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We gather today as Gods beloved children to worship our Heavenly Father.

We praise his holy name, we listen eagerly for his words of comfort, hope, and challenge to us, and we offer ourselves to him in dedicated service. May you be blessed as you worship here today.

Leading and Assisting in Worship

Leader: Pastor Stephen Wood Organist: Jo McGrew Deacons: Mark Hoffmeier; Troy Claycamp Greeters: Alvin & Pat Otte and Leon & Linda Seitz Communion Assistant: Lou Ann Hoevener Altar Care: Phyllis Cupp Lectors: Alicia Perry (8:00) Kendall Alstatt (10:15) Acolytes: Erin Otte (8:00) Lydia Shuler (10:15) Projectors: Doris Rorick (8:00) Hannah Wood (10:15) Flowers: Wanda Engelau Welcome Center: Shirley Lewis (8:00) Michelle Wood (10:15)

May 26, 2013

St. Paul Lutheran Church is a congregation of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (E.L.C.A.). It is referred to as Borchers since Rev. Henry Borchers, who served our congregation from 1857-1881, advised and influenced a small group of pioneer settlers that wanted to establish a congregation in the area. This year we celebrate 161 years of life and ministry in this beautiful country setting in Southern Indiana. We look forward to many more years of growth and change as we seek continually to be faithful to Gods call to mission.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is

offered at the 8:00 a.m. services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays and at the 10:15 a.m. service on the 1st and the 3rd Sundays of the month. Christians who believe in the true presence of Christ in the bread and wine for our forgiveness and salvation are invited to receive Holy Communion.

St. Paul Lutheran Church

10792 North 210 East, Seymour, IN 47274 Office 522-7364 Annex & Fax 522-7484 Parsonage 522-7421 email: Web Site: Office hours: Tuesday - Friday Staff The Reverend Stephen Wood Pastor Carolyn Jones...............Director of Youth & Family Ministries Wendy Rotert ..Secretary Jeanette Kruse ..Borchers Preschool Director Trish Tangman ..Care Team Director Amy Pierceall and Mandy Otte Custodians Jamie Baker .. Worship Technology Advisor and Web Master

Sunday School classes are held each Sunday for all ages at 9:10 a.m. Visitors are welcome to attend. HEARING ASSISTANCE: We have head phones available for those in need of assistance with hearing. They are located on the table at the entrance of the sanctuary. LARGE PRINT BULLETINSThere are a handful of large print bulletins available. They are located on the table at the entrance of the sanctuary.

This week: Tuesday 28 th Thursday 29 th Friday 30 th Saturday 1 st Next week: Tuesday 4 thThursday 6 th -

Friday 7 th Saturday 8 th -

CALENDAR May 26 th June 1 st 6:30 pm Stephen Minister Group Meeting 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club 7:30 pm Adult Choir Practice 6:30 pm Downing Wedding Rehearsal 3:30 pm Downing Wedding June 2 nd June 8 th 12:15 pm Free Senior Movie 8:30 am Borchers Chapel Devotional Service 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club Pastor Steve at Synod Assembly June 7 th 9 th 9:00 am Jr. High youth will be setting up for the Sunday School picnic at the Picnic Goods.

DAY CAMP this year is June 10th14th. The theme this year is SKY. Enrollment forms and volunteer sign up sheets are at the Welcome Center. NEED ITEMSStill in need of items for Day Camp, some include bike ride prizes, snack donators, meals for counselors, pre-school helpers. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC will be held on Sunday, June 9 at 11:15. Luther League will be hosting a free-will lunch of Hot Dogs, Pork Burgers, Mac and Cheese, Baked Beans, and Desserts. A healthy choice meal will also be available. This year we will be doing some different games which could involve water and be a bit messy, so it would be a good idea to have the kids bring or wear some older clothes for the picnic. We will also be having a basketball shoot-off between young and older! SENIOR DAY CAMP will be Thursday, June 13. NO breakfast will be served at church that day due to Day Camp activities. An outing is being planned for a trip to Louisville to tour Mega Cavern. A group will leave the church parking lot at 9:00, eat breakfast in Scottsburg, and enjoy the cavern tour and picnic lunch before returning home by midafternoon. Please SIGN UP for the outing and look for more details at the Welcome Center. Participants will need to provide the cost of breakfast and the tour. Borchers Breakfast Club will provide lunch. Everyone is welcome! JR. HIGH YOUTH will be setting up for the Sunday School picnic on Saturday June 8 at 9:00 at the picnic woods. This will take about 45 minutes-1 hour. We will also be leading the games on Sunday, June 9 at the Sunday School picnic beginning around 12:15. Parents will be needed to help with tear down on Sunday after the games. THE ADULT CHOIR will practice on Wednesday, May 29th at 7:30 pm.

