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The Flame

Magen David High School Student Newspaper May 24th, 2013/ Sivan 5773


On May 21st, Magen David Yeshivah held the sixth annual Entrepreneurship contest. Mr. Naftaly and Mr. Kamelhar, who teach an Entrepreneur class, ran this contest. They chose the best two projects from their classes and admitted them to a final round where the students needed to present their original inventions in front of a judging panel. The judges included Professor Dr. Tawil, Dr. Rogoff of Baruch College, and Iwrin Dayan who is the executive director of the Angels Fund. It was difficult for the judges to choose only one winner, because each group presented amazing ideas for their inventions. However, after much thought, three inventions were chosen as winners. Taking first place was the Roll a Roof, invented by Judy Chalouh. This invention is a roll that already has preinstalled shingles connected to each other. Taking second place was the Jackpack, that was invented by Lorraine Franco and Victoria Zalta. The Jackpack is a backpack that has jacket sleeves. Lastly, taking third place was Lorry Louzeh and Stella Sadaka inventing the smart cushion. This invention is a cushion for hard, uncomfortable school desks. All of the participants should feel very accomplished for getting this far. It was inspiring to see how our tenth graders were able to invent original products and present them in front of a panel. This program encourages our students to think differently, and we cant wait to see some of these products in the market one day!

Junior, Amazing Athlete

By Paulette Gindi Q: How long have you been an athlete? A: Ive been an athlete since I was around five years old. I discovered that I was athletic in camp after receiving an award for all around athlete. I joined the Warriors basketball team in the 7th grade. Q: What are your favorite sports? A: I really love all types of sports, but I would say my favorite is basketball. My second favorite is tennis. I also enjoy playing baseball, mainly because I enjoy playing catch with a baseball glove. Most people dont accept that from girls; Im unique, what can I say? Q: Who inspired you to play? A: No one in particular inspired me to play, but when I realized I had a talent I took advantage. I started tennis lessons from the age of 6 and was always shooting baskets during my free time. I would say my dad inspired me most because I see how proud he is saying his daughter, rather than any of his sons, is athletic! Q: How many championships have you won? A: I won one championship so far and that was in eighth grade. I felt so accomplished! We beat a team who beat us twice and probably came in feeling very confident about winning, although we proved them wrong! Q: What career do you see yourself pursuing? A: I always think about how I could turn this into a career. I sometimes picture myself teaching others who have a passion like I do. I was considering maybe being a coach in basketball or tennis. My goal for now is to keep (continued on page 5)

Marilyn Tobias

Reminders and Announcements

Home School Sports Events: Reminders from the College Office for April : There are no more! Make sure you practice this summer so you can try out again in the Fall! ALL Juniors: Make sure you go to your Naviance tutorials taking place this week! Birthdates: Make Up Test Dates: Wednesday, May 29th Thursday, June 6th Candle Lighting Times May 24th May 31st 7:55 8:01 5-25 Isaac Lati and Amiel Ben Mashiah 5-26 Paulette Gindi 5-28 Mordi Sadaka and Maurice Elbaz 5-29 Stephanie Laoui and Eddie Mamiye 5-30 Jackie Kassin and Jake Sutton 5-31 Soly Bukai and Tania Kbabia 6-3 Claudia Mizrahi

Join our team at The Flame Freshmen: Email Sophomores & Juniors: Sign up for Journalism

Page 2 The Flame May 24th


ell, this is my last editorial for The Flame. I was there at the nascent stages, when The Flame had yet to have a name. I watched as this seemingly far-fetched idea grew and flourished into something far greater than an ordinary newspaper. This newspaper turned out to be a major unifying factor for Magen Davids students; it did not distinguish between grades and ages, it represented the school as a whole. The newspaper had one purpose: to represent the student body.

