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he Moneague College is centrally located in a small rural village of Moneague in St. Ann, a village which is famous for its salubrious climate and its subterranean lake which rises periodically. The property on which the College is located was first known as Rose Hall when it was purchased by its original owner, Englishman, John Hutchinson. He left Rose Hall to his two daughters and stipulated that it would be the legacy of his grand children. In the late 1800s, the sisters failed to pay taxes on the property and the government took it over. The ensuing years saw the property taking on many functions, namely, as a hotel to house visitors to an Agricultural exhibition in the early 1890s, later as a juvenile camp for wayward girls, and during World War I, as a Soldier Camp. It was in response to the growing need for education and the training of primary school teachers that Moneague opened its doors as a training institution in 1956. Dr. Aubrey Phillips was the first principal of the institution. It opened with 104 students. Demand increased enrolment to 626 by 1978 and by the middle of the 1980s enrolment had increased to approximately 900 full time students. Initially, the College concentrated on teacher training in Primary and Early Childhood Education, but as demand increased, training for Secondary School Teachers was added. In 1981, a three year intra-mural training course was added to the curriculum. The College was closed in 1985 but reopened in 1987, with a new focus: the training of a group of teachers who held Trained Teachers Certificates. The Colleges effectiveness as a Teacher Training institution was reflected in its gaining the esteemed D.R.B Grant Award for the highest achiever in Early Childhood and Primary Post Certificate Training for four consecutive years. The College earned the award six times in the ten year run of the programme. In 1993 the College evolved into a Multi- disciplinary institution, with the addition of a Community College component. The College began offering programmes such as Business Studies, Office Administration, Computer Studies, AAT, ALevels, CXC/GCE, Management Information Systems, (MIS) and Office Technology. An Evening School began in that same year, offering various professional and short courses. These included Cake Baking and Decoration, Interior Design, Floral Arrangement and Certificate in Computing. As the evolution of the Moneague College continued, 1997 saw the reintroduction of the Three -Year IntraMural Teacher Training programme in Primary Education and Secondary Education in Business Studies. To make the secondary programme more responsive to the needs of the society, in the year 2002, the College adjusted the Business Programme to include a

computer major. The Teacher Education Department was further diversified in the year 2000 with the introduction of a Three-Year Diploma course in Literacy Studies. This programme was designed to prepare teachers to meet the literacy and other reading needs of students at the Primary and Secondary levels of the educational system. The College expanded its programme offerings in 1997 and began offering, in conjunction with the University of the West Indies (Mona), Certificate in Management Studies, Public Administration and later Social Work. This relationship strengthened and in 2004, the College began offering a Bachelor of Education Degree in Literacy Studies. The partnership continued and the College began offering a Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Work in September 2008. In 2009 the College began offering a Masters in Education Leadership in conjunction with Sam Sharpe Teachers College and Central Connecticut State University. With further expansion of the College two satellite campuses have been established; one in Linstead and the other in Port Maria. As of September 2011 the Linstead campus is operating from the former St. Helens Preparatory School. The Port Maria Campus is located at Llandrumney Farms in Port Maria. The Moneague College is a dynamic institution, and the future will reflect this dynamism. The College has established several partnerships with universities on the North American and European Continents. Presently the College has partnerships with Munroe College, City College Birmingham, Nash Community College and New Hampshire University. Many of our graduates have gone on to pursue Bachelors and Masters Degrees at these institutions. Locally, we maintain excellent relationships with all of our national and regional universities as several of our graduates from the different programmes have earned their degrees form these Universities. The Moneague College remains committed to the adoption of initiatives that will ensure effective and efficient delivery of our services. As a fully owned Government of Jamaica institution we would like to remain on the cutting edge of innovation and service. In the last five years we have made considerable improvement in our delivery to our students and staff. We have established several new programmes and have seen resounding success in the progress of our students in the working world or in further studies. It is our goal to continue and where necessary improve our products. THE MONEAGUE COLLEGE YOUR OPPORTUNITY FOR SUCCESS