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL will be held in the Fellowship Room at 9:15 each Sunday in June, July, and August for kids age 3- grade 5. Jr High Youth will be helpers during the summer. The summer theme will be Treasure Seekers. We will have a bible story, game, snack, and a craft each week. The helper for June 2nd is Carolyn Jones. THE FOOD PANTRY items being collected in June are canned meats (tuna/chicken, etc.). Please place your donations in the wooden box in the hallway near the kitchen, or in the basket near the main entry doors. ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL has begun a new study. We will be examining the history of the early church. How the church evolved from the Day of Pentecost and into the first several centuries. We will be studying documents from this time period. GRADUATION RECOGNITIONWe will recognize those who are graduating this year from high-school or college, at both services on June 2nd. If you know of someone graduating get their name to Wendy in the church office.

LUTHER LEAGUE will be serving a free-will meal at the Sunday School Picnic on Sunday, June 9th at 11:15. Luther League youth need to be at the Picnic Grove by 8:30am to start cooking. Parents will be needed to help with cleanup after the meal. BORCHERS CHAPEL DEVOTIONAL SERVICE will be held at 8:30 am on Thursday, June 6th in the Chapel. Everyone is welcome. THE BOOK BUZZ will meet at 1:00 Monday June 24th in the narthex. The title of the book to be discussed is War Brides by Helen Bryan. IF YOU WOULD like to donate to the tornado victims. You can mark your offering envelope: Lutheran Disaster Response-U.S. Tornados. 100 percent of the money donated goes to the victims. YES! CINEMA FREE MOVIE for Seniors 55 & older on Tuesday, June 4th . A carpool will leave the church parking lot at 12:15 and return between 4:00 and 5:00. Please sign up at the Welcome Center so transportation can be arranged. WORK NEEDED for Youth June 10th 14thWe are looking for people who are in need of some help during day camp week June 10th14th. This includes anything from building fence, to cleaning out a shed. We are blessed with a large number of Jr. High and High School youth volunteers at daycamp and would like to branch out to anyone in the community with a project for these kids. They will be available for 2-3 hours each morning from June 10th14th. Please contact Carolyn or Molly for more information or if you have a job for us. STEPHEN MINISTER GROUP MEETING will be on Tuesday, May 28th from 6:30 to 9:00.

BORCHERS PRESCHOOL is now accepting enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year. Your child must be age 4 by August 1, 2013, to be in the Sunbeam Class, age 3 by August 1, 2013, for the Rainbow class and age 2 by August 1, 2013 for the Raindrop class. Enrollment forms are at the Welcome Center or call the church office for information. ADDRESSIf you would like to send Diane Pensgard (she recently had hip surgery) a card her address is 681 Ryan Lane Apt. 2E , West Dundee, IL 60118 A BIG THANK YOU to our family and friends for all the prayers, visits, cards & food following Kent's accident. All the support and encouraging words were a great help - thanks for caring! Kent, Joy, Darren & Sarah Carr WOW! 27 wonderful years teaching preschool at St. Paul Borchers. I will cherish the many memories, the children, parents, grandparents, and friends Ive met and worked with over the years. A special THANK YOU for your support, concerns, and many prayers. The pre-school can work, only if we work together. St. Paul church family has done their job and more. A personal THANK YOU to St. Paul church family for the many beautiful cards, well wishes, and the monetary gift at the my retirement. Also, for the recognition and reception on Sunday. THANK YOU to the women of ELCA for your gift card and the Borchers pre-school board for the clock and your guidance. Gene and I plan on doing some traveling and enjoying our family and grandchildren. God has richly blessed us! May the pre-school continue for many years to come. Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these Mark 10:14 Thank you and God Bless all of you , Jeanette Kruse

Walking in Faith Sowing Christs Love
The mission of St. Paul Lutheran Church is derived from our core values - the essence of our purpose for existence and the criteria we should use to guide our congregational decisions and actions.

Our Core Values:

1. Spirituality to worship and to grow and develop spiritually as Christians. 2. Outreach To spread the message of Gods love and grace by word and by action. 3. Service to Others To live Christs message to Love one another.
You can support the mission of our church by coming to worship, engaging in study, sharing the word, bringing a friend to church, taking part in Care Team initiatives, volunteering at church or in the community and loving one another. We invite you to join us in this journey.

Our Response to Gods Love

We Worshipped: May 19 8:00 am service104 Total Offerings for May 19 : Spending Plan Giving-$4,887.42 Other Giving $198.23
th th

10:15 service80 New Church Loan Payment-$1,650.00

{The weekly amount needed to cover expenses in the 2013 Spending Plan is $5,435.00} *This amount does not include the $5,900.00 monthly mortgage payment

Readings for June 2nd:

Second Sunday after Pentecost

Those assisting with worship June 2nd:

Greeters: Communion Assistant: Altar Care: Acolytes: Projectors: Flowers: Welcome Center: Merrell & Sara Oe (8:00) John & Amy Pierceall (10:15) Larry Guinn (10:15) Nina Franke (10:15) Madison Engelau (8:00) Lyra Claycamp(10:15) Madison Jones (8:00) Chloe Bryden (10:15) Susie Schnitker Luci Angel (8:00) Linda Seitz (10:15)