7801 Bay Parkway Brooklyn, New York 11214 Rabbi Harold Sutton Rosh Yeshivah Rabbi Saul Zucker Principal Mrs. Sabrina Maleh Associate Principal

Editors: Abraham Tobias, Paulette Gindi Reporters: Nathan Hasbani, Max Dweck, Khaski, Abie Chabbott, Zachary Mosseri, Robert Safdieh, Judah Esses, Butchie Betesh, Dennis Dweck, Florence Catton, Lisa Chakkalo, Jennifer Harari, Han nah Cohen, Renee Cohen, Lynda Russo, Jeffrey Grazi, Jack Beyda Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Rachel Harari


NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS The Magen David Yeshivah-Celia Esses High School admits student of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school programs.

Fashionable MDY apparel, new WARRIORS planner, blue and yellow spirit banners, spine thrilling IDF vs MDY basketball game, school wide Shab Eleven issues later, and my term as editor-in-chief concludes. I baton, Seminar activities, bringing back the MDY pep rally, grade day, thankful leave with a single regret: I only wish the newspaper was created before turkeys and candy sale, senior girls challah baking, 9/11 trip, and so much more!! my senior year so I could have watched it grow even more than it has. I To my wonderful SGO, here is my message to you: "Do not let your fire go know Im leaving the paper in great hands. As integral a part as I played out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not-quite, the notin The Flames growth, it could not have been conceived without the tireyet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration less efforts of Mrs. Harari and Paulette Gindi. It was a tremendous and for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire rewarding job, and the three of us couldnt be more proud of how the can be won. It exists... it is real... it is possible... it is yours." -Ayn Rand newspaper evolved as much as it did. I will miss being the editor-in-chief! I am looking forward to another great year with the incoming SGO! hould MDYHS Go Green? When most of us hear about going green, we immediately think of scenarios like limiting cell phone use or recycling. We dont understand the true purpose of going green. According to University of Colorado-Denver, A Message From Your SGO Advisor there is a positive correlation between student achievement in By: Mrs. Ariella Falack science and green school practices. Building improvements can increase student achievement. When students use the trash, they keep their classrooms cleaner, By Hannah Cohen which creates a better learning environment. As a step to going green, I Aaron did so; towards the face of the Menorah he kindled his lamp as Gd commanded Moshe (8:3) think we should recycle our old notes and stop littering in the halls.

The Flame especially meant a lot to me. I learned how hard work and dedication could bring any idea, any grain of a thought into fruition. Just walking around the school every other Friday, seeing EVERYONES heads planted firmly inside the newspaper gives testament to that. A newspaper can survive only with the proper support, and the great fervor everyone showed, teachers and students alike, is what made The Flame prosper as tremendously as it had.

This past year's SGO was one of fire, excitement, and commitment. Late night meetings, constant WhatsApp chats, and my constant annoying did not stop them from working day in and day out on representing the student body. Yoni, Rosie, Zach and Renee made sure that YOUR voice was heard. They deserve a standing ovation for the behind-the-scenes work that they did for the school. You may not know it, but the SGO members were responsible for:

Dvar Torah

What does the MDY faculty think of this idea? I asked around the school, and got both positive and negative remarks. Mr. Randall thinks that recycling paper and all plastic, as well as soda cans and Snapple bottles, would be excellent to the school. Rabbi Esses said that it depends if it saves money. Mrs. Weinstein was skeptical of the situation. Im not into the green thing, she started, but ideally, we should absolutely. Although, it may cause difficulties on how to recycle and may be a hassle. While it does require an extra effort, going green should definitely be a part of our classroom environment. Tips on how to get involved: 1. Use both sides of your notebook pages to take notes. 2. Use the window light- its spring! 3. DO NOT PUT YOUR GUM UNDERNEATH DESKS. 4. With finals coming up, instead of piling up your trash with old notes recycle! Or, better yet, save them for your younger brothers and sisters! Go Green!

