Test A Divid Nation, Us History

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26. What was the notion of popular sovereignty during the 19th century?

(A) Slavery would be decided by the Missouri Compromise. (B) Inhabitants of territories becoming states would decide on the issue of slavery. (C) The practice of slavery was to be outlawed in all U.S. states. (D) Congress decided whether slavery would be legal in all new states. (E) The issue of slavery would be decided through a national ballot. 27. Which of the following ideas would not be considered a justifi cation for Manifest Destiny? (A) The merit of American democratic institutions (B) The notion that the United States was to be a city upon a hill (C) The need to develop Americas infrastructure (D) Belief in a divine mandate to expand (E) The goal of furthering the Monroe Doctrine 28. The Mexican-American War ended with the signing of what treaty? (A) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (B) Treaty of San Juan (C) Treaty of the Wilmot (D) Treaty of San Jacinto (E) Treaty of Ghent 29. The Wilmot Proviso stated that (A) slavery would be allowed in the land taken from Mexico (B) slavery would be allowed in New Mexico Territory and Texas, but not California (C) the line between slave states and free states would be drawn at 3630 north (D) plantation owners in Texas could retain their current slaves, but no new slaves could be imported (E) slavery would not be allowed in the land taken from Mexico 30. Which land actions gave the United States possession of the southern part of Arizona and New Mexico, west of the Rio Grande and south of the Gila River? (A) Gadsden Purchase (B) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (C) Platte Purchase (D) Hay-Herrn Treaty (E) Webster-Ashburton Treaty 31. Dred Scott sued for his freedom, arguing that (A) the institution of slavery was immoral and unjust (B) he had been forced into slavery through illegal means (C) he had been a resident of a state where slavery was illegal (D) slavery was a violation of constitutional rights (E) his owner had abused and tortured him

32. The Dred Scott decision ruled that (A) accused fugitive slaves had a right to trial by jury (B) only Congress had the right to prohibit slavery (C) the federal ban on the importation of slaves was unconstitutional (D) African-Americans were not citizens and did not have legal protection (E) state laws banning slavery were illegal 33. Which of the following was not a theme found in Uncle Toms Cabin? (A) The notions of Christian values within the abolitionist movement (B) Feminist beliefs that females were equal in intellect and bravery (C) The evils of the Fugitive Slave Act (D) The role of the North and South working together to end slavery (E) Representation of slavery as a dehumanizing institution 34. Which of the following statements was not an argument against the Fugitive Slave Act? (A) The law made it easy for freedmen to be kidnapped. (B) The law violated the Dred Scott decision. (C) Accused fugitive slaves lacked the rights of due process. (D) Methods of returning fugitive slaves were cruel and dehumanizing. (E) The practice further institutionalized the practice of slavery. 35. Which of the following would not be considered an event illustrating the tensions that directly led to the Civil War? (A) Bleeding Kansas (B) Bleeding Sumner (C) John Browns raid on Harpers Ferry (D) Publication of Uncle Toms Cabin (E) Nat Turners rebellion 36. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was unpopular in northern states because (A) it furthered the Missouri Compromise (B) it could increase the number of slave states (C) it created a transcontinental railroad in the south (D) the northern states disapproved of Stephen Douglas seeking southern support (E) it weakened the influence of northern business interests 37. The Freeport Doctrine stipulated that (A) popular sovereignty superseded the Kansas-Nebraska Act (B) the Dred Scott decision voided the notion of popular sovereignty (C) slavery could be prevented by states passing laws unfriendly toward the practice (D) the Kansas-Nebraska Act was unconstitutional under the Dred Scott decision (E) the Fugitive Slave Act was unconstitutional in territories gained from Mexico 38. Which of the following was not true of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? (A) It was overturned by the Dred Scott decision. (B) It repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820. (C) It allowed for popular sovereignty within the region. (D) It allowed for the creation of a transcontinental railroad.

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