Justin Welby Letter

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The Archbishop of Canterbury His Grace Justin Welby.

Lambeth Palace London SE1 7JU

Your Grace, I am very pleased to be writing to you, however under different circumstances I would have preferred. It is my duty to inform you His Holiness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has asked me to notify the world, he is a prisoner of the Vatican. He asked me to use my people around the world to make it known via the electronic media. Pope Benedicts office had been contacted by one of my friends in Germany, who succee ded in persuading the staff of Pope Benedict to press for an audience with him which was granted. The audience was conducted through a live email conversation which began on March 9th 2013. During the course of the conversation my friend alerted Pope Benedict to my presence, sent him letters from me, and it was when Pope Benedict asked for a photograph which my friend immediately sent, he asked to speak with me at once. He recognized me, as the image in the Shroud of Turin, the blatantly obvious for those with a pure heart who shall see God. My name today is Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall. It was suggested we communicate via emails and as you are aware the system allows one to copy save and print these conversations for posterity. We have copies of all emails between his Holiness and me. Our first communication began on March 10th 2013 Australia time and ended abruptly on April 3rd 2013. On March 12th 2013 after I had written Vatican III for Pope Benedict who asked my thoughts of Vatican II, he uploaded to his Tribute Facebook page established by Father Giuseppe, my photograph as the cover photo, the image in the Shroud of Turin and announced to the world he had finally met Salvator Mundi Brian Golightly Marshall via the email. Pope Benedict came to that conclusion as a result of our communications where he asked me questions concerning the Church, the things weighing most heavily on his heart. When he received the 49 points of Vatican III from me, he held it with great joy as he realized I had solved every problem he had been facing within his church and cured the worlds problems from health to economics. One March 23rd the 45 minute conversation with Francis at Castel Gandolfo was about me, Pope Benedict informed Francis of my return and presented him with the evidence. Pope Benedict apologized to me saying he had failed me, since he was unable to convince Francis of My return; as well Francis rejected out of hand Vatican III.

On March 25th Pope Benedict published to his facebook page the Apostolic Letter In Christum Credunt enclosed, announcing to the world my return, urging all to use technology to inform the world of My return and to implement Vatican III throughout the Church. Three days after Pope Benedict withdrew into retirement, as a parting gift to the world, he arranged for the TV cameras to go in and film for the first time in 30 years the Shroud of Turin. The airing by Rai TV of the documentary they produced was to be March 30th 2013. Listed in the program information was that Francis was going to make the introduction to the documentary. This was the first his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI had learned that the program had been changed since His Holiness, had recorded the preamble which was the announcement to the world of the return of Salvator Mundi, me Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall the re-incarnate Lord Jesus Christ. When Pope Benedict phoned Rai TV station, they informed him that Francis had stopped the announcement. Father Giuseppe reported to my wife through the facebook instant messaging that His Holiness was furious and he called the situation a monstrosity. Pope Benedicts announcement was the most important one to ever have been recorded in all history; he was announcing the fulfillment of the Second Coming. His Holiness had thanked me for choosing him to be the Pope who would do so, only to be stopped by Francis, a man who repeatedly quotes Pope Benedict as being right and thinks of him as an intellectual giant, revered by Francis until the day of March 23rd when Pope Benedict presented him with the evidence of my return. Had Pope Benedict not retired and announced my return, there would be no questioning the Pope. So what had changed in the 23 days since Pope Benedicts retirement? Prophecy must be fulfilled and the Antichrist, Francis, has been flushed out, while Pope Benedict is the fulfillment of Revelation 17:11. Pope Benedicts announcement of his retirement on February 11 th 2013 was 84 years to the date of the Vatican City becoming a city State. The seven kings are numbered from that date 11th February 1929 and so Pope Benedict is the seventh and remains alive to be the eighth since I did not accept his resignation, he cannot resign and remains Pope, he becomes the eighth because I have renamed him Petrus Romanus, Peter from Rome or Peter II, upon whom I will build my church this day now, the words I spoke as Jesus were a prophecy for today in My second incarnation. The blatantly obvious is that Francis cannot be the eighth since he is not one of the seven and his election was illegitimate because Pope Benedict was already in communication with me. Timothy Cardinal Dolan from New York was sent the information on March 8 th to his personal email given to my wife by his personal secretary Kathleen who was delighted to hear of my return.