This weeks Parasha begins with the commandment to Aharon Hakohen to light the menorah. Rashi explains that the Torah praises Aharon for not deviating from the commandment. But why is Aharon praised for something so insignificant? Of course the Cohen Hagadol listens to Hashem, so what praise is this talking about? There was a boy in Russia whose job was to wave a lantern and direct the trains. One night a mistake happened which resulted in a major train accident. In Russia theres no room for mistakes. You make mistake and its off with your head. The boy went to court and was asked by the judge: Were you by the tracks at 10 pm? Yes. Did you see the train? Yes. Did you wave the lantern? Yes! The judge said case dismissed the defendant is innocent. The prosecuting lawyer screamed, Judge you didnt ask if the lantern was lit! Waving a lantern without fire inside does nothing. Rashi is coming to explain Aharons attitude towards Misvot. Sometimes we think that the "little details" don't matter so much. This story shows that little details can be at the heart of the entire mitzvah. Aharon looked at each detail as being the heart of the commandment. When we treat the details in this way, the entire mitzvah comes to life and fulfills its purpose. Shabbat shalom, Hannah Cohen

May 24th The Flame Page 3

Ask Dennis and Flo

MDYHS Advice Column
E-mail questions to


For those of you who cant ever find a good book, I suggest you take the advice Im about to give you. Go out and buy The Otherworld Series by Kelley Armstrong. It is a series of 13 amazing supernatural books. Yes, Im aware that 13 books sounds like a lot, but trust me, you wont be able to put them down and theyll go by so quickly. By the time youre done, youll wish there were more than just thirteen. The Otherworld Series tells the stories, one by one, of supernatural people living in the world. Each story connects to the next. The series starts with Bitten, telling the story of a werewolf named Elana Michaels. It ends with Thirteen, the story of a witch named Savannah Levine, who must unite with past supernatural characters in an epic battle, for a grand series finale. Do yourself a favor, and read these books. Theyll keep you occupied for a while, and trust me, youll enjoy every single one!

Dear Dennis and Flo, Do you have any advice for completing summer homework without feeling overwhelmed? -Already Stressed Already Stressed, Just space it out and do a couple of answers at a time, and don't save it all until the end. Sorry this isn't funny but just thinking about summer homework puts me in a dull mood. -Ya boy D-eazy! Dear Dennis and Flo, I am going to iLead, but all of my friends are going to be in Deal or Brooklyn. How do I keep those friendships strong? -Miss Them Already Dear Already Stressed, Don't let it take over your Sundays or free days. If your friends are going out, go with them. But, those nights when you are just home and chilling in bed, don't be lazy! Those are the moments where you need to take the opportunity to do it. Do NOT save it for the last minute. -Flo Thank you for your participation in last week's book club! If you would like to be involved in our next discussion, e-mail!

We asked around... "What is stressing you out the most about finals?
By: Suzy Roubin "All of the assignments I'll have to grade!" -Mrs. Elnadav "Taking the Hebrew regent" -Joey Harari "Tefilah in the morning" -Albert Mizrahi

Dear Miss Them Already, First of all you are only going for a month so it's really not a big deal. Also, Deal is pretty boring so you're not missing out on much. Just call them when you get a chance and make up some stories to make it like you're having so much fun! Best Regards, Dennis Dweck Russo's

Dear Miss Them Already, Ha! Hey I'll be there too! Call them from your phone and send them pictures! Keep them updated and let them keep you updated. With all the social media out there, it's not that hard. You just need to put in the effort. Don't even worry about it because it's only five weeks and it's a great experience. They'll be missing you more than you miss them! -Flo "Nothing at all. We are too cool to be stressed." -Nathan and Avi "Grading them!" -Rabbi M. Bitton

"Marking Nathan Cohen's J-Phil final!" -Rabbi E. Bitton "It's intimidating" -Alan Shiram

"Not being able to teach any students" -Rabbi Tawil "Hadje.. I have to take finals and a picture?" -David Peretz "Taking four regents in one year" -Abraham Dayan


"Im going to have no life for a week." -Mary Chalouh " "Getting credit recovery" -Jen and Sophia

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you. They are supposed to help you discover who you are." -Bernice Johnson Reagon

This quote means that life's challenges are not supposed to make you stop doing the things you love and stop living life. They are actually supposed to help you discover who you really are and how to succeed.

