About The IWC Staff

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About Us

Project Coordinator

Shani Gann-Perkal: Shani Gann-Perkal (25) was born and raised in Jerusalem and is finishing her degree in International Relations & Communications. In addition to being a student, she works as the education coordinator for Netzer and TaMaR Olami, organizations which are part of the World Union for Progressive Judaism.


Emily Neilson: Emily Neilson (24) was born and raised in the USA and immigrated to Israel with her family in 2003. She is currently double majoring in International Relations and Studies of Islam and the Middle East. In addition to her studies, Emily works as a personal research assistant for Dr. Guy Laron of the Hebrew University.

Nadav Ben Aud: Nadav Ben Aud (23) was born in Israel. He is currently studying Politics and Media. He also volunteers with lone soldiers and sees education as the way to fix everything! Media

Sagiv Elad: Sagiv Elad (28) was born and raised in Nahariya, located near the northern Israeli border with Lebanon. He is in his final year of a bachelor degree in International Relations and History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He works in the Emergency and Crisis Management Center in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Alon Ozery: Alon Ozery(26) is a BA student for international Relations and History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His four year military service as the Liaision and Foreign Relations Division of the IDF has stimulated his passion for supporting Israel's struggle for fair representation and honest reporting in the global media.

Barry Goldberg: Barry Goldberg(24) lives in Jerusalem and studies in Hebrew University in Jerusalem, majoring in Physics and Cognition. He believes human nature is the most interesting thing in the world, everybody has a good story to tell, all you have to do is find the right strings to pull.

Chen Mozes: Chen Mozes (24) is a student for International Relations and Business Management. She lived for some years in California, and during her studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, she has come to believe that the smallest change can come from anyone.

Lior shpindel: Lior shpindel(27) is a 3rd year student for L.L.B. & International Relations at the Hebrew University, interested in International Law, Holocaust literature and classical music.

Sivan Mizrahi Sivan Mizrahi (25) was born and raised in Jerusalem. She is a student for Law and Cognitive Science at the Hebrew University. Sivan is the head of the International Relations Department at the Hebrew University Student Union and responsible for the budget dedicated to student activities.


Rona Richman: Rona Richman (25) is in her second year of Law School at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In addition to being a student, she works as a paralegal in the HCJ ("Bagatz") department of the Ministry of Justice. Furthermore, she takes part at the University's project "Women Circles" as an Instructor and participant.

Livia Silver-Benaiah Livia Silver-Benaiah was born in the United States and moved to Israel with her family at the age of 7. She served as an officer in the IDF and has worked in various educational roles in youth groups as well as in the army. She is presently a student at Hebrew University in Law and Political Science, a student editor of the "Israel Law Review", a teacher in "Tzemach", an organization that works to strengthen the Jewish and Israeli identity among high school students, and at "Tal Torah" an institute for Jewish learning around life cycle transitions. Livia is married and lives with her husband in Jerusalem.

Noa Shusterman Noa Shusterman (25) is originally from Kfar Saba but currently studies PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and works as a translator for the channel 2 news broadcasting company.

Daniel Shem-Tov Daniel Shem-Tov (26) was born and raised in Tel Aviv, currently studying Accounting at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Dan Eran Dan Eran (24) is a first year student for International Relations and East Asia Studies. He is also volunteering in a project aimed to help teenagers at risk. Prior to his studies Dan was a medical team instructor in the IDF. During his time in the IDF he was also a member of the Israeli delegation to Haiti after the earth quake in 2010.


Meital Daskal: Meital Daskal(30) has served as the Producer, Donor Recognition Ceremonies - Project Division in Keren Hayesod UIA since October 2010. Meital has served as part of "Beshvil Israel", Voluntary association dedicated to building civil society through volunteerism and encouraged student to get involved in their community. Previously, she was Head of The Open University Poland Delegation. Believe that only you can make your own destiny.

Ido Cohen: Ido cohen (25) was born and raised in Haifa , studies Political Science and Studies of Islam and the Middle East. Ido works as an event manger in the Tower of David in the Old City of Jerusalem and as a youth counselor in the Alexander Muss High School in Israel.

Guy Sitbon: Guy Sitbon (29) was born in Haifa, Israel. During his childhood he lived three years in South-Africa. He is a student in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, currently in his second year of BA in Economics & International Affairs.

Gal Rice: Gali Rise (24) studies International Relations and Education. She works at the at the Movement for the Improvement of Government Quality in Israel. She served two years as a commander in a Navy training camp. She has also been a youth counselor in a Jewish Agency youth camps in Chicago and is an activist for the rights of Holocaust survivors.

Yoni Zierler Yoni Zierler(27) moved to Israel in 2004, for his last year of high-school, and officially made Aliyah a couple of years later. He is currently training to be a tour guide, as well as a teacher of Tanach and Israel Studies. When he is not studying, he can be found manning the taps at the Slow Moshe bar in Nachlaot, or wailing on harmonica in a random jam.


Gali Dado Gali Dado (24) was born and raised in a small city in the north of Israel and is in her first year in the Hebrew University, in International Relation and Communications Studies. In addition to being a student, she works in Ben Gurion Airports security division. She served in the IDF as a commander in the navy and still serves in reserves. She is also an instructor in leadership courses for youth at risk.

Ilana Sherrington Ilana Sherrington (23) is a student of International Relations and Media Studies. Her parents are originally from England, but she was born in Israel. She volunteers in a center for Lone Soldiers and an organization providing financial advice for young people. She loves hiking, acting, dancing, singing and playing the guitar. She believes that the situation in Israel is more complex than meets the eye and is hoping for peace in the future, through efforts such as this conference.

Chen Baraket: Chen Bareket (26) from Maccabim-Reut, Israel, is currently in his freshmen year at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, studying toward a BA in Political Science and Sociology-Anthropology. During the current year, he has been involved with several different extra-curricular activities; the StandWithUs diplomacy program, leader of the Bintivey Udi religion-secular debate group, an active member in SFI program and I work in the Unit for Social Involvement in the Dean of Students office. These activities reflect my great interest in many areas of politics, diplomacy and leadership.

Slav Leibin Slav Leibin (26) studies International Relations and Communications. He is a tour guide in the Israeli Parliament, and writes in the Hebrew University newspaper.

Yochai Greenfeld Yochai Greenfeld (25) is a dancer and student. He dances at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, and studies Psychology at the Open University. As part of his dance training he is studying for a Teaching Certificate which will enable him to teach dance of all sorts, all over the country. He aspires to become a dance teacher for populations who aren't usually exposed to dance, such as the Orthodox Jewish community and the Muslim community, and hopefully open a whole new world before them.

Yishai Dvash Yishai Dvash(23) was born in Jerusalem, he was drafted into an anti-terror Special Forces unit in the IDF as a combat soldier. Yishai was discharged as a First Lieutenant after almost five years of service. After his release he helped found an organization that aids under-privileged Ethiopian kids in preparation for the army. After a long and meaningful service Yishai is now a Law Student at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

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