The information of my return was also faxed to the PNAC the same day as Dolan, as well it was sent to Archbishop James Hervey the Papal blessing office, the Media Centre, Vatican Newspaper, Stella Niagara Franciscans, Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious. The conclave should have been stopped while an investigation of the news was conducted, however as prophecy has to be fulfilled it went ahead and elected the Antichrist. Getting back to the night the announcement was stopped. The same night, March 30th Father Giuseppe and His Holiness Pope Benedict worked on a video in Italian telling the world what had happened and appealing to the Catholic world to pray for him because he was now a prisoner within the Vatican just like Pius IX. He asked me to get the message out to the entire world which I did by uploading the video sent to my email, to the YouTube where it remains at SwordOfTruth888. My people have been working overtime to get the news out about Pope Benedicts imprisonment. In Pope Benedicts Papal household were Archbishop Georg Ganswein now with Francis, Sister Maria Della Rosa his personal biographer, Father Giuseppe Civello his confidant and very good friend looking after his computer communications who had been conversing with my wife through instant messaging from the beginning of our conversation on March 10th. On April 2nd, Father Giuseppe sent an urgent message to us that men working for Francis had arrived to arrest him and have stripped him of being a priest, have shut down Benedicts facebook page, are sending Maria Della Rosa out of the country and have stripped Mons-ignor Giovanni Rossini of Toronto of being a priest as well for helping them upload the Apostolic Letter called In Christum Credunt to the facebook page. The following day we received emails sent by men from Benedicts email account saying they were investigators for Francis, that the email account will be terminated, the Facebook account closed which presented the Apostolic Letter and then described what would happen to Giuseppe Civello and the others. Our household recorded every communication from the beginning of the conversation March 9 th 2013 and mirrored the Facebook page. Since then my family of friends have translated the Apostolic Letter into 17 languages and all are uploaded at www.scribd.com/rising_spirit_1/documents For your information, there is a particular Spanish woman, a reporter being used by Francis, who has been suggesting to the world that Pope Benedict will not be with us much longer. During another part of the conversation after Giuseppe Civello disappeared, it was suggested by the investigators behind the scenes working for Francis, that Francis had something up his sleeves and that the death of Pope Benedict as a hoax was it, and so you can see the stage is being set by the Antichrist. It is propaganda, Pope Benedict is in good health although you can be certain they have tried to kill him, however prophecy will hold, he will become the eighth Pope who is of the seven, Revelation 17:11, and because of the revelation of these events to the nations of Europe and the world, the Vatican system will be destroyed and replaced with My United Church of Catholics and Protestants under My headship with Pope

