but said the incident is under investigation. The base says Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security

Forces Squadron. He enlisted in the Air Force in March 2006 and was assigned to the Minot base the following August. He constantly stepped up to help out his fellow airmen and was a vital presence in squadron sports and volunteer programs, Lt. Col. John Worley, the 5th Security Forces Squadron commander, said in the base statement.

Quote from: homeofhumans on July 25, 2009, 10:49:43 AM STORY LINK: Law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the United States and abroad are preparing to go on high alert as part of a massive terrorism prevention exercise the first of its kind here. Beginning Monday, security officials at all levels in the United States and four other countries will scramble into action in the wake of a fictional terrorist attack somewhere outside the United States. The scenario envisions the receipt of intelligence that a follow-up attack is planned inside the United States, forcing agencies inside and out of the country to test their coordination, intelligence and terror prevention skills. The National Level Exercise 2009 will be the first major exercise conducted by the United States government that will focus exclusively on terrorism prevention and protection, as opposed to incident response and recovery, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said in a statement. The US government regularly carries out preparedness exercises, dealing with crises ranging from natural disasters to terrorist attacks. The 2009 exercise will include agencies in Britain, Mexico, Canada and Australia, as well as federal, regional, state, tribal, local and private sector officials throughout the United States, the Department of Homeland Security said.

Coordinating with our partners across the United States and around the world is critical to protecting the nation from terrorists attacks, said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The National Level Exercise allows us to test our capabilities in real -time to refine and strengthen our strategies for preventing terrorist attacks. The exercise is expected to last for five days and is being designed to test a variety of capabilities, including intelligence sharing, counter-terrorism investigation, border security, infrastructure protection, security alerts and international coordination, FEMA said. Lessons learned from the exercise will provide valuable insights to guide future planning for securing the nation against terrorist attacks, disasters, and other emergencies, the emergency response agency said. They used an exercise on 911 to preoccupy the fighters from intercepting the plane. I think they will be doing the same here with this same exercise to preoccupy the federal, state, and international governments. Also, Michael Savage has predicted a Reichstag even that will allow a dictatorship to emerge in this country. See the Savage video here: The next 9/11 may be here within days!!! And folks it may very well be nuclear. Remember when those nukes went missing from Minot Air Force Base in North DAkota. All the people involved with the nuke ended up dead. Story link: . I'm sure most of you remember that, because I do. That sent alarm bells off ASAP. More telling, the government didn't even send out a massive search party for nukes nor did it investigate the "deaths" of the airmen. Some were suicides and some were car accidents. And also Joe Biden's big mouth said that Obama will be challenged within his first 6 months in office. Well they are still within 6 months and their time is closely coming. I think this is it boys. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie"

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Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #135 on: January 10, 2011, 05:16:24 AM

Quote from: Curious Conspiracy on October 26, 2007, 09:19:28 AM Thursday, October 25. 2007!.html#extended In a mistake that one Congressman called "deeply disturbing" and military personnel are calling "baffling" and "impossible," on August 30th, an aging B-52H bomber flew as many as 6 cruise missiles tipped with nuclear warheads across the country from Minot, North Dakota to Barksdale, Louisiana, without Air Force knowledge. You may have already heard about the Air Force standing down for a whole day on September 14th for safety inspections, or disciplining over 30 Airmen over the mishap. However, some events before and after this incident, improbable as it was, shed light on what may have been happening on that day. "It is more significant than people first realized, and the more you look at it, the stranger it is," said Joseph Cirincione, director for nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress think tank and the author of a history of

nuclear weapons. "These weapons -- the equivalent of 60 Hiroshimas -were out of authorized command and control for more than a day." Many current and former Air Force personnel say this kind of mistake with nuclear weapons is actually impossible. According to Air Force sources, it has been strict national policy to move nuclear warheads throughout the country via ground transportation since several B-52H bombers crashed carrying nuclear payloads in the 1960s. Even then, the policies and procedures surrounding the handling and transport of nuclear weapons was designed to be fool-proof: Besides the weapons leaving Minot by mistake, the Air Force admits it did not notice the missing warheads until the B-52H was in Barksdale for over 18 hours. There is also some speculation that one of the missiles and the attached nuclear warhead are missing. According to the Navy Times, reporting from Barksdale on the day of the incident, "A B-52H bomber mistakenly loaded with five nuclear warheads flew from Minot Air Force Base, N.D, to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., on Aug. 30, resulting in an Air Force-wide investigation, according to three officers who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to discuss the incident." Notice, on the day of the flight, Barksdale thought there were only 5 missing nukes. The conjecture is that 6 left Minot, and 5 were found in Barksdale. Related to the incident is a 24 hour nation-wide Air Force stand-down and safety inspection that took place on September 14th. If speculation about the missing weapon is correct, this stand down matches standard "broken arrow" procedures where all operations would cease while all available personnel is tasked with searching for the weapon. This development raises some key questions. If one nuke is missing, would it be remotely possible to take a nuke from an airbase? The problem the the obvious answer (No way in hell!) is that that's the same answer to the question "could the Air Force mistakenly transport nuclear weapons?" The double, triple, quadruple redundancy built into the handling nuclear weapons protocol is as fool proof as humans can be. There is virtually no way this could happen by mistake. If this isn't a mistake, what is it? There are several individuals who seemed to have an idea in late August. They signed a document called the

Kennebunkport Warning: PDF LINK. Its text is as follows: "Massive evidence has come to our attention which shows that the backers, controllers, and allies of Vice President Dick Cheney are determined to orchestrate and manufacture a new 9/11 terror incident, and/or a new Gulf of Tonkin war provocation over the coming weeks and months. Such events would be used by the Bush administration as a pretext for launching an aggressive war against Iran, quite possibly with nuclear weapons, and for imposing a regime of martial law here in the United States. We call on the House of Representatives to proceed immediately to the impeachment of Cheney, as an urgent measure for avoiding a wider and more catastrophic war. Once impeachment has begun, it will be easier for loyal and patriotic military officers to refuse illegal orders coming from the Cheney faction. We solemnly warn the people of the world that any terrorist attack with weapons of mass destruction taking place inside the United States or elsewhere in the immediate future must be considered the prima facie responsibility of the Cheney faction. We urge responsible political leaders everywhere to begin at once to inoculate the public opinion of their countries against such a threatened false flag terror operation." (thanks to (allegations) These signees include a distinguished former congresswomen, an Army Reserve Colonel, several high-profile Lawyers including the Former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, and several journalists, activists and authors. What they allege is serious enough. When taken in context of the apparent mis-routing and perhaps losing of a nuclear weapon two weeks after the warning was published, we must take their warning seriously, and begin to question what has really happened in Minot and Barksdale. How could the forces mentioned by the prescient Kennebunkers have stumbled and produced a foul up like Minot-Barksdale? One theory is that the Kennebunkport Warning and other alternative media outlets have sparked a revolt of sorts within the Armed Forces, and what we are looking at in the Minot-Barksdale situation is a flat refusal by Air Force personnel to deliver nukes into the battlefield or into the hands of the so-called "Cheney Faction."

Wayne Madsen in The People's Voice asserts that "elements of the Air Force, supported by U.S. intelligence agency personnel, successfully revealed the ultimate destination of the nuclear weapons and the mission was aborted due to internal opposition within the Air Force and U.S. Intelligence Community." (Why?) and the report of a "Broken Spear" or lost nuclear weapons was "the result of a revolt and push back by various echelons within the Air Force and intelligence agencies against a planned U.S. attack on Iran using nuclear and conventional weapons." I see two possibilities. One is that, through official channels, the administration attempted to move nukes into a war zone for use against Iran, perhaps saving one nuke for an American City (this is the false flag terrorism we have seen for over half of a century), and this order was thwarted, or even flat-out refused, by contentious elements within the military. The other scenario is that hidden, so-called "black," intelligence operatives within the government plotted the nuclear mishap, intending to obtain the missiles by secrecy. The nukes would then be used by these "Black" intelligence organizations as desired, possibly supplying what President Bush, VP Cheney, and Secretary of State Rice have all trumpeted for years: "the smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud." No good conspiracy theory is worth its weight in flying-saucer DVDs unless you can prove a cover-up. Lets see, are there any suspicious deaths in or around Minot or Barksdale? Why, yes. Yes there are: 5 "strange" deaths so far. Ok, in actuality, the deaths are hardly proof of anything other than the simple fact that somewhere around 4000 people live in these two airbases. 5 deaths per month is nearly 1% per year, which does seem high, but may be less than the norm for any random group of 4000 people. But if the missing nukes are proof enough that something happened beyond the scope of a mistake, then the deaths are one of many factors that make the incident smell fishy. There really is a faction within the government who want the draft, several wars of occupation at once, American Hegemony across the globe, and will use nuclear "terrorism" to get approval from the American people. They

are not, however, really in control. They are fighting the control of the globalists and bankers who really run things world-wide. This so-called Cheney faction thinks increased American military dominance will stave off the looting globalists and their United Nations and Ecological laws and taxation. This won't work. American needs to retreat behind its borders and become as self-sufficient as possible. We need to return to the rule of Law, the respect of individual freedom, and State's Rights. And in the end, let the military do its job without political interference or ramifications. Let the defense department DEFEND us, not invade and occupy foreign territory. ***please comment at***Thanks for Reading!*** -Abe


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. Member Offline Posts: 63,103

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #136 on: January 10, 2011, 05:20:24 AM

The Biggest Political Scandal of the Past Decade: Lockheed/Sandia, Bushs State Dept., Pakistans Nuclear Smuggling & the Hidden Parapolitics of the Plame Scandal 2nd January 2011

By Alex Constantine Lockheed & the Cohen Group Seemingly Irrelevant (But Not) Connections to the Center of the Corruption: HOWARD DEAN, DANNY SEBRIGHT & THE AFHAN WAR Soon well find out who is the real revolutionary, I dont want my people to be tricked by mercenaries. Bob Marley

Howard Dean wants the peace movement to believe that he is its best hope for bringing change in Washington. In television ads and presidential debates, Dean has emphasized his opposition to Bushs decision to launch a unilateral invasion of Iraq. Deans earliest statements on foreign policy in the presidential campaign were written with the help of one of the architects of the war in Afghanistan, DANNY SEBRIGHT, who held the Orwellian title of Director of the Executive Secretariat for Enduring Freedom at the Pentagon under Donald Rumsfeld. When Sebright left the Pentagon in February of 2002 he went to work for his old boss, former Secretary of Defense William Cohen, at the Cohen Group, a Washingon-based consulting company. The firm uses its political connections to help companies obtain contracts with the Pentagon and with foreign governments.

9/11 and the Murder of Daniel Pearl Hovered in the Background From the moment the towers exploded, the press has made a *willful* mess of it. The reporting on accused 9/11 co-conspirator Omar Sheikh, a radical Islamist from England, and the Pakistani court decision to hang him for the 2002 murder of Daniel Pearl, for example The Guardian reported in July 2002: Both the US government and Pearls wife have since acknowledged that Sheikh was not responsible. But the Pakistani authorities refused to release Omar Sheikh for fear the evidence they produce in court might acquit Sheikh and reveal too much. Sheikh is also the man who, on the instructions of General Mahmoud Ahmed, the then head of Pakistans InterServices Intelligence (ISI), WIRED $100,000 BEFORE THE 9/11 ATTACKS TO MOHAMMED ATTA 1

The story was more than a prejudicial shot at Pakistan by the Indian government. Agence France Press confirmed that a highly-placed government source maintained that the damning link between the General and the transfer of funds to Atta was part of evidence which India has officially sent to the US. The evidence we have supplied to the US is of a much wider range and depth than just one piece of paper linking a rogue general to some misplaced act of terrorism, the source said. The French report was quoted liberally in the Wall Street Journal, and Mahmoud was forced to step down as a result. The French report sank from view with the resignation of Mahmoud. Of course

Marc Grossman His closed conference with Mark Grossman has received little mention, a brief paragraph here and there, while attention has been slathered on others who met with the general on or about September 11, because he lacks name recognition. The ISI directors meetings with Tenet, Armitage, killer pimp in the State Department, and other ranking administration officials lit up ThuhNet, post-9/11. And then FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds whispered cryptically to reporter Christopher Deliso concerning Grossmans little-known role in the Valerie Plame affair. Grossman, she said, has not been as high profile in the press, but dont overlook him he is very important.2 His importance is multilateral. Mark Grossman was considered a key figure by Fitzgerald in the Plame investigation, but prosecutor Fitzgerald had his own hidden conflicts of interest and was NEVER likely to make substantive progress in the case against any ranking official (I said so for years and explained why and received only blank expressions in return while Leopold and Madsen fought me, not deliberately, with FALSE REPORTS of pending indictments in the Plame case THEY never materialized. The bogus reports of Cheneys indictment were newsworthy, designed by Richard

Armitage, who leaked them, to divert public attention from the true nuclear underpinnings of the Plame affair.) A Wikipedia entry explains his appointment, and when considered in context, why the investigation had no legs: Fitzgerald was named by Deputy Attorney General James B. Comey after thenAttorney General John Ashcroft recused himself from the case due to conflicts of interest. Comey appointed the U.S. Attorney in Chicago, close friend and former colleague Patrick Fitzgerald, as Special Counsel to head the CIA leak grand jury investigation. In August 2005, Comey left the DOJ and he is now General Counsel and Senior Vice President of LOCKHEED MARTIN.3

LOCKHEED/SANDIA Sandia Labs The deputy AG has been richly rewarded in fraternal blood diamonds Why? What do Lockheed and its assets in the State Departnent have to do with nuclear smuggling? Everything. Lockheed owns Sandias nuclear labs and Sibel Edmonds: Some corrupt US officials of the Department of Defence and State Department facilitated the theft of US nuclear secrets (technology) from American national laboratories Los Alamos and [Lockheed subsidiary] Sandia to customers in several countries, including Pakistan. This procedure involved Israeli and Turkish intelligence and also Pakistans ISI. AQ Khans lab brokered nuclear materials to Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Myanmar, etc. The Edmonds interview continued down a labyrinth of nuclear channels: Q: Is it correct that US officials sold nuclear secrets not only to Pakistan but also to Israel and some Arab countries?

A: Of course, they did. The main recipient of the most of the US nuclear information was always Israel, specifically after the capture, sentencing and jailing of their main spy in the USA. Jonathan Pollard [note, in the linked NYT letter, the appearance of Iran-contra's Caspar Weinberger], whose handler was a former top Israeli intelligence officer Rafi Eitan (now member of the Israeli government and former chairman of the Pensioners Party scroll down the linked page to Israels Conduct and Catastrophic Consequences for U.S. for details of his freakish undercover function).

THE PLAME GAME This is the hidden key to the outing of Valerie Plame her CIA assignment involved investigating the nuclear black market in Pakistan. High-ranking officials of the State Department and CIA were involved. In Switzerland, the CIA is ia subject of some public interest in a trial of cut-0uts in the AQ Khan network. The relevant State Department officials happen to be the same neer-do-wells who outed Plame. By blowing her CIA cover in the press, she was effectively neutralized by Grossman, Armitage and other Lockheed/Cohen Group/State Department stolen nuke dealers. The submerged nuclear scandal and its ties to Lockheed/Sandia/Cohen Group beneath the Plame case are transparent. The connections are interesting enough Mark Grossman sits on the Cohen Group board of directors Cohen interlocks neatly with Lockheeds board. As mentioned, James M. Loy, senior counselor at the Cohen Group, directs Lockheed, and so does Joseph W. Ralston, vice chairman the Cohen Group a Lockheed Martin sub-contractor. Lockheed influence on the prosecution Lockheed influence on the defense here, there, all over the Libby case It wasnt only Ashcroft who should have recused, but also perhaps

FITZGERALD whose boss, succeeding Comey, Robert D. McCallum, was a former tobacco industry attorney, a member of the Skull & Bones fraternity at Yale, a friend of GW Bush - the moment Comey went to work for Lockheed and McCallum assumed supervision of the Plame investigation, because Grossman represents none other than Lockheed, and lobbies contractually on its behalf. The fix was in. Lockheeds sudden interest in Comey is an obvjous quid-pro-quo the many interlocking scandals behind Scooter Libby including Grossman and his meeting with the director of Pakistani ISI preceding 9/11 were ignored under Fitzgeralds predecessor in the case, and Fitzgerald himself - all of this tainted Libbys prosecution severely. The name Cheney was kept out of it, for instance. This much is apparent to anyone. But so were the names Grossman, Mahmoud Ahmed, Daniel Pearl, the Lockheed board of directors, Dick Armitage and his nuclear black marketeering enterprise, etc., etc. . Grossman entered the Plame picture when a memo written on June 10, 2003 turned up in the files, written by a staffer in the State Departments Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) on behalf of the undersecretary of State. In the memo, Marc Grossman requested a briefing on INRs opposition to the administrations contention that Saddam Hussein had sent out feelers toward securing uranium from Niger. The Washington Post reported that he in the role of acting secretary of state, since Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and Deputy Secretary Richard L. Armitage were out of the country. wanted the letter marked secret preceding a meeting at the White House where the discussion was focused on then growing criticism of Bushs inclusion in his January State of the Union speech of the allegation that Hussein had been seeking uranium. Grossman has refused to answer questions about the letter.4

Michel Chossudovsky:

Lt. General Ahmed as head of the ISI was a US approved appointee. As head of the ISI since 1999, he was in liaison with his US counterparts in the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Pentagon. Also bear in mind that Pakistans ISI remained throughout the entire post Cold War era until the present, the launch-pad for CIA covert operations in the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Balkans. The Bush Administration had sought the cooperation of those who were directly supporting and abetting the 9/11 plotline. Absurd, yes, but at the same time consistent with Washingtons broader STRATEGIC and ECONOMIC objectives in Central Asia.5 Step back in time, put yourself in the wing-tipped shoes of a Lockheed director: Is this all that is preoccupying Grossman as he gazes across his polished desk at Attas generous benefactor or a facile money trail for the press and FBI to follow a few days before the terror strikes? What were the objectives? Were they the dictates of the State Department OR THE COHEN/LOCKHEED GROUP? Theyve been directing the Scooter Libby song-and-dance cover story all along. This was the backdrop of the Plame case and a commutaion was waiting at the end of trial. When it was granted, the opportunity to expose the MANY scandals intersecting in Grossmans office with Cohen and Lockheed and all cabbaged safely away in the filing cabinets was buried, a smoking (subautomatic carbine with a complex of barrels) gun. The prosecutions skin-deep investigation and Bushs commutation covered up a litany of federal offenses and war crimes. Access, Insight and Intelligence is the motto of the Cohen Group. Access, insight: In December 2000, shortly before Cohen left office, the Pentagon awarded Iridium Satellite LLC a $72 million contract, without competitive bidding, that helped save the companys communications satellites from destruction. David R. Oliver Jr. [current director of business development and technology

for Naval Systems, Northrop Grumann Electronic Sensors and Systems Division], who was a senior procurement official at the time, said that he and Cohen were the Pentagons principal advocates for the Iridium deal. Over the past two years, Iridium has paid the Cohen Group about $400,000 to lobby the House, Senate and Department of Defense, according to lobbying disclosure statements.6 Intelligence for profit conflict-of-Interests run rampant: At the hub of the Cohen network, the former secretary makes frequent appearances on CNN, where he is a commentator on world affairs. He has served as a director of several corporations, some of which made arrangements to pay the Cohen Group for bringing in business, according to documents filed with the SEC.7 Is this a business meeting or war strategizing?: Nowadays, most of Cohens mornings begin with an 8:30 staff meeting in the Pentagon. Thats the Cohen Groups name for the conference room where the daily meeting is held. On any given day, the gathering may include Joseph W. Ralston, a retired Air Force general and former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; James M. Loy, who finished a long public career as deputy secretary of homeland security; and Marc Grossman, a former undersecretary of state. Another prominent member of the firm, former NATO secretary general and British minister of defense George Robertson, is based overseas. They form an elaborate network.8 This is the network that (Russian theory) suicided Charles Reichers. Pravda: Charles D. Reichers, USAF, Retired. Previous member of the Senior Executive Service of the AF, Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Management. Also a master navigator and electronic warfare specialist. Found dead of apparent suicide on October 14. However, Russian Intelligence analysts reported in Pravda (The

Russian news service) that the ruling of suicide was a coverup, that Reichers was murdered because of his involvement in the Minot affair. According to the Pravda article, the incident was linked to an operation to smuggle nuclear weapons away from the US military in connection to launching a war against Iran. A principal in that operation was said to be Daniel Richard DeVos, Who runs the Commonwealth Research Institute, a non-profit organization working for the Pentagon. Anybody remember Iran-Contra?

Iran-Contra Redux: Deaths Related to NukeGate There have been a number of mysterious deaths of USAF personnel shortly before and shortly after the incident. Airman 1st Class Todd Blue. Attached to the 5th Security Forces Squadron at Minot AFB, specifically the Weapons System Security section responsible for the security of all priority ressources including all the nukes. Went home on leave immediately after the incident and died on September 10th at the age of 20. USAF Captain John Frueh. Attached to the USAF Special Operations Command. Last seen with a GPS device, camera and camcorder in a backpack. Found dead on September 8 in Washington State, last call from his cell at 12:28 p.m. on August 30, the day of the Minot incident. The Air Force refused to allow Washington state police to investigate his disappearance as a missing person case until they had completed a military investigation. Did they know he was dead? Clint and Linda Huff. Clint Huff was attached to the 26th Operational Weather Squadron at Barksdale AFB. He and his wife were killed on their motorcycle September 15th after an SUV they were passing turned hard left into them. First Lieutenant Weston Kissel. B-52H Stratofortress Bomber pilot.

Also died in a motorcycle accident on July 17, less than two months before the Minot incident. Adam Barrs and Stephen Garrett. Attached to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, responsible for loading and unloading weaponry on the B-52H Stratofortresses at Minot. They were killed in a single vehicle accident on July 3. The Huffs, Kissel, Barrs and Garrett died before the incident. But if there was advanced planning and any significant operation takes advanced planning they might have been involved. But wait! Theres more Charles D. Reichers, USAF, Retired

UPDATE: Re The Biggest Political Scandal in the Past Decade: John Wheeler Linked to Lockheeds NukeGate DEVOS Damiel DeVos, identified as a nuclear kingpin in the Pravda article, as CEO of Concurrent Technologies Corp., is, of course, a Lockheed contractor. For this blood-stained tentacle of the NukeGate octo-felonies, see: Those Very Strangely Missing Nukes[/ur;] Postscript: WASHINGTON A top Clinton administration official, former Defense Secretary William Cohen, sits on the board of GLOBAL CROSSING. This is the telecom giant that went belly up, the fourth largest bankruptcy in U.S. history, leaving a trail of inflated revenues, top executives enriching themselves, employees and shareholders holding the bag, and Arthur Andersen acting as both consultant and auditor.9 GHW Bush addressed the directors of

Global Crossing start-up, and as payment he received stock worth $13 million when the company went public. GLOBAL CROSSING employees contributed another million for GWs campaign.10

NOTES 1) Michael Meacher, The Pakistan connection, Guardian, July 23, 2002. 2) Christopher Deliso, Lesser Neocons of LAffaire Plame,, November 24, 2005. 3) 4) Deliso. 5) Michel Chossudovsky, Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Administration? Centre for Research on Globalisation, November 2, 2001. 6) See 7) Ibid. Ibid. 9) Wes Vernon, Global Crossing Tied to Clinton Defense Secretary,, February 16, 2002. 10) Greg Palast, Poppy Strikes Gold, UTNE Reader, April 8, 2003.


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately

All eyes are

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!

opened, or opening, to the rights of man. Member Offline Posts: 63,103

Reply #137 on: January 10, 2011, 05:33:29 AM

And during the whole BS START Treaty revamp (My understanding is that the original treaty was iron clad and the new one had possible limitations to domestic/false flag uses-I would need confirmation though from someone who has studied both of them) look at what Clinton said and what others have also said...

Bill Clinton: Iran Poses 'Suitcase Nuke' Threat Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 08:50 PM The key nuclear threat that Iran poses to the world, according to former President Bill Clinton, is the risk that it may sell dangerous materials that could be used in suitcase bombs. Thats what Clinton said Sunday at the Global Economic Forum in South Africa. See video below. "The major danger of Iran becoming a nuclear power, the material they would have to amass to make these bombs will become the juiciest target in the world for non-state actors who would like to have suitcase nuclear bombs," Clinton said. "Will they sell it to them? Will they give it to them? Can it be stolen by some corrupt person in the supply chain?" While stressing that it is crucial to stop nuclear weapons from getting into the wrong hands, Clinton said it will be difficult to successfully intervene in Iran's affairs the nation has been consistently resistant of international efforts to put an end to its nuclear ambitions. "We have to trot a very delicate line. We don't want to basically gut the forces of democracy and freedom by strengthening the reactionary forces in control by making a deal with them," Clinton said. "On the other hand, if we can make a deal that would be enforceable, it'd be worth doing. I'm not prepared to say we can't stop it, but I think you all need to know why it's so hard there are no good options here." At the

April Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the 47 countries in attendance agreed to secure the world's vulnerable nuclear materials within the next four years a non-binding goal. The purpose is to ensure nuclear materials do not slip into the hands of terrorists.

The connection was made here:


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately


All eyes are Reply #138 on: January 10, 2011, 05:40:28 AM opened, or opening, to the All links provided from the following link: rights of man. Member Offline Posts: 63,103

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!

Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities'

By Lori Price

Updated: 21 Dec 2010

Minot Air Force Base airman killed in shooting 21 Dec 2010 Police said an airman from the Minot Air Force Base has been killed in an off-base shooting. Police Detective Matt McLeod told KCJB radio that Steven Crawford, 19, was shot with a handgun by a fellow airman at Crawford's apartment Monday night. Crawford was taken to a Minot hospital where he died. Police said the shooting appears to be accidental. 81st Civil Support Team Conducts Exercise at Minot Air Force Base 07 May 2010 North Dakota's 81st Civil Support Team dispatched personnel and equipment though blustery winds to Minot Air Force Base May 5, to practice air load operations onto a C-17 Globemaster sent from McChord Air Force Base, Wash. While the CST is configured to assist local incident commanders in events known or suspected to involve weapons of mass destruction, it also responds regionally to augment other states. CSTs are divided into six different sectors throughout the country in order to supplement partner states should a chemical, biological or radiological event [is made to] occur.

The following section was compiled by 'The Pundit.' Since the Minot story broke a week ago about the missing nukeclandestine operation from Minot, we have the following (for those who are paying attention): 1. 2. 3. 4. All All All All six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base were directly involved as loaders or as pilots are now dead within the last 7 days in 'accidents' [Not all of them --LRP] /BREAKINGNEWS/70915012 89.txt

Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B-52, and they may have told their wives and friends. "The Pundit" ***** Minot AFB airman identified --The base Safety Office is 'investigating' the accident. 01 May 2010 Officials at Minot Air Force Base have identified the airman who died Thursday after being struck in the head by a training missile during routine training at the base. Senior Airman Richard Allan Gallelli Jr., 22, was a member of the 17th Munitions Squadron, said 2nd Lt. Kidron Farnell, deputy chief of Public Affairs at the Minot base. Gallelli had been in the Air Force for three years and three months. Minot Air Force Base Airman Killed --Internal investigation underway 29 Apr 2010 The Minot Air Force Base says one of their Airmen was killed in a training exercise around midnight. In a press release officials say a male Airman from the 17th Munitions Squadron was struck in the head while at work, and died of injuries soon after. They are not releasing the name of the Airman. A spokeswoman from the Minot Air Force Base says cases like this are extremely rare and it has been at least ten years [?!?] since something like this has taken place. [*Math check.* See: Minot base crew commander found dead --Cause of death unclear 03 Feb 2009.] Minot AFB prepares for biological and chemical attacks --Minot AFB completes 'Prairie Night 10-1' drill 12 Feb 2010 Minot Air Force Base has completed a 48-hour training exercise, dubbed Prairie Night 10-1, to ensure that members of its 5th Bomb Wing are prepared in the event of a biological or chemical attack if deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. The simulated attack began at 11:39 AM with the sound of mortars hitting. Airmen at the base climbed into their chemical gear as if the attack were real in an effort to build muscle memory for an attack in the field, making preparation for the attack second nature to them.

Prairie Knight Exercise 10-1 at Minot Air Force Base --Warbirds to participate in training scenarios that include donning of chemical gear in aftermath of airfield attack 10 Feb 2010 The 5th Bomb Wing launches a 48-hour exercise today to test the wing's capabilities in preparation for an August conventional operational readiness inspection. The two-day event, Prairie Knight 10-1, measures the wing's ability to survive and operate in a contingency environment and will include a launch of 24 B52 combat sorties practicing to place bombs on target, said Col. Julian Tolbert, vice-wing commander at Minot Air Force Base. Minot base crew commander found dead --Cause of death unclear 03 Feb 2009 (The Associated Press) The body of a missile combat crew commander from the Minot Air Force Base was found by police, and the cause of his death is under investigation, the Air Force says. A statement issued by the base Sunday said the body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless, 28, was found Friday night. Police did not give details but said it was in an area north of the city soccer complex, and they are awaiting autopsy results. Minot Missile wing now in Global Strike Command 02 Dec 2009 The men and women of the 91st Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base became part of Air Force Global Strike Command Tuesday. Global Strike Command is the Air Force's newest major command and will oversee all of its nuclear forces. The nuclear-capable assets the intercontinental ballistic missiles of Air Force Space Command come under Global Strike Command as of Tuesday. New Minot AFB commanders vow perfection 29 Nov 2009 The sign over the main gate at Minot Air Force Base brags, ''Only the Best Come North.'' It's been a questionable claim over the past two years at the North Dakota base following a rash of nuclear-related mistakes that spurred no mushroom clouds but embarrassed the military and cost several officers their positions. The new base commander said the foulups - including a cross-country flight from Minot of a B-52 bomber mistakenly armed with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles - stemmed from lax attitudes in maintaining the arsenal there. ''We had a compliance problem,'' Col. Douglas Cox told The Associated Press in an interview last week at the base. [Yeah, like Cheney trying to strike Chicago with a 'missing' Minot nuke.]

Ousted Minot AFB commander Westa to retire 25 Nov 2009 Col. Joel Westa, the former 5th Bomb Wing commander fired Oct. 30, retired Monday rather than accept an assignment to Global Strike Command. Westa was chosen to turn around the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., after airmen from the wing mistakenly loaded six nuclear warheads aboard a B-52 two years ago. Maj. Gen. Floyd Carpenter, 8th Air Force commander, arrived unannounced to Minot and fired Westa after the wing failed its second nuclear inspection under Westa's command. Minot missile, bomb wings to become part of Global Strike Command 15 Nov 2009 Members of the 91st Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base will make history Dec. 1 when they become part of a new command Air Force Global Strike Command. The new command will oversee all of the Air Force's nuclear forces intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers. The 5th Bomb Wing will become part of the new command on Feb. 1. Inspections are top priority at base 04 Nov 2009 The new commander of the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base said his first priority is to make sure the wing is ready for inspections. Col. Douglas Cox began Monday as the top officer of the bomb wing. Cox replaced Col. Joel Westa, who, along with the commander of the base's 5th Operations Support Squadron, were relieved of duty... "Building that credibility is one of the biggest challenges that we are working on." [Yes, it would be easier to clean the Augean stables in a single day.] "We actually are inspected all the time so every day we're either inspecting ourselves or we're expecting inspectors to come from outside of Minot Air Force Base," Cox said. New Wing Commander at Minot AFB 03 Nov 2009 There's a new wing commander at Minot Air Force base. [This happens about once a week.] Col. Douglas Cox is the new commander of the 5th bomb Wing. Col. Cox took over the wing after Col. Joel Westa was relieved of command on Friday. Westa was removed due to the Air Force losing confidence in his ability to command. Col. Cox says he is ready to lead the 5th bomb wing knowing that perfection is the standard. Minot Air Force Base resident suffered "self-inflicted" gunshot wound 26 Oct 2009 (ND) A 21-year-old man was injured after he shot himself in

the chest Monday morning, according to the Jamestown Police Department. Police said the man, a resident of Minot Air Force Base, suffered a "self-inflicted" gun shot wound in the upper left chest in the room he rented on the second floor of the Comfort Inn in Jamestown. Police were dispatched at 3:22 a.m., said Police Chief Dave Donegan. Ousted Minot AFB commander won't retire 20 Oct 2009 Col. Christopher Ayres, the former 91st Missile Wing commander at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., who was fired on Oct. 14, will accept an assignment to Air Force Space Command headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base, Col., and not retire. The 24-year missile officer was fired after 20th Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Roger Burg "lost confidence in his ability to command." Burg also fired two maintenance commanders formerly under Ayres' command -- Col. Lyman Faith, 91st Maintenance Group commander, and Lt. Col. Andrew Healy, 91st Missile Maintenance Squadron commander. The firings followed the Oct. 9 release of an investigative report that blamed a "large insect" for an Aug. 31 crash involving a truck carrying rocket engine parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles. Missile commander ousted at Minot Air Force Base 14 Oct 2009 The missile wing commander at North Dakota's Minot Air Force Base was relieved of his command Wednesday after a series of missteps at the unit, including two crashes of vehicles carrying missile parts in just more than a year. Col. Christopher Ayres' was not ousted for any misconduct or wrongdoing, but the Air Force said it had lost confidence in his ability to command the base's 91st Missile Wing given recent incidents. 'The investigation doesn't list what kind of bug it was.' Military says 'large insect' distracted Minot AFB missile driver --Shipment also contained two 14-gallon tanks of liquid rocket fuel 09 Oct 2009 A truck driver who lost control of a semi-trailer carrying missile parts from North Dakota's Minot Air Force Base was distracted by a "large insect" that flew in a window and landed on the driver's back, the military said in a report released Friday. The Air Force said the truck from the base's 91st Missile Wing, which overturned Aug. 31 on a gravel road in northwest North Dakota, was carrying rocket engine parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles but no nuclear material. It was the second crash of a base vehicle in just more than a year. The Air Force

spent about $5.6 million last year to recover an unarmed booster rocket for an intercontinental ballistic missile after the truck carrying it overturned in July 2008. Minot AFB Activates B52 Squadron 03 Sep 2009 This will make the most powerful base in the world, stronger. That's how the commander of a new squadron of B-52 bombers describes Minot Air Force Base. Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Notari made the comments today as he assumed command of the newly-reactivated 69th Bomb Squadron at Minot's base. The addition of the 69th gives Minot Air Force Base two active B-52 squadrons. The commander of the 8th Air Force says having four B-52 squadrons - two in Minot and two at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana - gives him more flexibility in carrying out the bombers' mission. And it will keep the bomber active for decades. Semi-trailer carrying Minot AFB missile parts overturns in ND --The oveturned semi-trailer carried rocket engine parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles and two 14-gallon tanks of liquid rocket fuel. --It was the second crash of an Air Force vehicle from the Minot AFB in a year. 01 Sep 2009 Military officials said Tuesday a semi-trailer carrying intercontinental ballistic missile parts from the Minot Air Force Base overturned, and it could take a week to clear the site in north central North Dakota. Air Force spokeswoman Laurie A. Arellano said the semitrailer overturned Monday afternoon on a gravel road. The cause of the crash is under investigation, she said. I feel so much safer already: 69th Bomb Squadron Soon Activated 29 Aug 2009 After months of anticipation and preparation, the Minot Air Force Base is ready to officially activate its newly formed 69th Bomb Squadron. The new unit will be the fourth operational B-52 squadron in the Air Force. The Minot base is home to the 23rd Bomb Squadron and Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana has two operational B-52 units. Malmstrom nuclear weapons squadron activated 05 Aug 2009 A new squadron designed to streamline and improve the handling of nuclear weapons systems was activated Tuesday at Malmstrom Air Force Base, bringing 62 new personnel with it, according to Air Force officials. The newly activated 16th Munitions Squadron will be responsible for weapons storage area logistics operations. The tenant unit at Malmstrom is part of the 798th Munitions Maintenance Group at Minot

Air Force Base, N.D. Hold on to your hats! Report: Major growth ahead for Minot AFB 30 Jun 2009 Hundreds of new positions will be added at Minot Air Force Base in the next fiscal year, according to an Air Force report... The report calls for the addition of several dozen military and civilian personnel at the Minot base as a result of bolstering the Air Force's nuclear enterprise. As a result of strengthening the Air Force's nuclear enterprise, the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot AFB gains 10 B-52H bombers as part of B-52 force structure, according to the report. [More to 'lose.'] Minot Base Commander Says Bomb Wing Back on Track 27 May 2009 The bomb wing commander at the Minot Air Force Base says the wing "performed magnificently" in a surprise Air Force inspection just completed. Col. Joel Westa was assigned the base after a mistaken cross-country flight of nuclear warheads to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana in 2007. One of his missions was to restore the reputation of the Minot base and its 5th Bomb Wing. Nuclear Surety Inspection begins at Minot AFB 14 May 2009 A Nuclear Surety Inspection was initiated Wednesday at Minot Air Force Base. The inspection team is led by a senior officer representative from the Air Combat Command Inspector General's office with oversight provided by representatives from the Air Force Inspection Agency and the office of the Secretary of the Air Force. This no-notice inspection is expected to conclude May 22. Minot Air Force Base Simulates Nuclear Missile Launch 05 May 2009 Minot Air Force Base came within seconds of launching an intercontinental ballistic missile this morning. But it wasn't an emergency - it was a test of the 91st Missile Wing's ability to respond to an order from the President to launch a nuclear-tipped missile. A Minuteman Three missile from Minot's aresnal will be shipped to Vandenberg Air Force Base in California next month for an actual launch to test the equipment and people from the local base. Cause unclear in death of Minot crew commander 05 Feb 2009 Minot police say they have found no sign of a crime in the death of a Minot Air Force Base missile crew commander, but area waiting more test results. The body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless was found late Friday in a field

north of Minot. Police Capt. Al Hanson said an autopsy was performed Monday in Bismarck. Minot base crew commander found dead --Cause of death unclear 02 Feb 2009 The body of a missile combat crew commander from the Minot Air Force Base was found by police, and the cause of his death is under investigation, the Air Force says. A statement issued by the base Sunday said the body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless, 28, was found Friday night. Police did not give details and they are awaiting autopsy results. Col. Christopher Ayres, the base's 91st Missile Wing commander, said Bayless was a training chief with the 91st Operations Support Squadron. Minot AFB finalist for Global Strike Command 22 Jan 2009 North Dakota's congressional delegation says Minot Air Force Base is one of six finalists to be the home of the Air Force's new Global Strike Command. The military created the command to better manage the nation's nuclear arsenal. It comes after a series of embarrassing missteps, including the flight of a B-52 bomber that was mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and flown from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana in August 2007. Team to visit Minot AFB to plan for new B-52 squadron 10 Jan 2009 With Minot Air Force Base as the preferred site for a second squadron of B-52 bombers, a team will visit the base early next month to help plan for the new unit. Early last year, officials announced that a second squadron of B-52s was planned for the Minot base. Minot launch component device 'remains missing' --Minot AFB officer to face court-martial 10 Dec 2008 A Minot Air Force Base officer accused of stealing a missile launch control device will face a court-martial, the military said. Capt. Paul Borowiecki, who was a missile combat crew member assigned to the base's 91st Missile Wing, is accused of taking the launch control device in July 2005, rather than destroying it as required when it was no longer in use. The Air Force also said Borowiecki told officials that another officer had lied in saying he destroyed a launch component. That device remains missing. That other officer, whose name has not been released, has not been charged. Military brass to visit Minot base 30 Nov 2008 Secretary of Defense

Robert Gates and General Norton Schwartz, the Air Force chief of staff, are scheduled to visit the Minot Air Force Base on Monday. Schwartz was appointed by President [sic] Bush this summer during leadership changes following the mishandling of nuclear weapons and equipment by the Air Force, including at Minot. Plans solidify for new B-52 squadron at Minot 21 Nov 2008 The Air Force confirmed it wants to locate its fifth B-52H Stratofortress squadron at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., Air Combat Command officials announced Friday. The target date for standing up the unit is late 2009 or early 2010. North Dakota's congressional delegation, briefed on the plan prior to Friday's announcement, said the squadron would have 10 planes, raising the number of combat-ready B-52Hs at Minot to 22. AF mum on result of no-notice nuke inspection 20 Nov 2008 The 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base, La., completed its first nonotice nuclear surety inspection Nov. 17, but Air Force officials would not say if the wing passed. It is the first no-notice inspection the wing has completed since Strategic Air Command was disbanded, according to Air Combat Command officials. In August 2007, Barksdale airmen discovered a B-52 on their runway that had flown from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., mistakenly [!] loaded with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles -- the first of two incidents that led to a period of heavily scrutiny of the Air Forces nuclear enterprise. Air Force: $5.6M to take rocket booster from ditch 03 Oct 2008 The Air Force says it spent about $5.6 million in its efforts to recover an unarmed booster rocket for an intercontinental ballistic missile from a North Dakota ditch. An Air Force truck carrying the booster for a Minuteman III overturned July 31 a few miles east of Parshall in northwest North Dakota. An Air Force statement blames "driver and safety observer error" for the accident. The truck was traveling from Minot Air Force Base to a launch facility when it crashed on the gravel road. Air Force says officer stole launch control device 29 Sep 2008 A Minot Air Force Base officer accused of stealing a classified missile launch control device faces a hearing to determine whether he will face a court martial. The Air Force said a hearing is scheduled Tuesday at the base to evaluate evidence against Capt. Paul Borowiecki, a missile combat

crew member assigned to the 91st Missile Wing. Changes coming on nuclear training, inspection --Inspectors found several deficiencies in the nuclear security provided at the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., during a Nuclear Surety Inspection the base failed last year. 20 Sep 2008 Air Force leaders announced changes to the organization, training practices and inspection process of its nuclear enterprise following the service's Nuclear Summit held on Sept. 18 at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. Officials reviewed the recommendations made by the Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Management on Sept. 12 in a report that ripped the Air Force's current nuclear structure proposing the service realign all of its nuclear missions under Air Force Space Command and rename it Air Force Strategic Command. Advisers: Consolidate Air Force nuke command 12 Sep 2008 The Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Management recommended the Air Force put all its nuclear missions under Air Force Space Command and call the whole thing Air Force Strategic Command. Defense Secretary Robert Gates organized the task force -- which was headed by former Defense Secretary James Schlesinger -- after axing the Air Force's top two leaders last June due to its nuclear problems. The recommendations Schlesinger announced Friday at the Pentagon also would mean that Air Combat Command would lose its nuclear bomber mission. Air Force officers sanctioned after sleeping on nuke job 29 Aug 2008 Three ballistic missile crew members have been punished for sleeping during a sensitive task, the Air Force reported Thursday. Two first lieutenants and a captain fell asleep on July 12 while in control of a classified electronic part that contained old launch codes for intercontinental nuclear missiles. It happened during the changing out of electronic parts used to communicate with Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Two officers are under investigation for lying about destroying classified missile components, and another for alleged sexual misconduct, the military reported. Air Force Searches For Lost Launch Devices --Three Crew Members Removed Over Allegations of Sex Abuse and Equipment Tampering 28 Aug 2008 The Air Force says at least three ballistic missile crew members at bases in North Dakota and Montana have been taken off

the job while the military investigates allegations ranging from sexual abuse to missing classified components used in underground launch control centers. The Air Force announced Thursday that an officer who earlier worked at Minot Air Force Base's 91st Space Wing notified the military in May that he and another officer had lied about destroying classified launch components in July 2005. "They were supposed to destroy them and they signed documents saying they destroyed them," said Maj. Laurie A. Arellano, an Air Force spokeswoman. Instead, she said, "they took them home." In May, one of the officers notified the Air Force of the incident and "turned his launch components over to the government." Arellano said the devices are used on equipment inside the launch control center to detect equipment tampering. One of the devices remains missing. "We only know of the whereabouts of one for sure," Arellano said. Navy relieves commander of air recon squadron 13 Aug 2008 The commander of a Navy air reconnaissance squadron that provides the president and the defense secretary the airborne ability to command the nation's nuclear weapons has been relieved of duty, the Navy said Tuesday. Cmdr. Shawn Bentley was relieved of duty Monday by the Navy for loss of confidence in his ability to command, only three months after taking the job. Capt. Brian Costello, commander of the Navy's Strategic Communications Wing One, removed Bentley from command, said Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown, a spokesman for the Naval Air Forces. The primary duty of the squadron, nicknamed the "Ironman," is to provide communication with ballistic missile submarines, Brown said. It is also one of three squadrons that provides airborne communications for the president and defense secretary to command and control the nation's nuclear submarines, bombers and missile silos, according to the Wing's official Web site. U.S. fires captain of Japan-bound nuclear warship 31 Jul 2008 The U.S. Navy said it had replaced the captain of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier scheduled for a controversial berth in Japan after blaming him for a fire on board on the warship [?]. The United States has been trying to allay fears over the planned stationing of the George Washington in Japan, the only country to have suffered nuclear attacks. Doubts about the ship's safety were renewed when a fire broke out on board in May... U.S. Naval Air Forces said in a statement it had fired commanding officer David C. Dykhoff and another officer over the

incident and installed Captain J.R. Haley as the ship's new commander. Air Force brigadier general dies of gunshot wound 28 Jul 2008 An Air Force brigadier general died of a gunshot wound that likely was selfinflicted, a spokesman said Monday. Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Tinsley, the commander at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, suffered a gunshot wound to his chest late Sunday night and was pronounced dead within a half hour, said Col. Richard Walberg, who assumed command at Elmendorf after Tinsley's death. "To the best information, it's possible it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound," Walberg said at a news conference. The weapon was likely a handgun. His previous 22month assignment was executive officer to the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. T. Michael "Buzz" Mosely, who in June resigned under pressure in an agency shake-up. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates ousted both Mosely, the Air Force military chief, and Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne, the agency's civilian head, holding them accountable for failing to fully correct an erosion of nuclear-related performance standards. One concern was a cross-country flight in August 2007 of a B-52 carrying armed nuclear weapons. US missile alert crew falls asleep on the job 25 Jul 2008 It was 9.30 in the evening. The crew of three air force members decided to rest a little and within 15 minutes they were fast asleep. They awoke several hours later. The only problem was that the room in which they were snoozing was the missile alert facility at Minot air force base in North Dakota. Directly beneath them was the underground control centre containing the keys that can launch ballistic missiles, and in their care were metal boxes containing the secret codes that allow the nuclear button to be pressed. The incident is the latest in a series of foul-ups and poor ratings for the Minot air force base. Last summer a B-52 bomber was loaded with six air-launched nuclear missiles and flown, unbeknownst to its pilots or crew, across America. [All three men fell asleep--at 9:30 PM--and slept *for hours?*] Air Force says officers fell asleep with nuke code --July 12 incident was at Minot AFB, location of other incidents 24 Jul 2008 Three Air Force officers fell asleep [!] while in control of an electronic component that contained old launch codes for nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles, a violation of procedure, Air Force officials said Thursday. It is the fourth incident in the past year involving problems with secure handling

of components of America's nuclear weapons. The incident occurred July 12, during the changing out of components used to facilitate secure communications between an underground missile-control facility and missile silos near Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, according to Col. Dewey Ford, a spokesman for the Air Force Space Command in Colorado. Air Force declares lost B-52 crew dead 24 Jul 2008 In a solemn statement early Wednesday, 2nd Bomb Wing Commander Col. Robert Wheeler bore bitter news of tragedy to Barksdale Air Force Base and the surrounding community. The Air Force and Coast Guard have given up hope any of the six crew members of a Barksdale B-52 that crashed Sunday north of Guam are alive. Five of the lost airmen were assigned to the 2nd Bomb Wing. The only other base in the world at which B-52s are permanently assigned is Minot Air Force Base, N.D. Its 5th Wing has been peppered for years with 2nd Bomb Wing personnel, and viceversa, and it has not been unusual over the years for a commander or a vice commander to move from the 5th Wing to the 2nd Bomb Wing. Air Force Finds Lax Nuclear Security 02 Jul 2008 Most overseas storage sites for U.S. nuclear weapons, particularly in Europe, need substantial improvements in physical security measures and the personnel who guard the weapons, according to a newly available Air Force report. The Blue Ribbon review of nuclear security was conducted after it was discovered that a B-52 bomber had flown across the United States, from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, with neither the pilots nor ground crews aware that six cruise missiles under one wing held real nuclear warheads. Moseley: We Need a Failsafe to Human Error --A day after Defense Secretary Robert Gates asked for and received his resignation June 5, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley gave this exclusive interview to [Defense News] Vago Muradian. 09 Jun 2008 Q. And that was where the problems occurred? Following the Minot incident, I would say more than 95 percent of my focus has been about getting this right, and we had a commander-directed inquiry. I commissioned Maj. Gen. [Polly] Peyer to conduct a blue ribbon review, which gave us 120 or so specific things to address. My fundamental tasking to her was, "Is there something bigger here? Is this just an isolated case of a human frailty or are there systemic bigger issues that we have to find and fix?" Q. So

this was right after the Minot incident? A. I started it right after. The secretary went out there and General Welch did an overall study. So those 120, I believe, is a start at getting at where general officers should be. What is the echelon of responsibility? Gates recommends Schwartz as next Air Force chief --Gates asks Bush to Allow Donley to Start as Air Force Secretary Without Senate Confirmation 09 Jun 2008 Defense Secretary Robert Gates recommended Monday that Gen. Norton Schwartz, a 35-year veteran with a background in Air Force special operations, be the next Air Force chief. In a sweeping shake up of the Air Force, Gates also formally sent former Air Force official Michael Donley's name to the White House to be the next secretary of the beleaguered service. Gates announced last Thursday that he was removing Air Force Gen. Michael Moseley from the chief's job and Michael Wynne as its top civilian. Gates asked Bush to designate Donley as the acting secretary effective June 21 -- a move that would allow him to begin work without waiting for Senate confirmation. Gates seeks Air Force leadership on handling of nuclear weapons 09 Jun 2008 In his search for new leadership atop the Air Force, Defense Secretary Robert Gates is looking for a "new perspective" that will fix long-standing problems in the handling of nuclear weapons... Gates said at the time that his decision was based mainly on the damning conclusions of an internal report on the mistaken shipment to Taiwan of four Air Force fusing devices for ballistic missile nuclear warheads. And he linked the underlying causes of that slip-up to another startling incident: the North Dakota-to-Louisiana flight last August of a B-52 bomber that was mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave 12 Sep 2007 The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died Monday while visiting with family members. The statement did not say how he died. The base said Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. [The primary mission of the 5th Security Forces Squadron is to 'provide 24-hour law enforcement and security services for the 5th Bomb Wing and all tenant units assigned to Minot AFB.' "Guardians of the Upper Realm" --The host wing on Minot Air

Force Base, the 5th Bomb Wing operates the B-52H Stratofortress aircraft to provide global strike and combat-support capabilities to geographic commanders. B-52 Stratofortress - Mission --Air Combat Command's B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions... It can carry nuclear or precision guided conventional ordnance with worldwide precision navigation capability.] AF Secretary Visits MAFB 14 Sep 2007 The top civilian in the Air Force spent the afternoon at Minot Air Force Base today. Michael Wynne, the Secretary of the Air Force, arrived at the base about 1 PM to get a personal look at how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled. His visit comes two weeks after a B-52 bomber loaded with six nuclear warheads was flown from Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base. Staging Nukes for Iran? By Larry Johnson 05 Sep 2007 My buddy... reminded me that the only times you put weapons on a plane is when they are on alert or if you are tasked to move the weapons to a specific site... Barksdale Air Force Base is being used as a jumping off point for Middle East operations... Why would we want to preposition nuclear weapons at a base conducting Middle East operations? His final point was to observe that someone on the inside obviously leaked the info that the planes were carrying nukes. A B-52 landing at Barksdale is a non-event. A B-52 landing with nukes. That is something else. Now maybe there is an innocent explanation for this? I can't think of one. What is certain is that the pilots of this plane did not just make a last minute decision to strap on some nukes and take them for a joy ride... Did someone at Barksdale try to indirectly warn the American people that the Bush Administration is staging nukes for Iran? ***** 'Opposing' view: The following email was sent to CLG on 19 September, anonymously. Hello there, Im a Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force. I do network security, so, thats why Im emailing anonymously, even though I really dont feel its necessary. Im just paranoid like that, which is why Im pretty good at my job. Also, parts of what Im putting in here are probably classified, which is the primary reason Im sending this anonymously.

Anyway, I see a lot of people posting on Reddit about government conspiracies about nukes and things like this. Its frustrating for me because its really very silly. Please, let me explain some background, to help you all understand whats going on in the background for the Air Force: Minot AFB is a dead-end base. Its the abyss of the Air Force, the saying goes Why not Minot? They have major retainability problems there people volunteer to go to Iraq, Korea, anywhere just to get out of there. Beside its location (middle-of-nowhere North Dakota), the base has very little real mission and spins its wheels forever in drills that all result in the end of the world since its a nuke base designed to fight the Cold War. But, there is no Cold War for them to fight (at least not one that Minots golden piece of real estate would be useful in fighting), so its people probably feel pretty worthless and tired of fighting the now non-existent Soviet Union. The base has already been re-aligned (more on that in a moment) and its probably going to be BRACed into a regional airport in a few decades. Ellison AFB in South Dakota has already had its closure decided. One of the biggest problems with killing off Minot is its core mission all of the nukes it has. Its weapons capability is moving to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana as the AF further consolidates after the Cold War and infrastructure budget cuts because of Iraq et al. Moving weapons capability to Barksdale, in real world terms, means moving the actual missiles that would deliver the nuclear warhead to Barksdale. No big deal, conventional weapons move all the time. Nuclear warheads, however, when transported for these reasons, are moved by the Department of Energy a very time consuming, expensive, and burdensome process that someone else will have to figure out much later once they finally decide to close the base. So, the Air Forces solution is to move the missiles, and leave the warheads behind, to be dealt with one day when all of us are retired and don't have to worry about it. Thats what SHOULD have happened. So the mission itself was pretty normal otherwise. (It may actually be intentional to leave things this way, to prevent Congressional involvement, as whatever Senator is from ND is probably desperate to keep Minot around as long as possible; leaving the nukes, but operationally stripping the base serves both sides purposes).

The mistake, and the reason everyone now knows about this, is that the warheads werent removed from the missiles being moved to Barksdale. I bet the guys on the ground in Barksdale were sure as shit surprised when they cracked the payload open and saw a warhead. I know as much as I do because I work with a cross-trainee whose last base was Barksdale as a munitions specialist. He was involved in this process there; along with the various other missions Barksdale has (its a pretty critical base in the AF). Anyway, you would think there would be a pretty clear checklist for all of this, but apparently no one even bothered. Doing what they do day-to-day, is pretty standard operating procedure. People get lazy when they do the same thing day after day, and theres no less than a half dozen teams who would be transferring these weapons around from storage until theyre loaded. The idea of someone dropping the ball in the AF is not exactly unusual (quite common, actually, heh), especially when 4:30 rolls around and everyone wants to go home. If the next step is to hand it off to the guys who remove the warhead, and its 1630 on a Friday, hell, lets just leave it until Monday, since the mission doesnt fly until Tuesday anyway. Monday rolls around, someone else takes over, and doesnt know the job wasnt finished on Friday. There SHOULD be some paper trail for that kind of thing, but then, like I said, people are lazy. Oh, and Minot usually fails its nuclear operational readiness inspections. Sorry to kill your confidence in the military. Ive seen too much crazy stuff to believe in some massive conspiracy, theres too many people involved. Youd have to kill like 50 people to cover up moving nukes to Barksdale. Plus, what would it achieve? Theres already more than enough nukes at Barksdale to blow the world up 3x over. Who needs 6 more? Seriously? Plus, more accidents occur with conventional than nukes, since nukes are computerized and designed to be super-duper safe. Conventional weapons are built by the lowest bidder. [Yikes!] Id be more worried about a fully-loaded F16 flying around NYC after 9/11 sucking up a bird than a B52 with nukes flying around without anyone knowing it was loaded with nukes. The pilots couldnt "secretly" be in on it and launch them, the interface wouldnt be installed, the COMSEC material wouldnt be available, etc. Youd have to kill half the base to hide the paper trail necessary to give the pilots the ability to launch.

Several people dying from Minot is bad, of course, but then, crazy stuff happens. Motorcycle accidents, mind you, are the #1 non-war cause of dead in the Air Force. The Captain who died wasnt a pilot (he was Combat Weather, as evidenced by his pewter beret in the photo linked from your site). Captains are a dime a dozen, just like the Security Forces troop who died. Yes, a part of the Security Forces Squadron mission there would be do defend the nukes, but hes not at all involved in any of the process. He stands outside the door and checks IDs. Seriously, thats it. I have 5 cops (as they're generally called in the Air Force) I deal with every day where I work because I do computer stuff, and they have zero clue whats happening behind the door. They spend most of the day on the phone chit chatting with friends at other security posts about the latest dorm gossip about who slept with whom. So, to conclude, just chill out a bit about the conspiracy, its kinda silly. Plus, again, what would be the point? Its not a big deal to authorize a nuke mission. After 9/11 the entire Barksdale arsenal was loaded and on the flightline ready to fly. I wouldnt sweat 6 who someone forgot to unload. Feel free to republish, maybe it'll educate a few people. V/r SSgt ***** Rebuttal to 'Opposing View' The following email was sent to CLG on 19 September. Subject: comments closed? Im NOT anonymous, and I take issue with the anonymous "ssgt" statements. Im a cold war vet from the US Navy, one who worked as part of an operation designed to exhaust and bankrupt the Soviet military, by constantly testing their limitations. This SSgt is a defacto shill for a propaganda machine. 1st Bullsheep. Plain and simple. IF this "SSgt" was actually just debunking a load of Steaming Holstein, none of his command would have much issue with any of his statements, especially publicly

available facts such as retention rates and base activities that are noted on,, wikipedia, and many other websites worldwide. There is no need to be anonymous when youre not releasing classified data, is there? Saying "there is not a plot" is not contrary to secure data, even if there is not a plot. 2nd 6 people dying within days of a world-record nuclear screw-up is decidedly newsworthy, and suspicious, in itself. The rate of fatalities in the military isnt that high even in war zones. 3rd The "Decider" has already stated that he believes the USA has the right to bomb Iran, and that he will not certify that hed refuse to use nukes. "No option is off the table" as he is fond of saying. I think thats pretty damn clear, being as it is coming from the Commander In Chief. 4th The military reporting of these incidents is itself contrary to military secrecy, reason, and law. I suspect an altogether different agenda. I believe that this high-level press coverage of a screw up, carrying nukes on B52s, is designed to use the US Media [gasp, theyve never done that before!] to pressure Iran to meet US demands. a. The US military would never release to the public any real classified data, especially including data about moved or missing nukes, without authority from the White House. b. The US media is NOT entitled to print or distribute classified information, and is NEVER brought-in as it was in this case, so rapidly or on such an elemental and critical faux paus. c. The only logical excuse for the sudden and detail-filled news coverage of this event is that of an intentional release of data for political purposes. 5th Declaring that the US Military is lying in the media isnt illegal provided that one does not expose any actual events or secrets, or violate the UCMJ by disobeying a direct order. All soldiers still have their civil rights. These rights are merely waived as needed for valid military purposes, as it is the job of a soldier to take abnormal risks and bear state secrets. If it was really a secret, the anonymous sergeant would now be a traitor to the USA, just by talking about it. Thus, the implication that the letter is legit, is ALSO an implication that the letter is NOT legit. There is no

need to be anonymous if its not a secret. QED. This is an example of a circular argument. Thus, "I" am not violating any UCMJ or Federal laws by stating that its bunk. You cant cite me for a double negative: Im stating that what doesnt exist, doesnt not exist. We call that the First Amendment, and whether Dumbya likes it or not, its still in force. Im saying that there is no pink elephant. The missiles were moved, without any doubts, intentionally; OR The missiles were never moved and the press coverage is based on propaganda to scare Iran; OR the missiles were moved and the press coverage is based on propaganda to scare Iran. You cant prove or disprove what the US military has done without EXTERNAL data. Theyll say whatever they want to suit themselves. Sincerely, Don Lee E3/EW US Navy vet ASWOC 574 Jacksonville FL Top Secret and other clearances [inactive] *****


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately

Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #139 on: January 10, 2011, 05:43:44 AM

Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. Member Offline Posts: 63,103

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #140 on: January 10, 2011, 05:51:49 AM

Those Very Strangely Missing Nukes November 1st, 2007 Update w/New Links and List of Deaths

Way back in early September I posted about a strange incident at Minot AFB in North Dakota, where 5 (now increased to 6) stockpiled nuclear warheads were taken out of storage, armed, attached to supposedly decommissioned Advanced Cruise Missiles, loaded onto the pilons of a B-52 strategic bomber, and flown to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana a forward staging base for deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. My analysis at that time was that the whistleblowers who reported the incident to The Army Times which then broke the story were just doing their job, which had to do with some rather obvious Saber-Rattling by the Bush administration against Iran. In that post I noted that ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson agreed with my analysis on his blog. On Halloween investigative reporter Dave Lindorff posted a diary on DKos based on his article for The American Conservative [October 22 issue online]. He titled his diary The Air Force Cover-Up of that Minot-Barksdale Nuclear Missile Flight and its full of little tidbits of information from the Air Forces investigation report on the incident.

There is also some excellent information in an article by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya entitled Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order. Not only must service members who handle nuclear weapons or warheads follow a very strict chain of command (with lots of backup paperwork), they must be specifically certified for that task. The weapons, particularly those in storage or scheduled for decommissioning, are marked, they are sealed (seals must be broken). they carry tracking tags and can be found anywhere on the planet by military GPS, and direct written orders from senior military officials as well as the base commander is required before the weapons could be loaded on a plane or flown off the base. Thus it is clear that in the case of these particular missing nukes, highest-level orders were given, procedures double-checked and triple-checked, flight permission was granted. This is not just standard procedure, its REQUIRED procedure no single person can get around. According to a number of military experts, intelligence analysts and ex-military members of high rank, there are way too many large holes in the story for it to be anything but a whitewash coverup of a deliberate act authorized by the office of the President and the entire nuclear chain of command, in clear violation of US law and international treaty. But it gets much worse. Nazemroaya reports that there have been a number of mysterious deaths of USAF personnel shortly before and shortly after the incident Airman 1st Class Todd Blue. Attached to the 5th Security Forces Squadron at Minot AFB, specifically the Weapons System Security section responsible for the security of all priority ressources including all the nukes. Went home on leave immediately after the incident and died on September 10th at the age of 20. USAF Captain John Frueh. Attached to the USAF Special Operations Command. Last seen with a GPS device, camera and camcorder in a backpack. Found dead on September 8 in Washington State, last

call from his cell at 12:28 p.m. on August 30, the day of the Minot incident. The Air Force refused to allow Washington state police to investigate his disappearance as a missing person case until they had completed a military investigation. Did they know he was dead? Clint and Linda Huff. Clint Huff was attached to the 26th Operational Weather Squadron at Barksdale AFB. He and his wife were killed on their motorcycle September 15th after an SUV they were passing turned hard left into them. First Lieutenant Weston Kissel. B-52H Stratofortress Bomber pilot. Also died in a motorcycle accident on July 17, less than two months before the Minot incident. Adam Barrs and Stephen Garrett. Attached to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, responsible for loading and unloading weaponry on the B-52H Stratofortresses at Minot. They were killed in a single vehicle accident on July 3. The Huffs, Kissel, Barrs and Garrett died before the incident. But if there was advanced planning and any significant operation takes advanced planning they might have been involved. But wait! Theres more Charles D. Reichers, USAF, Retired. Previous member of the Senior Executive Service of the AF, Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Management. Also a master navigator and electronic warfare specialist. Found dead of apparent suicide on October 14. However, Russian Intelligence analysts reported in Pravda (The Russian news service) that the ruling of suicide was a coverup, that Reichers was murdered because of his involvement in the Minot affair. According to the Pravda article, the incident was linked to an operation to smuggle nuclear weapons away from the US military in connection to launching a war against Iran. A principal in that operation was said to be Daniel Richard DeVos, Who runs the Commonwealth Research Institute, a non-profit organization working for the Pentagon.

Anybody remember Iran-Contra? General Russell Elliot Dougherty. Former commander of Strategic Air Command and director of the Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff. Reported dead of suicide on September 7. In June of this year the command staff at Minot was rotated. Incoming officers were Colonel Robert D. Critchlow, transferred from the Pentagon to become commanding officer for the 91st Operations Group at Minot. Colonel Myron L. Freeman, transferred from Japan to Minot to take over as commander of the 91st Security Forces Group, responsible for securing Minots nuclear arsenal. Colonel Gregory S. Tims, appointed deputy commander of the 91st Space Wing. Colonel Bruce Emig, transferred from Ellsworth in South Dakota to Minot to become the base commander. Colonel Cynthia M. Lundell, transferred from NATO in Western Europe to command the 5th Maintenance Group (responsible for loading weaponry on the B-52s). Now assigned elsewhere. Read the article for other juicy tidbits that may start putting the belligerent threats, Septembers Vigilant Shield 2008 war games on US soil and Russias war games response, and all this talk of World War III into some perspective. I have doubts that Bush will allow elections in 2008, as he does not plan to leave power. I do believe hes psychotic, thus extremely dangerous to the US and the world.

I no longer think the Minot oops was

clever saber rattling. I think they were really trying to start a nuclear war.

All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately

Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #141 on: January 10, 2011, 05:55:33 AM

Maybe only delayed, not completely thwarted at the time.


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. Member

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #142 on: January 10, 2011, 05:58:02 AM

Quote from: citizenx on January 10, 2011, 05:43:44 AM

Offline Posts: 63,103

Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order

Dang, that was a while ago, wtf? these people need to be indicted already!

Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya 11/02/07 "Global Research" --- - According to a wide range of reports, several nuclear bombs were lost for 36 hours after taking off August 29/30, 2007 on a cross-country journey across the U.S., from U.S.A.F Base Minot in North Dakota to U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale in Louisiana. [1] Reportedly, in total there were six W80-1 nuclear warheads armed on AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs) that were lost. [2] The story was first reported by the Military Times, after military servicemen leaked the story. It is also worth noting that on August 27, 2007, just days before the "lost" nukes incident, three B-52 Bombers were performing special missions under the direct authorization of General Moseley, the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force. [3] The exercise was reported as being an aerial information and image gathering mission. The base at Minot is also home of the 91st Space Wings, a unit under the command of Air Force Space Command (AFSPC). According to official reports, the U.S. Air Force pilots did not know that they were carrying weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Once in Louisiana, they also left the nuclear weapons unsecured on the runway for several hours. [4] U.S. Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans, and Requirements, Major-General Richard Y. Newton III commented on the incident, saying there was an unprecedented series of procedural errors, which revealed an erosion of adherence to weapons-handling standards [5] These statements are misleading. The lax security was not the result of procedural negligence within the U.S. Air Force, but rather the consequence of a deliberate tampering of these procedures. If a

soldier, marine, airman, or sailor were even to be issued a rifle and rifle magazine weaponry of a far lesser significance, danger, and cost there is a strict signing and accountability process that involves a chain of command and paperwork. This is part of the set of military checks and balances used by all the services within the U.S. Armed Forces. Military servicemen qualified to speak on the subject will confirm that there is a stringent nuclear weapons handling procedure. There is a rigorous, almost inflexible, chain of command in regards to the handling of nuclear weapons and not just any soldier, sailor, airman, or marine is allowed to handle nuclear weapons. Only servicemen specialized in specific handling and loading procedures, are perm certified to handle, access and load nuclear warheads. Every service personnel that moves or even touches these weapons must sign a tracking paper and has total accountability for their movement. There is good reason for the paperwork behind moving these weapons. The military officers that order the movement of nuclear weapons, including base commanders, must also fill out paper forms. In other words, unauthorized removal of nuclear weapons would be virtually impossible to accomplish unless the chain of command were bypassed, involving, in this case, the deliberate tampering of the paperwork and tracking procedures. The strategic bombers that carried the nuclear weapons also could not fly with their loaded nuclear weaponry without the authorization of senior military officials and the base commander. The go-ahead authorization of senior military officials must be transmitted to the servicemen that upload the nuclear weapons. Without this authorization no flights can take place. In the case of the missing nukes, orders were given and flight permission was granted. Once again, any competent and eligible U.S. Air Force member can certify that this is the standard procedure. There are two important questions to be answered in relation to the "lost" nukes incident: 1. Who gave the order to arm the W80-1 thermonuclear warheads on the AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs)? At what level in the military hierarchy did this order originate? How was the order transmitted down the command chain? 2. If this was not a procedural error, what was the underlying

military-political objective sought by those who gave the orders? The Impossibility of "Losing" Nuclear Weapons As Robert Stormer, a former U.S. lieutenant-commander in the U.S. Navy, has commented: Press reports initially cited the Air Force mistake of flying nuclear weapons over the United States in violation of Air Force standing orders and international treaties, while completely missing the more important major issues, such as how six nuclear cruise missiles got loose to begin with. [6] Stormer also makes a key point, which is not exactly a secret: There is a strict chain of custody for all such weapons. Nuclear weapons handling is spelled out in great detail in Air Force regulations, to the credit of that service. Every person who orders the movement of these weapons, handles them, breaks seals or moves any nuclear weapon must sign off for tracking purposes. [7] Stormer continues: Two armed munitions specialists are required to work as a team with all nuclear weapons. All individuals working with nuclear weapons must meet very strict security standards and be tested for loyalty this is known as a [Nuclear Weapons] Personnel Reliability Program [DoDD 5210 42]. They work in restricted areas within eyeshot of one another and are reviewed constantly.[8] Stormer unwraps the whole Pentagon cover-up by pointing out some logical facts and military procedures. First he reveals that: All security forces assigned [to handle and protect nuclear weapons] are authorized to use deadly force to protect the weapons from any threat [including would-be thieves]. [9] He then points out a physical reality that can not be shrugged aside: Nor does anyone quickly move a 1-ton cruise missile or forget about six of them, as reported by some news outlets, especially cruise missiles loaded with high explosives. He further explains another physical and procedural reality about nuclear weapons assembly: The United States also does not transport nuclear weapons meant for elimination attached to their launch vehicles under the wings of a combat aircraft. The procedure is to separate the warhead from the missile, encase the warhead and transport it by military cargo aircraft to a repository not an operational bomber base that just happens to be the staging area for Middle Eastern operations. [10]

This last point raises the question of what were the nuclear weapons meant for? In this context, Stomrer puts forth the following list of important questions to which he demands an answer: 1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale? 2. How long was it before the error was discovered? 3. How many mistakes and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen? 4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked? 5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored? 6. How many other nuclear command and control non-observations of procedure have there been? 7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee U.S. nuclear command and control? 8. How does this incident relate to concern for reliability of control over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia, Pakistan and elsewhere? 9. Does the Bush administration, as some news reports suggest, have plans to attack Iran with nuclear weapons? It is a matter of perception, whether it is clear or unclear, as to why the nuclear warheads had not been removed beforehand from the missiles. For those who have been observing these series of unclear events it is becoming clear that a criminal government is at the helm of the United States. There was no way that the six nuclear missiles could have been mistakenly loaded, especially when their separate warheads had to be affixed to the missiles by individuals specialized in such a momentous task. It is also being claimed that military teams in both U.S.A.F. Base Minot and U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale made major "procedural errors". What are the probabilities of this occurring simultaneously in two locations? It is also worth noting that original reports from military sources talked about only five of the six nuclear warheads from Minot being accounted for in Barksdale.[11] Nuclear warheads are also kept in specialized storage areas or bunkers. Moreover, nuclear weapons are not being decommissioned at Barksdale.

The Role of the Nuclear Weapons Surety Program: What happened to Electronic Monitoring? The Nuclear Weapons Surety Program is a joint program between the U.S. Department of Defence and the U.S. Department of Energy. The National Security Agency (NSA) is also involved as well as other U.S. federal government agencies. The Nuclear Weapons System Safety Program is part of this program, which involves a monitoring and safeguards regime for the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The Nuclear Weapons Security Standard falls under the Nuclear Weapons Surety Program and is in place to disallow any unauthorized access to nuclear weapons; prevent damage or sabotage to nuclear weapons; prevent loss of custody; and prevent, to the maximum extent possible, radiological contamination caused by unauthorized acts. Under this or these safeguards system there also exists a rigorous control of use scheme, Command and Control (C2) and Use Control Use control is a set of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized access to nuclear weapons. These measures involve weapons design features, operational procedures, security, and system safety rules. Command and Control or C2 involves the Office of the President of the United States of America. C2 is an established line of command, which is tied to the White House. Without it, nuclear weapons cannot be deployed or armed as they were in U.S.A.F. Base Minot. It is these two control elements that establish the basis of authorization through which absolute control of nuclear weapons is maintained at all times. In addition to the checks and balances in place in regards to handling nuclear weapons, the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and its partners manually and electronically inspect and monitor all U.S. nuclear weapons through the Nuclear Weapon Status Information Systems. More Unanswered Questions: What Happened to the Computerized Tracking System? The Nuclear Management Information Systems interface with each other and provide [the U.S. Department of Defence] with the ability to track the location of nuclear weapons and components from cradle-to-grave [meaning from when they are made to when they are decommissioned]. [12] The Military Times also makes an

omission that exposes the official narrative as false and indicates that the event was not just a mistake: The Defense Department uses a computerized tracking program to keep tabs on each one of its nuclear warheads, said Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists. For the six warheads to make it onto the B-52, each one would have had to be signed out of its storage bunker and transported to the bomber. [13] This is where the chain of command in regards to military officers falls into play. If any of the stocked inventories of nuclear weapons are moved to an authorized location they will be noticed and tracked by the DTRA and will require the relevant authorization. There is also a code system involved that is tied to the chain of command. The fact that the incident only apparently became known to the U.S. Air Force when military personnel reported it, suggests that either the nuclear weapons were ordered to be moved or that the electronic tracking devices had been removed or tampered with. This scenario would need the involvement of individuals with expertise in military electronics or for those responsible for the monitoring of nuclear weapons to look the other way or both. Mysterious Deaths in the United States Air Force: Whitewash and Cover-up Several military personnel died under mysterious circumstances shortly before and after the incident. There are now questions regarding the fate of these individuals in the U.S. Air Force who could have had relationships in one way or another to the incident or possibly have been directly involved. It is also necessary to state that there is no proof that these deaths are linked to the August flight from Minot to Barksdale in question. Citizens for Legitimate Government has pointed towards the involvement of the U.S. Air Force in a cover-up and has linked several deaths of U.S. servicemen to the incident. Lori Price has also stated for Citizens for a Legitimate Government that you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke on a B-52. Based on several news sources, including the U.S. military, we provide below a detailed review of these mysterious and untimely deaths of U.S. servicemen. Todd Blue

Airman 1st Class Todd Blue went on leave days after the nuclear weapons were lost. Blue died under questionable timing while on leave, visiting his family in Wytheville, Virginia at the age of 20 on September 10, 2007. He was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. What does this mean? Airman Todd Blue occupied a key position in weapons systems security at Minot. [14] At Minot U.S.A.F. Base the 5th Security Forces Squadron to which he belonged was responsible for base entry requirements and a particular section, the Weapons System Security section, was responsible for preventing the unauthorized removal of military property. The latter is responsible for security of all priority resources, meaning the security of nuclear weapons. In other words not only did the 5th Security Forces Squadron keep eyes on what entered and left Minot, but they kept an eye on and monitored the nuclear weapons. John Frueh

U.S. Air Force Captain John Frueh is another serviceman who could have been indirectly connected to the lost nuclear weapons. He was reported as being last seen with a GPS device, camera, and camcorder being carried with him in a backpack. Local police in Oregon and the F.B.I. seemed to be looking for him for days. His family also felt that something bad had happened to him. On September 8, 2007 Captain Frueh was found dead in Washington State, near his abandoned rental car, after the Portland Police Department contacted the Skamania County Sheriffs Officer. [15] The last time he spoke with his family was August 30, 2007. He had arrived from Florida to attend a wedding that he never showed up at. The Oregonian reported that Authorities in Portland found no activity on his credit or bank cards since [Frueh] was last seen (...) [and that] the last call from his cell phone was made at 12:28 p.m. [August 30, 2007] from Mill Plain Boulevard and Interstate 205 in Vancouver [Washington State]. [16] His background was in meteorology and the study of the atmosphere and weather. He was also reported to be a U.S. Air Force pararescue officer. [17] He was also a major-select candidate, which means he was selected for a promotion as a U.S. Air Force major, but was not officially promoted. Captain Frueh belonged to the U.S.A.F. Special Operations Command. U.S.A.F. Special Operations Command has its headquarters in Hurlburt Field, Florida and is one of nine major Air Force commands. It is also the U.S. Air Forces component of U.S. Special Operations Command, a unified command located at MacDill Air Force Base, which is also in Florida. The force provides special operations forces for worldwide deployment and assignment to regional unified commands, such as CENTCOM. Its missions include conduct of global special operations.

These operations and this is where careful attention should be paid range from precision application of firepower, such as nuclear weapons, to infiltration, exfiltration (the removal of devices, supplies, spies, special agents, or units from enemy territory), re-supply and refuelling of special operational elements. In Captain Fruehs case his death is questionable too. The U.S. Air Force would not let a missing persons investigation go forward by the police without conducting its own investigation. Usually the different service branches of the U.S. military would investigate for missing servicemen, to see if these individuals are Absent Without Authorized Leave (AWAL) or have deserted, before an individuals case is handed over to the police. Clint Huff, Linda Huff, and Weston Kissel Another military weatherman, along with his wife, also died after August 30, 2007. Senior Airman Clint Huff, belonging to the 26th Operational Weather Squadron and his wife Linda Huff died in a motorcycle accident on September 15, 2007. [18] The husband and wife fatality happened on Shreveport-Blanchard Highway, near U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale, when according to the Caddo Parish Sheriffs Officer a Pontiac Aztec, a medium-sized SUV, initiated a left turn at the same time that the couple attempted to pass on a no passing zone and collided. [19] First-Lieutenant Weston Kissel, a B52H Stratofortress Bomber pilot, also died in a reported Tennessee motorcycle accident. This was while he was on leave in, less than two months from the nuclear B-52 flights, on July 17, 2007. [20] His death came after another single-vehicle accident by another Minot serviceman, Senior Airman Adam Barrs. [21] Adam Barrs and Stephen Garrett

Senior Airman Barrs died as a passenger in a vehicle being driven by Airman 1st Class Stephen Garrett, also from Minot. Garrett, also belongs to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. The death of Barrs was reported as being part of a single-vehicle car accident. Associated Press reports state that [Minot] Base officials say 20year-old Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday [July 3, 2007] night. [22] Barrs was pronounced dead on the scene of the accident, while Garrett was taken the hospital with no updates released by the U.S. Air Force. Adam Barrs also belonged to

the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, where he was responsible for the maintenance and securing of the electronic communicational and navigation mission systems aboard the B-52H Stratofortresses on base. The 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron is also one of the units that are responsible for loading and unloading weaponry onto the B-52H Stratofortresses. The deaths of Kissel and Barrs could be dismissed as irrelevant because they occurred prior to the incident. However, Barrs and Kissel could have been in one way or another connected to the advanced planning of the special operation, prior to the incident (special operations are not planned in a few days and may take months and even longer). There is, of course, no proof and only an independent investigation will be able to reveal whether these deaths are connected to the incident. If there was an internal and secretive operation bypassing most military personnel, a few men in key positions would have to have been involved over a period of time prior to the August 29/30, 2007 flight. Senior Airman Barrs, due to his expertise in communication and navigational systems, could potentially have been involved in the preparations that would have allowed the nuclear weapons to escape detection by military surveillance and be ready for takeoff. Reprimands, Replacements and Reassignments in the U.S.A.F. Chain of Command Senior officers, including three colonels and a lieutenant-colonel, are among seventy personnel that will reportedly be disciplined for negligence and for allowing a B-52H Stratofortress Bomber to fly across the U.S. carrying six nuclear-armed cruise missiles that should never have been loaded under its wings. [23] According to the Military Times, George W. Bush Jr. had been swiftly informed. This is a lockstep procedure. This illustrates the importance tied to the authorization needed for handling nuclear weapons. This is part of a two-way process in regards to authorization from the White House. The commander of the 5th Munitions Squadron and the commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, Colonel Bruce Emig, have been replaced along with a series of other senior officers. This implies that the U.S. Air Force chain of command is directly involved in this event. None of these senior officers have been authorized to speak or make statements, according to U.S. military sources. Will any of these officers receive lucrative departure packages? Have they been reassigned? More generally, the nature of the reprimands directed

against senior officers involved has not been fully disclosed. The memory of the incident is being erased through a reorganization of the ranks and a purge at U.S.A.F. Base Minot. The streamlining of the chain of command as well as the mysterious deaths of personnel who could have been involved in the incident, raise a series of farreaching questions. There are several important issues regarding the senior officers chain of command at Minot, which will be addressed in this article. Once again, the most important questions in regards to the missing nukes are: Who gave the orders and authorization for the operation and what where the underlying objectives of loading armed nuclear missiles? Other Mysterious Deaths: Was the Missing Nukes Incident connected to US War Plans directed against Iran? Charles D. Riechers

A U.S. Air Force official, Charles D. Riechers, has been found dead on October 14, 2007. [24] Riechers was a retired Air Force officer and master navigator specializing in electronic warfare. He was a member of the Senior Executive Service of the U.S. Air Force, and was the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Management. A description of his duties includes providing sound expert advice and guidance on acquisition and procurement policies, as well as formulating, reviewing and, as

assigned, execution of plans, programs and policies relating to organization, function, operation and improvement of the Air Forces acquisition system. He apparently killed himself by running his cars engine inside his suburban garage in Virginia. The death of Charles D. Riechers has been casually linked by The Washington Post to his involvement in fraudulent activities and embezzlement. [25] The Washington Post reported that the Air Force had asked defense contractor, Commonwealth Research Institute (C.R.I.), to give him a job with no known duties while he waited for official clearance for his promoted rank in the Pentagon. Riechers is quoted as saying: I really didnt do anything for C.R.I., and I [still] got a paycheck from them. The question, of course, was whether the contractor might expect favours in return upon his assignment to the Pentagon last January. [26] A mysterious suicide letter expressing shame was subsequently reported; the letter was reportedly from a man who had already admitted without shame that he was receiving money for doing nothing. This was known to the U.S. Senate, which had approved his promotion. In a report featured by Pravda, Russian Intelligence analysts have said that the reported suicide of Charles D. Riechers was a cover-up and that he was murdered because of his involvement in the controversial flight of nuclear weapons over the continental United States. Pravda reports that Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that American War Leaders have suicided [sic] one of their Top US Air Force Officials Charles D. Riechers as the rift growing between the U.S. War Leaders and their Top Military Officers over a nuclear attack on Iran appears to be nearing open warfare. [27] According to the Pravda report, the incident was linked to an operation to smuggle nuclear weapons away from the U.S. military in connection to launching a war against Iran. The Commonwealth Research Institute (CRI), a registered non-profit organization is a subsidiary of Concurrent Technologies, which is registered with the IRS as a tax-exempt charity, which is run by Daniel Richard DeVos. Devos is also an associate of John P. Murtha, who was investigated by the F.B.I. for his Saudi links. Certainly the ties of the Commonwealth Research Institute (CRI), a non-profit organization working for the Pentagon, are questionable and the organization could be a front for internal operations that bypass most military personnel. The case appears to be part of an internal operation that was being kept a secret from most of the U.S. military, but what for?

Russell E. Dougherty

More than a month before the death of Riechers, General Russell Elliot Dougherty, a retired flag officer, was also reported to have died on September 7, 2007 at his home in Falcon Landing military retirement community in Potomac Falls located in Arlington, Virginia. [28] He once was one of the most senior individuals responsible for the nuclear arsenal of the U.S. military and also the former commander of Strategic Air Command (SAC) and director of the Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff, which identified nuclear targets worldwide amongst its responsibilities. At Minot next to his obituary was a military information notice on suicide, telling servicepersons what the signs of suicide are. [29] Russell Dougherty in the course of his military career in the U.S. Air Force had dealt with the issues pertaining to Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), full spectrum dominance, how to defeat the enemy and avoid a nuclear war, other uses for nuclear weaponry, Nuclear Primacy for the U.S., and tackling the effects of the wind and weather due to their unpredictable natures on the use of nuclear weapons. The fact that the nuclear warheads were attached to the nuclear cruise missiles could mean that someone wanted to take the weapons in one step or to use them right away. Timely Appointments at U.S.A.F. Base Minot Several of the commanding officers at Minot were freshly appointed in June, 2007. This may have been part of standard procedures, but the timing should not be ignored.

Colonel Robert D. Critchlow was transferred, just before the incident, from the Pentagon to Minot and appointed commanding officer for the 91st Operations Group, a missileer unit and the operational backbone of the 91st Space Wing. In Washington, D.C. he was involved in research for the Congressional Research Services and later posted into Air Force Nuclear Response and Homeland Defence. Colonel Myron L. Freeman was transferred from Japan to Minot in June, 2007. Colonel Freeman was appointed as the commander of the 91st Security Forces Group, which is responsible for securing Minots nuclear arsenal. Colonel Gregory S. Tims was also appointed as deputy commander or vice-commander of the 91st Space Wing in June, 2007. However, Colonel Tims was transfered to Minot from California almost a year before. One of the most senior non-commissioned officers (NCOs) or noncommissioned members (NCMs), Chief Master Sergeant Mark R. Clark, was also transferred to U.S.A.F. Base Minot from Nebraska in July, 2007. Colonel Roosevelt Allen was also transferred to Minot from Washington, D.C. to become commander of the 5th Medical Group. Colonel Bruce Emig, the now-former commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, was also transferred to Minot from U.S.A.F. Base Ellsworth in South Dakota in June, 2007. Colonel Emig was also the base commander of Minot. Colonel Cynthia M. Lundell, the now-former group commander for the 5th Maintenance Group, the unit responsible for loading and unloading weaponry onto the B-52H Stratofortresses was also freshly transferred from a NATO post in Western Europe in June, 2007. Were these appointments temporary? Were any of these appointments related to the six lost nuclear missiles? Prior to the Missing Nukes Incident, Minot Airmen Meet with the President and the U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff

On June 15, 2007, George W. Bush Jr. met senior officers from U.S.A.F. Base Minot at U.S.A.F. Base McConnell in Wichita, Kansas during a visit to Boeings Integrated Defense Systems facility. Amongst them was Major Daniel Giacomazza of the 5th Operational Support Squadron. Senator Patrick Roberts of Kansas was also present. While he chaired the Senate Intelligence Committe from 2002 to 2007, [Senator] Roberts stonewalled attempts to investigate everything from the manipulation of intelligence in the rush to war in Iraq, President Bushs warrantless wiretaps, and even allegations of the use of torture by the CIA, according to Associated Press (AP) reports. [30] The same report also indicates that the U.S. President was in Wichita for a political fundraiser, and stopped at a new Boys and Girls Club of America to defray the costs of getting to Wichita via Air Force One for Senator Roberts campaign. Military sources have reported that a B-52H Stratofortress was flown to Wichita so that Boeings engineers could take a look in order to make adjustments to the war planes for a new military program. [31] Nothing has been reported about any private meetings between President Bush Jr. or any of his presidential staff and the personnel from Minot. However, reports have been made of meetings between military families and the U.S. President in his office on Air Force One. General Moseley, the Air Force Chief of Staff, had previously visited Minot on March 14-15, 2007, a month before Minot airmen went to Wichita. [32] If a secret mission was being prepared, these events could have played a role in the recruiting phases for an important internal special operation. Following their recruitment, Minot servicemen could have

symbolically met General Moseley or White House officials to understand that the mission was being sanctioned by the highest ranks and offices in the United States. Orders had to Come from the Top: Treason of the Highest Order Orders had to come from higher up. The operation would not have been possible without the involvement of more than one individual in the highest ranks of the U.S. Air Force command structure and the Pentagon. The only way to bypass these separate chains of command is to be above them (from higher up), as well as have the possibility of directly overseeing their implementation. These orders would then have been communicated to lower levels in the US Air Force command chain in different locations, to allow for a socalled oversight to proceed. The alternative to this is an alternative chain of command, although this also needs someone in the highest ranks of office to organize and oversee. The post given to Riechers was politically motivated, given his track record in the U.S. Air Force. Riechers had been in a position of responsibility in the U.S. Air Force special operational support activities; something he had in common with Russell Dougherty, the former SAC commander. He would have been one of the best suited individuals for making arrangements in the case of an alternative command structure for a secretive nuclear operation. Moreover, he already had a record of corrupt behaviour through his involvement with the Commonwealth Research Institute. The possible involvement of U.S. Air Force weathermen and special operatives raises many questions as to what exactly was the objective of making the nuclear weapons disappear. [33] The Investigation The U.S. Air Force has publicly stated that it has made a mistake, which is very unusual and almost unprecedented for a military organization that tries to continually assure the American public of their safety. The fact that seventy or more military personnel have been punished in the case of the lost nuclear weapons does not mean, however, that the senior commanding officers responsible for having carried out the special operation will be identified and punished. Quite the opposite. The investigation could indeed result

in a camouflage of the chain of command, where lower-ranking military personnel are accused and court-martialed, with a view to ultimately protecting those in high office who have committed an act of treason. The series of deaths mentioned above, may have no ties whatsoever with the the August flight in question from Minot to Barksdale, but the issues of command, monitoring, and authorization cannot be overlooked or ignored. The American people have before them a case of treason that involves the highest offices of government and most probably the offices of the President and the Vice-President. Once again, the C2 process involves the Office of the President and Commander-in-Chief. It is an established line of command, without which nuclear weapons could not have been deployed or armed as they were in U.S.A.F. Base Minot. It is this command element that establishes the basis of authorization through which absolute control of nuclear weapons is maintained at all times. With time it is possible that military servicemen and servicewomen may come forward with more information. However, in the meantime, there has been a streamlining of military personnel at U.S.A.F. Minot. Base personnel have become dispersed and reassigned to other locations. If they on the grounds of loyalty to their country, the United States of America, come forward and reveal what has taken place, they are to be saluted with full honour by all ranks. As George Orwell said, In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, and indeed these are deceitful times. The fact that U.S. Air Force officers came forward and reported this incident is contrary to U.S. military procedures, regulations, and laws. The U.S. military will never release any information that will risk or damage its reputation. Any information in regards to nuclear weapons can not be released without prior consultations with and authorization by the White House. The nuclear weapons were armed and moved deliberately. Orders had to have come from the highest echelons of the U.S. government. The question is what exactly were they meant for? Were they part of a war agenda or something else? Bush Threatens Iran with Nuclear Weapons What adds intrigue to an understanding of the missing nukes, are the international events and war games taking place just after the

lost nuclear weapons incident, not to mention the Presidents ongoing threats to attack Iran with nuclear weapons and Vice President Cheney's repeated warnings that a second large scale terrorist attack on America is under preparation, with the support of Iran. In the U.S., under the Vigilant Shield 2008 war games (initiated in September, 2007) and the TOPOFF anti-terrorism exercises, some form of nuclear terrorist attack on American soil had been envisaged. The roles of Russia and China had also been contemplated. The latter would be a likely scenario had the U.S. attacked Iran and as a result Russia and China had decided to intervene. [34] Under Vigilant Shield 2007, held in 2006, the possibility of a nuclear war with Irans allies, Russia and China, had been contemplated in the war games scenario. The Kremlin has responded by holding its own war games.[35] An unveiled threat to trigger World War Three has been the response of George W. Bush Jr. to Russias statements warning that a U.S. sponsored war with Iran, could result in an escalating World War III scenario. The six nuclear warheads were not meant for use in theatre operations against Iran. This is obvious because if they were then they would have been deployed via the proper procedural routes without the need to hide anything. Besides, there are already theatre-level nuclear weapons ready and armed in Europe and the Middle East for any possible Middle Eastern mission. There was something more to the incident. It is also worth noting that the Israelis launched an attack on an alleged Syrian nuclear facility that both Tel Aviv and the White House claim was constructed with the assistance of North Korea. This event has been used, through official statements and media disinformation, to draw a Syria-Iran-North Korea nuclear proliferation axis. [36] In regards to the case of the missing nuclear weapons, weathermen and military personnel with an expertise in space and missile components were involved. The incident took place during a time when the U.S. missile shield projects in Eastern Europe and Eastern Asia, directed against Russia and China, were raising international tensions and alarms. On October 23, 2007, President Bush Jr. stated: The need for missile defence in Europe is real and I believe its urgent. [37] Nuclear warfare, the militarization of space, and the missile shield are interrelated military processes. The overtones of Nuclear Primacy are hanging in the air. One of the goals of the U.S. military has been

to effectively shield itself from a potential Russian or potential Russian and Chinese nuclear response to a nuclear First Strike from the U.S. military. [38] The militarization of space is also deeply linked to this military project. Like their advanced knowledge about the U.S. missile shield project, Russian and Chinese officials have got wind of these ambitions and are fully aware of what the U.S. intends to do. Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is an independent writer based in Ottawa specializing in Middle Eastern affair. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


[1] Sarah Baxter, US hits panic button as air force loses nuclear missiles, The Times (U.K.), October 21, 2007. [2] The Nuclear Reactions Data Centres also estimated that the W80-1 stockpile included a total of 1,400 warheads remain in stockpile associated with the 900 ALCMs that are in storage with their warheads removed. [3] Baxter, US hits panic button, Op. cit. [4] John Andrew Prime, Barksdale bombers expand B-52 capabilities, The Sheveport Times, August 27, 2007. [5] Baxter, US hits panic button, Op. cit.; Major-General Newton is also responsible for formulating policy supporting air, space, nuclear, counter-proliferation, homeland, weather, and cyber operations. Because of his role as one of the Air Forces key flag officers in regards to nuclear issues and counter-proliferation he has been involved in war planning in regards to Iran, Israeli preparations for attacks on Syria, and the 2006 Israeli war against Lebanon. [6] Robert Stormer, Nuke transportation story has explosive implications, Fort Worth StarTelegram, Octobers 8, 2007. [7] Ibid.; To help ensure adequate shipboard security, TLAM-N is protected by an intrusion detection alarm system that indicates an intrusion, both visually and audibly, at a continuously manned station capable of dispatching a security team. [8] Ibid. [9] Ibid. [10] Ibid. [11] Michael Hoffman, B-52 mistakenly flies with nukes aboard, Military Times, September 10, 2007; Associated Press sources also made the same report. Military Times simply changed their article and AP withdrew its report on the basis of a factual error. [12] Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defence (DoD), Year 2000 Status of

the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Nuclear Weapon Information Tracking Systems, Report No. 99-235 (August 19, 1999). [13] Michael Hoffman, Commander disciplined for nuclear mistake, Militarty Times, September 7, 2007. [14] Minot Airman dies while on leave, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, September 12, 2007. [15] Body of missing Air Force captain found, Associated Press, September 10, 2007. [16] Kimberly Wilson, Portland police seek Air Force weatherman missing on trip, The Oregonian, September 5, 2007. [17] U.S. Air Force operatives that are tasked with recovery and medical treatment of personnel in war environments, as well as handling astronauts returning from space. They are the only members of the U.S. military that are specially trained and equipped to conduct personnel recovery operations in hostile or denied areas as a primary mission. [18] Victims in Saturday motorcycle accident identified, The Sheveport Times, September 16, 2007; Notice of Active Duty Death, The Bombardier, September 21, 2007, p.1. [19] John Andrew Prime, Caddo deputies work double fatality accident, The Sheveport Times, September 15, 2007. [20] Minot Airman dies in motorcycle accident, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, July 18, 2007. [21] Minot Airman identified, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, July 5, 2007. [22] Authorities identify Minot airman killed in crash, Associated Press, July 5, 2007. [23] Baxter, US hits panic button, Op. cit. [24] Air Force official found dead, The Tribune-Democrat, October 16, 2007; Ginger Thompson and Eric Schmitt, Top Air Force Official Dies in Apparent Suicide, The New York Times, October 16, 2007. [25] Robert OHarrow Jr., Air Force Arranged No-Work Contract: Experts Question Officials Deal With Nonprofit, The Washington Post, October 1, 2007, p.A01. [26] Ibid. [27] Top US Air Force official suicided [sic] as Iran war nears, Pravda, October 16, 2007. [28] Yvonne Shinhoster Lamb, Obituaries: Russell E. Dougherty, The Washington Post, October 13, 2007, p.B06. [29] General Dougherty, former SAC commander, dies, The Bombardier, September 21, 2007, p.9. [30] Deb Reichmann, Bush Raises Money for Kansas Senator, Associated Press, June 15, 2007. [31] Warbirds meet commander and chief, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, June 22, 2007. [32] Staff Sergeant Trevor Tiernan, CSAF visits Minot, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, March 16, 2007. [33] Infra. n.38. [34] Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Vigilant Shield 2008: Terrorism, Air Defences, and the

Domestic Deployment of the US Military, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), October 6, 2007; Michel Chossoduvsky, Dangerous Crossroads: US Sponsored War Games, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), October 6, 2007; The March to War: NATO Preparing for War with Serbia? Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), October 19, 2007. [35] Michel Chossudovsky, New Cold War: Simultaneously, Russia and America Conduct Major War Games, Centre for Research on Globalization, October 16, 2007. [36] Both the U.S. and Israeli governments cite the arrival of a North Korean ship with alleged nuclear-related cargo as proof, but one needs only point out one fact to dislodge this claim. The U.S. government has setup an internationally illegal program involved in policing the seas and maritime traffic, the International Proliferation Initiative (IPI). Under the IPI the U.S. has been illegally stopping North Korean vessels and inspecting them, especially when they have suspected suspicious materials. Hereto, North Korea has not been given any carte blanches from vessel inspections. The U.S. Navy and NATO vessels have a virtual cordon of the waterways around the Middle East from the Indian Ocean to the Read Sea and Mediterranean Sea. If the North Korean vessel had nuclear materials it would never have reached Syria. [37] Missile shield is urgent - Bush, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), October 23, 2007. The U.S. is well in the process of implementing the recommendations of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC); [The United States must] develop and deploy missile defences to defend the American homeland and American allies, and to provide a secure basis for U.S. power projection around the world, and Control the new international commons of space and cyberspace and pave the way for the creation of a new military service U.S. Space Forces with the mission of space control. Thomas Donnelly et al., Rebuilding Americas Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources For A New Century (The Project for the New American Century: September 2000), p.v.

[38] It is here that two things should be noted in regards to physics and magnetospheric physics; Firstly, nuclear explosions from the air are different than ground-based nuclear explosions in many ways (including contamination levels), but the weather and wind direction are major unknowns or variables; Secondly, as a fundamental natural law energy never disappears, it only changes or is transferred. The energy from nuclear explosions can theoretically be transferred into the Earth magnetic radiation fields, called the Van Allen Belt or the Van Allen Belts, and used to energize and excite various particles, subatomic particles, and ions. Tentatively, if manipulated this can have harmful results on surface areas, including burning electronic and communication devices, and military applications such as disrupting satellites in space. If this were possible Russian, Chinese, Iranian, or Indian military

defences, communications, and missile facilities could be effortlessly neutralized. These radiation belts also travel in loops and notionally an energized pulse set off from an area in the U.S. could circumnavigate into an area halfway around the globe. In fact the U.S. military has been experimenting with manipulating the radiation belts since the end of the Second World War. The U.S. Navys Project Argus, taking place from August to September 1958, is an example. A total of five nuclear weapons were used; three atom bombs (weapons using nuclear fission) were detonated above the Atlantic Ocean and two thermonuclear or hydrogen bombs (weapons using nuclear fusion) in the Pacific Ocean in an effort to manipulate the Van Allen Belts.
Copyright Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research, 2007


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately

All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. Member Offline Posts: 63,103

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #143 on: January 10, 2011, 06:01:37 AM

The Air Force Cover-Up of that Minot-Barksdale Nuclear Missile Flight by dlindorff Wed Oct 31, 2007 at 12:31:06 PM PST If America has put electronic alarms and motion sensors on Russian nukes, wouldn't they be on our nukes too? If so, who turned them

off at Minot, and why? "It makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck." ---Pentagon official There is something deeply disturbing about the Air Forces official report on the Aug-29-30 "bent spear" incident that saw six nuclear warheads get mounted on six Advanced Cruise Missiles and improperly removed from a nuclear weapons storage bunker at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, then get improperly loaded on a B-52, and then get improperly flown to Barksdale AFB in Louisianaa report that attributed the whole thing to a "mistake." According to the Air Force report, some Air Force personnel mounted the warheads on the missiles (which are obsolete and slated for destruction), and another ground crew, allegedly not aware that the missiles were armed with nukes, moved them out and mounted them on a launch pylon on the B-52s wing for a flight to Barksdale and eventual dismantling. Only on the ground at Barksdale did ground crew personnel spot the nukes according to the report. (Six other missiles with dummy warheads were mounted on a pylon on the other wing of the plane.) The problem with this explanation for the first reported case of nukes being removed from a weapons bunker without authorization in 50 years of nuclear weapons, is that those warheads, and all nuclear warheads in the US stockpile, are supposedly protected against unauthorized transport or removal from bunkers by electronic antitheft systemsautomated alarms similar to those used by department stores to prevent theft, and even anti-motion sensors that go off if a weapon is touched or approached without authorization. While the Air Force report doesnt mention any of this, what it means is that if weapons in a storage bunker are protected against unauthorized removal, someoneand actually at least two people, since its long been a basic part of nuclear security that every action involving a nuclear weapon has to be done by two people working in tandemhad to deliberately and consciously disable those alarms.

Since the Air Force report does not explain how this hurdle to unauthorized removal of the six nukes could have been surmounted by "mistake," the report has to be considered a whitewash, at best, or a cover-up. That leaves us speculating about what actually happened, and about who might have authorized the removal of those nukes from storage, and why the Defense Department would be covering up the true story. We know that the loading of nuclear-armed missiles or bombs onto an American bomber has been barred since 1991, even for practice and training purposes. We know also that the carrying of nuclear weapons by bombers flying over US airspace has been banned for 40 years. So if the evidence suggests strongly that the removal of the nukes from the bunker was done intentionally and with some kind of authorization from higher authorities, then the loading of nukes onto the plane, and the flight of those nukes to Barksdale have to also be assumed to have been authorized. This possibility has been dismissed out of hand by the Air Force and Defense Department. The very idea is, in fact, not even discussed in the Air force report released in mid-October. Yet we are left with the unresolved question of how the weapons could have been moved out of the bunker accidentally. The Air Force has not been forthcoming about the automated alarm protections on American nuclear weapons, refusing to confirm or deny that they even exist. But we can know that they are in place for several reasons. One is that since writing about this incident in ghd current edition of American Conservative Magazine ("The Mystery of Minot," Oct. 24, 2007 ed.) and in several online venues, I have been contacted by several active-duty and retired military people who have assured me that such electronic protections are in place. A second is that an article in the Oct. 31 issue of the New York Times, reporting on the early completion of a project by the National Nuclear Security Administration, to secure Russian nuclear weapons, said that the measures implemented at 25 classified sites on 12 Russian nuclear bases included "measures that have long been part of American efforts" to secure nuclear weapons, and that these included "alarm and motion detection systems," as well as

"modern gates, guard houses and fighting positions, " and also "detectors for explosives, radiation and metal." Ask yourselves, would American nuclear weapons be equipped with lesser security systems than those that the NNSA is providing for Russian weapons? Of course not! And yet were asked to believe that some low-ranking ground crew personnel at Minot AFB simply walked out of a nuclear weapons bunker with six nuclear armed Advanced Cruise Missiles, not knowing what they were carrying, and labored for eight hours to mount those missiles and their launch pylon on the wing of a B-52 strategic bomber without ever noticing that they were armed with nuclear weapons. Were asked to believe that none of those electronic alarms and motion sensors built into the system went off during that whole process. When I mentioned the automated alarm and motion sensors to Lt. Col. Jennifer Cassidy, a public affairs person at the Department of the Air Force, and asked her how the movement of the six nukes could have occurred without those alarms being disabled, she said, "Its an intriguing question, and it makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck." ` As it should. ` So why isnt it making the hair stand up on the back of the necks of members of Congress? Incredibly, to date, there has been no demand for public hearings into this frightening incident. Congress appears ready and willing to accept the Air Force whitewash at face value: It was an accident. It wont happen again. That is not good enough! We need honest answers to some hard questions. Among them:

* Who disabled the alarm systems on those weapons and on the bunker itself? * Who mounted six nuclear weapons on the noses of six cruise missiles and put those missiles onto a B-52 launch platform? * Who authorized them to perform this operation? * Who moved the armed weapons out of the Bunker at Minot AFB and mounted them on the wing of a B-52 bound for Barksdale AFB? (Barksdale, it should be noted, bills itself as the main staging base for B-52s being flown to the Middle East Theater.) * Were the six missiles flyable? Were they fueled up and ready to fire, or were they not fueled at the time of the Minot-Barksdale flight? * Was there targeting information in the missiles guidance computers and if so, what were those targets? * What happened to the three military whistleblowers who blew the whistle on this incident and reported it to a journalist at the newspaper Military Times? * Why hasnt the Air Force or the FBI investigated the 6-8 untimely deaths including three alleged suicides, one of a Minot weapons guard, one of an assistant defense secretary, and one of a captain in the super-secret Air Force Special Commando Group, as well as alleged fatal vehicle "accidents" involving four ground crew and B-52 pilots and crewmembers at Minot and Barksdale? Could any of this strange cluster of deaths have been related to the incident? The Air Force "investigation" didnt even mention these incidents, and my investigation, reported in the Oct. 24 issue of the magazine American Conservative, found that none of the police investigators or medical examiners in those incidents had even been contacted by Air Force or other federal investigators.

The Secretary of Defense appears to have been upset about this incident. Secretary Robert Gates ordered an unprecedented standdown of all air bases in mid-September to check out and account for the entire nuclear inventory, and a general was dispatched immediately to Minot after the discovery of the wayward nukes on August 30 to investigate what had happened. Following a

subsequent Air Force investigation, 70 people at Minot and Barksdale AFBs were removed from their posts and decertified from handling nuclear weapons, including five officers, one of them the Minot base commander. * But a base commander does not have the authority to order nuclear weapons to be loaded on a plane and flown. So who issued that order and why has no one at a senior level in Washington been sacked? There is speculation that the order may have come via an alternate chain of command. Vice President Dick Cheney is known to be pressing within the administration for a war with Iran, to be launched before the end President Bushs second term of office. According to some reports, Cheney has even, on his own authority (or lack thereof), urged Israel to attack Irans nuclear facilities, in hopes that Iran might retaliate, thus drawing the US into a war. Could the nations war-mongering VP have used his neo-con contacts in the Defense Department or some of the Armageddonbelievers in the Air Force to bypass the official chain of command and spring those nukes from their bunker? Was there a plan to use one or more of those nukesW80-1 warheads that can be calibrated to detonate with an explosive power ranging anywhere from 150 kilotons down to just 5 kilotons against Iran? The Advanced Cruise Missile, a stealth weapon almost impossible to spot on radar, is designed to be launched from a remote location by a B-52, and then to fly close to the ground to its target, using terrain maps and GPS guidance. It is also designed to penetrate hardened sites, such as Irans nuclear processing and research facilities. Or was there a plan for a so-called "false-flag incident, "where a small nukemade to resemble a primitive weapon of the type a fledgling nuclear power might constructmight be detonated at a US target abroad, or even within the US? These are terrible and terrifying questions to have to ask, but when you have six nuclear weapons go missing, when the military

investigation into the incident is so clearly a whitewash or cover-up, and when you have a vice president who is openly pressing for an illegal war of aggression against a nation that poses no threat to the US, and who, in fact, appears to be conducting his own treacherous foreign policy behind the back of the president and the State Department, they are questions that must be asked, and that demand answers. In a couple of weeks, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, is planning on calling for a Privilege of the House vote in Congress on moving his Cheney impeachment bill (H Res. 333) to a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee, where it has been stalled by House Democratic leaders since being filed last April 24. Such a hearing should demand answers from the vice president and his staff about his treasonous efforts to push the country into yet another war in the Middle East. It should also grill Air Force personnel about the true nature of the Minot nuclear incident. Every member of the House of Representatives should have to take a stand on this issue. The Democratic House leadership, under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, can be expected to try to table Kucinichs privilege motion, which would prevent such a vote. Americans should demand that Pelosi and other Democratic leaders let Kucinichs privilege motion go forward, and should insist that every member of Congress put their position on the line. Every American should demand that their representative to Congress support the start of impeachment hearings on Vice President Cheney. We need to know if the Vice Presidents office was behind the flight of those six warheads. We need to know in what other treasonous, conspiratorial actions the Vice President has been engaged in his unremitting effort to expand the war from Iraq and Afghanistan into Iran. _________________

DAVE LINDORFF is a Philadelphia-based investigative reporter and political columnist. His latest book, co-authored by Barbara Olshansky, is "The Case for Impeachment" (St. Martins Press, 2006). His work is available at


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately

Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #144 on: January 10, 2011, 06:04:34 AM

Chenye, Wynne and Schelsinger should be undergoing enhanced interrogation as we speak. Where's Jack Bauer when you need him? Oh, that's right. He works for them.


Eleutheroph iliac & Drapetoman

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #145 on: January 10, 2011, 12:56:22 PM

iac Global Moderator Member Offline Posts: 9,376

1987 interview with Dr. Marvin Stern. John P. Wheeler III is mentioned as part of a team at General Dynamics that worked with RAND.

Interview with Dr. Marvin Stern

By Dr. Finn Aaserud At Santa Ynez, California May 1, 1987

I am not a number, I am a free man!

excerpt Stern: At General Dynamics, Oskar Morgenstern and Johnny Wheeler were two of the scientist consultants. And we got to know each other. I had a great deal of respect for them, and they apparently thought a little bit of me also. So when Project 137 started, which -- let me remind you, Sputnik was October 4, 1957, the US wanted to figure, what could we do in response? So they gathered up some 23 scientists, and that was Project 137. Eugene Wigner, Oskar Morgenstern, Johnny Wheeler, Murph Goldberger was involved, yes, he was, wasnt he?

JASON ADVISORY GROUP JASON is an independent group of scientists which advises the United States government on matters of science and technology. The group was first created as a way to get a younger generation of scientiststhat is, not the older Los Alamos and MIT Radiation Laboratory alumniinvolved in advising the government. It was established in 1960 and has somewhere between 30 and 60 members. Activities For administrative purposes, JASON's activities are run through the MITRE Corporation, a non-profit corporation in

McLean, Virginia, which contracts with the Defense Department. JASON typically performs most of its work during an annual summer study. Its sponsors include the Department of Defense (frequently DARPA and the United States Navy), the Department of Energy, and the U.S. Intelligence Community. Most of the resulting JASON reports are classified. The name "JASON" is sometimes explained as an acronym, standing either for "JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember", the months in which the group would typically meet; or, tongue in cheek, for "Junior Achiever, Somewhat Older Now". However, neither explanation is correct; in fact, the name is not an acronym at all. It is a reference to Jason, a character from Greek mythology. The wife of one of the founders (Mildred Goldberger) thought the name given by the defense department, Project Sunrise, was unimaginative and suggested the group be named for a hero and his search. JASON studies have included a now-mothballed system for communicating with submarines using extremely long radio waves (Project Seafarer, Project Sanguine), an astronomical technique for overcoming the atmosphere's distortion (adaptive optics), the many problems of missile defense, technologies for verifying compliance with treaties banning nuclear tests, a 1982 report predicting CO2driven global warming, and a system of computer-linked sensors developed during the Vietnam War which became the precursor to the modern electronic battlefield. [edit] Membership JASON members all have security clearances, and they include physicists, biologists, chemists, oceanographers, mathematicians, and computer scientists. They are selected for their scientific brilliance, and, over the years, have included eleven Nobel Prize laureates and several dozen members of the United States National Academy of Sciences.

Recent history In 2002, DARPA decided to cut its ties with JASON. DARPA had not

only been one of JASON's primary sponsors, it was also the channel through which JASON received funding from other sponsors. DARPA's decision came after JASON's refusal to allow DARPA to select three new JASON members. Since JASON's inception, new members have always been selected by its existing members. After much negotiation and letter-writingincluding a letter by Congressman Rush Holt of New Jerseyfunding was subsequently secured from an office higher in the defense hierarchy, the office of the Director, Defense Research & Engineering.

JASON studies include: * Science of Cyber-Security, (November 2010, JSR-10-102) * High Frequency Gravitational Waves, (October 2008; JSR-08506) * Human Performance, (March 2008; JSR-07-625) [?] * Wind Farms and Radar, (January 2008; JSR-08-125) * Navy Ship Underwater Shock Prediction and Testing Capability Study, (October 2007; JSR-07-200) * Reliable Replacement Warhead Executive Summary, (September 2007; JSR-07-336E) * Pit Lifetime, (January 2007; JSR-06-335) * DAHRT, (October 2006; JSR-06-330) * Engineering Microorganisms for Energy Production, (June 2006; JSR-05-300) * Reducing DoD Fossil-Fuel Dependence, (September 2006; JSR06-135) * NIF Ignition (June 2005; JSR-05-340) * Tactical Infrasound (May 2005; JSR-03-520) * Quantifications of Margins and Uncertainties, (March 2005; JSR04-330) * High Performance Biocomputation (March 2005; JSR-04-300) * Sensors to Support the Soldier (Feb. 2005; JSR-04-210) * Horizontal Integration: Broader Access Models for Realizing Information Dominance (December 2004; JSR-04-312) * Active Sonar Waveform, (June 2004; JSR-03-200) * The Computational Challenges of Medical Imaging, (February 2004; JSR-03-300) * Requirements for ASCI, (October 2003; JSR-03-330)

* Portable Energy for the Dismounted Soldier, (June 2003; JSR02-135) * Turbulent Boundary Layer Drag Reduction, (May 2003; JSR-01135) * High Power Lasers, (April 2003; JSR-02-224) * Biodetection Architectures, (February 2003; JSR-02-330) * Opportunities at the Intersection of Nanoscience, Biology and Computation, (November 2002; JSR-02-300) * Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program, (April 2002; JSR-01-315) * Non-GPS Methods of Geolocation, (January 2002; JSR-00-105) * Radiological Weapons, (2002; JSR-02-340) * Biofutures, (June 2001; JSR-00-130) * Spintronics, (February 2001; JSR-99-115) * Advantage of Base-Line Redundancy in Sparse Apertures, (September 2000; JSR-2000-551) * Space Infrastructure for 2020, (September 2000; JSR-99-125) * Imaging Infrared Detectors II, (June 2000; JSR-97-500) * Molecular Electronics: Interfacing the Nano- and Micro-Worlds, (May 2000; JSR-99-120) * Power Sources for Ultra Low Power Electronics, (June 2000; JSR-98-130) * 100 LBS TO Low Earth Orbit (LEO): Small-Payload Launch Options, (January 2000; JSR-98-140) * Data Mining and the Human Genome (January 2000; JSR-99310) * Primary Performance Margins (December 1999; JSR-99-305) (unclassified introduction) * System-Level Flight Tests, December 1999; JSR-98-310) * Remanufacture (of Nuclear Weapons), (October 1999; JSR-99300) * Army Battlefield Communications (September 1999; JSR-96605) * Characterization of Underground Facilities (April 1999; JSR-97155) * Non-destructive Evaluation and Self-Monitoring Materials (April 1999; JSR-98-145) * Electro Thermal Chemical Gun Technology Study (March 1999; JSR-98-600) * Small Unit Operations (June 1998; JSR-97-142)

* Signatures of Aging Revisited (March 1998; JSR-98-320) * Signatures of Aging [of nuclear weapons] (January 1998; JSR97-320) * Counterproliferation (January 1998; JSR-94-140) * High Energy Density Explosives (October 1997; JSR-97-110) * Human Genome Project (October 1997; JSR-97-315) * Small Scale Propulsion: Fly on the Wall, Cockroach in the Corner, Rat in the Basement, Bird in the Sky (September 1997; JSR97-135) [?] * Subcritical Experiments (March 1997; JSR-97-300) * New Technological Approaches to Humanitarian Demining, November 1996; JSR-96-115) * Quantum Computing (July 1996; JSR-95-115) * Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) Review (March 1996; JSR-96300) * DNA Computing (October 1995; JSR-95-116) * JASON Nuclear Testing Study: Summary and Conclusions, August 1995; JSR-95-320) * Accelerator production of tritium - 1995 review (June 1995; JSR-95-310) * Accelerator based conversion of plutonium (March 1995; JSR94-310) * Microsurveillance of the Urban Battlefield (February 1995; JSR-95-125) * JASON Nuclear Testing Study: Summary and Conclusions (1995; JSR-95-320) * Jason Final Report, January 1995; JSR-94-105) * LIDAR (September 1994; JSR-93-310) * Science based stockpile stewardship (November 1994; JSR-94345) * Counter proliferation /draft/ (August 1994; JSR-94-140) * MTPE /draft/ (August 1994; JSR-94-750) * ARM /draft/ (July 1994; JSR-94-300) * CO2 greenhouse mitigation (May 1994; JSR-93-340) * Underwater explosions ONR/DNA/NAVSEA /draft/ (January 1994; JSR-94-220) * Clouds and radiation a premier [sic] (January 1993; JSR-90307) * Verification of dismantlement of nuclear warheads and controls on nuclear materials (January 1993; JSR-92-331)

* Small satellites and RPVs (January 1993; JSR-91-197) * SCHAMMP (Dec 1992; JSR-91-310) * JASON Global Grid Study (July 1992; JSR-92-100) * ARM review 1991 /draft/ (September 30, 1991; JSR-91-300) * Small satellite and RPAs in global change research /draft/ (August 1991; JSR-91-330-12) * Small Satellites (August 3, 1991; JSR-91-330-10) * ARM /draft/ (July 1991; JSR-91-300) * Verification Technology: Unclassified Version (October 1990; JSR-89-100A) * High gain arrays /draft/ (July 1990; JSR-90-210) * Detecting the greenhouse signal (May 1990; JSR-89-330) * JASON Review of Brilliant Pebbles, Vol. I, Executive Summary (September 1989; JSR-89-900) * Neutrino Detection Primer (March 1988; JSR-84-105) * Airships (1988; JSR-88-230) * Occulation study summary (February 1987; JSR-86-108) * JASON study on OTHB radars (1987; JSR-87-801) * Development stability of strategic defenses (October 1986; JSR85-926) * Submarine detection: Acoustic contrast versus Acoustic glow (July 1985; JSR-85-108) * Seismic discrimination (April 1985 ; JSR-84-117) * SEASAT Report (January 1985; JSR-83-203) * Multiple scattering effects in radar observations of wakes (August 1984; JSR-84-203B) * SEASAT III & IV (August 1984; JSR-84-203) * SEASAT Report (March 1984; JSR-83-203) * The Long Term Impact of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Climate: preliminary report (1979) JSR-78-07 and (1980) JSR-7904; more fully published as MacDonald et al., (1982)[5] * Sonic Boom Report (November 1978; JSR-78-09) * Laser Propulsion Study (Summer 1977; JSR-77-12) * Low frequency sound propagation in a fluctuating infinite ocean II (June 1975; JSR-74-6) * Low frequency sound propagation in a fluctuating infinite ocean (April 1974; JSR-73-10) * The effect of surface currents on the equilibrium surface wave spectral energy density (October 1973; JSR-73-2) * Collected working papers on internalsurface wave interactions

and related problems (August 2, 1972; JASON-72-Working Paper no.33) * Internal Wave-Surface Wave Interactions Revisited (March 1972; Paper P-853) * Report of the 1971 JASON Laser Summer Study. Volume I. Recommendations and Conclusions (1971) * Report of the 1971 JASON Laser Summer Study. Volume II. Supporting Appendices A-M (1971) * Generation and Airborne Detection of Internal Waves from an Object Moving through a Stratified Ocean, Vol II (April 1969; S-334) * Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Southeast Asia (March 1967)


That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history. ~Aldous Huxley

All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. Member Offline Posts:

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #146 on: January 10, 2011, 03:17:11 PM

Quote from: Brocke on January 10, 2011, 12:56:22 PM 1987 interview with Dr. Marvin Stern. John P. Wheeler III is mentioned as part of a team at General Dynamics that worked with RAND.


Interview with Dr. Marvin Stern

By Dr. Finn Aaserud At Santa Ynez, California May 1, 1987 excerpt Stern: At General Dynamics, Oskar Morgenstern and Johnny Wheeler were two of the scientist consultants. And we got to know each other. I had a great deal of respect for them, and they apparently thought a little bit of me also. So when Project 137 started, which -- let me remind you, Sputnik was October 4, 1957, the US wanted to figure, what could we do in response? So they gathered up some 23 scientists, and that was Project 137. Eugene Wigner, Oskar Morgenstern, Johnny Wheeler, Murph Goldberger was involved, yes, he was, wasnt he?

JASON ADVISORY GROUP JASON is an independent group of scientists which advises the United States government on matters of science and technology. The group was first created as a way to get a younger generation of scientiststhat is, not the older Los Alamos and MIT Radiation Laboratory alumni involved in advising the government. It was established in 1960 and has somewhere between 30 and 60 members.

JASON is what Eisenhower meant by the technologic elite. He created JASON to prevent a nuclear war. It was their only directive, but when the cold war became a non-issue they found other ways to spend their time and Eisenhower outed them. Rockefeller got pissed off that he delivered that farewell address. But, the Wheeler in the JASON group I think is a different Wheeler and he also died within the past few years I believe.


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately


Eleutheroph iliac & Reply #147 on: January 10, 2011, 03:23:08 PM Drapetoman iac Global Moderator Quote from: Dig on January 10, 2011, 03:17:11 PM Member JASON is what Eisenhower meant by the technologic elite. He created Offline JASON to prevent a nuclear war. It was their only directive, but when the Posts: 9,376 cold war became a non-issue they found other ways to spend their time and Eisenhower outed them. Rockefeller got pissed off that he delivered that farewell address. But, the Wheeler in the JASON group I think is a different Wheeler and he also died within the past few years I believe. I am not a number, I am a free man!

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!

My mistake! The MITRE connection and similar names got me. John Archibald Wheeler Birth Date: 1911


That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history. ~Aldous Huxley

All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. Member Offline Posts: 63,103

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #148 on: January 10, 2011, 03:32:18 PM

Quote from: Brocke on January 10, 2011, 03:23:08 PM My mistake! The MITRE connection and similar names got me. John Archibald Wheeler Birth Date: 1911

Yup, that guy was a serious psycho freak from hell!


All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately


Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!

Offline Posts: 9,086

Reply #149 on: January 10, 2011, 04:21:14 PM

Brocke, The connection from MITRE to the JASON group is still very real though and possibly significant. But, yes, John A. Wheeler was a prominent physicist.


chris jones
Member Online Posts: 14,064

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #150 on: January 10, 2011, 06:25:04 PM

At least two Wilmington City Council members said Friday that the investigation into the death of former Pentagon official John P. Wheeler III -- though important -- should not take priority over any other homicide investigation in the city. Simply put, "back the FK off if you know whats good for ya"


citizen x
Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #151 on: January 10, 2011, 09:22:10 PM

Thursday, January 06, 2011 The White House Murder INC, local chapter in DC.....still hard at work for the NEOCONS.

January , 2011 -- Another dead body from the Cheney dual nuclear chain-of-command days turns up..... The White House Murder INC, local chapter in DC.....still hard at work for the NEOCONS. Wheeler would have had a vantage point if for Cheney's rival chain-ofcommand..... Former special assistant to Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne, John Wheeler III, also a veteran of the GHW Bush and Reagan administrations, was discovered at the Cherry Island landfill in Wilmington, Delaware on December 31 after it was dumped from a sanitation truck that originated its run in Newark, Delaware. Wheeler's wife lives part-time in Harlem, New York where she reportedly runs a Cambodian silk import business. On December 31, 2010, Wilmington Police issued the following press notice: "At 9:56 a.m., Wilmington Police were called to the landfill on East 12th St. Upon arrival, officers were directed to a dump site within the landfill where they located a male body lying in a pile of rubbish. This incident is being handled as a suspicious death investigation. The victims identity has not been confirmed at this time. The body has been turned over to the State of Delaware Medical Examiners Office to determine the cause of death. Anyone with information regarding this crime, please contact Criminal Investigation Division at 302-576-3620 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 302-576-3620 end_of_the_skype_highlighting." The body was later identified as Wheeler's. Wheeler was last seen on an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington on December 28. Wheeler, a West Point graduate, former Army officer, and lawyer, served under Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne until Wynne and Air Force chief of staff General T. Michael Moseley. Wynne and Moseley were fired by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on June 5, 2008, over a breakdown in the security of nuclear weapons under Air Force control, particularly at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Wheeler left his Air Force position in June 2008, the same month Wynne and Moseley were fired. After

leaving the Pentagon, Wheeler took a job with MITRE Corporation.... While assisting the Secretary of the Air Force, Wheeler was primarily tasked with "standing up" Cyberspace Forces and providing Precision Strike technology and Real Time Streaming Video targeting links U.S. ground combat troops. It was one such targeting video from Baghdad that was among Wikileaks's first major disclosures of U.S. classified information that led to charges that the U.S. was indiscriminately killing civilians in Iraq. Wheeler was also known to be a strong opponent of the use of biological weapons by the United States. Wheeler was last seen on an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington on December 28. Wheeler was also chairman of the fund that raised money to build the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC. In that role, Wheeler had a testy relationship with one of the major funders of the project, former independent presidential candidate H. Ross Perot. While serving as director of the Vietnam Veteran's Leadership Foundation, Wheeler was also special counsel for the Securities and Exchange Commission during the 1980s.

