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National Technical University of Athens

Mechanical Engineering Department Thermal Engineering Section Laboratory of Steam Boilers and Thermal Plants
9 Heroon Polytechniou STR, Athens 15780 - Greece

Title of Project :

Concept study for a 700C power plant: using poor quality brown coal with ultra supercritical PF boiler
Sub - Contract to VGB

Final Report
covering NTUA-LSBs activities from 1/1/2006 to 31/10/2006

Compiled by
Prof. Emm. Kakaras, Dr. A. Doukelis, Dr. Pan. Grammelis, Mr. A. Koumanakos, Mr. M. Agraniotis

Athens, October 2006

Summary Main topic of the present study is the investigation of the conceptual design for a 700oC power plant burning exclusively low rank coal, such as the Greek brown coal. Although significant progress can be reported on the component material development and the plant design of the 700 oC technology, the main fuel taken into consideration is hard coal or high quality brown coal and no investigations have been performed for the case of low rank coals. This gap is covered by the present work. Alternative plant configurations for the low rank coal - fuel scenario are analysed and compared in terms of efficiency, auxiliary power consumption and net power output. The technical analysis is followed by a survey on the funding opportunities for the demonstration of the 700 oC technology in Europe and the United States and a presentation of the current research priorities in the field of thermal power plants in the EU. More specific, the first part of the study contains an overview on the progress in the 700C technology. The development of new materials (Ni based alloys), which will allow main and reheat temperatures to be raised up to the 700C region and main pressure to the 350-375 bar, resulting to an efficiency increase of 5-6 percentage points, are the main targets towards the new generation of pulverised fuel plants. The current research activities in EU, US and Japan in the particular field are reported in this section. The second part focuses on the different predrying concepts for the utilization of fuels with high moisture and ash content. It is assumed that pre drying will be a critical step, especially for low rank coals, in order to reach high furnace temperatures necessary for the 700C steam conditions. Different predrying methods are presented and compared in terms of thermal consumption and efficiency. The third part includes the main case study of two different designs for a 700C power plant burning low rank coal and their comparisons with the equivalent steam cycles of conventional plans. An estimation of the expected efficiency gain and the modified capital cost is further presented. In the two final parts the funding possibilities for the demonstration of the 700C power plant technology through European and international organizations and funds are reported. A comparison of the particular concept with the current research priorities of the E.C. in the field of thermal power plants is included. The findings from the Working Groups in the Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants (ZEP) are finally used in order to elaborate convincing arguments for the necessity to implement the 700C technology, encouraging its funding through the 7th FP.

Kurzfassung Thema der vorhandenen Studie ist die Untersuchung eines Designkonzepts fr ein Kraftwerk mit ultra berkritischen Dampfparametern und Einsatz von minderwertiger Braunkohle, wie die griechische Braunkohle. Obwohl es bei der Entwicklung der Komponentenmaterialien und des allgemeinen Kraftwerksdesigns fr ein 700 oC Kraftwerk ein signifikanter Fortschritt zu sehen ist, bleibt als bercksichtigter Referenzbrennstoff die Steinkohle oder die Rheinische Braunkohle und keine Untersuchung wurde bis zu dieser Zeit fr den Fall einer minderwertigen Kohle durchgefhrt. Ziel der vorhandenen Arbeit ist diesen Mangel zu decken. Alternative Konfigurationen des minderwertige Kohle - Szenarios werden bercksichtigt und berechnet und unter den Aspekten des Effizienzgrades, des zustzlichen Leistungsverbrauchs und der Nettoleistung vergliechen. Nach der technischen Studie wird eine Recherche ber die Finanzierungsmglichkeiten einer Demonstration der 700 oC Technologie in der EU und den USA presentiert und eine Darstellung der aktuellen Forschungsprioritten im Bereich der thermischen Kraftwerke in EU eingegeben. Der erste Teil der Studie beinhaltet einen berblick auf die aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich der 700 oC Kraftwerkstechnologie in der EU, den USA und Japan. Die Entwicklung neuer Materialien (Ni-basierte Legierungen), die Dampftemperaturen von 700 oC und Drcke von 350-375 bar erlauben, was zu einer Erhhung des Effizienzgrades von 5-6 Prozent fhren wird, ist das Hauptziel fr die nexte Generation der konventionellen fossilen Kraftwerke. Der zweite Teil konzertriert sich auf die verschiedenen Vortrocknungskonzepte fr die Ausnutzung von Brennstoffen mit hohem Asche - und Wasseranteil. Man erwartet, dass die Vortrocknung, besonders fr die minderwertigen Kohlen, ein kritischer Punkt fr das Erreichen der bentigten hohen Brennkammertemperaturen und der entsprechenden erhhten Dampfparameter sein wird. Verschiedene Vortrocknungsmethoden werden angegeben und bezglich des thermischen Verbrauchs und der Effizienz vergliechen. Der dritte Teil beinhaltet die Darstellung von zwei berechneten Designkonzepten fr ein 700 oC Kraftwerk mit Einsatz von minderwertiger Braunkohle und deren Vergleich mit den Dampfkreislufen heutiger konventioneller Kraftwerke. Eine Annahme der erwarteten Effizienzsteigerung und der genderten Kapitalkosten wird auch angegeben. In den zwei letzten Teilen wird es ber die Finanzierungsmglichkeiten der Demonstration der 700 oC Kraftwerkstechnologie durch europische und internationale Institutionen und Funds berichtet. Ein Vergleich des betrachteten Forschungsthemas mit den aktuellen Forschungsprioritten der EU wird einbezogen. Die Erkenntnisse der Arbeitsgruppen der Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fl Power Plants (ZEP) werden genutzt, um berzeugende Argumente fr die Notwendigkeit der Implementierung der 700 oC Technologie auszuarbeiten, und deren Frderung durch das 7. Rahmenprogramm (7th FP) zu bestrken.

1. 2. Introduction Analysis of the current achievements of R&D projects addressing key issues of the 700C technology. Fuel handling issues introduction of predrying technologies (eg. WTA) for lignite and integration into the steam cycle Initial layout and design of the 700C plant using pulverized lignite, Balance of Plant, estimated efficiency and generation costs. Analysis of public funding possibilities to sponsor the particular technology (Article 169, RFCS, Framework Program, EIB, DoE) Comparison of this technology with the Research Priorities of the EC. Conclusions References 3 3









7. 8.

29 30



It is generally expected that coal will continue to play a key role in the future energy mix as the most abundant and cheapest fossil fuel source. The higher stability of the coal market compared to the oil and natural gas market, guarantees stable electricity costs, which couldnt be achieved without the utilization of coal as the main fuel for electricity production. However, as the global climate change and the Kyoto-protocol impose a reduction of the CO2 emissions produced from fossil fuel power plants, the increase of their efficiency and the minimization of their emissions become the main challenges for the power producers and the manufacturers. Towards this direction the research effort is focused on the development of component materials for a 700 oC ultra super critical power plant and the optimization of the steam cycle and the overall process diagram. Although these examinations have been carried out for reference plants burning hard coal or Rheinish brown coal, the case of using low rank coals as fuel, such as the Greek brown coal, has not been examined yet. The aim of this study is therefore the investigation of the conceptual design for a 700 oC power plant burning exclusively low rank coal, such as the Greek brown coal. In this way, the potential to deploy the 700 oC plant technology for a wider fuel matrix, apart from the ones already examined increases. Within the study, possible funding opportunities are seeked, which may contribute to the realization of the first demonstration plant in a closer time perspective. The first part of the study contains an overview of the technological achievements and the research and demonstration projects on the main aspects of the 700C plant technology, such as the development of new materials and component designs. The main R&D activities in USA, Europe and Japan are described. An introduction on the brown coal pre drying technologies is given in the second part of the study. It is assumed that the pre drying will be a critical step in order to reach high furnace temperatures necessary for the 700C steam temperatures. Especially, in the case of low rank coals pre drying may be proven as a required process to achieve the target temperatures. In the third part two initial layouts of a 700C power plant are presented and compared with the equivalent process diagrams of conventional plants. The results provide an estimation of the expected efficiency gain and estimations about the capital cost. In the last two parts, attention is being given on the possible means of funding the demonstration of the 700C power plant technology through international and European organizations and funds. A comparison of the technology with the current research priorities of the E.C. in the field of thermal power plants is also included. 2. Analysis of the current achievements of R&D projects addressing key issues of the 700C technology.