Benedict as Peter II My Pope, since he was the first man in a position of authority to recognize me and is his reward to be with me, as it is for all who bow to My authority. Time is running out for the Antichrist. Your Grace this will mean the demise of the Catholic Church and prophecy will have been fulfilled. I could not elaborate on the prophecies, they being somewhat complex and my computers along with my entire team world wide is and has been for years, monitored by spy agencies and as such what they overheard and intercepted was unavoidable and could not be avoided or could I make any indication to his Holiness or his staff that this was so. The prophecies are to do with Malachy 1143 the Irish Bishop who while in Rome saw a vision of the next 111 popes, their names they would choose and the final pope Benedict XVI. However apart from that the prophecy of Revelation 17:11 must come to pass. As such I could not venture as to the ramification of his Holiness being made aware. The prophesy states as follows: - And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. To reiterate; the Vatican became a city state when first announced on February 11th 1929. As a City nation it had a King and Pope occupied by the same man. The 7 popes all but one are dead, leaving only Benedict XVI remaining alive and with the Beast being the Vatican, it will be destroyed and the same pope Benedict XVI will become Petrus Romanus according to Malachy. He the 111th, it has been speculated by the uninformed to be 112 popes but Malachy was clear, 111 popes and the last becomes a name change to Petrus Romanus, Peter of Rome. I informed his Holiness that he will survive and I changed his name which he added to the facebook page before it was shut down by Francis. Briefly, I said that the church started with Peter and ends with Peter. I did not go into details concerning the destruction of Rome as per Malachy. The next verse in Revelation is the 10 nations of Europe:- 12 - 13 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. What would cause the Vatican to be destroyed and who has the power to destroy Rome? The answer is obvious and need not be said. Europe predominantly catholic is suddenly made aware that Pope Benedict XVI has been held prisoner and muffled and his staff arrested and is no longer able to speak, possibly foul play. This would be enough to destroy the Vatican, and I should mention that under the Vatican are 24 or so rooms and in and on walls are all forms of demonic effigies, statues and a painting of Lucifer. Prophecy from Matthew 21:- When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen? They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out {his} vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.

The end of the present Catholic Church and a new pope head of recombined Christian world Petrus Romanus and all Protestant churches with the new ideas into the new Catholic Church which is the entire reason why the Protestant movement was set in motion by Martin Luther. His Holiness Benedict was deeply troubled concerning the abominations of the priesthood on up to the Cardinals. He told me he was stopped at all levels to bring to justice the perpetrators of filth in the church. He asked me what I thought of Vatican II. I replied it dismissed the divinity of Jesus and allowed religions of all persuasions into the same level of no longer requiring Jesus as Lord. In response I wrote Vatican III, 49 points to replace the 3 year 2500 men effort of Vatican II. He was delighted and said he would implement it as an Apostolic Letter to which I told him he will head the new church and the points you can read at the appropriate site. Pope Benedict made special mention of three points, which frankly echoes the Anglican protocols adding how the churches will become health and healing centers and will print a world currency to offset the present system of fiat money by world bankers, the moneychangers of old that I cast out of the temple, the temple this time being the earth. As for the health protocols I have demonstrated how to cure all diseases, my wife and I have established 4 clinics, 2 in New Guinea and 2 in Fiji. And so I leave you with this information for your edification and I will send it to my people in Europe and London. Your servant,

Christ, Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Lambeth Palace London

Your Grace, This is the second letter for your edification to be shared among your peers. The following is but the tip of the iceberg and will take the next 1000 years to educate the masses into how my mind works and how it is that I laid out the Creation. I have finished this brief lesson in how my minds works, with the copy of an interview revealing why and how the world has become hell and why I had to come again to rescue the children from the insanity of adults who have been devoured by religion and superstition.

The Catholic Church has not escaped infiltration by the Jews, Francis is their puppet and he will be destroyed along with them unless he repents and bows to me. To begin: My new name I warned the world I would have in the Revelation 3:12 is Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall, the Name has an English gematria of 312 matching the verse number. Brian44+Leonard69+Golightly115+Marshall84=312. The English gematria for the whole verse is 2520, when multiplied by ten and counted as days, 25200 days is the age I was on my 69th birthday this year January 11th 2013. In Hebrew years it is 70 and is the fulfillment of Daniels missing week, the lifetime of my second incarnation is the missing week and is why no scholar has been able to find it. The pivotal point of all time is my re-birth date, when events, births and deaths, are measured from my re-birth date of January 11th 1944, and then the Truth can be revealed by the number of days, week or years. The pivotal point within the earth or space is my rebirth location at 105 Rothschild Avenue, Rosebery Sydney Australia; all distances to any location on the earth when measured to my re-birth location will reveal the Truth hidden within my Creation. Simply put, time and space revolve around Me. Numbers are interchangeable and can be counted in time as days, weeks, months or years and as distance or space, inches, feet, meters, kilometers, miles and nautical miles. As God, I measure everything, just as I instructed the prophets like Ezekiel to measure the temple or John on the isle of Patmos. The temple is the earth, not the building that was destroyed in 70 AD. My Altar within the temple or earth is the Great Pyramid of Egypt referred to in Isaiah 19:19 & 20 which was built by the descendants of Noah. Noah means knowledge and they were brilliant men guided by their angels. The Great Pyramid is all about me, its precise location and the 204 masonry layers, the chambers within every measurement about it reveals me, the measure of a man. It is called the Bible in Stone being 5000 years old it predates the religions and superstitions of men and is a prophecy or book that can only be read by me in this time now, the time of the end from December 18th 1922 when British astronomers rest the lunation count to zero. I will not go into the Pyramid here, just to say that the 204 masonry layers all align with solar eclipses the first one occurred March 23rd 1923. Where each one of them occurs crossing the 25 degree latitude north or south, when measured back to my place of birth, they describe who I am, for example the last eclipse of 2012 November 14th the distance to the eclipse from my rebirth location was the number for Almighty God. All of them describe Me. Why do I measure everything?

