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COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR The Tenses English tenses are named according the time they describe, past, present

or future and whether that action is simple, continuous or perfect (which talks about a previous action that is in some way connected to a later time). TIME ASPECT Present Simple Continuous Perfect Perf. Cont. Past Simple Continuous Perfect Perf. Cont. Future Simple Continuous Perfect Perf. Cont. EXAMPLE I eat fish I am eating fish I have eaten fish I have been eating.. I ate fish I was eating fish I had eaten fish I had been eating I will eat fish I will be eating fish I will have eaten I will have been eating A1+ / A2 Extend Extend Introduce --Extend Introduce ----Introduce ------A2+ / B1 Revise Revise Extend Introduce Revise Extend Introduce --Extend ------B1+ / B2 ... Extend --Revise Extend --Revise Extend Introduce Revise Introduce Introduce Introduce C1 ------Revise ----Revise Extend --Extend Extend Extend

The Syllabus 1. Annoying Habits 2. Time Abroad 3. Whatve you been doing! 4. News Reporting 5. The Experience of My Life 6. Guess what happened! 7. Scary Story 8. The best story I ever heard 9. The Story Behind it 10. Imagining the future 11. Making New Plans 12. The Presidents Diary 13. Future Ambitions 14. Student Survey 15. National Stereotypes 16. Then he said A2 A2+ B1+ B2 B1 A2+ B1 B1+ B2 A2+ B2+ B2+ C1 B2+ C1 B2+ C1 C1 C1 Extend Pres Simple (Contrast with Present Continuous) Extend Pres Continuous (With Present Simple Practice) Introduce Present Perfect Continuous Extend Present Prefect (With practice of Past Simple) Extend Pres Perfect (Contrast with Past Simple) Revise Past Simple Extend Past Continuous (with Past Simple) Introduce Past Perfect Simple (With Past Simple) Extend Past Perf. Continuous (With Past Simple & Perfect) Revise Future Simple Revise Future Simple (With Pres. Continuous & going to) Introduce Future Continuous Extend Future Continuous Introduce Future Perfect Extend Future Perfect Introduce Future Perf. Cont. (With Present Continuous) Extend Future Perf. Cont. (With Present Continuous) Extend Present Simple Introduce Present Simple in reported speech

Before you start planning 1. Look at the outline and decide what use of the tense you are going to introduce, revise or extend. 2. What questions could you ask the student to get them to respond using the tense in a meaningful context, that is true for them? 3. Think about the key points that describe the use. What follow-up questions could you ask to check the students understand the concept of what they are saying? Pg 1

Annoying Habits


Extend Pres Simple (Contrast with Present Continuous)

Introduction: 10 minutes Listen to teachers example of a bad habit. Discuss in pairs: Do you do that? Is it annoying? What other bad habits do you have? Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes What bad habits annoy you in other people? Think of some people you know and prepare to explain what annoying things they do. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Explain the annoying person to your partner, do they find them annoying too? If time: keep switching partners and tell them what you heard and finding out about them. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up a suggest how to correct or improve them. What do you use to speak about habits? Remembering the corrections, tell the class about your partner and how you feel about their habit. Class ask questions to be clear about what you said and offer advice on how your partner might stop doing it.

Time Abroad


Extend Pres Continuous (With Present Simple Practice)

Introduction: 10 minutes Listen to the teacher telling you BRIEFLY about a friend that is living for a short time in a foreign country and what they are doing there. Discuss if pairs how long you are staying in Ireland and when you plan to go back? Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes Think about what you do in your country? What are you doing while you are here that you wont do when you go back? Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Tell your partner about what you are like if your country and what you are doing differently as a result of being here and answer their questions. Listen to your partner and ask them at least three questions. If time: keep switching partners and tell them what you heard and finding out about them. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What do you use to talk about things that are happening temporarily? Remembering the corrections, tell the class the most interesting thing that your partner(s) told you.

Pg 2

What have you been doing!