The main objective of this task is to summarize the results attained from research activities in Europe and world wide on the next generation of Ultra Super Critical (USC) power plants. Possible ways of improving the efficiency of conventional power plants by raising the steam characteristics through the use of new materials have been investigated in Europe, Japan and USA since the early 90s. A comparative study of the Clean Coal Centre (IEA) [1] between the different CO2 abatement concepts for existing coal power plants showed that, increasing steam temperature and pressure to Ultra Super Critical parameters may bring a significant efficiency gain compared to a conventional subcritical plant, Table 1. Moreover the concept of upgrading the thermodynamic characteristics of conventional steam cycle power plants is

proven to be comparable with other new and more sophisticated plant concepts, such as the IGCC and the PFBC plants. Table 1: CO2 abatement in existing coal-fired plants, Source [1] Technology Net plant efficiency % LHV Pulverized Coal Reference Plant Subcritical Steam Supercritical steam Ultra-supercritical steam AFBC Combined Cycles IGCC PFBC Subcritical Steam Demonstrated systems Subcritical Steam Supercritical steam Fuel blending Pulverised Coal Subcritical steam, coal / natural gas (85/15) Subcritical steam, coal / oil (47/53) Subcritical steam, coal / biomass (80/20) AFBC Subcritical steam, coal / biomass (50/50) 36 39 42-45 47 39 38-45 42 44 37 36 36 CO2 emission factor gCO2/kWh 953,3 876,3 759-814 744,3 880 755,3-894,7 814 777,3 869 836 759 CO2 reduction % 0 8 15-20 22 8 8-22 15 18 9 12 20

Conventional systems




2.1 Overview of the technological progress The plants efficiency increase in the last years was based on the progress of new high temperature resistant materials. The development of the 9% Cr steels P91 and P92 in the late 80s and 90s was the result of an international effort and allowed the increase of steam parameters to the range of 300bar and 600C. The new generation of the 600C power plants, has showed a satisfactory performance in terms of reliability, flexibility, efficiency and economy [2]. The recent 600C power plants are presented in Table 2.

Table 2: Recent 600C power plants, Source: [2] Power Station Matsuura 2 Skaerbaek 3 Haramachi Nordjylland Nanaoota Misumi 1 Lippendorf Boxberg Tsuruga 2 Tachibanawan 2 Avedore Niederaussem Isogo 1 Capacity Steam parameters (MW) 1000 400 1000 400 700 1000 934 915 700 1050 400 975 600 Fuel Year comm. 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 49.7 >43 42.3 41.7 47 49 of Eff. (%)

255bar/598C/596C PC 290bar/580C/580C NG 259bar/604C/602C PC 290bar/580C/580C PC 255bar/597C/595C PC 259bar/604C/602C PC 267bar/554C/583C Lignite 267bar/555C/578C Lignite 255bar/597C/595C PC 264bar/605C/613C PC 300bar/580C/600C NG 265bar/565C/600C Lignite 280bar/605C/613C PC

The further development of the ferritic steel materials has reached however an upper temperature limit in the range of 610-630C, the steel barrier. In order to reach the 700720C/ 350-375bar steam characteristics, new Nickel based superalloys, known from the gas turbine- and nuclear reactors- technology, are being further developed. In comparison with the current standard levels of steam temperature and pressure - of 540-560C/ 250bar and the efficiency rate of 44% -, the steam cycle with the advanced characteristics is expected to have a net efficiency of at least 50-51%, (Figure 1) which leads to an efficiency increase of at least 6 percentage points.

Figure 1: Efficiency in the power plants of Elsam SA, Source [2] 2.2 European R&D, D activities 2.2.1 The AD700 project The European Union supports the efforts on increasing the steam parameters of power plants by co-financing the research projects AD700 and COMTES 700, targeting on the materials development, mechanical testing and demonstration in existing power plants. More specific, main tasks of the AD700 have been: - The demonstration of Nickel based superalloys for long term operation in the temperature range 700-720C. The new materials will be used in the fabrication of thin-walled super and reheater tubes, of thick-walled outlet headers and steam piping and of specific turbine components. - The development of new fabrication methods for components made of super-alloys - The development of new austenitic steels for boiler tubes operating in the temperature range 600-700C in order to minimize the use of expensive super-alloys. - The investigation of the corrosion resistance of the new alloys operating at 700-750C in existing boilers. The results of the AD700 project indicate a number of materials as candidates for the next generation of power plants. For furnace panels with expected temperature above 500C the 12Cr steel HCM12 is proposed. For the thin walled super heater and reheater tubes an austenitic and a Ni-based material are tested and demonstrated. Regarding the ferritic steels a deeper understanding of the microstructures is needed to optimize their chemical composition in order to further improve the strength performance in the already developed materials. Furthermore, additional experience is gained in the materials commercial scale production and several details regarding their fabricability pipe production, hot blending and welding are investigated. The AD700 Project was realized in two phases. The 1st phase of the project (1998-2004) was focused on the development and mechanical testing of new materials, on the development of new furnace designs and on the technoeconomical study regarding the economic viability of the new plant concept. The 2nd phase (2002-2005) included the demonstration of the

manufacturing of the new materials, the design of the component test facility and all the preparatory work for the next demonstration phases. The 3d phase would have included a full scale demonstration of all developed materials in an existing plant, but the proposal didnt succeed to be funded by the EU. Instead of this the realization of a two smaller scale test installations, is taking place in the COMTES700 project. Details about the projects financial aspects can be seen in Table 3 2.2.2 The COMTES700 project The main target of the COMTES700 project is the demonstration of the new materials in a component test facility (CTF) at a German Power plant and in a smaller test rig in a Danish power plant. The testing period of the components will be approximately 20.000 hours, while the facilities are expected to operate in total more than four years during the project workplan. Main parts of the component test facility in the German Power Plant are an evaporator panel, superheater tubes, high pressure- headers, piping, bypass and safety valves. The rig in the Danish power plant includes a single loop of superheater tubes installed in the superheater area of the boiler. The steam is taken from the outlet of superheater 1, superheated to 720C and cooled down to 560C again before entering the HP turbine. 2.3 R&D, D activities in USA 2.3.1 The US DoE project on the development of new materials Similar research activities for developing new materials for USC steam parameters are being carried out in the USA. The alloys to be developed during the US national research project will provide mid term improvements to boilers and a higher efficiency steam cycle potential for the power plants to be constructed in the medium and long term (National Project Vision 21 power plants). However, as the research on the materials is still ongoing, no component demonstration in commercial power plants has been scheduled yet. The goals set in the national research program are [4, 5, 6]: - Identification of the materials performance issues that limit the operating temperatures - Identification of improved alloys, fabrication processes and coating methods that will permit boiler operation of steam temperature up to 760C and steam temperatures of up to 378bar - USC power system ready for commercial demo by 2010-2012 time frame - Definition of issues impacting designs that can permit power generation at temperatures greater or equal to 870C (1600F). The planned duration of the project is 5 years (2001-2006). The coordinator of the project is Energy Industries of Ohio Inc. and the consortium consists of major boiler manufacturers (Alstom, Babcock Borsig, Babcock & Wilcox, Mc Dermott Technology, Foster Wheeler, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and other specialized contractors for Testing and Analysis). The Road map for the development of new materials is presented in Figure2.