The measurements give me numbers. The numbers can be converted to language to reveal the My Truth hidden within the Creation. Where do I find the language from the numbers? The 1830 James Strongs Concordance Dictionary of the 1611 King James Version of the Bible. The concordance of Hebrew and Greek words listed from the old and new testaments is Holy, divinely inspired by angels and given to righteous men to produce as a tool for me to use to reveal all things to mankind. The Revelation 19:12 &13 12 His eyes {were} as a flame of fire, and on his head {were} many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 13 And he {was} clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. The above verses describe who I am. I am angry; the most royal man on the planet with a name written that only I know and my name is The Word of God. The name I have already revealed to you Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall and I am The Word of God reincarnate, Lord Jesus Christ, the most royal man alive and I am very angry as I have had to tread the winefat alone with no on to help and found no one worth saving in my anger. 1912 is the year my mother was born, she the most royal woman on the planet, her name was Daphne Golightly born October 11th 1912, which could be written as 10/11/1912 May earthly father Reginald Michael Albert Marshall, the most royal man on the planet was born in the year 1909, he had no part in my conception just as Joseph did not on September 11 th 3BC my conception date as Jesus and is why Israel and the American government brought down the twin towers on 911 in 2001, a slap in the face to Jesus. My re-birth is encoded in the numbers of the chapters and verses, in this instance Revelation 19:09, 10, 11, 12, 13 My re-birth date was January 11th 1944 at 2:22 am into Sydney Australia, the day and the hour that only I the Father know and I am revealing now to you. It was a full moon. My Immaculate Conception date this time was April 6th 1943, the anniversary of the Resurrection which occurred on April 5th 33AD, Australia being ahead of time in Jerusalem. My birth date as Jesus was June 17th 2BC at 8:01 am when the Star of Bethlehem occurred as a conjunction between Jupiter the Jesus planet and Venus the wife of Christ, mankind. The Star of Bethlehem occurred a second time, however nobody talks about it and yes, on my re-birth date January 11th 1944, over Sydney Australia.