Introduce Present Perfect Continuous

Introduction: 10 minutes The teacher will draw (or show) a picture and you have to guess what that person has been doing. Shout when you have an idea and explain why you think that. In pairs think of a picture that would make someone ask what have you been doing?. Practice drawing the pictures. You have 90 seconds to draw the picture on the board while the other group try to guess what it is. If you guess what is being drawn shout stop the clock and say what the person has been doing. If you are right your group gets the points for all the seconds left and so does the person drawing. Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes Think about a situation, like the ones in the pictures where someone could have asked you What have you been doing? Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain your idea. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Tell you partner about the result of this event and then tell the story of what happened. Listen your partners story and ask questions. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What form is used to talk about the present result of a past action? Remembering the corrections, tell the class about your partners story.

News Reporting


Extend Present Prefect (With practice of Past Simple)

Introduction: 10 minutes Discuss in pairs, from the title, what the story is about? Listen to the teacher give a simple news report about something has happened in Ireland or the world. Have you heard about this before? Do you know anything about it? Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes Think about some recent news that you know about; it can be international, national (Irish or your own), local or personal. If you dont know all the details make them up. Decide what new words you need to help you talk about this topic (use your dictionary). Prepare a news story in a similar style to the one you heard. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Tell your news story to your partner. Answer any questions they have. Listen to your partners news and ask questions to clarify and tell them what you think about this story. If time: keep switching partners and tell them what you heard and finding out about them. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What do you used to talk about things that happened in the past? What form is used to introduce a news story? What do you use when you talk about the time in the past? Remembering the corrections, tell the class about what you heard and your reaction to it. Answer any questions they have and find out what they think? Pg 3

The Experience of My Life


Extend Pres Perfect (Contrast with Past Simple)

Introduction: 10 minutes Listen to the teachers account of some of the most interesting things they have seen, places they have been and things they have done in their life. Was there anything they said that you didnt understand? Ask them about anything you found interesting. Discuss in pairs whether you have had any similar experiences? Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes What are the most interesting things you have seen, places you have been and things you have done? Prepare to introduce three interesting things and explain what happened. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Tell your partner about the experiences you have had and what happened and answer their questions. Listen to your partners story and ask them questions about it. Have you had any similar experiences? If time: keep switching partners and tell them what you heard and finding out about them. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What do you use to talk about things that happened in the past? What do you use to talk about general life experiences? If you say the time that it happened which one do you use? Remembering the corrections, tell the class about what you heard and your reaction to it. Answer any questions they have?

Guess what happened!


Revise Past Simple (Irregular Forms)

Introduction: 10 minutes What does the word surprise mean? What is the difference with shock? Make a list of things that surprised or shocked you in the past. Put them in order from the most to the least shocking. In pairs compare you lists. Do you have any similar things? Find out why they find this shocking. Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes You are going to tell a story about something that shocked or surprised you. Think of the words that you are going to need. Tell the teacher three interesting words that you are going to use to in your story. Use your dictionary. Explain to the class if the other people dont know. Listen to the suggestions form the teachers and other students on how best to use it in a sentence. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) With your notebook closed tell your story to your partner. Listen to the story you are told (you will have to tell it later) ask questions if anything is not clear (questions help your partner to explain their ideas better and help you to understand). Ask the teacher if you have any questions and get advice about how best to explain your ideas. If time switch partners and tell them what you heard. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What do you use to talk about an action that was completed at a definite time in the past? Remembering the corrections tell one of the stories that you heard the other people guess who told you that story. The class vote on which was the most surprising and which the most shocking. Pg 4

Scary Story


Extend Past Continuous (with Past Simple)

Introduction: 10 minutes Listen to a BRIEF scary story told by the teacher. Ask questions if it is not clear. In pairs discuss what you understand from the story and if it is scary. Do you like scary stories? Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes In pairs do the following Make a list of the typical characters from scary stories. Where do scary stories happen? What is the scary thing? What happens in the end of them? Report answers to the class [teacher makes a list of key words in each category on the board] Now for your story choose some characters a place a location and a scary thing and prepare a story. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Split from your partner and each tell someone from another group your story. Ask questions about the story you hear. If time switch partners and tell them what you heard. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What form is used to introduce was happening at the beginning of a story? Remembering the corrections, tell the class about the scariest story you heard. The best story I ever heard B1+ Introduce Past Perfect Simple (with Past Simple)

