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Medford City Council The Twenty-Fifth Regular Meeting Medford, Massachusetts September 30, 2008 City Council Stephanie

Muccini Burke, President Breanna Lungo-Koehn, Vice President Paul A. Camuso Frederick Dello Russo, Jr. Robert A. Maiocco Michael J. Marks Robert M. Penta Council President Stephanie Muccini Burke called the Twenty-Fifth Regular Meeting of the Medford City Council to order at 7:00 P.M at the Howard F. Alden Memorial Auditorium, Medford City Hall. ROLL CALL SALUTE TO THE FLAG

RECORDS The Records of the Meeting of September 23, 2008 were passed to Vice President Lungo-Koehn.

PETITIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND SIMILAR MATTERS 08-564-Petition for a Common Victualler License by Alan LaCapria for Stop and Shop at 760 Fellsway, Medford, MA. On File Business Certificate # 246 Petition Building Dept. Fire Dept. Health Dept. Traffic Impact Treasurer State Tax Form Letter of Compliance Workmans Compensation Corporation papers

MOTION, ORDERS AND RESOLUTIONS 08-565- Offered by Councillor Camuso Be it Resolved, that the DPW trims the tree on the corner of Cobb Street and Fulton Spring Road in the interest of Public Safety. 08-566-Offered by Councillor Maiocco Be It Resolved, that the Mayor be requested to update the Council on the Citys fiscal condition 08-567-Offered by Councillor Maiocco Be It Resolved that the Medford City Council congratulate former Assessor Robert Delfino and his wife Rita a Happy 50 th Wedding Anniversary 08-568-Offered by President Burke Whereas, the City of Medford enacted Division 3-Private Streets-sec. 74-91. temporary repairs of private ways, which includes the funding mechanism for street repairs to private ways to include a 50% match by abutters of the private way, Whereas, there is no offset or credit in the tax rate to the residents of private ways who assist in the funding of other public way repairs, Whereas, this resolve was previously submitted as 08-243 Be it ordained , that the following amendment be made to Division 3-Private StreetsSec. 74-91: that sub-secion (6) and (7) be deleted in its entirety

COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 08-563REQUEST FOR EXPENDITURE FROM LAW DEPARTMENT CLAIMS OVER $1,000.00 ACCOUNT #010-161-532 Date: September 24, 2008 To: Fr: The President and Members of the Honorable Medford City Council Michael J. McGlynn, Mayor (signature on file)

Claimant Name: Commerce Insurance- File #08-51 Date of Accident: February 22, 2008 Date of Settlement: July 30, 2008 Date of Trial Result: NA Amount of Request: $3,000.46 Claimants Attorney: None Description of Alleged Claim: The claimant, Commerce insurance, as subrogee for its insured, Anthony Lopilato, 30 Doonan Street, Medford, MA, seeks compensation for payment made to their insureds parked car which was allegedly struck, by a DPW plow driven by Claude Muzarol during a snowstorm. The accident occurred on February 22, 2008. The total cost of the damage paid by Commerce for repair of their insureds vehicle was $6,000.91. (Two of Lopilatos parked cars were damaged in this incident; one claim has already been paid and this request resolves the second claim.) The case was settled prior to entry of legal proceedings. The necessary Releases have been obtained from the claimant. Breakdown to Amount Requested: Medical Cost: Lost Wages: Property Damage: Other: Total Settlement: -0-0$3,000.46 -0$3,000.46

COMMITTEE REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS Upon motion of _________________, all Unfinished Business on the Table was taken from the table for action. 6.755 Council endorse letter to State Delegation re; Tax Abatement for Disabled IN COUNCIL IN COUNCIL 07-332OCTOBER 24, 2006 OCTOBER 23, 2007 TABLED TABLED

Mausoleum at Oak Grove Cemetery IN COUNCIL MAY 1, 2007 TABLED


Petition to address Council on Plowing by Patricia Weld IN COUNCIL JANUARY 8, 2008 TABLED


Legislative action to prevent the taking of any taxpayer private residential property in Medford with the expansion of the Green Line into Medford IN COUNCIL MAY 6, 2008 TABLED


Taxi-operator license John Thomas, 44 Everett St., Everett IN COUNCIL JUNE 24, 2008 TABLED


SPC Hearing, Janet Guzman, 11 Oakland, Use Body Art IN COUNCIL TABLED (OCT. 21, 2008) SPC Hearing, Burger King Corp, 383 Mystic Ave, Extended Hours IN COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 TABLED SEPTEMBER 23, 2008



Parking on Municipal Property IN COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 TABLED


Cleaning & Dyeing License, Vals Cleaners 256 Spring St. IN COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 TABLED

Public Participation


Reports Due/ Deadlines 05-895- Comprehensive Master Wellington Plan-3 months-Jan. 17, 2006 07-072-Intercept Program 07-484-SPC Extended Hours Pranzis, Winthrop St. 3 month Review 08-268-Six Month Review of Show Cause Hearing Dominos Pizza 08-381-Six Month Review SPC Extended Hours Spring ST. Superette, October 28, 2008 Records: The Records of the Meeting of September 23, 2008 were passed to Vice President Lungo-Koehn.


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