Admissions Procedures


Application & Processing Fee: JA$500 (Non-refundable) Application Deadlines: Teacher Education Early March Community College End of May

*Please call the college for further details on specific deadline dates.*
Application Procedure: 1. Complete all relevant sections of Application booklet. (Use BLOCK CAPITALS) 2. Ensure all documents to be completed by officials are also stamped. 3. Submit ALL of the following documents, stapled in the following order, to the Registry Department / Administrative Office at the relevant campus (check the box once you have obtained the document); Application form (fully & accurately completed) 2 recent passport photos stamped by a J.P. & stapled in the right corner of the front page of the application) 2 Reference forms (signed and stamped by referees) 1 Copy of NEW Birth Certificate (printed from National Registry) 1 Copy of Marriage Certificate (if applicable) CSEC/ CXC results OR 1 Copy of Official Exam Time Table (for those awaiting exam results) Summary of Interview Page (For Official Use Only) All originals must be presented for verification 4. No application will be accepted without ALL DOCUMENTS completed. 5. Call the Administrative Office the second third week in March , to find out if you were short listed and for the dates for the Entrance Examination. Only short listed persons will be invited to return for an Entrance Examination. 6. Request the Boarding Application Form, if needed. The Medical Report Form must be completed by a doctor and submitted during Registration, after aceeptance to the college. Please Note: All applications must be delivered to the office. Do not send applications in the mail, as this may cause you application to be late, and it may not be processed. Entrance Examinations will take place on weekdays between March & April for short listed applicants. Only applicants who are accepted will be given an Acceptance Package to register for classes. The Registration Procedure is included in this package.

Boarding Application The Moneague College provides boarding facilities only at the main campus, in Moneague, St. Ann. However, boarding applicants are encouraged to seek possible alternatives once accepted for the college, as not all accepted students will receive acceptance for boarding. Accepted boarders are expected to meet their financial obligations before receiving their room key. (Details of boarding fees and requirements are given after acceptance. All accepted boarders are expected to meet the requirements, participate in college activities, adhere to the policies and regulations, and to maintain high moral standards and conduct while living on the Halls of Residence. Completed Boarding Application Form must be submitted with the College Application. Incomplete Boarding Applications will not be processed Applications for Boarding will be processed based on Students acceptance to the college Distance of student's home address from the college A Separate Boarding Interview However, meeting these criteria does not guarantee acceptance into Boarding at the college. ALL ACCEPTED BOARDERS will be required to complete a legally binding Boarding Contract. Refusal to sign this contract will be considered as refusing the boarding space. Only accepted boarders will be given a boarding package.

FEES Fee Payment Options Below are the fee payment options available. Students may select any one of or a combination of the options. 1. Full Payment. (SHORT COURSES MUST BE PAID IN FULL PRIOR TO REGISTRATION). 2. Part Payment Plan. 3. Student Loan Bureau (SLB). 4. National Youth Service (NYS). 5. Full Scholarship. 6. Partial scholarship with students paying the difference prior to being registered for Semester 1. Full Scholarship All students receiving a full scholarship must present a letter to that effect to the FAD for their account to be updated and financial clearance received. NB any sponsorship amount outstanding for prior year must be paid before the student is allowed to register for the new academic year. Partial Scholarship All students receiving a partial scholarship must present a letter to that effect to the FAD for their account to be updated. NB any sponsorship amount outstanding for prior year must be paid before the student is allowed to register for the new academic year. The student must pay the difference in FULL at any BNS & NCB branch (as stated on voucher). After payment is made, proceed to the FAD with the stamped voucher received from the bank for financial clearance. If the partial scholarship is joined with the part payment plan, the part payment process will be applicable. BOARDING FEES The payment of boarding fees must be made before a student will be permitted to take up residence on the halls.