"I won't have any more classes" -Jack Shomer

"Everyone calling me asking to help them study!" -Devin Shannon

Page 4 The Flame May 24th

MDY Fashion News

You all know Jen Harari as your chief executive fashion police, but she recently graduated, and we would like to introduce you to your new fashion advisers. We are Sandy and Sammy, the new best in the business, and we are ready to take over. Normally, you would hear, True beauty is on the inside, howeverrrrrrrr while thats certainly true, its a bunch of nonsense to use that as an excuse. If you want to step up to the top of the food chain youre going to have to listen to us. Do what we tell you. And dress in the fashion that we recommend. As of right now you are definitely dressing somewhat stylish, but in a couple of weeks with our help you will have a complete transformation. You might even get interviewed for the fashion blog in the MDY school newspaper! We will be illustrating new fashions, new trends, and fresh new looks in order for you to look your best. Fashion Fundamentals For your first lesson we are going to tell you about the little things, such as accessories, that can make such a big difference in your wardrobe. We feel that accessories are the most important part of your outfit because it helps bring out the rest of the things you are wearing.
1) Watches: Wear watches with any outfit, whether its formal, casual, or even just with a bathing suit, it will always make your outfit look that much better. I (Sammy) suggest that you wear Analog rather than digital watches- it just looks cooler and you will get many more compliments. 2) Socks: People dont really realize but cool socks can brighten up any outfit and can are just a really cool addition to your wardrobe (wed like everyone to get on that program).

3) Belts: Belts are extremely important for any guy! When going to school, shul, or even a wedding, you always want to be wearing a belt. Your belt should coordinate with your shoes and your watch. For instance, if Im wearing a brown leather belt, my watch and shoes should also be brown and leather- or at least something relatively close in color. 4) Bow ties: Heres something you dont usually see around that often because not many people can pull it off, but if done the right way you could look like this guy

We are looking forward to seeing you all dressed in the appropriate attire. If you have any questions email us at Always remember- true beauty does exist on the inside, but the outside counts too!

Current Events Staying Current with Hannah

Oklahoma Tornado On May 20, 2013 an unexpected tornado hit the town of Moore in Oklahoma City. The tornado did not only destroy many homes and schools, but resulted in the deaths 24 people, seven being children. That was the worst moment said a 36 year old whose son was stuck in the school, Ive never felt fear like that in my life. Plaza towers elementary school was one of the schools that was directly in the path of the tornado. Unlike past tornadoes this one hit town after 3 pm while students were still in class. Seven of the 24 killed were students at the Plaza Towers, including four third graders and three second graders. Briarwood Elementary School, which was two miles away, was damaged as well. However, no students died there. Pierce, Moores public school superintendent said, When our children are at our schools, they are in our care. When it was time to shelter, we did just that. Christopher Lawson saw warnings of a tornado watch on his TV. He ran to his car to pick up his son, Chandler, a second grader from Plaza Towers Elementary school. Lawson was told the children were being kept at campus but he was free to take him at his own risk. Lawson and his son went to their grandparents house, which had a shelter. I wanted him with me no matter what. I would feel horrible if I left him in there. Israeli Soldier Killed During Mine Cleaning Israeli defense soldier, Roey Yisrael Alfi, 19, was killed Tuesday afternoon while removing a land mine in the Golan Heights. Roey and his unit were doing advanced training near Moshav Yonatan when an old land mine exploded, causing his death. This was a mine expected to explode only as a result of a tank or a heavy vehicle driving over it. It seems to be that the land mine exploded because of a technical malfunction, but such an accident has not occurred in several years, said an official involved in the investigation. We should all take a moment and appreciate all that the IDF has done for the state of Israel. They look at going to the army as an obligation, not a burden. Their loyalty to Israel is inspirational. During high school they are deciding what unit to go to in the Army. At 18 they are sent to the army, to fight for their country and for the people of their country, just out of love. We should all learn from their loyalty, and appreciate the opportunities given to us. Dont take advantage!