Introduction: 10 minutes Do you like to tell stories about your experiences? Do you know anyone who tells very interesting stories? Listen to the teacher tell you about a good true-life story that they heard from a friend. Listen for the original words, when you hear in the story. E.g. I / He / She said / told . Take a note of what was said to or by the teacher and then compare your ideas with a partner. Do you have the same ideas? Together rewrite the sentences from the story. Now you are going to turn this into dialogue. Rewrite the sentences as they were originally said. One person acts as the teacher and the other as their friend, perform the dialogue, and be dramatic! What do you notice about the difference between the direct speech, in the dialogue, and reported speech in the story? How would you explain the difference? Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes Now think about an interesting story that you heard from somebody else in the past, it is better if you heard it a long time ago. Now prepare to describe the person who told you the story, and say where and when you heard it. Now think about what they said when they told the story and what you said in return, try to use their exact words but remember to change the direct speech into reported speech. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Find out about your partners story and ask questions about what was said. Take notes to help you remember. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. Remembering the corrections tell the class about your partners story and what they said in response when the heard it for the first time. NB: The past perfect used in reported speech when story is clearly past and not recent or still true. Pg 5

The Story Behind the Story


Extend Past Perfect Simple & Continuous

Introduction: 10 minutes The teacher will show you pictures of some celebrities. Discuss in pairs: Do you know the people involved? What do you know? What are they like? Now listen to a dramatic piece of celebrity gossip about them and ask if you dont understand any details. In pairs discuss the characters and decide what had happened to cause this dramatic event. What about the chain of events leading up to it (because before that he / she / they had )? Prepare your Ideas in a Group: 10 minutes You are each given two pictures of famous people. What do you know about them? How would you describe them? Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) With a partner show each other your picture and decide on the dramatic story that happened to them together. Write you story in 5 to 10 sentences about a dramatic even that happened. Pass your story on and read the story that you get. Decide together what had happened before to cause this dramatic event. Pass it on again and add another piece (and before that they had ). Continue to pass until it gets to the last person or pair (or as long as time allows). Correction & Report: 10 minutes Now take the story and tell your part to the class starting with the result. Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What do you use to talk about what happened before the main time or your story in the past? What happens if you reverse the order of events? Would you tell it differently?

Imagining the future


Revise Future Simple

Introduction: 10 minutes Think about how you live today and think about where, when and how you: travel, speak to people, write to people, read, listen to music, look at pictures (still and moving), play sport, play music, eat, learn Look at the teachers examples and suggest some of your own. Ask you partner about their experience. Is it the same as yours? Tell the class about your partner. Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes Now think about the future and try to imagine how things will change. Pick three areas where you can imagine what things will be like in the future. Try not to have the same ones as somebody else. Prepare to explain where, when and how we will do these things in the future. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Pick an area of future predictions and write your idea on a piece of paper. Everyone else tries to guess what you are going to say and writes that down. They each show it and it they get close 5 points, 10 points if exactly the same, and 10 extra points if written correctly. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up a suggest how to correct or improve them. What do you use to speak about what you imagine in the future? Remembering the corrections, tell the class about your partner and how you feel about their future idea. Pg 6

Making New Plans


Revise Future Simple (Contrast with Pres. Continuous & going to)

Introduction: 10 minutes Do you make plans every week? Do you prefer to be spontaneous? (Tell your partner) Listen to the teachers plan for the week (some days they have plans and some days not) Suggest some possible things that they could do in their free time using, You could They will choose the best idea and put in your diary, Ok so I could but I will . Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes Now think about your diary for the week. Have a plan on three different days and leave three free. You can rest on one day! Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain your plans. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Ask you partner what they are doing each day. E.g. What are you doing on Monday?. If they say that they dont have any plans suggest three things that they could do and they choose one, ok I will . Answer your partner questions about your plans. If time switch partners and tell them what you have decided to do now, Im going to . Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What form do you use to talk about a spontaneous plan? What do you use to talk about things that are already decided? Remembering the corrections say what the most interesting thing you are going to do is. The Presidents Diary B2+ / C1 Introduce / Extend Future Continuous