John Wheeler's suspicious death latest in many of Air Force officials in the last few years....the White House Murder INC, local chapter in DC.....hard at work for the NEOCONS. According to various Washington Post reports from the time, on November 4, 1983, Wheeler filed a criminal complaint with the Montgomery County Police Department against WDVM [which is now WUSA] Channel 9 investigative reporter Carlton Sherwood for illegally taping a conversation between himself and Wheeler at Wheeler's home in Bethesda, Maryland. Sherwood, like Wheeler, served in Vietnam. However, Sherwood began investigating for Channel 9 where most of the $9 million raised for the Vietnam memorial by Wheeler and memorial fund president Jan Scruggs was spent. Sherwood was arrested by Montgomery County police on November 7, 1983. Channel 9's news

management maintained that two audits of the fund were less-thandetailed. In 1984, WDVM retracted its investigative series on the "financial propriety" of the memorial fund and apologized for the story. Sherwood later went to CNN as a special assignments reporter and The Washington Times and he was active in the "Swift Boat Veterans" criticism leveled against 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's Vietnam combat record. Wheeler, as special assistant to Wynne, would have known about the dual nuclear chain-of-command established by Vice President Dick Cheney, bypassing the Defense Secretary and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, that resulted in a spate of nuclear surety and security incidents during 2007 and 2008. WMR reported on those incidents from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota and Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana in 2008. On April 21, 2008, WMR reported:"There is something radically wrong with America's control over its nuclear weapons, particularly those maintained by the U.S. Air Force. After a long investigation, it can now be reported that there is, in effect, two de facto nuclear chains-ofcommand in the Air Force, one with dangerous links to the neocon cell that exists within the office of Vice President Dick Cheney and Air Force headquarters, the other acting within the bounds of established nuclear weapons surety and control. On August 30, 2007, a B-52, assigned to the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale AFB, left Minot AFB with reportedly five AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles armed with W-80-1 nuclear warheads. The number five apparently was reported to Air Force Times, a Gannett publication, by three high-ranking Air Force officers who blew the whistle on what was later described by the Air Force as a 'mistake.' Later, the Associated Press said there were six nuclear armed missiles on board the aircraft. In theory, there should be no discrepancies for such a small number and for such a serious incident. The B-52 flew 3 1/2 hours across the United States with missiles thought by the B-52 crew to be "dummy warheads" being shipped to Barksdale for 'disposal' under the US-Russian Strategic Offensive Reductions (SORT) arms treaty.

There was, according to sources WMR spoke to at both Minot and Barksdale Air Force Bases, no mistake whatsoever in the transfer of the nuclear-tipped cruise missiles to Barksdale. One airman who had been a bomb loader for 11 years in the USAF relayed, "that was no mistake. That was a major operation." The cover story was that the cruise missiles were flown to Barksdale for decommissioning. However, conventional cruise missiles are sent to Davis-Monthan Air Force base in Tucson, Arizona for decommissioning while nuclear missiles, according to the former 2nd Bomb Wing official, are sent to Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. The nuclear warheads are sent to either Sandia National Laboratories or Pantex in Texas for disposal. Barksdale plays no part in the missile decommissioning process. Barksdale is, however, a major deployment base for Middle East air operations. It has been discovered that there were a series of security 'incidents' directed by what amounts to a renegade nuclear chain-of-command that permitted five or six nuclear 5 to 150 kiloton thermonuclear weapons to remain outside of legitimate control for some 36 hours, resulting in a rare Bent Spear nuclear incident report that quickly reached the Oval Office. The rogue nuclear chain-of-command starts at the White House office of Vice President Dick Cheney, with significant influence from Cheney's Chief of Staff David Addington, and extends to Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne, and further to the Air Force Chief of Staff General T. Michael Moseley." Our report continued: "Minot's 5th Bomb Wing Commander, Col. Emig, who had been transferred to Minot only three months before the August 30 nuclear incident, was transferred to the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Division at the Air Combat Command at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia. One of the Air Force's primary UAV contractors is Northrop Grumman, which has a cooperative relationship with Israel Aircraft Industries on using Israeli UAV technology, particularly for the Global Hawk UAV. Emig's colleague, 5th Maintenance Group commander, Col. Cynthia

Lundell, was not as fortunate. Directly responsible for the nuclear weapons at Minot, Lundell was transferred to a 'dead end' special assistant job at Warner Robbins Air Force Base in Georgia. WMR has learned that Emig was in charge of Minot when a number of experienced senior non-commissioned officers and officers, including those directly responsible for nuclear surety and safety, were suddenly transferred on temporary assignments to Iraq and Afghanistan from Minot in the months and weeks prior to the nuclear incident. It is clear that the rival nuclear chain-of-command acted outside the authority of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and used a little-known nuclear weapons protocol known as the 'permissive link' that allows nuclear weapons to be moved and used outside of presidential authority and the transmittal of nuclear codes found in a briefcase known as the 'football' that is always carried by the President's military aide . . . A little over a week after the Minot-Barksdale nuclear weapons incident, the body of US Air Force Captain and Major-selectee John Frueh, assigned to 'Operations Weather' at Hurlburt Field, adjacent to Eglin, was found near is rental car, near Badger Peak in Washington state. Frueh was in Portland to attend his best friend's wedding. Frueh's last phone call to his family in Florida was from a pay phone at Portland International Airport on August 30, the very same day the B-52 flew with the loose nuclear missiles from Minot to Barksdale. Frueh was a U.S. Air Force Special Operations 'Weather Warrior' with the 10th Combat Weather Squadron at Hurlburt Field. Weather Warriors are, according to the Air Force, 'Special operations weathermen [who] are meteorologists with advanced tactical training to operate in hostile or denied territory." It should be noted that Iran is considered "denied territory' by the U.S. military. Frueh was last seen on August 29 in Portland. He was carrying in his backpack at Global Positioning System (GPS), camera, camcorder, and cell phone. Oddly, Frueh's last call to his family was from a pay phone at the airport and not from his cell phone. There were initial reports that when the B-52 from Minot landed at Barksdale on August 30, it sat on the runway for as much as ten hours, virtually unguarded with five or six nuclear weapons under its starboard

wing. However, WMR spoke to a former high-ranking officer with the 2nd Bomb Wing in Barksdale who said that the security for the movement of any nuclear weapons is extremely tight. The officer said that when the nuclear weapons were removed from their highly-secured bunkers, known as 'igloos,' within the similarly highly-secured weapons storage facility at Minot, two-person controls, constant checks of the weapons' serial numbers, higher officer sign-offs, the clearing of a secure route from the weapons storage facility to the B-52 on the ready alert apron by armed security personnel, the placement of orange cones around the nuclear weapons while they are stationary, and the entering of the weapons types on the B-52 flight log, known as the '781.' The '781' would inform the crew whether they were carrying conventional or nuclear warheads, either under the wings or in the plane's interior . . . WMR's special report continued on April 25, 2008: "On August 24, 2007, three B-52s operating from Barksdale flew a training exercise called REX REDUX, officially billed as a commemoration of a 1938 B-17 flight directed at the Italian luxury liner SS Rex. The exercise, personally ordered by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley, was actually testing an Israeli-developed imaging and targeting pod called LITENING II on a U.S. Navy contracted merchant vessel, the USNS Bobo, in the Atlantic east of Bermuda and several targets of opportunity along the planes' flight paths through the southern United States. REX REDUX also involved assets of the Air Force's embryonic Cyber Command in Washington and Barksdale. Four days later, on August 30, a Barksdale-based B-52 flew six nuclear warhead tipped AGM-129 advanced cruise missiles from Minot to Barksdale. The incident was later called a "mistake" by Air Force officials. However, three high-ranking Air Force officers leaked the incident to the Air Force Times. Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne, a key member of the rival chain-ofcommand, rewarded his loyalists in Barksdale by announcing the base had been selected as the preliminary headquarters for the Air Force Cyber Command. Wynne made his announcement at a Shreveport gambling casino. Wynne, according to a CNN report, advocated the testing of nonlethal weapons, like high-power microwave weapons, against American citizens. Wynne said, 'If we're not willing to use it here

against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation.' . . . The rival nuclear chain-of-command that was responsible for the Minot nuclear incident, REX REDUX, and associated events is as follows: Vice President Dick Cheney -- Chief of Staff David Addington Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley -- Gen. Lawrence Stutzriem, Chief of Staff of the Air Force Strategic Studies Group - CHECKMATE -- Dr. Lani Kass, ex-Israeli Air Force, Cyber Warfare, US Air Force, CHECKMATE Lt. Gen. Robert Elder, Commander 8th Air Force, Barksdale Air Force Base Col. Bruce Emig, Commander 5th Bomb Wing, Minot Air Force Base (relieved of command after nuclear incident) Maj. Gen. Stephen Goldfein, Commander Air Warfare Center, Nellis Air Force Base. . . In July 2007, there was another unusual incident involving Minot security, one of many reported during the summer of 2007 by Minot security personnel. Found in the Minot Police Department's files is case number CFS# 07-16088. The case involved the misappropriation of a cache of military supplies by two Air Force sergeants assigned to guard nuclear weapons at Minot. The report states: 'Minot Air Force Base Investigations called requesting assistance in locating and apprehending two individuals that had filed a report about missing military equipment.' The two individuals reported the theft of the equipment from a vehicle parked in the city of Minot.

Minot police went to an address of one of the Air Force security personnel in Minot and found 'several other people that were also at the residence.' There were a total of three military personnel at the residence. The police went to a second residence of the other Air Force security sergeant and found 'several flash bang grenades along with one smoke grenade.' One of the Air Force security guards from Minot had originally reported military equipment being stolen from his car in Minot on July 17, 2007. However, the report was false. The two security personnel were actually hording the military equipment for what they described was a 'plan.' Minot Air Force Base security later clamped a gag order on all discussions about 'the plan.' . . . Nor was Minot the only base involved with the August 30 nuclear incident to experience an unusual event with its nuclear security personnel. On September 27, 2007, the police blotter in the Shreveport Times reported the following: 'A Barksdale Air Force security forces airman was accidentally shot early Thursday, base officials said. The shooting occurred during shift change about 7:30 a.m. at the 2nd Security Forces Squadron headquarters in Hangar 3. The airman was shot by a fellow security staffer. The incident remains under investigation, so officials could not say what action, if any, may result from the incident.' There is also the possibility that an Air Force carve out contract may have been used to support the rival chain-of-command. The FBI and Pentagon are investigating a sole source Air Force contract with Commonwealth Research Institute (CRI), a non-profit intelligence subsidiary of Concurrent Technologies. Charles Riechers, a senior Air Force civilian, was paid by CRI while awaiting confirmation as principal deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition. After Riecher's conflict of interest was made public, he was found dead of an apparent suicide in his Fairfax County, Virginia home. [On October 14, 2007]. CRI paid Riechers a salary of over $26,000 for no work. Concurrent and CRI are both listed as tax-exempt charities. A federal grand jury is currently examining ties between CRI and Concurrent and particular Air Force officials, including those in the

Air Force's office responsible for security, counter-intelligence, and special program oversight (e.g., nuclear and Operation Checkmate). CRI and Concurrent have also provided contract support to the NSA, CIA, National Reconnaissance Office, and Defense Intelligence Agency. CRI has also provided support to the federal government on managing faithbased initiatives. The Washington Post reported that a CRI spokesperson reported that CRI had 20 employees involved in 'very specialized work/ for the Pentagon and Intelligence Community. What occurred last summer at Minot, Barksdale, and inside the Air Force offices at the Pentagon and Cheney's White House office was the first time that a renegade chain-of-command assumed control over part of America's nuclear arsenal. Dr. Strangelove is no longer fiction, it is fact. UPDATE: Inexplicably, the Shreveport Times, a Gannet newspaper, which publishes one edition per day, had two different headlines on its front page. A Times source revealed that this was possibly the result of the presses being stopped after the first print run and the original headline being replaced with a substitute requested by Barksdale Air Force Base public affairs officials. The source said the newspaper was likely pressured by Air Force officials to alter the headline. The first headline in the September 6, 2007 edition was "B-52 hauls errant nukes to BAFB." The second headline indicates the event was accidental: "B-52 unwittingly delivers nukes to BAFB." The two different headlines were discovered in a microfiche search of the newspaper in the Bossier City, Louisiana Public Library. Other than the headlines, the content of the two articles is the same." Our April 25, 2008 report also pointed out: "Gates ordered an outside review of the Minot incident conducted by retired former Air Force Chief of Staff General Larry Welch. Welch was hardly an impartial judge, having been part of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's favorite program, the Ballistic Missile Defense System or 'Star Wars II.' Welch led a Blue Ribbon panel that heaped praise on the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, then led by Air Force General Ronald Kadish. The Welch Report failed to discover the breakdown in Air Force nuclear

command-and-control and the existence of the rival chain. An indication of the worthlessness of the Welch Report was the discovery that in August 2006, four Minuteman nose cone nuclear fuse assemblies were 'mistakenly' shipped from Hill Air Force Base in Utah to Taiwan. The fuses had originally been shipped to Hill from F. E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming in March 2005. Gates reacted to the incident by ordering an unprecedented inventory of all nuclear weapons and nuclear material in the U.S. arsenal . . . On April 24, 2008, as news broke of an FBI investigation into a longtime Israeli intelligence ring that penetrated the U.S. military and intelligence communities, CIA director, Air Force General Michael Hayden, revealed further 'intelligence' on the Syrian facility, said to be a joint North Korean-Syrian reactor modeled after the Yongbyon facility in North Korea. However, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and American weapons experts cast doubt on the veracity of the CIA's intelligence, including a dubious videotape said to have originated with Israeli intelligence sources. Hayden, it appears, is part of the rival Air Force chain-of-command, taking orders directly from Cheney, to prepare and incite a U.S. military conflict with Syria and Iran. The FBI investigation of the Israeli spy ring, which included convicted US Navy spy Jonathan Pollard; accused Army spy Ben-Ami Kadish; and possibly others who served in high positions in the George W. Bush administration is also reportedly looking at key members of the rival Air Force chain-of-command....." While working for Wynne, Wheeler helped formulate the Pentagon's cyber-war policy which ultimately resulted in the creation of the US Cyber Command in 2009. In that position, he worked with Lani Kass, the ex-Israeli Air Force major who now advises the chairman of the Joint Chiefs on policy. Wheeler was opposed to co-locating the US Cyber Command with the National Security Agency. However, NSA director General Keith Alexander now wears both hats -- NSA director and commander of the US Cyber Command -- at his two Fort Meade, Maryland headquarters. The June 25, 2009, Washington Times reported that Wheeler favored putting the Cyber Command headquarters in "Texas or California or Colorado or North Carolina." Welch remains a member of the Defense Science; Ronald Kadish works

for Booz CIA Allen....; Wynne is a promoter of the KC-X Air Force refueling tanker project; Stutzriem is Director of Plans, Policy and Strategy for the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado; Elder remains Commander, 8th Air Force, Air Combat Command, at Barksdale Air Force Base; Kass is the Senior Policy Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen; Ben-Ami Kadish received a $50,000 fine but no jail sentence from US Judge William Pauley III, who said prison "would serve no purpose." And now Wheeler, an adviser to Wynne on a number of issues and policy questions, has turned up dead in a Delaware landfill.... January , 2011 -- Intelligence "spook" murdered, FBI yields to law enforcement overseen by Vice President's son.... Murdered ex-Air Force official by the atrocious White House Murder INC, had significant intelligence connections..... In what could otherwise be a Hollywood political suspense and "who dunnit?" murder movie, the murder in Delaware of former special assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force John P. ("Jack") Wheeler has taken on added significance with the decision of the FBI to provide little to no assistance in the murder of an individual described to us by a former senior Air Force official as a long-time "spook." The FBI only began assisting in the investigation of Wheeler's murder after it initially stated it does not get involved in investigating the deaths of individuals with mental health problems. Before his body was discovered in a Wilmington landfill on December 31, witnesses claimed that Wheeler was disoriented and disheveled....courtesy of special toxins administered to him by the infamous White House Murder INC, and its goons....Hence the FBI's cover-up shenanigans..... A Wilmington Parking Authority security guard at the New Castle County Court House in Delaware, where Wheeler was captured on a security video, was quoted as claiming that Wheeler looked "homeless." However, some others who saw Wheeler dispute that claim and there appears to be an attempt by certain parties to sully Wheeler's reputation with other reports trying to link Wheeler to smoke bombs being set off at the home of a neighbor who Wheeler and his wife were locked into a real estate legal dispute over the neighbors' under construction home

that marred the Wheeler's view. WPVI, Channel 6, in Philadelphia quoted "sources" as claiming Wheeler's cell phone was discovered in the under construction home of Frank and Regina Marini. Wheeler was last seen returning to Wilmington from Washington, DC. After leaving the Air Force, Wheeler worked for MITRE Corporation as a consultant on cyber-warfare. Earlier, Wheeler had traveled from Wilmington to New York to meet his wife. The Wheelers owned a condominium in Harlem, where Wheeler's wife reportedly runs a Cambodian silk import business. A source familiar with Cambodian silk products told us that the silk originates in Thailand and is sent to Cambodia for sewing and other processing before being re-exported. The CIA has been involved in the Thai silk business since the days of Jim Thompson, the first Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and CIA station chief in Bangkok after the end of World War II. Jim Thompson brand silk ties are still highly sought-after by shoppers... Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital, is also at the hub of a Mossad "buy back" weapons program from former Khmer Rouge guerrillas.... Instead of being taken off the market, Israel smuggles the traded weapons to violent hot spots like Burma, Sri Lanka, and others in the region. Delaware's Attorney General in Joseph "Beau" Biden III, son of Vice President Joe Biden. Biden's role is the chief law enforcement officer for the state of Delaware where a high-level political murder may have taken place adds to the drama of the Wheeler case.... In June 2008, Beau Biden sent two Delaware law enforcement officers to Washington, DC to accompany arrested Barack Obama sex accuser Larry Sinclair to Delaware on money fraud charges that were later dropped due to lack of evidence. Senator Joe Biden was locked in conversations with Obama senior staffers over his being Obama's vice presidential pick. On May 11, 2010, Beau Biden suffered a "mild stroke." Wheeler's murder has some similarity to the murder of CIA analyst and former Army Colonel William Bennett, who was, with his wife, attacked while walking near their Loudoun County, Virginia home on March 22, 2009. From our April 10, 2009 report: "Federal law enforcement and intelligence officials told us . . . that FBI counter-intelligence agents believe the van seen in the area [of the Bennett murder] was a Ryder

rental van. The van, known as a 'cargo van,' does not have rear windows for security purposes and was favored by the Israeli 'art students' who cased the offices and homes of federal employees in the months prior to the inside Job of 9/11. There is particular interest in a heavy set man seen with the white van in the area where the Bennetts were found by police. The description matches that of a known Mossad hit man, called 'Stinky' by FBI counter-intelligence agents. "Stinky's" height is 5' 4", he has black hair that is balding in the front and on the top, and he is said to wear a lot of gold jewelry along with a black leather jacket. Stinky is known to always take a souvenir, such as an item of jewelry, after he performs a murder in order to prove the "hit." The FBI reportedly has an extensive file on 'Stinky' and has linked him to pre-9/11 Israeli art student activities, as well as the 1990 assassination of Canadian arms designer and dealer Gerald Bull in his Brussels apartment. Bull was involved in weapons projects involving Iraq, China, Yugoslavia, South Africa, Spain, and Israel. And the date of Bull's assassination by Mossad should be of interest to FBI and Loudoun County investigators: March 22, the same date that Colonel Bennett was murdered, nineteen years later." On March 30, 2009, We reported: "Although there is a great deal of interest in a suspicious white van with Florida tags that was spotted in the area on the Saturday evening before the attack on the Bennetts, some Loudoun County officials attempted to brush off the white van with Florida tags that was transporting 'college students' selling magazines as a non-issue and a 'debunked' conspiracy." There were also attempts by the media to paint the Bennetts as reclusive and strange, none of which was true. Similar items are now being floated by some corporate media about Wheeler, although his friends and colleagues have rejected all of them as untrue....and utter fabrications by the odious White House Murder INC,.... There were indications that Bennett may have been brutally interrogated and tortured before being murdered. Wheeler's disorientation, possibly from being administered drugs, and police interest in two chairs in Wheeler's house, possibly used in a similar brutal interrogation, indicate a scenario similar to that of Bennett. Bennett's battered body was found off the side of a road in Lansdowne while Wheeler's was discovered in a garbage dump next to the Delaware Memorial Bridge.

Last news reports are that the FBI is very slowly pretending to getting involved in the Wheeler murder....

I saw the video shots of Wheeler at a parking garage, and he looks fairly elegant in a neat black suit-clear and cogently pointing a finger. Whether he might have been drugged is another matter. But the very name Biden raises big questions. If Wheeler wanted to tell a Dem about the moronic, disastrous smuggled nuke case, he might have waited just about two years, thinking it would take that long at least for Obama to know who he can trust, and who not, even in his own administration. Wheeler might have thought, given his Mitre employment, that to tell Joe Biden about the smuggled nukes (or any other Bush betrayal) the new might both help his company, and would also preserve the military acuity that caused military leaders to tell Bush no when he wanted to either bomb or possibly mini-nuke Iran. Again, the news about the nukes appears to outline a sharper military move to cut Bush off, thank goodness. But the Israeli phone routing company might have picked up Wheeler calling Biden or even Biden's son. Wheeler could have told either. Wheeler was last seen in the DuPont-related "Nemours Building," also location of that Jack Abramoff employer, a building with an underground tunnel right into DuPont Company headquarters in downtown Wilmington. Not a good place to dump a body, obviously. I suspect a possible convergence, i.e. the Biderman part of the DuPont family (perhaps the most deeply enmeshed with Rothschild finance, over time) with Rothschild Mossad elements. Both DuPonts and Mossad wanted the nukes to get through with a direct US attack on Iran, which US military brass knew was a moronic move (typical Bush Jr.). Wheeler says he was mugged---maybe roughed up, things stolen, then injected in the scuffle. We see him in downtown Wilmington (trying to contact some Republican he thinks might help him out when under assault?) and police say his body was likely dumped in a dumpster 12 miles away in Newark, DE. Why move the body so many miles? That suggests a possible DuPont attempt to remove the body from an obvious DuPont family context, or possibly even a Mossad attempt to do the

same, out of mutually complicit consideration. Of course, we don't know the exact motives, but the timing, the location, and the relative weakness of the Southeast Asia and silk misc. suggest a possible nuke weapons case motive. If Wheeler, a high ranking military Republican mainstay were trying to tell Biden's people about the case, the suspects might have moved to kill him before he could contact them. Wheeler's mistake may have been to assume he was secure or could safely use a (Mossad-monitored) US-Israeli phone routing network built into the US phone system. Imagine, he calls Biden's people. Mossad maps it as possibly suspect, a man directly witness to the nuke smuggling plan. Alarms go off, a surveillance/hit team is put in place, or simply a call to a DuPont, who maybe does the same? ...Slowly, oh so slowly... We must give the perps enough time to get to cover and for the trail to go stone cold... Shades of Vince Foster, indeed... More of the ever-expanding political assassinations on behalf of the usual Corpgov and Zio-fascists. What a country...... edded

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citize nx

Re: ***J. P. WHEELER III & Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB False Flag NUCLEAR BOMB Plot!
Reply #152 on: January 11, 2011, 03:51:08 PM

Offline Posts: 9,086

This apparently is from an old Wayne Madsen report. I don't have a subscription and this apparently is only availabel to subscribers. If someone around here has an account, perhaps they can confirm:

Israeli neighborhood invaders changing tack: now appearing as contractors

September 23, 2010 -- Israeli neighborhood invaders changing tack: now appearing as contractors

Israeli intelligence agents, who, in the months before the 9/11 attacks cased the neighborhoods and offices of federal employees under the guise of selling Israeli art, which was actually made in China, are back in the neighborhood invasion game and they appear to be changing tack.

The latest reports are coming from suburban Atlanta's Gwinnett County, where individuals meeting the description of Israelis seen in the past in many of America's suburban communities are posing as home contractors who attempt to enter homes to take photographs. WMR also recently reported that individuals meeting the same description were going to homes in the Atlanta area trying to place "foreign exchange students" with families.

In Loudoun County, Virginia, "college students" from Florida driving a white van and selling magazine subscriptions door-to-door were seen in the same neighborhood where retired U.S. Army Colonel William Bennett and CIA military technology transfer expert was bludgeoned to death by as many as five assailants while walking with his wife in Landsdowne, Virginia, on the early morning of March 22, 2009. One suburban Atlanta resident has contended with both the foreign exchange student ruse and, yesterday, two men taking photographs of his house who

claimed to be working for a contractor. The two white males also attempted to enter the home of the resident's neighbor, a woman who, along with her family, originally hails from Kenya. The woman told the two men, who claimed to be contractors for an insurance company, that she had not contacted her own homeowers insurance company, Allstate, about any problems.

Originally, the two white men were seen around 5:15 pm taking photographs of a wooded area across from the two homes that sit on a cul-pde-sac in a primarily African-American sub-division. One of the two men was older, possibly in his late 40s or 50s, and had black hair that was slightly curly and a light complexion. The other man, who could have passed for the older man's son and appeared to be in his 20s, also had black curly hair and a darker complexion.

FBI and U.S. counter-intelligence reports of Israeli activity in neighborhoods and around military bases and critical infrastructure facilities prior to and after 9/11 described Israelis as "Middle Eastern looking." In Britain, the slightly different terminology of "Mediterranean looking" is used to describe Israelis. The less-than-specific descriptions are used to deter outside pressure groups from claiming "anti-Semitism" on the part of law enforcement.

After the two men photographed the wooded area they were seen walking to the porch of the Kenyan-American family's home and attempted to enter the residence. When the men were asked for identification or documentation, they responded by claiming they were only contractors and did not carry any paperwork. When confronted by the resident who originally saw the men taking

pictures, they were asked what address they were sent to. One of the "contractors" responded with the street number "3280," which does not exist.

The two men told the resident that if he did not want his house photographed, they would leave, which they proceeded to do. The resident followed them in his car to the exit of the sub-division.

The local police were indifferent when the incident of the door-to-door foreign exchange student placement representatives was reported by the same resident who first saw the contractors photographing his home.

After the revelations that an Israeli company, Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR), operating out of post office boxes in Philadelphia and Jerusalem, was contracted by the administration of Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell to spy on anti-natural gas fracking, gay rights, animal rights, and BP oil disaster demonstrators in Pennsylvania, Americans are becoming much more aware of the presence of Israeli intelligence operatives stalking their neighborhoods and shopping malls.

The man who confronted the "contractors" in his neighborhood also happens to be a close associate of former Green Party presidential candidate and congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. McKinney recently suffered a breakin of her home in nearby DeKalb County. Among the items stolen was her external computer hard drive and her passport. No cash was stolen in the burglary. McKinney's mother, who is now alone after the death of her husband, former Georgia state Representative Billy McKinney, was also subjected to a telephone call asking whether she would be willing to host a foreign

exchange student.

Just as with the Israeli art student ploy prior to 9/11, federal law enforcement and some local law enforcement officers are reluctant to take action against the Israeli neighborhood invaders.

However, thanks to good citizen action on the part of the Gwinnett County resident who confronted the "contractors," WMR can provide the license number and color and model of their vehicle: Blue Ford F-150, Illinois tag 6482185.

If the federal government and local law enforcement will not enforce the laws against the foreign invaders of our nation's neighborhoods, we the people can take our own action against them. "Let's Roll!" source: 944b15241076d41+loudoun+%22colonel+william+bennett%22&cd=7&h l=en&ct=clnk


Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: ***J. P. WHEELER III & Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB False Flag NUCLEAR BOMB Plot!
Reply #153 on: January 11, 2011, 03:56:52 PM

And this one: This is behind a subscription fee. It's The Wayne Madsen Report.

Subscribers can publish his stories after 72 hours. (Maybe it's 48 hrs, but to be on the safe side.) ========================== April 10-12, 2009 -- Bennett had caught the Israelis red-handed in stealing and selling Patriot technology April 10-12, 2009 -- Bennett had caught the Israelis red-handed in stealing and selling Patriot technology Retired U.S. Army Colonel William Bennett, who was bludgeoned to death by as many as five assailants while walking with his wife in Landsdowne, Virginia, on the early morning of March 22 had intimate knowledge that components of Russia's S-300 missile defense system was based on U.S. Patriot missile technology had been illegally sold by the Israelis to both the Russians and Chinese, according to U.S. intelligence sources. WMR has learned that contrary to previous reports that Bennett left the CIA in 2000, the technical specialist on foreign weapons systems was put in charge of the CIA's technical evaluation of the Russian S300 missile system that was sold by Russia to Cyprus as the result of a deal between Russia's Rosvooruzheniye arm company and the Cypriot Defense Ministry on January 4, 1997. On April 6, 2009, WMR reported: "A U.S. intelligence source who examined the Russian [S-300] radar system while being tested in Algeria discovered the original software documents used by the anti-stealth system were written in Hebrew and were provided by the Israelis to the Russians. The Russians were using their partially Israeli-developed anti-stealth radar system to track the high altitude stealth Aurora testing that was going on in the skies above North Africa at the time. The Israelis developed a highly-advanced and portable version of the radar that they sold to both the Russians and the Chinese. In addition, this system is part of the advance early warning radar system used by the Russian S-300 missile system, which Russia has agreed to provide to Iran. The system, according to U.S. intelligence sources, uses software copied from the Patriot missile system sold by the United States to Israel."

After pressure was exerted by the United States and Turkey to the S-300 PMU1 system being placed in Cyprus, it was agreed by Cyprus and Greece that the S-300 system would be deployed on the Greek island of Crete instead. However, the Greek government transferred the S-300 system to the CIA in exchange for four Patriot missile batteries. To placate Turkey for the Patriots given to Greece, the United States provided the Turks with newer F-16 fighter planes. To placate Cyprus, the French agreed to sell the Cypriots Milan-3 anti-tank missiles. The Israelis were rewarded with two additional Patriot missile batteries even though their illegal technology transfers ended up being used in the Russian S-300 system. All of these arms deals were implemented during the Bill Clinton administration. WMR has also learned that there is still a great deal of interest in the Florida white van seen in the Leesburg/Landsdowne area the night before and the morning of the attack on Bennett and his wife, which left Mrs. Bennett in critical condition. FBI counter-intelligence agents believe the van seen in the area was a Ryder rental van. The van, known as a "cargo van," does not have rear windows for security purposes and was favored by the Israeli "art students" who cased the offices and homes of federal employees in the months prior to 9/11. There is particular interest in a heavy set man seen with the white van in the area where the Bennetts were found by police. The description matches that of a known Mossad hit man, called "Stinky" by FBI counter-intelligence agents. "Stinky's" height" is 5' 4", he has black hair that is balding in the front and on the top, and he said to wear a lot of gold jewelry along with a black leather jacket. Stinky is known to always take a souvenir, such as an item of jewelry, after he performs a murder in order to prove the "hit." The FBI reportedly has an extensive file on "Stinky" and has linked him to pre-9/11 Israeli art student activities, as well as the 1990 assassination of Canadian arms designer and dealer Gerald Bull in his Brussels apartment. Bull was involved in weapons projects involving Iraq, China, Yugoslavia, South Africa, Spain, and Israel. And the date of Bull's assassination by Mossad should be of interest to FBI and Loudoun County investigators: March 22, the same date that Colonel Bennett was murdered, nineteen years later.



jofortrut h
Member Online Posts: 9,698

Re: ***J. P. WHEELER III & Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB False Flag NUCLEAR BOMB Plot!
Reply #154 on: January 11, 2011, 04:06:15 PM

Minot AFB incident =5227&st=0#entry5348878


Don't believe me. Look it up yourself! The Great Deception - Forum/Library - My Research m=110

citizen x
Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: ***J. P. WHEELER III & Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB False Flag NUCLEAR BOMB Plot!
Reply #155 on: January 11, 2011, 04:25:55 PM

JustMe Posted July 22, 2010 at 12:42 pm | Permalink More proof of Israels infiltration of the top echelons of Houstons city government and police force. Israeli Mossad have been hard at work in Harris County, Texas. Wayne Madsen writes today for his members only section of a connection to an outside hacker penetrating the Sheriffs Dept computer system and

the connection to Israelis smuggling of enriched plutonium. It is the typical scenario of a whistleblower raising the red flag, reporting an incident to the FBI, then getting fired. And, big surprise, it involves Israel and Israeli companies, airport security, the installation of an integrated security monitoring system by an Israeli firm Orsus that would monitor the ports in Houston and the financial

backers of Orsus which, of course, are linked to Soros and Israels largest bank, and enriched plutonium
being developed at a nuclear facility near Amarillo, TX, being smuggled through these same monitored ports in Houston shipping out on Israels Zim-American shipping lines who has close links to the Mossad. You may remember a CIA agent, Roland Carnaby, who was shot to death gangland style by the Houston Police back in April of 2008. A contractor, he was tasked with keeping Israeli intelligence assets and agents under close scrutiny in Houston. He was monitoring this theft of the plutonium and had uploaded a number of evidentiary videos taken at the port of Houston. No surprise, the Houston police took possession of his computer that fateful day. To Quote MADSEN REPORTS: WMR also previously reported on Mossads penetration of the Houston Police Department and the Harris County Sheriffs Office. Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia has visited Israel and is considered close to the Israeli intelligence operation in Houston. Garcias overall agenda was also never trusted by Carnaby, according to our sources in Houston. Conveniently, security for the port of Houston comes under Harris County and Garcia. Radiation detectors routinely scan containers at Houston for the presence of nuclear materials, hence, it is important for the Mossad to counteract security at the port. Carnaby was, reportedly, working with the FBI on the Israeli nuclear smuggling issue and the FBI office in Houston requested that the Houston police call off their chase of Carnaby. WMR has also learned that one of the Israeli agents involved in the Pantex smuggling is the agent known as Stinky by FBI surveillance teams. He is called Stinky because of his obeseness and sloppy eating habits. Stinky was linked to the clubbing death of CIA missile expert William Bennett in Landsdowne, Virginia, near Leesburg, in March of this year and the

assassination of weapons developer Gerald Bull in 1990 in Brusssels. Bennett had uncovered evidence that Israel had shared with or sold to China and Russia classified U.S. Patriot missile and stealth technology. Stinky has been seen in the Amarillo area with a crew from New Jersey and he is believed to have re-entered the United States, after the hit on Bennett, on a false Canadian passport. And were being conditioned to worry about Iran and the fact they may have nuclear weapons. What a joke.


citizen x
Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: ***J. P. WHEELER III & Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB False Flag NUCLEAR BOMB Plot!
Reply #156 on: January 11, 2011, 04:34:37 PM

Monday, November 30, 2009 The real reason Israel wants to take out Iran's nuclear capability U.S. intelligence sources have told WMR that the actual reason why Israel is gearing up for an attack on Iran's nuclear sites is because Israel fears that while its own nuclear weapons are degrading, Iran stands a chance of acquiring more potent weapons. Intelligence sources report that since Israel's nuclear reactor at Dimona in the Negev Desert was damaged in a fuel rod explosion during a refueling operation, its ability to reprocess plutonium for its nuclear weapons stockpile has been severely diminished. The accident occurred because the Israelis overstressed their Fast Breeder Reactor unit, causing it to become unstable. In 1997, a judge in Tel Aviv ordered the government to pay the family of Haim Itah, a worker at Dimona, NIS

2.5 million, because of cancer he contracted due to radiation leaks at the facility. The leaks were reported to have involved at least one accident at Dimona. The court decision also cited the "negligent safety" policies of Dimona's top management. Israel has also been forced to quietly re-establish its global nuclear smuggling operations, rampant during the 1960s when it was working to acquire nuclear weapons. Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor capabilities have always been clouded in maximum secrecy. However, the claim that Dimona was upgraded to a 75-megawatt reactor from its original 25-megawatt design came from Seymour Hersh's book "The Samson Option." In actuality, Israel's 25megawatt power reactor produces up to 75-megawatts of thermal heat or steam due to inefficiencies in heat exchangers and turbine losses. A reactor of this size can only produce about one to two 30-kiloton size bombs per year with a maximum core/pit life, before reprocessing, of six to fourteen years. If the reactor has been operating for about 40 years, then the maximum number of weapons produced would be no greater than sixty 30-kiloton sized weapons. The maximum number of times that a nuclear core/pit can be reprocessed is about two to three times, due to plutonium losses when the core is re-manufactured. This is determined by the purity of the metal, its alloy content, and its designed detonation size. One single 25-megawatt nuclear reactor, during its lifetime, can only maintain approximately thirty to sixty 30kiloton sized plutonium warheads per reactor.

WMR has learned that the diminished capabilities of the Negev Nuclear Research Center prompted Israel, in the 1990s, to actively smuggle nuclear materials, including enriched plutonium, to Israel. The smuggling operations immediately became known to the CIA's Counterproliferation Division and its non-official cover (NOC) Brewster Jennings & Associates operation headed up by Valerie Plame.

U.S. intelligence has learned that the Israelis are worried about a nuclear weapons gap with both Pakistan and Iran. Although there is no evidence to suggest that Iran has re-started its nuclear weapons development program since ceasing it in 2003, as reported by CIA, if

Iran were to re-establish its program, the math has Israel concerned. The Iranian reactor was originally an American designed 100-megawatt power/300 megawatt thermal reactor provided to the Shah's regime in 1975. The reactor at Bushehr on the Gulf was built by the Germans and completed by the Russians. If it were re-engineered for weapons development, the reactor has the ability to produce up to eight 30kiloton plutonium weapons per year or about a total of 96 nuclear weapons in a fourteen year cycle before plutonium reprocessing would be necessary. As the Israeli weapons age, their total stockpile will be reduced to less than 30 weapons within fourteen years, while the Iranian stockpile would grow to 96 weapons of equal explosive size. Thus, a nuclear weapons gap would exist between Israel and Iran. The Israelis are in a panic because they are losing the nuclear race with Iran and Pakistan. Therefore, through its influence with the United States, Great Britain, and France, Israel is seeking to destabilize both Iran and Pakistan. In the case of Pakistan, Israel also has the assistance of India. The security and future of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is reportedly, and ironically, on the agenda of talks in Washington between President Obama and Prime Minister Indian Manmohan Singh, even as the United States cements a nuclear cooperation pact with New Delhi, which, like Pakistan and Israel, has not signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Iran is a signatory of the NPT. Israel's search for replacement enriched plutonium hit pay-dirt when its intelligence service discovered that the Pantex nuclear facility near Amarillo, Texas, stores enriched plutonium fuel that is 99 percent pure plutonium that does not require reprocessing for another 60 to 90 years. However, the Department of Energy has plans to store much of the nuclear fuel now at Pantex at the very secure Yucca Mountain storage complex within the Nevada Test Site. WMR previously reported that Mossad agents are extremely active at military and nuclear sites in Nevada, including the Nevada Test Site. However, Israeli scientists may have already penetrated the security at the Nevada Test Site through a joint operation with the United States. WMR has learned that U.S. and Israeli scientists are co-testing newer electromagnetic core/pit compression techniques that does not use conventional explosives as the weapon detonator. Instead, the fuel is magnetically compressed. The technique overcomes the plutonium aging issue while allowing for the development of micro-nuclear weaponry.For example, 650 grams of

force per square centimeter is all that is required to compress a plutonium core into a critical state. 750 grams is the minimum amount of plutonium that is needed in order to produce a nuclear explosion. One kilogram of plutonium produces an explosive yield equal to one kiloton of TNT. The Israelis discovered that only U.S. nuclear cores composed of plutonium alloys were ripe for theft at Pantex. The 99 percent plutonium fuel was more well-guarded. Because the older plutonium cores required refrigeration to keep them cooler than 150 degrees, the Israelis used refrigeration trucks to move the cores through the port of Houston and into refrigeration containers loaded on board ships belonging to ZimAmerican Israeli Shipping Company, a firm with close links to the Mossad. From Houston, the plutonium alloy cores were shipped to Israel and Dimona. One individual who had the port of Houston under close scrutiny was CIA contractor/informant/source Roland "Tony" Carnaby. Carnaby had set up a number of video surveillance cameras at the port of Houston and routinely uploaded the stored videos from the camera units to his Macintosh computer. In April 2008, Carnaby was shot to death by two Houston police officers after what was reported to have been a highspeed chase by police. After he was killed, the Houston police took possession of Carnaby's Macintosh computer. WMR previously reported that Carnaby kept Israeli intelligence assets and agents under close scrutiny in Houston and that he had a strange encounter with an Israeli Consulate General official the evening before he was shot. WMR also previously reported on Mossad's penetration of the Houston Police Department and the Harris County Sheriff's Office. Harris County Sheriff Adrien Garcia has visited Israel and is considered close to the Israeli intelligence operation in Houston. Garcia's overall agenda was also never trusted by Carnaby, according to our sources in Houston. Conveniently, security for the port of Houston comes under Harris County and Garcia. Radiation detectors routinely scan containers at Houston for the presence of nuclear materials, hence, it is important for the Mossad to counteract security at the port. On August 13, 2008, WMR reported: "WMR previously reported that slain retired CIA station chief in Houston, Roland 'Tony' Carnaby, gunned down gangland-style on April 29 by Houston police after his

vehicle ran out of gas, not after a 'high-speed chase' as alleged by Houston police, had a tepid and wary relationship with Israeli intelligence operatives in Houston. Carnaby was contracted to the Port of Houston, as well as the two Houston area international airports, to provide security consultative services. An Israeli firm, Orsus, is currently installing an integrated security monitoring system that will link video surveillance, visitor control, and police dispatch systems to a 24-hour Port Coordination Center. It is known that Carnaby used a number of cell phones to dial into port video cameras to turn them on, stop them, and download captured video data. The Israeli firm was scheduled to begin installation of its system this month.The financial backers of Orsus include ComSor Venture Fund LDC, a joint operation of Comverse Technology, which includes its subsidiary Verint Systems, and Soros Fund Management's Quantum Industrial Holdings Ltd. Other investors in Orsus include Israel's Koor Industries, the leading shareholder of Tadiran, the Israeli defense electronics firm; Cial Industries and Investment, an Israeli holding company; the Cedar Fund, an 'Israelirelated' venture capital firm; Israel Infinity Venture Capital Fund; and Poalim Capital Markets, a subsidiary of Bank Hapoalim, Israel's largest bank." Carnaby was, reportedly, working with the FBI on the Israeli nuclear smuggling issue and the FBI office in Houston requested that the Houston police call off their chase of Carnaby. WMR has also learned that one of the Israeli agents involved in the Pantex smuggling is the agent known as "Stinky" by FBI surveillance teams. He is called "Stinky" because of his obeseness and sloppy eating habits. "Stinky" was linked to the clubbing death of CIA missile expert William Bennett in Landsdowne, Virginia, near Leesburg, in March of this year and the assassination of weapons developer Gerald Bull in 1990 in Brusssels. Bennett had uncovered evidence that Israel had shared with or sold to China and Russia classified U.S. Patriot missile and stealth technology. Stinky has been seen in the Amarillo area with a crew from New Jersey and he is believed to have re-entered the United States, after the hit on Bennett, on a false Canadian passport.


NOTE: The weapon stolen from MINOT/BARKSDALE would be useless without the codes, but the plutonium inside could be used to fashion another device.


citizen x
Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: ***J. P. WHEELER III & Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB False Flag NUCLEAR BOMB Plot!
Reply #157 on: January 11, 2011, 04:39:40 PM

Re. George Soros (bottom, center):


TahoeBlu e
Global Moderator

Re: CFR/Mitre's J. P. WHEELER III connection to Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB Nuke Plot!
Reply #158 on: January 11, 2011, 05:13:50 PM

Member Online Posts: 7,187 Quote from: Brocke on January 10, 2011, 12:44:29 AM Wilmington City Councilman Kevin Kelley on Friday cautioned Wilmington police not to go overboard in investigating Wheeler's death. mington-police-warned-not-to-go-overboard-on-John-Wheeler-investigation es-and-locations-in-John-P.-Wheeler-III-case 3 days ago ... If evidence is uncovered that the murder happened in the city, Wilmington would become the lead agency. "We're following through," Szczerba said. "We do not know where this case is going to lead. Right now we are assisting. Newark has the lead, but ... at any point that could change."


Member Offline Posts: 9,086

Re: ***J. P. WHEELER III & Lockheed/Sandia Minot AFB False Flag NUCLEAR BOMB Plot!
Reply #159 on: January 11, 2011, 05:25:09 PM

Ummm.. possible transportation of a kidnapping victim across state lines. Lindbergh law. FBI can you say "jurisdiction"? Is it that you don't want to? "Low Hanging Fruit" here.

Known Mossad operatives working within the U.S. on behalf of the global elite banksters: Soros, et. al. Hey, you don't like it? At least it's a lead. What the heck are you holding? Law Enforcement Personnel, How about getting off your a$$ and doing something about the murder of this individual who apparently was highly sensitive to our national security openly verified byhigh level military sources? What the hell do we pay you guys for? What's the matter? We aren't paying as much as someone else?

<< < (28/44) > >> citizenx: Quote from: Curious Conspiracy on October 26, 2007, 09:19:28 AM Thursday, October 25. 2007!.html#extended In a mistake that one Congressman called "deeply disturbing" and military personnel are calling "baffling" and "impossible," on August 30th, an aging B-52H bomber flew as many as 6 cruise missiles tipped with nuclear warheads across the country from Minot, North Dakota to Barksdale, Louisiana, without Air Force knowledge. You may have already heard about the Air Force standing down for a whole day on September 14th for safety inspections, or disciplining over 30 Airmen over the mishap. However, some events before and after this incident, improbable as it was, shed light on what may have been happening on that day. "It is more significant than people first realized, and the more you look at it, the stranger it is," said Joseph Cirincione, director for nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress think tank and the author of a history of nuclear weapons. "These weapons -- the equivalent of 60 Hiroshimas -- were out of authorized command and control for more than a day." Many current and former Air Force personnel say this kind of mistake with nuclear weapons is actually impossible. According to Air Force sources, it has been strict national policy to move nuclear warheads throughout the country via ground transportation since several B-52H bombers crashed carrying nuclear payloads in the 1960s. Even then, the policies and procedures surrounding the handling and transport of nuclear weapons was designed to be fool-proof: Besides the weapons leaving Minot by mistake, the Air Force admits it did not notice the missing warheads until the B-52H was in Barksdale for over 18 hours. There is also some speculation that one of the missiles and the attached nuclear warhead are missing. According to the Navy Times, reporting from Barksdale on the day of the incident, "A B-52H bomber mistakenly loaded with five nuclear warheads flew from Minot Air Force Base, N.D, to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., on Aug. 30, resulting in an Air Force-wide investigation, according to three officers who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to discuss the incident." Notice, on the day of the flight, Barksdale thought there were only 5 missing nukes. The conjecture is that 6 left Minot, and 5 were found in Barksdale. Related to the incident is a 24 hour nation-wide Air Force stand-down and safety inspection that took place on September 14th. If speculation about the missing weapon is correct, this stand down matches standard "broken arrow" procedures where all operations would cease while all available personnel is tasked with searching for the weapon. This development raises some key questions. If one nuke is missing, would it be remotely possible to take a nuke from an airbase? The problem the the obvious answer (No way in hell!) is that that's the same answer to the question "could the Air Force mistakenly transport nuclear weapons?" The double, triple, quadruple redundancy built into the handling nuclear weapons protocol is as fool proof as humans can be.

There is virtually no way this could happen by mistake. If this isn't a mistake, what is it? There are several individuals who seemed to have an idea in late August. They signed a document called the Kennebunkport Warning: PDF LINK. Its text is as follows: "Massive evidence has come to our attention which shows that the backers, controllers, and allies of Vice President Dick Cheney are determined to orchestrate and manufacture a new 9/11 terror incident, and/or a new Gulf of Tonkin war provocation over the coming weeks and months. Such events would be used by the Bush administration as a pretext for launching an aggressive war against Iran, quite possibly with nuclear weapons, and for imposing a regime of martial law here in the United States. We call on the House of Representatives to proceed immediately to the impeachment of Cheney, as an urgent measure for avoiding a wider and more catastrophic war. Once impeachment has begun, it will be easier for loyal and patriotic military officers to refuse illegal orders coming from the Cheney faction. We solemnly warn the people of the world that any terrorist attack with weapons of mass destruction taking place inside the United States or elsewhere in the immediate future must be considered the prima facie responsibility of the Cheney faction. We urge responsible political leaders everywhere to begin at once to inoculate the public opinion of their countries against such a threatened false flag terror operation." (thanks to (allegations) These signees include a distinguished former congresswomen, an Army Reserve Colonel, several high-profile Lawyers including the Former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, and several journalists, activists and authors. What they allege is serious enough. When taken in context of the apparent mis-routing and perhaps losing of a nuclear weapon two weeks after the warning was published, we must take their warning seriously, and begin to question what has really happened in Minot and Barksdale. How could the forces mentioned by the prescient Kennebunkers have stumbled and produced a foul up like Minot-Barksdale? One theory is that the Kennebunkport Warning and other alternative media outlets have sparked a revolt of sorts within the Armed Forces, and what we are looking at in the Minot-Barksdale situation is a flat refusal by Air Force personnel to deliver nukes into the battlefield or into the hands of the so-called "Cheney Faction." Wayne Madsen in The People's Voice asserts that "elements of the Air Force, supported by U.S. intelligence agency personnel, successfully revealed the ultimate destination of the nuclear weapons and the mission was aborted due to internal opposition within the Air Force and U.S. Intelligence Community." (Why?) and the report of a "Broken Spear" or lost nuclear weapons was "the result of a revolt and push back by various echelons within the Air Force and intelligence agencies against a planned U.S. attack on Iran using nuclear and conventional weapons." I see two possibilities. One is that, through official channels, the administration attempted to move nukes into a war zone for use against Iran, perhaps saving one nuke for an American City (this is the false flag terrorism we have seen for over half of a century), and this order was thwarted, or even flat-out refused, by contentious elements within the military. The other

scenario is that hidden, so-called "black," intelligence operatives within the government plotted the nuclear mishap, intending to obtain the missiles by secrecy. The nukes would then be used by these "Black" intelligence organizations as desired, possibly supplying what President Bush, VP Cheney, and Secretary of State Rice have all trumpeted for years: "the smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud." No good conspiracy theory is worth its weight in flying-saucer DVDs unless you can prove a cover-up. Lets see, are there any suspicious deaths in or around Minot or Barksdale? Why, yes. Yes there are: 5 "strange" deaths so far. Ok, in actuality, the deaths are hardly proof of anything other than the simple fact that somewhere around 4000 people live in these two airbases. 5 deaths per month is nearly 1% per year, which does seem high, but may be less than the norm for any random group of 4000 people. But if the missing nukes are proof enough that something happened beyond the scope of a mistake, then the deaths are one of many factors that make the incident smell fishy. There really is a faction within the government who want the draft, several wars of occupation at once, American Hegemony across the globe, and will use nuclear "terrorism" to get approval from the American people. They are not, however, really in control. They are fighting the control of the globalists and bankers who really run things world-wide. This so-called Cheney faction thinks increased American military dominance will stave off the looting globalists and their United Nations and Ecological laws and taxation. This won't work. American needs to retreat behind its borders and become as self-sufficient as possible. We need to return to the rule of Law, the respect of individual freedom, and State's Rights. And in the end, let the military do its job without political interference or ramifications. Let the defense department DEFEND us, not invade and occupy foreign territory. ***please comment at***Thanks for Reading!*** -Abe Dig: The Biggest Political Scandal of the Past Decade: Lockheed/Sandia, Bushs State Dept., Pakistans Nuclear Smuggling & the Hidden Parapolitics of the Plame Scandal 2nd January 2011

By Alex Constantine Lockheed & the Cohen Group Seemingly Irrelevant (But Not) Connections to the Center of the Corruption: HOWARD DEAN, DANNY SEBRIGHT & THE AFHAN WAR Soon well find out who is the real revolutionary, I dont want my people to be tricked by mercenaries. Bob Marley

Howard Dean wants the peace movement to believe that he is its best hope for bringing change in Washington. In television ads and presidential debates, Dean has emphasized his opposition to Bushs decision to launch a unilateral invasion of Iraq. Deans earliest statements on foreign policy in the presidential campaign were written with the help of one of the architects of the war in Afghanistan, DANNY SEBRIGHT, who held the Orwellian title of Director of the Executive Secretariat for Enduring Freedom at the Pentagon under Donald Rumsfeld. When Sebright left the Pentagon in February of 2002 he went to work for his old boss, former Secretary of Defense William Cohen, at the Cohen Group, a Washingon-based consulting company. The firm uses its political connections to help companies obtain contracts with the Pentagon and with foreign governments. 9/11 and the Murder of Daniel Pearl Hovered in the Background From the moment the towers exploded, the press has made a *willful* mess of it. The reporting on accused 9/11 co-conspirator Omar Sheikh, a radical Islamist from England, and the Pakistani court decision to hang him for the 2002 murder of Daniel Pearl, for example The Guardian reported in July 2002: Both the US government and Pearls wife have since acknowledged that Sheikh was not responsible. But the Pakistani authorities refused to release Omar Sheikh for fear the evidence they produce in court might acquit Sheikh and reveal too much. Sheikh is also the man who, on the instructions of General Mahmoud Ahmed, the then head of Pakistans Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), WIRED $100,000 BEFORE THE 9/11 ATTACKS TO MOHAMMED ATTA 1 The story was more than a prejudicial shot at Pakistan by the Indian government. Agence France Press confirmed that a highly-placed government source maintained that the damning link between the General and the transfer of funds to Atta was part of evidence which India has officially sent to the US. The evidence we have supplied to the US is of a much wider range and depth than just one piece of paper linking a rogue general to some misplaced act of terrorism, the source said. The French report was quoted liberally in the Wall Street Journal, and Mahmoud was forced to step down as a result. The French report sank from view with the resignation of Mahmoud. Of course Marc Grossman His closed conference with Mark Grossman has received little mention, a brief paragraph here and there, while attention has been slathered on others who met with the general on or about September 11, because he lacks name recognition. The ISI directors meetings with Tenet, Armitage, killer pimp in the State Department, and other ranking administration officials lit up

ThuhNet, post-9/11. And then FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds whispered cryptically to reporter Christopher Deliso concerning Grossmans little-known role in the Valerie Plame affair. Grossman, she said, has not been as high profile in the press, but dont overlook him he is very important.2 His importance is multilateral. Mark Grossman was considered a key figure by Fitzgerald in the Plame investigation, but prosecutor Fitzgerald had his own hidden conflicts of interest and was NEVER likely to make substantive progress in the case against any ranking official (I said so for years and explained why and received only blank expressions in return while Leopold and Madsen fought me, not deliberately, with FALSE REPORTS of pending indictments in the Plame case THEY never materialized. The bogus reports of Cheneys indictment were newsworthy, designed by Richard Armitage, who leaked them, to divert public attention from the true nuclear underpinnings of the Plame affair.) A Wikipedia entry explains his appointment, and when considered in context, why the investigation had no legs: Fitzgerald was named by Deputy Attorney General James B. Comey after then-Attorney General John Ashcroft recused himself from the case due to conflicts of interest. Comey appointed the U.S. Attorney in Chicago, close friend and former colleague Patrick Fitzgerald, as Special Counsel to head the CIA leak grand jury investigation. In August 2005, Comey left the DOJ and he is now General Counsel and Senior Vice President of LOCKHEED MARTIN.3 LOCKHEED/SANDIA Sandia Labs The deputy AG has been richly rewarded in fraternal blood diamonds Why? What do Lockheed and its assets in the State Departnent have to do with nuclear smuggling? Everything. Lockheed owns Sandias nuclear labs and Sibel Edmonds: Some corrupt US officials of the Department of Defence and State Department facilitated the theft of US nuclear secrets (technology) from American national laboratories Los Alamos and [Lockheed subsidiary] Sandia to customers in several countries, including Pakistan. This procedure involved Israeli and Turkish intelligence and also Pakistans ISI. AQ Khans lab brokered nuclear materials to Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Myanmar, etc. The Edmonds interview continued down a labyrinth of nuclear channels: Q: Is it correct that US officials sold nuclear secrets not only to Pakistan but also to Israel and some Arab countries?

A: Of course, they did. The main recipient of the most of the US nuclear information was always Israel, specifically after the capture, sentencing and jailing of their main spy in the USA. Jonathan Pollard [note, in the linked NYT letter, the appearance of Iran-contra's Caspar Weinberger], whose handler was a former top Israeli intelligence officer Rafi Eitan (now member of the Israeli government and former chairman of the Pensioners Party scroll down the linked page to Israels Conduct and Catastrophic Consequences for U.S. for details of his freakish undercover function). THE PLAME GAME This is the hidden key to the outing of Valerie Plame her CIA assignment involved investigating the nuclear black market in Pakistan. High-ranking officials of the State Department and CIA were involved. In Switzerland, the CIA is ia subject of some public interest in a trial of cut-0uts in the AQ Khan network. The relevant State Department officials happen to be the same neer-do-wells who outed Plame. By blowing her CIA cover in the press, she was effectively neutralized by Grossman, Armitage and other Lockheed/Cohen Group/State Department stolen nuke dealers. The submerged nuclear scandal and its ties to Lockheed/Sandia/Cohen Group beneath the Plame case are transparent. The connections are interesting enough Mark Grossman sits on the Cohen Group board of directors Cohen interlocks neatly with Lockheeds board. As mentioned, James M. Loy, senior counselor at the Cohen Group, directs Lockheed, and so does Joseph W. Ralston, vice chairman the Cohen Group a Lockheed Martin sub-contractor. Lockheed influence on the prosecution Lockheed influence on the defense here, there, all over the Libby case It wasnt only Ashcroft who should have recused, but also perhaps FITZGERALD whose boss, succeeding Comey, Robert D. McCallum, was a former tobacco industry attorney, a member of the Skull & Bones fraternity at Yale, a friend of GW Bush - the moment Comey went to work for Lockheed and McCallum assumed supervision of the Plame investigation, because Grossman represents none other than Lockheed, and lobbies contractually on its behalf. The fix was in. Lockheeds sudden interest in Comey is an obvjous quid-pro-quo the many interlocking scandals behind Scooter Libby including Grossman and his meeting with the director of Pakistani ISI preceding 9/11 were ignored under Fitzgeralds predecessor in the case, and Fitzgerald himself - all of this tainted Libbys prosecution severely. The name Cheney was kept out of it, for instance. This much is apparent to anyone. But so were the names Grossman, Mahmoud Ahmed, Daniel Pearl, the Lockheed board of directors, Dick Armitage and his nuclear black marketeering enterprise, etc., etc. . Grossman entered the Plame picture when a memo written on June 10, 2003 turned up in the files, written by a staffer in the State Departments Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) on

behalf of the undersecretary of State. In the memo, Marc Grossman requested a briefing on INRs opposition to the administrations contention that Saddam Hussein had sent out feelers toward securing uranium from Niger. The Washington Post reported that he in the role of acting secretary of state, since Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and Deputy Secretary Richard L. Armitage were out of the country. wanted the letter marked secret preceding a meeting at the White House where the discussion was focused on then growing criticism of Bushs inclusion in his January State of the Union speech of the allegation that Hussein had been seeking uranium. Grossman has refused to answer questions about the letter.4 Michel Chossudovsky: Lt. General Ahmed as head of the ISI was a US approved appointee. As head of the ISI since 1999, he was in liaison with his US counterparts in the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Pentagon. Also bear in mind that Pakistans ISI remained throughout the entire post Cold War era until the present, the launch-pad for CIA covert operations in the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Balkans. The Bush Administration had sought the cooperation of those who were directly supporting and abetting the 9/11 plotline. Absurd, yes, but at the same time consistent with Washingtons broader STRATEGIC and ECONOMIC objectives in Central Asia.5 Step back in time, put yourself in the wing-tipped shoes of a Lockheed director: Is this all that is preoccupying Grossman as he gazes across his polished desk at Attas generous benefactor or a facile money trail for the press and FBI to follow a few days before the terror strikes? What were the objectives? Were they the dictates of the State Department OR THE COHEN/LOCKHEED GROUP? Theyve been directing the Scooter Libby song-and-dance cover story all along. This was the backdrop of the Plame case and a commutaion was waiting at the end of trial. When it was granted, the opportunity to expose the MANY scandals intersecting in Grossmans office with Cohen and Lockheed and all cabbaged safely away in the filing cabinets was buried, a smoking (subautomatic carbine with a complex of barrels) gun. The prosecutions skin-deep investigation and Bushs commutation covered up a litany of federal offenses and war crimes. Access, Insight and Intelligence is the motto of the Cohen Group. Access, insight: In December 2000, shortly before Cohen left office, the Pentagon awarded Iridium Satellite LLC a $72 million contract, without competitive bidding, that helped save the companys communications satellites from destruction. David R. Oliver Jr. [current director of business development and technology for Naval Systems, Northrop Grumann Electronic Sensors and Systems Division], who was a senior procurement official at the time, said that he and Cohen were the Pentagons principal advocates for the Iridium deal. Over the past two years, Iridium has paid the Cohen Group about $400,000 to lobby the House, Senate and Department of

Defense, according to lobbying disclosure statements.6 Intelligence for profit conflict-of-Interests run rampant: At the hub of the Cohen network, the former secretary makes frequent appearances on CNN, where he is a commentator on world affairs. He has served as a director of several corporations, some of which made arrangements to pay the Cohen Group for bringing in business, according to documents filed with the SEC.7 Is this a business meeting or war strategizing?: Nowadays, most of Cohens mornings begin with an 8:30 staff meeting in the Pentagon. Thats the Cohen Groups name for the conference room where the daily meeting is held. On any given day, the gathering may include Joseph W. Ralston, a retired Air Force general and former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; James M. Loy, who finished a long public career as deputy secretary of homeland security; and Marc Grossman, a former undersecretary of state. Another prominent member of the firm, former NATO secretary general and British minister of defense George Robertson, is based overseas. They form an elaborate network.8 This is the network that (Russian theory) suicided Charles Reichers. Pravda: Charles D. Reichers, USAF, Retired. Previous member of the Senior Executive Service of the AF, Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Management. Also a master navigator and electronic warfare specialist. Found dead of apparent suicide on October 14. However, Russian Intelligence analysts reported in Pravda (The Russian news service) that the ruling of suicide was a coverup, that Reichers was murdered because of his involvement in the Minot affair. According to the Pravda article, the incident was linked to an operation to smuggle nuclear weapons away from the US military in connection to launching a war against Iran. A principal in that operation was said to be Daniel Richard DeVos, Who runs the Commonwealth Research Institute, a non-profit organization working for the Pentagon. Anybody remember Iran-Contra? Iran-Contra Redux: Deaths Related to NukeGate There have been a number of mysterious deaths of USAF personnel shortly before and shortly after the incident. Airman 1st Class Todd Blue. Attached to the 5th Security Forces Squadron at Minot AFB, specifically the Weapons System Security section responsible for the security of all priority ressources including all the nukes. Went home on leave immediately after the incident and died on September 10th at the age of 20.

USAF Captain John Frueh. Attached to the USAF Special Operations Command. Last seen with a GPS device, camera and camcorder in a backpack. Found dead on September 8 in Washington State, last call from his cell at 12:28 p.m. on August 30, the day of the Minot incident. The Air Force refused to allow Washington state police to investigate his disappearance as a missing person case until they had completed a military investigation. Did they know he was dead? Clint and Linda Huff. Clint Huff was attached to the 26th Operational Weather Squadron at Barksdale AFB. He and his wife were killed on their motorcycle September 15th after an SUV they were passing turned hard left into them. First Lieutenant Weston Kissel. B-52H Stratofortress Bomber pilot. Also died in a motorcycle accident on July 17, less than two months before the Minot incident. Adam Barrs and Stephen Garrett. Attached to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, responsible for loading and unloading weaponry on the B-52H Stratofortresses at Minot. They were killed in a single vehicle accident on July 3. The Huffs, Kissel, Barrs and Garrett died before the incident. But if there was advanced planning and any significant operation takes advanced planning they might have been involved. But wait! Theres more Charles D. Reichers, USAF, Retired UPDATE: Re The Biggest Political Scandal in the Past Decade: John Wheeler Linked to Lockheeds NukeGate DEVOS Damiel DeVos, identified as a nuclear kingpin in the Pravda article, as CEO of Concurrent Technologies Corp., is, of course, a Lockheed contractor. For this blood-stained tentacle of the NukeGate octo-felonies, see: Those Very Strangely Missing Nukes[/ur;] Postscript: WASHINGTON A top Clinton administration official, former Defense Secretary William Cohen, sits on the board of GLOBAL CROSSING. This is the telecom giant that went belly up, the fourth largest bankruptcy in U.S. history, leaving a trail of inflated revenues, top executives enriching themselves, employees and shareholders holding the bag, and Arthur Andersen acting as both consultant and auditor.9 GHW Bush addressed the directors of Global Crossing start-up, and as payment he received stock worth $13 million when the company went public. GLOBAL CROSSING employees contributed another million for GWs campaign.10

NOTES 1) Michael Meacher, The Pakistan connection, Guardian, July 23, 2002. 2) Christopher Deliso, Lesser Neocons of LAffaire Plame,, November 24, 2005. 3) 4) Deliso. 5) Michel Chossudovsky, Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Administration? Centre for Research on Globalisation, November 2, 2001. 6) See 7) Ibid. Ibid. 9) Wes Vernon, Global Crossing Tied to Clinton Defense Secretary,, February 16, 2002. 10) Greg Palast, Poppy Strikes Gold, UTNE Reader, April 8, 2003. Dig: And during the whole BS START Treaty revamp (My understanding is that the original treaty was iron clad and the new one had possible limitations to domestic/false flag uses-I would need confirmation though from someone who has studied both of them) look at what Clinton said and what others have also said... Bill Clinton: Iran Poses 'Suitcase Nuke' Threat Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 08:50 PM The key nuclear threat that Iran poses to the world, according to former President Bill Clinton, is the risk that it may sell dangerous materials that could be used in suitcase bombs. Thats what Clinton said Sunday at the Global Economic Forum in South Africa. See video below. "The major danger of Iran becoming a nuclear power, the material they would have to amass to make these bombs will become the juiciest target in the world for non-state actors who would like to have suitcase nuclear bombs," Clinton said. "Will they sell it to them? Will they give it to them? Can it be stolen by some corrupt person in the supply chain?" While stressing that it is crucial to stop nuclear weapons from getting into the wrong hands, Clinton said it will be difficult to successfully intervene in Iran's affairs the nation has been consistently resistant of international efforts to put an end to its nuclear ambitions. "We have to trot a very delicate line. We don't want to basically gut the forces of democracy and freedom by strengthening the reactionary forces in control by making a deal with them," Clinton said. "On the other hand, if we can make a deal that would be enforceable, it'd be worth doing. I'm not prepared to say we can't stop it, but I think you all need to know why it's so hard there are no good options here."

At the April Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the 47 countries in attendance agreed to secure the world's vulnerable nuclear materials within the next four years a non-binding goal. The purpose is to ensure nuclear materials do not slip into the hands of terrorists.

The connection was made here: Dig: All links provided from the following link: Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities' By Lori Price Updated: 21 Dec 2010 Minot Air Force Base airman killed in shooting 21 Dec 2010 Police said an airman from the Minot Air Force Base has been killed in an off-base shooting. Police Detective Matt McLeod told KCJB radio that Steven Crawford, 19, was shot with a handgun by a fellow airman at Crawford's apartment Monday night. Crawford was taken to a Minot hospital where he died. Police said the shooting appears to be accidental. 81st Civil Support Team Conducts Exercise at Minot Air Force Base 07 May 2010 North Dakota's 81st Civil Support Team dispatched personnel and equipment though blustery winds to Minot Air Force Base May 5, to practice air load operations onto a C-17 Globemaster sent from McChord Air Force Base, Wash. While the CST is configured to assist local incident commanders in events known or suspected to involve weapons of mass destruction, it also responds regionally to augment other states. CSTs are divided into six different sectors throughout the country in order to supplement partner states should a chemical, biological or radiological event [is made to] occur.

The following section was compiled by 'The Pundit.' Since the Minot story broke a week ago about the missing nukeclandestine operation from Minot, we have the following (for those who are paying attention): 1. All six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base 2. All were directly involved as loaders or as pilots 3. All are now dead 4. All within the last 7 days in 'accidents' [Not all of them --LRP] 15012 Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B-52, and they may have told their wives and friends. "The Pundit" ***** Minot AFB airman identified --The base Safety Office is 'investigating' the accident. 01 May 2010 Officials at Minot Air Force Base have identified the airman who died Thursday after being struck in the head by a training missile during routine training at the base. Senior Airman Richard Allan Gallelli Jr., 22, was a member of the 17th Munitions Squadron, said 2nd Lt. Kidron Farnell, deputy chief of Public Affairs at the Minot base. Gallelli had been in the Air Force for three years and three months. Minot Air Force Base Airman Killed --Internal investigation underway 29 Apr 2010 The Minot Air Force Base says one of their Airmen was killed in a training exercise around midnight. In a press release officials say a male Airman from the 17th Munitions Squadron was struck in the head while at work, and died of injuries soon after. They are not releasing the name of the Airman. A spokeswoman from the Minot Air Force Base says cases like this are extremely rare and it has been at least ten years [?!?] since something like this has taken place. [*Math check.* See: Minot base crew commander found dead --Cause of death unclear 03 Feb 2009.] Minot AFB prepares for biological and chemical attacks --Minot AFB completes 'Prairie Night 10-1' drill 12 Feb 2010 Minot Air Force Base has completed a 48-hour training exercise, dubbed Prairie Night 10-1, to ensure that members of its 5th Bomb Wing are prepared in the event of a biological or chemical attack if deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. The simulated attack began at 11:39 AM with the sound of mortars hitting. Airmen at the base climbed into their chemical gear as if the attack were real in an effort to build muscle memory for an attack in the field, making preparation for the attack second nature to them. Prairie Knight Exercise 10-1 at Minot Air Force Base --Warbirds to participate in training scenarios that include donning of chemical gear in aftermath of airfield attack 10 Feb 2010 The 5th Bomb Wing launches a 48-hour exercise today to test the wing's capabilities in preparation for an August conventional operational readiness inspection. The two-day event, Prairie Knight 10-1, measures the wing's ability to survive and operate in a contingency environment and will include a launch of 24 B-52 combat sorties practicing to place bombs on target, said Col. Julian Tolbert, vice-wing commander at Minot Air Force Base. Minot base crew commander found dead --Cause of death unclear 03 Feb 2009 (The Associated Press) The body of a missile combat crew commander from the Minot Air Force Base was found by police, and the cause of his death is under investigation, the Air Force says. A statement

issued by the base Sunday said the body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless, 28, was found Friday night. Police did not give details but said it was in an area north of the city soccer complex, and they are awaiting autopsy results. Minot Missile wing now in Global Strike Command 02 Dec 2009 The men and women of the 91st Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base became part of Air Force Global Strike Command Tuesday. Global Strike Command is the Air Force's newest major command and will oversee all of its nuclear forces. The nuclear-capable assets the intercontinental ballistic missiles of Air Force Space Command come under Global Strike Command as of Tuesday. New Minot AFB commanders vow perfection 29 Nov 2009 The sign over the main gate at Minot Air Force Base brags, ''Only the Best Come North.'' It's been a questionable claim over the past two years at the North Dakota base following a rash of nuclear-related mistakes that spurred no mushroom clouds but embarrassed the military and cost several officers their positions. The new base commander said the foul-ups - including a cross-country flight from Minot of a B-52 bomber mistakenly armed with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles - stemmed from lax attitudes in maintaining the arsenal there. ''We had a compliance problem,'' Col. Douglas Cox told The Associated Press in an interview last week at the base. [Yeah, like Cheney trying to strike Chicago with a 'missing' Minot nuke.] Ousted Minot AFB commander Westa to retire 25 Nov 2009 Col. Joel Westa, the former 5th Bomb Wing commander fired Oct. 30, retired Monday rather than accept an assignment to Global Strike Command. Westa was chosen to turn around the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., after airmen from the wing mistakenly loaded six nuclear warheads aboard a B-52 two years ago. Maj. Gen. Floyd Carpenter, 8th Air Force commander, arrived unannounced to Minot and fired Westa after the wing failed its second nuclear inspection under Westa's command. Minot missile, bomb wings to become part of Global Strike Command 15 Nov 2009 Members of the 91st Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base will make history Dec. 1 when they become part of a new command Air Force Global Strike Command. The new command will oversee all of the Air Force's nuclear forces intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers. The 5th Bomb Wing will become part of the new command on Feb. 1. Inspections are top priority at base 04 Nov 2009 The new commander of the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base said his first priority is to make sure the wing is ready for inspections. Col. Douglas Cox began Monday as the top officer of the bomb wing. Cox replaced Col. Joel Westa, who, along with the commander of the base's 5th Operations Support Squadron, were relieved of duty... "Building that credibility is one of the biggest challenges that we are working on." [Yes, it would be easier to clean the Augean stables in a single day.] "We actually are inspected all the time so every day we're either inspecting ourselves or we're expecting inspectors to come from outside of Minot Air Force Base," Cox said. New Wing Commander at Minot AFB 03 Nov 2009 There's a new wing commander at Minot Air Force base. [This happens about once a week.] Col. Douglas Cox is the new commander of the 5th bomb Wing. Col. Cox took over the wing after Col. Joel Westa was relieved of command

on Friday. Westa was removed due to the Air Force losing confidence in his ability to command. Col. Cox says he is ready to lead the 5th bomb wing knowing that perfection is the standard. Minot Air Force Base resident suffered "self-inflicted" gunshot wound 26 Oct 2009 (ND) A 21year-old man was injured after he shot himself in the chest Monday morning, according to the Jamestown Police Department. Police said the man, a resident of Minot Air Force Base, suffered a "self-inflicted" gun shot wound in the upper left chest in the room he rented on the second floor of the Comfort Inn in Jamestown. Police were dispatched at 3:22 a.m., said Police Chief Dave Donegan. Ousted Minot AFB commander won't retire 20 Oct 2009 Col. Christopher Ayres, the former 91st Missile Wing commander at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., who was fired on Oct. 14, will accept an assignment to Air Force Space Command headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base, Col., and not retire. The 24-year missile officer was fired after 20th Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Roger Burg "lost confidence in his ability to command." Burg also fired two maintenance commanders formerly under Ayres' command -- Col. Lyman Faith, 91st Maintenance Group commander, and Lt. Col. Andrew Healy, 91st Missile Maintenance Squadron commander. The firings followed the Oct. 9 release of an investigative report that blamed a "large insect" for an Aug. 31 crash involving a truck carrying rocket engine parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles. Missile commander ousted at Minot Air Force Base 14 Oct 2009 The missile wing commander at North Dakota's Minot Air Force Base was relieved of his command Wednesday after a series of missteps at the unit, including two crashes of vehicles carrying missile parts in just more than a year. Col. Christopher Ayres' was not ousted for any misconduct or wrongdoing, but the Air Force said it had lost confidence in his ability to command the base's 91st Missile Wing given recent incidents. 'The investigation doesn't list what kind of bug it was.' Military says 'large insect' distracted Minot AFB missile driver --Shipment also contained two 14-gallon tanks of liquid rocket fuel 09 Oct 2009 A truck driver who lost control of a semi-trailer carrying missile parts from North Dakota's Minot Air Force Base was distracted by a "large insect" that flew in a window and landed on the driver's back, the military said in a report released Friday. The Air Force said the truck from the base's 91st Missile Wing, which overturned Aug. 31 on a gravel road in northwest North Dakota, was carrying rocket engine parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles but no nuclear material. It was the second crash of a base vehicle in just more than a year. The Air Force spent about $5.6 million last year to recover an unarmed booster rocket for an intercontinental ballistic missile after the truck carrying it overturned in July 2008. Minot AFB Activates B52 Squadron 03 Sep 2009 This will make the most powerful base in the world, stronger. That's how the commander of a new squadron of B-52 bombers describes Minot Air Force Base. Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Notari made the comments today as he assumed command of the newly-reactivated 69th Bomb Squadron at Minot's base. The addition of the 69th gives Minot Air Force Base two active B-52 squadrons. The commander of the 8th Air Force says having four B-52 squadrons - two in Minot and two at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana - gives him more flexibility in carrying out the bombers' mission. And it will keep the

bomber active for decades. Semi-trailer carrying Minot AFB missile parts overturns in ND --The oveturned semi-trailer carried rocket engine parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles and two 14-gallon tanks of liquid rocket fuel. --It was the second crash of an Air Force vehicle from the Minot AFB in a year. 01 Sep 2009 Military officials said Tuesday a semi-trailer carrying intercontinental ballistic missile parts from the Minot Air Force Base overturned, and it could take a week to clear the site in north central North Dakota. Air Force spokeswoman Laurie A. Arellano said the semi-trailer overturned Monday afternoon on a gravel road. The cause of the crash is under investigation, she said. I feel so much safer already: 69th Bomb Squadron Soon Activated 29 Aug 2009 After months of anticipation and preparation, the Minot Air Force Base is ready to officially activate its newly formed 69th Bomb Squadron. The new unit will be the fourth operational B-52 squadron in the Air Force. The Minot base is home to the 23rd Bomb Squadron and Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana has two operational B-52 units. Malmstrom nuclear weapons squadron activated 05 Aug 2009 A new squadron designed to streamline and improve the handling of nuclear weapons systems was activated Tuesday at Malmstrom Air Force Base, bringing 62 new personnel with it, according to Air Force officials. The newly activated 16th Munitions Squadron will be responsible for weapons storage area logistics operations. The tenant unit at Malmstrom is part of the 798th Munitions Maintenance Group at Minot Air Force Base, N.D. Hold on to your hats! Report: Major growth ahead for Minot AFB 30 Jun 2009 Hundreds of new positions will be added at Minot Air Force Base in the next fiscal year, according to an Air Force report... The report calls for the addition of several dozen military and civilian personnel at the Minot base as a result of bolstering the Air Force's nuclear enterprise. As a result of strengthening the Air Force's nuclear enterprise, the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot AFB gains 10 B52H bombers as part of B-52 force structure, according to the report. [More to 'lose.'] Minot Base Commander Says Bomb Wing Back on Track 27 May 2009 The bomb wing commander at the Minot Air Force Base says the wing "performed magnificently" in a surprise Air Force inspection just completed. Col. Joel Westa was assigned the base after a mistaken cross-country flight of nuclear warheads to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana in 2007. One of his missions was to restore the reputation of the Minot base and its 5th Bomb Wing. Nuclear Surety Inspection begins at Minot AFB 14 May 2009 A Nuclear Surety Inspection was initiated Wednesday at Minot Air Force Base. The inspection team is led by a senior officer representative from the Air Combat Command Inspector General's office with oversight provided by representatives from the Air Force Inspection Agency and the office of the Secretary of the Air Force. This no-notice inspection is expected to conclude May 22. Minot Air Force Base Simulates Nuclear Missile Launch 05 May 2009 Minot Air Force Base came within seconds of launching an intercontinental ballistic missile this morning. But it wasn't an emergency - it was a test of the 91st Missile Wing's ability to respond to an order from the

President to launch a nuclear-tipped missile. A Minuteman Three missile from Minot's aresnal will be shipped to Vandenberg Air Force Base in California next month for an actual launch to test the equipment and people from the local base. Cause unclear in death of Minot crew commander 05 Feb 2009 Minot police say they have found no sign of a crime in the death of a Minot Air Force Base missile crew commander, but area waiting more test results. The body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless was found late Friday in a field north of Minot. Police Capt. Al Hanson said an autopsy was performed Monday in Bismarck. Minot base crew commander found dead --Cause of death unclear 02 Feb 2009 The body of a missile combat crew commander from the Minot Air Force Base was found by police, and the cause of his death is under investigation, the Air Force says. A statement issued by the base Sunday said the body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless, 28, was found Friday night. Police did not give details and they are awaiting autopsy results. Col. Christopher Ayres, the base's 91st Missile Wing commander, said Bayless was a training chief with the 91st Operations Support Squadron. Minot AFB finalist for Global Strike Command 22 Jan 2009 North Dakota's congressional delegation says Minot Air Force Base is one of six finalists to be the home of the Air Force's new Global Strike Command. The military created the command to better manage the nation's nuclear arsenal. It comes after a series of embarrassing missteps, including the flight of a B-52 bomber that was mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and flown from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana in August 2007. Team to visit Minot AFB to plan for new B-52 squadron 10 Jan 2009 With Minot Air Force Base as the preferred site for a second squadron of B-52 bombers, a team will visit the base early next month to help plan for the new unit. Early last year, officials announced that a second squadron of B-52s was planned for the Minot base. Minot launch component device 'remains missing' --Minot AFB officer to face court-martial 10 Dec 2008 A Minot Air Force Base officer accused of stealing a missile launch control device will face a court-martial, the military said. Capt. Paul Borowiecki, who was a missile combat crew member assigned to the base's 91st Missile Wing, is accused of taking the launch control device in July 2005, rather than destroying it as required when it was no longer in use. The Air Force also said Borowiecki told officials that another officer had lied in saying he destroyed a launch component. That device remains missing. That other officer, whose name has not been released, has not been charged. Military brass to visit Minot base 30 Nov 2008 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and General Norton Schwartz, the Air Force chief of staff, are scheduled to visit the Minot Air Force Base on Monday. Schwartz was appointed by President [sic] Bush this summer during leadership changes following the mishandling of nuclear weapons and equipment by the Air Force, including at Minot. Plans solidify for new B-52 squadron at Minot 21 Nov 2008 The Air Force confirmed it wants to locate its fifth B-52H Stratofortress squadron at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., Air Combat Command officials announced Friday. The target date for standing up the unit is late 2009 or

early 2010. North Dakota's congressional delegation, briefed on the plan prior to Friday's announcement, said the squadron would have 10 planes, raising the number of combat-ready B52Hs at Minot to 22. AF mum on result of no-notice nuke inspection 20 Nov 2008 The 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base, La., completed its first no-notice nuclear surety inspection Nov. 17, but Air Force officials would not say if the wing passed. It is the first no-notice inspection the wing has completed since Strategic Air Command was disbanded, according to Air Combat Command officials. In August 2007, Barksdale airmen discovered a B-52 on their runway that had flown from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., mistakenly [!] loaded with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles -the first of two incidents that led to a period of heavily scrutiny of the Air Forces nuclear enterprise. Air Force: $5.6M to take rocket booster from ditch 03 Oct 2008 The Air Force says it spent about $5.6 million in its efforts to recover an unarmed booster rocket for an intercontinental ballistic missile from a North Dakota ditch. An Air Force truck carrying the booster for a Minuteman III overturned July 31 a few miles east of Parshall in northwest North Dakota. An Air Force statement blames "driver and safety observer error" for the accident. The truck was traveling from Minot Air Force Base to a launch facility when it crashed on the gravel road. Air Force says officer stole launch control device 29 Sep 2008 A Minot Air Force Base officer accused of stealing a classified missile launch control device faces a hearing to determine whether he will face a court martial. The Air Force said a hearing is scheduled Tuesday at the base to evaluate evidence against Capt. Paul Borowiecki, a missile combat crew member assigned to the 91st Missile Wing. Changes coming on nuclear training, inspection --Inspectors found several deficiencies in the nuclear security provided at the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., during a Nuclear Surety Inspection the base failed last year. 20 Sep 2008 Air Force leaders announced changes to the organization, training practices and inspection process of its nuclear enterprise following the service's Nuclear Summit held on Sept. 18 at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. Officials reviewed the recommendations made by the Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Management on Sept. 12 in a report that ripped the Air Force's current nuclear structure proposing the service realign all of its nuclear missions under Air Force Space Command and rename it Air Force Strategic Command. Advisers: Consolidate Air Force nuke command 12 Sep 2008 The Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Management recommended the Air Force put all its nuclear missions under Air Force Space Command and call the whole thing Air Force Strategic Command. Defense Secretary Robert Gates organized the task force -- which was headed by former Defense Secretary James Schlesinger -- after axing the Air Force's top two leaders last June due to its nuclear problems. The recommendations Schlesinger announced Friday at the Pentagon also would mean that Air Combat Command would lose its nuclear bomber mission. Air Force officers sanctioned after sleeping on nuke job 29 Aug 2008 Three ballistic missile crew members have been punished for sleeping during a sensitive task, the Air Force reported

Thursday. Two first lieutenants and a captain fell asleep on July 12 while in control of a classified electronic part that contained old launch codes for intercontinental nuclear missiles. It happened during the changing out of electronic parts used to communicate with Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Two officers are under investigation for lying about destroying classified missile components, and another for alleged sexual misconduct, the military reported. Air Force Searches For Lost Launch Devices --Three Crew Members Removed Over Allegations of Sex Abuse and Equipment Tampering 28 Aug 2008 The Air Force says at least three ballistic missile crew members at bases in North Dakota and Montana have been taken off the job while the military investigates allegations ranging from sexual abuse to missing classified components used in underground launch control centers. The Air Force announced Thursday that an officer who earlier worked at Minot Air Force Base's 91st Space Wing notified the military in May that he and another officer had lied about destroying classified launch components in July 2005. "They were supposed to destroy them and they signed documents saying they destroyed them," said Maj. Laurie A. Arellano, an Air Force spokeswoman. Instead, she said, "they took them home." In May, one of the officers notified the Air Force of the incident and "turned his launch components over to the government." Arellano said the devices are used on equipment inside the launch control center to detect equipment tampering. One of the devices remains missing. "We only know of the whereabouts of one for sure," Arellano said. Navy relieves commander of air recon squadron 13 Aug 2008 The commander of a Navy air reconnaissance squadron that provides the president and the defense secretary the airborne ability to command the nation's nuclear weapons has been relieved of duty, the Navy said Tuesday. Cmdr. Shawn Bentley was relieved of duty Monday by the Navy for loss of confidence in his ability to command, only three months after taking the job. Capt. Brian Costello, commander of the Navy's Strategic Communications Wing One, removed Bentley from command, said Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown, a spokesman for the Naval Air Forces. The primary duty of the squadron, nicknamed the "Ironman," is to provide communication with ballistic missile submarines, Brown said. It is also one of three squadrons that provides airborne communications for the president and defense secretary to command and control the nation's nuclear submarines, bombers and missile silos, according to the Wing's official Web site. U.S. fires captain of Japan-bound nuclear warship 31 Jul 2008 The U.S. Navy said it had replaced the captain of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier scheduled for a controversial berth in Japan after blaming him for a fire on board on the warship [?]. The United States has been trying to allay fears over the planned stationing of the George Washington in Japan, the only country to have suffered nuclear attacks. Doubts about the ship's safety were renewed when a fire broke out on board in May... U.S. Naval Air Forces said in a statement it had fired commanding officer David C. Dykhoff and another officer over the incident and installed Captain J.R. Haley as the ship's new commander. Air Force brigadier general dies of gunshot wound 28 Jul 2008 An Air Force brigadier general died of a gunshot wound that likely was self-inflicted, a spokesman said Monday. Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Tinsley, the commander at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, suffered a gunshot wound to his chest late Sunday night and was pronounced dead within a half hour, said Col. Richard Walberg, who assumed command at Elmendorf after Tinsley's death. "To the best

information, it's possible it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound," Walberg said at a news conference. The weapon was likely a handgun. His previous 22-month assignment was executive officer to the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. T. Michael "Buzz" Mosely, who in June resigned under pressure in an agency shake-up. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates ousted both Mosely, the Air Force military chief, and Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne, the agency's civilian head, holding them accountable for failing to fully correct an erosion of nuclear-related performance standards. One concern was a cross-country flight in August 2007 of a B-52 carrying armed nuclear weapons. US missile alert crew falls asleep on the job 25 Jul 2008 It was 9.30 in the evening. The crew of three air force members decided to rest a little and within 15 minutes they were fast asleep. They awoke several hours later. The only problem was that the room in which they were snoozing was the missile alert facility at Minot air force base in North Dakota. Directly beneath them was the underground control centre containing the keys that can launch ballistic missiles, and in their care were metal boxes containing the secret codes that allow the nuclear button to be pressed. The incident is the latest in a series of foul-ups and poor ratings for the Minot air force base. Last summer a B-52 bomber was loaded with six air-launched nuclear missiles and flown, unbeknownst to its pilots or crew, across America. [All three men fell asleep--at 9:30 PM--and slept *for hours?*] Air Force says officers fell asleep with nuke code --July 12 incident was at Minot AFB, location of other incidents 24 Jul 2008 Three Air Force officers fell asleep [!] while in control of an electronic component that contained old launch codes for nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles, a violation of procedure, Air Force officials said Thursday. It is the fourth incident in the past year involving problems with secure handling of components of America's nuclear weapons. The incident occurred July 12, during the changing out of components used to facilitate secure communications between an underground missile-control facility and missile silos near Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, according to Col. Dewey Ford, a spokesman for the Air Force Space Command in Colorado. Air Force declares lost B-52 crew dead 24 Jul 2008 In a solemn statement early Wednesday, 2nd Bomb Wing Commander Col. Robert Wheeler bore bitter news of tragedy to Barksdale Air Force Base and the surrounding community. The Air Force and Coast Guard have given up hope any of the six crew members of a Barksdale B-52 that crashed Sunday north of Guam are alive. Five of the lost airmen were assigned to the 2nd Bomb Wing. The only other base in the world at which B-52s are permanently assigned is Minot Air Force Base, N.D. Its 5th Wing has been peppered for years with 2nd Bomb Wing personnel, and vice-versa, and it has not been unusual over the years for a commander or a vice commander to move from the 5th Wing to the 2nd Bomb Wing. Air Force Finds Lax Nuclear Security 02 Jul 2008 Most overseas storage sites for U.S. nuclear weapons, particularly in Europe, need substantial improvements in physical security measures and the personnel who guard the weapons, according to a newly available Air Force report. The Blue Ribbon review of nuclear security was conducted after it was discovered that a B-52 bomber had flown across the United States, from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, with neither the pilots nor ground crews aware that six

cruise missiles under one wing held real nuclear warheads. Moseley: We Need a Failsafe to Human Error --A day after Defense Secretary Robert Gates asked for and received his resignation June 5, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley gave this exclusive interview to [Defense News] Vago Muradian. 09 Jun 2008 Q. And that was where the problems occurred? Following the Minot incident, I would say more than 95 percent of my focus has been about getting this right, and we had a commander-directed inquiry. I commissioned Maj. Gen. [Polly] Peyer to conduct a blue ribbon review, which gave us 120 or so specific things to address. My fundamental tasking to her was, "Is there something bigger here? Is this just an isolated case of a human frailty or are there systemic bigger issues that we have to find and fix?" Q. So this was right after the Minot incident? A. I started it right after. The secretary went out there and General Welch did an overall study. So those 120, I believe, is a start at getting at where general officers should be. What is the echelon of responsibility? Gates recommends Schwartz as next Air Force chief --Gates asks Bush to Allow Donley to Start as Air Force Secretary Without Senate Confirmation 09 Jun 2008 Defense Secretary Robert Gates recommended Monday that Gen. Norton Schwartz, a 35-year veteran with a background in Air Force special operations, be the next Air Force chief. In a sweeping shake up of the Air Force, Gates also formally sent former Air Force official Michael Donley's name to the White House to be the next secretary of the beleaguered service. Gates announced last Thursday that he was removing Air Force Gen. Michael Moseley from the chief's job and Michael Wynne as its top civilian. Gates asked Bush to designate Donley as the acting secretary effective June 21 -- a move that would allow him to begin work without waiting for Senate confirmation. Gates seeks Air Force leadership on handling of nuclear weapons 09 Jun 2008 In his search for new leadership atop the Air Force, Defense Secretary Robert Gates is looking for a "new perspective" that will fix long-standing problems in the handling of nuclear weapons... Gates said at the time that his decision was based mainly on the damning conclusions of an internal report on the mistaken shipment to Taiwan of four Air Force fusing devices for ballistic missile nuclear warheads. And he linked the underlying causes of that slip-up to another startling incident: the North Dakota-to-Louisiana flight last August of a B-52 bomber that was mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave 12 Sep 2007 The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died Monday while visiting with family members. The statement did not say how he died. The base said Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. [The primary mission of the 5th Security Forces Squadron is to 'provide 24-hour law enforcement and security services for the 5th Bomb Wing and all tenant units assigned to Minot AFB.' "Guardians of the Upper Realm" --The host wing on Minot Air Force Base, the 5th Bomb Wing operates the B-52H Stratofortress aircraft to provide global strike and combat-support capabilities to geographic commanders. B-52 Stratofortress - Mission --Air Combat Command's B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions... It can carry nuclear or precision guided conventional ordnance with worldwide precision navigation capability.] AF Secretary Visits MAFB 14 Sep 2007 The top civilian in the Air Force spent the afternoon at

Minot Air Force Base today. Michael Wynne, the Secretary of the Air Force, arrived at the base about 1 PM to get a personal look at how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled. His visit comes two weeks after a B-52 bomber loaded with six nuclear warheads was flown from Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base. Staging Nukes for Iran? By Larry Johnson 05 Sep 2007 My buddy... reminded me that the only times you put weapons on a plane is when they are on alert or if you are tasked to move the weapons to a specific site... Barksdale Air Force Base is being used as a jumping off point for Middle East operations... Why would we want to preposition nuclear weapons at a base conducting Middle East operations? His final point was to observe that someone on the inside obviously leaked the info that the planes were carrying nukes. A B-52 landing at Barksdale is a non-event. A B-52 landing with nukes. That is something else. Now maybe there is an innocent explanation for this? I can't think of one. What is certain is that the pilots of this plane did not just make a last minute decision to strap on some nukes and take them for a joy ride... Did someone at Barksdale try to indirectly warn the American people that the Bush Administration is staging nukes for Iran? ***** 'Opposing' view: The following email was sent to CLG on 19 September, anonymously. Hello there, Im a Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force. I do network security, so, thats why Im emailing anonymously, even though I really dont feel its necessary. Im just paranoid like that, which is why Im pretty good at my job. ;) Also, parts of what Im putting in here are probably classified, which is the primary reason Im sending this anonymously. Anyway, I see a lot of people posting on Reddit about government conspiracies about nukes and things like this. Its frustrating for me because its really very silly. Please, let me explain some background, to help you all understand whats going on in the background for the Air Force: Minot AFB is a dead-end base. Its the abyss of the Air Force, the saying goes Why not Minot? They have major retainability problems there people volunteer to go to Iraq, Korea, anywhere just to get out of there. Beside its location (middle-of-nowhere North Dakota), the base has very little real mission and spins its wheels forever in drills that all result in the end of the world since its a nuke base designed to fight the Cold War. But, there is no Cold War for them to fight (at least not one that Minots golden piece of real estate would be useful in fighting), so its people probably feel pretty worthless and tired of fighting the now non-existent Soviet Union. The base has already been re-aligned (more on that in a moment) and its probably going to be BRACed into a regional airport in a few decades. Ellison AFB in South Dakota has already had its closure decided. One of the biggest problems with killing off Minot is its core mission all of the nukes it has. Its weapons capability is moving to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana as the AF further consolidates after the Cold War and infrastructure budget cuts because of Iraq et al. Moving weapons capability to Barksdale, in real world terms, means moving the actual missiles that would deliver the nuclear

warhead to Barksdale. No big deal, conventional weapons move all the time. Nuclear warheads, however, when transported for these reasons, are moved by the Department of Energy a very time consuming, expensive, and burdensome process that someone else will have to figure out much later once they finally decide to close the base. So, the Air Forces solution is to move the missiles, and leave the warheads behind, to be dealt with one day when all of us are retired and don't have to worry about it. Thats what SHOULD have happened. So the mission itself was pretty normal otherwise. (It may actually be intentional to leave things this way, to prevent Congressional involvement, as whatever Senator is from ND is probably desperate to keep Minot around as long as possible; leaving the nukes, but operationally stripping the base serves both sides purposes). The mistake, and the reason everyone now knows about this, is that the warheads werent removed from the missiles being moved to Barksdale. I bet the guys on the ground in Barksdale were sure as shit surprised when they cracked the payload open and saw a warhead. ;) I know as much as I do because I work with a cross-trainee whose last base was Barksdale as a munitions specialist. He was involved in this process there; along with the various other missions Barksdale has (its a pretty critical base in the AF). Anyway, you would think there would be a pretty clear checklist for all of this, but apparently no one even bothered. Doing what they do day-to-day, is pretty standard operating procedure. People get lazy when they do the same thing day after day, and theres no less than a half dozen teams who would be transferring these weapons around from storage until theyre loaded. The idea of someone dropping the ball in the AF is not exactly unusual (quite common, actually, heh), especially when 4:30 rolls around and everyone wants to go home. If the next step is to hand it off to the guys who remove the warhead, and its 1630 on a Friday, hell, lets just leave it until Monday, since the mission doesnt fly until Tuesday anyway. Monday rolls around, someone else takes over, and doesnt know the job wasnt finished on Friday. There SHOULD be some paper trail for that kind of thing, but then, like I said, people are lazy. Oh, and Minot usually fails its nuclear operational readiness inspections. ;) Sorry to kill your confidence in the military. Ive seen too much crazy stuff to believe in some massive conspiracy, theres too many people involved. Youd have to kill like 50 people to cover up moving nukes to Barksdale. Plus, what would it achieve? Theres already more than enough nukes at Barksdale to blow the world up 3x over. Who needs 6 more? Seriously? Plus, more accidents occur with conventional than nukes, since nukes are computerized and designed to be super-duper safe. Conventional weapons are built by the lowest bidder. [Yikes!] Id be more worried about a fully-loaded F16 flying around NYC after 9/11 sucking up a bird than a B52 with nukes flying around without anyone knowing it was loaded with nukes. The pilots couldnt "secretly" be in on it and launch them, the interface wouldnt be installed, the COMSEC material wouldnt be available, etc. Youd have to kill half the base to hide the paper trail necessary to give the pilots the ability to launch. Several people dying from Minot is bad, of course, but then, crazy stuff happens. Motorcycle accidents, mind you, are the #1 non-war cause of dead in the Air Force. The Captain who died wasnt a pilot (he was Combat Weather, as evidenced by his pewter beret in the photo linked from your site). Captains are a dime a dozen, just like the Security Forces troop who died. Yes, a

part of the Security Forces Squadron mission there would be do defend the nukes, but hes not at all involved in any of the process. He stands outside the door and checks IDs. Seriously, thats it. I have 5 cops (as they're generally called in the Air Force) I deal with every day where I work because I do computer stuff, and they have zero clue whats happening behind the door. They spend most of the day on the phone chit chatting with friends at other security posts about the latest dorm gossip about who slept with whom. So, to conclude, just chill out a bit about the conspiracy, its kinda silly. Plus, again, what would be the point? Its not a big deal to authorize a nuke mission. After 9/11 the entire Barksdale arsenal was loaded and on the flightline ready to fly. I wouldnt sweat 6 who someone forgot to unload. Feel free to republish, maybe it'll educate a few people. V/r SSgt ***** Rebuttal to 'Opposing View' The following email was sent to CLG on 19 September. Subject: comments closed? Im NOT anonymous, and I take issue with the anonymous "ssgt" statements. Im a cold war vet from the US Navy, one who worked as part of an operation designed to exhaust and bankrupt the Soviet military, by constantly testing their limitations. This SSgt is a defacto shill for a propaganda machine. 1st Bullsheep. Plain and simple. IF this "SSgt" was actually just debunking a load of Steaming Holstein, none of his command would have much issue with any of his statements, especially publicly available facts such as retention rates and base activities that are noted on,, wikipedia, and many other websites worldwide. There is no need to be anonymous when youre not releasing classified data, is there? Saying "there is not a plot" is not contrary to secure data, even if there is not a plot. 2nd 6 people dying within days of a world-record nuclear screw-up is decidedly newsworthy, and suspicious, in itself. The rate of fatalities in the military isnt that high even in war zones. 3rd The "Decider" has already stated that he believes the USA has the right to bomb Iran, and that he will not certify that hed refuse to use nukes. "No option is off the table" as he is fond of saying. I think thats pretty damn clear, being as it is coming from the Commander In Chief. 4th The military reporting of these incidents is itself contrary to military secrecy, reason, and law. I suspect an altogether different agenda. I believe that this high-level press coverage of a screw up, carrying nukes on B52s, is designed to use the US Media [gasp, theyve never done that before!] to pressure Iran to meet US demands. a. The US military would never release to the public any real classified data, especially including

data about moved or missing nukes, without authority from the White House. b. The US media is NOT entitled to print or distribute classified information, and is NEVER brought-in as it was in this case, so rapidly or on such an elemental and critical faux paus. c. The only logical excuse for the sudden and detail-filled news coverage of this event is that of an intentional release of data for political purposes. 5th Declaring that the US Military is lying in the media isnt illegal provided that one does not expose any actual events or secrets, or violate the UCMJ by disobeying a direct order. All soldiers still have their civil rights. These rights are merely waived as needed for valid military purposes, as it is the job of a soldier to take abnormal risks and bear state secrets. If it was really a secret, the anonymous sergeant would now be a traitor to the USA, just by talking about it. Thus, the implication that the letter is legit, is ALSO an implication that the letter is NOT legit. There is no need to be anonymous if its not a secret. QED. This is an example of a circular argument. Thus, "I" am not violating any UCMJ or Federal laws by stating that its bunk. You cant cite me for a double negative: Im stating that what doesnt exist, doesnt not exist. We call that the First Amendment, and whether Dumbya likes it or not, its still in force. Im saying that there is no pink elephant. The missiles were moved, without any doubts, intentionally; OR The missiles were never moved and the press coverage is based on propaganda to scare Iran; OR the missiles were moved and the press coverage is based on propaganda to scare Iran. You cant prove or disprove what the US military has done without EXTERNAL data. Theyll say whatever they want to suit themselves. Sincerely, Don Lee E3/EW US Navy vet ASWOC 574 Jacksonville FL Top Secret and other clearances [inactive] ***** citizenx: Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order;wap2

Minot Air Force Base Airman Died While on Leave

September 14th, 2007

UPDATE: Scroll Down for More Minot Air Force Base Deaths ---

Remember the one about the B-52 bomber that, according to legend, had six nuclear weapons loaded onto it by accident, which, of course, could not have happenedby accidentfor a dozen different reasons, or more. Airman 1st Class Todd Blue was assigned to the unit that provides security for that bomber wing at Minot Air Force base. He died while on leave in Virginia. No further details have been released. Coincidence? Was he on duty when those nuclear weapons were loaded onto the B-52, by accident? If anyone has any further information on this, please let me know. I expected to see many more deaths of Minot and Barksdale Air Force personnel in the wake of this incident. Have I missed any others? Via: KXMC: Authorities are investigating the death of a Minot Air Force Base airman who died while on leave in Virginia. Base officials say 20-year-old Airman 1st Class Todd Blue died Monday while visiting family members in Wytheville, Virginia. Blue enlisted in the Air Force in March of last year and joined the 5th Security Forces at Minot Air Force Base the following August. Information on how Blue died has not been released. Related? Caddo Deputies Work Double-Fatality Accident September 15, 2007 By John Andrew Prime Caddo Parish sheriffs deputies worked a wreck this morning in which two people from Barksdale Air Force Base were killed. The accident, in the 5100 block of Shreveport-Blanchard Highway at 11:30 a.m., claimed the lives of a married couple. Their names have not been released, but the man was 29 and the woman was 32, according to a release from Caddo Parish sheriffs spokeswoman Cindy Chadwick. The two were riding a 2007 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, with the husband driving and the wife the passenger, Chadwick said.

They were traveling behind a northbound Pontiac Aztec driven by Erica Jerry, 35, of Shreveport, Chadwicks release said. Jerry initiated a left turn into a business parking lot at the same time the man driving the motorcycle attempted to pass her van on the left in a no passing zone. They collided. The woman passenger on the motorcycle died at the scene, while the husband was taken to LSU Hospital in Shreveport, where he died, the release said. Further information on the victims is pending notification of their next-of-kin by Barksdale officials, the release said. Related? Authorities Identify Minot Airman Killed in Crash Jul 5 2007 6:42AM Associated Press Minot, N.D. (AP) Authorities have identified a Minot Air Force Base man killed in a crash on the outskirts of Minot. Base officials say 20-year-old Adam Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday night. Barrs was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver is identified as 20-year-old Airman Stephen Garrett. He was taken to Minots Trinity Hospital in critical condition. Related? Bomber Pilot Killed in Crash Jul 20, 2007 04:04:10 CDT MINOT (AP) A Minot Air Force Base bomber pilot was killed in a motorcycle crash in Tennessee, the base says. 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, was a B-52 pilot assigned to the 23rd Bomb Wing at the Minot base, said Lt. Col. Gerald Hounchell, the 23rd Bomb Squadron commander. Kissel died Tuesday in the crash, while on leave, the base said. Kissel, a native of Tennessee, graduated from the Air Force Academy in 2004, and arrived at the Minot base in July last year, the base said. Related? Body of Missing Air Force Captain Found Story Published: Sep 10, 2007 at 8:13 AM PDT Story Updated: Sep 10, 2007 at 8:13 AM PDT By Associated Press

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) The body of a missing Air Force captain from Florida has been found near Badger Peak in northeast Skamania County, Wash., Portland police said Sunday. Acting on a tip from Portland police, Skamania County authorities found Capt. John Fruehs rental car about noon on Saturday. They quickly began a search and rescue mission and, with the help of search dogs, found Fruehs body near the vehicle about 5 p.m., the Skamania County Sheriffs Office said. Authorities said foul play is not suspected. Skamania County is located in south-central Washington along the Columbia River Gorge, a popular spot for hiking and other outdoor activities. Frueh, 33, came to Portland late last month to attend a friends wedding. He last spoke with family on Aug. 30. Related? U.S. Air Force General, Thomas L. Tinsley, Dead from Gunshot Wound to Chest Via: AP: The officer who commands an air force wing in Alaska has died of a gunshot wound that likely was self-inflicted, authorities said Monday. Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Tinsley suffered a gunshot wound to his chest late Sunday night and was pronounced dead within a half hour, said Col. Richard Walberg, who assumed command at Elmendorf Air Force Base after Tinsleys death. The weapon was likely a handgun, Walberg said. Medical responders who rushed to Tinsleys home on base were unable to save him. Tinsleys wife and college-age daughter were home at the time. Tinsley was named base commander in May 2007. He had served as an F-15 instructor pilot, F15C test pilot, wing weapons officer, exchange officer and instructor with the Royal Australian Air Force. His previous 22-month assignment was executive officer to the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. T. Michael Buzz Mosely, who resigned in June under pressure in an agency shake-up. Mosely, the Air Force military chief, and Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne, the agencys civilian head, were held accountable for failing to fully correct an erosion of nuclear-related performance standards. One concern was a cross-country flight in August of a B-52 carrying armed nuclear weapons. Walberg said Tinsley was not under investigation or undue stress.

As far as stress, sir, this job, by nature of being an Air Force officer in a nation at war, is stressful, he said. Undue stress, no. Representatives of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology will do a report and declare whether Tinsleys cause of death was suicide, Walberg said. Such reports take about 30 days. Related? Captain Jonathan Bayless: Another Minot Air Force Base Death The 91st Missile Wing is a U.S. Air Force strategic nuclear missile unit. They deal with the Minuteman III ICBMs. Via: AP: The body of a missile combat crew commander from the Minot Air Force was found by police and the cause of his death is under investigation, the Air Force says. A statement issued by the base Sunday said the body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless, 28, was found Friday night. Police did not give details but said it was in an area north of the city soccer complex and they are awaiting autopsy results. Col. Christopher Ayres, the bases 91st Missile Wing commander, said Bayless was a training chief with the 91st Operations Support Squadron. He had been at the Minot Air Force Base since March 2005. Bayless went on active duty in May 2003, the statement said. Base officials did not list his hometown but said he had been assigned earlier to Vandenberg Air Force Base for missile combat crew member training. The 91st Missile Wing has lost not only a valuable member of our team, but a member of our family, and he will be missed. Ayres said in the statement. The Air Force said casualty assistance officers and unit members are helping Bayless family and a memorial service is being planned. Posted in Assassination, Coincidence?, Covert Operations | Top Of Page

15 Responses to Minot Air Force Base Airman Died While on Leave

1. anothernut Says:
September 14th, 2007 at 12:29 pm

Our society and the lapdog press have been so aversion-conditioned to treat everything as a coincidence (as opposed to a conspiracy), the PTB dont even bother to be careful. Have another paxil, everybody.

2. Loveandlight Says:
September 14th, 2007 at 3:26 pm

Yep, this is blood-chilling, to be sure. 3. thegiant Says:

September 14th, 2007 at 3:39 pm

can anyonew provide data verifiying the unit that Todd Blue belonged to and/or what his specific job was? 4. tito Says:
September 15th, 2007 at 1:41 am says Airman 1st Class Todd Blue, 20, was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. googling 5th security forces air force response force brings up a link to this guys resume Reading this other guys resume, he references his experience serving in Minot ND as including Protected nuclear and conventional weapons storage areas along with B-52 and all other transient aircraft assigned to restricted areas. Maintained security for Department of Energy overland shipments of Protection Level I (PL I) weapons and critical components. Provided security for alert, non-alert, transient aircraft and a PL I Weapons Storage Area (WSA). Regularly inspected base and WSA facilities to ensure compliance with security standards. Responded to alarms inside and outside of the WSA and took necessary actions to neutralize threats directed at resources and personnel. Controlled entry and maintained security for close-in security areas. Responsible for entry control of vehicles, equipment and personnel to PL I WSA. culvert/concealment checks of PL I WSA to deter and detect threats. I know this is not the resume of the deceased, but it is reasonable to assume that these duties would be within the same scope (or at least neighborhood) as they served in a similarly titled unit on the Minot base.

So. 5. Kevin Says:

September 15th, 2007 at 4:45 am

Guys, when I wrote, Airman 1st Class Todd Blue was assigned to the unit that provides security for that bomber wing at Minot Air Force base, I based that statement on: Units 5th Bomb Wing Units. On, you see: The 5th Mission Support Group consist of the 5th Civil Engineer Squadron, 5th Communications Squadron, 5th Force Support Squadron and 5th Security Forces Squadron, 5th Contracting Squadron and 5th Logistics Readiness Squadron. Titos find backs up the obvious assumption that a security unit that is assigned to a B-52 bomber wing is going to be responsible for nuclear weapons. 6. Eileen Says:
September 17th, 2007 at 4:26 am

I guess Im late in the comment stage of this story. What a strange co-inky-dink that soldier Blue died, I surmise, after telling this strange story to the Army Times. From my life I know that the resume Tito found is true so far as it concerns the following: Maintained security for Department of Energy overland shipments of Protection Level I (PL I) weapons and critical components. DOE is by land. Air Force by air. Im not an authority per se, but the Air Force moves nuclear weapons all the time, but not in this way! Interesting though that the mistaken shipment chose the WMD-80 (if memory serves me) to ship. This is a system that is proving to be more cost prohibitive to refurbish moreso than any other nuke. A report to that effect is on the DOE/OIG website. The base, if they had foreknowledge of the shipment, was most likely saying good riddance to bad rubbish. Were taking out the trash so to speak. Happens all the time with other high explosive weaponry rocket motors, etc. BUT NOT WITH NUKES. For myself, I think this story is one that needs stay alive. Why does a person have to die for exposing such a thing? 7. rosito Says:
September 23rd, 2007 at 2:34 pm

Tempting as it is to find a conspiracy here the facts provided do nothing to dispel the default theory of chance events. Furthermore, there is insufficient data given to even test the theory.

It is impossible to guage whether the 6 deaths are significantly outside the predictions of chance without a lot more information. First, there is no indication of the size of the sample. How many personnel work in the area or are conceivably connnected with the event? Are the 6 who died the only 6 who were involved in the proceedings or are they part of a group of 20,000 individuals? There is no control group. There is no way to know if these deaths are out of the ordinary unless the figure is compared with the number of deaths in this group which occured during the same time span last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. If 6 or more people from this group died during this time span in the previous year then it is unlikely that there is anything special about the six deaths reported here. It is almost always possible to find a connection between perfect strangers if you searching for it especially in retrospect. There is no plausable reason advanced for why these particular people, and not others, might have been murdered. The thread is implying that they were murdered, isnt it? Finally, no-one has advanced any theory about the mechanism by which these individuals were murdered which makes more sense than the mechanism of chance. Only one case is reported in any detail and that one would be very hard to attribute to anything other than accident. If, however, each one of these people were found shot through the head in execution style then the theory of accident would be much less plausable. To summarize, a conspiracy theory can only be applied to these events if the principles of valid statistical analysis and logical deduction are ignored. In blunt terms, it is not an intelligent theory. 8. genejohn Says:
September 23rd, 2007 at 8:02 pm

Did someone make a mistake on the July 5 and July 20 dates. The nukes were transferred on August 30. The Sept 15 and Sept 20 dates make sense. If the July dates are correct, please enlighten us. 9. trueaz Says:
September 24th, 2007 at 12:02 am

No, those dates are correct. Those 2 died in July. I was at the briefings. Also, I want to point out that one of the articles site 2 deaths about airman from Barksdale AFB, in Louisiana as well as Captain Freuhs death. He was actually stationed in Florida as a Special Ops officer. So those 3 deaths cant really be counted against this whole conspiracy theory. Todds death is the only death that has occurred after the mishap up here in Minot. Id hate to burst everyones conspiracy bubble, but there are about 2000 personnel on base that know whats going on. Probably at least 100 who know to the T what

happened. Not to mention spouses and so forth. Thats a big hit list right there. Guess Im on it, too. 10. Kevin Says:
September 24th, 2007 at 12:19 am

@ trueaz Friend, you might want to take your COMSEC protocols a bit more seriously. Id appreciate any insights you wanted to provide, but this isnt the way, for your own safety. 11. trueaz Says:
September 24th, 2007 at 4:20 pm

First off, its OPSEC, Friend. And second, Im not revealing any information that you cant google for yourself. 12. Kevin Says:
September 24th, 2007 at 4:24 pm Communications security (COMSEC): Measures and controls taken to deny unauthorized persons information derived from telecommunications and ensure the authenticity of such telecommunications. Communications security includes cryptosecurity, transmission security, emission security, traffic-flow security. and physical security of COMSEC equipment. Hope that helps. 13. trueaz Says:
September 24th, 2007 at 11:19 pm

If you would have even read the definition on COMSEC you would have realized it applies ONLY to telecommunication protection measures such as monitored radio frequencies and secure/non-secure telephone lines and hardware protection such as the use of black boxes. OPSEC incorporates COMSEC, COMPUSEC, INFOSEC, IA, INFOCON EMSEC as well as other security disciplines. AFI10-701 30 SEPTEMBER 2005 Definition. OPSEC is a process of identifying, analyzing and controlling critical information indicating friendly actions attendant to military operations and other activities to: (a) Identify those actions that can be observed by adversary intelligence systems. (b) Determine what indicators adversary intelligence systems might obtain that could be interpreted or pieced together to derive critical information in time to be useful to adversaries. (c) Select and execute measures that eliminate or reduce to an acceptable

level the vulnerabilities of friendly actions to adversary exploitation. (JP 3-54). OPSEC is a process and not a collection of specific rules and instructions that can be applied to every operation. OPSEC must be closely integrated and synchronized with other influence operations capabilities and all aspects of the protected operations. AFI 33-204 1 APRIL 2004 Terms Communications Security (COMSEC)Measures and controls taken to deny unauthorized persons information derived from telecommunications and to ensure the authenticity of such communications. (AFPD 33-2) 14. Kevin Says:
September 25th, 2007 at 1:50 am

@ trueaz Do you have anything to add, then, about the B-52 incident, or not? 15. AFwife91MSFS Says:
October 6th, 2007 at 2:56 am

Hey everyone! Im an AF wife stationed in Minot. The 5th Bomb wing DOES NOT protect the majority of the Nukes here. The 91st Space wing does. The 5th Security Forces Sqaudron is mostly Law Enforcement and base security. The WSA holds mostly Ammo anyway. Check out the clown incident on India 9 instead or anything happening at FE Warren and Grand Forks too. There is too much going on here to say that theres a conspiracy on this. If that happened every time something happened there would be a lot of car accidents and stuff . How about we add SRA Duhammel to that as well then? K? Thanks

Air Force investigates mistaken transport of nuclear warheads

STORY HIGHLIGHTS All stateside Air Force fighter, bomber flights to be halted September 14 Plane was moving missiles whose warheads were supposed to be removed Nuclear warheads were accidentally left on the missiles, military officials say Public was never in danger; nukes could not have detonated, spokesman says

From Barbara Starr

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Six nuclear warheads on cruise missiles were mistakenly carried on a flight from North Dakota to Louisiana last week, prompting a major investigation, military officials have confirmed. The plane took the cruise missiles from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale Air Force Base for decommissioning Thursday, the Air Force said. "This is a major gaffe, and it's going to cause some heads to roll down the line," said Don Shepperd, a retired Air Force major general and military analyst for CNN. Shepperd said the United States had agreed in a Cold War-era treaty not to fly nuclear weapons. "It appears that what happened was this treaty agreement was violated," he said. The warheads should have been removed from the missiles before they were attached to the B-52 bomber, according to military officials.
Watch the report on the military's investigation

The crew was unaware that the plane was carrying nuclear weapons, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the extraordinary sensitivity and security surrounding the case. The mistake was discovered after the plane's flight to Louisiana. Minot Air Force Base is in north central North Dakota, and Barksdale Air Force Base is in northwest Louisiana near the Texas border. Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell made clear that concerns about the "error" had escalated to the highest levels. "Secretary [of Defense Robert] Gates was quickly informed of this incident ... and he has been receiving daily briefings from Gen. Buzz Moseley, the Air Force chief of staff, on actions that the Air Force is taking and the progress of their investigation," Morrell told reporters Wednesday. "I can also tell you that it's important enough that President Bush was notified of it." Democratic Rep. Ike Skelton, head of the House Armed Services Committee, called the revelation "deeply disturbing." He said Wednesday that the committee will press the military to "strengthen controls" after the incident. Military officials told CNN that the incident was a major breach of security rules surrounding nuclear weapons. One official said that he could not recall anything similar happening. The Air Force announced that all flights of fighters and bombers in the United States will be halted on September 14 to allow for a review of procedures.

Once the mistake was discovered, the Air Force immediately began an inventory of all of its nuclear weapons, a military official said. Maj. Gen. Douglas Raaberg, director of Air and Space Operations at the Air Combat Command in Langley, Virginia, has been ordered to investigate how the nuclear-tipped missiles were flown across the country without anyone knowing, officials said. The squad commander responsible for the munitions has been relieved of duty, and several others have been "decertified" from handling nuclear weapons, officials said. A military official told CNN there was no nuclear risk to public safety because the weapons were not armed. Officials believe that if the plane had crashed or the missiles somehow had fallen off the wings, the warheads would have remained inert and there would have been no nuclear detonation, though conventional explosive material in the warhead could have detonated. Military officials also say the missiles could not have been launched because of multiple security procedures required to be enacted before any launch would have been authorized. Shepperd agreed with military officials that the situation could not have caused a nuclear detonation. But he added, "Any time you have nuclear material on board, if the airplane crashes, nuclear material can be spread in the immediate area of the crash, so you get radioactivity in the immediate area of the crash."

"This is serious business, but it was not dangerous business," Shepperd said. The story was first reported by the Military Times, a group of privately published newspaper. E-mail to a friend All About Nuclear Weapons U.S. Air Force

Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities'

Lori Price
Updated: 02 February 2009 Minot base crew commander found dead

--Cause of death unclear 02 Feb 2009

The following section was compiled by 'The Pundit.' Since the Minot story broke a week
ago about the missing nukeclandestine operation from Minot, we have the following (for those who are paying attention): 1. All six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base 2. All were directly involved as loaders or as pilots 3. All are now dead 4. All within the last 7 days in 'accidents' [Not all of them --LRP] Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B-52, and they may have told their wives and friends. "The Pundit" ***** Minot AFB finalist for Global Strike Command 22 Jan 2009 North Dakota's congressional delegation says Minot Air Force Base is one of six finalists to be the home of the Air Force's new Global Strike Command. The military created the command to better manage the nation's nuclear arsenal. It comes after a series of embarrassing missteps, including the flight of a B-52 bomber that was mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and flown from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana in August 2007. Team to visit Minot AFB to plan for new B-52 squadron 10 Jan 2009 With Minot Air Force Base as the preferred site for a second squadron of B-52 bombers, a team will visit the base early next month to help plan for the new unit. Early last year, officials announced that a second squadron of B-52s was planned for the Minot base.

--Minot AFB officer to face courtmartial 10 Dec 2008 A Minot Air Force Base officer accused of stealing a missile launch control device
Minot launch component device 'remains missing' will face a court-martial, the military said. Capt. Paul Borowiecki, who was a missile combat crew member assigned to the bases 91st Missile Wing, is accused of taking the launch control device in July 2005, rather than destroying it as required when it was no longer in use. The Air Force also said Borowiecki told officials that another officer had lied in saying he destroyed a launch component. That device remains missing. That other officer, whose name has not been released, has not been charged. Military brass to visit Minot base 30 Nov 2008 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and General Norton Schwartz, the Air Force chief of staff, are scheduled to visit the Minot Air Force Base on Monday. Schwartz was appointed by President [sic] Bush this summer during leadership changes following the mishandling of nuclear weapons and equipment by the Air Force, including at Minot. Plans solidify for new B-52 squadron at Minot 21 Nov 2008 The Air Force confirmed it wants to locate its fifth B-52H Stratofortress squadron at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., Air Combat Command officials announced Friday. The target date for standing up the unit is late 2009 or early 2010. North Dakotas congressional delegation, briefed on the plan prior to Fridays announcement, said the squadron would have 10 planes, raising the number of combat-ready B-52Hs at Minot to 22. AF mum on result of no-notice nuke inspection 20 Nov 2008 The 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base, La., completed its first no-notice nuclear surety inspection Nov. 17, but Air Force officials would not say if the wing passed. It is the first no-notice inspection the wing has completed since Strategic Air Command was disbanded, according to Air Combat Command officials. In August 2007, Barksdale airmen discovered a B-52 on their runway that had flown from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., mistakenly [!] loaded with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles -- the first of two incidents that led to a period of heavily scrutiny of the Air Forces nuclear enterprise. Air Force: $5.6M to take rocket booster from ditch 03 Oct 2008 The Air Force says it spent about $5.6 million in its efforts to recover an unarmed booster rocket for an intercontinental ballistic missile from a North Dakota ditch. An Air Force truck carrying the booster for a Minuteman III overturned July 31 a few miles east of Parshall in northwest North Dakota. An Air Force statement blames "driver and safety observer error" for the accident. The truck was traveling from Minot Air Force Base to a launch facility when it crashed on the gravel road. Air Force says officer stole launch control device 29 Sep 2008 A Minot Air Force Base officer accused of stealing a classified missile launch control device faces a hearing to determine whether he will face a court martial. The Air Force said a hearing is scheduled Tuesday at the base to evaluate evidence against Capt. Paul Borowiecki, a missile combat crew member assigned to the 91st Missile Wing.