Figure 2: Roadmap of the USC materials development and demonstration, Source: [4]

2.3.2 The Coal ash corrosion resistant materials testing program Although no in plant demonstration of new developed high temperature resistant materials has taken place in USA yet, a long term demonstration program of Babcock & Wilcox on the corrosion behavior of ferritic steels for steam temperatures up to 600C is reported in the literature. This corrosion issue is rarely being investigated in Europe or Asia, since most of the European or Asian coals have low sulfur content and so the presence of highly corrosive sulfur compounds in the flue gases is usually avoided. However, as high temperature fireside corrosion is a common problem for US boiler manufacturers and operators, due to the usual high sulfur content in US coals, the investigation of these phenomena in increased temperature levels is very important. Main goals of the project are : The evaluation of the corrosion performance of newer materials for coal-fired boilers at surface temperatures expected with 593C steam temperature, The selection of materials resistant to fireside corrosion The generation of long-term corrosion field data. The demonstration includes the installing and operation of three test sections in the superheater region of a 110MWel power plant burning 3 - 3.5% sulfur coal. The sections are cooled by reheat stream (371,1 C, 21,7 bar), which is afterwards superheated to 593C. Performing the tests with low pressure reheat steam allowed focusing on the high temperature corrosion phenomena. Moreover savings the fabrication costs were achieved, which would otherwise be much higher due to the need for thicker tube materials. Twelve different alloys were tested. The three sections were identical to each other and consisted of four rows. Each specimen was included three times in each section enabling the exposure of each material in three different temperature regimes. Finally, the sections differ on their scheduled time of removal and evaluation - after one, three and five years of operation for the 1st, 2nd and 3d section accordingly. More information on the results of the project concerning materials performance can be found in [7, 8, 9] Other research activities in the US include: The development of TiAlCr alloys which can be used as smart protective high temperature coatings for boiler materials [10]

Lab scale tests and evaluation of the corrosion performance of state-of-the-art candidate materials (ferritic, austenitic, Ni based alloys) in coal ash, alkali sulfate, and alkali chloride environments at temperatures in the range of 650-800C [11]. Evaluation and qualification of boiler materials needed to reach the USC steam parameters (720C, 350 bar). Characterisation and study of their microstructural behaviour during aging and creep [12] Assessment of the necessary materials for the next generation of USC steam turbines [13].

2.4 R&D, D activities in Japan Japan has been playing a leading role worldwide in the materials development and the increase of steam parameters in power plants. The first supercritical power plant in Japan (241bar, 538/566C) was commissioned in 1967. Steam conditions reached 593C in Japanese power plants in 1993. The 1000MW Haramachi No.1 unit had steam characteristics 245bar, 566/593C. Additionally, an 700MW power plant with 593C steam temperature in both main and reheat cycles is currently in the commissioning phase. In the middle of 90s Hitachi has started a joint project with the Electric Power Development Co. (EPDC) and other plant constructors, on the subject of future USC plants with steam parameters of 300bar/ 630, 650C. In this research activity new 12Cr steels are evaluated for their future use in power plants. Table 3: Overview of Research Projects in EU, Japan and USA, scheduled budget
Country/ group of countries EU Project Name Funding organization EU FP4 Coordinator Years Total Budget 21 M Actual Funding 8,4 M

AD700 Phase1


AD700 Phase2




RFCS Department of Energy (DoE) DoE

Elsam Engineering SA Elsam Engineering SA VGB Energy Industries of Ohio Inc. Babcock & Wilcox

19982004 20022005 20042009 20012006 19992005

11 M

5,5 M

15 M 15.3 M$

6 M 10.5 M$


Coal ash corrosion resistant materials testing program na.

1,864 M$

0,699 M$


Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Electric Power Development Company





Fuel handling issues introduction of predrying technologies (eg. WTA) for lignite and integration into the steam cycle

Due to the low calorific value of Greek brown coal, the design data of the state of the art power plants, which are currently available for 700C concept (BoA II, NRW Reference Power Plant) cannot be fully exploited as a reference case. Therefore, the different possibilities to handle and upgrade low rank coals have to be examined in more detail. Possible concepts under consideration are the lignite pre drying methods, such as the fluidized bed predrying with internal heat utilization (WTA), the mechanical and thermal dewatering (MTE) method and the tubular dryer [3]. Efforts were focused on the optimal integration of the WTA predrying concept in the ultra supercritical boiler technology. The fluidized bed drying was examined, as the most developed technology compared to the proposed alternative drying concepts. It is worth mentioning that a full scale prototype of the dryer is under construction and will be integrated in the BoA I power plant at Niederaussem, Germany. The analysis in this task targeted on the optimization of the different operational parameters of the dryer, in order to achieve the optimum matching of the drying technology in the advanced steam cycle. 3.1 Fluidised bed drying with internal waste heat utilisation, WTA (Wirbelschicht Trocknung mit interner Abwrmenutzung) The examined technology has been developed by Rheinbraun (now RWE-Power). It has been tested since 1993, when the first prototype was constructed in Frechen, Germany, operated for over 13,000 hours and dried 50,000 tons of raw brown coal. Since 1999, a new prototype which is based on the fine-grain WTA technology was developed and demonstrated improved capital and operation costs. From 2007, the technology will be implemented at commercial scale, when initially one unit of 114 t/h dry lignite throughput will be installed and connected to the BoA power plant. This historical background confirms the operation suitability and integration capability of the dryer to a power plant process. The operation concept of the WTA technique is shown in Figure 3. The brown coal is inserted into the dryer following its pre-heating at 65 oC within heat exchanger using condensed water from the drying process of the previous charge. It is fluidised at 100 oC under the influence of slightly superheated steam. The main part of heat needed for the moisture heating and evaporation is provided by pressurised steam from the drying of the previous charge in a heat exchanger. The steam, which is used for the fluidisation, also contributes to the evaporation of fuel moisture. After being cleaned in an E-filter, the evaporated moisture is fed into the steam compressor, where its temperature is increased from 100 up to 150 oC by pressuring it in many steps up to 4-5 bar. A small part of this evaporated moisture is used as a fluidisation medium. The condensed water from heat exchanger is used for cooling the steam compressor as well as for pre-heating of raw brown coal. The residence time of the brown coal in the dryer depends on the moisture content and is approximately 60-90 minutes. Alternative to this close cycle concept, where the evaporated steam from the coal is reutilised as a heating medium for the drying process after being compressed, the open cycle concept has been developed. It avoids the installation of a compressor by the use of low temperature steam extracted from the low pressure part of the steam turbine. The evaporated steam from the coal is afterwards utilised at the first water preheater step of the power plant. The open cycle concept was finally chosen to be implemented in the first WTA prototype which will be integrated in the BoA block of the Niederaussem power plant. The lack of the mechanical compression part, which is a technical step with its own difficulties and failure characteristics, simplifies the overall design and improves the expected

availability of the plant. Any risk for the reliable operation of the 1000 MWel unit, generated by a malfunction in the drying process due to a possible failure of the steam compressor, is in this way avoided.