Entry Requirements Please see below for details of all entry requirements for all CCCJ programmes:

NB. All CXC or other O Level grade requirements must be at proficiency levels 1 - 3, (3 asof 1998) or A - C, except for those specified in the Teacher Education programme.
Business Studies(FT & PT) Business Studies - Finance and Management (FT & PT) Hospitality &Tourism (FT)

2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs

Associate Degree Bachelor of Science Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Associate Degree Associate Degree Certificate Certificate Certificate N/A Certificate Certificate Certificate Bachelors Bachelors Bachelors Bachelors Diploma


English A, Math/Accounts + 3 other related CSEC/ OLevels CCCJ Associate Degree or Associate Degree from any other recognized institution, in related field. English A + 4 other related CSEC/ OLevels(2 year majors: Food & Beverage, Accommodation, Travel & Tour) CCCJ Associate Degree or Associate Degree from any other recognized institution, in related field. Math, English A + 3 other related CSEC/ OLevels CCCJ Associate Degree or Associate Degree from any other recognized institution, in related field. Math, English A, 1 Science, 1 Social Science subject CCCJ Associate Degree or Associate Degree from any other recognized institution, in related field. Math, English A, + 3 other related subjects Math, English A, 1 Science subject + 3 other related subjects Information Technology/ Introduction to Computers + 3 other CSEC/ OLevels English + 2 other CSEC/ OLevels English A + 2 other related subjects 5 CSEC/ OLevels(in one sitting) Accounts, English A+ 1 other related subject Accounts + 1 other CSEC/ OLevel 2 CSEC/ OLevels Math, English A, 1 Social Science, 1 Science + 1other CSEC/ OLevel Math, English A/ Language, 1 Social Science, 1 Science + *English B/ Literature at grades 1-2, A-B Math, English A, *Accounts, *Information Technology at grades 1-2, A-B Math, English A, *Accounts, *Principles of Business at grades 1-2, A-B English A + 3 other CSEC/ OLevels English A + 2 other CSEC/ O Levels English A + 2 other CSEC/ O Levels

Hospitality &Tourism (FT & PT) **NEW** Management Information Systems (M.I.S.) (FT & PT) Management Information Systems (M.I.S.)(FT& PT)**NEW** Environmental Studies (FT) Environmental Studies **NEW**(FT) Social Work **NEW**(PT) Criminal Justice **NEW**(FT) Information Technology (IT) Essentials (CISCO Networking) (FT) Hospitality Services Certificate (FT) Computer Studies (FT & PT) Pre-UniversityStudies (CAPE) (majors: Arts, Sciences) (FT & PT) School Business Management **NEW**(PT) Certified Accounting Technician (C.A.T. / A.C.C.A.)(FT & PT) Continuing Education (CSEC/CXC) (FT & PT) Primary Education (FT) Early Childhood Education**NEW** (FT) Secondary Education: Information Technology (IT)(FT) Secondary Education: Business (FT) Psychology (PT) Floral Arranging (PT) (PT) Floral Arrangement Customer Service (PT)

2 yrs 2 yrs 2yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 1 yr 1yr 1 yr 2 yrs 1 yr 2yrs 1yr 4yrs 4 yrs. 4 yrs 4yrs 2 yrs

1yr Certificate 12 Weeks 1yr Certificate

*FT Programme offered FULL TIME (Day classes)*PT Programme offered PART TIME (Evening Classes)


Status:A Camp: M P PMC NA LC

Application For Admission
JM$500 Fee Required

Transfer From: ____________ Progr: _________Yr: _______

All Candidates must fill out ALL sections of this form except where specified. (Teacher Education Department Only or Community College Students Only.)

