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Praise and thanks for the blessings we enjoy and for the people God puts into our lives. We lift up our elders and their wives: Sam and Sharon, Ron and Gen, Sherrod and Joyce, Dan and Pam, Bob and Cherie, and George and Ruth. We pray for relief from their health problems, and for their strength and wisdom in their leadership roles. Healing for Sams knees and success in his employment issues. We pray for Christians around the world who are courageously proclaiming the Good News, and we pray for open hearts and minds to hear and accept the Word. We pray for our brethren in the Philippines - Alan, Ben, Joshua, and Richard, (please remember to pray for the Lomanang family) and for Nancy Thomas, for Ryan and Rebecca Montgomery, and for the Wells family. We pray for our servicemen and women and for their families: James Cushman in Texas, Austin Baker in South Carolina, Eric Peterson in California, Blaine Torppa in New York, and David Copeland as he returns to civilian life. We pray for a cure for cancer. We lift up the following cancer fighters and their families: Joel Bauer, Susan Burr, Kim Ebel, Rob Hartley, Rhonda Juarez, Rhonda Kneeland, Serena Koach, Dan Lee, Billie Gay Lawrence, Terry McCulloch, Bob Owens, Randy Rasmussen, Patty Spradlin, Richard Swint, Tammy, Stephanie VanDamme, Rosie Wilbanks, and Twila Zeller. Praise for the wonderful news about Rhonda Juarez, Ron's sister. They have determined that, following her treatments, her tumors have stopped growing. Pray for Kathie Thomas on the liver donor list due to chemo & radiation following cancer surgery. Pray for Karen M. recovering from double surgeries for colon cancer. For Terry Fields (coach at Columbia Christian) following surgery to amputate his leg. For Jack and Leila Mae Nickell, they deal with Jacks end-of-life issues. Leila has been diagnosed as legally blind. The family of RoseLynne Laidlaw (who was Prudence Munger's mother) mourning her recent passing. The family of Dick Stewart, who passed away last week. Those with ongoing health challenges: Sam Allen, Harriette Bowen, Dean Brown, John Carter, Sherri Hagar, Janet Hailey, Robert Lane, Bob Lee, Sherrod and Joyce Lee, Paul Love, Lani Miller, Mark Mumma, James Watson, Mary Kay and Todd Whitehead. Praise that Harriette is feeling better and that her health continues to improve. Continued prayers for Brian Orf , a 23-year old preacher from the Portland area, who has suffered a stroke. Garrett, a six-month old baby with liver problems waiting for a diagnosis. Randy Scott cardiac tests have been delayed. For continued recovery for Pat and Jackie Watson. Please pray for Gods gentle grace and healing on all who are suffering. For Jennifer and Carmen as they seek employment. For Darin to be guided by the Lord and to get his life back on track. For those who are striving for sobriety and recovery in their lives. Dick Harles in his travels to California and Utah. Visitors and travelers.

Lincoln City Church of Christ Bulletin May 26, 2013

Volume 1 No. 13

Memory is a precious gift from God that allows us to hang on to the important moments of life and bring resolve and meaning to the difficult and tragic. Memory is sometimes catalogued by feeling, sound or smell or the visual but always by resolve to stay connected. This connection is spiritual. It is treasure that cannot be taken. It is holy ground. Memory can heal loneliness or it can invoke forgotten joy. And though some memory revisits the indelible pain of emotional scaring, it stands in testimony to our survival and the anchor of hope that rallies the living. But maybe the most valued part of memory is that we can bear the memory of our fathers and those who have gone before. On Memorial Day we lift in honor and memory those who gave their service and often their lives to secure the freedoms of the homeland. We may not know their stories or even their names but we honor their sacrifice of service for us all. Likewise, each Lords Day we gather for memorial at the Lords Supper where we honor in memory the greatest sacrifice of service ever made for man. Though we were not at the foot of the cross we come beneath its witness and recall in bread and wine its power to release the captive and restore the estranged. It has become our memory and spiritual connection to He who redeemed us by His precious blood. We therefore the apostle Paul instructs, proclaim the Lords death until he comes. 1 Cor. 11:26.

Welcome we are glad you are

here to share this time with us!

Sunday Services: Bible Class.. 9:30 am Worship..11:00 am Evening Worship. 6:00 pm

The Lincoln City Church of Christ is a church

belonging to Christ, longing to be filled with the Spirit of God and secured in the grace of Christ that receives all who seek God through Jesus. If you have any questions please feel free to ask any of our members or our leadership.

Web Site
Make sure to check our Web Site and share it with others For those interested in receiving the bulletin you will be able to see it on the web site in the future or request it as an email. Contact Jason Love for more information.

Current News
We lift up in honor and heartfelt gratitude those who have served
our country by service and sacrifice. May the grace of God fill you with pride in your service and open your hearts to our gratitude and love.

Our Leadership
The Lincoln City Church of Christ is shepherded by six men
dedicated to equipping the saints for works of service. They (and their wives) are: Sam and Sharon Allen Ron and Gen Hudson Sherrod and Joyce Lee Dan and Pam McQuiddy Bob and Cherie Miller George and Ruth Moore
Please keep these men and women in your prayers and remember the exhortation of Paul: Now we ask you brothers, to respect those who
work hard among you, who are over you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13).

Thursday Night Class meets at 6pm at the building.

This class is open to everyone and all are encourage to come and share.

Dont forget to keep in your heart, plans and prayers the building
fund. Updatethey have accepted our offer on the new building and now its time to do our part. Dont forget to use the small envelopes for contributions we have almost $52,000 in the fund.

Keep in your heart and prayers those who have recently been victims
of severe weather in Oklahoma, Texas and elsewhere.

Dont forget to pray for our country and its leadership and for the
safety and well being of our nation.

Dont forget the cans in the lobby please take one to help out the
childrens home with your change!

And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them saying This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me. Luke 22:19.

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