Changes coming on nuclear training, inspection --Inspectors found several deficiencies in the nuclear security provided at the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., during a Nuclear Surety Inspection the base failed last year . 20
Sep 2008 Air Force leaders announced changes to the organization, training practices and inspection

process of its nuclear enterprise following the services Nuclear Summit held on Sept. 18 at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. Officials reviewed the recommendations made by the Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Management on Sept. 12 in a report that ripped the Air Forces current nuclear structure proposing the service realign all of its nuclear missions under Air Force Space Command and rename it Air Force Strategic Command. Advisers: Consolidate Air Force nuke command 12 Sep 2008 The Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Management recommended the Air Force put all its nuclear missions under Air Force Space Command and call the whole thing Air Force Strategic Command. Defense Secretary Robert Gates organized the task force -- which was headed by former Defense Secretary James Schlesinger -- after axing the Air Forces top two leaders last June due to its nuclear problems. The recommendations Schlesinger announced Friday at the Pentagon also would mean that Air Combat Command would lose its nuclear bomber mission. Air Force officers sanctioned after sleeping on nuke job 29 Aug 2008 Three ballistic missile crew members have been punished for sleeping during a sensitive task, the Air Force reported Thursday. Two first lieutenants and a captain fell asleep on July 12 while in control of a classified electronic part that contained old launch codes for intercontinental nuclear missiles. It happened during the changing out of electronic parts used to communicate with Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Two officers are under investigation for lying about destroying classified missile components, and another for alleged sexual misconduct, the military reported. Air Force Searches For Lost Launch Devices --Three

Crew Members Removed Over Allegations of Sex Abuse and Equipment Tampering 28 Aug 2008 The Air Force says at
least three ballistic missile crew members at bases in North Dakota and Montana have been taken off the job while the military investigates allegations ranging from sexual abuse to missing classified components used in underground launch control centers. The Air Force announced Thursday that an officer who earlier worked at Minot Air Force Base's 91st Space Wing notified the military in May that he and another officer had lied about destroying classified launch components in July 2005. "They were supposed to destroy them and they signed documents saying they destroyed them," said Maj. Laurie A. Arellano, an Air Force spokeswoman. Instead, she said, "they took them home." In May, one of the officers notified the Air Force of the incident and "turned his launch components over to the government." Arellano said the devices are used on equipment inside the launch control center to detect equipment tampering. One of

the devices remains missing. "We only know of the whereabouts of one for sure,"
Arellano said. Navy relieves commander of air recon squadron 13 Aug 2008 The commander of a Navy air reconnaissance squadron that provides the president and the defense secretary the airborne ability to command the nation's nuclear weapons has been relieved of duty, the Navy said Tuesday. Cmdr. Shawn Bentley was relieved of duty Monday by the Navy for loss of confidence in his ability to

command, only three months after taking the job. Capt. Brian Costello, commander of the
Navy's Strategic Communications Wing One, removed Bentley from command, said Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown, a spokesman for the Naval Air Forces. The primary duty of the squadron, nicknamed the

"Ironman," is to provide communication with ballistic missile submarines, Brown said. It is also one of three squadrons that provides airborne communications for the president and defense secretary to command and control the nation's nuclear submarines, bombers and missile silos, according to the Wing's official Web site. U.S. fires captain of Japan-bound nuclear warship 31 Jul 2008 The U.S. Navy said it had replaced the captain of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier scheduled for a controversial berth in Japan after blaming

him for a fire on board on the warship [?]. The United States has been trying to allay fears over
the planned stationing of the George Washington in Japan, the only country to have suffered nuclear attacks. Doubts about the ship's safety were renewed when a fire broke out on board in May... U.S. Naval Air Forces said in a statement it had fired commanding officer David C. Dykhoff and another officer over the incident and installed Captain J.R. Haley as the ship's new commander. Air Force brigadier general dies of gunshot wound 28 Jul 2008 An Air Force brigadier general died of a gunshot wound that likely was self-inflicted, a spokesman said Monday. Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Tinsley, the commander at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, suffered a gunshot wound to his chest late Sunday night and was pronounced dead within a half hour, said Col. Richard Walberg, who assumed command at Elmendorf after Tinsley's death. "To the best information, it's possible it was a selfinflicted gunshot wound," Walberg said at a news conference. The weapon was likely a handgun. His

previous 22-month assignment was executive officer to the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. T. Michael "Buzz" Mosely, who in June resigned under pressure in an agency shake-up. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates ousted both Mosely, the Air Force military
chief, and Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne, the agency's civilian head, holding them accountable for failing to fully correct an erosion of nuclear-related performance standards. One concern was a cross-country flight in August 2007 of a B-52 carrying armed nuclear weapons. US missile alert crew falls asleep on the job 25 Jul 2008 It was 9.30 in the evening. The crew of three air force members decided to rest a little and within 15 minutes they were fast asleep. They awoke several hours later. The only problem was that the room in which they were snoozing was the missile alert facility at Minot air force base in North Dakota. Directly beneath them was the underground control centre containing the keys that can launch ballistic missiles, and in their care were metal boxes containing the secret codes that allow the nuclear button to be pressed. The incident is the latest in a series of foul-ups and poor ratings for the Minot air force base. Last summer a B-52 bomber was loaded with six airlaunched nuclear missiles and flown, unbeknownst to its pilots or crew, across America. [ All three men fell asleep--at 9:30 PM--and slept *for hours?*]

--July 12 incident was at Minot AFB, location of other incidents 24 Jul 2008 Three Air Force officers fell asleep [!] while in control of an
Air Force says officers fell asleep with nuke code electronic component that contained old launch codes for nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles, a violation of procedure, Air Force officials said Thursday. It is the fourth incident in the past

year involving problems with secure handling of components of America's nuclear weapons. The incident occurred July 12, during the changing out of components used to
facilitate secure communications between an underground missile-control facility and missile silos near

Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, according to Col. Dewey Ford, a spokesman for the Air Force Space Command in Colorado. Air Force declares lost B-52 crew dead 24 Jul 2008 In a solemn statement early Wednesday, 2nd Bomb Wing Commander Col. Robert Wheeler bore bitter news of tragedy to Barksdale Air Force Base and the surrounding community. The Air Force and Coast Guard have given up hope any of the six crew members of a Barksdale B-52 that crashed Sunday north of Guam are alive. Five of the lost airmen were assigned to the 2nd Bomb Wing. The only other base in the world at which B-52s are

permanently assigned is Minot Air Force Base, N.D. Its 5th Wing has been peppered for
years with 2nd Bomb Wing personnel, and vice-versa, and it has not been unusual over the years for a commander or a vice commander to move from the 5th Wing to the 2nd Bomb Wing. Air Force Finds Lax Nuclear Security 02 Jul 2008 Most overseas storage sites for U.S. nuclear weapons, particularly in Europe, need substantial improvements in physical security measures and the personnel who guard the weapons, according to a newly available Air Force report. The Blue Ribbon review of nuclear security was conducted after it was discovered that a B-52 bomber had flown across the United States, from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, with neither the pilots nor ground crews aware that six cruise missiles under one wing held real nuclear warheads. Moseley: We Need a Failsafe to Human Error --A day after Defense Secretary Robert Gates asked for and received his resignation June 5, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley gave this exclusive interview to [Defense News] Vago Muradian. 09 Jun 2008 Q. And that was where the problems occurred? Following the Minot incident, I would say more than 95 percent of my focus has been about getting this right, and we had a commander-directed inquiry. I commissioned Maj. Gen. [Polly] Peyer to conduct a blue ribbon review, which gave us 120 or so specific things to address. My fundamental tasking to her was, "Is there something bigger here? Is this just an isolated case of a human

frailty or are there systemic bigger issues that we have to find and fix?" Q. So this
was right after the Minot incident? A. I started it right after. The secretary went out there and General Welch did an overall study. So those 120, I believe, is a start at getting at where general officers should be. What is the echelon of responsibility? Gates recommends Schwartz as next Air Force chief --Gates

asks Bush to Allow Donley to Start as Air Force Secretary Without Senate Confirmation 09 Jun 2008 Defense
Secretary Robert Gates recommended Monday that Gen. Norton Schwartz, a 35-year veteran with a background in Air Force special operations, be the next Air Force chief. In a sweeping shake up of the Air Force, Gates also formally sent former Air Force official Michael Donley's name to the White House to be the next secretary of the beleaguered service. Gates announced last Thursday that he was removing Air Force Gen. Michael Moseley from the chief's job and Michael Wynne as its top civilian. Gates asked Bush to designate Donley as the acting secretary effective June 21 -- a move that would allow him to begin work without waiting for Senate confirmation.

Gates seeks Air Force leadership on handling of nuclear weapons 09 Jun 2008 In his search for new leadership atop the Air Force, Defense Secretary Robert Gates is looking for a "new perspective" that will fix long-standing problems in the handling of nuclear weapons... Gates said at the time that his decision was based mainly on the damning conclusions of an internal report on the mistaken shipment to Taiwan of four Air Force fusing devices for ballistic missile nuclear warheads. And he linked the underlying causes of that slip-up to another startling incident: the North Dakota-to-Louisiana flight last August of a B52 bomber that was mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave 12 Sep 2007 The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died Monday while visiting with family members. The statement did not say how he died. The base said Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. [The primary mission of the 5th Security Forces Squadron is to 'provide 24-hour law enforcement and security services for the 5th Bomb Wing and all tenant units assigned to Minot AFB.' "Guardians of the Upper Realm" --The host wing on Minot Air Force Base, the 5th Bomb Wing operates the B-52H Stratofortress aircraft to provide global strike and combat-support capabilities to geographic commanders. B-52 Stratofortress Mission --Air Combat Command's B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions... It can carry nuclear or precision guided conventional ordnance with worldwide precision navigation capability.] AF Secretary Visits MAFB 14 Sep 2007 The top civilian in the Air Force spent the afternoon at Minot Air Force Base today. Michael Wynne, the Secretary of the Air Force, arrived at the base about 1 PM to get a personal look at how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled. His visit comes two

weeks after a B-52 bomber loaded with six nuclear warheads was flown from Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base.
Staging Nukes for Iran? By Larry Johnson 05 Sep 2007 My buddy... reminded me that the only times you put weapons on a plane is when they are on alert or if you are tasked to move the weapons to a specific site... Barksdale Air Force Base is being used as a jumping off point for Middle East operations... Why would we want to preposition nuclear weapons at a base conducting Middle East operations? His final point was to observe that someone on the inside obviously leaked the info that the planes were carrying nukes. A B-52 landing at Barksdale is a non-event. A B-52 landing with nukes. That is something else. Now maybe there is an innocent explanation for this? I cant think of one. What is certain is that the pilots of this plane did not just make a last minute decision to strap on some nukes and take them for a joy ride... Did someone at Barksdale try to indirectly warn the American people that the Bush Administration is staging nukes for Iran? ***** 'Opposing' Hello there, Im a Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force. I do network security, so, thats why Im emailing anonymously, even though I really dont feel its necessary. Im just paranoid like that, which is why Im pretty good at my

view: The following email was sent to CLG on 19 September, anonymously.

job. ;) Also, parts of what Im putting in here are probably classified, which is the primary reason Im sending this anonymously. Anyway, I see a lot of people posting on Reddit about government conspiracies about nukes and things like this. Its frustrating for me because its really very silly. Please, let me explain some background, to help you all understand whats going on in the background for the Air Force: Minot AFB is a dead-end base. Its the abyss of the Air Force, the saying goes Why not Minot? They have major retainability problems there people volunteer to go to Iraq, Korea, anywhere just to get out of there. Beside its location (middle-of-nowhere North Dakota), the base has very little real mission and spins its wheels forever in drills that all result in the end of the world sinc e its a nuke base designed to fight the Cold War. But, there is no Cold War for them to fight (at least not one that Minots golden piece of real estate would be useful in fighting), so its people probably feel pretty worthless and tired of fighting the now non-existent Soviet Union. The base has already been re-aligned (more on that in a moment) and its probably going to be BRACed into a regional airport in a few decades. Ellison AFB in South Dakota has already had its closure decided. One of the biggest problems with killing off Minot is its core mission all of the nukes it has. Its weapons capability is moving to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana as the AF further consolidates after the Cold War and infrastructure budget cuts because of Iraq et al. Moving weapons capability to Barksdale, in real world terms, means moving the actual missiles that would deliver the nuclear warhead to Barksdale. No big deal, conventional weapons move all the time. Nuclear warheads, however, when transported for these reasons, are moved by the Department of Energy a very time consuming, expensive, and burdensome process that someone else will have to figure out much later once they finally decide to close the base. So, the Air Forces solution is to move the missiles, and leave the warheads behind, to be dealt with one day when all of us are retired and don't have to worry about it. Thats what SHOULD have happened. So the mission itself was pretty normal otherwise. (It may actually be intentional to leave things this way, to prevent Congressional involvement, as whatever Senator is from ND is probably desperate to keep Minot around as long as possible; leaving the nukes, but operationally stripping the base serves both sides purposes). The mistake, and the reason everyone now knows about this, is that the warheads werent removed from the missiles being moved to Barksdale. I bet the guys on the ground in Barksdale were sure as shit surprised when they cracked the payload open and saw a warhead. ;) I know as much as I do because I work with a cross-trainee whose last base was Barksdale as a munitions specialist. He was involved in this process there; along with the various other missions Barksdale has (its a pretty critical base in the AF). Anyway, you would think there would be a pretty clear checklist for all of this, but apparently no one even bothered. Doing what they do day-to-day, is pretty standard operating procedure. People get lazy when they do the same thing day after day, and theres no less than a half dozen teams who would be transferring these weapons around from storage until theyre loaded. The idea of someone dropping the ball in the AF is not exactly unusual (quite common, actually,

heh), especially when 4:30 rolls around and everyone wants to go home. If the next step is to hand it off to the guys who remove the warhead, and its 1630 on a Friday, hell, lets just leave it until Monday, since the mission doesnt fly until Tuesday anyway. Monday rolls around, someone else takes over, and doesnt know the job wasnt finished on Friday. There SHOULD be some paper trail for that kind of thing, but then, like I said, people are lazy. Oh, and Minot usually fails its nuclear operational readiness inspections. ;) Sorry to kill your confidence in the military. Ive seen too much crazy stuff to believe in some massive conspiracy, theres too many people involved. Youd have to kill like 50 people to cover up moving nukes to Barksdale. Plus, what would it achieve? Theres already more than enough nukes at Barksdale to blow the world up 3x over. Who needs 6 more? Seriously? Plus, more accidents occur with conventional than nukes, since nukes are computerized and designed to be super-duper safe. Conventional weapons are built by the lowest bidder. [Yikes!] Id be more worried about a fully-loaded F16 flying around NYC after 9/11 sucking up a bird than a B52 with nukes flying around without anyone knowing it was loaded with nukes. The pilots couldnt "secretly" be in on it and launch them, the interface wouldnt be installed, the COMSEC material wouldnt be available, etc. Youd have to kill half the base to hide the paper trail necessary to give the pilots the ability to launch. Several people dying from Minot is bad, of course, but then, crazy stuff happens. Motorcycle accidents, mind you, are the #1 non-war cause of dead in the Air Force. The Captain who died wasnt a pilot (he was Combat Weather, as evidenced by his pewter beret in the photo linked from your site). Captains are a dime a dozen, just like the Security Forces troop who died. Yes, a part of the Security Forces Squadron mission there would be do defend the nukes, but hes not at all involved in any of the process. He stands outside the door and checks IDs. Seriously, thats it. I have 5 cops (as they're generally cal led in the Air Force) I deal with every day where I work because I do computer stuff, and they have zero clue whats happening behind the door. They spend most of the day on the phone chit chatting with friends at other security posts about the latest dorm gossip about who slept with whom. So, to conclude, just chill out a bit about the conspiracy, its kinda silly. Plus, again, what would be the point? Its not a big deal to authorize a nuke mission. After 9/11 the entire Barksdale arsenal was loaded and on the flightline ready to fly. I wouldnt sweat 6 who someone forgot to unload. Feel free to republish, maybe it'll educate a few people. V/r 5386

Jack Carter: What really happened at Minot AFB

_____________________________ Project Camelot has been contacted by a Minot airman who has supplied precise answers to important questions raised by the Minot/Barksdale 'missing nukes' incident. The event was no accident. Below we present detailed testimony from Jack Carter, who has considerable experience handling nuclear weapons at the base. _____________________________ Click here for our reprint of Global Research's report on the Minot/Barksdale 'missing nukes' incident. In this important article, the author, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, posed the following questions: 1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale? 2. How long was it before the error was discovered? 3. How many mistakes and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen? 4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked? 5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored? 6. How many other nuclear command and control non-observations of procedure have there been? 7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee U.S. nuclear command and control? 8. How does this incident relate to concern for reliability of control over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia, Pakistan and elsewhere?

9. Does the Bush administration, as some news reports suggest, have plans to attack Iran with nuclear weapons? Update, 24 November: Will Thomas, in his excellent articles here, here (this second one especially important), and most recently here, suggests convincingly that this was a Chinese military hack... i.e. false orders that appeared so real that the command structure at Minot was deceived. Although incredible, it does seem to be one hypothesis that fully explains all the very strange anomalies in the incident. But read on: Click here for an update from Jack Carter, casting doubts on Will Thomas's claims (18 January 2007). __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ A Mi no t airman has supplied Project Camelot with detailed answers to these and other questions. The information is of such importance that we have felt obliged to present it as a stand-alone follow-up report. The name we have given our source, Jack Carter, is a pseudonym. We have not yet met him, but have conducted extensive correspondence by email. We are confident that he is exactly who he says he is: an experienced airman with extensive personal experience of nuclear weapons security procedures at Minot AFB. We believe that nothing we are reporting here is classified or constitutes any

breach of National Security. Our source is patriotic and responsible and he chose not to divulge certain information which was not pertinent to an analysis of what may actually have occurred. The e-mail transcript - essentially a written interview - follows. It is slightly edited and abbreviated for clarity, and we have omitted a number of personal references and identifying characteristics from his report to protect his identity. Jack has given his permission for us to release the following which was reviewed and approved by him prior to publication. _____________________________ Jack Carter Hello, Bill and Kerry. I have so much to say I don't know where to begin. I found your site through the Disclosure Project website. I spent ___ years in the USAF, the last ___ of which were at Minot AFB. I had considerable experience working with nuclear weapons. I can tell you that there is no way in hell that the six W80s that were transported, loaded and flown off the base could have happened without a significant number of officials knowing about it. I am talking from personal experience. If you are interested and have the time I would be willing to answer any questions that you have and go from there. Project Camelot Many thanks for your message. It's a pleasure and an honor for us to hear from you. Your confirmation of what happened at Minot from the standpoint of your experience is very important. We would welcome hearing about what you know and/or conclude from this entire incident, in as much detail as you feel willing to share. Everything will be held in total confidence. Jack Carter Thank you for the prompt reply. I will start this with a small amount of background that you will find interesting. I was born on __ _____, 19__. I grew up in ______.

When I was in leadership school at _____ somewhere around 19__, I had the privilege of having a conversation with _____ who at the time was our Wing Commander. Since I had a Top Secret clearance, I was told that we had already put a weapons platform in space. I never followed up on that. But felt that he had told me the truth. I worked as a munitions controller at _____. We worked in a room that was locked and was the size of about 12 feet by 16 feet. All communication was by telephone or radio except for a small window. We were responsible for tracking all of the conventional and nuclear weapons on base. We did this using lighted plexiglass wall units that covered almost the entire room. Items were tracked in triplicate. I had people who were placed in the control room from different aspects of the control process. I felt that any one of us who worked there needed to know everything that each team did so that we had overall knowledge of the entire process. I made each of my people spend time in each of the shops or work areas so that they understood what they were hearing about over the phone or radio when problems occurred. I am going to get into some detail here and will try to not get myself killed. I still care about national security and don't want to give anything away that might be used against us. So please understand I would feel better if I was standing right in front of you telling you this. As you might know everything in the military is given a serial number or item number and it was our duty to keep track of them. Weapons are kept inside the WSA or weapons storage area. Each weapon is separate and tracked that way. It is also tracked as a whole complete weapon system. In other words, the warhead is one number the booster is another and so on and so on. Any item associated with a warhead is tracked as part of nuke surety. For example if a warhead was down for maintenance we had to know about it. We had to know where that item was at all times. Daily briefings are held and I had to prepare the report for a staff meeting. Once I was asked to leave one of these meetings because my figures were wrong, and the Commander knew it. He was not happy with me and I got my ass chewed and made sure it never happened again. So what I am trying to say is that everyone from the munitions control room to the maintenance technician, to the transport team, to the weapons load team to the aircraft crew chief to the pilot and crew would have to know that

they were working with live nukes. There are procedures put in place to make sure that what has happened could never happen. I know this also because I have worked loading both inert and live nukes on B-52s at Minot and _____. So now I am faced with the question why were all of these safety precautions by-passed. There must have been some secret mission approved by SAC HQ and this must have been a pretty big event to even transport and load those nukes in the first place. I was told years ago that if I ever saw ALERT planes take off it meant that we were going to war. Something had to have gone wrong even if it was a special classified mission. I am having a very hard time with understanding all of the deaths associated with this. Even when information is leaked they could have come up with a cover story. Something is very wrong here. Project Camelot Very many thanks for your extremely interesting and important mail. I was told years ago that if I ever saw ALERT planes take off it meant that we were going to war. of course right at the core of it. In the Global Research article reprinted at, you'll see that the writer (Mahdi Nazemroaya) asked these nine questions: 1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale? 2. How long was it before the error was discovered? 3. How many mistakes and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen? 4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked? 5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored? 6. How many other nuclear command and control non-observations of procedure have there been? 7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee U.S. nuclear command and control? 8. How does this incident relate to concern for reliability of control over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia, Pakistan and elsewhere? 9. Does the Bush administration, as some news reports suggest, have plans to attack Iran with nuclear weapons?

We have two further questions for you of our own, if we may, which overlap with these above: 10. If the weapons were destined for the Middle East, would they have been transported from Minot - armed, as we understand? What other purpose might there have been? Although this seems almost inconceivable, might there have been a purpose to deploy them domestically? 11. What do you think may have happened at Barksdale? Are you willing to guess? Was it as many people have speculated - that a small number of very brave airmen somehow blew the whistle to bring the plan to a halt? What are the possibilities? Jack Carter I have to look at this from the perspective of a trained investigator. Once this gets published it is going to get attention and someone from AFOSI will be assigned to dig into it. So there is always a chance that all of what I say can be traced back to me. So with that in mind I have to say that we should be very careful what is published for the public. I want to get to the bottom of this and it is important. 1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale? Barksdale and Minot are like sister bases. Planes were always going to Barksdale for a few reasons, mostly training. I will very confidently state that all training is done on inert warheads. There would be no reason to take live weapons to Barksdale. However, there are aircraft placed on ALERT status fully ready to go. In all of my years in my position I can't recall ever seeing any ALERT aircraft ever leaving the ground. They might taxi down the runway in an exercise, but shutdown just at the point where they would take off. 2. How long was it before the error was discovered? All munitions are tracked in the control room. Everything involving these weapons is tracked. Everyone who touches these nukes has a checklist and there are Quality Assurance people who watch over you to make sure you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. The two-man policy comes into play here. No one person will ever be alone with a nuclear weapon. I can't speculate on how long it would take to identify an error of this magnitude because I can't logically see how it could have happened.

3. How many mistakes and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen? The warheads are kept separate from the missiles. They have to be mated. Then they have to be attached to the weapons support rack. Then they have to be checked for operational readiness. Then they are mated to a A W80 nuclear warhead being handled on the ground transport trailer. The transport trailer has to be cleared through the WSA (weapons storage area) then it would be brought to the flightline and a weapons load team would load it on the aircraft. The weapons load team chief would inform the aircraft crew chief and the aircraft crew chief would check to see if it was live or inert. The aircraft crew chief would then report to the aircrew and a member of the aircrew would check the status of the weapons. The munitions control room was responsible for keeping a minute by minute log of all events from the time the weapons were slated for transport until they were loaded on the aircraft and the aircraft was determined ready for flight. Along with all of these procedures the munitions control room was responsible for parallel communications with Job Control who tracks all work assignments on the base. Each work area is made up of several work teams, so let's dissect this and see what could have gone wrong. The weapons transport team (4 or more people) would have to have received an order to remove six W80 warheads from storage. They would have to then be transported to the workshop and mated to six ALCMs [Air Launched Cruise Missiles] by a team of at least 2 and most likely 4.

Then the transport team would have to transport the trailer to the weapons shop and then out of the WSA to the flight line. The WSA is the most secure place on the base and there are clearance procedures that have to be done on any weapon leaving that area (a team of 2 at least had to check that trailer and the weapons). So a work order telling a crew to transport six W80 warheads had to be issued from the maintenance scheduler. That would have to be reported to munitions control and job control. The work order to transport the rack and trailer would also have to be issued and tracked. The transport work order would also contain all of the item numbers of the missiles. When the transport people (or handlers) called in to tell the gate at the WSA that they were transporting, a team would inspect the trailer and missiles to insure that what they had was what was on the order. (I have seen handlers pick up a wrong trailer and get turned back because it was wrong and did not match the work order.) The amount of people who are involved with this at this time is already over 30 people and I am leaving things out for security reasons. By the time the aircraft would have left the ground it would be more like 60 people who would have had to have known that those nukes were live. There are too many safety precautions in place to have violated them all and this event to have happened. Every one of the people who work with nukes goes through a thorough background investigation and everyone is trained that if you don't do exactly what you are supposed to do you can be shot. The use of deadly force is authorized. Anyone who has ever been "jacked up" will tell you that they would never want to go through it ever again. So what I am saying is that inconsistencies are reported immediately because no one wants to get jacked up.
An Air-Launched Cruise Missile being loaded

4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked? 5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored? 6. How many other nuclear command and control non-observations of procedure have there been? As I stated above, someone had to issue the work order to mate the warhead to the missile. That work order would have to be authorized by a series of officers in the weapons squadron. The squadron commander would have to be in the loop and I find it very hard to believe that anyone could have been able to bypass all of the security protocols that were in place. I can not comment on or release any of these protocols. Rest assured that many were violated to be able to accomplish what has happened. 7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee U.S. nuclear command and control? Until we know why these nukes were loaded and flown, it will be almost impossible to come up with corrective measures that Congress or any other responsible agency can implement. 8. How does this incident relate to concern for reliability of control over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia, Pakistan and elsewhere? This incident is too complicated. The concern here is of course the utmost that we can have. Nuke weapons have been the most safeguarded items in history (except UFOs) because of what they could do if placed in the hands of the wrong people. I would feel much better if I found out that a plot to smuggle six W80s was concocted and the plan was intercepted by intelligence and allowed to take place in order to find out who was behind it. If I was the AF that's the story that should have been released. The fact that military personnel are dying in some strange coincidence seems to indicate that something sinister is going on here. When classified operations are conducted everyone involved is briefed on a need to know basis. A pilot would be briefed that he would be carrying live nukes. These nukes were purposely mated, transported, and loaded on the aircraft then flown to Barksdale. This was no accident. I refuse to believe that it was. Too many safeguards are in place and to even think that all of the safety protocols were able to be

bypassed by people in every aspect of the entire operation is just not feasible. 9. Does the Bush administration, as some news reports suggest, have plans to attack Iran with nuclear weapons? Even if the administration was going to do this, there are better ways to do this. I don't think a B-52 would be undetectable. And I believe that if Iran were attacked with nukes no-one would know about it until it happened. Let's just say that it might seem as if one of Iran's nuclear power plants were to suddenly blow up. It would be justification to condemn them in the world's view. The problem is that we have troops over there and we would be knowingly subjecting them to harm. So if a plant blows up we would start evacuation procedures at once. 10. If the weapons were destined for the Middle East, would they have been transported from Minot - armed, as we understand? What other purpose might there have been? Although this seems almost inconceivable, might there have been a purpose to deploy them domestically? No. They would go to another location. Don't ask where. These weapons are very destructive and detonating a large multimegatonsized warhead anywhere is asking for a nuclear winter. Just one might do the trick. The amount of fallout, if detonated in North America, could wipe out the entire U.S. Everything after that is overkill. Mutually Assured Destruction. [The W80, of course, is a smaller warhead.] 11. What do you think may have happened at Barksdale? Are you willing to guess? Was it as many people have speculated - that a small number of very brave airmen somehow blew the whistle to bring the plan to a halt? What are the possibilities? I think that someone was doing what they were supposed to do. They were following procedure and brought it to their supervisor's attention when they found the live weapons. Someone leaked this story to the media. I think a lot of people panicked when they realized what had taken place. The AF could have come up with "It's a classified mission" and left it at that and then it would have just been left to speculation as to what that mission was. The fact that they are calling it an accident does not compute in my military trained mind. The scenario that a very well orchestrated plan was allowed to unfold in order to catch those responsible is the only thing that

makes any sense to me. I could see suicides taking place as a result of the fear that they had been caught. I just can't see elimination as an end to justify the means. But then again a message might be being sent to those who are involved. I hope that I have helped in some way. I will do my best to answer anything that I can. Project Camelot We wonder if we could ask you for further clarification of what seemed to be a slightly oblique reply to question 10. Were assuming you meant by your first-line response to the question that Barksdale would NOT be the stepping stone to Iran. Do we read that correctly? (Were not asking you to reveal what the actual stepping stone would be.) Jack Carter I'm sorry if my answer seemed vague. It was not intended that way. 10. If the weapons were destined for the Middle East, would they have been transported from Minot - armed, as we understand? What other purpose might there have been? Although this seems almost inconceivable, might there have been a purpose to deploy them domestically? I don't believe the weapons were destined for the Middle East. There are other closer locations that would be better suited for that. After thinking about it last night, I realized that it might be a possibility but unlikely. In today's world I have to say that the things that we used to say could not happen, now fall into the realm of reality. If someone was trying to get hold of these, this would have to be a very large scale infiltration at both locations. When I was looking at this yesterday I was looking at this part as our own people behind this and could not fathom why we would use one of these. Here is something that I did not consider. It would be very embarrassing for our AF to admit that the program was infiltrated on a very large scale. It would be easier to say a mistake was made. If this has happened then there is an ongoing investigation into this and it is under the cover of the mistake.

If that is the case, then it begins to make sense. Whoever has gotten to the people that were able to almost pull this off would have to have used terrorist tactics to get people to do things that they would never even think about doing. If I was going to investigate this I would start looking at connections to family members. The people behind this might have killed some of the family members to drive a point home. If I am right about this, then steps have already been taken to fix this. I hope that is a better answer... _____________________________ We present this to further inform public debate about this incident. It's clear that many questions remain, and that there are other possible answers to some of the above questions already posed. We salute Jack Carter for his courage and patriotism in coming forward with the above information. It should be noted that he has dutifully been very careful not to reveal any information directly pertaining to National Security. Project Camelot, 23 November 2007 Update, 24 November: Will Thomas, in his excellent articles here and (especially important) here, suggests convincingly that this was a Chinese military hack... i.e. false orders that appeared so real that the command structure at Minot was deceived. Although incredible, it does seem to be one hypothesis that fully explains all the very strange anomalies in the incident.

B52 Nuke: Minot Air Force Base Airman DEAD . . . Source: B52 Nuke: Minot Air Force Base Airman DEAD ... Minot Air Force Base Airman Died While on Leave. September 14th, 2007 Remember the one about the B-52 bomber that, according to legend, had six nuclear weapons loaded onto it by accident, which, of course, could not have happenedby

accidentfor a dozen different reasons, or more. Airman 1st Class Todd Blue was assigned to the unit that provides security for that bomber wing at Minot Air Force base. He died while on leave in Virginia. No further details have been released. Was he on duty when those nuclear weapons were loaded onto the B-52, by accident? I expected to see many more deaths of Minot and Barksdale Air Force personnel in the wake of this incident.

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Replies to this thread - holy cow! The plot thickens. Very creepy. - I remember news accounts that 6 nukes left and 5 arrived. - Do we have a "Empty Quiver"? - There is no missing nuke. 6 left, 6 arrived. - Read the latest AQ Khan (BCCI) threads here in GD. - 4 Airmen are dead?? - Nothing to see here... move on.... only tinfoilers would suspect anything - Amazingly, tinfoil IS sanity with this bunch of criminals in power. - Yep. Makes it easier for us to find our allies! - Oh, shiny! - ... - Rest in peace, Airman Blue. - According to family, he committed suicide after having an argument with his fiance and parents. NT
soothsayer Rene roamer65 TheWraith blm hang a left havocmom vickiss havocmom vickiss orleans ClintonTyree TheWraith Sep-15-07 09:10 AM Sep-15-07 12:24 PM Sep-15-07 12:59 PM #1 #68 #78

Sep-25-07 05:25 PM #143 Sep-15-07 01:02 PM #79

Sep-15-07 10:35 PM #128 Sep-15-07 09:13 AM Sep-15-07 09:26 AM Sep-15-07 10:10 AM Sep-15-07 11:21 AM Sep-15-07 12:05 PM #2 #12 #33 #54 #61

Sep-15-07 03:20 PM #100 Sep-25-07 05:26 PM #144

- interesting. - I'm sorry for his family. Still, I find that scary. - There is still plenty of time for more unexplained 'accidents'........ - it's fluff! THEE big news is OJ! - Oh yes, and the State Dept. is working as hard as possible to crack down... - There is definitely something up-- this added to the Mother of the - Have the ever identified the person who leaked the story to the press? - Good question, acmavm. n/t - that was my first thought after reading the article... - Assasinated OMG this shows you guys how serious this is - He's been Tilmanned, along with 3 of the 7 soldiers that wrote the NY Times Op-Ed. n/t - I agree the Military is rebelling and they are trying to - For quite some long time, we also had mysterious deaths of servicement which looked like . .. - Three already? I thought it was two. They Bushies got another one? - It's up to 3 - He died? The last I read he was still with us. n/t - He's alive, AND he was shot BEFORE the op-ed happened. - Story here. The soldier shot in the head was(is) expected to survive. - What that the FRONT of his head or the BACK of his head? nt - Family - Wonder if he spilled the bean - Much as I love a good conspiracy... - Sometimes, those that were lowest on the totem pole are seen as being the least threat and are seen - If you look at the forums for that paper you will see there are - Thus expendable. - Will the Skep Ticks now step up and explain *this* one away. - No takers, I see... - here are 3 more - Minot Air Force Base , these statistics would

xchrom knitter4democracy Double T pretzel4gore AntiFascist Malikshah acmavm me b zola lavenderdiva lovuian IanDB1 lovuian

Sep-15-07 09:14 AM Sep-15-07 09:17 AM Sep-15-07 09:17 AM Sep-15-07 09:21 AM

#3 #4 #5 #6

Sep-15-07 03:37 PM #106 Sep-15-07 09:23 AM Sep-15-07 09:23 AM Sep-15-07 10:45 AM Sep-15-07 11:47 AM Sep-15-07 09:23 AM Sep-15-07 09:24 AM Sep-15-07 09:35 AM #7 #8 #43 #58 #9 #10 #18


Sep-16-07 12:26 AM #132

tom_paine ecdab rzemanfl TheWraith seafan gateley woodsprite MetaTrope Pachamama

Sep-15-07 10:22 AM Sep-15-07 11:14 AM Sep-15-07 11:16 AM

#37 #49 #53

Sep-25-07 05:28 PM #145 Sep-15-07 11:49 AM #59

Sep-15-07 04:07 PM #113 Sep-15-07 09:26 AM Sep-15-07 09:28 AM Sep-15-07 09:51 AM #11 #13 #27

alfredo colorado_ufo dbt dbt soothsayer annabanana

Sep-15-07 09:53 AM Sep-15-07 10:03 AM Sep-15-07 09:30 AM Sep-15-07 10:36 AM Sep-15-07 09:30 AM Sep-15-07 09:34 AM

#28 #32 #14 #41 #15 #17

suggest, - bit of info. - Wait a minute. - 3 shots in the back of the obvious suicide... - Excellent post, soothsayer! Swarm this story, DU! - More on the airman found dead in WA State - My family knew (and cooperated to hide) that my cousin, now a retired Lt. Col., had diabetes - Interesting coincidence to say the least. I would like to have further details, though. (nt) - Yes. lets be careful. It does the Dems no good to jump on this at this point. - died Monday while visiting family members in Wytheville, Virginia. - AF Secretary Visits MAFB - Exactly. The first thing we need to think about here is the political upside -. - The political aspect of this should not be the primary concern, I agree. - You just don't get it - it IS ONLY about politics - CORRUPT REPUKE FASCIST CHRISTIAN WACKO politics - Lighten up, Francis - No I won't "lighten up" honey - this is DEADLY serious... - hokay, knock yourself out - I agree, Tank - Hmm ... - Dems have to wake up to the fact that BCCI operations never stopped. - Then what happened? - Some people are too cowardly to do what's right - question. - I'm glad to read a couple more links for this....Yesterday I read - He died Monday--in the paper on Friday. ummmm - Plenty of time to formulate a cover up and destroy any evidence. - Details lacking. - this is an assignment for James Bond - At least there's no sharks with laser beams - lasers, microwaves baby!

uppityperson Suich Junkdrawer Pokey Anderson Pokey Anderson Oak2004 MJDuncan1982 rodeodance rodeodance rodeodance jgraz slowry MJDuncan1982

Sep-15-07 02:03 PM Sep-15-07 11:16 AM Sep-15-07 01:30 PM Sep-15-07 11:16 AM Sep-15-07 01:57 PM

#90 #51 #83 #52 #87

Sep-15-07 03:20 PM #101 Sep-15-07 09:33 AM Sep-15-07 09:38 AM Sep-15-07 09:39 AM Sep-15-07 09:42 AM Sep-15-07 09:45 AM Sep-15-07 09:49 AM Sep-15-07 10:34 AM #16 #19 #20 #21 #24 #25 #40

TankLV jgraz TankLV jgraz blm Delphinus blm LanternWaste Zhade snappyturtle rodeodance Double T lonestarnot bambino jgraz bambino

Sep-15-07 10:51 AM Sep-15-07 11:09 AM Sep-15-07 12:07 PM Sep-15-07 12:20 PM Sep-15-07 01:54 PM

#44 #47 #62 #67 #86

Sep-15-07 04:56 PM #115 Sep-15-07 05:21 PM #117 Sep-15-07 02:03 PM #89

Sep-15-07 09:28 PM #122 Sep-15-07 11:44 AM Sep-15-07 09:43 AM Sep-15-07 09:59 AM Sep-15-07 09:43 AM Sep-15-07 09:50 AM Sep-15-07 09:54 AM #57 #23 #30 #22 #26 #29

Sep-15-07 03:22 PM #102

- kick - I suppose it's time to buy more Alcoa stock - Damned straight, but also a cellphone with a camera - but - With three of the, what five? troops who sent that LTTE dead already - Cheney didn't have Halliburton fund that Blackwater Army - Oh crap...with the surge, there are fewer trained soldiers in our country. n/t - Let me guess, - tinfoil firmly in place...yeah - this is a "coincidence" - yeah, right... - the 'incident' is under investigation... - Death is UNDER INVESTIGATION - up ye go... - "Smirk, smirk, smirk" - Commander AWOL - Another strange story here: Sept 9: Family reports FLA Air Force captain missing - Also a couple of weeks ago here in WA State, a female military officer went missing, and her car - "He never made it to the event." - Something doesn't smell right - Suicide?.. - This posting says THREE Minot Airmen have died under "suspicious" circumstances. - What's the conspiracy about? - Who blew the whistle on it? - Oh hell yeah, I'm putting my hat on for this Mafia style hit. - it just makes me wonder, you know....9/11 would be a tough act to follow... - That airforce base probably has around 50,000 people on duty - Indeed - When judging whether a book or film is well written, I have a "3 wild coincidence" - Oh sorry tailwind - It Was Moved To GD From LBN - Wow, Reagan freedom fighters etc., all again. It's in their playbook. - And yet DU moves this story from LBN to General Discussion... strange - Not Strange - I believe it was because of the link

donsu slackmaster HereSince1628 bambino havocmom Bitwit1234 BadgerKid emmadoggy TankLV leftchick debbierlus Buttercup McToots SpiralHawk seafan paxmusa suffragette flblu2 truth2power Raster mainer Warpy TheGoldenRule Raster Pawel K MetaTrope greyhound1966 seemslikeadream Beetwasher pingzing58 CONN Beetwasher seemslikeadream

Sep-15-07 10:03 AM Sep-15-07 10:13 AM Sep-15-07 10:19 AM Sep-15-07 03:19 PM Sep-15-07 01:33 PM Sep-15-07 10:16 AM Sep-15-07 10:27 AM Sep-15-07 10:30 AM Sep-15-07 10:44 AM Sep-15-07 11:03 AM Sep-15-07 11:08 AM Sep-15-07 11:13 AM Sep-15-07 11:14 AM Sep-15-07 11:41 AM Sep-15-07 12:12 PM

#31 #34 #36 #97 #84 #35 #38 #39 #42 #45 #46 #48 #50 #55 #63

Sep-16-07 12:01 PM #136 Sep-15-07 11:43 AM Sep-15-07 11:56 AM Sep-15-07 12:17 PM Sep-15-07 12:15 PM #56 #60 #66 #64

Sep-24-07 09:24 PM #142 Sep-15-07 12:17 PM Sep-15-07 12:32 PM Sep-15-07 12:29 PM Sep-15-07 01:22 PM Sep-15-07 12:35 PM Sep-15-07 12:36 PM Sep-15-07 12:37 PM Sep-15-07 12:42 PM Sep-15-07 12:51 PM Sep-15-07 12:52 PM Sep-15-07 12:53 PM #65 #70 #69 #81 #71 #72 #73 #74 #75 #76 #77

- Watch for how many of these died *without witnesses* - Don't forget heart attacks that turn into accidental falls down a flight of stairs. - Sometimes... - 4 young men........ - What is the listed cause of death? nt - Is it five or six that were shipped? - One Nuke Missing . . . Four oof the Handlers Now Dead...scary - Impeach Now: Or the Smoking Gun will be a Mushroom Cloud... - This link might intrigue you, since you brought that up. - I'm not ready for tin foil hat yet - People are always going overboard but maybe that keeps things from happening! - "Four of the Handlers now dead"--where the FUCK do you get that - Kind of amazing, isn't it? nt - Congress is investigatng this???? Waxman???? - This is what happens to whistle blowers in fascist governments - Was this guy the possible leak on a rumored broken arrow - Flying nuclear bombs over America, landing with one missing, now - who has the missing one, Sherlock? - I'm not sure Sherlock was involved....try Cheney or any neo-con high - can't just 'lose' a nuke like that? - "The unexplained death of one of the crew"? THAT IS A TOTAL FABRICATION - Apparently two airmen from that base have died since the flying nuke thing - But this other one doesn't sound suspicious though - ever heard the term "fall guy"? nt - Does the term connect the dots mean anything? - Hmm start taking notes for a murder mistery - Wont matter - I bet Blackwater is involved big time in any covert operation... - This is serious shit, folx.

jgraz hang a left Ariana Celeste rodeodance SimpleTrend itsjustme

Sep-15-07 01:07 PM


Sep-15-07 10:52 PM #129 Sep-15-07 01:25 PM #82

Sep-15-07 09:49 PM #123 Sep-15-07 01:50 PM Sep-15-07 02:02 PM #85 #88 #91 #92

ElsewheresDaughter Sep-15-07 02:25 PM Junkdrawer calimary Crabby Appleton sce56 wienerdoggie Crabby Appleton defendandprotect liberal N proud kitty1 whistle bambino whistle bambino cryingshame whistle Crabby Appleton druidity33 sce56 nadinbrzezinski SirBlackAdder kitty1 FitzmasAgain Sep-15-07 02:26 PM

Sep-15-07 10:16 PM #125 Sep-15-07 03:19 PM #98

Sep-15-07 03:48 PM #108 Sep-15-07 10:15 PM #124 Sep-15-07 10:33 PM #127 Sep-16-07 12:42 AM #133 Sep-15-07 02:28 PM Sep-15-07 03:05 PM Sep-15-07 03:08 PM Sep-15-07 03:20 PM #93 #94 #95 #99

Sep-15-07 03:29 PM #103 Sep-15-07 03:31 PM #105 Sep-15-07 03:30 PM #104 Sep-15-07 03:41 PM #107 Sep-15-07 03:54 PM #109 Sep-15-07 07:38 PM #120 Sep-15-07 03:55 PM #110 Sep-15-07 03:17 PM #96

Sep-15-07 04:04 PM #112 Sep-15-07 03:57 PM #111 Sep-15-07 04:21 PM #114

- People!! There are *no more accidents* in Cheney/Bush World... - Deleted message - Cheney stole a Nuke - Is this yours? - Goddamn stupid post. Sorry, but it's true. And what's really fucking - it's not just one guy, it's four dead guys with connections to the nuke story - Explain to me the EXACT "connections", for all four men. I'm all ears. - kick - Mystery deaths should unify those who see their commanders as traitors. - TIMELINE - B52 incident / deaths / suspicious events. - 9/11 2.0 - Are 6 now dead? - Simple Error My Ass-Why Were Nukes Taken To JUMP-OFF Base For Middle East Ops?-Larry Johnson - ACMs were only recently added to the arsenal. - Mystery surrounds deaths of Minot airmen. - Names of the Airmen involved ALL died in tragic "accidents" WTF? - It's the Clinton Death List all over again... - Some conspiracy!! Call out the black helicopters! soothsayer
(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

bridgit Name removed bushmeat Husb2Sparkly wienerdoggie seemslikeadream wienerdoggie lovuian goforit tailwind hyperqube714 Reno.Muse seemslikeadream Octafish tailwind LaydeeLiberty SidDithers Noonecares

Sep-15-07 05:06 PM #116 Sep-15-07 05:27 PM #118 Sep-15-07 06:34 PM #119 Sep-15-07 08:46 PM #121 Sep-15-07 10:25 PM #126 Sep-15-07 10:54 PM #130 Sep-15-07 10:57 PM #131 Sep-16-07 11:21 AM #134 Sep-16-07 11:26 AM #135 Sep-18-07 12:31 AM #137 Sep-20-07 02:02 AM #138 Sep-24-07 04:58 PM #139 Sep-24-07 05:30 PM #140 Sep-24-07 05:42 PM #141 Sep-26-07 08:51 AM #146 Oct-12-07 11:45 AM #147 Oct-12-07 11:59 AM #148 Oct-12-07 10:56 PM #149

Sat Sep-15-07 09:10 AM Response to Original message

1. holy cow! The plot thickens. Very creepy.

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(758 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:24 PM Response to Reply #1

68. I remember news accounts that 6 nukes left and 5 arrived. Where's the missing nuke? They reported the B52 took 2+ hours longer than the normal flight should have been. Where did the plane go and leave the nuke bomb? This is the same time the Chinese hacked into Pentagon computers.....AND....within days the Air Force stood down. Now 4 Airmen, from the base are very mysteriously dead. Of the 7 soldiers that wrote for the NY times.....2 are dead and 1 shot in the head. Something is VERY wrong here......Something the American people need to learn about is happening right before our eyes. WHO will investigate? Who was on the flight crew and

who loaded the Jet....they need to be interviewed NOW. What's the investigation into the missing femail Airman, car found in Canada, revealing? I want answers to all of this mysterious business during these last few weeks.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:59 PM Response to Reply #68

78. Do we have a "Empty Quiver"?

Edited on Sat Sep-15-07 01:01 PM by roamer65

If 6 left Minot and only 5 were later found at Barksdale, we've got a BIG problem here. Where is that missing nuke?
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Tue Sep-25-07 05:25 PM Response to Reply #78

143. There is no missing nuke. 6 left, 6 arrived. The "5 arrived" story is simply a rumor that somebody started, based on the fact that the early reports mistakenly said it was five nukes that had been flown on the aircraft.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 01:02 PM Response to Reply #68

79. Read the latest AQ Khan (BCCI) threads here in GD.

Edited on Sat Sep-15-07 01:32 PM by blm

Resurrecting the NUCLEAR BOOGEYMAN who also just happened to be one of the main BCCI figures. Another BCCI figure that was MYSTERIOUSLY let off the hook at every turn.
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hang a left

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:35 PM Response to Reply #68

128. 4 Airmen are dead?? Do you have a link where you got that. That is too freaky.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:13 AM Response to Original message

2. Nothing to see here... move on.... only tin-foilers would suspect anything

Well, only tin-foilers and SANE PEOPLE who aren't in a trance state! This is looking more troublesome all the time.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:26 AM Response to Reply #2

12. Amazingly, tinfoil IS sanity with this bunch of criminals in power. I wear my hat proudly!

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:10 AM Response to Reply #12

33. Yep. Makes it easier for us to find our allies!

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Mnemosyne 54. Oh, shiny!

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:21 AM Response to Reply #33

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orleans 61. ...

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:05 PM Response to Reply #2

The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died Monday while visiting with family members. The statement did not say how he died. The base said Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. He enlisted in the Air Force in March 2006 and was assigned to the Minot base the following August. His squadron commander said Blue was known to step up to help out his fellow airmen.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:20 PM Response to Reply #61

100. Rest in peace, Airman Blue.

I hope there's nothing sinister about they way he died. If there is that would mean some within our Air Force have gone rogue. And THAT is not a pleasant thought. The time for peaceful protest may indeed be over.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Tue Sep-25-07 05:26 PM Response to Reply #100

144. According to family, he committed suicide after having an argument with his fiance and parents. NT
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:14 AM Response to Original message

3. interesting.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:17 AM Response to Original message

4. I'm sorry for his family. Still, I find that scary. What the hell is going on with this story?!
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Double T

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:17 AM Response to Original message

5. There is still plenty of time for more unexplained 'accidents'........ with NO FURTHER details released.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:21 AM Response to Original message

6. it's fluff! THEE big news is OJ! didya hear? OJ is the devil, tried to rob the casino, the sneaky monster! DAMN THE MAN! OJ Simpson is the most VILE human being who's ever lived! His crimes are unspeakable...too awful to discuss! but first let's discuss the hideous shirt he was wearing, looks out of a goodwill box! surely he's gonna get life! maybe 6 months! over to you woof...
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:37 PM Response to Reply #6

106. Oh yes, and the State Dept. is working as hard as possible to crack down... on heroin production in Afghanistan. The Taliban is just too prolific. This truly is turning into a cartoon.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:23 AM Response to Original message

7. There is definitely something up-- this added to the Mother of the soldier (who helped pen the Op/Ed on the war in Iraq and recently died in Iraq) who is questioning the details surrounding his death...
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:23 AM Response to Original message

8. Have the ever identified the person who leaked the story to the press? I haven't heard that they did.
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me b zola

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:45 AM Response to Reply #8

43. Good question, acmavm. n/t

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:47 AM Response to Reply #8

58. that was my first thought after reading the article... if this person was the guy who leaked the story...
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:23 AM Response to Original message

9. Assasinated OMG this shows you guys how serious this is We are at war in our own government Military personell are totally aware of this evil regime This man is a true hero

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Ian David

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:24 AM Response to Original message

10. He's been Tilmanned, along with 3 of the 7 soldiers that wrote the NY Times Op-Ed. n/t
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:35 AM Response to Reply #10

18. I agree the Military is rebelling and they are trying to now use oppression of our troops to shut them up THEY WILL FAIL
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sun Sep-16-07 12:26 AM Response to Reply #18

132. For quite some long time, we also had mysterious deaths of servicement which looked like . . . they were linked to drug trade in military -- large scale. Whistle blowers fell.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:22 AM Response to Reply #10

37. Three already? I thought it was two. They Bushies got another one? Please let me know if this is the case.
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(834 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:14 AM Response to Reply #37

49. It's up to 3 the third got shot in the head.

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:16 AM Response to Reply #49

53. He died? The last I read he was still with us. n/t

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Tue Sep-25-07 05:28 PM Response to Reply #53

145. He's alive, AND he was shot BEFORE the op-ed happened. The two other guys being killed in the truck rollover is tragic, but it's not a conspiracy.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:49 AM Response to Reply #37

59. Story here. The soldier shot in the head was(is) expected to survive. "As the piece was still being written, another of its authors was shot in the head."
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 04:07 PM Response to Reply #59

113. What that the FRONT of his head or the BACK of his head? nt
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:26 AM Response to Original message

11. Family - Wonder if he spilled the bean I'd be worried if I were them.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:28 AM Response to Original message

13. Much as I love a good conspiracy... Airman 1st Class is pretty low on the totem pole, security police units are pretty large, and people do die. Now if we hear he committed suicide with a shot to the back of his head, then I'd go "Hm..."
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:51 AM Response to Reply #13

27. Sometimes, those that were lowest on the totem pole are seen as being the least threat and are seen as "grunts"....until those grunts happen to know something or seen something and

talk....and then they become the most expendible....

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:53 AM Response to Reply #13

28. If you look at the forums for that paper you will see there are people posting there that could do the deed if there was an act of violence connected with his death.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:03 AM Response to Reply #13

32. Thus expendable. Gotta choose one of them to make an example. That'll keep the rest in line!
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:30 AM Response to Original message

14. Will the Skep Ticks now step up and explain *this* one away. Please use short words and go slow. K&R
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:36 AM Response to Reply #14

41. No takers, I see...

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:30 AM Response to Original message

15. here are 3 more NWO 'BENT SPEAR' UPDATE: Body of missing Air Force captain found in Washington Associated Press - September 9, 2007 11:15 PM ET PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - The body of a missing Air Force captain from Florida has been recovered in Skamania County, Washington.

Skamania County undersheriff Dave Cox says Captain John Frueh's rental car was found yesterday near Badger Peak and his body was discovered not far from the vehicle. Cox says foul play is not suspected. The 33-year-old captain arrived in Portland late last month to attend a friend's wedding. He last spoke with family on August 30th. -------------Minot airman dies while on leave The Associated Press Posted : Wednesday Sep 12, 2007 16:04:23 EDT MINOT, N.D. Minot Air Force Base officials say an airman from the base has died while on leave in Virginia. A statement from the base says Airman 1st Class Todd Blue, 20, died Monday while visiting with family members in Wytheville, Va. The statement did not say how he died but said the incident is under investigation. The base says Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. He enlisted in the Air Force in March 2006 and was assigned to the Minot base the following August. He constantly stepped up to help out his fellow airmen and was a vital presence in squadron sports and volunteer programs, Lt. Col. John Worley, the 5th Security Forces Squadron commander, said in the base statement. --------------Jul 5 2007 6:42AM Associated Press Minot, N.D. (AP) Authorities have identified a Minot Air Force Base man killed in a crash on the outskirts of Minot. Base officials say 20-year-old Adam Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday night. Barrs was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver is identified as 20-year-old Airman Stephen Garrett. He was taken to Minot's Trinity Hospital in critical condition ====================================================== Minot Airman dies in motorcycle accident

1st Lt. Weston Kissel, 23rd Bomb Squadron MINOT (AP) - A Minot Air Force Base bomber pilot was killed in a motorcycle crash in Tennessee, the base says. 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, was a B-52 pilot assigned to the 23rd Bomb Wing at the Minot base, said Lt. Col. Gerald Hounchell, the 23rd Bomb Squadron commander. Kissel died Tuesday in the crash, while on leave, the base said. Kissel, a native of Tennessee, graduated from the Air Force Academy in 2004, and arrived at the Minot base in July last year, the base said. > ************************
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:34 AM Response to Reply #15

17. Minot Air Force Base , these statistics would suggest, is like, the largest Air Force base in the country..(tell me yes)
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uppityperson 90. bit of info.

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 02:03 PM Response to Reply #17

Edited on Sat Sep-15-07 02:05 PM by uppityperson /,_Nort... As of the census2 of 2000, there were 7,599 people Since minutemen were decommissioned from ND, I am not sure if ND (if seceded) would still be 3rd biggest nuke power in the world.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:16 AM Response to Reply #15

51. Wait a minute. In the 1st story, the body of a presumably healthy 33 year old is found near his rental car in the woods and "foul play" is not suspected? That doesn't make any sense.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 01:30 PM Response to Reply #51

83. 3 shots in the back of the obvious suicide...

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Pokey Anderson

(176 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:16 AM Response to Reply #15

52. Excellent post, soothsayer! Swarm this story, DU! This needs more eyes. Get busy, research hounds!
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Pokey Anderson

(176 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 01:57 PM Response to Reply #52

87. More on the airman found dead in WA State

Edited on Sat Sep-15-07 02:02 PM by Pokey Anderson

Okay, by my count there are three airmen connected with Minot who have died recently. Airman Todd Blue Airman Adam Barrs Airman Weston Kissel Plus, Air Force Captain John Frueh from Florida.

Let's look at

John Frueh.


John Frueh Body of missing Air Force captain found Sept. 10, 2007 KOMO TV PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - The body of a missing Air Force captain from Florida has been found near Badger Peak in northeast Skamania County, Wash., Portland police said Sunday.

Acting on a tip from Portland police, Skamania County authorities found Capt. John Frueh's rental car about noon on Saturday. They quickly began a search and rescue mission and, with the help of search dogs, found Frueh's body near the vehicle about 5 p.m., the Skamania County Sheriff's Office said. Authorities said foul play is not suspected. Skamania County is located in south-central Washington along the Columbia River Gorge, a popular spot for hiking and other outdoor activities. Frueh, 33, came to Portland late last month to attend a friend's wedding. He last spoke with family on Aug. 30. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this nearly two-minute TV clip, taped while he was missing, Frueh's wife's sister mentions that he had a lot of high-tech things, such as a GPS. She also said he was responsible, a good father (two kids), etc. and would not just go off without calling. TV CLIP, FOX 12, -- 1:52 sec clip -- MISSING SOLDIER STORY,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Safety: Skamania County, Wash. Monday, Sept. 10 Oregon Forest searchers recover body of Air Force captain With help from some alert hikers, searchers recovered the body of U.S. Air Force Capt. John Frueh at 5 p.m. Saturday near Badger Peak, a scenic hiking destination in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, about 30 miles south of Randle, Wash. Skamania County Undersheriff Dave Cox said there was no sign that Frueh had been injured by another person. He would not release any other details about the death. An autopsy is planned Wednesday, Cox said. Frueh, 33, of Florida, went missing Aug. 30, five days after arriving in the Portland area for a friend's wedding. Last week, said Portland police spokesman Sgt. Brian Schmautz, a couple of hikers contacted the Lewis County Sheriff's office about a car they had noticed sitting in an unusual off-road spot. When Portland authorities identified Frueh's rental car and license plate number, they noticed a recent computer search on the plate from Lewis County. They contacted the Lewis County Sheriff's Office, which provided the hikers' rough description of the car's location. Skamania County sheriff's deputies and search-and-rescue personnel found the car shortly before noon Saturday. Five hours later, using search dogs, they found Frueh's

body near the car. ... -- Jill Rehkopf Smith ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ROUGH TIMELINE OF FRUEH'S DISAPPEARANCE Portland police seek Air Force weatherman missing on trip Posted by The Oregonian September 05, 2007 21:35PM Categories: Breaking News, Clark County, Portland Portland police are searching for a missing 33-year-old Air Force combat weatherman, last seen a week ago as he set off for a walk on Nob Hill. John Frueh, a veteran who served stints in Iraq and Afghanistan, flew in from Florida on Aug. 25 to attend his best friend's wedding on Sept. 2. Frueh was last seen heading out for a walk about 9:30 a.m. Aug. 29. He was wearing a blue jacket and carried a black backpack filled with a camera, a GPS and a camcorder. He had planned to fly home Tuesday to Hurlburt Field in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. ... Authorities in Portland found no activity on his credit or bank cards since he was last seen, Park said. However, the last call from his cell phone was made at 12:28 p.m. Aug. 30 from Mill Plain Boulevard and Interstate 205 in Vancouver. ... -- Kimberly Wilson; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Air Force captain from Florida missing Sept. 9 Gainesville Sun PORTLAND, Ore. - Portland police say an Air Force captain from Florida is reported missing in Oregon. He's identified as Capt. John Frueh, stationed in Florida. Police say he came to Portland Aug. 25 to attend the wedding of a friend and last talked to his family five days later. The police say he rented a car at the Portland airport after talking to his family, and his destination was unknown. The car also is missing.

The police say there's no indication of foul play. But family members have told the police they fear he's suffering from a medical condition, which the police have not described. The police say no cell phone or banking evidence indicates his whereabouts. - The Associated Press ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My notes: I can find no story, no sign of the autopsy results online. Maybe someone else can locate them. The mention of a "medical condition" may be real, or could be a red herring thrown in.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:20 PM Response to Reply #87

101. My family knew (and cooperated to hide) that my cousin, now a retired Lt. Col., had diabetes
Edited on Sat Sep-15-07 03:23 PM by Oak2004

If the Army had known, he'd have been forced to retire before he had earned his pension. My cousin worked hard to control his blood sugar and exceed all Army PT standards, and the Army never did find out. He's currently enjoying his second career as a school principal, still living in the home he bought when he was assigned to the Pentagon. While I don't know what happened in the case of this captain, it's certainly not impossible that the family would know of some medical condition of significance here which they wished to keep secret, nor would I find it surprising that the police would not be forthcoming to the media with the details of such a condition.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:33 AM Response to Original message

16. Interesting coincidence to say the least. I would like to have further details, though. (nt)
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:38 AM Response to Reply #16

19. Yes. lets be careful. It does the Dems no good to jump on this at this point.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:39 AM Response to Reply #19

20. died Monday while visiting family members in Wytheville, Virginia. Sep 12 2007 11:35PM KXMCTV Minot Authorities are investigating the death of a Minot Air Force Base airman who died while on leave in Virginia. Base officials say 20-year-old Airman 1st Class Todd Blue died Monday while visiting family members in Wytheville, Virginia. Blue enlisted in the Air Force in March of last year and joined the 5th Security Forces at Minot Air Force Base the following August.
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Sat Sep-15-07 09:42 AM Response to Reply #20

21. AF Secretary Visits MAFB AF Secretary Visits MAFB Sep 14 2007 7:29PM KXMCTV Minot The top civilian in the Air Force spent the afternoon at Minot Air Force Base today. Michael Wynne, the Secretary of the Air Force, arrived at the base about one-pm to gete a personal look at how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled. His visit comes two weeks after a B-52 bomber loaded with six nuclear warheads was flown from Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base. The bombs were not supposed to have been on the bomber and the incident sparked an investigation both on the incident itself, and on how nuclear weapons are handled. Base officials say Wynne's visit was added to an already-scheduled visit to several bases around the country....
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:45 AM Response to Reply #19

24. Exactly. The first thing we need to think about here is the political upside Holy shit. We have rogue nukes and dead witnesses. Do you think we might be able to leave the politics at the door on this one?
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:49 AM Response to Reply #24

25. .

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:34 AM Response to Reply #24

40. The political aspect of this should not be the primary concern, I agree. However, it should, at least, be considered.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:51 AM Response to Reply #24

44. You just don't get it - it IS ONLY about politics - CORRUPT REPUKE FASCIST CHRISTIAN WACKO politics That's the whole point - ONE political party is OUT OF CONTROL it IS about fucking POLITICS! Just like the American, French and Russian Revolutions were about "politics"... Get a fucking clue, will ya!!!
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:09 AM Response to Reply #44

47. Lighten up, Francis You're talking about a completely different kind of politics than I am. Take a deep breath, calm down, and you'll realize that you and I are saying exactly the same thing. You're just using a lot more capital letters.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:07 PM Response to Reply #47

62. No I won't "lighten up" honey - this is DEADLY serious...

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:20 PM Response to Reply #62

67. hokay, knock yourself out

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 01:54 PM Response to Reply #44

86. I agree, Tank which makes me wonder why the big picture escapes so many - including those who SAY they get it. Get it?
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 04:56 PM Response to Reply #86

115. Hmm ... in my local paper this morning, they had a "cartoon" of the boy king saying "we may have to drop a bomb on Iran" ... and then it was Britney's latest video. I wondered why, NOW, out of the blue, they were talking of Iran - this article you linked to explains much.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 05:21 PM Response to Reply #115

117. Dems have to wake up to the fact that BCCI operations never stopped. And THEN the pieces all begin to fit in.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 02:03 PM Response to Reply #44

89. Then what happened? Then what happened? Since I have far less wit and widson than do you, and you appear to be both calm and rational, is it possible you could elucidate those of us who are, well... stupid as to what happened? President going to hold a nuke hostage to ensure remaining in office another eight years? GOP going to start their own nuclear nation outside of Provo, Utah? They wanted to use the nukes to turn Cheney into Atom Man and the airman was onto them?

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:28 PM Response to Reply #24

122. Some people are too cowardly to do what's right - question. NT!
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:44 AM Response to Reply #19

57. I'm glad to read a couple more links for this....Yesterday I read the story on a site I thought would not have been "authorized" here. I think the story stinks of something. What are the chances of this many airmen dying on 'any' base at about the same time? All accidents? These men must have known too much. imho
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:43 AM Response to Reply #16

23. He died Monday--in the paper on Friday. ummmm

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Double T

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:59 AM Response to Reply #23

30. Plenty of time to formulate a cover up and destroy any evidence. Just like with JFK.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:43 AM Response to Original message

22. Details lacking.

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Rosa Luxemburg

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:50 AM Response to Original message

26. this is an assignment for James Bond make a great movie, nuke warheads stolen by Spectre to start off a world war! Airmen dead etc etc..
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 09:54 AM Response to Reply #26

29. At least there's no sharks with laser beams Now THAT would be scary.

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Rosa Luxemburg

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:22 PM Response to Reply #29

102. lasers, microwaves baby!

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donsu 31. kick nt

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:03 AM Response to Original message

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:13 AM Response to Original message

34. I suppose it's time to buy more Alcoa stock

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:19 AM Response to Reply #34

36. Damned straight, but also a cellphone with a camera You might want to leave your survivors a pic of that black SUV as it ran you off the road.
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Rosa Luxemburg 97. but

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:19 PM Response to Reply #36

they are not always black

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 01:33 PM Response to Reply #34

84. With three of the, what five? troops who sent that LTTE dead already Yep.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:16 AM Response to Original message

35. Cheney didn't have Halliburton fund that Blackwater Army for nothing people. They are going to take over....and bush and cheney will stay in power for ever.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:27 AM Response to Original message

38. Oh crap...with the surge, there are fewer trained soldiers in our country. n/t
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:30 AM Response to Original message

39. Let me guess, suicide? I'll be interested to see what they determine. Sad for his family and friends.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:44 AM Response to Original message

42. tinfoil firmly in place...yeah - this is a "coincidence" - yeah, right...

Edited on Sat Sep-15-07 10:51 AM by TankLV

going to keep track of this one CLOSELY...

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:03 AM Response to Original message

45. the 'incident' is under investigation... MINOT, N.D. (AP) - Minot Air Force Base officials say an airman from the base has died while on leave in Virginia. A statement from the base says Airman 1st Class Todd Blue, 20, died Monday while visiting with family members in Wytheville, Va. The statement did not say how he died but said the incident is under investigation. The base says Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. He enlisted in the Air Force in March 2006 and was assigned to the Minot base the following August. Fifth Security Forces Squadron commander Lieutenant Colonel John Worley called Blue a vital presence in squadron sports and volunteer programs.

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Sat Sep-15-07 11:08 AM Response to Original message


That's important. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Buttercup McToots 48. up ye go...

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:13 AM Response to Original message

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Sat Sep-15-07 11:14 AM Response to Original message

50. "Smirk, smirk, smirk" - Commander AWOL "We republicon homelander OCCULTISTS have our reasons, not that you little people need to know anything about - smirk, smirk, smirk" - Commander AWOL

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Sat Sep-15-07 11:41 AM Response to Original message

55. Another strange story here: Sept 9: Family reports FLA Air Force captain missing
Edited on Sat Sep-15-07 12:18 PM by seafan

This is ANOTHER strange story coming out after we heard about the B52 loaded with six nuclear warheads flying from Minot, ND to Louisiana last week. Family reports Fla. Air Force captain missing

Capt. John Frueh Sun, Sep. 09, 2007 (AP) -- Portland police say an Air Force captain from Florida is reported missing in Oregon, where he had gone to attend a friend's wedding.

He's identified as Capt. John Frueh, assigned to Headquarters, Air Force Special Operations Command at Hurlburt Field, in the Florida Panhandle. Police say Frueh flew to Portland Aug. 25 to attend the wedding of a childhood friend and last talked to his family five days later. He never made it to the event. The police say he rented a car at the Portland airport after talking to his family, and his destination was unknown. The car also is missing. The police say there's no indication of foul play. But family members have told the police they fear he's suffering from a medical condition, which the police have not described. The police say no cell phone or banking evidence indicates his whereabouts.

More from Air Force Times: Saturday Sep 8, 2007 Capt. John Frueh, assigned to Headquarters, Air Force Special Operations Command at Hurlburt Field, Fla., flew to Portland on Aug. 25, the report said. He was last seen going out for a walk the morning of Aug. 29, wearing a blue jacket and carrying a blue backpack with a camera, camcorder and GPS device. The last call placed from Fruehs phone was made around noon on Aug. 30 from a position in Vancouver, Wash., the report said. No activity has been detected on his bank or credit cards, authorities said.

And now, this new story today: Minot Air Force Base Airman Dies on Leave Sep 12 2007 11:35PM KXMCTV Minot Authorities are investigating the death of a Minot Air Force Base airman who died while on leave in Virginia. Base officials say 20-year-old Airman 1st Class Todd Blue died Monday while visiting family members in Wytheville, Virginia. Blue enlisted in the Air Force in March of last year and joined the 5th Security Forces at Minot Air Force Base the following August. Information on how Blue died has not been released.

UPDATE ON MISSING AIR FORCE CAPTAIN JOHN FRUEH : Body of USAF captain found Monday, September 10, 2007 Skamania County, Portland and U.S. Air Force officials on Sunday were awaiting the results of an autopsy on the body of Capt. John Frueh, which was recovered Saturday from the woods about 25 miles north of Carson. Skamania County Undersheriff David L. Cox said there was no sign of foul play. Cox said he could give no further details on how the Air Force captain died. Acting on information from the Portland Police Bureau, Skamania deputies used dogs to find the body of the 33-year-old Frueh about noon Saturday, not far from his unoccupied rental car. Cox said the body was found off Forest Service Road 2816, just east of Mosquito Meadows and northwest of Badger Peak in Skamania County, within the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. Frueh, a Florida resident, had come to Portland Aug. 25 to attend the wedding of a friend and last talked to his family five days later. Police said he rented a car at the Portland airport after talking to his family. Family members told police they feared he was suffering from a medical condition, which the police did not describe.

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Mrs. Overall

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Sat Sep-15-07 12:12 PM Response to Reply #55

63. Also a couple of weeks ago here in WA State, a female military officer went missing, and her car was found in Canada. I never heard an update to the story on whether she has been located.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sun Sep-16-07 12:01 PM

Response to Reply #55

136. "He never made it to the event." He went there to attend the wedding, but didn't go to the wedding. Hmmm - This is all very odd.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:43 AM Response to Original message

56. Something doesn't smell right

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truth2power 60. Suicide?..

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 11:56 AM Response to Original message

Look in the comments section of this article: Minot base officials say airman dies while on leave in Va. Sarah in Wytheville VA Troy, VA Reply |Flag |#7 Yesterday no it was not an accident. he was my friend and my sisters ex boyfriend. he took his life at home. his veiwing is this monday. his pic is on my myspace page which is below.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:17 PM Response to Reply #60

66. This posting says THREE Minot Airmen have died under "suspicious" circumstances. Chuck Simpson wrote: Actually you might need to keep it on. Todd's accidental death is the third of young airman stationed at Minot since July 2. After a solid week of research, I am convinced there is much to the Minot nukes story we haven't been told. I post in hopes both local reporters and the County Sheriff will be alerted to take strong "second looks" to assure Todd's death was truly nothing but a tragic accident. I find no information except that "the incident is under investigation". I am working on a major article concerning the Minot missing nukes affair. I definitely would like to here from anyone locally who has any info as to the circumstances of

Topdd's death. I can be reached at:

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:15 PM Response to Original message

64. What's the conspiracy about? The bomber incident is already out in the open and in the news. What would these deaths be all about? What do you suppose they're hiding? My worst tinhat scenario: someone's into our weapons cache and is planning a 9/11- type nuclear "incident" to incite a new war.
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Mon Sep-24-07 09:24 PM Response to Reply #64

142. Who blew the whistle on it? Speculation has been rife that Cheney was positioning warheads in the LA staging area while Stupid was conveniently out of the country. Who leaked this story to the press? Why was there no coverup? The whole thing stinks out loud. I'm just a little relieved that the wingnut sites got it wrong, that only one crew member is dead, even though the whole thing is suspicious as hell.
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earth mom

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Sat Sep-15-07 12:17 PM Response to Original message

65. Oh hell yeah, I'm putting my hat on for this Mafia style hit.

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Sat Sep-15-07 12:32 PM Response to Reply #65

70. it just makes me wonder, you know....9/11 would be a tough act to follow... as far as "Pearl Harbor-type events" go. I'm wondering where those nukes were destined to go, or should I say what city or cities those nukes may have been destined for. American cities. Four jets and two skyscrapers is a tough act to follow. My tinfoil take: a very brave unnamed persons or persons prevented nuclear weapons from being used to create The Reichstag Fire--Radioactive version. And now concerned

parties are trying to clean up loose ends as quickly as possible. I always have to laugh every time I remember all the bullshit about the Clintons and the supposed people they offed in their climb to power. All the years of lying of "suspicious deaths" and baseless innuendo from the talking heads. Now contrast that to la Familia Bush*. Now there's a group that knows how to kill to get what they want. Open just about every closet door in the Bush* mansion and you'll find a body. The "suspicious suicide" is a particular family favorite.
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Pawel K

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Sat Sep-15-07 12:29 PM Response to Original message

69. That airforce base probably has around 50,000 people on duty
Edited on Sat Sep-15-07 12:29 PM by Pawel K

if its anything like Kirkland AFB here. So what's you point? Nowhere in this story does it say that this man had anything to do with these bombers, it doesn't even say he was on duty at the time. What tin foil hat conclusions are you people jumping to since this thread is the most popular topic today with over 70 recs?
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MetaTrope 81. Indeed

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 01:22 PM Response to Reply #69

Even though I was in the fore with MIHOP certainty on day one, knowing the size and complexity of an Air Force base's operations doesn't really encourage me to look at one death, or even four, of apparently random personnel on the base as a set of deliberate hits. If we knew more about any connection they might have had with that flight's operation, well...
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Sat Sep-15-07 12:35 PM Response to Original message

71. When judging whether a book or film is well written, I have a "3 wild coincidence" rule, if the story needs more than 3 wildly improbable coincidences to work, it is badly written. An example of a wildly improbable coincidence would be the protagonist just "happens" to bump into the antagonist he is looking for on the streets of Manhattan during lunch hour. To recap this story so far, live but unarmed nuclear weapons are "accidentally" loaded on a B-52. There are multiple, redundant command and control permissions required to gain access to the facility where nuclear weapons are stored. Every permission is documented and

checked at each step in the process. Nobody, under any circumstances, is ever alone with them and the teams are constantly observed by multiple armed guards while inside the facility. The warheads are stored separately from from the delivery systems and are clearly marked as nuclear devices from every side. So, at least half a dozen officers separately granted access to the storage facility, guards on duty escorted the crewmen into the storage facility where more guards checked authorizations and allowed the warheads to be removed from their secure storage. The warheads were loaded onto small cruise missiles and then attached to the bombers hard points, still clearly marked as nuclear weapons, under the observation of the aircraft's commander. Somebody, please help me out here, but it is my understanding that when they are moved, nuclear warheads are transported by ground, not flown. If this is so, then it was understood by at least the commanders, the ground crew, the guards, and the plane's crew, that live nukes were attached to this aircraft, and wold have to assume that they were underway to be positioned for possible use. The bomber flies to the base in LA that just happens to be the launch point for Air Force units bound for Iraq. The story gets out and 4 days later one of the Airmen on the security force turns up dead. This story left 3 wildly improbable circumstances behind before the nukes left their storage lockers. And we're supposed to swallow this? Are we that stupid, or do they just believe that we are? &R

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:36 PM Response to Original message

72. Oh sorry tailwind I didn't see your post

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:37 PM Response to Reply #72

73. It Was Moved To GD From LBN n/t

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:42 PM Response to Original message

74. Wow, Reagan freedom fighters etc., all again. It's in their playbook.
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(249 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:51 PM Response to Original message

75. And yet DU moves this story from LBN to General Discussion... strange B52 Nuke: Minot Air Force Base Airman DEAD . . . This topic has been moved by the moderator of this forum. It can be found at: ...
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:52 PM Response to Reply #75

76. Not Strange Read the posting rules for LBN.

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 12:53 PM Response to Reply #75

77. I believe it was because of the link another link it probably would have stayed
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 01:07 PM Response to Original message

80. Watch for how many of these died *without witnesses* Mysterious suicides, single-car accidents, clear-sky plane crashes. There are just too many of these piling up around the BFEE.
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hang a left

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Sat Sep-15-07 10:52 PM Response to Reply #80

129. Don't forget heart attacks that turn into accidental falls down a flight of stairs. Oh yeah and falling out of 5 story windows with your shoes off.

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Ariana Celeste

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Sat Sep-15-07 01:25 PM Response to Original message

82. Sometimes... People die. I'd like more detail before I put on my tin foil.
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Sat Sep-15-07 09:49 PM Response to Reply #82

123. 4 young men........

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 01:50 PM Response to Original message

85. What is the listed cause of death? nt

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Sat Sep-15-07 02:02 PM Response to Original message

88. Is it five or six that were shipped? I found this blog stating that six were missing but only five in Barksdale- / Early news reports spoke of five nuclear warheads loaded onto the bomber. Apparently, this information was provided from Barksdale. That number was later updated to six weapons missing from Minot, apparently based on anonymous tips provided to Military Times by people at Minot. This information has also been forgotten. Conclusion Six nuclear weapons disappeared from Minot AFB in North Dakota. Five nuclear weapons were discovered at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. Which leads to my chilling conclusion: Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 02:25 PM Response to Original message

91. One Nuke Missing . . . Four oof the Handlers Now Dead...scary
Edited on Sat Sep-15-07 02:36 PM by ElsewheresDaughter

i read both accounts one said 5 nukes and another read 6 nukes were on that bomber ... News Stories and Flawed Explanations The story of the B-52 flight was first reported by Army Times, owned by Gannett, on Wednesday September 5. Gannett relied on information provided by "anonymous officers". The story was picked up by Yahoo Wednesday morning, published by USA Today and The Washington Pos, and then quickly spread. In response, the Pentagon quickly spread an official explanation. The Air Force admitted to an inadvertent error: The intent was to transport ACMs without weapons. According to military officers, the nuclear warheads should have been removed before the missiles were mounted on the pylons under the wings of the bomber. In the words of the Pentagon: "There was an error which occurred during a regularly scheduled transfer of weapons between two bases. The weapons were safe and remained in Air Force control and custody at all times." For almost the first time in the history of the nation, the military has publicly and promptly admitted it "made a mistake". This in itself is truly astounding. To reinforce the military's claim that a mistake was made, a system-wide stand-down was ordered for September 14. That official explanation was quickly explained away. The mistake was made intentionally, so a "deliberate leak" of a secret operation could occur. The CIA and the Office of Counter-Terrorism in the State Department explained that Barksdale AFB is a "jumping off point" for re-supply of the Middle East. The "deliberate leak" was intended to serve as a veiled warning to Iran. This deliberately misleading explanation is evidently intended to lead the public or Iran or both to logically conclude the missiles are bound for Iran. Bluntly, State and the CIA converted a whistleblower leak by true American patriots into a deliberate leak by official Washington, to scare Iran. More conflicting explanations followed. These missiles are part of a group scheduled to be

decommissioned. This would explain why they were shipped out of North Dakota. But the missiles were not transported on their way to decommissioning. Missiles are normally decommissioned at Davis-Monthan AFB at Tucson. Nuclear weapons are decommissioned at the Department of Energy's Pantex facility near Amarillo, Texas, accessed through Kirkland AFB in New Mexico. And military policy requires minimization of the number of flights made with nuclear weapons aboard. So the weapons should not have been mounted on the missiles, flown to Louisiana, un-mounted and flown to New Mexico. The mode of transportation is also a major issue not defused by official explanations. Per standard operating procedures, or SOPs, both missiles and nuclear warheads are transported primarily by air, in specially modified C-130s or C-17s. Under no peacetime circumstances do military SOPs allow transport of nuclear weapons mounted in cruise missiles mounted in combat positions on combat planes. Department of Defense Directive Number 4540.5, issued on February 4, 1998, regulates logistic transportation of nuclear weapons. By delegation of Commanders of Combatant Commands, movement of nuclear weapons must be approved by commanders of major service commands. Commanders of Combat Commands or service component commanders must evaluate, authorize and approve transport modes and movement routes for nuclear weapons in their custody. The Air Force is required to maintain a Prime Nuclear Airlift Force capability to conduct the logistic transport of nuclear weapons. Under SOPs, combat planes with combat-ready nuclear weapons can only be flown on the authority of the Commander in Chief, the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the National Military Command Authority. All of these transportation regulations were flagrantly violated on August 30. Handling Violations Violations of regulations concerning handling of the nuclear weapons in North Dakota are worse. A sophisticated computerized tracking system is used for nuclear weapons. Multiple signoffs are required to remove the weapons from their storage bunkers. The AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile was designed to carry nuclear weapons. No nonnuclear warhead is available for this missile. So the only possible error could have been loading nuclear warheads on the missiles instead of practice dummies. The practice warheads have standard blue and yellow signs declaring "Inert, nonnuclear". The nuclear warheads have at least three distinctive red warning signs. This error is therefore highly improbable, absent tampering with signage.

Nuclear weapons are transported from the storage bunker to the aircraft in a caravan that routinely includes vehicles with machine guns front and rear and guards with M-16s. All steps in the process are done under the watchful eyes of armed military police. Rules require that at least two people jointly control every step of the process. If one person loses sight of the other, both are forced to the ground face-down and temporarily "placed under arrest" by observant security forces. All progress stops until inspections are made to assure the weapons weren't tampered with. All nuclear weapons are connected to sophisticated alarm systems to prevent removal or tampering. They could only be removed from the storage bunker by turning the alarm off. And the squad commander clearly would not have authority to turn off the alarm. The Impossible Mistake Bluntly, the mistake of loading nuclear weapons on a combat aircraft in combat-ready position is simply not possible to make. Safeguards are far too stringent and far too many people would be involved. Particularly given that the mounting was in violation of policy that's been in place without exception for almost 40 years.

The paramount issue will be avoided, if necessary with repetition of the reassurance that the Air Force was in control at all times. The weapons were only missing during the 3.5hour flight. At Barksdale, the missiles were considered to be unarmed items headed for modernization or the scrap heap, and of no particular importance. They were left unguarded for almost ten hours. According to one report, almost ten hours were required for airmen at Minot AFB to convince superiors that the nuclear weapons had disappeared. According to information provided to Congress, this time lapsed before airmen at Barksdale "noticed" the weapons were present. News reports will continue to overlook this fact also. Even here the focus is on time. The number of missiles and warheads issue was overlooked. Early news reports spoke of five nuclear warheads loaded onto the bomber. Apparently, this information was provided from Barksdale. That number was later updated to six weapons missing from Minot, apparently based on anonymous tips provided to Military Times by people at Minot. This information has also been forgotten. Conclusion Six nuclear weapons disappeared from Minot AFB in North Dakota. Five nuclear weapons were discovered at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. Which leads to my chilling conclusion:

Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon. What next? The answer has been provided several times, most recently by CIA Director and General Michael Hayden. On September 7, dressed in full military uniform, Hayden told assembled members of the Council of Foreign Relations: "Our analysts assess with high confidence that al-Qaida's central leadership is planning high-impact plots against the U. S. homeland." "We assess with high confidence that al-Qaida is focusing on targets that would produce mass casualties, dramatic destruction and significant aftershocks." An eye for an eye. Use of nukes will justify use of nukes. A perfect excuse to wage nuclear war against Iran.

B52 Nuke: Minot Air Force Base Airman DEAD ... Minot Air Force Base Airman Died While on Leave. September 14th, 2007 Remember the one about the B-52 bomber that, according to legend, had six nuclear weapons loaded onto it by accident, which, of course, could not have happenedby accidentfor a dozen different reasons, or more. Airman 1st Class Todd Blue was assigned to the unit that provides security for that bomber wing at Minot Air Force base. He died while on leave in Virginia. No further details have been released. Was he on duty when those nuclear weapons were loaded onto the B-52, by accident? I expected to see many more deaths of Minot and Barksdale Air Force personnel in the wake of this incident. _________________________________________________ NWO 'BENT SPEAR' UPDATE: Body of missing Air Force captain found in Washington Associated Press - September 9, 2007 11:15 PM ET PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - The body of a missing Air Force captain from Florida has been

recovered in Skamania County, Washington. Skamania County undersheriff Dave Cox says Captain John Frueh's rental car was found yesterday near Badger Peak and his body was discovered not far from the vehicle. Cox says foul play is not suspected. The 33-year-old captain arrived in Portland late last month to attend a friend's wedding. He last spoke with family on August 30th. -------------Minot airman dies while on leave The Associated Press Posted : Wednesday Sep 12, 2007 16:04:23 EDT MINOT, N.D. Minot Air Force Base officials say an airman from the base has died while on leave in Virginia. A statement from the base says Airman 1st Class Todd Blue, 20, died Monday while visiting with family members in Wytheville, Va. The statement did not say how he died but said the incident is under investigation. The base says Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. He enlisted in the Air Force in March 2006 and was assigned to the Minot base the following August. He constantly stepped up to help out his fellow airmen and was a vital presence in squadron sports and volunteer programs, Lt. Col. John Worley, the 5th Security Forces Squadron commander, said in the base statement. --------------Jul 5 2007 6:42AM Associated Press Minot, N.D. (AP) Authorities have identified a Minot Air Force Base man killed in a crash on the outskirts of Minot. Base officials say 20-year-old Adam Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday night. Barrs was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver is identified as 20-year-old Airman Stephen Garrett. He was taken to Minot's Trinity Hospital in critical condition ======================================================

Minot Airman dies in motorcycle accident 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, 23rd Bomb Squadron MINOT (AP) - A Minot Air Force Base bomber pilot was killed in a motorcycle crash in Tennessee, the base says. 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, was a B-52 pilot assigned to the 23rd Bomb Wing at the Minot base, said Lt. Col. Gerald Hounchell, the 23rd Bomb Squadron commander. Kissel died Tuesday in the crash, while on leave, the base said. Kissel, a native of Tennessee, graduated from the Air Force Academy in 2004, and arrived at the Minot base in July last year, the base said.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 02:26 PM Response to Reply #91

92. Impeach Now: Or the Smoking Gun will be a Mushroom Cloud...

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:16 PM Response to Reply #92

125. This link might intrigue you, since you brought that up.
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Crabby Appleton

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:19 PM Response to Reply #91

98. I'm not ready for tin foil hat yet Barrs death doesn't quite sound like a hit, car driver going 70 and charged in death: 1LT Kessel died in July CPT Frueh wasn't stationed at Minot but at Eglin AFB - Florida Airman Todd Blue, cause of death unavailable yet

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:48 PM Response to Reply #98

108. People are always going overboard but maybe that keeps things from happening!
Edited on Sat Sep-15-07 03:48 PM by sce56

Look at the tape we were given of Bin Laden it is a fake watch it here His picture freezes before he talks about current events they even blackened his beard to change his look lousy photo shopped video. All in preparation for another big attack?
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:15 PM Response to Reply #91

124. "Four of the Handlers now dead"--where the FUCK do you get that from ANY of the information provided here? One guy was an SP--do you know what that is? That's a POLICE OFFICER in the Air Force. They guard the base and the gates, they stop speeders, they protect the flightline--they DON'T HANDLE NUKES. A B-52 pilot wrecked his bike on leave. Chances are he didn't pilot the plane in question, and chances are he, you know, really WRECKED HIS BIKE. The 33-year-old captain was from FLORIDA, and was a WEATHER guy--had nothing to do with Minot or nukes. The young airman (Barr) at Minot died as a passenger when the car failed to negotiate a curve--do you honestly think the civilian police are in cahoots enough with the military to make up a fraudulent scenario for their investigation of an accident? They don't even fucking say what UNIT he's in at Minot! Holy shit, we have reached new lows at DU, when we simply MAKE SHIT UP and then try to draw conclusions from our fiction. Get a fucking grip!! And if you don't know a goddamn thing about how the Air Force operates, then admit it and don't fucking jump to stupid conclusions!
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Crabby Appleton

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:33 PM Response to Reply #124

127. Kind of amazing, isn't it? nt

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sun Sep-16-07 12:42 AM Response to Reply #91

133. Congress is investigatng this???? Waxman????

Edited on Sun Sep-16-07 12:42 AM by defendandprotect

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liberal N proud

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 02:28 PM Response to Original message

93. This is what happens to whistle blowers in fascist governments Either killed by assumed accident or just disappear
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(772 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:05 PM Response to Original message

94. Was this guy the possible leak on a rumored broken arrow Maybe he knew too much for his own good. If he was on security detail, they wouldn't want to take any chances at all on his revealing more. The military might suspect him as being a mole possible and had him killed. They won't take any chances whatsoever on anything else unclassified getting out. Something huge and obviously covert must be going on behind the scenes. Okay, I'll take my tinfoil off now. You never know though
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:08 PM Response to Original message

95. Flying nuclear bombs over America, landing with one missing, now ...and unexplained death of one of the crew....What else will come out of all this?
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Rosa Luxemburg

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:20 PM Response to Reply #95

99. who has the missing one, Sherlock?

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:29 PM Response to Reply #99

103. I'm not sure Sherlock was involved....try Cheney or any neo-con high ...ranking military person
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Rosa Luxemburg

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:31 PM Response to Reply #103

105. can't just 'lose' a nuke like that?

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:30 PM Response to Reply #95

104. "The unexplained death of one of the crew"? THAT IS A TOTAL FABRICATION one person who works on the Minot Air Force base has died. ONE. It was NOT 'one of the crew'. You just made that up. It was one troop on a base of thousands. People die. It is unexplained only to the extent no newspaper has interviewed the family for details.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:41 PM Response to Reply #104

107. Apparently two airmen from that base have died since the flying nuke thing <see>
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Crabby Appleton

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:54 PM Response to Reply #107

109. But this other one doesn't sound suspicious though Driver in fatal crash charged with negligent homicide MINOT, N.D. (AP) The driver of a car involved in a crash that killed an airman from Minot Air Force Base in July has been charged with felony negligent homicide. Authorities say 20-year-old airman Stephen Garrett was the driver of the car in which 21year-old Adam Barrs was killed. Court documents say Garrett failed to negotiate a curve on the outskirts of Minot. The car crashed and caught fire. An autopsy showed Barrs died of head and neck injuries suffered in the crash. The Highway Patrol says Garrett told a trooper that he was driving about 70 miles an hour at the time of the crash. The posted speed limit in the area is 25.

Garrett's preliminary appearance has been set for September 25th in Northwest District Court in Minot.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 07:38 PM Response to Reply #109

120. ever heard the term "fall guy"? nt

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:55 PM Response to Reply #104

110. Does the term connect the dots mean anything? Nukes accidentally loaded on a plane violating multiple security protocols? Sent to decommission at an Air base that has nothing to do with decommissioning? Anonymous whistle blower leaks to Military Times the events? Six or Five nukes unsecured for ten hours on a base? The chance of a nuke being loaded accidentally is unreal these are our most dangerous weapons you don't accidentally load them period.

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:17 PM Response to Original message

96. Hmm start taking notes for a murder mistery and what are the damn odds?
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(17 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 04:04 PM Response to Reply #96

112. Wont matter .....if they are planning a nuke, it wont matter if we know it, they would be trying to destroy constitutional America for some occultist reason. So basicly all the stuff about gold going higher, all the right wing christian kook stuff is comming around. Throw in Chertoff saying he had a 'Funny Feeling' I think this is a 60's thing, with the 60's generation neo-c0ns. We have to remember Bush Sr was kind of pissed off at Jr. for the CIA fiasco. Sr. Buch-co probably caught HELL for that screw up. Its like some kind of WASP-mafia nightmare,

Welcome to humanity. Just remember the line from Hitch Hikers guide to the Universe if it hits the fan: "DON'T PANIC" ...that line got me through some crazzy-ass jonga weed more than once!

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(772 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 03:57 PM Response to Original message

111. I bet Blackwater is involved big time in any covert operation... going down. They have grown substantially and have more power right now in the U.S. than the regular air force does. They're operating their own private Air Force right now, and just purchased some Brazilian bombers recently. It wouldn't surprize me a bit if it was mercs who killed those airmen. They're noted for doing a lot of Cheney's dirty work for him. Especially in Iraq. Assasinations are probably their specialty.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 04:21 PM Response to Original message

114. This is serious shit, folx. The pressing questions are: Who is doing the investigation? Can they be trusted? Are the investigators part of the murdering squad?
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 05:06 PM Response to Original message

116. People!! There are *no more accidents* in Cheney/Bush World... This Manchurian Candidate fucking bullshit Must Stop!! k&r'd if only for it's glimpse into the dark/black hearts of pure evil
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Name removed

(0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 05:27 PM Response to Original message

118. Deleted message Message removed by moderator. Click here to review the message board rules.


(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 06:34 PM Response to Original message

119. Cheney stole a Nuke

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Stinky The Clown 121. Is this yours?

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 08:46 PM Response to Original message

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:25 PM Response to Original message

126. Goddamn stupid post. Sorry, but it's true. And what's really fucking sad is that this is just a regular everyday tragic too-young death of a guy that none of us know, but we have to use him, to fit him in somehow to our nutty conspiracy theories so we can have some entertainment over the weekend. Nice.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:54 PM Response to Reply #126

130. it's not just one guy, it's four dead guys with connections to the nuke story
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sat Sep-15-07 10:57 PM Response to Reply #130

131. Explain to me the EXACT "connections", for all four men. I'm all ears.
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lovuian 134. kick kick

(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sun Sep-16-07 11:21 AM Response to Original message

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Sun Sep-16-07 11:26 AM Response to Original message

135. Mystery deaths should unify those who see their commanders as traitors.
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(192 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Tue Sep-18-07 12:31 AM Response to Reply #135

137. TIMELINE - B52 incident / deaths / suspicious events. FEEL FREE TO CLEAN THIS UP AS IT NEEDS MORE WORK. 5-24: Air Force and Boeing give 80 million for upgrades on B52s / work done at Minot Air Force Base in Barksdale. 6-5: Colonel Eldon Woodie / Commander at Minot Air Force Base and B52 bomber wing / retired and now runs ROTC at a HS in AL-says it's his way of giving back to the military / Colonel Bruce Emig from South Dakota took his place 7-3: Adam Barrs / airman from Minot Air Force Base / died in car crash / was responsible for troubleshooting communication and navigation mission systems on B-52s / his myspace page: 7-4 Crash on outskirts of Minot kills man. 7-19: Weston Kissel / B52 bomber pilot at Minot Air Force Base; 23rd wing / died in motorcycle accident on leave in TN 7-31: Jeffrey Eberts / 23 yrs. old / died after being pushed off building / body found on 23rd in Minot 8-9: B52 simulation of a preemptive or planned attack / Minot Airforce Base 8-30: billion dollar 'bin laden trades' placed on NYSE 8-30: B52 'accidentally' carries nukes. 9-8: Rep. E. Gillmor (R-Ohio) / Arlington, VA / died of blunt head and neck trauma 9-8-: Capt. John Frueh/ US Air Force Captain from FL/ in Oregon for wedding/ body found in Washington state / last heard from 8-30

9-10: Todd Blue / was assigned to the unit that provided security for the B52 that had the accidental nukes / Minot Air Force Base / died on leave in VA 9-13: Jennifer Dunn / R-WA/ died at her home in Alexandria, VA from pulmonary embolism. 9-14 Stand Down. 9-15: Husband and wife die in motorcycle wreck / from Barksdale Air Force Base 9-15: starting August 15, 2001, Army limits public access to bases near Washington DC. 9-17 - 9-18: WASHINGTON, DC -- US military bases in the continental United States (CONUS) will go on special lockdown between September 17 and September 21 under the auspices of Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield '07.
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hyperqube714 138. 9/11 2.0

(5 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Thu Sep-20-07 02:02 AM Response to Reply #137

Edited on Thu Sep-20-07 02:02 AM by hyperqube714

this nuke will probably used in the next 9/11 attack that Bush will use as the pretext for declaring martial law. 11/7
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(307 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Mon Sep-24-07 04:58 PM Response to Reply #138

139. Are 6 now dead?

Edited on Mon Sep-24-07 04:58 PM by Reno.Muse

I'm new. Sorry if this is a repeat from somewhere else. I just read this article at so thanks.
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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Mon Sep-24-07 05:30 PM Response to Original message

140. Simple Error My Ass-Why Were Nukes Taken To JUMP-OFF Base For Middle East Ops?-Larry Johnson Simple Error My Ass One main question remains unanswered? Why are such weapons being taken to Barksdale, Louisiana, which is the jump off base for Middle East ops? Just asking. (Going thru my mailbox came across the following from a friend and former B-52 pilot. The pilots views inform my observations) Obviously there are two possibilities: 1. this was an error and the events that occurred were a tragic mistake of far reaching proportions; and 2. the nuclear weapons were moved on purpose. The destination of the aircraft was Barksdale AFB, LA from which a number of the strikes on the Middle East have initiated. Speculation would lead us to believe the weapons were being stockpiled at this facility for a possible strike somewhere in the world. Additional speculation would also lead us to believe the strike was to occur in the very near future. Why else the need to forego the normal overland transportation procedures for nuclear weapons and risk flying them to their destination in violation of a treaty with the Russians. Also how is it the press was aware of this movement? After all who would be suspicious of a B-52 taking off from a B-52 base and a B-52 landing at a B-52 base. This event goes on many times each day for practice missions and training. Some one had to have leaked the information to the press that the U.S. was moving nuclear weapons by air in a treaty violation. This leads us to two possible scenarios. 1. Whoever leaked the information would have been someone in a position of authority knowing what was going on and concerned the U.S. was actually attempting to use nuclear weapons somewhere in the world and wanting to stop it by exposing it. This someone would have had to have a security clearance of some kind and violated the trust under which it was issued thus being exposed to severe penalties and jail time for potential treason etc. Facing such severe penalties someone would have to be totally committed to his/her own conscience/moral beliefs. This preemptive exposure would put the U.S. on a difficult footing and loss of the surprise factor, thus potentially curtailing the mission. 2. The other possibility would be the information on the flight was leaked on purpose in an attempt to influence a foreign government, group or situation to move in a particular direction. That the U.S. was Saber rattling and the stakes were high enough to risk antagonizing the Russians to accomplish it. (With the possibility the Russians were supporting the action and willing to overlook the violation as exemplified by their lack of

response in the entire situation.) In either case we have only seen some minor actions taking by the Department of Defense in an attempt to say; well, by accident we left a few nucs laying around on some missiles we were going to destroy and they accidentally got loaded onto a plane that by some coincidence happened to be going to a base other than the one it was assigned to (we rarely fly B-52s assigned at one station to another station). B-52s usually take off from their home base, fly their mission anywhere in the world by aerial refueling and then return to the base from which they departed. Often these flights take over 20 to 30 hours. If this was a mistake what is happening to the general officers in the chain of command who would have had to issue lawful orders for the movement of those weapons and all those in the custodial chain who would have had to sign for each weapon as they gained possession of them? It just doesnt add up. Especially when there is a line item in the budget before Congress to upgrade the missiles the Air Force says they were about to destroy. There appears to be too many loose ends still dangling. In addition to all of this did anyone notice how quickly this entire situation quieted down. Usually the press would play on such a world shaking event for months. They do for other things like the first birthday of Anna Nicoles daughter. Weve heard about that for weeks on end. But, for a world event with treaty violation implications, no protests from the other treaty signers or other major world players, we get about three days of news attention and it goes away. It seems the exposure has played its roles and has gone away with hopes all is forgotten. In closing, again we are not privileged in knowing all of the facts and undercover goings on in this matter to be fully aware of what the real intent of this action, but it appears to be more than what the surface information appears.

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Mon Sep-24-07 05:42 PM Response to Reply #140

141. ACMs were only recently added to the arsenal. The older cruise missiles are being replaced. The chimp's story stinks like a dung-covered apologist.
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(192 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Wed Sep-26-07 08:51 AM Response to Reply #141

146. Mystery surrounds deaths of Minot airmen. Mystery surrounds deaths of Minot airmen.
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(1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Fri Oct-12-07 11:45 AM Response to Original message

147. Names of the Airmen involved ALL died in tragic "accidents" WTF? It seems that several of the Airmen involved with this impossible mistake have been systematically eliminated, or as the press has reported it, theyve all died in tragic accidents, all within two weeks of the incident, one of them in SW Washington. Wei rd! Heres a list of all the Servicemen that have mysteriously and coincidentally died in accidents in the two weeks following their involvement with the impossible accidental transport of nuclear warheads on a combat aircraft in combat ready position: Name Rank Age Location Report Todd Blue Airman First Class 20 Minot AFB, ND September 12: while on leave Monday visiting with family members in Virginia. Adam Barrs Airman 20 Minot AFB, ND was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday night. Stephen Garrett Airman 20 Minot AFB, ND driving the vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday night. 1st Lt. Weston Kissel Pilot - 23rd Bomb Wing 28 Minot AFB, ND killed in a motorcycle crash in Tennessee while on leave, the base said. Clint Huff Senior Airman 29 Barksdale AFB, LA was driving a 2007 Harley Davidson motorcycle with his wife, Linda Huff, as a passenger. attempted to pass (a) van on the left in a no passing zone and they collided. Capt. John Frueh Air Force Captain 33 Minot AFB, ND September 9: The body of a missing Air Force captain from Florida has been found near Badger Peak in northeast Skamania County, Wash. It almost seems like someone is covering their tracks,???

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(1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore

Fri Oct-12-07 11:59 AM Response to Reply #147

148. It's the Clinton Death List all over again... What was their specific "involvement" with the incident? Sid

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Fri Oct-12-07 10:56 PM Response to Reply #147

149. Some conspiracy!! Call out the black helicopters! Lt. Kissel died on July 17th due to a traffic accident on a motorcycle. Airman Barrs died on July 4th due to a traffic accident traveling too fast and hitting a tree. Airman Blue died on Sept 12th, suicide seems to be the cause here. Captain Frueh, not assigned to either Barksdale or Minot and found thousands of miles away in Washington State! Airman Huff died on Sept 15th along with his wife in another traffic accident. Unless something more definitively comes out, like what were these airmen actually assigned to move nukes, the only thing to take with these incidents is that the airforce has alot of bad drivers?

Loose nukes and a cluster of dead airmen

by Dave Lindorff
This article appeared initially in the Oct. 22, 2007 issue of American Conservative magazine. The American Conservative has discovered that to date, more than a month after the incident, Pentagon investigators have completely ignored a peculiar cluster of six deaths during the weeks immediately preceding and following the B52 flight. Wed, 11/21/2007The unauthorized Aug. 29 cross-country flight of a B-52H Stratofortress armed with six nucleartipped AGM-29 Advanced Cruise missiles, which saw these 150-kiloton warheads go missing for 36 hours, has all the elements of two Hollywood movies. One would be a thriller about the theft from an armed weapons bunker of six nukes for some dark and murky purpose. The lead might be played by Matt Damon. The other movie would be a slapstick comedy about a bunch of bozos who couldnt tell the difference between a nuclear weapon and a pile of dummy warheads. The lead might be played by Adam Sandler, backed by the cast of Police Academy III. So far, the Pentagon, which has launched two separate investigations into the incident, seems to be assuming that it is dealing with the comedy version, saying that some incredible mistake led to nuclear weapons being taken

inadvertently from a weapons-storage bunker, loaded into launch position on a bomber, and flown from North Dakota to Louisiana. The American Conservative has discovered that to date, more than a month after the incident, Pentagon investigators have completely ignored a peculiar cluster of six deaths, during the weeks immediately preceding and following the flight, of personnel at the two Air Force bases involved in the incident and Air Force Commando Operations headquarters. The operative assumption of the investigations appears to be that an Air Force decision to store nuclear, conventional, and dummy warheads in the same bunker and one mistake by weapons handlers initiated a chain of errors and oversights that led to the flight. On Sept. 23, the Washington Post, in a story based upon interviews with military officials, many of them unidentified, suggested that the first known case of nuclear warheads leaving a weapons-storage area improperly was the result of two mistakes. The first, the article suggested, was a decision by the Air Force to permit the storing of nuclear weapons in the same highly secure and constantly guarded sod-covered bunkersknown as igloosas nonnuclear weapons and dummy warheads (something that had never been allowed in the past). The second was some as yet unidentified mistake by weapons handlers at Minot to mount six nuclear warheads onto six of the 12 Advanced Cruise Missiles that had been slated to be flown to Barksdale AFB for destruction. Those missiles and the six others, part of a group of 400 such missiles slated for retirement and disassembly, should have been fitted with dummy warheads also. The Post article quotes military sources as saying that once the mistake was made, a cascade of errors followed as weapons handlers, ground crews, and the B-52 crew dkipped all nuclear protocols, assuming they were dealing with dummy warheads. The problem with this theory is that dummy warheads dont look the same as the real thing. The real warheads, called W80-1s, are shiny silver, which is clearly visible through postage -stamp-sized windows on the nosecone covers that protect them on the missiles. In addition, the mounted warheads are encased in a red covering as a second precaution. Apparently the nukes (which can be set to explode at between 5 kilotons and 150 kilotons) were easily spotted by a Barksdale AFB ground crew when they went out to the plane on the tarmac hours after it landed. If the barksdale ground crew, which had no reason to suspect it was looking at nuclear-tipped missiles, easily spotted the error, why did everyone at Minot miss it, as claimed? Clearly, whoever loaded the six nukes on one B-52 wing pod, and whoever mounted that pod on the wing, knew or should have known that they were dealing with nukesand absend an order from the highest authority in Washington, loading such nukes on a bomber was against all policy. The odds of randomly putting six nukes all on one pod, and six dummies on the other, are 1:924. And how curious that the pilot, who is supposed to check all 12 missiles before flying, checked only the pod containing the dummy warheads.

Various experts familiar with nuclear-weapons-handling protocols express astonishment at what happened on Aug. 29 and 30. After all, over the course of more than six decades, the protocols for handling nuclear arms have called for at least two people at every step, with paper trails, bar codes, and real-time computer tracking of every warhead in the arsenal. Nothing like this has been known to have happened before. Air Force Gen. Eugene Habiger, who served as US Strategic Command chief from 1996 to 1998, told the Post, I have been in the nuclear business since 1966 and am not aware of any incident more disturbing. Philip Coyle, a senior advisor at the Center for Defense Information who served as assistant secretary of defense in the Clinton administration, calls the iincident astonishing and unbelievable. He says, This wasnt just a mistake. Ive counted, and at least 20 things had to have gone wrong for this to have occurred. Bruce Blair, a former Air Force nuclear launch officer who is now president of the World Security Institute, says that the explanation of the incident as laid out in the Washington Post, and in the limited statements from the Air Force and Department of Defense, which call it a mistake, are incomplete. He notes that no mention has been made as to whether the nukes in question, which had been pre-mounted on a pylon for attachment to the B-52 wing, had their PAL (permiswsion action link) codes unlocked to make them operational, or whether a system on board the plane that would ordinarily prevent an unauthorized launch had been activated. For all we know, these missiles could have been fully operational, he says. The Air Force and Department of Defense are refusing to answer any questions about such matters. Meanwhile, there are those six deaths. On July 20, 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, a 28-year-old B-52 pilot from Minot, died in a motorcycle accident while on home leave in Tennessee. Another Minot B-52 pilot, 20-year-old Adam Barrs, died on July 5 in Minot when a car he was riding in, driven by another Minot airman, Stephen Garrett, went off the road, hit a tree, and caught fire. Airman Garrett was brought to the hospital in critical condition and has since been charged with negligent homicide. Two more Air Force personnel, Senior Airman Clint Huff, 29, of Barksdale AFB, and his wife Linda died on Sept. 15 in nearby Shreveport, Louisiana, when Huff reportedly attempted to pass a van in a no-passing zone on his motorcycle, and the van made a left-hand turn, striking them. Then there are two reported suicides, which both occurred within days of the flight. One involved Todd Blue, a 20year-old airman who was in a unit that guarded weapons at Minot. He reportedly shot himself in the head on Sept. 11 while on a visit to his family in Wytheville, Virginia. Local police investigators termed his death a suicide. The second suicide, on Aug. 30, was John Frueh, a special forces weather commando at the Air Forces Special Operations command headquartered at Hurlburt AFB in Florida. Hurlburts website says, Every night, as millions

of Americans sleep peacefully under the blanket of freedom, Air Force special Operations commandos work in deep dark places, far away from home, risking their lives to keep that blanket safe. Frueh, 33, a married father of two who had just received approval for promotion from captain to major, reportedly flew from Florida to Portland, Oregon, for a frie nds wedding. He never showed up. Instead, he called on Aug. 29, the day the missiles were loaded, from an interstate pull-off just outside Portland to say he was going for a hike in a park nearby. (It is not clear why he was at a highway rest stop as he had no car.) A day later, back in Portland, he rented a car at the airport, again calling his family. After he failed to appear at the wedding, his family filed a missing persons report with the Portland police. The Sheriffs Department in remote Skamania County, Washington, found Fruehs rental car ten days later on the side of a road nearly 120 miles from the airport in a remote area of Badger Peak. Search dogs found his body in the woods. His death was ruled a suicide, though neither the sheriffs investigator nor the medical examiner would give details. What makes this alleged suicide odd, however, is that the sheriff reports that Frueh had with him a knapsack containing a GPS locator and a videocam odd equipment for someone intent on ending his life. Of course, it could be that all six of these deaths are coincidences all just accidents and personal tragedies. But when they occur around the time six nuclear-tipped missiles go missing in a bizarre incident, the likes of which the Pentagon hasnt seen before, one would think investigators would be on those cases like vultures on carrion. In fact, police and medical examiners in the Frueh and Blue cases say no federal investigators, whether from DOD or FBI, have called them. Worse still, because the B-52 incident got so little media attentionno coverage in most local newsnone of those investigating the accidents and suicides even knew about it or about the other deaths. It would have been interesting to know all that when I was examining Mr. Blues body, says coroner Mike Stoker, but no one told me about any of it or asked me about him. If we had known that several people had died under questionable circumstances, it might have affected how wed look at a body, says Don Phillips, the sheriffs deputy who investigated the Frueh death. But nobody from the federal government has ever contacted us about this. Certainly, in a case like this, the suicides should be a red flag, says Hans Kristensen, a nuclear -affairs expert with the Federation of American Scientists. Its wild speculation to think that there might be some connection between the deaths and the incident, but it certainly should be investigated.

About the author: Philadelphia journalist Dave Lindorff is co-author, with Barbara Olshansky, of The Case for Impeachment . His work is available at

Missing Nukes and the death of 6 Minot Air Force people?

Posted on September 18, 2007 by digitalinsugent

Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes Oddities By Lori

The following section was compiled by The Pundit. Since the Minot story broke a week ago about the missing nuke clandestine operation from Minot, we have the following (for those who are paying attention): 1. 2. 3. 4. All All All All six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base were directly involved as loaders or as pilots are now dead within the last 7 days in accidents [Not all of them --LRP] 0915012 Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B-52, and they may have told their wives and friends. The Pundit ***** Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave 12 Sep 2007 The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died Monday while visiting with family members. The statement did not say how he died. The base said Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. [The primary mission of the 5th Security Forces Squadron is to 'provide 24-hour law enforcement and security services for the 5th Bomb Wing and all tenant units assigned to Minot AFB.' "Guardians of the Upper Realm" --The host wing on Minot Air Force Base, the 5th Bomb Wing operates the B-52H Stratofortress aircraft to provide global strike and combat-support capabilities to geographic commanders. B-52 Stratofortress - Mission --Air Combat Command's B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions... It can carry nuclear or precision guided conventional ordnance with worldwide precision navigation capability.] AF Secretary Visits MAFB 14 Sep 2007 The top civilian in the Air Force spent the afternoon at Minot Air Force Base today. Michael Wynne, the Secretary of the Air Force,

arrived at the base about 1 PM to get a personal look at how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled. His visit comes two weeks after a B-52 bomber loaded with six nuclear warheads was flown from Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base .


A US Air Force B-52 bomber. The US military said on Wednesday it was investigating an alarming security lapse when a B-52 bomber flew the length of the country last week loaded with six nuclear-armed cruise missiles

The missiles were mounted on the wings of a B-52 bomber

compiled by Dee Finney The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is a long-range, subsonic jet strategic bomber flown by the United States Air Force (USAF) since 1955. The B-52 replaced the Convair B-36 and the Boeing B-47. Built to carry nuclear weapons for Cold War era deterrence missions, it has dropped only conventional munitions in actual combat. The aircraft has the longest unrefuelled range of any bomber and carries up to 70,000 pounds of weapons. The USAF has had B-52s in active service since 1955 with the Strategic Air Command which was absorbed into the Air Combat Command in 1991. Its superior performance at high subsonic speeds and relatively low operating costs have kept the B-52 in service despite proposals to replace it with the Mach 3 XB-70 Valkyrie, supersonic B-1B Lancer, and stealth B-2 Spirit. In January 2005, it became the second aircraft, after the English Electric Canberra, to mark 50 years of continuous service with its original primary operator. See: for more

B-52 carried nuclear missiles over US by mistake: military

Sep 5, 2007 WASHINGTON (AFP) The US military said on Wednesday it was investigating an alarming security lapse when a B-52 bomber flew the length of the country last week loaded with six nuclear-armed cruise missiles. The blunder was reported to President George W. Bush after the nuclear warheads were discovered when the aircraft landed at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, a military official said on condition of anonymity. An air force official, who also asked to remain unnamed, said the B-52, which originated at Minot Air Base in North Dakota, had six cruise missiles with nuclear warheads loaded on pylons under its wings. The US Air Force has relieved the munition squadron commander at Minot Air Base in North Dakota of his duties, and launched an investigation into the August 30 incident, a Pentagon spokesman said. "At no time was there a threat to public safety," said Lieutenant Colonel Ed Thomas. "It is important to note that munitions were safe, secure and under military control at all times." The Pentagon would not provide details, citing secrecy rules, but an expert said the incident was unprecedented, and pointed to a disturbing lapse in the air force's command and control system. "It seems so fantastic that so many points, checks can dysfunction," he said Hans Kristensen, an expert on US nuclear forces. "We have so many points and checks specifically so we don't have these kinds of incidents," he said. US lawmakers expressed outrage at the incident. "It is absolutely inexcusable that the Air Force lost track of these five nuclear warheads, even for a short period of time," Representative Edward Markey, a Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee, said in a statement.

"Nothing like this has ever been reported before and we have been assured for decades that it was impossible," said Markey. Two Republican lawmakers on committees overseeing military affairs, Jim Saxton and Terry Everett, said in a joint statement they were "deeply concerned" by the incident and said the United States must "ensure our nuclear assets are protected by the highest safeguards." The breach originally was reported by the Military Times newspaper Wednesday and was confirmed by the Pentagon later in the day. US Defense Secretary Robert Gates was notified early Friday of the incident by Air Force chief of staff General Michael "Buzz" Moseley, Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said. "I can also tell you that it was important enough that President Bush was notified of it," Morrell said. Gates has received daily briefings from Moseley on the incident, and expects a report by the end of next week, he said. "The munitions squadron commander has been relieved of his duties, and final action is pending the outcome of the investigation," he said. "In addition, other airmen were decertified from their duties involving munitions." Kristensen said he knew of no other publicly acknowledged case of live nuclear weapons being flown on bombers since the late 1960s. The nuclear weapons expert said the air force keeps a computerized command and control system that traces any movement of a nuclear weapon so that they have a complete picture of where they are at any given time. He said there would be checks and detailed procedures at various points from the time they are moved out of bunkers until they are loaded onto planes, and flown away. "That's perhaps what is most worrisome about this particular incident -- that apparently an individual who had command authority about moving these weapons around decided to do so," he said. "It's a command and control issue and it's one that calls into question the system, because if one individual can do that who knows what can happen," he said.

Nuclear weapons are normally transferred on cargo planes, never on the wings of bombers, Kristensen said. Bomber flights with live nuclear weapons ended in the late 1960s after accidents in Spain in 1966 and in Greenland in 1968. The weapons were among 400 advanced cruise missiles that the Defense Department quietly decided to retire in March over the course of this year. The advanced cruise missile is a stealthy, longer range version of the air launched cruise missile first deployed in the early 1980s. It carries W-80 warheads of up to 150 kilotons, ten times the destructive force of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War Two.

Oops! Were those nuclear warheads on my B-52 bomber?

By Staff September 5, 2007 (AXcess News) Houston - A U.S. Air Force B-52 bomber took off from Minot Air Force
Base in North Dakota on a flight to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on August 30, which was not out of the ordinary. But what was extraordinary was that it was carrying five nuclear warheads, which the military says was a mistake, or was it?

The B-52 was carrying Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACM) which normally carries a
W80-1 nuclear warhead with a yield of 5 to 150 kilotons. The ACMs were supposed to have had the nuclear warheads removed before they were transported to Louisiana.

B-52 bombers normally deliver the ACMs when they are equipped with nuclear warheads, but these were a part of 400 missiles which were being decommissioned and the nuclear warheads were not supposed to be attached. Oops! An Air Force investigation is said to have been launched to find out how nuclear warheads could have been attached to the B-52 bombers wings for transport and no one notice them missing for nearly four hours. A former Defense Department specialist who worked on nuclear weapons said no one was ever in danger had the bomber crashed as

safeguards are installed that make the nuclear detonation impossible unless specifically triggered to do so. Questions arise over whether B-52 bomber flights are being prepared for long-range flights that might include carrying nuclear warheads after Russia began its own long-range bomber flights after the U.S. said it would not back off the installation of missile sites near the border of Russia, insisting that they were for protection against Iran and other renegade countries in the Middle East. The tit-for-tat military developments have been escalating between Russia and the United States that critics say look more like the start of another Cold War. To the North, Russia has claimed sovereignty over a vast area of the Artic seabed, claiming its part of the continental shelf extending out fro Russia's shoreline and Canada and the U.S. have both increased military presence in the Artic to protect the passage way.

Washington, Sept. 5 , 2007 - (Xinhua) -- U.S. Defense Department official confirmed Wednesday that a B-52 bomber had been mistakenly loaded with nuclear weapons and flown over American sky. Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell tried to appease the country by saying "at no time was the public in danger." President George W. Bush and Defense Secretary Robert Gates have been already informed of the incident and ordered a probe into it. Earlier Wednesday, media reports, citing an unidentified Pentagon source, said that a B-52 bomber was mistakenly armed with six nuclear warheads and flown over three hours across several states. The plane, loaded with Advanced Cruise Missiles, took off on Aug. 30 from North Dakota and headed to Louisiana. The incident resulted in a comprehensive procedure review by Air Force and the dismissal of a commander, the reports said. House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Ike Skelton described the weapon mishandling "deeply disturbing" and called for more details to ensure that Defense Department would address it appropriately. "There is no more serious issue than the security and proper handling of nuclear weapons," the Democratic said in a Wednesday's statement.

September 7, 2007

Questions Remain Over Nuclear-Armed B-52 Over Midwest

by Wayne Madsen

The reported "loss" of six nuclear-armed stealthy advance cruise missiles (ACMs) flown on the wing pylons of a B-52 from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on August 30 would represent a complete and unprecedented breakdown in the command and control of nuclear weapons in the United States. For that reason, there is a belief among many seasoned military experts that there is much more to this reported story than meets the eye. The Defense Department is merely describing the nuclear missile flight as an "incident," because it is standard Pentagon policy to not comment on its nuclear weapons. However, the "incident" was serious enough that President Bush and Defense Secretary Robert Gates were both immediately informed of the so-called "mistake" in flying the weapons across several Midwestern states. Missouri Representative Ike Skelton, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, called the incident "deeply disturbing." The incident was first reported by three military officers, who remained anonymous, to Military Times, a newspaper that maintains good contacts within the military services. The ACMs were armed with six W80-Mod 1 nuclear weapons, which pack a punch of between 5 and 150 kilotons each. There is informed speculation that the movement of the nuclear weapons to Barksdale was leaked because the air force base is a staging area for deployment to the Middle East. The Pentagon recently drew up plans to hit 1200 targets inside Iran in a massive bombardment campaign aimed at destroying its military and overthrowing its government. The movement of the nuclear weapons may have been an alert to the public by disgruntled members of the military that such plans would include the pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons. The report that the weapons were transferred to Barksdale for

"decommissioning" appears to be a cover story concocted by Pentagon spinmeisters, since any movement of nuclear weapons is treated as highly-classified information. The B-52 sat on a runway at Barksdale for a full 10 hours with the Air Force trying to have the public believe that no one noticed the nuclear missiles on board. The flight from Minot was three and a half hours. The only casualty: the munitions officer at Minot was relieved of his duties pending the outcome of an investigation. There is also speculation that the war hawks in the administration may have flown the nuclear cruise missiles to Louisiana to send a message to Iran. The Defense Department remains a beehive of neocon activity even with Gates in charge. Three other recent incidents indicate the neocons are still employing their perception management campaigns. Cells of so-called "Al Qaeda" terrorists have been arrested in Denmark and Germany. Both countries have neocons embedded in their governments. Those arrested include Danish and German nationals. In addition, the recent weapons of mass destruction "scare" at a United Nations office building in New York, where "phosgene" gas seized in Iraq after Desert Storm was reportedly found in a vial, turns out to have been a hoax. The substance was a non-toxic cleaning solvent. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has named a number of neocons to senior staff positions within the UN Secretariat. For more, visit Wayne Madsen Report, which its publisher, Wayne Madsen, keeps refreshed with more news than any one reporter has a right to. Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist, nationally distributed columnist, and author who has covered Washington, DC, politics, national security, and intelligence issues since 1994. He has written for The Village Voice, The Progressive, CAQ, Counterpunch, and the Intelligence Newsletter (based in Paris). Look for his new book, Overthrow a Fascist Regime on $15 a Day: The Internet Irregulars vs. The Powers That Be!, in the fall.

US B-52 in nuclear cargo blunder

investigation after a B 52 bomber flew across the US last week mistakenly loaded with nuclear-armed missiles. It follows reports in the Army Times that five missiles were unaccounted for during the three-hour flight from North Dakota to Louisiana. The air force said the cruise missiles were safe at all times. Army Times said the missiles were to be decommissioned but were mistakenly mounted on the bomber's wings. The W80-1 warhead has a yield of five to 150 kilotons, the paper said. 'Decertified' The flight took place on 30 August, from the Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to the Barksdale Air Force Base, near Bossier City, in Louisiana. Air force spokesman Lt Col Ed Thomas said although this was an "isolated incident", Air Combat Command had directed a "commandwide stand down to review process at all of our bases". Col Thomas said a general had been appointed to investigate the incident and would report by 14 September. "At no time was there a threat to public safety. It is important to note that munitions were safe, secure and under military control at all times," Col Thomas said. "The air force takes its mission to safeguard weapons seriously. No effort will be spared to ensure that the matter is thoroughly and completely investigated." Army Times quoted the colonel as saying the loading crew involved had been temporarily "decertified" pending retraining and the investigation. A military official told AFP news agency that President George W Bush had been informed of the mix-up. "There are procedures in place and they kicked in and worked," the official said. The BBC's Adam Brookes in Washington says experts have made it clear that if the plane had crashed there would not have been

a nuclear explosion but there could have been a threat from plutonium leakage.

Commander disciplined for nuclear mistake

By Michael Hoffman, Military Times The Air Force continued handing out disciplinary actions in response to the six nuclear warheads mistakenly flown on a B-52 bomber from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., on Aug. 30. The squadron commander in charge of Minot's munitions crews was relieved of all duties pending the investigation. It was originally reported that five nuclear warheads were transported, but officers who tipped Military Times to the incident who have asked to remain anonymous since they are not authorized to discuss the incident, have since updated that number to six. Air Force and defense officials would not confirm the missiles were armed with nuclear warheads Wednesday, citing longstanding policy, but they did confirm the Air Force was "investigating an error made last Thursday during the transfer of munitions" from Minot to Barksdale. The original plan was to transport non-nuclear Advanced Cruise Missiles, mounted on the wings of a B-52, to Barksdale as part of a Defense Department effort to decommission 400 of the ACMs. It was not discovered that the six missiles had nuclear warheads until the plane landed at Barksdale, leaving the warheads unaccounted for during the approximately 3 and one-half hour flight between the two bases, the officers said. President Bush was immediately alerted to the mistake and the Air Force launched a service-wide investigation headed by Maj. Gen. Douglas Raaberg, director of Air and Space Operations at Air Combat Command Headquarters, said Air Force spokesman Lt. Col. Ed Thomas. FIND MORE STORIES IN: Air Force | AIR FORCE BASE | Department of Defense | Minot | B- 52 | Ed Thomas | Michael Hoffman Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has requested daily briefings from Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley on the progress of the investigation. Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., a member of the Senate

Appropriations defense subcommittee, requested a full-classified briefing, not just the preliminary information being provided to lawmakers, to explain how a mistake of this magnitude could have happened. Thomas said the transfer was conducted safely and the American public was never in any danger since the weapons were in Air Force custody and control at all times. But few critics were placated Wednesday by the Air Force's reassurances. "Nothing like this has ever been reported before and we have been assured for decades that it was impossible," said Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., co-chair of the House Bi-partisan Task Force. Non-proliferation treaty experts said the Air Force didn't violate any international nuclear treaties by transporting the nuclear warheads on the B-52, but it was the first time since 1968 that it's been known publicly that nuclear warheads were transported on a U.S. bomber. The Defense Department does transport nuclear warheads by air, but instead of bombers it uses C-17 or C-130 cargo aircraft. "These reports are deeply disturbing," said Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. " The American people, our friends, and our potential adversaries must be confident that the highest standards are in place when it comes to our nuclear arsenal." The Defense Department uses a computerized tracking program to keep tabs on each one of its nuclear warheads, said Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists. For the six warheads to make it onto the B-52, each one would have had to be signed out of its storage bunker and transported to the bomber. Diligent safety protocols would have to have been ignored to load the warheads onto the plane, he said. "I just can't imagine how all of this happened," said Philip Coyle, a senior adviser on nuclear weapons at the Center for Defense Information. "The procedures are so rigid; this is the last thing that's supposed to happen." At no time was there a risk for a nuclear detonation, even if the B-52 crashed on its way to Barksdale, said Steve Fetter, a

former Defense Department official who worked on nuclear weapons policy in 1993-94. A crash would ignite the high explosives associated with the warhead, and possibly cause a leak of plutonium, but the warhead's elaborate safeguards would prevent a nuclear detonation from occurring, he said. "The Air Force takes its mission to safeguard weapons seriously," Thomas said. "No effort will be spared to ensure that the matter is thoroughly and completely investigated." Along with the 5th Munitions Squadron commander, the munitions crews involved in mistakenly loading the nuclear warheads at Minot have been temporarily decertified from performing their duties involving munitions, pending corrective actions or additional training, Thomas said. The error comes after the Air Force announced last March the 5th Bomb Wing won two servicewide safety awards during fiscal year 2006. "This is really shocking," Coyle said. "The Air Force can't tolerate it, and the Pentagon can't tolerate it, either."

