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Media Release-15.05.


WorkInSriLanka: A Comprehensive Brain-Gain Initiative for Sri Lanka launched amidst wide public and private sector support WorkInSriLanka, a volunteer-led initiative to advocate Sri Lanka as an attractive destination for highly skilled individuals and high calibre businesses was launched at a forum comprising key public sector officials, industry leaders, heads of international non-government

organistions, representatives of all major industries and relevant government institutions, and civil society experts held at the Taj Samudra, Colombo, on 14 of May 2013 with Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal as the Chief Guest.

In the initial phase, WorkInSriLanka has developed a web portal, workinsrilanka.lk that provides comprehensive information needed for relocation and links users with key industry bodies. WorkInSriLanka is actively engaged in building partnerships with key industries in Sri Lanka, while concurrently building a worldwide network to create awareness of the site and its services amongst educated professionals, mainly Sri Lankans, abroad. Beyond the information portal, future plans include the following: Become a channel for executive level job placement - provide networking and

connectivity to high level positions which are often not openly advertised; Showcase Sri Lanka as a preferred investment destination - optimising the five hub

strategy, especially the knowledge hub focusing on ITES industries; and Become an advocacy organisation - work with the government and others to further improve Sri Lankas attractiveness as the preferred relocation destination for experienced professionals. Governor Cabraal making the keynote address at the launch highlighted the transformation of the mind-set of Sri Lankans seeking to work outside Sri Lanka to work in Sri Lanka by recollecting the personal experiences of the accounting profession and the Central Bank where highly qualified professionals are increasingly opting to return to Sri Lanka after foreign education and experience.

He stressed the importance of bringing in new talent to meet the needs to realise the national five-hub strategy for economic development and that Sri Lanka has immense opportunity for persons of a wide range of skills Mr. Cabraal also encouraged Sri Lankans 1

seeking international exposure and returning to Sri Lanka as it broadened their knowledge and understanding resulting increased productivity and competitiveness. Furthermore, the

Governor pointed out that while people may have left the Sri Lanka for different reasons, we have to now welcome them back and create new spaces for them in the growing economy as Sri Lanka already has many highly qualified professionals who have been in Sri Lanka throughout. He highlighted the significance of returning Sri Lankans integrating themselves Sri Lankan society and their local communities and not expect to be treated any differently from other Sri Lankans. A panel discussion on the topic of Sri Lankas need and readiness for brain gain was also held with Dr. Ranee Jayamaha (Chairperson, HNB), Mr. Sujiva Dewaraja (Chairman,

SLASSCOM), Prof. Ajith de Alwis (Science Lead, SLINTEC) and Prof.H.D Karunaratne (Dean, faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo), Mr. Dulith Herath (CEO, Kapruka.com), , Mr. Shantha Kulasekara, (Head - Immigration / Border Management and Labour Migration, International Organisation for Migration, Sri Lanka) and Ms. Kanchana Ambagahawita (Chairperson, WorkInSriLanka) as panellists .

The panel discussion was moderated by Mr. Mano Sekaram (CEO, 99X Technologies).The panel discussion which had very high participation from a cross section of the audience brought out, several factors involving the attractiveness and ability to bring globally demanded skilled labour and Sri Lankan Expatriates back to Sri Lanka. It was noted that as Sri Lanka is progressing into becoming a knowledge based economy there is a need for all sectors adapt to changing demands and provide technology based solutions and that there are many vacancies in such emerging areas that the industries are finding to fill with present locally available skills.

Further, it was noted that there was greater potential in attracting expatriates back to Sri Lanka as they already have family ties and a sense of attachment to Sri Lanka. On the issue of whether encouraging highly skilled labour to return would undermine opportunities of Sri Lankans who are already in the country, it was noted by educationists present that the Sri Lankan students, especially graduates and professionals, aptitude was were very high and that the exposure to new skills and competition will enhance the value of the local graduates. Further it was also discussed that Sri Lanka has room to improve in social infrastructure, such as public transport, lifestyle activities and organisational culture in some instances to make Sri Lanka more welcoming highly skilled professionals. Several panellists highlighted 2

the for a concerted effort between organisations, private sector, national level policy-makers and the government to solve the macro impediments that may act as barriers to entry and create a strong foundation to encourage brain gain in Sri Lanka that will help economic growth as well increase the value of Sri Lankan human capital as well.

Ms. Kanchana Ambagahawita, (Chairperson, WorkInSriLanka and Senior Economist, Central Bank of Sri Lanka) stressed that this volunteer initiative was to address a growing need for highly skilled professionals in fast growing industries and it is vital that

WorkInSriLanka is be a concerted effort of the entire country. She highlighted that it is a dynamic process and a learning experience and invited all stakeholders to contribute to the development of the initiative and building a constructive effort to operationalise these goals.

In addition to this, Imran Furkan (Executive Director, SLASSCOM and Team Member WorkInSriLanka) outlined the criteria for partnerships with WorkInSriLanka, where the Initiative focused on values based on patriotism, value for human capital, an interest beyond financial assistance and a drive for mutually beneficial long term partnerships. WorkInSriLanka invites any industry or civil society body to partner with the initiative and work towards the common goal of improving Sri Lankas human capital.

WorkInSriLanka which is a project by SL2College is a non-profit volunteer based organisation with a vast global outreach for building Sri Lankas human capital by assisting students to find world-class universities and career opportunities free of charge . Mr Nayana Samaranayake, (Founder & Director, SL2College and Senior Engineer, Google). stated that WorkInSriLanka was an initiative attracting world class professionals, especially Sri Lankans, to return and become a part of Sri Lankas economic development.

Dr. Sanjiva Weerawarana, (Chairman, SL2College and CEO of WSO2) making the closing remarks at the event highlighted the unquestioned and unanimous interest and support the WorkInSriLanka initiative received from a vast cross section of industries, the public sector and civil society organisations .

The WorkInSriLanka initiative is a volunteer-based initiative that has been planned and implemented by a team of twelve volunteers with varied skills, knowledge and backgrounds. The team comprises Ms. Kanchana Ambagahawita (Chairperson, WorkInSriLanka and 3

Senior Economist, Central Bank of Sri Lanka), Dr. Sanjiva Weerawarana, (Chairman, SL2College and CEO of WSO2), Mr. Nayana Samaranayake, (Founder & Director, SL2College and Senior Engineer, Google), Mr Chamil Hathurusinghe (Finance Manager, Ceylon Tea Services - Dilmah), Mr Kandasamy Kirthevasan ( Undergraduate Student, University of Moratuwa), Ms. Nadeesha Nanayakkara ( Senior Engineer, Virtusa) Mr Madhura Mendis (Software Engineer, WSO2), Mr Praveena Sarathchandra (Software Engineer, WSO2), Mr Pamod Sylvester (Software Engineer, WSO2), Harindu Alwis (Marketing Officer, WSO2), Ms Gillian Dass, Senior Associate Product Manager, WSO2) and Mr Imran Furkan (Executive Director, SLASSCOM ) and assisted by Ms Marlene Machado.

Please be kind enough to give the above media release adequate publicity in your esteemed media outlet. Thank you. Yours sincerely,

Kanchana Ambagahawita Project Chairperson Mobile: 0772 976 416 Email: kanchana@sl2college.org

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