Raw Brown Coal

1.02 2686.73 106.0 124.2

1.02 2686.73 106.0 124.2


3.2 2736.30 140.0 68.08



246.4 61.84

1.0 57.93 20.0 130.10 3.0 535.64 3.2 535.67 127.5 6.25 1.02 202.76 70.0 130.10 1.02 183.62 2.5 230.94 106.0 68.26 55.1 61.84 1.0

1.23 2726.16 126.8 62.36

Compressor of the evaporated moisture

Coal Preheater

127.5 61.84

1.02 183.62 106.0

120.99 bar

Dried coal cooler

18.1 166.41 39.4 236.58

69.84 68.26

kJ /kg kg / s

17.9 184.48 43.7 236.58

2.5 188.60 18.3 155.34 36.7 236.58 45.0 61.84

Condensed water

Figure 3: Calculated Data of WTA-Dryer. 3.2 Tubular dryer The drying medium is steam bled from the turbines and condensed by passing over the surfaces of the dryer tubes. The condensate is conducted to a low-pressure steam heat exchanger, thus pre-heating the feed water. A further heating of feed water takes place using the dried fuel before entering the furnace. Therefore, a reduction of the bled steam quantity is achieved. Three alternative test cases 2.23bar/203.1C (test case 1), 5.18bar/294.5C (test case 2) and 20.00bar/470.1C (test case 3) were examined. The highest efficiency and power output of the total power plant were calculated in the first test case. The produced power using the tubular dryer is lower than the reference case. This is due to the fact that the bled steam used for fuel pre-drying does not produce work in the steam turbines. The higher the pressure of the bled steam, the lower the effective power output. The corresponding operational characteristics of the tubular dryer are shown in Figure 4.


Raw Brown Coal



Air + Evaporated o moisture at 110 C

1.0 110.0 123.72

20.0 130.15

Hot Steam
2.23 2874.57 203.1 74.88


Dryer tubes

kJ /kg kg / s 1.0 190.55 110.0 68.29

Condensed steam
2.0 491.29 117.1 74.88

Dried coal

Figure 4: Calculated Data of the tubular dryer for the test case 1.


MTE-Dryer Dewatering)




The MTE is a combination of thermal and mechanical moisture extraction. Compared to the previous processes, the MTE dewatering operation is not continuous but it is performed in cycles. Also, although the final water content of the dried fuel is higher, the process appears to be attractive for application. This can be explained due to the lower energy demand for water extraction compared to the other examined drying processes. The main characteristics of the dryer operation are shown in Figure 5.



kJ /kg kg / s

Raw Brown Coal

781.20 183.6 53.00 1.0 57.93 132.50

193.62 45.0 64.24

waste water ''cold"

10.5 382.1 3223.81 10.53


Pressure plate Coal fill

waste water ''hot"

Post evaporation

1.0 183.5

370.76 78.79

1.0 80.0

154.72 75.76

Figure 5: Calculated Data of MTE-Dryer. 3.4 Integration of an External WTA Dryer into a Steam Cycle The integration of each drying concept into the steam cycle of an existing Greek power plant, the Agios Dimitrios Unit V was modelled with the modified code ENBIPRO (Energie Bilanz Program) [11]. The initial code was programmed to evaluate the characteristics of thermally interacting flows in the air-flue gas and water-steam cycles of a power plant. The necessary modifications concerned the programming of a new module into the code in order to simulate the drying process. Therefore, an additional flow type representing the fuel input and output at the dryer was modelled. The thermodynamic characteristics of the working fluid remained practically unchanged in all test cases. Furthermore, the flue gas exit temperature and the air excess ratio remained unchanged, approximately 150C and 1.29, respectively. The energy producing and consuming equipment (steam turbines, pumps, fans and compressors) was assumed to have a mechanical and electrical efficiency of 97.5 % and 99 %, respectively. The considered raw fuel was Greek brown coal from Ptolemais Region whose typical characteristics are shown in Table 4. In all cases, the final water content of the dried fuel was considered to be 15% except for the MTE method where it was assumed to be 22%. The dried coal composition and the corresponding lower heating values are shown in Table 4.


Table 4: Main characteristics of Greek raw and pre-dried brown coal. Fuel Greek lignite Predried lignite Predried lignite (MTE) C (%) 18.46 35.18 32.28 H (%) 1.49 2.84 2.61 S (%) 0.44 0.84 0.77 O (%) 8.72 16.62 15.25 N (%) 0.51 0.97 0.89 Ash (%) 14.98 28.55 26.20 H2O (%) 55.4 15.00 22.00 Hu (MJ/kg) 5.58 12.85 11.59

All the test cases characteristics are summarised in the following Table 5. It is well indicated that applying fuel pre-drying process a reduction of the fuel consumption of about 20% can be achieved. The tubular dryer is already applied successfully in industrial scale for power production. However, more attractive seem to be the methods, where either no bleeding steam from the turbine or only a small amount is required for the drying process. If bled steam is used its pressure should be the lowest one (tubular dryer). The same conclusion for the pressure influence on the plant efficiency exists in the case, where the evaporated moisture is exploited in the drying process itself (WTA). An efficiency increase is obtained in all examined test cases, which can rise up to 5.5-6.9 [%] when the WTA-Dryer (grain size) is used. The WTA and MTE methods have been proven to be the most efficient drying techniques. Compared to WTA, the MTE process has a higher net power output, which is due to the lower energy consumption of this dewatering technology. The results obtained in this study for some test cases show a significant deviation from the available literature data, as it can be seen in Figure 6. This is due to the different thermodynamic data of the used drying steam. However, other particular mathematical models mentioned in the respective literature can confirm the tendency of the achieved results. As shown in Table 5: Comparison of all calculated test cases. Test Case (Drying Method) Flue Gas Turbular dryer 1 -//2 -//3 WTA dryer 1 -//2 MTE dryer 3 Raw Fuel Consumption (kg/s) 162.30 130.15 132.10 131.56 130.10 134.95 132.50 Drying Medium Consumption (kg/s) (% total) 190.0 (24.16 %) 100.0 (21.81 %) 74.87 73.62 72.39 68.08 74.24 10.53 Pgross (MW) -35.5 -41.1 -66.1 +4.4 -8.8 Pnet (MW) -32.4 -38 -61.9 -16.6 -21.9 -7 (%) 4.71 3.33 0.24 6.90 4.61 7.39

Table 5 the integration of pre-drying to the power generation scheme leads to substantial efficiency increase but it also reduces the produced power output. This is due to the extracted steam, which is then used for the pre-drying process. Therefore, it is expected that an external dryer can be considered as a part of a new erecting power plant and not for an existing one.



7.39 5.0 4.61 6.90 5.5

Literature Data


WTA-Dryer, 5 bar WTA-Dryer, 3.2 bar

WTA-Dryer, 4-5 bar


Tubular Dryer, 20 bar - 0.24


Tubular Dryer, 5.18 bar


3.33 4.71 3.2 3 4 5


Tubular Dryer, 2.23 bar

Tubular Dryer, 4-5 bar


Efficiency increase, [%]

Figure 6: Comparison of the calculated net efficiencies. 4. Initial layout and design of the 700C plant using pulverized lignite, Balance of Plant, estimated efficiency and generation costs.