In Error, B-52 Flew Over U.S. With NuclearArmed Missiles

By Josh White Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, September 6, 2007;

An Air Force B-52 bomber flew across the central United States last week with six cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads that were mistakenly attached to the airplane's wing, defense officials said yesterday. The Stratofortress bomber, based at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, was transporting a dozen Advanced Cruise Missiles to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on Aug. 30. But crews inadvertently loaded half of them with nuclear warheads attached. Air Force officials said the warheads were not activated and at no time posed a threat to the public. But a timeline of the episode

supplied by the Air Force yesterday to House and Senate lawmakers indicated that the missiles in question sat on a runway in Louisiana for nearly 10 hours before workers noticed that the nuclear warheads were inside. Military officials also said they were concerned that the warheads were unaccounted for several hours while the missiles were in transit. The missiles never left Air Force control, they said. The cruise missiles -- part of an Air Force fleet of more than 400 of their kind -- are being retired and usually would not carry nuclear warheads while being transported. Defense officials said the B-52's mission last week did not include training runs, so the missiles were never meant to be launched. The cruise missiles have a range of about 2,000 miles and are designed to hit precision targets well behind a potential enemy's lines. Two defense officials said it is unclear how stringent safeguards for the handling of nuclear weapons were skirted, allowing the missiles with the warheads to be loaded onto a pylon that was then attached to the underside of the B-52's wing. Air Force officials said the mistake was a serious breach of rules and that an investigation began immediately. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl M. Levin (D-Mich.) and Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), the panel's ranking Republican, yesterday jointly called the episode "a matter of grave concern" and, in a letter to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, requested an investigation of the incident by the Pentagon's inspector general. The aircraft's pilots and other crew members were unaware that they were carrying nuclear warheads, officials said. "Essentially, this is an issue of a departure from our very exacting standards," said Lt. Col. Edward Thomas, an Air Force spokesman at the Pentagon, who declined to confirm that nuclear warheads were involved. "The Air Force maintains the highest standards of safety and precision, so any deviation from these well-established munitions procedures is very serious, and we are responding swiftly." The incident, first reported by the Military Times, prompted senior leaders to relieve a munitions squadron commander of his duties. Other airmen have been temporarily suspended from duties. "Nothing like this has ever been reported before, and we have been assured for decades that it was impossible," said Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), co-chairman of the House Bipartisan Task Force on Nonproliferation. "The complete

breakdown of the Air Force command and control over enough nuclear weapons to destroy several cities has frightening implications not only for the Air Force, but for the security of our entire nuclear weapons stockpile." The Air Force's Air Combat Command has ordered a stand-down for its bases next week to review procedures and prevent a repeat of the mistake. "All evidence seems to point to this being an isolated mistake," Thomas said. Geoff Morrell, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters at a news conference yesterday that Gates was informed of the incident early last Friday and has been receiving daily progress reports. Morrell said President Bush was also notified. In a statement yesterday, Rep. Ike Skelton (D-Mo.), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said he found the reports "deeply disturbing."

Was That Nuclear-Armed B-52 Flight Destined for Iran? Written by Dave Lindorff Monday, 10 September 2007 Theres something definitely screwy about the August 30 incident in which a B-52 bomber flew from Minot AFB in North Dakota to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana carrying five fully armed Advanced Cruise Missiles, each equipped with nuclear bombs capable of exploding at anything from 5 kilotons to 150 kilotons. The government has been quick to say that the flight, which violated a number of longstanding orders regarding shipment of nuclear weapons in US airspace, was a mistake. But was it a mistake? The biggest question is why a B-52 armed with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles would fly to Barksdale AFB. If, as reported, the weapons were being transported to be decommissioned, which supposedly is the destination for 400 of these doomsday weapons, then they should have been destined for Kirtland AFB in New Mexico, near the Pantex plant outside Amarillo, TX, where they would be dismantled. As Michael Salla writes in a disturbing piece in Saturdays edition of OpEdNews, the weapons

should also not have been flown at all on a B-52, as there have been standing orders for 40 years against such flights over US soil, following several accidents in which bombs or nuclear-armed rockets were lost because broken arrow incidents including inadvertent bomb drops or crashes. A second order, issued in 1991 at the end of the Cold War by George Bushs father, barred the loading of nuclear weapons on any bomber. Any pilot would have known this, as would any ground support people loading the missiles on the B52. According to Salla, if these five cruise missiles were really being transported by air to Texas for decommissioning, they should have been disarmed and flown in specially designed transport planes that are built to resist nuclear leakage in the event of a crash. They would never be transported under the wings of a B-52. What makes the incident even more suspicious is that Barksdale AFB is a staging area for B-52s being sent to the Middle East for combat duty. As the website reports: Barksdale Air Force Base is headquarters for the 2d Bomb Wing, Eighth Air Force and 917th Wing. The 2d Bomb Wing provides global combat capability and trains all B-52 combat crews. The official Barksdale AFB website says: Barksdale warriors and B-52s have a proud tradition serving both at home and abroad in support of the Global War on Terrorism; they have played vital roles in combat operations supporting Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The original expose of the B-52 flight appeared in the newspaper . Staff writer Michael Hoffman writes that his initial source for the story was three officers who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to discuss the incident. So this is a case where some military officers who knew something wrong was happening did the honorable, patriotic thing and went public with a publication they trusted, both to do the right thing, and to protect them. So what is actually going on here? Salla suggests the worst: that this was likely a deliberate action, ordered through a chain of command outside the Pentagon. Salla notes that it has been widely reported that the top brass in the US military (note: with the exception of some wackos in the Air Force), have staunchly opposed any use of nuclear weapons in the event of an air attack on Iran. So an order to send nuclear-armed cruise missiles

to the Persian Gulf region, if thats what this flight was, would not likely have come through the normal chain of command from the Secretary of Defense through the Air Combat Command (ACC, successor to SAC). It would, Salla hints darkly, have come through the back channel set up since even before 9-11 by Vice President Dick Cheney, who is known to be pushing for an attack on Iran, and who would like nothing better than to use nuclear weapons to disable Irans nuclear processing facilities. Were talking about high treason, if Salla is right. And the seriousness of what happened five nuclear-tipped cruise missiles, in firing position, flown across the width of the continental US in violation of all standing orders to a base that is a staging area for B-52 flights to the Persian Gulf war zone demands a full public investigation. The Democrats in charge of Congress, and the Republican minority, may not have the stomach to stand up to the Bush administrations obsession to keep the bloodletting going in Iraq, and they may not have the courage even to put a stop to plans to attack Iran, but even the most reprehensible weasels and cowards among them should have the basic decency to know that this bizarre and suspicious flight needs to be investigated to the fullest to get to the bottom of what was going on. Salla suggests that behind the scenes, Gates and the generals, who clearly distrust and dislike the vice president and who dont want an Iran attack, will use this incident to go after the vice president and force him into a medical resignation. He says that the exposure of the flight will also put any attack on Iran on hold, because military leaders will be worried that there are other nuclear weapons that have been introduced into the equation secretly, either for use in Iraq or for a black flag operation against US forces. Let us hope so they are right, and that this will be Cheneys undoing. Im not as confident as Salla, however. If it turns out that Cheney was behind this incident, that its goal was as sinister as Salla suspects, and that it was only the brave action of several officers who went public and leaked information about it that led to the undoing of the plan, it may take more than behind-the-scenes pressure from the Defense Department to take down the vice president.

Moreover, if Cheney simply resigned, without the incident being exposed publicly, Americans would not ever know how close we came to global disaster, martial law, and the end of America as we know it. It is essential that Congress get to the bottom of this one. Every person remotely connected to this mission needs to be called before Congress and put under oath to explain what happened. An independent prosecutor should also be named to start a criminal investigation. Note: Back in the early 1970s, my wife and I knew an Air Force reservist who told us he was flying secret missions for the government, to Central America and to the Middle East. He never explained what these were, but it was clear that they were connected with secret operations of a military nature. This individual, who had turned belatedly against the Vietnam War, and had begun to question what he was doing in secret, died under mysterious circumstances in his apartment. His mother went to the morgue to pick up the body only to discovered to her horror that it was not her son. Someone had removed his corpse, making any investigation as to cause of death impossible. There are sinister operations carried on by this government, and this looks like one that is as sinister as it can get. The crew of that B-52 and the ground crew that loaded it, should be watching their backs. B-52 Bomber Incident and Insider Trading? Was Someone Trying to Profit from a Nuclear Attack Against Iran Before September 21? by Michael E. Salla, M.A., Ph.D. September 11, 2007 A B-52 bomber loaded with five (increased to six in later reports) nuclear weapons fitted on the pylons under its wings was discovered after sitting for ten hours on a tarmac at Barksdale AFB on 30 August 2007. Three anonymous Air Force officers leaked the news of the incident to the Army Times newspaper which announced the discovery on 5 September 2007. The discovery immediately gained world wide coverage: LINK . The "mainstream" Big Business-owned news media has so far concentrated on the U.S. Air Force version of events that the incident was an "error" and is now subject to an official investigation.

A B-52 bomber.

Barksdale AFB is a staging post for Middle East operations and routinely has B-52 flying missions. The B-52 incident has subsequently led to speculation that the nuclear weapons

were intended for a covert mission to Iran, and the Office of the Vice President was probably involved in bypassing the normal chain of military command, LINK. The discovery of the B-52 came on top of rapidly increasing speculation that the U.S. Bush administration is about to authorize a massive pre-emptive aerial assault against Iran. According to the Sunday Times, the Pentagon has prepared for air strikes against 1,200 targets in Iran that would in three days destroy Iran's military infrastructure, LINK. What gives reports of a planned attack against Iran involving nuclear weapons greater credibility is a number of mysterious August 2007 purchases of a particular type of stock called 'put options' and 'call options' which are based on a dramatic shift in the U.S. stock market, 1"> LINK. The investments were so suspicious that they became subject to an insider trading investigation by U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) but the no one was ever identified or charged. This was despite a determined effort by the SEC to find who was behind the investments. The parallels with "put" and "call option" purchases just before 9/11 has led to speculation that the August billion dollar inves Iran's military infrastructure, or used in a False Flag operation that would have justified a U.S. assault on Iran. Admiral William Fallon, Commander of U.S. Central Command, was to direct conventional bombing operations against Iran's military infrastructure. The covert mission, however, would have had a different chain of command, where the Office of the Vice President was to take a prominent role. The nuclear weapons on the B-52 had adjustable yields between five and 150 kilotons which would have made them suitable in taking out Iran's deep underground nuclear facilities. The effect of tactical nuclear weapons to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities would have been devastating. Radioactive contamination would have dispersed widely affecting the health of millions in the region. At the same time, Iran's military and much of its civilian infrastructure would be destroyed by conventional munitions. This would have restricted Iran's abilities to cope with the health and humanitarian impact of the use of nuclear weapons, and destruction of itss. One question to be asked is who are the hidden investors with insider knowledge that stood to gain billions in short term profits from a possible attack against Iran?? This answer will give an important clue to the long term agenda being played out, and the principal actors involved. In the case of 9/11, similar investors were able to evade detection from an official investigation by the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC launched an unprecedented investigation that deputized "hundreds, if not thousands, of key players in the private sector", LINK. According to former Los Angeles Police Officer, Michael Ruppert, what happens when individuals are deputized is that they are sworn to secrecy on national security grounds. This was a very effective way of keeping secret what was discovered in the SEC investigation. What is the most plausible explanation for the kind of investor that would have the power to subvert an SEC investigation in this manner? The most likely answer is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

It has been alleged that CIA front companies annually supply funds for a black budget used to fund covert national security projects . The black budget has been estimated to range between 1.1 to 1.7 trillion dollars annually which is funnelled through the CIA to various military-corporate entities fulfilling such projects, LINK. Reportedly, a massive size black budget is needed to fund an alleged "second" Manhattan Project. Such alleged projects would be so deeply compartmentalized and classified, that most members of U.S. Congress would not be informed of their existence. The CIA is uniquely suited to perform this function of secretly raising revenue through the 1949 CIA Act which authorizes the CIA to expend funds "without regard to any provisions of law" (50USC 15:1.403f.a.1.). The CIA therefore does not have to follow any legal requirements for the funds it procures from various sources, and funnels to militarycorporate entities directly responsible for the second Manhattan project. The discovery of the nuclear armed B-52 is likely to lead to an indefinite delay in plans for a pre-emptive military attack against Iran. There is nevertheless a need to expose the principle actors and the underlying agendas of those behind the covert plans to use nuclear weapons. It is also important to expose anonymous investors that intended to commercially profit from such an attack before September 21, and had insider knowledge of this. Former U.S. President Eisenhower had warned that an informed public is the best safeguard against unwarranted abuses of executive power. Arguably, a pre-emptive attack against Iran that does not have the support of the American people or U.S. Congress, would qualify for such an abuse. It appears that the period leading up to September 21, 2007 was to witness a pre-emptive attack against Iran, involving nuclear weapons loaded on at least one B-52 bomber. The humanitarian cost in terms of radioactive fallout, and casualties from the destruction of Iran's military and much of its civilian infrastructure would have been catastrophic for the Persian Gulf region (nuclear fallout would also subsequently circle the globe, which would be followed by the proliferation of related diseases and environmental problems adversely effecting all of humanity and other living species on Earth). Furthermore, the U.S. and global economy would have gone into a deep free fall in the event of dramatic increases in oil prices and further instability in the Middle East. Out of this planned tragedy, anonymous investors with possible CIA connections and insider knowledge, had the opportunity to plan for commercial profit. It is further alleged that financial proceeds would have been used to secretly fund an alleged second Manhattan Project that wouldpiggy back on the military execution of an aggressive neo-conservative agenda against Iran, in the Middle East geo-political milieu. Hopefully, the discovery of the nuclear armed B-52 has averted such a tragedy for the moment. Now is the time to consider the wisdom to consider allegations associated with an apparently aborted pre-emptive strike against Iran, and to make accountable all those who are responsible. About the author:

Michael E. Salla, M.A. Ph.D., is a former Assistant Professor in the School of International Service, American University, Washington D.C. He is the author of five books and founder of the Exopolitics Institute, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Kona, Hawaii. (This Institute is about how to make contact with Extraterrestrials)

Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.
By Chuck Simpson 9-12-7 Some History Barksdale Missile Number Six deserves far more public attention than it's received to date. Missile Number Six is potentially the major story of at least this year. Until 1968 under the Airborne Alert Program, informally called Operation Chrome Dome, the Air Force routinely kept about a dozen strategic bombers with nuclear weapons flying at all times. One predictable result was crashes and incidents. In 1968 the Department of Defense published a list of 13 serious nuclear weapons accidents that occurred between 1950 and 1968. In 1980 the list was revised to include 32 incidents through that year. Notably, the Pentagon has not acknowledged any accidents since 1980. This alone highlights the importance the Pentagon is placing on the recent transportation of nuclear weapons from North Dakota to Louisiana. Through 1968, several reported incidents involved plane crashes or malfunctions, beginning with the crash of a B-29 near Fairfield,

Is USAF Stand Down To Find A Missing Nuke?

California in August 1950. The resulting blast was felt 30 miles away. In July 1950 a B-50 crashed near Lebanon, Ohio. The high-explosive trigger for the nuclear weapon detonated on impact. The blast was felt over 25 miles away. In May 1957 a nuclear weapon fell from the bomb bay of a B-36 near Albuquerque, New Mexico. Parachutes malfunctioned and the weapon was destroyed on impact. In October 1957 near Homestead, Florida a B-47 crashed. The nuclear weapon was burned. In March 1958 a B-47 accidentally dropped a nuclear weapon near Florence, South Carolina. The high-explosive trigger detonated on impact. In November 1958 a B-47 crashed near Abilene, Texas. The trigger of the nuclear weapon exploded upon impact. In July 1959 a C-124 crashed near Bossier City, Louisiana. Both plane and nuclear weapon were destroyed. In October 1959 a B-52 with two nuclear weapons was involved in a mid-air collision near Hardinsburg, Kentucky. One weapon partially burned. In January 1961 a B-52 broke apart in mid-air near Goldsboro, North Carolina. Two nuclear weapons were released. The parachute on one weapon malfunctioned, and contamination was spread over a wide area. The uranium core was never recovered. Daniel Ellsberg reported that detonation was a very real risk because five of six safety devices failed. In that month near Monticello, Idaho a B-52 carrying nuclear weapons exploded in midair. No information was made available as to the weapons. In March 1961 a B-52 with two nuclear weapons crashed near Yuba City, California. In January 1964 a B-52 carrying two nuclear weapons crashed near Cumberland, Maryland. In January 1966 a B-52 carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed after a mid-air collision near Palomares, Spain. Two weapons exploded on impact, with resulting plutonium contamination. A months-long program was undertaken to locate and extract the other two weapons

from the ocean. Major policy changes were taken under consideration. In January 1968 a B-52 carrying four hydrogen weapons crashed and burned near Thule AFB in Greenland. Explosives in one bomb detonated, spreading plutonium contamination. Apparently, the other three weapons have never been accounted for. Following large public protests Denmark, which owns Greenland and prohibits nuclear weapons on or over its territory, filed a strong protest. A few days later the Secretary of Defense ordered the removal of nuclear weapons from planes. After that order was issued, all aircraft armed with nuclear weapons were grounded but kept in a constant state of alert. In 1991 by Presidential order, nuclear weapons were removed from all aircraft. Bomber nuclear ground alerts, during which nuclear weapons are loaded onto bombers during test and training exercises, were halted. After that time, all nuclear weapons to be delivered by plane were permanently maintained in secure storage facilities. August 30, 2007 All of which makes the transport of nuclear weapons in combat position on a combat plane so newsworthy. On August 30, for the first time since 1968, nuclear warheads in combat position were carried by an American bomber. Numerous international treaty provisions were violated in the process. A total of 460 units were manufactured by Raytheon. A total of 394 units are currently maintained by the Air Force. Apparently, 38 are to be modernized and upgraded in Fiscal Year 2008 and the other 356 are to be decommissioned pursuant to the 2002 Moscow treaty. Raytheon has publicly announced the AGM-129 missiles are to be modified to accomplish a "classified cruise missile mission". This has widely been interpreted to mean conversion to bunker-busters, most likely for use in Iran. This widely accepted explanation is being used to explain why armed cruise missiles are being flown in American airspace. Nuclear Warheads The AGM-129 was specifically designed to deliver a W-80 nuclear warhead. The W-80 weapon has a variable yield capability, of 5 to

150 kilotons. For comparison purposes, the bomb used on Hiroshima was 13 to 15 kilotons, or equivalent to 13,000 to 15,000 tons of TNT explosive. News Stories and Flawed Explanations The story of the B-52 flight was first reported by Army Times, owned by Gannett, on Wednesday September 5. Gannett relied on information provided by "anonymous officers". The story was picked up by Yahoo Wednesday morning, published by USA Today and The Washington PosT, and then quickly spread. In response, the Pentagon quickly spread an official explanation. The Air Force admitted to an inadvertent error: The intent was to transport ACMs without weapons. According to military officers, the nuclear warheads should have been removed before the missiles were mounted on the pylons under the wings of the bomber. In the words of the Pentagon: "There was an error which occurred during a regularly scheduled transfer of weapons between two bases. The weapons were safe and remained in Air Force control and custody at all times." For almost the first time in the history of the nation, the military has publicly and promptly admitted it "made a mistake". This in itself is truly astounding. To reinforce the military's claim that a mistake was made, a system-wide stand-down was ordered for September 14. That official explanation was quickly explained away. The mistake was made intentionally, so a "deliberate leak" of a secret operation could occur. The CIA and the Office of Counter-Terrorism in the State Department explained that Barksdale AFB is a "jumping off point" for re-supply of the Middle East. The "deliberate leak" was intended to serve as a veiled warning to Iran. This deliberately misleading explanation is evidently intended to lead the public or Iran or both to logically conclude the missiles are bound for Iran.

Bluntly, State and the CIA converted a whistleblower leak by true American patriots into a deliberate leak by official Washington, to scare Iran. By this means Washington has led the public to forget or overlook the real issue. To begin, the multiple official explanations reek to high heaven. They collectively read suspiciously like flimsy cover stories concocted in hasty desperation. And no amount of pretty lipstick will be able to make the official explanations pretty. Transportation Violations More conflicting explanations followed. These missiles are part of a group scheduled to be decommissioned. This would explain why they were shipped out of North Dakota. But the missiles were not transported on their way to decommissioning. Missiles are normally decommissioned at Davis-Monthan AFB at Tucson. Nuclear weapons are decommissioned at the Department of Energy's Pantex facility near Amarillo, Texas, accessed through Kirkland AFB in New Mexico. And military policy requires minimization of the number of flights made with nuclear weapons aboard. So the weapons should not have been mounted on the missiles, flown to Louisiana, un-mounted and flown to New Mexico. The mode of transportation is also a major issue not defused by official explanations. Per standard operating procedures, or SOPs, both missiles and nuclear warheads are transported primarily by air, in specially modified C-130s or C-17s. Under no peacetime circumstances do military SOPs allow transport of nuclear weapons mounted in cruise missiles mounted in combat positions on combat planes. Department of Defense Directive Number 4540.5, issued on February 4, 1998, regulates logistic transportation of nuclear weapons. By delegation of Commanders of Combatant Commands, movement of nuclear weapons must be approved by commanders of major service commands.

Commanders of Combat Commands or service component commanders must evaluate, authorize and approve transport modes and movement routes for nuclear weapons in their custody. The Air Force is required to maintain a Prime Nuclear Airlift Force capability to conduct the logistic transport of nuclear weapons. Under SOPs, combat planes with combat-ready nuclear weapons can only be flown on the authority of the Commander in Chief, the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the National Military Command Authority. All of these transportation regulations were flagrantly violated on August 30. Handling Violations Violations of regulations concerning handling of the nuclear weapons in North Dakota are worse. A sophisticated computerized tracking system is used for nuclear weapons. Multiple signoffs are required to remove the weapons from their storage bunkers. The AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile was designed to carry nuclear weapons. No nonnuclear warhead is available for this missile. So the only possible error could have been loading nuclear warheads on the missiles instead of practice dummies. The practice warheads have standard blue and yellow signs declaring "Inert, nonnuclear". The nuclear warheads have at least three distinctive red warning signs. This error is therefore highly improbable, absent tampering with signage. Nuclear weapons are transported from the storage bunker to the aircraft in a caravan that routinely includes vehicles with machine guns front and rear and guards with M-16s. All steps in the process are done under the watchful eyes of armed military police. Rules require that at least two people jointly control every step of the process. If one person loses sight of the other, both are forced to the ground face-down and temporarily "placed under arrest" by observant security forces. All progress stops until inspections are made to assure the weapons weren't tampered with.

All nuclear weapons are connected to sophisticated alarm systems to prevent removal or tampering. They could only be removed from the storage bunker by turning the alarm off. And the squad commander clearly would not have authority to turn off the alarm. The Impossible Mistake Bluntly, the mistake of loading nuclear weapons on a combat aircraft in combat-ready position is simply not possible to make. Safeguards are far too stringent and far too many people would be involved. Particularly given that the mounting was in violation of policy that's been in place without exception for almost 40 years. No discipline is expected to be meted out. The New York Times tried to imply the commanding general had been fired. Actually, the squad commander in charge of munitions crews at Minot was "relieved of duty pending an investigation". He has not been removed from his position or disciplined. The crews involved have been "temporarily decertified pending corrective actions or additional training" but have not been disciplined. No mention has been made of the wing commander. Note carefully: These actions amount to nothing at all. The wing and squad commanders are still in place and the crews can easily be re-certified. Successful Confusion Washington's efforts to confuse the public have been successful. Attention has shifted from the crucial issue. This news has already become non-news. The August 14 stand-down will momentarily become news, followed by announcements of more stringent restrictions, improved safeguards and additional training. The public always has been and always will be safe. One of the major issues will be avoided: Someone in an irregular chain of Air Force command authorized loading and transport of nuclear weapons. And that would never have been done without a reason. Given the magnitude of regulatory violations involved, the reason must be extremely important.

The paramount issue will be avoided, if necessary with repetition of the reassurance that the Air Force was in control at all times. The weapons were only missing during the 3.5-hour flight. At Barksdale, the missiles were considered to be unarmed items headed for modernization or the scrap heap, and of no particular importance. They were left unguarded for almost ten hours. According to one report, almost ten hours were required for airmen at Minot AFB to convince superiors that the nuclear weapons had disappeared. According to information provided to Congress, this time lapsed before airmen at Barksdale "noticed" the weapons were present. News reports will continue to overlook this fact also. Even here the focus is on time. The number of missiles and warheads issue was overlooked. Early news reports spoke of five nuclear warheads loaded onto the bomber. Apparently, this information was provided from Barksdale. That number was later updated to six weapons missing from Minot, apparently based on anonymous tips provided to Military Times by people at Minot. This information has also been forgotten. Conclusion Six nuclear weapons disappeared from Minot AFB in North Dakota. Five nuclear weapons were discovered at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. Which leads to my chilling conclusion: Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon. What next? The answer has been provided several times, most recently by CIA Director and General Michael Hayden. On September 7, dressed in full military uniform, Hayden told assembled members of the Council of Foreign Relations: "Our analysts assess with high confidence that al-Qaida's central leadership is planning high-impact plots against the U. S. homeland."

"We assess with high confidence that al-Qaida is focusing on targets that would produce mass casualties, dramatic destruction and significant aftershocks." An eye for an eye. Use of nukes will justify use of nukes. A perfect excuse to wage nuclear war against Iran. I suspect Hayden is absolutely correct, except for his mistaken identification of the "central leadership" that is planning detonation of a nuclear weapon on American soil. Air Force secretary being briefed on why B-52 flew nukes over U.S. Created: September 14, 2007
The week after a B-52 mistakenly loaded with nuclear weapons was flown to Barksdale Air Force Base, the secretary of the Air Force was to meet with officials at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., today to review procedures for handling nuclear weapons. Michael Wynne's visit comes amid an ongoing investigation into why the B-52 bomber from Minot was mistakenly armed with six nuclear warheads last month and flown across several states to Bossier City. The B-52 sat on a runway at Barksdale for 10 hours before it was discovered that six of the cruise missiles under its wings had nuclear warheads attached, Pentagon officials told members of Congress. "Secretary Wynne takes the recent breakdown in the munitions system very seriously and is committed to ensuring munitions processes are safe, secure and absolutely reliable," a statement from Minot said. All indications are that it was an "isolated mistake," Pentagon officials said. Air Force officials said the warheads were not activated and never posed a public threat. They also said they were concerned that the warheads were unaccounted for several hours while the bomber flew across the country. The B-52 was transporting a dozen cruise missiles to Barksdale. It happened on Aug. 30. (The Associated Press contributed to this report)

Did Military Leak Foil Attempt To Bomb Iran? By Michael E. Salla, MA, PhD 9-16-7
Critically exploring whether or not there was a covert attempt to instigate a catastrophic nuclear war against Iran is illuminated through an introduction using the recent B-52 Incident. On August 30, a B-52 bomber armed with five nuclear-tipped Advanced Cruise missiles travelled from Minot Air Force base, North Dakota, to Barksdale Air Force base, Louisiana, in the United States. Each missile had an adjustable yield between five and 150 kilotons of TNT which is at the lower end of the destructive capacities of U.S. nuclear weapons. For example, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima had a yield of 13 kilotons, while the Bravo Hydrogen bomb test of 1954 had a yield of 15,000 kilotons. The B-52 story was first covered in the Army Times on 5 September after the nuclear armed aircraft was discovered by Airmen.

What made this a very significant event was that it was a violation of U.S. Air Force regulations concerning the transportation of nuclear weapons by air. Nuclear weapons are normally transported by air in specially constructed planes designed to prevent radioactive pollution in case of a crash. Such transport planes are not equipped to launch the nuclear weapons they routinely carry around the U.S. and the world for servicing or positioning. The discovery of the nuclear armed B-52 was, according to Hans Kristensen, a nuclear weapons expert at the Federation of American Scientists, the first time in 40 years that a nuclear armed plane had been allowed to fly in the U.S. Since 1968, after a SAC bomber crashed in Greenland, all nuclear armed aircraft have been grounded but were kept on a constant state of alert. After the end of the Cold War, President George H. Bush ordered in 1991 that nuclear weapons were to be removed from all aircraft and stored in nearby facilities. Recently, the Air Force began decommissioning its stockpile of Advanced Cruise missiles. The five nuclear weapons on the B-52 were to be decommissioned, and were to be taken to another Air Force base. An Air Force press statement issued on 6 September

2007, claimed that there "was an error which occurred during a regularly scheduled transfer of weapons between two bases." Furthermore, the statement declared: "The Air Force maintains the highest standards of safety and precision so any deviation from these well established munitions procedures is considered very serious." The issue concerning how a nuclear armed B-52 bomber was allowed to take off and fly in U.S. air space after an 'error' in a routine transfer process, is now subject to an official Air Force inquiry which is due to be completed by September 14. Three key questions emerge over the B-52 incident. First, did Air Force personnel at Minot AFB not spot the 'error' earlier given the elaborate security procedures in place to prevent such mistakes from occurring? Many military analysts have commented on the stringent security procedures in place to prevent this sort of mistake from occurring. Multiple officers are routinely involved in the transportation and loading of nuclear weapons to prevent the kind of 'error' that allegedly occurred in the B-52 incident. According to the U.S. Air Force statement, the commanding officer in charge of military munitions personnel and additional munitions airmen were relieved of duties pending the completion of the investigation. According to Kristensen, the error could not have come from confusing the Advanced Cruise Missile with a conventional weapons since no conventional form exists. So the munitions Airmen should have been easily able to spot the mistake. Other routine procedures were violated which suggests a rather obvious explanation for the error. The military munitions personnel were acting under direct orders, though not through the regular chain of military command. This takes me to the second question. Who was in Charge of the B-52 Incident? Who ordered the loading of Advanced Cruise missiles on to a B-52 in violation of Air Force regulations? The quick reaction of the Air Force and the issuing of a public statement describing the seriousness of the issue and the launch of an immediate investigation, suggests that whatever occurred, was outside the regular chain of military command. If the regular chain of command was violated, then we have to inquire as to whether the B-52 incident was part of a covert project whose classification level exceeded that held by officers in charge of nuclear weapons at Minot AFB.

How Chinese Military Hackers Took Control of a Nuclear Loaded B-52 !!!! This is the case of the "Mistakenly Loaded" 6/5 ? Nuclear Cruise Missiles that caused a complete shutdown of the U.S. Air force on Sept.14 to do a survey of what happened. The answer The U.S. had China make custom made electronic chips for military computers (to save money ?) and the Chinese built in back doors where they could take control of the computers. Now the U.S. military will not know if an order to Nuke a target came from them or China. In case you missed this the first time around - Long But you Must read it. We are Toast ! Command Override How Chinese Military Hackers Took Control of a Nuclear Loaded B-52 !!!! Address: It is the absolute responsibility of everybody in uniform to disobey an order that is either illegal or immoral. -General Peter Pace,
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff addressing the National Press Club, Feb 17/06

How Chinese Military Hackers Took Over A Nuclear-Armed B52 By William Thoma
The story sounded like a sequel to Dr. Strangelove. Leaked by the Pentagon's news service, Military Affairs to quell scuttlebutt racing through the ranks-and perhaps warn the world-a U.S. Air Force B-52 strategic bomber mistakenly loaded with six nuclear cruise missiles took off from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota on August 30, 2007 and flew for more than three hours over at least five states, before landing at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. The mistake was so egregious, the National Command Authority comprising President George BU.S.h and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates were quickly informed. The SecDef has since been assured

that nuclear weapons were part of a routine transfer between the two bases at no time was the public in danger. Both statements are false. In fact, nuclear weapons like these are carefully crated for shipment between bases, and placed inside the bomb bays or cargo compartments of transporting aircraft. In stunning contrast, this reporter has learned from two independent and highly placed sources that the six Advanced Cruise Missiles dangling from the B52's fatigued and flexible wings were fully armed and ready to fire-except for a single fail/safe switch under the Command Pilot's control. The quickly blacked out episode has prompted an Air Force investigation. Gates, whose official defense computer was hacked last June, necessitating the shutdown of the entire SecDef network, has ordered daily briefings on the Air Force inquiry. The Minot base commander, who might turn out to be the hero in this frightening affair, was relieved of his command.


As far as anyone knows, no U.S. aircraft has ever been armed with a full wartime loadout of six nuclear weapons. Nothing like this has ever been reported before and we have been assured for decades that it was impossible, declared Representative Markey, co-chair of the House Task Force on Nonproliferation. [AP
Sept 5/07; Seattle Times Sept 5/07]

Hans Kristensen, an expert on U.S. nuclear forces, says he knows of no other publicly acknowledged case of live nuclear weapons being flown on bombers since the late 1960s. [] Director Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb was released in 1964 Each of the six ACMs carried a dialable 150-kiloton W80-1 warhead--for a combined total of 60-times the destructive power of the bomb that melted the city and inhabitants of Hiroshima--over the unsuspecting residents of five states. Depending on the route flown, a half-dozen armed nuclear weapons wafted for three-and-a-half hours over North Dakota and either South Dakota or Minnesota, Nebraska or Missouri, Oklahoma or Arkansas, and Louisiana. It's no secret that Dick Cheney and his presidential surrogate intend to bomb Iran into the Kingdom to Come.
[BBC News Aug 29/07]

But New Orleans?

What does the government have against Louisiana? asked a blogger named Lobster Martini.

The mistake was supposedly discovered when the B-52 landed at Barskdale, where the plane should have been secured by an armed security detail. Instead, it simply parked on the flight line, where ground crew noticed the words nuclear armed stenciled on the sides of the missiles. [ ] Three officers confirmed the warheads were, in Bush's argot, nucular. But the mission could have ended in a broken arrow nuclear calamity if the bomber had crashed, or inadvertently dropped its ordnance. Munitions, and even entire engines-such as the No. 1 turbine that fell off an American Airlines DC 10 after taking off from Chicago's O'Hare airport in May, 1979, killing two people on the ground and all 271 people onboard-occasionally drop from underwing pylons in flight. [Chicago Tribune May 26-30/79; National
Transportation Safety Board Aircraft Accident Report NSTB-AAR-79-17]

A few other examples: -- A B-36 ferrying a nuclear weapon from Biggs Air Force Base, Texas to Kirtland accidentally drops a bomb in the New Mexico desert. []
-- A fighter pilot accidentally dropped a BDU-33 dummy bomb into a house,

narrowly missing a family of three.

[ ]

-- A 500-pound bomb fell from an FA-18 plane during a routine training exercise and exploded on the edge of a U.S. base 100 miles north of Sarajevo. [ AP July 17/02] -- A National Guard F-16 fighter jet on a nighttime training mission strafed an elementary school in New Jersey with 25 rounds of depleted uranium ammunition. [AP Nov 4/04] -- Another U.S. Air Force practice bomb accidentally on the Yorkshire countryside in England. [ BBC Jan 12/04] -- Electromagnetic interference from military transmitters may have caused an F16 jet to accidentally drop a 500 pound bomb on rural West Georgia. [Montreal Gazette May 12/89] A crash, mid-air explosion or structural breakup-not uncommon occurrences with heavily-laden B-52s-could have ignited

the high explosives used to implode the warheads. The ultimate dirty bomber's fantasy could have seen plutonium--the deadliest substance ever conjured by humans-raining down over what would become a statewide national sacrifice zone, off-limits to all life-forms for more than 4 billion years. Barksdale AFB is no stranger to nuclear accidents. On July 6, 1959, a C-124 Flying Boxcar crashed on takeoff, completely destroying the aircraft and the nuclear weapon it was carrying. [] [See: Broken Arrows ]

The Air Combat Command has ordered a command-wide stand down for September 14, 2007 to review procedures. Though they actually responded flawlessly to apparently authentic orders, the highly trained specialists who carried out the nuclear loadout have been temporarily decertified from handling nukes. Representative Ike Skelton, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, called the mishandling of arms capable of destroying cities deeply disturbing. There is no more serious issue than the security and proper handling of nuclear weapons. [AP Sept 5/07] The crewdogs who flew their assigned mission without mishap have been ordered not to mention that all pilots are required to perform a walk around inspection of their airplanes and calculate elaborate weight-and-balance graphs before attempting to aviate. Failure to notice or be informed of the much heavier nuclear casings on the missiles they were carrying would have jeopardized flight safety. According to a well-informed and extremely thorough U.S. military source I call Hank (with whom I have broken major stories over the past 15 years), someone must have adjusted the bomber's balance. It had to have been done. In addition to knowing what is externally attached to their airplane, the amount of paperwork, signatures, and discrete passwords involved in releasing a nuclear weapon from its storage bunker and loading it onto an airframe are more formidable than flak. And there were six of them.


The coded message to upload and launch the B-52 from Minot with six live nuclear weapons carried the signature of the

football containing the day's nuclear launch codes that is carried close to the president at all times by a specially detailed aide. After checking and counter-checking their coded orders, as few as a dozen people in uniform were actually involved in the subsequent secret nuclear mission. According to Hank, at least three high-ranking officers were escorted into Minot AFB's nuclear arms bunker after passing through multiple doors secured by pass codes, whose complete sequences were supplied each officer, who only knew part of each code. One hiccup, a fumbled code sequence, or the wrong wrench would have cancelled the loadout instantly.

Because the base had stood down for Labor Day, the timing was ideal for security. In his standing orders for August 30, 2007, 5th Bomb Wing commander Colonel Bruce Emig encouraged his troops to Enjoy a safe Labor Day weekend. Warbirds, It's hard to believe that Labor Day weekend is already here! the colonel wrote. Though cooler temperatures are right around the corner, the weather forecasters tell me that we should have a warm, summer-like weekend. Since Air Combat Command and Air Force Space Command have declared Friday a Family Day, many of you should be able to enjoy a nice, 4-day break as we transition from summer to fall. I wish all of you a relaxing and enjoyable time off, and urge you all once again to please keep safety in mind in all you do! [] Under a bomber's nuclear umbrella in a discrete corner of the sprawling airbase, air, ground and ordnance crews did not converse with each other. Or anyone else. Everyone involved knew better than to ask questions that could abruptly end their careers by inadvertently tipping people who did not need to know.

Within hours, an airplane with a wingspan longer than the Wright Brothers' first flight was safely loaded with avgas, sandwiches, and six nuclear weapons. Uploaded to the bomber using an accordion cradle on each missile trolley, each Advanced Cruise Missile was fueled once it was secured to a hard point under the aircraft's wings. Because the ACMs were not inside a bomb bay, where they could be armed in flight, each underslung missile had to be fully armed before takeoff. Wing walker is not a B-52 job description. The plates connecting the firing circuits of each warhead to the cockpit were then activated, and the safeties were pulled from each clearly marked nuclear weapon-rendering it live. For the Explosive

Ordnance Disposal detail who performed the loadout, there could be no doubt they were activating six nuclear weapons. Alarms on the flight line should have sounded as soon as they sniffed hot ions leaking from the pulled pile rods in six slowly fissioning warheads. But the alarms remain silenced. That order, Hank insisted, could only have come under the properly coded signature of the National Command Authority-Commander-in-Chief G.W. Bush or Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates. The ensuing takeoff was an event branded on the central nervous system of every creature in auditory range as eight jet engines at maximum takeoff thrust levitated six missiles, up to 46,000 gallons of fuel, and an airplane the length of a 150-foot ship into a blue yonder that had just become much wilder. Everyone within miles knew that a B-52 had come into Minot and taken off again. But only God and the devil knew where it was going.

And they weren't saying.

In the silence left by this momentous departure, if there were questions, nobody voiced them. Perhaps there were a few quietly delivered high-fives instead. Despite the high stress that runs counter to every human instinct, everyone involved had carried out their assigned duties with complete attention to the details required to launch a half-dozen live nuclear weapons safely. The professionally conducted operation was carried off in complete secrecy, without a hitch, only after the loadout and launch order had been digitally confirmed as coming from the NCA. There was only one problem regarding the originators of those orders, Hank emailed me: IT WAS NOT US.


Let us quickly review. My earlier exclusive on my former website,, disclosed how in October 2006, North Korea's leaders asked China to take out Japan's shiny new recon satellite before it could be tasked by American officers to monitor Pyongyang's first atomic test. Blowing up someone's satellite is an act of war. But overriding its Made In China microchips with a remote command from the ground could never be proven. Even if no solar flares were recorded at the time.

This first Chinese demo got the Pentagon's attention. After all, their stated goal of Full Spectrum Dominance over Earth's land, seas, airspace and electromagnetic spectrum depends on America's successful weaponization of space. But as the Joint Chiefs are only now discovering, many of the supposedly secure chips in America's civilian infrastructure-as well as all military communications, surveillance and weapons systems-have been WalMarted by U.S. corporations to low-bid Chinese suppliers-who rigged them for failure or takeover by command override in the event of war. [See: Faulty Microchips Threaten U.S. Attack On Iran


The second demonstration of China's newfound capabilities to manipulate microchips came in late February 2007, when Dick Cheney's 757, flying home from Australia where the Vice President had not been well received by the locals, was forced to divert to Singapore. In a story intriguingly tagged, U.S. Denies Cheney Forced To Land, Agence France-Presse reported that the White House admitted the Vice-President's specially secured Boeing 757 had suffered electrical problems before landing in S ingapore. But Cheney spinner Lea Anne McBride insisted, This was the preplanned, scheduled refueling stop. We were not diverted. The vice president did not get off the plane during his refueling stop. [AFP Feb

Wrong again. According to U.S. military personnel present on the tarmac at Paya Lebar Air Basewho according to Hank said were trying to yak with the locals: 'Can you get us this part? Do you have a Radio Shack?' -a small Chinese delegation met with Cheney outside his electronically-challenged aircraft. Wandering in and out of the brief conversation, Hank's sources described the brief encounter, which occurred shortly after 1400 hours Singapore time. Disembarking Air Force One, Cheney said something like, Gosh, we got this kind of interesting problem No, you don't understand sir, a Chinese official interrupted. This is how we brought you here. And this is why. Cheney's visitors itemized the separately wired galley stoves, reading lights, inflight video, and power outlets onboard the Vice President's aircraft that had all conked out in flight. They knew this, they said, because the electronic signals that had disabled the microchips controlling these various devices had been directed by

their government. In an impressive feat, the Chinese military had located and selectively targeted a stealthy aircraft painted with radar-absorbent materials flying at nearly 500 knots at 35,000 feet without a public itinerary. According to Hank's boots-on-the-tarmac sources, the mostly one-way conversation in Singapore concerned Gulf of Tonkin possibilities. They reached out and touched someone, Hank related. They had a message they wanted to get across: 'You've got ships out there in the Gulf. If this thing cooks off, all bets are off because some of the things that are put out there, we are really now wanting people to talk about.' The Chinese were referring to their control of most of the microchips on this planet. A very thoughtful Dick Cheney departed two hours later.


The next Chinese digital demo came last June. In what came to be called the most successful cyber attack ever mounted on the U.S. defence department, Chinese military hacked into a Pentagon computer network serving the defense secretary's personal office. Like their American counterparts, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) regularly probes U.S. military networks. But American officials said these latest cyber attack caused grave concern when China demonstrated it could disrupt U.S. defenses systems at critical times. The PLA has demonstrated the ability to conduct attacks that disable our system... and the ability in a conflict situation to re-enter and disrupt on a very large scale, revealed a former official, adding that the PLA has also penetrated the networks of U.S. arms corporations and war-launching think-tanks. [Financial Times Sept

A Chinese official named Jiang repeated his government's denial that it had penetrated other government and military computer networks. But British and German newspapers cited intelligence and other officials saying that government and military networks in Germany, the United States and Britain had been broken into by Chinese army hackers this summer. According to the Associated Press: China's military has openly discussed using cyber attacks as a means of harrying or defeating a more powerful conventional military. In a 1999 paper on unconventional strategies titled 'Unlimited Warfare'

two top Chinese military figures wrote that a hacker could have more power than a nuclear bomb. In a report this year, security software maker Symantec Corp. listed China as having the second most malicious computer activity in the world-after the United States. [AP Sept 6/07] Speaking as a soldier, Hank commented, The June hack showed an enormous hole in our ability to protect and communicate our information.

LOST IN SPACE The next hack came almost immediately, when Russian computers controlling the International Space Station's orientation and supplies of oxygen and water inexplicably failed while the station's three crewmembers were hosting seven visiting shuttle astronauts. Among the station's network of six Russian computers, only two remained functioning. A systemwide re-boot usually resolved smaller hitches, But this time, the system was unable to re-boot. "A failure of this type has not occurred before," the BBC reported. [BBC June 14/07] "This is serious," stated James Oberg, a retired rocket scientist turned author and consultant. "These computers run their life support, so if they can't be restored, the space station could become uninhabitable." Oberg added, "Statistically, this is not random. There is some new environmental factor that must identified and isolated, and neither step is trivial."
[TechNewsWorld June 14/07]

Russian flight controllers and onboard engineers traced the problem to "odd readings" in electrical power cables feeding the Russian computers through a corroded junction box labeled BOK 3. [ July 16/07] The gremlins returned to the Russian machines on February 5, when another ISS computer system crashed in the Zvezda Service Module that routes data between orientation sensors and four positioning gyroscopes. The space station's solar power stopped supplying power, and communications were cut with Earth. Though power and comms were restored three hours later, New Scientist reports, "The cause of the computer crash remains a mystery. NASA has so far not identified the cause of the crash." [New Scientist Feb 5/02] But Hank was on it. "They had limited oxygen, a limited time frame," he observed. The astronauts onboard the space station didn't know if the next computer malfunction "would open an airlock." But like an airliner in flight, the station should have smoothly shifted over to backup systems. It didn't.

"The word 'redundancy' never got into the story," Hank pointed out. Instead, all three backup circuit boards wired into three isolated circuits, "had to blow out in the same way at the exact same time. The fault that occurred in the first board, the second board, and the third board all had to be the same damn thing at the same damn time." "Impossible," he declared. Especially, since each of the simultaneously faulty microchips had been "stress tested to hell and back. Except for internal stressors." Except for "Made In China" microchip mischief. While it is not yet confirmed that the February 5 microchip malfunction was related to the June 14 space station hack, according to Hank's sources, on that earlier date the Chinese pulled the equivalent of Cheney's Singapore diversion-in space. "Nobody got busted for it," he adds. "You always hear about the company at fault." Not this time.

While White House fundamentalists remained mesmerized by the firepower ostensibly under their command, Beijing kept trying to send a very different message. Their next installment came in early September 2007, when U.S. Air Force officers passed through multiple levels of security and entered the inner computer sanctum of America's Air and Space Command deep under Cheyenne Mountain. This digital repository stores regularly updates archives needed to execute "clean reinstalls" in case air force computer systems crash or are otherwise compromised. Entering the quietly humming room, the air force officers were shocked to see monitors aglow with light. The displays were supposed to be off. As they watched in shock and awe, randomly typed letters scrolled across a screen. The words were gibberish. But the message was heart-stoppingly clear: "We Can Play With Your Toys!" The sender "left breadcrumbs," Hank related. The deliberately attached ISP (Internet Service Provider) pointed to China. This was bad enough. But what really freaked out the officers was the realization that none of these "stand alone" machines was online. None of them contained a modem! The only way to access these machines, Hank revealed, is to "use the sneaker net to walk up to it and tap on the keyboard. And yet they were interacting, and they were doing it in real time. They fussed with our stuff. These guys were able to go into what was a stand alone system and take control of it." How did the PLA hack supposedly secure air force computers lacking network modems? Just like as select power companies can now pipe the Internet to home computers through electrical power lines, the Chinese were able to play on

SAC's supposedly secure computers through the AC power cables connecting them to the national power... "grid". But how did they break supposedly "unbreakable" military encryption? And how were they able to transmit signals to override specific chips buried under a mountain of granite halfway around the globe? According to Hank, the International Space Station was not in line-of-sight with China when it's onboard computers and back-up systems simultaneously went down.

When it comes to dialing up a bomber to drop nuclear weapons on another country, "It's kind of like hiring a hit man," Hank explained. You meet him in the parking lot with the assignment, a weapon, and cash. Later, you confirm that you haven't changed your mind. Then the mission proceeds, and either the target or the hit man is taken out. In the case of the mission out of Minot, the First Phase began with an initiation order authorizing weapons release to arm a B-52 specially flown in for this operation. Proper codes and paperwork provided the Pilot in Command with an initial heading to fly, and initial waypoints or nav points to punch into the plane's GPS. No destination was provided. The pilots were just supposed to get in and drive. They did. Once the B-52 was airborne, it flew into an electronic black hole. No electromagnetic emissions came from the bomber. There were no radio calls to home base asking, "Are you guys sure you really want to do this?" Even more startling, no coded IFF squawks identified the BUFF (Big Ugly Fat F---r) as friendly to prowling post-9/11 fighters. And no transponder beeps identified the airplane and its mission. This is not the normal procedure for transporting weapons, or flying a B-52 through heavilytrafficked air corridors over the Continental United States. Every aircraft flying at high altitudes over CONUS, (or through Controlled Airspace around airports at lower attitudes) must transmit their identity on an assigned transponder frequency. Commercial planes squawk in their own dialect. "When you're talking a government vehicle, like a C-130 [military transport], that's another level up," Hank noted. "It's a different kind of squawk. ATC knows how to treat that kind of traffic differently. A B-52 is another level up. Controllers don't see that every day. A C-5 [flying down from Colorado to dust a hurricane, for example]-they really don't see that every day." The transponder code of the B-52 out of Minot would have prioritized it to civilian Air Traffic Control, and they would have cleared a corridor for its exclusive track-much like a presidential motorcade. If this Bad Boy had been transferring six advanced nuclear cruise missiles to Barksdale, as official spin insisted, its transponder would have

squawked: "Hey, guess what? We've got nukes onboard! Make sure no one runs into us. And if this signal stops scramble recovery people wearing proper attire." Or code to that effect. But this did not happen. "The Situation Room in the White House was not stood up, but they still have people there,? Hank continued. ?One of their jobs is to track nuclear weapons. Somebody in that head shed should have seen a transponder code matched up with nuclear weapons loaded onto that aircraft. That should have been something that went up on the board. They would have known that a B-52 was getting a full loadout, and that all procedures had been followed. And someone else would have said, 'Mmm, six nukes. We'll keep an eye on it." And given an order for radar operators to push a button to highlight that particular blip. Instead, the blacked-out BUFF flew on.

High in the stratosphere, where the nitrous oxide exhaust from eight fuel-hungry turbines attacked this planet's shredding ozone layer, boosting global warming another notch toward a catastrophic methane meltdown, wings never designed to carry heavy ordnance flexed up and down like a bird in flight. The crew must have considered the long roster of crashed Stratofortress with ?broken arrows? onboard. Not for a second could they forget that the six live nuclear weapons strapped to their wings were as close to detonation as a gremlin's wet dream. Or the fail-safe switch under the Plane Commander's gloves. An hour or two out of Minot, a bell chimed in the cockpit and a secure printer spat out a coded paper message. Even if they betrayed no emotion, the pilots must have felt a chill. Because the mission's next critical Fail-Safe had been passed. "We've thought about it, and the mission is still a go," the message essentially read. If these new orders had not been received, or had been issued incorrectly, the plane would have immediately turned back to the nearest base capable of handling its special needs. But their orders were in order. Positively authenticated by both pilots as coming from the NCA, the new message received onboard the bomber issued the radio frequencies, call signs and rendezvous coordinates for "hitting" one of three aerial refueling planes constantly orbiting over the Gulf of Mexico. Their new "Go Code" also identified their target region. After topping off their tanks, they were to take up a heading for another Gulf, half a world away.


Wouldn't the base commander, or the other officers involved in sending live nuclear weapons

toward Iran have second thoughts about a strike that could trigger an even bigger political-military chain reaction? Not necessarily, Hank explained. Military leaders usually favor intimidation in place of bloodshed. If the Iranians could be dissuaded from acquiring a nuclear deterrent of their own, or decide to stop supplying their Shiite brothers next door with sophisticated shaped-charge rockets capable of penetrating the depleted uranium hides of M-1 Abrams tanks-terrific! Everyone involved in the mission must have hoped that in this high-stakes brinksmanship, when Iranian sensors picked up the radioactive signature of an inbound American nuclear bomber strike, the mullahs in Teheran would burn their Korans and turn to Jesus. On the other hand, how do you say "pissed off" in Persian? The mullahs might panic and start pushing buttons of their own. Especially when the Israeli Air Force was notified of the strike, and launched "supporting" fighter-bombers of their own. In any case, it was out of the hands of the base commander and his immediate superiors. Since any one of these key staff officers could conceivably be kidnapped or impersonated during a nuclear strike, none had the authority to issue a recall order. Even if someone in the chain of command issued an RTB (Return To Base), SAC bomber crews en route to the final IP coordinates to commence their attack are trained to ignore all such entreaties. In fact, a frantic "Come home for lunch," or "Call your wife" command would confirm for the crew that something really was amiss, and they were at war. In this way, a series of rote military assumptions can make an ash out of you and me.

Meanwhile, the man under whose digitally coded authority this strike was being carried out, remained completely unaware that six nuclear cruise missiles with his name on them were headed toward Iran. Phase Three would have issued coded authorization to take out their assigned targets. One target confirmed by two highly placed, independent sources was a nuclear power plant hard against the mountains of Iran. "But the bomber would still have five missiles left. And it would not leave the area empty," Hank insisted. "If they go loaded for bear, they're not going to leave with a rabbit." After all, he added, a pre-BDA [Bomb Damage Assessment] would have been done before launching the bomber "to determine how many it would take. And they needed six?" Despite all the Hollywood hype, cruise missiles are notoriously inaccurate. Just ask the folks ducking strays in Kuwait or Iran. Still, a cruise

missile striking within 30 miles would have taken out that Iranian power plant. But if the nucleartipped ACM had detonated over its pile? "Bad. Bad. Very bad," as Hank would say. Because the resulting electromagnetic pulses from such a synergistic chain reaction would have-among other things--fried every unhardened Chinese microchip aboard every American ship, plane and vehicle in the Persian Gulf. "You don't have to sink the CAG, just turn it off," Hank said, referring to the formidable--yet completely microchip dependent--Carrier Air Group steaming off the coast of Iran. "Once they realized that these ships were just bobbing around out there," the bad guys would have "launched 10,000 rowboats" from surrounding shorelines to go play pirates. Was this why several Chinese Aegis destroyers were steaming in from the east about 250 nautical miles from the Straits of Hormuz? Was this why two or three Chinese submarines had been deployed to the area of the transiting destroyers the week before? Or were the two Chinese anti-aircraft destroyers part of an elaborate fail-safe in case the demonstration glitched and the bomber could not be recalled? Even if their anti-aircraft missiles could not reach the distant plane (easily tracked through its rigged Chinese chips), specific signals sent from the ship could have turned the plane around. Or its fuel off. What were the Chinese thinking?

Ever since Katrina, and the subsequent standing wave put up off the south coast of Africa by HAARP to deflect hurricanes from the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, Beijing has felt under siege as earthquakes and wild, shipping-interrupting storms continue to be conducted "all the way to China" by the powerful Gakona, Alaskan transmitter. [See "Where Have All The Hurricanes Gone"-upcoming on] Three times, the Chinese have attempted to override HAARP. And failed. Elaborate demonstrations of their electronic warfare capabilities-including fizzing circuits in space, and a face-to-face with the U.S. Vice-President in Singapore-had not persuaded American leaders to A: Refrain from hoisting a false flag over a Persian Gulf of Tonkin, and B: Turn HAARP off. Surely, Beijing must have reasoned, ordering a United State Air Force strategic bomber loaded out with six armed nuclear weapons to fly over the United States and then on towards Iran would conclusively demonstrate who was now in charge. "This op would not have 'Made In China' stamped all over it," Hank pointed out. "Instead, American bombs, American bombers and American systems were used." No matter how the mission had proceeded, if Washington had been forced to tell the world, "It wasn't us. We lost control of our bomber carrying six atomic warheads"--how would that have looked to a global audience already angry over America's misuse of its military might?

Whatever Beijing's intentions, Hank was not the only person in the U.S. military to have his head rearranged by this latest Chinese demonstration. "They might have wanted to go all the way. Of they might have wanted to put pieces in play and see how far they could go," he surmised. "Maybe the Chinese started, and stopped it." Either way, the unauthorized Minot mission has bluntly shown the White House and the Pentagon: "If you start something, we can stop it. You no longer know how much control you have over your own weapons systems because we can play with them at will. No matter where you are, no matter what you're doing, if you're using our chips you are vulnerable. And you can't know if our Trojan chips are in your systems unless you tear apart every circuits in every surveillance, communications, weapons system, pipelines, telecom and power grid in your entire military and civilian inventory and look. And then dismantle every network they are connected to." "And one more thing," Beijing inferred, "If you take offense and pop off a missile, remember, we might make it do a loop-de-loop and come right back down on its originating silo." Hank and others in America's command hierarchy remain alarmed and puzzled-which makes them even more uneasy. Would China's leadership have precipitated a cloud of radioactive fallout downwind over their own population? Emphatically, yes. The country's generals have long counted an expendable population and land mass as key factors in "winning" a nuclear war. Best case scenario, this recent flight of fancy was a warning for Washington to chill the bomb Iran rhetoric, and dial down HAARP. "Maybe the Chinese got it right and they were just messin' with us," Hank mused. "Or they got it wrong, and something very bad almost happened. But why only one plane? Why stop there? It's a limited use of a system that is now exposed." But what can we do about it? And what a message it sent! [See "Cyber War"]

Phase Three of the mission would have sent coded target grid coordinates and time(s) of weapon(s) release, as well as updates on weather over the area, enemy defense status and friendly escorts. Those orders never came. Instead, Phase Four was initiated. When the cockpit teleprinter spat out paper tape again, it read, in so many words: "Forget the whole thing. Abort the mission. Turn back." The only people capable of issuing a nuclear strike recall order would be the President, the Secretary of Defense, a specific designate of the SecDef authorized by special code. Or a Chinese military hacker.

As Hank notes, "The plane had to be diverted to a base that could handle nuclear weapons." That would be Barksdale. But... "Live hot nukes would have tripped alarms on the tarmac when it touched down. Either they were nonfunctional on both ends [Minot and Barksdale], which is scary beyond belief considering what we're talking about." Or the Joint Chiefs or the NCA could have ordered the radiation sensors silenced to keep the mission-and the hijacked mission-under wraps. Or the Chinese could have turned them off. If the system is digital, Beijing probably controls it. Bottom line: if the incoming bomber had crashed approach, no one responding would have known they were dealing with a quiver-full of "broken arrows".

Thought the missiles were never launched, they still remain in play. As Hank worried, "Six nukes are now forward deployed to the air force base that handles Middle East ops." A former counter-terrorism expert with the CIA and the State Department shares his concern. Larry Johnson does not buy the official story that six nuclear weapons were "mistakenly" flown over the USA-not after a retired B-52 pilot reminded him. "The only time you put such weapons on a plane is when they are on alert, or if the crew has been tasked to move the weapons to a specific site." Besides running nuclear war exercises like the Global Guardian drill it ran on the morning of 9/11, Barksdale AFB deploys "heavies" to the Middle East. Like Hank, Johnson wants to know, "Why would we want to preposition nuclear weapons at a base conducting Middle East operations?" His pilot pal believes that an insider leaker tried to send up a bright red flag. Johnson asks, "Did someone at Barksdale try to indirectly warn the American people that the Bush Administration is staging nukes for Iran?" [] But Hank points out another problem. Cruise missiles-which are essentially autonomous, unpiloted drones-have special needs. Since six cruise missiles showing up at Barksdale were an oddity, can they be adequately stored and maintained there? The Gulf Coast is "a very different environment" than Nebraska, Hank emphasizes. How long is Barksdale going to hold onto them? In the hurricane season? "Are we going to see some of them floating out on the tide?" Hank wants to know. Americans need a big confirm that these weapons have been sent back north to a better home.

Verify this story here


The Story That Never Was: The "Silencing" of the B-52 "Whistleblowers"

by Timothy V. Gatto

It seems like somebody is throwing misinformation out to the Progressive community either to discredit us or to have us chase phony stories around that in effect, waste our time. I recently received information, and I see that many of us did, about the supposedly dead soldiers that helped to out the story on that B -52 that carried nuclear weapons from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB. I heard about it from an e-mail that was sent by a good friend. Since I had just been burned by the Amero coin story in which I received information that the Denver mint had begun making Ameros, I was suspicious and asked my friend to check his sources. Sure enough, my friend wrote that he had been duped again. The worst part of this saga is that he traced the story back to the same source that had released misinformation on the Amero! My source that I believe would rather be left nameless traced the original story that he got to another source. He actually called that source to find out where he got that information and it traced back to Hal Turner. The original article that wrote about the so-called deaths was on the Military Times website. Since Michael Hoffman wrote the article I called him today. Mr. Hoffman was very forthcoming and told me that he had two sources that told him about the story, and when he investigated it, he found that the two servicemen that perished, but that they had no connection whatsoever with the bomb-laden B-52. Mr. Hoffman also told me that he had received e-mail from Hal Turner about the article and he had advised Mr. Turner to remove the article from his website on the premise that he was disseminating fraudulent information. Apparently Hal Turner cares nothing for the truth as you can see here: and that the story is still on his website. I have read a few articles, one here at that still maintain that the soldiers that turned the information over to the Military Times have been silencedpermanently. This is pure misinformation and Hal Turner along with all that jumped on this story should have checked their sources more thoroughly. This could have been a counter intelligence program designed to make anyone repeating this story look ridiculous. This isnt an isolated case. People that write articles should be very careful to check their sources, if at least two impeccable sources cant verify a story, that story should remain out of print until a second source has been verified. Thats the way I see it. Former Chairman of the Liberal Party of America, Tim is a retired Army Sergeant. He currently lives in South Carolina. A regular contributor to OpEdNews, he is the author of Kimchee Kronicles and is currently at work on a new novel. Contact Author

B-52 Nuke-Involved Airman Murdered? No Cause Of Death Listed Our Thanks To Ted Twietmeyer For Locating Airman Todd Blue's Obituary 9-17-7

Todd Alexander Blue

Todd Alexander Blue, of Wytheville, Va. was born August 13, 1987 in Washington, D.C. to John Briggs and Patricia Blue. He departed this life on September 10, 2007. Todd graduated from George Wythe High School in 2005. After high school, he enlisted into the U.S. Air Force. While serving in the Air Force, Todd received many honors. He was stationed at Minot Air Force Base in Minot, N.D. Todd leaves behind lots of great memories of him. He was a star athlete in track and field and football. He was very outgoing, ambitious, and great with helping others deal with hard situations. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Mr. Clarence Blue, Sr. He leaves to cherish his memory his mother, Patricia Blue; his father, John Briggs and stepmother, Faith Briggs; one sister, Alvina Blue; two brothers, Bryan Blue and Patrick Bryant; three wonderful grandmothers, Ms. Sarah C. Blue, Mrs. Mildred Patterson, and Mrs. Remonia Haskins; two grandfathers, Mr. Willie Patterson and Mr. Cecil Haskins; ten aunts; four uncles; one niece; two nephews; and many other friends and family. A memorial service will be held at 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 16, 2007 at Bethel A.M.E. Church, 635 E. Main Street, Wytheville, Va. with the Reverend Daryl E. Beamer, Sr. officiating. Interment will take place at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. Arrangements entrusted to Penn's Funeral Home, Pulaski. Published in the Roanoke Times on 9/14/2007.


Retired General To Investigate B-52 Nuclear Mistake

Sep 21, 2007 08:08 AM PST

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has asked a retired general who once commanded the nation's fleet of B-52s to lead an outside inquiry into how one of the bombers was mistakenly armed with nuclear weapons. Gates' press secretary, Geoff Morrell, says the defense chief has asked former Air Force Chief of Staff Larry Welch to lead the investigation. That's in addition to the Air Force's own investigation, which began three weeks ago. The B-52 in question was mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles when it flew from Minot Air Force Base, in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base on August 30th. The missiles were mounted onto pylons under the bomber's wings, but the Air Force says there was never any danger to the public. Morrell says Welch will lead a Defense Science Board task force to determine whether the B-52 incident has wider implications for the military. (Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

Gates Seeks 2nd Inquiry of Bomber Mishap

By ROBERT BURNS 1 day ago WASHINGTON (AP) Three weeks after the Air Force began investigating the mistaken arming of a B-52 bomber with nuclear weapons, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has asked for an outside inquiry led by a retired general who once commanded the strategic bomber fleet, an official said Thursday. In the embarrassing incident, a B-52 mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles flew from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., on Aug. 30. The missiles were mounted onto pylons under the bomber's wings, but the Air Force said there was never any danger to the public. The mistake, revealed publicly by the Military Times newspapers, was so serious that President Bush and Gates were quickly informed and Gates has received regular updates from the Air Force on progress in its investigation.

Gates's press secretary, Geoff Morrell, told reporters that the defense chief asked Larry Welch, a former Air Force chief of staff, to lead an inquiry into the implications of the incident. That is in addition to the existing Air Force probe headed by Maj. Gen. Douglas Raaberg, director of air and space operations at Air Combat Command, which is responsible for all Air Force bombers and fighters. Morrell said Welch will lead a Defense Science Board task force to determine whether the B-52 incident has wider implications for the military. "Does this incident reflect a larger problem with regard to the security and transfer of munitions?" is the question that Welch's group will attempt to answer, Morrell said. The Defense Science Board is a standing committee of outside experts, including retired military officers and former government officials, that advises the secretary of defense on a wide range of national security issues. Asked why Gates felt it necessary to launch another inquiry into the matter, Morrell said it did not reflect any dissatisfaction with the way the Air Force is conducting its investigation. "But I think he believes that in an incident of this nature, it's important to get to the bottom of it," Morrell said. "And he believes an outside set of eyes may be additionally helpful to, sort of, get a better sense of what went wrong and how to avoid similar mistakes in the future." An Air Force spokesman, Lt. Col. Edward Thomas, said his service's probe should be done within several weeks. "Our response has been swift and focused," Thomas said. The weapon involved in the Aug. 30 incident was the Advanced Cruise Missile, a "stealth" weapon developed in the 1980s with the ability to evade detection by Soviet radars. The Air Force said in March that it had decided to retire the Advanced Cruise Missile fleet in the near future. Welch is president and chief executive officer of the Institute for Defense Analysis, which administers three federally funded research centers that do analytical work for the Defense Department. Welch retired from the Air Force in 1990 after serving as its chief of staff. He previously was commander of Strategic Air Command, which operated the bomber fleet and was dissolved when an Air Force reorganization created Air Combat Command to operate all of its combat aircraft. On the Net:

Defense Science Board at: B-52 bomber at: -Outside inquiry for nuke mishap Former Air Force official to head investigation into B-52 bomber incident The Associated Press Updated: 6:52 p.m. CT Sept 20, 2007 WASHINGTON - Three weeks after the Air Force began investigating the mistaken arming of a B-52 bomber with nuclear weapons, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has asked for an outside inquiry led by a retired general who once commanded the strategic bomber fleet, an official said Thursday. In the embarrassing incident, a B-52 mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles flew from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., on Aug. 30. The missiles were mounted onto pylons under the bombers wings, but the Air Force said there was never any danger to the public. The mistake, revealed publicly by the Military Times newspapers, was so serious that President Bush and Gates were quickly informed and Gates has received regular updates from the Air Force on progress in its investigation. Gatess press secretary, Geoff Morrell, told reporters that the defense chief asked Larry Welch, a former Air Force chief of staff, to undertake a review of the incident. That is in addition to the existing Air Force probe headed by Maj. Gen. Douglas Raaberg, director of air and space operations at Air Combat Command, which is responsible for all Air Force bombers and fighters. Asked why Gates felt it necessary to launch an independent review of the incident, Morrell said it did not reflect any dissatisfaction with the way the Air Force is conducting its investigation. But I think he believes that in an incident of this nature, its important to get to the bottom of it, Morrell said. And he believes an outside set of eyes may be additionally helpful to, sort of, get a better sense of what went wrong and how to avoid similar mistakes in the future. An Air Force spokesman, Lt. Col. Edward Thomas, said his services probe should be done within several weeks. Our response has been swift and focused, Thomas said. The weapon involved in the Aug. 30 incident was the Advanced Cruise Missile, a stealth weapon developed in the 1980s with the ability to evade detection by Soviet radars. The Air Force said in March that it had decided to retire the Advanced Cruise Missile fleet in the near future.

Ex-Air Force official's background Welch is president and chief executive officer of the Institute for Defense Analysis, which administers three federally funded research centers that do analytical work for the Defense Department. He also is a member of the Defense Science Board, which advises the secretary of defense on technical matters. A spokeswoman for Welch, Amy Cohen at the Institute for Defense Analysis, said Welch told her that his review of the B-52 incident was under the auspices of the Defense Science Board, but he did not elaborate on precisely what the board had been asked to do. Welch retired from the Air Force in 1990 after serving as its chief of staff. He previously was commander of Strategic Air Command, which operated the bomber fleet and was dissolved when an Air Force reorganization created Air Combat Command to operate all of its combat aircraft.

2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. URL:

Mystery surrounds deaths of Minot airmen

Sat, 22 Sep 2007 23:10:30

Six members of the US Air Force who were involved in the Minot AFB incident, have died mysteriously, an anti-Bush activist group says. The incident happened when a B-52 bomber was "mistakenly" loaded with six nuclear warheads and flown for more than three hours across several states, prompting an Air Force investigation and the firing of one commander. The plane was carrying Advanced Cruise Missiles from Minot Air Force Base, N.D, to Barksdale Air Force Base on August 30. The Air Combat Command has ordered a command-wide stand down on September 14 to review procedures, officials said. The missiles, which are being decommissioned, were mounted onto pylons on the bomber's wings and it is unclear why the warheads had not been removed beforehand. In addition to the munitions squadron commander who was relieved of his

duties, crews involved in the incident, including ground crew workers had been temporarily decertified for handling munitions. The activist group Citizens for Legitimate Government said the six members of the US Air Force who were directly involved as loaders or as pilots, were killed within 7 days in 'accidents'. The victims include Airman First Class Todd Blue, 20, who died while on leave in Virginia. A statement by the military confirmed his death but did not say how he died. In another accident, a married couple from Barksdale Air Force Base were killed in the 5100 block of Shreveport-Blanchard Highway. The two were riding a 2007 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, with the husband driving and the wife the passenger, police said. "They were traveling behind a northbound Pontiac Aztec driven by Erica Jerry, 35, of Shreveport," the county sheriff said. "Jerry initiated a left turn into a business parking lot at the same time the man driving the motorcycle attempted to pass her van on the left in a no passing zone. They collided." Adam Barrs, a 20-year-old airman from Minot Air Force Base was killed in a crash on the outskirts of the city. First Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, a Minot Air Force Base bomber pilot, was killed in a motorcycle crash in Tennessee, the military officials say. Police found the body of a missing Air Force captain John Frueh near Badger Peak in northeast Skamania County, Washington. The Activist group says the mysterious deaths of the air force members could indicate to a conspiracy to cover up the truth about the Minot Air Base incident.

The saga of a Bent Spear

6 nukes fly across U.S.; no one notices for 36 hours how could it happen?
Sept 22, 2007 Just after 9 a.m. on Aug. 29, a group of U.S. airmen entered a sod-covered bunker on

North Dakota's Minot Air Force Base with orders to collect a set of unarmed cruise missiles bound for a weapons graveyard. They quickly pulled out a dozen cylinders, all of which appeared identical from a cursory glance, and hauled them along Bomber Boulevard to a waiting B-52 bomber. The airmen attached the gray missiles to the plane's wings, six on each side. After eyeballing the missiles on the right side, a flight officer signed a manifest that listed a dozen unarmed AGM-129 missiles. The officer did not notice that the six on the left contained nuclear warheads, each with the destructive power of up to 10 Hiroshima bombs. That detail would escape notice for an astounding 36 hours, during which the missiles were flown across the country to a Louisiana air base that had no idea nuclear warheads were coming. It was the first known flight by a nuclear-armed bomber over U.S. airspace, without special high-level authorization, in nearly 40 years. The episode, serious enough to trigger a rare "Bent Spear" nuclear incident report that raced through the chain of command to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and President Bush, provoked new questions inside and outside the Pentagon about the adequacy of U.S. nuclear weapons safeguards while the military's attention and resources are devoted to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Three weeks after word of the incident leaked to the public, new details obtained by The Washington Post point to security failures at multiple levels in North Dakota and Louisiana, according to interviews with current and former U.S. officials briefed on the initial results of an Air Force investigation of the incident. The warheads were attached to the plane in Minot without special guard for more than 15 hours, and they remained on the plane in Louisiana for nearly nine hours more before being discovered. In total, the warheads slipped from the Air Force's nuclear safety net for more than a day without anyone's knowledge. "I have been in the nuclear business since 1966 and am not aware of any incident more disturbing," retired Air Force Gen. Eugene Habiger, who served as U.S. Strategic Command chief from 1996 to 1998, said in an interview. A simple error in a missile storage room led to missteps at every turn, as ground crews failed to notice the warheads, and as security

teams and flight crew members failed to provide adequate oversight and check the cargo thoroughly. An elaborate nuclear safeguard system, nurtured during the Cold War and infused with rigorous accounting and command procedures, was utterly debased, the investigation's early results show. The incident came on the heels of multiple warnings some of which went to the highest levels of the Bush administration, including the National Security Council of security problems at Air Force installations where nuclear weapons are kept. The risks are not that warheads might be accidentally detonated, but that sloppy procedures could leave room for theft or damage to a warhead, disseminating its toxic nuclear materials. A former National Security Council staff member with detailed knowledge described the event as something that people in the White House "have been assured never could happen." What occurred on Aug. 29-30, the former official said, was "a breakdown at a number of levels involving flight crew, munitions, storage and tracking procedures faults that never were to line up on a single day." Missteps in the bunker The air base where the incident took place is one of the most remote and, for much of the year, coldest military posts in the continental United States. Veterans of Minot typically describe their assignments by counting the winters passed in the flat, treeless region where January wind chills sometimes exceed 100 degrees below zero. In airman-speak, a three-year assignment becomes "three winters" at Minot. The daily routine for many of Minot's crews is a cycle of scheduled maintenance for the base's 35 aging B-52H Stratofortress bombers mammoth, eight-engine workhorses, the newest of which left the assembly line more than 45 years ago. Workers also tend to 150 intercontinental ballistic missiles kept at the ready in silos scattered across neighboring cornfields, as well as hundreds of smaller nuclear bombs, warheads and vehicles stored in sod-covered bunkers called igloos. "We had a continuous workload in maintaining" warheads, said Scott Vest, a former Air Force captain who spent time in Minot's bunkers in the 1990s. "We had a stockpile of more than 400 . . . and some of them were always coming due" for service.

Among the many weapons and airframes, the AGM-129 cruise missile was well known at the base as a nuclear warhead delivery system carried by B-52s. With its unique shape and design, it is easily distinguished from the older AGM-86, which can be fitted with either a nuclear or a conventional warhead. Last fall, after 17 years in the U.S. arsenal, the Air Force's more than 400 AGM-129s were ordered into retirement by thenDefense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. Minot was told to begin shipping out the unarmed missiles in small groups to Barksdale Air Force Base near Shreveport, La., for storage. By Aug. 29, its crews had already sent more than 200 missiles to Barksdale and knew the drill by heart. The Air Force's account of what happened that day and the next was provided by multiple sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the government's investigation is continuing and classified. At 9:12 a.m. local time on Aug. 29, according to the account, ground crews in two trucks entered a gated compound at Minot known as the Weapons Storage Area and drove to an igloo where the cruise missiles were stored. The 21-foot missiles were already mounted on pylons, six apiece in clusters of three, for quick mounting to the wings of a B-52. The AGM-129 is designed to carry silver W-80-1 nuclear warheads, which have a variable yield of between 5 and 150 kilotons. (A kiloton is equal to the explosive force of 1,000 tons of TNT.) The warheads were meant to have been removed from the missiles before shipment. In their place, crews were supposed to insert metal dummies of the same size and weight, but a different color, so the missiles could still be properly attached under the bomber's wings. A munitions custodian officer is supposed to keep track of the nuclear warheads. In the case of cruise missiles, a stamp-size window on the missile's frame allows workers to peer inside to check whether the warheads within are silver. In many cases, a red ribbon or marker attached to the missile serves as an additional warning. Finally, before the missiles are moved, two-man teams are supposed to look at check sheets, bar codes and serial numbers denoting whether the missiles are armed. Why the warheads were not noticed in this case is not publicly known. But once the missiles were certified as unarmed, a requirement for unique security precautions when nuclear warheads are moved such

as the presence of specially armed security police, the approval of a senior base commander and a special tracking system evaporated. The trucks hauled the missile pylons from the bunker into the bustle of normal air base traffic, onto Bomber Boulevard and M Street, before turning onto a tarmac apron where the missiles were loaded onto the B-52. The loading took eight hours because of unusual trouble attaching the pylon on the right side of the plane the one with the dummy warheads. By 5:12 p.m., the B-52 was fully loaded. The plane then sat on the tarmac overnight without special guards, protected for 15 hours by only the base's exterior chain-link fence and roving security patrols. Air Force rules required members of the jet's flight crew to examine all of the missiles and warheads before the plane took off. But in this instance, just one person examined only the six unarmed missiles and inexplicably skipped the armed missiles on the left, according to officials familiar with the probe. "If they're not expecting a live warhead it may be a very casual thing there's no need to set up the security system and play the whole nuclear game," said Vest, the former Minot airman. "As for the air crew, they're bus drivers at this point, as far as they know." The plane, which had flown to Minot for the mission and was not certified to carry nuclear weapons, departed the next morning for Louisiana. When the bomber landed at Barksdale at 11:23 a.m., the air crew signed out and left for lunch, according to the probe. It would be another nine hours until 8:30 p.m. before a Barksdale ground crew turned up at the parked aircraft to begin removing the missiles. At 8:45, 15 minutes into the task, a separate missile transport crew arrived in trucks. One of these airmen noticed something unusual about the missiles. Within an hour, a skeptical supervisor had examined them and ordered them secured. By then it was 10 p.m., more than 36 hours after the warheads left their secure bunker in Minot. Once the errant warheads were discovered, Air Force officers in Louisiana were alarmed enough to immediately notify the National

Military Command Center, a highly secure area of the Pentagon that serves as the nerve center for U.S. nuclear war planning. Such "Bent Spear" events are ranked second in seriousness only to "Broken Arrow" incidents, which involve the loss, destruction or accidental detonation of a nuclear weapon. The Air Force decided at first to keep the mishap under wraps, in part because of policies that prohibit the confirmation of any details about the storage or movement of nuclear weapons. No public acknowledgement was made until service members leaked the story to the Military Times, which published a brief account Sept. 5. Officials familiar with the Bent Spear report say Air Force officials apparently did not anticipate that the episode would cause public concern. One passage in the report contains these four words: "No press interest anticipated." How could so much break down at once? The news, when it did leak, provoked a reaction within the defense and national security communities that bordered on disbelief: How could so many safeguards, drilled into generations of nuclear weapons officers and crews, break down at once? Military officers, nuclear weapons analysts and lawmakers have expressed concern that it was not just a fluke, but a symptom of deeper problems in the handling of nuclear weapons now that Cold War anxieties have abated. "It is more significant than people first realized, and the more you look at it, the stranger it is," said Joseph Cirincione, director for nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress think tank and the author of a history of nuclear weapons. "These weapons the equivalent of 60 Hiroshimas were out of authorized command and control for more than a day." The Air Force has sought to offer assurances that its security system is working. Within days, the service relieved one Minot officer of his command and disciplined several airmen, while assigning a major general to head an investigation that has already been extended for extra weeks. At the same time, Defense Department officials have announced that a Pentagon-appointed scientific advisory board will study the mishap as part of a larger review of procedures for handling nuclear weapons.

"Clearly this incident was unacceptable on many levels," said an Air Force spokesman, Lt. Col. Edward Thomas. "Our response has been swift and focused and it has really just begun. We will spend many months at the air staff and at our commands and bases ensuring that the root causes are addressed." While Air Force officials see the Minot event as serious, they also note that it was harmless, since the six nuclear warheads never left the military's control. Even if the bomber had crashed, or if someone had stolen the warheads, fail-safe devices would have prevented a nuclear detonation. But independent experts warn that whenever nuclear weapons are not properly safeguarded, their fissile materials are at risk of theft and diversion. Moreover, if the plane had crashed and the warheads' casings cracked, these highly toxic materials could have been widely dispersed. "When what were multiple layers of tight nuclear weapon control internal procedures break down, some bad guy may eventually come along and take advantage of them," said a former senior administration official who had responsibility for nuclear security. Some Air Force veterans say the base's officers made an egregious mistake in allowing nuclear-warhead-equipped missiles and unarmed missiles to be stored in the same bunker, a practice that a spokesman last week confirmed is routine. Charles Curtis, a former deputy energy secretary in the Clinton administration, said, "We always relied on segregation of nuclear weapons from conventional ones." Former nuclear weapons officials have noted that the weapons transfer at the heart of the incident coincides with deep cuts in deployed nuclear forces that will bring the total number of warheads to as few as 1,700 by the year 2012 a reduction of more than 50 percent from 2001 levels. But the downsizing has created new accounting and logistical challenges, since U.S. policy is to keep thousands more warheads in storage, some as a strategic reserve and others awaiting dismantling. A secret 1998 history of the Air Combat Command warned of "diminished attention for even 'the minimum standards' of nuclear weapons' maintenance, support and security" once such arms became less vital, according to a declassified copy obtained by Hans Kristensen, director of the Federation of American Scientists' nuclear information project.

The Air Force's inspector general in 2003 found that half of the "nuclear surety" inspections conducted that year resulted in failing grades the worst performance since inspections of weapons-handling began. Minot's 5th Bomb Wing was among the units that failed, and the Louisiana-based 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale garnered an unsatisfactory rating in 2005. Both units passed subsequent nuclear inspections, and Minot was given high marks in a 2006 inspection. The 2003 report on the 5th Bomb Wing attributed its poor performance to the demands of supporting combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wartime stresses had "resulted in a lack of time to focus and practice nuclear operations," the report stated. Last year, the Air Force eliminated a separate nuclear-operations directorate known informally as the N Staff, which closely tracked the maintenance and security of nuclear weapons in the United States and other NATO countries. Currently, nuclear and space operations are combined in a single directorate. Air Force officials say the change was part of a service-wide reorganization and did not reflect diminished importance of nuclear operations. What the hell happened here? "Where nuclear weapons have receded into the background is at the senior policy level, where there are other things people have to worry about," said Linton F. Brooks, who resigned in January as director of the National Nuclear Security Administration. Brooks, who oversaw billions of dollars in U.S. spending to help Russia secure its nuclear stockpile, said the mishandling of U.S. warheads indicates that "something went seriously wrong." A similar refrain has been voiced hundreds of times in blogs and chat rooms popular with former and current military members. On a Web site run by the Military Times, a former B-52 crew chief who did not give his name wrote: "What the hell happened here?" A former Air Force senior master sergeant wrote separately that "mistakes were made at the lowest level of supervision and this snowballed into the one of the biggest mistakes in USAF history. I am still scratching my head wondering how this could [have] happened." 2007 The Washington Post Company
Subject: B-52 Nukes Were Headed for Iran: Airforce Refused

-- SPECIAL REPORT -Air Force refused to fly weapons to Middle East theater By Wayne Madsen Sept. 24, 2007 Author's website WMR has learned from U.S. and foreign intelligence sources that the B-52 transporting six stealth AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles, each armed with a W-80-1 nuclear warhead, on August 30, were destined for the Middle East via Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. However, elements of the Air Force, supported by U.S. intelligence agency personnel, successfully revealed the ultimate destination of the nuclear weapons and the mission was aborted due to internal opposition within the Air Force and U.S. Intelligence Community. Yesterday, the /Washington Post/ attempted to explain away the fact that America's nuclear command and control system broke down in an unprecedented manner by reporting that it was the result of "security failures at multiple levels." It is now apparent that the command and control breakdown, reported as a BENT SPEAR incident to the Secretary of Defense and White House, was not the result of a command and control chain-of-command "failures" but the result of a revolt and push back by various echelons within the Air Force and intelligence agencies against a planned U.S. attack on Iran using nuclear and conventional weapons. The /Washington Post/ story on BENT SPEAR may have actually been an effort in damage control by the Bush administration. WMR has been informed by a knowledgeable source that one of the six nuclear-armed cruise missiles was, and may still be, unaccounted for. In that case, the nuclear reporting incident would have gone far beyond BENT SPEAR to a National Command Authority alert known as EMPTY QUIVER, with the special classification of PINNACLE. Just as this report was being prepared, /Newsweek/ reported that Vice President Dick Cheney's recently-departed Middle East adviser, David Wurmser, told a small group of advisers some months ago that Cheney had considered asking Israel to launch a missile attack on the Iranian nuclear site at Natanz. Cheney reasoned that after an Iranian retaliatory strike, the United States would have ample reasons to launch its own massive attack on Iran. However, plans for Israel to attack Iran directly were altered to an Israeli attack on a

supposed Syrian-Iranian-North Korean nuclear installation in northern Syria. WMR has learned that a U.S. attack on Iran using nuclear and conventional weapons was scheduled to coincide with Israel's September 6 air attack on a reputed Syrian nuclear facility in Dayr azZwar, near the village of Tal Abyad, in northern Syria, near the Turkish border. Israel's attack, code named OPERATION ORCHARD, was to provide a reason for the U.S. to strike Iran. The neo-conservative propaganda onslaught was to cite the cooperation of the George Bush's three remaining "Axis of Evil" states -- Syria, Iran, and North Korea -- to justify a sustained Israeli attack on Syria and a massive U.S. military attack on Iran. WMR has learned from military sources on both sides of the Atlantic that there was a definite connection between Israel's OPERATION ORCHARD and BENT SPEAR involving the B-52 that flew the six nuclear-armed cruise missiles from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale. There is also a connection between these two events as the Pentagon's highly-classified PROJECT CHECKMATE, a compartmented U.S. Air Force program that has been working on an attack plan for Iran since June 2007, around the same time that Cheney was working on the joint Israeli-U.S. attack scenario on Iran. PROJECT CHECKMATE was leaked in an article by military analyst Eric Margolis in the Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper, the /Times of London/, is a program that involves over two dozen Air Force officers and is headed by Brig. Gen. Lawrence Stutzriem and his chief civilian adviser, Dr. Lani Kass, a former Israeli military intelligence officer who, astoundingly, is now involved in planning a joint U.S.-Israeli massive military attack on Iran that involves a "decapitating" blow on Iran by hitting between three to four thousand targets in the country. Stutzriem and Kass report directly to the Air Force Chief of Staff, General Michael Moseley, who has also been charged with preparing a report on the B-52/nuclear weapons incident. Kass' area of speciality is cyber-warfare, which includes ensuring "information blockades," such as that imposed by the Israeli government on the Israeli media regarding the Syrian air attack on the alleged Syrian "nuclear installation." British intelligence sources have reported that the Israeli attack on Syria was a "true flag" attack originally designed to foreshadow a U.S. attack on Iran. After the U.S. Air Force push back against transporting the six cruise nuclear-armed AGM-129s to the Middle East, Israel went ahead with its attack on Syria in order to help

ratchet up tensions between Washington on one side and Damascus, Tehran, and Pyongyang on the other. The other part of CHECKMATE's brief is to ensure that a media "perception management" is waged against Syria, Iran, and North Korea. This involves articles such as that which appeared with Joby Warrick's and Walter Pincus' bylines in yesterdays /Washington Post/. The article, titled "The Saga of a Bent Spear," quotes a number of seasoned Air Force nuclear weapons experts as saying that such an incident is unprecedented in the history of the Air Force. For example, Retired Air Force General Eugene Habiger, the former chief of the U.S. Strategic Command, said he has been in the "nuclear business" since 1966 and has never been aware of an incident "more disturbing." Command and control breakdowns involving U.S. nuclear weapons are unprecedented, except for that fact that the U.S. military is now waging an internal war against neo-cons who are embedded in the U.S. government and military chain of command who are intent on using nuclear weapons in a preemptive war with Iran. CHECKMATE and OPERATION ORCHARD would have provided the cover for a pre-emptive U.S. and Israeli attack on Iran had it not been for BENT SPEAR involving the B-52. In on the plan to launch a pre-emptive attack on Iran involving nuclear weapons were, according to our sources, Cheney, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley; members of the CHECKMATE team at the Pentagon, who have close connections to Israeli intelligence and pro-Israeli think tanks in Washington, including the Hudson Institute; British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, a political adviser to Tony Blair prior to becoming a Member of Parliament; Israeli political leaders like Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu; and French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, who did his part last week to ratchet up tensions with Iran by suggesting that war with Iran was a probability. Kouchner retracted his statement after the U.S. plans for Iran were delayed. Although the Air Force tried to keep the B-52 nuclear incident from the media, anonymous Air Force personnel leaked the story to /Military Times/ on September 5, the day before the Israelis attacked the alleged nuclear installation in Syria and the day planned for the simultaneous U.S. attack on Iran. The leaking of classified information on U.S. nuclear weapons disposition or movement to the media, is, itself, unprecedented. Air Force regulations require the sending of classified BEELINE reports to higher Air Force authorities on the

disclosure of classified Air Force information to the media. In another highly unusual move, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has asked an outside inquiry board to look into BENT SPEAR, even before the Air Force has completed its own investigation, a virtual vote of no confidence in the official investigation being conducted by Major General Douglas Raaberg, chief of air and space operations at the Air Combat Command. Gates asked former Air Force Chief of Staff, retired General Larry Welch, to lead a Defense Science Board task force that will also look into the BENT SPEAR incident. The official Air Force investigation has reportedly been delayed for unknown reasons. Welch is President and CEO of the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA), a federally-funded research contractor that operates three research centers, including one for Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President and another for the National Security Agency. One of the board members of IDA is Dr. Suzanne H. Woolsey of the Paladin Capital Group and wife of former CIA director and archneocon James Woolsey. WMR has learned that neither the upper echelons of the State Department nor the British Foreign Office were privy to OPERATION ORCHARD, although Hadley briefed President Bush on Israeli spy satellite intelligence that showed the Syrian installation was a joint nuclear facility built with North Korean and Iranian assistance. However, it is puzzling why Hadley would rely on Israeli imagery intelligence (IMINT) from its OFEK (Horizon) 7 satellite when considering that U.S. IMINT satellites have greater capabilities. The Air Force's "information warfare" campaign against media reports on CHECKMATE and OPERATION ORCHARD also affected international reporting of the recent International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) resolution asking Israel to place its nuclear weapons program under IAEA controls, similar to those that the United States wants imposed on Iran and North Korea. The resolution also called for a nuclear-free zone throughout the Middle East. The IAEA's resolution, titled "Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East," was passed by the 144-member IAEA General Meeting on September 20 by a vote of 53 to 2, with 47 abstentions. The only two countries to vote against were Israel and the United States. However, the story carried from the IAEA meeting in Vienna by Reuters, the Associated Press, and Agence France Press, was that it was Arab and Islamic nations that voted for the resolution.

This was yet more perception management carried out by CHECKMATE, the White House, and their allies in Europe and Israel with the connivance of the media. In fact, among the 53 nations that voted for the resolution were China, Russia, India, Ireland, and Japan. The 47 abstentions were described as votes "against" the resolution even though an abstention is neither a vote for nor against a measure. America's close allies, including Britain, France, Australia, Canada, and Georgia, all abstained. Suspiciously, the IAEA carried only a brief item on the resolution concerning Israel's nuclear program and a roll call vote was not available either at the IAEA's web site -- -- or in the media. The perception management campaign by the neocon operational cells in the Bush administration, Israel and Europe was designed to keep a focus on Iran's nuclear program, not on Israel's. Any international examination of Israel's nuclear weapons program would likely bring up Israeli nuclear scientist Mordechai Vanunu, a covert from Judaism to Christianity, who was kidnapped in Rome by a Mossad "honey trap" named Cheryl Bentov (aka, Cindy) and a Mossad team in 1986 and held against his will in Israel ever since. Vanunu's knowledge of the Israeli nuclear weapons program would focus on the country's own role in nuclear proliferation, including its program to share nuclear weapons technology with apartheid South Africa and Taiwan in the late 1970s and 1980s. The role of Ronald Reagan's Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Ken Adelman in Israeli's nuclear proliferation during the time frame 1983-1987 would also come under scrutiny. Adelman, a member of the Reagan-Bush transition State Department team from November 1980 to January 1981, voiced his understanding for the nuclear weapons programs of Israel, South Africa, and Taiwan in a June 28, 1981 /New York Times/ article titled, "3 Nations Widening Nuclear Contacts." The journalist who wrote the article was Judith Miller. Adelman felt that the three countries wanted nuclear weapons because of their ostracism from the West, the third world, and the hostility from the Communist countries. Of course, today, the same argument can be used by Iran, North Korea, and other "Axis of Evil" nations so designated by the neocons in the Bush administration and other governments. There are also news reports that suggest an intelligence relationship between Israel and North Korea. On July 21, 2004, New Zealand's /Dominion Post/ reported that three Mossad agents were involved in espionage in New Zealand.

Two of the Mossad agents, Uriel Kelman and Elisha Cara (aka Kra), were arrested and imprisoned by New Zealand police (an Israeli diplomat in Canberra, Amir Lati, was expelled by Australia and New Zealand intelligence identified a fourth Mossad agent involved in the New Zealand espionage operation in Singapore). The third Mossad agent in New Zealand, Zev William Barkan (aka Lev Bruckenstein), fled New Zealand -- for North Korea. New Zealand Foreign Minister Phil Goff revealed that Barkan, a former Israeli Navy diver, had previously worked at the Israeli embassy in Vienna, which is also the headquarters of the IAEA. He was cited by the /Sydney Morning Herald/ as trafficking in passports stolen from foreign tourists in Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia. New Zealand's One News reported that Barkan was in North Korea to help the nation build a wall to keep its citizens from leaving. The nuclear brinkmanship involving the United States and Israel and the breakdown in America's command and control systems have every major capital around the world wondering about the Bush administration's true intentions. NOTE: WMR understands the risks to informed individuals in reporting the events of August 29/30, to the present time, that concern the discord within the U.S. Air Force, U.S. intelligence agencies, and other military services. Any source with relevant information and who wishes to contact us anonymously may drop off sealed correspondence at or send mail via the Postal Service to: Wayne Madsen, c/o The Front Desk, National Press Club, 13th Floor, 529 14th St., NW, Washington, DC, 20045.

story to be continued



A Second, More Deadly 9/11 In the Works?

Is a Second More Deadly 9/11 Now In the Works? There are good reasons to believe so by Richard Franklin As you know, a B-52 bomber was equipped with six nuclear warheads mounted on Advanced Cruise Missiles and then flown from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on August 30. They were mounted on the wings of the bomber. According to Michael Madsen's sources, a group of officers within the US Air Force became aware of the theft of these missiles and their nuclear warheads and intercepted them at Barksdale. After this event somehow leaked to the media, the White House apparently scrambled to concoct a story to account for the theft. They came up with a lulu. They told us it was all a 'mistake'. The six nuclear warheads had been mistakenly mounted on Advanced Cruise Missiles, which were then mistakenly mounted on the wings of the B-52, and then mistakenly flown to Louisiana. If we are to believe the White House's absurd story, nobody among the crew of the bomber was even aware of the deadly cargos attached to the wings of their aircraft. Wayne Madsen has reported that the nukes were destined for Iraq, but were intercepted by renegade officers of the US Air Force who are opposed to attacking Iran with nuclear warheads in a plan that was devised and was being allegedly overseen by Dick Cheney. According to Madsen, a U.S. attack on Iran using nuclear weapons was scheduled to coincide with Israel's September 6 air attack on a reputed Syrian nuclear facility in Dayr az-Zwar in northern Syria. The interception of the nuclear warheads apparently caused the White House cabal to defer an American coordination with the Israeli attack until such time as the problem of the intercepted nukes was resolved on the domestic front. The activist group Citizens for Legitimate Government has come up with an astounding revelation that has been ignored by our controlled media. A spokesperson for the group has indicated that six members of the US Air Force who were directly involved in loading or transporting the missiles, were killed within 7 days of the Barksdale interception. Their deaths have been ruled 'accidents'. I repeat, these deaths happened within 7 days of the incident! The

odds against this happening are mind boggling. The victims according to CLG include Airman First Class Todd Blue, 20, who died while on leave in Virginia. A husband and wife from Barksdale Air Force Base were killed on Shreveport-Blanchard Highway while riding a motorcycle. Adam Barrs, a 20-year-old airman from Minot Air Force Base was killed in a crash on the outskirts of the city. First Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, a Minot Air Force Base bomber pilot, was killed in a motorcycle crash in Tennessee. Police found the body of a missing Air Force captain John Frueh near Badger Peak in northeast Skamania County, Washington. It has been surmised by many that those directing the nuclear thefts embarked on a cleanup operation to silence any persons who were not part of the conspiracy but had knowledge of exactly what had gone down at Minot and Barksdale Air Force Bases. It defies common sense to come up with any other explanation for the six deaths, a figure that may already be out of date. Any further deaths may quite possibly be kept from the media. While the White House has concocted a coverup story to explain the, theft of six Advanced Cruise Missiles carrying nuclear warheads, it has not explained why it is that six such missiles were loaded at Minot, but ONLY FIVE ARRIVED AT BARKSDALE! There is only one possible explanation. Somewhere between the Minot and Barksdale, the plane landed to deliver one missile with its warhead. So who would want a solitary weapon of this nature? And for what purpose? I propose the following scenario. Members of the PNAC (usually pronounced as 'pee-nack') cabal in the White House wanted such a missile for the commission of a second major false flag operation in the United States. But why would they want to inflict another 9/11 on this country? It seems clear enough to me. They are now on the precipice of losing the power they have worked for so many years to achieve. Now with a unitary president in place, a chain of concentration camps across the country manned by Blackwater thugs, after having done practice runs to massively act out arresting dissident American citizens, with Bush in possession of a law giving him the right to declare martial law and also empowered to seize total, direct control of the National Guard, and so on, the PNAC cabal is in perfect position to deliver the final blow in the creation of an openly authoritarian state. I can think of no other logical reason for having purloined a nuclear warhead along with an Advanced Cruise Missile. That nuke and the missile remain missing despite White House assurances they are looking for it. In my humble opinion, the people who have that nuke and missile in hand

are quite possibly planning a second 9/11 to complete the grand design they first started working toward during the Reagan years. It was then that they drafted their Project for a New American Century to brazenly announce to the world where they were headed. We now may be on the precipice of the final act in the creation of a new Empire Amerika. I have never more sincerely wanted to be proved wrong. I hope my reasoning is crazy, my facts are wrong, and I'm merely going through a phase. Those feelings, however, do not suffice to allay the dark thoughts that come to mind regarding what I see as a truly scary event.,More.Deadly.9-11.In.the.Works.htm

Help - Search - Members - Calendar Full Version: Missing Nukes: Treason Of The Highest Order Pilots For 9/11 Truth Forum > Study > Research kiwisteve Oct 29 2007, 05:06 AM Missing Nukes on August 29-30, 2007 According to a wide range of reports, several nuclear bombs were lost for 36 hours after taking off August 29/30, 2007 on a cross-country journey across the U.S., from U.S.A.F Base Minot in North Dakota to U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale, near New Orleans, in Louisiana. [1] Reportedly, in total there were six W80-1 nuclear warheads armed on AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs) that were lost. [2] The story was first reported by the Military Times, after military servicemen leaked the story. It is also worth noting that on August 27, 2007, just days before, three B-52 Bombers were performing special missions under the direct authorization of General Moseley, the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force. [3] The exercise was reported as being an aerial information and image gathering mission. The base at Minot is also home of the 91st Space Wings, a unit under the command of Air Force Space Command (AFSPC). According to official reports, the U.S. Air Force pilots did not know that they were carrying weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Once in Louisiana, they also left the nuclear weapons unsecured on the runway for several hours. [4] U.S. Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans, and Requirements, Major-General Richard Y. Newton III commented on the incident, saying there was an unprecedented series of procedural errors, which revealed an erosion of adherence to weapons-handling standards [5]

These statements are misleading. The lax security was not the result of procedural negligence within the U.S. Air Force, but rather the consequence of a deliberate tampering of these procedures. If a soldier, marine, airman, or sailor were even to be issued a rifle and rifle magazine weaponry of a far lesser significance, danger, and cost there is a strict signing and accountability process that involves a chain of command and paperwork. This is part of the set of military checks and balances used by all the services within the U.S. Armed Forces. Military servicemen qualified to speak on the subject will confirm that there is a stringent nuclear weapons handling procedure. There is a rigorous, almost inflexible, chain of command in regards to the handling of nuclear weapons and not just any soldier, sailor, airman, or marine is allowed to handle nuclear weapons. Servicemen specialized in handling nuclear weapons and the loading procedures for nuclear weapons are only perm certified to handle, access, and load nuclear weapons. Every service personnel that moves or even touches these weapons must sign a tracking paper and has total accountability for their movement. There is good reason for the paperwork behind moving these weapons. The military officers that order the movement of nuclear weapons, including base commanders, must also fill out paper forms. In other words, unauthorized removal of nuclear weapons would be virtually impossible to accomplish unless the chain of command were bypassed, involving, in this case, the deliberate tampering of the paperwork and tracking procedures. The strategic bombers that carried the nuclear weapons also could not fly with their loaded nuclear weaponry without the authorization of senior military officials and the base commander. The go-ahead authorization of senior military officials must be transmitted to the servicemen that upload the nuclear weapons. Without this authorization no flights can take place. In the case of the missing nukes, orders were given and flight permission was granted. Once again, any competent and eligible U.S. Air Force member can certify that this is the standard procedure. There are two important questions to be answered: 1. Who gave the order to arm the W80-1 thermonuclear warheads on the AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs)? 2. If this was not a procedural error, what was the underlying military-political objective sought by those who gave the orders? The Impossibility of "Loosing" Nuclear Weapons As Robert Stormer, a former U.S. lieutenant-commander in the U.S. Navy, has commented:

Press reports initially cited the Air Force mistake of flying nuclear weapons over the United States in violation of Air Force standing orders and international treaties, while completely missing the more important major issues, such as how six nuclear cruise missiles got loose to begin with. [6] Stormer also makes a key point, which is not exactly a secret: There is a strict chain of custody for all such weapons. Nuclear weapons handling is spelled out in great detail in Air Force regulations, to the credit of that service. Every person who orders the movement of these weapons, handles them, breaks seals or moves any nuclear weapon must sign off for tracking purposes. [7] Stormer continues: Two armed munitions specialists are required to work as a team with all nuclear weapons. All individuals working with nuclear weapons must meet very strict security standards and be tested for loyalty this is known as a [Nuclear Weapons] Personnel Reliability Program [DoDD 5210 42]. They work in restricted areas within eyeshot of one another and are reviewed constantly.[8] Stormer unwraps the whole Pentagon cover-up by pointing out some logical facts and military procedures. First he reveals that: All security forces assigned [to handle and protect nuclear weapons] are authorized to use deadly force to protect the weapons from any threat [including would-be thieves]. [9] He then points out a physical reality that can not be shrugged aside: Nor does anyone quickly move a 1-ton cruise missile or forget about six of them, as reported by some news outlets, especially cruise missiles loaded with high explosives. He further explains another physical and procedural reality about nuclear weapons assembly: The United States also does not transport nuclear weapons meant for elimination attached to their launch vehicles under the wings of a combat aircraft. The procedure is to separate the warhead from the missile, encase the warhead and transport it by military cargo aircraft to a repository not an operational bomber base that just happens to be the staging area for Middle Eastern operations. [10] This last point raises the question of what were the nuclear weapons meant for? In this context, Stomrer puts forth the follwing list of important questions to which he demands an answer: 1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale? 2. How long was it before the error was discovered? 3. How many mistakes and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen? 4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked? 5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored? 6. How many other nuclear command and control non-observations of procedure have there

been? 7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee U.S. nuclear command and control? 8. How does this incident relate to concern for reliability of control over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia, Pakistan and elsewhere? 9. Does the Bush administration, as some news reports suggest, have plans to attack Iran with nuclear weapons? It is a matter of perception, whether it is clear or unclear, as to why the nuclear warheads had not been removed beforehand from the missiles. For those who have been observing these series of unclear events it is becoming clear that a criminal government is at the helm of the United States. There was no way that the six nuclear missiles could have been mistakenly loaded, especially when their separate warheads had to be affixed to them by individuals specialized in such a momentous task. It is also being claimed that military teams in both U.S.A.F. Base Minot and U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale made major procedural errors. What are the probabilities of this occurring simultaneously in two locations? It is also worth noting that original reports from military sources talked about only five of the six nuclear warheads from Minot being accounted for in Barksdale. [11] Nuclear warheads are also kept in specialized storage areas or bunkers. Moreover, nuclear weapons are not being decommissioned at Barksdale. The Role of the Nuclear Weapons Surety Program: What happened to Electronic Monitoring? The Nuclear Weapons Surety Program is a joint program between the U.S. Department of Defence and the U.S. Department of Energy. The National Security Agency (NSA) is also involved as well as other U.S. federal government agencies. The Nuclear Weapons System Safety Program is part of this program, which involves a monitoring and safeguards regime for the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The Nuclear Weapons Security Standard falls under the Nuclear Weapons Surety Program and is in place to disallow any unauthorized access to nuclear weapons; prevent damage or sabotage to nuclear weapons; prevent loss of custody; and prevent, to the maximum extent possible, radiological contamination caused by unauthorized acts. Under this or these safeguards system there also exists a rigorous control of use scheme, which is tied to the military chain of command and the White House. Command and Control (C2) and Use Control Use control is a set of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized access to nuclear weapons. These measures involve weapons design features, operational procedures, security, and system safety rules. Command and Control or C2 involves the Office of the President of the United States of America. C2 is an established line of command, which is tied to the White House. Without it,

nuclear weapons cannot be deployed or armed as they were in U.S.A.F. Base Minot. It is these two control elements that establish the basis of authorization through which absolute control of nuclear weapons is maintained at all times. In addition to the checks and balances in place in regards to handling nuclear weapons, the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and its partners manually and electronically inspect and monitor all U.S. nuclear weapons through the Nuclear Weapon Status Information Systems. More Unanswered Questions: What Happened to the Computerized Tracking System? The Nuclear Management Information Systems interface with each other and provide [the U.S. Department of Defence] with the ability to track the location of nuclear weapons and components from cradle-to-grave [meaning from when they are made to when they are decommissioned]. [12] Military Times also makes an omission that exposes the official narrative as false and indicates that the event was not just a mistake; The Defense Department uses a computerized tracking program to keep tabs on each one of its nuclear warheads, said Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists. For the six warheads to make it onto the B-52, each one would have had to be signed out of its storage bunker and transported to the bomber. [13] This is where the chain of command in regards to military officers falls into play. If any of the stocked inventories of nuclear weapons are moved to an authorized location they will be noticed and tracked by the DTRA and will require the relevant authorization. There is also a code system involved that is tied to the chain of command. The fact that the incident only apparently became known to the U.S. Air Force when military personnel reported it, suggests that either the nuclear weapons were ordered to be moved or that the electronic tracking devices had been removed or tampered with. This scenario would need the involvement of individuals with expertise in military electronics or for those responsible for the monitoring of nuclear weapons to look the other way or both. Mysterious Deaths in the United States Air Force: Whitewash and Cover-up Several military personnel died under mysterious circumstances shortly before and after the incident. There are now questions regarding the fate of these individuals in the U.S. Air Force who could have had relationships in one way or another to the incident or possibly have been directly involved. It is also necessary to state that there is no proof that these deaths are linked to the August flight from Minot to Barksdale in question. Citizens for Legitimate Government has pointed towards the involvement of the U.S. Air Force in a cover-up and has linked several deaths of U.S. servicemen to the incident. Lori Price has also stated for Citizens for a Legitimate Government that you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke on a B-52.

Based on several news sources, including the U.S. military, we provide below a detailed review of these mysterious and untimely deaths of U.S. servicemen. Todd Blue

Airman 1st Class Todd Blue went on leave days after the nuclear weapons were lost. Blue died under questionable timing while on leave, visiting his family in Wytheville, Virginia at the age of 20 on September 10, 2007. He was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. What does this mean? Airman Todd Blue occupied a key position in weapons systems security at Minot. [14] At Minot U.S.A.F. Base the 5th Security Forces Squadron to which he belonged was responsible for base entry requirements and a particular section, the Weapons System Security section, was responsible for preventing the unauthorized removal of military property. The latter is responsible for security of all priority resources, meaning the security of nuclear weapons. In other words not only did the 5th Security Forces Squadron keep eyes on what entered and left Minot, but they kept an eye on and monitored the nuclear weapons. John Frueh

U.S. Air Force Captain John Frueh is another serviceman who could have been indirectly connected to the lost nuclear weapons. He was reported as being last seen with a GPS device, camera, and camcorder being carried with him in a backpack. Local police in Oregon and the F.B.I. seemed to be looking for him for days. His family also felt that something bad had happened to him. On September 8, 2007 Captain Frueh was found dead in Washington State, near his abandoned rental car, after the Portland Police Department contacted the Skamania County Sheriffs Officer. [15] The last time he spoke with his family was August 30, 2007. He had arrived from Florida to attend a wedding that he never showed up at. The Oregonian reported that Authorities in Portland found no activity on his credit or bank cards since [Frueh] was last seen (...) [and that] the last call from his cell phone was made at 12:28 p.m. [August 30, 2007] from Mill Plain Boulevard and Interstate 205 in Vancouver [Washington State]. [16] His background was in meteorology and the study of the atmosphere and weather. He was also reported to be a U.S. Air Force pararescue officer. [17] He was also a major-select candidate, which means he was selected for a promotion as a U.S. Air Force major, but was not officially promoted. Captain Frueh belonged to the U.S.A.F. Special Operations Command. U.S.A.F. Special Operations Command has its headquarters in Hurlburt Field, Florida and is one of nine major Air Force commands. It is also the U.S. Air Forces component of U.S. Special Operations

Command, a unified command located at MacDill Air Force Base, which is also in Florida. The force provides special operations forces for worldwide deployment and assignment to regional unified commands, such as CENTCOM. Its missions include conduct of global special operations. These operations and this is where careful attention should be paid range from precision application of firepower, such as nuclear weapons, to infiltration, exfiltration (the removal of devices, supplies, spies, special agents, or units from enemy territory), re-supply and refuelling of special operational elements. In Captain Fruehs case his death is questionable too. The U.S. Air Force would not let a missing persons investigation go forward by the police without conducting its own investigation. Usually the different service branches of the U.S. military would investigate for missing servicemen, to see if these individuals are Absent Without Authorized Leave (AWAL) or have deserted, before an individuals case is handed over to the police. Clint Huff, Linda Huff, and Weston Kissel Another military weatherman, along with his wife, also died after August 30, 2007. Senior Airman Clint Huff, belonging to the 26th Operational Weather Squadron and his wife Linda Huff died in a motorcycle accident on September 15, 2007. [18] The husband and wife fatality happened on Shreveport-Blanchard Highway, near U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale, when according to the Caddo Parish Sheriffs Officer a Pontiac Aztec, a medium-sized SUV, initiated a left turn at the same time that the couple attempted to pass on a no passing zone and collided. [19]

First-Lieutenant Weston Kissel, a B-52H Stratofortress Bomber pilot, also died in a reported Tennessee motorcycle accident. This was while he was on leave in, less than two months from the nuclear B-52 flights, on July 17, 2007. [20] His death came after another single-vehicle accident by another Minot serviceman, Senior Airman Adam Barrs. [21] Adam Barrs and Stephen Garrett

Senior Airman Barrs died as a passenger in a vehicle being driven by Airman 1st Class Stephen Garrett, also from Minot. Garrett, also belongs to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. The death of Barrs was reported as being part of a single-vehicle car accident. Associated Press reports state that [Minot] Base officials say 20-year-old Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday [July 3, 2007] night. [22] Barrs was pronounced dead on the scene of the accident, while Garrett was taken the hospital with no updates released by the U.S. Air Force. Adam Barrs also belonged to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, where he was responsible for the maintenance and securing of the electronic communicational and navigation mission systems aboard the B-52H Stratofortresses on base. The 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron is also one of the units that are responsible for loading and unloading weaponry onto the B-52H Stratofortresses.

The deaths of Kissel and Barrs could be dismissed as irrelevant because they occurred prior to the incident. However, Barrs and Kissel could have been in one way or another connected to the advanced planning of the special operation, prior to the incident (special operations are not planned in a few days and may take months and even longer). There is, of course, no proof and only an independent investigation will be able to reveal whether these deaths are connected to the incident. If there was an internal and secretive operation bypassing most military personnel, a few men in key positions would have to have been involved over a period of time prior to the August 29-30, 2007 flight. Senior Airman Barrs, due to his expertise in communication and navigational systems, could potentially have been involved in the preparations that would have allowed the nuclear weapons to escape detection by military surveillance and be ready for takeoff. Reprimands, Replacements and Reassignments in the U.S.A.F. Chain of Command Senior officers, including three colonels and a lieutenant-colonel, are among 70 personnel that will reportedly be disciplined for negligence, allowing a B-52H Stratofortresses Bomber to fly across the U.S. carrying six nuclear-armed cruise missiles that should never have been loaded under its wings. [23] According to the Military Times, George W. Bush Jr. had been swiftly informed. This is a lockstep procedure. This illustrates the importance tied to the authorization needed for handling nuclear weapons. This is part of a two-way process in regards to authorization from the White House. The commander of the 5th Munitions Squadron and the commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, Colonel Bruce Emig, have been replaced along with a series of other senior officers. This implies that the U.S. Air Force chain of command is directly involved in this event. None of these senior officers have been authorized to speak or make statements, according to U.S. military sources. Will any of these officers receive lucrative departure packages? Have they been reassigned? More generally, the nature of the reprimands directed against senior officers involved has not been fully disclosed. The memory of the incident is being erased through a reorganization of the ranks and a purge at U.S.A.F. Base Minot. The streamlining of the chain of command as well as the mysterious deaths of personnel who could have been involved in the incident, raise a series of far-reaching questions. There are several important issues regarding the senior officers' chain of command at Minot, which will be addressed in this article. Once again, the most important questions in regards to the missing nukes are: Who gave the orders and authorization for the operation and what where the underlying objectives of loading armed nuclear missiles? Other Mysterious Deaths: Was the Missing Nukes Incident connected to US War Plans directed

against Iran? Charles D. Riechers

A U.S. Air Force official, Charles D. Riechers, has been found dead on October 14, 2007. [24] Riechers was a retired Air Force officer and master navigator specializing in electronic warfare. He was a member of the Senior Executive Service of the U.S. Air Force, and was the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Management. A description of his duties includes providing sound expert advice and guidance on acquisition and procurement policies, as well as formulating, reviewing and, as assigned, execution of plans, programs and policies relating to organization, function, operation and improvement of the Air Force's acquisition system. He apparently killed himself by running his cars engine inside his suburban garage in Virginia. The death of Charles D. Riechers has been casually linked by The Washington Post to his involvement in fraudulent activities and embezzlement. [25] The Washington Post reported that the Air Force had asked defense contractor, Commonwealth Research Institute (C.R.I.), to give him a job with no known duties while he waited for official clearance for his promoted rank in the Pentagon. Riechers is quoted as saying: I really didnt do anything for C.R.I., and I [still] got a paycheck from them. The question, of course, was whether the contractor might expect favors in return upon his assignment to the Pentagon last January. [26] A mysterious suicide letter expressing shame was subsequently reported; the letter was reportedly from a man who had already admitted without shame that he was receiving money for doing nothing. This was known to the U.S. Senate, which had approved his promotion. In a report featured by Pravda, Russian Intelligence analysts have said that the reported suicide of Charles D. Riechers was a cover-up and that he was murdered because of his involvement in the controversial flight of nuclear weapons over the continental United States. Pravda reports that Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that American War Leaders have suicided [sic] one of their Top US Air Force Officials Charles D. Riechers as the rift growing between the U.S. War Leaders and their Top Military Officers over a nuclear attack on Iran appears to be nearing open warfare. [27] According to the Pravda report, the incident was linked to an operation to smuggle nuclear weapons from the U.S. military in connection to launching a war against Iran. The Commonwealth Research Institute (CRI), a registered non-profit organization is a subsidiary of Concurrent Technologies, which is registered with the IRS as a tax-exempt charity, which is run by Daniel Richard DeVos. Devos is also an associate of John P. Murtha, who was investigated by the F.B.I. for his Saudi links. Certainly the ties of the Commonwealth Research Institute (CRI), a non-profit organization working for the Pentagon, are questionable and the organization could be a front for internal

operations that bypass most military personnel. The case appears to be part of an internal operation that was being kept a secret from the most of the U.S. military, but what for? Russell E. Dougherty

More than a month before the death of Riechers, General Russell Elliot Dougherty, a retired flag officer, was also reported to have died on September 7, 2007 at his home in Falcon Landing military retirement community in Potomac Falls located in Arlington, Virginia. [28] He once was one of the most senior individuals responsible for the nuclear arsenal of the U.S. military and also the former commander of Strategic Air Command (SAC) and director of the Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff, which identified nuclear targets worldwide amongst its responsibilities. At Minot next to his obituary was a military information notice on suicide, telling servicepersons what the signs of suicide are. [29] Russell Dougherty in the course of his military career in the U.S. Air Force had dealt with the issues pertaining to Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), full spectrum dominance, how to defeat the enemy and avoid a nuclear war, other uses for nuclear weaponry, Nuclear Primacy for the U.S., and tackling the effects of the wind and weather due to their unpredictable natures on the use of nuclear weapons. The fact that the nuclear warheads were attached to the nuclear cruise missiles could mean that someone wanted to take the weapons in one step or to use them right away. Timely Appointments at U.S.A.F. Base Minot Several of the commanding officers at Minot were freshly appointed in June, 2007. This may have been part of standard procedures, but the timing should not be ignored. Colonel Robert D. Critchlow was transferred, just before the incident, from the Pentagon to Minot and appointed commanding officer for the 91st Operations Group, a missileer unit and the operational backbone of the 91st Space Wing. In Washington, D.C. he was involved in research for the Congressional Research Services and later posted into Air Force Nuclear Response and Homeland Defence. Colonel Myron L. Freeman was transferred from Japan to Minot in June, 2007. Colonel Freeman was appointed as the commander of the 91st Security Forces Group, which is responsible for securing Minots nuclear arsenal. Colonel Gregory S. Tims was also appointed as deputy commander or vice-commander of the 91st Space Wing in June, 2007. However, Colonel Tims was transfered to Minot from California almost a year before. One of the most senior non-commissioned officers (NCOs) or non-commissioned members (NCMs), Chief Master Sergeant Mark R. Clark, was also transferred to U.S.A.F. Base Minot

from Nebraska in July, 2007. Colonel Roosevelt Allen was also transferred to Minot from Washington, D.C. to become commander of the 5th Medical Group. Colonel Bruce Emig, the now-former commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, was also transferred to Minot from U.S.A.F. Base Ellsworth in South Dakota in June, 2007. Colonel Emig was also the base commander of Minot. Colonel Cynthia M. Lundell, the now-former group commander for the 5th Maintenance Group, the unit responsible for loading and unloading weaponry onto the B-52H Stratofortresses was also freshly transferred from a NATO post in Western Europe in June, 2007. Were these appointments temporary? Were any of these appointments related to the six lost nuclear missiles? Prior to the Missing Nukes Incident, Minot Airmen Meet with the President and the U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff On June 15, 2007, George W. Bush Jr. met senior officers from U.S.A.F. Base Minot at U.S.A.F. Base McConnell in Wichita, Kansas during a visit to Boeings Integrated Defense Systems facility. Amongst them was Major Daniel Giacomazza of the 5th Operational Support Squadron. Senator Patrick Roberts of Kansas was also present. While he chaired the Senate Intelligence Committe from 2002 to 2007, [Senator] Roberts stonewalled attempts to investigate everything from the manipulation of intelligence in the rush to war in Iraq, President Bushs warrantless wiretaps, and even allegations of the use of torture by the CIA, according to Associated Press (AP) reports. [30] The same report also indicates that the U.S. President was in Wichita for a political fundraiser, and stopped at a new Boys and Girls Club of America to defray the costs of getting to Wichita via Air Force One for Senator Roberts campaign. Military sources have reported that a B-52H Stratofortress was flown to Wichita so that Boeings engineers could take a look in order to make adjustments to the war planes for a new military program. [31] Nothing has been reported about any private meetings between President Bush Jr. or any of his presidential staff and the personnel from Minot. However, reports have been made of meetings between military families and the U.S. President in his office on Air Force One.

General Moseley, the Air Force Chief of Staff, had previously visited Minot on March 14-15, 2007, a month before Minot airmen went to Wichita. [32] If a secret mission was being prepared, these events could have played a role in the recruiting phases for an important internal special operation. Following their recruitment, Minot servicemen could have symbolically met General Moseley or White House officials to understand that the mission was being sanctioned by the highest ranks and offices in the United States. Orders had to Come from the Top: Treason of the Highest Order

Orders had to come from higher up. The operation would not have been possible without the involvement of more than one individual in the highest ranks of the U.S. Air Force command structure and the Pentagon. The only way to bypass these separate chains of command is "to be above them" (from higher up), as well as have the possibility of directly overseeing their implementation. These orders would then have been communicated to lower levels in the US Air Force command chain in different locations, to allow for a so-called oversight to proceed. The alternative to this is "an alternative chain of command", although this also needs someone in the highest ranks of office to organize and oversee it. The post given to Riechers was politically motivated, given his track record in the U.S. Air Force. Riechers had been in a position of responsibility in the U.S. Air Force special operational support activities; something he had in common with Russell Dougherty, the former SAC commander. He would have been one of the best suited individuals for making arrangements in the case of an alternative command structure for a secretive nuclear operation. Moreover, he already had a record of corrupt behaviour through his involvement with the Commonwealth Research Institute. The possible involvement of U.S. Air Force weathermen and special operatives raises many questions as to what exactly was the objective of making the nuclear weapons disappear. [33] The Investigation The U.S. Air Force has publicly stated that it has made a mistake, which is very unusual and almost unprecedented for a military organization that tries to continually assure the American public of their safety. The fact that seventy or more military personnel have been punished in the case of the lost nuclear weapons does not mean, however, that the senior commanding officers responsible for having carried out the special operation will be identified and punished. Quite the opposite. The investigation could indeed result in a camouflage of the chain of command, where lower-ranking military personnel are accused and court-martialed, with a view to ultimately protecting those in high office who have committed an act of treason. The series of deaths mentioned above, may have no ties whatsoever with the the August flight in question from Minot to Barksdale, but the issues of command, monitoring, and authorization cannot be overlooked or ignored. The American people have before them a case of treason that involves the highest offices of government and most probably the offices of the President and the Vice-President. Once again, the C2 process involves the Office of the President and Commander in Chief. It is an established line of command, without which nuclear weapons could not have been deployed

or armed as they were in U.S.A.F. Base Minot. It is this command element that establishes the basis of authorization through which absolute control of nuclear weapons is maintained at all times.