Candy Crush Epidemic is Going Around!

This new game is addictive. People are playing it left and right! This new game invented by gets up to 45 million users a month. Once you start playing its impossible to stop. It feels like something you have to beat. Wherever you go, you see people playing it. Its the number one played game now, and the most popular game on Facebook. Rabbi Lebowitz acknowledged the addictive nature of the game, but was sure to explain that he "only plays after 5:30". To all the Candy Crush players out there: Go beat your high score!!

Breaking News

May 24th The Flame Page 5

STUDENT OF THE WEEK Continued from page 1 working at it so next year we can bring MDY to the championship. Q: Since you enjoy playing sports, do you watch any games? A: I love watching sports on television. I dont watch anything on TV aside from basketball, baseball, tennis, football and occasionally hockey. It gives me the urge to want to run and play. It sometimes even gives me tips for when I do go out there to play. Q: What is your favorite team? A: In baseball, Im a definite Yankee fan, and with football Im a Giant fan. Most people who know me know basketball is a tough decision. Im go back and forth between the Knicks and the Heat, which is pretty weird being that they are rivals. Im not a winner picker though; I love Lebron- who doesnt? I guess I would say I am hoping for the Heat to win the championship. Im pretty confident in them too.

Poetry Exhibit
Its the poison of the night, It is the infamy brought upon your life, Leaving a scar on your soul, slowly eating away until its hollow, However its in your command and no one elses that follows, Its an action never to be fulfilled, It is meant to be achieved by Hashem, Never by your own will, Better left unspoken, As for the aftermath will leave you spiritually broken, Revenge is the dim blocking your way, It is then up to you to bring back light the very next day. At times, we may be angry at others. However, revenge is never the answer. It may feel worth it at the moment, but later youll look back saying that what you did was full of stupidity. Throughout life people change. Friendships come and go. Relationships between people build up then come down to break. Although, what you should remember is that the one thing youll never lose is what is infused within you, which makes you who you are. -Shoshanah Louzia

To the Moon and Back By Jennifer Jemal

I woke up in the morning The typical routine becoming boring Take out the trash, make your bed I knew it was coming in my head Theres lunch to take and teeth to brush Make sure you wear boots so you dont step in the slush Dad was reading the newspaper opposite me I noticed an article man goes to the moon thats kind of gutsy Sitting next to Jojo, my friend from school I said, I want to go to the moon, wouldnt that be cool? No more chores and no more making beds No more parents yelling in our heads Jojo told Gloria, the Teachers Pet. She agreed and said we needed a jet! We got a few kids who were tired of making beds And tired of parents yelling in our heads. After school we gathered together And collected the pieces that would make our jet better. We brought chooks and clunks and fumes and glums And especially gas that would make our jet go, Rummmmm We were all set to go, on an adventure so wild Im free at last! Im not a child! Off to a land with rainbows and candy And fairy godmothers that would come in handy. But what we saw was nothing of the kind. It was cold and gloomy and lonely all the time. It was black and smelly with no food and no homes. What are you doing here!? said the black belly gnomes. Were here to play, were here to have fun! Well youre at the wrong place, so away you should run. We all looked at each other with fear in our eyes. We had made a mistake, which we couldnt deny. We missed our house, our town and our school We all turned away, I felt like a fool! We missed doing chores and making our beds We missed our parents yelling in our heads But most importantly we missed their love, Which is the reason for the chores we were tired of. And off we went to the land that we please To our homes with our families, it was all a breeze. Back to my regular routine, back to old style. Without my mom telling me, I made my bed with a smile. I brushed my teeth and took out the trash, And packed my own lunch, I was done in a flash. My mom came down and saw what I had done. She said to me, Oh! What a good son! I smiled to myself with tears streaming down, And realized nothing is better than what I am around.

