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La Sierra Newsletter

School Director: Andrew Frezludeen Office Secretary: Alexa Ruiz Cuan School Phone number: 584 5112 School email:

Issue Number: 2

September 7, 2012

September 2012
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

No school

" Hello, Hola, Bonjour, so wa de kap "
IPC info Gr 5 & 6

IPC info Gr 4

IPC info Gr. 3

IPC info Gr.1 & 2

IPC info K4 & K5

(Can you guess where in the world this picture, above, was taken?) If you guessed Toronto, Canada, then you were right! That is where I grew up! The famous CN Tower is behind me. Google it, if you wish. Welcome to Nacho, our new Grade 5 Teacher!!




Open House






Progress. Reports

You should have received our official school calendar by now so please look it over and let us know if you have any questions.
Open House (Sept. 20) is a night where parents are invited to the school to meet the teachers in order to get to know the teachers and discuss the their respective programs. Please read on

Important and Upcoming Dates

Second Week Sept. IPC Info Sessions Sept. 7 No school for students; PD day for teachers Sept. 16 Valentines Day in Colombia Sept. 20 Open House for parents at 5-6 pm Sept. 28 Informal Progress Report goes home Oct. 8-15 School closed Student Led Conferences and Progress Reports Nov. 9 Student Led Conferences and Formal Report Cards Nov. 9 Term One Ends

Early Leave Requests

Requests for students to leave the school early, for any reason, should be made in writing to the school (72 hours before departure). It is recommended that parents send an email to Miss Alexa Ruiz at .

IPC - International Primary Curriculum Information Sessions

Parents are invited for information on the IPC from 5 to 6 pm, at the school: Sept. 10 Grade 5 & 6 parents Sept. 11 Grade 4 parents Sept. 12 Grade 3 parents Sept. 13 Grade 1 and 2 parents Sept. 14 K4 & K5

Drivers for your children

Parents are asked to contact Alexa if they wish to change the authorized driver. Please arrive at 6:50 for Gr. 2 to 6 and at 7:50 for K4 to Gr. 1. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Pillars of Character
The Pillars of Character system is what drives the moral development of the students at La Sierra. What is good character and what is bad character needs to be discussed with our students at every appropriate opportunity. There are six pillars of character at our school. Can you name all six by heart? Ok, here is some help:

Parents, you need to help your sons and daughters to understand the difference between good and bad character. It is hoped that our students will in turn be teaching us about good character as they often do. In our morning assemblies, the students engage in mini presentations about GOOD CHARACTER. For the last 3 weeks, they were working on RESPONSIBILITY and for the next couple of weeks, they will turn their sights to CARING. Ask them what and how they are being more responsible and caring.


How can our students demonstrate that they are CARING? Miss Karinas Grade 2 Class presented their thoughts in our morning assembly

More Caring
Grade 4 sang a song by Michael Jackson, You are not alone.

Miss Andreas Grade 3 class also did a very creative representation of CARING and its definition:
They mentioned that important elements of caring are: loving nature, teachers, the family, friends, animals, themselves, preserving water, Colombia, their school, the planet earth and caring about their learning! It was a very well done presentation!

Miss Marthas Grade 1 Class is working on their spelling

Miss Martha Lucias K4 Class is thinking deeply!

Miss Amys K5 Class is working hard!

Miss Amys K5 Class mastering the letter B.

International Connection?
Can you guess where in the world this is? And the answer is: The city begins with the letter G, is in Aisa and every year this city hosts an enormous trade fair!

International Connection?
Can you guess where in the world this is? Your clue is in the photo on the right

Grade 5 and 6 Building a Shelter in IPC

Students were investigating the needs for water, food, clothing and shelter. Using Art and technology they worked on building a shelter in their study of settlements. Students connected this shelter to a historical aspect of Valledupar.

Grade 4 Learning about the world and other cultures!

Nimaste (Which language is that?)

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