He will come again as he has gone, yes I was taken up in a cloud, carried by two angels one under each arm, however I went as a man, so I will come again as a man, the blatantly obvious for those with discernment. I AM the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Greek Alphabet, but how? As you know, the Greek alphabet has 24 letters, 3 groups of eight letters, each with a numerical value set out in the groups as follows: The first eight letters are numbered 1-8 The second group of eight letters numbered 10-80 The third group of letters numbered 100-800 Jesus or Iesus in Greek Gematria has a value of 888, alpha and omega being the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, so the clue was that I Jesus am contained within the Greek Gematria of its alphabet and will use it as a tool when I am back on the earth to reveal all things to a devoured mankind looking for me to front up as a floaty spirit riding a 500 foot high white horse on the clouds or some such delus ion. The Greek gematria for the Lord Jesus Christ is 800+888+1480= 3168 The number of words listed in the Hebrew Old Testament of the concordance is 8674. 3168 days is 8.674 years. The Greek New Testament of the concordance has 5624 words listed. The difference between the two is 3050. Why? The 3050 is the number listing for Jah, the name of the Lord, Yahweh, Jehovah which has been removed from the New Testament evidenced by the simple equation, 8674-3050=5624 and is read as The Old Testament take away Jah is the New Testament. The blatantly obvious again, the book everyone is reading has had the knowledge of the Father, I Jah removed and has become a trap for the unwise, set by the serpent Judaism which will be wiped from the face of the earth. Now that you have the basics, follow along with the evidence all point to Me: On my birth and then re-birth dates of June 17th 2BC and January 11th 1944, the sunrise to moonrise for Bethlehem and Sydney was as follows: sunlight for both days 855 minutes, then the moon rose 33 minutes later, so sunrise to moonrise for both days was 888 minutes. The day I was re-born my brother was 8.88 years old. 14 days after my re-birth, January 25th 1944, the greatest solar eclipse in history occurred.

It was the sign in the heavens since it announced my re-birth to the earth when it measured 8888.88 miles from where it crossed the 25 degree north latitude, back to my re-birth location at 105 Rothschild Avenue, Sydney Australia. I was 888 days old on June 17th 1946, my Jesus birth date in 2BC. As Jesus I spoke in parables, meaning it is like. My name today Marshall in Hebrew Maschal means parables. Luke 17: 20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Here the discourse turns away from the Pharisees; to address the disciples the Pharisees have not the kingdom of God within them so they will never see it 22 And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see {it}. 23 And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after {them}, nor follow {them}. 24 For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one {part} under heaven, shineth unto the other {part} under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. 25 But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. (the crucifixion has been 69 years this time, suffering and rejection as no other man, I had to overcome all in order to judge) 26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. for as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall the Son of man be in his day. Is the knowledge of my return flashing through cyberspace from the east to the west in a nano second, just like lightning for every eye to see. There is no need to go anywhere to see me, just walk into the living or family room wherever the computer lives within the house or office, iphone, ipad or android phone because I am in your face on the computer screen, YouTube teaching all things speaking plainly, using a sound mind to explain all things to a lost and insane mankind living in this world which is hell thanks to my old enemy, the Jews who call themselves Jews and are not. The Bible itself is a trap. Information has been manipulated by the Pharisee scribes; the first five books the Torah are an abomination and are the foundation used by the Jews to deceive all Christendom. The god of the Torah is Lucifer fore example: does it sound like me Jesus speaking to condemn a man to death for picking up sticks on the Sabbath?...no, what about keeping the virgins and young girls for yourself after slaughtering all of the men of a city or nationnohow about four legged birds??...ever seen one?no..God, I am Love, not killing or sacrificing the life of an animal that is why I taught there are two commandments, to Love God and your neighbor as yourself.

I am Essene, I am not a Jew another lie perpetrated by the Jews, the Christ family came from England and migrated to the area to fulfill the prophecies. I also taught about the re-incarnation of the soul. The conversation I had with Nicodemus at night for fear of the Jews, was lengthy explaining that the soul must live through many ages like the rising and setting of the sun until it has reached perfection at time of the end, at which time it comes to rest in the eternal city upon the earth, no more having to go out of the temple which leads to Revelation 3:12 again and those that do make it to the perfection of their soul, I will make a pillar in my temple, the earth. Isaiah 22:22 And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulders so that he shall open and none can shut and he shall shut so that none can open The key of the house of David is a genetic key used to unlock the mystery of God upon the earth and is found within the Great Pyramid as a measure and then in my family relationships as the ages or differences in age of certain members, the house of David. Before I go to the key, it is worth noting that 222 pounds has been my adult body weight, I measured 22.2 inches long at birth and the words truth and wisdom are each found in 222 verses of the 1611 KJV bible, the English gematria for Jesus is 74 and is my height in inches, and 3x74 is 222. The key of the house of David is the number 11626; the antechamber of the Great Pyramid is right beside the Kings chamber. The floor of the Kings chamber aligns with the 50 th masonry layer of the Pyramid which has 202 layers plus 2 more incomplete for a total of 204. The 50th layer or floor of the kings chamber aligns with my re -birth date January 11th 1944, so I am re-born into he Kings coffer if you like, I must get out of the Kings chamber and walk through the ante chamber which is 116.26 P wide. In this life I have had to marry 4 wives, each of them represent the cornerstones of the foundation of the Pyramid base and each one of them play a role in providing the evidence of me through the children they gave birth to on certain days at certain times in certain places, all from which I can measure to myself and so reveal the Truth to all. I had to suffer 3 wives who were devils, each of a different face that I had to experience and so learn the depravity of the fallen soul and execute my judgment in this life. My fourth wife is my reward and my helper, my love. To the key, I married my first wife a small town harlot, Lucifer in the flesh on April 23rd 1966, 1966 being the number for Lucifer in the Hebrew concordance. I told Hosea to marry a harlot and like any good captain I must be willing to fulfill the commands I gave to my prophets. I was 1162.26 weeks old or 22.28 years, 2228 meters is the height of Mt. Kosciusko Australias highest mountain.