We hoped you enjoyed reading The Flame this year! Our next issue will be the last issue of the year. If you have any special ideas, or you would like to get involved, it is not too late! Be sure to submit your special messages on the message board for all of your friends and teachers to see before breaking for the summer! See Paulette Gindi or Mrs. Harari, or email

Contest Guidelines: Creativity is the greatest gift, but it has to be nourished and developed. For that reason we are opening a creativity contest using the famous poem "La Guitarra". This poem was written by the great Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca, and even inspired the Beatles to write their song "While My Guitar Gently Weeps." First, read the poem and interpret it. What does it mean to you? Why do you think it's so famous? Then, represent your response to the poem in one of the following ways: -Create music for the poem -Write about it -Make a drawing that either directly or abstractly represents the main ideas of the poem.
If you have any other ideas, please see Mrs. Cymet. Contest ends on Tuesday, May 28th. Good luck! Reminder: History Public Service Announcement Contest ends 5/31/13

Page 6 The Flame May 24th UPDATE ON THE INVESTIGATION: Our Forensic Science students came up with the following list of suspects for the case of the stolen camera: Ms. Audrey Nasar: Wanted to raise for the Ellen show. Said she was at a store during the scene of the crime, but a witness testifies that she was at the store after the camera was stolen. Mr. Alan Arbesfeld: He wanted to see if it was possible to create the perfect crime. He said he was not in the library, but a witness claims he was in the library carrying a bag. Mr. Steve Bonica: Hes been short on money, and also wanted to get back at the district. Claims he left at 4:00 on the day of the theft, but he was still in the building at the time of the crime. If you have any further information, please speak with a Forensic Science student! Your information could be crucial!

Two weeks ago, at Magen David Yeshivah High School, we had beautiful Siyumim on what each class accomplished throughout the school year. One student from each class was chosen by his Gemara teacher to represent the class as the Gemara student of the year. The chosen students received plaques with their names engraved on them, and five Chazon Ovadia (Chaham Ovadia Yosef Shlitah) books on the halachot of Shabbat. We had the privilege of hearing the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Amar, give us a beracha on our successful year of learning. We also had a nice breakfast that was followed by inspirational speeches by our Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Sutton, our Spiritual Director, Rabbi Haber, and the Judaic Studies director, Rabbi Matalon, who presented the awards to the students. We thank all of the teachers and Rabbis who believed in us, and helped us get through the year and accomplish so much. Hopefully, from this experience, we can continue to grow as students and continue to make our fellow Rabbis and teachers very proud. Hopefully, we should see many more Siyumim like this in the future. By: Joey Harari and Alan Shiram

By Frances C. Mamiye and Michelle Catton

Benefits of Kiwi Surprisingly, there are many health benefits to kiwi. Researchers are exploring the potential positive features of the kiwi fruit, and they have conducted several studies involving children and adults. A study in Italy indicated that children had less trouble with wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing at night when they consumed five to seven servings (one serving size is a half of cup) of kiwi or citrus fruits a week. Asthma sufferers were found to derive the most benefits from eating the kiwi even when eaten once to twice a week. Kiwi can also reduce the potential for blood clots and decrease fatty acids. Kiwi can prevent disease to an abundance of vitamins and minerals. A researcher from Rutgers University said that the kiwi is the most nutrient dense fruit. Kiwi provides 16% of the RDA for fiber and has a role in the prevention of constipation and some cancers. A kiwi has phytonutrients, which repair DNA, acts as the bodys protection against some cancers, and function as antioxidants.

Nutrition & Health

A healthy recipe brought to you by Frances & Michelle

With the warm weather coming up, here is an all-natural fruit pop that is sure to keep you cool and healthy. Use plenty of kiwi and other fresh fruit to get a rich source of vitamins! Ingredients: Watermelon Kiwi Assorted Berries Peaches First, cut all of your watermelon into small chunks and blend it into a liquid. Then, cut all of your other fruit into small slices. Place the sliced fruit into ice pop holders (trick: if you don't have ice pop molders, use plastic Kiddush cups and popsicle sticks!). Then, pour the watermelon juice over the fruit and fill to the top. Place a wooden stick in each one, and freeze for about 4-6 hours. Enjoy your delicious, all-natural ice pop!