Based on the results of the previous section, a study on the thermodynamic analysis of the advanced steam cycle utilizing Greek brown coal was performed. The main objective of the present task was to investigate the influence on the performance of a power plant fired with low-quality lignite of ultra supercritical steam parameters, with the main and reheat steam temperatures at 700 C and 720 C respectively, and the steam pressure at the exit of the boiler being at 350 bar. The development of new suitable materials is the decisive factor, which will lead in high efficiencies concerning PF power plants. In order to provide a comparative view of the power plants efficiency increase when the above-mentioned advanced supercritical steam parameters are applied, four cases are examined: Case 1: Reference power plant Case 2: Reference power plant with lignite pre-drying system (WTA) Case 3: AD700 power plant Case 4: AD700 power plant with lignite pre-drying system (WTA)

The fuel utilized for all cases is low-quality lignite with high moisture and ash content. Table 1 illustrates the ultimate analysis of the lignite and its LHV. According to the pre-drying concept applied in this study, the heat content of the moisture that is removed in the form of steam from the raw lignite, is compressed up to 3.2 bar and consequently used for the drying (WTA drying system). This technology affects positively the efficiency of the PF power plant. The water content of the raw lignite is 55.3 % w/w while it drops to 12 % w/w at the exit of the dryer. As a result, the LHV is increased significantly from 5.418 kJ/kg to 13.025 kJ/kg. The ultimate analysis and LHV of the dried fuel are shown in Table 2 below.


Table 1: Raw Lignite ultimate analysis C w% H w% S w% O w% N w% Ash w% H2O w% LHV (kJ/kg) 18.5 1.5 0.4 8.7 0.6 15.0 55.3 5.418

Table 2: Dried Lignite ultimate analysis C w% H w% S w% O w% N w% Ash w% H2O w% LHV (kJ/kg) 4.1 Results The table below illustrates the main data resulting from the simulations of case 1 and case 2. The reference power plant is a 360 MWel gross power output plant with reheat and 7 water preheaters with steam extraction from the ST. The PF boiler is supercritical with main steam output temperature and pressure 540 C and 190 bar respectively. The influence of the predryer for the high-moisture content lignite is quite beneficial, increasing significantly the power plants efficiency. In table 4 the simulation results of cases 3 and 4 (advanced supercritical steam parameters) are presented. The main steam pressure and temperature is 350 bar and 700 C, while the respective values for the reheat steam are 75 bar and 720 C. The power plant configuration is maintained the same as in the reference cases, but it has been assumed that higher turbine polytropic stage efficiencies are achieved compared to the reference power plant, to take into account the turbine design developments. The power plant net efficiency is estimated to be more than 50% (on raw fuel LHV) when a pre-drying system is applied. On the other hand, for the same boiler fuel heat input, the gross power output is increased by more than 60 MWel. Figure 1 shows the process flow diagram (PFD) for cases 1 and 3 (power plants without lignite pre-drying system), while the PFD for cases 2 and 3 (power plants with lignite predrying system) is presented in Figure 2. The costs for the installation of the separate parts and the whole power plant are given below. 36.4 2.9 0.8 17.2 1.1 29.5 12.0 13.025


Table 3: Main data for Reference power Plant and Power Plant with WTA Dryer.

Power consumption FD fans ID fans Lignite mills ESP FW pumps Condensate pumps Circulating and cooling water pumps Pre drying system Total Fuel flow Heat Input (On raw fuel LHV) Gross power output Net power output Net efficiency MWel MWel MWel MWel MWel MWel MWel MWel MWel Kg/s MWth MWel MWel %

Reference case 1.60 3.20 11.52 0.57 9.22 0.50 2.15 28.76 170.1 921.6 361.17 332.41 36.07

Reference case with pre-drying system 1.27 1.98 9.06 0.45 9.24 0.50 2.16 24.75 49.41 133.87 725.31 361.93 312.52 43.09

Table 4: Main data for AD700 Power Plant with and without WTA Dryer Power consumption FD fans ID fans Lignite mills ESP FW pumps Condensate pumps Circulating and cooling water pumps Pre drying system Total Fuel flow Heat Input (On raw fuel LHV) Gross power output Net power output Net efficiency MWel MWel MWel MWel MWel MWel MWel MWel MWel Kg/s MWth MWel MWel % AD700 without lignite predrying system 1.60 3.20 11.52 0.57 15.68 0.84 1.86 35.27 170.1 921.6 422.53 387.26 42.02 AD700 with lignite predrying system 1.27 1.97 9.05 0.45 15.69 0.84 1.86 24.71 55.84 133.67 724.22 422.77 366.93 50.67

Table 5: Installation costs of AD700 Power Plant with WTA Dryer.

Coal & Ash Handling M 40 Boiler M 250 ESP M 16 FGD M 63 Steam Boiler M 82 BoP M 86 TOTAL M 537


Figure 1: PFD for Reference Power Plant and AD700 Power Plant without lignite pre-drying system.

Figure 2: PFD for Reference Power Plant and AD700 Power Plant with lignite pre-drying system.


Heat and Mass Balances

Reference Power Plant
Temperature (oC) 20.000 23.742 255.528 860.000 623.018 457.896 309.653 165.000 169.659 20 Temperature (oC) 243.270 320.800 388.463 490.000 540.000 295.233 499.900 540.100 289.768 35.867 35.867 35.867 35.959 153.205 184.758 295.233 468.581 371.794 289.882 200.478 103.306 69.946 67.530 91.465 123.735 153.205 212.427 243.270 Pressure (bar) 1.000 1.040 1.040 0.977 0.977 0.977 0.977 0.977 1.013 1.02 Pressure (bar) 241.595 236.763 236.763 210.719 189.647 35.400 35.400 31.860 5.175 0.059 0.059 0.059 18.000 10.000 246.500 35.400 20.000 10.000 5.180 2.231 0.741 0.311 0.280 0.741 2.231 5.180 20.000 35.400 Flow (kg/s) 422.669 422.669 422.669 667.223 567.223 567.223 567.223 567.223 567.223 170.1 Flow (kg/s) 276.792 276.792 276.792 276.792 276.792 256.684 256.684 256.684 222.604 188.502 235.117 235.117 235.117 235.107 276.792 20.108 12.287 9.291 12.491 13.088 8.824 12.194 46.615 34.387 25.577 12.491 32.395 20.108 Enthalpy (kJ/kg) 4.491 8.282 245.844 1,105.549 769.939 547.489 356.241 177.459 183.104 57.93 Enthalpy (kJ/kg) 1,055.496 1,443.535 2,500.000 3,187.756 3,375.242 2,962.764 3,449.721 3,544.497 3,042.114 2,365.405 1,952.588 149.657 151.781 645.844 795.807 2,962.764 3,397.858 3,203.456 3,042.337 2,869.833 2,685.622 2,563.336 283.222 383.563 519.513 645.567 908.916 1,053.119