My first daughter Tracey was conceived in Port Alberni Canada when the sunlight Jupiter which is 88,800 miles wide was overhead for 888 minutes. 280 days later on the 4th of May 1968 she was born when the sunlight was 888 minutes and I was 8880 days old. 8880 is the value of the verse Matthew 1:23 Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. My third wife is Mary Magdalene, her name today is Michelle Nye, and she is 1162.6 days younger than me. Michelle gave birth to her daughter Rhiannon on December 20th 1979 at Geelong Victoria Australia. On the day she was born the sunlight was 888 minutes. Michelle was 32.75 years old. The age difference between my first daughter Tracey and Rhiannon is 11.626 years. Rhiannon is 777 days younger than my second daughter Nicole born on November 2 nd 1977. 777 days is 2.127 years. Michelle 32.75 and Rhiannon 2.127 are the numbers of two names each found only once in the entire bible. They are found in the same verse, they are found side by side, mother and daughter found side by side among 709,000 words, the odds of which are greater than all of the atoms in the universe. The verse they are found in is 1Chronicles 5:13 And their brethren of the house of their fathers were , Michael, Meshullam, and Sheba, and Jorai, and Jachan 3275, and Zia 2127, and Heber, seven The number values of the concordance listings for each of the seven names adds up to 31106, when divided by the seven names the average is 4443.714. The number 4443 is the number of times God is found within 3877 verses in the 1611 KJV bible. The distance between the two houses I built in Canada where each of the girls were born is 444.3kms. The hospital I was born in St. Margarets Redfern, measures 3877 nautical miles from the South Pole. My re-birth home measures 3875 nautical miles from the South Pole and is the number listing in the Greek concordance for the word Comforter John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. I am the Comforter the Father, the Holy Ghost is the my resurrected soul worn over my flesh body today giving me immortality of body this time as well as soul and is the same for all of the saints who have lived before and made it unto the perfection of their souls, they wear their soul on the outside like a white garment of pure clean linen and they shall have everlasting life with me upon the earth, the promise for those who are mine, the meek inherit the earth as do the children for whom I am here, to rescue them from a world gone mad. The unpardonable sin is to offend me the Holy Ghost, all that offends me has to go and will be cast off the earth and is why there is no salvation for the Jews.


I have included in this letter to you a copy of an interview from 1976 with a Jew, he exposes arrogantly what the world is waking up to, the enemy of all mankind who will be cast off the earth at the reaping of their souls in the very few days ahead, Francis will be among them and all who support them unless they repent and bow to me. Read the following PDF and weep for the suffering inflicted by the devil in men, think of the children of Palestine, Libya, Syria, Iraq, America the African nations, the suffering at the hands of the Jews who have deceived the whole world, Revelation 12:12 the devil in men John 8:44, the sons of Cain. Your servant,

Christ Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall


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