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As we had to identify a project of social relevance and impact for Pilani and/or nearby villages so we started to think about

the possible project with the give constraints individually and came up with a number of options like improving agriculture productivity, health care, enhancement of education among the poor children etc during our first team meeting. Among these possibilities we as a team decided to go for the health care as it was more important as we consider health as one of the most valuable asset of the human life. After deciding the possible project in the first meeting we thought of conducting a small survey both on field and off field. We divided our group into two teams and started interacting with the people personally and finally came up with surprising results. The existing evidence suggests that there is an extensive system of health care delivery which is, however, quite dysfunctional in many ways, making reform of the system something of a challenge .We then tried to find out the patterns of the health care use and found out that adults from good financial condition visit a health facility on average 0.51 times a month. The poor, defined here as people with average income of Rs 800 per month, visit a facility 0.43 times in a month, while an adult from the middle average income of Rs 1500 visits a facility 0.54 times a month and an adult in the highest group (average income of Rs 2000) visits the facility 0.55 times a month. After that we started collecting data regarding the public health care facilities available in Pilani and nearby villages and came up with the conclusion that the conditions were not the same as we were expecting based on the different schemes launched by the government for the well being of the public. In the later stage of our discussion we came up with the advantages of having generic medicine stores selling all the important medicines so

that poor people will have the option to go for the generic medicines instead of costly medicines having the same composition and quality. So we thought of opening generic medical stores in the villages with the help of NGOs. Moreover, this scheme also included the awareness campaign related with the generic medicines which we thought was very important as the people had misbelieve that these medicines are not much effective compared to the branded counterpart. Delivery system of health services is not very efficient. Condition of the PHCs and sub-centers was bad. Necessary facilities are not available in any of the centers. Medical instruments and equipment are old and are never sterilized. Sub centers do not open every day and they lack most of the facilities. Sub-centers in Mithras and Juan Meth Keera were closed for three days during the study period. Majority of the villagers said that free medicines are never available to the patients and it is a common practice by the doctors to prescribe medicines, which have to be purchased from open market. Those who said Yes would get only those medicines, which were cheap and supplied in bulk quantity. Costly medicines such as antibiotics are not provided and have to be purchased from the open market. It is rare for the villagers to get the required tests done in PHCs. At subentries they are never done. Private pathologists on payment do prescribed tests at district headquarters. X- Ray facility is not available in PHCs and is done in private hospitals or X - Ray centers. X - Ray machines are either not available in the PHCs or, if available, not working. Admissions in the PHCs are difficult. Those who said they have been given admission facility complained about mismanagement and lack of proper facilities and treatment. They also complained that a certain amount has to be paid to hospital staff for better treatment during admission. Child Care

Children are not taken to the health centers for general health check-ups in majority of cases (93.0%) . In fact villagers do not know that they should take their new -burns to the hospitals for general check-ups. Only few children (23%) are immunized against dreaded diseases due to of lack of knowledge among the parents. 46.0 percent respondents did not have any knowledge about this. Unavailability of immunization facilities was also responsible for such a low rate of immunization. Villagers do not have sufficient knowledge about the importance of immunization. So finally we came up with the project title m-health care and started working on the Planning phase of the project. After conducting the required survey we started the planning phase in which we started brainstorming in order to find out the possible ways through which we could be able to improve the condition of the people. Based on the phisiophy of other countries we also thought of starting mhealth care center with the assistance of some companies who are providing Health care solutions like Nokia Health and Vodafone health care solutions which invariably will make use of the mobile technology for monitoring and controlling the health condition of the people. Under this we also thought of hiring community health workers in order to facilitate our work by properly training them. We also thought of requesting the private hospitals and the testing lab to open there centers in Pilani. ..planned to make use of the concept of Karnataka govt.(of collecting 10 Rs from the farmers and adding certain amount per month for taking care of their health) During the planning stage itself we came up with idea of providing ayurvedic and homeopathic medical facilities to the masses. Ayurvedic

medicine, as practiced in India, is one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world. Homeopathy is a therapeutic method using natural substances derived from botanical, animal or mineral sources in micro doses to stimulate the body's natural mechanisms to protect and heal itself. So finally we came up with the possible task along with the target time needed for the accomplishment of that task after preparing the project schedule. While preparing the project schedule we kept in the mind alternate plans to be furnished in the case of the failure of the first plan. As far as my role is concerned I played multiple roles during these initial stages of the project planning and project initiation .Sometime I played the role of initiator and sometime a sort of leader guiding the team members what to do and how to do. In some scenario I also played the role of a follower, in the sense that I was not able to take stand on the ideas and so followed the traditional project cycle by simply following the ideas of the other team members. After the planning phase we went for presenting our ideas and seeking approval for implementing the project from the sponsor after the feasibility analysis. During our project idea demonstration we thought of making it more realistic and decided to go for a short drama in order to demonstrate out project objective. It was a short of not well planned decision and was taken instantly and we thought it as a good option and decided to go for it. So within 5 minutes duration we decide who is going to play what role and I as I already mentioned took the responsibility of providing information regarding the Generic medicines. Here I typically displayed the characteristics of a follower.

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