Fruity Ice Pops

May 24th The Flame Page 7 High School Humor

By Jeff Grazi

Mrs. Netkin: Jeff who is you favorite author? Jeff: George Washington Mrs. Netkin: But he never wrote any books. Jeff: Exactly! Mrs. Muller: How many books have you read in your lifetime? Jeff: I dont know Im not dead yet. Mr. Naftali: What does your textbook tell you about the Civil War? Jeff: It doesnt tell me anything! I have to actually read the words! Mr. Randall: Would you please stop staring at the clock and pay attention? Jeff: Time will pass me, but will you? Rabbi Tobias: Can you tell me something important that didnt exist 100 years ago? Jeff: Me! Jeff: If a persons brain stops working does he die? Mr. Rabinow: You are alive arent you? Mr. Kamelhar: What is the quickest way to double your money? Jeff: Fold it in half! Jeff: Do we believe in the afterlife? Rabbi Tawil: Why do you ask? Jeff: Im going to need some more time doing your homework Mrs. Auman: Your assignment was to draw a map of the entire state of California. Why didnt you complete it? Jeff: I ran out of paper! I thought you wanted the actual size.

Ms. Nasar: Do you know who the 32nd president of the United States is? Jeff: No, why dont you introduce me?!

Riddle: What can you catch but not throw? E-mail your answer to for a prize! Last weeks answer: Nothing Winner: Emily Shrem

Round 2 Faculty: Mrs. Muller and Ms. Nasar VS Mrs. Harari, Mrs. Saad, and Mrs. Maleh Student: Marilyn Tobias, Nicole Sitt, Adele Sutton VS Richie Ayal, Joe Zalta, Eddy Antar

Don't forget to vote! E-mail your vote to:

Six Things You Didn't Know About Us: 1. We both have an Ashkenaz grandmother 2. We share an iPad and only use it to play My Town 3. We have declared May 1st a holiday and we celebrate it in style 4. One of us had a permanent seat in the corner in the other's classroom 5. We quote the movie Ten Things I Hate About You 6. E-mail pen pals Six Things You Didn't Know About Us: 1. Mrs. Harari is Mrs. Saad's aunt 2. Mrs. Saad sang at the White House 3. Mrs. Harari and Mrs. Maleh used to bribe their teachers with lollypops to get out of latenesses in high school 4. Mrs. Maleh ran the NYC marathon 5. Mrs. Harari is the youngest of 8 children 6. Mrs. Harari sang an Ashlee Simpson song on TRL and it was on the big screen in Times Square Six Things You Didn't Know About Us: 1. Eddy got his phone taken away for failing computers 2. Richie sleeps with a pillow pet 3. Joe got a tutor for Mr. Kamelhar's computer final 4. Eddy has a secret obsession with the Miami Boys Choir 5. Richie can sing the ABC's all by himself 6. Sometimes Joe looks in the mirror and can't stop staring Six Things You Didn't Know About Us: 1. We know duo means two 2. Nicole is our boss 3. We have a pet goat 4. Mrs. Harari is part of our duo 5. Marilyn got kicked out of art 6. Half the people that voted for us don't even go here #barbaraharari

"The Incredibles"

"MDY Flames"

"Shakespeare's Angels"

"Dunkin Duo"

Page 8 The Flame May 24th

We asked Twitter: "What are your plans for Memorial Day weekend?"