1 Kings 8:22-23, 41-43 Psalm 96:1-9 Galaans 1:1-12 Luke 7:1-10 Lectors: Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Judy Wonning (10:15)

May 26, 2013

Going Deeper

The purpose of this page is to provide a tool or instrument for your spiritual growth. This page contains a brief synopsis of the readings as well as some questions for your reflection to help you go deeper with the Word. On the back is a day by day listing of scripture readings with possible prayer request. Individuals are listed on their day of birthso that you might pray for them on their birthday. Also on the back is the prayer list for the congregation. Keep on Growing Spiritually!! Readings for the Day: Proverbs 8:14, 2231-In the Bible, wisdom has many faces. It is portrayed in terms sometimes human and sometimes divine. Often, it is personified as feminine. In this passage, Woman Wisdom is depicted not only as the first creation of God but also as God's helper, rejoicing in God's creation, especially in human beings. Romans 5:15-Paul describes the life of faith with reference to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Even now, we have peace with God through Jesus, and our hope for the future is grounded in the love of God that we experience through Christ's Holy Spirit. John 16:1215-Jesus' ongoing presence with the disciples will be borne by the coming Spirit, who will guide them and communicate to them Jesus' will and glory. From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2013 Augsburg Fortress Questions To Ponder: 1What is the Trinity? 2Why is the concept of the Trinity important? 3How have you experience peace with God? 4How are suffering, hope and Gods love interrelated? 5What does it mean to be justified through faith?


MEMORY VERSE: John 16:15 15 All that the Father has is mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you. "A reflection upon this verse is posted on the churchs website

Going Deeper in Prayer

Monday 5/27 Isaiah 19:1-25 John 1:1-51 W Leslie Wente, Teresa Brown, Jeremy Kleffman W World peace Tuesday 5/28 Isaiah 20:1-6 John 2:1-25 W Selma Mellenbruch, Heidi Kleffman W safety for people traveling Wednesday 5/29 Isaiah 21:1-17 John 3:1-36 W Patty Herkamp, Annelise Engelau W people who are in prison Thursday 5/30 Isaiah 22:1-25 John 4:1-54 W Pat Otte W Christians in Turkey Friday 5/31 Isaiah 23:1-18 John 5: 1-47 W People on school boards Saturday 6/1 Isaiah 24:1-23 John 6:1-71 W Jean Floyd, Karen Wiesehan, Dan Davis, Carrie Schepman W nurses Sunday 6/2 Isaiah 25:1-12 John 7:1-52 W Ronnie Herkamp, Susie Alstatt, Kylie Eglen W people struggling with addictions

Prayer List Prayer for Homebound Individuals: Geneva Hoene, Betty Hoene, Eldena Hoene, Eunice Lutes Prayer for Long Term Care Issues: Orville Schnitker; Helen Carter; Andy Runge, Peggy Meahl (Sarah Roterts sister-in-law) Recent Hospitalizations : Malerie Maschino (Friend of Tammi Reinbold); Valerie McDonald (Sonna Wentes daughter); Other Prayer Request: The family and friends of Rose Davis (co-worker of Bill Kidd); The family and friends of Norm Stidham (friend of Bill Kidd); Leta Ahlbrand (friend of Shirley Lewis); Doris Kleffman (hip surgery); Amy Siefker (niece of Karen Hoene); Elmer Gibson (friend of Susan Kaiser); Carly Hoffmeier (sister-in-law to Mark Hoffmeier); Keith Harris (friend of Leah Otte); Joe Bond (cancerfriend of Bob & Dena Schafstall); Diane Pensgard (hip surgery); Annabeth Kamman (friend of Charlotte Guinn);Carolyn Ross (stroke-Beth Claycamps mother);Pam Kottkamp (cousin of Beth Claycamp); Jane Meyer; Mike Tangman (cancer); Vicky Ent (Cancer-friend of Judy Wonning); John Helwig (cancerfriend of Jenny Engelau);Francis Lamberson (Terri DeVoes Mother); Phyllis Neidinger; Ron Kidd (cancer Bill Kidds brother); Jim Kidd (surgery-Bill Kidds brother); Edna Spiehler (Patty Herkamps friend); Mary Sipes (sister-in-law of Linda Booher); Pastor Ed and Joan Winter; Peggy Rucker (Friend of Wilma Claycamp); Jerry Wunsch; Walter and Verl VonFange (Bertha Ottes sister & brother in-law); Shirley Darlage Duncan (cancer-friend of Dena Schafstall); Dewayne Greathouse (cancerfriend of Linda Guinn); Kristie Wessel (cancerTracey Engelaus sister); Pat Norrell (friend of Kendra Harris) Prayers for those in Military Service: Steven Rieker (Jerry & Pixie Ottes Grandson); Chad Brigdon,

Evan Marshall

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