With time it is possible that military servicemen and servicewomen may come forward with more information. However, in the meantime, there has been a streamlining of military personnel at U.S.A.F. Minot. Base personnel have become dispersed and reassigned to other locations. If they on the grounds of loyalty to their country, the United States of America, come forward and reveal what has taken place, they are to be saluted with full honour by all ranks. As George Orwell said, In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, and indeed these are deceitful times. The fact that U.S. Air Force officers came forward and reported this incident is contrary to U.S. military procedures, regulations, and laws. The U.S. military will never release any information that will risk or damage its reputation. Any information in regards to nuclear weapons can not be released without prior consultations with and authorization by the White House. The nuclear weapons were armed and moved deliberately. Orders had to have come from the highest echelons of the U.S. government. The question is what exactly were they meant for? Were they part of a war agenda or something else? Bush Threatens Iran with Nuclear Weapons What adds intrigue to an understanding of the missing nukes, are the international events and war games taking place just after the lost nuclear weapons incident, not to mention the Presidents ongoing threats to attack Iran with nuclear weapons and Vice President Cheney's repeated warnings that a second large scale terrorist attack on America is under preparation, with the support of Iran. In the U.S., under the Vigilant Shield 2008 war games (initiated in September) and the TOPOFF anti-terrorism exercises, some form of nuclear terrorist attack on American soil had been envisaged. The roles of Russia and China had also been contemplated. The latter would be a likely scenario had the U.S. attacked Iran and as a result Russia and China had decided to intervene. [34] Under Vigilant Shield 2007, held in 2006, the possibility of a nuclear war with Irans allies, Russia and China had been contemplated in the war games scenario. The Kremlin has responded by holding its own war games.[35] An unveiled threat to trigger World War Three has been the response of George W. Bush Jr. to

Russias statements warning that a US sponsored war with Iran, could result in an escalating World War III scenario. The six nuclear warheads were not meant for use in theatre operations against Iran. This is obvious because if they were they would have been deployed via the proper procedural routes without the need to hide anything. Besides, there are already theatre-level nuclear weapons ready and armed in Europe and the Middle East for any possible Middle Eastern mission. There was something more to the incident. It is also worth noting that the Israelis launched an attack on an alleged Syrian nuclear facility that both Tel Aviv and the White House claim was constructed with the assistance of North Korea. This event has been used to draw a Syria-Iran-North Korea nuclear proliferation axis. [36] In regards to the case of the missing nuclear weapons, weathermen and military personnel with an expertise in space and missile components were involved. The incident took place during a time when the U.S. missile shield projects in Eastern Europe and Eastern Asia, directed against Russia and China, were raising international tensions and alarms. On October 23, 2007 President Bush Jr. stated: The need for missile defence in Europe is real and I believe its urgent. [37] Nuclear warfare, the militarization of space, and the missile shield are interrelated military processes. The overtones of Nuclear Primacy are hanging in the air. One of the goals of the U.S. military has been to effectively shield itself from a potential Russian or potential Russian and Chinese nuclear response to a nuclear First Strike from the U.S. military. [38] The militarization of space is also deeply linked to this military project. Like their advanced knowledge about the U.S. missile shield project, Russian and Chinese officials have got wind of these ambitions and are fully aware of what the U.S. intends to do.

NOTES [1] Sarah Baxter, US hits panic button as air force loses nuclear missiles, The Times (U.K.), October 21, 2007. [2] The Nuclear Reactions Data Centres also estimated that the W80-1 stockpile included a total of 1,400 warheads remain in stockpile associated with the 900 ALCMs that are in storage with their warheads removed. [3] Baxter, US hits panic button, Op. cit. [4] John Andrew Prime, Barksdale bombers expand B-52 capabilities, The Sheveport Times, August 27, 2007. [5] Baxter, US hits panic button, Op. cit.; Major-General Newton is also responsible for formulating policy supporting air, space, nuclear, counter-proliferation, homeland, weather, and cyber operations. Because of his role as one of the Air Forces key flag officers in regards to

nuclear issues and counter-proliferation he has been involved in war planning in regards to Iran, Israeli preparations for attacks on Syria, and the 2006 Israeli war against Lebanon. [6] Robert Stormer, Nuke transportation story has explosive implications, Fort Worth StarTelegram, Octobers 8, 2007. [7] Ibid.; To help ensure adequate shipboard security, TLAM-N is protected by an intrusion detection alarm system that indicates an intrusion, both visually and audibly, at a continuously manned station capable of dispatching a security team. [8] Ibid. [9] Ibid. [10] Ibid. [11] Michael Hoffman, B-52 mistakenly flies with nukes aboard, Military Times, September 10, 2007; Associated Press sources also made the same report. Military Times simply changed their article and AP withdrew its report on the basis of a factual error. [12] Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defence (DoD), Year 2000 Status of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Nuclear Weapon Information Tracking Systems, Report No. 99-235 (August 19, 1999). [13] Michael Hoffman, Commander disciplined for nuclear mistake, Militarty Times, September 7, 2007. [14] Minot Airman dies while on leave, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, September 12, 2007. [15] Body of missing Air Force captain found, Associated Press, September 10, 2007. [16] Kimberly Wilson, Portland police seek Air Force weatherman missing on trip, The Oregonian, September 5, 2007. [17] U.S. Air Force operatives that are tasked with recovery and medical treatment of personnel in war environments, as well as handling astronauts returning from space. They are the only members of the U.S. military that are specially trained and equipped to conduct personnel recovery operations in hostile or denied areas as a primary mission. [18] Victims in Saturday motorcycle accident identified, The Sheveport Times, September 16, 2007; Notice of Active Duty Death, The Bombardier, September 21, 2007, p.1. [19] John Andrew Prime, Caddo deputies work double fatality accident, The Sheveport Times, September 15, 2007.

[20] Minot Airman dies in motorcycle accident, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, July 18, 2007. [21] Minot Airman identified, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, July 5, 2007. [22] Authorities identify Minot airman killed in crash, Associated Press, July 5, 2007. [23] Baxter, US hits panic button, Op. cit. [24] Air Force official found dead, The Tribune-Democrat, October 16, 2007; Ginger Thompson and Eric Schmitt, Top Air Force Official Dies in Apparent Suicide, The New York Times, October 16, 2007. [25] Robert OHarrow Jr., Air Force Arranged No-Work Contract: Experts Question Officials Deal With Nonprofit, The Washington Post, October 1, 2007, p.A01. [26] Ibid. [27] Top US Air Force official suicided [sic] as Iran war nears, Pravda, October 16, 2007. [28] Yvonne Shinhoster Lamb, Obituaries: Russell E. Dougherty, The Washington Post, October 13, 2007, p.B06. [29] General Dougherty, former SAC commander, dies, The Bombardier, September 21, 2007, p.9. [30] Deb Reichmann, Bush Raises Money for Kansas Senator, Associated Press, June 15, 2007. [31] Warbirds meet commander and chief, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, June 22, 2007. [32] Staff Sergeant Trevor Tiernan, CSAF visits Minot, Minot Air Force Base Public Affairs, March 16, 2007. [33] Infra. n.38. [34] Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Vigilant Shield 2008: Terrorism, Air Defences, and the Domestic Deployment of the US Military, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), October 6, 2007; Michel Chossoduvsky, Dangerous Crossroads: US Sponsored War Games, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), October 6, 2007; The March to War: NATO Preparing for War with Serbia? Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), October 19, 2007. [35] Michel Chossudovsky, New Cold War: Simultaneously, Russia and America Conduct Major War Games, Centre for Research on Globalization, October 16, 2007. [36] Both the U.S. and Israeli governments cite the arrival of a North Korean ship with alleged nuclear-related cargo as proof, but one needs only point out one fact to dislodge this claim. The

U.S. government has setup an internationally illegal program involved in policing the seas and maritime traffic, the International Proliferation Initiative (IPI). Under the IPI the U.S. has been illegally stopping North Korean vessels and inspecting them, especially when they have suspected suspicious materials. Hereto, North Korea has not been given any carte blanches from vessel inspections. The U.S. Navy and NATO vessels have a virtual cordon of the waterways around the Middle East from the Indian Ocean to the Read Sea and Mediterranean Sea. If the North Korean vessel had nuclear materials it would never have reached Syria. [37] Missile shield is urgent - Bush, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), October 23, 2007. The U.S. is well in the process of implementing the recommendations of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC); [The United States must] develop and deploy missile defences to defend the American homeland and American allies, and to provide a secure basis for U.S. power projection around the world, and Control the new international commons of space and cyberspace and pave the way for the creation of a new military service U.S. Space Forces with the mission of space control. Thomas Donnelly et al., Rebuilding Americas Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources For A New Century (The Project for the New American Century: September 2000), p.v. [38] It is here that two things should be noted in regards to physics and magnetospheric physics; Firstly, nuclear explosions from the air are different than ground-based nuclear explosions in many ways (including contamination levels), but the weather and wind direction are major unknowns or variables; Secondly, as a fundamental natural law energy never disappears, it only changes or is transferred. The energy from nuclear explosions can theoretically be transferred into the Earth magnetic radiation fields, called the Van Allen Belt or the Van Allen Belts, and used to energize and excite various particles, sub-atomic particles, and ions. Tentatively, if manipulated this can have harmful results on surface areas, including burning electronic and communication devices, and military applications such as disrupting satellites in space. If this were possible Russian, Chinese, Iranian, or Indian military defences, communications, and missile facilities could be effortlessly neutralized. These radiation belts also travel in loops and notionally an energized pulse set off from an area in the U.S. could circumnavigate into an area halfway around the globe.

In fact the U.S. military has been experimenting with manipulating the radiation belts since the end of the Second World War. The U.S. Navys Project Argus, taking place from August to September 1958, is an example. A total of five nuclear weapons were used; three atom bombs (weapons using nuclear fission) were detonated above the Atlantic Ocean and two thermonuclear or hydrogen bombs (weapons using nuclear fusion) in the Pacific Ocean in an effort to manipulate the Van Allen Belts.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is an independent writer based in Ottawa specializing in Middle Eastern affair. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Truthseekers Oct 29 2007, 07:53 AM What says we have a drill involving the seizure of a B52 bomber by terrorists, who fly to a certain location and drop one of them on the unsuspecting public?. Then declare that Iran assisted A-Q in carrying this out, so a nuclear attack against Iran might get the public and military support needed to be intitiated?. waterdancer Oct 29 2007, 08:48 AM Always nice to see such a well documented article come out. The author of it appears to be Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, posted over at amazed! Oct 29 2007, 09:30 AM Sounds like excellent material for a book. Interesting that the Russians and Pravda are aware of it. :ph43r: LizzyTish Oct 29 2007, 11:58 AM QUOTE Orders had to Come from the Top: Treason of the Highest Order Orders had to come from higher up. The operation would not have been possible without the involvement of more than one individual in the highest ranks of the U.S. Air Force command structure and the Pentagon.

Why don't we just cut to the chase and nail the person who did it. Cheney. He was given all the top secret nuke information by Bush way back when. Do we really need all this BS trying to tiptoe around that fact? pinnacle Oct 29 2007, 12:53 PM Totally aside from the US Air Force procedures required for movement of any nuclear weapon is the fact that under the START treaty each nuclear warhead and each air launched cruise missile must be accounted for and tracked when they are moved for any reason. There is a START compliance procedure that also comes into play and we have heard no explanation as to how low level air force weapons handlers would be in a position to ignore any international arms control protocol. These START inspections were described in Air Combat Command orders issued in 1998. Also, contrary to all the recent news reporting on this, the 1998 order does allow transport of actual nuclear weapons on nuclear committed heavy bombers inside of US airspace during exercises such as Global Guardian which was under way on 9/11. The order is clear in that such transport of War Reserve nuclear weapons

must be authorized by Air Combat Command headquarters in Langley, Virginia and under no other authority can nuclear weapons be moved. I never saw any mention of this in the news media. painter Oct 29 2007, 01:29 PM PEOPLE: ALWAYS SOURCE YOUR STORIES WITH A LINK! Devilsadvocate Oct 29 2007, 02:14 PM John Frueh's death is extremely interesting- I remember saying some time ago that he was assigned to the USAF Special Operations Command, and that I was wondering in how far (if at all) he was connected to this whole mess. Well- if someone wanted to pinch one of those things, Frueh might well be the kind of guy they would want to recover a missile dropped by parachute, I would imagine... The way I see it right now is this: (...and keep in mind that, by neccessity, this is an awful lot of speculation !) Our "friends" currently have hit a snag. They would dearly like to keep the momentum in the Middle East going by attacking Iran, but there seems to be an ever increasing amount of resistance within the military against that concept. At the time of the B-52 incident, they might have had the following idea: Bush has changed the US defence doctrin on several occasions, including the addition of a nuclear option in respect of a potentially conventional war. But some time ago, General Peter Pace forced them to take that option of the table again- at least as far as Iran is concerned. Admiral William Fallon looks as if he thinks precisely the same way in that regard as Pace did. So- they tried to bypass Fallon and that entire chain of command, in order to get that option back on the table. At that time, they where still hoping to simply get an all-out airstrike against Iran going; but Admiral Fallon has stated that that won't happen as long as he is around. (...And he's presumably still around until at least March next year). Having those missiles in the Gulf would open up a number of possibilities: Using one of the warheads as a "dirty bomb" inside Iraq would have provided a perfect reason to lash out at Iran; the other five could then be used to set a precedent for using weapons like that in a conventional war. A dirty bomb going off in a place like Iraq would have meant that no one would have been in any position to carry out any independent investigation: Hans Blix could hardly be expected to volunteer for a UN-suicide mission into a place where people can expect to be killed these days just for breathing. It would have also checkmated Admiral Fallon and his supporters within the US-military: The prospect of Iranian-backed terrorists carrying out a similar attack with a dirty bomb inside the US would have superceded any other concerns, at least to the point of silencing Fallon- How would he possibly justify a refusal to carry out orders received from the White House in the face of a scenario like that ?

However- I think it's possible that things went "wrong" almost from the moment the plane with the missiles took off. Minot presumably announced that flight to the people at Barksdale- who notified the relevant higher authorities. It's well possible that at that point the people behind this whole thing decided to go to some kind of "plan B". If they couldn't get the missiles into the Gulf, then at least they would pinch one. So, the plane jettisoned one by parachute- to be recovered by someone like Captain John Frueh, who (among other things) was qualified as a pararescue officer:

QUOTE [17] U.S. Air Force operatives that are tasked with recovery and medical treatment of personnel in war environments, as well as handling astronauts returning from space.

I doubt that, if one of the missiles is actually still missing (and that's by no way completely clear), it would have made it into the Middle East. It's possible that the "missing sixth missile" was due to a printing-error, or some other screwup. It's also possible that there actually was one missing, but has been recovered by now. And it's possible that one is still missing.

Right now, our "Friends" are attempting to get an attack on Iran going by way of singling out the Revolutionary Guards. After the latter were declared a "Terrorist organisation", that option at least is now open. The Revolutionary Guards are highly respected within Iran, because of their stance during the Iran-Iraq war. Also, the Iranian Government may well be a prisoner of their own propaganda, insofar as the people there seem to believe that Iran is "...a different proposition than Iraq". The chances are that Iran would retaliate against US-troops in the Gulf after an attack on the Revolutionary Guards- in which case Admiral Fallon would again be checkmated. And if the Iranian Government doesn't do them the favour to hit back, they can always "create" an incident- inside Iraq, or involving US-warships. If one of the missiles is actually still missing, it would be presumably earmarked for a later occasion. They would not have to rely on something like that in order to kick loose a war with Iran: They can still get that in a much simpler way. But it's still worrying enough. Good to see someone looking at this whole thing in earnest... tit2 Nov 11 2007, 12:37 PM See also: 1) The Air Force Cover-Up of That Minot-Barksdale Nuke Missile Flight.

2) More Questions About the Minot Nukes Quote: "Sun, 11/04/2007 - 17:36 dlindorff "The Pentagon has been stonewalling on my requests for answers to key questions. For two weeks a public affairs office has been declining to respond to my question about whether the six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles flown by B-52 from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB were programmed for specific targets, and if so what theose targets were, or even whether the team that investigated the incident checked to see if they were targeted. The Air Force and Pentagon have also declined to explain whether US nuclear weapons in storage in US bunkers have been provided with the same alarm and motion-detection sensors that the National Nuclear Security Agency helped to install on the nukes being stored on Russian bases. Clearly if such devices are standard on US nukes, as several Air Force active and retired personnel have assured me is the case, then there is no way that those weapons could have been removed from the Minot bunker by "mistake" as claimed the Air Force's official report on the incident. The Pentagon has also refused to state whether the missiles were fueled up or not. Finally, there is another big question that has not even been asked. Supposedly the reason the B52 was flying to Barksdale with 12 missiles is that they are part of a total of 400 of these things, all of which have been declared obsolete and slated for destruction. But if all those Advanced Cruise Missiles are obsolete, then there is simply no reason for having any of them fitted with nuclear warheads. If they're obsolete, none of them would be on stand-by status. No one at Minot would ever be mounting a nuke on a cruise missile. Note that the Air Force is not claiming that the initial mounting of six warheads onto six missiles was a "mistake." Only that nobody in the subsequent chain of events was alerted to the fact that the warheads had been mounted. But why would warheads have been mounted on obsolete weapons in the first place? Meanwhile, I have no knowledge as to the accuracy of this, but one Air Force vet tells me that the Advanced Cruise Missiles that were nuclear armed and mounted on a launch pylon on the B52 in question would have been electronically linked to the plane automatically (which has the capability to program and re-program the targeting of the missiles), and that therefore the pilot of the plane would have instantly seen on his instrument console that he had nukes on board that flight. He also told me that the idea that the pilot would only have checked out the missiles mounted on one wing--by chance the wing that had the six missiles with dummy warheads-instead of both pylons and all 12 missiles as required, which is the claim of the Air Force report, is ludicrous. As he notes, pilots on these aging Stratofortresses see the pre-flight check as a lifeor-death matter. Anything wrong on these planes can mean loss of the plane and even loss of the

lives of the entire crew and of people on the ground. That would include the secure mounting of the missile cargo. As a former semi-trailer driver myself, I know that those checks of all the main systems--air brakes, trailer linkage, tire pressure, lights, etc.--are not taken lightly. Before you head out on the road with a trailer truck, you check out all the critical systems, because you know your life depends on their working properly. Surely this would be much more true with a strategic bomber, especially when it is carrying 12 missiles under its wings. There is another question, raised by an Air Force vet in a comment below, which also bears investigation. The Air Force is claiming that the B-52 was supposedly ferrying 12 unarmed cruise missiles to Barksdale for disassembly. But a B-52, an antique aircraft which requires a big crew, demands enormous amounts of sevicing and repair and wastes a prodigious amount of fuel, is a terribly inefficient way to ferry these weapons to a graveyard. It would be infinitely cheaper to truck the missile bodies overland, or to stack and ship them in cargo planes, and in fact it simply defies belief that the Air Force would be doing this with Stratofortresses. The more you look at this story, the more obvious it is that the Air Force claim that this was all just a big "mistake" has to be a blatant cover-up of the truth." dMz Nov 11 2007, 02:57 PM A USMC veteran of the Afghanistan Occupation sent me a disturbing link back in Sept. 2007. Apparently 6 airmen have died recently (4 of the 6 after the North Dakota to Alabama B-52 bomber flight with 6 [actually 12- this was pasted from an old post] "live" nuclear weapons for the first time in over 40 years). The best link I've found about it is at: amazed! Nov 11 2007, 03:33 PM There is no doubt that the criminal element controls the government. LizzyTish Nov 11 2007, 04:36 PM The Air Force is still trying to sweep this under the rug, calling it 'a mistake'. For some reason, I just don't buy that. lunk Nov 11 2007, 05:06 PM Is there still one missing? Trying not to lose track of this topic. lunk kiwisteve Nov 26 2007, 07:27 AM

And more....

The Mystery of Minot: Loose nukes and a cluster of dead airmen raise troubling questions

by Dave Lindorff Global Research, November 25, 2007

The unauthorized Aug. 29/30 cross-country flight of a B-52H Stratofortress armed with six nuclear-tipped AGM-29 Advanced Cruise missiles, which saw these 150-kiloton warheads go missing for 36 hours, has all the elements of two Hollywood movies. One would be a thriller about the theft from an armed weapons bunker of six nukes for some dark and murky purpose. The lead might be played by Matt Damon. The other movie would be a slapstick comedy about a bunch of bozos who couldn't tell the difference between a nuclear weapon and a pile of dummy warheads. The lead might be played by Adam Sandler, backed by the cast of "Police Academy III." So far, the Pentagon, which has launched two separate investigations into the incident, seems to be assuming that it is dealing with the comedy version, saying that some incredible "mistake" led to nuclear weapons being taken inadvertently from a weapons-storage bunker, loaded into launch position on a bomber, and flown from North Dakota to Louisiana. To date, more than a month after the incident, Pentagon investigators have completely ignored a peculiar cluster of six deaths, during the weeks immediately preceding and following the flight, of personnel at the two Air Force bases involved in the incident and at Air Force Commando Operations headquarters. The operative assumption of the investigations appears to be that an Air Force decision to store nuclear, conventional, and dummy warheads in the same bunker and one mistake by weapons handlers initiated a chain of errors and oversights that led to the flight. On Sept. 23, the Washington Post, in a story based upon interviews with military officials, many of them unidentified, suggested that the first known case of nuclear warheads leaving a weaponsstorage area improperly was the result of two mistakes. The first, the article suggested, was a decision by the Air Force to permit the storing of nuclear weapons in the same highly secure and constantly guarded sod-covered bunkers -- known as "igloos" -- as non-nuclear weapons and

dummy warheads (something that had never been allowed in the past). The second was some as yet unidentified mistake by weapons handlers at Minot to mount six nuclear warheads onto six of the 12 Advanced Cruise Missiles that had been slated to be flown to Barksdale AFB for destruction. Those missiles and the six others, part of a group of 400 such missiles declared obsolete and slated for retirement and disassembly, should have been fitted with dummy warheads also. The Post article quotes military sources as saying that once the mistake was made, a cascade of errors followed as weapons handlers, ground crews, and the B52 crew skipped all nuclear protocols, assuming they were dealing with dummy warheads. The problem with this theory is that dummy warheads don't look the same as the real thing. The real warheads, called W80-1's, are shiny silver, a color which is clearly visible through postagestamp-sized windows on the nosecone covers that protect them on the missiles. In addition, the mounted warheads are encased in a red covering as a second precaution. Apparently the nukes (which can be set to explode at between 5 kilotons and 150 kilotons) were easily spotted by a Barksdale AFB ground crew when they went out to the plane on the tarmac hours after it landed. If the Barksdale ground crew, which had absolutely no reason to suspect it was looking at nuclear-tipped missiles, easily spotted the "error," why did everyone at Minot miss it, as claimed? Clearly, whoever loaded the six nukes on one B-52 wing pylon, and whoever mounted that unit on the wing, knew or should have known that they were dealing with nukes -- and absent an order from the highest authority in Washington, loading such nukes on a bomber was against all policy. The odds of randomly putting six nukes all on one pylon, and six dummies on the other, are 1:924. And how curious that the pilot, who is supposed to check all 12 missiles before flying, checked only the pylon containing the dummy warheads. Various experts familiar with nuclear-weapons-handling protocols express astonishment at what happened on Aug. 29 and 30. After all, over the course of more than six decades, the protocols for handling nuclear arms have called for at least two people at every step, with paper trails, bar codes, and real-time computer tracking of every warhead in the arsenal. Nothing like this has been known to have happened before. Air Force Gen. Eugene Habiger, who served as US Strategic Command chief from 1996 to 1998, told the Post, "I a have been in the nuclear business since 1966 and am not aware of any incident more disturbing." Philip Coyle, a senior advisor at the Center for Defense Information who served as assistant secretary of defense in the Clinton administration, calls the incident "astonishing" and "unbelievable." He says, "This wasn't just a mistake. I've counted, and at least 20 things had to have gone wrong for this to have occurred." Bruce Blair, a former Air Force nuclear launch officer who is now president of the World Security Institute, says that the explanation of the incident as laid out in the Washington Post, and in the limited statements from the Air Force and Department of Defense, which call it a "mistake," are "incomplete." He notes that no mention has been made as to whether the nukes in question, which had been pre-mounted on a pylon for attachment to the B-52 wing, had their

PAL (permission action link) codes unlocked to make them operational, or whether a system on board the plane that would ordinarily prevent an unauthorized launch had been activated. "For all we know, these missiles could have been fully operational," he says. The Air Force and Department of Defense are refusing to answer any questions about such matters. Meanwhile, there are those six deaths. On July 20, 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, a 28-year-old B-52 pilot from Minot, died in a motorcycle accident while on home leave in Tennessee. Another Minot B-52 pilot, 20-year-old Adam Barrs, died on July 5 in Minot when a car he was riding in, driven by another Minot airman, Stephen Garrett, went off the road, hit a tree, and caught fire. Airman Garrett was brought to the hospital in critical condition and has since been charged with negligent homicide. Two more Air Force personnel, Senior Airman Clint Huff, 29, of Barksdale AFB, and his wife Linda died on Sept. 15 in nearby Shreveport, Louisiana, when Huff reportedly attempted to pass a van in a no-passing zone on his motorcycle, and the van made a left-hand turn, striking them. Then there are two reported suicides, which both occurred within days of the flight. One involved Todd Blue, a 20-year-old airman who was in a unit that guarded weapons at Minot. He reportedly shot himself in the head on Sept. 11 while on a visit to his family in Wytheville, Virginia. Local police investigators termed his death a suicide. The second suicide, on Aug. 30, was John Frueh, a special forces weather commando at the Air Force's Special Operations command headquartered at Hurlburt AFB in Florida. Hurlburt's website says, "Every night, as millions of Americans sleep peacefully under the blanket of freedom," Air Force Special Operations commandos work "in deep dark places, far away from home, risking their lives to keep that blanket safe." Frueh, 33, a married father of two who had just received approval for promotion from captain to major, reportedly flew from Florida to Portland, Oregon, for a friend's wedding. He never showed up. Instead, he called on Aug. 29, the day the missiles were loaded, from an interstate pull-off just outside Portland to say he was going for a hike in a park nearby. (It is not clear why he was at a highway rest stop as he had no car.) A day later, back in Portland, he rented a car at the airport, again calling his family. After he failed to appear at the wedding, his family filed a missing person's report with the Portland police. The Sheriff's Department in remote Skamania County, Washington, found Frueh's rental car ten days later on the side of a road nearly 120 miles from the airport in a remote area of Badger Peak. Search dogs found his body in the woods. His death was ruled a suicide, though neither the sheriff's investigator nor the medical examiner would give details. What makes this alleged suicide odd, however, is that the sheriff reports that Frueh had with him a knapsack containing a GPS locator and a videocam -- odd equipment for someone intent on ending his life. Of course, it could be that all six of these deaths are coincidences -- all just accidents and personal tragedies. But when they occur around the time six nuclear-tipped missiles go missing

in a bizarre incident, the likes of which the Pentagon hasn't seen before, one would think investigators would be on those cases like vultures on carrion. In fact, police and medical examiners in the Frueh and Blue cases say no federal investigators, whether from DOD or FBI, have called them. Worse still, because the B-52 incident got so little media attention -- no coverage in most local news -- none of those investigating the accidents and suicides even knew about it or about the other deaths. "It would have been interesting to know all that when I was examining Mr. Blue's body," says Virginia coroner Mike Stoker, "but no one told me about any of it or asked me about him." "If we had known that several people had died under questionable circumstances, it might have affected how we'd look at a body, says Don Phillips, the sheriff's deputy in Washington State who investigated the Frueh death. "But nobody from the federal government has ever contacted us about this." "Certainly, in a case like this, the suicides should be a red flag," says Hans Kristensen, a nuclearaffairs expert with the Federation of American Scientists. "It's wild speculation to think that there might be some connection between the deaths and the incident, but it certainly should be investigated." Award-winning investigative reporter Dave Lindorff has been working as a journalist for 33 years. A regular columnist for CounterPunch (, he also writes frequently for Extra! ( and Salon magazine (, as well as for Businessweek, The Nation and Treasury & Risk Management Magazine. In the late 1970s, he ran the Daily News bureau covering Los Angeles County government, and in the mid-'90s, spent several years as a correspondent in Hong Kong and China for Businessweek. Over the years he has written for such publications as Rolling Stone, Mother Jones, Village Voice, Forbes, The London Observer and the Australian National Times. bobcat46 Dec 11 2007, 09:53 AM Over the last 40 years, I have had several friends and family members who have served in the military and associated in some way with the nuclear weapons program. I have always been told about the numerous, multi-level checks and balances used to manage nuclear weapons and how it would be statistically impossible for so many mistakes to be made that would result in the improper handling of a weapon. When I first heard of the six (or is it five) weapons being shipped from Minot to Barksdale, I knew it had to be intentional, not a mistake. This administration has lied about everything for seven years, starting with the Cheney energy meetings in early 2001 through 9/11 and the Iraq War. Those weapons were moved for a reason and Congress needs to get to the bottom of the reason, not the Pentagon. Another case of the fox guarding the henhouse. mo fiya Dec 11 2007, 04:22 PM QUOTE (bobcat46 @ Dec 11 2007, 09:53 AM) Over the last 40 years, I have had several friends and family members who have served in the military and associated in some way with the nuclear weapons program. I have always been told about the numerous, multi-level checks and balances used to manage nuclear weapons and how

it would be statistically impossible for so many mistakes to be made that would result in the improper handling of a weapon. When I first heard of the six (or is it five) weapons being shipped from Minot to Barksdale, I knew it had to be intentional, not a mistake. This administration has lied about everything for seven years, starting with the Cheney energy meetings in early 2001 through 9/11 and the Iraq War. Those weapons were moved for a reason and Congress needs to get to the bottom of the reason, not the Pentagon. Another case of the fox guarding the henhouse. Let me just tell you, as someone that has PERSONALLY worked in the military's Nuclear Surety program, that those people you know were right. I worked on the Minuteman ICBM for the Air Force, and actually have friends that were stationed at Minot and Barksdale that I went to AF Tech School with. We were all part of a program called the Personnel Reliability Program, which means you are put under the strictest of regulations as to how "capable and competent" you are to handle a nuclear weapon, or work on or near one. I mean, you're studied, scrutinized, poked, can't be on ANY medication, except regular over the counter head-ache meds like tylenol or advil. Anything more than that, and your PRP is stripped until further notice, and you're handing out tools. If they even SUSPECT that your current mental state has deteriorated AT ALL, you're handing out tools. I'll keep this short. There's NO POSSIBLE WAY that nuclear weapons can be transported without, number 1, authority from base commander or above, and number 2, the STRICTEST of safe-guard policies during removal from storage and transporting. You can't even move a nuke to another place on base without a team of cops, ready to shoot and kill whoever might have breached the surety of the weapon, whether intentionally or not. We were taught that in the event of any nuclear weapon becoming out of the chain of custody, that it's the most serious of all occurances, and is seriously dealt with. If a nuclear missile site is breached, for instance, a team of cops is dispatched to the site, and without question, everyone is detained or killed, until the weapon is officially accounted for and back in custody. There's no f*cking way possible that a couple of lowly airmen made a 'mistake' and removed the wrong pilons, or whatever. This story has been bothering me for a while now. I can't believe the military is getting away with their limited, known-to-be-bullshit-by-so-many explanation of this. There's also another policy called the "No Lone Zone", meaning that no nuclear weapon is to be in the presence of LESS THAN 2 qualified personnel at any time. That would mean at the BARE MINIMUM, more than 1 airman fu*ked up and "pulled the wrong pilon". That's just a MINIMUM. I would venture to guess that for this to have been a mistake, there would have had to have been at LEAST 10 (and thats conservative) people that made the mistake during its inspections, transporting, and custody changes. That's just IMPOSSIBLE when it comes to nuclear weapons. I don't care what ANYONE tells you. It doesn't even take conspiracy theory to realize that this was intentional from someone high up in the government. The only area where it gets cloudy, is how was it apparently STOPPED from being completed...

My only guess is that someone with knowledge couldn't bring themselves to carry it out completely, and rocked the boat. Whether they are personally one of the one's who was punitively dealt with, we'll probably never know. But if it's the case, we all owe our lives to that person, because that's the pinnacle of bravery right there. Swordfish350 Dec 14 2007, 08:20 PM I have a few questions on this topic. 1. Do you guys still expect a false flag even though the NIE report came out? 2. If you do would it be overseas like a carrier or our own troops or stateside? 3. If you think it would be stateside where would you speculate that they would use it? 4. Also concerning the incident at Barksdale. Was this someone high up trying to take control of a nuclear weapon? 5. It looks to me like the NIE report and not being able to obtain a nuke may have stopped something real bad. Is that what you guys are saying? Thanks for any replies. dMz Dec 14 2007, 09:12 PM Hi Swordfish, I have worked for the MIC/Intel industry contractors- that experience combined with many of the recent "defections" lead me to the following conclusion. Several influential persons in the USAF, "letter agencies," and possibly the Pentagon might be having some "pains of conscience" and also some feelings of impending doom looking back at the last 27 years of Reagan-BushClinton-Bush administration. The problem(s) actually go much farther back (sort of like Cheney and Rumsfeld), but the pan began to boil very violently around 1990. Some other important dates/events: around 6000BC, Council of Nicea, the Crusades, 1776, 1913, 1947, and 1963. My $0.02 tit2 Dec 15 2007, 07:28 AM Quote: "Do you guys still expect a false flag even though the NIE report came out?" See: A B-52 bomber mistakenly loaded with six nuclear warheads flew from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., on Aug. 30, resulting in an Air Force-wide investigation, according to three officers who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to discuss the incident. When they reported the incident, the three officers have disobeyed orders which had been given not to discuss it. Why? There are several suspicious deaths of American servicemen which do not make the object of an investigation. Why? Swordfish350 Dec 15 2007, 08:54 AM Thanks. I read the article. It's hard to tie motorcycle and car accidents to the nuke issue. I've always thought that motorcycles are a deathtrap. However, the one about Todd Blue who committed suicide and handled the nukes at Minot seems to stand out like a sore thumb and should be investigated. I used to work at Eglin AFB and nearby Hurlburt Field seemed like a dark place to me. Was he on some team to work with nukes maybe? What is the connection of the guy from Hurlbert field to Minot and Barksdale? Devilsadvocate Dec 15 2007, 07:23 PM QUOTE (Swordfish350 @ Dec 15 2007, 07:54 AM) Thanks. I read the article. It's hard to tie motorcycle and car accidents to the nuke issue. I've always thought that motorcycles are a deathtrap. However, the one about Todd Blue who committed suicide and handled the nukes at Minot seems to stand out like a sore thumb and should be investigated. I used to work at Eglin AFB and nearby Hurlburt Field seemed like a dark place to me. Was he on some team to work with nukes maybe? What is the connection of the guy from Hurlbert field to Minot and Barksdale? I'll try and go over this somewhat systematically, if I may. It's still unclear how many weapons that aircraft actually carried. The initial reports spoke of five; this seems to have been revised to six shortly after the initial report on the 'Army Times'-website. Wether this is due to a typo, or any kind of clerical error, or else if the initial figure came from perhaps Barksdale ('Plane with five missiles just landed here') and was then updated after another report from Minot ('Hey, hang on a moment- the damn thing took off from here with six missiles') is something I would dearly like to know up to this day. The website of Minot AFB is the only one of any of the AFB's attached to CONUS Air Combat Command carrying any pictures of airmen who died in traffic accidents; there are only a very few displayed at any of the other AFB's. If that's anything to go by, Minot AFB holds the absolute record in road traffic accidents for the entire US. As I said further up in this thread, John Frueh is an interesting case:

He was attached to the Headquarters of the Airforce Special operations Command, and was not directly tied to either Minot or Barksdale; But he had one special qualification which makes him rather interestingHe was trained for Parachute rescue missions. That not only includes missing pilots, but also astronauts or spacecraft. If one of the missiles is still missing, it stands to reason that the B-52 in question must have 'lost' it along the way- presumably by dropping it by parachute. As far as I'm aware, John Frueh was in possession of a GPS-system when his body was discovered. That may not mean all that much- there may be some other explanation than 'They bumped him off after he recovered their nuke for them'. I just wish someone could clarify exactly how the story of 'five' - 'no,wait-make that six'- nukes came to be in the first place, and hope that it really just was a typo or something like that. As for that report- it's sand in the gears of those guys. It will slow them down somewhat, but it does not mean that this whole thing is over by a long shot. These guys are not that easily defeated... amazed! Dec 15 2007, 11:00 PM Good synopsis DA. I was not aware of that parachute the weapon scenario. Have we learned anything more about the high number of court martials in this case? I read somewhere around 50 guys, which seems awful high to me. mo fiya Dec 15 2007, 11:47 PM You guys just need to understand, that if they really did hijack one of those nukes, if they use it anywhere, there WILL be leftover material that can and WOULD be able to completely identify it. Imagine the contingencies that would have to be in place before they could even attempt to pull off that type of false flag. Imagine how many people they would either need already in their pockets, or be willing to silence anyway possible. All WMD's, especially nuclear weapons, have signatures that before AND after detonation, will identify them SPECIFICALLY. Now I know they must have been pretty brazen to pull off the anthrax scare with their own material, but that truth came out (even if not reportd properly). It wouldn't be a very good idea to try it with your own nuclear weapon. It just wouldn't. There's way too much of it floating around on the international black market that could be obtained and smuggled in a lot easier, then using our own. Our ports security is horrendous, and so is our border security. Why bother attempting something with our own sh*t? What's REALLY weird, is why bother trying to take these weapons AT ALL? It's not like if Bush and Cheney secretly nuked Iran, they wouldn't have a "little" explaining to do.

I still maintain that these 'missing nukes' were ordered out on purpose, and it wasn't benign. Somewhere along the way, the plan was botched by someone with an incredibly hardened metallic pair of balls. I guess what I'm getting at, is don't go expecting to anymore come out of this. Whatever the purpose of this was, has been ruined. Iran hasn't SUPPOSEDLY been working on nuke weapons since '03, so blaming THEM at this point for any type of nuclear attack would not be credible. STILL though...why attempt to secretly steal your own nukes...? Swordfish350 Dec 16 2007, 03:39 AM Here's an interesting take on things. He's saying since our own report says that there is no evidence of nuclear activity other countries like China and Russia will refuse embargos and therefore make air strikes more likely. Jpost Article[I] albertchampion Dec 16 2007, 04:07 AM IS THIS A NONSEQUITUR? HELLO, ROBIN, you are the reviewer i think..... as you know, i have subscribed to your little journal[LOBSTER] for many years. for other perspectives on "spookdom". over most of these years, i have had no reason to question your intelligence, your insights. now i have such a reason. i received 54 today. and tonight i was reading it and encountered your review of he Henshall book. I don't know that book. But I know something about DNA and lots about AA 77. Perhaps i read your review inaccurately. you tell me where i am mistaken, please. the most interesting aspect of AA77[and all the other collisions with terrain that day] is how there was no routine investigation of the crash site. it was never secured as a crime scene. this was exceptional. even more exceptional was the fact that there is/was a pretty extensive photographic record of that crash site. i have been flying for years. and for years, one of my hobbies was musing on aircraft accidents. what has always been of interest about this pentagon "collision with terrain" site was the virtual absence of aircraft debris[this is similar to the other sites of that day, by the way]. let us consider the disapericido debris: engines, wings, elevons, rudder, fuselage, to enumerate

just a bit of the missing debris. luggage was missing. so were seats and other interior upholstery. so were the landing gear components. you know, in the history of commercial aircraft "collisions with terrain" this is the first accident where all the probative evidence seems to have disappeared. the "official" explanation is that the aircraft "vaporized" after its impact. let's understand this, AA77 didn't melt, it vaporized. aluminum vaporized. titanium vaporized. hastelloys vaporized. THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF COMMERCIAL AVIATION. and you want to promote the notion that in light of that extraordinary, unique high-temperature event that there was any human debris suitable for a DNA analysis. i shall tell you this, if titanium was vaporized, if aluminum was vaporized, as the USG claims, then there were no human remains available for DNA analysis. quod erat demonstrandum - the "official" statements that any passengers were identified by DNA analysis are fraudulent. there are many anomalies concerning AA77 on that day[just as there are concerning all the other flights and their purported "collisions with terrain" that day]. one that goes undiscussed is how it was that the SAM batteries ringing DC[and those located in the vicinity of camp david - which this aircraft purportedly overflew] failed to launch. another interesting aspect of this aircraft is how no saudis appeared on the "official" flight manifest[all the aircraft that day have a similar discrepancy]. by the way, flight manifests are a gold standard for the identification of passengers. commercial airliners do not pull away from a gate, let alone launch, unless the physical count corresponds with the manifest print-out. another interesting aspect of this flight is how it is the only flight where "arabs" were identified as being "hijackers". and how were they identified? by barbara olson in a telecon to her fascist husband ted. the initial story was that she identified the"hijackers" in a cell phone call to ted. as it became known that cell phone conversations could not have occurred from an aircraft in linear flight exceeding 200kph, ted's story changed to she communicated via an "airphone". then ted changed this story several more times. but the fact of the matter is, cell phones could not have been made. and AA77 was not equipped with airphones. suffice it to say, every bit of the "offficial" story concerning the events of that day is fraudulent. oh, i know, you think that such a vast conspiracy could not be kept secret. well, let us think about conspiracies for a moment... my favorite is the identity of DEEP THROAT. let us think about how many knew that individual's identity and kept the secret. for over 30 years. here is the short list of the keepers of the secret: woodstein, ben and tony and sally bradlee, kate, donny and his wife, bo and his wife, andy beyer, lally and her significant others, etc. i figure that at least 20 knew of the identity of DT. and all kept their silence for decades. in fact, they are all still laughing. felt wasn't DT. and

they all know it. and have continued to keep silent. i have had a theory for many years that commercial aircraft catastrophes are assassination events: where many are killed so as to camouflage the murder of one or two[a few]. i was at turnberry in the days prior to the demise of PA103. it was out of season. what was astonishing was that the hotel was filled with US FBI. if you will recall the Ayrshire debris site, you might remember that the site was virtually immediately secured by THESE SAME US FBI PERSONNEL....who were at the site before the scottish constabulary. prior knowledge of where and when? i sure think so. Gaddafi had nothing to do with that catastrophe. that event caused me to consider another catastrophe: the arrow air charter at gander , nf. study on how that catastrophe was handled and i think you would have to conclude that so many aspects of the investigation stink that it had to be a USG SHOOT DOWN...killing 3 and hiding it in the deaths of scores. these two accidents revitalized my old interest in the analysis of aircraft accidents. eventually, i learned enough to inform me that many were catastrophes intended to hide the murder of a few "enemies" of the state. TWA800, AA587, SR111, EA990, AS261 to name but a few. for me, the salient aspects of all these catastrophes was how so much of the accidents was "hidden"[UNINVESTIGATED]. the most interesting "hit" was the blowing up of jfk, jr. every aspect of the press[from the NYT to Flying] covered up his real route of flight. every aspect of the press covered up his flying expertise. i conclude this think you know things. and perhaps you do know some things. but when it involves aircraft "accidents", you don't know jack sh*t. but, i could be wrong. Devilsadvocate Dec 16 2007, 09:04 AM QUOTE (mo fiya @ Dec 15 2007, 10:47 PM) STILL though...why attempt to secretly steal your own nukes...? It's a theoretical possibility. That doesn't make it a reality- which must be remembered at all times. Unfortunately it would be incredibly foolhardy to ignore a possibility like that. A false flag-incident involving nuclear weapons would make sense insofar as Bush has introduced a directive some time ago in respect of what they call "continuation". It's meant to be implemented in case of either a natural disaster, or an attack on the US (including a major terror-attack), resulting in (and that's the key-word, I believe) "...A high number of civilian casualties".

That directive would, effectively, result in the opportunity to introduce martial law and the replacement of the existing democratic structures with a dictatorial system. Were that to happen, the questions which you mentioned could no longer be asked by anyoneunless the questioner had suicidal tendencies. As to why it would make sense to steal one of their own nukes- you answered that yourself, when you mentioned the security-measures in place these days. If they wanted to pull off a false flag involving nuclear material, it would be near impossible to get stuff like that past those security-measures, I would imagine (although they are of course the ones controlling those security-measures). But I agree- it's not something which presently has a very high probability; they would find it difficult to present anyone as a potential scapegoat right now. If there is a nuke missing, they would keep that as a very last resort- short of being dragged out of their offices by the FBI, I would think; but the longer they would hang on to the damn thing, the greater the possibility of someone in the appropriate position within the military getting on their trail. One of the problems with any of that stuff is that, even if one was missing and has long since been recovered, no one would be likely to hang up a big neon-sign saying " can feel safe now- we've got it back". In fact- that this whole story has surfaced at all is almost a small miracle, I think. And certainly highly, highly unusual. amazed! Dec 16 2007, 11:56 AM Albert Thanks for the info about the FBI presence in Scotland prior to the PanAm 103 incident. Very interesting. There was a story somewhere in about the last year which indicated there was significant perjury by some European cop at the trial. And I agree completely that a thorough study of the passenger list for TWA 800 might reveal why it was taken out. Can't buy into the RFK Jr. thing though. At least not at this point in time. tit2 Jan 7 2008, 04:28 PM 9-11 Cover-Up, Treason and The Bomb Mon, 01/07/2008 - 15:47 dlindorff If a new article just published Saturday in the Times of London based upon information provided by US government whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, a 37-year-

old former Turkish language translator for the FBI, is correct, we have not only solid evidence of prior knowledge of 9-11 by high up US government officials, but evidence of treasonous activity by many of those same officials involving efforts to provide US nuclear secrets to Americas enemies, even including Al Qaeda. The story also casts a chilling light on the so-called accidental flight of six nuclear-armed cruise missiles aboard an errant B-52 that flew last Aug. 30 from Minot AFB in North Dakota to Barksdale AFB in Shreveport, Louisiana. The Sunday Times reports that Edmonds, whose whistleblowing efforts have been studiously ignored by what passes for the news media in American news media, approached the Rupert Murdoch-owned British paper a month ago after reading a report there that an Al-Qaeda leader had been training some of the 9-11 hijackers at a training camp in Turkey, a US NATO alley, under the noses of the Turkish military. (Given the militantly secular traditions of the Turkish military, they had to have looked into an Islamic terror training camp within their borders, at least to establish that it was not targeting Turkish interests.) Edmonds, who was recruited by the FBI after 9-11 because of her Turkish and Farsi language skills, has long been claiming that in her FBI job of covertly monitoring conversations between Turkish, Israeli, Persian and other foreign agents and US contacts, including a backlog of untranslated tapes dating back to 1997, she had heard evidence of money laundering, drug imports and attempts to acquire nuclear and conventional weapons technology. But the Turkish training for 9-11 rang more alarm bells and made her decide that talking behind closed doors to Congress or the FBI was not enough. She had to go public. Edmonds claims in the Times that even as she was providing evidence of moles within the US State Department, the Pentagon, and the nuclear weapons establishment, who were providing nuclear secrets for cash, through Turkey, to Pakistans intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, agencies within the Bush administration were actively working to block investigation and to shield those who were committing the acts of treason. Pakistans ISI is known to have had, and to still maintain close contacts with Al-Qaeda. Indeed, the Times notes that Pakistans nuclear god-father, General Mahmoud Ahmad, was accused of sanctioning a $100,000 wire payment to Mohammed Atta, one of the 9/11 hijackers, immediately before the attacks. Edmonds claims in the Times article, that following the 9-11 attacks, FBI investigators took a number of Turkish and Pakistani operatives into custody for questioning about foreknowledge of the attacks, but that a high-ranking US State Department official repeatedly acted to spirit them out of the country. Edmonds was fired from her FBI translating job in 2002 after she accused a colleague of having illicit contact with Turkish officials. She has claimed that she was fired for being outspoken, and in 2005 her position was reportedly vindicated by the Office of Inspector General of the FBI, which concluded that she had been sacked for making valid complaints.

One of those whom Edmonds claims in the Times report was being investigated in connection with the nuclear information transfers was Pentagon analyst Lawrence Franklin. Franklin was convicted and jailed in 2006 for passing US defense information to American Israel Public Affairs Committee lobbyists and sharing classified information with an Israeli diplomat. Franklin, in 2001, was part of the Pentagon Office of Special Plans, a kind of shadow intelligence unit set up by the Bush administration inside the Pentagon whose job it was to gin up evidence to justify a war against Iraq. In that capacity, he (along with several other OSP members and arch neocon schemer Michael Ledeen) was also identified by Italian investigative journalists working for the newspaper La Repubblica, as having been at a crucial meeting in December 2001 in Rome with the Italian defense and intelligence service ministers. La Repubblica reports that at that meeting a plan was hatched to fob off forged Niger embassy documents as evidence that Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein was trying to buy uranium ore from Niger. If Edmonds story is correct, and Al-Qaeda, with the aid of Turkish government agents and Pakistani intelligence, and with the help of US government officials, has been attempting to obtain nuclear materials and nuclear information from the U.S., it casts an even darker shadow over the mysterious and still unexplained incident last August 30, when a B-52 Stratofortress, based at the Minot strategic air base in Minot, ND, against all rules and regulations of 40 years standing, loaded and flew off with six unrecorded and unaccounted for nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. That incident only came to public attention because three as yet unidentified Air Force whistleblowers contacted a reporter at the Military Times newspaper, which ran a series of stories about it, some of which were picked up by other US news organizations. An Air Force investigation into that incident, ordered by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, claimed improbably that the whole thing had been an accident, but many veterans of the US Air Force and Navy with experience in handling nuclear weapons, as well as experts in arms control, say that such an explanation is impossible, and argue that there had to have been a chain of orders from above the level of the base commander for such a flight to have occurred. Incredibly, almost five months after that bizarre incident (which included A< href="">several as yet unexplained deaths of B52 pilots and base personnel occurring in the weeks shortly before and after the flight), in which six 150-kiloton warheads went missing for 36 hours, there has been no Congressional investigation and no FBI investigation into what happened. Yet in view of Edmonds story to the London Times, alleging that there has been an ongoing, active effort for some years by both Al Qaeda and by agents of two US allies, Turkey and Pakistan, to get US nuclear weapons secrets and even weapons, and that there are treasonous moles at work within the American government and nuclear bureaucracy aiding and abetting those efforts, surely at a minimum, a major public inquiry is called for. Meanwhile, there is enough in just this one London Times story to keep an army of investigative

reporters busy for years. So why, one has to ask, is this story appearing in a highly respected British newspaper, but not anywhere in the corporate US media? amazed! Jan 7 2008, 06:12 PM Because the US media serves the government as a propaganda tool? chek Jan 8 2008, 07:27 AM I'd add that The (London) Times/ Sunday Times used to be considered quality newspapers of record up until Murdoch acquired them, which was his reason for doing so after cornering the UK tabloid market with his tits'n'sport flagship The Sun. Since then it's generally reckoned both papers journalistic standards have sharply declined. If the story is being carried by his News Corporation on this side of the Atlantic, it can't be long till one of his US operations carries it, though I'd guess his credibility over there is as low as it is here. Which begs the question what impact will it have after being purveyed by one of the chief architects of the dumbing-down movement? I'm not big on US media personalities, but as Walter Cronkite's no longer available perhaps some sort of interview with someone like Keith Olberman, either in print or better yet on air would be the ideal vehicle for a story of this importance. Carl Bank Mar 31 2008, 10:44 AM They will count their nukes now:;#entry10736391 dMz Jun 12 2008, 04:16 AM Related info is at: Trapster Apr 10 2009, 03:31 AM Wow! I read about this issue years ago when it first came out. Look at the timing, just days after the 'nukes go missing' incident, the Israeli air force launches a major strike into Syria. The reported purpose was to take out a Syrian nuke weapons facility. The theory is that Cheney had authorized a nuke strike against Iran using the stolen nukes. Once the attack too place, that's the end of it, as in 'it's done and you can't do anything to change it so shut up about it and go along.' Same play as was used on 9/11. But, my question is: Is there still at least ONE missing nuke out there?? Ricochet Apr 10 2009, 05:00 AM yes Trapster Apr 11 2009, 01:03 AM QUOTE (Ricochet @ Apr 10 2009, 05:00 AM) yes

NUTS! Please elaborate. What do you say 'yes'. Webster Tarpley and others (Bowman?) believe that during the events taking place on 9/11, nuclear launch codes were compromised. In other words, those who pulled of the attacks were also threatening to go to full scale Armageddon if their wishes of Empire were not followed.

1. Interesting Article about 2007 Minot AFB 6-Stolen-Nukes Incident From a blog, so it needs cross-checking & referencing. But well-written. something significant happened that day, but I'm still not sure what. I think the bomber with the nukes may have flown from Minot to Barksdale Air Force Bases. The mortality rate for military personnel involved in the incident appears to be sky-high. Did White House "Apocalypse Cult" Steal Nukes in Armageddon Ploy? By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor Remember the one about the B-52 bomber that, according to legend, had six nuclear weapons loaded onto it by accident, which, of course, could not have happened by accidentfor a dozen different reasons, or more. In 2007, a bizarre event occurred. Six nuclear weapons showed up on a B-52 out of nowhere. The public was told they were mistakenly loaded onto the bomber and send flying around the United States. After a 6 week investigation, 70 airmen were punished for the mistake but the story hardly ends there. Key personnel at Minot Air Force Base, origin of the loading mistake began to have accidents. Loaders and pilots from Minot became some of theunluckiest people on earth. Coincidences pile up as the death toll rises. For every news story available for review, two have disappeared, almost as mysteriously as the deaths they reported. Members of our Air Force keep track of things, from one of their blogs: Airman 1st Class Todd Blue was assigned to the unit that provides security for that bomber wing at Minot Air Force base. He died while on leave in Virginia. No further details have been released. Authorities are investigating the death of a Minot Air Force Base airman who died while on leave in Virginia. Base officials say 20-year-old Airman 1st Class Todd Blue died Monday while visiting family members in Wytheville, Virginia. Blue enlisted in the Air Force in March of last year and joined the 5th Security Forces at Minot Air Force Base the following August. Information on how Blue died has not been released. Caddo Parish sheriffs deputies worked a wreck this morning in which two people from Barksdale Air Force Base were killed. The accident, in the 5100 block of Shreveport-Blanchard Highway at 11:30 a.m., claimed the lives of a married couple. Their names have not been released, but the man was 29 and the woman was 32, according to a release from Caddo Parish sheriffs spokeswoman Cindy Chadwick. The two were riding a 2007 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, with the husband driving and the wife the passenger, Chadwick said. The woman passenger on the motorcycle died at the scene, while the husband was taken to LSU Hospital

in Shreveport, where he died, the release said. Minot, N.D. (AP) Authorities have identified a Minot Air Force Base man killed in a crash on the outskirts of Minot. Base officials say 20-year-old Adam Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday night. Barrs was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver is identified as 20-year-old Airman Stephen Garrett. Bomber Pilot Killed in Crash. A Minot Air Force Base bomber pilot was killed in a motorcycle crash in Tennessee, the base says. 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, was a B-52 pilot assigned to the 23rd Bomb Wing at the Minot base, said Lt. Col. Gerald Hounchell, the 23rd Bomb Squadron commander. Kissel died Tuesday in the crash, while on leave, the base said. Kissel, a native of Tennessee, graduated from the Air Force Academy in 2004, and arrived at the Minot base in July last year, the base said. Body of Missing Air Force Captain Found. The body of a missing Air Force captain from Florida has been found near Badger Peak in northeast Skamania County, Wash., Portland police said Sunday. Acting on a tip from Portland police, Skamania County authorities found Capt. John Fruehs rental car about noon on Saturday. They quickly began a search and rescue mission and, with the help of search dogs, found Fruehs body near the vehicle about 5 p.m., the Skamania County Sheriffs Office said. U.S. Air Force General, Thomas L. Tinsley, Dead from Gunshot Wound to Chest. The officer who commands an air force wing in Alaska has died of a gunshot wound that likely was self-inflicted, authorities said Monday. Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Tinsley suffered a gunshot wound to his chest late Sunday night and was pronounced dead within a half hour, said Col. Richard Walberg, who assumed command at Elmendorf Air Force Base after Tinsleys death. The weapon was likely a handgun, Walberg said. Medical responders who rushed to Tinsleys home on base were unable to save him. Tinsleys wife and college-age daughter were home at the time. Tinsley was named base commander in May 2007. He had served as an F-15 instructor pilot, F-15C test pilot, wing weapons officer, exchange officer and instructor with the Royal Australian Air Force. His previous 22-month assignment was executive officer to the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. T. Michael Buzz Mosely, who resigned in June under pressure in an agency shake-up. Mosely, the Air Force military chief, and Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne, the agency s civilian head, were held accountable for failing to fully correct an erosion of nuclear-related performance standards. One concern was a cross-country flight in August of a B-52 carrying armed nuclear weapons. Walberg said Tinsley was not under investigation or undue stress. As far as stress, sir, this job, by nature of being an Air Force officer in a nation at war, is stressful, he said. Undue stress, no. Captain Jonathan Bayless: Another Minot Air Force Base Death. The 91st Missile Wing is a U.S. Air Force strategic nuclear missile unit. They deal with the Minuteman III ICBMs. The body of a missile combat crew commander from the Minot Air Force was found by police and the cause of his death is under investigation, the Air Force says. A statement issued by the base Sunday said the body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless, 28, was found Friday night. Police did not give details but said it was in an area north of the city soccer complex and they are awaiting autopsy results. Col. Christopher Ayres, the ba ses 91st

Missile Wing commander, said Bayless was a training chief with the 91st Operations Support Squadron. He had been at the Minot Air Force Base since March 2005. Recommended Websites My Paypal 'Tips Jar' Email Reply With Quote

3. 9th July 2010, 10:50 AM #2 Book Guest Re: Interesting Article about 2007 Minot AFB 6-Stolen-Nukes Incident Well worth the time to understand all this.

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5. 9th July 2010, 04:20 PM #3 Phoenix Guest Re: Interesting Article about 2007 Minot AFB 6-Stolen-Nukes Incident Neither the B-52 nuclear weapons nor the Shin Bet pistols were ever "missing." They went right to where they were intended to go. Reply With Quote

7. 10th July 2010, 12:11 PM #4 gunDriller Iridium

Join Date Apr 2010 Posts 7,825 Thanks 1,765 Thanked 768 Times in 519 Posts Re: Interesting Article about 2007 Minot AFB 6-Stolen-Nukes Incident it's hard for me to keep up with all the details but i do get the impression that something historical and real happened. also that some of the people involved were suicided. and that a nuclear weapon may have been stolen. the thing about nuclear weapons is, they have a signature. if Israel was going to blow up a nuclear bomb somewhere but wanted to do it as a false flag, it might be useful to them to use an American nuke instead of an Israeli nuke.


Now - ALL 6 DEAD - Minot AFB Nuke Oddities
Submitted by LatinAmericanview on Wed, 2007-09-19 15:38 When "CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY UNCOVERED IN NUCLEAR MISTAKE"! story came out I suggested that the story in it current form was full of contradictions and disinformation. I sarcastically wrote a response to the original article in which I implied that incident may have been an attempted theft of nuclear weapons. Note: Thanks to mparent7777 Marc Parent for finding the story! Here is my comment: Former Head of German Intell Andreas von Bulow is quoted as saying: "95% of the work of the intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation" Imagine if the statement were true then what would reality look like? Another way to look at the story "CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY UNCOVERED IN NUCLEAR MISTAKE!" is if the nuclear warheads were lost or misplaced then the US Military HAS TO ASSUME THAT THEY WERE STOLE! Think about it! They have no choice since the weapons are

unaccounted for. Now the story begins to look a little different. The stolen warheads were quickly recovered and an immediate investigation was launched. The investigator were instructed to keep this serious breech of national security internal. However, some naive and well intentioned officers broke rank and leaked the entire story to major news sources. Zionist and Military news centers were instructed not to run the story until Military Intelligence had scrubbed them of sensitive information. Furthermore, the media was told to sit on the story until an official cover story was crafted and made available for public consumption. In accordance to the New war time Military code and conduct guide the offending parties have tried and convicted in a secret military tribunal. They have all been sentenced to death by firing squad. The offending generals and their conspirators are currently being held at an unknown location. The military personnel which first made the story public has been demoted and sent to the front lines in Iraq. I can't imagine that the US Military would allow a story like that to run. This would be like showing the enemy your weak spots. Just on the basis of national security the story would not be run. So what could be the rationale behind this recent disclosure? I wonder? LatinAmericanview | Wed, 2007-09-12 00:26 I wrote that the naive patriots would be shipped to the Iraq for leaking the information and implied they would eventually meet an untimely death. quote: LAv _____________________________________ The military personnel which first made the story public has been demoted and sent to the front lines in Iraq. ______________________________________ I was wrong. They did not have to travel that far. Wednesday, September 19, 2007 Now - ALL 6 DEAD - Minot AFB Nuke Oddities Sept 18, 2007 Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities' -By Lori Price The following section was compiled by 'The Pundit.' Since the Minot story broke a week ago about the missing nukeclandestine operation from Minot, we have the following (for those who are paying attention): 1. All six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base 2. All were directly involved as loaders or as pilots 3. All are now dead 4. All within the last 7 days in 'accidents' [Not all of them --LRP] Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B-52, and they may have told their wives and friends.

"The Pundit" ***** Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave 12 Sep 2007 The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died Monday while visiting with family members. The statement did not say how he died. The base said Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. [The primary mission of the 5th Security Forces Squadron is to 'provide 24-hour law enforcement and security services for the 5th Bomb Wing and all tenant units assigned to Minot AFB.' "Guardians of the Upper Realm" The host wing on Minot Air Force Base, the 5th Bomb Wing operates the B-52H Stratofortress aircraft to provide global strike and combat-support capabilities to geographic commanders. B-52 Stratofortress - Mission Air Combat Command's B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions... It can carry nuclear or precision guided conventional ordnance with worldwide precision navigation capability.] AF Secretary Visits MAFB 14 Sep 2007 The top civilian in the Air Force spent the afternoon at Minot Air Force Base today. Michael Wynne, the Secretary of the Air Force, arrived at the base about 1 PM to get a personal look at how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled. His visit comes two weeks after a B-52 bomber loaded with 6 Nuclear Warheads was flown from Minot ND. to Barksdale Air Force Base. LA. Posted by CRIMES AND CORRUPTION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS mparent7777 Marc Parent CCNWON at 5:45 AM Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on google Share on google_plusone_share

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dead goyim
Submitted by jr (not verified) on Wed, 2007-09-19 15:57 Dead goyim tell no tales

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One of the intersting

Submitted by LatinAmericanview on Wed, 2007-09-19 16:21 One of the intersting observations that I have made is the readiness of many truth seekers to blame the international bankers, the Jews and the Zionists. Most of the bloggers here rarely consider that the military class has it own interests. Granted some bloggers have suggested that the military is under Zionist control and provide as evidence the attack on the US Liberty an the subsequent silence on this issue as proof. However, I suspect that there are many dissident voices in the military which comprise a faction of the power elite. History shows that no power has been absolute. I think what we are observing is a scrimmage between different groups at the top. This no minor squabble since we have been lead to believe that it involves nuclear weapons. We lack information but we can infer that it is serious since officers are dying.

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I only count three

Submitted by Christopher Marlowe on Wed, 2007-09-19 18:22 unless both of the married couple killed on the motorcycle were involved with the nukes. The posted sites above show: 1) Mysterious death of Todd Blue in VA; 2) The motorcycle accident that killed a Minot AFB couple in LA. 3) a repeat of the Todd Blue story, (but I think he only died the first time, despite what Ian Flemming says) 4) This involves Adam Barrs, a Minot Air Force guy, but he was killed in Tennessee on July 5. The nuclear incident was on August 30; 5) 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, was a B-52 pilot assigned to the 23rd Bomb Wing, a Minot guy, but killed on July 20; 6) Capt. John Frueh's body found in Portland on 9/10. ----------------------"Stop judging by appearances, but judge justly." ----------------------"Stop judging by appearances, but judge justly."

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you are correct

Submitted by LatinAmericanview on Sat, 2007-09-22 16:53 this looks like a total dis-info job thanks

Friday, April 25, 2008

Missing Nukes, Dead Soldiers, Poisoned Witnesses, What Do They All Have In Common?

Dr. David Graham, a dentist in Shreveport, Louisiana, said that he had met three of the 9/11 hijackers a year before the attacks at a home in Shreveport. He became suspicious of them (he thought they were planning attacks on nearby Barksdale AFB) and contacted the FBI. The man who hosted the hijackers in Shreveport was a Pakistani named Jamal Khan. In 2004, Khan pled guilty to hiding cash transfers to Pakistan, and in an unusual plea deal the government stated that nothing in this deal would absolve Khan from any future prosecution regarding the attacks of September 11. Dr. Graham apparently met Khan in conjunction with the 9/11 conspirators and was set to testify against him at a deportation hearing sometime in 2004, following Khan's conviction on the money transfer charge. He was also trying to publish a manuscript about meeting the three men and his contacts with the FBI. Then, Dr. Graham fell seriously ill from what his family says was poison. Shortly thereafter, Jamal Khan disappeared. The story fell silent for a couple years until Buck's site did some more digging. Dr. David Graham is dead. Jamal Khan has vanished. And the FBI claims that Graham never contacted them until after 9/11 except that one guy says that he knows personally that Graham talked to the FBI in 2000, and he can even tell you the specific name of the G-Man he spoke to (Agent Spoon of the Shreveport FBI office, if you must know). So who killed Dr. David Graham? Was it Jamal Khan? Was Khan a co-conspirator of 9/11? And where is he now? How did the FBI let him get away (one comment suggests that they didn't)? Did the FBI really have prior warning of these three 9/11 conspirators? And if so, why do they deny it now...

Well, remember how this was all about a fear revolving around Barsdale Airforce Base?

Funny how the story begins to flow into another series of mysterious deaths...

Barksdale Air Force Base is being used as a jumping off point for Middle East operations, according to a retired B-52 pilot and friend of Truth Alliance. According to him, the only times you put weapons on a plane is when they are on alert or if you are tasked to move the weapons to a specific site. Why would we want cruise missile nukes at Barksdale Air Force Base. Can't imagine we would need to use them in Iraq. Why would we want to preposition nuclear weapons at a base conducting Middle East operations?

His final point was to observe that someone on the inside obviously leaked the info that the planes were carrying nukes. A B-52 landing at Barksdale is a non-event. A B-52 landing with nukes. That is something else.

Now maybe there is an innocent explanation for this? What is certain is that the pilots of this plane did not just make a last minute decision to strap on some nukes and take them for a joy ride. What the hell is going on? Did someone at Barksdale try to indirectly warn the American people that the Bush Administration is staging nukes for Iran?

There is no way the weapons would have moved without a top-level directive to do so, because of treaty obligations dating to the Cold War, because of the potential for really big problems in the wrong hands, or if there's a crash during transport. There are radiological reports needed because of the gamma activity inherent from the design of these things, dealing with where they went, who was exposed, how much dose, etc., which requires a monitored crew. Things like this are most vulnerable to interdiction in transit.

The "joy ride" or mistake scenarios would end the careers of every person even remotely attached to the weapons, because of the many layers of control and clearances even to remove them from storage. There are ways to ID these things if you see them and know what to look for. It is hard to do as a casual observer hanging around inside a B-52 on either airbase, so this was a "cry for help" leak (if it wasn't orchestrated) like the GAO report was to highlight the White House "tweaking" to come.

Since the Minot story broke about the missing nuke clandestine operation from Minot:

1. All 2. All 3. All 4. All

six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base were directly involved as loaders or as pilots are now dead within the last 7 days in 'accidents' [Not all of them --LRP]

Take a Closer Look:

Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave 12 Sep 2007 The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died Monday while visiting with family members. The statement did not say how he died. The base said Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. [The primary mission of the 5th Security Forces Squadron is to 'provide 24-hour law enforcement and security services for the 5th Bomb Wing and all tenant units assigned to Minot AFB.' "Guardians of the Upper Realm" --The host wing on Minot Air Force Base, the 5th Bomb Wing operates the B-52H Stratofortress aircraft to provide global strike and combat-support capabilities to geographic commanders. B-52 Stratofortress - Mission -Air Combat Command's B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions... It can carry nuclear or precision guided conventional ordnance with worldwide precision navigation capability.]

AF Secretary Visits MAFB 14 Sep 2007 The top civilian in the Air Force spent the afternoon at Minot Air Force Base today. Michael Wynne, the Secretary of the Air Force, arrived at the base about 1 PM to get a personal look at how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled. His visit comes two weeks after a B-52 bomber loaded with six nuclear warheads was flown from Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Case of the "Missing" Nukes

B-52s at Minot AFB, North Dakota. A Minot-assigned bomber inadvertently carried five nuclear warheads during a cross-country flight to Barksdale AFB, Louisiana on August 30th, raising concerns about weapons safety and accountability.

There's something a bit strange about this Drudge-trumpeted story, concerning the Air Force's "temporary loss" of five nuclear warheads. As reported by the Military Times papers, the warheads were mounted on advanced cruise missiles being flown by a B-52 bomber from Minot AFB, North Dakota to Barksdale AFB, Louisiana. Both Minot and Barksdale are B-52 bases; the movement is part of an effort to decommission 400 of the cruise missiles. The warheads were supposed to be removed before the missiles left Minot, but the error wasn't discovered until the "Buff" touched down in Louisiana last Thursday. According to the Times, that left the weapons "unaccounted for" during the 3 1/2 hour flight from North Dakota to Louisiana. However, that's a specious claim, at best. As Air Force spokesman Lt Col Ed Henry noted, the weapons were in the service's custody and control at all times. He also reported that all other nuclear weapons at Minot have been accounted for. What's more disconcerting is the (apparent) break-down in the nuclear chain of custody. Readers of my profile know that I spent portions of my career around nukes, both as an operational intelligence officer and a targeteer. My duties didn't involve the actual handling or loading of those weapons, but you learned quickly that nukes are governed by a completely different set of rules, for obvious reasons. Those regulations are strictly enforced, with "no tolerance" for mistakes. First, nuclear weapons are segregated from "ordinary" munitions, with additional layers of security and access control. All personnel involved in the protection, storage, handling and loading of the weapons are carefully vetted through the military's Personnel Reliability Program (PRP). Anyone whose loyalty, judgment or stability comes into question loses their PRP certification, and they're no longer allowed to work around nuclear weapons. Other safeguards are built into the system as well. There's a very tight chain of control; the device is literally "signed for" at every step of the journey from the weapons storage area to the aircraft, and the two-man "rule" is strictly enforced. An individual pilot or load crew member is never allowed to "control" the weapon on the ground. In combat, the pilot of a single-seat fighter would be permitted to launch with a nuclear weapon--and use it in combat--but only if the pilot was certified for the mission, and the "tasking" had been properly authenticated through the

chain of command, beginning with the President, or in tactical scenarios, the theater commander--under authority granted by the POTUS. MSNBC is now reporting that a B-52 squadron commander at Minot has been relived of his duties, because the service has "lost confidence" in his ability to handle nuclear weapons. That move is hardly surprising, given the obvious emphasis that the Pentagon places on nuclear safety and control. And, it's likely that other heads will roll as the Air Force continues its investigation. As we noted in the preceding paragraphs, the movement, loading and protection of nuclear weapons is a carefully regulated process, involving a number of specialists. All could be found culpable in this incident. But that still doesn't explain how nuclear-tipped cruise missiles were loaded onto a B-52, flown 1450 miles across the United States, and the mistake wasn't discovered until the bomber reached its destination in Louisiana. With most of the Advanced Cruise Missile fleet (AGM-129) is being retired from operational service, we can assume that Minot crews had been through this drill before. Remove the warhead from the missile, then fly the inert weapon to Barksdale for decommissioning. Retiring the warhead--if that's part of the plan--entails a separate (and completely different) process which does not require a B-52 flight. Given the elaborate safeguards, security procedures and chain-of-control associated with nuclear weapons, it's difficult to fathom how five warheads made their way onto that Buff and they weren't noticed until it arrived at Barksdale. It would be interesting to know how the 5th Bomb Wing (Minot's B-52 unit) fared on its last Nuclear Surety Inspection (NSI), which evaluates unit procedures for controlling, handling and safeguarding those weapons. Something tells me the NSI team will be returning to Minot very soon, and they'll probably evaluate a wing with a new leadership team. Wing commanders who fail their NSI are usually fired; allowing one of your aircraft (and crews) to "unwittingly" carry five nuclear warheads across country is an equally serious offense. It will be interesting to see if the wing's current commander survives this embarrassing incident.

*** Ironically, the Minot episode reminds us that the nuclear "sabre" was once brandished more openly. During much of the Cold War, Strategic Air Command B-52s (and other bombers) flew "airborne alert" missions, with nuclear weapons onboard. The aircraft loitered near departure points over the North Atlantic (and elsewhere), ready to launch nuclear strike missions against the Soviet Union upon direction from the National Command Authority (NCA). Airborne alert came to an end after a pair of highly-publicized accidents involving B-52s carrying nukes. In the first event, a bomber collided with a KC-135 tanker during an in-flight refueling off the coast of Spain in January 1966, touching off a frantic search for the B-52's four nuclear weapons, which fell into the ocean. The last of the weapons was recovered 80 days later. In 1968, another Buff crashed during an emergency landing at Thule AB, Greenland, spilling radioactive debris across the ice and snow. Hundreds of airmen worked for months cleaning up the radioactive waste. After that, SAC's airborne alert program came to an end. Labels: LA, ND; Barksdale AFB, USAF; "missing" nukes; 5th Bomb Wing; Minot AFB

baldilocks said... We're on the same page.

3:22 PM

Frank said... My grandfather served at a BOMARC launch site in NJ in the late 60's and I used to work for a policy research institution. I never worked with nukes but it has always been apparent to me that their handling is extremely black and white with no gray areas. Someone on the Buff had to know they were aboard. Even though they are relatively low yield, I can't believe that they did not detect the radiation that still emanates from them. I figure by now, they should have been able to tell from satellites or other babysitters for the flight that their were warheads on the "Buff". Not to mention the fact that it made it to the media. WTF?

4:19 PM

Adrasteia said... This comment has been removed by the author.

5:30 PM

Adrasteia said... Let me set the record straight. I was an AF nuclear weapons tech for my AF career. This incident was a breakdown of accountability. It simply required some people not to check the paperwork. The military is overtasked and nuclear experience is sadly lacking. Weapons aren't handled like they were in the cold war years. The pilots assumed the ACM did not have warheads installed. They do not check for "radiation". There are no "babysitters" on the ground. This is how accidents happen. A sequence of events did not take place as they were required to. People did not do the required paperwork verification checks. It's actually quite simple. Do not think there was any conspiracy invovled. The AF released this info in a press release. It is their policy to release information when it is of public concern. That is in the regulations. The military is not as secretive as everyone likes to think.
5:35 PM

Tantor said... I agree with Frank. It's probably a freak slipup. I was nuclear-certified navigator/WSO on F-4E fighters. Nuclear weapons are the most tightly controlled objects on the Earth. My mission was to deliver one to deserving targets in Asia and Europe. I trained a lot and was tested a lot but I never saw an actual nuke nor even knew where they were kept. However, I can tell you that any mistake with a nuke is a career ender. You can expect a string of officers to be fired in this case and its not like there's another air force that will hire you. For example, I heard of a base where they had brought out an actual nuke and hung it on a fighter to test the electronics on it. When they were done, they unloaded it onto its cart and put it off to the side of the hangar under guard for the weapons guys to pick it up. There was another bomb in the hangar, a practice nuke, which looks

exactly the same as a real one except it has no explosive nor nuclear material in it. It's made just to practice carrying them around and arming them. Well, the weapons guys went to the practice nuke. By a weird coincidence, the practice nuke had the same serial number as the real nuke except for one character in the middle. It had like a "B" instead of an "8" or something like that. The guys wheeled out the practice nuke and took it back to the armory and left the real nuke there unguarded. It only took a few days for the error to be noticed and the nuke was found in the hangar where it had been left. The Air Force has no tolerance for such screw-ups though and fired the squadron commander, wing commander, wing ops officer, the weapons squadron commander, and other assorted guys. That's how it can happen.
6:10 PM

El Jefe Maximo said... What do you bet the lefties see a ginormous Bush conspiracy in this someplace ?
6:46 PM

2 Edge Sword said... They found the nukes already!?!?! I was hoping they would find them up thedinnerjacket's ass. Just saying.
6:54 PM

Frank said... I don't think there was any conspiracy. I am just incredulous that 5 warheads weren't better protected by some kind of redundancy system. Maybe that fell apart too.
6:55 PM

Mountainpilot said... I agree with "adrasteia" who said this incident was a breakdown in accountability and yes the Air Force is over tasked, but not in the nuclear forces area.

Cops, transportation, civil engineer and other mission support career fields are deploying in extremely high numbers and for longer periods than the flying world, but pilots especially nuclear ready bomber pilots, their maintainers as well as their missile based cousins are not being deployed as their jobs are to be ready for their primary missions. Like the Army and Marines have said all along, it is now a ground war and there is little need for pilots and the weapon systems. From the news articles I have read, they only said a squadron commander was relieved from command and did not specify a B-52 squadron commander. I would bet the farm that it was a munitions commander and not a pilot who was fired and rightly so. However, in the tradition of nuclear duty, every commander from that one already fired up to and including the wing commander has to vacate the base ASAP. The base needs a fresh start Speaking from 24 years of Air Force nuclear experience, no nuclear weapon can be moved out of the weapons storage area without the Wing Commander's direct permission. This cannot be delegated to anyone else and he must be on-station throughout the movement unless he has changed the DoD rulebook at Minot. Additionally to remain in compliance with the present nuclear reduction treaties, the weapons can only be uploaded under strict rules which prohibit even taxing around the flightline. Also forget all the BS stories about practice bombs being mistaken for actual nukes. There is not one person who has worked in that arena who could not tell the difference between the two from a mile away including the egotistical pilots who probably in a hurry to go on a cross-country to get out of Minot. In regard to lack of experience, everyone should take a look at the 5th Bomb Wing Commander's official biography ( ). While he has 22 years of commissioned service, he started out his flying career as a lowly instructor pilot in 1986 and did not enter nuclear duty until 1990, just two years before the fighter pilots killed off SAC. In total he only has eight years nuclear experience which is marginal in my opinion to command one third of all air breathing nuclear delivery systems in the USAF.
8:02 PM

Adrasteia said... It's not quite true that nuke maintainers and missile techs don't deploy. Some of them have been deploying as prison guards and interrogators. The AF is drawing down and as numbers decrease so too do the number of weapons maintainers. The AF cannot afford to have personnel dedicated to only one task these days. Therefore, munitions control functions, those who direct the work that is done, is more typically filled with conventional munitions troops. Not only don't they understand or care about nuclear weapons they do deploy and they deploy a lot. There could be many causes; I'm betting on a paperwork error. Someone wrote the wrong number on a work order. There are no more dedicated nuclear weapons bomber pilots. They are just pilots and some have nuclear weapons duty but typically not for any length of time. Oddly enough, I also have 24 years of nuclear weapons duty. A commander would not have signed for this pylon to move because everyone would have thought it did not have warheads installed. It probably passed through a whole lot of redundant checkpoints but no one did the checks because they all thought there were no warheads installed. Mountain Pilot is dead on about nuclear experience. With the end of the cold war weapons don't get the focus they used to. Any job is only as good as the people who do it.
11:52 PM

Adrasteia said... One last comment. The story about hanging weapons on a plane to test the electronics is bogus too. It is illegal to use a weapon to perform any testing. Training weapons and real weapons are never allowed to be stored together.
11:59 PM

jamminedward said... Adrasteia and the other experienced commenters certainly make the situation clear-I'd like to add that part of the problem seems to be a proliferation of viable nukes that are slated for "decommissioning." How is it that we're in a hot war, with a couple of theaters of operation that could use some serious softening up, before troops are put in harm's way (remember the big yawn that was "Shock and Awe shucks") but we're going to pay a bundle and risk all manner of accidents, toxic exposures, and plain old F-ups to dismantle something that's designed to blow up enemies and their stuff?

WTF indeed! Any nukes need dismantling, do it on a target. Then there won't be a bunch lying around to get mixed up and flown around U.S. airspace.
10:34 AM

Scott said... I was a member of the 5th Security Forces at Minot AFB from Dec 99 to Jan 01. Everyone even remotely involved or even coming close to those weapons is part of the PRP and its absolutely mind boggling to see something like this happen. There are a lot of measures in place to keep something like this from happening, but nothing is infallible, certainly not the US Air Force.
11:22 AM

conspiretotherorize said... While I don't doubt that many in the military are incompetent just like the real world let's answer the hard questions before we dismiss the "unimaginable" conspiracy. Can anyone adress the process of decommisioning ACM's? In particular since these ACM's were being transported to Barksdale AFB can you say that is where the decommissioning takes place? Can anyone confirm the story that there is actually an ACM decommisioning program? Kowing that there is really such a program documented prior to this incident and that decommisioning takes place in Barksdale would go along way to alleviate my concerns about accidently arming and transporting 5 nuclear capable cruise missiles to a location that is reported to be the staging area for Middle East opereations. "Trust me" just doesn't fly with me anymore as all my very creative conspiracy theories are continually being overshadowed by what is actually being carried out by our current administration.
4:09 PM

conspiretotherorize said... This comment has been removed by the author.

4:10 PM

BHEnigma said...

This was done on purpose so the Chimp in Chief can scare us and further erode our civil rights. Thanks for feeding the Jihad and the vast military industrial complex at the same time King Neocon.
5:41 PM

emtr21 said... I served 6 years as a nuclear weapons technician (at Minot) and a lot of you have posted erroneous or just badly thought out comments concerning our countries nuclear programs. The facts are that yes there is a decommissioning of these ACM's at Minot to comply with post Cold War treaty's and while it is still unfathomable to me that this kind of "mistake" could happen, I do believe it's possible and obviously it happened. The Air Force has cut nearly 30,000 Airmen in the past few years officers and enlisted alike meaning fewer people with higher ops tempos which equals mistakes more often and more serious in nature. The only lesson this should serve is to demonstrate to Congress that the "people for planes" program isn't working because without having a solid team of Airmen your planes will never leave the ground. The short of it is that these weapons were signed off as having had their warheads removed which means that some 19 year old technician and his 21 year old team chief "pencil whipped" some papers after clearing a bay full of these ACM's when in reality 5 of them hadn't been done yet. These weapons were then stored in a non nuclear certified munitions unit and later the "shells" were scheduled to be flown to Barksdale for the final phase of decommissioning. No one at this point could have known they contained nuclear warheads because there are no outer visuals to show that. The weapons were then loaded on and the flight crews preflight checks confirmed that they had the correct number of ACM's on board but again nothing would have alerted them to the nature of their payload. The real misfortune is that because the Air Force has gone to "minimum manning, maximum working" that these kind of mistakes are going to happen more and more often. They may not be "nukes" but rather an Airman dies because they were exhausted and make a mistake or any number of scenarios. The real culprit is the Air Force senior leaders at the pentagon and congress for trying to trim a military branch that is already spread to thin. With the Air Force projecting another 20,000 cuts in 2008 and 2009 I'm sad to say this isn't the last the "Air Force" will make national news because of a mistake that is news worthy. There is no plot or scheme at work here, just bad judgment and oversite by undermanned and under trained maintainers. The avg age of a nuclear weapons technician is only 19 years old so how is it that a commander can trust his career when he knows that 19 year old is under paid, under trained and over worked on a

yearly basis. This is the problem for future officers and leaders that must be addressed and I only hope that this incident brings this to light. I am friends with many of those affected by this incident and I wish them the best of luck because a lot of "bystanders" are going to get axed and morale at Minot was already at an all time low. Oh and on parting note Minot's last NSI was rated outstanding/excellent in all areas so they are ready and capable to carry out the orders of our Commander in Chief at a moments notice, and this incident is going to have devastating effects on their ability to effectively operate in the next couple of weeks.
6:20 AM

The Pundit said... In Canada, we require a min. of 10 signatures in various log books to ship any munition by air: (4 of which are lower ranks); shipper\driver and his MC; AC loader and his MC; Stores C & NC: (WO + Col. for override for Non-Convential (we are not allowed by law to load and nuclear ordinance in Canada except under a temporary direct executive order from the CoS); base commander & wing or lt. commander; and finally the pilot & co-pilot. Since we are talking nuclear ordinance here, this situation would also require the requisite teams to assemble, arm, disassemble and disarm on the bases (from what I understand the munitions were shipped in a live state). A brave and courageous junior officer or NCO saw something seriously amiss here and did the right thing by outing it. So what do we now have on our hands... Sabre-Ratting? Maybe. It doesn't hurt, but then it never amounts to much either unless it's backed up. Four years of huffing and puffing @ Kim Jong Il have only emboldened him to force the US to finally capitulate on most of their original demands. So no. Ineptitude? I don't think so - not from 24 signatures, in a variety of log books, on two different bases spread across the country, all officially sanctioned by a Lt. Commmander. Perimeter or Operations Test? Awfully expensive way to test operational procedure. The PSYOPS mouthpieces are in damage control mode though, so that argument is untenable.

Covert Operation? Very possible. A covert operation to strike Iran (think Nicaragua\El Salvador 70's) without the official sanction or oversight of Gates' office, perhaps to shield him, in the event things go awry. [Remember: TWO bases involved here, so you have at least one person at the level of Lieutenant Commander or higher, calling the shots. Is it conceivable? Maybe. Is it practicable though? A definite yes. The most tenable scenario though, is that this was indeed an inside job, setup to 'lose' some nukes for a definite hit, either domestically, or internationally; but in either case, a false-flag operation. (I say definite, because lunatics don't acquire nuclear weapons simply to shelve them). A) They were left on the tarmak for 12 hours, fully crated and completely un-guarded, i.e. for immediate pickup & delivery. B) They were fully activated and mounted in flight, no doubt to prove to the intended recipient that the weapons are fully functional and will operate as expected. Rogue military elements sanctioned or not, these people are playing a very dangerous game. Ironically, the way back to a sane (i.e. Ron Paul) US foreign policy, instead of the current debacle, may rest with Vladimir Putin. The Russian Bear has fully awakened as of late, and he is, understandably, none too pleased.
4:27 PM

Robin Storm - In Search of Severe Weather. said... I am retired Navy (SupSalv) and had a Nuke Ticket. I am still somewhat skeptical but very hopeful that this was just a very serious accident. The reason for my being skeptical is that I understand the procedures surrounding the movement and transport of these weapons, when we do transport them we do not transport them with a sign saying nuclear weapons stay back 27 miles. or manifest them as such. And no the procedures are just as tight as they have ever been, especially after 911.

It would be easier to swallow this as an accident if it involved just one armed ACM not six. Understand besides very stringent security and paper work requirement in the movement there are structural differences between a ARMED conventional and nuclear ACM. Lets not talk about the little RED markings on the nuclear armed version. While lets say that the munitions crew did in fact screw up. Are we saying that the B-52Hs Crew Chief and Command Pilot were also asleep at the wheel? How is that crews at Barksdale discovered this and not the nuke techies? Again I am not much on conspiracies and understand that accidents happen. But if our military has degraded to this point then its time to clean house starting with the Joint Chiefs. I will also remind everyone here that war or an airstrike against Iran is not conspiracy theory its a strategically planned fact. The question is will the plan be executed and how?
9:37 PM

The Pundit said... I guess this is just a coincidence? Since the story broke 7 days ago, about the missing nuke\clandestine operation from Minot, we have the following for those who are paying attention: 1. All six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base 2. All were directly involved as loaders or as pilots 3. All are now dead 4. All within the last 7 days in 'accidents' GNEWS/70915012

Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B-52, and they may have told their wives and friends.
12:54 PM

Persona said... My father spent several years in the AF. NORAD and SAC. No one accidently loads a armed Nuclear Weapon on a B-52. Period. There is not a pilot and crew alive who does not know what armaments they are carrying. It is their job to know. It is the Radar Navigators (Bombardier) job to know.
8:49 PM

Oreyeon said... This guy was involved in the "incident". Now he is dead? No details as of yet on how he died. But I find it suspicious nonetheless. And someone needs to get the numbers straight. First I hear that six nukes were mis-transported, then it changes to five, then back to six, now I'm hearing five again. Broken Arrow anyone? Something smells afoul. I'm not saying there's a conspiracy going on, but something is definitely afoot, and the first of probably a few involved is now dead. Questions, questions...
11:15 PM

drew said... I agree that this is some very terrifying stuff either accident or conspiracy but I checked url #4 in the list of 7 dead airmen and found the person died in early july. I don't doubt that people would kill in theses circumstances but lets try to keep facts from fiction.
12:12 AM

navyman said... I think there is a conspiracy in this. How can someone come home on leave and suddenly committ suicide? I talked to a family that went to his house and there was no wreath on the door representing anyone had passed away and nothing posted in the newspapers obituaries. There is more going on than what we think, I think someone is correcting their mistakes.
12:18 AM

Watchman63 said... I was in Air Force Security Police from 1982-1990 at Elmendorf AFB and Grand Forks AFB. I was in the 842 Missile Security Squadron (SAC)at Grand Forks from 1987-1990, and I cannot fathom that a mistake such as this could happen in the ultra-tight security environment of SAC at that time. No movement of any nuke ever occurred without separate authorization and verification on the security and maintenance sides of the house. There was such redundancy in the system that if a mistake were made by any one person, another would certainly catch that mistake. Even if the entire maintenance side of the house had screwed up, security would still have to have separate authorization and would catch that mistake. I expect that the government/military will lie about and manipulate stories for whatever purpose suits them. While that can be disturbing, we are accustomed to that. What is far scarier than that is if this WAS purely a mistake. If this was a mistake, it means that there has been a systemic breakdown in nuclear security since the end of the cold war and the dismantling of SAC. The implications of this incident being a series of mistakes indicates that there is a fundamental breakdown of nuclear security in our military. Indeed, the non-nuclear security of base facilities and aircraft when I worked at Elmendorf AFB was very tight. Security Police had to be notified of the aircraft type and tail number any time any aircraft was moved or was arriving or departing. We were also notified any time there was any movement of conventional weapons from the weapons storage area.

From reading the comments here of those who have worked with USAF nukes more recently than my experience, it sounds as if nuclear security may be very much compromised from the high level it was at during the cold war. That is the truly scary thing about this story. This NEVER would have happened in SAC.
2:14 PM

A. said... Watchman63; The SAC days are gone. Security Forces personnel do indeed have a say in the movement of weapons...but only from a secure environment point of view. They would never verify the presence of a nuclear weapon. Security Force personnel are certified as Controlled PRP, which means they do not have knowledge of nuclear weapons design and function. Nuke Techs are Critical PRP. Only nucle techs would be allowed to verify the presence of warheads in an ACM. The Security Forces would verify that the pylon with six missile was scheduled to move and authorized to move. If nuclear warheads were installed the Wing Commander would have to give final approval to roll the pylon to the flightline. But remember one thing, everyone thought the pylon did NOT have nukes installed in the missiles. Therefore all those checks and balances would have not been necessary. That is the crux of the matter. Someone else mentioned that the ACM sat in crates on the flightline and questioned that six warheads were accidentally shipped. You have to understand the configuration of the missiles. They were not in crates. They were mounted under a pylon with is simply an aerodynamic fairing that is attached to the B523 wing. It contains all the wiring between the missiles and the plane. The warheads are not readily visible in the missile. A technician has to go to each missile and use a flashlight to look through a small port in the payload bay door and verify that a weapon is in the payload bay. These technicians were so sure the missiles did not have warheads they didn't bother to check. EMTR21 is exactly right in his assessment of the situation. Missile don't say NUCLEAR WARHEAD INSTALLED on the outside. I can tell you from personal experience that when I was in maintenance I knew what warheads were where and what configuration they were in. It's really tempting to trust your own knowledge. But when you have shift work going on, and one shift might change the order of work and not tell the next, it's really possible that the team that picked up the pylon thought they knew the warheads had been removed when in fact they didn't. Doesn't alleviate

their responsibility to check one more time. My only disagreement with EMTR21 is that the technicians might have been undertrained but there was a well qualified 2W2 Chief at that wing. It was her job to ensure the technicians were trained, knew the seriousness of their jobs, protected them from the pressures of leadership, and protected her officers from getting fired. She failed in that. But she will be allowed to retire with all her pay and benefits. Wathcman63, there HAS been a systematic breakdown in nuclear security since the end of the Cold War. It just caught up with the AF now. That's far scarier than a conspiracy.
5:21 PM

grandpa said... The author blew my belief in him when he states four nukes fell in the water off Spain in 1966. Two fell on land, one in shallow water and one in deep water. The "High Explosive" part of the two on land went off and thousands of barrels of topsoil were shipped to the US for disposal as contaminated. Tomato growers in Spain were compensated for loss of production. I know. I was there. I was a "33150" (Nuke Wpns. Specialist) in the USAF 1963-1967
3:08 PM

lou2 said... If i had to jump to conclusions.Now would be a good time to complete the investigation on this issue.How in the hell could a chain of command of our nation be so inept and incompetent when handling nuclear weapons.O U AS_HOLES

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NWO 'BROKEN ARROW' UPDATE: Missing Warhead Clue / Flights ordered halted September 14

This item updates item 'NWO 'BROKEN ARROW' UPDATE:The 2nd 9/11Nuke Detection Drill' Michael Hoffman - Staff writer, the author who wrote Reported below for the Military 2 different figures when it came to the Loose Nuke Blunder. A mistake in loading procedures on the ground sent five nuclear warheads on a flight from Minot to Louisiana last week. Has resulted in first reports mentioning 5 nukes, then later the story changes to 6. NWO 'BROKEN ARROW' UPDATE:The 2nd 9/11 Nuke Detection Drill Most possible a nuke has gone "missing" on Aug. 30 on the territory of the U.S.. Everything we have heared about that incident with the B52 points towards that assumption.

========================================================= A B-52 bomber mistakenly loaded with five nuclear warheads flew from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., on Aug. 30, resulting in an Air Force-wide investigation, according to three officers who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to discuss the incident. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Air Force continued handing out disciplinary actions in response to the six nuclear warheads mistakenly flown on a B-52 Stratofortress bomber from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., on Aug. 30. The squadron commander in charge of Minots munitions crews was relieved of all duties pending the investigation. Link Title ====================================================== Officials at Minot Air Force Base tell the Air Force Times online newspaper that members of the ground crew responsible for mistakenly loading the nuclear weapons onto the B-52 bomber's wings have been temporarily decertified from doing their duties involving weapons. In addition, Pentagon officials who spoke on condition of anonymity say the munitions commander involved in the incident has been fired. According to the Air Force Times, the B-52 flew from Minot Air Force Base to the only other B-52 base in the nation, Barksdale Air Force Base, on August 30th. The newspaper says the bomber was mistakenly loaded with six Advanced Cruise Missiles. An Air Force official says there was no danger to the public. The main problem, according to a former Defense Department official, was that the Air Force was not aware of the nuclear missiles on the flight and would not have handled it with the proper safeguards in case of an emergency. He said there was no danger of a nuclear detonation, even in the event of a crash. The Air Combat Command has ordered a command-wide stand down on Sept. 14th to review procedures ====================================================== LOOSE NUKE WARGAME ERROR: "Operation Millennium Dragon" B-52 false flag operations blunder Post Media Reply A B-52 bomber mistakenly loaded with five nuclear warheads flew from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., on Aug. 30.

TOPOFF 4 Full-Scale Exercise (T4 FSE) will feature thousands of Federal, State, territorial, and local officials. These officials will engage in various activities as part of a robust, full-scale simulated response to a multi-faceted threat. . Real weapons will not be used in the scenario, but the response will be mounted as if they had been. So which Homeland security False Flag Terror Exercise were they training under this time? Link Title ============================================== TASK FORCE RED DRAGON: Post Nuke Non-lethal Riot Training Soldiers from NWO Reptilian Task Force Red Dragon conduct oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray training at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, In. (video courtesy of TF Red Dragon) Link Title ===================================================== "OPERATION MILLENNIUM DRAGON": NWO 5 Day False Flag , Martial Law, Terror Exercise - Post Media Reply August 30, 2007 PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command along with U.S. Pacific Command, the Department of Homeland Security as well as local, state and other federal responders will exercise their response abilities against a variety of potential threats during Exercise Vigilant Shield 08, a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffdesignated, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)-sponsored, and U.S. Joint Forces Command-supported Department of Defense exercise for homeland defense and defense support of civil authorities missions. Link Title ================================================ NWO LOOSE NUKE WARGAME UPDATE: Rumors of False Flag Nuclear attack increasing

Rumors Southern California Homeland security radiation detectors have recently had high readings. That the Fossett search is a cover for a nuclear device search. That the supposably 6 accidentally transported nukes on a B-52 Could Not have been loaded and flown by accident. And Must have been an attempt by the Bush regime to steal them and set them off in the U.S. as an excuse to Nuke Iran etc. TO ME THIS IS PRETTY MUCH PROOF THAT THE OFFICIAL STORY IS A LIE Link Title =================================================== Soldiers from Task Force Red Dragon conduct oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray training at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, In. (video courtesy of TF Red Dragon) Link Title

[URL=""] "Operation Millennium Dragon" and the MCWL Campaign[/URL] It only took a little over a week before the NWO blocked access to this link below.......... [URL=""]"Operation Millennium Dragon" Phase 4 / WMD Private Sector Participation Reported[/URL] WMD 'Red Dragon Army exercise' ,

'Noble Resolve' Army North to deploy for hurricane capstone exercise 'Operation Noble Eagle' [URL=""]SYMBOLISM LEADS TO INDIANA NUKE EXERCISE AND NE COAST "CAPSTONE EVENT" AND QUEENS VISIT[/URL] [URL=" reak_in_United_States_Massive_Movement_of_US_Military_Chemical_and_Biological_Forces_Reporte d"]"Operation Millennium Dragon" Phase 3 Outbreak in United States, Massive Movement of US Military Chemical and Biological Forces Reported[/URL] 'Exercise' To Focus On Nuclear Terror Scenario In US


Missing Nukes and the death of 6 Minot Air Force people? Quote:

The following section was compiled by The Pundit. Since the Minot story broke a week ago about the missing nuke clandestine operation from Minot, we have the following (for those who are paying attention):

1. 2. 3. 4.

All All All All

six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base were directly involved as loaders or as pilots are now dead within the last 7 days in accidents [Not all of them LRP] Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B52, and they may have told their wives and friends. The Pundit ***** Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave 12 Sep 2007 The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died Monday while visiting with family members. The statement did not say how he died. The base said Blue was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. [The primary mission of the 5th Security Forces Squadron is to provide 24-hour law enforcement and security services for the 5th Bomb Wing and all tenant units assigned to Minot AFB. Guardians of the Upper Realm The host wing on Minot Air Force Base, the 5th Bomb Wing operates the B-52H Stratofortress aircraft to provide global strike and combat-support capabilities to geographic commanders. B-52 Stratofortress - Mission Air Combat Commands B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions It can carry nuclear or precision guided conventional ordnance with worldwide precision navigation capability.] AF Secretary Visits MAFB 14 Sep 2007 The top civilian in the Air Force spent the afternoon at Minot Air Force Base today. Michael Wynne, the Secretary of the Air Force, arrived at the base about 1 PM to get a personal look at how nuclear weapons are stored, protected, and handled. His visit comes two weeks after a B-52 bomber loaded with six nuclear warheads was flown from Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base. the above links take you to the six stories and it seems very convenient indeed if these six men are dead! can this be confirmed??? found at http://digitalinsurgents.wordpress.c...-force-people/ __________________ The warden of men hath wasted this world till the sound of music and revel is stilled, And these giant-built structures stand empty of life. He who shall muse on these mouldering ruins, And deeply ponder this darkling life, Must brood on old legends of battle and bloodshed, And heavy the mood that troubles his heart:

Where now is the warrior? Where is the war horse? the wanderer, anon., Anglo-Saxon, circa 900's

able View Public Profile Send a private message to able Find all posts by able #2 14 Oct 2007, 08:16 PM

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Join Date: May 2007 Location: victoria Posts: 6,076

there is alot of chatter about it.... eg.


Re: ANOTHER AIR FORCE MEMBER FOUND DEAD Posted By: azchuck Date: Saturday, 15 September 2007, 7:23 p.m. In Response To: ANOTHER AIR FORCE MEMBER FOUND DEAD (Theresa) Although not widely known, John Frueh, the pilot mentioned, apparently was actually a Major with Air Force Special Operations Command. John committed suicide by gunshot. As to Todd Blue, who died wWhile on leave in Virginia: According to a personal friend, Todd also committed suicide. Two others, identified by name: Minot-based Airman Adam Barrs died on July 2. Minot-based Airman Weston Kissel died on July 17. One died in a motorcycle accident while on leave in Tennessee. The other was found dead in his home. In all, apparently six deaths of Minot-based Airmen have occurred since last October. I post wondering if other readers find this string of events to be deeply troubling. Chuck

---The Surfing The Apocalypse Network Re: HOW DO YOU HAVE PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE OF THIS? Posted By: azchuck Date: Sunday, 16 September 2007, 12:07 a.m. In Response To: HOW DO YOU HAVE PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE OF THIS? (Zoroaster) SKYPE> : Trust me, my friend, we all like to hear the truth. : But I am wondering where you have personal knowledge of this : from? : Thanks, :Z As to Mr Blue: A news report that a Minot Airman died while on leave published by Air Force Times datelined September 13 at 4:49 PM Eastern: A similar report from local station WDBJ Channel 7. This story was taken from an Associated Press report dated September 12 at 3:15 PM Eastern: Another story with similar information published by the Minot Air Force Base on September 12: Another story by, citing information obtained from their KXMC-TV station in Minot: Another story written from the Associated Press dispatch published by A report dated September 12 from KFYR-TV, an NBC affiliate in Minot: Yet another similar report, by The Minot Daily, citing Associated Press as a source:

WVIR-TV also reported, again relying on an Associated Press feed: The death was reported on the KXMB web site based on an Associated Press release issued on September 12 at 2:19: reported similarly, based on a later feed on September 12 at 4:04 PM Eastern from the Associated Press. Many other outlets also used the 4:04 version of the story. For sake of brevity, I haven't listed them all. As to Mr. Todd, I pursued local sources. Including the local newspaper in Wytheville, Todd's home town: My personal apologies to you for not linking this source as to the cause of Mr. Blue's death. Although I consider Sarah's post to be reliable, I saw no reason to broadcast her statement unnecessarily. You will no doubt note I have two posts in the thread. Yes I have received feedback indicating others share my concerns about this death. Including one from the Netherlands, which I thought both odd and questionable. As to John Frueh: I won't post multiple links to news stories, almost all of which relied on feed from the Associated Press. Instead, I will link the aspect I mentioned that was NOT widely published, by AP or locals: His rank and assignment. I see no need to comment as to how I chased this story long enough to stumble across this particular link, or where I found it. I see no reason to respond as to the other deaths. Hope this helps to ally your... what is it I need to ally? azchuck __________________ The warden of men hath wasted this world till the sound of music and revel is stilled, And these giant-built structures stand empty of life. He who shall muse on these mouldering ruins, And deeply ponder this darkling life, Must brood on old legends of battle and bloodshed, And heavy the mood that troubles his heart: Where now is the warrior? Where is the war horse? the wanderer, anon., Anglo-Saxon, circa 900's

able View Public Profile

Send a private message to able Find all posts by able #3 14 Oct 2007, 08:37 PM

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Join Date: May 2007 Location: victoria Posts: 6,076

for those who didn't catch the story on the nukes.... i read alot on peoples suspicions that decommissioned there for untraceable nukes almost made it to the air base that air lifts weapons to be used on iraq and many think cheney either was going to use them on iran or use them in some sort of false flag event.....

__________________ The warden of men hath wasted this world till the sound of music and revel is stilled, And these giant-built structures stand empty of life. He who shall muse on these mouldering ruins, And deeply ponder this darkling life, Must brood on old legends of battle and bloodshed, And heavy the mood that troubles his heart: Where now is the warrior? Where is the war horse? the wanderer, anon., Anglo-Saxon, circa 900's

able View Public Profile Send a private message to able Find all posts by able #4 21 Mar 2009, 08:24 AM

Senior Member 100+ posts MAFB - Minot Airforce Base Missing Nukes 9/11 911

Join Date: Sep 2008 Posts: 3,281

Here is another link.. Some names of the dead.. 1)Todd Blue ... suicide 2)Adam Barrs.. car accident another was injured ?(Stephen GarrettAirman 1st Class Stephen Garrett may have been the driver) 3)First Lt. Weston Kissel, 28 motorcycle accident 4)Capt. John Frueh -

These deaths and the tie in with nukes may have a direct link with the mysterious death of Dr David Graham who wrote "The Graham Report" which gives details of Barksdale AFB, nukes and terrorists named in 9/11 and it was written about 1 year prior to 9/11 and submitted to the US Government but they did what ... Graham is poisoned says family.
Last edited by blavatsky3; 21 Mar 2009 at 08:41 AM.

blavatsky3 View Public Profile Send a private message to blavatsky3 Find all posts by blavatsky3 #5 21 Apr 2009, 11:16 AM

Senior Member 100+ posts Dates of Deaths for Minot AFB personnel and Dr David Graham

Join Date: Sep 2008 Posts: 3,281

Missing Nukes on August 29-30, 2007 Minot-based Airman Adam Barrs July 2-5 , 2007 Weston Kissel died on July 17-20, 2007 John Frueh Found dead ~ 8-9th Sept, 2007 Todd Blue dead ~ Monday 10th Sept, 2007 Capt. Jonathan Bayless, 28, dead ~ 30 Jan 2009 Dr David Graham died 17th September 2006 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, was a B-52 pilot assigned to the 23rd Bomb Wing at the Minot base, Updated 15 September 2007 at 1933 HRS EDT Hal Turner Show REPORT: ALL FOUR MILITARY MEMBERS INVOLVED IN EXPOSING THE "ACCIDENTAL" MOVEMENT OF NUCLEAR BOMBS FROM MINOT AFB TO BARKSDALE AFB ARE NOW DEAD IN ADDITION, ONE AIR FORCE MEMBER INVOLVED IN SECURITY FOR THOSE BOMBS IS ALSO DEAD Capt. Jonathan Bayless, missile combat crew commander from the Minot Air Force Base
Last edited by blavatsky3; 21 Apr 2009 at 11:25 AM.


View Public Profile Send a private message to blavatsky3 Find all posts by blavatsky3 #6 21 Apr 2009, 11:33 AM

Senior Member 100+ posts It was actually originally 4 Minot AFB & 2 Barksdale AFB

Join Date: Sep 2008 Posts: 3,281

2 Barksdale AFB personnel Senior Airman Clint Huff, belonging to the 26th Operational Weather Squadron and his wife Linda Huff died in a motorcycle accident on September 15, 2007. [18] The husband and wife fatality happened on Shreveport-Blanchard Highway, near U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale Also Other Mysterious Deaths: Was the Missing Nukes Incident connected to US War Plans directed against Iran? Charles Riechers Charles D. Riechers A U.S. Air Force official, Charles D. Riechers, has been found dead on October 14, 2007. [24] Riechers was a retired Air Force officer and master navigator specializing in electronic warfare. He was a member of the Senior Executive Service of the U.S. Air Force, and was the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Management. A description of his duties includes "providing sound expert advice and guidance on acquisition and procurement policies, as well as formulating, reviewing and, as assigned, execution of plans, programs and policies relating to organization, function, operation and improvement of the Air Force's acquisition system." He apparently killed himself by running his car's engine inside his suburban garage in Virginia. The death of Charles D. Riechers has been casually linked by The Washington Post to his involvement in fraudulent activities and embezzlement. [25] The Washington Post reported that the Air Force had asked defense contractor, Commonwealth Research Institute (C.R.I.), to give him a job with no known duties while he waited for official clearance for his promoted rank in the Pentagon. Riechers is quoted as saying: "I really didn't do anything for C.R.I.," and "I [still] got a paycheck from them." The question, of course, was whether the contractor might expect favours in return upon his assignment to the Pentagon last January. [26] A mysterious suicide letter expressing shame was subsequently reported; the letter was reportedly from a man who had already admitted without shame that he was receiving money for doing nothing. This was known to the U.S. Senate, which had approved his promotion.


In a report featured by Pravda, Russian Intelligence analysts have said that the reported suicide of Charles D. Riechers was a cover-up and that he was murdered because of his involvement in the controversial flight of nuclear weapons over the continental United States.

Still Broken Arrow: The Case of the Missing Nukes

Details Created on Saturday, 01 March 2008 18:49 Written by Dave Lindorff

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The Welch Whitewash: We Still Don't Know What That Aug. 30 Nuclear Incident Was About by Dave Lindorff

A new report on the August 30 incident in which six

nuclear-armed advanced cruise missiles were effectively lost for 36 hours, during which time they were, against all regulations, flown in launch position mounted on a pylon on the wing of a B-52H Stratofortress, from Minot AFB in North Dakota across the continental US to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana, has left unanswered some critical questions about the event. Directed by retired Air Force Gen. Larry D. Welch, the task forces Report on the Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons found plenty wrong with the way the US military handles its nuclear weapons, but appears to have dealt lightly with the specific incident that sparked the inquiryonly giving it a few paragraphs.

According to the report, when nuclear-capable missiles are placed onto a pylon assembly (in the case of the B-52, these pylons can hold six missiles), procedures call for a clear distinction to be made as to whether they are armed with nuclear weapons or with dud warheads. In the storage bunker, pylons with dud warheads are supposed to be encircled with orange cones like those used by highway repair crews, and placards announcing that the warheads are duds are supposed to be hung on all four sides. This reportedly was not done, leaving no distinction between one

pylon containing six nuclear-armed missiles, and two others that had missiles carrying nukes. A second failure was in record keeping. According to regulations for handling nuclear weapons, every step in moving a nuke requires written verification and manual checking. When the weapons were taken from storage racks and installed on the missiles, there should have been written records, including the serial numbers of each warhead. When a breakout crew moved the nuclear-armed missiles on the pylon and passed it to a convoy crew for removal from the storage bunker to the airfield for mounting on the plane, there was supposed to be a visual verification of the warheads by the convoy crew, and another written record of the transfer of ownership. When the convoy crew handed over the pylon to the crew chief for mounting on the plane, there was supposed to be another warhead verification check by the crew chief and another written record. Finally, the aircrew was required to verify the payload, warhead by warhead. Reportedly, none of these steps were taken. In other words, there was a failure to check the payloads of the missiles not just once but at every step of the wayan astounding breakdown in controls and procedures, which at a minimum suggests that the US nuclear arsenal is as vulnerable to theft, extortion and nefarious misuse as those in the former Soviet Union or in Pakistannot a pleasant thought. A third failure, more systemic, which was identified in this latest report, was a general declineeven a breakdownin the decades-long tradition of high standards and professionalism in the US nuclear force itself. The Strategic Air Command, which oversaw all nuclear equipment, has been eliminated, and command and control of nuclear weapons have been integrated into the regular forces, right down to the storage of nuclear devices themselves, which are now routinely kept together with conventional warheadsa recipe for disaster not just because of the kind of confusion that allegedly led to the Aug. 30 incident, but also because of the possibility of accidents in which a nonnuclear device could detonate, scattering nuclear debris. Furthermore, the report documents that the nuclear force, once a prime career choice for advancement-minded military professionals, has become a dumping ground for mediocritya place where military personnel go to be forgotten. Pilots of B-52s, for example, no longer even get nuclear certifiedso unlikely is it that they will be called upon to fly nuclear missions, the report states. The report is a catalog of failure and ineptitude, and should lead to a complete overhaul. But it is also failure itself. This is because as disastrous as the picture it paints of Americas nuclear forces and handling procedures may be, the report also ignores the big questions that remain about the recent incident which led to the Welch investigation in the first place. Primary among these questions is why, if all the various teams that handled the six nuclear-tipped Advanced Cruise Missiles up at Minot, from the guards and handlers in the storage bunker to the pilots, failed to note that the warheads on the missiles were nukes, was the ground crew that went out onto the tarmac to service the plane after it landed at Barksdale able to spot them and identify them as nukes almost immediately upon arriving at the plane? After all, the personnel at Minot knew they were handling weapons in a bunker, and coming from a bunker, that stored nuclear weapons, and so should have been on alert to the possibility. The crew at Barksdale, however, had absolutely no reason to expect nuclear weapons. Not only was the delivery of these cruise missiles to Barksdale part of a long, on-going routine process of ferrying the obsolete weapons in for decommissioning and destruction. In

addition, for the last 40 years, it has been against military rules to fly nuclear weapons over domestic airspace except in specially outfitted military cargo planes. That is to say, prior to this incident no B-52 or other bomber has carried a nuclear weapon in launch position over US territory since 1967! Given that history, one has to assume that the warheads on those six missiles on the pylon must have been literally screaming out that they were nukes, for the ground crew to have noticed. Surely Gen. Welch and his colleagues should have addressed the question of why those Barksdale workers were so easily able to spot the mistake while, allegedly, no one in the chain of possession of the weapons at Minot managed to do it. The position of the report was clearly, from the start, that this whole thing was a mistake. That is to say, its conclusion was foreordained. But we should know from the incredible, bald-faced lie about the reason for shooting down a spy satellite last weekthat it posed an environmental and health threat because of a relatively small 1000 lb. fuel tank containing toxic hydrazine fuel that allegedly could make it to earth and then pose a health threatthat Pentagon explanations are often dishonest, or deliberately confusing. (Hyrdazine is no more dangerous than many toxic chemicals, and for someone to seriously be put at risk, he or she would have to walk up to the smoking tank after it hit earth, and hang around the noxious vapors breathing them in for some timesomething few people would be likely to do. Moreover, the probability of an explosive fuel tank making it through searing re-entry to ground without bursting and releasing the material harmlessly in the upper atmosphere was always negligable. The explanation for the $60-million missile shot was clearly a cover-up of a Pentagon scheme to test its space-warfare capability without having to admit what it was doing.) Could the Minot nuke incident have been something other than a mistake? A careful reading of the Welch reportboth what it says and what it fails to sayhas to leave that question unanswered. Recall that back in August and September, the Bush/Cheney administration was, as it is now, ratcheting up the talk about an attack on Iran over its nuclear activities and over its alleged support for insurgent attacks on American troops in Iraq. While the military top brass, as well as the secretary of defense are known, for the most part, to oppose such plans, there certainly are some, particularly within the Air Force, who have a higher opinion of the effectiveness of airpower, Recall too that in the weeks and days prior to and immediately following the Aug. 30 Minot nuke incident, no fewer than six airmen associated with Minot, Barksdale and the B-52 fleet died either in vehicle accidents or alleged suicides. One of the two suicides involved a Minot airman whose job was guarding the bases nuclear weapons storage facilities. The Welch report doesnt even mention this strange cluster of deathsnone of which has even been investigated by the military, according to local police and medical examiners contacted. Could someone at the top level of governmentperhaps the Vice President, who is particularly belligerent towards Iranhave attempted to set up an alternative chain of command to spring a few unaccounted for nukes for

use in some kind of false flag or rogue operation that, were it to succeed, could set a war against Iran in motion? Barksdale AFB, it should be noted, bills itself as the main staging base for B-52s being sent overseas for Middle East duty. The way the Aug. 30 incident came to light--which was thanks to Air Force whistleblowers who contacted a reporter at the Military Times newspaper publishing officemakes such an idea seem at least plausible. Clearly, some uniformed personnel were so upset at what happened that they were willing to risk their military careers to go outside of the chain of command and alert the public in the only way they knew how. Clearly too, they were so distrustful of their superiors, right on up to the office of the Secretary of Defense, that they did not consider taking their information to anyone within the Pentagon. Maybe its asking too much to expect a retired general, tasked to investigate this incident by the Secretary of Defense who himself was appointed by the White House, to look into such a theory, which after all if true would represent an act of treason. And yet, the failure of this report to at least explore the idea makes it into something of a cover-up. The obvious answer here is that Congress should be holding public hearings into the incident, and asking these tough questions. Incredibly, this has not happened. The Democratic-led Congress, here as in virtually every issue that has come before it (with the exception of steroids in professional sports!), has ducked its responsibility. In this case Congress has been content to let Air Force officials, behind closed doors, offer them information about the incidentwhich is a far cry from holding hearings where the officers would be grilled under oath about what they know. Given this gutless and irresponsible behavior by legislators who, I am sure, would be holding high-profile hearings had the same kind of incident occurred in Russia, China, or Pakistan, we are left having to hope that someone with real knowledge of what happened at Minot will come forward and tell the story to a reporter. For the record, Im ready and waiting, pen in hand


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Nukes Missing? Martial Law Declared Sept 15th, U.S. Military aircraft standown on the 14th? 4.5 Billion in Put Options On Stock Market! End Of America

The first stories and latter stories from U.S. Government officials are not adding up and may be cause for great alarm. Are we the people being set up for a nuke attack on the U.S.? Was it 5 or 6 nukes? On August 30th, 2007 the U.S. Air Force mistakenly transported some live nuclear missles on the wing pods of a B-52 bomber enroute from Minot, ND to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. This act was in violation of every possible protocol for transporting nukes. More importantly, early counts of the number of missiles transported dont mesh with later reports. Was it 5 nukes, or 6? Here is an excerpt from a news story about a week ago.

Early news reports spoke of five nuclear warheads loaded onto the bomber. Apparently, this information was provided from Barksdale. That number was later updated to six weapons missing from Minot, apparently based on anonymous tips provided to Military Times by people at Minot. This information has also been forgotten. Six nuclear weapons disappeared from Minot AFB in North Dakota. Five nuclear weapons were discovered at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. Which leads to my chilling conclusion: Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.

The origional report was 6 nukes! Click here to see the origional reports that were suddenly changed to 5 nukes the following day in the U.S. Media

Now, I had found a story i posted earlier yesterday about a U.S. Military aircraft Standown starting sept 14th. No military aircraft are allowed to fly on the 14th of this september. What is the real reason behind this?

Have you ever heard of an Electro Magnetic Pulse? It is caused by Nukes going off and disables instruments in aircraft. Seems like a good reason for a stand down. To protect their aircraft! I believe that We will no longer be a free country after the 14th of this september, just 2 days from now unless we get the word out! Then on the 15th we go into a martial law "war game" with bush declared dictator of the U.S. This smells of the smae tatic used prior to 9-11. On 9-11 they were using war games to simulate a terrorist attack using highjacked jet aircraft. The london bombing on 7-7 were also practising war games with a train bombing exercise at the same exact time! Now, the new Vigilant Shield 08 will simulate a nuke attack on an undisclosed U.S area with all of the same tatics, with a missing Nuke, An air command standown and a declaration of Martial law already in place!

There was also a report of massive "PUT" options on the stack market betting over 1 Billion dollars that the U.S. Stock Market would fall by 30 to 50% before sept 21 2007! Seems someone knows something! These PUT Options are being refered to as the Bin Ladin Trades! We the people need to get the word out FAST. This is the only way to stop this insanity! Book mark this site and send the link to friends and news media, Our country may depend on it!

September 25, 2007

Six soldiers involved in Minot AFB Nuclear incident have died mysteriously
Filed under: Impeachment Related News Mikael @ 10:17 pm

PRESSTV Mystery surrounds deaths of Minot airmen Six members of the US Air Force who were involved in the Minot AFB incident, have died mysteriously, an anti-Bush activist group says. The incident happened when a B-52 bomber was mistakenly loaded with six nuclear warheads and flown for more than three hours across several states, prompting an Air Force investigation and the firing of one commander. The plane was carrying Advanced Cruise Missiles from Minot Air Force Base, N.D, to Barksdale Air Force Base on August 30. The Air Combat Command has ordered a command-wide stand down on September 14 to review procedures, officials said. The missiles, which are being decommissioned, were mounted onto pylons on the bombers wings and it is unclear why the warheads had not been removed beforehand. In addition to the munitions squadron commander who was relieved of his duties, crews involved in the incident, including ground crew workers had been temporarily decertified for handling munitions. The activist group Citizens for Legitimate Government said the six members of the US Air Force who were directly involved as loaders or as pilots, were killed within 7 days in accidents. The victims include Airman First Class Todd Blue, 20, who died while on leave in Virginia. A statement by the military confirmed his death but did not say how he died. In another accident, a married couple from Barksdale Air Force Base were killed in the 5100 block of Shreveport-Blanchard Highway. The two were riding a 2007 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, with the husband driving and the wife the passenger, police said. They were traveling behind a northbound Pontiac Aztec driven by Erica Jerry, 35, of Shreveport, the county sheriff said. Jerry initiated a left turn into a business parking lot at the same time the man driving the motorcycle attempted to pass her van on the left in a no passing

zone. They collided. Adam Barrs, a 20-year-old airman from Minot Air Force Base was killed in a crash on the outskirts of the city. First Lt. Weston Kissel, 28, a Minot Air Force Base bomber pilot, was killed in a motorcycle crash in Tennessee, the military officials say. Police found the body of a missing Air Force captain John Frueh near Badger Peak in northeast Skamania County, Washington. The Activist group says the mysterious deaths of the air force members could indicate to a conspiracy to cover up the truth about the Minot Air Base incident. (Original Article)

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Comments (6)

1. Two of the people mentioned in this article, First Lt. Weston Kissel and Airmen Adam Barrs, died over a month before the cruise missiles were mistakenly loaded. Hardly within seven days like the article says. Also none of the people mentioned could be tied to the incedent. One was attached to a weather unit, another to a security police unit. You people need to do a better job of fact checking.
Comment by SCT October 4, 2007 @ 12:29 pm


SCT: Its not so simple. Feel free to contribute to the ongoing debate here:

Comment by Jodin Morey October 4, 2007 @ 1:32 pm


It is rather simple. This website posted an artilce that is factually inaccurate. Some would call it a lie.
Comment by SCT October 4, 2007 @ 2:29 pm


1Lt Weston Kissel was my son. He was killed in a motorcyle accident in east Tennessee weeks before this incident. His death was in no way related to it. I deeply resent the use of his name in the implication of a conspiricy which has no basis in reality.
Comment by Willard Kissel November 9, 2007 @ 10:16 pm


Please direct your complaints to the author and original publisher. We live in a culture of lies; from Fox, from CNN, from NBC,ABC,CBS, from all the major newspapers and radio stations and most especially from the current White House administration.

If this article is full of lies, thank you for drawing attention to them. It was published because it relates to one more Bush Administration lie: that somehow nukes were accidentally loaded onto one wing of an Air Force bomber and nobody noticed until the plane had completed a flight across the nation.
Comment by Mikael November 10, 2007 @ 7:06 am


I went there, I interviewed, I investigated, I know exactly what happened. Unfortunately you didnt. its quite obvious, and its also obvious that you chose to ignore what really went on, the information is easily available out there. You used the unfortunate deaths of these poor airmen for your own personal use, and you did the same with the facts of the original incedent. The only lie published on these pages comes not from Fox, nor from CNN, nor from NBC,ABC,CBS, or from all the major newspapers and radio stations and most especially NOT from the current White House administration but from your own fevered imagination.
Comment by Dried Frog Pills December 20, 2007 @ 1:47 pm

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3 Things We Learned From the Accidental U.S. Nuke Flyby


Photograph Courtesy of the U.S. Air Force

One might think that the United States' nuclear weapons--the cornerstone deterrent in the country's arsenal--would be treated with the utmost precision.
This comfortable illusion was shaken on Aug. 31, 2007, when crews loaded six live nuclear warheads onto a B-52 bomber and flew from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, cruising over the nation's heartland. Each warhead was 10 times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. During the analysis of the incident by the Defense Science Board (DSB), released this month, the ugly truth came out: America's nukes are so neglected that they are stored alongside conventional missiles, with nothing but an 8.5 x 11-in. sheet of paper to differentiate the two. The last day in August, Air Force personnel loaded the nuclear warheads on a routine repositioning of weapons stocks, believing them to be cruise missiles. The system of checks and balances has degraded to a point that six of the planet's most powerful weapons were missing for 36 hours--and no one noticed until they had landed in Louisiana. "The process and systemic problems that allowed such an incident have developed over more than a decade and have the potential for much more serious consequences," the report warns. So what can be learned by this near miss, and how can something worse be avoided?