G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 F1

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28


Reference Power Plant with WTA lignite pre-drying system

G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 T (C) 20.00 23.74 268.02 1240.00 864.52 602.09 363.10 165.00 169.74 T (C) 20 70 106 106 106 126.4 106 246.3 139.8 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 57.8 T (C) 243.27 320.80 388.46 490.00 540.00 295.23 499.90 540.10 289.77 35.87 35.87 35.87 35.96 153.20 184.76 295.23 468.58 371.79 289.88 200.48 103.31 69.95 67.53 91.46 P (bar) 1.00 1.04 1.04 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 1.01 P (bar) 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.23 1.02 3.2 3.2 3 3 3.2 3 3 P (bar) 241.59 236.76 236.76 210.72 189.65 35.40 35.40 31.86 5.18 0.06 0.06 0.06 18.00 10.00 246.50 35.40 20.00 10.00 5.18 2.23 0.74 0.31 0.28 0.74 m (kg/s) 334.99 334.99 334.99 400.91 382.91 382.91 382.91 382.91 382.91 m (kg/s) 133.87 133.87 68.00 119.83 53.81 53.81 66.02 66.02 72.70 72.70 6.68 6.68 66.02 66.02 m (kg/s) 277.36 277.36 277.37 277.37 277.37 257.22 257.22 257.22 223.08 188.90 235.60 235.60 235.60 235.60 277.36 20.15 12.31 9.31 12.52 13.12 8.84 12.22 46.69 34.47 h (kJ/kg) 4.49 8.28 258.91 1493.19 995.00 664.49 380.60 159.14 164.30 h (kJ/kg) 57.93 202.76 174.29 2686.733 2686.733 2726.149 2686.733 2958.346 2735.846 535.705 535.705 535.729 535.705 242.039 h (kJ/kg) 1055.50 1443.54 2500.00 3187.76 3375.24 2962.76 3449.72 3544.50 3042.11 2365.41 1952.73 149.66 151.78 645.84 795.81 2962.76 3397.86 3203.46 3042.34 2869.83 2685.62 2563.34 283.22 383.56

F1 F2 F3 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24


S25 S26 S27 S28

123.73 153.20 212.43 243.27

2.23 5.18 20.00 35.40

25.63 12.52 32.46 20.15

519.51 645.57 908.92 1053.12

AD700 Power Plant

G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 F1 T (C) 20.00 23.74 306.64 855.00 578.70 486.50 341.48 165.00 169.66 20 T (C) 294.13 370.00 452.66 593.48 700.02 432.60 550.00 720.00 411.76 35.87 35.87 35.87 36.06 188.78 234.23 432.60 632.73 521.36 411.77 301.14 180.36 103.06 88.37 116.07 153.79 188.78 260.38 294.13 P (bar) 1.00 1.04 1.04 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 1.01 1.02 P (bar) 422.28 413.84 413.84 368.32 350.00 78.93 78.93 75.00 12.21 0.06 0.06 0.06 32.76 24.76 430.86 78.93 47.17 24.76 12.21 5.26 1.75 0.73 0.66 1.75 5.26 12.21 47.17 78.93 m (kg/s) 422.67 422.67 422.67 667.22 567.22 567.22 567.22 567.22 567.22 170.1 m (kg/s) 258.24 258.24 258.33 258.33 258.36 237.13 237.13 237.13 202.28 160.93 215.72 215.72 215.72 215.83 258.24 21.23 10.17 11.16 13.42 13.66 8.98 18.75 54.79 36.05 27.07 13.42 31.41 21.23 h (kJ/kg) 4.49 8.28 299.52 1098.29 709.37 585.33 396.65 177.46 183.10 57.93 h (kJ/kg) 1295.23 1705.56 2500.00 3353.96 3713.13 3227.92 3521.60 3932.91 3285.07 2353.69 1850.00 149.66 153.53 802.28 1020.64 3227.92 3744.24 3509.45 3285.10 3065.41 2831.76 2685.24 370.60 487.11 648.09 801.94 1136.49 1311.85

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28


AD700 Power Plant with WTA lignite pre-drying system

G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 T (C) 20.00 23.74 330.17 1230.00 792.47 645.99 413.18 165.00 169.74 T (C) 20 70 106 106 106 126.4 106 246.3 139.8 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 57.8 T (C) 294.13 370.00 452.66 593.48 700.02 432.60 550.00 720.00 411.76 35.87 35.87 35.87 36.06 188.78 234.23 432.60 632.73 521.36 411.77 301.14 180.36 103.06 88.37 116.07 P (bar) 1.00 1.04 1.04 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 1.01 P (bar) 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.23 1.02 3.2 3.2 3 3 3.2 3 3 P (bar) 422.28 413.84 413.84 368.32 350.00 78.93 78.93 75.00 12.21 0.06 0.06 0.06 32.76 24.76 430.86 78.93 47.17 24.76 12.21 5.26 1.75 0.73 0.66 1.75 m (kg/s) 334.78 334.78 334.78 400.63 382.63 382.63 382.63 382.63 382.63 m (kg/s) 133.67 133.67 67.9 119.65 53.73 53.73 65.92 65.92 72.59 72.59 6.67 6.67 65.92 65.92 m (kg/s) 258.39 258.39 258.54 258.54 258.54 237.30 237.30 237.30 202.39 161.01 215.83 215.83 215.83 215.96 258.39 21.24 10.17 11.17 13.43 13.67 8.98 18.76 54.82 36.07 h (kJ/kg) 4.49 8.28 324.42 1479.45 902.44 718.43 438.56 159.13 164.28 h (kJ/kg) 57.93 202.76 174.29 2686.733 2686.733 2726.149 2686.733 2958.346 2735.846 535.705 535.705 535.729 535.705 242.039 h (kJ/kg) 1295.23 1705.56 2500.00 3353.96 3713.13 3227.92 3521.60 3932.91 3285.07 2353.69 1849.98 149.66 153.53 802.28 1020.64 3227.92 3744.24 3509.45 3285.10 3065.41 2831.76 2685.24 370.60 487.11

F1 F2 F3 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24


S25 S26 S27 S28

153.79 188.78 260.38 294.13

5.26 12.21 47.17 78.93

27.09 13.43 31.43 21.24

648.09 801.94 1136.49 1311.85


Analysis of public funding possibilities to sponsor the particular technology (EU Framework Programmes, RFCS, National Research Programmes, DoE)

An overview is provided of the various sources of grant funding for coal utilisation R, D & D that can support both fundamental and pre-competitive, applied research as well as some demonstration activities in Europe and the United States. These sources mainly include: For the EU: 1. The EU Framework Programmes and European Research area networks (ERA-Net) 2. Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), formerly the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Programme 3. The National Research programmes in the EU member states, Germany and UK. 4. US Department of Energy (DoE) Research programs 5.1 EU Framework Programmes and European Research Area Network (ERA-Net) Many of the EU R, D & D activities are implemented through research, technological development and demonstration (RTD) Framework Programmes, which are managed by the European Commission (EC). The non-nuclear energy component of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) for the period 2002-2006 included several thematic priority areas, of which that entitled Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems is relevant to fossil fuels (European Commission 2004). Work on fossil fuels has been focused on the development and demonstration of techniques for CO2 CCS from power plants. In order to ensure EU critical mass, there has been a move to large integrated, industry led projects [15]. Alongside these projects, there has been the establishment of European wide networks of excellence, designed to bring together leading EU researchers on specific topics. Throughout FP6, there has been an ongoing campaign by EU industry to broaden the fossil energy R, D & D agenda to include the integration of efficiency and environmental improvements, particularly for coal fired power generation. Much of this lobbying has been directed via three thematic networks that bring together EUwide industry, research institutes and universities. These are Powerclean, covering solid fossil fuel power generation, CO2Net, covering CO2 capture and storage plus CAME-GT, covering cleaner more efficient gas turbines [16-19]. For FP7, there has been the necessary shift of emphasis in the R, D & D objectives [19]. A separate cooperation theme has been allocated exclusively for Energy. The main objective in this priority is to adapt the fossil-fuel based energy system into a more sustainable one with particular attention to lower and non-CO2 emitting energy technologies combined with enhanced energy efficiency and conservation. A separate


project is expected to be appointed for the demonstration of advanced and ultrasupercritical steam cycle. Efforts will be undertaken for follow-up activities in the AD700/2 FP5 and COMTES700 RFCS projects, with the ultimate goal to achieve 700C steam temperature and pressure of 300 bar based on coal. Work is required on the materials development, component manufacturing, testing, and demonstration in real conditions. Further information can be found at CORDIS, the European Communitys R&D Information Service, which offers access to information from more than 40,000 web pages, 285,000 database records and thousands of documents ( In order to improve the cooperation and coordination of research activities carried out at national or regional level in the Member and Associated States, EU has initiated and supports a Network scheme for the European Research Area (ERA-Net). Main tasks and actions of the above scheme are:

the networking of research activities conducted at national or regional level, and the mutual opening of national and regional research programmes.