Introduction: 10 minutes The president is a very busy man and has someone to look after his diary. In pairs make a list of the kind of things you think would be in the presidents diary. Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes You are in charge of the presidents diary for tomorrow. He works from 8am to 8pm. Put something down for 10 of the 12 hours. Think about what you would say if someone called to make any appointment. Also think about something really urgent that you want to make an appointment about. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Sit back to back with your partner. You are ringing to make an appointment with the president. Say who you are, what time you want to speak to him and why it has to happen. Suggest other times if the president is busy but try to get as near to your time as you can. Listen to the person calling the tell them what the president is doing at that time and when the president is free. If you thing the call is very important you want change the schedule to fit the person in. If time switch partners and repeat the role play. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What form is used to talk about something happening at a certain time in the future? Remembering the corrections tell the class whether you got the appointment you wanted with the president and how you convinced them. Would you like to be President? What changes would you make? (NB: These questions require the use of the conditional) Pg 7

Future Ambitions B2+ / C1

Introduce / Extend Future Perfect

Introduction: 10 minutes Listen to the things that the teacher hopes they will have done by the time they retire. Think about and tell each other in pairs what careers would you like to follow and why? Find out if the other person is ambitious? Do they hope to be rich and famous? Do they have a plan for this? Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes Choose a spectacular dream career for yourself and decide what the high point of it would be. Make a plan for how you would reach success and decide what you will have done 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years from now and why that is important. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Tell you partner about your career plan and listen to their advice. Listen your partners career path and give them advice. If time switch partners and tell them what you will have done. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What form is used to talk about something that will be finished by a set time in the future? Remembering the corrections say what was the best bit of advice you received was. What is the most important, most exciting or most interest thing you will have done by the time you retire? Student Survey B2+ / C1 Introduce / Extend Future Perfect Continuous

Introduction: 10 minutes What is a survey? What are they for? Have you ever been surveyed? What questions did they ask you? Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes You are going to be interviewed about your experience of living and working in Ireland. Think about what you are doing now that you didnt do at home. Think about three new words that you have learned to describe these things. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Explain these words to the class if they dont know. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) In pairs ask each other these questions: How long have you been in Ireland? Do you plan to stay? What you are doing here now that you didnt do at home? Do you plan to start anything new now that you are here? Double up pairs and tell the others about your partner. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What form do you use to talk about something that continues up to a point in the future? Remembering the corrections one person from each group and explains the interesting points that came up. How long will another member of your group have been living here by December. Prepare to say how long another member of your group will have been doing things by December. Report this to the class. Pg 8

National Stereotypes

B2+ / C1

Extend Present Simple

Introduction: 10 minutes Listen to a joke about these national stereotypes. What does it say about them? Why is it funny? In pairs discuss what do you know about the national stereotypes of Irish, English and Scottish people? Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes Try to understand the joke you are given and prepare to tell it without looking at your paper. Ask if there are words you are not sure about and give the paper back. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Tell your joke to your partner. If they dont understand it explain the stereotype to show why it is funny. Listen to your partners joke and ask if you understand why it is funny. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. If time switch partners and tell them what you heard. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What do you use to tell a story in a more dramatic way? Remembering corrections, and without reading, tell the joke you heard to the class and explain it to them. Discuss how other national stereotypes are described in your country. Do you tell similar jokes about them? Then he said C1 Introduce Present Simple in reported speech

Introduction: 10 minutes Answer the questions that your teacher asks you and pay attention to everyone elses answers. In pairs compare you ideas on what the different people said and decide how you would report that beginning He / She said that Report on the person that the teacher asks you to and note how to report correctly for each of them. Do you change tenses when reporting? Why / why not? Prepare your Ideas: 10 minutes Choose one of these actions: Accuse, admit, advise, agree, announce, apologise, ask, blame, complain, congratulate, deny, explain, forget, invite, offer, promise, refuse, remind, suggest, threaten, warn. Prepare to do that action, you dont have to use the word, and explain why you are doing it. It can be easier to say something true for you. Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice how best to explain you ideas. Find out about / Tell others: 15 minutes (minimum) Tell your partner what you have to say and explain it and ask for their reaction to it. Then find out what your partner thinks and why and give your reaction to it. Think about how you will report this conversation using the verbs above. I admitted that and then he / she replied that Check with the teacher if you have any questions and get advice on how best to explain you ideas. Switch partners and report your conversation. Correction & Report: 10 minutes Look at the sentences that the teacher writes up and suggest how to correct or improve them. What do you use to report another persons story in the past? Remembering the corrections tell the class what your partner said. Pg 9

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