Faculty Focus

@FranM14: @Almaniac96: @Gmmusiclover1: @Gmmusiclover1: @JoyceSitt:

deallllll :):):):) sun sun sun shop till yaa dropp and tannnn sleep tan eat sleep tan eat sleep tan eat sleep tan eat
Jenni Levy, Curriculum Advisor Interview by Max Dweck Q: How do you plan on reshaping the schools curriculum for the upcoming year? A: Part of my job includes working on creating a new curriculum for the scholars program next year. Currently, I am working with teachers on a new humanities curriculum for the 9th graders. In this capacity, I hope to work closely with teachers, administration, and deans to create a student driven, interdisciplinary experience for our students where the barriers between social studies and English are more broken down. Additionally, I hope to work closely with those teachers incorporate a more project based learning styles that allows students to produce more cooperatively in an environment that more closely mirrors how they will interact when they get out into the workforce. Teachers in the humanities class will guide students in projects they work on together with fellow students and socratic discussions (intense, often heated debate). My goal is to createalignmentamong the general studies curriculumwith thefundamentalgoals and mission of the school while providing teachers with professional development opportunities and maximizing the already amazing assets our staff has here at MDYHS! Q: Can you tell us about any past experiences youve had with other schools? A: I actually started my teaching career working for a yeshiva while studying at Fordham Law School. Upon graduation and passage of the bar exam, I was recruited to work for a gifted magnet school. I have been working for quite some time in the public school system as a grant writer, curriculum developer, and teacher of law, history, and economics. Currently, I have been working at New Milford High School. I also have run Model UN, Mock Trial, and Debate. I am passionate about technology in education, international affairs, economics, and project based learning. I consider myself a lifelong learner who is passionate about teaching and learning with and from all those around me. Q: What are you most looking forward to at Magen David? A: Well there are a lot of things I am looking forward to at MDYHS, so my top is hard to pick. There so many amazing qualities the school already possesses! I look forward to working with an incredibly talented,knowledgeable, and dedicated staff, I look forward to spending time with and getting to know our students and their families, and I look forward to returning to a Jewish environment. Currently, I am the only observant Jew in my school district. Having graduated from Hillel, in Deal, NJ, I am very familiar with the Syrian Jewish Community and am thrilled and honored to be reunited and work for the community.

Ms. Jenni Levy

@SamanthaShamah: deal. Me + car @RebeccaSafdieh: @Jeffgraz95: @MIKEcabasso: @FloCatt328: @RonnieHarary: @Sharronnnn: @TFouerte: @JYatcha: sleep and tan Drawing!!! chilling on the beach in Deal. @SamanthaShamah +flo! Don't forget about me chilling in deal Weeekenddddddd :D Engagement Party! #ShaGindi Studying for finals, yay!



Cleveland Cavaliers win the N.B.A Draft Lottery For the second time in the last three years, the Cleveland Cavaliers won the draft lottery. Dan Gilbert, the owner of the Cavaliers, said winning the draft was a huge deal.

He feels Cleveland can make the playoffs this year if their pick is successful. He feels they are one piece away from not being part of the lottery anymore. A playoff team cannot participate in the lottery. In 2011, the Cavaliers selected Kyrie Irving, an elite point guard who played a huge role on their team this year, but he was lacking one piece and the Cavaliers hope they can fill that vacancy in this years draft taking place in Brooklyns Barclays Center. Over the past three years, Dan Gilberts son represented the team at the lottery and in two of those three years the team was picked to have the number one selection the

draft. Cleveland did not have the best odds at getting the first pick, but they did have the luck. The Orlando Magic with the worst record last season had the best odds to get the number one selection. The Washington Wizards were selected to have the third pick in this years draft. The Charlotte Bobcats who fell to the fourth pick when they were expecting to get the third pick.

MESSAGE BOARD: Happy Birthday Paulette Gindi!!!

Happy birthday Jake Sutton! Happy birthday Stephanie Laoui! -From 11H and Lauren! If you know what's good for you vote for the Dunkin Duo! Good job on the newspaper, Mrs. Harari! -Jaclyn Kredi and Raquel Sabbagh I also think you're doing a great job! -Nicole Sitt I lost Pictionary to Mrs. Harari and Jack Hanon -Nathan Hasbani

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