ERA-Net is not a funding scheme or organisation and is not in position to cover the specific R&D, D needs for the development of the new generation of fossil fuel power plants. Its role is important however, in order to strengthen the cooperation between research institutions and industry. This networking activity will also enable national systems to take on tasks collectively that they would not have been able to tackle independently. One of the ongoing networks is the FENCO ERA-Net. It targets to link the R&D and demonstration needs of EU member states, the EU, industry and academia on an extended European level to describe a technology path towards low or even zero emission power plants [20]. The specific actions planned for the realisation of the above are:

Implementing and continuously improving a platform for information exchange on fossil fuel R&D activities at national and regional level; Establishing a common knowledge base for the development of a European policy towards zero emission power plants; Strengthening the European R&D and demonstration infrastructure on clean fossil power generation through joint programming, management, personnel exchange and targeted integration activities; Supporting the Lisbon strategy of the European commission process by enhancing the competitiveness of European power plant manufacturers.

Through the participation in the FENCO ERA-NET, each member will take the opportunity to share knowledge and funding options for a step-by-step improvement of the fossil energy technologies and especially the 700 oC concept. Additionally, the regulations of the EU structural funds, which can sponsor large infrastructure projects in EU member states and mainly the accession countries are collected and examined. 5.2 Research Fund for Coal and Steel The Research Programme of the RFCS, adopted in February 2002, succeeded the ECSC programme. The programme consists of two main RTD actions: research, pilot and demonstration projects and accompanying measures related to the promotion of


the use of the knowledge gained. The programme, which is now managed by EC DG Research, continues to be directed primarily towards industrially orientated activities that have a short to medium term horizon. As such, in the coal utilisation programme, much of their work has been focussed towards improving the efficiency, environmental performance and amenity value of existing coal fired plant. In addition there is support for some work on gasification related issues that has a medium term horizon. The aim is to complement other activities in Member States and existing Community research programmes, such as the Framework Programme ( The budget allocated for financing coal and steel research was 60 million for 2003 and 60 million for 2004. In broad terms, this equates to an annual budget for coal utilisation R,D&D of about 15 million. 5.3 The National Research programmes in Germany and UK The German research projects on the new generation of fossil fuel power plants are included in the national main Energy Research Programme Innovation and New Energy Technologies[21], which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology (BMWi) jointly with three other Federal Ministries. Main strategies of the programme are: The maintenance of a secure and balanced energy mix in Germany. The substantial improvements in the energy conversion efficiency. The increase of the proportion of renewable energies for covering primary energy demand without any loss of the economic performance. The achievement of the set goals for the international climate protection at the lowest possible cost.

In addition to the abovementioned targets, major renewal requirements concerning fossil-fired power plants are predicted by experts for the next few decades. In Germany, this will be of the order of magnitude of 40,000 megawatts. In Europe, the corresponding demand is estimated to be 200,000 megawatts. In order to support the power plant sector for the upcoming transition period, the BMWi has developed, together with the industry and academia, the COORETEC concept [22] for future priorities in research and development for modern power plant technologies. Through this action different future plant concepts under development have been evaluated and a technological basis for a low-emission and in the long term emission-free coal-fired power plants is set. The approved budget for the funding of the Energy conversion technologies in the overall National Energy Programme is 284 million for the years 2005-2008. The 1015% of this amount is expected to be the share for the coal and gas power plant sector, whereas the other part will be used to fund the R&D activities in other energy sectors, such as the Fuel Cell and the CO2 storage and hydrogen technologies, the energy optimised construction and the energy efficiency in industry, trade, commerce and services. In the UK, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) supports the research programme on the new generation of fossil fuel power plants through the Carbon Abatement Technologies (CATs) Initiative [23]. These technologies include:


Higher efficiency conversion processes, which aim at a reduction of the CO2 emissions generated and the fuel consumed in industrial conversion processes (eg power generation, oil refining) up to 10-30% by the increase of their efficiency. Fuel switching from solid fuels like coal to lower carbon alternatives, such as natural gas, which reduces emissions by about 50% per unit of output, or cofiring of coal with CO2 - neutral biomass to a certain percentage up to 5-10%, which can deliver emissions reductions of CO2 emissions in the order of 5-10%. CO2 capture and storage (CCS) which includes the capture of the carbon in fossil fuels (as CO2) either before or after combustion and its long-term storage in geological formations. The estimated emissions reduction lays up to 85% depending on the type of non-capture plant displaced. Even higher levels can be attained by combining CCS with co-firing with biomass.

The scheduled funding allocated by the DTI is up to 20M in total for the period 2005/06 to 2007/08. Industry-led R&D projects will be funded through this action mainly targeting to laboratory or semi industrial based research. This budget is also intended to assist UK collaboration in international R&D Programmes including the Memoranda of Understanding with the USA and China and covers DTIs ongoing contribution to the British Coal Utilisation Research Associations (BCURAs) research programme, and membership contributions to the IEAs Implementing Agreement on Cleaner Coal. As demonstrations up to full-scale may be necessary in the upcoming period in the low to zero CO2 emission technologies, as well as in the hydrogen production and fuel cell technologies, the UK Government will provide a funding package of 40M over four years commencing in 2006/07 for demonstrations across CATs, hydrogen and fuel cells. Of the total around 25M is expected to be dedicated to CATs and the rest of the budget with the approximate balance split of 50:50 to hydrogen and fuel cells. Projects that combine technologies, for example CATs and hydrogen, will be able to seek funding from both elements. This funding will be made available in the form of Capital Grants, and will be subject to State Aid rules and approval. 5.4. The US Department of Energy (DoE) Research programs Main initiatives of the US DoEs Research Programmes are below others: The Clean Coal Power Initiative The FutureGen project Tommorrows Pollution Free Power Plant The Advanced Materials Research Project

The Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI), initiated in 2002, is an innovative technology demonstration program that fosters more efficient clean coal technologies (CCTs) for use in new and existing electric power generating facilities in the United States [24, 25]. The allocated budget for the initiative lays up to 2 $billion for the next decade. Candidate technologies are demonstrated at sufficient scale to en-sure proofof-operation prior to commercialization. Technologies emerging from the program will help to meet new environmental objectives for America embodied in the Clear Skies Initiative, Global Climate Change Initiative (GCCI), FutureGen, and the Hydrogen Initiative. Early CCPI demonstrations emphasize technologies applicable to existing power plants and to new plant construction.