1. No one Air Force command is solely responsible for taking care of nuclear weapons.
There are plenty of weapons systems and missions out there, and each one is more exciting and has a higher priority within the command structure. The DSB report notes that, after the demise of Strategic Air Command, three operational Air Force

commands took over the nation's nuclear weapons: ICBMs went to Air Force Space Command; bombers went to Air Combat Command, and Air Mobility Command retained ownership of the refueling portion of the bomber missions. That means that there is no one central place where the nuclear mission--upkeep, training and such--is the primary mission. So the nukes got lost in the post-Cold War shuffle. Recommendations in the report include the establishment of an Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Enterprise to focus solely on nuclear missions. This person would report directly to the Secretary of Defense. The DSB report notes that the U.S. Navy, which handles nuclear missiles in its submarine fleet, has a system that keeps those weapons under one banner, "Strategic Systems Programs." It's commanded by a rear admiral, whereas in the Air Force the highest rank with a primary, daily focus on nukes is that of colonel. "While the attack submarines no longer routinely carry nuclear missiles, the submarine forces retain their nuclear legacy and nuclear focus," the report says.

2. Human error was at the heart of the incident.

The staff at Minot Air Field had neglected to follow procedure for the sake of saving time. The verification of weapons--what kind, what warheads they carry, their armament status--should take about 45 minutes, and be performed before anything else happens. "But, over time, to speed the process, breakout and convoy crews had established a process of concurrent activity," the report states. "In this case, the breakout and convoy crew [at Minot] were connecting the trailer to the tow vehicle while the initial status verification was underway." The checks had become pro forma, and a near disaster slipped through. Indeed, the gaff that allowed six nukes out over three major American cities (Omaha, Neb., Kansas City, Mo., and Little Rock, Ark.) could have been avoided if the Air Force personnel had followed procedure. "Let's not forget that the existing rules were pretty tight," says Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project for the Federation of American Scientists. "Much of what went wrong occurred because people didn't follow these tight rules. You can have all sorts of rules and regulations, but they still won't do any good if the people don't follow them." In fact, some see the incident as a way to draw attention to the importance of the job of babysitting nukes. "This review gave the Air Force the opportunity to improve on an already-sound nuclear enterprise," says Col. West Anderson, vice commander of the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. "We handle weapons safely and ensure the highest possible standards of individual reliability and professional competence."

3. Storing nuclear warheads and conventional weapons close to each other is not a good idea.
The task force noted that members "could find no written directive that specifically described the required identifying means [to tell an inert missile from one with a live warhead]." Also, there is only one checklist for verifying the various kinds of missiles that can be loaded onto a B-52--live, inert, training and test devices. Nukes are treated the same as disarmed missiles when it comes to verifying armament. That brings us to the 8.5 x 11-in. papers on the pylons that hold missiles. If half the effort that goes into

marking fuel trucks went into marking these pylons of nuclear weapons, the entire situation could have been avoided. TAGS: aircraft, nuclear_weapons, Air_Force, B-52_Stratofortress

Read more: 3 Things We Learned From the Accidental U.S. Nuke Flyby - Popular Mechanics

Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities'

By Lori Price, Updated: 01 May 2010

Minot AFB airman identified --The base Safety Office is 'investigating' the accident. 01 May 2010 Officials at Minot Air Force Base have identified the airman who died Thursday after being struck in the head by a training missile during routine training at the base. Senior Airman Richard Allan Gallelli Jr., 22, was a member of the 17th Munitions Squadron, said 2nd Lt. Kidron Farnell, deputy chief of Public Affairs at the Minot base. Gallelli had been in the Air Force for three years and three months. Minot Air Force Base Airman Killed --Internal investigation underway 29 Apr 2010 The Minot Air Force Base says one of their Airmen was killed in a training exercise around midnight. In a press release officials say a male Airman from the 17th Munitions Squadron was struck in the head while at work, and died of injuries soon after. They are not releasing the name of the Airman. A spokeswoman from the Minot Air Force Base says cases like this are extremely rare and it has been at least ten years [?!?] since something like this has taken place. [*Math check.* See: Minot base crew commander found dead -Cause of death unclear 03 Feb 2009.] The following section was compiled by 'The Pundit.' Since the Minot story broke a week ago about the missing nukeclandestine operation from Minot, we have the following (for those who are paying attention): 1. All six people listed below are from Minot Airforce base 2. All were directly involved as loaders or as pilots 3. All are now dead 4. All within the last 7 days in 'accidents' [Not all of them --LRP] Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B-52, and they may have told their wives and friends. "The Pundit" --submitted by Patti Woodard See also: and

Minot Air Force Base

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Minot Air Force Base

Part of Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) Located near: Minot, North Dakota

B-52H Stratofortress of the 5th Bomb Wing

482457N Coordinates 1012129W48.41583N 101.35806W Built In use Controlled by 1957 1957 present United States Air Force


5th Bomb Wing

91st Missile Wing

Airfield information
IATA: MIB ICAO: KMIB FAA LID: MIB Summary Elevation AMSL 1,667 ft / 508 m

482457N 1012129W48.41583N 101.35806WCoordinates: Coordinates

482457N 1012129W48.41583N 101.35806W

Website Map

Location of Minot Air Force Base

Runways Length Direction ft 11/29 13,197 m 4,022 Concrete Surface

Minot Air Force Base (IATA: MIB, ICAO: KMIB, FAA LID: MIB) is a U.S. Air Force installation in Ward County, North Dakota, 13 miles (21 km) north of the city of Minot. In the 2010 census, the base was counted as a CDP with a total population of 5,521.

Minot AFB is the home of two major wings: the 5th Bomb Wing and 91st Missile Wing, both of the Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC).


1 Overview 2 5th Bomb Wing 3 91st Missile Wing 4 History o 4.1 Air Defense Command o 4.2 Strategic Air Command o 4.3 Modern era o 4.4 Global Strike Command o 4.5 Nuclear weapons incident o 4.6 Minot AFB nuclear inspection and consequences o 4.7 Major Commands to which assigned o 4.8 Major units assigned 5 Geography 6 Demographics 7 Public schools 8 See also 9 References 10 Other sources 11 External links

[edit] Overview
Originally opened in 1957 as an Air Defense Command (ADC) base, it became a major Strategic Air Command (SAC) base in the early 1960s, with both nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles and manned bombers and aerial refueling aircraft. When SAC was inactivated in 1992, the nuclear mission of the base was divided between two commands, with missiles going to the Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) and manned bombers to the Air Combat Command (ACC). With the establishment of the Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) in 2009, missiles and manned bombers (excluding the B-1 Lancer) were transferred from AFSPC and ACC to AFGSC in the late 2009 and early 2010.[1]

[edit] 5th Bomb Wing

The 5th Bomb Wing (5 BW) is an element of the Global Strike Command (AFGSC) and is the host unit at Minot AFB; its commander is dual-hatted as the installation commander and the unit is responsible for all base services, such as housing/billeting, medical, MWR, library, Officers' Club, etc. The primary mission of the 5th Bomb Wing is to maintain and operate B-52H bombers

assigned to the 23d Bomb Squadron and the 69th Bomb Squadron. Minot AFB is one of two remaining bases with B-52s; the other is Barksdale AFB near Shreveport, Louisiana. The 5th Bomb Wing is composed of:

5th Operations Group, the backbone of the 5th Bomb Wing, provides the aircrews who fly the wing's B-52H aircraft. The 5th OG comprises the 23rd Bomb Squadron, 69th Bomb Squadron, and the 5th Operations Support Squadron. 5th Mission Support Group consists of the 5th Civil Engineer Squadron, 5th Communications Squadron, 5th Force Support Squadron and 5th Security Forces Squadron, 5th Contracting Squadron and 5th Logistics Readiness Squadron. 5th Maintenance Group supports the operations of both the 5th Bomb Wing and 91st Missile Wing. It provides on- and off-equipment maintenance on B-52Hs, and special support on Minuteman III missiles and UH-1N helicopters. The group also provides munitions, aircraft maintenance and maintenance operations support. Squadrons assigned to the 5th MG are the 5th Munitions, Detachment 1 (Formerly 5th Munitions, Fiscal year 2010 will change to 17th Muns), 5th Maintenance Squadron, 5th Maintenance Ops Squadron and 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. 5th Medical Group offers outpatient services including family practice, dental, pediatrics, aerospace medicine, physical therapy, optometry and Womens Health Care. The group consists of the 5th Medical Operations Squadron and 5th Medical Support Squadron.

[edit] 91st Missile Wing

The 91st Missile Wing (91 MW) of the Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) is responsible for maintaining the Minuteman III nuclear missiles located in three main fields across North Dakota. Previously known as the 91st Space Wing, it was renamed as a missile wing in June 2008 It is one of the Air Forces three operational intercontinental ballistic missile units, the others being at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, and F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming. In addition to its missiles, the wing also operates a squadron of UH-1N Twin Huey helicopters in support of missile and launch control sites. Operational groups of the 91st wing are:
91st Operations Group

The 91st Operations Group is the operational backbone of the 91st Missile Wing, with its mission to defend the United States with safe and secure Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) ready to immediately put bombs on target. Through its five squadrons, the group remains a key facet of The United States' deterrent force. The five squadrons assigned to the group are the:

o o o o o

740th Missile Squadron ("Vulgar Vultures") 741st Missile Squadron ("Gravelhaulers") 742d Missile Squadron ("Wolf Pack") 91st Operations Support Squadron 54th Helicopter Squadron

91st Maintenance Group

The 91st Maintenance Group is the maintenance backbone of the 91st Missile Wing. The group was originally activated as the 91st Maintenance and Supply Group on 10 November 1948. Today, the group is responsible for providing maintenance and logistics support for the wings ICBM fleet.The two squadrons assigned to the group are:
o o

91st Missile Maintenance Squadron 91st Maintenance Operations Squadron

91st Security Forces Group

The 91st Security Forces Group provides command and control for three squadronsthe 791st Missile Security Forces Squadron, 91st Missile Security Forces Squadron and 91st Security Support Squadronfor the active defense of assets vital to national security.

[edit] History
Construction of Minot AFB began in May 1956, and the base officially opened on 10 January 1957. Minot AFB is named for the nearby city of Minot, North Dakota.

[edit] Air Defense Command

The initial USAF host unit was the Air Defense Command (ADC) 32d Air Base Group, activating on 8 February 1957. The ADC 32d Fighter Group was the first operational unit at Minot, with its 433d FighterInterceptor squadron. However, no aircraft were assigned to the unit, and January 1958 the 433d FIS was inactivated. It was replaced in February 1960 by the 5th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron (The Spittin Kittens) was transferred to Minot from Suffolk County Air Force Base, New York. The 5th FIS flew the Convair F-106 Delta Dart and later the F-15A Eagle. A Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) facility was built and activated in June 1961. The DC-19 SAGE Data Center was housed in a huge, windowless blast-resistant concrete building with a pair of 275-ton AN/FSQ-7 computers. The computers processed air surveillance information and sent the data to Air Defense Command units. It was the only two-story SAGE blockhouse in ADC. The Minot SAGE facility was deactivated after less than two years of operation, in May 1963, never being operational, and the AN/FSQ-7s were never installed. However, DC-19 was used as a Manual Control Center (MCC). The facility was then renamed

the PRIDE Building ("Professional Results in Daily Effort") after ADC's and SAC's alternate motto of the 1960s and 1970s, and became a large office building housing many different organizations. Renamed Aerospace Defense Command in 1968, ADC F-106 operations continued at Minot until ADC was deactivated in 1979 and became a part of Tactical Air Command (TAC) as a subentity referred to as Tactical Air Command Air Defense (ADTAC).

[edit] Strategic Air Command

Strategic Air Command (SAC) initially had units assigned to Minot AFB in 1958 for air refueling support. The 4136th Strategic Wing was formed 1 September 1958, consisting of the 906th Air Refueling Squadron, followed by the 4136th Combat Defense Squadron that was activated on 1 June 1959. The first SAC KC-135A Stratotanker assigned, nicknamed "Miss Minot," arrived on 23 September 1959 and remained on base until the 906th Air Refueling Squadron was relocated to Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota, in January 1994. This aircraft was notable for its tail flash "The Sun Never Sets on the 906th". The scope of operations grew as the Air Force transferred the 525th Bombardment Squadron from the 19th Bombardment Wing at Homestead AFB, Florida, on 8 March 1961, followed by the first B-52H Stratofortress on 10 July 1961, nicknamed "Peace Persuader". This was preceded by the activation of the 60th Munitions Maintenance Squadron on 1 December 1960, followed by 4136th Armament & Electronics Maintenance Squadron, 4136th Field Maintenance Squadron, and 4136th Organizational Maintenance Squadron 1 March 1961, with the 4136th Airborne Missile Maintenance Squadron being added in November 1962. Demonstrating the capabilities of the B-52, on 1011 January 1962 a B-52H from the 4136th Strategic Wing at Minot set a new world distance record, flying unrelieved 12,532 miles (20,168 km) from Kadena AB, Okinawa to Torrejon AB, Spain. On 1 February 1963, SAC, as part of a conversion to unit designations with historical significance, activated the 450th Bombardment Wing at Minot and the 720th Bombardment Squadron, along with the formation of the 450th Airborne Missile Maintenance Squadron, 450th Armament & Electronics Maintenance Squadron, 450th Field Maintenance Squadron, and the 450th Organizational Maintenance Squadron simultaneously. In 1961, the Air Force selected the land around Minot for a new Minuteman I ICBM complex. The 455th Strategic Missile Wing was activated in December 1962 along with the 455th Missile Maintenance Squadron. The 740th and 741st Strategic Missile Squadrons operationally controlled the ICBMs and in January 1963, the 742d Strategic Missile Squadron was activated with a third squadron of Minuteman ICBMS. During the 1970s, the 150 missile sites around the region (1070 miles from the base) were converted to Minuteman IIIs; a model of the older Minuteman I stands at the Minot AFB main gate. Command of Minot AFB passed from Air Defense Command to SAC in July 1962 as the base's primary mission changed from air defense to strategic deterrence. The new command unit, the 810th Air Division was organized along with the 862d Combat Support Group as the host unit

for the base. Units assigned to the 862d Combat Support Group were the 862d Civil Engineering Squadron, the 862d Combat Defense Squadron (later redesignated 862d Security Police Squadron), replacing the 4136th CDS), the 862d Food Service Squadron (later redesignated 862d Services Squadron), 862d Operations Squadron (later redesignated 862d Communications Squadron), 862d Supply Squadron and 862d Transportation Squadron, The 862d Medical Group was also formed and reported to the Commander, 810th Air Division. In July 1968, the 450th Bombardment Wing and 455th Strategic Missile Wing were inactivated, being replaced by the 5th Bombardment Wing from Travis AFB, California, when jurisdiction of Travis was assumed by the Military Airlift Command and the 91st Strategic Missile Wing from Glasgow AFB, Montana, when Glasgow was closed. These changes were in line with the Air Force policy of keeping active those units with the most illustrious histories. The 23d Bombardment Squadron assumed operational control of all B-52 aircraft for the 5th Bombardment Wing. Unit Designations Assigned at Minot on 25 June 1968 were the 5th Bombardment Wing and 23rd Bombardment Squadron, 5th Airborne Missile Maintenance Squadron, 5th Armament & Electronics Maintenance Squadron (later redesignated as the 5th Avionics Maintenance Squadron), 5th Field Maintenance Squadron, 5th Organizational Maintenance Squadron & the 5th Munitions Maintenance Squadron. 91st Strategic Missile Wing [Minuteman], 91st Missile Maintenance Squadron. On 2 July 1969 the 862d Medical Group was renamed the USAF Hospital. Minot, and the 862d Services Squadron was inactivated; its functions were assumed by the 862d Combat Support Group. The 810th Strategic Aerospace Division was inactivated 30 June 1971. The 862d Combat Support Group was deactivated on 31 July 1972, with host unit duties being taken over by the 91st Combat Support Group (SAC). Under SAC policy, missile wings were fixed in locations, where aircraft units were considered a mobile and the host units were assigned to the missile wings. Units assigned to the 91st Combat Support Group were the 91st Civil Engineering Squadron, the 91st Security Police Squadron, 91st Communications Squadron, 91st Supply Squadron and 91st Transportation Squadron, The USAF Hospital, MINOT. The 4th Post Attack Command & Control Squadron at Ellsworth AFB, SD maintained several EC-135 Looking Glass Aircraft on an alert at MAFB for coverage of the missile squadrons as a secondary (Airborne) Launch Control Center. Late in 1973 a second Alert Parking Ramp ("Christmas Tree") was added across the runway from the original facility, the 416th Bombardment Wing from Griffiss AFB, NY maintained two B-52Gs with AGM-28B Hound Dog Missiles and two KC-135A aircraft along with two KC135 Aircraft from the 380th Bombardment Wing at Plattsburgh AFB, NY. On 2 January 1975, the 57th Air Division was activated at MAFB, and on 30 September 1975, the 91st Missile Maintenance Squadron was replaced by the 91st Field Missile Maintenance Squadron, and the 91st Organizational Missile Maintenance Squadron

Following the 1980 Iran hostage crisis, SAC tasked the former 57th Air Division to organize the Strategic Projection Force. The 57th AD became the host unit, providing logistical, security, administrative and other support services to the 5th BMW, 91st SMW and tenant organizations. In the early 1990s the base prepared for change as the Air Force directed reorganization. Here, the 5th Bomb Wing assumed host base responsibilities.

[edit] Modern era

On 1 June 1992, Air Combat Command (ACC) was formed, with Strategic Air Command being inactivated. ACC absorbed the former assets of SAC, along with command responsibilities for the Eighth Air Force, and through it, the 5th Bomb Wing and host command of Minot Air Force Base. In 1993 control of the ICBM force was transferred by ACC to Air Force Space Command. The 91st Missile Wing was assigned to AFSPC on 1 July 1993.

[edit] Global Strike Command

The 91st Missile Wing was transferred to the new Air Force Global Strike Command 1 December 2009. On 1 February 2010 the 5th BW officially transferred to AFGSC.

[edit] Nuclear weapons incident

Main article: 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident

On 30 August 2007, a B-52 took off from Minot AFB carrying six cruise missiles with W-80 nuclear warheads to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. No base personnel nor the crew knew the nuclear weapons were aboard. This incident drew a national outcry.[3] An investigation found that this was an isolated incident and that only a few people had information on the whereabouts of the missiles. While U.S. policy is to neither confirm nor deny the presence of nuclear weapons, Air Force officials acknowledge the presence of nuclear weapons on the base, including the W80-1 warhead.[4]

[edit] Minot AFB nuclear inspection and consequences

Additionally on 12 July 2008, three Air Force officers fell asleep while in control of an electronic component that contained old launch codes for nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles, a violation of procedure, Air Force officials said. The Air Force said the launch codes were outdated and had been deactivated before the incident, but it was still a violation of protocol, prompting an investigation. It is the fourth incident in the past year involving problems with secure handling of components of America's nuclear weapons. The incident occurred during

the changing out of components used to facilitate secure communications between an underground missile-control facility and missile silos near Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, according to Col. Dewey Ford, a spokesman for the Air Force Space Command in Colorado. One of the parts, a code component, is for storage and processing. It is considered classified by the Air Force. A code component was removed from the equipment at the remote missile-control facility and replaced with a new code component. That made the old component inoperable, but an Air Force source said old launch codes were still contained in the part.[5] Under standard procedure, the four-officer crew of the facility is supposed to keep the component secure until it is returned to the base. Ford said the crew took the component to a building above the facility and locked the component in a lockbox. Then, three of the four crew members fell asleep. This violated Air Force procedure, which calls for at least two of the crew members to remain awake while in control of the component. At the time they were asleep, the crew and the component were in a locked building that is guarded by at least one armed airman at all times. The airmen were asleep for two to three hours, Ford said. The component was later returned to the Minot base, and the investigations of procedural violations were started by Air Force Space Command, the 20th Air Force and the National Security Agency. The investigation revealed the codes were not compromised, according to the Air Force. The codes had remained secured, and the crew was inside an area protected by Air Force security at all times, the investigation concluded. The incident, which was first made public by the Project on Government Oversight, was the fourth misstep involving the handling of America's nuclear weapons in the past year. The three officers were given non-judicial punishment and subsequently discharged from the Air Force.[6]

[edit] Major Commands to which assigned

Air Defense Command, 19 May 1956 Strategic Air Command, 1 July 1962 Air Combat Command, 1 June 1992 Air Force Space Command (Tenant), 1 July 1993 1 December 2009 Air Force Global Strike Command (Tenant), 1 December 2009

Air Force Global Strike Command, 1 February 2010 present

[edit] Major units assigned

810th Air Division, 1 July 1962 31 July 1972 4136th Strategic Wing, 1 September 1958 Re-designated: 450th Bombardment Wing, 1 February 1963 25 July 1968

Minot Air Defense Sector, 1 April 1959 15 August 1963 32d Fighter Group, 8 February 1957 Re-designated: 32d Fighter Wing (Air Defense), 1 February 1961 1 July 1962

5th Bombardment Wing Re-designated 5th Bomb Wing, 25 July 1968present

32d Air Base Squadron, 8 February 1957 Re-designated: 32d Air Base Group, 1 February 1961 1 July 1962

91st Strategic Missile Wing Re-designated: 91st Missile Wing, 25 June 1968 present

5th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, 1 February 1960 1 July 1988 (F-106 / F-15) 433d Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, 1 November 1957 8 January 1958 (F-89C)

17th Munitions Squadron, 9 October 2009 present

[edit] Geography
According to the United States Census Bureau, the Minot AFB CDP has a total area of 7.7 square miles (20 km2), of which, 7.4 square miles (19 km2) of it is land and 0.3 square miles (0.78 km2) of it (4.17%) is water. Due to the winter conditions, a phrase spread within the USAF regarding why people would not wish to be stationed there: "Why not Minot? Freezin's the reason!" And in response to that phrase people that loved Minot AFB, and the surrounding area, came up with the come back phrase "-41 Keeps the RIF-Raf out"

[edit] Demographics
Historical populations
Census Pop.
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

18.2% 7.9% 16.4% 27.3%

12,077 9,880 9,095 7,599 5,521

As of the census[8] of 2000, there were 7,599 people, 2,112 households, and 1,943 families residing in the CDP. The population density was 1,053.9 people per square mile (406.9/km). There were 2,441 housing units at an average density of 338.5/sq mi (130.7/km). The racial makeup of the CDP was 79.1% White, 10.2% African American, 0.7% Native American, 2.8% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 2.8% from other races, and 4.2% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 6.2% of the population. There were 2,112 households out of which 68.6% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 86.5% were married couples living together, 3.0% had a female householder with no husband present, and 8.0% were non-families. 6.6% of all households were made up of individuals and none had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 3.25 and the average family size was 3.40. In the CDP the population was spread out with 36.3% under the age of 18, 24.0% from 18 to 24, 38.1% from 25 to 44, 1.5% from 45 to 64, and 0.1% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 22 years. For every 100 females there were 120.8 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 126.6 males. The median income for a household in the CDP was $32,255, and the median income for a family was $32,306. Males had a median income of $22,458 versus $16,659 for females. The per capita income for the town was $11,629. About 5.0% of families and 5.2% of the population were below the poverty line, including 5.2% of those under age 18 and none of those age 65 or over.

[edit] Public schools

For its dependents, the base has three schools operated by Minot Public Schools: two elementary (Dakota & North Plains) and a middle school (Memorial). High school students (grades 912) attend Minot High School in the city of Minot, thirteen miles south. MHS is split between two campuses: Central Campus (downtown) for freshmen & sophomores, and the Magic City Campus (on the southwest side of the city) for juniors & seniors. Also in Minot is Bishop Ryan High School, a private Catholic secondary school, grades 612.

[edit] See also

Military of the United States portal United States Air Force portal

List of USAF Aerospace Defense Command General Surveillance Radar Stations

[edit] References

1. ^ 2. ^ Robert Mueller, United States Air Force Historical Research Center. Air Force Bases, Vol 1: Air Force Bases Within the United States of America on 17 September 1982 (PDF). Office of Air Force History. ISBN 0-912799-53-6. Unknown parameter |note= ignored (help) 3. ^ "US B-52 in nuclear cargo blunder". BBC News. 5 September 2007. Retrieved 2010-03-07. 4. ^ US Air Force, "Unauthorized Transfer of Nuclear Warheads" 5. ^ [File:Minot_Launch_Code_Incident.pdf 91st Missile Wing: "Minot Launch Code Incident presentation"] 6. ^ MacPherson, James, "Missile crew discharged after falling asleep", Military Times, 15 July 2009. 7. ^ Moffatt, Riley. Population History of Western U.S. Cities & Towns, 18501990. Lanham: Scarecrow, 1996, 179. 8. ^ "American FactFinder". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved 31 January 2008.

[edit] Other sources

This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the Air Force Historical Research Agency.

This article incorporates public domain material from the United States Government document "Minot Air Force Base".

Maurer, Maurer. Air Force Combat Units of World War II. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office 1961 (republished 1983, Office of Air Force History, ISBN 0-912799-02-1). Ravenstein, Charles A. Air Force Combat Wings Lineage and Honors Histories 19471977. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Office of Air Force History 1984. ISBN 0-912799-12-9. Mueller, Robert, Air Force Bases Volume I, Active Air Force Bases Within the United States of America on 17 September 1982, Office of Air Force History, 1989 A Handbook of Aerospace Defense Organization 1946 1980, by Lloyd H. Cornett and Mildred W. Johnson, Office of History, Aerospace Defense Center, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado Winkler, David F. (1997), Searching the skies: the legacy of the United States Cold War defense radar program. Prepared for United States Air Force Headquarters Air Combat Command. Information for Minot AFB, ND Minot AFB history from Minot AFB at

[edit] External links

Official Minot Air Force Base Website

Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Minot Air Force Base

Comprehensive Minot AFB Directory at FAA Airport Diagram (PDF), effective April 4, 2013

FAA Terminal Procedures for MIB, effective April 4, 2013 Resources for this U.S. military airport: o FAA airport information for MIB o AirNav airport information for KMIB o ASN accident history for MIB o NOAA/NWS latest weather observations o SkyVector aeronautical chart for KMIB [show]

Links to related articles


v t e

United States Air Force

Reserve Air National Guard Field Operating Agencies



District of Washington

Operational Test and Evaluation Center

Direct Reporting Units

USAF Academy

Air Combat Air Education and Training

Air Mobility Global Strike Materiel Reserve Space Special Operations Europe Pacific

Major Commands

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth

Numbered Air Forces

Twentieth Twenty-Second Twenty-Third Twenty-Fourth

Wings (ANG) Groups (ANG) Squadrons (ANG) Civilian auxiliary: Civil Air Patrol


v t e

Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC)

Eighth Air Force Twentieth Air Force

Air Forces

2d Bomb 5th Bomb 509th Bomb

Bomb Wings

90th Missile




341st Missile

11th Bomb

13th Bomb

20th Bomb

23d Bomb


69th Bomb 93d Bomb


96th Bomb

343d Bomb

393d Bomb

576th Flight

Flight test

Test Squadron

10th Missile

12th Missile

319th Missile

320th Missile


321st Missile 490th Missile

740th Missile

741st Missile

742d Missile

625th Strategic

Strategic Operations

Operatio ns Squadron

B-2 Spirit B-52 Stratofor




E-6B Mercury


UH-1N Iroquois

LGM-30G Minutem an III



v t e

Air Combat Command (ACC)


7th 28th

23d 49th 53d 55th 57th



1st 4th 20th 325th 355th 366th 388th


9th Reconnaissance 93d Air-Ground Operations 99th Air Base 461st Air Control 505th Command and Control 552d Air Control 633d Air Base



v t e

Air Force Space Command (AFSPC)

Air Forces

Fourteenth Twenty-Fourth

Space and Missile Systems Space Innovation and Development 614th Air and Space Operations 624th Operations Air Force Network Integration


Buckley Los Angeles Patrick Peterson Schriever Thule Vandenberg


Cape Canaveral Cape Cod Cavalier Cheyenne Mountain Clear Eldorado (closed) Kaena Point New Boston Onizuka (closed)



Combat Communications


Information Operations


Network Warfare


21st 30th 45th 50th 310th 460th



Air Base


3d 5th 201st 226th 254th 281st

Combat Communications

Cyberspace Engineering Installation


Information Operations


Network Operations


Network Support


Network Warfare




3d 5th 23d 31st 32d 33d 34th 35th 42d 51st 52d 53d 54th 55th 147th 221st 232d 236th 239th 242d 263d

Combat Communications

264th 265th 267th 269th 271st 282d 283d 291st 292d 293d

1st 2d 3d 4th 55th Mobile 119th 153d 222d 721st Mobile

Command and Control

1st 4th 16th 20th 25th 76th 380th

Space Control

1st 2d 3d 4th 5th

Space Launch

1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 19th 21st 22d 23d 111th 148th AFSPC

Space Operations

2d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Space Warning

9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 137th 213th

26th Space Aggressor (AFRC) 527th Space Aggressor (ACC) 3d Space Communications 50th Space Communications 850th Space Communications 1st Space Development 2d Space Development 3d Space Development 3d Space Experimentation 1st Space Surveillance 3d Space Surveillance 5th Space Surveillance 1st Air and Space Test 2d Test Operations 3d Space Test 4th Space Test 55th Space Weather



t e

Aerospace Defense Command (ADC)

Ethan Allen Amarillo Beale Charleston Davis-Monthan Dobbins Dover Dow Duluth Eglin Edwards Ellington Ellsworth England Ent Fairfax Fallon Fort Heath Fort Lee Geiger George Glasgow Grand Forks Grenier


Griffiss Gunter Hamilton Hancock Homestead Hurlburt Hunter Jacksonville Key West Kincheloe Kingsley Kirtland Lackland Laredo Larson Luke MacDill March Malmstrom McCoy McChord McClellan McGhee Tyson McGuire Minneapolis-St. Paul

Minot Mitchel

New Castle Niagara Falls Norton O'Hare Otis Oxnard Paine Perrin Peterson Pittsburgh Portland Presque Isle R.I. Bong (unbuilt)

Richards-Gebaur Robins K.I. Sawyer Selfridge Seymour Johnson

Sioux City Stead Stewart Suffolk County Tinker Travis Truax Tyndall

Vandenburg Vincent Walker Webb Westover WrightPatterson

Wurtsmith Youngstown

Ernest Harmon Frobisher Bay Goose Bay Keflavik Pepperrell Pirinclik Thule


Adair Aiken Almaden Alpena Antigo Arlington Heights


Baker Bedford Bellefontaine

Belleville Benton Blaine Brookfield Brunswicck Bucks Harbor Burns Calumet Cambria Cape Charles Cape Cod (built during control)

Carmi Caswell Chandler Charleston Cheyenne Mountain

Claysburg Clear Colville Condon Continental Divide

Cottonwood Cross City Crystal Springs Curlew

Custer Cut Bank Dallas Center Dauphin Island Dickinson Duncanville Eldorado Empire Finland Finley Flintstone Fordland Fort Fisher Fort Lee Fortuna Gettysburg Grand Marais Grand Rapids Guthrie Hanna City Havre Highlands Houma Hutchinson Joelton Keno Killeen Kingman

Kirksville Klamath Lake Charles Lake City Las Cruces Las Vegas Lewistown Lockport Lufkin Lyndonville Madera Makah Mica Peak Miles City Mill Valley Minot Montauk Moriarty Mount Hebo Mount Laguna Mount Lemmon Naselle North Bend North Charleston North Truro Oklahoma City Olathe Omaha

Opheim Osceola Othello Owingsville Ozona Palermo Point Arena Port Austin Port Isabel Pyote Red Bluff Rochester Rockport Rockville (Indiana)

Roslyn Rye Saint Albans San Clemente Island

Santa Rosa Island

Saratoga Springs Sault Ste Marie Shemya Snelling Snow Mountain Sweetwater

Texarkana Tierra Amarilla Thomasville Tonopah Two Creeks Wadena Walnut Ridge Watertown Waverly West Mesa Willow Run Winnemucca Winslow Winston-Salem Woomera Yaak Zapata

Armstrong Baldy Hughes Beausejour Cartwright Frobisher Bay Hofn Kamloops Langanes Latrar Puntzi Mountain


Ramore Rockville (Iceland)

Saskatoon Mountain

Saglek Sioux Lookout Topsham

Central Air Defense

Eastern Air Defense

Iceland Western Air Defense


First Fourth Tenth Fourteenth

8th 9th 20th 21st 23rd 24th 25th

Air Divisions

26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 58th 64th 73rd 85th

Albuquerque Bangor Boston Chicago Detroit Duluth Goose Grand Forks Great Falls Kansas City Los Angeles


Minot Montgomery New York Oklahoma City Phoenix Portland Reno Sault Sainte Marie

San Francisco Seattle Sioux City Spokane Stewart Syracuse Washington

Fighter 1st 4th 23nd 32nd 33d 50th 52nd 56th 78th 81st 325th


328th 507th Detection and Control 71st

73rd 551st 552d Air Defense 46th 4620th 4621st 4622nd 4624th 4625th 4627th 4628th 4683rd 4700th 4702nd 4703rd 4704th 4705th 4706th 4707th 4708th 4709th 4710th 4711th

4750th 4751st 4752nd 4756th 4780th

Fighter 1st 4th 14th 15th 23rd 32nd 33rd 50th 52nd 53rd 54th 56th 57th 78th 79th 81st 82nd 84th 325th 326th 327th 328th


329th 337th 343d 355th 408th 412th 414th 473rd 475th 476th 478th 507th Air Defense 10th 500th 501st 502nd 503rd 514th 515th 516th 517th 518th 519th 520th 521st 525th 527th 528th

529th 530th 533rd 534th 564th 566th 567th 568th 575th 637th 665th 678th 692nd 701st 751st 762nd 765th 778th 780th 827th 858th 4606th 4620th 4676th 4700th 4721st 4722nd 4727th

4728th 4729th 4730th 4731st 4732nd 4733rd 4734th 4735th 4750th 4756th Aircraft Control & Warning 503d

505th 540th 541st 542d 543d 544th 545th 546th 563d 564th 565th 566th

Aerospace Defense Command


Fighter Squadrons

Aircraft Control and Warning Squadrons

TB-29 EB-57 EC-121


Propellor: F-47 F-51 P-61 F-82 Subsonic Jet: P-80 F-84 F-86 F-89 F-94 Supersonic Jet: F-101 F-102 F-104 F-106


AIM-4 AIM-26 AIR-2 CIM-10


Guardian Interceptor Interdictor Interpreter Investigator Locator Lookout Outpost Pickett Protector Scanner Searcher Skywatcher Tracer Watchman Vigil



v t e

Strategic Air Command (SAC)

Altus (AETC) Andersen (PACAF)

Andrews (AMC) Barksdale (ACC) Beale (ACC) Bolling (AFDW) Cannon (AFSOC) Columbus (AETC) Davis-Monthan (ACC)

Dyess (ACC) Eielson (PACAF) Ellsworth (ACC) Eglin (AFMC) F. E. Warren (AFSPC)

Active (MAJCOM)


Fairchild (AMC) Forbes (ANG) Grand Forks (AMC)

Grissom (AFRC) Homestead (AFRC)

Lincoln (ANG) Little Rock (AETC)

MacDill (AMC)

Malmstrom (AFSPC)

March (AFRC) McChord (AMC) McConnell (AMC)

McGuire (AMC) Minot (ACC) Mountain Home (ACC)

Nellis (ACC) Offutt (ACC) Patrick (AFSPC) Pease (ANG) Rickenbacker (ANG)

Robins (AFMC) Seymour Johnson (ACC)

Sheppard (AETC) Selfridge (ANG) Travis (AMC) Vandenburg (AFSPC)

Westover (AFRC) Whiteman (ACC) WrightPatterson


RAF Alconbury (USAFE)

Diego Garcia (RAF)

Kadena (PACAF) RAF Fairford (USAFE)


RAF Lakenheath (USAFE)

RAF Mildenhall (USAFE)

Thule (AFSPC)

Amarillo Bergstrom Biggs Calumet Air Force Base

Carswell Castle Chennault ClintonSherman



Dow Eaker Glasgow

Grand Island (AAF)

Griffiss Hunter K. I. Sawyer Kearney Kincheloe Larson Loring Lowry Mather McCoy Plattsburgh Presque Isle Ramey R.I. Bong (unbuilt)

Shilling Stead Turner Walker Wurtsmith

RAF Bassingbourn


Ben Guerir Boulhaut RAF Brize


RAF Bruntingthorpe

RAF Burtonwood

RAF Chelveston

RAF Greenham Common

Goose Bay Ernest Harmon RAF High Wycombe

RAF Upper Heyford

Torrejn RAF Manston Morn Nouasseur Rabat-Sal RAF Scampton RAF Sculthorpe Sidi Slimane RAF South Ruislip

U-Tapao RAF Waddington

RAF Woodbridge

RAF Wyton Zaragoza

Second Air Force Eighth Air Force Fifteenth Air Force Sixteenth Air Force Twentieth Air Force

Air Forces

3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 12th 14th 17th 19th 21st 36th 40th 42d 45th 47th 57th



100th 311th 801st 802d 806th 817th 822d 823d 4310th

1st 18th 22d 810th 813th 816th 818th 819th 820th 821st 825th

Strategic Aerospace

Strategic Missile


2d 5th 7th 9th



17th 19th 22nd 28th 39th 42d 43rd 68th 70th 72d 92nd 93d 96th 97th 99th 303d 319th 320th 340th 379th 380th 397th 410th 416th 449th 450th 454th 456th

461st 465th 484th 494th 509th

1st 4th 12th 27th 31st 33d 56th 71st Strategic Reconnaissance (Fighter)


82d 407th 506th 508th

44th 90th 91st 308th 321st 341st 351st 381st


389th 390th 392d 451st 455th 526th 702d 703d 704th 705th

6th Strategic Reconnaissance

26th Strategic Reconnaissance


55th Strategic Reconnaissance

544th Aerospace Reconnaissance Technical

11th 100th 301st 305th 384th 452d 497th 499th



310th 385th 462d


95th 98th 306th 307th 376th


3918th 3920th 3960th 3970th 3973d 4026th 4038th 4039th 4042d 4043d 4047th 4080th 4081st 4082d 4083d 4123d



4126th 4128th 4130th 4133d 4134th 4135th 4136th 4137th 4138th 4141st 4157th 4158th 4170th 4228th 4238th 4239th 4241st 4245th 4252nd 4258th 4321st



USAAF Groups
*=Initial Assigned Unit Upon SAC's Activation

2d (7/47) 7th (10/46) 28th (8/46)


40th (3/46*)

43rd (10/46)

44th (3/46*)

92nd (10/46)

93d (3/46*) 97th (8/46) 98th (7/47) 301st (8/46)

307th (8/46)

444th (3/46*)

448th (3/46*)

449th (3/46*)

467th (3/46*)

485th (3/46*)

498th (3/46*)


Composite (3/46*)


27th (6/47) 55th (2/47)

91st Strategic


Reconnaiss ance (1/47)

B-1B B-2 B-17 B-26 B-29 B-36 B-45 B-47 B-50 B-52 B-57 B-58 FB-111


Command & Control

DC-130 E-4 EC-135


F-51 F-82 F-84 F-86 F-102 F-111


ADM-20 AGM-28 AGM-69 AGM-84 AGM-86 AGM-129 HGM-16 LGM30A/B



SM-62 PGM-17A PGM-19A


SR-71 TR-1


KB-29 KB-50 KC-10 KC-97 HC-130 KC-130 KC-135


C-45 C-47 C-54 C-82 C-97 C-118 C-119 C-124 C-131 C-135



v t e

Municipalities and communities of Ward County, North Dakota, United States

Retrieved from ""


Bases of the United States Air Force SAGE sites Census-designated places in North Dakota Military facilities in North Dakota Minot, North Dakota Minot micropolitan area Populated places in Ward County, North Dakota Strategic Air Command military installations Airfields of the United States Army Air Forces in North Dakota Buildings and structures in Ward County, North Dakota

Monday, February 2, 2009

"Minot AFB: Errant Nukes, Very Strange Deaths"

First this: Last month, six W80-1 nucleararmed AGM-129 advanced cruise missiles were flown from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana and sat on the tarmac for 10 hours undetected. A W80-1 nuclear warhead weighs only 290 pounds. A W80-1 is less than 12 inches in diameter and less than 32 inches long. It has a yield of up to 150 kilotons - eight times more powerful than the bombs used in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan. Press reports initially cited the Air Force mistake of flying nuclear weapons over the United States in violation of Air Force standing orders and international treaties, while completely missing the more important major issues, such as how six nuclear cruise missiles got loose to begin with.

Opinion columns and editorials appeared in America's newspapers, some blasting the Air Force for flying nukes over the U.S. and some defending the Air Force procedure. None of the news reports focused on the real questions of our nuclear security. Let me be very clear here: We are not talking about paintball cartridges or pellet gun ammo. We are talking nuclear weapons.

There is a strict chain of custody for all such weapons. Nuclear weapons handling is spelled out in great detail in Air Force regulations, to the credit of that service. Every person who orders the movement of these weapons, handles them, breaks seals or moves any nuclear weapon must sign off for tracking purposes. Two armed munitions specialists are required to work as a team with all nuclear weapons. All individuals working with nuclear weapons must meet very strict security standards and be tested for loyalty - this is known as a "Personnel Reliability Program." They work in restricted areas within eyeshot of one another and are reviewed constantly. All security forces assigned are authorized to use deadly force to protect the weapons from any threat. Nor does anyone quickly move a 1-ton cruise missile - or forget about six of them, as reported by some news outlets, especially cruise missiles loaded with high explosives. The United States also does not transport nuclear weapons meant for elimination attached to their launch vehicles under the wings of a combat aircraft. The procedure is to separate the warhead from the missile, encase the warhead and transport it by military cargo aircraft to a repository - not an operational bomber base that just happens to be the staging area for Middle Eastern operations.

Yes, we still do fly nuclear warheads over the United States today. We also drive them over land as well. That's not the point. This is about how six nuclear advanced cruise missiles got out of their bunkers and onto a combat aircraft without notice of the wing commander, squadron commander, munitions maintenance squadron (MMS), the B-52H's crew chief and command pilot and onto another Air Force base tarmac without notice of that air base's chain of command - for 10 hours." - nukes.html, September 2007

And this: Minot launch component device 'remains missing.' Minot AFB officer to face courtmartial 10 Dec 2008. A Minot Air Force Base officer accused of stealing a missile launch

control device will face a court-martial, the military said. Capt. Paul Borowiecki, who was a missile combat crew member assigned to the bases 91st Missile Wing, is accused of taking the launch control device in July 2005, rather than destroying it as required when it was no longer in use. The Air Force also said Borowiecki told officials that another officer had lied in saying he destroyed a launch component. That device remains missing. That other officer, whose name has not been released, has not been charged.

Minot AFB finalist for Global Strike Command 22 Jan 2009 North Dakota's congressional delegation says Minot Air Force Base is one of six finalists to be the home of the Air Force's new Global Strike Command. The military created the command to better manage the nation's nuclear arsenal. It comes after a series of embarrassing missteps, including the flight of a B-52 bomber that was mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and flown from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana in August 2007.

Resulting in this: "Minot Base Crew Commander Found Dead. Cause of Death Unclear," 02 Feb 2009: MINOT, N.D. The body of a missile combat crew commander from the Minot Air Force Base was found by police, and the cause of his death is under investigation, the Air Force says. A statement issued by the base Sunday said the body of Capt. Jonathan Bayless, 28, was found Friday night. Police did not give details but said it was in an area north of the city soccer complex, and they are awaiting autopsy results. Col. Christopher Ayres, the bases 91st Missile Wing commander, said Bayless was a training chief with the 91st Operations Support Squadron. He had been at the Minot Air Force Base since March 2005. Bayless went on active duty in May 2003, the statement said. Base officials did not list his hometown but said he had been assigned earlier to Vandenberg Air Force Base for missile combat crew member training." -

The following section was compiled by 'The Pundit:' Since the Minot story broke a week ago about the missing nukeclandestine operation from Minot, we have the following (for those who are paying attention):

1. All six people listed below are from Minot Airforce Base. 2. All were directly involved as loaders or as pilots. 3. All are now dead. 4. All within the last 7 days in 'accidents.' 15012

Silly me, seeing more than there is to this story. I guess this is just another coincidence. But no doubt now that there will be more coincidences in the near future because as I have stated before, you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke onto a B-52, and they may have told their wives and friends.

-"The Pundit," Lori Price, I'm sure this is just an unfortunate series of astonishingly unlikely coincidences. ;-)


The 6 Hijacked U.S. Nukes

NUCLEARBIBLE.COM: The greatest fears of nuclear terrorism came true on August 29, 2007, and it
occurred within the United States, not an Islamic country. The shocking story was shelved from the beginning and wasnt even reported until September 23, 2007. Under the careful w atch of the Bush and Cheney administration, 6 thermo-nuclear 150 kilo-ton nuclear warheads went missing. What role these weapons in question would have played in the planned nuclear terror attack in Dallas, Texas, on February 6, 2011, is unknown, but Barksdale Air Force Base, where the nukes were last seen, is roughly 100 miles from Dallas, Texas. Although the Air Force has stated that the nuclear weapons were recovered, the deaths of at least (10) U.S. Air Force servicemen surrounding the incident makes it impossible to confirm the recovery of the weapons. Empty Quivers Missing nuclear warheads are entitled "Empty Quivers", meaning that they refer to the seizure, theft, or loss of a functioning nuclear weapon. There is no question that both the U.S. is at least guilty of nuclear terrorism by purposely allowing the "theft" of nuclear weapons. If and when a Nuclear 9/11 occurs, there is no doubt that the isotopic signature, if properly tested, will come from a Western nation as depicted in Blackjack, the most famous nuclear pornography released to date. Nuclear Terrorism: 1. Steal, buy or otherwise acquire fissile material and fabricate a crude nuclear bomb 2. Steal, buy or otherwise acquire a ready-made nuclear weapon; or take over a nuclear-armed submarine, plane or base. 3. Attack a nuclear reactor or waste fuel cooling pond. 4. Disrupt critical inputs for the safe running of a nuclear reactor e.g. water supply for cooling, electrical power supply. 5. Attack or steal nuclear fuel or waste containers, most likely in transit. 6. Make and detonate a radiological weapon, or "dirty bomb", to spread radioactive material

Title: Missteps In The Bunker Date: September 23, 2007 Source: Washington Post Abstract: Just after 9 a.m. on Aug. 29, a group of U.S. airmen entered a sod-covered bunker on North Dakota's Minot Air Force Base with orders to collect a set of unarmed cruise missiles bound for a weapons graveyard. They quickly pulled out a dozen cylinders, all of which appeared identical from a cursory glance, and hauled them along Bomber Boulevard to a waiting B-52 bomber. The airmen attached the gray missiles to the plane's wings, six on each side. After eyeballing the missiles on the right side, a flight officer signed a manifest that listed a dozen unarmed AGM-129 missiles. The officer did not notice that the six on the left contained nuclear warheads, each with the destructive power of up to 10 Hiroshima bombs. That detail would escape notice for an astounding 36 hours, during which the missiles were flown across the country to a Louisiana air base that had no idea nuclear warheads were coming. It was the first known flight by a nuclear-armed bomber over U.S. airspace, without special high-level authorization, in nearly 40 years.

The episode, serious enough to trigger a rare "Bent Spear" nuclear incident report that raced through the chain of command to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and President Bush, provoked new questions inside and outside the Pentagon about the adequacy of U.S. nuclear weapons safeguards while the military's attention and resources are devoted to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Three weeks after word of the incident leaked to the public, new details obtained by The Washington Post point to security failures at multiple levels in North Dakota and Louisiana, according to interviews with current and former U.S. officials briefed on the initial results of an Air Force investigation of the incident. The warheads were attached to the plane in Minot without special guard for more than 15 hours, and they remained on the plane in Louisiana for nearly nine hours more before being discovered. In total, the warheads slipped from the Air Force's nuclear safety net for more than a day without anyone's knowledge. "I have been in the nuclear business since 1966 and am not aware of any incident more disturbing," retired Air Force Gen. Eugene Habiger, who served as U.S. Strategic Command chief from 1996 to 1998, said in an interview. A simple error in a missile storage room led to missteps at every turn, as ground crews failed to notice the warheads, and as security teams and flight crew members failed to provide adequate oversight and check the cargo thoroughly. An elaborate nuclear safeguard system, nurtured during the Cold War and infused with rigorous accounting and command procedures, was utterly debased, the investigation's early results show. The incident came on the heels of multiple warnings -- some of which went to the highest levels of the Bush administration, including the National Security Council -- of security problems at Air Force installations where nuclear weapons are kept. The risks are not that warheads might be accidentally detonated, but that sloppy procedures could leave room for theft or damage to a warhead, disseminating its toxic nuclear materials. A former National Security Council staff member with detailed knowledge described the event as something that people in the White House "have been assured never could happen." What occurred on Aug. 29-30, the former official said, was "a breakdown at a number of levels involving flight crew, munitions, storage and tracking procedures -- faults that never were to line up on a single day." Missteps in the Bunker The air base where the incident took place is one of the most remote and, for much of the year, coldest military posts in the continental United States. Veterans of Minot typically describe their assignments by counting the winters passed in the flat, treeless region where January temperatures sometimes reach 30 below zero. In airman-speak, a three-year assignment becomes "three winters" at Minot. The daily routine for many of Minot's crews is a cycle of scheduled maintenance for the base's 35 aging B-52H Stratofortress bombers -- mammoth, eight-engine workhorses, the newest of which left the assembly line more than 45 years ago. Workers also tend to 150 intercontinental ballistic missiles kept at the ready in silos scattered across neighboring cornfields, as well as hundreds of smaller nuclear bombs, warheads and vehicles stored in sod-covered bunkers called igloos. "We had a continuous workload in maintaining" warheads, said Scott Vest, a former Air Force captain who spent time in Minot's bunkers in the 1990s. "We had a stockpile of more than 400 . . . and some of them were always coming due" for service. Among the many weapons and airframes, the AGM-129 cruise missile was well known at the base as a nuclear warhead delivery system carried by B-52s. With its unique shape and design, it is easily distinguished from the older AGM-86, which can be fitted with either a nuclear or a conventional warhead.

Last fall, after 17 years in the U.S. arsenal, the Air Force's more than 400 AGM-129s were ordered into retirement by then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. Minot was told to begin shipping out the unarmed missiles in small groups to Barksdale Air Force Base near Shreveport, La., for storage. By Aug. 29, its crews had already sent more than 200 missiles to Barksdale and knew the drill by heart. The Air Force's account of what happened that day and the next was provided by multiple sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the government's investigation is continuing and classified. At 9:12 a.m. local time on Aug. 29, according to the account, ground crews in two trucks entered a gated compound at Minot known as the Weapons Storage Area and drove to an igloo where the cruise missiles were stored. The 21-foot missiles were already mounted on pylons, six apiece in clusters of three, for quick mounting to the wings of a B-52. The AGM-129 is designed to carry silver W-80-1 nuclear warheads, which have a variable yield of between 5 and 150 kilotons. (A kiloton is equal to the explosive force of 1,000 tons of TNT.) The warheads were meant to have been removed from the missiles before shipment. In their place, crews were supposed to insert metal dummies of the same size and weight, but a different color, so the missiles could still be properly attached under the bomber's wings. A munitions custodian officer is supposed to keep track of the nuclear warheads. In the case of cruise missiles, a stamp-size window on the missile's frame allows workers to peer inside to check whether the warheads within are silver. In many cases, a red ribbon or marker attached to the missile serves as an additional warning. Finally, before the missiles are moved, two-man teams are supposed to look at check sheets, bar codes and serial numbers denoting whether the missiles are armed. Why the warheads were not noticed in this case is not publicly known. But once the missiles were certified as unarmed, a requirement for unique security precautions when nuclear warheads are moved -such as the presence of specially armed security police, the approval of a senior base commander and a special tracking system -- evaporated. The trucks hauled the missile pylons from the bunker into the bustle of normal air base traffic, onto Bomber Boulevard and M Street, before turning onto a tarmac apron where the missiles were loaded onto the B-52. The loading took eight hours because of unusual trouble attaching the pylon on the right side of the plane -- the one with the dummy warheads. By 5:12 p.m., the B-52 was fully loaded. The plane then sat on the tarmac overnight without special guards, protected for 15 hours by only the base's exterior chain-link fence and roving security patrols. Air Force rules required members of the jet's flight crew to examine all of the missiles and warheads before the plane took off. But in this instance, just one person examined only the six unarmed missiles and inexplicably skipped the armed missiles on the left, according to officials familiar with the probe. "If they're not expecting a live warhead it may be a very casual thing -- there's no need to set up the security system and play the whole nuclear game," said Vest, the former Minot airman. "As for the air crew, they're bus drivers at this point, as far as they know." The plane, which had flown to Minot for the mission and was not certified to carry nuclear weapons, departed the next morning for Louisiana. When the bomber landed at Barksdale at 11:23 a.m., the air crew signed out and left for lunch, according to the probe. It would be another nine hours -- until 8:30 p.m. -- before a Barksdale ground crew turned up at the parked aircraft to begin removing the missiles. At 8:45, 15 minutes into the task, a separate missile

transport crew arrived in trucks. One of these airmen noticed something unusual about the missiles. Within an hour, a skeptical supervisor had examined them and ordered them secured. By then it was 10 p.m., more than 36 hours after the warheads left their secure bunker in Minot. Once the errant warheads were discovered, Air Force officers in Louisiana were alarmed enough to immediately notify the National Military Command Center, a highly secure area of the Pentagon that serves as the nerve center for U.S. nuclear war planning. Such "Bent Spear" events are ranked second in seriousness only to "Broken Arrow" incidents, which involve the loss, destruction or accidental detonation of a nuclear weapon. The Air Force decided at first to keep the mishap under wraps, in part because of policies that prohibit the confirmation of any details about the storage or movement of nuclear weapons. No public acknowledgment was made until service members leaked the story to the Military Times, which published a brief account Sept. 5. Officials familiar with the Bent Spear report say Air Force officials apparently did not anticipate that the episode would cause public concern. One passage in the report contains these four words: "No press interest anticipated." 'What the Hell Happened Here?' The news, when it did leak, provoked a reaction within the defense and national security communities that bordered on disbelief: How could so many safeguards, drilled into generations of nuclear weapons officers and crews, break down at once? Military officers, nuclear weapons analysts and lawmakers have expressed concern that it was not just a fluke, but a symptom of deeper problems in the handling of nuclear weapons now that Cold War anxieties have abated. "It is more significant than people first realized, and the more you look at it, the stranger it is," said Joseph Cirincione, director for nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress think tank and the author of a history of nuclear weapons. "These weapons -- the equivalent of 60 Hiroshimas -- were out of authorized command and control for more than a day." The Air Force has sought to offer assurances that its security system is working. Within days, the service relieved one Minot officer of his command and disciplined several airmen, while assigning a major general to head an investigation that has already been extended for extra weeks. At the same time, Defense Department officials have announced that a Pentagon-appointed scientific advisory board will study the mishap as part of a larger review of procedures for handling nuclear weapons. "Clearly this incident was unacceptable on many levels," said an Air Force spokesman, Lt. Col. Edward Thomas. "Our response has been swift and focused -- and it has really just begun. We will spend many months at the air staff and at our commands and bases ensuring that the root causes are addressed." While Air Force officials see the Minot event as serious, they also note that it was harmless, since the six nuclear warheads never left the military's control. Even if the bomber had crashed, or if someone had stolen the warheads, fail-safe devices would have prevented a nuclear detonation. But independent experts warn that whenever nuclear weapons are not properly safeguarded, their fissile materials are at risk of theft and diversion. Moreover, if the plane had crashed and the warheads' casings cracked, these highly toxic materials could have been widely dispersed.

"When what were multiple layers of tight nuclear weapon control internal procedures break down, some bad guy may eventually come along and take advantage of them," said a former senior administration official who had responsibility for nuclear security. Some Air Force veterans say the base's officers made an egregious mistake in allowing nuclear-warheadequipped missiles and unarmed missiles to be stored in the same bunker, a practice that a spokesman last week confirmed is routine. Charles Curtis, a former deputy energy secretary in the Clinton administration, said, "We always relied on segregation of nuclear weapons from conventional ones." Former nuclear weapons officials have noted that the weapons transfer at the heart of the incident coincides with deep cuts in deployed nuclear forces that will bring the total number of warheads to as few as 1,700 by the year 2012 -- a reduction of more than 50 percent from 2001 levels. But the downsizing has created new accounting and logistical challenges, since U.S. policy is to keep thousands more warheads in storage, some as a strategic reserve and others awaiting dismantling. A secret 1998 history of the Air Combat Command warned of "diminished attention for even 'the minimum standards' of nuclear weapons' maintenance, support and security" once such arms became less vital, according to a declassified copy obtained by Hans Kristensen, director of the Federation of American Scientists' nuclear information project. The Air Force's inspector general in 2003 found that half of the "nuclear surety" inspections conducted that year resulted in failing grades -- the worst performance since inspections of weapons-handling began. Minot's 5th Bomb Wing was among the units that failed, and the Louisiana-based 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale garnered an unsatisfactory rating in 2005. Both units passed subsequent nuclear inspections, and Minot was given high marks in a 2006 inspection. The 2003 report on the 5th Bomb Wing attributed its poor performance to the demands of supporting combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wartime stresses had "resulted in a lack of time to focus and practice nuclear operations," the report stated. Last year, the Air Force eliminated a separate nuclear-operations directorate known informally as the N Staff, which closely tracked the maintenance and security of nuclear weapons in the United States and other NATO countries. Currently, nuclear and space operations are combined in a single directorate. Air Force officials say the change was part of a service-wide reorganization and did not reflect diminished importance of nuclear operations. "Where nuclear weapons have receded into the background is at the senior policy level, where there are other things people have to worry about," said Linton F. Brooks, who resigned in January as director of the National Nuclear Security Administration. Brooks, who oversaw billions of dollars in U.S. spending to help Russia secure its nuclear stockpile, said the mishandling of U.S. warheads indicates that "something went seriously wrong." A similar refrain has been voiced hundreds of times in blogs and chat rooms popular with former and current military members. On a Web site run by the Military Times, a former B-52 crew chief who did not give his name wrote: "What the hell happened here?" A former Air Force senior master sergeant wrote separately that "mistakes were made at the lowest level of supervision and this snowballed into the one of the biggest mistakes in USAF history. I am still scratching my head wondering how this could [have] happened" (Washington Post, 2007). Title: Air Chiefs Face Court After Armed Nuclear Missiles Were Flown Across U.S. Date: October 19, 2007 Source: Daily Mail

Abstract: At least five U.S. Air Force commanders are facing criminal charges for allowing armed nuclear cruise missiles to be flown across America. The officers, one a colonel, have been relieved of their command following an investigation into what has been described as the worst breach of weapons security for 40 years. The alert on August 29 involved a B-52 Stratofortress bomber being flown 1,500 miles from North Dakota to Louisiana with six armed nuclear warheads in launch position below its wings. Each one had ten times the destructive force of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The incident sparked a so-called "Bent Spear" nuclear alert, one step down in military terms from a "Broken Arrow". A "Broken Arrow" is triggered if a nuclear missile has been lost or detonated in a way that does not create the risk of nuclear war. Except in times of high-alert or war, bomber flights with live nuclear weapons over land were ended in the late 1960s after accidents in Spain in 1966 and in Greenland in 1968. They are now normally transferred unarmed in the hold of cargo planes. The B-52 flight sparked a dramatic security alert. White House and defence chiefs were horrified when the mistake was spotted after the plane landed at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. It sat overnight on the tarmac at Minot, North Dakota, without the special guards all nuclear weapons require, and only a chainlink fence and an occasional roving security patrol to protect it. One Security Council official said: "All the elaborate safeguards built in involving crew, munitions, storage and tracing procedures meant this could never happen. But it did." Russia is developing new types of nuclear weapons, President Putin revealed yesterday as he unveiled plans to boost the country's defences. The move triggered anxiety in the West of a return to the Cold War. "We will develop missile technology including completely new strategic (nuclear) complexes, completely new," Mr Putin told a televised question session with Russian citizens. "Work is continuing and continuing successfully" (Daily Mail, 2009). Title: Missing Nukes: Treason Of The Highest Order Date: October 29, 2007 Source: Global Research Abstract: According to a wide range of reports, several nuclear bombs were "lost" for 36 hours after taking off August 29/30, 2007 on a "cross-country journey" across the U.S., from U.S.A.F Base Minot in North Dakota to U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale in Louisiana. Reportedly, in total there were six W80-1 nuclear warheads armed on AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs) that were "lost." The story was first reported by the Military Times, after military servicemen leaked the story. It is also worth noting that on August 27, 2007, just days before the "lost" nukes incident, three B-52 Bombers were performing special missions under the direct authorization of General Moseley, the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force. The exercise was reported as being an aerial information and image gathering mission. The base at Minot is also home of the 91st Space Wings, a unit under the command of Air Force Space Command (AFSPC). According to official reports, the U.S. Air Force pilots did not know that they were carrying weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Once in Louisiana, they also left the nuclear weapons

unsecured on the runway for several hours. U.S. Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans, and Requirements, Major-General Richard Y. Newton III commented on the incident, saying there was an "unprecedented" series of procedural errors, which revealed "an erosion of adherence to weaponshandling standards". These statements are misleading. The lax security was not the result of procedural negligence within the U.S. Air Force, but rather the consequence of a deliberate tampering of these procedures. If a soldier, marine, airman, or sailor were even to be issued a rifle and rifle magazine - weaponry of a far lesser significance, danger, and cost - there is a strict signing and accountability process that involves a chain of command and paperwork. This is part of the set of military checks and balances used by all the services within the U.S. Armed Forces. Military servicemen qualified to speak on the subject will confirm that there is a stringent nuclear weapons handling procedure. There is a rigorous, almost inflexible, chain of command in regards to the handling of nuclear weapons and not just any soldier, sailor, airman, or marine is allowed to handle nuclear weapons. Only servicemen specialized in specific handling and loading procedures, are perm certified to handle, access and load nuclear warheads. Every service personnel that moves or even touches these weapons must sign a tracking paper and has total accountability for their movement. There is good reason for the paperwork behind moving these weapons. The military officers that order the movement of nuclear weapons, including base commanders, must also fill out paper forms. In other words, unauthorized removal of nuclear weapons would be virtually impossible to accomplish unless the chain of command were bypassed, involving, in this case, the deliberate tampering of the paperwork and tracking procedures. The strategic bombers that carried the nuclear weapons also could not fly with their loaded nuclear weaponry without the authorization of senior military officials and the base commander. The go-ahead authorization of senior military officials must be transmitted to the servicemen that upload the nuclear weapons. Without this authorization no flights can take place. In the case of the missing nukes, orders were given and flight permission was granted. Once again, any competent and eligible U.S. Air Force member can certify that this is the standard procedure. There are two important questions to be answered in relation to the "lost" nukes incident: 1. Who gave the order to arm the W80-1 thermonuclear warheads on the AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs)? 2. At what level in the military hierarchy did this order originate? How was the order transmitted down the command chain? 3. If this was not a procedural error, what was the underlying military-political objective sought by those who gave the orders? The Impossibility of "Losing" Nuclear Weapons As Robert Stormer, a former U.S. lieutenant-commander in the U.S. Navy, has commented: "Press reports initially cited the Air Force mistake of flying nuclear weapons over the United States in violation of Air Force standing orders and international treaties, while completely missing the more important major issues, such as how six nuclear cruise missiles got loose to begin with."

Stormer also makes a key point, which is not exactly a secret: "There is a strict chain of custody for all such weapons. Nuclear weapons handling is spelled out in great detail in Air Force regulations, to the credit of that service. Every person who orders the movement of these weapons, handles them, breaks seals or moves any nuclear weapon must sign off for tracking purposes. Two armed munitions specialists are required to work as a team with all nuclear weapons. All individuals working with nuclear weapons must meet very strict security standards and be tested for loyalty - this is known as a [Nuclear Weapons] Personnel Reliability Program [DoDD 5210 42].' They work in restricted areas within eyeshot of one another and are reviewed constantly." Stormer unwraps the whole Pentagon cover-up by pointing out some logical facts and military procedures. First he reveals that: "All security forces assigned [to handle and protect nuclear weapons] are authorized to use deadly force to protect the weapons from any threat [including would-be thieves]." He then points out a physical reality that can not be shrugged aside: "Nor does anyone quickly move a 1ton cruise missile - or forget about six of them, as reported by some news outlets, especially cruise missiles loaded with high explosives." He further explains another physical and procedural reality about nuclear weapons assembly: "The United States also does not transport nuclear weapons meant for elimination attached to their launch vehicles under the wings of a combat aircraft. The procedure is to separate the warhead from the missile, encase the warhead and transport it by military cargo aircraft to a repository - not an operational bomber base that just happens to be the staging area for Middle Eastern operations." This last point raises the question of what were the nuclear weapons meant for? In this context, Stomrer puts forth the following list of important questions to which he demands an answer: 1. Why, and for what ostensible purpose, were these nuclear weapons taken to Barksdale? 2. How long was it before the error was discovered? 3. How many mistakes and errors were made, and how many needed to be made, for this to happen? 4. How many and which security protocols were overlooked? 5. How many and which safety procedures were bypassed or ignored? 6. How many other nuclear command and control non-observations of procedure have there been? 7. What is Congress going to do to better oversee U.S. nuclear command and control? 8. How does this incident relate to concern for reliability of control over nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia, Pakistan and elsewhere? 9. Does the Bush administration, as some news reports suggest, have plans to attack Iran with nuclear weapons? It is a matter of perception, whether it is "clear" or "unclear", as to why the nuclear warheads had not been removed beforehand from the missiles. For those who have been observing these series of "unclear" events it is becoming "clear" that a criminal government is at the helm of the United States. There was no way that the six nuclear missiles could have been "mistakenly" loaded, especially when their separate warheads had to be affixed to the missiles by individuals specialized in such a momentous task. It is also being claimed that military teams in both U.S.A.F. Base Minot and U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale made major "procedural errors". What are the probabilities of this occurring simultaneously in two locations? It is also worth noting that original reports from military sources talked about only five of the six nuclear warheads from Minot being accounted for in Barksdale. Nuclear warheads are also kept in

specialized storage areas or bunkers. Moreover, nuclear weapons are not being decommissioned at Barksdale. The Role of the Nuclear Weapons Surety Program: What happened to Electronic Monitoring? The Nuclear Weapons Surety Program is a joint program between the U.S. Department of Defence and the U.S. Department of Energy. The National Security Agency (NSA) is also involved as well as other U.S. federal government agencies. The Nuclear Weapons System Safety Program is part of this program, which involves a monitoring and safeguards regime for the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The Nuclear Weapons Security Standard falls under the Nuclear Weapons Surety Program and is in place to disallow any "unauthorized access to nuclear weapons; prevent damage or sabotage to nuclear weapons; prevent loss of custody; and prevent, to the maximum extent possible, radiological contamination caused by unauthorized acts." Under this or these safeguards system there also exists a rigorous control of use scheme, which is tied to the military chain of command and the White House. 'Command and Control' (C2) & 'Use Control' 'Use control' is a set of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized access to nuclear weapons. These measures involve weapons design features, operational procedures, security, and system safety rules. 'Command and Control' or 'C2' involves the Office of the President of the United States of America. C2 is an established line of command, which is tied to the White House. Without it, nuclear weapons cannot be deployed or armed as they were in U.S.A.F. Base Minot. It is these two control elements that establish the basis of authorization through which "absolute control of nuclear weapons" is maintained "at all times." In addition to the checks and balances in place in regards to handling nuclear weapons, the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and its partners manually and electronically inspect and monitor all U.S. nuclear weapons through the Nuclear Weapon Status Information Systems. More Unanswered Questions: What Happened to the Computerized Tracking System? The Nuclear Management Information Systems "interface with each other and provide [the U.S. Department of Defence] with the ability to track the location of nuclear weapons and components from cradle-to-grave [meaning from when they are made to when they are decommissioned]." The Military Times also makes an omission that exposes the official narrative as false and indicates that the event was not just a mistake: "The Defense Department uses a computerized tracking program to keep tabs on each one of its nuclear warheads, said Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists. For the six warheads to make it onto the B-52, each one would have had to be signed out of its storage bunker and transported to the bomber." This is where the chain of command in regards to military officers falls into play. If any of the stocked inventories of nuclear weapons are moved to an authorized location they will be noticed and tracked by the DTRA and will require the relevant authorization. There is also a code system involved that is tied to the chain of command. The fact that the incident only apparently became known to the U.S. Air Force when military personnel reported it, suggests that either the nuclear weapons were ordered to be moved or that the electronic tracking devices had been removed or tampered with. This scenario would need the involvement of individuals with expertise in military electronics or for those responsible for the monitoring of nuclear weapons to look the other way or both.

Mysterious Deaths in the United States Air Force: Whitewash and Cover-up Several military personnel died under mysterious circumstances shortly before and after the incident. There are now questions regarding the fate of these individuals in the U.S. Air Force who could have had relationships in one way or another to the incident or possibly have been directly involved. It is also necessary to state that there is no proof that these deaths are linked to the August flight from Minot to Barksdale in question. Citizens for Legitimate Government has pointed towards the involvement of the U.S. Air Force in a cover-up and has linked several deaths of U.S. servicemen to the incident. Lori Price has also stated for Citizens for a Legitimate Government that "you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke on a B-52." Based on several news sources, including the U.S. military, we provide below a detailed review of these mysterious and untimely deaths of U.S. servicemen. Airman 1st Class Todd Blue Airman 1st Class Todd Blue went on leave days after the nuclear weapons were "lost." Blue died under questionable timing while on leave, visiting his family in Wytheville, Virginia at the age of 20 on September 10, 2007. He was a response force member assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. What does this mean? Airman Todd Blue occupied a key position in weapons systems security at Minot. At Minot U.S.A.F. Base the 5th Security Forces Squadron to which he belonged was responsible for base entry requirements and a particular section, the Weapons System Security section, was responsible for preventing the unauthorized removal of military property. The latter is responsible for security of all priority resources, meaning the security of nuclear weapons. In other words not only did the 5th Security Forces Squadron keep eyes on what entered and left Minot, but they kept an eye on and monitored the nuclear weapons. U.S. Air Force Captain John Frueh U.S. Air Force Captain John Frueh is another serviceman who could have been indirectly connected to the "lost" nuclear weapons. He was reported as being last seen with a GPS device, camera, and camcorder being carried with him in a backpack. Local police in Oregon and the F.B.I. seemed to be looking for him for days. His family also felt that something bad had happened to him. On September 8, 2007 Captain Frueh was found dead in Washington State, near his abandoned rental car, after the Portland Police Department contacted the Skamania County Sheriff's Officer. The last time he spoke with his family was August 30, 2007. He had arrived from Florida to attend a wedding that he never showed up at. The Oregonian reported that "Authorities in Portland found no activity on his credit or bank cards since [Frueh] was last seen (...) [and that] the last call from his cell phone was made at 12:28 p.m. [August 30, 2007] from Mill Plain Boulevard and Interstate 205 in Vancouver [Washington State]." His background was in meteorology and the study of the atmosphere and weather. He was also reported to be a U.S. Air Force pararescue officer. He was also a major-select candidate, which means he was selected for a promotion as a U.S. Air Force major, but was not officially promoted. U.S.A.F. Special Operations Command has its headquarters in Hurlburt Field, Florida and is one of nine major Air Force commands. It is also the U.S. Air Force's component of U.S. Special Operations Command, a unified command located at MacDill Air Force Base, which is also in Florida. The force provides special operations forces for worldwide deployment and assignment to regional unified

commands, such as CENTCOM. Its missions include conduct of global special operations. These operations - and this is where careful attention should be paid - range from "precision application of firepower, such as nuclear weapons," to infiltration, exfiltration (the removal of "devices," supplies, spies, special agents, or units from enemy territory), re-supply and refuelling of special operational elements. In Captain Frueh's case his death is questionable too. The U.S. Air Force would not let a missing persons' investigation go forward by the police without conducting its own investigation. Usually the different service branches of the U.S. military would investigate for missing servicemen, to see if these individuals are Absent Without Authorized Leave (AWAL) or have deserted, before an individual's case is handed over to the police. Senior Airman Clint Huff Another military weatherman, along with his wife, also died after August 30, 2007. Senior Airman Clint Huff, who belonged to the 26th Operational Weather Squadron, and his wife Linda Huff died in a motorcycle accident on September 15, 2007. The husband and wife fatality happened on ShreveportBlanchard Highway, near U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale, when according to the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Officer a Pontiac Aztec, a medium-sized SUV, initiated a left turn at the same time that the couple attempted to pass on a no passing zone and collided. First-Lieutenant Weston Kissel Weston Kissel, a B-52H Stratofortress Bomber pilot, also died in a reported Tennessee motorcycle accident. This was while he was on leave in, less than two months from the nuclear B-52 flights, on July 17, 2007. His death came after another single-vehicle accident by another Minot serviceman, Senior Airman Adam Barrs. Senior Airman Barrs Senior Airman Barrs died as a passenger in a vehicle being driven by Airman 1st Class Stephen Garrett, also from Minot. Garrett, also belongs to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. The death of Barrs was reported as being part of a single-vehicle car accident. Associated Press reports state that "[Minot] Base officials say 20-year-old Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire late Tuesday [July 3, 2007] night." Barrs was pronounced dead on the scene of the accident, while Garrett was taken the hospital with no updates released by the U.S. Air Force. Adam Barrs also belonged to the 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, where he was responsible for the maintenance and securing of the electronic communicational and navigation mission systems aboard the B-52H Stratofortresses on base. The 5th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron is also one of the units that are responsible for loading and unloading weaponry onto the B-52H Stratofortresses. The deaths of Kissel and Barrs could be dismissed as irrelevant because they occurred prior to the incident. However, Barrs and Kissel could have been in one way or another connected to the advanced planning of the special operation, prior to the incident (special operations are not planned in a few days and may take months and even longer). There is, of course, no proof and only an independent investigation will be able to reveal whether these deaths are connected to the incident. If there was an internal and secretive operation bypassing most military personnel, a few men in key positions would have to have been involved over a period of time prior to the August 29/30, 2007 flight. Senior Airman Barrs, due to his expertise in communication and navigational systems, could potentially have been involved in the preparations that would have allowed the nuclear weapons to escape detection

by military surveillance and be ready for takeoff. Reprimands, Replacements and Reassignments in the U.S.A.F. Chain of Command Senior officers, including three colonels and a lieutenant-colonel, are among seventy personnel that will reportedly be disciplined for negligence and for allowing a B-52H Stratofortress Bomber to fly across the U.S. carrying six nuclear-armed cruise missiles that should never have been loaded under its wings. According to the Military Times, George W. Bush Jr. had been swiftly informed. This is a lockstep procedure. This illustrates the importance tied to the authorization needed for handling nuclear weapons. This is part of a two-way process in regards to authorization from the White House. The commander of the 5th Munitions Squadron and the commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, Colonel Bruce Emig, have been replaced along with a series of other senior officers. This implies that the U.S. Air Force chain of command is directly involved in this event. None of these senior officers have been authorized to speak or make statements, according to U.S. military sources. Will any of these officers receive lucrative departure packages? Have they been reassigned? More generally, the nature of the reprimands directed against senior officers involved has not been fully disclosed. The "memory" of the incident is being erased through a reorganization of the ranks and a purge at U.S.A.F. Base Minot. The streamlining of the chain of command as well as the mysterious deaths of personnel who could have been involved in the incident, raise a series of far-reaching questions. There are several important issues regarding the senior officers' chain of command at Minot, which will be addressed in this article. Once again, the most important questions in regards to the missing nukes are: Who gave the orders and authorization for the operation and what where the underlying objectives of loading armed nuclear missiles? Other Mysterious Deaths Was the Missing Nukes Incident connected to US War Plans directed against Iran? Charles D. Riechers A U.S. Air Force official, Charles D. Riechers, was found dead on October 14, 2007. Riechers was a retired Air Force officer and master navigator specializing in electronic warfare. He was a member of the Senior Executive Service of the U.S. Air Force, and was the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Management. A description of his duties includes "providing sound expert advice and guidance on acquisition and procurement policies, as well as formulating, reviewing and, as assigned, execution of plans, programs and policies relating to organization, function, operation and improvement of the Air Force's acquisition system." He apparently killed himself by running his car's engine inside his suburban garage in Virginia. The death of Charles D. Riechers has been casually linked by The Washington Post to his involvement in fraudulent activities and embezzlement. The Washington Post reported that the Air Force had asked defense contractor, Commonwealth Research Institute (C.R.I.), to give him a job with no known duties while he waited for official clearance for his promoted rank in the Pentagon. Riechers is quoted as saying: "I really didn't do anything for C.R.I.," and "I [still] got a paycheck from them." The question, of course, was whether the contractor might expect favours in return upon his assignment to the Pentagon last January. A mysterious suicide letter expressing shame was subsequently reported; the letter was reportedly from a man who had already admitted without shame that he was receiving money for doing nothing. This was

known to the U.S. Senate, which had approved his promotion. In a report featured by Pravda, Russian Intelligence analysts have said that the reported suicide of Charles D. Riechers was a cover-up and that he was murdered because of his involvement in the controversial flight of nuclear weapons over the continental United States. Pravda reports that "Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that American War Leaders have suicided' [sic] one of their Top US Air Force Officials Charles D. Riechers as the rift growing between the U.S. War Leaders and their Top Military Officers over a nuclear attack on Iran appears to be nearing open warfare." According to the Pravda report, the incident was linked to an operation to smuggle nuclear weapons away from the U.S. military in connection to launching a war against Iran. The Commonwealth Research Institute (CRI), a registered non-profit organization is a subsidiary of Concurrent Technologies, which is registered with the IRS as a tax-exempt charity, which is run by Daniel Richard DeVos. Devos is also an associate of John P. Murtha, who was investigated by the F.B.I. for his Saudi links. Certainly the ties of the Commonwealth Research Institute (CRI), a non-profit organization working for the Pentagon, are questionable and the organization could be a front for internal operations that bypass most military personnel. The case appears to be part of an internal operation that was being kept a secret from most of the U.S. military, but what for? General Russell Elliot Dougherty More than a month before the death of Riechers, General Russell Elliot Dougherty a retired flag officer, was also reported to have died on September 7, 2007 at his home in Falcon Landing military retirement community in Potomac Falls located in Arlington, Virginia. He once was one of the most senior individuals responsible for the nuclear arsenal of the U.S. military and also the former commander of Strategic Air Command (SAC) and director of the Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff, which identified nuclear targets worldwide amongst its responsibilities. At Minot next to his obituary was a military information notice on suicide, telling servicepersons what the signs of suicide are. Russell Dougherty in the course of his military career in the U.S. Air Force had dealt with the issues pertaining to Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), full spectrum dominance, how to defeat the enemy and avoid a nuclear war, other uses for nuclear weaponry, Nuclear Primacy for the U.S., and tackling the effects of the wind and weather - due to their unpredictable natures - on the use of nuclear weapons. The fact that the nuclear warheads were attached to the nuclear cruise missiles could mean that someone wanted to take the weapons in one step or to use them right away. Timely Appointments at U.S.A.F. Base Minot Several of the commanding officers at Minot were freshly appointed in June, 2007. This may have been part of standard procedures, but the timing should not be ignored. 1. Colonel Robert D. Critchlow : Critchlow was transferred, just before the incident, from the Pentagon to Minot and appointed commanding officer for the 91st Operations Group, a missileer unit and the operational backbone of the 91st Space Wing. In Washington, D.C. he was involved in research for the Congressional Research Services and later posted into Air Force Nuclear Response and Homeland Defence. 2. Colonel Myron L. Freeman: Freeman was transferred from Japan to Minot in June, 2007. Colonel Freeman was appointed as the commander of the 91st Security Forces Group, which is responsible for securing Minots nuclear arsenal.

3. Colonel Gregory S. Tim: Tims was also appointed as deputy commander or vice-commander of the 91st Space Wing in June, 2007. However, Colonel Tims was transfered to Minot from California almost a year before. 4. Chief Master Sergeant Mark R. Clark: One of the most senior non-commissioned officers (NCOs) or non-commissioned members (NCMs), Chief Master Sergeant Mark R. Clark, was also transferred to U.S.A.F. Base Minot from Nebraska in July, 2007. 5. Colonel Roosevelt Allen: Allen was also transferred to Minot from Washington, D.C. to become commander of the 5th Medical Group. 6. Colonel Bruce Emig: Emig , the now-former commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, was also transferred to Minot from U.S.A.F. Base Ellsworth in South Dakota in June, 2007. Colonel Emig was also the base commander of Minot. 7. Colonel Cynthia M. Lundell: Lundell, the now-former group commander for the 5th Maintenance Group, the unit responsible for loading and unloading weaponry onto the B-52H Stratofortresses was also freshly transferred from a NATO post in Western Europe in June, 2007. Were these appointments temporary? Were any of these appointments related to the six lost nuclear missiles? Prior to the Missing Nukes Incident, Minot Airmen Meet with Bush & U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff On June 15, 2007, George W. Bush Jr. met senior officers from U.S.A.F. Base Minot at U.S.A.F. Base McConnell in Wichita, Kansas during a visit to Boeings Integrated Defense Systems facility. Am ongst them was Major Daniel Giacomazza of the 5th Operational Support Squadron. Senator Patrick Roberts of Kansas was also present. While he chaired the Senate Intelligence Committe from 2002 to 2007, [Senator] Roberts stonewalled attempts to investigate everything from the manipulation of intelligence in the rush to war in Iraq, President Bushs warrantless wiretaps, and even allegations of the use of torture by the CIA, according to Associated Press (AP) reports. [30] The same report also indicates that the U.S. President was in Wichita for a political fundraiser, and stopped at a new Boys and Girls Club of America to defray the costs of getting to Wichita via Air Force One for Senator Roberts campaign. Military sources have reported that a B-52H Stratofortress was flown to Wichita so that Boeings engineers could take a look in order to make adjustments to the war planes for a new military program. [31] Nothing has been reported about any private meetings between President Bush Jr. or any of his presidential staff and the personnel from Minot. However, reports have been made of meetings between military families and the U.S. President in his office on Air Force One. General Moseley, the Air Force Chief of Staff, had previously visited Minot on March 14-15, 2007, a month before Minot airmen went to Wichita. [32] If a secret mission was being prepared, these events could have played a role in the recruiting phases for an important internal special operation. Following their recruitment, Minot servicemen could have symbolically met General Moseley or White House officials to understand that the mission was being sanctioned by the highest ranks and offices in the United States. Orders had to Come from the Top: Treason of the Highest Order Orders had to come from higher up.

The operation would not have been possible without the involvement of more than one individual in the highest ranks of the U.S. Air Force command structure and the Pentagon. The only way to bypass these separate chains of command is to be above them (from higher up), as well as to have the possibility of directly overseeing their implementation. These orders would then have been communicated to lower levels in the U.S. Air Force command chain in different locations, to allow for so-called oversight to proceed. The alternative to this is an alternative chain of command, although this also needs someone in the highest ranks of office to organize and oversee. The post given to Riechers was politically motivated, given his track record in the U.S. Air Force. Riechers had been in a position of responsibility in the U.S. Air Force special operational support activities; something he had in common with Russell Dougherty, the former SAC commander. He would have been one of the best suited individuals for making arrangements in the case of an alternative command structure for a secretive nuclear operation. Moreover, he already had a record of corrupt behaviour through his involvement with the Commonwealth Research Institute. The possible involvement of U.S. Air Force weathermen and special operatives raises many questions as to what exactly was the objective of making the nuclear weapons disappear. The Investigation The U.S. Air Force has publicly stated that it has made a mistake, which is very unusual and almost unprecedented for a military organization that tries to continually assure the American public of their safety. The fact that seventy or more military personnel have been punished in the case of the lost nuclear weapons does not mean, however, that the senior commanding officers responsible for having carried out the special operation will be identified and punished. Quite the opposite. The investigation could indeed result in a camouflage of the chain of command, where lower-ranking military personnel are accused and court-martialed, with a view to ultimately protecting those in high office who have committed an act of treason. The series of deaths mentioned above, may have no ties whatsoever with the the August flight in question from Minot to Barksdale, but the issues of command, monitoring, and authorization cannot be overlooked or ignored. The American people have before them a case of treason that involves the highest offices of government and most probably the offices of the President and the Vice-President. Once again, the C2 process involves the Office of the President and Commander -in-Chief. It is an established line of command, without which nuclear weapons could not have been deployed or armed as they were in U.S.A.F. Base Minot. It is this command element that establishes the basis of authorization through which absolute control of nuclear weapons is maintained at all times. With time it is possible that military servicemen and servicewomen may come forward with more information. However, in the meantime, there has been a streamlining of military personnel at U.S.A.F. Base Minot. Base personnel have become dispersed and reassigned to other locations. If they on the grounds of loyalty to their country, the United States of America, come forward and reveal what has taken place, they are to be saluted with full honour by all ranks. As George Orwell said, In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, and indeed these are deceitful times.

The fact that U.S. Air Force officers came forward and reported this incident is contrary to U.S. military procedures, regulations, and laws. The U.S. military will never release any information that will risk or damage its reputation. Any information in regards to nuclear weapons can not be released without prior consultations with and authorization by the White House. The nuclear weapons were armed and moved deliberately. Orders had to have come from the highest echelons of the U.S. government. The question is what exactly were they meant for? Were they part of a war agenda or something else? Bush Threatens Iran with Nuclear Weapons What adds intrigue to an understanding of the missing nukes, are the international events and war games taking place just after the lost nuclear weapons incident, not to mention the Presidents ongoing threats to attack Iran with nuclear weapons and Vice President Cheney's repeated warnings that a second large scale terrorist attack on America is under preparation, with the support of Iran. In the U.S., under the Vigilant Shield 2008 war games (initiated in September, 2007) and the TOPOFF anti-terrorism exercises, some form of nuclear terrorist attack on American soil had been envisaged. The roles of Russia and China had also been contemplated. The latter would be a likely scenario had the U.S. attacked Iran and as a result Russia and China had decided to intervene. Under Vigilant Shield 2007, held in 2006, the possibility of a nuclear war with Irans allies, Russia and China , had been contemplated in the war games scenario. The Kremlin has responded by holding its own war games. An unveiled threat to trigger World War Three has been the response of George W. Bush Jr. to Russias statements warning that a U.S. sponsored war with Iran, could result in an escalating World War III scenario. The six nuclear warheads were not meant for use in theatre operations against Iran. This is obvious because if they were then they would have been deployed via the proper procedural routes without the need to hide anything. Besides, there are already theatre-level nuclear weapons ready and armed in Europe and the Middle East for any possible Middle Eastern mission. There was something more to the incident. It is also worth noting that the Israelis launched an attack on an alleged Syrian nuclear facility that both Tel Aviv and the White House claim was constructed with the assistance of North Korea. This event has been used, through official statements and media disinformation, to draw a Syria-Iran-North Korea nuclear proliferation axis. In regards to the case of the missing nuclear weapons, weathermen and military personnel with an expertise in space and missile components were involved. The incident took place during a time when the U.S. missile shield projects in Eastern Europe and Eastern Asia, directed against Russia and China, were raising international tensions and alarms. On October 23, 2007, President Bush Jr. st ated: The need for missile defence in Europe is real and I believe its urgent. Nuclear warfare, the militarization of space, and the missile shield are interrelated military processes. The overtones of Nuclear Primacy are hanging in the air. One of the goals of the U.S. military has been to effectively shield itself from a potential Russian or potential Russian and Chinese nuclear response to a nuclear First Strike from the U.S. military. The militarization of space is also deeply linked to this military project. Like their advanced knowledge about the U.S. missile shield project, Russian and Chinese officials have got wind of these ambitions and are fully aware of what the U.S. intends to do.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is an independent writer based in Ottawa specializing in Middle Eastern affairs. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) (Global Research, 2007). Title: The Mystery Of Minot: Loose Nukes And A Cluster Of Dead Airmen Raise Troubling Questions Date: November 21, 2007 Source: Global Research Abstract: The unauthorized Aug. 29, 2007 cross-country flight of a B-52H Stratofortress armed with six nuclear-tipped AGM-29 Advanced Cruise missiles, which saw these 150-kiloton warheads go missing for 36 hours. So far, the Pentagon, which has launched two separate investigations into the incident, seems to be assuming that it is dealing with the comedy version, saying that some incredible mistake led to nuclear weapons being taken inadvertently from a weapons-storage bunker, loaded into launch position on a bomber, and flown from North Dakota to Louisiana. Pentagon investigators have completely ignored a peculiar cluster of six deaths, during the weeks immediately preceding and following the flight, of personnel at the two Air Force bases involved in the incident and Air Force Commando Operations headquarters. The problem with this theory is that dummy warheads dont look the same as the real thing. The real warheads, called W80 -1s, are shiny silver, which is clearly visible through postage-stamp-sized windows on the nosecone covers that protect them on the missiles. In addition, the mounted warheads are encased in a red covering as a second precaution. Apparently the nukes (which can be set to explode at between 5 kilotons and 150 kilotons) were easily spotted by a Barksdale AFB ground crew when they went out to the plane on the tarmac hours after it landed. If the Barksdale ground crew, which had no reason to suspect it was looking at nuclear-tipped missiles, easily spotted the error, why did everyone at Minot miss it, as claimed? C learly, whoever loaded the six nukes on one B-52 wing pod, and whoever mounted that pod on the wing, knew or should have known that they were dealing with nukesand absend an order from the highest authority in Washington, loading such nukes on a bomber was against all policy. The odds of randomly putting six nukes all on one pod, and six dummies on the other, are 1:924. And how curious that the pilot, who is supposed to check all 12 missiles before flying, checked only the pod containing the dummy warheads. Various experts familiar with nuclear-weapons-handling protocols express astonishment at what happened on Aug. 29 and 30. After all, over the course of more than six decades, the protocols for handling nuclear arms have called for at least two people at every step, with paper trails, bar codes, and real-time computer tracking of every warhead in the arsenal. Nothing like this has been known to have happened before. Air Force Gen. Eugene Habiger, who served as US Strategic Command chief from 1996 to 1998, told the Post, I have been in the nuclear business since 1966 and am not aware of any incident more disturbing. Philip Coyle, a senior advisor at the Center for Defense Information who served as assistant secretary of defense in the Clinton administration, calls the incident astonishing and unbelievable. He says, This wasnt just a mistake. Ive counted, and at least 20 things had to have gone wrong for this to have occurred. Meanwhile, there are those six deaths. On July 20, 1st Lt. Weston Kissel, a 28-year-old B-52 pilot from Minot, died in a motorcycle accident while on home leave in Tennessee. Another Minot B-52 pilot, 20year-old Adam Barrs, died on July 5 in Minot when a car he was riding in, driven by another Minot airman, Stephen Garrett, went off the road, hit a tree, and caught fire. Airman Garrett was brought to the hospital

in critical condition and has since been charged with negligent homicide. Two more Air Force personnel, Senior Airman Clint Huff, 29, of Barksdale AFB, and his wife Linda died on Sept. 15 in nearby Shreveport, Louisiana, when Huff reportedly attempted to pass a van in a nopassing zone on his motorcycle, and the van made a left-hand turn, striking them. Then there are two reported suicides, which both occurred within days of the flight. One involved Todd Blue, a 20-year-old airman who was in a unit that guarded weapons at Minot. He reportedly shot himself in the head on Sept. 11 while on a visit to his family in Wytheville, Virginia. Local police investigators termed his death a suicide. The second suicide, on Aug. 30, was John Frueh, a Special Forces weather commando at the Air Forces Special Operations command headquartered at Hurlburt AFB in Florida. Frueh, 33, a married father of two who had just received approval for promotion from captain to major, reportedly flew from Florida to Portland, Oregon, for a friends wedding. He never showed up. Instead, he called on Aug. 29, the day the missiles were loaded, from an interstate pull-off just outside Portland to say he was going for a hike in a park nearby. (It is not clear why he was at a highway rest stop as he had no car.) A day later, back in Portland, he rented a car at the airport, again calling his family. After he failed to appear at the wedding, his family filed a missing persons report with the Portland police. The Sheriffs Department in remote Skamania County, Washington, found Fruehs rental car ten days later on the side of a road nearly 120 miles from the airport in a remote area of Badger Peak. Search dogs found his body in the woods. His death was ruled a suicide, though neither the sheriffs investigator nor the medical examiner would give details. What makes this alleged suicide odd, however, is that the sheriff reports that Frueh had with him a knapsack containing a GPS locator and a videocam odd equipment for someone intent on ending his life. Of course, it could be that all six of these deaths are coincidences all just accidents and personal tragedies. But when they occur around the time six nuclear-tipped missiles go missing in a bizarre incident, the likes of which the Pentagon hasnt seen before, one would think investigators would be on those cases like vultures on carrion. In fact, police and medical examiners in the Frueh and Blue cases say no federal investigators, whether from DOD or FBI, have called them. Worse still, because the B-52 incident got so little media attentionno coverage in most local news none of those investigating the accidents and suicides even knew about it or a bout the other deaths. It would have been interesting to know all that when I was examining Mr. Blues body, says coroner Mike Stoker, but no one told me about any of it or asked me about him. If we had known that several people had died under questionable circumstances, it might have affected how wed look at a body, says Don Phillips, the sheriffs deputy who investigated the Frueh death. But nobody from the federal government has ever contacted us about this. Certainly, in a case like this, the suicides should be a red flag, says Hans Kristensen, a nuclear-affairs expert with the Federation of American Scientists. It's wild speculation to think that there might be some connection between the deaths and the incident, but it certainly should be investigated (Global Research, 2007). Title: It Was The John P. Wheeler III Who Was Involved In The Barksdale-Minot Incident Who Was Found In A Landfill! Date: January 1, 2011 Source: FemaleFaust Abstract: So Wayne Madsen hips me to this tip on John Wheeler III, whose name I didn't recognize:

John Wheeler III, special assistant to Air Force Secretary during the 2007 B-52 nuke incident at Minot, found dead in Delaware landfill. Homicide concluded. Last seen on Amtrak from DC on Dec. 28. Dealing with neocons can be hazardous to one's health. Not the first suspicious Air Force death as reported by WMR. A bit more digging, so you have somewhere to start, brings me to Sodahead's rather levelheaded opinion: What the "news" is not telling you is -Wheeler was the assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force in the George W. Bush Administration. It was the Secretary of the Air Force who discovered that Richard Cheney had set up an alternative chain of command to the nuclear weapons wing of the AF. In the process, six minutemen missiles [sic] armed with nuclear warheads were secretly transported from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB. The later is the chief staging base for the Middle East war. The alarm system for the weapons was deactivated for the transport, something that not even the base commander could authorize. The orders had to have come from above. Many point to Cheney. Before the warheads could be flown via B-52 to the Iraq/Iran theater, the Secretary of the Air Force ordered the stand-down of all B-52 flights. When he discovered the alternative chain of command to Cheney, he fired all military personnel who were involved. Cheney was said to have been livid. The Secretary ordered an investigation of what the AF press release called an oversight, and 70 enlisted men and 5 officers were removed from the Minot nuclear system. At the same time, people involved began to die mysteriously. Wheeler is only the latest casualty (FemaleFaust, 2011).

The Minot-Barksdale Incident

Saw this incident mentioned in another thread and thought it might be of come interest. This excerpt is part of a larger article. Quote:The Minot-Barksdale Incident At the end of August 2007, several nuclear weapons in the arsenal of the United States Air Force were "lost" for 36 hours. Six stealthy AGM-129 ACM cruise missiles were each armed with a W80-1 variable-yield thermonuclear warhead, mounted to an external pylon under the wing of a B-52H Stratofortress strategic heavy-bomber at Minot Airforce Base in North Dakota, and flown across the country to Barksdale Airforce Base in Louisiana. This flight was a flagrant violation of our own laws here at home, military policy, and even international treaties. The Air Force explained away the incident as a simple mistake, but there are those who believe that such a mistake would be virtually impossible and that deliberate steps were taken for this Bent Spear event to occur. Was this incident really a mistake, or a secret mission of some

kind? USAF bombers have not flown armed with nuclear weapons since 1968, just after a B-52 crashed at Thule Air Force Base in Greenland while armed with 4 hydrogen bombs. (It is widely believed that in that incident one of the weapons was lost and never recovered.) From 1968 to 1991 USAF strategic bombers were armed, but grounded and kept on a high-readiness alert. In 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, all nuclear armaments for Air Force bombers were removed, to then be maintained permanently in storage bunkers. Ground readiness drills with live nuclear weapons were also canceled from that point forward. These policies stood in accordance with international law and treaties regarding nuclear weapons. Officially, the mission of this particular bomber and her crew was to take 12 of these cruise-missiles to be decommissioned or scrapped. Six were to be loaded on each wing, and all were supposed to be fitted with an inert warhead rather than a live nuclear one. It is not known why the bombers were tasked with this mission, rather than standard cargo transports such as C-17's or C130's specially outfitted for such missions, as per Standard Operating Procedures. It is not typical for weapons to be transported mounted in combat positions for a non-combat mission, even when not armed with live explosives. The USAF even maintains a special squadron for the transport of nuclear devices and related components, the Prime Nuclear Airlift Force (PNAF), 4th Airlift Squadron of the 62nd Airlift Wing. It is also not known why these cruise missiles, inert or not, were being flown to Barksdale AFB. The usual place where missiles are put out of service is Davis-Monthan AFB in Arizona, not Barksdale, which was operating as a primary staging area for war operations in the middle-east. Nuclear weapons are usually decommissioned through Kirkland AFB in New Mexico where they are handed off to the Department of Energy for final disposal. But of course, the nuclear component of these weapons were never supposed to leave the bunker in North Dakota. The Air Force account of how this happened leads one to the impression that it was a simple oversight, a mix-up, a slip-up in paperwork which precipitated everything which followed. It is their position that there was a last-minute switch within the bunker, as to what pylon was to be loaded and that as a result one of the pylons affixed with six cruise missiles did not have the nuclear warheads removed and replaced with dud-weights. It seems almost impossible though, that such a mistake could ever happen at all when you understand the procedure of how weapons are moved and accounted for. Less believable still is all subsequent oversight. To start, a crew within the bunker readies the weapons to be moved according to the serial numbers of each unit. Once prepared to be moved, those serial numbers are then verified against the existing stockpile by this team, also

known as a Breakout Crew, who must then report on any discrepancies between the weapons on hand and the weapons ordered to be moved. Control of the payload is then turned over to a Convoy Crew, who verify that the Breakout Crew is handing over the proper munitions. Keep in mind here that these are specialized crews, elites, who have been vetted and specially trained in the handling of nuclear weapons. Even if a mistake in paperwork had occurred in the bunker, they certainly should be expected to notice the mix-up at that point when the weapons were being handed off from one crew to another. Even a cursory examination of the munitions would have revealed that these warheads had red warning signs, rather than the blue and yellow signs which declare "Inert, Non-Nuclear." One crew should have noticed that these were not the weapons they were supposed to be handing over, while the other should have noticed they were being given the wrong weapons. At the very least, even if they believed they were supposed to be moving live nuclear weapons, they should have then activated that protocol, which calls for heavily armed security and a number of other measures even to simply move them across the tarmac. Nonetheless, these weapons were moved without guard and the crew spent the next 8 hours mounting them on the B-52H. The mounted nuclear weapons were left unguarded over night, except for a chain link fence and a roving patrol. The next day, the bomber crew also failed to notice the nuclear nature of their payload. Inexplicably, only one pylon was inspected, while the other, armed with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles was not. It is difficult to imagine that such elite crews working with such sensitive material could be so complacent. But even if we accept that, we would also have to ignore other safeguards. Even if mindless drones had tried to move nuclear weapons out of the bunker, that should have triggered a number of electronic alarms which can only be deactivated by key personnel with explicit orders from the highest levels of authority. Some alarms work like basic antitheft devices like those used to deter shoplifters at the mall. As soon as you move a nuke out of the bunker, it trips alarms to go off everywhere alerting a special security team who are authorized to use deadly force. Other measures include motion sensors. The government is hush hush about exactly what electronic security they have on nuclear weapons, but it is also believed that any movement of nuclear weapons is tracked and monitored electronically by the NSA remotely. So even if the entire base had suddenly decided to go rogue and steal nuclear weapons, someone back in Washington DC or other monitoring station should have seen an illegal movement of nuclear weapons. Not to mention too, that whoever was in charge of the bunker should have noticed six missing nuclear warheads before they showed up on the other side of the country 36 hours later. Even if we accept a whole string of errors and complacency which defy

anything reasonable, we still must accept that, at several points, security measures were deliberately circumvented. Deliberately disarming security systems is no mistake. Either those persons were knowingly complicit in a crime, or they were acting under orders believing that the movement of nuclear weapons had been authorized. Unfortunately, either conclusion opens up any number of possibilities as to what was actually behind the MinotBarksdale incident. Was there a conspiracy among certain personnel and officers within the Air Force to perhaps steal a nuclear weapon? Given that the plane was left unguarded overnight at Minot, and again for another 11 hours on the Tarmac at Barksdale, there was ample opportunity. There are also discrepancies in initial reports of how many warheads were involved, among anonymous sources who first leaked the story to the press. What you will not read in any newspaper today is that while six warheads left Minot, only five warheads were actually accounted for at Barksdale. There is no way of proving that now, but it is possible that one warhead was stolen and has never been recovered. By whom exactly, and for what purpose, again can only be guessed at. B-52H armed with AGM-129 ACM's But even if all six were recovered, we still are left wondering why those weapons were ever deployed in the first place and what the actual mission was intended to be. It almost certainly was not just some mistake, as the official white-wash would have us believe. At some level or another, this was a special operation, a clandestine mission, that appears to have been upset by low-level airmen at Barksdale who insisted on getting someone to listen to them that there were unauthorized nuclear weapons on the base, and to report the Broken Spear up the regular chain of command. There has been quite a lot of speculation that points finger a the White House, President George Bush or his VP Dick Cheney. Just a few months before this incident, President Bush met with officers from Minot AFB who flew into Wichita to meet him, aboard a B-52H. Could that meeting have been a catalyst for some secret mission with nuclear missiles? Did the White House plan to nuke Iran in a secret mission, outside the normal chain of command? Or did they maybe plan to create a false-flag attack in which terrorists would be blamed for a nuclear explosion? Was this maybe intended to be a secret and illegal delivery of nuclear cruise missiles to Israel? What other possibilities might be considered? Whatever the plan, and whoever it was orchestrated by, it might very well have been much more nefarious than it was a secret mission of noble cause when one considers all of the mysterious deaths on the periphery of the Minot-Barksdale Incident. Late John P. Wheeler Tied To Minot-Barksdale Nuke Event

Cause unclear in death of Minot crew commander Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities' Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order Incompetence or Cover-Up? The Air Force Report on the Minot-Barksdale Nuclear Missile Flight Read more:

S.6.U - True Urban Legends - Benefits of Marijuana Use

Registered User User ID: 154310 04-01-2013 07:43 PM

Post: #2 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

Posts: 28,685

S.6.U - True Urban Legends - Benefits of Marijuana Use

Registered User

Post: #3

User ID: 160387 04-01-2013 07:53 PM Posts: 100

The Minot-Barksdale Incident

Something definitely not right with the situation, that's for sure. Having been Air Force AMMO for nearly a decade I can tell you that even non-nuclear live munitions movements are taken seriously enough that this wouldn't have happened as suggested by HQ. .Gov/.Mil will never admit any wrongdoing until they are caught with their pants down; this has been proven many many times over the years.

Registered User User ID: 154310 04-01-2013 07:55 PM

Post: #4 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

higherconscience Wrote: Something definitely not right with the situation, that's for sure. Having been Air Force AMMO for nearly a decade I can tell you that even non-nuclear live munitions movements are taken seriously enough that this wouldn't have happened as suggested by HQ. .Gov/.Mil will never admit any wrongdoing until they are caught with their pants down; this has been proven many many times over the years.

Posts: 28,685

I can't even move civilian pyrotechnics from a bunker, much less transport, without all sorts of paperwork and checks.

S.6.U - True Urban Legends - Benefits of Marijuana Use

LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 143874 04-01-2013

Post: #5 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

Having served on a SAC base, there is no way a mistake of this magnitude could have happened. There are too many checks and balances in place. This

08:05 PM

was planned.

Registered User User ID: 160387 04-01-2013 08:10 PM Posts: 100

Post: #6 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

Jackinthebox Wrote: higherconscience Wrote: Something definitely not right with the situation, that's for sure. Having been Air Force AMMO for nearly a decade I can tell you that even non-nuclear live munitions movements are taken seriously enough that this wouldn't have happened as suggested by HQ. .Gov/.Mil will never admit any wrongdoing until they are caught with their pants down; this has been proven many many times over the years.

I can't even move civilian pyrotechnics from a bunker, much less transport, without all sorts of paperwork and checks.

Exactly. There are procedures with checks and balances to move EVERYTHING... and 99% of the munitions related stuff is all moved with not only physical paperwork involved, but also through an intranet/internet database that has multiple backups and the ability to see not only who moved what, but who entered the information, when, if/when it was edited et cetera. So many procedures would have to have been broken for this to occur there's NO WAY IN HELL it was an accident. This whole thing reeks of BS. And then they shit-canned a bunch of people involved for having done nothing wrong..just the wrong place at the wrong time, and they are the collateral damage of whatever this operation was/is. (This post was last modified: 04-01-2013 08:11 PM by

LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 143874 04-01-2013 08:18 PM

Post: #7 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

The fact that only 5 were recovered is disturbing. Don't be surprised of a nuclear false flag in the future. People need to remember this story. This is an obvious coverup.

Registered User User ID: 160387 04-02-2013 12:38 AM Posts: 100

Post: #8 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

LoP Guest Wrote: The fact that only 5 were recovered is disturbing. Don't be surprised of a nuclear false flag in the future. People need to remember this story. This is an obvious coverup.

Yup! Forgot about that little tidbit of info. So many possibilities with a "lost" nuke.

LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 160533 04-02-2013 12:41 AM

Post: #9 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

It's ALL been a big ACT for the last 60-70 years we literally gave the soviets everything under commie FDR in world war II, including the atom bomb plans and even the components so who knows where the minot-barksdale stuff was going

Frigg Stuyvesant
Registered User User ID: 159821 04-02-2013 12:42 AM

Post: #10 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

You think that is weird?

MINOT AFB has long been a hot bed of nefarious doings. Satanic cults and SRA of children drug smuggling murder and now this.... WTF is going on there?

Posts: 9,327

Great thread btw..

Cui Bono? (This post was last modified: 04-02-2013 12:45 AM by

Frigg Stuyvesant.)

Registered User User ID: 154310 04-02-2013 06:43 AM

Post: #11 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

Frigg Stuyvesant Wrote: You think that is weird?

MINOT AFB has long been a hot bed of nefarious doings. Posts: 28,685 Satanic cults and SRA of children drug smuggling murder and now this.... WTF is going on there?

Great thread btw..

Only hears little tidbits of that. Cheers.

S.6.U - True Urban Legends - Benefits of Marijuana Use

phantasmic User ID: 131299 04-02-2013 07:07 AM

Post: #12 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

Frigg Stuyvesant Wrote: You think that is weird?

MINOT AFB has long been a hot bed of nefarious doings. Satanic cults and SRA of children drug smuggling murder and now this.... Posts: 30,357 WTF is going on there?

Great thread btw..

Too bad Nikki Lavey passed away. She was out there if I recall correctly.

We could have asked her.

I do wonder what she knew.

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." Mark Twain, Notebook, 1904

Registered User User ID: 154310 04-02-2013 07:16 AM

Post: #13 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

David Wrote: Too bad Nikki Lavey passed away. She was out there if I recall correctly.

Posts: 28,685

We could have asked her.

I do wonder what she knew.

I know she had problems but her death was quite surprising to me.

S.6.U - True Urban Legends - Benefits of Marijuana Use

phantasmic User ID: 131299 04-02-2013 07:24 AM

Post: #14 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

Jackinthebox Wrote: David Wrote: Too bad Nikki Lavey passed away. She was out there if I recall correctly.

We could have asked her.

Posts: 30,357

I do wonder what she knew.

I know she had problems but her death was quite surprising to me.

I try not to cross post, but... Anonymous Coward User ID: 1215251 United States 01/04/2011 02:41 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Re: Former Bush Aide Found Dead In Landfill Stolen nuke from Minot AFB ...broken arrow there for a false flag... There are elements out there that are akin to the War Games computer WOPR in the movie..... OBJECTIVE: REACH DEFCON 1 ....LAUNCH ALL MISSILES!!!!!!!! Nikki LaVey claims they can see all nuke materials from some sat base... guess she/he was sleeping on the job... that day...

There might be more out there still. I'll try to find them.

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." Mark Twain, Notebook, 1904

Registered User User ID: 154310 04-02-2013 07:58 AM

Post: #15 The Minot-Barksdale Incident

I know a Naval intel officer who said they see all nuclear material on a sat as well. I don't know if he was talking about our own, all tagged, or just all material in general. But it came up in a discussion where he was telling me it would be absolutely impossible to smuggle a nuke into the US.

Posts: 28,685

Minot AFB Nuke Still Missing?

Could this be the nuke they use in the false flag op they are planning? Then coincidentally 10 folks related to this incident as pilots or on the load crew that lost it all wind up dead w/in 7 days? Cheney's hands are all over this just like 9/11.

Last edited by Rickson; 04-22-2010 at 11:56 AM..

Rickson View Public Profile

Find all posts by Rickson #2 04-22-2010, 12:00 PM


Join Date: Nov 2005 Location: NY / Palm Beach Posts: 22,934

Your first 2 links are down in the list of dead crewmembers. The others work __________________ The beast of the Southeast. T.M.G.
ShebaPoe View Public Profile Find all posts by ShebaPoe #3 04-22-2010, 12:01 PM Join Date: Oct 2006 Location: Dallas Posts: 9,961

Gentle Giant

ING has a service center in Minot. I say the Dutch have it. (I'm getting deja vu here. Have I mentioned this before?)
Gentle Giant View Public Profile Find all posts by Gentle Giant #4 04-22-2010, 12:02 PM

Hugh Jass
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on one of those obit links, the guy in question was a passenger in a car that crashed. The drive sustained injuries. I just don't see how the CIA assassins could be so precise in causing a crash that killed one target and not the driver. Seems like they would have tried to make sure the crash was so severe that NO ONE could live.

Also, the first 2 obit links don't work anymore __________________


PS...I'm sorry for being a bit crass, please don't ban me.

Hugh Jass View Public Profile Visit Hugh Jass's homepage! Find all posts by Hugh Jass View Blog #5 04-22-2010, 12:16 PM


Join Date: May 2004 Favorite beer: Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout Posts: 14,141


I know there is a wayback machine or something like that? Anyone know how to work it? Maybe they drugged him and that when it took effect? Who says it's the CIA, have you not seen shooter? They have private contractors that do these things. I love the suicide machine they have in that move, so real. These things are messy and don't always go as planned.
Rickson View Public Profile Find all posts by Rickson #6 04-22-2010, 12:18 PM

General Apathy

Join Date: Jun 2006 Location: St. Kitts Studying for the Beach Favorite beer: Carib Posts: 28,415


Um there is no missing nuke

__________________ ***k Juan


General Apathy View Public Profile Find all posts by General Apathy #7 04-22-2010, 12:26 PM


Join Date: Jan 2002 Posts: 38,494


Originally Posted by Rickson I know there is a wayback machine or something like that? Anyone know how to work it? Maybe they drugged him and that when it took effect? Who says it's the CIA, have you not seen shooter? They have private contractors that do these things. I love the suicide machine they have in that move, so real. These things are messy and don't always go as planned. Silly boy you got so much to live for. So much to aim for, so much to try for. You're blowing it all with paranoia. You're so insecure you self-destroyer. __________________

Rickson: It's one thing to be wrong but another to be wrong on EVERYTHING and then not realize when you are being made fun of for being so wrong. Rickson: He is simply taking away from other discussions, a drain on the AO.

Harry View Public Profile Find all posts by Harry #8 04-22-2010, 12:26 PM


Join Date: Aug 2005 Posts: 50,215

Makes sense.
SamTheEagle View Public Profile Find all posts by SamTheEagle #9 04-22-2010, 01:36 PM

General Apathy

Join Date: Jun 2006 Location: St. Kitts Studying for the Beach Favorite beer: Carib Posts: 28,415


But seriously. The "missing" nuke is based on a word of mouth report that there were 5 nukes on board which was quickly corrected to 6. Jumping to the conclusion that one went missing is just fabrication. Also the Cheney ordered it thing is just imagination. I have no comments on the deaths __________________ ***k Juan

General Apathy View Public Profile Find all posts by General Apathy #10 04-22-2010, 01:40 PM

Hugh Jass
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How many people associated with the Clintons met untimely deaths?

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The Air Force Cover-Up of That Minot-Barksdale Nuke Missile Flight

Dave Lindorff
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Armed Forces | National Security

by Dave Lindorff | November 1, 2007 - 10:42am

"It makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck." --Pentagon official There is something deeply disturbing about the Air Force's official report on the Aug-29-30 "bent spear" incident that saw six nuclear warheads get mounted on six Advanced Cruise Missiles and improperly removed from a nuclear weapons storage bunker at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, then get improperly loaded on a B-52, and then get improperly flown to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana--a report that attributed the whole thing to a "mistake." According to the Air Force report, some Air Force personnel mounted the warheads on the missiles (which are obsolete and slated for destruction), and another ground crew, allegedly not aware that the missiles were armed with nukes, moved them out and mounted them on a launch pylon on the B52's wing for a flight to Barksdale and eventual dismantling. Only on the ground at Barksdale did ground crew personnel spot the nukes according to the report. (Six other missiles with dummy warheads were mounted on a pylon on the other wing of the plane.) The problem with this explanation for the first reported case of nukes being removed from a weapons bunker without authorization in 50 years of nuclear weapons, is that those warheads, and all nuclear warheads in the US stockpile, are supposedly protected against unauthorized transport or removal from bunkers by electronic antitheft systems--automated alarms similar to those used by

department stores to prevent theft, and even anti-motion sensors that go off if a weapon is touched or approached without authorization. While the Air Force report doesn't mention any of this, what it means is that if weapons in a storage bunker are protected against unauthorized removal, someone--and actually at least two people, since it's long been a basic part of nuclear security that every action involving a nuclear weapon has to be done by two people working in tandem--had to deliberately and consciously disable those alarms. Since the Air Force report does not explain how this hurdle to unauthorized removal of the six nukes could have been surmounted by "mistake," the report has to be considered a whitewash, at best, or a cover-up. That leaves us speculating about what actually happened, and about who might have authorized the removal of those nukes from storage, and why the Defense Department would be covering up the true story. We know that the loading of nuclear-armed missiles or bombs onto an American bomber has been barred since 1991, even for practice and training purposes. We know also that the carrying of nuclear weapons by bombers flying over US airspace has been banned for 40 years. So if the evidence suggests strongly that the removal of the nukes from the bunker was done intentionally and with some kind of authorization from higher authorities, then the loading of nukes onto the plane, and the flight of those nukes to Barksdale have to also be assumed to have been authorized. This possibility has been dismissed out of hand by the Air Force and Defense Department. The very idea is, in fact, not even discussed in the Air force report released in mid-October. Yet we are left with the unresolved question of how the weapons could have been moved out of the bunker accidentally. The Air Force has not been forthcoming about the automated alarm protections on American nuclear weapons, refusing to confirm or deny that they even exist. But we can know that they are in place for several reasons. One is that since writing about this incident in the current edition of American Conservative Magazine ("The Mystery of Minot," Oct. 24, 2007 ed.) and in several online venues, I have been contacted by several active-duty and retired military people who have assured me that such electronic protections are in place. A second is that an article in the Oct. 31 issue of the New York Times, reporting on the early completion of a project by the National Nuclear Security Administration, to secure Russian nuclear weapons, said that the measures implemented at 25 classified sites on 12 Russian nuclear bases included "measures that have long been part of American efforts" to secure nuclear weapons, and that these included "alarm and motion detection systems," as well as "modern gates, guard houses and fighting positions, " and also "detectors for explosives, radiation and metal." Ask yourselves, would American nuclear weapons be equipped with lesser security systems than those that the NNSA is providing for Russian weapons? Of course not! And yet we're asked to believe that some low-ranking ground crew personnel at Minot AFB simply walked out of a nuclear weapons bunker with six nuclear armed Advanced Cruise Missiles, not

knowing what they were carrying, and labored for eight hours to mount those missiles and their launch pylon on the wing of a B-52 strategic bomber without ever noticing that they were armed with nuclear weapons. We're asked to believe that none of those electronic alarms and motion sensors built into the system went off during that whole process. When I mentioned the automated alarm and motion sensors to Lt. Col. Jennifer Cassidy, a public affairs person at the Department of the Air Force, and asked her how the movement of the six nukes could have occurred without those alarms being disabled, she said, "It's an intriguing question, and it makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck." As it should. So why isn't it making the hair stand up on the back of the necks of members of Congress? Incredibly, to date, there has been no demand for public hearings into this frightening incident. Congress appears ready and willing to accept the Air Force whitewash at face value: It was an accident. It won't happen again. That is not good enough! We need honest answers to some hard questions. Among them: * Who disabled the alarm systems on those weapons and on the bunker itself? * Who mounted six nuclear weapons on the noses of six cruise missiles and put those missiles onto a B-52 launch platform? * Who authorized them to perform this operation? * Who moved the armed weapons out of the Bunker at Minot AFB and mounted them on the wing of a B-52 bound for Barksdale AFB? (Barksdale, it should be noted, bills itself as the main staging base for B-52s being flown to the Middle East Theater.) * Were the six missiles flyable? Were they fueled up and ready to fire, or were they not fueled at the time of the Minot-Barksdale flight? * Was there targeting information in the missile's guidance computers and if so, what were those targets? * What happened to the three military whistleblowers who blew the whistle on this incident and reported it to a journalist at the newspaper Military Times? * Why hasn't the Air Force or the FBI investigated the 6-8 untimely deaths including three alleged suicides, one of a Minot weapons guard, one of an assistant defense secretary, and one of a captain in the super-secret Air Force Special Commando Group, as well as alleged fatal vehicle "accidents" involving four ground crew and B-52 pilots and crewmembers at Minot and Barksdale? Could any of

this strange cluster of deaths have been related to the incident? The Air Force "investigation" didn't even mention these incidents, and as I disclosed in my article, none of the police investigators or medical examiners in those incidents had even been contacted by Air Force or other federal investigators. The Secretary of Defense appears to have been upset about this incident. Secretary Robert Gates ordered an unprecedented stand-down of all air bases in mid-September to check out and account for the entire nuclear inventory, and a general was dispatched immediately to Minot after the discovery of the wayward nukes on August 30 to investigate what had happened. Following a subsequent Air Force investigation, 70 people at Minot and Barksdale AFBs were removed from their posts and decertified from handling nuclear weapons, including five officers, one of them the Minot base commander. * But a base commander does not have the authority to order nuclear weapons to be loaded on a plane and flown. So who issued that order and why has no one at a senior level in Washington been sacked? There is speculation that the order may have come via an alternate chain of command. Vice President Dick Cheney is known to be pressing within the administration for a war with Iran, to be launched before the end President Bush's second term of office. According to some reports, Cheney has even, on his own authority (or lack thereof), urged Israel to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, in hopes that Iran might retaliate, thus drawing the US into a war. Could the nation's war-mongering VP have used his neo-con contacts in the Defense Department or some of the Armageddon-believers in the Air Force to bypass the official chain of command and spring those nukes from their bunker? Was there a plan to use one or more of those nukes--W80-1 warheads that can be calibrated to detonate with an explosive power ranging anywhere from 150 kilotons down to just 5 kilotons-against Iran? The Advanced Cruise Missile, a stealth weapon almost impossible to spot on radar, is designed to be launched from a remote location by a B-52, and then to fly close to the ground to its target, using terrain maps and GPS guidance. It is also designed to penetrate hardened sites, such as Iran's nuclear processing and research facilities. Or was there a plan for a so-called "false-flag incident, "where a small nuke--made to resemble a primitive weapon of the type a fledgling nuclear power might construct--might be detonated at a US target abroad, or even within the US? These are terrible and terrifying questions to have to ask, but when you have six nuclear weapons go missing, when the military investigation into the incident is so clearly a whitewash or cover-up, and when you have a vice president who is openly pressing for an illegal war of aggression against a nation that poses no threat to the US, and who, in fact, appears to be conducting his own treacherous foreign policy behind the back of the president and the State Department, they are questions that must be asked, and that demand answers.

In a couple of weeks, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, is planning on calling for a Privilege of the House vote in Congress on moving his Cheney impeachment bill (H Res. 333) to a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee, where it has been stalled by House Democratic leaders since being filed last April 24. Such a hearing should demand answers from the vice president and his staff about his treasonous efforts to push the country into yet another war in the Middle East. It should also grill Air Force personnel about the true nature of the Minot nuclear incident. Every member of the House of Representatives should have to take a stand on this issue. The Democratic House leadership, under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, can be expected to try to table Kucinich's privilege motion, which would prevent such a vote. Americans should demand that Pelosi and other Democratic leaders let Kucinich's privilege motion go forward, and should insist that every member of Congress put their position on the line. Every American should demand that their representative to Congress support the start of impeachment hearings on Vice President Cheney. We need to know if the Vice President's office was behind the flight of those six warheads. We need to know in what other treasonous, conspiratorial actions the Vice President has been engaged in his unremitting effort to expand the war from Iraq and Afghanistan into Iran. _______
A B O U T A U T H O R Dave Lindorff is the author of Killing Time: an Investigation into the Death Row Case of

Mumia Abu-Jamal. His new book of columns titled "This Can't be Happening!" is published by Common Courage Press. Lindorff's new book is "The Case for Impeachment," co-authored by Barbara Olshansky. He can be reached at:

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No one can believe the offical story! That is, no one who ever served in any branch of the US military. It just doesn't fly, it's bullshit! A cook in the mess hall knows better! For sure any vet who had anything to do with the military technology and weapons systems. You can't stand an 0000-0400 barracks watch without filling out a log book every half hour as to what if anything has happened on your watch. So they expect me to believe this mistaken removal and flying of nukes?? Serious bullshit! No one should buy into it. Questions: "Who was on watch in the bunker? Who was on watch at the entrance to the bunker? WHo was their senior officer on duty at the time? Find just those three or four people and you will get the answer. No one does anything in the military unless told/ordered to. That's just the way it is.

Submitted by James Cole on November 1, 2007 - 12:01pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Hell, it's even impossible Hell, it's even impossible to sign out an empty rifle magazine without the proper checks and balances! No, the only way to bypass the chain of command is to be above it all.. and that points straight to the office of Dick Cheney himself.

Submitted by insidejob911 on November 1, 2007 - 6:21pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

the ex-strategic air command standard was 100%. anything less was a failure. that applied across the board and was probably the only decent thing curtis lemay did to protect this country. therefore, these questions must be answered if for no other reason than too many things went too wrong by too many people. * if minot is like grand forks afb, where i served, then the weapons storage area is well-removed from the flight line and loading area. every time that nukes were moved on the base between aircraft and storage, there was a full convoy with security police and enough armed personnel to start a small war. * something is seriously wrong and with cheney pulling the strings from 9/11 to improperly moving nukes in the u.s., there is only ww3 at stake if we don't get to the bottom of this. \\ free born those who would trade essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security. -- b. franklin, 1759

Submitted by Free Born on November 1, 2007 - 12:01pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Let's hire FedEx I just got a FedEx package. It was a trivial item -- a plastic part that wasn't worth a whole lot of money. I could go online and track that package with time and location stamps at every juncture from the time it left the company from which I bought it until the time it arrived at my door, and then after that with my name attached. I'm betting that Fedex could tell you who handled it, what truck or airplane it was on, and a lot of other things we don't know. And we're supposed to believe that nuclear weapons have less oversight than my diddly-squat chunk of plastic? _______ Do something constructive today. Go to your local bookstore, find a copy of George Bush's memoirs, and move it to the "Crime" section. Repeat as often as possible.