Emergency Contact 1: ______________________________ Contact 2: _________________________ Emergency Contact Phone #: ________________________ Phone #2: _________________________

8 References
Name:_________________________________ Address:_______________________________ Telephone number: ( ____ ) _______-________ Occupation:_____________________________ Name:__________________________________ Address:________________________________ Telephone number: ( _____ ) _______-________ Occupation:______________________________

Teacher Education Department

Primary Education Early Childhood Education Secondary Business Secondary Information Technology

Do you have Teaching experience? Yes No (If Yes How many Years? ____ ) *If Yes, Please provide a letter from the Principal of the school or institution along with your application.*

Community College Department

Business Studies Hospitality & Tourism Management Information Systems Environmental Studies Social Work Associate Associate Associate Associate (FT) Bachelors (PT) Bachelors (PT) Bachelors (FT) Bachelors (FT)

Associate (PT) (Also at Linstead campus)

Pre-College Programmes
Continuing Education (CXC/ CSEC) Pre-University Arts (CAPE) Pre-University Sciences (CAPE) Computer Certificate School Business Management Certificate Certificate in Hospitality Services IT Essentials (CISCO) Certificate Campus: Moneague Linstead St. Mary Who will be funding your studies? : Name: ____________________________________________ Phone: _________________ Relation: ___________________

Part-Time Programmes
Complete the following section if you are applying for the Part-time Programme
Business Studies Management Information Systems Social Work Continuing Education (CXC/CSEC) Pre-University Arts/ Sciences (CAPE) Diploma in Psychology Computer Studies Certificate Floral Arrangement Customer Service Certificate Associate Associate Associate Bachelors Bachelors

Statement of Understanding
I understand that this application cannot be processed if it has not been completed properly and that all information submitted is true to the best of my knowledge. Accordingly, any deliberate falsification or omission of data may result in denial of admission or dismissal.

_________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date


Moneague P.O., St. Ann

For Official Use Only Status: __________________ Boarder: Yes____ No___


All Students are required to complete and submit this form during Registration after Acceptance to the college.

Student Name: ___________________________________________________________ Programme: _____________________________________________________________ PERSONAL SAVINGS/EMPLOYMENT (Details of financial resources required)
(Please provide documentary evidence of income, commitment letter from employer etc.)

1. How do you propose to pay your fees? (Select applicable options, details to be provided below): Personal Savings/Employment Family Award (Scholarship, NYS, JAMVAT, etc) Other 2. Are you employed? Yes No 3. If you are employed, please state gross monthly income:__________ 4. Present bank balance: $_______________________ 5. Will your employer contribute to your fees? Yes No 6. If yes to question 5, please state quantum of contribution $ ___________/ __________% FAMILY CONTRIBUTION
(Please provide documentary evidence of income and commitment letter from family member(s)

7. What amount of assistance will your parents or other relatives provide in paying fees: $_____________________ 8. What is the name, relation and gross monthly income of the family member(s) on whom you are dependent for payment of fees?



Income ($) (Gross per month)

DONOR/ AWARD/ SCHOLARSHIP/STUDENT LOAN BUREAU/ NATIONAL YOUTH SERVICE/ JAMVAT Name of Award/ Sponsor/ Value $ Duration Organization (1 year or period of study)


I will pay all required fees to Moneague College, by the stipulated deadlines. I am aware that Moneague College reserves the right to bar me from examinations, if I do not meet my financial obligation within the agreed period.

_____________________ Student Signature

_______________ Date



Parent/ Guardian/ Sponsor Name


For Official Use Only Documentation Submitted:

Bank Statement Student Loan Contract National Youth Service JAMVAT Scholarship letter Other Document ___________________ Commitment letter From: _______________ ____________________________ Approved by





(To be submitted to the Nurse after acceptance)



(To be completed by applicant)

(To be completed by a non relative referee: eg. past teacher, principal, guidance counsellor, superintendent )



(To be completed by applicant)

(To be completed by a non relative referee: eg. past teacher, principal, guidance counsellor, superintendent )

The above named individual is applying for admission to the above programme of study and has named you as a reference. We would be grateful to receive your opinion of the candidates suitability for the proposed course of study.




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