The FutureGen Initiative is a coal-fuelled 275 MW IGCC prototype plant incorporating carbon capture, designed in order to allow the co-production of electricity and hydrogen [26]. The available public funds for FutureGen are $950 million for a period of ten years. The Advanced Material Research Initiative focuses on the development of the new generation of materials to be applied in the power plant technology in the coming decade. Details on specific research actions in the framework of the Advanced Materials Initiative are given in the chapter 2.3 of the present study. 6. Comparison of this technology with the Research Priorities of the EC.

As it is well known, the concept study for a 700C power plant is closely related to CO2 capture and storage technology (CCS), since the latter can be implemented only in high efficiency power plants. Experts agree that CCS together with improved energy conversion efficiency is a near-term solution to reducing CO2 emissions from fossil fuel power generation on massive scale. Following developments in clean power generation and the priority given to zero emission power generation in the FP6, industrial stakeholders and the research community had several meetings in 2004, which resulted in the creation of a Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants (ZEP). The main objective of this initiative is to identify and remove barriers to creating highly efficient power plants with zero emissions, which would drastically reduce the environmental impact of fossil fuel use, particularly coal. In simple words, its utmost goal is to enable zero CO2 emissions from European fossil fuel power plants by 2020 [27]. The relationship between the development of Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants (ZEP) and energy efficiency increase is sharply described here. As the capture process requires energy, it has a direct cost due to the reduced efficiency of power generation (or other processes), or through increased fuel requirements. Increasing the efficiency of energy conversion processes will therefore play a key role in offsetting this cost. Both fuel consumption and CO2 emissions will be reduced when integrating efficiency increase with CO2 capture technology, leading to reduction of environmental impact, savings of energy resources and lowered costs, thus improving competitive advantage. In particular, clean coal technology needs to improve plant efficiency, reliability and costs substantially through R,D&D of clean coal and other solid fuel conversion technologies which produce secondary energy carriers (including hydrogen) and liquid or gaseous fuels. The main goal for steam power plants is to achieve over 50% efficiency by designing novel steam turbines and further developing boiler technology for steam parameters of 700 oC+. Towards this purpose, key activities that have to be undertaken are [27]: Develop and qualify new materials for high-temperature-loaded areas in steam generators, piping, valves and turbine for 700oC+ Research component adapted design and integrity concepts Develop new protective coatings Improve welding methods, cost-cutting measures for manufacturing and certification, safeguarding of properties, manufacturing large components and measures for detecting defects and flaws. Investigate corrosion under oxy-coal atmosphere


Develop novel steam turbine designs with steam cooling, ceramic coatings, improved clearance control, new sealings and improved aerodynamics Improve water/steam cycles Enhance design tools and codes in order to calculate heat transfer, aerodynamics and components Conduct experimental validation and rig tests as required for successful implementation Higher plant output by advanced components Improve materials, aerodynamic and thermodynamic performance, cooling systems and Instrumentation & Control systems Fuel processing and multi-fuel capacity Achieve reliability > 98%, availability > 95% Improve part-load efficiency

Apart from the R&D activities, there is urgent need for demonstration projects too. Several power companies around the world are now investing in pilot-scale facilities for all three of the main CO2 capture technologies. However, to date, there are no fullscale demonstrations of CO2 capture, although it is technologically possible. The chart below illustrates the expected impact of the roadmap to be followed for the ZEP development by 2020. The left axis shows the CO2 that would be avoided by the progressive deployment of ZEPs. The red line shows how costs could be expected to decline as we move from R&D to industrial-scale deployment. Once the expected cost of deployment is less than the expected long-term value of CO2 traded in the EU ETS (European Union Emissions Trading Scheme), commercial entities will invest in industrial-scale projects. To enable deployment before it can be financed by the EU ETS, a combination of national and European policies is essential. To allow the development of those policies and reduce the cost of deployment, the implementation of 10-12 large-scale demonstration projects is therefore vital. The chart illustrates the impact of 10 such projects, enabled by European early mover funding mechanisms. In such demonstration projects, the implementation of 700oC+ technology is of vital importance.

Figure 3: Development of ZEPs by 2020.


Further to the R,D&D activities, strong cooperation from all stakeholders in order to optimise resources and avoid duplication is required. EC is already co-ordinating Member State activities through the European Research Area, e.g. FENCO ERA-NET initiative, which runs from 2005-2009. This ERA-NET aims to coordinate national agencies and governments and improve the cooperation between national RTD programmes towards the enforcement of European research skills in CCS. EC plays also an active role in many global initiatives, eg. the Committee of Energy and International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CLSF), which involves 22 countries worldwide. At the same time, it sponsors and participates in the IEA Greenhouse Gas and Clean Coal Centre Implementing Agreements. From the R&D initiatives that have already taken place, it is clear that many technical aspects of large-scale CO2 storage are suitable for international co-operation. For this reason, opportunities for international collaborative projects should be included within the Seventh Framework Program (FP7). This would not only ensure continuity in the collaboration already initiated (e.g. with China), but pave the way for further cooperation with other major industrial countries, as well as emerging economies. 7. Conclusions The present study was focused on the technological aspects of the 700 oC power plant technology especially for low quality brown coals and the funding opportunities for its demonstration. Although significant progress can be reported on the component material development and the plant design, the main fuel taken into consideration is hard coal or high quality brown coal and no investigations have been performed for the case of low rank coals, which is the main objective of this effort. The thermodynamic analysis carried out in the study shows that the expected efficiency of a 700 oC power plant burning low rank coal, such as the Greek coal, is up to 42% when using a conventional lignite drying system, and up to 50% in the case of using a pre drying system based on the WTA technology. Compared to the current, state of the art efficiency value of 36% for a Greek power plant, the calculated feasible increase of 6-14 percentage points indicates the substantial potential of the 700 oC concept and the WTA pre drying for this kind of fuels. The further demonstration of the major and minor components and of a first plant prototype is regarded as the necessary next step towards the technologys commercialization. For this target a general study on the funding opportunities for such a technology demonstration action was carried out. The study included the main research programs and funds in Europe and the US, which support the further development of the conventional fossil fuel power plant technology. The research and demonstration activities in Europe for the new generation of fossil fuel power plants are mainly funded by the European Commission through the 6th and 7th Framework Programme and the Research Fund for Coal and Steel. Especially for FP7, a separate cooperation theme has been allocated exclusively for Energy. The main objective in this priority is to adapt the fossil-fuel based energy system into a more sustainable one with particular attention to lower and non-CO2 emitting energy technologies combined with enhanced energy efficiency and conservation. A separate project is expected to be appointed for the demonstration of advanced and ultra-supercritical steam cycle. Efforts will be undertaken for follow-up activities in the AD700/2 FP5 and


COMTES700 RFCS projects, with the ultimate goal to achieve 700C steam temperature and pressure of 300 bar based on coal. Work is required on the materials development, component manufacturing, testing, and demonstration in real conditions. In the US, the R,D&D activities in the Clean Coal Technologies are funded by the Department of Energy through a number of Initiatives like the Clean Coal Power Initiative and the Advanced Material Research Project. Finally, the results of the Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants (ZEP) are presented, with which the AD700 technology is closely related. One can distinguish the need for further activities in the three directions of R&D, demonstration and international collaboration projects. Clean coal technology R&D projects should focus on the needs to improve plant efficiency, reliability and costs. The main goal for steam power plants is to achieve over 50% efficiency by designing novel steam turbines and further developing boiler technology for steam parameters of 700 oC+. To enable deployment of the technology, the implementation of 10-12 large-scale demonstration projects is vital. Further to the R,D&D activities, strong cooperation from all stakeholders in order to optimise resources and avoid duplication is required. Part of all aforementioned activities has been included in the FP7.

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