Submitted by Nichomachus on November 1, 2007 - 12:22pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

____ I never tell people that I play with legos. But now that there's Ebay and you can purchace a Zillion peices of whatever shapes you want, its just addicting. Am I right or am I right? But seriously, I believe that getting close to a NUCLEAR BOMB requires haz-mat suits, or your skin blisters, and your eyes go blurry. _______

_______ "In the desert, you can remember your name, cause there aint no one for to give you no pain" -America _____

Submitted by coffee on November 1, 2007 - 8:09pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Missing Nukes Global Research has an insightful article on the lies being fed to Americans. Make no mistake, we are doomed if we do nothing:

Submitted by kittykitty on November 1, 2007 - 12:24pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Pop Goes The Weasel A penny for a spool of thread, a penny for a needle... ... a pound a pound of heroin, a pound a pound of treacle... ... that's the way the money goes... ... out comes the evil ! A mistake is arriving for an appointment on a Tuesday instead of Thursday. A mistake is putting sugar in the boss's coffee cup when you know he uses Sweet and Low. A mistake is NOT galavanting across the country in a nuclear armed Stratofortress ! Oops ! Mushroom cloud ! My bad ! Silly me. You got problem with that ? _______ Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God. -- Susan B. Anthony

Submitted by FichenDich on November 1, 2007 - 12:26pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Wow It's terrifying to think about. If 6 nukes were publicized as missing, how many more have disapppeared? Those suspicious deaths make me wonder. I don't doubt that Cheney is capable of stealing nukes and trying to start WWIII on his own. "Dr. Strangelove" is an "On Demand" feature on my cable system. It used to be one of my favorite movies. I recently called it up, but about 15 minutes into it, I had to shut it off. It was just too damned near the truth. It hurts to say this, but I'm glad I never had kids. _______ "Tales of the hunt will glorify the hunter until lions get their own historians"--African proverb

Submitted by catbyte on November 1, 2007 - 12:33pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Dave Lindorff states; We need to know in what other treasonous, conspiratorial actions the Vice President has been engaged in his unremitting effort to expand the war from Iraq and Afghanistan into Iran. While the progression of events surrounding the Plame outing Robert Parry describes on another thread on todays Chimp are grounds for impeachment of both Bush and Cheney they are only the tip of the iceberg. The neoconservative ideology of forcing regime change on sovereign nations that have governments that the neoconservatives dont like requires faulty intelligence to build a false case for that that government poses a threat to the United States as a cover for wars of aggression. The Plame outing by the Bush administration is only one of a long series of acts by the Bush administration designed to destroy Americas intelligence gathering capacities. In December of 2001 President Bush approved of the release of a clandestinely filmed tape of Osama bin Laden discussing the attacks of 9/11 with a crippled Saudi Sheik. The tape was made by an undercover Saudi Intelligence operative that had broad access to bin Laden and was attempting to arrange for the death or capture of bin Laden. Upon release of the tape bin Laden dramatically change his security procedures and to this days he remains free.

Ahmed Chalabi, who sat with Laura Bush during the 2003 State of the Union Address, was told by somebody in the United States government with access to Americas highest secrets that the NSA had intercepted the Iranian diplomatic communications with Iranian Embassies around the world and had cracked their encryption. After the invasion of Iraq Chalabi returned to Baghdad and promptly passed on the information about the diplomatic intercepts to the government of Iran destroying a window into the inner workings of the government of Iran. The cost of this breach of National Security could reach into the trillions of dollars should the neoconservatives launch their desired war with Iran. Supposedly to justify a bogus terror alert prior to thee election of 2004 Condi Rice gave out information on background that lead to the press identifying Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan, a Pakistani computer expert that was relaying communications from the highest levels of al Qaeda to operatives around the world. The Pakistanis had turned Khan into becoming a double agent and had his identity not been released by Rice he would have provided an invaluable window into the operations of al Qaeda. With the commutation of Libbys sentence in the Plame leak not one person has been punished in any way for these treasonous breaches of Americas National Security. Indeed both Rice and Chalabi have been promoted. The only possible reason that the impeachment of the entire Bush administration is off the table is the cowardice of the leaders of Congress. While I have no doubt that this administration is capable of the highest of crimes failing to stand against them is equally deplorable. Here's a thread I posted last month on what I think the neocons have in mind; The NeoCon Endgame to Control the World

Submitted by Madhoosier on November 1, 2007 - 12:41pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Of course it was a cover up When I heard that 5 nukes had been discovered in Lousiana, all the hair on MY neck stood up, and I threw my hands in the air and said "hallelujiah, that was a CLOSE one." I knew we had just avoided a coup, madness and mayhem. We were that close to the Martial Law that Bush had signed the papers for... _______

Submitted by sarajho on November 1, 2007 - 12:45pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

I believe we are at the point in our national fiasco where..... we cue Col. Nathan R. Jessep _______ Is false hope better than no hope at all?

Submitted by Bart on November 1, 2007 - 8:08pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

I Agree I agree with the man above who did not ever have children. I am 62, when I was in high school, I figured we were doomed, got my vasectomy in my early 20's. The rest of you poor fucks are on your own. Veteran 66-68 _______ Anything less than the entire truth is just a lie.

Submitted by John Freeman on November 1, 2007 - 9:08pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

propaganda It's all propaganda. Any tactical nukes for use in the Middle East or here at home are already in place. This was a political statement to all of our "enemies", that hey, we still have enough nukes to raze the eastern hemisphere, and don't forget it. Plus there is the added bonus that it fools the public into believing that nukes AREN'T being regularly transported. Hell, even being exposed to the press was on purpose. Anyone who works with WMDs know the feds would hunt them down and slaughter them, their family, friends and just about anyone who knows them for spilling such a story to the media.

_______ The more I learn about how the modern world and the systems that comprise it work, the more disgusted I become.

Submitted by Cromletch on November 1, 2007 - 9:17pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Interesting idea U might be right and it was all a planned charade. But for whose benefit?

Submitted by blutodog on November 1, 2007 - 11:23pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

the admin It would only benefit those perpetrating it. Some things just won't make sense until some time passes, and I think this is one of them. Hindsight being 20/20 and all _______ The more I learn about how the modern world and the systems that comprise it work, the more disgusted I become.

Submitted by Cromletch on November 2, 2007 - 12:38am. login or register to post comments | email this comment

The Fool in the White House Does Bush actually think preemptive nuclear strikes wouldn't destroy the environment we live in and make living on this earth sheer hell? Not to mention that there are probably Russian nuclear armed subs right off our sea coasts.

If he is thinking this, then he is mad beyond belief and we are a doomed race. I have noticed lately at his new conferences he flaunts his anger and seems to have a brazen self-confidence that no one can stop him. I guess he thinks nuclear war will be a cake walk too and being a dictator will make his job easier. But what will he be dictator over? I guess he and Cheney can wile away their hours in some subterranean bunker eating canned goods and bragging about how they won WWIII. The rest of us won't have to worry about it.

Submitted by skyreader7 on November 2, 2007 - 12:56am. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Rapture, my friend, Rapture, my friend, rapture. He talks to god. God has personally told him to take out those damn heathens. (Most people hearing the voice of god in their head are medicated and given a quiet room, or at least they use to be, now they're just dumped on the street, but I digress) My totally un-political daughter floored me the other day when of the cuff she said she believes GW is the anti-christ. My vote for anti-christ is Cheney. If there was any such thing as a devil, these two would definitely be minions. -----------------------------------------------------"I have noticed lately at his new conferences he flaunts his anger and seems to have a brazen selfconfidence that no one can stop him." ------------------------------------------------------Who exactly is going to stop him......the dims...they don't seem all that interested in stopping or even slowing him down. _______ "Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?" George Carlin

Submitted by peasful-amerkin on November 2, 2007 - 11:36am. login or register to post comments | email this comment

The Obvious Questions Are 1. Where are those six nukes? 2. Are they being transferred back to ND? 3. If not, why?

Submitted by miamivine on November 2, 2007 - 2:26pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Nr.4 4. Under whose orders were they touched,let alone moved? _______ "Fundamentalist Christians are the leading cause of atheism in the country." John Fugelsang

Submitted by metricman on November 2, 2007 - 3:41pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

WHERE ARE THEY? YES, that's the main question now. _______ Iowegian

Submitted by Iowegian on November 2, 2007 - 5:52pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

nuclear warhead security At one time I was the director of nuclear warhad delvery in the department of energy - we manufactured warheads and delivered them to the military. I worked closely with USAF weapons people and was very familiar with their security and safety procedures. The events discussed in Lindorff's article could never have occurred as purported. There would be 3 and 4 star heads along with a lot of full birds rolling around on the floor. The report is an obvious cover-up of something BIG.

Submitted by pat-c06 on November 2, 2007 - 3:48pm. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Anybody else see in the news Anybody else see in the news this morning the u.s. were the ones who bombed in Syria. Israel provided escort. Maybe this is where they're planning on using those nukes? _______ "Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?" George Carlin

Submitted by peasful-amerkin on November 3, 2007 - 9:15am. login or register to post comments | email this comment

Flying Nuclear Bombs

Categories: Nuclear Weapons, United States

Michael Hoffman reports in Military Times that five (some say six) nuclear-armed Advanced Cruise Missiles were mistakenly flown on a B-52H bomber from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on August 30. I disclosed in March that the Air Force had decided to retire the Advanced Cruise Missile (ACM), and the Minot incident apparently was part of the dismantlement process of the weapon system.

Washington Post

Managing Nuclear Weapons Custody Beyond the safety issue of transporting nuclear weapons in the air, the most important implication of the Minot incident is the apparent break-down of nuclear command and control for the custody of the nuclear weapons. Pilots (or anyone else) are not supposed to just fly off with nuclear bombs, and base commanders are not supposed to tell them to do so unless so ordered by higher command. In the best of circumstances the system worked, and someone upstairs actually authorized the transport of nuclear cruise missiles on a B-52H bomber. To keep track of the thousands of nuclear weapons in the U.S. nuclear stockpile, the Department of Defense and Department of Energy use several Automated Information Systems (AISs) to provide

automated assistance in stockpile management, stockpile database support, in processing nuclear weapons reports and controlling weapons movements, and in coordinating materiel management for DOE spare parts: * Defense Integration and Management of Nuclear Data Services (DIAMONDS). Automated tool that, together with the Nuclear Management Information System (NUMIS), enables users to maintain, report, track and highlight trends affecting the nuclear weapon stockpile activities ensuring continued sustainability and viability of the nuclear stockpile. Installation of DIAMONDS at Navy sites was completed in December 2006. * Nuclear Management Information System (NUMIS). NUMIS is the official AIS of record for maintaining the National Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Databases, and is used to maintain current data on the U.S. nuclear stockpile in the custody of DOD and DOE. * Nuclear Weapons Contingency Operations Module (NWCOM). NWCOM is a database system that provides current summarized information on all nuclear weapons. NWCOM has the capability to operate independently from the NUMIS architecture, giving users a nuclear weapons tracking system capable of wartime operations. Once fully segmented and integrated into the Global Command and Control System-Top Secret (GCCS-T), NWCOM will begin its integration into the DOD (DISA/STRATCOM) Nuclear Planning and Execution System (NPES). * Special Weapons Information Management (SWIM) system. SWIM is a PC-based system that provides worldwide nuclear custodial units the capability to automate weapons status reports and local stockpile management tasks.

A Brief History of Nukes in the Air The last time the Air Force is known to have flown nuclear weapons on a bomber was during the socalled Chrome Dome missions in the 1960s when the Air Force maintained a dozen bombers loaded with nuclear weapons in the air at any time. The program, formally known as the Airborne Alert Program, lasted between July 1961 and January 1968. The program ended abruptly on January 21, 1968, when a B-52 carrying four B28 thermonuclear bombs crashed on the ice off Thule Air Base in Greenland during an emergency landing. The accident followed another crash in Spain in 1966 and several other nuclear incidents. Between 1968 and 1991, Air Force bombers continued to be loaded with nuclear weapons and stand alert at the end of runways on bases across the country, but flying them was not allowed due to safety concerns. The ground alert ended in September 1991 when the bombers were taken off nuclear alert as part of the first Bush administrations Presidential Nuclear Initiative. Although nuclear weapons are not flown on combat aircraft under normal circumstances, they are routinely flown on selected C-17 and C-130 transport aircraft, which as the Primary Nuclear Airlift Force (PNAF) are used to airlift Air Force nuclear warheads between operational bases and central service and storage facilities in the United States and in Europe (see overview here). Trimming the Cruise Missile Inventory The ACM transport from Minot Air Force Base is part of the Air Forces transition to a slimmer nuclear cruise missile force. By 2012, the current inventory of 1,800 nuclear cruise missiles will be trimmed to 528. The transition will completely retire 400 ACMs and scrap about 870 Air Launch Cruise Missiles (ALCMs). Under the plan, the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base will no longer have a nuclear cruise missile capability, and all of the remaining 528 ALCMs will be based at Minot Air Force Base.

1. Steve September 5, 2007 at 9:26 pm # Steve: Given that nuclear weapons are not flown on combat aircraft under normal circumstances, mustnt we conclude that we are witnessing here something more than a simple mistake? If theyre just ferrying cruise missiles to be decommissioned at Barksdale, surely theyd transport them as cargo, right? Its truly alarming that active nuclear warheads are flying around the country without apparent authorization up the chain of command.

Given that Barksdales 8th AF is the home to the Air Operations Center, and given the Bush administrations recent nuclear saber-rattling at Iran could this incident perhaps be part of the U.S.s long-standing policy of cultivating the belief among Americas adversaries that there are crazy elements in the U.S. who might do something unpredictable? Finally this seems like a seriously major item. Why isnt this front-page news? Reply: I dont think this is other than a mistake, albeit a serious one. The Advanced Cruise Missile is indeed in the process of being retired, not readied for attack on Iran or anyone else. The really important implication is beyond the immediate: The United States is in the beginning of a transition to a deep integration of nuclear and conventional capabilities. The Navy has already proposed, and the Air Force is about to propose, replacing some nuclear warheads on long-range ballistic missiles with conventional warheads. From outside the weapons will look the same. The long-range bombers are already highly dual-capable and U.S. B-52s have been used repeatedly to launch conventional Air Launched Cruise Missiles against high-value targets. The Minot bomber was on its way to Barksdale, but it could hypothetically have been on its way to Iraq or in a potential future conflict North Korea, Iran or China with nuclear cruise missiles. If the B-52 incident tells us that the militarys command and control system cannot ensure with 100% certainty which weapons are nuclear and which ones are not, imagine the implications of the wrong weapon being used in a crisis or war. Sorry Mr. President, we thought it was conventional. The Pentagon has a big job ahead of it in restoring Congressional and public trust in its ability to control the nations nuclear arsenal. HK Reply

2. Steinn September 6, 2007 at 10:45 am # Steinn: There has been some discussion of a conventionally armed variety of the ACM, and the USAF inventory of conventionally armed ALCMs appears to be relatively low. Could the ferrying to Barksdale be part of a process of converting some of the ACMs to conventional warheads? Even so, it begs the question of why a B-52 was used to ferry the missiles and why to Barksdale. Reply: There is no conventionally armed ACM, and the need for conventional ALCMs CALCMs has been met by converting nuclear ALCMs to CALCMs. I havent yet seen anything suggesting the ACMs will be converted to conventional missions.

As for why the missiles were sent to Barksdale, the base already has ACMs stored and has more room for missiles than Minot. So it makes sense to send ACM shapes (the missiles without warheads) down there while awaiting a decision on what to do with them. But it doesnt make sense to send the warheads, which would probably go to Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico or Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. Minot has traditionally been the ACM center and Barksdale the ALCM center. The airlift out of Minot has to be seen in the context of the base preparing to become the nations only operational cruise missile base from 2012, when the remaining 528 ALCMs will be based there. Barksdale will only retain a nuclear bomb role, if even that. HK Reply

3. Sean September 6, 2007 at 11:27 am # Sean: What are those orange things on the bombs? Parachutes? Flotation devices? Thanks. Reply: Each weapon is equipped with a large parachute to prevent the weapon from crashing into the ground and the high explosives potentially detonating in case of an accident. HK Correction: Rick, who says he was a nuclear weapons technician for year, sent me this helpful correction to my guess about the orange bags on the end of each weapon in the transport plane: In this particular case, they hold the fins that were removed when doublestacking the weapons. There are other uses (depending on the weapon type) when the weapons are (were) on alert or to be otherwise loaded. Thanks Rick. HK Reply

4. Frank September 6, 2007 at 11:49 am # Frank: I thought that the U.S. and the USSR had signed a treaty that banned the deployment of cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. Cruise missiles were to be limited to carrying conventional warheads only. Did this get changed at some point? Reply: Three treaties have provisions that relate to nuclear cruise missiles: 1) The INF-Treaty from 1987, which prohibits the deployment of intermediate- and shortrange missiles, including ground-launched cruise missiles; 2) the START I treaty from 1991, which sets an upper limit for how many nuclear cruise missiles a bomber can carry; and

3) the START II treaty from 1993, which established rules for converting non-ALCM bombers to a conventional role and reverting them to nuclear missions. The treaty prohibited the use of bombers converted to non-nuclear missions in nuclear operations. START II was signed by both Russia and the United States, but never fully ratified, and was abandoned by the two countries in 2002. As far as I know, neither side has agreed to limitations on deploying nuclear cruise missiles on designated bombers. But if anyone knows otherwise, let me know. To read these and other treaties, go here. HK Reply

5. Owl September 6, 2007 at 4:34 pm # Owl: The long-range bombers are already highly dual-capable and U.S. B-52s have been used repeatedly to launch conventional Air Launched Cruise Missiles against high-value targets. Its my understanding that the B-52H is designated to only carry nuclear payloads per the START treaty, and that it has pylon placements and distinguishing characteristics (like the side antenna assembly) that designate it solely for nuclear use. If this were a B52G there might be a question of mistaken conventional arming because that bomber version is indeed dual use. But not the 52H. Reply: The B-52H is dual-capable and has been used to launch conventional cruise missiles. START does not regulate conventional cruise missiles nor does it establish the B-52H as a nuclear-only system. The B-52G was retired in the early 1990s. HK Reply

6. JF September 7, 2007 at 10:46 am # JF: To quote the motto of the National Rifle Association, Guns do not kill people; it is people who kill people. The geniuses who designed the fail-safe protocols for transporting our nukes should be smart enough to see this happening. As long as we have thousands of our nukes mated to delivery vehicles that are ready to shoot, it is a mathematical certainty that shocking events as such will happen. This is no different from millions of people owning millions of guns and bullets in the US. As long as the bullets can be readily mated to the guns, some not so fail-safe gun owners will

shoot somebody else. Since nothing changes despite even more numerous shocking incidents of the latter kind, one should not expect a major departure from our nuclear policy. I would venture to say that even if the B52 crashed in Barksdale, our policy of high nuclear readiness will not change. After all, only the commander-in-chief controls the ignition code. Lets hope that the code is safeguarded by much more fail-safe mechanisms. Reply: Nukes dont kill people, people kill people. Now, theres a catchy phrase. Yet the reality is that nuclear accidents and incident in the past did change nuclear policy considerably precisely because of the recognition that nuclear weapons are fundamentally different. Hope is not sufficient, however, and the investigation better provide a clear picture of what happened so confidence in the nuclear control system can be restored. HK Reply

7. mareislander September 7, 2007 at 6:15 pm # Mareislander: Pictures on the web show cruise missiles mounted on B 52s. In some, you can see all sorts of red ribbons and plastic tags hanging from the missiles. Safety pins and ID tags, I guess. I cant get how the Air Force could have mistaken live nuke missiles for dud bound to the boneyard, loaded them on bombers, and moved them around the country. Thats a BIG mistake Reply

8. kavips September 8, 2007 at 2:20 am # Kavips: There is speculation that since many procedures were compromised by the very same 5th wing which won 2 safety medals in 2006, that only by direct orders, from someone outside the chain of command, could a mistake of this size have possibly taken place. Could it truly be a case of human error? Lets install these conventional weapons,boy, are they heavy today underneath this B52? Pay no attention to those red plastic covers. With a 39 year track record of no nukes on bombers, it is just so hard to buy.How many errors in a row would be required for an event like this to happen? Reply


Michel September 12, 2007 at 3:22 pm # Michel: I would say an error is highly improbable since there is a high security protocol used to load nukes on planes and for moving those nukes, only specialy fit C-130 and C-17 are allowed to do so in the protocol. One other thing is that Barksdale has no nukes decommisionning facilities, it is a transit base to the Middle-East. So were we trying to sneak nukes to a war theater for possible use in the near future? Were there 6 nukes loaded on the bomber and 5 recovered after they were left unchecked for many hours? Was it the chinese hackers or White House insiders that directed the show? Afterall we need to fend off all mighty Iran or they may take over the world. Something stinks here and it is getting brushed under the carpet of mainstream media. Reply: The incident has certainly raised many questions, but the ones you raise are I believe not only the wrong ones, but some that actually confuse the issue. Because I have noticed how unsubstantiated and conspiratory rumors about this incident have spread on the Internet, I for one want to counter some of their claims here: First, I dont see anything getting brushed under the carpet by mainstream media. On the contrary, the media I talk to (and Ive talked to a lot) is truely surprised by this incident and trying hard to explain what actually happened. It is entirely probable that this was an error. Second, I have seen nothing that suggests that the transport of nukes from Minot to Barksdale might indicate the US was trying to sneak nukes to a war theater for possible use in the near future against Iran or anyone else. If anyone wanted to sneak nukes into the Middle East, the wing of a B-52 bomber would be the last place to put them. But the administration is not trying to bring nuclear weapons into the Middle East covertly or otherwise because it doesnt have to. It already has nuclear bombs in Italy and Turkey and others onboard Trident submarines cruising the Atlantic Ocean. Third, Barksdale AFB is not more of a transit base to the Middle East than other major bases in the region. Although the bases 2 Bomb Wing has conducted operations in the Middle East, so has the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot. To my knowledge, flight routes are determined by distance, weather conditions, and location of hostile forces. Fourth, contrary to what you suggest, Barksdale AFB is a fully certified nuclear weapons storage facility that has all the capabilities for storing and if necessary inactivating nuclear cruise missiles. Actual dismantlement of the nuclear warheads, however, can only happen at the Pantex Plan in Texas. It only underscores that the transport probably was an error.

Fifth, your question whether it was the Chinese hackers or White House insiders that directed the show is amazing for many reasons, but firstly because there is absolutely no credible information in the public domain showing that Chinese hackers somehow have effected the movement of the nukes. Nor is there any evidence that the White House was involved, other than being informed about it after it happened. Confidence in the security and control of nuclear weapons must be restored. But the Minot mystery can only be solved if we stick to the facts. HK Reply

10. kavips September 18, 2007 at 12:40 pm # Kavips: I certainly would be reassured if human error turns out to be the culprit. But at this point I do not see how it could be possible, unless someone switched over the red covers for blue and yellow ones used by dummy warheads. Two problems stand out with that explanation. One, the loading crew, having won two citation medals earlier that year for their exemplary safety record, could instantly tell by the weight that the warheads were nuclear, and 2) reports that the red covers are what identified the missiles as nukes in Barksdale, meaning that the Minot loading crew knew exactly what they were doing. Could you share any insight as to where within the process, moral, discipline, and training could have broken down, if it is, as we both truly wish, just an accident? Reply: So far I havent heard anything that suggests anything other than a mistake albeit a serious one. Most of the reactions have focused on how the nuclear procedures could go wrong. But if a mislabeling had already occurred in the igloos and the outside crew believed they were handling unarmed missiles, then many of the security procedures that would have applied for nuclear missiles might not have kicked in. We can speculate all we want, but until the investigation i s completed its all speculation. And the investigation, so I hear, is now expected to take significantly longer than first envisioned. HK Reply

11. isadore September 21, 2007 at 12:50 pm #

Isadore: Did anything happen to the personel involved in the nuclear transport incident? Did some of them die or were they killed? [shortened, ed] Reply: No, this was a transport incident, not a nuclear accident. There are no reports (or rumors) of any form of contamination or explosion. HK Reply

12. kavips September 24, 2007 at 1:15 pm # Kavips: What would be the weight discrepancy between a missile armed with a nuclear warheads, as compared to a missile loaded with a dummy warhead.? Exactly how large of a discrepancy would it be? Furthermore, I read that these warheads had a variable range of explosive power. Was this due to an adjustment mechanism, or were the warheads constructed with different weights depending upon the explosive power required? Would then, the warhead have to be weighed before loading, so trajectory information would [not] compromise its flying ability? Reply: The W80 warhead weighs somehwere around 270 lbs. So it would have been a considerable discrepancy between the two pylons. However, unarmed missiles are thought to carry a ballast in the empty warhead section to balance the missile during transport, so there would be no weight discrepancy. As for the yield, the W80 has a variable yield of 5-150 kilotons. It is not clear how the yield is selected, but it might be an electronic system that allows the ground crew or bomber crew to chose between less than a handful pre-set yield options depending on the mission. HK Reply

13. Dave September 24, 2007 at 5:05 pm # Dave: Why do you think we havent seen calls for hearings in Congress on this breach of security? Surely if this had happened in Russia, the Senate and House would be holding major public hearings into the lax security of nukes in Russia, yet there are no calls for hearings now. Why not? Reply: The chairmen of the Senate and House Armed Services Committee early on sent Defense Secretary Gates a letter stating their concern and interest in this matter. While DOD

is finishing its investigation, I suspect Congress is in a wait-and-see position pending the explanation DOD presents later. If that explanation or the changes it triggers in the nuclear weapons control systems are in sufficient then we could very well see a hearing in Congress. But this whole mess is about restoring confidence, both domestically and internationally, in the U.S. control of nuclear weapons. So DOD has to find some real explanation and present a convincing fix to restore that confidence. HK Reply

14. Michel September 25, 2007 at 3:07 pm # Michel: First, I dont see anything getting brushed under the carpet by mainstream media. On the contrary, the media I talk to (and Ive talked to a lot) is truely surprised by this incident and trying hard to explain what actually happened. It is entirely probable that this was an error. If it is not swept under the rug, it is spinned in the desinformation mode big time according to the Washington Post. There are times to be optimistic and times to ask tough questions. But questions must be answered honestly. I do think you do an excellent job but find that replies to post are often of a very optimistic view. Peace and Love wishes from an old Hippy. Reply: Thanks for the peace and love, but I still dont see this story being brushed under the carpet by mainstream media. For sure, the DOD may have an interest in spinning this in a certain way, but I think their focus now is more on damage control and figuring out what actually happened. HK Reply

15. kavips October 13, 2007 at 11:06 pm # Kavips: I am searching for a way to reconcile the first-mention of 5 armed missiles on that plane, and within 72 hours later, or (nine days after the incident occurred) that number was raised to six.

It appears from investigating the resources on the ground in Barksdale, that five weapons were on the pylon. Minot is insisting that the pylon was full with six armed missiles. Wit h your expertise, do you have any evidence that could shed light on how such a mistake could have naturally occurred, particularly with all the redundant systems in place to protect the loss of nuclear material? Reply: The incident was first reported to have included five nuclear ACMs, but that appears to have been a mistake and the number reported now is six. As for evidence that can shed light on how this could happen, I will refer to what I have already written about this in this blog, and stated in interviews with news papers and magazines (use Internet search engines to search for those stories, or look here). I have not seen additional information that says otherwise, although there have been many conspiracy theories as you can image. Beyond that, were all waiting for the findings of the internal investigation that is underway in the Air Force and other agencies. In addition to that, Congress has indicated that it intends to hold hearings, although it is unclear at this point whether they will be open to the public. HK Reply

16. A. McCrory February 19, 2008 at 11:29 am # Rick must not have been a nuke tech for a few years. I spent a career as one. The fins are not removed on B61s for shipping. The bags contain ancillary cables and equipment that are provided with each weapon. Older weapons had to have fins removed but not newer ones. Sean Says: September 6th, 2007 at 11:27 am Sean: What are those orange things on the bombs? Parachutes? Flotation devices? Thanks. Reply: Each weapon is equipped with a large parachute to prevent the weapon from crashing into the ground and the high explosives potentially detonating in case of an accident. HK Correction: Rick, who says he was a nuclear weapons technician for year, sent me this helpful correction to my guess about the orange bags on the end of each weapon in the transport plane: In this particular case, they hold the fins that were removed when double stacking the weapons. There are other uses (depending on the weapon type) when the weapons are (were) on alert or to be otherwise loaded. Thanks Rick. HK

US Military Planning Coup After Election?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 13:29 (Before It's News)

In August 2007, at least six nuclear warheads were stolen from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. The moment they were loaded, they disappeared from Americas nuclear inventory, location unknown, something that is not supposed to happen. There is no possible misinterpretation of orders, no mistake, no wrong label issue. These weapons were stolen, pure and simple. Discussions of individual commanders having authority to deploy weapons, stories of accidents, confusion or political alignments within the Air Force are red herrings. Nothing is more controlled, more secure, more restricted, more classified, more protected than the nuclear arsenal of the United States. However, on that fateful day in 2007, a half dozen or more, hydrogen bombs, were plucked out of a secure bunker with no paperwork, no orders, nothing.

This is the military. People are jailed for losing flashlight batteries. They were loaded into the weapons bay of a B-52 long-range bomber for transport to places unknown, for purposes unknown. The plane had no orders, was part of no mission, operated under no legal command structure, in fact, the moment the weapons were loaded, was no longer an American plane at all. A mission, even under the most innocent possible circumstances, that would have required the knowledge of the President and his staff, certainly the Joint Chiefs of Staff and likely the National Security Council as well, seem to have authorized itself, out of thin air. Though the plane later landed at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, there is no evidence supporting this as the intended destination, far from it. The theft, hijacking, you pick the term, these are the best two so far, happened outside the command authority of the United States government, contravening all protocols for the storage, handling and deployment of nuclear weapons. The incident was also a violation of treaties requiring America to safeguard her stockpile of nuclear weapons, not just from environmental disasters but also, as with this incident, from a mutiny by members of the military and civilian branches of our government, acting outside authority, acting as civilians, an act of piracy, mutiny, an act of insurrection. Todays relief of command is a response to a similar threat. The Barksdale Nukes were believed to be heading to Diego Garcia for use against Iran as part of a false flag war, one started by a naval admiral who was tasked by an extra-governmental agenda to start a war. This was the Air Force part of a joint operation that is said to have involved 5th Fleet commander, Admiral Cosgriff who as reported to the Secretary of State by Gwyneth Todd, then Chief Political Advisor to the fleet. Todd, who has recently retold her story to the Washington Post and other media outlets, received a death threat this morning after a stalking incident against her by an FBI agent stationed at the US embassy in Canberra, Australia. Similarly, top defense consultant John Wheeler III, who knew of these issues quite well was mysteriously murdered and his body found in a garbage heap in Delaware in late 2010. No suspects have been arrested; no real investigation has ever been made.

That was then. Today, key members of the military more loyal to Israel and Wall Street than the United States are said to be planning a mutiny to take place after the presidential election. Their task, upon seizing power, is to facilitate a massive terror attack inside the United States, possibly using a stolen nuclear weapon, declare martial law, move troops into Iraq and to attack Iran with aid from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. Turkey is to attack Syria with aid from Israel and civil war between the Kurdish regional government and the national government in Baghdad is to begin with the US brokering a peace and re-establishing what newly appointed President Romney would describe as the Status of Forces Agreement he mentioned during the debates. His real intent is to occupy Iraq and attack Iran. In the process, America intends on neutralizing the nuclear capability of Pakistan. This is the plan, it is known, not just in the Department of Defense, but by all intelligence agencies, the plotters have all been recognized, are all under surveillance and they have not been very careful. All information here has more than one official source. Read more here:

US military planned mutiny on the Bounty to topple Obama

Cadets listen as US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney (C) delivers a foreign policy speech at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia, on October 8, 2012. Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:41PM By Gordon Duff

His real intent is to occupy Iraq and attack Iran. In the process, America intends on neutralizing the nuclear capability of Pakistan. This is the plan, it is known, not just in the Department of Defense, but by all intelligence agencies, the plotters have all been recognized, are all under surveillance and they have not been very careful."

The Obama administration has had American military, both on domestic and foreign bases on high alert since October 1. However, there has been no known terrorist enemy threatening the US. The enemy is called domestic but its origins are far from American.

Today, Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was fired from his command of one of the three carrier battle groups back to Bremerton, Washington to face an investigation. It is impossible to adequately state how unusual this is and how serious.

The Navy was clear that the charges had nothing to do with his personal conduct, no rape or sexual misconduct, no stolen money, no drug use, the things that usually bring down careers in










Gaouette was sent back because the Secretary of Defense found him unfit for command, sent him across the world in the middle of one of the largest combat exercises in history, one both timed prior to an election and one at a critical location, near the Straits of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. Gaouette commanded nearly one third of the Naval and air combat forces in the region. The decision was made based on a conversation with the Secretary of Defense who, at the end of the talk, believed Gaouette was part of a group of military officers who have been under suspicion for planning a Seven Days in May type overthrow of the US government if President Obama is re-elected. This is not conjecture, dozens of key officers face firing, hundreds are under investigation, all with direct ties to extremist elements in the Republican Party and the Israeli lobby. Reports received are sourced at the highest levels of the Pentagon and indicate that the administration has been aware of these plans for months. It is not just the Obama administration. This happened before.

The Air Force moved against the Bush administration in 2007 when it loaded up to nine nuclear weapons on a B 52 aircraft at Minot Air Force Base. We know now that up to three of those nuclear weapons are listed as missing, the military expression for this is Broken Arrow. From Minot-Barksdale, The Veterans forgotten Today: mutiny

In August 2007, at least six nuclear warheads were stolen from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. The moment they were loaded, they disappeared from Americas nuclear inventory, location unknown, something that is not supposed to happen. There is no possible misinterpretation of orders, no mistake, no wrong label issue. These weapons were stolen, pure and simple. Discussions of individual commanders having authority to deploy weapons, stories of accidents, confusion or political alignments within the Air Force are red herrings. Nothing is more controlled, more secure, more restricted, more classified, more protected than the nuclear arsenal of the United States. However, on that fateful day in 2007, a half dozen or more, hydrogen bombs, were plucked out of a secure bunker with no paperwork, no orders, nothing. This is the military. People are jailed for losing flashlight batteries.

They were loaded into the weapons bay of a B-52 long-range bomber for transport to places unknown, for purposes unknown. The plane had no orders, was part of no mission, operated under no legal command structure, in fact, the moment the weapons were loaded, was no longer an American plane at all. A mission, even under the most innocent possible circumstances, that would have required the knowledge of the President and his staff, certainly the Joint Chiefs of Staff and likely the National Security Council as well, seem to have authorized itself, out of thin air. Though the plane later landed at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, there is no evidence supporting this as the intended destination, far from it. The theft, hijacking, you pick the term, these are the best two so far, happened outside the command authority of the United States government, contravening all protocols for the storage, handling and deployment of nuclear weapons. The incident was also a violation of treaties requiring America to safeguard her stockpile of nuclear weapons, not just from environmental disasters but also, as with this incident, from a mutiny by members of the military and civilian branches of our government, acting outside authority, acting as civilians, an act of piracy, mutiny, an act of insurrection. Todays relief of command is a response to a similar threat.

The Barksdale Nukes were believed to be heading to Diego Garcia for use against Iran as part of a false flag war, one started by a naval admiral who was tasked by an extra-governmental agenda to start a war. This was the Air Force part of a joint operation that is said to have involved 5th Fleet commander, Admiral Cosgriff who as reported to the Secretary of State by Gwyneth Todd, then Chief Political Advisor to the fleet. Todd, who has recently retold her story to the Washington Post and other media outlets, received a death threat this morning after a stalking incident against her by an FBI agent stationed at the US embassy in Canberra, Australia. Similarly, top defense consultant John Wheeler III, who knew of these issues quite well was mysteriously murdered and his body found in a garbage heap in Delaware in late 2010. No suspects have been arrested; no real investigation has ever been made. That was then.

Today, key members of the military more loyal to Israel and Wall Street than the United States are said to be planning a mutiny to take place after the presidential election. Their task, upon seizing power, is to facilitate a massive terror attack inside the United States, possibly using a stolen nuclear weapon, declare martial law, move troops into Iraq and to attack Iran with aid from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.

Turkey is to attack Syria with aid from Israel and civil war between the Kurdish regional government and the national government in Baghdad is to begin with the US brokering a peace and re-establishing what newly appointed President Romney would describe as the Status of Forces Agreement he mentioned during the debates. His real intent is to neutralizing This is the plan, it is agencies, the plotters been All Step information occupy Iraq and attack Iran. In the process, America intends on the nuclear capability of Pakistan. known, not just in the Department of Defense, but by all intelligence have all been recognized, are all under surveillance and they have not very careful. here has more one, than one official source. Benghazi

Those involved in the plot, those outside the military, are those who are spreading conspiracy theory rumors about US complicity or malfeasance in the handling of the murder of the US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stephens. Today, CIA Director, General Petraeus clearly stated that the CIA had received no requests for help. A month ago, the State Department also made it clear, the attack was military, well coordinated and that no forces were available capable of making a difference. In fact, the conspiracy theorists, those attempting to use their wild theories in order to implement an October Surprise are directly aligned with those who planned and executed the attack. This is one of the advantages of a false flag attack on an American diplomat by Americas own friends and allies, or those mistaken for being such, any attempt to characterize those known to be guilty, prior to an election, would be used to discredit anyone giving out actual accurate information. This is the role of the controlled press in terror operations, providing deception and cover. Thus, it was necessary to invent a non-existent Al Qaeda cell in Libya and to hunt down minor third party assets while the real killers, well trained special operations military from the Gulf States and other nations were able to escape and will remain unaccountable. Security services of both Britain and France had reported the presence of a special operations team well in advance of 9/11 but the target was a mystery. The Benghazi attack required incredible coordination. What debunks conspiracy theories is that even the most amateur attacks use radio frequency jammers. They are common even to the Taliban much less to groups this sophisticated, a force now said to number at least 120 with 50 or more being trained special operations forces.












One incredible inconsistency in the conspiracy media came from Fox News. They reported that the US compound in Benghazi was relieved by a large force of friendly militia at 3am, a full hour before the lethal mortar attack is said, by Fox News, to have begun. Jennifer Griffin wrote this exclusive account for Fox News: They were killed by a mortar shell at 4 a.m. Libyan time, nearly seven hours after the attack on the consulate began - a window that represented more than enough time for the U.S. military to send back-up from nearby bases in Europe, according to sources familiar with Special Operations. Four mortars were fired at the annex. The first one struck outside the annex. Three more hit the annex. A motorcade of dozens of Libyan vehicles, some mounted with 50 caliber machine guns, belonging to the February 17th Brigades, a Libyan militia which is friendly to the U.S., finally showed up at the CIA annex at approximately 3 a.m. Fox was so busy gloating over their misdirection that they totally missed how thoroughly they discredited themselves. Nothing written in any of the recent versions remotely depicts eyewitness reports. They made the whole thing up. All of those who report a hodge-podge of conflicting calls for help through jammed communications, reminiscent of the jamming during the attack on the USS Liberty, are now potential suspects in the planning and execution of the attack itself. Additionally, there is little possibility the attack in Benghazi could have been carried out without the presence of foreign agents within the State Department and the well-timed distraction of the Terry Jones telethon financed and supported by the CATO Institute and Republican National Committee, of which I am, sadly, a longtime member. Israel rule The planned overthrow and subsequent declaration of martial law is a massively financed operation with billions of dollars available. The primary impetus for this action is a belief by members of the dispensationalist pseudo-Christian heresy that pervades Americas military service academies that the United States should be subservient to the State of Israel. Over the past three decades, religious extremists have taken over the Air Force Academy, Annapolis and West Point, teaching mandatory classes in obscure religious beliefs, hatred of Islam and stressing obedience to an Apocalypse Cult that stresses pre-emptive nuclear war in order to bring on the end times and destroy all life on earth.

Some find these beliefs inconsistent with oaths sworn by all members of the military: I, _____, having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.) Oaths, so easy to take, so convenient to break, and so it goes GD/MA

Comments (46)
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Nov 2, 2012 5:4 PM

Got this from an extreme right winger friend of mine. So, Bremerton was planning the over through of the United States. When the ...hits the fan everyone go over to Bremerton and rip off an aircraft carrier and cruse around the sound in it. Maybe a sub would be more fun. I have always wanted to know what would happen if you rode a battle ship and ran it at full speed into the center of an aircraft carrier. Make a great sculpture on the bottom. Would a battleship cut an aircraft carrier in half?. Think of the great footage you could get below decks as the battle wagon slices through the carrier. I have no idea if any of this is true as everything my friend sends me are lies. Lets see, Obama wants us out of war thus saving military lives and this says the military wants to die in stupid wars that just make the world more dangerous for us all. Sure makes a lot of sense. Click to Rate ReplyRating0 spartacus !!!!!!!
Nov 2, 2012 4:58 PM

bible prophesy unfolding right before our eyes !!! , mankind !! , what fools to think we can govern ourselves !!! ...

Click to Rate ReplyRating4 kate

Nov 1, 2012 4:29 AM

america is really terrorism becouse always wants to support israel and isreal is evil must fall america and isreal Click to Rate ReplyRating13 hadi
Nov 1, 2012 2:50 AM

Great article, ..This should not be a suprise Click to Rate ReplyRating5 K.Heckin reply to hadi
11/2/2012 11:24:22 PM

Obama backslid on his deal with his Zionist masters! REFUSAL TO CARRY OUT ORDERS FROM JERUSALEM WILL NEVER BE TOLERATED in a President! Remember(J.F.K.Dimona-Ben-Gurion-Nov 1963). Being black was why they initially thought they could wholly own him & why from his Harvard days on he was one of several Minority-Americans picked & groomed by Mossad for a future "Common Folk vs. Rich -n-Big Bad Gov't campaign." That future was the 2008 election.ZIONIST BILLIONS I.E. STOLEN FED. RES.$ U.S TAX $ are used to fund( B O T H ) CANDIDATES in almost every Congressional/Senatorial/Presidential Campaign. It became clear that Obama or "Uncle Tom goes to Washington" as Bennie Netanyahoo refers to him, was DISOBEYING his ISRAELI HANDLERS in choosing foreign policy directives that BENEFITTED AMERICA. Obama chose to FOLLOW INTERNATIONAL LAW & refused another KNESSETT ORDERED ,U.S. LED SLAUGHTER of an Islamic nation,i.e.IRAN. THIS IS WHY THEY WANT HIM GONE! Click to Rate Rating1 Terryin reply to hadi
11/1/2012 7:59:15 PM

It seems to me that the American military do not care what criminal act an American president commits unless he commits the crime of being black.If this story is true, then the US is finished. The US military will tolerate the infiltration of their country by zionists but have a problem with a black man being president. Click to Rate Rating16

Oct 31, 2012 7:3 PM

Concerning Minot/Barksdale, people still envision the US in the light of the 50s, 60s, and 70s era Strategic Air Command type posture and method of doing business, rather then the reality of current day which is a system in decay and has been in decay for 16-20 years previous to the Minot/Barksdale issue. Read about 237 incidents, and other problems, not to mention old equipment, people not following the correct rules of procedure, etc Click to Rate ReplyRating2 Robert
Oct 31, 2012 6:11 PM

First Benghazi. We know the attack was 7 hours long. The US had a drone monitoring the FIRST hour of the 7 hours live and that was being fed to DC. The drone was running out of fuel so they called another one in from Italy for the next 6 hours of the attack. Note what did not happen here. Neither of the drones were armed. They could have called in an armed drone but did not. Nor, while watching an attack in real time did anybody in the White House or elsewhere ever did say lets roll an F-16 or two in from Italy and airstrike, or call in the Special Forces from Italy that would have taken an hour to get there to provide support. Then, after the fact, instead of saying up front it was terrorist related, (which they knew in the White House the night of 9/11 in the form of emails) they spin stories about videos, deny it was terrorists, tell other stories etc etc. Click to Rate ReplyRating24 what now??in reply to Robert
11/1/2012 12:51:47 AM

US is full of tricks. Click to Rate Rating4 Billy

Oct 31, 2012 5:3 PM

There is another side to this: A majority of the U.S. military is with us. An effort is being made to restore the De Jour government, release the funds in the global collateral accounts, and to release and fund hidden and suppressed technologies which include Tesla electromagnetism, Cold Fusion/LENR, etc. Yes, there do exist divisions within the military. And yes, I am aware of such texts as the John Birch Society's 'Changing Commands', but the Birchers are not to be trusted either, as they were involved in looting plunder from the Philippines that was buried there by the Japanese (Operation Golden Lily). But to say that

so many high-level military commanders are brainwashed to such a degree that they actually WANT to instigate a thermonuclear WWIII is a bit of a stretch. If that's the case, then we all may as well head for the nearest D.U.M.B., because once those buttons are pushed, no one will be safe. I do not believe that a majority of the U.S. military wants this. Click to Rate ReplyRating35 kain reply to Billy
10/31/2012 10:49:53 PM

down with bully Click to Rate Rating5 jim

Oct 31, 2012 4:19 PM

Military radios use spread spectrum or frequency hopping, which involves pseudo randomly altering frequency over a wide bandwidth, and they employ error correction coding that involves redundancy of the information sent. By doing so, the jammer can only eliminate a small part of the transmitted signal, and error correction on the receiver end can fix noise bursts. Only if the jammer possessed the classified, and daily updated, hopping key could it lock in on the transmitted signal and obliterate it.Like the USS Liberty, and 911, US forces were told to stand down. The self chosen vampires, who number less than 2[[]%] and somehow are in complete control, actually savor blood sacrifices of their victim country's men and women. If you do not belong to their tribe, their regard for you is less than zero. Click to Rate ReplyRating24 michaELin reply to jim
11/9/2012 5:36:55 PM

@Jim,apparently many were able to receive the repeated calls for help. I find it hard to bbeoieve that the CIA & WH were out of the loop. Click to Rate Rating4 Abbass (;Steve)in reply to jim
11/1/2012 12:56:37 AM

I am a technician with some experience in using SS tech in civlian apps. Spread spectrum technology is effective in limiting jamming, yes. However if the exact location of the transmitter is known and you are close enough (both conditions met in Benghazi) then jamming is indeed possible.

Click to Rate Rating11 chris

Oct 31, 2012 4:14 PM

Boy those cadets in that picture look really interested in what Swiss Mitt is lecturing them about. Maybe he's recalling his glorious tales... Click to Rate ReplyRating8 JIM
Oct 31, 2012 4:45 AM

The oath above is for Officers only. Enlistees take a different oath. Click to Rate ReplyRating8 PAUL LEO FASO
Oct 31, 2012 3:6 AM

All roads lead back to 9/11 and the ongoing attempts to take down of the Nation.There are many players in this game not seen on the roster and that makes this game very dangerous indeed.Several items from interviews with Dr. Steven Pieczenik and one with Webster Tarply will give you enough background on the Libyan killings that connect the events and players to the election, the 9/11 attack, enemies inside and outside the gates, that will have you reaching for your gear. Click to Rate ReplyRating13 Garyin reply to PAUL LEO FASO
10/31/2012 5:40:09 AM

Paul, From your comments on this article I suspect you might be interested in a movie entitled " Deterrence ", produced and directed by Rod Laurie back in the late '90's. Laurie is an American-Israeli. He was born in Israel, went to West Point and served in Germany as a missile tech. He wanted to work in the motion picture industry after his military service. He first started as a critic and eventually became a producer/director. " Deterrence " was his first effort. To the point! What's unique about this movie is if you reverse every major factor portrayed in Deterrence you can see the truth of the matter. I'll explain further if your curiosity is aroused. Click to Rate Rating4 Chris
Oct 31, 2012 12:56 AM

The military might, perhaps rightly so, want to de-throne 0bama, but this article better describes what 0bama has planned for our country than what the military has in mind. Our soldiers, at least the ones who have seen war, have no desire to promote war and destruction, however, 0bama will use "whatever means necessary" to complete his (ok, his master's) agenda - and this includes false flag military action. Click to Rate ReplyRating12 Outlaw
Oct 30, 2012 11:59 PM

All I will say is sheer nonsense. Everyone knows the truth about Washington, DC "District of Criminals" Click to Rate ReplyRating24 Jorge
Oct 30, 2012 10:26 PM

If ANYBODY "needs" to be "toppled" it's the Obama administration! I despise Israel AND the neocons, BUT OBAMA HAS TO GO, PERIOD! Gordon is an Obama fan -- WHY is beyond me. Obama, Hillary and Panetta DELIBERATELY let the ambassador and the seals die, after being notified 6 hours prior. Admiral Gaouette and General Ham tried to STOP THE KILLING OF THESE AMERICANS, but Obama issued a "Stand Down" order. General Ham ignored the order and started to proceed with air cover and extraction, but was RELIEVED OF DUTY by IDIOTS PANETTA AND OBAMA WITHIN 30 SECS OF HIS DECISION; THEN HE WAS ARRESTED! AMERICANS DON'T "LIKE" THAT! OBAMA, HILLARY AND PANETTA WILL HAVE TO ANSWER FOR THEIR PLOT TO KILL AN AMERICAN AMBASSADOR.And "somebody" needs to OVERTHROW the ILLEGAL in the White House! Click to Rate ReplyRating30 John Sholtesin reply to Jorge
11/2/2012 9:55:28 PM

Gordon Duff is jewish; he knows he's jewish; he knows whether or not anyone in his circle of friends is jewish. It matters to him... because... he's ... Click to Rate Rating1 Cold Wind
Oct 30, 2012 4:39 PM

Doubtless, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), which, according to military cognoscenti, exercises inordinate influence inside the Pentagon, had a hand to play in this latest Coup scenario of the Neocons. Click to Rate ReplyRating18 Edward Bee
Oct 30, 2012 4:33 PM

Its pretty obvious that the real 911 criminals ( all road lead to Dick Cheney and Project for a new American Century. ) stole the weapons. To be used if any American Government starts a real 911 investigation. Click to Rate ReplyRating35 Jayin reply to Edward Bee
10/30/2012 10:45:08 PM

Yes, it is obvious the weapons were stolen but it could have been an administration insider or someone just intent on selling the weapons to a foreign power. The article's conclusion that the Air Force acted against Bush is just sloppy journalism.And the author's claim that the military jails people for losing flashlight batteries is so laughable, it makes clear the author is clueless. I was in the Air Force and was responsible for doing inventories on technical equipment, you wouldn't believe how many items went missing. We had whole sheds of old comm equipment and nobody knew what unit was the owner. Click to Rate Rating9 You don't know your Enemy
Oct 30, 2012 4:4 PM

The worst part of it all is that - You don't know who your Enemy is ? SO ALL MUSLIMS STATES - take every one as a suspect. Don't let one who pass you to be the one that beats you. Click to Rate ReplyRating2 bahram
Oct 30, 2012 2:47 PM

Hey a military coup in the US should be cool ... Click to Rate ReplyRating1 R A FEIBEL

Oct 30, 2012 2:9 PM

Oct 30, 2012 1:52 PM

Historians view the failed attempt on Hitler's life by his own Generals as the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany. History repeats? Click to Rate ReplyRating14 Oizaz Lahcen
Oct 30, 2012 1:44 PM

American military has far more reasons to take power from the corrupt politicians then to overthrow a particular president who is a puppet anyway. Therefore we are not sure that this story is true or rather an indication that there is something brewing. Click to Rate ReplyRating19 Ashraf
Oct 30, 2012 12:59 PM

Wow........Mind bugling informations..............United States seems like a OVER INFLATED BALLON ready to be BURST Out............Government, within government..........Corruption within a corrupt system.........May GOD the BIGGEST PLANNER of ALL help the innocents!! Click to Rate ReplyRating23 Nick
Oct 30, 2012 12:49 PM

They have definitely planned some false flag attack. That's how wars are started. Click to Rate ReplyRating22

Million dollar question

Oct 30, 2012 11:28 AM

We all know about JR and the hypocritical Southern Baptist devils of Texas, a place that can easily give rise to a George Bush kind of devil. But what is it about Wyoming that gave rise to a world class devil like Dick Cheney?? With the DHS having already procured a billion dum dum bullets to shoot Americans with, are they expecting some kind of widespread civil strife that can only be an aftermath of a nuclear war. Click to Rate ReplyRating13 missing Minot nukes
Oct 30, 2012 7:38 AM

PressTV readers who would like to get some more information on the "missing nukes" can go to GlobalResearch....advanced search'''and put in "missing Minot nukes". Click to Rate ReplyRating19 Grey Panther
Oct 30, 2012 12:3 AM

Good article. William Kristal defended Petraeus too. Click to Rate ReplyRating17 Joseph
Oct 29, 2012 10:13 PM

So what's next? I seen a documentary which showed how the military is becoming more and more like a Christian warrior cult. Given all the proof about 9/11 and what's going on in Palestine, how in the hell can we even count on our military? To what lengths will these criminal Zionists go? Thermo-nuclear attack within the US? Click to Rate ReplyRating47 dave
Oct 29, 2012 6:19 PM

I really like your point of view... very good article Click to Rate ReplyRating29 DGSE
Oct 29, 2012 3:54 PM

Interesting article. there are SOME Americans that are against the insane path the zionists have taken the country, THERE ARE, and it looks like the 'civil-war' inside the WH, Pemtagon, State and Intelligence continues. While this battle has been going on since israhell was created, it took on a new level under the Bushie Cabal. Some in the Military have NEVER forgiven the WH and israhell for their attack on the USS Liberty and other 'self-inflicted attacks'. It's been reported that the order for the NUKES to be loaed onto a B52 came from VICE-PRES Darth Chaney. It was the military that threw a wrench into that Op. As for Obomba, beware the "World of Intel" as NOTHING is as it seems, the current cabal has more zio-jews than the Bushies. The WH is COMPLETELY run by israhell, so take the 'coup' with a grain of salt. The only difference between Bush and Obomba is the latter is more Orwellian, but just a sick. Gen Betrayus is an idiot. Click to Rate ReplyRating52 DGSEin reply to DGSE
10/31/2012 6:12:17 PM

REPLY. To Glen Phillip. Excellent statement, and a very good Q. Almost EVERYTHING said about AH in the West is a complete LIE, the 'story' changes almost on a daily basis. Whatelse is new. The MO of the West is lieing and obfuscation, thus my "Orwellian Dictionary". While I cannot say what the world would look like if the Germans had prevailed, for the people who brought the ashkeNAZIs into power are the same psychopaths that control things today, parasitic Banksters/Preists. One thing I can say is alot of the German Miliatry/Intelligence/Industry were part of the Vril Society, latter to become the "Thule Society", and from what I read, these folks HATED the Zio-Bankers, Zionists, Banker CONTROLLED Oil and Gas, FreeMasons and the Illuminati. They also believed in 'FREE Energy" IE zero point energy. Remember the Germanics have been fighting the Zios/Romans/Vatican/Babylonian Brotherhood for over a thousand years. Just think what the world would be like if there was FREE ENERGY. Cheers Click to Rate Rating8 glen philippein reply to DGSE
10/31/2012 12:03:18 AM

Hitler may not have been as out to lunch as has been made out.How much more peaceful would the world be today,had the Germans won?Just saying. Click to Rate Rating8 memsin reply to DGSE
10/30/2012 8:26:45 AM

I agree with most of what you say

Click to Rate Rating2 DGSEin reply to DGSE

10/29/2012 11:13:19 PM

Reply. First to 'Short Circuit" Like I stated VP Darth Chaney's office gave the order and was carried out through Elliot Abrams "Special office" in the Pentagon. The persons who carried out the order ARE NOW DEAD. Thru various reasons, heart attack, suicide etc. Even the Head of the AirForce at the time is now DEAD. To your other point, it was AIR FORCE PERSONEL that stopped the B-52 from going overseas. First Minot Flight Operations, fueling, then USAF personnel at Barksdale who "discovered" the 'Buff" at a corner of the airfield 'all alone' and "LOADED". It took a bit of effort but the Airman FINALLY got officer to "check out the status of the AC". When it was 'discovered' the Buff should not be at Barks and was LIVE the AFB went nuts. Thus the reason for the post above. Theres a civil war going on inside the Military.To NAEEM ??? "Fact" TRY AGAIN. The military was being riped apart by Rumsfeld. Called TRANSFORMATION. If it wsn't for some in the Mil, the ME would aready be GLOWING Click to Rate Rating33 Short circuitingin reply to DGSE
10/29/2012 6:38:22 PM

the complex paperwork,personnel,army command and control in arming of the the cruise missiles with nuclear warheads (that are kept separate) and then flying them over US airspace can ONLY have occurred with the aid of directives from the offices of the US President or VP ie Bush/Cheney. Nuclear explosions within the US to follow giving reason enough to carry out a nuclear strike on Iran?!! Unlike 911, something must have gone awry in the deception or even a whistle blower that put a stop to the madness. Click to Rate Rating19 Naeemin reply to DGSE
10/29/2012 4:15:13 PM

Don't think so ? where was the mutiny in bush's days ? the fact is obama is black and they can't have a black an destroying buts its alright for a republician. very weird Click to Rate Rating1 Brigand
Oct 29, 2012 2:55 PM

Oooops, what do we have here ?A Few Honest Man ???

Click to Rate ReplyRating34 REVENGE OF THE SITHin reply to Brigand

10/30/2012 10:59:09 PM

we have legal basis to arrest over half the politicians in this country. They need to grow some guts and do it. I think the IRS and FED need to be arrested as well. Click to Rate Rating25

Missteps In The Bunker

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 14:52

(Before It's News)

Missteps In The Bunker by The Washington Post The greatest fears of nuclear terrorism came true on August 29, 2007, and it occurred within the United States, not an Islamic country. The shocking story was shelved from the beginning and wasnt even reported until September 23, 2007. Under the careful watch of the Bush and Cheney administration, 6 thermo-nuclear 150 kilo-ton nuclear warheads went missing. What role these weapons in question would have played in the planned nuclear terror attack in Dallas, Texas, on February 6, 2011, is unknown, but Barksdale Air Force Base, where the nukes were last seen, is

roughly 100 miles from Dallas, Texas. Although the Air Force has stated that the nuclear weapons were recovered, the deaths of at least (10) U.S. Air Force servicemen surrounding the incident makes it impossible to confirm the recovery of the weapons. Abstract: Just after 9 a.m. on Aug. 29, a group of U.S. airmen entered a sod-covered bunker on North Dakotas Minot Air Force Base with orders to collect a set of unarmed cruise missiles bound for a weapons graveyard. They quickly pulled out a dozen cylinders, all of which appeared identical from a cursory glance, and hauled them along Bomber Boulevard to a waiting B-52 bomber. The airmen attached the gray missiles to the planes wings, six on each side. After eyeballing the missiles on the right side, a flight officer signed a manifest that listed a dozen unarmed AGM-129 missiles. The officer did not notice that the six on the left contained nuclear warheads, each with the destructive power of up to 10 Hiroshima bombs. That detail would escape notice for an astounding 36 hours, during which the missiles were flown across the country to a Louisiana air base that had no idea nuclear warheads were coming. It was the first known flight by a nuclear-armed bomber over U.S. airspace, without special high-level authorization, in nearly 40 years. The episode, serious enough to trigger a rare Bent Spear nuclear incident report that raced through the chain of command to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and President Bush, provoked new questions inside and outside the Pentagon about the adequacy of U.S. nuclear weapons safeguards while the militarys attention and resources are devoted to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Three weeks after word of the incident leaked to the public, new details obtained by The Washington Post point to security failures at multiple levels in North Dakota and Louisiana, according to interviews with current and former U.S. officials briefed on the initial results of an Air Force investigation of the incident. The warheads were attached to the plane in Minot without special guard for more than 15 hours, and they remained on the plane in Louisiana for nearly nine hours more before being discovered. In total, the warheads slipped from the Air Forces nuclear safety net for more than a day without anyones knowledge. I have been in the nuclear business since 1966 and am not aware of any incident more disturbing, retired Air Force Gen. Eugene Habiger, who served as U.S. Strategic Command chief from 1996 to 1998, said in an interview. A simple error in a missile storage room led to missteps at every turn, as ground crews failed to notice the warheads, and as security teams and flight crew members failed to provide adequate oversight and check the cargo thoroughly. An elaborate nuclear safeguard system, nurtured during

the Cold War and infused with rigorous accounting and command procedures, was utterly debased, the investigations early results show. The incident came on the heels of multiple warnings some of which went to the highest levels of the Bush administration, including the National Security Council of security problems at Air Force installations where nuclear weapons are kept. The risks are not that warheads might be accidentally detonated, but that sloppy procedures could leave room for theft or damage to a warhead, disseminating its toxic nuclear materials. A former National Security Council staff member with detailed knowledge described the event as something that people in the White House have been assured never could happen. What occurred on Aug. 29-30, the former official said, was a breakdown at a number of levels involving flight crew, munitions, storage and tracking procedures faults that never were to line up on a single day. Missteps in the Bunker: The air base where the incident took place is one of the most remote and, for much of the year, coldest military posts in the continental United States. Veterans of Minot typically describe their assignments by counting the winters passed in the flat, treeless region where January temperatures sometimes reach 30 below zero. In airman-speak, a three-year assignment becomes three winters at Minot. The daily routine for many of Minots crews is a cycle of scheduled maintenance for the bases 35 aging B-52H Stratofortress bombers mammoth, eight-engine workhorses, the newest of which left the assembly line more than 45 years ago. Workers also tend to 150 intercontinental ballistic missiles kept at the ready in silos scattered across neighboring cornfields, as well as hundreds of smaller nuclear bombs, warheads and vehicles stored in sod-covered bunkers called igloos. We had a continuous workload in maintaining warheads, said Scott Vest, a former Air Force captain who spent time in Minots bunkers in the 1990s. We had a stockpile of more than 400 and some of them were always coming due for service. Among the many weapons and airframes, the AGM-129 cruise missile was well known at the base as a nuclear warhead delivery system carried by B-52s. With its unique shape and design, it is easily distinguished from the older AGM-86, which can be fitted with either a nuclear or a conventional warhead. After 17 years in the U.S. arsenal, the Air Forces more than 400 AGM-129s were ordered into retirement by then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. Minot was told to begin shipping out the unarmed missiles in small groups to Barksdale Air Force Base near Shreveport, La., for storage. By Aug. 29, its crews had already sent more than 200 missiles to Barksdale and knew the drill by heart.

The Air Forces account of what happened that day and the next was provided by multiple sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the governments investigation is continuing and classified. At 9:12 a.m. local time on Aug. 29, according to the account, ground crews in two trucks entered a gated compound at Minot known as the Weapons Storage Area and drove to an igloo where the cruise missiles were stored. The 21-foot missiles were already mounted on pylons, six apiece in clusters of three, for quick mounting to the wings of a B-52. The AGM-129 is designed to carry silver W-80-1 nuclear warheads, which have a variable yield of between 5 and 150 kilotons. (A kiloton is equal to the explosive force of 1,000 tons of TNT.) The warheads were meant to have been removed from the missiles before shipment. In their place, crews were supposed to insert metal dummies of the same size and weight, but a different color, so the missiles could still be properly attached under the bombers wings. A munitions custodian officer is supposed to keep track of the nuclear warheads. In the case of cruise missiles, a stamp-size window on the missiles frame allows workers to peer inside to check whether the warheads within are silver. In many cases, a red ribbon or marker attached to the missile serves as an additional warning. Finally, before the missiles are moved, two-man teams are supposed to look at check sheets, bar codes and serial numbers denoting whether the missiles are armed. Why the warheads were not noticed in this case is not publicly known. But once the missiles were certified as unarmed, a requirement for unique security precautions when nuclear warheads are moved such as the presence of specially armed security police, the approval of a senior base commander and a special tracking system evaporated. The trucks hauled the missile pylons from the bunker into the bustle of normal air base traffic, onto Bomber Boulevard and M Street, before turning onto a tarmac apron where the missiles were loaded onto the B-52. The loading took eight hours because of unusual trouble attaching the pylon on the right side of the plane the one with the dummy warheads. By 5:12 p.m., the B-52 was fully loaded. The plane then sat on the tarmac overnight without special guards, protected for 15 hours by only the bases exterior chain-link fence and roving security patrols. Air Force rules required members of the jets flight crew to examine all of the missiles and warheads before the plane took off. But in this instance, just one person examined only the six unarmed missiles and inexplicably skipped the armed missiles on the left, according to officials familiar with the probe. If theyre not expecting a live warhead it may be a very casual thing theres no need to set up the security system and play the whole nuclear game, said Vest, the

former Minot airman. As for the air crew, theyre bus drivers at this point, as far as they know.

The plane, which had flown to Minot for the mission and was not certified to carry nuclear weapons, departed the next morning for Louisiana. When the bomber landed at Barksdale at 11:23 a.m., the air crew signed out and left for lunch, according to the probe. It would be another nine hours until 8:30 p.m. before a Barksdale ground crew turned up at the parked aircraft to begin removing the missiles. At 8:45, 15 minutes into the task, a separate missile transport crew arrived in trucks. One of these airmen noticed something unusual about the missiles. Within an hour, a skeptical supervisor had examined them and ordered them secured. By then it was 10 p.m., more than 36 hours after the warheads left their secure bunker in Minot. Once the errant warheads were discovered, Air Force officers in Louisiana were alarmed enough to immediately notify the National Military Command Center, a highly secure area of the Pentagon that serves as the nerve center for U.S. nuclear war planning. Such Bent Spear events are ranked second in seriousness only to Broken Arrow incidents, which involve the loss, destruction or accidental detonation of a nuclear weapon. The Air Force decided at first to keep the mishap under wraps, in part because of policies that prohibit the confirmation of any details about the storage or movement of nuclear weapons. No public acknowledgment was made until service members leaked the story to the Military Times, which published a brief account Sept. 5. Officials familiar with the Bent Spear report say Air Force officials apparently did not anticipate that the episode would cause public concern. One passage in the report contains these four words: No press interest anticipated. What the Hell Happened Here? The news, when it did leak, provoked a reaction within the defense and national security communities that bordered on disbelief: How could so many safeguards, drilled into generations of nuclear weapons officers and crews, break down at once? Military officers, nuclear weapons analysts and lawmakers have expressed concern that it was not just a fluke, but a symptom of deeper problems in the handling of nuclear weapons now that Cold War anxieties have abated. It is more significant than people first realized, and the more you look at it, the stranger it is, said Joseph Cirincione, director for nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress think tank and the author of a history of nuclear weapons. These weapons the equivalent of 60 Hiroshimas were out of authorized command and control for more than a day.

The Air Force has sought to offer assurances that its security system is working. Within days, the service relieved one Minot officer of his command and disciplined several airmen, while assigning a major general to head an investigation that has already been extended for extra weeks. At the same time, Defense Department officials have announced that a Pentagon-appointed scientific advisory board will study the mishap as part of a larger review of procedures for handling nuclear weapons. Clearly this incident was unacceptable on many levels, said an Air Force spokesman, Lt. Col. Edward Thomas. Our response has been swift and focused and it has really just begun. We will spend many months at the air staff and at our commands and bases ensuring that the root causes are addressed.

While Air Force officials see the Minot event as serious, they also note that it was harmless, since the six nuclear warheads never left the militarys control. Even if the bomber had crashed, or if someone had stolen the warheads, fail-safe devices would have prevented a nuclear detonation. But independent experts warn that whenever nuclear weapons are not properly safeguarded, their fissile materials are at risk of theft and diversion. Moreover, if the plane had crashed and the warheads casings cracked, these highly toxic materials could have been widely dispersed. When what were multiple layers of tight nuclear weapon control internal procedures break down, some bad guy may eventually come along and take advantage of them, said a former senior administration official who had responsibility for nuclear security. Some Air Force veterans say the bases officers made an egregious mistake in allowing nuclearwarhead-equipped missiles and unarmed missiles to be stored in the same bunker, a practice that a spokesman last week confirmed is routine. Charles Curtis, a former deputy energy secretary in the Clinton administration, said, We always relied on segregation of nuclear weapons from conventional ones. Former nuclear weapons officials have noted that the weapons transfer at the heart of the incident coincides with deep cuts in deployed nuclear forces that will bring the total number of warheads to as few as 1,700 by the year 2012 a reduction of more than 50 percent from 2001 levels. But the downsizing has created new accounting and logistical challenges, since U.S. policy is to keep thousands more warheads in storage, some as a strategic reserve and others awaiting dismantling. A secret 1998 history of the Air Combat Command warned of diminished attention for even the minimum standards of nuclear weapons maintenance, support and security once such arms

became less vital, according to a declassified copy obtained by Hans Kristensen, director of the Federation of American Scientists nuclear information project. The Air Forces inspector general in 2003 found that half of the nuclear surety inspections conducted that year resulted in failing grades the worst performance since inspections of weapons-handling began. Minots 5th Bomb Wing was among the units that failed, and the Louisiana-based 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale garnered an unsatisfactory rating in 2005. Both units passed subsequent nuclear inspections, and Minot was given high marks in a 2006 inspection. The 2003 report on the 5th Bomb Wing attributed its poor performance to the demands of supporting combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wartime stresses had resulted in a lack of time to focus and practice nuclear operations, the report stated. Last year, the Air Force eliminated a separate nuclear-operations directorate known informally as the N Staff, which closely tracked the maintenance and security of nuclear weapons in the United States and other NATO countries. Currently, nuclear and space operations are combined in a single directorate. Air Force officials say the change was part of a service-wide reorganization and did not reflect diminished importance of nuclear operations. Where nuclear weapons have receded into the background is at the senior policy level, where there are other things people have to worry about, said Linton F. Brooks, who resigned in January as director of the National Nuclear Security Administration. Brooks, who oversaw billions of dollars in U.S. spending to help Russia secure its nuclear stockpile, said the mishandling of U.S. warheads indicates that something went seriously wrong. A similar refrain has been voiced hundreds of times in blogs and chat rooms popular with former and current military members. On a Web site run by the Military Times, a former B-52 crew chief who did not give his name wrote: What the hell happened here? A former Air Force senior master sergeant wrote separately that mistakes were made at the lowest level of supervision and this snowballed into the one of the biggest mistakes in USAF history. I am still scratching my head wondering how this could [have] happened (Washington Post, 2007). -

2012-10-31 14:26:16


2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident

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2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident

A B-52H bomber departs Minot Air Force Base


August 2930, 2007 Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota and Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana Six nuclear warheads mishandled and unaccounted for or improperly secured for approximately 36 hours



The 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident occurred at Minot Air Force Base and Barksdale Air Force Base on August 2930, 2007. Six AGM-129 ACM cruise missiles, each

loaded with a W80-1 variable yield nuclear warhead, were mistakenly loaded on a United States Air Force (USAF) B-52H heavy bomber at Minot and transported to Barksdale. The nuclear warheads in the missiles were supposed to have been removed before taking the missiles from their storage bunker. The missiles with the nuclear warheads were not reported missing and remained mounted to the aircraft at both Minot and Barksdale for a period of 36 hours. During this period, the warheads were not protected by the various mandatory security precautions required for nuclear weapons.[1] The incident was reported to the top levels of the United States military and referred to by observers as a Bent Spear incident, which indicates a nuclear weapon incident that is of significant concern but does not involve the immediate threat of nuclear war. The USAF has yet to officially classify the incident. In response to the incident, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and USAF conducted an investigation, the results of which were released on October 19, 2007. The investigation concluded that nuclear weapons handling standards and procedures had not been followed by numerous USAF personnel involved in the incident. As a result, four USAF commanders were relieved of their commands, numerous other USAF personnel were disciplined and/or decertified to perform certain types of sensitive duties, and further cruise missile transport missions from and nuclear weapons operations at Minot Air Force Base were suspended. In addition, the USAF issued new nuclear weapons handling instructions and procedures. Separate investigations by the United States Defense Science Board and a USAF "Blue Ribbon" panel reported that concerns existed on the procedures and processes for handling nuclear weapons within the Department of Defense but did not find any failures with the security of United States nuclear weapons. Based on this and other incidents, on June 5, 2008, Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne and Chief of Staff of the Air Force General T. Michael Moseley, were asked for their resignations, which were given. In October 2008, in response to recommendations by a review committee, the USAF announced the creation of Air Force Global Strike Command to control all USAF nuclear bombers, missiles, and personnel.


1 Background 2 Incident 3 Response by the U.S. government 4 Aftermath o 4.1 USAF actions o 4.2 Review reports o 4.3 Inspections, resignations, and further discipline o 4.4 New command 5 See also 6 Notes

7 References 8 Further reading

[edit] Background
In August 2007, Minot Air Force Base was the home of the 5th Bomb Wing and Barksdale Air Force Base the home of 2nd Bomb Wing, both of which fell under the 8th Air Force, also based at Barksdale. The 8th was part of Air Combat Command (ACC) in the USAF. At the time of the incident, the 5th Bomb Wing was commanded by Colonel Bruce Emig, the 2nd Bomb Wing by Colonel Robert Wheeler, the 8th Air Force by Lieutenant General Robert Elder Jr., and ACC by General Ronald Keys.[2] The 5th Bomb Wing, according to the USAF's statement on the wing's mission, served with its B-52 bombers as part of the USAF's conventional and strategic combat force.[3] The "strategic" portion of the 5th's mission included the ability to deliver nuclear weapons against potential targets worldwide. Thus, Minot Air Force Base stored and maintained a ready arsenal of nuclear bombs, nuclear warheads, and associated delivery systems, including the AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile.[4]

An AGM-129 cruise missile in flight

The AGM-129 was fielded in 1987 as a stealthy cruise missile platform to deliver the W80-1 variable yield nuclear warhead. Although originally designed to equip the B-1 bomber, it was later decided that the AGM-129 would only be carried by the B-52, mounted on external pylons on the wings or internally in the bomb bay.[5] In March 2007, the USAF decided to retire its AGM-129 complement in order to help comply with international arms-control treaties and to replace them with AGM-86 missiles.[6] In order to do so, the USAF began to transport its AGM129s stored at Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana by B-52s for ultimate disposal. According to the Washington Post, by August 29, 2007, more than 200 AGM-129s had been shipped from Minot to Barksdale in this manner.[7]

[edit] Incident

Between 0800 and 0900 (local time) on August 29, 2007, a group of USAF airmen, called the breakout crew, entered one of the weapons storage bunkers at Minot to prepare AGM-129 missiles for transport to Barksdale. That day's missile transport, the sixth of twelve planned ferry missions, was to have consisted of 12 AGM-129s, installed with training warheads, with six missiles per pylon and one pylon mounted under each wing of a Barksdale-assigned, 2nd Bomb Wing B-52 aircraft. When the airmen entered the bunker, six actual warheads were still installed on their missiles, as opposed to having been replaced with the dummy training warheads. A later investigation found that the reason for the error was that the electronic production system for tracking the missiles "had been subverted in favor of an informal process that did not identify the pylon as prepared for the flight."[8] The airmen assigned to handle the missiles used outdated materials that contained incorrect information on the status of the missiles. The missiles originally planned for movement had been replaced by missiles closer to expiration dates for limited life components, which was standard procedure. The change in missiles had been reflected on the movement plan but not in the documents used for internal work coordination processes in the bunker.[9]

An AGM-129 pylon is loaded onto the wing of a B-52 at Minot

Although the breakout crew in the weapons storage began to inspect the missiles, an earlyarriving transport crew hooked up the pylons and towed them away without inspecting or ensuring that the missiles had been inspected or cleared for removal. The munitions control center failed to verify that the pylon had received proper clearance and inspection and approved the pylon for loading on the B-52 at 0925. After taking eight hours to attach the pylons to the aircraft, the aircraft with the missiles loaded then remained parked overnight at Minot for 15 hours without special guard as required for nuclear weapons.[10] On the morning of August 30, one of the transport aircraft's flight officers, a Barksdale-assigned B-52 instructor radar navigator closely inspected the six missiles on the right wing only, which were all properly loaded with training warheads, before signing the manifest listing the cargo as a dozen unarmed AGM-129 missiles. The B-52 command pilot did not do a final verification check before preparing to depart Minot.[11] The B-52 departed Minot at 0840 and landed at Barksdale at 1123 (local times) on August 30. The aircraft remained parked and without special guard until 2030, when a munitions team

arrived to remove the missiles. After a member of the munitions crew noticed something unusual about some of the missiles, at 2200 a "skeptical" supervisor determined that nuclear warheads were present and ordered them secured and the incident reported, 36 hours after the missiles were removed from the bunker at Minot.[12]

General T. Michael Moseley, USAF chief of staff at the time of the incident

The incident was reported to the National Military Command Center as a Bent Spear incident, which indicates a nuclear weapon incident that is of significant concern but does not involve the immediate threat of nuclear war (Pinnacle - Nucflash), or the accidental detonation of or severe damage to a nuclear weapon (Pinnacle - Broken Arrow). General T. Michael Moseley, Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, quickly called United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, on August 31 to inform him about the incident. Gates requested daily updates regarding the investigation and informed President Bush about the incident. The USAF has yet to officially designate what type of incident actually occurred, Bent Spear or otherwise.[13] The incident was the first of its kind in 40 years in the United States and was later described by the media as "one of the worst breaches in U.S. nuclear weapons security in decades".[14]

[edit] Response by the U.S. government

The USAF and Department of Defense at first decided to conceal the incident, in part because of the USAF policy not to comment on the storage or movement of nuclear weapons and an apparent belief that the incident would not generate much public concern. In fact, the initial DoD incident report contained the statement, "No press interest anticipated." Details of the incident were then leaked by unknown DoD officials to the Military Times newspaper, which published a small article about the incident on September 5, 2007.[15] In response, a September 5 news briefing in The Pentagon by Press Secretary Geoff Morrell stated that at no time was the public in any danger and that military personnel had custody of the weapons at all times. The USAF announced that within days of the incident, the USAF relieved the Minot munitions squadron commander of duty and eventually disciplined 25 airmen. USAF Major General Doug Raaberg was assigned by General Keys to lead an investigation into the

incident. The USAF inventory of nuclear warheads was checked to ensure that all warheads were accounted for. In addition, the DoD announced that a Pentagon-appointed scientific advisory panel, called the Defense Science Board, would study the mishap as part of a larger review of procedures for handling nuclear weapons. On September 28, the USAF announced that General Keys was retiring and would be replaced as ACC commander by General John Corley, effective October 2.[16]

USAF Secretary Michael Wynne and Major General Richard Newton brief the results of the USAF investigation into the incident at the Pentagon on October 19, 2007

On October 19, 2007, United States Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne and USAF Major General Richard Newton, deputy chief of staff for operations, plans, and requirements, announced the investigation report findings, stating that, "there has been an erosion of adherence to weapons-handling standards at Minot Air Force Base and at Barksdale Air Force Base" and that "a limited number of airmen at both locations failed to follow procedures."[17] Colonel Emig, the commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, Colonel Cynthia Lundell, the commander of the 5th Maintenance Group at Minot, and Colonel Todd Westhauser, the commander of Barksdale's 2nd Operations Group, and four senior non-commissioned officers from the 5th Munitions Squadron "received administrative action" and were relieved of their commands or positions and reassigned. All of the 5th Bomb Wing personnel were stripped of their certifications to handle nuclear and other sensitive weaponry and to conduct "specific missions". Sixty-five airmen of varying ranks lost their Personnel Reliability Program certifications.[18] Tactical ferry operations were suspended. The inspector general offices of all USAF major commands that handle nuclear weapons were directed to conduct immediate "Limited Nuclear Surety Inspections (LNSIs) at every nuclear-capable unit" with oversight provided by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.[19] The new ACC commander, General Corley, referred the matter to USAF Lieutenant General Norman Seip, commander of the 12th Air Force, as a court-martial convening authority to determine if additional charges or actions would be taken against any of the personnel involved in the incident. Seip later closed the investigation without recommending criminal charges against anyone involved.[20]

Retired USAF Chief of Staff General Larry Welch was asked by Gates, who had reportedly raised concerns with USAF officials that the original investigation may have unfairly limited blame to midlevel officers, to lead the Defense Science Board advisory panel that would study the mishap as part of a larger review of procedures and policies for handling nuclear weapons. In addition, the USAF chartered a "Blue Ribbon Review" chaired by USAF Major General Polly Peyer and consisting of 30 additional personnel to "make recommendations as to how we can improve the Air Force's capability to safely and securely perform our nuclear weapons responsibility".[21] Furthermore, the United States Congress requested that the DoD and the United States Department of Energy conduct a bottom-up review of nuclear procedures.[22]

[edit] Aftermath
[edit] USAF actions

Colonel Joel Westa became the new commander of the 5th Bomb Wing in the wake of the incident

On October 24, 2007, Secretary of the Air Force Wynne told the House Armed Services Committee that he believed that the 5th Bomb Wing could be recertified and could resume ferrying the AGM-129 cruise missiles to Barksdale for retirement. He did not provide a timeline for that recertification process. On November 1, 2007 Colonel Joel Westa took command of the 5th Bomb Wing.[23] That same day, General Keys retired from the Air Force.[24] Personnel from Barksdale's 2nd Bomb Wing temporarily took over maintenance duties of Minot's nuclear stockpile until the 5th Bomb Wing could be recertified. A nuclear surety inspection (NSI), required for recertification, originally scheduled for the 5th Bomb Wing for January 23, 2008 was postponed after the wing failed an initial NSI that took place on December 16, 2007.[25] Another initial NSI was completed on March 29 and Corley recertified the wing on March 31, 2008. A full NSI was scheduled for May 2008. The wing needed to regain its certification in order to hold the full NSI, said Major Elizabeth Ortiz, a Minot spokeswoman. Units handling nuclear weapons must pass NSIs every 18 months in order to retain their certifications.[26]

The USAF issued a new policy directive regarding the handling of nuclear weapons and delivery systems, which prohibits the storing of nuclear armed and nonnuclear armed weapons in the same storage facility. The directive further instructs that all nonnuclear munitions and missiles must be labeled with placards clearly stating that they are not armed with nuclear warheads. Wing commanders are now charged with approving any movement of nuclear weapons from weapons storage areas and must appoint a single individual as a munitions accountability system officer and weapons custodian. All units that handle nuclear weapons must develop a coordinated visual inspection checklist. The policy further directs that airmen charged with handling or maintaining nuclear weapons cannot be on duty for longer than 12 hours, unless during an emergency, when their duty period can be extended to a maximum of 16 hours.[27] The USAF has since instituted a program of surprise inspections at nuclear-armed bases.[28]

[edit] Review reports

Larry Welch (in 1984)

Welch and Peyer briefed the results of their reviews before the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services on February 12, 2008. In addition to Welch and Peyer, Lieutenant General Daniel Darnell, USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Air, Space and Information Operations and Major General Raaberg testified and answered questions from the Senate committee's members. During the hearing, Welch stated that, "the military units responsible for handling the bombs are not properly inspected and, as a result, may not be ready to perform their missions." He added, "If you look at all the areas and all the ways that we have to store and handle these weapons in order to perform the mission, it just requires, we believe, more resources and more attention than they're getting."[29] Welch's report concluded that the combining of DoD nuclear forces with nonnuclear organizations has led to "markedly reduced levels of leadership whose daily focus is the nuclear enterprise and a general devaluation of the nuclear mission and those who perform the mission." Nevertheless, neither Welch's nor Peyer's reports found any failures with the security of United States nuclear weapons.[30]

Responding to Welch's and Peyer's reports, USAF officials stated that they were already implementing many of the recommendations contained in the reports but added that existing regulations governing nuclear procedures were satisfactory. During his testimony before the senate committee, Darnell stated that "the Air Force portion of the nuclear deterrent is sound, and we will take every measure necessary to provide safe, secure, reliable nuclear surety to the American public."[31]

[edit] Inspections, resignations, and further discipline

Minot's full NSI took place beginning on May 17, 2008, and was conducted by inspectors from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the USAF's Air Combat Command (ACC). On May 25, the DTRA issued the 5th Bomb Wing an "unsatisfactory" rating, the lowest rating possible, from the inspection. The 5th passed the inspection in nine of ten areas, but failed in the area of nuclear security. Following the inspection, Westa stated that, "overall, their assessment painted a picture of some things we need to work on in the areas of training and discipline".[32] The 5th Bomb Wing Security Forces Squadron Commander, Lieutenant Colonel John Worley, was replaced by Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Weaver on June 16, 2008.[33] In spite of failing the NSI, the wing kept its nuclear certification. Said Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists about the 5th's failure in the inspection, "It makes you wonder what's going on elsewhere, like the nuclear weapons stationed at bases overseas, and at Barksdale Air Force Base and Whiteman Air Force Base."[34] Minot passed the follow-up inspection on August 15, 2008.[33]

Robert Gates

On June 5, 2008, Robert Gates announced the results of an investigation into the misshipment of four MK-12 forward-section reentry vehicle assemblies to Taiwan. The investigation, conducted by Admiral Kirkland H. Donald, director of US Naval Propulsion, found that the Taiwan missile incident was, in Gates' words, "a degradation of the authority, standards of excellence and technical competence within the nation's ICBM force. Similar to the bomber-specific August 2007 Minot-Barksdale nuclear weapons transfer incident, this incident took place within the larger environment of declining Air Force nuclear mission focus and performance" and that "the

investigation identified commonalities between the August 2007 Minot incident and this [the Taiwan] event." In his investigation report, Donald stated that the issues identified by his investigation were, "indicative of an overall decline in Air Force nuclear weapons stewardship, a problem that has been identified but not effectively addressed for over a decade. Both the MinotBarksdale nuclear weapons transfer incident and the Taiwan misshipment, while different in specifics, have a common origin: the gradual erosion of nuclear standards and a lack of effective oversight by Air Force leadership"[35] As a result of the investigation, Gates announced that, "a substantial number of Air Force general officers and colonels have been identified as potentially subject to disciplinary measures, ranging from removal from command to letters of reprimand," and that he had accepted the resignations of Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne and USAF Chief of Staff T. Michael Moseley. Gates added that he had asked James R. Schlesinger to lead a senior-level task force to recommend improvements in the stewardship and operation of nuclear weapons, delivery vehicles and sensitive components by the Department of Defense. Members of the task force came from the Defense Policy Board and the Defense Science Board.[36] On September 13, 2008, Gates announced Schlesinger's task force's recommendations by calling on the USAF to place all nuclear weapons under a single command. The task force suggested that the new command be called Air Force Strategic Command, which would replace the current Air Force Space Command, and make it accountable for the nuclear mission. It also called for all USAF bombers to be placed under a single command. In addition, the task force recommended that the USAF move an additional 1,500 to 2,000 airmen into nuclear-related jobs. Gates announced that acting Air Force Secretary Michael B. Donley and Chief of Staff General Norton A. Schwartz were "reviewing the recommendations" for disciplinary action against USAF officers previously involved in the nuclear mission.[37] The task force found an, "an unambiguous, dramatic and unacceptable decline in the Air Force's commitment to perform the nuclear mission and, until very recently, little has been done to reverse it."[38] On September 25, 2008, the United States Department of Defense announced that six Air Force generals, two Army generals, and nine colonels had received letters of reprimand, admonishment, or counseling. Two Air Force major generals were asked to stay in their current position and the others either retired, planned to retire, or were removed from their position. Air Force Chief of Staff Norton Schwartz met with each officer personally before issuing the letters. He noted they committed no offense under the UCMJ, but "did not do enough to carry out their leadership responsibilities for nuclear oversight and that "for that they must be held accountable." The Air Force stated that the discipline was in response to the mistaken shipment of nuclear fuzes to Taiwan, not for the Minot nuclear weapons incident.[39] One of those reprimanded was Lieutenant General Kevin Sullivan, Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Installations and Mission Support at the Pentagon. Sullivan was demoted and retired at the rank of Major General in November 2008. Lieutenant General Michael Hamel, commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center, received a letter of admonishment and also retired in November 2008. Major General Roger Burg, commander of the Twentieth Air Force, Major General Kathleen Close, commander of the Ogden Air Logistics Center, Brigadier General Francis Bruno, Director of Logistics, Air Force Material Command, and Brigadier

General Arthur Cameron III, Air Force director of resource integration, also received letters of admonishment.[40] In November 2008, the 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom Air Force Base failed its nuclear surety inspection. The 90th Missile Wing at F. E. Warren Air Force Base, failed its nuclear surety inspection one month later.[41] In November 2009 at Kirtland Air Force Base the 377th Air Base Wing, commanded by Colonel Michael S. Duvall, and 498th Nuclear Systems Wing, commanded by Colonel Richard M. Stuckey, failed their nuclear surety inspections.[42] On October 30, 2009 Westa was relieved as commander of the 5th Bomb Wing by Major General Floyd L. Carpenter, commander of 8th Air Force. Carpenter stated that Westa was relived due to his "inability to foster a culture of excellence, a lack of focus on the strategic mission and substandard performance during several nuclear surety inspections, including the newly activated 69th Bomb Squadron."[43] On January 8, 2009 Schlesinger's task force released its report regarding the overall DoD's management of the country's nuclear weapons mission. The report criticized the DoD for a lack of focus and oversight on its nuclear weapons programs and recommended that the DoD create a new assistant secretary position to oversee its nuclear management. The task force found that within the DoD only the United States Navy was effectively managing its nuclear arsenal.[44] The panel stated that it found, "a distressing degree of inattention to the role of nuclear weapons in deterrence among many senior DoD military and civilian leaders."[45]

[edit] New command

USAF Secretary Michael Donley discusses the creation of the Global Strike Command with media representatives at the Pentagon on October 24, 2008.

On October 24, 2008 new USAF Secretary Michael Donley announced the creation of Air Force Global Strike Command. The new command became operational on August 7, 2009. The USAF's intercontinental nuclear missile force was moved from Air Force Space Command to the new command. Barksdale Air Force Base was selected as the location of the new command's headquarters.[46][47] The new major command is led by a three-star general and controls all USAF nuclear-capable bombers, missiles and personnel.[48]

[edit] See also

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[edit] Notes
Wikinews has related news: US B-52 bomber flies from North Dakota to Louisiana with armed nuclear missiles Wikimedia Commons has media related to: 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19.

^ US Air Force, "Unauthorized Transfer of Nuclear Warheads" ^ Ricks, "Tough Punishment Expected for Warhead Errors", Baker, "Air Force Relieves Commanders Involved in Nuclear Weapons Incident," Air Force Link, "General Ronald E. Keys". ^ USAF, Minot Air Force Base 5th Bomb Wing Mission ^ Warrick, Missteps in the Bunker. ^ Parsch, Andreas, AGM-129 ^ , Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands," USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton" ^ Parsch, Andreas, AGM-129, Warrick, Missteps in the Bunker. ^ USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Hoffman ^ Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", Defense Science Board, "Report on Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons". ^ Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Defense Science Board, "Report on Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons". ^ Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands". ^ Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake". ^ Gilmore, " Air Force Investigates Alleged Nuke Transfer, Pentagon Spokesman Says". ^ Ricks, "Tough Punishment Expected for Warhead Errors", Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker" ^ Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker" ^ Dorfner, "After four decades, General Keys calls it a career", Gilmore, "Air Force Investigates Alleged Nuke Transfer, Pentagon Spokesman Says," Randolph, "Air Force releases B-52 munitions transfer investigation results", Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", USAF, "General Corley takes command of ACC", Hoffman, "Generals grilled on Minot nuclear mishap". ^ USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton". ^ Holmes, "Minot bomb wing gets new commander Thursday", Hoffman, Michael, "Minot Nuke Handlers Still Not Ready For Inspection", Military Times, January 14, 2008. ^ Randolph, "Air Force releases B-52 munitions transfer investigation results", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", "Baker, "Air Force Relieves Commanders Involved in Nuclear


21. 22.

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

Weapons Incident," USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", Randolph, "Air Force releases B-52 munitions transfer investigation results". ^ Starr, "Air Force officers relieved of duty over loose nukes", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton, Hoffman, Michael, "Minot Nuke Handlers Still Not Ready For Inspection", Military Times, January 14, 2008. ^ USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Hoffman, "237 nuke handling deficiencies cited since 2001". ^ Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Baker, "Air Force Relieves Commanders Involved in Nuclear Weapons Incident", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", Hoffman, "Generals grilled on Minot nuclear mishap", Spiegel, "U.S. Nuclear Focus Has Dimmed, Studies Find". ^ Holmes, "Minot bomb wing gets new commander Thursday" ^ Air Force Link, "General Ronald E. Keys". ^ Hoffman, Michael, "Minot Nuke Handlers Still Not Ready For Inspection", Military Times, January 14, 2008, MacPherson, "Minot chief sets bar high after nuke gaffe". ^ Hoffman, Michael, "Minot bomb wing recertified for nukes", Military Times, April 4, 2008; Los Angeles Times, "Bomb Wing Recertified", April 4, 2008. ^ Pincus, "Air Force Alters Rules for Handling of Nuclear Arms", Hoffman, "New nuke-handling procedures issued". ^ Barnes, Julian E., "Better Oversight Of Nuclear Arms Urged", Los Angeles Times, November 26, 2008, p. 8. ^ Spiegel, "U.S. Nuclear Focus Has Dimmed, Studies Find". ^ Spiegel, "U.S. Nuclear Focus Has Dimmed, Studies Find", Hoffman, "Generals grilled on Minot nuclear mishap", Defense Science Board, "Report on Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons". ^ Spiegel, "U.S. Nuclear Focus Has Dimmed, Studies Find", Defense Science Board, "Report on Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons". ^ Hoffman, "Minot's 5th Bomb Wing flunks nuclear inspection" ab ^ Hoffman, "Minot nuke handlers pass re-inspection" ^ Associated Press, "Air Force wing in nuclear goof has more trouble", Hoffman, "Minot's 5th Bomb Wing flunks nuclear inspection" ^ US DoD, "DoD News Briefing with Secretary Gates from the Pentagon", Military Times, "Moseley and Wynne forced out", Shanker, "2 Leaders Ousted From Air Force in Atomic Errors". ^ US DoD, "DoD News Briefing with Secretary Gates from the Pentagon", June 5, 2008, Military Times, "Moseley and Wynne forced out", Shanker, "2 Leaders Ousted From Air Force in Atomic Errors". ^ "Unified Nuclear Command Urged". The Washington Post. September 13, 2008. Retrieved 22 September 2008. ^ "Panel Urges Air Force to Unify Nuclear Command". The New York Times. September 13, 2008. Retrieved 22 September 2008. ^ The Associated Press. "Military cites poor oversight in mistaken shipment of warheads to Taiwan". MSNBC, Thurs., Sept. 25, 2008,; accessed 2008-09-26. ^ Rolfsen, Bruce, "Not Above Reproach", Air Force Times, 20 December 2010, p. 20. ^ Shane, Leo III, "Report: Wyo. Unit Fails Nuke Security Inspection", Stars and Stripes, December 17, 2008; Gertz, Bill, "Air Force Fails New Nuclear Reviews", Washington Times, February 4, 2009. ^ Hoffman, Michael, "Two wings get F on nuclear inspection", Air Force Times November 27, 2009. ^ Rolfsen, Bruce, "5th Bomb Wing CO relieved of command", Military Times, November 1, 2009. ^ Baldor, Lolita C., (Associated Press) "Report Slams Pentagon Nuke Oversight", Washington Post, January 7, 2009. ^ AFP-JiJi, "Faith in U.S. nuclear deterrent shaken", Japan Times, January 10, 2009. ^ Wall Street Journal, "US Air Force To Reorganize Nuclear Commands After Incidents", October 24, 2008. ^ Garamone, Jim, "Global Strike Command Will Stress Nuclear Mission", DefenseLink, August 7, 2009. ^ Associated Press, "New Unit To Manage AF Nuclear Arsenal", reported in Arizona Daily Star, October 25, 2008.

[edit] References

Baker, Fred W., III, (October 19, 2007). "Air Force Relieves Commanders Involved in Nuclear Weapons Incident". Archived from the original on 14 November 2007. Retrieved 2007-10-23. Defense Science Board (February 2008). "Report on the Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons" (PDF). Archived from the original on 9 May 2011. Retrieved 2011-05-15. Dorfner, Cindy (September 28, 2007). "After four decades, General Keys calls it a career". Retrieved 2007-11-20. Gilmore, Gerry J. (September 6, 2007). "Air Force Investigates Alleged Nuke Transfer, Pentagon Spokesman Says". Defenselink. Archived from the original on 13 October 2007. Retrieved 200710-23. Hoffman, Michael (October 21, 2007). "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake". Air Force Times. Retrieved 2007-10-23. Hoffman, Michael (January 26, 2008). "New nuke-handling procedures issued". Military Times. Retrieved 2008-01-27. Hoffman, Michael (February 12, 2008). "237 nuke handling deficiencies cited since 2001". Military Times. Retrieved 2008-02-13. Hoffman, Michael (February 13, 2008). "Generals grilled on Minot nuclear mishap". Military Times. Retrieved 2008-02-14. Hoffman, Michael (May 30, 2008). "Minot's 5th Bomb Wing flunks nuclear inspection". Military Times. Archived from the original on 3 June 2008. Retrieved 2008-06-01. Hoffman, Michael (August 16, 2008). "Minot nuke handlers pass re-inspection". Military Times. Retrieved 2008-08-18. Holmes, Erik (October 30, 2007). "Minot bomb wing gets new commander Thursday". Air Force Times. Retrieved 2007-10-31. MacPherson, James (February 4, 2008). "Minot chief sets bar high after nuke gaffe". Associated Press. Retrieved 2008-02-05. Military Times (June 6, 2008). "Moseley and Wynne forced out". Military Times. Archived from the original on 15 June 2008. Retrieved 2008-06-06. Pincus, Walter (October 20, 2007). "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands". Washington Post. Retrieved 2007-10-21. Pincus, Walter (January 25, 2008). "Air Force Alters Rules for Handling of Nuclear Arms". Washington Post. Retrieved 2008-01-26. Randolph, Monique (October 19, 2007). "Air Force releases B-52 munitions transfer investigation results". Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs. Archived from the original on 22 October 2007. Retrieved 2007-10-20. Ricks, Thomas E.; Joby Warrick (October 18, 2007). "Tough Punishment Expected for Warhead Errors". Washington Post. Retrieved 2007-10-16. Shanker, Thom (June 6, 2008). "2 Leaders Ousted From Air Force in Atomic Errors". New York Times. Archived from the original on 9 June 2008. Retrieved 2008-06-06. Spiegel, Peter (October 20, 2007). "Chain of errors blamed for nuclear arms going undetected". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2007-10-20. Spiegel, Peter (February 13, 2008). "U.S. Nuclear Focus Has Dimmed, Studies Find". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 16 February 2008. Retrieved 2008-02-14. Starr, Barbara (October 19, 2007). "Air Force officers relieved of duty over loose nukes". Cable News Network. Archived from the original on 21 October 2007. Retrieved 2007-10-20.

United States Air Force (USAF) (October 3, 2007). "General Corley takes command of ACC". Air Force Link. Archived from the original on 15 November 2007. Retrieved 2007-11-20. United States Department of Defense (USDoD), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) (October 19, 2007). "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton from the Pentagon, Arlington, Va." (Transcript). DefenseLink. Archived from the original on 23 October 2007. Retrieved 2007-10-21. United States Department of Defense (USDoD), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) (June 5, 2008). "DoD News Briefing with Secretary Gates from the Pentagon" (Transcript). DefenseLink. Archived from the original on 6 June 2008. Retrieved 2008-06-06. Warrick, Joby; Walter Pincus (September 23, 2007). "Missteps in the Bunker". Washington Post. Retrieved 2007-09-24.

[edit] Further reading

Gibson, James N. (2000). Nuclear Weapons of the United States: An Illustrated History. Schiffer Publishing. ISBN 0-7643-0063-6. Liolios, Theodore (January 2008). "Broken Arrows: (the Minot USAF base nuclear weapons incident)". Hellenic Arms Control Center. Retrieved 2008. Ryan, Bill, and Kerry Cassidy (October 29, 2007). "Project Camelot In tribute: 9 Minot and Barksdale AFB Airmen, 2007". Project Camelot. Archived from the original on 28 March 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-13.- Alternative theory on deaths supposedly related to the incident
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John Wheelers Death Tied To 2007 B-52 Nuke Incident at Minot?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 19:03 (Before It's News) (Via)

So Wayne Madsen hips me to this tip on John Wheeler III, whose name I didn't recognize:

John Wheeler III, special assistant to Air Force Secretary during the 2007 B-52 nuke incident at Minot, found dead in Delaware landfill. Homicide concluded. Last seen on Amtrak from DC on Dec. 28. Dealing with neocons can be hazardous to one's health. Not the first suspicious Air Force death as reported by WMR.

A bit more digging, so you have somewhere to start, brings me to Sodahead's rather levelheaded opinion :

What the "news" is not telling you is Wheeler was the assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force in the George W. Bush Administration. It was the Secretary of the Air Force who discovered that Richard Cheney had set up an alternative chain of command to the nuclear weapons wing of the AF. In the process, six minutemen missiles armed with nuclear warheads were secretly transported from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB. The later is the chief staging base for the Middle East war. The alarm system for the weapons was deactivated for the transport, something that not even the base commander could authorize. The orders had to have come from above. Many point to Cheney. Before the warheads could be flown via B-52 to the Iraq/Iran theater, the Secretary of the Air Force ordered the stand-down of all B-52 flights. When he discovered the alternative chain of command to Cheney, he fired all military personnel who were involved. Cheney was said to have been livid. The Secretary ordered an investigation of what the AF press release called an oversight, and 70 enlisted men and 5 officers were removed from the Minot nuclear system.

At the same time, people involved began to die mysteriously. Wheeler is only the latest casualty. Read more, including background info, here . For a detailed history of the Barksdale-Minot incident, go here (of course).

Ex-Bush, Reagan officials body found dumped in landfill

by jim Posted January 04, 2011
Related Topics: Middle East, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Cheney

What the "news" is not telling you is Wheeler was the assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force in the George W. Bush Administration. It was the Secretary of the Air Force who discovered that Richard Cheney had set up an alternative chain of command to the nuclear weapons wing of the AF. In the process, six minutemen missiles armed with nuclear warheads were secretly transported from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB. The later is the chief staging base for the Middle East war. The alarm system for the weapons was deactivated for the transport, something that not even the base commander could authorize. The orders had to have come from above. Many point to Cheney. Before the warheads could be flown via B-52 to the Iraq/Iran theater, the Secretary of the Air Force ordered the stand-down of all B-52 flights. When he discovered the alternative chain of command to Cheney, he fired all military personnel who were involved. Cheney was said to have been livid. The Secretary ordered an investigation of what the AF press release called an oversight, and 70 enlisted men and 5 officers were removed from the Minot nuclear system. At the same time, people involved began to die mysteriously. Wheeler is only the latest casualty. For more background, read here:


Ex-Bush, Reagan officials body found dumped in landfill

Death ruled a homicide

The body of a military expert who served in three Republican administrations was found dumped in a landfill over the holiday weekend, and investigators said Monday they do not know who might have killed him.

John Wheeler III, 66, was last seen Dec. 28 on an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington. His body was found three days later, on New Year's Eve, as a garbage truck emptied its contents at the Cherry Island landfill. His death has been ruled a homicide.

Wheeler, who served in Vietnam, helped lead efforts to build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington.

The former Army officer lived in New Castle and worked as a consultant for The Mitre Corporation, a nonprofit based in Bedford, Mass., and McLean, Va., that operates federally funded research and development centers.

Police have determined that all the stops made Friday by the garbage truck before it arrived at the landfill involved large commercial disposal bins in Newark, several miles from Wheeler's home.

"He was just not the sort of person who would wind up in a landfill," said Bayard Marin, an attorney who was representing Wheeler in a dispute over a couple's plans to build a new home in the historic district of Old New Castle where the victim lived.

Wheeler, the son of a decorated Army officer, was a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy. He retired from the military in 1971.

Wheeler served as a special assistant to the secretary of the Air Force under President George W. Bush, and in the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. He also was the first chief executive of Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

As the first chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, Wheeler led the multimillion-dollar fundraising effort to create the memorial on Washington's National Mall.

Fund founder and president Jan Scruggs said Wheeler dedicated himself to ensuring that service members were given the respect they deserve.

"I know how passionate he was about honoring all who serve their nation, and especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice," Scruggs said in a statement released Monday.

In a forward for the book, "Reflections On The Wall: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial," Wheeler wrote that the beauty of the wall photos in the book comes from the black granite's reflective quality.

"Before construction of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, those of us working on the project knew the wall would be shiny and reflective," he wrote. "But no one anticipated the sharp, true, and expansive mirror quality of the wall. The high polish of the black granite surface reflects blue sky, green trees, the Washington Monument, the Capitol Dome, the Lincoln Memorial, and the expressive faces of visitors who approach the Wall."

Wheeler's military career included serving in the office of the secretary of defense and writing a manual on the effectiveness of biological and chemical weapons, which recommended that the United States not use biological weapons.

"He was a very humble kind of guy, actually," Marin said. "He was never the kind of person who would talk about all the wonderful things he did in his life."


Body of US military expert found in Del. landfill Police: US military expert who served 3 GOP administrations slain, body found in Del. landfill

RANDALL CHASE AP News Jan 03, 2011 17:20 EST The body of a military expert who served in three Republican administrations was found dumped in a landfill over the holiday weekend, and investigators said Monday they do not know who might have killed him. John Wheeler III, 66, was last seen Dec. 28 on an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington. His body was found three days later, on New Year's Eve, as a garbage truck emptied its contents at the Cherry Island landfill. His death has been ruled a homicide.

Wheeler, who served in Vietnam, helped lead efforts to build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington. The former Army officer lived in New Castle and worked as a consultant for The Mitre Corporation, a nonprofit based in Bedford, Mass., and McLean, Va., that operates federally funded research and development centers.

Police have determined that all the stops made Friday by the garbage truck before it arrived at the landfill involved large commercial disposal bins in Newark, several miles from Wheeler's home. "He was just not the sort of person who would wind up in a landfill," said Bayard Marin, an attorney who was representing Wheeler in a dispute over a couple's plans to build a new home in the historic district of Old New Castle where the victim lived. Wheeler, the son of a decorated Army officer, was a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy. He retired from the military in 1971. Wheeler served as a special assistant to the secretary of the Air Force under President George W. Bush, and in the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. He also was the first chief executive of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. As the first chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, Wheeler led the multimillion-dollar fundraising effort to create the memorial on Washington's National Mall. Fund founder and president Jan Scruggs said Wheeler dedicated himself to ensuring that service members were given the respect they deserve.

"I know how passionate he was about honoring all who serve their nation, and especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice," Scruggs said in a statement released Monday. In a forward for the book, "Reflections On The Wall: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial," Wheeler wrote that the beauty of the wall photos in the book comes from the black granite's reflective quality. "Before construction of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, those of us working on the project knew the wall would be shiny and reflective," he wrote. "But no one anticipated the sharp, true, and expansive mirror quality of the wall. The high polish of the black granite surface reflects blue sky, green trees, the Washington Monument, the Capitol Dome, the Lincoln Memorial, and the expressive faces of visitors who approach the Wall." Wheeler's military career included serving in the office of the secretary of defense and writing a manual on the effectiveness of biological and chemical weapons, which recommended that the United States not use biological weapons. "He was a very humble kind of guy, actually," Marin said. "He was never the kind of person who would talk about all the wonderful things he did in his life." Source: AP News

#US Loses Nuclear Weapons! Where have they gone? How Remiss
Filed under: 2012 countdown, NEWS, The Research Library 1 Comment November 2, 2012

Rate This In August 2007, at least six nuclear warheads were stolen from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. The moment they were loaded, they disappeared from Americas nuclear inventory, location unknown, something that is not supposed to happen. There is no possible misinterpretation of orders, no mistake, no wrong label issue. These weapons were stolen, pure and simple. Discussions of individual commanders having authority to deploy weapons, stories of accidents, confusion or political alignments within the Air Force are red herrings.

Nothing is more controlled, more secure, more restricted, more classified, more protected than the nuclear arsenal of the United States. However, on that fateful day in 2007, a half dozen or more, hydrogen bombs, were plucked out of a secure bunker with no paperwork, no orders, nothing.

The Nuclear Assassination Of America Exposed

Posted: March 4, 2012 in Breaking News, Nuclear Terror

The Nuclear Bible: A False-Flag Nuclear Terror Conspiracy March 3, 2012

The Nuclear Bible is possibly the most powerful book ever written, for it has the power to take down both the Obama and Bush administrations and the Zionist puppeteers behind them.

Unlike Clinton or Bush before him, U.S. President Barack Obama has yet to suffe a major terror attack in almost four years of office. Due to the lack of a major false-flag operations such as the Oklahoma City Bombing or the 9/11 Terror Attacks to terrorize Americans into blindly supporting their Commander and Chief, Obama has had a first-term free of terrorism, but why?

Due to the lack of terror, hatred for Obama, his endless wars, and his fascist polices such as the NDAA (which allows for the arrest and indefinite detention of American citizens) has been able to fester, build and gain unprecedented momentum. In reality, it is hard to imagine what could possibly make Obama even more revolted, hated and less popular.

Well, imagine no longer.

Unbeknownst to most Americans, a thermonuclear weapon was to be detonated on Live TV at Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. The story surrounding the failed nuclear terror plot is revolutionary in and of itself, and it is currently being censored from both mainstream and alternative news sites. Despite the media blockade, it is only a matter of time before members of the Bush and Obama administration are indicted for conspiracy to commit nuclear terrorism.

The Nuclear Bible On February 1, 2011, Julian Assange of Wikileaks revealed to the world via leaked classified diplomatic documents that Al-Qaida was on the brink of using a nuclear bomb and that the West was on the verge of a Nuclear 9/11. What the diplomatic documents failed to mention was actual target, date and location of the upcoming nuclear terror attack.

Published 4 days prior on January 28, 2011, David Chase Taylors free ebook, entitled The Nuclear Bible, specifically named Super Bowl XLV on February 6, 2011, in Dallas, Texas, as the target, date and location of the impending nuclear terror attack. After publishing The Nuclear Bible, Taylor conducted multiple radio interviews and phoned numerous intelligence and law enforcement agencies throughout America to personally ensure that no acts of terror were conducted on the American people. Based on the sudden interest in Taylor by U.S. intelligence services, Taylor, anticipating retaliation and fearing for his life, applied for political asylum in Switzerland on March 8, 2011.

The Evidence As with any legal matter, a full, independent and open investigation must be conducted prior to filing any legal charges. However, after reviewing the evidence regarding Super Bowl XLV, its hard to believe that its all just sheer coincidence. Numerous news articles, press releases, mass casualty and terror drills, government exercises, legislation, terror warnings, travel warnings, anomalies, suspicious alibis, mass cancellations, coincidences and events surrounding the game clearly indicate that a nuclear terror plot was indeed subverted at Super Bowl XLV.

There have been 44 prior Super Bowls before Super Bowl XLV and nothing remotely similar has ever occurred at any one of them. Every ingredient needed to conduct a large scale false-flag/state-sponsored nuclear terror attack was

present either before, during or after Super Bowl XLV. As Emma Bull once said, Coincidence is the word we use when we cant see the levers and pulleys. In this particular case however, we have a pretty good idea

Evidence regarding Super Bowl XLV is organized chronologically into three sub-categories: Pre-Super Bowl XLV Evidence, Super Bowl XLV Evidence, and Post-Super Bowl XLV Evidence.

I. Pre-Super Bowl XLV Evidence

1. The 6 Hijacked Nukes Roughly 3 years prior to Super Bowl XLV on August 29, 2007, an unprecedented event occurred which wasnt reported until September 23, 2007. Under the Bush and Cheney administration, 6 thermo-nuclear 150 kilo-ton nuclear warheads disappeared. What role these 6 nuclear weapons would have played in the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot on is unknown, but Barksdale Air Force Base, where the nukes were last seen is roughly 100 miles from Dallas, Texas. Although the Air Force has since stated that the nuclear weapons were recovered, the deaths of at least (10) U.S. Air Force servicemen surrounding the incident makes it impossible to confirm that the hijacked nuclear weapons are not in the hands of Zionist terrorists.

2. The 2009 Super Bowl Joint Threat Assessment The 2009 Super Bowl XLIII Joint Threat Assessment (JTA) is the only JTA ever issued for a Super Bowl other than the JTA issued for Super Bowl XLV (2011). The 2009 JTA acts as a literal playbook for what eventually transpired in reality in and around Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas.

A. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 JTA of terrorists using stolen or counterfeit security credentials to access the game occurred in Dallas, Texas, when 3 NFL laptops and 1 thumb drive with encrypted security information were allegedly stolen in the weeks before the game. B. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 JTA of terrorists attacking the game in the form of suicide bombers was also revealed by Family Security Matters 11 days before the game. The suicide bombers were to be located throughout Cowboys Stadium in seating sections strategically located near stadium exits. After the nuclear terror plot was exposed, the seats were abandoned, roped off, guarded by armed security, and off limits to the Super Bowl XLV

crowd. In all 1250 seats were abandoned. C. As detailed in the 2009 JTA and The Nuclear Bible, Cowboys Stadium was to be attacked with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED), namely a Pakistani drone (6 drones have been downed in Pakistan since 9/11). The VBIED attack would come only AFTER the suicide bombers inside the stadium had detonated their explosives, subsequently causing a mass panic with every TV station in the world to tuning in to see the nuclear detonation. D. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 JTA of domestic terrorists being setup to be scapegoated for a Super Bowl attack was also depicted in The Nuclear Bible. The domestic terrorists were to charged be working with Muslim extremists in the aftermath of the attack.

Title: Super Bowl XLIII: Joint Threat Assessment Date: January 16, 2009 Source: DHS, FBI, NCC, NORTHCOM, FFC

Abstract: The high-profile nature of the Super Bowl, however, could make it a desirable target for a violent organization or individual seeking to take advantage of the intense media coverageThe presence of many corporate executives, politicians, and VIPs in one location, however, may present a collection opportunity for foreign intelligence services

Access to Super Bowl Security breaches facilitated by stolen or counterfeit credentials and insider operatives pose additional threats to stadium securityThe large number of contractors, media personnel, stadium employees, and vendors who will attend the Super Bowl could help cover efforts by terrorists to gain access inside the stadium. Stolen or counterfeit law enforcement badges and credentials purchased onlineoften of high quality and hard to differentiate from legitimate credentialscan facilitate unauthorized entry.

Means of Attack The placement of explosive devices in heavily trafficked areas is assessed as the most likely mode of terrorist attack Terrorists intent on attacking a stadium most likely would use one or more improvised explosive devices

(IEDs) or vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs). Such an attack during a major event would inflict immediate casualties and destruction as well as create fear and panic among survivors.Any such attacks would attract the extensive media attention most terrorists seek.

Suicide Bombers A February 2006 posting on a jihadist message boardsubsequently reproduced on other websitesprovided tactical information for a multiple suicide bomber attack against a sporting event to create a stampede and incite panic. The author of the posting recommended the bombers use handmade explosive belts hidden under their clothing. The posting outlined how a suicide bomber would detonate explosives inside the stadium, after which other operatives would detonate their bombs at the exit gates where they expected panicked spectators to flee. The author believed the combined explosions would create a stampede that would kill more people than the bombings themselves.

Domestic Terrorists Domestic terrorists have attacked soft targets in the past, however, and probably view major sporting events in large stadiumsto gain media coverage for their cause or issue. The Super Bowls stature as a major media event commanding world attention likely increases its attractiveness to domestic terrorists, whether acting alone or as part of a group. A homegrown violent extremist may try to attack a Super Bowl event venue (DHS, FBI, NCC, NORTHCOM, FFC, 2009).

3. Response to a Nuclear Detonation Memo (2009) Roughly 2 years prior to Super Bowl XLV, a 97 page report entitled Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation was issued by the numerous agencies within the U.S. government. Aside from stating that there would be no Federal response to a nuclear disaster for 72 hours, the memo uses a 10 kiloton nuclear weapon as size of the nuclear yield. This was the first of three U.S. government memos preparing American military, police, and first responders for the upcoming nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV.

Title: Planning Guidance For Response To A Nuclear Detonation Date: January 16, 2009 Source: Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group

Abstract: One of the most catastrophic incidents that could befall the United States (US), causing enormous loss of life and property and severely damaging economic viability is a nuclear detonation in a US city. The purpose of this guidance is to provide emergency planners with nuclear detonation-specific response recommendations to maximize the preservation of life in the event of an urban nuclear detonation. This guidance addresses the unique effects and impacts of a nuclear detonation such as scale of destruction, shelter and evacuation strategies, unparalleled medical demands, management of nuclear casualties, and radiation dose management concepts. The guidance is aimed at response activities in an environment with a severely compromised infrastructure for the first few days (e.g., 24-72 hours) when it is likely that many Federal resources will still be en route to the incident (Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group, 2009).

4. Nuclear, Terror, & Mass Casualty Drills In the 20 months leading up to Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas, unprecedented mass casualty, nuclear, disaster and terror drills occurred all over the state of Texas involving local, state, and federal agencies. These drills were executed in order to prepare authorities and first responders for the nuclear terror attack as well as psychologically prepare both the government officials and the public for a major terror event.

Title: National Level Exercise 2009 Date: July 27-31, 2009 Source: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

Abstract: NLE 09 will be the first major exercise conducted by the United States government that will focus exclusively on terrorism prevention and protectionNLE 09 is a White House directed, Congressionally- mandated exercise that includes the participation of all appropriate federal department and agency senior officials, their deputies, staff and key operational elements. NLE 09 will focus on intelligence and information sharing among intelligence and law enforcement communities, and between international, federal, regional, state, tribal, local and private sector participants. The NLE 09 scenario will begin in the aftermath of a national terrorist event (FEMA, 2009).

Title: Rapid Response Task Force To Conduct Drill In Beaumont Date: June 8, 2010 Source: Beaumont Enterprise

Abstract: Hundreds of people from several agencies throughout the state of Texas converged on Ford Park to perform a four- hour Rapid Response Task Force Operations DrillA massive convoy of state and military vehicles, communications equipment and emergency management personnel arrived to prepare for the drill. The Rapid Response Task Force is the mobilization of many state agencies in the event of a disaster. The task force was created for the rapid deployment of State resources and manpower to an area immediately following a disaster (The Examiner, 2010). See: (Beaumont Enterprise, 2010).

Title: DPS Participates In Live-Action Hurricane Drill Date: June 9, 2010 Source: NBC News

Abstract: The Texas Department of Public Safety and numerous other agencies in the DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth) area are participating in a live-action hurricane drill June 9 through June 11. This exercise is intended to test emergency mobilization, response and preparedness in the event of a real natural disaster (NBC News, 2010).

Title: Half-Full School Bus, Car, And 18-Wheeler With Radioactive Material Date: June 10, 2010 Source: KLTV News

Abstract: Smith County emergency management geared up for a full-scale disaster Wednesday in Lindale. The emergency drill involved a half-full school bus, a car and an 18-wheeler carrying radioactive materialWe set up a unified command, said Tyler Fire Department Captain Jeff Aiken. We worked together on this drillweve taken care of the problems as a collective team and thats what its all about. To give an idea of the importance of a radioactive waste drill, officials say more than 1,100 shipments of radioactive waste have been shipped through East Texas since 1999(KLTV News,2010).

5. The Era of Nuclear Terrorism Has Arrived On February 6, 2010, exactly 1 year to the day before Super Bowl XLV, British conservative politician Liam Fox, a member of British parliament for North Somerset and then current Secretary of State for Defence, stated that The era of nuclear terrorism has arrived. Fox made the comment in regards to Iran despite the fact that Iran has not offensively attacked another nation in over 400 years.

Title:Tories Would Back War with Iran Date: February 6, 2010 Source: Telegraph

Abstract: Liam Fox described the threat posed by Iran as the single most important issue facing the WestHe said that under Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejads regime, the export of terrorism and instability was part of the countrys foreign policy and warned the era of nuclear terrorism has arrived (Telegraph, 2010).

6. 2010 Nuclear Security Summit Roughly 10 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington D.C. where he stated that nuclear terrorism was The Single Biggest Threat to the United States. Obamas speech essentially warned the world that nuclear terror was on the horizon and that his administration would have no compunction in using nuclear weapons against the American people.

Title: Obama: Nuclear Terrorism Is The Single Biggest Threat To U.S. Date: April 11, 2010 Source: USA Today

Abstract: The single biggest threat to U.S. security, both short-term, medium-term and long-term, would be the possibility of a terrorist organization obtaining a nuclear weaponWe know that organizations like al-Qaeda are in the process of trying to secure nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, and would have no compunction at using them (USA Today, 2011).

7. The 2011 NFL, NBA, & MLB Lockout Just in time for the planned February 6, 2011 nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV, the 3 major sports leagues of the America, the National Football League (NFL), the National Basketball Association (NBA), and Major League Baseball (MLB), all had simultaneous labor lockouts. Whether or not NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, NBA Commissioner David Stern and MLB Commissioner Bud Selig, had foreknowledge regarding an impending nuclear attack is unknown, but their imposed lockouts make complete from a financial standpoint.

Post nuclear attack, fans would likely steer clear of sporting events and stadiums, costing the leagues millions if not billions in lost revenue. The lost revenue would then be compounded by the hundreds of millions of dollars the owners would have to keep paying to their players. In all likelihood, the NBA, NFL, and MLB would have had to file for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a nuclear terror attack on a stadium, unless of course they had inside information and planned their collective bargaining agreements accordingly.

Title: The NFL, NBA & MLB Lockouts of 2011 Date: January 28, 2011 Source: The Nuclear Bible

A. NFL CBA: Collective Bargaining Agreement expired on March 4, 2011 (ESPN, 2011). B. NBA CBA: This Agreement shall be effective from July 29, 2005 and, unless extended or terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Article XXXIX, shall continue in full force and effect through June 30, 2011 (NBA, 2011). C. MLB CBA: The current CBA expires on December 11, 2011: 2007-2011 BASIC AGREEMENT: This Agreement, effective December 20, 2006, is between the 30 Major League Clubs and the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLB, 2011).

8. The Canceled Nuclear Attack Test Roughly 8 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, the U.S. military canceled a nuclear attack exercise in Las Vegas, Nevada, when Sin City allegedly pulled out of the exercise citing business concerns. The nuclear attack exercise cancellation gave the U.S. government the well needed plausible deniability and legal cover post nuclear attack in that they

attempted to execute military exercises to stop a nuclear terror scenario, but the gaming community refused to comply

Title: Military Cancels Nuclear Attack Test Date: April 26, 2010 Source: Washington Times

Abstract: The U.S. military has canceled a major field exercise that tests its response to a nuclear attackThe exercise was canceled recently after the planned site for a post-nuclear-attack response Las Vegas pulled out in November, fearing a negative impact on its struggling business environment. The NLE, which is supposed to be a series of hands-on exercises to test the system in the event terrorists use a nuclear device, has become instead a tabletop exercise at best, the official said. The field exercise in Las Vegas was to simulate terrorists detonating an improvised nuclear device assembled with smuggled weapons-grade uranium (Washington Times, 2010).

9. Response to a Nuclear Detonation Memo (2010) Roughly 8 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, a 135 page report entitled Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation was issued by the numerous agencies within the U.S. government. The second edition was in part to provide planners the opportunity to think beyond the 10 KT nuclear yield, insinuating that the nuclear blast planned for Super XLV would far exceed a dirty bomb. This was the second of three U.S. government memos preparing American military, police, and first responders for the upcoming nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV.

Title: Planning Guidance For Response To A Nuclear Detonation Date: June 2010 Source: Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group

Abstract: One of the most catastrophic incidents that could befall the United States (US), causing enormous loss of life and property and severely damaging economic viability is a nuclear detonation in a US city. The purpose of this guidance is to provide emergency planners with nuclear detonation-specific response recommendations to maximize the preservation of life in the event of an urban nuclear detonation. This guidance addresses the unique effects and

impacts of a nuclear detonation such as scale of destruction, shelter and evacuation strategies, unparalleled medical demands, management of nuclear casualties, and radiation dose management concepts. The guidance is aimed at response activities in an environment with a severely compromised infrastructure for the first few days (e.g., 24-72 hours) when it is likely that many Federal resources will still be en route to the incident (Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group, 2010).

10. International Nuclear Smuggling Conference Roughly 7 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, individuals from atomic energy, law enforcement and policy experts from almost 30 countries met in Sofia, Bulgaria from June 17-19, 2011, under the auspices of the Nuclear Smuggling International Technical Working Group (ITWG). In all likelihood, this was a meeting to review strategy prior to the nuclear detonation in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011.

Title: Nuclear Forensics Experts Plan Path Forward Date: February 1, 2011 Source: Telegraph

Abstract: Atomic energy, law enforcement and policy experts from nearly 30 countries met in Sofia, Bulgaria June 17-19 under the auspices of the Nuclear Smuggling International Technical Working Group (ITWG) to share experience on nuclear forensics and illicit trafficking issues. The ITWG will conduct an analytic exercise this fall involving nuclear material, agreed on elements of a 3-year plan for further forensic exercises, and is preparing a guideline for crime scene analysis involving nuclear or radiological materials (Telegraph, 2011).

11. Foreign Troops in Texas On August 6, 2010, exactly 6 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, a mass-casualty drill entitled Operation Lone Star concluded about 400 miles south of Dallas, Texas. Interestingly, the drill included both Czech and Chilean troops whose flags are almost identical to that of Texas. In the aftermath of a nuclear terror attack, pandemonium, chaos and fear would likely make it impossible for the public tell the difference between the flags.

Title: Texas Guard, Czech Army Trains For Disaster In Operation Lonestar Date: August 6, 2010 Source: National Guard

Abstract: What we do and what were training for is a mass casualty, said Texas State Guard Capt. James R. OwensThis year, these state assets used the annual humanitarian event Operation Lone Star to conduct a complete exercise simulating a mass casualty incident. At one level, we provide free care, said Dr. Brian R. SmithAt the same time, it provides a preparedness exercise for those of us in public health and the Texas Military forces to work together and to practice together in a major event. Spanning six counties in Texas, Operation Lone Star functions as an ideal execution of a real-time public health crisis, uniting disparate agencies for a common and worthy goalFurther bridging the spirit of cooperation, even service members from the Czech Republic and Chilean armies supported OLS this year. (National Guard, 2011).

12. The Nuclear Detonation Preparedness Memo Roughly 5 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, a 46 page report entitled Nuclear Detonation Preparedness Communicating In The Immediate Aftermath was issued by the numerous agencies within the U.S. government. This was the third of three U.S. government memos preparing American military, police, and first responders for the upcoming nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV.

Title:Nuclear Detonation Preparedness Communicating In The Immediate Aftermath Date: September 2010 Source: Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group

Abstract: A nuclear detonation in the United States is one of the most devastatingly catastrophic incidents imaginable. While the United States Government is working with its international partners to ensure this nightmare

scenario never becomes reality, failing to plan for managing the consequences would be irresponsible. This document was developed as a resource for emergency responders and federal, state, and local officials communicating with the public and media during the immediate aftermath following a nuclear detonation in the United States. While we hope there is never a need for these messages, we have a responsibility to the American people to be prepared to respond and communicate effectively in the event of any type of national emergency, including a nuclear detonation (Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group, 2010).

13. Cheney Predicts Nuclear Terror Roughly 4 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, a man responsible in part for the 9/11 attacks, emphatically stated that the next terror attack upon the Unites States would either be nuclear or biological. Had a nuclear weapon been detonated in Dallas, Texas, the death toll Cheney predicted would have likely been dwarfed as millions would have perished in the thermo-nuclear terror attack.

Title: Cheney Says Next Terror Attack Will Be Biological Or Nuclear Date: September 30, 2011 Source: Bio Prep Watch

Abstract: According to former vice president Dick Cheney, the next terrorist attack on the Western world could be nuclear or biological and the death toll could total in the hundreds of thousands. Cheney spoke with the Toronto Sun on Monday to discuss his life in politics, which he recounted in the recently released memoirMy biggest concern today when I think about a threat is the possibility that therell be another major attack but next time th ey will have deadlier weapons, not just airline tickets and box cutters, Cheney said, according to the Toronto Sun. I worry very much about the possibility of a group of terrorists getting their hands on a biological agent of some kind or a nuclear device and setting one of those off in the middle of one of our cities. That would be devastating, obviously. The death toll would run into the hundreds of thousands (Bio Prep Watch, 2011).

14. The Nuclear Terrorism Detection Plan Roughly 6 weeks prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano

submitted a nuclear detection plan to the U.S. Congress essentially stating that the Obama administration had done all that it could do to prevent a nuclear terror attack upon the United States.

Title: Homeland Security Delivers Nuclear Detection Plan To Capitol Hill Date: January 5, 2011 Source: Nuclear Threat Initiative

Abstract: The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office delivered its long-awaited strategic plan for the global nuclear detection architecture to Capitol Hill on Dec. 20, according to DNDO chief Warren Stern. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano signed off on the plan that same dayIn addition, the interdepartmental road map outlines the roles of a number of federal branches in preventing terrorists from detonating a nuclear or radiological device inside the United StatesParticipating entities include the Defense, Energy, Justice and State departments, the U.S. national intelligence director and the Nuclear Regulatory CommissionThe detection office was established by presidential directive in 2005 to coordinate federal efforts to protect the United States against nuclear terrorism. It was also designated to be the lead agency in domestic nuclear detection (NTI, 2011).

15. The Joint Special Event Threat Assessment Roughly 3 weeks prior to Super Bowl XLV, a Joint Threat Assessment (JTA) was issued by numerous U.S. governmental agencies in an attempt to gain plausible deniability in the aftermath of the nuclear terror attack. This was only the second time that a Super Bowl warranted a JTA, the other being Super Bowl XLIII in 2009.

A. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 and the 2011 JTA of terrorists using stolen or counterfeit security credentials to access the game occurred in and around Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas. B. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 and the 2011 JTA of terrorists attacking the game in the form of suicide bombers was revealed by Family Security Matters 11 days before the game. The suicide bombers were to be located throughout Cowboys Stadium in seating sections strategically located near stadium exits. After the nuclear terror plot was exposed, the seats were abandoned, roped off, guarded by armed security, and off limits to the Super Bowl XLV crowd. In all 1250 seats were abandoned. C. As detailed in the 2009 JTA, the 2011 JTA and The Nuclear Bible, Cowboys Stadium was to be attacked with a

vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED), namely a Pakistani drone (6 drones have been downed in Pakistan since 9/11). The VBIED attack would come only AFTER the suicide bombers inside the stadium had detonated their explosives, subsequently causing a mass panic with every TV station in the world to tuning in to see the nuclear detonation. D. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 and 2011 JTA of domestic terrorists being setup to be scapegoated for a Super Bowl attack was also depicted in The Nuclear Bible. The domestic terrorists were to be charged be working with Muslim extremists in the aftermath of the attack.

Title: Super Bowl XLV: Joint Special Event Threat Assessment Date: January 11, 2011 Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, FBI, the Dallas Police Department, the Arlington Police Department, the United States Northern Command, the National Counterterrorism Center and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Abstract: We have no information indicating a specific foreign intelligence threat related to Super Bowl XLV; however, the presence of many corporate executives, politicians, and VIPs in one location presents collection opportunities for foreign intelligence services.

Access to Super Bowl Terrorists or criminals might try to gain access to restricted areas by impersonating government or military officials or emergency personnel. Detecting and detaining such individuals would pose a key security challenge prior to and during the Super Bowl.

Means of Attack We assess placement of one or more improvised explosive devices (IEDs) or vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs) in or near the stadium would be the preferred method of attack by terrorists. Such an attack during the game would inflict immediate casualties and destruction and create fear and panic among spectators. Terrorists also could use IEDs or VBIEDs against crowded, unsecured targets nearby, such as local businesses and public parking lots, as diversions or to stage secondary attacks against first responders.

Domestic Terrorists Lone offenders pose a threat to any large event like the Super Bowl. They are often difficult to detect because they have no visible links to known terrorist groups or networks, and they conduct their typically limited planning and preoperational activities in isolation.

Suicide Bombers Suicide bombing is a widely used terrorist tactic overseas against eventsa nd locations where large numbers of people are present. Such attacks could also target crowded, unsecured targets nearby. (FBI & DHS, 2011).

16. U.S. Nuclear Detectors Not Properly Tested Roughly 3 weeks prior to Super Bowl XLV, the National Academy of Science released a report stating that nuclear detection devices in the U.S. had failed to work properly and that data gained from these detectors were unreliable. This report essentially gave the Obama administration plausible deniability and relieved them of any legal responsibility in the aftermath of the nuclear terror attack.

Title: Report: Port Devices Not Duly Tested Date: January 14, 2011 Source: Washington Post

Abstract: Homeland security officials responsible for defending against radiological and nuclear terror attacks did not properly test high-tech radiation detectors for use at the nations ports of entryThe Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, or DNDO, at the Department of Homeland Security conducted poorly designed performance tests that undermined officials ability to draw reliable conclusionsDNDO officials also presented the test results in ways that are incorrect and potentially misleading (Washington Post, 2011).

17. The NFL Laptop & Information Thefts In the weeks leading up to Super Bowl XLV, the exact same scenario depicted in the both the Super Bowl XLIII: Joint Threat Assessment (2009) and the Super Bowl XLV: Joint Threat Assessment (2011), of stolen, fraudulent or counterfeit security credentials being used to access the game began to transpire in reality. In total, 3 NFL laptops,

several thumb drives, and an iPod with security credentials and encrypted software were allegedly stolen in the Dallas, Texas, area just prior to Super Bowl XLV.

Title: Laptop With Artwork For Super Bowl Credentials Is Stolen Date: January 15, 2011 Source: Star-Telegram

Abstract: A laptop computer containing NFL and Super Bowl XLV artwork that was to be used on credentials was stolen (Star-Telegram, 2011).

Title: NFL Laptops With Encryption Software Stolen Date: January 30, 2011 Source: Alertsec Express

Abstract: Two more National Football League (NFL) employees laptops have been stolen at the Dallas Convention Center on Sunday. The stolen laptops belonged to a private investigator and a security consultant based in CaliforniaThese laptops not only stored sensitive information but also not protected with encryption softwareA similar incident happened earlier this monthAccording to Arlington police, several thumb drives and security credential artwork were also stolen with the laptop (Alertsec Xpress, 2011).

18. The Global Ambassadors Summit in Washington D.C. Only 6 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called an historic first of its kind ambassadors meeting in Washington D.C., which lasted from January 31, 2011, until February 4, 2011. The meeting was so important to matters of state that ambassadors from almost all 260 U.S. embassies, consulates and other posts in more than 180 countries were present. This meeting was likely used by the Obama administration to prep U.S. ambassadors on the policies and procedures they needed to adhere to in the aftermath of the first nuclear terror attack upon the United States.

Title: Hillary Clinton Calls Historic Meeting Of Ambassadors Date: January 31, 2011 Source: Politico

Abstract: Ambassadors from almost all 260 U.S. embassies, consulates and other posts in more than 180 countries are expected to convene at the State Department for whats being billed as the first meeting of its kindOne of the officials questioned why every ambassador in the world was required to come back to the States for a group of lectures when this could have been done virtually (Politico, 2011).

19. 9/11 Deja Vu: Global Terror Workshop in Abu Dhabi Roughly 10 weeks prior to 9/11, a first of its kind summit took place in Abu Dhabi also involving the U.S. Department of State. The secret terror meetings were likely used by the Bush administration to prep various governmental and security organizations on the policies and procedures they needed to adhere to in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

Title: Anti-Terrorism Meet In Abu Dhabi Date: July 1, 2001 Source: The Gulf News

Abstract: More than 200 people from various strategic organisations are taking part in an eight -day anti-terrorist workshop in the capital. The workshop, which got underway yesterday, is designed to train people in how to recognise and deal with a terrorist attack using nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. It is the first time training of this kindThe workshop has been organised by the General Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police in co-operation with the United States Department of State, Anti-terrorism Assistance Programme (The Gulf News, 2001).

20. Sleeper Cells, Suicide Bombers & Nuclear Bombs Just 11 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, Family Security Matters, a front for the Zionist Center for Security Policy, broke the story that there were terrorist sleeper cells located within the United States and that there is a high probability that suicide bombers will strike in relatively short time. Coincidentally, the information depicted in the article in

respect to suicide bombers reflects the information contained within the both the Super Bowl XLIII: Joint Threat Assessment (2009) and the Super Bowl XLV: Joint Threat Assessment (2011).

Title:Sleeper Cells In The USA Date: January 26, 2011 Source: Family Security Matters

Abstract: There is every reason to suspect that [America] will endure suicide missions by Islamist sleeper cells. They are already in place. They are waiting for the right timeAn attack and the potential for a suicide bomber using a dirty radiological bomb from these facilities was and is a high probability Terrorist sleeper cells are located primarily in Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Michigan, Florida, California, and CanadaThe sleepers are prepared to conduct terrorist attacks within the U.S., and nuclear material is available to them. Prepared in this instance indicates they have the necessary tools to carry out their attacks and are prepared to dieNon profit organizations such as CAIR, ISNA, MANA, MSA, and several other Islamic based groups are in actuality simply fronts for Al Qaeda and Hamas. The leadership within these groups receives funds and training from the Saudi government. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows these groups to operate freely throughout the U.S. and at Americans taxpayers expense. Essentially the IRS grants the groups immunity and the authority to train, organize, and prepare for attacks against our country U.S. citizens need to understand there are people trained and prepared to carry our suicide missions in the U.S. and nothing are off limits. Churches, malls, and even the schools our children attend are not off limits to suicide bombers. It is only a relatively short time before the U.S. will begin seeing suicide terrorist missionsNuclear reactors are located on a large number of major university campuses in the U.S. There locations are not classified and are described on the internet (Family Security Matter, 2011).

21. The Worldwide Terror Alerts In the week prior to Super Bowl XLV, the U.S. Department of State, the UK, and Russia issued multiple terror warnings in regards to 1) attacks on U.S. citizens, 2) bombings, 3) attacks at high-profile sporting events, 4) nuclear weapons, and 5) Pakistan. The terror warnings were issued to 1) give the Obama administration plausible deniability in the aftermath of the nuclear terror attack, 2) to train the American public to treat all post-nuclear attack terror warnings with the utmost caution, and 3) to develop and international narrative the nuclear terror threat was real.

Title: Worldwide Caution Date: January 31, 2011 Source: U.S. Department of State

Abstract: The Department of State remains concerned about the continued threat of terrorist attacks, demonstrations, and other violent actions against U.SDemonstrations and rioting can occur with little or no warning. Current information suggests that Al-Qaida and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks against U.S. interestsThese attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics including suicide operations, assassinations, kidnappings, hijackings, and bombings. Extremists may elect to use conventional or non-conventional weapons, and target both official and private interests. Examples of such targets include high-profile sporting events (U.S. State Department, 2011).

Title: US Issues Global Terror Alert Including India And Pakistan Date: February 2, 2011 Source: National Terror Alert (DHS)

Abstract: Threat of terrorist attacks, demonstrations and other violent actions against US citizens(DHS, 2011).

Title: UK And US Warn About The Nuclear Threat Date: February 1, 2011 Source: Voice of Russia

Abstract: The growing threat of uncontrollable development of nuclear weapons in Iran and PakistanThe most recent American intelligence reports concluded that Pakistan had seriously expanded its nuclear arsenal since the beginning of Barack Obamas presidency (The Voice of Russia, 2011).

22. The Al Qaeda Nuclear Bomb On February 1, 2011, just 5 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, WikiLeaks broke a story that media around the world began parroting; Al Qaeda now had a nuclear bomb and they intend to inflict a Nuclear 9/11 on the West.

Interestingly, the entire narrative of Al Qaeda and their nuclear bomb has all but disappeared from the media post Super Bowl XLV.

Title: WikiLeaks: Al-Qaida On Brink Of Using Nuclear Bomb Date: February 1, 2011 Source: Fox News

Abstract: Al-Qaida is on the verge of producing radioactive weapons after sourcing nuclear material and recruiting rogue scientists to build dirty bombsA leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a nuclear 9/11. Security briefings suggest that jihadi groups are also close to producing workable and efficient biological and chemical weapons that could kill thousands if unleashed in attacks on the West (Fox News, 2011).

Title: WikiLeaks: Al-Qaeda Is Planning A Dirty Bomb Date: February 2, 2012 Source: Telegraph

Abstract: A leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a nuclear 9/11. Security briefings suggest that jihadi groups are also close to producing workable and efficient biological and chemical weapons that could kill thousands if unleashed in attacks on the West. Tomihiro Taniguchi, the deputy director-general of the IAEA, has privately warned America that the world faces the threat of a nuclear 9/11 if stores of uranium and plutonium were not secured against terrorists (Telegraph, 2011).

Title: World On Brink Of Nuclear 9/11 As Al Qaeda Plans Large Dirty Bomb Date: February 2, 2011 Source: Daily Mail

Abstract: New diplomatic documents released by WikiLeaks show that U.S. intelligence personnel have been informed of terrorist attempts to acquire dangerous amounts of uranium and plutonium. The cables warn of a large

trafficking operation of chemical weapons material and threats of a nuclear 9/11 unless the West intervenes swiftly. Tomihiro Taniguchi, the IAEAs deputy director-general, reportedly told U.S. officials the world stands on the brink of a nuclear 9/11 unless agency stores of nuclear material were sufficiently protected from terrorists (Daily Mail, 2011).

23. Al Qaeda, Nuclear Weapons & Sporting Events Just 4 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, John Choon Yoo, a former attorney in the U.S. Department of Justice during the George W. Bush administration who was known for the Torture Memos and advocating the torture of children, wrote the following op-ed in regards to Al Qaeda, nuclear weapons and sporting events.

Title:Threat Of Al Qaeda Nuclear Bomb Underscores Importance Of Success In Afghanistan Date: February 2, 2011 Source: Ricochet

Abstract: Al-Qaida is on the verge of producing radioactive weapons after sourcing nuclear material and recruiting rogue scientists to build dirty bombs, according to leaked diplomatic documents. A leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a nuclear 9/11. This report should come as no shock. Information that came into the U.S. governments after 9/11 revealed that al Qaeda had vigorously pursued WMD technology. If al Qaeda really wanted to spread terror in the United States, they would use these primitive WMDs on soft, undefended targets like shopping malls, sporting events, and the crowded downtowns of major cities (Ricochet, 2011).

24. The Bi-Polar Super Bowl Terror Warnings On February 3, 2011, just 3 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. intelligence officials emphatically stated that there was no terror threat to Super Bowl XLV. The next day, February 4, 2011, the same U.S. intelligence officials reneged on their previous statement by warning that terrorists may be disguised inside Super Bowl XLV. These bi-polar warnings were issued in an attempt to confuse American citizens as to the true nature of the threat, deflect criticism in the aftermath in the aftermath of the attack, and provide plausible deniability for intelligence agencies.

Title: Officials: No Specific Terror Threat To Super Bowl Date: February 3, 2011 Source: ABC News

Abstract: U.S. intelligence officials say there is no specific terrorist threat to Sundays Super Bowl, but they say al Qaida and other similar groups remain interested in carrying out attacks during such high profile events (ABC News, 2011).

Title: Feds Warn Of Disguised Terrorists At Super Bowl Date: February 4, 2011 Source: CBS News

Abstract: Intelligence officials warn that terrorists might also try to get inside events by impersonating government or military officials or emergency personnelDetecting and detaining such individuals would pose a key security challenge prior to and during the Super Bowl (CBS News, 2011).

25. How to Survive a Nuclear Disaster Just 3 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, the American news show Inside Edition ran a story entitled How To Survive A Nuclear Disaster. Despite being on the air since October 9, 1988, Inside Edition had never run a story on nuclear terrorism, but issued a nuclear terror warning 72 hours before Super Bowl XLV.

Title:How To Survive A Nuclear Disaster Date: February 3, 2011 Source: Inside Edition

Abstract: Its the scenario we dread, terrorists detonate a nuclear bomb in a U.S city. Hollywood depicts how they envision this disaster. But if it really did happen, would you know what to do? Its estimated that if a nuclear device were detonated in Los Angeles, the fallout would cause 280,000 deaths and injuries among people who didnt take shelter. The government recently issued new guidelines on responding to a nuclear attack. The reports stress that

sheltering is the best first response even though sheltering goes against natural instincts to run from danger (Inside Edition, 2011).

26. U.S. Department of Homeland Security & NFL Partnership Only 2 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. Department of Homeland (DHS) Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stated that, We are simply asking the American people to be vigilant, recognizing that our security is a shared responsibility that all of us must participate inIf a fan at the Super Bowl or any other American at any other place sees something that is potentially dangerous, then say something about it to local law enforcement or someone in authority. This was a calculated moved by DHS to put the responsibility of keeping the Super Bowl terror free onto the American public while giving herself and DHS plausible deniability in the aftermath.

Title: Homeland Security Secretary Inspects Super Bowl Site, Says Fans Have Shared Responsibility For Security At Game And Across the Country Date: February 4, 2011 Source: CNS News

Abstract: Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano traveled to Dallas earlier this week to personally inspect the massive security operation surrounding the 45th Super Bowl game and to announce the If You See Something, Say Something campaign. We are partnering this year with the NFL on our If You See Something, Say Something campaign and launching that NFL partnership right here at the Super Bowl, Napolitano said during a press conference on Monday at Cowboy Stadium in Arlington, Texas where Sundays game will be played. The idea is simple, Napolitano said. We are simply asking the American people to be vigilant, recognizing that our security is a shared responsibility that all of us must participate in. If a fan at the Super Bowl or any other American at any other place sees something that is potentially dangerous, then say something about it to local law enforcement or someone in authority, Napolitano said. Napolitano announced that DHS has trained some 1,2 00 stadium staffers as first observers and that cargo going into the venue also will be screened using non -intrusive inspection equipment (CNS News, 2011).

II. Super Bowl XLV Evidence

27. Barack Obamas Super Bowl Party During Super Bowl XLV, U.S. President Barack Obama held a Super Bowl party/meeting in Washington D.C. where most of his cabinet and top officials were in attendance. The Washington D.C. Super Bowl party/meeting scenario also occurred during the 2009 and 2010 Super Bowl, despite it never occurring with any other presidential administration. It was an ingenious way for Obama to summons his entire cabinet and agency heads on a Sunday for an immediate response in the aftermath of a nuclear terror attack. The Obama administration would appear unified, composed, and resolute as Obama addressed the nation from the White House while being flaked by a majority of his cabinet and top Congressional members.

Unlike the 2009 and 2010 Obama Super Bowl parties, all governmental personal needed in the aftermath of a nuclear attack were present at Obamas Super Bowl XLV party (Shaun Donovan, U.S. Secretary for Housing and Urban Development, Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General, Lisa Jackson, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Susan Rice, Ambassador to the United Nations, Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Eric Shinseki, U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Tom Vilsack, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture).

Title: Obamas White House Super Bowl Party: See The Full Guest List Date: April 7, 2010 Source: Huffington Post

Abstract: Barack Obama will be holding a White House Super Bowl party, just like last year, when one attendee said the party got pretty rowdy. The White House released the guest list for this years party. Among the attendees are a handful of House members, one senator and almost ten cabinet members.

Title: Obamas Super Bowl Party: Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony On Guest List Date: February 2, 2011 Source: Huffington Post

Abstract: The guest list for President Barack Obamas White House Super Bowl party includes entertainers Jennifer Lopez and Marc AnthonyA White House spokesman said about 100 people have been invited, including White House staff, family and friends such as Attorney General Eric Holder, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Sens. Pat Toomey and Robert Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania and congressman Reid Ribble of Wisconsin.(Huffington Post, 2011).

28. The 485/1250 Empty Seats at Super Bowl XLV For the first time in modern history, there were empty seats at an NFL Super Bowl. Completed on May 27, 2009, Cowboys Stadium was built to hold a maximum capacity crowd of 110,000, including standing room, but was somehow only able to seat 103,219 on its biggest day of February 6, 2011.

Despite being the hottest ticket in town, 485 fans (recently upped to 1250) were allegedly barred from entering the game based on the NFLs e xcuse that their seats were not completed. A more likely explanation is that the disguised terrorists that the U.S. intelligence services warned may be inside Super Bowl XLV were likely slated to sit in the uncompleted seats.

The 1250 seats were likely unavailable at game time due to a weapons cache that included suicide bomber belts which were stashed in and around the uncompleted seats. The 2009 Super Bowl JTA and a Family Security Matters article released roughly 10 days before Super Bowl XLV stated that suicide bomber would attack at sporting events. Coincidentally, the empty seats were strategically placed near exits just as stated in the Super Bowl XLIII: Joint Threat Assessment (2009). Suicide bomber were also mentioned in the Super Bowl XLV: Joint Threat Assessment (2011).

Once the nuclear terror plot was exposed, it left those running the nuclear terror operation with a quandary. Since the explosives and weapons had already been planted in the Cowboys stadium, it was impossible to remove it prior to the game, hence the empty seats.

The seats in question were then covered with a large black cloth and guarded the entire game by armed security guards. The uncompleted seats occurred in at least 4 locations throughout the Cowboy Stadium and on multiple levels. Allegedly, the NFL knew a week before that there may be an issue with the seats but failed to notify ticket holders. As evidenced by the follow-up seating snafu at the BCS NCAA College Football Championship, there is a concerted effort to make seating issues the norm and to muddy the waters regarding what really occurred at Super Bowl XLV.

Title: Some Super Bowl Seats Not Completed Date: February 7, 2011 Source: ESPN

Abstract: Incomplete installation of temporary seats in a limited number of sections made the seats unusableStadium workers were covering the top corner sections of the upper deck behind one end zone two hours prior to kickoff. There were off-limits seats in the same upper-deck rows as seats that were deemed safe. Yellow police tape was used as a dividing line, with uniformed personnel also keeping folks away (ESPN, 2011).

Title: Blame The Media: Press Gets Fans Seats At BCS Championship Date: January 10, 2012 Source: ESPN

Abstract: There was another ticket mix-up at a championship football game. Dozens of fans arrived at the Superdome for the Allstate BCS Championship Game between No. 1 LSU and No. 2 Alabama to find their seats were taken for auxiliary press seating Monday night. The top two rows of the upper deck were turned into an overflow area for the media, with one of the rows covered by tables. The mix-up is similar to a situation that occurred at last

years Super Bowl in Arlington, Texas, where some temporary seating had not been inspected and couldnt be used. Incidentally, the Super Bowl will be in the Superdome next season and auxiliary media seating will be needed for that game as well (ESPN, 2012).

Title: NFL Aims To Avoid Super Bowl Seating Snafu Date: January 27, 2012 Source: USA Today

Abstract: The troublesome temporary seats that left the NFL with a black eye at last years Super Bowl in Nort h Texas should be a non-issue when the game is played at Lucas Oil Stadium on Feb. 5. Thats because there will be only 254 of them. Frank Supovitz, the leagues senior vice president for events, says the decision was made in March to dramatically scale back initial plans that included several thousand temporary seats. Last years Super Bowl at Cowboys Stadium was infamous for a seating snafu that displaced 1,250 ticketholders because railings, seats and risers had not been installed (USA Today, 2012).

29. Texas Governor Rick Perrys Super Bowl Alibi Despite Texas never hosting a Super Bowl until 2011, Texas governor Rick Perry was at Ronald Reagans would-be 100th birthday party in California. This was a premeditated move to give Perry an alibi and safe-house outside of Texas, while also giving him a heart wrenching story to parrot while running in the 2012 U.S. Presidential campaign. Coincidentally, other Texas politicians also decided to pass on Super Bowl XLV.

Title: Some Texas Politicians Are No-Shows At Super Bowl Date: February 6, 2011 Source: Star-Telegram

Abstract: Some Texas politicians made news for NOT showing up at todays Super Bowl. Texas Gov. Rick Perry is in California, celebrating what would have been former President Ronald Reagans 100th birthday. Apparently Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and House Speaker Joe Straus had other plans as well. Many state and congressional lawmakers planned to watch the game at home or with family or friends (Star-Telegram, 2011).

30. George W. Bush & Super Bowl XLV

The situation regarding former U.S. President George W. Bush and Super Bowl XLV is highly suspicious. Bush, an NFL fan who previously attended big games in Texas, couldnt seem to make up his mind in regards to the biggest football game Texas had ever seen. Despite Texas never hosting a Super Bowl until 2011, Bush had other plans.

A. On January 31, 2011, it is reported that George W. Bush and his wife Laura will attend Super Bowl XLV B. On February 6, 2011, it is reported that George W. Bush has cancelled his previously scheduled trip to Switzerland where he had planned to speak at a Jewish charity fundraiser. Alleged protests against Bushs war crimes were used as an excuse by Bush to cancel his trip to Switzerland. C. On February 6, 2011, attends Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas.

Evidentially, once the nuclear terror attack had been called off, Bush felt safe enough to attend Super Bowl XLV. During the game, Bush was repeatedly seen reading a book via an iPad like mechanism instead of watching the game. It is highly possibly that Bush was reading The Nuclear Bible; after all, it made him change his plans at least twice in one day.

Title: Bushes Will Attend Super Bowl, Clinton Not Date: January 31, 2011 Source: UPI

Abstract: Its been exciting being back in Dallas the week before the Super Bowl, Barbara Bush said. Neither Jenna nor I can stay for the game. Ive got to get back to work. While George and Laura Bush plan to att end the

game, former President Bill Clinton wont be able to make it. Dallas Cowboys owner and President Jerry Jones invited Clinton to the game, but the former president reportedly asked for a rain check (UPI, 2011).

Title: George W. Bush Cancels Trip To Switzerland Amid Calls For Protests & War Crimes Investigation Date: February 6, 2011 Source: UPI

Abstract: Former President George W. Bush was forced to cancel a trip to Switzerland amid concerns of massive protests and calls from human rights groups to investigate his administration for war crimesThe ex-prez learned on Friday his invite to speak at an event in Geneva hosted by the United Israel Appeal, a Jewish charity, had been nixed (New York Daily News, 2011).

Title: Stars [George W. Bush] Come Out To Watch The Super Bowl Date: February 7, 2011 Source: The Telegraph

Abstract: Celebrities streamed into Cowboys Stadium to watch the Green Bay Packers beat the Pittsburgh Steelers 31 to 25. Hugh Jackman, John Travolta, Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas were among the film stars cheering on their teams from the sidelines. Owen Wilson and Jamie Foxx who both grew up in North Texas also watched the game. As Lea Michele of Glee sang America the Beautiful, the gigantic screen in the middle of the stadium flashed to former President George W. Bush and former first lady Laura Bush, who made their home in Dallas after he left office (Telegraph, 2011).

31. 9/11 Deja Vu: Clinton & Gore Leave U.S. Coincidentally, just before the 9/11 Terror Attacks, former U.S. President Bill Clinton was convenientyl left for Australia while former U.S. Vice President Al Gore left for Austria.

Title: Clintons Fight Against Terrorism Date: February 11, 2009 Source: CBS News

Abstract: The 42nd president of the United States was in Australia when the Sept. 11 attack occurred. I remember it vividly, recalls Mr. Clinton, who says his first thought was that Osama bin Laden did this (CBS, 2009).

Title: On 911An Ill Wind Blew Clinton To Australia Date: January 25, 2006 Source: Rense

Abstract: Al Gore also was out of town on 9/11. IN AUSTRIA OF ALL PLACES for the Conference for Internet and Technology Austria (Rense, 2006).

32. Super Bowl XLV Cancellations On Super Bowl XLV and the days leading up to it, at least a dozen cancellations occurred in respect to a number of both public and private events without a lot of public explanation. In many cases, the celebrities and professional athletes actually left town prior to the big game, despite traveling to Dallas, Texas, specifically to watch Super Bowl XLV. Based on the viral nature of The Nuclear Bible, it is highly plausible that information regarding an impending terror attack reached people on the ground in Dallas, Texas, who then decided to skip town.

A. Canceled: Super Bowl Concert (Dallas Voice, 2011) B. Canceled: Warren Sapp Superlegends Super Bowl Bash (Z Events, 2011) C. Canceled: The Big Ante Super Bowl Party Charity Event with Patrick Crayton (Super Sunday HQ, 2011) D. Canceled: Michael Vick Super Bowl Party (Huffington Post, 2011) E. Canceled: Everson Griffin Super Bowl Party (ESPN, 2011) F. Canceled: Arlington Community Super Bowl Watch Party (Star-Telegram, 2011) G. Canceled: Prince Concert (Billboard, 2011) H. Canceled: Erykah Badu Concert (Dallas Observer, 2011)

I. Canceled: Snoop Dogg Appearance (Fox, 2011) J. Canceled: Michael Sorrentino aka The Situation Appearance (Fox, 2011) K. Canceled: Adrian Peterson All-In Celebrity Poker Tournament ( L. Canceled: Former U.S. President George W. Bushs Trip to Switzerland (NY Daily News, 2011)

III. Post Super Bowl XLV Evidence

33. U.S. Invasion of Libya Exactly 1 week after Super Bowl XLV, the U.S. and NATO attacked Libya for no apparent reason. This sudden and unprovoked attack was likely done in an attempt to divert immediate attention from what transpired in Dallas, Texas, and to set up Libya as a future Al Qaeda state to menace the West for years to come. As evidenced by the video below, an Al Qaeda flag is now flying in Benghazi, Libya.

Title: 2011 Libyan Civil War Date: February 15, 2011 Source: Wikipedia

Abstract: The 2011 Libyan civil war, also known as the Libyan Revolution, is an ongoing armed conflict in the North African state of Libya being fought between forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi and his regime and those seeking to depose him. The situation began on 15 February 2011 as a series of peaceful protests which were met with military force by the Gaddafi regime (Wikipedia, 2011).

34. NFL Security Chief Resigns after Super Bowl XLV Roughly 9 weeks after Super Bowl XLV, the head of NFL Security, Milt Ahlerich, suddenly retired. Ahlerichs abrup t retirement clearly indicates that the NFL was party to the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot and subsequently cleaned house in the aftermath.

Title: NFL Names A New Security Chief Date: April 12, 2011 Source: NBC Sports

Abstract: NFL V.P. of security Milt Ahlerich retired last week after 16 years on the jobNFL spokesman Greg Aiello has announced via Twitter that Ahlerich will be succeeded by Jeff Miller. Miller, the former Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police, joined the NFL in 2008. Among other things, he implemented the in-stadium fan code of conduct (NBC Sports, 2011).

35. Osama bin Laden Assassinated Roughly 12 weeks after Super Bowl XLV, the U.S. government killed Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011, despite multiple news sources confirming that bin Laden actually died on December 26, 2001. It is highly probable that the staged death of bin Laden was executed due to the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror being exposed and the U.S. government felt it necessary to change up their nuclear terror strategy. Coincidentally, Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, the Super Bowl nuclear terror scapegoat. Subsequently, Pakistan will forever be linked to bin Laden as the country where the worlds most notorious terrorist was allegedly hiding.

Title: Osama Bin Laden Killed In US Raid On Pakistan Hideout Date: May 2, 2011 Source: Guardian

Abstract: Osama bin Laden, mastermind of the 11 September 2001 attacks and the worlds most wanted man, has been killed in a US operation in north-western Pakistan, Barack Obama has announced. US special forces launched a helicopter-borne assault on a closely guarded compound in Abbottabad, 30 miles north-east of Islamabad, on Sunday night, Obama and US officials said (The Guardian, 2011).

36. Top Nuclear Scientist Commits Suicide Almost 2 month after Super Bowl XLV, nuclear scientist Rodger Lynn Dickey (see article below) died a horrible death which was immediately called a suicide. Dickeys death is suspicious for a number of reasons:

A. The death of Dickey came roughly six weeks after Super Bowl XLV. B. The death of Dickey occurred in New Mexico, a neighboring state to Texas where the failed nuclear terror plot took place. C. According to New Mexico undersheriff Ed Romero who investigated Dickeys death, [Dickey had] been working in New Mexico for a while. Romeros statement contradict Dickeys own resume which shows that he had been working in New Mexico for only 5 months. D. Dickey died while falling 650 feet off the Gorge Bridge which raises concerns about foul play and the possibility of assassination. E. Has Dickey committed suicide as alleged, it is unlikely that his rental car would be found parked in the middle of the bridge in the westbound lane. Suicides tend to be more of a thought out process rather than a spur of the moment thing. More than likely, Dickey was flowed, forced to pull over, take out at gunpoint and thrown over the bridge. F. Despite the fact that a suicide/murder investigation can takes weeks, months or even years, the New Mexico authorities state within 24 hours that Dickey committed suicide by jumping off the 650 foot bridge. The authorities also reported that Dickey wrote a suicide note, but that it does not specifically give his intentions. G. According to Dickeys resume, Dickey worked as a Senior Nuclear Engineer from October 2010 until his death in March of 2011 for both ENREGS, Inc. and EnergX LLC. According to both his resume and the article which reported his death, Dickey worked in Albuquerque, New Mexico for ENREGS, and therefore could not have also worked for EnergX LLC who only has offices in Tennessee, Washington and Colorado. H. Coincidentally, EnergX LLC is a privately held corporation that according to their website has experienced personnel to support the design, build, and licensing of new commercial nuclear power facilities and deals specifically in radioactive waste management. Due to the failed Super Bowl nuclear terror plot, there was likely the need for a nuclear scientist to remove the thermonuclear weapon from its location in Cowboys Stadium. I. For roughly 11 years (December of 1999 until October of 2010), Dickeys employment record as a nuclear scientist is mysteriously missing. Who was Dickey working for during this period? Was Dickey part of a secret U.S. government nuclear terror program? While one can only speculate as to where Dickey was employed during his absence, he did work for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission from 1977 until 1978. J. Had Dickey, an expert in nuclear safety programmatic assessment, regulatory compliance, hazard assessment, safety analysis, safety basis documentation, nuclear engineering design and application, nuclear waste management,

project management, and risk management actually been involved in the failed Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot, it makes sense that he would be liquidated as witnesses in the aftermath.

While there is no direct evidence linking Dickey to the Super Bowl nuclear terror plot, it stands to reason that there was a secret government program in the works to plot, plan, implement and execute the numerous locational, logistical, electrical, chronological, environmental and security related factors involved in a nuclear terror plot of that magnitude. In all likelihood, Dickey was the lead nuclear scientist running the program. His mysterious 11 year absence from the field of nuclear science along with his abnormal death all indicate that Dickey was ultimately disposed of along with his 5 Russian colleagues (see below) in the aftermath of the failed Super Bowl nuclear terror plot.

Title: Body In Rio Grande Gorge Identified As [Nuclear] Scientist Date: March 23, 2011 Source: Taos News

Abstract: Taos County Sheriffs Office stated Tuesday (March 22) that they have identified the body found in the Ro Grande Gorge last Friday (March 18) as belonging to a nuclear scientist from Washington state. Undersheriff Ed Romero said that Rodger Lynn Dickey, 56, died after he jumped from the Gorge Bridge. Dickey, a scientist working on contract with Sanda Laboratory, was originally from Richland, Wash. Hed been working in New Mexico for a while, Romero said. He did leave a note, but it does not specifically give his intentions. Romero said that a vendor setting up at the bridge for the day called the police when Dickeys rental car was found parked in the middle of the bridge in the westbound lane (Taos News, 2011).

37. The 5 Dead Russian Nuclear Scientists Roughly 5 months after Super Bowl XLV, five Russian nuclear scientists (see article below) died in a mysterious and suspicious plane crash. Their timely deaths are suspicious for a number of reasons:

A. The cluster of dead Russian nuclear scientists came roughly five months after Super Bowl XLV. B. The deaths of the Russian nuclear scientists came roughly three months after American nuclear scientist Rodger

Lynn Dickey was found dead. Nuclear scientists are rare and dont die very often, especially 5 at a time and 6 in three months. C. The suspicious plane crash in which the Russian nuclear scientists died raises questions and concerns about foul play and the possibility of assassination. D. The post-mortem allegations that the Russian nuclear scientists were helping Iran with their alleged nuclear program at behest of the Russian government never made the mainstream news, despite it being breaking news. E. By insinuating that the Russian nuclear scientists were helping Iran with their nuclear ambitions, it invites the possibility that they may have been assassination victims of the Israeli Mossad, a convenient and obvious way to dismiss the deaths, especially when purposely written into the original story line. F. Had Israel assassinated the Russian nuclear scientists in Russian territory, it would have been a blatant act of war. If the assassinations itself didnt start a war, it would have at least sparked an international fire-storm over Mossads assassination program. G. Despite the fact that a plane crash investigation generally takes months or even years to complete, the Russian government stated within 72 hours that there was no official suspicion of foul play and that human error and technical malfunction was to blame. H. The Russian nuclear scientists that died just happened to be involved in the set-up and development of nuclear plants. The education and training of the nuclear scientists would likely be the type needed in the set-up and development of a nuclear weapon at an off-site location, such as the Super Bowl. I. Had the Russian nuclear scientists actually been involved in the failed Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot, it makes sense that they would be liquidated as witnesses in the aftermath.

While there is no direct evidence linking the 5 deceased Russian nuclear scientists to the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot, it stands to reason that there was a secret government program in the works to plot, plan, implement and execute the numerous locational, logistical, electrical, chronological, environmental and security related factors involved in a nuclear terror plot of that magnitude, especially one involving a stadium, a football game, and live TV. Coincidentally, an electrician working at the new Dallas Cowboys stadium also died while wiring the stadium for electricity.

Title: Scientists Who Helped Iran With Nuke Plant Died in Russian Plane Crash

Date: June 23, 2011 Source: Fox News

Abstract: Five scientists killed in Mondays Russian plane crash assisted in the development of Irans nuclear plantScientists Andrei Tropinov, Sergei Rizhov, Gennadi Benyok, Nicolai Tronov and Valery Lyalin worked at the Bushehr nuclear power plant and helped to complete construction of it. The five scientists were employed at the Hydropress factory, a member of Russias state nuclear corporation, according to Russian officials say there was no foul play in the plane crash that killed 45 people despite other similar accidents and plane crashes involving Iranian nuclear scientists. Although Iranian nuclear scientists have in the past been involved in unexplained accidents and plane crashes, there is no official suspicion of foul play, a Russian source told the Asso ciated Press. Russian investigators say that human error and technical malfunction caused the deadly crash (Fox News, 2011).

38. Ron Pauls 3rd Party Run Although Ron Paul has emphatically stated that he will never run 3rd party in the 2012 U.S. Presidential election, it will happen. The only way Obama will ever win a second term in the White House is if Paul runs 3rd party and takes away the crucial independent votes that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney needs to win the presidency. Unfortunately, Pauls future flip-flop is a bold and calculated move to guarantee Obama another four years in office in which America will no doubt see the face of nuclear terrorism.

39. Super Bowl L (2016) in Dallas Texas Should U.S. President Barack Obama win the 2012 U.S. Presidential election, he will be in the White House for Super Bowl L in 2016. Coincidentally, it has just been reported that Dallas, Texas will likely host the Super Bowl in 2016. Therefore, the 50th Super Bowl will return to Dallas, Texas, the crime scene where the first planned nuclear terror attack was thwarted. If David Chase Taylor author of The Nuclear Bible is not granted asylum in Switzerland, he will likely be forced out of Switzerland and picked up by U.S. or NATO intelligence services. Once arrested, Taylor will not be able to serve as a nuclear terror witness and will likely be disappeared, tortured and killed.

40. An Indictment of Nuclear Terror Due to the magnitude of nuclear terror and the implications that it brings, any suspects in the Super Bowl XLV

nuclear terror plot will likely resort to plausible deniability. This refers to the denial of blame in loose and informal chains of command where upper rungs quarantine the blame to the lower rungs, and the lower rungs are often inaccessible, meaning confirming responsibility for the action is nearly impossible. In the case that the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot becomes public, high-ranking officials in the Obama administration may deny any awareness of such act or any connection to the agents used to carry out such acts. Despite the anticipated denials, indictments must be filed.

When it comes to legal question of indictment, there is none better than famed former Los Angeles County District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi, author of The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. Aside from his successful prosecution of Charles Manson in 1970, Bugliosi has successfully prosecuted 105 out of 106 felony jury trials, including 21 murder convictions without a single loss, in his stellar career at the L.A. County District Attorneys Office.

According to Bugliosi, there are five basic types of legal questions that must be posed prior to indicting a person or administration with a murder, or in this case, conspiracy to commit nuclear terror:

A. Did the defendant(s), or did they not, conspire to commit nuclear terror? B. If so, was there, or was there not, a legal justification, such as self-defense, for the act of nuclear terror? C. Was the intent to kill via nuclear terror premeditated? D. At the time of the act, did the defendant(s) have malice aforethought (intent to kill)? E. Could conspiracy to commit murder be proved beyond a reasonable doubt?

It is now up to the American public to forward the information surrounding The Nuclear Bible to District Attorneys throughout America. Once the facts of the case are reviewed, it is likely only a matter of time before politicians, sheriffs, and law enforcement officials subpoena, depose, and indict the following suspects:

A. U.S. President Barack Obama B. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton C. U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano D. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell

E. VP of NFL Security Milt Ahlerich F. NFL Spokesman Greg Aiello, Cowboys G. Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones H. Former U.S. President George W. Bush I. Texas Governor Rick Perry J. All 260 U.S. Ambassadors

While the aforementioned names are by no means a complete list of the nuclear terror suspects, it is a great start in what will eventually become the trial of the century.

Conclusion The marriage of terror and the Super Bowl was first made in a 1977 film entitled Black Sunday, wherein Arab terrorists hijacked a blimp, loaded it with explosives and tried to attack the Super Bowl. Fourteen years later, Tom Clancys book entitled The Sum of All Fears depicted a nuclear bomb being detonated inside an NFL stadium. More than likely, the plan to terrorize the Super Bowl and its live TV audience with nuclear terror has been plotted and planned for at least 30 years. The Nuclear Bible exposes this master plan in full and has exposed ALL aspects of the nuclear terror conspiracy.

The evidence presented within this article is only a fraction of the information contained within The Nuclear Bible. The free ebook is over 1,000 pages in length and contains over 1,000 sources which ultimately connect the dots of the nuclear terror conspiracy. The combined research of David Chase Taylor took over 1 year to compile, organize, and document, and it is foolish to believe that nuclear terror threat will disappear based on one major setback. More than likely, the nuclear terror plan will be repackaged, rebranded, eventually resurface at the World Cup or another live sporting event.

Exposing the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror conspiracy will do for the World what 9/11 Truth has done for America, namely, open millions of minds to state sponsored terrorism and the decrepit state of government. Therefore, please forward the information contained within The Nuclear Bible to mainstream and alternative news outlets worldwide while we still have the free internet.


The 3 Stolen UK Nukes

NUCLEARBIBLE.COM: In the late 1970's or early 1980's, current Prime Minister of England, David Cameron, allegedly traveled to South Africa along with a nuclear technician on behalf of the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and returned with a deal for 3 nuclear weapons. These nuclear weapons were then allegedly shipped to Oman whereby they were put in private sector storage. The weapons were eventually stolen by John Bredenkamp, an international arms dealer who allegedly sold them to
Britain and then stole them back to sell on the Black market.

Empty Quivers
Missing nuclear warheads are entitled "Empty Quivers", meaning that they refer to the seizure, theft, or loss of a functioning nuclear weapon. There is no question that both the U.K. is at least guilty of nuclear terrorism by purposely allowing the "theft" of nuclear weapons. If and when a Nuclear 9/11 occurs, there is no doubt that the isotopic signature, if properly tested, will come from a Western nation as depicted in Blackjack, the most famous nuclear pornography released to date. Nuclear Terrorism: 1. Steal, buy or otherwise acquire fissile material and fabricate a crude nuclear bomb 2. Steal, buy or otherwise acquire a ready-made nuclear weapon; or take over a nuclear-armed submarine, plane or base. 3. Attack a nuclear reactor or waste fuel cooling pond. 4. Disrupt critical inputs for the safe running of a nuclear reactor e.g. water supply for cooling, electrical power supply. 5. Attack or steal nuclear fuel or waste containers, most likely in transit. 6. Make and detonate a radiological weapon, or "dirty bomb", to spread radioactive material

Title: UK Extremely Worried About Stolen Nukes Date: November 25, 2011 Source: Press TV Abstract: Is the UK frantically trying to find out where they were sold on the Black Market? We know something that you don't but can't talk about it Under the Nuclear Explosions Act otherwise we will all end up in gaol for life. Chris McGreal of the Guardian newspaper published an article 24th of May 2010 revealing how Israel offered to sell nukes to South Africa during the apartheid era. What he failed to reveal was that Israel struck up a deal with South Africa to move its technicians down to the high-security weapons research and development facilities at Pelindaba.

It was at this location that the Israeli technicians managed to covertly give themselves nuclear weapons but also under the table gave South Africa its own nuclear capability but guess what?.......the US and UK knew all about the programme but the UN did not!!!.......what was even more amazing was the fact that the UN sent a team to South Africa where they were convinced that South Africa had curtailed its nuclear weapons programme when in actual fact it had not!! It is fairly obvious why Israel is totally consumed in trying to find these stolen weapon and needless to say the US and British Governments are equally as concerned and yet are not in a position to admit to their loss as in doing so would incriminate past and current very senior politicians including our current Prime Minister David Cameron. It always appear to be the case that your past always comes back to haunt you. So let's just recall the history behind these weapons that were designed and commissioned all during the UN embargo years and who was allegedly involved. I must also make it quite clear that many of the world leaders and senior members of government have been involved in these under the table deals which has resulted in many of them accumulating much wealth either for the party election funds or for their own personal gain. When one further considers that these faceless individuals not only govern out country but are also directly responsible for the death of millions of people both military staff and civilians it is extremely hard to understand. How can any government have such a flawed intelligence network and allow such things to take place without some sort of audit to see what is going on behind the scenes. We have seen both the US, UK, EU and Israel transfer almost everything from chemical and biological weapons to nuclear part to countries which they have since called the Axis of Evil............that statement is not totally true because the "Axis of Evil" is right here in the heart of London!! It was in the late 1970 when the South African nuclear programme started to go into full swing with the compliments of the Israeli scientists resulting in the first test and only test firing of a nuclear weapon. The test took place on a moored vessel anchored off Prince Edward Island on the 22nd of September 1979 when a typical double flash was observed from a passing US satellite. One has to understand that this was all under the radar of the United Nations with the full knowledge of selected members of the US and British Governments. The US immediately went on the defensive by creating their False Flag report known as the Vela Incident in which they explained the following: The conclusions of the Presidential panel (the Ad Hoc Panel) were reassuring, as they suggested that the most likely explanation of the Vela detection was a meteoroid hitting the satellite - in part because of the discrepancy in bhangmeter readings Others who examined the data, including the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the national laboratories, and defense contractors reached a very different conclusion that the data supported the conclusion that on 22 September 1979, Vela 6911 had detected a nuclear detonation. What I find ironic here is the fact that several agencies confirmed it was a nuclear explosion but the US Government conveniently put it to bed. I can assure you that through my own scientific contacts in the US this did actually happen and an internal memo at the Los Alamos nuclear research facility confirmed that it had been a nuclear explosion. One has to understand the high stakes involved in such programmes, especially when vast sums of money are being banded around senior political figures. This is truly corruption at its best!

The joint venture (Israel - South Africa) created 10 Battlefield Bombs and after the first test that left nine. The bombs were designed to be highly mobile and reasonably compact and could be carried by the British Canberra bomber or the Buccaneer. It became apparent in later years that the supremacy of white power in South Africa was about to finish and so they had to open up discussion with the Americans and British as they feared these weapons getting into the hands of the blacks. It was during this time that a decision was made to ship all nine bombs to Chicago for de commissioning. However, our dear Iron Lady Maggie Th atcher decided that it would be a good idea to maybe acquire a few of the weapons for possible use against Iraq in the event Saddam did not toe the line. Thatcher then ordered her Page Boy, David Cameron, to go down to South Africa along with what was believed to be the only technical man available (non other than the now( Sir) Kenneth Warren). Others also believed to be implicated was David Wilshire and many other senior members of government. In actual fact as we follow this charade up to the current time we could possible include other very senior person such as Lord McAlpine, Peter Lilley, Alan Clarke and Ken Clarke and others I have previously named in other articles. The late Dr. David Kelly was also involved. We have to remember that this was almost a private sector deal with many political figures implicated some of whom became share holders in the illegal nuke purchase. We are talking here about an extremely high risk deal, with little security for the weapons themselves as everything had to be done in a low key covert way. As we already know David Cameron was able to secure a deal for his lady mentor, Maggie Thatcher, and returned with a deal for three nuclear weapons. They were shipped to Oman whereby they were put in private sector storage and eventually stolen by John Bredenkamp, the arms dealer who sold them to Britain and then stole them back to sell on the Black market and the rest is now history. We have to understand that British Tax Payers money was then placed in the Conservative Party Electoral Fund (17.8m) which to this day has not been accounted for and other money was made available to Tony Blair (1m) compliments of Bernie Ecclesone. On top of this a slush fund was also developed to silence other third parties that knew of the deal and our dear Mr. Ken Clarke then implemented his gagging orders to those involved!! I guess you do not believe this story......why don't you check it out yourself it is written in Hansard 22nd June 1993, and starting at Col. 197 when Lord Doug Hoyle raised the issue in the House as follows: Mr Hoyle: If the hon. Gentleman will allow me, I shall tell him what information is now given to us. We understand the expenditure and what Tory central office receives. In 1992, central office received 20.7 million. When we asked about that and about company donations, the Tory party told us to look at company accounts. I repeat: in 1992, the Tories received 20.7 million. When the records were checked by Companies house, only 2.9 198million was shown in company accounts. That means that there is a deficit of 17.8 million. We want to know where that 17.8 million came from. Mr Tim Smith: The hon. Gentleman has made the suggestion about the accounts of the Conservative party that was made by a member of the Select Committee last week: that no accounts had been published between 1979 and 1983. They were published, and I undertook to send copies to the Select Committee.

Mr Hoyle: I gave way to the hon. Gentleman because I expected him to tell me where the difference of 17.8 million came from. I shall give way again to him. I am told that he is a treasurer of the Conservative party. I give way to him now so that he can stand up and tell us where the 17.8 million came from. Does the hon. Gentleman care to do that? I am waiting. I do not think that we shall get the information from the horse's mouth. We certainly did not get it from the Secretary of State. I could write article after article on the many levels of corruption that occurred in both the US and the UK (not forgetting Israel) and the terrible consequences of this greed resulting in the death of many of our own troops and innocent civilians.all for their own pocket. Solid evidence proves that over th e period of 1982-90 Iraq was supplied by the US and UK with WMD, including biological cultures and chemical precursors of nerve gases etc (Press TV, 2011).

Obama Being Dumped After End Game Nuclear Terror Plot Exposed
Friday, June 22, 2012 14:05 (Before It's News) News June 22, 2012 Original Story: Here The Nuclear Bible is possibly the most powerful book ever written, for it has the power to take down both the Obama and Bush administrations and the Zionist puppeteers behind them. Unlike Clinton or Bush before him, U.S. President Barack Obama has yet to suffer a major terror attack in almost four years of office. Due to the lack of a major false-flag operations such as the Oklahoma City Bombing or the 9/11 Terror Attacks to terrorize Americans into blindly supporting their Commander and Chief, Obama has had a first-term free of terrorism, but why? Due to the lack of terror, hatred for Obama, his endless wars, and his fascist polices such as the NDAA (which allows for the arrest and indefinite detention of American citizens) has been able to

fester, build and gain unprecedented momentum. In reality, it is hard to imagine what could possibly make Obama even more revolted, hated and less popular. Well, imagine no longer. Unbeknownst to most Americans, a thermonuclear weapon was to be detonated on Live TV at Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. The story surrounding the failed nuclear terror plot is revolutionary in and of itself, and it is currently being censored from both mainstream and alternative news sites. Despite the media blockade, it is only a matter of time before members of the Bush and Obama administration are indicted for conspiracy to commit nuclear terrorism.

On February 1, 2011, Julian Assange of Wikileaks revealed to the world via leaked classified diplomatic documents that Al-Qaida was on the brink of using a nuclear bomb and that the West was on the verge of a "Nuclear 9/11". What the diplomatic documents failed to mention was actual target, date and location of the upcoming nuclear terror attack. Published 4 days prior on January 28, 2011, David Chase Taylors free ebook, entitled The Nuclear Bible, specifically named Super Bowl XLV on February 6, 2011, in Dallas, Texas, as the target, date and location of the impending nuclear terror attack. After publishing The Nuclear Bible, Taylor conducted multiple radio interviews and phoned numerous intelligence and law enforcement agencies throughout America to personally ensure that

no acts of terror were conducted on his fellow American citizens.

Overwhelming direct and circumstantial evidence (see below) has now surfaced in the aftermath of the failed Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot which unequivocally shows that Taylor's actions did indeed stop, or at least postpone, a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon America. Based on the sudden interest in Taylor by U.S. intelligence services, Taylor, anticipating retaliation and fearing for his life, applied for political asylum in Switzerland on March 8, 2011. The Nuclear Bible is composed of over 1,000 news articles which ultimately connect the dots of an upcoming false-flag nuclear terror attack. Due to the 30-60 second nature of a nuclear explosion, it is highly likely that the Super Bowl, World Cup, NBA Finals, World Series or Olympics will be targeted with millions watching on LIVE TV. Unfortunately, Pakistan has been set up over the last 30 years as the scapegoat of all terror and nuclear proliferation. "Revolutions" in the Middle East are now likely to domino all the way to Pakistan where alleged terrorists will gain access to Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. Therefore, it is imperative that the information contained within The Nuclear Bible be forwarded to media and governmental agencies worldwide so that we can collectively avoid this impending nuclear holocaust and the World War III scenario. "The point of predicting a terror event is not to say after the fact, look how smart I am. That is despicable. The point of it is to prevent it from happening. Your goal is to be wrong and make yourself wrong. That's the whole point. To be wrong is to be successful when you've identified something serious." ~Dr. Webster Tarpley

Super Bowl XLV: Facts & Evidence

As with any legal matter, a full, independent and open investigation must be conducted prior to filing any legal charges. However, after reviewing the evidence regarding Super Bowl XLV, it's hard to believe that its all just sheer coincidence. Numerous news articles, press releases, mass casualty and terror dril ls, government exercises, legislation, terror warnings, travel warnings, anomalies, suspicious alibis, mass cancellations, coincidences and events surrounding the game clearly indicate that a nuclear terror plot was indeed subverted at Super Bowl XLV. There have been 44 prior Super Bowls before Super Bowl XLV and nothing remotely similar has ever occurred at any one of them. Every ingredient needed to conduct a large scale false-flag/state-sponsored nuclear terror attack was present either before, during or after Super Bowl XLV. As Emma Bull once said,

Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys. In this particular case however, we have a pretty good idea Evidence regarding Super Bowl XLV is organized chronologically into three sub-categories: PreSuper Bowl XLV Evidence, Super Bowl XLV Evidence, and Post-Super Bowl XLV Evidence.

I. Pre-Super Bowl XLV Evidence

1. The 6 Hijacked Nukes (Sep, 2007) Roughly 3 years prior to Super Bowl XLV on August 29, 2007, an unprecedented event occurred which wasnt reported until September 23, 2007. Under the Bush and Cheney administration, 6 thermonuclear 150 kilo-ton nuclear warheads disappeared. What role these 6 nuclear weapons would have played in the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot on is unknown, but Barksdale Air Force Base, where the nukes were last seen is roughly 100 miles from Dallas, Texas. Although the Air Force has since stated that the nuclear weapons were recovered, the deaths of at least (10) U.S. Air Force servicemen surrounding the incident makes it impossible to confirm that the hijacked nuclear weapons are not in the hands of Zionist terrorists. 2. The 2009 Super Bowl Joint Threat Assessment (Jan, 2009) The 2009 Super Bowl XLIII Joint Threat Assessment (JTA) is the only JTA ever issued for a Super Bowl other than the JTA issued for Super Bowl XLV (2011). The 2009 JTA acts as a literal playbook for what eventually transpired in reality in and around Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas. A. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 JTA of terrorists using stolen or counterfeit security credentials to access the game occurred in Dallas, Texas, when 3 NFL laptops and 1 thumb drive with encrypted security information were allegedly stolen in the weeks before the game. B. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 JTA of terrorists attacking the game in the form of suicide bombers was also revealed by Family Security Matters 11 days before the game. The suicide bombers were to be located throughout Cowboys Stadium in seating sections strategically located near stadium exits. After the nuclear terror plot was exposed, the seats were abandoned, roped off, guarded by armed security, and off limits to the Super Bowl XLV crowd. In all 1250 seats were abandoned. C. As detailed in the 2009 JTA and The Nuclear Bible, Cowboys Stadium was to be attacked with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED), namely a Pakistani drone (6 drones have been downed in Pakistan since 9/11). The VBIED attack would come only AFTER the suicide bombers inside the stadium had

detonated their explosives, subsequently causing a mass panic with every TV station in the world to tuning in to see the nuclear detonation. D. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 JTA of domestic terrorists being setup to be scapegoated for a Super Bowl attack was also depicted in The Nuclear Bible. The domestic terrorists were to charged be working with Muslim extremists in the aftermath of the attack. Title: Super Bowl XLIII: Joint Threat Assessment Date: January 16, 2009 Source: DHS, FBI, NCC, NORTHCOM, FFC Abstract: The high-profile nature of the Super Bowl, however, could make it a desirable target for a violent organization or individual seeking to take advantage of the intense media coverageThe presence of many corporate executives, politicians, and VIPs in one location, however, may present a collection opportunity for foreign intelligence services Access to Super Bowl Security breaches facilitated by stolen or counterfeit credentials and insider operatives pose additional threats to stadium securityThe large number of contractors, media personnel, stadium employees, and vendors who will attend the Super Bowl could help cover efforts by terrorists to gain access inside the stadium. Stolen or counterfeit law enforcement badges and credentials purchased online often of high quality and hard to differentiate from legitimate credentials can facilitate unauthorized entry. Means of Attack The placement of explosive devices in heavily trafficked areas is assessed as the most likely mode of terrorist attack Terrorists intent on attacking a stadium most likely would use one or more improvised explosive devices (IEDs) or vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs). Such an attack during a major event would inflict immediate casualties and destruction as well as create fear and panic among survivors.Any such attacks would attract the extensive media attention most terro rists seek. Suicide Bombers A February 2006 posting on a jihadist message board subsequently reproduced on other websites provided tactical information for a multiple suicide bomber attack against a sporting event to create a stampede and incite panic. The author of the posting recommended the bombers use handmade explosive belts hidden under their clothing. The posting outlined how a suicide bomber would detonate explosives inside the stadium, after which other operatives would detonate their bombs at the exit gates

where they expected panicked spectators to flee. The author believed the combined explosions would create a stampede that would kill more people than the bombings themselves. Domestic Terrorists Domestic terrorists have attacked soft targets in the past, however, and probably view major sporting events in large stadiumsto gain media coverage for their cause or issue. The Super Bowls stature as a major media event commanding world attention likely increases its attractiveness to domestic terrorists, whether acting alone or as part of a group. A homegrown violent extremist may try to attack a Super Bowl event venue (DHS, FBI, NCC, NORTHCOM, FFC, 2009). 3. Response to a Nuclear Detonation Memo (Jan, 2009) Roughly 2 years prior to Super Bowl XLV, a 97 page report entitled Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation was issued by the numerous agencies with in the U.S. government. Aside from stating that there would be no Federal response to a nuclear disaster for 72 hours, the memo uses a 10 kiloton nuclear weapon as size of the nuclear yield. This was the first of three U.S. government memos preparing American military, police, and first responders for the upcoming nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV. Title: Planning Guidance For Response To A Nuclear Detonation Date: January 16, 2009 Source: Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group Abstract: One of the most catastrophic incidents that could befall the United States (US), causing enormous loss of life and property and severely damaging economic viability is a nuclear detonation in a US city. The purpose of this guidance is to provide emergency planners with nuclear detonation-specific response recommendations to maximize the preservation of life in the event of an urban nuclear detonation. This guidance addresses the unique effects and impacts of a nuclear detonation such as scale of destruction, shelter and evacuation strategies, unparalleled medical demands, management of nuclear casualties, and radiation dose management concepts. The guidance is aimed at response activities in an environment with a severely compromised infrastructure for the first few days (e.g., 24-72 hours) when it is likely that many Federal resources will still be en route to the incident (Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group, 2009). 4. Nuclear, Terror, & Mass Casualty Drills (2009-2011) In the 20 months leading up to Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas, unprecedented mass casualty, nuclear, disaster and terror drills occurred all over the state of Texas involving local, state, and federal agencies.

These drills were executed in order to prepare authorities and first responders for the nuclear terror attack as well as psychologically prepare both the government officials and the public for a major terror event. Title: National Level Exercise 2009 Date: July 27-31, 2009 Source: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Abstract: "NLE 09 will be the first major exercise conducted by the United States government that will focus exclusively on terrorism prevention and protectionNLE 09 is a White House directed, Congressionally- mandated exercise that includes the participation of all appropriate federal department and agency senior officials, their deputies, staff and key operational elements. NLE 09 will focus on intelligence and information sharing among intelligence and law enforcement communities, and between international, federal, regional, state, tribal, local and private sector participants. The NLE 09 scenario will begin in the aftermath of a national terrorist event " (FEMA, 2009). Title: Rapid Response Task Force To Conduct Drill In Beaumont Date: June 8, 2010 Source: Beaumont Enterprise Abstract: "Hundreds of people from several agencies throughout the state of Texas converged on Ford Park to perform a four- hour Rapid Response Task Force Operations DrillA massive convoy of state and military vehicles, communications equipment and emergency management personnel arrived to prepare for the drill. The Rapid Response Task Force is the mobilization of many state agencies in the event of a disaster. The task force was created for the rapid deployment of State resources and manpower to an area immediately following a disaster" (The Examiner, 2010). See: (Beaumont Enterprise, 2010). Title: DPS Participates In Live-Action Hurricane Drill Date: June 9, 2010 Source: NBC News Abstract: "The Texas Department of Public Safety and numerous other agencies in the DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth) area are participating in a live-action hurricane drill June 9 through June 11. This exercise is intended to test emergency mobilization, response and preparedness in the event of a real natural disaster" (NBC News, 2010).

Title: Half-Full School Bus, Car, And 18-Wheeler With 'Radioactive Material' Date: June 10, 2010 Source: KLTV News Abstract: "Smith County emergency management geared up for a full-scale disaster Wednesday in Lindale. The emergency drill involved a half-full school bus, a car and an 18-wheeler carrying radioactive material"We set up a unified command," said Tyler Fire Department Captain Jeff Aiken. "We worked together on this drillwe've taken care of the problems as a collective team and that's what it's all about." To give an idea of the importance of a radioactive waste drill, officials say more than 1,100 shipments of radioactive waste have been shipped through East Texas since 19 99"(KLTV News,2010). 5. The Era of Nuclear Terrorism Has Arrived (Feb, 2010) On February 6, 2010, exactly 1 year to the day before Super Bowl XLV, British conservative politician Liam Fox, a member of British parliament for North Somerset and then current Secretary of State for Defence, stated that "The era of nuclear terrorism has arrived". Fox made the comment in regards to Iran despite the fact that Iran has not offensively attacked another nation in over 400 years. Title: Tories Would Back War with Iran Date: February 6, 2010 Source: Telegraph Abstract: Liam Fox described the threat posed by Iran as the "single most important issue facing the West"He said that under Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's regime, the "export of terrorism and instability" was part of the country's foreign policy and warned "the era of nuclear terrorism has arrived" (Telegraph, 2010). 6. 2010 Nuclear Security Summit (April, 2010) Roughly 10 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington D.C. where he stated that nuclear terrorism was 'The Single Biggest Threat' to the United States. Obama's speech essentially warned the world that nuclear terror was on the horizon and that his administration would have no compunction in using nuclear weapons against the American people. Title: Obama: Nuclear Terrorism Is 'The Single Biggest Threat' To U.S. Date: April 11, 2010 Source: USA Today

Abstract: "The single biggest threat to U.S. security, both short-term, medium-term and long-term, would be the possibility of a terrorist organization obtaining a nuclear weaponWe know that organizations like al-Qaeda are in the process of trying to secure nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, and would have no compunction at using them" (USA Today, 2011). 7. The Canceled Nuclear Attack Test (April, 2010) Roughly 8 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, the U.S. military canceled a nuclear attack exercise in Las Vegas, Nevada, when Sin City allegedly pulled out of the exercise citing business concerns. The nuclear attack exercise cancellation gave the U.S. government the well needed plausible deniability and legal cover post nuclear attack in that they attempted to execute military exercises to stop a nuclear terror scenario, but the gaming community refused to comply Title: Military Cancels Nuclear Attack Test Date: April 26, 2010 Source: Washington Times Abstract: The U.S. military has canceled a major field exercise that tests its response to a nuclear attackThe exercise was canceled recently after the planned site for a post -nuclear-attack response Las Vegas pulled out in November, fearing a negative impact on its struggling business environment. The NLE, which is supposed to be a series of hands-on exercises to test the system in the event terrorists use a nuclear device, has become instead a "tabletop exercise at best," the official said. The field exercise in Las Vegas was to simulate terrorists detonating an improvised nuclear device assembled with smuggled weapons-grade uranium (Washington Times, 2010). 8. Response to a Nuclear Detonation Memo (June, 2010) Roughly 8 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, a 135 page report entitled Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation was issued by the numerous agencies within the U.S. government. The second edition was in part to provide planners the opportunity to think beyond the 10 KT nuclear yield, insinuating that the nuclear blast planned for Super XLV would far exceed a dirty bomb. This was the second of three U.S. government memos preparing American military, police, and first responders for the upcoming nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV. Title: Planning Guidance For Response To A Nuclear Detonation Date: June 2010 Source: Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group

Abstract: One of the most catastrophic incidents that could befall the United States (US), causing enormous loss of life and property and severely damaging economic viability is a nuclear detonation in a US city. The purpose of this guidance is to provide emergency planners with nuclear detonation-specific response recommendations to maximize the preservation of life in the event of an urban nuclear detonation. This guidance addresses the unique effects and impacts of a nuclear detonation such as scale of destruction, shelter and evacuation strategies, unparalleled medical demands, management of nuclear casualties, and radiation dose management concepts. The guidance is aimed at response activities in an environment with a severely compromised infrastructure for the first few days (e.g., 24-72 hours) when it is likely that many Federal resources will still be en route to the incident (Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group, 2010). 9. International Nuclear Smuggling Conference (June, 2010) Roughly 7 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, individuals from atomic energy, law enforcement and policy experts from almost 30 countries met in Sofia, Bulgaria from June 17-19, 2010, under the auspices of the Nuclear Smuggling International Technical Working Group (ITWG). In all likelihood, this was a meeting to review strategy prior to the nuclear detonation in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Title: Nuclear Forensics Experts Plan Path Forward Date: February 1, 2011 Source: Telegraph Abstract: Atomic energy, law enforcement and policy experts from nearly 30 countries met in Sofia, Bulgaria June 17-19 under the auspices of the Nuclear Smuggling International Technical Working Group (ITWG) to share experience on nuclear forensics and illicit trafficking issues. The ITWG will conduct an analytic exercise this fall involving nuclear material, agreed on elements of a 3-year plan for further forensic exercises, and is preparing a guideline for crime scene analysis involving nuclear or radiological materials (Telegraph, 2011). 10. Foreign Troops in Texas (August, 2010)

On August 6, 2010, exactly 6 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, a mass-casualty drill entitled Operation Lone Star concluded about 400 miles south of Dallas, Texas.

Interestingly, the drill included both Czech and Chilean troops whose flags are almost identical to that of Texas. In the aftermath of a nuclear terror attack, pandemonium, chaos and fear would likely make it impossible for the public tell the difference between the flags. Title: Texas Guard, Czech Army Trains For Disaster In Operation Lonestar Date: August 6, 2010 Source: National Guard Abstract: "What we do and what we're training for is a mass casualty," said Texas State Guard Capt. James R. Owens"This year, these state assets used the annual humanitarian event Operation Lone Star to conduct a complete exercise simulating a mass casualty incident. "At one level, we provide free care," said Dr. Brian R. Smith"At the same time, it provides a preparedness exercise for those of us in public health and the Texas Military forces to work together and to practice together in a major event". Spanning six counties in Texas, Operation Lone Star functions as an ideal execution of a real-time public health crisis, uniting disparate agencies for a common and worthy goalFurther bridging the spirit of cooperation, even service members from the Czech Republic and Chilean armies supported OLS this year." (National Guard, 2011). 11. The Nuclear Detonation Preparedness Memo (Sep, 2010) Roughly 5 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, a 46 page report entitled Nuclear Detonation Preparedness Communicating In The Immediate Aftermath was issued by the numerous agencies within the U.S. government. This was the third of three U.S. government memos preparing American military, police, and first responders for the upcoming nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV. Title: Nuclear Detonation Preparedness Communicating In The Immediate Aftermath Date: September 2010 Source: Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group Abstract: A nuclear detonation in the United States is one of the most devastatingly catastrophic incidents imaginable. While the United States Government is working with its international partners to ensure this nightmare scenario never becomes reality, failing to plan for managing the consequences would be irresponsible. This document was developed as a resource for emergency responders and federal, state, and local officials communicating with the public and media during the immediate aftermath following a nuclear detonation in the United States. While we hope there is never a need for these messages, we have a responsibility to the American people to be prepared to respond and communicate effectively in the event of any type of national emergency, including a nuclear detonation (Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group, 2010).

12. U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates Warns of "Nuclear Proliferation" and a "Different World" (Dec, 2010) Roughly 2 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stated that, "Without progress in the next few months, we risk nuclear proliferation in the Middle East". Gates then added that the US and its allies would face "a different world" in four to five years.

Title: Nuclear Aspects Of Wikileaks Date: December 3, 2010 Source: CSIS Abstract: Secretary Gates: Without progress in the next few months, we risk nuclea r proliferation in the Middle East, war prompted by an Israeli strike, or bothSecDef predicted a different world "(CSIS, 2010). 13. The 2011 NFL, NBA, & MLB Lockout (2011) Just in time for the planned February 6, 2011 nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV, the 3 major sports leagues of the America, the National Football League (NFL), the National Basketball Association (NBA), and Major League Baseball (MLB), all had simultaneous labor lockouts. Whether or not NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, NBA Commissioner David Stern and MLB Commissioner Bud Selig, had foreknowledge regarding an impending nuclear attack is unknown, but their imposed lockouts make complete from a financial standpoint. Post nuclear attack, fans would likely steer clear of sporting events and stadiums, costing the leagues millions if not billions in lost revenue. The lost revenue would then be compounded by the hundreds of millions of dollars the owners would have to keep paying to their players. In all likelihood, the NBA, NFL, and MLB would have had to file for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a nuclear terror attack on a stadium, unless of course they had inside information and planned their collective bargaining agreements accordingly. Title: The NFL, NBA & MLB Lockouts of 2011 Date: January 28, 2011 Source: The Nuclear Bible A. NFL CBA: Collective Bargaining Agreement expired on March 4, 2011 (ESPN, 2011). B. NBA CBA: "This Agreement shall be effective from July 29, 2005 and, unless extended or terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Article XXXIX, shall continue in full force and effect through June 30,

2011" (NBA, 2011). C. MLB CBA: "The current CBA expires on December 11, 2011: 2007-2011 BASIC AGREEMENT: This Agreement, effective December 20, 2006, is between the 30 Major League Clubs and the Major League Baseball Players Association" (MLB, 2011). 14. The Nuclear Terrorism Detection Plan (Jan, 2011) Roughly 6 weeks prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano submitted a nuclear detection plan to the U.S. Congress essentially stating that the Obama administration had done all that it could do to prevent a nuclear terror attack upon the United States. Title: Homeland Security Delivers Nuclear Detection Plan To Capitol Hill Date: January 5, 2011 Source: Nuclear Threat Initiative Abstract: "The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office delivered its long-awaited "strategic plan" for the global nuclear detection architecture to Capitol Hill on Dec. 20, according to DNDO chief Warren Stern. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano signed off on the plan that same dayIn addition, the interdepartmental road map outlines the roles of a number of federal branches in preventing terrorists from detonating a nuclear or radiological device inside the United StatesParticipating entities include the Defense, Energy, Justice and State departments, the U.S. national intelligence director and the Nuclear Regulatory CommissionThe detection office was established by presidential directive in 2005 to coordinate federal efforts to protect the United States against nuclear terrorism. It was also designated to be the lead agency in domestic nuclear detection" (NTI, 2011). 15. The Joint Special Event Threat Assessment (Jan, 2011) Roughly 3 weeks prior to Super Bowl XLV, a Joint Threat Assessment (JTA) was issued by numerous U.S. governmental agencies in an attempt to gain plausible deniability in the aftermath of the nuclear terror attack. This was only the second time that a Super Bowl warranted a JTA, the other being Super Bowl XLIII in 2009. A. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 and the 2011 JTA of terrorists using stolen or counterfeit security credentials to access the game occurred in and around Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas. B. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 and the 2011 JTA of terrorists attacking the game in the form of suicide bombers was revealed by Family Security Matters 11 days before the game. The suicide bombers were to be located throughout Cowboys Stadium in seating sections strategically located near stadium exits. After the nuclear terror plot was exposed, the seats were

abandoned, roped off, guarded by armed security, and off limits to the Super Bowl XLV crowd. In all 1250 seats were abandoned. C. As detailed in the 2009 JTA, the 2011 JTA and The Nuclear Bible, Cowboys Stadium was to be attacked with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED), namely a Pakistani drone (6 drones have been downed in Pakistan since 9/11). The VBIED attack would come only AFTER the suicide bombers inside the stadium had detonated their explosives, subsequently causing a mass panic with every TV station in the world to tuning in to see the nuclear detonation. D. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 and 2011 JTA of domestic terrorists being setup to be scapegoated for a Super Bowl attack was also depicted in The Nuclear Bible. The domestic terrorists were to be charged be working with Muslim extremists in the aftermath of the attack. Title: Super Bowl XLV: Joint Special Event Threat Assessment Date: January 11, 2011 Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, FBI, the Dallas Police Department, the Arlington Police Department, the United States Northern Command, the National Counterterrorism Center and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Abstract: We have no information indicating a specific foreign intelligence threat related to Super Bowl XLV; however, the presence of many corporate executives, politicians, and VIPs in one location presents collection opportunities for foreign intelligence services. Access to Super Bowl Terrorists or criminals might try to gain access to restricted areas by impersonating government or military officials or emergency personnel. Detecting and detaining such individuals would pose a key security challenge prior to and during the Super Bowl. Means of Attack We assess placement of one or more improvised explosive devices (IEDs) or vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs) in or near the stadium would be the preferred method of attack by terrorists. Such an attack during the game would inflict immediate casualties and destruction and create fear and panic among spectators. Terrorists also could use IEDs or VBIEDs against crowded, unsecured targets nearby, such as local businesses and public parking lots, as diversions or to stage secondary attacks against first responders. Domestic Terrorists Lone offenders pose a threat to any large event like the Super Bowl. They are often difficult to detect

because they have no visible links to known terrorist groups or networks, and they conduct their typically limited planning and preoperational activities in isolation. Suicide Bombers Suicide bombing is a widely used terrorist tactic overseas against eventsa nd locations where large numbers of people are present. Such attacks could also target crowded, unsecured targets nearby. (FBI & DHS, 2011). 16. U.S. Nuclear Detectors Not Properly Tested (Jan, 2011) Roughly 3 weeks prior to Super Bowl XLV, the National Academy of Science released a report stating that nuclear detection devices in the U.S. had failed to work properly and that data gained from these detectors were unreliable. This report essentially gave the Obama administration plausible deniability and relieved them of any legal responsibility in the aftermath of the nuclear terror attack. Title: Report: Port Devices Not Duly Tested Date: January 14, 2011 Source: Washington Post Abstract: "Homeland security officials responsible for defending against radiological and nuclear terror attacks did not properly test high-tech radiation detectors for use at the nation's ports of entryThe Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, or DNDO, at the Department of Homeland Security conducted poorly designed performance tests that undermined officials' ability to draw reliable conclusionsDNDO officials also presented the test results "in ways that are incorrect and potentially misleading" (Washington Post, 2011). 17. The NFL Laptop & Information Thefts (Jan, 2011) In the weeks leading up to Super Bowl XLV, the exact same scenario depicted in the both the Super Bowl XLIII: Joint Threat Assessment (2009) and the Super Bowl XLV: Joint Threat Assessment (2011), of stolen, fraudulent or counterfeit security credentials being used to access the game began to transpire in reality. In total, 3 NFL laptops, several thumb drives, and an iPod with security credentials and encrypted software were allegedly stolen in the Dallas, Texas, area just prior to Super Bowl XLV. Title: Laptop With Artwork For Super Bowl Credentials Is Stolen Date: January 15, 2011 Source: Star-Telegram

Abstract: A laptop computer containing NFL and Super Bowl XLV artwork that was to be used on credentials was stolen (Star-Telegram, 2011). Title: NFL Laptops With Encryption Software Stolen Date: January 30, 2011 Source: Alertsec Express Abstract: Two more National Football League (NFL) employees laptops have been stolen at the Dallas Convention Center on Sunday. The stolen laptops belonged to a private investigator and a security consultant based in CaliforniaThese laptops not only stored sensitive information but also not protected with encryption softwareA similar incident happened earlier this monthAccording to Arlington police, several thumb drives and security credential artwork were also stolen with the laptop (Alertsec Xpress, 2011). 18. The Global Ambassadors Summit in Washington D.C. (Jan, 2011) Only 6 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called an historic first of its kind ambassadors meeting in Washington D.C., which lasted from January 31, 2011, until February 4, 2011. The meeting was so important to matters of state that ambassadors from almost all 260 U.S. embassies, consulates and other posts in more than 180 countries were present. This meeting was likely used by the Obama administration to prep U.S. ambassadors on the policies and procedures they needed to adhere to in the aftermath of the first nuclear terror attack upon the United States. Title: Hillary Clinton Calls Historic Meeting Of Ambassadors Date: January 31, 2011 Source: Politico Abstract: "Ambassadors from almost all 260 U.S. embassies, consulates and other posts in more than 180 countries are expected to convene at the State Department for what's being billed as the first meeting of its kindOne of the officials questioned why every ambassador in the world was required to come back to the States for a group of lectures when this could have been done virtually" (Politico, 2011). 9/11 Deja Vu: Global Terror Workshop in Abu Dhabi Roughly 10 weeks prior to 9/11, a first of its kind summit took place in Abu Dhabi also involving the U.S. Department of State. The secret terror meetings were likely used by the Bush administration to prep various governmental and security organizations on the policies and procedures they needed to adhere to in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

Title: Anti-Terrorism Meet In Abu Dhabi Date: July 1, 2001 Source: The Gulf News Abstract: "More than 200 people from various strategic organisations are taking part in an eight-day antiterrorist workshop in the capital. The workshop, which got underway yesterday, is designed to train people in how to recognise and deal with a terrorist attack using nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. It is the first time training of this kindThe workshop has been organised by the General Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police in co-operation with the United States Department of State, Anti-terrorism Assistance Programme (The Gulf News, 2001). 19. Sleeper Cells, Suicide Bombers & Nuclear Bombs (Feb, 2011) Just 11 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, Family Security Matters, a front for the Zionist Center for Security Policy, broke the story that there were terrorist sleeper cells located within the United States and that there is a high probability that suicide bombers will strike in relatively short time. Coincidentally, the information depicted in the article in respect to suicide bombers reflects the information contained within the both the Super Bowl XLIII: Joint Threat Assessment (2009) and the Super Bowl XLV: Joint Threat Assessment" (2011). Title: Sleeper Cells In The USA Date: January 26, 2011 Source: Family Security Matters Abstract: There is every reason to suspect that [America] will endure suicide missions by Islamist sleeper cells. They are already in place. They are waiting for the right timeAn attack and the potential for a suicide bomber using a dirty radiological bomb from these facilities was and is a high probability Terrorist sleeper cells are located primarily in Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Michigan, Florida, California, and CanadaThe "sleepers" are prepared to conduct terrorist attacks within the U.S., and nuclear material is available to them. "Prepared" in this instance indicates they have the necessary tools to carry out their attacks and are prepared to dieNon profit organizations such as CAIR, ISNA, MANA, MSA, and several other Islamic based groups are in actuality simply fronts for Al Qaeda and Hamas. The leadership within these groups receives funds and training from the Saudi government. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows these groups to operate freely throughout the U.S. and at Americans taxpayers expense. Essentially the IRS grants the groups immunity and the authority to train, organize, and prepare for attacks against our country U.S. citizens need to understand there are people trained and prepared to carry our suicide missions in the U.S. and nothing are off limits. Churches, malls, and

even the schools our children attend are not off limits to suicide bombers. It is only a relatively short time before the U.S. will begin seeing suicide terrorist missionsNuclear reactors are located on a large number of major university campuses in the U.S. There locations are not classified and are described on the internet (Family Security Matter, 2011). 20. The Worldwide Terror Alerts (Feb, 2011) In the week prior to Super Bowl XLV, the U.S. Department of State, the UK, and Russia issued multiple terror warnings in regards to 1) attacks on U.S. citizens, 2) bombings, 3) attacks at high-profile sporting events, 4) nuclear weapons, and 5) Pakistan. The terror warnings were issued to 1) give the Obama administration plausible deniability in the aftermath of the nuclear terror attack, 2) to train the American public to treat all post-nuclear attack terror warnings with the utmost caution, and 3) to develop and international narrative the nuclear terror threat was real. Title: Worldwide Caution Date: January 31, 2011 Source: U.S. Department of State Abstract: "The Department of State remains concerned about the continued threat of terrorist attacks, demonstrations, and other violent actions against U.SDemonstrations and rioting can occur with little or no warning. Current information suggests that Al-Qaida and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks against U.S. interestsThese attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics including suicide operations, assassinations, kidnappings, hijackings, and bombings. Extremists may elect to use conventional or non-conventional weapons, and target both official and private interests. Examples of such targets include high-profile sporting events" (U.S. State Department, 2011). Title: US Issues Global Terror Alert Including India And Pakistan Date: February 2, 2011 Source: National Terror Alert (DHS) Abstract: "Threat of terrorist attacks, demonstrations and other violent actions against US citizens"(DHS, 2011). Title: UK And US Warn About The Nuclear Threat Date: February 1, 2011 Source: Voice of Russia

Abstract: "The growing threat of uncontrollable development of nuclear weapons in Iran and PakistanThe most recent American intelligence reports concluded that Pakistan had seriously expanded its nuclear arsenal since the beginning of Barack Obamas presidency" (The Voice of Russia, 2011). 21. The Al Qaeda Nuclear Bomb (Feb, 2011) On February 1, 2011, just 5 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, WikiLeaks broke a story that media around the world began parroting; Al Qaeda now had a nuclear bomb and they intend to inflict a "Nuclear 9/11" on the West. Interestingly, the entire narrative of Al Qaeda and their nuclear bomb has all but disappeared from the media post Super Bowl XLV. Title: WikiLeaks: 'Al-Qaida On Brink Of Using Nuclear Bomb' Date: February 1, 2011 Source: Fox News Abstract: "Al-Qaida is on the verge of producing radioactive weapons after sourcing nuclear material and recruiting rogue scientists to build "dirty" bombsA leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a "nuclear 9/11". Security briefings suggest that jihadi groups are also close to producing "workable and efficient" biological and chemical weapons that could kill thousands if unleashed in attacks on the West (Fox News, 2011). Title: WikiLeaks: Al-Qaeda 'Is Planning A Dirty Bomb' Date: February 2, 2012 Source: Telegraph Abstract: A leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a "nuclear 9/11". Security briefings suggest that jihadi groups are also close to producing "workable and efficient" biological and chemical weapons that could kill thousands if unleashed in attacks on the West. Tomihiro Taniguchi, the deputy director-general of the IAEA, has privately warned America that the world faces the threat of a "nuclear 9/11" if stores of uranium and plutonium were not secured against terrorists (Telegraph, 2011). Title: World On Brink Of Nuclear 9/11 As Al Qaeda Plans Large Dirty Bomb Date: February 2, 2011 Source: Daily Mail

Abstract: New diplomatic documents released by WikiLeaks show that U.S. intelligence personnel have been informed of terrorist attempts to acquire dangerous amounts of uranium and plutonium. The cables warn of a large trafficking operation of chemical weapons material and threats of a nuclear 9/11 unless the West intervenes swiftly. Tomihiro Taniguchi, the IAEAs deputy director -general, reportedly told U.S. officials the world stands on the brink of a nuclear 9/11 unless agency s tores of nuclear material were sufficiently protected from terrorists (Daily Mail, 2011). 22. Al Qaeda, Nuclear Weapons & Sporting Events (Feb, 2011) Just 4 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, John Choon Yoo, a former attorney in the U.S. Department of Justice during the George W. Bush administration who was known for the Torture Memos and advocating the torture of children, wrote the following op-ed in regards to Al Qaeda, nuclear weapons and sporting events. Title: Threat Of Al Qaeda Nuclear Bomb Underscores Importance Of Success In Afghanistan Date: February 2, 2011 Source: Ricochet Abstract: Al-Qaida is on the verge of producing radioactive weapons after sourcing nuclear material and recruiting rogue scientists to build "dirty" bombs, according to leaked diplomatic documents. A leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a "nuclear 9/11". This report should come as no shock. Information that came into the U.S. government's after 9/11 revealed that al Qaeda had vigorously pursued WMD technology. If al Qaeda really wanted to spread terror in the United States, they would use these primitive WMDs on soft, undefended targets like shopping malls, sporting events, and the crowded downtowns of major cities (Ricochet, 2011). 23. The Bi-Polar Super Bowl Terror Warnings (Feb, 2011) On February 3, 2011, just 3 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. intelligence officials emphatically stated that there was no terror threat to Super Bowl XLV. The next day, February 4, 2011, the same U.S. intelligence officials reneged on their previous statement by warning that terrorists may be disguised inside Super Bowl XLV. These bi-polar warnings were issued in an attempt to confuse American citizens as to the true nature of the threat, deflect criticism in the aftermath in the aftermath of the attack, and provide plausible deniability for intelligence agencies. Title: Officials: No Specific Terror Threat To Super Bowl Date: February 3, 2011 Source: ABC News

Abstract: U.S. intelligence officials say there is no specific terrorist threat to Sunday's Super Bowl, but they say al-Qaida and other similar groups remain interested in carrying out attacks during such high profile events (ABC News, 2011). Title: Feds Warn Of Disguised Terrorists At Super Bowl Date: February 4, 2011 Source: CBS News Abstract: Intelligence officials warn that terrorists might also try to get inside events by impersonating government or military officials or emergency personnelDetecting and detaining such individuals would pose a key security challenge prior to and during the Super Bowl (CBS News, 2011). 24. How to Survive a Nuclear Disaster (Feb, 2011) Just 3 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, the American news show Inside Edition ran a story entitled How To Survive A Nuclear Disaster. Despite being on the air since October 9, 1988, Inside Edition had never run a story on nuclear terrorism, but issued a nuclear terror warning 72 hours before Super Bowl XLV. Title: How To Survive A Nuclear Disaster Date: February 3, 2011 Source: Inside Edition Abstract: It's the scenario we dread, terrorists detonate a nuclear bomb in a U.S city. Hollywood depicts how they envision this disaster. But if it really did happen, would you know what to do? It's estimated that if a nuclear device were detonated in Los Angeles, the fallout would cause 280,000 deaths and injuries among people who didn't take shelter. The government recently issued new guidelines on responding to a nuclear attack. The reports stress that sheltering is the best first response even though "sheltering goes against natural instincts to run from danger" (Inside Edition, 2011). 25. U.S. Department of Homeland Security & NFL Partnership (Feb, 2011) Only 2 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. Department of Homeland (DHS) Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stated that, We are simply asking the American people to be vigilant, recognizing that our security is a shared responsibility that all of us must participate inIf a fan at the Su per Bowl or any other American at any other place sees something that is potentially dangerous, then say something about it to local law enforcement or someone in authority. This was a calculated moved by DHS to put the responsibility of keeping the Super Bowl terror free onto the American public while giving herself and DHS plausible deniability in the aftermath.

Title: Homeland Security Secretary Inspects Super Bowl Site, Says Fans Have Shared Responsibility For Security At Game And Across the Country Date: February 4, 2011 Source: CNS News Abstract: Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano traveled to Dallas earlier this week to personally inspect the massive security operation surrounding the 45th Super Bowl game and to announce the If You See Something, Say Something campaign. We are partnering this year with the NFL on our If You See Something, Say Something campaign and launching that NFL partnership right here at the Super Bowl, Napolitano said during a press conference on Monday at Cowboy Stadium in Arlington, Texas where Sundays game will be played. The idea is simple, Napolitano said. We are simply asking the American people to be vigilant, recognizing that our security is a shared responsibility that all of us must participate in. If a fan at the Super Bowl or any other American at any other place sees something that is potentially dangerous, then say something about it to local law enforcement or someone in authority, Napolitano said. Napolitano announced that DHS has trained some 1,200 stadium staffers as first observers and that cargo going into the venue also will be screened using non-intrusive inspection equipment (CNS News, 2011).

II. Super Bowl XLV Evidence

26. Barack Obama's Super Bowl Party (Feb, 2011) During Super Bowl XLV, U.S. President Barack Obama held a Super Bowl party/meeting in Washington D.C. where most of his cabinet and top officials were in attendance. The Washington D.C. Super Bowl party/meeting scenario also occurred during the 2009 and 2010 Super Bowl, despite it never occurring with any other presidential administration. It was an ingenious way for Obama to summons his entire cabinet and agency heads on a Sunday for an immediate response in the aftermath of a nuclear terror attack. The Obama administration would appear unified, composed, and resolute as Obama addressed the nation from the White House while being flaked by a majority of his cabinet and top Congressional members. Unlike the 2009 and 2010 Obama Super Bowl parties, all governmental personal needed in the aftermath of a nuclear attack were present at Obamas Super Bowl XLV party (Shaun Donovan, U.S. Secretary for Housing and Urban Development, Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General, Lisa Jackson, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Susan Rice, Ambassador to the United Nations,

Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Eric Shinseki, U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Tom Vilsack, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture). Title: Obama's White House Super Bowl Party: See The Full Guest List Date: April 7, 2010 Source: Huffington Post Abstract: Barack Obama will be holding a White House Super Bowl party, just like last year, when one attendee said the party got "pretty rowdy." The White House released the guest list for this year's party. Among the attendees are a handful of House members, one senator and almost ten cabinet members. Title: Obama's Super Bowl Party: Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony On Guest List Date: February 2, 2011 Source: Huffington Post Abstract: "The guest list for President Barack Obama's White House Super Bowl party includes entertainers Jennifer Lopez and Marc AnthonyA White House spokesman said about 100 people have been invited, including White House staff, family and friends such as Attorney General Eric Holder, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Sens. Pat Toomey and Robert Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania and congressman Reid Ribble of Wisconsin.(Huffington Post, 2011). 27. The 485/1250 Empty Seats at Super Bowl XLV (Feb, 2011)

For the first time in modern history, there were empty seats at an NFL Super Bowl. Completed on May 27, 2009, Cowboys Stadium was built to hold a maximum capacity crowd of 110,000, including standing room, but was somehow only able to seat 103,219 on its biggest day of February 6, 2011. Despite being the hottest ticket in town, 485 fans (recently upped to 1250) were allegedly barred from entering the game based on the NFL's excuse that their seats were not completed. A more likely explanation is that the "disguised terrorists" that the U.S. intelligence services warned may be inside Super Bowl XLV were likely slated to sit in the uncompleted seats. The 1250 seats were likely unavailable at game time due to a weapons cache that included suicide bomber belts which were stashed in and around the uncompleted seats. The 2009 Super Bowl JTA and

a Family Security Matters article released roughly 10 days before Super Bowl XLV stated that suicide bomber would attack at sporting events. Coincidentally, the empty seats were strategically placed near exits just as stated in the Super Bowl XLIII: Joint Threat Assessment (2009). Suicide bomber were also mentioned in the Super Bowl XLV: Joint Threat Assessment (2011). Once the nuclear terror plot was exposed, it left those running the nuclear terror operation with a quandary. Since the explosives and weapons had already been planted in the Cowboys stadium, it was impossible to remove it prior to the game, hence the empty seats. The seats in question were then covered with a large black cloth and guarded the entire game by armed security guards. The uncompleted seats occurred in at least 4 locations throughout the Cowboy Stadium and on multiple levels. Allegedly, the NFL knew a week before that there may be an issue with the seats but failed to notify ticket holders. As evidenced by the follow-up seating snafu at the BCS NCAA College Football Championship, there is a concerted effort to make seating issues the norm and to muddy the waters regarding what really occurred at Super Bowl XLV. Title: Some Super Bowl Seats Not Completed Date: February 7, 2011 Source: ESPN Abstract: "Incomplete installation of temporary seats in a limited number of sections made the seats unusableStadium workers were covering the top corner sections of the upper deck behind one end zone two hours prior to kickoff. There were off-limits seats in the same upper-deck rows as seats that were deemed safe. Yellow police tape was used as a dividing line, with uniformed personnel also keeping folks away" (ESPN, 2011). Title: Blame The Media: Press Gets Fans' Seats At BCS Championship Date: January 10, 2012 Source: ESPN Abstract: There was another ticket mix-up at a championship football game. Dozens of fans arrived at the Superdome for the Allstate BCS Championship Game between No. 1 LSU and No. 2 Alabama to find their seats were taken for auxiliary press seating Monday night. The top two rows of the upper deck were turned into an overflow area for the media, with one of the rows covered by tables. The mix-up is similar to a situation that occurred at last year's Super Bowl in Arlington, Texas, where some temporary seating had not been inspected and couldn't be used. Incidentally, the Super Bowl will be in the Superdome next season and auxiliary media seating will be needed for that game as well (ESPN, 2012).

Title: NFL Aims To Avoid Super Bowl Seating Snafu Date: January 27, 2012 Source: USA Today Abstract: The troublesome temporary seats that left the NFL with a black eye at last year's Super Bowl in North Texas should be a non-issue when the game is played at Lucas Oil Stadium on Feb. 5. That's because there will be only 254 of them. Frank Supovitz, the league's senior vice president for events, says the decision was made in March to dramatically scale back initial plans that included several thousand temporary seats. Last year's Super Bowl at Cowboys Stadium was infamous for a seating snafu that displaced 1,250 ticketholders because railings, seats and risers had not been installed (USA Today, 2012). 28. Texas Governor Rick Perry's Super Bowl Alibi (Feb, 2011) Despite Texas never hosting a Super Bowl until 2011, Texas governor Rick Perry was at Ronald Reagans would-be 100th birthday party in California. This was a premeditated move to give Perry an alibi and safe-house outside of Texas, while also giving him a heart wrenching story to parrot while running in the 2012 U.S. Presidential campaign. Coincidentally, other Texas politicians also decided to pass on Super Bowl XLV. Title: Some Texas Politicians Are No-Shows At Super Bowl Date: February 6, 2011 Source: Star-Telegram Abstract: Some Texas politicians made news for NOT showing up at today's Super Bowl. Texas Gov. Rick Perry is in California, celebrating what would have been former President Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday. Apparently Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and House Speaker Joe Straus had other plans as well. Many state and congressional lawmakers planned to watch the game at home or with family or friends (Star-Telegram, 2011). 29. George W. Bush & Super Bowl XLV (Feb, 2011) The situation regarding former U.S. President George W. Bush and Super Bowl XLV is highly suspicious. Bush, an NFL fan who previously attended big games in Texas, couldnt seem to make up his mind in regards to the biggest football game Texas had ever seen. Despite Texas never hosting a Super Bowl until 2011, Bush had other plans.

A. On January 31, 2011, it is reported that George W. Bush and his wife Laura will attend Super Bowl XLV B. On February 6, 2011, it is reported that George W. Bush has cancelled his previously scheduled trip to Switzerland where he had planned to speak at a Jewish charity fundraiser. Alleged protests against Bushs war crimes were used as an excuse by Bush to cancel his trip to Switzerland. C. On February 6, 2011, attends Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas. Evidentially, once the nuclear terror attack had been called off, Bush felt safe enough to attend Super Bowl XLV. During the game, Bush was repeatedly seen reading a book via an iPad like mechanism instead of watching the game. It is highly possibly that Bush was reading The Nuclear Bible; after all, it made him change his plans at least twice in one day. Title: Bushes Will Attend Super Bowl, Clinton Not Date: January 31, 2011 Source: UPI Abstract: "It's been exciting being back in Dallas the week before the Super Bowl," Barbara Bush said. "Neither Jenna nor I can stay for the game. I've got to get back to work." While George and Laura Bush plan to attend the game, former President Bill Clinton won't be able to make it. Dallas Cowboys owner and President Jerry Jones invited Clinton to the game, but the former president reportedly asked for a rain check (UPI, 2011). Title: George W. Bush Cancels Trip To Switzerland Amid Calls For Protests & War Crimes Investigation Date: February 6, 2011 Source: UPI Abstract: Former President George W. Bush was forced to cancel a trip to Switzerland amid concerns of massive protests and calls from human rights groups to investigate his administration for war crimesThe ex-prez learned on Friday his invite to speak at an event in Geneva hosted by the United Israel Appeal, a Jewish charity, had been nixed" (New York Daily News, 2011). Title: Stars [George W. Bush] Come Out To Watch The Super Bowl Date: February 7, 2011 Source: The Telegraph Abstract: Celebrities streamed into Cowboys Stadium to watch the Green Bay Packers beat the Pittsburgh Steelers 31 to 25. Hugh Jackman, John Travolta, Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Catherine

Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas were among the film stars cheering on their teams from the sidelines. Owen Wilson and Jamie Foxx who both grew up in North Texas also watched the game. As Lea Michele of "Glee" sang "America the Beautiful," the gigantic screen in the middle of the stadium flashed to former President George W. Bush and former first lady Laura Bush, who made their home in Dallas after he left office (Telegraph, 2011). 9/11 Deja Vu: Clinton & Gore Leave U.S. Coincidentally, just before the 9/11 Terror Attacks, former U.S. President Bill Clinton was convenientyl left for Australia while former U.S. Vice President Al Gore left for Austria. Title: Clinton's Fight Against Terrorism Date: February 11, 2009 Source: CBS News Abstract: The 42nd president of the United States was in Australia when the Sept. 11 attack occurred. "I remember it vividly," recalls Mr. Clinton, who says his first thought was that "Osama bin Laden did this" (CBS, 2009). Title: On 911An Ill Wind Blew Clinton To Australia Date: January 25, 2006 Source: Rense Abstract: Al Gore also was 'out of town' on 9/11. IN AUSTRIA OF ALL PLACES for the Conference for Internet and Technology Austria (Rense, 2006). 30. Super Bowl XLV Cancellations (Feb, 2011) On Super Bowl XLV and the days leading up to it, at least a dozen cancellations occurred regarding a number of both public and private events without a lot of public explanation. In many cases, the celebrities and professional athletes actually left town prior to the big game, despite traveling to Dallas, Texas, specifically to watch Super Bowl XLV. Based on the viral nature of The Nuclear Bible, it is highly plausible that information regarding an impending terror attack reached people on the ground in Dallas, Texas, who then decided to skip town. A. Canceled: Super Bowl Concert (Dallas Voice, 2011) B. Canceled: Warren Sapp Superlegends Super Bowl Bash (Z Events, 2011) C. Canceled: The Big Ante Super Bowl Party Charity Event with Patrick Crayton (Super Sunday HQ, 2011)

D. Canceled: Michael Vick Super Bowl Party (Huffington Post, 2011) E. Canceled: Everson Griffin Super Bowl Party (ESPN, 2011) F. Canceled: Arlington Community Super Bowl Watch Party (Star-Telegram, 2011) G. Canceled: Prince Concert (Billboard, 2011) H. Canceled: Erykah Badu Concert (Dallas Observer, 2011) I. Canceled: Snoop Dogg Appearance (Fox, 2011) J. Canceled: Michael Sorrentino aka The Situation Appearance (Fox, 2011) K. Canceled: Adrian Peterson All-In Celebrity Poker Tournament ( L. Canceled: Former U.S. President George W. Bush's Trip to Switzerland (NY Daily News, 2011)

III. Post Super Bowl XLV Evidence

31. U.S. Invasion of Libya (Feb, 2011) Exactly 1 week after Super Bowl XLV, the U.S. and NATO attacked Libya for no apparent reason. This sudden and unprovoked attack was likely done in an attempt to divert immediate attention from what transpired in Dallas, Texas, and to set up Libya as a future Al Qaeda state to menace the West for years to come. As evidenced by the video below, an Al Qaeda flag is now flying in Benghazi, Libya. Title: 2011 Libyan Civil War Date: February 15, 2011 Source: Wikipedia Abstract: The 2011 Libyan civil war, also known as the Libyan Revolution, is an ongoing armed conflict in the North African state of Libya being fought between forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi and his regime and those seeking to depose him. The situation began on 15 February 2011 as a series of peaceful protests which were met with military force by the Gaddafi regime (Wikipedia, 2011). 32. Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (March, 2011) Roughly 4 weeks after the failed nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV, Japan was hit with its 3rd major nuclear attack in the last 50 years. Magna BSP, an Israeli security firm, was responsible for security at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan before, during and immediately after the nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011. Speculation concerning what really happened that terrible day continues to mount as multiple reports state that the nuclear plant was sabotaged by the Israeli security firm who had been on the job less than a year. 33. Top Nuclear Scientist Commits Suicide (March, 2011) Almost 2 month after Super Bowl XLV, nuclear scientist Rodger Lynn Dickey (see article below) died a

horrible death which was immediately called a suicide. Dickeys death is suspicious for a number of reasons: A. The death of Dickey came roughly six weeks after Super Bowl XLV. B. The death of Dickey occurred in New Mexico, a neighboring state to Texas where the failed nuclear terror plot took place. C. According to New Mexico undersheriff Ed Romero who investigated Dickeys death, [Dickey had] been working in New Mexico for a while. Romeros statement contradict Dickeys own resume which shows that he had been working in New Mexico for only 5 months. D. Dickey died while falling 650 feet off the Gorge Bridge which raises concerns about foul play and the possibility of assassination. E. Has Dickey committed suicide as alleged, it is unlikely that his rental car would be found parked in the middle of the bridge in the westbound lane. Suicides tend to be more of a thought out process rather than a spur of the moment thing. More than likely, Dickey was flowed, forced to pull over, take out at gunpoint and thrown over the bridge. F. Despite the fact that a suicide/murder investigation can takes weeks, months or even years, the New Mexico authorities state within 24 hours that Dickey committed suicide by jumping off the 650 foot bridge. The authorities also reported that Dickey wrote a suicide note, but that it does not specifically give his intentions. G. According to Dickeys resume, Dickey worked as a Senior Nuclear Engineer from October 2010 until his death in March of 2011 for both ENREGS, Inc. and EnergX LLC. According to both his resume and the article which reported his death, Dickey worked in Albuquerque, New Mexico for ENREGS, and therefore could not have also worked for EnergX LLC who only has offices in Tennessee, Washington and Colorado. H. Coincidentally, EnergX LLC is a privately held corporation that according to their website has experienced personnel to support the design, build, and licensing of new commercial nuclear power facilities and deals specifically in radioactive waste management. Due to the failed Super Bowl nuclear terror plot, there was likely the need for a nuclear scientist to remove the thermonuclear weapon from its location in Cowboys Stadium. I. For roughly 11 years (December of 1999 until October of 2010), Dickeys employment record as a nuclear scientist is mysteriously missing. Who was Dickey working for during this period? Was Dickey part of a secret U.S. government nuclear terror program? While one can only speculate as to where Dickey was employed during his absence, he did work for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission from 1977 until 1978. J. Had Dickey, an expert in nuclear safety programmatic assessment, regulatory compliance, hazard assessment, safety analysis, safety basis documentation, nuclear engineering design and

application, nuclear waste management, project management, and risk management actually been involved in the failed Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot, it makes sense that he would be liquidated as witnesses in the aftermath. While there is no direct evidence linking Dickey to the Super Bowl nuclear terror plot, it stands to reason that there was a secret government program in the works to plot, plan, implement and execute the numerous locational, logistical, electrical, chronological, environmental and security related factors involved in a nuclear terror plot of that magnitude. In all likelihood, Dickey was the lead nuclear scientist running the program. His mysterious 11 year absence from the field of nuclear science along with his abnormal death all indicate that Dickey was ultimately disposed of along with his 5 Russian colleagues (see below) in the aftermath of the failed Super Bowl nuclear terror plot. Title: Body In Rio Grande Gorge Identified As [Nuclear] Scientist Date: March 23, 2011 Source: Taos News Abstract: Taos County Sheriffs Office stated Tuesday (March 22) that they have identified the body found in the Ro Grande Gorge last Friday (March 18) as belonging to a nuclear scientist from Washington state. Undersheriff Ed Romero said that Rodger Lynn Dickey, 56, died after he jumped from the Gorge Bridge. Dickey, a scientist working on contract with Sanda Laboratory, was originally from Richland, Wash. Hed been working in New Mexico for a while, Romero said. He did leave a note, but it does not specifically give his intentions. Romero said that a vendor setting up at the bridge for the day called the police when Dickeys rental car was found parked in the middle of the bridge in the westbound lane (Taos News, 2011). 34. NFL Security Chief Resigns after Super Bowl XLV (April, 2011) Roughly 9 weeks after Super Bowl XLV, the head of NFL Security, Milt Ahlerich, suddenly retired. Ahlerich's abrupt retirement clearly indicates that the NFL was party to the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot and subsequently "cleaned house" in the aftermath. Title: NFL Names A New Security Chief Date: April 12, 2011 Source: NBC Sports Abstract: NFL V.P. of security Milt Ahlerich retired last week after 16 years on the jobNFL spokesman Greg Aiello has announced via Twitter that Ahlerich will be succeeded by Jeff Miller. Miller, the former

Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police, joined the NFL in 2008. Among other things, he implemented the in-stadium fan code of conduct (NBC Sports, 2011). 35. Osama bin Laden Assassinated (May, 2011) Roughly 12 weeks after Super Bowl XLV, the U.S. government killed Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011, despite multiple news sources confirming that bin Laden actually died on December 26, 2001. It is highly probable that the staged death of bin Laden was executed due to the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror being exposed and the U.S. government felt it necessary to change up their nuclear terror strategy. Coincidentally, Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, the Super Bowl nuclear terror scapegoat. Subsequently, Pakistan will forever be linked to bin Laden as the country where the worlds most notorious terrorist was allegedly hiding. Title: Osama Bin Laden Killed In US Raid On Pakistan Hideout Date: May 2, 2011 Source: Guardian Abstract: Osama bin Laden, mastermind of the 11 September 2001 attacks and the world's most wanted man, has been killed in a US operation in north-western Pakistan, Barack Obama has announced. US special forces launched a helicopter-borne assault on a closely guarded compound in Abbottabad, 30 miles north-east of Islamabad, on Sunday night, Obama and US officials said (The Guardian, 2011). 36. The 5 Dead Russian Nuclear Scientists (June, 2011) Roughly 5 months after Super Bowl XLV, five Russian nuclear scientists (see article below) died in a mysterious plane crash. Their timely deaths are suspicious for a number of reasons: A. The cluster of dead Russian nuclear scientists came roughly five months after Super Bowl XLV. B. The deaths of the Russian nuclear scientists came roughly three months after American nuclear scientist Rodger Lynn Dickey was found dead. Nuclear scientists are rare and dont die very often, especially 5 at a time and 6 in three months. C. The suspicious plane crash in which the Russian nuclear scientists died raises questions and concerns about foul play and the possibility of assassination. D. The post-mortem allegations that the Russian nuclear scientists were helping Iran with their alleged nuclear program at behest of the Russian government never made the mainstream news, despite it being breaking news. E. By insinuating that the Russian nuclear scientists were helping Iran with their nuclear ambitions, it invites the possibility that they may have been assassination victims of the Israeli Mossad, a convenient and obvious way to dismiss the deaths, especially when purposely written into the

original story line. F. Had Israel assassinated the Russian nuclear scientists in Russian territory, it would have been a blatant act of war. If the assassinations itself didnt start a war, it would have at least sparked an international fire-storm over Mossads assassination program. G. Despite the fact that a plane crash investigation generally takes months or even years to complete, the Russian government stated within 72 hours that there was no official suspicion of foul play and that human error and technical malfunction was to blame. H. The Russian nuclear scientists that died just happened to be involved in the set-up and development of nuclear plants. The education and training of the nuclear scientists would likely be the type needed in the set-up and development of a nuclear weapon at an off-site location, such as the Super Bowl. I. Had the Russian nuclear scientists actually been involved in the failed Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot, it makes sense that they would be liquidated as witnesses in the aftermath. While there is no direct evidence linking the 5 deceased Russian nuclear scientists to the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot, it stands to reason that there was a secret government program in the works to plot, plan, implement and execute the numerous locational, logistical, electrical, chronological, environmental and security related factors involved in a nuclear terror plot of that magnitude, especially one involving a stadium, a football game, and live TV. Coincidentally, an electrician working at the new Dallas Cowboys stadium also died while wiring the stadium for electricity. Title: Scientists Who Helped Iran With Nuke Plant Died in Russian Plane Crash Date: June 23, 2011 Source: Fox News Abstract: Five scientists killed in Monday's Russian plane crash assisted in the development of Iran's nuclear plantScientists Andrei Tropinov, Sergei Rizhov, Gennadi Benyok, Nicolai Tronov and Valery Lyalin worked at the Bushehr nuclear power plant and helped to complete construction of it. The five scientists were employed at the Hydropress factory, a member of Russia's state nuclear corporation, according to Russian officials say there was no foul play in the plane crash that killed 45 people despite other similar accidents and plane crashes involving Iranian nuclear scientists. "Although Iranian nuclear scientists have in the past been involved in unexplained accidents and plane crashes, there is no official suspicion of foul play," a Russian source told the Associated Press. Russian investigators say that human error and technical malfunction caused the deadly crash (Fox News, 2011).

37. Cheney Predicts Nuclear Terror (Sep, 2011) Roughly 19 month after Super Bowl XLV, former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, a man responsible in part for the 9/11 attacks, emphatically stated that the next terror attack upon the Unites States would either be nuclear or biological. Had a nuclear weapon been detonated in Dallas, Texas, the death toll Cheney predicted would have likely been dwarfed as millions. However bad a nuclear attack, a bio-terror pandemic would kill way more people as is being planned this very moment. Title: Cheney Says Next Terror Attack Will Be Biological Or Nuclear Date: September 30, 2011 Source: Bio Prep Watch Abstract: According to former vice president Dick Cheney, the next terrorist attack on the Western world could be nuclear or biological and the death toll could total in the hundreds of thousands. Cheney spoke with the Toronto Sun on Monday to discuss his life in politics, which he recounted in the recently released memoir"My biggest concern today when I think about a threat is the po ssibility that there'll be another major attack but next time they will have deadlier weapons, not just airline tickets and box cutters," Cheney said, according to the Toronto Sun. "I worry very much about the possibility of a group of terrorists getting their hands on a biological agent of some kind or a nuclear device and setting one of those off in the middle of one of our cities. That would be devastating, obviously. The death toll would run into the hundreds of thousands" (Bio Prep Watch, 2011). 38. Super Bowl L (2016) in Dallas Texas (Feb, 2012) Should U.S. President Barack Obama win the 2012 U.S. Presidential election, he will be in the White House for Super Bowl L in 2016. Coincidentally, it has just been reported that Dallas, Texas will likely host the Super Bowl in 2016. Therefore, the 50 Super Bowl will return to Dallas, Texas, the crime scene where the first planned nuclear terror attack was thwarted. If David Chase Taylor author of The Nuclear Bible is not granted asylum in Switzerland, he will likely be forced out of Switzerland and picked up by U.S. or NATO intelligence services. Once arrested, Taylor will not be able to serve as a nuclear terror witness and will likely be disappeared, tortured and killed.

Ron Pauls 3rd Party Run (Nov, 2012) Although Ron Paul has emphatically stated that he will never run 3rd party in the 2012 U.S. Presidential election, it will happen. The only way Obama will ever win a second term in the White House is if Paul runs 3rd party and takes away the crucial independent votes that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney needs to win the presidency. Unfortunately, Pauls future flip-flop is a bold and

calculated move to guarantee Obama another four years in office in which America will no doubt see the face of nuclear terrorism. An Indictment of Nuclear Terror (Now) Due to the magnitude of nuclear terror and the implications that it brings, any suspects in the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot will likely resort to plausible deniability. This refers to the denial of blame in loose and informal chains of command where upper rungs quarantine the blame to the lower rungs, and the lower rungs are often inaccessible, meaning confirming responsibility for the action is nearly impossible. In the case that the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot becomes public, high-ranking officials in the Obama administration may deny any awareness of such act or any connection to the agents used to carry out such acts. Despite the anticipated denials, indictments must be filed. When it comes to legal question of indictment, there is none better than famed former Los Angeles County District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi, author of The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. Aside from his successful prosecution of Charles Manson in 1970, Bugliosi has successfully prosecuted 105 out of 106 felony jury trials, including 21 murder convictions without a single loss, in his stellar career at the L.A. County District Attorneys Office. According to Bugliosi, there are five basic types of legal questions that must be posed prior to indicting a person or administration with a murder, or in this case, conspiracy to commit nuclear terror: A. Did the defendant(s), or did they not, conspire to commit nuclear terror? B. If so, was there, or was there not, a legal justification, such as self-defense, for the act of nuclear terror? C. Was the intent to kill via nuclear terror premeditated? D. At the time of the act, did the defendant(s) have malice aforethought (intent to kill)? E. Could conspiracy to commit murder be proved beyond a reasonable doubt?

It is now up to the American public to forward the information surrounding The Nuclear Bible to District Attorneys throughout America. Once the facts of the case are reviewed, it is likely only a matter of time before politicians, sheriffs, and law enforcement officials subpoena, depose, and indict the following suspects:

A. U.S. President Barack Obama B. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton C. U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano D. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell E. VP of NFL Security Milt Ahlerich F. NFL Spokesman Greg Aiello, Cowboys G. Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones H. Former U.S. President George W. Bush I. Texas Governor Rick Perry J. All 260 U.S. Ambassadors

While the aforementioned names are by no means a complete list of the nuclear terror suspects, it is a great start in what will eventually become the trial of the century. Conclusion The marriage of terror and the Super Bowl was first made in a 1977 film entitled Black Sunday, wherein Arab terrorists hijacked a blimp, loaded it with explosives and tried to attack the Super Bowl. Fourteen years later, Tom Clancys book entitled The Sum of All Fears depicted a nuclear bomb being detonated inside an NFL stadium. More than likely, the plan to terrorize the Super Bowl and its live TV audience with nuclear terror has been plotted and planned for at least 30 years. The Nuclear Bible exposes this master plan in full and has exposed ALL aspects of the nuclear terror conspiracy. The evidence presented within this article is only a fraction of the information contained within The Nuclear Bible. The free ebook is over 1,000 pages in length and contains over 1,000 sources which ultimately connect the dots of the nuclear terror conspiracy. The combined research of David Chase Taylor took over 1 year to compile, organize, and document, and it is foolish to believe that nuclear terror threat will disappear based on one major setback. More than likely, the nuclear terror plan will be repackaged, rebranded, eventually resurface at the World Cup or another live sporting event. Exposing the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror conspiracy will do for the World what 9/11 Truth has done for America, namely, open millions of minds to state sponsored terrorism and the decrepit state of government. Therefore, please forward the information contained within The Nuclear Bible to mainstream and alternative news outlets worldwide while we still have the free internet.

Total 24 comments


Boy, do I remember this incidence very well and the author missed a lot. Here is a critical fact that occurred on September 2007. The Week before the missing nukes were announced, CHERTOFF ANNOUNCED INTEL NOISE THAT 5 AMERICAN CITIES WERE GOING TO BE ATTACKED. Following that announcement several days later, The White House, through Chertoff announced the scheduled Cheney war games for NY on September 14th, which was a friday. I called El Al Airlines and inquired about a ticket from NY to Tel Aviv for Friday the 14th. I was informed that all flights had been cancelled on the busiest day of the week for that airlines. Following that I sent out a mass mailing to that affect. Then AIRFORCE OR MILITARY NEWS SENT OUT A DISCLOSURE THAT THE NUKES WERE NO LONGER MISSING, RATHER, THAT THE AIRFORCE IN MINOT BASE HAD LOADED THE NUKES ONTO A ILLEGAL CARGO PLANE SINCE THE NUKES HAD WARHEADS AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON A SECURED PLANE SPECIALLY DESIGNED TO CARRY NUKES SECURELY. 5 of the nukes were recovered on the runway in Louisiana. It was after that the 10 soldiers who loaded the nukes were put on leave and CHENEY CANCELLED HIS WAR GAMES FOR SEPT 14, 2007. I called Al El Airlines and all flights had been restored. Since then ALL OFFICERS SURROUNDING THAT PLANE AND ALL ENLISTED HAVE BEEN KILLED INCLUDING THE COMMANDER OF THE MINOT AIRBASE. BOY SOMEONE WAS PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS. So they are out of control. Wonder what really happened that exposed this event. ????

JUN 22, 2012, 7:54 AM



Thanks you for having the bravery to print this article. Massmurderers Obama, Bushs, Cheneys, Clintons, must be prosecuted before we can move on as a society. These people and their families are an infectious disease that we must cure.

JUN 22, 2012, 11:23 AM



I guess their next target is London. I feel sorry for those that will be at the Olympics. I hope all the murdering scum fall in their own trap.

JUN 22, 2012, 2:17 PM



why no terror attacks? the current stooges to blame all things terror lately has been al quada. while many terror groups are orchastrated intel fronts, their rank and file really are legitimate terror fanatics. for the past year or so, Obamas elite puppet masters have been cutting deals with islamo-communist extremists of all stripes. quite simply, they have no reason to attack when they have the west handing them money, weapons, air cover, and even entire countries. there may even be a secret war with the west droning organic real terrorists in order for their favored or controlled terrorists to gain power. eventually, the game will turn, and it will be time to raise the heat on the public, and magically, the terrorists will go active again.

JUN 22, 2012, 2:26 PM



the way I heard minot went down was that it was the airmen themselves who blew the whistle on what was going down and shut down whatever had been planned. who has verified that everyone invloved has turned up dead?

JUN 22, 2012, 2:31 PM



im keeping out of london.

JUN 22, 2012, 3:24 PM



that incident was closely tied to another that happened simultaneously across the globe. those nukes were to be blamed on Syria/Iran with Israel picking up the retaliation phase by bombing Syria (which it did anyway under the fake charges of alleged Syrian nuke plant) they hoped this would draw in Iran and get war going so they could then wipe them out together. it was defused in US, and so we have fake arab springs for mass regime change over there instead

JUN 22, 2012, 4:22 PM





JUN 22, 2012, 6:03 PM



this site has more nutsacks than planters has peanuts. You guys are unbelievable wishing bees.. wishing things would change, but too lazy to get out and do your own research for truth, not conspiracy.. we are in deep crap if people like you all are expecting anything to change

JUN 23, 2012, 1:36 PM



I am very sure considering the way he has got away with every lie, murder and all his crimes so far, that he could shoot his wife on TV and no one would do anything about it, we would all just pretend it never happened. Sheriff Joe would do an investigation and it would just be ongoing -without any resolution-it would just be swept under the rug and ignored forever. We are powerless against Obama and all the truly evil demonic entities who own the federal reserve and pull his strings. Everything eventually gets turned around-the tables always turn, and eventually we will have the power and they will all poop in their pants.

JUN 23, 2012, 2:44 PM



Well this all makes you wonder about things doesnt it? Is big siss; See something say something, really just a way for those in charge to see if anybody is watching and if they can get away with it?

JUN 23, 2012, 6:24 PM



This site is just whak-o. I think Ill write a convincing article that states dog feces is good for you to eat, Then I will sit back and read all the comments saying I am just so damn right.

JUN 23, 2012, 7:57 PM


One Who Knows

@ Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, June 23, 2012 7:57 You my friend are a shill. The story is complete and factual.

JUN 23, 2012, 8:17 PM


#1NWO hatr

RE: Anonymous@1:36: The main problem with your statement is many if not most of the conspiracies out there are the truth. Most of us serious researchers deal in conspir acy facts, not theories. If you honestly believe that most of these conspiracies are nothing more than theories, then we have to assume youre the biggest nutsack of all.

JUN 23, 2012, 8:22 PM



unless youve eaten dog poo before, you really shouldnt suggest its bad to eat. my preference is labrador.. but a bag full of chihuahua doodoo is heard to beat curled up on the couch watching the tv

JUN 23, 2012, 8:23 PM



To all of those responding or thinking of responding to Anonoymous. Dont feed the monkeys.

JUN 23, 2012, 8:58 PM



Please provide the names of the service men. If you have a head count, you have either names, faces, or ranks. I remember this incident as well from news reports in Louisiana. But I havent heard that the service men were killed.

JUN 23, 2012, 11:26 PM



Thanks to David Chase. How do we stop the Romney false flag? Will it be something different?

JUN 24, 2012, 3:28 AM


10 Dead U.S. Airmen:

JUN 24, 2012, 4:47 AM



The thing is i would put nothing past them judging by the facts that we know are true. Just now we need to stop Israel with its american puppets attacking Syria and let out leaders know in no uncertain terms that we are watching them very close The London olympics seems to be a mind game where they pretend they expect trouble and will use that to say its X,Y,Z they had secret intel on much that did the dirty just like 9-11 all over again. all roads lead to Israel, follow the money

JUN 24, 2012, 4:13 PM



Follow the interest money to the FED. This is why they dont want an audit that R.Paul wants. Dont you wonder why, is all we hear is talk,( Eric Holder) and no one goes to jail in DC. Distric of Criminals. God will judge one day soon.

JUN 24, 2012, 5:16 PM



What is a Zionist?

JUN 24, 2012, 7:24 PM



There will be no terrorist attack on a major sporting event for a few simple reasons. 1)Important people must be present, and will have to explain their amazing luck at not being there. Too many coincidences if 20 people who shouldve been there, werent. 2)Bombing a sporting event does no damage whatsoever to the economy or infrastructure. It is purely designed as a control tactic, so once its over and theres no real damage to worry about, attempting to use this event will become harder and harder as people realize no actual damage was done.

JUN 24, 2012, 9:43 PM



there were strange elitist film makers archiving world spiritual traditions during that time. perhaps for the front row of their underground bunkers?

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